HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-01-12, Page 2• i • • 7 EXPOSITOR. x.a R: 1 . LwT. 12, 1872. • • BY i THE NIGHT iXPR�ESS' mac and ther ed of°th-e about !;niaki g own van,-wh n beforte ori edl of m I tow rd s corn;4srtm nt A hitter December midnight, ;and the up-ekpress,_ panti g through its, .. ten minutes' rest at Biegby. What with _ p esengers jest arriving, and passengers Just dep 'rting ; w hat with the friends whei came to' see the last of the departi tg pass tigers, • the ain as - or to meet the arrivf ne .one pliatforin was full eno.rgh, I sure you - andI hid 'some di cul ty - in maki my wary from carriage to j carriage,.y even "though 1 ger orally find that people (a 1 inost uncon cions .ly, perhaps,) move • aside for the iguard when the see 1hirn walking .up or down clo to. the carriage =doors. Kiri di>�icult was�'acr as- 'Elia, _. � i ea -ed, too, E y . the niana�u vres• of any t connvanion, a: London' .detective, who had joined; the togive hiuiself a better opportunity of ebraminitlg the -„passengers. Keenly kre did it, too, in that seeminly careless way of his ;; and, while he appeared to -be only an. idle, -lounging ;acquaintance' of, my own, I --knew that under his unsuspected scrutiny i. was next to • unposst )1e for the thieves h a was seeking to escape—eves in ha pers. I didn't trouble myself to help rim, forI;knew it wagn't n'cessarv;,yc,t i I •t.s as -anxious its hundreds of others -that those practiced thi:'ves,` whom the police hadLeen hunting for the -last- two d��v should be as they deiservi d ` Sometimes we carne porn a group which raw tom pinion cdrild not take p in rant glance; an the : • _he` always found himself unu seal y cold, and stopped to stamp a lit le !life , into, his pe rified feet. Of, ourse. for inc. this en breed standing as the signt1 for an f tack of that pei,sistent ques- tioning ]with, which .ra l way guards are familiar; -and, in ,attending to polite questioners • who deserved an- swering, and. unpolite ones wlio in- sisted on it, I had, note much til eo for looking, about me ,• . but present- , `Iy. I did catch myself wat hing a. girl �v1�io` stood aloire at so e. dis tante. A girl very pretty and pleas nt� fo look upon, .1 thought, though her face, anal her " re 's, and. her.attitude were all sad. h :stood, just a t the door Utile booking -office; , a tall, slight,girl, iii deep moi ruing,.. with a quantity of right, f'. r hait, plaited high upondher head, a . well as hanging loosely on her s o Weis,. -with a childishly innocent fa e, and pretty, Bewildered eyes. I' is red could have gone straight o her, nd put her into one—the mot corn- fortable—of'the line nf•earriages at which she gazedso :timidly. , Just as I hesitated, a very rema kable figure elbowed -its way to e ; a `stout, grandly -dressed old lady pant-- - hag' painfully, and: almost pi • rcii g. - me with a, pair of " restless, half - opened eyes, that looked out tl rough the.gold rinimed, spectacles p rched on her short nose. ]Two port.rs fcl- lowed her, laden with bags, cloaks, umbrellas and flowers—the only fiowejs: in the station, I expec , that Winter night—and on . of ,then r winked at me over her head, while t m �hi tihi as k tc orna '1 dy s osyl`'. an Ii r empty fir tFc ich ` st o . T gl �o as th n' thF :wl -Fo he be •yes the 'An -bat an far • ivei Lo uoy r. .,� 1 do 11- s C ro n rig i3 0111 e �g11t i tlat e epr. of` iv s•Fshe as so i s:e, n 't l a r e en t se h 0 1`tir� gage; er :d; prior g' I el o�v l�eicf l: se i ting l er•s 1 t es fro i he bp s o + ]any here bre 0,7” o 't ;sop ; agar fe �sni'ntues Illeo e fi: t' East he he ' I .sai'-1, taki Candi gag ;Ito i ,char yao irien o's n l" s tated' and A ny1 nofn is nto rn horeugl: ng an r 'off. hank y fora The sri- i ou' .e In e nerd u �pos'e a --are 0: oerth uou '1i per Si ah_ eye th and1. fig wpb mead ndlan'ud rtlema i for -self, y t his and t e hil lis hong yiark b .isl ionabl d os g rtol"the far : csr� ass cornpart the la qu to 1 d' or,. is eb ' th�n l thg le`th peat di di, wi beiin watch plain ma ab sight o ma ci ge with til i firs -c to at 141 land hat, -w it Ili o I '7. sten look` o P' 'etty otild � 8 s min inn e. at (1 17)cre e., u," s e er little leath r e h't her on h $e , the corn r n,door « o a eon 1 ere ri cl 1 Miss except ake ickets," is much as o' ht, .becau e, t th door. t cont exact y pt sort 1 cf e, of I sa v ours . gent]- ept boverij' g 'n. ► Iis et - c arse baugl t f., ce i o ."thei e e that he w s oin her ;\bi t. rt a most car. n r. Ile w .'s reason, ;I si:� ss was !tail - that playe a� d was small e . Glancing e,I of that one he 1 ngere ova come war ed u entered tai ant the doo. • i❑i. With I went u; ood near "ii hted in the tlemen, i w,t,sS drawing on .-a pang lady i it oking frott tae half dark ! at th,aii _Chi, a good dea or1:1'e ,n, be pene ed beh list hesit dar co • w.,,ttiih," the t c reser as nes et let° 1 7 "They I go yea se me, so i ly hat like y, 1 ,lk t saeo Nlvi 06,rre does a e [Ina di t is boi ood thiith I tit pp Pis Y ave 't go al Yea ch w i yeti 'nd ow ul tije!tOs for to su oll we am mg ft 0 se eine waieed for he Mutter' it seemed t 7 'd take this &mild see dry likely tha' te;ev,es as yo lieu- work i cIilverly two ave the station e ft ieelaevaer e enough that o leave it is this! isn t the to hide in- W6ll, what's ,And what',S em to get on y'll wane ram, and a ft t train if way from the • cti -mouth as •close to her cheek' as 1 "..14,Ie P' she shrieked back to me, -the spectecles shaking a little bri her al for lietening to civil Ties ieftts that you are paid to answer ? A le, Then she shook her heed mei-lily. and seaddled off, looking as acid an avoid: In at every door she pe7t ed through, her glittering - glaseeS, 'the two porters following her,,:uattil she I Made a stop biefore an empty second- I 'herself fInd her packsigcs into 'it;. ., afterward, she Was standing in Ithe I door to any other passengers by her unattractive appearance there, and . .the anxiety of ths obsequious pta.V-- I prolowzina- with an - evident re ish ;she. fu m bled in waS large, the c in :she Wanted was but ,Fmall, for I pacsed ,pri and left her -still searCh- ing arid still asking questions Of the 1 meu,"' but, hearing nothing either of I 'their replies or of the loud asides lin I which they indalged to each oth‘r. e be wi y police 7" i was loolt ng cr ss enough for a ., thimi fn that l.,st glimpse I caught Ravin node ,g. -bet thieves cOtild' al ! with the deacii Aim": every ofiirliall on theli being three Ver. • dex very dextrous weren't knaves, the greater doxt isli .side,) and 80 it Was deseriptiori still was in the offered reward et t claithe I. I read over again tli-e bill in my. iocl-- Win ter, : alias Jo,h n P ars( alit s of middle ! height, and ittio fifty il; u fiderl lip. ! -:Ed ward i Ca. on 1 their thought lee _Wit haVe a more the fifteen o Si teen," (though, fo .the matte of hat, 1 nning sore, of a h. er PI II' the ver c f them air knav it tier a cl he it closely -cut black hair, light gr -eyes,"iend delicate features." We all knew this description we enough, anal for two day hacl kel our eyes .open, hoping t ident them ,among.` the passers ers. , I3 oar 'scrutiny had all bee in vain and as the train rushed on, Ir fe tow disappointed the olice Easton would be 'when a arrive again without, even tidingof the 1 was, soon tired of this subjec and went back to worrying rnyse about the sad -looking, yellow-haire • .girl, wh) iad so evidenty wishc to trvel alone and been o sl ces fully" foiled by that ` in trtusive fo with the handsome beard. Foolish la y I kept on thinking of . ► er,. until as we were dashing almost 1ik lightning though the wind an darkness, only fifteen or- twent. • minutes from Chalk 'Farm, the bel in my van r ng! out with a sliar :and sudden slur -mons. ,I neve wondered fo a moment who,liac Pulled‘ the cord. Instinctively knew,nd it was! the carriag furthest fro My van ! .1 left m place almost ,rea€hlessly as the en gine s1aekene Speed, and, heatene ing ,slang th foot -board, hesitated at no window until I' reached the one from which. I felt quite sure jthrt as frightened yonng face .would `be looking out. _Dry heart literally beat in dread ar 'I stopped, and look- ed into the carriage. Wbait .did I see? Only the to passenger s buried e re r- se himself ly snug h has he said, e t e s ret s 0 a: Y? e s. e• a in their separte• commis. Th hook she field, and looked lit me a tenished---Ohildi lily, and wonde tratn 7" she asked timidly. The gentleman roueed leisurely from etepped as iis bale 7" rising; 'and.. pus ing his leandsom fice and his long beard,past me a the windoW, -•It was only teo evident that alarm had not be 3.1 given f orn thi carriage ; yet th feeling had bee such a° cei Linty me tha it wa the footboard to ther earth ges much mere slowly than I had gon first- to ,that ene. Utter arknes stir:A:minded .us outside, but rem th Were thrust, eearhting for the reason Of this unexpected stoppage. No u- til I reached that second claes c. rriagre near my own van, 6vhich I hiid hastened past fiefore,) where the fiilgety, deaf old lady who had had no need to leok in, and frestion her. Her head was quite out of die window ; and, though she had her hack to the light and I coulkin't see her face, her voice was cold enongh , to show that she Was not overpower- " What a time' you'Ve been coin - I ightejust as hopeful have cities; tio ed the telegraph ost which _could dimly see beside us, and haviie 'expected an answer al 4g wires, " Where's the sub,11 luncheon. as -7.et ?" • she inquired, pulling oat er iong purse with great fussinees. man, and make haste." pectancy of the old lady's es as - they looked -into miue, fir4t over, rthen under, then through 11.• every now and then a 'sharp tou on the !shoulder to recall, me to duty and hasten, me With her freshnaent, we. were joined by o o'. the directors,, wno happened be going up to town by•the expre But his just and natural worth loud as it was -never: moved tl h ingry old lady ; no, not in z slightest degree. She never• hea oue word' of it, and only mildly i silted, in the. Midst of lit; that Si e was -.almost tierd of wanting for LI r sr all luncheon eon -basket. E With a fierce p:artin; shot, tl e d -rector tried to make [ her uncle st nd that shr had incur ed a pen rl- t, of five pounds, but lIie couldo' tl ough he bawled it at leer until tl e p or old -thing,--perhap �nortifi d a navnig`taken so. much trouble for n thing ; perhaps overt roe by b r h nger ; perhaps fright ned at tl e con. motion she saw. - th ugh didn t h :ar—sink back in he • spat in a st ongfit of hysterics, • nd let t e shillings and sixpences roll out: f h r lap and settle ut,der fhe seats. It seemed, to me a Ions time be- fo •e we started on again) but I su pose it was only a sir or 'leve m nutes' delay after all. I expe t I hould.have waited to explain the at4 ppage to the pretty young girl f wl on I considered -myself a sort f pr )tect-or but, as I said, she was. th very opposite end of trap trai an must have been a goon laugh i r seg era] of the carriages where nth: carpe" of our .stoppage got whispere at. As for me, when %got bac o my van, solitary as i was, cl I was in. haste now. Theis ab in chuckled over it until we Chalk Farm to take tickets. t se'emed to me that !elle trai taken into custody as Soon as ppecl here. Of course yo rs all locked, h yau while ,v ct te su an eo ed qo up co me he for Ia the 'Small' .1uncheon down. the cord,' lunchetan basket, e or report ring gold -rimmed spect tcles? What e fact 'of Ifer decidedly not ing, as 'r y one might suppose) a tav ng la - "Be quick with the small lunch - n basket, -please," she said, •esigu- ly sitting, down, and poutdeg the I utents cif her purse oat in o her at me from the. silver sh wee unting she'saav my atter be‘ ar, for I knew it to he hope ess— she raised her voice seidde_ily to shrill pitch of peevi. huess, 'and nted with _one .shakin r nand to wall of the •carriage. baskets. Pull 1 want a small haste tend get it you the Iran - wa st do wi by - of det ty bit wi have the carria nd I'll dow hem on ossessioi u open be platform." . his was said to me by veil by now, hairing ha to do with him about kshire robbery. sta •ted, "the trail) was se yb may say, at Rugby pas wager has undergon cau es such scientific pr ago " he answered. " It ems that tw ofthe thieves we are &lodging are in this train in clever disglaises. We ha had. precty full particulars, the igh the discovery waen't made tint 1 after you left the junction. vol. e a li▪ ttle here ---1" a yeung lady nd gentleman together in either tll I felt a bit of an odd catching,. in ad and gentleman belonging to, et er ; but there may be iolentv in he hot lid avis, ew pret a goo War efore we Tiled, as Every a close What arations tram.- What , if there are girl There iyaS no yo}ung lady niong the roqbers," rejoined ti w s a woman who'd make herself m bear isn't bad for a, lady nowh to to us p •etty well by her thick red hair p It ut the young lady 7" I -asked, en now if I told you shle grey out. of sh that oy with the. clOsely-c it, dark of haie at we are after'? an .1.. remembered the pretty plaits .w and' the lOose, falling hair. I re- ils men»ei•ecr rhe bewilderme4 in the eyes which entirely hid the r natur- al ex nession,, and I 1(11(111'4 answer -thief, :he turned laway only more and more hopefully from each. He was so sure they ye -elle there, and that es- • cape was -impossible. We reached the last carriage in the line, and now my heart eat in the oddest manner possible. "ls this cot 'Ailment emp then !" asked Davis, while my fi ers were .acvually shaking as I. liable r inedy in cluing coughs, colds, a d. pulmonary disease. Many of t40 m res. a truly wonderful. 0.- -1: the mind n, ponderable ter au Nan thinks, studies, invents, *lies the -imponde .able substance ; an es.4nce, va- por, Or a indescribable something which ca not be. grasped, felt, or witheld ? , brain by overwork, and loses his *pascal ; ng- restdrat i"es, and again thinks. i put When we reflect that a power -id en - my key in the • door of- the centre "Even if it had been empty it wouldn't have been left dar k," I what's come to f ie lamp?" • I might well to thelt lamp, fel the. compartment was as dark as if it had never been lighted : yet bad not I myself' Stood and +atched the lighted lamp put in at _Rugby 7 Aud—the carriage was • empty too ! '" Why was this 7" asked the lective, Ur ruiner sharply uPon in r" Why was not .the, lamp lighted But the lamp was lighted, at burning now as sensibly as t others—if we ould but have se ii. As we sopa discovered, t glass was covered by a kind of ta paulin, intensel black and strong adhesive -and he carriage was °Completely dar as if no lamp h been there at 11. The perplexi in Da,vis's face was as great as in oWn when I told him who ha ak what was come . durance can lie imparted. to the bnin„ and tha, weak minds have been restored to stre gth . by Fellows' Compound Syrup o llypophosphites, we cannot but conclud that that the subtile power is really p /Aerobic -matter, from the fact that the ingredients are supplied which render i, support and give it vitality-. Pe sons w, ho study bard should preserve thcir b4lance of power by using this WO QUESTIONS EASILY ANswEnEn.,--- th y are great protection to the throat an lung , and -add mueb. to their per- sonal ap, ea.pruahniaceo.nic\-1;\hayfesrhso;,1133weceauussee (1;3.: 4 4 ilriYan lgwh i use for coughs, colds, tickling in. ld use them physicians recommend -them, be . and sing rs and public speakers say they - are the v ry best medicine in existence - - ell for 1 the turd of -such coMplaints. Sold he by all edicine dealers, at 25 cts. per IY W were pleased. to see, not long as sinde, in one of our exchanges, some pretty avere renaarks addressed to ad several persons ;vlio, during. au interest- ty ing learn+ by Bev. John S. C. Abbott, d vented many from hearincr. People who cannot refrain friom cougtIng, had better Stay away from sue'!" places, or else take in. ciold ind, or drank too much cold. tha have , pen. o it in the cold rain, stood. wat r, ca not be over estimated ; no man slim ld be without. them who dwns a. good horse: . have left the trassn here at any rate, '. he said i and I kele ;he: as well as he •Bdtildt. you haVe *guessed the ,end. 'During those few minutes that we stopped on the llne, the two thieves darkening the lam pi.eveneifter I had left them, and using their own key —had left the carriage under 'cover of the darkness ; managing their es- cape in their black dresses out into the blackness .of Ithe,,night as clever- ly as they haZI Managed their theft and shbsequent concearinent. But how c.mild theY have, depended on this unusual delay—this exquisitive opportunity given -them in the utter darkness close to the city, yet at no station ? When I officially made depusition, and !explained the calls° of our stoppage, something of the truth seemed to break upein us all ; but it. we'll% fori a good while that it settled hart° a Certainty. I Then it got clear to everybody that lie older scoundrel had duped us. inore in- geniously than the youn.ger ones As the incapable old lady (deaf as a stone, and scibl.nd, that she had to with eyes al*ays half closet , and so hungry that she ha to 'top the train for a lunel eon Eis:ket he bad alli. Where on arth were he thick which we were to 1 ave i entitled liiin 7 Bat by- le time th police saw the whole thhag demi it was too- laite to foll w up any clue to ilitliie cab. whicl had faker. the ec- centric,. old lady • nd her par els and floWers ftAn Eus on was los, in the .Weight in Gold. DO you know anything of it 2 If not, it is tixne yon did. Pain cannot stay where it is treed. It is the cheapest medicine ever . inaile. One dose cares cominon sore threat One bo.ttie has cured' Bron- chitis. Fifty centeworth has cured ttIl old stand - pike and kidney troubles. Shr to eight applica- tions cure any case a Exccuiated Nipples or In- flamed 13reast. One ?bottle has e-ared Lane Back of eight years' standing. Daniel Plank, of 13rodk- Iniles for a bottle of your Oil, which effeeted ?a wonderful cur' e of a crooked limb by six applica- tions." Another, who has had Asthma for years says : " I have half of a fifty eent bottle left, and. -$100 would. not Inay it if I emild get no more." Raffia Robinson, of Nunda, Is-. Y., -mites ; "03ae small bottle oftyour Eelectrie Oil restored the voice ftsr live yeare.6 Rev. X. Mallory, of Wyoming, N. Y., writes, "Your Eclectric Oil cared me of*Bron- Tehitis iu one week." Dealers ell oror the country say : " We haye never sold a medicine that has giN•en such coinplete satisfaction as this." ,, It is composed of six of the best Oils that are known. Is as ereea to take as for external use, and is believed to be inuneasorably superior . to any - ii thing ever 31121 e: Will save you. much suffering and many dol ars of expense. le sold by one or more dealers in every place. Price, 25 cents. NORTHRUP & 1.13IAN, Newcastle, Out., sole agent for the minion. ' 203-4 „ E. Hickson & Co. „and 13. lamisden, Agents for nforma- altely•'-ilicensed eab at kill, but one ere! ngieg to the gang, and part ef hei finished fraud I verily believe, 0; that someth es now—though erhaps ,on Alie_9 her side the chan- ell----thok three prabticed knaves Davis still assures me, ' witth the joyed a hearty laugh oxer t iat De- e t cheerful co ifidence, (hat he al 1 yet heve the pleasure s Me day Oapping three Of tl e mos expert ish I felt so sure Of --The cogit enou ANI,) COMFORTING By a t 'ere ugh knoWledge of the natural law which govern the operations of. digestion . and .-..-le.11 selected cocoa, Mr. Epps las pro- cly flavored beverage which a,y save ..: fts.—Made simply with b6i1 ng .wa- r milk. Each packetis la, cited— einists, London." Also, ma i.-ers of 1 pes Milky Cocoa (Cocoa au Con- I 1+1.- M......lk). SPECIAL NOTICE . Simple, elega.nt, durable are the Osborne Seiving Mr ands now in use. ly pa It the locked luggage van. i (se ow they re here, and that I shall ter 11). :781:k e've no clue ye to tl eg otlhclaett: It's most agg alvatir rascal lost ight of the bi %est rogue of ail. Could along." lid came alone, feeli g very stupic g,lad that there was all -the train to search before we • could - each vhere hen are We to Lie allowed to ively„ as we mac ed her eitaringe, e tied her ga ing out in iost vide t• and utter ignorance o hat ssEta going on round he m lo lied in, ga'ad Do you he- nly vished she c aid hear In elped her down.„ Then, seeilng ges; e beckoned it porter to her, inking xpressively h. at- a probable shillingi ,Carr e after, carriage we e min- d ; an ho -ugh Davis detec d no Seeitig now that she was almost is blind as she was' cleaf, 1 b6gan be spot tO which .she i pointed bove the seat . opposite her me pap rs • were posted, in line ; on of the advertisemei t's of f‘ Sniall lu chew' baskets" sue ilied t Rugby, the other, the comp ny's irectious for Summoning the uard . As they happened to be pl ced, the letteis did read as ihe had - aid : 1 "Small Luncheon Baskets Run While It !Yas gazing frora her te he bilis, getting weer a bit of my as- uishment, and she was giving me the tzirl whom bitcl, thini..1 peculiarly attractive about • The ticreat Female Remedy. JOB LosEs' PEntonrear. PILLS. rrliCES in.valn ble medicine is unfailing in the and a Speedy ezdei inay be relied on. To inarried 1 'es it is peculiarly stated. It will, - i. -i• cnie of all hose painful and dangerous -diseases ' to which the einale constitution is subject. It moderates all xcess -and removes all obstructions, in a short time, bring on the monthly p eliod 'with reFulThealiset3;*ills ishotil' d not be taken by 'Females during the fir5t three months of Pregnac3-, aa.they are sure to bnng on Xiscaniage, hut at any other time they ard s fe. ertion, palpitaftion of the heart, hysterics, and In all cases. f Nervous and Spinal. Affections, pains in'the b k and limbs, fatigue on slight ax - ,whites, those p s will -effect a cure when all other means have ailed; and although a powerful remedy, do not -contain iron, calomel, antimony, or - anything hurtf to the constitution. /. Full -directi s 31 the pamphlet around- each package, which cho hi be carefully prenerved. .Tob Moses, I\ ew York, Sole Proprietor. $1.-00 and 124 cents for pet •ta ge, enclosed to Northop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont , general agents for the Dominion, will insure a ottle, containing over rsi pills by ret ern mail. R.11.--acrinSoodlettnin `eaforth by E. Hickson & Co. -and RA I LWAy TIM •E TABLE. Trains leave the Seaforth Station as folloWs Express. 1 Division Cour • GOING WEST. GOISC EAST. s will be held as follows .: The Cerirts wil' 47 open at 10 A.M. each divy. ' nd re- ix,..L.,ii jr....,:s..._:mi."71.3: N'orth Ill_in-Htreet, two doors "LT-c-tiouth of Mr..Tho.lea.s1•3tepiiena's, Will take in some- Tiffsic..as hit; sumoinas-castors6..6 for their lib - 1 I et a es Ole nd her Iiis i telligent eye and ear, his lo ty car- riage his tree and graceful mot'on, his vast gtrength, his obedient temp r, and his inclispensible use, all endear hini to us. We lia,ve to look at hii fine propor- tions, and take in the inspirations of his energy and power," but it is only, -when the horse is properly cared for—wlien he is free from disease or unsound MSS ' of he is but of little value. A paaage of any kind that he will exhibit these points of attraction, and -without! which Darlay's Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy, should be in possession of every man -who owns a horse, to be used in case of emergency. -Don't fail to get it. Remember the name, and see that the !signature of Hurd. & Co. is on each pack - acre. Northrop & Lyman, Newbastie, d'ut., proprietors for Canada. issoid. by all medicine dealers. - or A large volume would not contain the mass of testimony which has accumu- lated if favor of Dr. Wistar's BalSam of g, 3ears, ant trusts 1 has now on hand a. large assortment of Good. Sound , Green Hemlock., Which he WIIITallt.S Win giVC satisfactions. -1 PENCI-N-(; AND DR4INING Always 'kept on band. kso, 200,090 "TIT OF rimi, Cat .fer builaimig ant general purposes, which be Arl'ILVDED TO. The Mill is situated on the Townline between. lIcKillop and Ilullett, S and miles from the Hu- ron Road. ' 211 at his y011 ID, tend pleasa sappli int hie:: I :100;0;), .e:17:1111 13'htho8ers...: ied had pint ileave fshi of the by th the cl you se answe entoug see tip India swer seaeca have =t dead' -old st eoneki scien found 4-kho nen:- ever furn a field her man Rafe t as in, 'at:41:11h", abon bave dien bo Cu whil vari