The Huron Expositor, 1872-01-12, Page 1X N Stanley. E rxeT10-..';.-,--__rr6 f 0,1_avving was tho% it qat4w.f the poll 1111 this" townaL at the alosd.ala M(441-vy �ast ht1c, Thuivaq impson elected Ret ­vile by the cituuxtion, Mr. Douglm having, resigne(I.- be-, ....... 215 141 tee, D�r'� Wooda, 26& (,ifb L er , t! Aic Dortaild, Thabazas, ICCe, (a, 233 (9 Joseph Rig, . -1 in$, -20, ted mxv!4 F. r T1, x o. —The Council inet toladjourniltent, at James Wil- "'Ist liamsong botel., hvytiel(l, oil Tuesday, 4P- the 26th 181 " Mia`at�_S Of last alk, meeting rel%d an([ appraved. A letter 468�, fr INJUIer, llispectoir Of 8choolq., om, i-a ima: ing that certain lots in JRay had A '113 -n '-w- beeiii taken, off V Q - 60hool sectioa.-No- 4y g- Hay and 8vta-wevi aud.' walex-ea. tor. <�c-hoolSectiori Hay. -A Moved b3 the Dr. Vvooa.s, seconAed by J1 NN -T. Youll-P of 'rho t-bLe, lo,11 grav-61 almounts be Sken Blair,, $2 7i, and that. the; geeve 'tal grant. orders for tile same. I'll& suln 8-. Blair's order being a payable, to h, If the whole alln(liftnt certified I -)Y-- hi im, thi,_-- at-tier half being PaN, WtIlle Muniei- pallity of ic Mo I ved by A Lye W. yola sc6uaed b.� That. -te -ru Era office, EN the account of U Xe 67, and of the Star office. i.�413'20j be paid - i44 —Carrie(I.- Moved by I)T-. Woods, . see- �174 onded by Thomas Keys, That all itnex- Ke ei pew -Led grants bd allowed to, remain, , -e LI-nd to the credit Pf -tile localitics to NVIlieb- �hn granted. to be e-zpeiide'd by next Council.' k A` ar. lamm. ,NAoved by Thonta ev stcoutle6l, 1�,y 1)n IN oods, %,4, the fol - 91 Of iaudnr� dog tax be reinitted to the parties. cl� 1__*� I w- !lose dogya N-ve. a deacro ed af tar - y 'ag assessed Nri7 -,.-Henry Laile, $2, n(Irew Stin�o Peter I'Atrall, $I, A Robert Anderson, .51, 24rs. McKill.ley, �$J, iYaniel- 0,oymala, St, Jahn Ho,folire, -,$2� ftcibcrt Eeid, AV illiam B.ikQ.r-, $11 Henry Johnsoll, $1 Garried. \zluvect astle, olided 1, - Geor­e G. S�ec by- Thomas last 1�eys, i�,It the Treasurer be altowed, for a bad $5 W.11 --Carried, '.Nlo'ved by Dr. Wood�� --vy Thonias Keys,; T hat -to -1d 14, Bavfiel(�J, ice",, baek taxes. on. ta 13 ai uit$ be retil-ruett U111p;tid, amatint, $2.83, and es that this vear's twx� - be, accepted, from dea A� Haacke, wilo holds. only frora yeax to, i year p,%ying current, years. taxes ra con- 'ar -ed. - INI-oved by Dr. -ri 5me Woods, secanded by D_ W., Youll, That lk6 be oaid to, each member of the Court:- ,�&de oit, fQ� doing, road cor-dinission bu-,,suies2,,, alao, $21 each to the Reeve and Del,)Iity th ve for extra. tinie, givel-i. hy ordeT.— JCarried. "lay ecl ThGlix�a Kev-s, That the folla-%ving elf - ,a, salaries� be flaid, vi`z�: williarn piuli-kettr I Ige, !,c ClexkY �30 f An ars lists, $6 - Poll book, 1. 1 -' liam 4 1 postaffe and s tatiollery', 1 8. 66 NN it 1)m Ili, Asscssor $130 - Ralph S tephen- rer.s i so -a, lus,,pector, $25, Robert Reid, t.ber Treasniier,7 850 � Postagge aad Statio *6.; Auditol-as each $5 ; Returiniiiag Offic- -er,%, each, .5,3 ; Thoillas Simpson, 11ceve, 24 70- ; Jurors lists. '-,a ; Posi�age and- Ired Stxtionery',�' 50. - George Castle Depu,- ty Reeve, §22.40 Dr. NVoods, Coulneffi. jor,�S-Zt,SW; Thomas Kays.- Councillor, ,Aaky , . . . *2 *ouncillor, - $24.40. E;hm Davi(,l You,11, C ex KeYs, That in ref ereace, t,a the School In-, spectar's lftter, stating that, four -lots in �pro- " " - e be � en, the rolmship of Pay bav en tal froin Unio,(U Sollool.-Seubion NO. 9'. Hay and ��tauley,, -we, are of dpinion that Vie - con hen effect oi the change will be to add sid-arably ta' the bardea, of school tal)c i.11. �ntey co�iprised in, said-. that portion of 91a GrA Uilicn &chon,- and at the's�arae time re� dace the. �-iuounts payable by the Hay =_te of the sectioil, ad materially payers , interfere with the proportional rates pay- abTe, by the separate piurdicipalities, in. terested. Carrie(L Moved t,)y George Pur Uastle, secolided by A W. Youll, Th�-t a, the Treasurer be allowe.4. $11 for twoe, �bY�'s& ers or�de�red by J_ NV. Big nns Gait' d� iNfoved bv G`eo. Castle secon& sap---% ed by. Dr. Woods, illat the Collectoea -unary, �t iie 15th of Ja b.' ex -endea tot -87 t6l be settled at that tim e.—Car- 0611 ried, '�'Uoved, by Dr. Woods, secolidecl Uy 'T hainas Keys- That the first'llileating- of next Carmcil be held at the - as Ex - 40 "chalizge Hotel,.'-' Ba�ydeld. (Henry -ML-- -c- Al ILLUM PLUN -ITT ,47 KL Clorl, ment of all the. votes polled in, NLTorris oly 219 t > _Nlonday hast. Reeves Dr. Holmes, 278, A. Brcywn, 234 ; Deputy Reeves --Dr_ "icottl 258, C. Proctor, -150- Councillors: -- as. Johnson, 3 .4, 2t '; NV. 0� H ingston, by 3-11, -NIffier. '2;78,, 1). Kelly, :a,31. It was� �t�ir a reualar railroad -vote—narr&w gauacre*- OC& i! vs, aoad "all"re—the West side waliving. Lde,,� to plit).0 raun that would go fo�r a. seG- �ex- tional I�axlus for the London Huron and ]bar Bnice.. Etittliuy.liadforLcf(ittentlieir defeat kvue on that sa: me gronwl in September- last, �hat and the east Prayed too niiir,,h for them. - ling g electing all the councillors and both ,q-lt r eeves, who. all live an the east side of i� duh the t d by sdine- CN1_MkhiP- it was, aappose i oa thatt the late E, e6ve, Tharnas 1--,eny� i�,r, ld- rmi agmin, Ike bein,"rinorninated f or� awau A a-. 1�,eeve,, 1)epilty 11 and, Cax.ijlc-illor' ft ve KL-lly declined all of Py ba, t � �Al them, be v heing tbe rtakaii %tar 61 Dr. HolineR, in l0v whose fitrr)r he resim:ied. N.1r. Pat Kel a A� -ilt li,,.ve to stand �aad 211 r Dra),wa Nv .)ro- alld lGair, (yu fol, allothar ye.tt.- It is ru- mured tht-t an. application f roni -tIle per- ,ut %yert tW soil, who.,,-igile(I a -s- .1 ratep t that dijirr t' -I- which, ap, Ula aexful h"t fienred in, wir the Era in reg�ar(l to ilie Couicillors (�.ffice of A L . _1 I � 7 ­T4i1T's,t();bu aplwiilt(�d to the li-" 14,epa-ty Roa(Unspt:ctor, hti� been W, de S I T_�Ile i '_NfrFT1,m.-s­The annual me ing, (if tEe Gruy 11rauch Aftrlmilt-, So6ety will take place at Aruistroll, r) le h otel, Gn Thursday,. the U th of Ja#uary,- A full atten(U.11co of III iaterestc( _e, Cuutwif The aillmal Tnis-- of. A ulectitir o, F the Cla, relt, 8ocie Y IN-rou will be hel t1te 1410ce4e of d in th'Pr 1 Churcla in this piace, on Tiies-� 4 Y lia Al.!1 oil -30 p ( 'Ith inst. t 7 an't Itev. 11 Star of e,, Forth, a L it the Rev. E. Davis_of k,ayfield, wi I a dress the lilectihg,, Uld .nd T)FAT ra tl DOE We lea lat While X. C. of Lot � V6, 41n l2th coin W_ , er. "1011, El.ma, was dirivini� in. a cutt -..a 'Nlr Ur of �e With Wilt, Fc)", ., IV st -on.., the former- full from the cutt&r a A fn� lifelsess ctyrpsLl, X'Vitbout rfturniur Or COW - Plaint h-a-ving been, ilttered- by him'. Vhile he s eemellt to be iii hiR -usual he4tk-, is the uncutallity of' life, 7-7`- 4, _F r J A T A 3, NO. 6. T, AFI FR D -r,, A N ovil W1101LE NO. 14. 1 1 Xr, JANUARY 2' 18U iv�cx. ZU blixisers, a your, -in isdV110ce. GO Nt4 U0011. 8pall is It c on b6st ill: such a -price letalone the saddle. and ment, by 1808, when 'is bank a t' C 3.n a4d, 'was b I - I e on], �Iirin vh i c6uld efficiently br (Ile. 1 had half a notion, means of his Su4tentat-i �o bid. i said" ion �py 16hr *n the 7 P assis, 1 he I B6 iiish Oyernm.Lii�.ia flnding ,No*,,' Atanatiction hale Woodstftk, last Fund,, pia'ded for by the voluntary EVERY FRIDAYWOUNING, he -says, L"I k­n.0w` - - day,, that horse� t week, a bois,6 Irought, the hand some ions of the a Ah t luelir a feir (Arryin -t 6n. the War stat6d con, ribut' 'Ithink the tr al tv 3 bu IN 'RE"ORTH. With I know. ihfin well. You are attranger,, g9regate I A Used ctior, Rothac' price Of $1 a n�s a Will- hild's wine 1. 'take it. You, mi'Uht think he is in 4ilgregatiC 118 Of Scottish Free dV,�Uef� or $ Fhe I litichel I pi tper. shys they de o disg a horse. but he is not Aulithing Te a "t the W went schgol kept orge t Y; Tk.ums. i.�(,) per lu in th caslu e.ere �hurch: end oi thf. year. c heir Laid Alnericai ave one and I Uls food for Irilig the '11ILao He is a eXiCan I)JU" -Boring is still g,,.oij, u, t of the kind. a model mill in that -VIIIiile, only the Well in 9 on at the test - Carry )n *4 liat' kovertiriftig Rat -or wel _1146aphor cf that's Ivhatbe iii—a genuine Mexic �ditor,� Is i " M o (Idle in th Lame terloo. Village, un4er tbe-'aw. plak, '641 hii t1 e cc threaten-,' - an pel t e -61E Iq '�Jr'._ MCF up. me 1'fo d for powder," was Ur. R' W 8zott desigruatedLa e 'of 'Wen. TIUN NT. led Our bone eing Plug,` 'but there was sonfething : clsi� 18,9uO perinten le 8 'CoUto found. sAsequc6t in' about, at man's way of saying it� thab 14Perfq,ctPO4i:'Ou Plot." F Mr. J. Room Kay .rix9i insertion., PSI, 1.1 Pr of E lot 3 SU IVI 5 0 wig It eall -e tha , t I would — 'r6e Tor, ii to Te legraph givE locution in Hek irents each time, per line, 1� Ief it be not 8u pPC so I o1ft what'l ha-ve Mc y r Ito schil; I died Lin has been appoint - 812L, lealV piade me just d6terinin !s. a flat �,d th UARACT IL&Trk. 11 th of X100 000 sterlin lv�exican P c)�, denial!t the 'runior that; Ron. I'Vil ialn Ic :1 .1 unie Ing—if it tol 0 -960 00 TI J es Was a yi( 'at to fouud a i �uth and Auron CoRegges. 71: t r one 00111= one year ............ de t fellow I'll.- -elige for poor Je�rs of Franl� every'cipt I had3t And'I said. Has hO, f*,IcDo;gall w4s a cwltrib�to' I" half a(: .............. r to its edi-, 00 He was'i eeker t'h-.ao Jol,$. but h .3 pati- fort ud fwe sons—viz., Mr. D d Ortnistob, B. A., has re- t mscbet of anyoth advant6ges?" Ile book torial. columns. bUr. John imae.ean. si ed his I( 31iiiectiou'with. the Brant,ford it Is. 8 monws ..................... 20 00 ed hii enoe ir ril 911 ................. 13 5 0 0 )rt, -8 oIomQ1 OL Vie av'Nathan the _poc�et of rayariny sllirb?� formerly.of the Protectionist paper the V )f La C Grammar 8 -boo).- ......... 176 f Pal -,.sl I ie r sl iectiN scontiulie( -i -: -7 lt4iy l, re heails of re -4 doll 8 erk of hen, h nd 1 LNaples, d James and led me toohi� side anduttered, "Sh 41 People#' Journal, n �w di' 49 �c I ( iou 0' hat *e. raisch, on a es balf Is - ... 00' 1 ievous at, onths oo- boys we abo46.� 1 , —Mr. E, 3nald Fraser, Cl the d to be th� riter of.the double - 3 eace at PE ...... 1212 - I a word,! He can outbuck au� �stjppos�e e year inaw; in th -ise cities, to carry on �th, is"dead. ona-lonrth: one 9 half 49 4 .... 00 )r w Ialw rneri I ............ 12 00 F" ay, wer horse in A GA. ; be. ca outbuck a-63 -leaded thunder -ikrhi ch. bias appeareaL ing to make ihe e. W, w 2ioh til r father llad.so'sucL in 9& (is. Sanonblis ............. 8_00 C�;A. I horse i a + I" lel " T_ a. 4-L L +1,: M17 A 1 8 fte-eig�th o4a ) ear �. - .. I ......... TO ,ad half, 44 _ ................. 80 of 99 3 months ..................... One-twelf th one yiar ..................... 1,8 0 t X N Stanley. E rxeT10-..';.-,--__rr6 f 0,1_avving was tho% it qat4w.f the poll 1111 this" townaL at the alosd.ala M(441-vy �ast ht1c, Thuivaq impson elected Ret ­vile by the cituuxtion, Mr. Douglm having, resigne(I.- be-, ....... 215 141 tee, D�r'� Wooda, 26& (,ifb L er , t! Aic Dortaild, Thabazas, ICCe, (a, 233 (9 Joseph Rig, . -1 in$, -20, ted mxv!4 F. r T1, x o. —The Council inet toladjourniltent, at James Wil- "'Ist liamsong botel., hvytiel(l, oil Tuesday, 4P- the 26th 181 " Mia`at�_S Of last alk, meeting rel%d an([ appraved. A letter 468�, fr INJUIer, llispectoir Of 8choolq., om, i-a ima: ing that certain lots in JRay had A '113 -n '-w- beeiii taken, off V Q - 60hool sectioa.-No- 4y g- Hay and 8vta-wevi aud.' walex-ea. tor. <�c-hoolSectiori Hay. -A Moved b3 the Dr. Vvooa.s, seconAed by J1 NN -T. Youll-P of 'rho t-bLe, lo,11 grav-61 almounts be Sken Blair,, $2 7i, and that. the; geeve 'tal grant. orders for tile same. I'll& suln 8-. Blair's order being a payable, to h, If the whole alln(liftnt certified I -)Y-- hi im, thi,_-- at-tier half being PaN, WtIlle Muniei- pallity of ic Mo I ved by A Lye W. yola sc6uaed b.� That. -te -ru Era office, EN the account of U Xe 67, and of the Star office. i.�413'20j be paid - i44 —Carrie(I.- Moved by I)T-. Woods, . see- �174 onded by Thomas Keys, That all itnex- Ke ei pew -Led grants bd allowed to, remain, , -e LI-nd to the credit Pf -tile localitics to NVIlieb- �hn granted. to be e-zpeiide'd by next Council.' k A` ar. lamm. ,NAoved by Thonta ev stcoutle6l, 1�,y 1)n IN oods, %,4, the fol - 91 Of iaudnr� dog tax be reinitted to the parties. cl� 1__*� I w- !lose dogya N-ve. a deacro ed af tar - y 'ag assessed Nri7 -,.-Henry Laile, $2, n(Irew Stin�o Peter I'Atrall, $I, A Robert Anderson, .51, 24rs. McKill.ley, �$J, iYaniel- 0,oymala, St, Jahn Ho,folire, -,$2� ftcibcrt Eeid, AV illiam B.ikQ.r-, $11 Henry Johnsoll, $1 Garried. \zluvect astle, olided 1, - Geor­e G. S�ec by- Thomas last 1�eys, i�,It the Treasurer be altowed, for a bad $5 W.11 --Carried, '.Nlo'ved by Dr. Wood�� --vy Thonias Keys,; T hat -to -1d 14, Bavfiel(�J, ice",, baek taxes. on. ta 13 ai uit$ be retil-ruett U111p;tid, amatint, $2.83, and es that this vear's twx� - be, accepted, from dea A� Haacke, wilo holds. only frora yeax to, i year p,%ying current, years. taxes ra con- 'ar -ed. - INI-oved by Dr. -ri 5me Woods, secanded by D_ W., Youll, That lk6 be oaid to, each member of the Court:- ,�&de oit, fQ� doing, road cor-dinission bu-,,suies2,,, alao, $21 each to the Reeve and Del,)Iity th ve for extra. tinie, givel-i. hy ordeT.— JCarried. "lay ecl ThGlix�a Kev-s, That the folla-%ving elf - ,a, salaries� be flaid, vi`z�: williarn piuli-kettr I Ige, !,c ClexkY �30 f An ars lists, $6 - Poll book, 1. 1 -' liam 4 1 postaffe and s tatiollery', 1 8. 66 NN it 1)m Ili, Asscssor $130 - Ralph S tephen- rer.s i so -a, lus,,pector, $25, Robert Reid, t.ber Treasniier,7 850 � Postagge aad Statio *6.; Auditol-as each $5 ; Returiniiiag Offic- -er,%, each, .5,3 ; Thoillas Simpson, 11ceve, 24 70- ; Jurors lists. '-,a ; Posi�age and- Ired Stxtionery',�' 50. - George Castle Depu,- ty Reeve, §22.40 Dr. NVoods, Coulneffi. jor,�S-Zt,SW; Thomas Kays.- Councillor, ,Aaky , . . . *2 *ouncillor, - $24.40. E;hm Davi(,l You,11, C ex KeYs, That in ref ereace, t,a the School In-, spectar's lftter, stating that, four -lots in �pro- " " - e be � en, the rolmship of Pay bav en tal froin Unio,(U Sollool.-Seubion NO. 9'. Hay and ��tauley,, -we, are of dpinion that Vie - con hen effect oi the change will be to add sid-arably ta' the bardea, of school tal)c i.11. �ntey co�iprised in, said-. that portion of 91a GrA Uilicn &chon,- and at the's�arae time re� dace the. �-iuounts payable by the Hay =_te of the sectioil, ad materially payers , interfere with the proportional rates pay- abTe, by the separate piurdicipalities, in. terested. Carrie(L Moved t,)y George Pur Uastle, secolided by A W. Youll, Th�-t a, the Treasurer be allowe.4. $11 for twoe, �bY�'s& ers or�de�red by J_ NV. Big nns Gait' d� iNfoved bv G`eo. Castle secon& sap---% ed by. Dr. Woods, illat the Collectoea -unary, �t iie 15th of Ja b.' ex -endea tot -87 t6l be settled at that tim e.—Car- 0611 ried, '�'Uoved, by Dr. Woods, secolidecl Uy 'T hainas Keys- That the first'llileating- of next Carmcil be held at the - as Ex - 40 "chalizge Hotel,.'-' Ba�ydeld. (Henry -ML-- -c- Al ILLUM PLUN -ITT ,47 KL Clorl, ment of all the. votes polled in, NLTorris oly 219 t > _Nlonday hast. Reeves Dr. Holmes, 278, A. Brcywn, 234 ; Deputy Reeves --Dr_ "icottl 258, C. Proctor, -150- Councillors: -- as. Johnson, 3 .4, 2t '; NV. 0� H ingston, by 3-11, -NIffier. '2;78,, 1). Kelly, :a,31. It was� �t�ir a reualar railroad -vote—narr&w gauacre*- OC& i! vs, aoad "all"re—the West side waliving. Lde,,� to plit).0 raun that would go fo�r a. seG- �ex- tional I�axlus for the London Huron and ]bar Bnice.. Etittliuy.liadforLcf(ittentlieir defeat kvue on that sa: me gronwl in September- last, �hat and the east Prayed too niiir,,h for them. - ling g electing all the councillors and both ,q-lt r eeves, who. all live an the east side of i� duh the t d by sdine- CN1_MkhiP- it was, aappose i oa thatt the late E, e6ve, Tharnas 1--,eny� i�,r, ld- rmi agmin, Ike bein,"rinorninated f or� awau A a-. 1�,eeve,, 1)epilty 11 and, Cax.ijlc-illor' ft ve KL-lly declined all of Py ba, t � �Al them, be v heing tbe rtakaii %tar 61 Dr. HolineR, in l0v whose fitrr)r he resim:ied. N.1r. Pat Kel a A� -ilt li,,.ve to stand �aad 211 r Dra),wa Nv .)ro- alld lGair, (yu fol, allothar ye.tt.- It is ru- mured tht-t an. application f roni -tIle per- ,ut %yert tW soil, who.,,-igile(I a -s- .1 ratep t that dijirr t' -I- which, ap, Ula aexful h"t fienred in, wir the Era in reg�ar(l to ilie Couicillors (�.ffice of A L . _1 I � 7 ­T4i1T's,t();bu aplwiilt(�d to the li-" 14,epa-ty Roa(Unspt:ctor, hti� been W, de S I T_�Ile i '_NfrFT1,m.-s­The annual me ing, (if tEe Gruy 11rauch Aftrlmilt-, So6ety will take place at Aruistroll, r) le h otel, Gn Thursday,. the U th of Ja#uary,- A full atten(U.11co of III iaterestc( _e, Cuutwif The aillmal Tnis-- of. A ulectitir o, F the Cla, relt, 8ocie Y IN-rou will be hel t1te 1410ce4e of d in th'Pr 1 Churcla in this piace, on Tiies-� 4 Y lia Al.!1 oil -30 p ( 'Ith inst. t 7 an't Itev. 11 Star of e,, Forth, a L it the Rev. E. Davis_of k,ayfield, wi I a dress the lilectihg,, Uld .nd T)FAT ra tl DOE We lea lat While X. C. of Lot � V6, 41n l2th coin W_ , er. "1011, El.ma, was dirivini� in. a cutt -..a 'Nlr Ur of �e With Wilt, Fc)", ., IV st -on.., the former- full from the cutt&r a A fn� lifelsess ctyrpsLl, X'Vitbout rfturniur Or COW - Plaint h-a-ving been, ilttered- by him'. Vhile he s eemellt to be iii hiR -usual he4tk-, is the uncutallity of' life, 7-7`- 4, _F r J A T A 3, NO. 6. T, AFI FR D -r,, A N ovil W1101LE NO. 14. 1 1 Xr, JANUARY 2' 18U iv�cx. ZU blixisers, a your, -in isdV110ce. GO Nt4 U0011. 8pall is It c on b6st ill: such a -price letalone the saddle. and ment, by 1808, when 'is bank a t' C 3.n a4d, 'was b I - I e on], �Iirin vh i c6uld efficiently br (Ile. 1 had half a notion, means of his Su4tentat-i �o bid. i said" ion �py 16hr *n the 7 P assis, 1 he I B6 iiish Oyernm.Lii�.ia flnding ,No*,,' Atanatiction hale Woodstftk, last Fund,, pia'ded for by the voluntary EVERY FRIDAYWOUNING, he -says, L"I k­n.0w` - - day,, that horse� t week, a bois,6 Irought, the hand some ions of the a Ah t luelir a feir (Arryin -t 6n. the War stat6d con, ribut' 'Ithink the tr al tv 3 bu IN 'RE"ORTH. With I know. ihfin well. You are attranger,, g9regate I A Used ctior, Rothac' price Of $1 a n�s a Will- hild's wine 1. 'take it. You, mi'Uht think he is in 4ilgregatiC 118 Of Scottish Free dV,�Uef� or $ Fhe I litichel I pi tper. shys they de o disg a horse. but he is not Aulithing Te a "t the W went schgol kept orge t Y; Tk.ums. i.�(,) per lu in th caslu e.ere �hurch: end oi thf. year. c heir Laid Alnericai ave one and I Uls food for Irilig the '11ILao He is a eXiCan I)JU" -Boring is still g,,.oij, u, t of the kind. a model mill in that -VIIIiile, only the Well in 9 on at the test - Carry )n *4 liat' kovertiriftig Rat -or wel _1146aphor cf that's Ivhatbe iii—a genuine Mexic �ditor,� Is i " M o (Idle in th Lame terloo. Village, un4er tbe-'aw. plak, '641 hii t1 e cc threaten-,' - an pel t e -61E Iq '�Jr'._ MCF up. me 1'fo d for powder," was Ur. R' W 8zott desigruatedLa e 'of 'Wen. TIUN NT. led Our bone eing Plug,` 'but there was sonfething : clsi� 18,9uO perinten le 8 'CoUto found. sAsequc6t in' about, at man's way of saying it� thab 14Perfq,ctPO4i:'Ou Plot." F Mr. J. Room Kay .rix9i insertion., PSI, 1.1 Pr of E lot 3 SU IVI 5 0 wig It eall -e tha , t I would — 'r6e Tor, ii to Te legraph givE locution in Hek irents each time, per line, 1� Ief it be not 8u pPC so I o1ft what'l ha-ve Mc y r Ito schil; I died Lin has been appoint - 812L, lealV piade me just d6terinin !s. a flat �,d th UARACT IL&Trk. 11 th of X100 000 sterlin lv�exican P c)�, denial!t the 'runior that; Ron. I'Vil ialn Ic :1 .1 unie Ing—if it tol 0 -960 00 TI J es Was a yi( 'at to fouud a i �uth and Auron CoRegges. 71: t r one 00111= one year ............ de t fellow I'll.- -elige for poor Je�rs of Franl� every'cipt I had3t And'I said. Has hO, f*,IcDo;gall w4s a cwltrib�to' I" half a(: .............. r to its edi-, 00 He was'i eeker t'h-.ao Jol,$. but h .3 pati- fort ud fwe sons—viz., Mr. D d Ortnistob, B. A., has re- t mscbet of anyoth advant6ges?" Ile book torial. columns. bUr. John imae.ean. si ed his I( 31iiiectiou'with. the Brant,ford it Is. 8 monws ..................... 20 00 ed hii enoe ir ril 911 ................. 13 5 0 0 )rt, -8 oIomQ1 OL Vie av'Nathan the _poc�et of rayariny sllirb?� formerly.of the Protectionist paper the V )f La C Grammar 8 -boo).- ......... 176 f Pal -,.sl I ie r sl iectiN scontiulie( -i -: -7 lt4iy l, re heails of re -4 doll 8 erk of hen, h nd 1 LNaples, d James and led me toohi� side anduttered, "Sh 41 People#' Journal, n �w di' 49 �c I ( iou 0' hat *e. raisch, on a es balf Is - ... 00' 1 ievous at, onths oo- boys we abo46.� 1 , —Mr. E, 3nald Fraser, Cl the d to be th� riter of.the double - 3 eace at PE ...... 1212 - I a word,! He can outbuck au� �stjppos�e e year inaw; in th -ise cities, to carry on �th, is"dead. ona-lonrth: one 9 half 49 4 .... 00 )r w Ialw rneri I ............ 12 00 F" ay, wer horse in A GA. ; be. ca outbuck a-63 -leaded thunder -ikrhi ch. bias appeareaL ing to make ihe e. W, w 2ioh til r father llad.so'sucL in 9& (is. Sanonblis ............. 8_00 C�;A. I horse i a + I" lel " T_ a. 4-L L +1,: M17 A 1 8 fte-eig�th o4a ) ear �. - .. I ......... TO ,ad half, 44 _ ................. 80 of 99 3 months ..................... One-twelf th one yiar ..................... 1,8 0 half I ..................... no . (1. 8 months ... .......... I'D Iffi . isineEls Cards, (61ines and nuddr1l# yeter. . 114 0 . 'Advertisements of. Strayed, Lost,? Foundi� &c sot exceeding 10 lft�es`—Jirst mouth, $,I ; aft.el firH wonth, 50.cents each. month. ral �he JUI-vertiffements of FARMS and REAL ESIL&T iftf; are f Halo, not exceeding 15 lilles—firs� montli,,s"� 50 sash girbattInent nionth, 75'cents.- i 01, WALES HOTEL,--C.Unton OAt:, Advertisements withont specific diroctionq wil be. Inserted till forbid, itud charged accordingly. McLE AN BROTHERS� i XURDO Y. 111GLEAN, , Q rs. ALLAN McL. E_kx, BUSINESS URIECTOLRY. CALL2011.ky, Proprietor; 3. S. 1VrLLLk'_%t8, (11 4e AVID m. �D., Graduftte of V icto ria College, Physioian, Surgeoz), ate.. eto. 11INHURN', OXT.—COr0RerQf the Cotua, ty of Huron Dffice and reModence, rX Thompson & StaPley's. D7% W- R- 3MITIT, Pkrsiciaix, Stirgeon, etq. frioe--opposite Scott Robertsou's Gro;eay�, Knin street, 18eafortt. Z 53 -------------- _,Tmgms strWAUT, 31. D., C. U., Gradr at a o I f �p McGiU,"University, Mons treal, Phvsi,,ian, 13ur- leon,vto. L. I�ERCOFj M. D., `Rur- -en Ote. Office and BusiCtence, corngr A - of ar _et High streets, n�ext to the*Plalling-Xill. DR- CAMPBE-LL, Coroxier for the Cotintv. and Itesidence, over Corby's comer sto're,' -Ataill trest, Seafoith." Office hours" frum 11 -to 4, "p- it lay, 4nd all 4ay Isaturmy. 1,19 . -0 en. t e eg,rapa since the torm. t r ;1 -AOU-5 "a latAy been a 1011i t 0 ssfally bepin, auction(er C e 'Atitchell. which. shows -that. A rid Zhr',_,,'d h 1! tek note! on' NJ i taken in 0 One(, e in do a bit Molig.' "Twerity-four.- I�Iake's inistry.' lage it i6e� I that when Chtqrles'Roth� twenty-,0ur.d Ilars for the. hors M to the - i - i - I - e,- saddles vil to h4ve -a po 03*8 gn L pulation of 10 The St ary's Vklette shouts for a 0, And asked tis to tell iiim what that re n a id,' "Twenty -seven !" 1 236 over the Government child, f N a )Ies, �spk', king of his 'OW " rld brille," pa ra iiierease- of 1 hildrah to hi RW4 'from Port Jover -,,or Port4ur- 0 i elder b ro th er, c; Uludtheni 1: -;Sol k 0 pre$ d. census last gpringn fits, well through St. N114ry's to Bayfield or oung V1 e, )aronR,. Amseli e � retorted', I tooh the geriiiine1fexican Plu,", aid The C ttaw Citi_,,1* ptIblishes, answ red :1 A color -'a boy climbin ther point on Lake -1-hiron a -for _I � i t him in a livqy stable, et 1� . thp, benefit 6�. the ladiesilllril)g leap y a .9 make thein men of Ifor -him, pu some a ss title of baro There was great excitbin in ear, a fec 46 tAw ii Wout g 1i in, get fiomething to eat a -ad get res �e ain ent ;3 t d a list of " f 16 eligibleand *11i preserved, d AV rcul trathroy last week On &cc,*)u-nt of nearly 01'' he ask6 ha a Mat'", was, I Mid then in the afternoon I brought lim, bachelors Otta-%va who -1k thern k It as by-mirryin, Y;ut ti -should ha-ve a1w. all the liquor seller 3 in town beini iii a,i r e P Ii e d ar- on lis pl-inCiPI6 Out ill tt C plaza,'and so e citi5 ens been niaTr yeai .4 ago, but fro 'in 'bash- Gh lo'the fullesb me of th rugued Arge of By piaintfugU Joh 1801a h.(, slat i at niy tent tbat.the Itotlischild belliog liquor at :qoo held bin by the bead, and others heli als y e f �lnily litilawful hours. I li- tri falness, u equited 1�6, inap-ecuniosit side - ma lace the orit"ill IT. k place Foi J ilson oloss� 41 f 'a . rt, I ie. of t . bei �h im do -%i a to the earth by the tail, ai d I in and various other, causes still. remain eadea roied e rest to out- London, and. ne rly all were fined. singte.1, -ecol a eoPle' Much 1P I 'got oil h a). And as soon as -those p str A n ineed) e is d4fdf Nat], �et go'be put all hi �eet il indigriation is -felt against the I a bunch to' farmers -wbo, it is said,)are of the A twenty eight mile -race, T-rom, Bir wearino; -in eyd�,ro v�o b s tipper lip..- Rotb,,-hild ilell will- sli �lie` peril pro- LanaoA L , I I er, let his back stw, down, and flien f to St. atta6lied to Ille p6sses,,fiom of such enj essional order. M78, took place last 4k S it up auddecu'l I )1 werl some- Crmou�i rcheq and �bot me, re�� I L -tw horses owned. Thegirls I -1cQ Y, week betwten 0 WeAl I On the odcaSion of biq prie inind' bo)vinelinea red and eighty yaxds; all A i test oil' wel� is to -be sunk in lVincy ct or A banquet -to ijuwbur ofi. t:an ow - ii agaip, sti - -aigbt 11; iLud r. L( a ead, goes 82 000 spectively -1w Aft 7%Vilson. and -NLI-r. R&k- T g 41, 8trathroy. ' A M in h dodt'by keeping�a �e-v o r' s be -ink ui�licd ueu. one of hi dow' er,. of Lond the former horse having ai Oy d bind is--- tiesits, 0 trb ed iii -the saddle, and and the to-Arnspe"Oole see birn: f6l� a start of VV'llson's horse And went U p ag, �i R it, S fol: the telloi�s, th t ried jwitl� a' s:.,rviil I the I wish,di ay of ithl' jA 111' 1 , �hre 'WI I al th (.%v 1(�ll - .000 more, I came down the ne.<J tiif�e 1': $2 P, "Bishop J irrived at St. Alary'-s -which table V groin i ii g,. ina le "a se of ai �'i I T burst t oil his neek, wnd'seized him; andsli(l ln� Strathioy bjoad.ve�sf 166 Old Gold .1 ' 8 '1B the.Age, nearlyt 11. 12L doii en a very natural lexpre�sioll wheit exclainl-' t-11 e 23 infles in I - hour -10k illio the si(ldle, and held on. and 431 mir,11tes,: dnd Baollefs -I No Sur - ea for. 90hoQ1 pur "Wbata bappy all., 1) won, yon' "Plien he. raised hiffis(df str4i _T I I igi alle-lialt the taxe glit in pofts. rendet ba§s 'I.Ppy '&64 q'inutes latoer, bavin 1. growled )fi` J one,8 seized n1litit to idy )ed "arr th% an 'I 'an .4 ou say 'e" the -air oil his hina feet and just ste'llil Last week the Sarv-e 9 ri 'Plied Rotll Child, Ow '� 8 it yors were busy xiven the N ol-eL28 miles in 1 hour and d L a brocm; 10 The route of the Torouto-,' Pos (Mild � bike a mern'ber- of 06ngmss, wi(I surveyin V� s. ble foi- any one to* llee I JVn� L, . r. B k -,r WXth a to ex, 01i at doo, I lappy, then -hel came do a.11d Went Qr4 50 i all- was accompanied up ';he Mid Bruce in the vi(inity of Rartiston. by INI r. Henry Dkriey lrooln dtber way, and just walked round on hiA 'It is giailerally. -thou ght lithe Ilrow from., t il ing' such a missive a and Mr. Wilson this j ist-before Regardincy.iliets"L+, do.%N' t6 dinp.er.97, L d will '-Mr. Platt bothLof London, They A d taking 8&M P tre ink for the 81 ban (Is i uA like a school boy would4 Then pass through the upp er side the vil- (�,-o�e half. wjy With buggies, then cha-ug- etter owed his he, carnv Aown on all four&wyain With the" lago and keep on t1i e noith kde of -the ed 'bout Both horses were e lor cutters. a s&1116 old�-'Process of' s1lbotill"T Me UP ill rIver Alitland, until the blind loyed'out',-' oa their ft om. b OC Ile 8 That 'Itteiribrd aA tonish 4 gaest its T M as t� e appropria e c:)uteuts, i.hich con-, P nalne., :a loan of arrivals but bDA tf ined the modest m�uest Of ime I went lui ween -the 7 tlip Same ni tile air i�nd the third t I line bet t and conces- -to travel ght. X. X0. 1 vith tl i e add it- a I f b 0 you don't EbArd il Man say, -13itel, 10 don't, Ile !11 S' n$of I Minto, and hen take a direct 4 _1 01 all of Mr. Q Compton Ont .B,at you inight, haj)e Ckx ns 'isenct'i; at wice 1111 -blow yo' r brains I wa. v,!ry title to Howick. -�hraue 0' diat Was b 'kill, -ii,h r out -l" is ftous fo, down r a'st I -I his, enterpxise and skill 111 lad'to know it. Not illat-I was en t in 40neym e. J03 John 0'8hea, a brave' mhn n B oc raising -e has paid thousands -W I len a -sf I-ange r i ewn,fil!g akiao Pr rsuit aI bli r, tb en I bad been taking a 11'%V�s t le oil P )d in, I. H . : - i Of P�Uri& 110v ith a �s4iv: � I W�'b�:Lhas'tlle good fv* �O ceiroymept of _Nathao,'sl life. XVben une to for pure breeds in Scotland. ezA in it and I ad. -save niiiiy live,� from. dilow as On d and he bas sold again �t _at-'Wral $Olt of inter and tilglan' lj�LITIG 0 1, a e --A&i,sa�1dt.ha,t, t; nol, adliliduce Li I u is po 11 r, the 'frelb GernM inusi�ian, n. tul-411y - desired to know ivbat lhil' 1"liesetay afternoon rose ted -by the fi g s that d him to stop ea lled C a him ii i the &,iy mer of. 820 with bursed hima His f And Anle I Z�o A 1. 4-'-.', . urn CI -A. f yor Rau cor: froni a saw is reported ures; f t . Ut tL.1 of ill tr oducid n from -bi s brother i sl ineliody hit the horse ia whac.L- wi't) wibu a gold niedw a bebalt of L the t and best Itig s the cirize'ns, In recocriii of hi4 services,. A A,nscl 1, of Prwikfo i Ile Sidd to hill), Sll';11) ajid when. mirica. �Iiis antuxii eight of -Ibis cows got 1(104'"711 again the, .,in qdtl tiou to a brol'gh inedal goin -ad 4e I'llased by the Ea:rl an1lbothiii ofl-nusic 18 gel) ers re purc �111( rst, e tilne a UAW iiine buckc& wa., goll�,. I ag o 1i)resented him by- the Royal lium, McCAUGHEY HOLAMf STEP, BarriAturs, At- Ift hill; ; ooke all t c : P d rai-ding the. At this poin t of the i� iteres aue of 1)4nmare, 8. otland atad sent home by ting scei A (wry Willeyls at Law,. Solicitors in Chalf e, I hud soc.itsty. n lony 0( r: -,-in— tlii� is tr y 111,usic, I steai:laer -a weeI6 ago. Tile Insolve ey, 1,Notttries Public and C -eytiiiurs. 0 THE INUSE OVI OT CM00 th, a -kintl-lwarted strangti. c,-tme to i be C ht an % alas of W Ast very large pticex- for theip Thisis u n CbTnt P ge. f t rlder, toldhira that lie had becil. ta pq - I ior'the R. C. Bank, Seaforth. Ag,� 1obert Doll ocir a paid 1 Solicitor-; �lce, 'we belleVe !of ro f -a s in �he sciah I I "irli Nen *ell-kno-wil. baselball playei�,-- 1died Ing illstl the 0tnad(i We Assuivm.6e Col pany, Cr u t t h rey - i%`, a,, -i en doing ibliu S Aud filith ings� ille in, -explained Alle mysUrious terins, and t the first —$30,000 to land at 8 pol, ceqt. Far s" N. B. Frinkfort , un(le:. ti )1( ts add tric i y-lilaklDa Week.- Up wo the ed stock bf,iiag t' for 6 -ale. Lb i lance of a' a cel Ltr4e In. sent from, '-Canada t0 Howes and Lo s- 3 9 of niol le, flo L at give 'him the -comforangy itlforination ,, youncr Cian&diani, ",all i.notmuroi;ii+ba cIn b and C1CC?'07?e I Call hiii i 4-. V. 4. dl in the stlen [lir, all 4- 4- 1� .3 virtka 'N� - Gre-LA B�itaiwl A Qnv. AT B"'N'SO" & ME Y"� R, Barristers Rud, AttorX I Law, eys at 84>licitorr, in Chancery and TAsolveir Conveyancers, Notaxies 1hiblie, eta. 0111ces—Er (%y, da - forth and Wioxeter. Agents for the Trnit�and L)au' Go. of Upper Canada, itud the Colonial Seenrities Uo. of Lo4dort, England. Money fit 8 per cout.; no *ommission charg"ed'. JAS. R. BEN !I. W. C. K, �OXS HOT] GiL, (Late Sharp's.), Tbe RM or - signed begs to, thank the,YLblia. for the li�( fatr9nago awarded to him in times pRat hi I , ral �he hotel PusinOfffi, and also to itilojan them tilat hei� again resumed business in the above stand, :Nvt iftf; are be will be happy to have a. call from old frien�ls, said idany new ouLs. -126 THOMAS 4N6X; 01, WALES HOTEL,--C.Unton OAt:, _PC!1Jr%00UTC1!1EON Proplieto rlirk s _04,�s scoommodation for travellers. The'Bar is SUP- pnea with thn- vei3, best liquors and �igars, Gooz Ithis otablin, g attached. The stage leaves Hoi ise every day. for AVingliam. _004-4 B. CHANNGE­HOTEM, G'odexiqh, Ont., CALL2011.ky, Proprietor; 3. S. 1VrLLLk'_%t8, (11 4e bf American Hotel ' Warsaw N ' Y.,) lljlrinagrer. Z us hotel has rea*ntly been ne'vrly furnishedi and .-e: TAted t1iroughout, and is now one of the raost con- fortallie and cominodious in the Pr Vince. GCDd Sain-ple Rooms fofr Commeroial Travemors. IT L ---x- erm, s I i b or a 1. U 1SCIEN, LANK0 US. T A. 91LUIPS LIVERY SALE STAB 0"Lile—At ­Vtirrary's Hotel, Swiforth. IM06-as uAd firat-elasg Conveyances al*ayis on ha SRARFS LIXTERY STA.BLE, M�AJNT� STREE�f Se-dorth. � Fir'st-class Horses - . and Carriasic, alwit,5�s oubatid at reasonable terms. R. L. SIUL11P, Propril6tor. JO11N Rla-GHA.Au Exch-nige Broker, and Ur.l-. way ricket Ag � cut, Houghton"a Flotol, oppoaiLe 0. T, Itailwav! btfttion, fSenforth, Ont. Throu . Tle.,kcts isstted to all f)oints in the Western Stat( Fi, Onliforilift. iuxdRed River, at r6dacel rates, nffordii " sh a '" re at e s t f ac�llties toE iii igrants. All uacekisli 'Y, Itiforaiation gi-ven respeoting Land Agencies, etI. Greenbacks, Bo�adg, Coupons and uneuifentltlonc Gold and SilVfrL Coin, boxight tind sold at . begtrkt C. -R. COOPE,lt-, Conveyltuicer, Comm . issioner J n Queon�s Baniih, In" Url"Itea and Genentl Ageli.. Agent for the 1(5110141,11 Fire, Life and A01dant In- Owl'auce COMI)PTties : The Beaver find Toronto Xi L- -twil funt the Western Firo Listirattee Cottip lies, the Reliance Life Assurance, and the HurrUoradl Al cident, Insurance compaty. N-ONEY TO LOILN on real estate sectirity. Allorders b, -v nuil or otharwise proraptly attend, edto. T.,T- CTIURCRILL, VL,-T_tVZI1-,ZARY SUR(3rI,, 01 Z ('Member of the Unitttho Vu-terinazy College.). begs to illrlin,Lte to t#e itillabita-lits Of, Sefi�urtn and'surro' 111i�_ coiin6y, that he bas opened a3i oftlee iu Zellfol, whktre he lafty be' consultbd pex Wlntffy or by letter, on the Diset-wes of Horsem�, Cat Ile, ete'. lfavkigi rec6jved it reguliti- and pra - ctica I Odn'_,fttion, and-ltxving bjen. awarded Qte Diploma -Of the Vuteriiinn-Collegaof Ott X. Churuhi has ever-N-co,ifidance 01, giving, satil;f4letibli to..al. Who iit&y. eniplov R, Smith"N. S.� prinvl:ral Onta Colle"e; Vrofm nor Backland, Dr Thfirburti, I)a-. JZo7n-el, ftnd — �Ij4. J)., V. 8 Veterinary Medi(,in" C'11 11"U'LL All mils prom U ,pt yatIlcnded to'. Hotel, Seaforth. 192-2TO STOVES' TINWAREZ -AND 00AL'01L NIRS. WHITIMP,Y Lai; just received a larga stock of,cooking, Varlor and Box 8tovefs, of the befit U1111fileture, which she -Clan. sell. as elleap as any r the tradc. TIUNW-4,111M, of ci-ery descrip'tion, kept cOnsfitutly on hand and miLde to Order. 16% stave Pipes, 'EAVO Troughing..,- Ole, CustarA-vrork p.romptly attended to, and ont , side. Ork-wiJI reecive every Rttention. a COA]b 011r.. A, large, fiLock q1' the very best Coal Oil kept eon - ant -LY On hand, and will, be sold wholesald and tail. w 11-61tieraber the place, Carmichael's. Block, Main reet, SeRforth 211 ]NtieK Indebied by -note or book aecount are re- K'sted to settIe illimedlikly- �W nag'(, wool-plekin �Rll* old' brusp, copper, ek;. kezi jre-Ulasuge for goods. a T I My 0 y in to . n eould have told -- I I 1V4L. %, vA 0 MUD bf t Its, .91 d one of the mof t exper Cocb:Ta dee, lia Lily small r v -4- it, hat his' s6ul dalight a a out the horse if he had ered t --Players in 'ne PEI i4 fift guineas n h t i 'in the een. hundred ('r 3[ 9,Lreet ed. h .11 b 4. 'ey "I ho c the count for one heifer r J11C �4,7� h a pil it be eall,&L Uer coin on oil ed. 1 or 8 `6 a diri' theslanis O� 1 61le oce saion-4-1 I hope illat" yo r child —Mr. -Bet] e has beexx returned ..the will, andting assured. Occ I inn re are i t t `-m6ile� d- I)usj-- for Stormont by U majority of 34 over there � dwe and a' tba; ie in other of 'the U -601b !* In C .Ro li�dhild - rak and that nD oliie dai e.'d to the ex'cusion A more importaatl CODS 00-CEN11 POWDER% Mr. Colquhoun. Mr. Bethim e is -a pa;,rt- icy If all flesh is to Misp'either blle� ao' 0 ol tl�o adjoillw I n' S. ot wish' psi is hay beef a la us r% am: i are yo i� would ner of B 04. E. * Blake �d the law gra thif. 22 � firm of mowed m Cl synagogue ir its prinieval filth as I arn 3-dre, I would Ili that 'The Chincue Plot Destroy Chte 131ak - R, I & Bethune. a? or 14(� as the old ad) v' feyIi'bd1Tatbanl "I%V'islith to give Clorixtians --- 4he .0 Self. men are ver e 1, so wedded:.� ein d M.. I in y apt to r Win. Bell I _Nlorthl�� wor- tho i0f tb �,, tr;.&) f)3 an.- Vol was7i she" 6 the sl mnRil and -,art all 4 soul, to. �lxe Placards -The 0entruction, of bought a thorou ghbrelt, heifqx—I the 86* ship their. mv 3� lik lJody, h 4 Ink Ciei# l6ustarns and:; n iquatialil di 11)U1 firess, This !is the � waY to b happy, the Churches. Park sale for _$135. IN, "r. A What is the-�worst_se�t ee A, the- it 7qquires a d4Q61 of cauti4n; to 1 make.�& on 9, 861f-donceit. century. thaf, f also made.- extenisive purchaseo at the iniddle't f tb e 14-4 he Rev. J.. E. Mah�rd Church. a ad:: E LrIand Missionary in hilia, has The best id�ntical -house , -it Jortune, And when you li,�-�e L, I , e�the' sizi of d bro, gre it, i pub- 8ani6, sale.' with the bsdript�on Z s ten t�mes -band to'accqmpany a tu� Rothew- it r E!qtiii as much �ivlt to keep lady 8Ckld1'1--Za'Th6 I d t') Ee Ice wh,en �two cl lishedan interesti.tig ace ant -of a recent Rev. J. Carmie act, Al. A., of v0calist—ahusbando Buckler,"I where' who ergpilen, tour in China. He gi,�es a brief history A x lontread, formerly a! Clinton, has ac- — When a wife'reigns ittseems n-atur- 'All dans, aud of his eepted e yl llp� n hi - with to indue a him to ' y dwe It,,a poor ) eiv I nied-IN10868 Nmscllel,� too. a �w rm. int�erest in tbe.Jews.- Called of tbe Plot against Cbrisi illd pastorate 'of Gra'--e� Church tal that she 8 ul& stiorin, whcse soil M the fourder! of the'. a viei% too. She does son U pe al adventures. Tife. plot originat- 'Brahtford,: at a salm family wealth,. v lor 'It ij� tt.eir re*� toratia i to of $2' 000 per- so sometimes. n tfi4e in 1743." 'Palestine, aa y r ed ill. Canton, and- had fc r iti-Aject the annum. d, father had. gi idually as is .80, zreal l wmltl L, it Wa a t1 iougli b; migh t M 61ant �ieas aurt lo T_ 'bred' and, gen s8donary work —Or at the. educated* thie first w6man lawyerever eral destructio., of mi Le of th�pluckeci applicants q done A i 5cot am' ijaf.ffience the Sultan i at iall, 7dt-clizied, 'fre, qent. assumed throughout the Enipiru. About-the-Ist late Teachers' Examination in Waterloo APC n the. le -t U e name from Ind �,Z! -which his" lat 101 Id admitted to the bar In the United th oi-potmt il Oil Of hdy laSt itSexecu ti)n began. -71irdugh 0oun ty had 64 errors in sp( lie 0 !Iliiid, �in a ;Sta+ 11,011se bore. Th Is �oaes, w.�� his Palestiii�e, all�i not tbat C at es., ie villi,,c,,es in the reggirn.of very moderate amount of writing. at." n� Schild 6r Ma -i s-:�f Ited ich an obilect in allv,%v R is 'a' fil0lber s all the cities and A behi ew n like ;) mir-e has Red me tN6 s�,rantidrs'wero country airolin Canton small powders r Havener grew I v Sphielc_ 4t another t* - " Lieury" is the name of the now I �., I - 0 - an-Sii i. -very inc 11, ecawe they wouldn't I adu Ut nto the privat� room. of ffice at Smith's Corners, and A41 -Lion -so common 1, j5,11 Li , ea i -F,%-n,;or gods and genii 0 '61 the' ilie cilhed �b 1. ost 6 'provincia powders, were (hstribntf d. These were sell him two.three cent stailaps for five P towns, becam' A filmolls counting-liouspin.'s 8 :A)ex. 8mith isl Postalaster sented, to ossess the 4-1 0 10�e _81. schild, and �et-"iiclwl hin's repre power of pre- 7 v -uod" is the nam cents ra isi i w 10 c heme by a very i -ft ral tion this Lar c. 3 liley . were .-tall fo ith e of t [ie new post e venting ca-lami y all d dlsba�su, and were A sneak thief reaenily'-sttille beg -ds and'in at Freidsburg gi�dl into th IWIC e-wo I re un- 11. 1, Parties laa was chan ustacbes, sue i as, we a �coat am e dressin a -n in y'b(-.for ta er, by mlu:lti 1 -ch had: -been. 6f It AllaGhiiii.; know . the cit, a the be&i d mania tudes of people. 0A *and :t r &c., to People i i these loca at Marshallt6n IIL wh es aft r July 12th, plaqards, written' and s hung 3he fenle to; be disinfected eyer �egail liT all se t j p so - �,o werfully as i � h as 10%1(1 remember this Ac a, I' ani id bo� io done of late; pir 0 issue( y th6usands OX, and"As A! consequence, and'171'atfi an -was frightened at theirapi his'% ary poot&,fatbm IV -h ed't 'Phe Paris Tranadript states that acro'l" -e of tEe, 0, a niake ted. wei small -S ug as g(� to tb'o hout the district, ivitbina ban h e that bourne,"ete. hig, lit his Own int6rpretation d- on a, rallibi, as t k anib�i 3 us cotter of Pe""ce. He p S4 weral b, �y s sk ate d, on IN eNy� Year's Dra re milo"s of Canton announcing that Y'l �does not growhaud- 8 1 the Grai�d wer an Ireland hopes to ei Onq of. -his kill a, uPo "' th� excited movement , wit. :i which fi-om. Paris to Galt and back,' -ver, t1leir tb so powderswere aqbUtle poisool Ma _,�ooth' priest. t * in their i an d howL b iver being frozell over all the way al�_d., somer with a vancing age. A: -writer fumbled about- ockets; exre circulated by the f6reicm devils to eypr vion. The boys ordcl*d otbcrN�ise 6ild IV. all d I ef oi �e the expected pist6la I who met himlately compares hi s fimt Wuld be a the peophi in splendid skatibg confi if o Wd's P-, D111 th c -lgi bua Nli w a great ledger tuade the &-ine trip, f rq)m Galt to ri ­sbup bbak, 0 JJ1 step in I L't fr pro( lbed, he had thro' Tia lacards said that antediluvian awk with th Pa is tiou �f erian in Ille-cUrection of their lit al� s, and Ose who had zak�,n powders wobid bon dJboy Irr hi� paterrial lipme 14 wiles, in. an hour' all a half. brow, ar d Old t inkling ey e*s. smalt cle, fu Z of clerks by his loud brouvbt in a be vVitbill"N, ou, xt the tbest 100 days to rhat of a, k in the hou:e. ol� y _1)e -attacked -vrqitb a, dre 4Tho othei day an old man ilamed A"larri has co e to be looked n upon 1 -1-tha, says en h dful disease. 'JI) leih, the ban�er of ffatioveir.' And c"L' of "INTurdet !" I * 'he strangers were b William Bo " s residin� a Ind a paper published -his gr at -ise 1�,% lisease � in'tbe township tile caftsu of med, - and then, T is dis( it `ivas ;Lffirmedi Would 99 2 alter long questinn- ll� tracect Plul muse the be) th( of �N Indbal in thdt $tatc, as such a tempor ar,� -as fall a W"s Ill.'s and explanationi, it appeared that (lie 5 a' )se who liad taken 11, died very. suddenly, Ile railgi-e-di-ent t1i it Justices' fees i f6r the tbe3 pow ffl unti t6y'died, un- had been. hauling wood all day and r*e- 1161 (lers ti)pive Cer 11 e to tiventy- wealthy binke'm fro; my have bepn-' III th L-� yelivr ii.Hm: 11, crian Gen- were in the T dneed 4 as obtaiued r-,Iie-* from -foreign rned-bo'nie in the evening, and just is er�l Von- Estdrff, ("011iii7elit, wfio, nerv- )ersd�ial -frioirld of ou s in. the 1.3resence five ce ats for E teady 'customers. li�� sicians. Title foreign 1physiciaiia, the :he. "a entering the ho se he fell to the of a bank �.r so much more wealthy than Win IX.,: la -we, :of! Ru'8!36- lacards assertL (1, Wc) ilt ilild. Le Was d up and carried imp ous,,ar d romantic, lover gr, I deihItJid large gru n Casael, was colmulby themsulv(s. had founct wille difficulty in by the � latter, ro� inside, and in a feNv mulnelits was deaj. said A) his siveetheatt: "lam the"k tilig producin' theletters' n nins of money from ITeir, pativilts, and ipec 'son for th6 sitila�- t of utroductio" Nvitli tioil V' -%N,hl( 11 tb t y we nly Pet tiiem. to enter heir cliurcl� before —_NL1r.:_A. -Benedict, ild uare,tbexine. I-drawyoutome of bal 1 It, e r t !;he court., re armed, of Newport, a y T1 iose wllo ontered Qoiiut;y (if 113rant, �harve, Nall, s6- " replied .F'storff tij, Tito le intense sph it of ;liev heated then. Atedandthreshed with cards of love." d observl Meyer, llotllschile� -mak lie'chu'l-ch, and e.9peciii1v the woweD,'it forty I)ii8h(.Is of:� clover seed &m. arie vin money the bit ishin.a fair! one "'if Pni't­ as -tie clevie:ruls' appexs� he It :r;k of Openheiw;s' to have )eeh equally -the as[ declared lie or. aary t hallas, and propolft�. :'to introduce him inaina of "I'Duld 1+ cculpelleal to join rop off;,54 acres of Itud last season. I prefer t - *lne. the Ro'thsc jilds. Of James, n th- vilest (],,:,,eds of sliame. '�-Iitniilar "his is consideroa a.large yield. and it —A peasant ent a ar city to tUe landarave ap'; one :of the 1) ' est!; thu younpat son of Mfiyer,"aud, ]lead of acards Nvcre 6irculated In Foo- Chow Dy farmer c.- Long fiValicers he � had the 'Parj'a" house. who once entert, �11 beat th s we w Eke and an ath r objects that --,ttm,-k his 'eir met. Olt bein %ined 9 Itild other trea, s, and fov sonic o bear from hi was arr s;ed by a bat, -'s'pinnioned ..Napoleon,11-1.11i. su �y pol failev 11king- office to� The p lace ohe attel�ao)n cli : in i J, raperial man ime the gr�,atc� I -A RoLbs(,bild not- At. hit; ChAeaa* F(rriere, and where he 8111% �eople-go -04t aild in 'illiaill- and -N I .0 -and fW who Among the peop ell sli exe terient provailel the f 11 Niing, a4vertise I — \A'e find 01 -':baff (tied in 1838, leaving, according t 0 p III lithol: t gettin. ugaged at 8�9)1 t -1)1Q latter liblic ment i the Braufford xposito��-, lallid as w �Dy k0a(16, the sl The &%v "i- rutwi- t1i colossal fortune of PAA 800 - i6 has an lair (if _*4 es:3 abo L Th e Ii. -S b viot; in of tl is plut NVcAs an un -s in Mlier sho, sJ H� ventur;a tj..enter 41 of 'i it, we as 000; it i,� or. -a Ioil� t staltlil tb'e give, it tirr4tuitous public -whollappelle'd land a,31 C t)-te teller -vhak was sold th�re_ stood f as a' pro6f 'a Ity nild ille lyb AsscV hea s was the snee gr pLtieud to aib by a well in onc of the sulinibs of 'y h of the ruli ?ilol within ctesirous oUcorres- ille lau,,, cha I., I'Vithou 'a W llii3i, tha . foreteeinff' is dwit Fo Chow. . Be was amused J)y Vie answe�� li_;ia business you e it, -3 Mrord havii)(y �e Ii! -woul I d 14omiliog ith a respectable- wo'lijan s1:10 -8- )y �ln v a i e,, m- th a 'I'Vii U ii, a)jAlpt,_ until at ca a s e, a cat 'Otlie shares of the Ifleopic of haviii poisoa ed the wat�tr, wid view a marriage. iUood references Zee you but fall ill saffl th a rustic 9 wa, everely btaten. -After tbisIthings one I - Lo6ibard Uonipany, of which be was -the �lxlen an I requil-LA 4ddress A. Al.. lecqn3Le quiet to U 0 tl� . .311. 4� �1 for a e, and the �are of th leff. ally.t'lin", of tIlls'lL, 14;ii(lent ),nd chief support he- speculat- J e uthorit-l(s usi red the foreig ers til�-tt - _n 1 it A —01� I Starks, at bon- Durhigihne-" Ni 111 3 t lie peol Barker bas trOtired from the c dlargely for the fall j 11. t 1);'�ot e he oied A AL e )In were peaceable-. 86-m, 116W give nie'lea nes cer I,v Which inobais ths, ini tneu�ae P110fits a e- o t e : riti est Gminaii, had a farin abouttbree ve t67.su, C aill lllovui� I n f ver, iritellivence was received that the 8 Vlt�q, � af ter _09 t it k , you woul(I wi 11 tj e g, tu t Of ears) ex )erience there.iti, and' ruing i he. -efrom. went to the be' ti miles f rom. the v] llage'of­ Naples, n the d b receives Illinois 1> i ive Qut with 't 41m,11 'i I, is beirs. ('13ristizin Places of wols-11i ba en (to- _r, 4 C, fke rilost of 'his re.l. U c I t h e lha d tf;e Appoi Itment of R(�gistrar mroyed-io s& �-ral loc,M rligs- az Ole s tie -i. wid"t f Ki 0 ave.; -��.tid by�follo ti .13 ne colintr),mell Be fle in a cl Urk's I d- 1 011. lie. w a 'of Sand lields Jast ap- k W 'Its on -gar le i vaba as ai i E qu u iutteri eggs, J -`il . . . V . estrian attel)m(d theill. were 9 vee Il 'haul ga.'l e,- whiCh S 11N�es of those,who , I 1:1 jeopardy.- -Many had hair- )leas6kI, hiin that lip a once proniot d L3 a rccert lecture on Nevaaa, dehy &c., hich lie. caiil4ed regularly to the lallf)rd all) (Ing the 1 Mr. H. .'TNT. Atkinson,;anc-N-4tensive T.,Own to sell or barterforfauffly supplilea. Lltuwiw�hild to ti e 0111 0 of cilurt balaker. ud in Chicarr 1 inber *d imler at W iddtr _,,o,. Mark.Twaia told i6i a.] nuiliber--and Imauthcrities, forei; -pi an (I station,'on the One da; .7 as us .8 hvfpir; whe, o native, il�e unalile or iii(lit a(tilenly a -eep 0 ytal he (*me in ual, and Peter r a 1"�Vilhaln ha liolge 6-ade " tbiit be pade there. he iposed (�rlllld Trunk, disappoared s V1 -am; tha.tyrAn ny 3ona' aitt!, w -hi Ii Critser, the s.toro_ IL , er, thinking toget lit, the a- 13 4 A W-;�11 ap sl)tM t Coll si,,ierable time i�b Carson City. to prevei f�l:w Nveckt, ago, all([ his I creditors and en- "saw ontbe ]d. man said an adowe I-AA1 he con- �tarks, got solae more ieggs?" "'Yall -J r.- a G11 striLifi­ - Everyboily'. rode harkback i that have nov� aboq'come to t6 the in 'a 4 P ontrast vc Is. of 16milarl towlj.­ I never saw niaGI1 In iticelit 111--iCILI thil,t he has 4's1ped.." have a FeW." paid you a bit for the letz in-tbo,p yealt 18H), he intrw�ted U I�e Prilf_,e of +,he Prince of V7ales c �ipilserijanship'as that e ar� it "'Play J in Q Proff t.3sor Ing)is, 0 Knox's �College' last:" sUid Gritser I I X y b we have had yralth, ary. goll stre- ts, every day, id I (lid iivy To heep a d6rd of its cliange� is Dr. �ftt to �'t Ie r4f Toronto, lecturlad, on Wedups.day, in conventibil of the store 1:eepers, andth ilf-ol the�- dill acu b aaike ; and ! . nach of -il, horse- 1 2 P_Y - . -1 � 7- talem, V I o I gh I w il,.s no t-, s special pmvince, and it i.-4 d)ne by Lon doti, on 'the " Lile ­aild Times of have re3olved to ally te 4live n bents in and 's coniaenc in h But I soon lelirne tto teli a horse a wonderf ul 1161N� ilistratil anbreceii grave i wat 8u �-h inan. hat ' ly in - Thonills Chalmers." Ife said Thomas future.'J, y -a-1, I. Vell ')nine 'hens he would take ke 110 w was bu to or a(kno 1-: from. a c' a W, a n d rnino, -%vith im- vmfed, wbichii,; more 'll--eTting tbin the -d Starks, Id of -the la:14w Ao dgineut frolix Rotils8k Chalmers was one of thbse extr rdinary they blave a meetin, re$�Iic ence to unis intrusted �earn more. I -uheli� Idetir- reckoning of t d most skilful lAysician -men wbom. Divine. Pn�ideijlce froni time " All' t ey resolves wo dey won't wear t-o-,bi,,r­4e. 1"lle, bank(l'-, lav'e .1a borse and ride my -e made. The ii)stru m-ent tell) tillie r- - -es. Ptre )ems (In e ags - for leos I ed to If. could Possibly UP -commendable, f)r le i and ignally pro] OUVIa as ith aled �wiiliilst this thought' was rankling'in my s like a sinaill th nieter, abou h. t two f6r 801ne. great work in the.Christian een- 81ienfa., everal M' I ernio fooft Ai4 the' old man, I 1011si.m 10-tshead, casl�3 )f irrilid, - the anct* cbes or two and a half long; it is jJ-wed church an I the society in Iket ioncer came so uring if rine',which of the p�riod Eta I offleaving4pe were st Illef It. his cellar, throurd plaza on. a te to stand the lauglt riza on a ack-beas , hat tb-(. patient,, "ratber which tb(y live and aA. His erninient of the crowil. 1� tb t oi i the left si I( of 1.1d thus pres-erv'e b rikon ey from tl �e was burrip, & lik a dromedary, 11 ider tIfe arm, who must remain quite career contmen,,,,ed in the rural. paris tpacioas ��� lids JACH so,ldierv­ and fearf a] y 6m el. h of 7 y. lie was goin t U, atiolile, ss for U n- minti tesi. . The A adica-, Kilnienv- and entrain 'ted in his The ale bf Lazarus, Co's. 140,liket_ irs' beintr c Jing Ft uce I r tbel'russiant 44twenty, �Wenty-two-tvvp dollars, r t9r is then re en the m6rcury the chief inox er ..and Jeader in th - d perfe etacias:! and 4 gilo, 0 led, wi ben in at re" *celebral e de, wer n6ted 7Sr' horse, sadd e ilid bridle. w�ill be f6und point t) the number or markable exodus. from.44e Uhur�h Es. Glasses, is. Urge in mcreasmg, We eir malbilit' tudis Alkip.lib, etween the' A, Man starldillg ue r me—w lom. I ats which t pulse n takes an(I thus, talilishinent, of mare red were sx, dafled the y einn. and,. the 21 Bon didn't know but -who turned on! to be b -registering un �U I I be a0PrZcia"_ aparte bers each morri- mthis ok asessio 'or i ese nut i term, wh insu P% the Free They wonder, i d -,be figiqres w possessiou the allitionecris brother—notice I 'the 11, a glimce at i ill 8htw the 'Church of Sc_U and. t n snug or v gigantic to wear, -no ohm raving Aitd- 1-11-dth at fim&ncial spe" wi ul loolk irr I y eyes a 4 observ'( (I that 101riations frol:4 -the c�mmerlcew�rlt o 01, that wmlil- iless or a it lsat" in ua�ing . schild's first ed M I v f d of Thomas Chalmer& *o waa at thkk7 4 kb �int of the that wait a markable h rse to 'be go g 4e fflness. strumenta' in aceowpfip�mg this Move.