HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-01-05, Page 7J.` N. 5, 1(l S7 aril V line. X be dtv. i:. 'EMPORIUM DOHERTY. BELL Jr CO.'S SUCCESS, For 1S711. At Provincial Exhibition, Silver Medal and Four E trr�Z his es AtWestern; Fair, Lwicloir, two Diplomas and two Ent .. Prizes. At Hamilton Cgratra1 S Fair, Diploma and two First Prizes. At G=uelph Central Fair, th-ree First Prizes out aF ( -four+ and a Diploma for general excellence over alt competitors., DEPEW S DOEERT' , tioneratl Agents_ s e _ T AGRICULTURAL MUTUAL 31lsert street, inton. ASSURANCE ASSO<CIA'TTIOil. - ' OF CANADA. 1 E LD tkI'FIC"r'.a. . - ... LONDON, OYE : Licensed hi the Dominion Government.' e ITAL, FIRST OF JANUAR ", 1371, 5231, 242 25. Cash uud Cali Items,13,289 vi. of This Y inpa ny continues_ to grog in the public x s confidence. On the i't January, 11171; it had in fuicc 4.5'28 Policies, having, during the year 1870, issued the keno hie number of 12,819 Policies L. Farmers, patronize roue ot;_it Company that, has done such' oocl service amongst et,ii, For InfittralleO ltlaplt to CHART:KS'MORROW, Agent, Clinton P. 0- 1 • ti t CUTTE•RS. CE ITER' `s• • The Best made, Most stylish, most durable, arid. cheapest CUTTERS, PLEAS URE 8LEIG'HS .. DE{TZO RAT CUT TERS, dc.,. Manhfa,tured at IleINr,�s��- aIr 0� T7,,T, T7[c.,nn p Carriage Fatctory,. • 14xainYstree t, Seo#orth. T RECEIVED,; AT AS LE.,.S3. . . C-EIOICE_ STOCK OF Sof FAMILY WINERIES, i oiapr sing TEAS,. CO.E'.FEES, CURRANTS, TS,. . SO.4 l`', Etc.,. All of Well he cans, afford. in the SUGARS; RICE; RAISINS, TOBACCOS, Etc., to sell as cheap as any. town. TEAS FROM, -b0 cents TO $i, And Warranted to give satisfaction to all.. SHEAItSON & CO.'S X 0�. 1 Flour and Feed, Of every description constantly on hand, And /PROVISIONS L Of all knds to be hail at the lowest possible rates: , � t S pa*tan a spies; the best Condition Powder for Farm Stock, U1 use. Farmers, tai it. ! The highest price given. . for Farm Produce of ail ¢ kinds. - Iteneraber the -place,. SH ARSON & CO.'S OLD STAND, • West Side, Iain -street,, SEAFORTH, Ont. THOMAS LEE. S A LING&SCOTT H'vfl purchased the wholesale department of Tltutiaus Bell's Furniture Shop, we are now prepared to - SUFFIY WHOLESALE DFAT.E.RS 117`111 FURAFITURE; heal'e`r tit!). it ever zrais sold before, as we have made ;reap atddition4 to the machinery surd in- -tend manufacturing -extensively. PaCrtits iaay be sure Of good work, as none but •igooft mechanics are employed `'1 good btock kep t t st.ttctl_: este hat d. Lumber taken in t>tciaauge. Turning claire ori :_hottest notice. ► -�' Thomas Dell`s' otd Shop. Corner of 'Iarket. Squares, SI:<'1l<E (lRTF#. ;204-13 SPAItLIXQ & ,SCO -TT: REMOVED. REMOVED. OVE S . M. ROBERTSON, Cabinet-maker and t`udertaiker," i 1:M 0 EI.) itis ware -rooms tu Jem sozrs OLD STAND, 2Zain-:,treet,- :eaifortlz, ,: has on hand a superior z toil. of Furni- ture ui asierftlesPT eziptittii, r C!4 4 t LL D SEE .1� .. UNDERTAKING, Timing pureiiased Mr. Thomas Dell's; HEAB E,. are prepared tis. attend funerals . on the chore ehorte3t- totici., either in town or country. tie: Ail Sizes, Celt Cftt tta:ntly on fantail, AN. 5, 072. The Word "Lot.' Lot is a. word which, Fitt its appli- •cation to land, is unknown o Eng- land, and .universal in the luted :States. It has'its rise' in- n old Puritan custom." Thefirst ettlers in the seaboard plantations o : New - Englandowned, the extensi .e salt ;Marshes, which produce such excel lent salt hay, .ins corriinon, an every man,cut and cocked,'sayed a l salt ed, its much of the. latter 's :.Ihe Wanted. When, h OW ver, th popu- lation increased end the first , iimpli -city • and harmony were no *tiger maintained, -it Was agreed to.- ivide • out these cotnrlions in equal p its all -- the families. This wa 'don after , the biblical precedent n. the ,election of a twelfth apostle lo, and the choice of every man, h, name was drawn` and he; beeanie en titled to selecthis ,piece of fun , was known as his. lot. The firth belief ,of the Puritans in a special , :l 'rovi- dence watching over them , 'HE H and their interests made thein continualy re= sort to this mtanner- of distrib 1tiu lands Or other articles of value, held .heretofore in colliniun, and ihns the Aterm lots soon carne to designate any great quantity.. Cotton Ma- ther, in his "Magnolia" speaks, hence, grimly of the great let o(civili spirits . that possessed a podr w in Beverly, and:"sturies of lots lots killed by old .hunters White Mountains arei Ifeard -tc ,day at . the . fireside," . says man /pon i the this s. Dodge: by such nieans the ler Zot obtained geheia,t durrency in ;ti new country, and every gene' ti - added new applications of its tee ing.. Not only every kind of lane from a town, -lot in the city of e York 'to a water -lot on a prairie i the far West, was thus dbsignat�te but the banker on Wall t. has h nice lot of stocks for sal , and th drover iri 'lissouri has his' to of hogs; and one man has lots of fie zds while another is troubled with lots of debts. But the extreme fr-eec orn with which such terms are` ed here is, perhaps, best shown in the .fact that even cemeteries are laid out in2lots, and quite recently a ease came up in a New York court f a man who had mortgaged- sue i a piece of property, in which ' he judge held "that thought - the con- veyance of a cemetery lot was allow- able, it was not within the rano of financial or commercial affairs to suppose- that a man' designed 1 to transfer the retrains of any hie fiber of.. his family, even conditional y,� whidh must be the effect of the mnortgnge of his cemetery lot. —Amer- ie,ani8mg, by N. Scleele ;De Vere, LL. 1�. ' ng c5ti otilg QR tri with a� le PAT wieu •:h inter t and. ing ` '�' e 'tilde c rdu la..et Iu a fieid 225 f -.et. nil a h °lf bno.tilis out of eci in •edirecting- lie pit w; igt o , 7o feet, four holm cen r ti( pumas, a:d pi wl r n proceed; with o ai t ,ion °foie 8 - :feet, only one h' th of the` daily wo k. re.Icbn tuned. Vence t b I>- 1 furrows as long as ce ' 11 adm't• to t t fir r t neber hal tint. .th y li' sta, . ISI seat I platfor trye 111E .t t pa; sen; its; jor,i- te4ogat 1'la zd 1 train. 'W wis ed l Git on1 x went !" Havi 1)latfot kindly h I pz ess tr Pettingill's First the Oars. Pettingill, at the .'sty -one, made up isxt a w York 'for the r life. She had a auto d, as such things u ku wnn in� Al'oostook as,. , ntil this summer, a s cie t f vin house in `which vas ' •ev miles' from the So -.he sit, calruy upon a ti L' io the great wooden riounds the coun- t I a-n�l axes_ with amaze- th" traih !which arrives, ew ;lime/Its, to take on ars. then Yip-oceeds upon he station -'luster in - the old �ldy, who sits ate ing the departing - 1 1 c 's S id 3 o t( op !" hough Xpi as dv lr of-; Ute of n ls. ; the fmiai n _by thea `e •n • tiernan. C seat i in f •dn i8 very mit which hich 't . 11y_ becotii ca The Bravest Man in the Britil Army. f,111. Many years ago an eccentric g ,tlenian in England left a beqnest the " Bravest man in the Brit army," The executors not know' how to dispose of it otherwise off ed it .,,,,to the Duke of Weliingt Ile refused it, saying he had Flaim to such a title, but if it wot tie of anyserviceto then to kno the n.an" who lead, he thought, p formed the bravest action under command, he would point ' them. Colonel James McDonela, of; `tl Highland Regimen t, who `defend th $$ Chateau• of D;otiaomont, a- shift the gate of the courtyard, dri ing out the French, and subsequen ly Wending, it- against the fruio attacks of ire poleon to carry the -p sition: ti T ::en the bequest was o fered to Col. McDonell;, he at firs refused to'accept it, but on being it formed of what the Duke had sax concerning his conduct at Waterloo That alters the case," said he, cc .' he says so, and if shutting the gat and defending it was the action tha merited such -a high distinction then. Sergeant Frazer is entitled t the half of .it."- So it was divide between them. - During the Cao clian rebellion of -1837-38, the Brit h ish i)�# • ori: tio, is e t-1 hs tb e n Vr t-- lt i o� i d distinction ol Cana ish , Government,_ appreciating ; the services of o brave a man, appoint edrow General Si'r. James McDon ell, conlhiai cj wt. of the citadel of Quebec. Thus he served Itis coun- try frtiithfulfy in his yon th:and: old a e• fie; was brother of Bishop 31cDon:ell- of Glengarry, fhe first Catholic Bishop of UIpei• Canada: Towards rite close of. his useful lifer the Rev. l aithei' had agreawlonging.. to visit the land of his bitrtli, (Scot land ) -er_d retiring.for - the night to the b�cltoom. of his boyhood, was found next` alaioruinl . in the `'slcep,of death. Economy of Long Furrows Ploughing, A German agricu1Lund journal observes that farmers ,usually pay i-ery little attention to the length of the fur 'ows to be plowed in a field, and yet great waste of time and la- bor is the necessary consequence .of Unsuitable arrangements -ill this -re- spect.- The turning of a plow and the commencing of a new furrow, i quiresmore exertion in .the Plow- man and the team than continued 'work in a straight line, and• how great may really be the loss of time from frequent interruptions in short turns inay be shown jby the fol -low- r: • led in the ngs1•T1 her .'tinny among ot. the use of tells' he: there at a than; they " :Wa,'a 1' You. don' for. this is how." I.She had seer things that 'lie at last. not: thing; and -$wh into .the ono tri owing ,to a ,lisp tato poor , old la end of the ar broken, seats sh the (t" lit 2•,ry - m a td-q,iiietly _r: ma ("Yotj ftci i don't y r 1.Bei a r.* de( forwa d c r ' , she air ivies :jvi Ito at he journc. 's round d by; L ea men, and Ii tens oft -repeated '' s 11 o Grasping he avid her band ox looks c10 n in o est driv r, wi inquiry : i. " Airj-ot.. ii p, :in From ! te COI sequences of his .wrath sit is re cu' d and taken home •by Ii r r. phew - wi o has come to be depot to 1461 it 1li r.-=1>>•cauven Harper's 171 aiid,p4, ley s n 10 - I b na t get on, if yoti et York ?" tl a old lady, "giti is whole consarn ai , ed to her that the A f 0 i. nary, , the mans e: 'to wait for the ex which he : escorts nos for her a seat ne jlent old gen- ip g 1St hold of the! r, she' is at first rlr ►i 91° , t the speed at le 0 in, but • grtidual- d much interest - el of her surround ld` pntl n-a6 vets a avers k n anie ter'thi 1 ha in h tre1 tr as tc $t Pl s nl' h t ti t e h • A dry civilly, and tries Ito explain graph ;wires, and ages are sent over iter -fate of•speed ling. . ays+Atlie old lady e a iidia' on 'stns want to go, any-' many, wonderful .kes ilk her :mind tohished at any le train dashes ad precede it, cl switch, and thrown t the ong a hea of upposes it a be er of 'stop ing, ratl:ear sn din, ithaseat inthe was uuinju ed, anther acci ent c1. and is ur- Cl'o d of hr' ek- vonc ei:to t eir Hue !!)ta- r ! ba rla in one h.tnd- i a the other, she e Lace. of the 1. ud--: h : conpassio ate wirRS s rix' uoulth (at plain sewing. THAN s,hi oral pat ou,ege ,.}}o will ec ii.e ue bn�s now ,Souud A, N +ijth fr. i, o as ING. -street,, two dors ens's, will talo in 29 T 0 }[PASO fereers fox their lib-- 16 ib-16 years, and 'tzt its eIassortmonQ: of G od Which i e wa ORTANT To CU - P - REWI' C MACHtINI co. E 1 OSBORN HAV I;Iv CI p halting. added A _La 'ge Of "a D OT RS. u based the to k in -trade o �, } 01,1 very ath'au a, (zs terms, and ' and We 11. ori. ell; ted St ek TAPLE; AND FANCY GOODS nipa;j every description, and lting deterinitted to do busint Hs On IS, 1b t ed Down to t- me ( s a .F a CASH Prices are now filar; j ]RY LOWEST M AItGIN, And many Lines of Gc Dela to Cost. We therefore . our Gjods and px can sell you cordially in COS, as W ite an inspection RY GOODS, • OCE IFS, HIARDWirE Ready made Cl thing anti oots and 81 oes, inunen Selling pit 90 great vaxi thaw they we NLEYVILLE e Ter sold in e stock of inverted I be ea 1 in 1 to rea chi it the yin equ tho en t e fa ot aptal Le nil it chin ng r lop c he ily the les d ufaa eoun TRI ed. td 1-4 k-Sti,tch Se ing sands throughout Car a ii are ing these machines. ley ave de range of work, p r ecbien, nprovenients have late Ambling the manufacti as tile ne _pliza ultra, ,of ceived daily rom old as 'wall as ndertul ambrie Has been tram- to Ars aillrge ies. Will. do all kind Wino', *bin the finest arseast wiercoat or upper TIIRAE EARS. • .preliende • Is sold at one -1 mace hit tertn. charged for ina- urera the re. ry. that .6 h of every fa rily in Ur Uachifkes re un - Is p e,.eni neatly t hest Single- read L 1 of es ie sewing. PRICES C.+ EATLY nd .11 achine, witi full outfi $12. '3, i OTS AND SHOES guar nteed. ItlES Cheaper than AS from 50c, itfrward. Aud fa, kinds of oroetniel, very low. Give' us, a tt al before pitches g elsewhere, tun AMLE 174LE, Dee. 6, 1871. 209 CRAY, A T • kinds ic4 Salt Chu now be filled at YOUNG & SPARPNC'S 208-4 T6 'THE .PUBLIC AT LARGE. - Ali(•a, 20 Ctv t' for bail/lin o, EINE arpose6,, terms. lath lie .Thi Mill is s Melallop and ran Road TEY tween the Hu- I 212 ty, that' he no JObbing-flf all kin( or Tea ins 1644 TAIT cat ud: ar of 1 ill LtJ LIVERY SIG N.1OF THE 0 SC iep con tan -a3 epairin( pr of the Lumber Mill n t tut und o the tom adi 'a% they are rep Bei dors and the ;e 't inspect ou.r Oe ng ofi r good au 160 TCH on hand. mptly attend (1' to, a.nd SEAFORTH s Lee. Stantiv on ham' good .as,sort- S OF LUMBER, dres.ted and &TIT AND shr.Ner.ar,s, nu of red to sell at loWest . Audit to their advant- stock, and ascertaiii our prices 480-1 ELP SEWHIC MACHINE CO N. WATSON, Agent.; '8 Ei PORIUM. Beautiful Fancy DresS Goods, very cheap. Beantiful Black Silks, very cheap. Beautiful Fancy Poplins, very cheap. Beautiful Winfleys, 'rery cheap. Splendid. all Nyciol lla,Nvls, at McKs N-7§. ; Splendid Assorted CIO (Is at HICKSON'S. Splendid Bfeakfast Ca at HICKSON'S. :Heavy Beaver Overc „ very low. TWeed Suits, very loW. 'Fancy Twe6d Suits, very low. Boy's Clothing; at HI KSON'S. All made. up art H A first-81ass- Cutter, ane prices'. low-, 411 fits-:guaranteecl,-;anci prices Pow.. WATSON . Very -fine TEA, for $1, at ,A1C, HAS GNI HAND THE Eithe for and toubl Ma,chi es cl Perfect instru, tion ball al o ins $11arin Di The verp ol and London and Globe, he P ovhi- ial of Canada, (Canada.) BEST Beautiful 543t frOm $11,'.501 lot $7;at,11.1k9K5ION* Beautiful Fur Caps; at HA; SON'S. Astonishing Cheap Men's, Overshoes. Astonishing Cheap Girls,an Astonishing Cheap Bootma Very fiRe, TEA,. for 85 cents), at MC TILE mARKr,,c, yery fme. TEA,. for 75 cents,_ at IlicK8' N's. aanily use, Or. for Manufae- 111 and gat given. to purchasers gratis. " re property again4 Fire and aster, and Life and. Limb Citi i4ntas- Bargioins. h and ' accident, with the ies, being Agent for Misses' Overshoes. Shoes, orall kinds. re The •avelers of 'Hartford, (Life and 1)) mptly Settled. J, EY TO LEND Alt mod rate rates of interest. Mission and expenses Moderat 101.1 'GA -TS bought on teri .13 No com- e. equitable 160 - AB wee Ii Grey .A GES, 8t 25 per kcl ay. ro of t5e foreman on this -work. TRISTIVO.8 )7 -EW - SALE ItE .8 wanting -kid:, for a tew a wi 1 find employment on the 1DiAner and Dessert sets, G. BLAIN, Contractor. xrey, May 123 1871 180-tf B o's to ;ntimate to the public that he n's Carriage Factery„ and has rented 4" William QraSsie'S Paint Shop, 1,1 . Willliarns is prepared to -execute, of h shertest notice, all kinds of tiarriage Paillting, Sign Painting and Ornamental Work. - NOTICE. ! ..L Persons in lebted to the Entate 'of the late t lat ' payment to the undersigned, who are author. i :ed to receive the saine. All stunk remaining un - 1 id after the Firs day or:, Jaime& next, will be placed in suit.. 1.-4101l, Sale, chess. -12 find Boiler go Co., prantford, AND !BELTING, 11804 Aii)leyville, Dee. kers. Also, Egrn.t Thr boring Salt Wells... Apply 12, 187i. SHOPS :,FOR SALE. VOR IF, tWO hops and' forty-four Met front - 'L." 'age on :lain Seaforth, opposite Car - Breakfast iaaxi Tett Sets, _ Motto Cups and Saucers, Chimnev Ornaments, Victoria 'Vases, etc,, Pariah. Figures and Busts, Plated Cake and Card Baskets, Tea Trays Call ells, Btitter Coolers, Cruet Stands,1 Table SiSoons, Plated Forks, -Butter Knivesi Bread Boards, ; Table Cutlery, Rodgers Ivory. Hand Knives, Ptc..,doers' Knives and Forks - Rodgers' Pocket Khives, Rodgers' Razors and Strops, - Rodgers' Carvers, and F iks, The Genuine Lubin's Pedumes, Rimmers Perfumes, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, - And,g in fact, everything, a ICKSON'S EMPORIUM, SEAFORT