HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-01-12, Page 4J• • S�I .THE HURON EXPOSI TOR. JAN. 12, 1872. NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. Estray Pig=Alex. Farquharson. Sheep—Robert Estray Spee ob R girt In s. P-- it' Estray$Steer--John Cooper 'Estray Horse—Jaiues Case ore: Estray Steer- -James Hou1 en.. Public 'Notice --ll s. W7hitesid Lost -Jabez Wa •ker ¢f " '.Notice—Peter Adamson. Property for. Sale—Levi Tinkess. Cattle Fair at Mrs. Days' Hotel. Insolvent Notice -John Holdall. insolvent I\Totrta&=-Dixie Watson. List of Letters—S. Dickson, Pro Bono Publico - M.B. Count • Auction Sale—J. Howson.' Clearing Sale—T.-Kidd Dominio n Ho use—N•.312.Livings Selling Off— Stewart, Thompson Cheap Boots--Mcfntyre & Willie Insolvent Notice—Edward Evans Notice—R. N. Brett,' L! one. i• xpo o • . • FRIDAY, JAN. 12,'-.1872., The Political World. Matters in the political world -:are at the present time in :a state, of stagnation. The contested seats have all been filled, -,some ` with ;su porters, and soros` witli o , on - P ents of the present Governm:en t. Thi . members of the Goverment who, after accepting office, h d ro appeal to their: constituents ;have all been returned by •acclarnation. e fourteen 1 Of th f i teen elections O ions w hick have taken place since the -•mouse. adjou=reed, (nine have resulted in t election of Government merel a . five in onponents. This shows dispositrou on .the part of -the i pe pie of the,clountry to treat the 1ne Governine t with every degree considera.ti n,. and ,to allow! them full and.fai `trial. That' his :ge erositv.of t re peoplewill be ul a reciated b the Government ` P. e have no doubt. It will encot r them to increased effort m the i gists of the *rovince, and show t that . the people are determine deal fair ly with them if they perform their duty faithfully. they will' do this we have every Ce. fidence. Although we co.ild n conscientiously approve of the .enti personnel of . the Government, an still think that in a party point view, at - least, a great mistake h• been committed; yet. we have e e confidence that the principles ` r fessed and eonten:led for whil ' i opposition will now be carried }.0 This is the mai( gVestion ; it ,,which the public 'has tot do. 1. i other is one more mmediately:: on cerning the interests of the Ref `r party, and should be settled, by lia party among themselves. x , We notice that the principal 'o jection which the Opposition Pies have to the -,-new. Government is t, at it is a colition. This objection certainly comes with very bad g ' ce from such a Source: Mkt Ref rm journals should raise .objections :on this ground, need !not be wonde •ed at, but that t he -Conservative Pr es which has 'spent the past five or' lie' . years in defending_and landing co h-`` tions, and�F. u __ ese endvoring to pr 've the hecessi ry for them, sho•ild n w find fault ° because that system of Govei ninent is continued, is, tru y, the height of inconsistancy.` Befo 'e, therefore, these people attempt to point Gut the mote which is in their opponents,' eyes; they should; • by allmeans, :;et rid of the bean: 'which obscures their own vision, If -title Ieadets of the .R eforre party.' ha -e he nd. a o - N of• P- ve giro to n- ot re d of as ry 0- n t: re m at b- s e ter- em I but Chat }� committed an error and acted into sisaently in joining with Mr. Scott; the' leaders and supporters or tl late Government are aciiiig no .le inconsiste tl v it opposing . such urh tOfl. But, let :us enquir..e, is._this obje tion to the new Government rais {d by our Conservative 'friends in th0' interests\pf the country, or with ` view to 1.'e..ken their opponents an benefit their own party? It eaun ti be raised . in the interests of tlh co ui ti y, for the ►,arti•es who non pint foath this objection to the Gev T ernmeait haveStriven most strenu-f anal.y to prole tette the- do:•tin that a fusion of parties in the Gov eminent was neiessa11r for the pro per and just management of the`iif fairs of, true country. It roust, there fore, as uttered by thein, b2 a riser empty party cry, and for the pur L pose of damaging an opponent, ;and hastening the time when they them, selves rn y lave -another opportun ity of basking in the sunshine .o"f G-ovectiment favor, and gathering %up the few crum'es which.. may ',fall •'fron: the hands or their_ masters at the Government table. - As such,' then, their arguments and denuncio; -°tions L.g nn'St the new Government should ha vo taut. little weight, and should be but little heeded by sen- sible and reflecting men, ei en of -the Con. ervathve party. If the Op- position Press cannot 'find in the, policy of the new Government suf.!. ficient grounds upon which to base their attacks, they should, in de- cency, remain silent, for by attack- ing it upon:, the pounds ot iia for- mation they du themselves no credit, but directly give the lie to tai T 4 Battle in mouth ce. e .Lea n .thi the .railway ba tie Guth Ir ice bet}vetin the Toron trey':rn 1 I ruce an the Welt. , 1 n ton, ! '� a d' Bruce Railway orY, ilial: p nirnenced. �• s � ' � � D�lq" g' tions from ea -Ii of the Companies a .o ;now el it ° meetings,' in he v cinity of .Kin a :•dine, for the ur- •se of .1 J ueing the " free and in - d' pendent'{ i1 't encourage - 'lit _region to text :nd t. t'--'-- •_ , - men•t in th 1 ay f bonuses: Wli; ch o 1 the corn :,;a les are Most likely of si ccesa we,',c' ;co u -s, are unable to •. Tpi i .gess ' of the . bat 'e,' _ with ° ale' umost int' r st )y' the people ° of this sectio '...rhe proba.bility is, I that the ice o Nvliich receives he sanction an a port of these muni- ci.l ilities wit' a the roadl wli ch will iiltiiriat'el s cceed. It woi:id' be ntelost rise es_ or• either.'onipa+iy to conitnen e th i • proposed ext ni- siou winless t1 e ouldforrn a t• r- 1. mi. us at .t e Zak , ane.. neither•of 1 th r carp d 'tr1i thou t a'ssista • ce fr. ni the ,mu toll) titles Dore i Ir ilia telt' 1) f r: .n1,br►epi ton the la e. It s''a,lso, probil}leithat the COnspa.1 y which - secules is assista be w Il recoive most f. v' r with th Leg s; lat re, • auc : i 'l stand t • e b:st chance of: t` nthe Governme,'t c, us T1i I.. Sies in Vol ved in t. is contest tliler f. re are? toy the 0011- pa c>>a-pa les.and h:o:e interested in :tem, ono, t n°poi t; n ;\'ih islaever °af the conites ants in < ultimately ,-3 pro Te suc ea ful, 1 e rt st 'that they ni; v` be ' ra to c ai rr a fair and 'globe ,t %tic ory, 'ash i tet the disgeacef lir .tnt `sactiens eni,c ed in.the I o-itlaer r par of tis, Co .r'ty during the la e rail -ay c an )ai xn may ntbt' lie :repea ed i h South .Sr is . In a matter of this kiilcl, a far and un!mr ch5ised v=eto ict. _ of , he lectors' she Id be welt ht, ad th cJmpany or irdivr- .dua • who wv< talc ! tdis race the ~elves and their co iiitry,by foully .. rrt p,t- i ig .he poop e, and receivin ,;Roto •lie h au in air, and di -hone •t ver-'. diet .should have !clue and Slreedy pun shtnentmeted t4 them: heir r fes one of the ears r r io'r. 1 Th Hous et;ill,- attain he t rsact +.n of bus' friend s. ne' t, when the f the session will, be omn.ie arnest If h G o -ver n nit how ,that t ley are deteriir ursue; a • d' ai' y out,, to tl etter t1 • po . cy which the; embers .f s sere uousl! at&d wh e i .o bpositi n, th+ ndoubte it c ie a th col'. a it �y, t n Inh-noi. H p rt of the .17 •_ ti e}b esent ' iv s .�• ,_tLe-I3ottse 'i: teres ; `. f t par a '•f • b �� P ould Al ; a be, subs irvien ial•inter� is f'the c, untry east offe erg itrue Ref rr►ier. although o any may nbt be 't. e. ,arse u Ie rinciple upon. tie 'Go•;e nm ,nt is fet riled, t` ie entire pot ev of the. Govern i such as is alculate ° to ; u t ei best i terests of th Prov } their d y tosupfsor it, tl is' ins ce we are- osit iV d t-. wi 1 e faithfully ithfilly erforr 18 si et fo on_ sine ed ie the ed t very ding advor wil.. 1 and{ form Th and the the And le to 'hich et if ent Cher ce it d in that d. M and Hd miiltoi . o rice • that. many . •eform 'I jot. reals c im Messrs. Monk, of { I 3 `Ca letku d Ha m it t ti,, of 'Pr Scott as Ltetipp r•rs of. th U•over� wnt. —I. In our tatement:of the res It of the elect 0 :s, we hay - ;:given one • to. Both t ese sent einen- .f the deep et dye, and it ioba.ble t at . either of each .side. Tori are rie es is very _n t� nh wit l oftime,'f, 'uient 'c forme s. fdi/ a she poVt' fron th it sup wenthe .ev ,r :Shot M: k.w with the to the ea. Itis safe. tle con ort t 1 ontinue for any 1 ngth t all, to:' support a gov- mpesed' of five st• unch The Governrnent may, rile, reeei a a, quasi sup - these .gerltl'emen, when t is not needed, but dhour of .trial conies, it * Messrs. amilton and 1 i -fours fraterni i o ; a d see irig admin i n fofheir p litical fatl 0s. t •therefore to place d ince in th promises Of su . a le by,suclh as those. Tie mem • rs for Carleton 'and Prescott may pig.. k y be seen on.; the Gov- ernment '•`;e ,Of the House, u til' they asce t. m that t h ere is no " xte rinding t ' h done there, 'w en, glowing h . iran eidents, they i11 e most lit- v to- co b elude that hat Mot Ai... U ce for t h • lar. a t P E'i7CTS Cys e'{ THE . WE < g VW eber Hugo iR h s 'candilat ASS rn b] y. Tl e Feenc to be un nrni of their peso mend. e1 6th ins::, an ul,r • place'' in the • ss being the rest i n of petal ns p x tion of Mo petition wa FChalr bord,: ar has been d•feated re, for the 'eench t people do not ; ppear >us iri their appi• bation int system of uv ern- r.ri that on Sat irday, atrlous scene took in r l mbly, the occasion dear .of a large nthrnber ' No ng for the - restore- . has tachy. Some oIf the 1 nae ted' the _ Cou de ! lato d o hers the; Cont de I He Paris, for'Xing. The presen ation of their, rival claims excite the. partizans:of both. Princes to fre- quent denois raion s while the ,Re- publicans and Radic is made ti noisy oppcsitilon thrcugho t the reading, which wasrequentl inter ruptied. The `health of the Prince has so greatly i nli oved th' t the sste of all bulletins 'from Sa drinpa am had been 'suspended.. • The river oppositeQueb c .froze across Monday morn ng in o .e clear sheet the. fel•ry steamers th reu y'on , # it moved to their winterq a i. tel , at v • A t one in th after- noon°de� e noon the iceiwas an inch an a half thick; . aitd during.' the of ernooii many persons proceeded ver to Levis: 1 Adestruc ive fire occur •ed;.. in Titusville, erre., on Mon ay,' ` by which twt;ntfy buildinga'in tl e heart of the city ere destroyed. A courier from the r:.vi of Mexico, with dates up to De . 24th, reports that en. Diaz, -the head of the insurrection, has abando ed the City of Oa aco, having on y fear hundred 'men of all arms aril er his ' command. Gen. Rocha, $ ith a large- body f Government troops, - has.been sen iagain,st him. r, a tai - neral ` (. u G� e l Valma p se ., of_ Cuba, bas recently issued a P °cl avi- ation of the n ost ferocious eh. racter. I thein ; and( .c;efied the best efforts of the sufereiis uy his robber's to firing. him to justice He'was rn a bond and lived as such, Fr peddler he rose by positi% e tri to the management of ` zee' o largeet lines of railway in tie U Stets, and prostrate .. it t this private and selfish gain ter• i sp attempts of the stock holde establish tbeir claim to a share profits., lie has been cons''dere 1 .� t most Talkative man in the U States, always b{tiling he learLed lriwyers to brill; hire point on :'any intetiogati n• . { was s drown in the case lieu stoc tliolders f the 'hie l oad - him or $75, 00 which h ha kno ledged t be deficien t In ply t. the :in dry off the Curt wha he had one N ith t e mo lie - s. id it w 1 t " wi eve tl e w bine tH'inetl " and after aids rept ' to his awn counsel s to neat ing of its reply to ti e he 's; id that vhen the was , ped he n'•ticed th t the woodbi e tw arou d .the waterspout, here he ui rant that the plunder ad g ",up., he spout." W regret that we have no - weword r d to say for Jdi�i..:i Fi now tl at he is dead, but he a ina who has - encourged )tom ted lieentiousuess-s l y'hi example and ill-gotten mo t at v e cannot refrain fro hi sa 11 at ie • could- scarcely -e Feet r t beet his death in a nolo er fo ew ork may thunk him, to a lin xtent,•. for the prorubnenc •` joy: as a loose and licenti us c I<I e k• pt this woman Mansfield lis cni. tress for years, and- o 'g ..uld come of such conduct. .'meted the money marketl`a gr airy times in New_ York tri sue c agree that it has been felt ;°11.0 the `world. The deceased wa oderp. wonder in business abili gad he, hesitat El not to_ use his gr talents for evil puruoses. He move than any other man to npp the lewd women of New Y rk c ire. luauiy. Up to his deatl he"w tie superintendent of the rie a Like Shore railways, and N as (colonel of the 9th Regiment f New ork Vol u:i teers.. The cowardly :Assailant was sub-: sdquently taken into custod and, a ,ting under the advice of h s coon- s I, refuses to male a st• teinent t4uchintitt�he shooting of his victim. r INCIDENTS :IN FISK'S CAI: ER. • t; t The story of the elderRoth cli`fl j �urney from Brussels to Tido ter he had been - assured. of erthrow of Napoleon at W; terlo d of his immense and euecessf eculations there 'in conse uene 'well known. But Jame 'Fie conceived and execu - d • Bally .brilliant stroke at th blo fur war of the rebellion, t e .pa il•trs . of which, veithink have vier yet beep published. With abc sagacity which distingtiishc ui in fall its career Fisk sa v di len, -an the 2nd of April, 1186 neral Lee' was driven from eter rg, his surrender could not be. fa tant. L. . He immeclia.tely went to. Besto i.sulted with some of his tinancia ends and made the partners_i scheme. This was get the new the s'irrender of Lee and the co se of 'the Confederacy for use' o ange in Loudon in advance of th il. It. will be reuiembereu th Atlantic cable wasnot then! hied mall,. swift '.steamer form4rly vaga ons a ekery f the nit cl own pite of rs to of the d the nited m oet to This the. sued d ac- re - as to ney, ood- in the Co ust, eller ined fore, gone 'He begins -by declaring that r 1 e effer of Mardon t the insurgents annotj last forever, and `-therefore gives notice that c? civ insurgent aptur- ed after. the 15uh of January will be. shot, and/ those surrendering after 'that crate will be sentenced to per - .imprisonment. The negro mei: are to b3 treated the saute' as the whites All negro: women captured will; be delivered to their owners, and will be compelled _ to wear a chain for_four years ;, end all white women !captured in the woods after the 15th of 'January will be banished fr:orri the country. The chiefs of insurgent bands will be al- lowed to sur•r oder until th- 15th sof J`a'�nuary ruder the eon itions lliither'to gran d. It s re ort ed that the e Spanish Buyer meat -lias srpe'rseded alnrst- eda, nd will send General C ncha in his plate. Qu en Victoria has watt n a etter bddressed to /the, Britis pub- ic, thanking them for the,synl achy grown her during her late ti e of rouble, and#,for the�jo"y they ani- ested at the announ lenient o the r-iuc.e's recovery. These ma i_fesc- atf,ions, bet Majesty remark , are ot • new to her, for she met the ame `sympathy when 'a si tiler i ness removed " the main -sty of he life—the'best, wisest, and inc- est li•r .band that ever lived." Gte: rrita.iil's.a vexation of the Africiau t. t.niold fields has cca sion- ed much exc ement among the ,,col-: onists, anct a p 1i test by,: Air. -Brand, President of \ e Free: St�at'es. Inas been issued. ; Gold in large quanti , ties has.licel discovered in the Transvaal Replublie; and the dia- mond fields and being deserted for .he `newsy discovered gold finds. or: tune hunters are arriving iii great ulers t.Cape:Town, T11111: KILL HC. OF JAMES iSK; J. ragical i> rill of a Great SSp4cula o • . nd ticounmtrel. i,r reel in ternt;4op, berg a n Janis iA dreg clful raged -v oci ew Yor on , aturd:y e victim of t e foul deed person th► tl nc F :less no -oriou :-;k, jr. the railway kin I'It will- be rernenibered hat d- wrrd' Stokes d Miss ll angild brought l ' aoti. ii against F sk s me time ago, -„s-1,2, ~rec.vei• $50,0008 sal to be due i ;' i I.• nsfield, as a par • of thr, I)i'0htstpf.a .solation in which slr . rend Fi k `w e .e engaged i on he rn ' i�orabl. Blac a Friday. li isk re- fn ed r;o ac -new edge' the j astir of th ociaini on,ft le around .'hat he lilt intiffs . ere::: ode:LVOrinq to 1 vv bIaciL mail up°o Jnna'; and as he lilt er thr .;Ltene 1 to • iiublis 1' .ser ie correspondence eflectin up Fi. k, he obtainec ; ail ilii unctioii • Irene t- ing the p -blit tion of th cloc u- rnelis;'pending the t' -i; l• Su bee- qu e ntly a suit 'c•Lme on for 1'lbel 1► st° Sat rrday,: ; :id the evidence show •c1 -tiha the p aintiRFs e ere in. fact try- ing to . blac.- in it ,Fisk. The crij e corp equent y br.ke down, and .ti: exasperated Sto yes to such an e ten that ; 1 e ru.'hed to the Grai d- 'Cei tral.ITetel, z nd secreted hi_ms till the arrival of Fiske when i e drew' a revolver nd fired three sho. s at l iu.i—the fih t and last taking etre t. . ,Tl 0 w ,urhded pian, tofu. t self'( ring gr ;eat I„ ony from the pi•ir;- oipa woain , v rili.C/i 'was in the tbd nlen, ied esterdayrforenooi . Th event I its c •eated the 'uiest i. to se • exciter e t in New Yor N t ling, perhap-, since' tie assess na i n of , Pr ;si ent .Lincoln---th - ido of the- Am; rican people—ha. caul d such a se sation. - wever,' the public ;will not los dint of moral. s; .et least, by the 4 of .. this n;, torious` character Man in the w ole United State e'.Ter done mo e to corrupt public : courts of jig ice and even legis hai, than'° this daring speculator.'= s bribed ju • ges, .made tools of is 1f 1 good sk jun., Lias been vice end nh uch ney ying to rm. cor- e it ity.. as ood He eat ha ver sa ty, eat did ort ity as nd also cg's n, the . 0, oil e, k, an se r- ve h d to t s- r n, 1 n s 1 n a fitted out and sent to Halifdx officers of the steamer knoul het destination! The secret' of. her! sion was solely confined ta an Igent of Fisk, who was the °Illy passenger on board. Steam was k :it up day and n g,ht, and everything was in readines for went by, and still the st arnerl lay awaiting the expected me -sage from Fisk. AT lengtia,, it came. If Jktmes could not have indite& a shorter dispatch. It was dated t Bodton word—" Go !" The blockade runner tarteq for Queenstown immediate].) .ftediget there tWo days ahead of the than. steamer. 'Toe agent si ee ed acf-oss ,reland to London. and ctnnmericed his operations. Before enty 6ur hours elapsed be sold "sho th4 is, sold )N,liat he had not) .55, 00,006 in Confederate bonds. lie had arders from Fisk to sell as long tis he ooluld ,get buyers, but was resteained a partner 'of one of the 13bston men, who was cursed`with prudence. But the operation was p -veldtveds-thiec: 000.000, isk, Jr., e xLt 4 an sp is eq of tic ne th i wl bu cot his of la p Ch ma tween $3,000,000 and $ the proceeds of --the .‘ spe This was a lift for James which was very welconae. Another incident in his career il- lustrates his- fertility of resource when closely cornered by a powerful opponent. Vanderbilt had groWn jealous of Fisk and determined Ito crush him. The readiest way to do' that he thought would be by destrq- iris the b.siness of the Etie Rail- road. With this enct in view he issued n° order lowering the rates on fre l Chicago e g t fi�oni Chi ,ar,o a d asked 'Erie t. do likewise. Fisk assented it d cattle were cons fluently brouah 'from the West 1 n great Numbers, and at small cost. By special a •eement the rates' on. Van- derbilt : n- derbilt's line and on Fis' 's were made un 'form. After a fe weeks, however, Vanderbilt • sho ed his hand. G wing the Erie our, rs short notice h b v isk coke frith .F ith and announce that for twenty days the freight :o the Central Railroad 'for Cattle from Cl icago would )e $1:.50 l e'r• head iustr• d of $4. 'He xpected 10 crush :Erie 1 y this -move, nut: he. reckoned with ut Fisk. T' e latter. made no al to ation in the i';ite' on t he•Ere road, but quietly irected lis agent in t e West to urchase 40,000 bead a cattle and sed them by them by Vanderbilt s i'ou e The cattle were soon purchased, , nd Fisk had the pleastre of seeing an-1er- 'milt carrying freight for hit for less than the cost of running th trains. Of course the ,Commodore so n grew tired -of fighting against suc odds, and the rates" were again i ised to those of the ;,Erie. Fisk cleared 1$100, 000 by j his transactio , direct film the Central. But this as not - the full extent of the dama e Torte the Commodore. When the entral was, blocked with Fisk's 40,0 0 head of cattle, the Erie 'was open ncl car- rying other freight at its owr rates. BIRTHS. E DER.—At itodgerville, on Friday, an. 5th, the wife of James lcler, of he township of Usborne, of a son. he wife of Mr. William. Grie e, of a ARRIAGES. lie bride's, brother; Hugh 1 Ittiont, sq., Grey, on Thursday, the 4 h inst., by Rev. Samuel -Jones. Mr. Simon °rant, of Grey, tcf Miss Eliza Lamont, JAmcsoN—PARTs.—On the 25th he residence of Mr. John uncle ,)to the bride, by the oung, Richard Jackson to lv ringle Paris, all Of liudett. lth ult.; by the Rev. Mr.i Chiworth, 11r. Thomas MeDUrney, me chant, ine River, to MiSs A. /files, f Hul- D_._._.r.Tt_____AlrHs . 1 - ickson, rgaret THE MARKETS. SE ORTH, Ian. 11 1872. quotations this we li-, that pric s for grama have taken consinJabl rise. most marked. The rise is owing to a certain extent to , th increased. foreign demand, but,- also a. difficulty which has arisen between ihe gr-ain merchants. rivalry between thein. It is not likely therefore that this increased wiz will long maintain. 'The supplY ler th past ti wee has been large ap‘ d steadran buy. ers ave been kept "remarkably busy. Except in Wheat and Barley there s not much increase over last week's quota, tions, the market being firm for all other artieles'at the following prices : llour Potatoes Stave Bolts, Der eord 1. 2 25 'TORONTO, 341-11. 1,187 coliAe uent upon the advanc of Id per cental on all grades in the Live/ ool marke Buyers refuse to operate ex- cept for immediate local milling. On the st eet market white brought $1 30 aetvan ed. rates, one shilling adv nee being the Liverpool quotation toi ay. Whht ales df superfine took place ere $5 90 f 04.; 100 bbls coarse sold at OAT. —ReeeiptS per rail 1,240 bush -1s. Marke quiet and steady at 44- to 5e asked or car lots on the track. tone Five cars of No. 1 sold at '8e. f.o.c., few loads ou the street brou 68 to 72c tol6j9Eets. --:-Nothing -doing ; street price 68 MONTREAD, an. 10 but firm, 'with limited sale4 -of 'lead grades at generally unchanged rat extra held „firmly at $6 50 ; fancy s PoRK HoGs strictly og Quiet but firm. -Sales of various average frOin $5 75, the latter for heavy atid hoice. n17)1E—Nominal abiene,e of de- SHES—Quiet at yesterday's rates,. LIVERPOOL. cc> ed rt 4 White. '12 11 12 11 12 11 18 HARRTSTON PRODUCE MARKET. —.Liaat week's Tribune says: Our produce buy- erS are doing a very large business daily. brain and pork come in' freely, and the farmers are highly satisfied _with the treatment they receive. On Friday, 59th Dec., Meiklejohn paid out over $1,100 in oash for the firm of Robertson' & Lowe,I produce merchants, and Mr. A - McCready about the. wile amount for 'Alr. George Anderson. On Friday, Jan. fith, the prices ranged as follows : BaAey, 50c to 57c ; Potatoes, 70e ; But - Apples per bushel. 65e ; Hay rex ton, GOLD. —The price of Geld in New - York fluctuates from ;108i to 109. pUFFALO LIVE STOCK. Thursday, Jan. 11, 18%2 - RECEIPTS. past 72 boars Pa.st week Previous week Past 72 Emirs Past week , Previous Week, cars. .277 71 290 Sheep, Hogs, cars. cars. . 113 33 111 13 103 4 93 28 137 9 89 t 'CATTLE. The marrket is quite &In and active with prices -40 to ic above last week". Receipts are not np to last week, yet they are on the increase. Sales comprise 671 head at $4 25 to• $6 37i for natives, and $7 for prem. - laths against sales last week Tuesdky-, of 604 head at 85,to $5 621. Sales reported Monaghan to Woods, 91 hd Ill. steers Gr&gi. to Post, 72 lad do do av 1160, at Pheifer to Woods, 31 hd do do* 1364, Adams to same, 54 hd. d do av 1140, o,tible to Rankin, 67 d EL do av eame to Rankin, 19 hd do do a.v 1090, eachout to Woods, 15 hd premium. ravers to Farthing;10 hd Mich. do Gauch, 18 lid 111. do av 1130, at 25. at do ay ,o sales. he market rules steady and active, wit prices 5c to 10c " per hundredilower -than last week. The receipts were largely above' last week Sales comprise 2;569 head at $4 60 to $4 '5, against sales last week. Tuesday lik a brick, and has got all things ready to lake you a dozen photographs this win r ; only $1 per do en Scott's idow Sparling, last spring,' lvilb please call. 22(11 ill: 42837tht0.11:-i:t 01 33:11: 11013E T N. BRETT. PIO ESTRAY* detober last, a sinal1130,AR PIG-. The owner is requested to prove property, "pay expenses -land. ESTRAY SHEEP. TRA.YED into theipremises of the 1171 rs TW -0 SHEEP tnd TWO LAMBS. Tbt owner is requeSted to prove property, Pay charges and. take thein aa•ay. • 2144e - ROBERT INGLIS. ESTRAY STEER. ' (IAMB into the prertrises of the Subscriber, nqrth `--' half of Lot 6, Ofh Con. of Stanley, ilhout pie ESiR4Y ROB.S.B. t party, pay charges and take it away. , ' (NAM.E into the premises of the undersigned, v•-•' north half of Lots 35 alul 36, lbt Con., Ttn-n- chhe2arrir;•;34,.: abnoau.t: kletai t 1 iniv,tm),o,f. Dec., a lit.,htiAl-brown. The owner is riequestitd te rove property, pay ESTitAY STEER. ,, TR i.YED from the premises of the subseriber, 41...14b1.1.,:estwNaroa. 2e 'di: 5th Con., lIay, about the ittst,of recovely of the above-narned aneaa win be suit - person. giving such information an will lead to the September last, a ycarlin„,,, STEER, rad and White, with a hole in one ear, and a Flit in the other. Any IIills Green P. 0. PUBLIC ECTICE. eci\oetrnrntoeiTud ci ja :hereby givon fo the Council. of the -‘-- CI rporation of Sea.Rn-th, and. un others eon - that I do hereby foibid the erection mad ation of a drain on lain. street pasFing nry property from. the Grand -, p!runk Railway, as the said chuin ix calculated to iix*ire nry property. If the Held dmin be continu'ed, I shall take action :agniaien.htil the said corpuratiO of Seaforth for any d:ellgfa4rtth,hajt:nnalary:a.c1c9Tra,ileltia7t26. YTCP'rE°P:EYBI2I1D11-4111E t -11:e -PET ERN Londesboron and Mitchell, or in. -I-1 Mi droll, a note of hand utde by Itiehard Cra- - yen, of the Tewnship of H nett, and in favor of Tithe% alker or bearer, 'for $25, &liven at twelve months after date. All persons are -cautioned against pnrchasing or negotiating for Said note as _ Payment eel been stopped. Any person returning the same to the undersigned, br leaving• it witla Messrs. Thompson and Williams, of Mitcliell,Wili. be suitably rewarded. Miteileil, JanuarL6th, 1.872. 21 -It • i,AAA,AAAA.ALA,A, AA, ville also al soM ,ing eau with b be sat] 211. 1 43n Al the TA the 0-1 ;clock p. -5as•w the :51altate „IC Oode EMAI 4Cowart, 'N"1 Curtin, Al 33avis, Mr_ AI Stied on bq ,itt the hell tatenreotil potea 42144 -44-7 Ment-eilt l''.;:ti.:te,tae:,:kliaitily3tr s14:glin 1:01:11:1)::t one xrAi within :tli 21 w ::ss,... , *.. ---"214--13.8 :4 nsol ponif preoared melt per Teti &chine S1.5 AVE Lot No. later part ‘K._ owner in charges and - 213 -4* AME about tl HEIFERS, 1 other them away ROMA a 3,05