HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-01-05, Page 6I;. oil • Pompey's Conscience. I . Several years ago, in a New -En - land village, might be found a very • iourishing Congregational March, which was served by an elderly pas- *or of great worth, and i rusual ability as a preacher. . It w; s. ars common 'then as it Is now �ncorLi- on; for the pastoral j elatio to them to grow stronger a with" ge Ya; 23ot unfrequently to 1 :i st li a-_ .�.r "But times change, aria.' we chi• ria with therm, the Ronan ,poet lays;,k and so our:- old friend the. ` r. found. He was not, all a i, sled ` to yield up his° posit cn , altl O. gh lie knew from cold toots osome,, and averted faces ofolt friend:, mem= I hers of his congregatioQn, aha a did notstand so well with the new Let," whb had sprung up in t e room. 4:)f their fathers. " Cbming - c eats cast their shadows before," a the old -man felt in his bones at he. was to. see trouble ere long. Matters came to a. crisis i11 following fashion : .The m :.le tents had for some time been d fault—now with his doctrines h ,were "old fogy," and 1 out of d it • ow with his .sermons, whicll we ."too long," too prosy, i li fie," and "nor of asort to on the -heart ;" again witbh his u a nl which was " cold,"_. " ti.o .gra „e iluonotonous" to suit -they your g p pie ; in fact, they hiid pretty `cYverhauled eve ythilig'that ct u' d Ornade a handle of, to get th o ;Arson. out of his congregatio ,die did mot or would not pay n .tention to what at last! came t eats, tLou ;h some of the 0 o Finally tb esolvcd do the.; sabbath" to a ise in ii body arc "the meeting." They did so, and tpok a i ett large proportion of` the. ongi-..ation, not all 'deciclpd;y opposed to ' e. pal *on,' but .several of thein tha class who°are ready to folio Cher 4o good or evil—mere " wax nose.' -One of these was ' named .P ey ;shortenedino Pom p; ,which, 3 act -suited well with his chara.ct r, for _Pomp was a well dressed nes r on Sunday, and felt hiFms If ''" a' ]• rge' ..as . any, white man." Porn lad __Beard the conversations off -his white trethren, and had determined to. 'molt with them, if they should leave. the' congregation.. And he din, As Pomp joined the rebels o n the outside,. they were • greatly taken .aback. They Gid not evidently eon- con- sider him of as much honor t tl eir inovenienfs, as ho judged hims 1 e.sii one'of them opened fire upon him ': «1'onip !" what are `you dol', b out dere f" i, " Me, sah .' . I'se got ierd of ; de parson." - °�� Tired. !. what have you . to say _ :against him,?" ° " 0 nuffin special a 'n de man, tut I dozzent like his to chins.. His .sermons is too long' I g es to; sleep, ye, see. I likes somfen ore 'citing .like ; and, de' fact is, my conshuns won't let me sit any longer under lis =preachin.''' " Conscience, Pomp ! i That's too _good !" , k. "Yes, sah ! Can't the, gem man of deolor hab-conshuns, .Tse like to ;now '" 1 the oil >g. a: lick' . " e ;. re out ch er, lira rid 71itc po- inch be 4rvhine and like,;.. t ,e v� thing lse, a musical e note t big and wa i fol to reftc • the his rising n we_l AS his. ers!t e an n out ofhi ns. bo d pre m h' sin ed, and.. » , Tr_ Ti..wi her on en sto ,got ma an wii pro did son foil nci laid per ' ami be I. ed ati th r ot oe: a 1' II .i, eaca`�J noo ma`. le'crf,tot seem i carpe • t sin or er di, ce etil t eofde a * w tb !y tniitg, -cl, an cat es,. ecia e, ugh. I he h. on e, b he id de leo ha e ri is 0 1 vi, that is yet neither of . clog nor any - showing someth g of W en he rend e a or bib). he will stop le cad nce,.of thesong wer rites again. In s he lifts his he d as ce When his o ner Di, he will suddenly tin ther note can' be' wile his maste 're- et 1 e dislikesto have t except the one With f" His 'voice int, e singe better tha he ay :yet sing with c.a good many leu pi her ake who I av usic. of the ;Sen e . f rt fo7�l 7'zaes. led Deacon, inson is a greate14 and sets a good e 1 abstinence as far � t long°ago he employ to make some a ter arlor, and'in repalii«in€ r the fire place it wa. 'y to re0ove'the wains lo ! a ; discovery wa onislled everybody. A ters, a tumbler, and t dozily reposing there, stood there from Atli he deacon was sum !S he 'beheld the blush- exclai ed : " Well; hat is. curious, sure gist be bat old Bains n he went out of this .ty:yeal. s ag;o." " e1,_ turned the ;aspen tier, he.ice in ' the pitcher ihty hard : to s ay irie " Well, I spose he, can, Pomp ; :but what do you know abbot censci encu What is conscien e. 2" t onsh ins, sah ? I ti k I. know wha conshuns is. Cons unsa sah ; eons inns ! ahem !" (P mp . here 'drewimself up, put his and upon pis b est, with his finger pressed iii #irfnL ., and With -his eyes rolledup in a sanctimonious fashion, said with A* great energy) : " Conshl ns. is slat �/eelirz iia HERE, what says I WoN'T. Dat's, can Una, sah !" . There is a great deal inJ our day which is said and done under the sa- cred name of conscience, but when ed .educed to its true mea ing, �it is dear n nothing more nor less than :that 1118° -feeling within of "sheer self' swill rife which, sa s em phaticall with Ie es "a t y' 1. y, y pry y.d�:t - raised, to heaven, hand upon ti t 'breast, and:. finger pi eased to the '-leart, " I WoN'T." It's 'Pompey's j .ondcience,—Ohinrc/l, Jour i sl i ,=' AL. -ST 1IG N, a. F Brea l3' +�r OC A tr ESJD ACTEN Sacrei: ..Th'e v EAR W DHESStS, Anal n, large let of I � k -M ..'DE hich will ran :1VER FI cl A B w an 1S A A M. 1) to R roni. CLOTHIN. ngland, be so -d very cheap. EN e Corapany OOL, & LONDON. o -k 2,00,000 St rlin • ES • Queen. Buildings, Live .acr.churc Street, L-ndol A$ ;ii OrICE—Exch wge din.• s, i1 _ • ntreal. . 14I i rtoa, k Esq., C'ha.rma : as, Esq., David .:Torran:c the t on. names -Fera er. Mo son'saiik, vis . nS — : essrs. Ritchie, se. Sutherland' A. e(`S i le info u h o 1101 ills A Musical. Dog. There is in this city -a do that can ding. We state the fact un aliffi c ly an -the testimony of 411 . th members of the family of the genal an Who owns ;him. The animal i question is -a.. large mouse -colored g -leyh dnd —perhaps about .six or se ren y ars old. His attemilts at singing, though #hey are certainly not very musical, axe unmistakable ; and th y have Leen observed by the fainly for the last tWo or three. years. �e does "tot sing, alone, but when e hears certain members of the fan ily sing .ang ' he " joins in." This is amore particularly the case with one lady of the house who, .iif the begins to sing when he dog is anywhere about the place. `pretty certain to obtain a canin acs ni • animent. If she is heard sing rig lap stairs, and the dog is hut qiu below, he will raise a rumps till Ihej is admitted to the ,room where�fhe is, when he will " join in,", eping very good time, and actuall keep- ing—so eepung--so we are assured—on t e same key, rising withthe singer to the Ether note, in far kind of Mended OF Sea FJC 0 '.1'1 oinas i0; Scott, E meq. Tho as I Johnson, sq. SEC `.1',R ;-• AP'D GE 'ERAL Ma Ire, ,Forbes 3 St. est, 1.1.ureal. igne 1'h. ving been ap oint he bore Company, 1• arties ure against loss by fire clan ost faA ourable term . 8 o s.nt:e 1 On as 'advantage• y of er >esaiapacla. ectable!Coro- sinEs +i ` MESH .. ENSON, Agent llEYER',: Lave Ulric , 4 Sea ort h. 153tf.': NSO A A1c( yci tact 4n as it o 10th (111:;!1 be p: ic.!d n C taus( be vi'iOu CYBINM0 rill 'ale trail en i he; llgl t..ir . .ilrle}~, i l E It N 1) rS of the. di, tc;o rtl) 01l&s4T, ` irreut e L itha sin) • other debts co tract- s nwt at b I aid on or be' to the tiara, 8'i . therwise th r 'trill >,'t for colic ion,'Fas ink b rib ens 1l at U lee. . kin s, °l; Orli,; Butter, Mc,, rine t of ed.ounts. or note' at t pri,e, 'to .the above- anted JOIN LECIIli. 200 NE W i kLIt can hat q t ' RESID; r, TT ruing 1. ate.. 3lillti, orth :togs. eon CES, OVA HE )l(ubsciii c:r Inc ed to :h • M $ahertson `5' do , a hich he f 'fora otel. en to era to has hob pyo lt ,ten l to an rge ;;VII oath : li find it 616s la•1Li oel. OF RO.-S'S HUTS. r aC;E O FI' :E:° t, stats t he has re-- nil(ii gid tcr1: occul,ied by a C int 4'act-ry, rear the s fiat d rip ira uitublr men- c, invit s all bis old l-ifndq and qad era V her he will:be err ants. Fir`t-class .Stab-.' in co neetior,. parties gouig a their advent a;e: to pat: ouize .Stag 'b,, fish t h start frora this G JAS Ross.: Tki E H U RC N EX VE !just re neat v ariets Imes OSITOR. NTER! E HAT. tyles Just, Arrived. AN & CO., IMA!I ;ST E T, SEAFO.RTH, scirca .ri complete q,snort snb f ,HATS and CAPS of the very latest styles, and in , comprising in pa t Hat' L'VARI1?TIflS; FELT HA AS AND TIES. hp -new ski linee Collars, Ties, etc., kept on hand. purchased for Oash in the ciao ,pest a d best markets,' we are prepared to o er unusual induce - S• OT ND SHOES. We ave .naw on hand very largos oak of BABY -MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, which have been pureh teed from- the best matfactorie. in tin eountry, and ithich for quality and. price cannot be sur - HO E ADE WORk.' Speci • I attention c 0:voted f o this depar`ment. "We are prepared to guarantee a good fit aua a first-class tick at es low a pie as any other house bi the trade. . pr mptly attended to. Give us la eall of inspe tion and jud r. DIES If ou wa t a beautiful et of Fulls, cheap, , If 3, On want a hands the SHAWL, WATEIkPRCi6F CLOAX, If i ou wa t the nice t i AT Or BONNET in did Province If you want anything in he DRY Gool3si or ,14n,LitsmitY e las just received fr sh lot of 11. these Goods, for Christ as nd the Ho 'dam fail io' call fiist 'it ENT'S. JUST ERIVED, therlot of LA 'lite and Fancy. %le' of large heavy BLANKETS good a e, heap, would do well to'See them, a SVVITZ loop nuj u mistruana-siquo0 oLD Has now on and Teims es lo 3E; C31- as am .E. tablishine of evert. destripti ed. to, and s- tisfaction Lunn end Be Imre to - and steiny Cut chasing else*here.- be paid. forthwith. Bonit.i.S to' ILLI Notes and AccouutS must; class hi the minty he Far- lers VAEMERS beware cif person:, in the 8 j.ape of i r'-. peddlers : cl agents, erainb dating the (pluntry,i. forcing it sal of inferio imple ents. Encourarth home In uniaet vs, and y tt will Ili Tin subsdriber would respect lly return is sin- cere thanks It( the Lama rs of G ey, Morris a d sur - Will keep tons tentiv .01.1 and a tbe t ort t the i miners' PI iv," w "ch gives g4ieral i POITS -10i 1:t11 the p incipel Plows kept con- s anti on Lin : Highe t p ce aid for old cast - 19U 1 nap ly• n. very reasonable E. WILSON, • OI 2S) ATI Alta N jootioutomos IOL ET J. SEATTER, 4c_CHANGE And. dealer in Ptre DRUCS CHEMICALS AND tin STUFFS, gent for Sewing Machines. ;.Money to .141 on. easy terms. ,e,ir Pure W es and Liquors- for meth-. cinal purposes. J. SEATTFR; TICKET' FOR EUROPE.. R. JOHN SEA TTER. has b ap- pointed 4gent at Seaforth, for the INMAN UNE OF STEAME S. ng plating visiting a y part supplied with ickets information by apply - JOHN SEATTER. Druggist, etc. EGMOINDATILLE GROCE (Lat -A- Groceries, of eve TAS received a ft oh sat 1 ' of Choi& Family oft' embrachig very Fine-fiavor Teas, of va ions tar e es. so, Sugars, °frees, Spices Fish, TOBACCO S, Piiseuits and every other article ha the Grocery line, all of wldch he will sell at price: as low es can be el at Seaforth or in any House in the County. BUTT R AN EGGS taken in exchange for go FLOUR AN tit( as cash. (Watery deeceiption kept con tautly on hand, in- cluding Shearson o4's No. 1. I. call is respectfully solleite WM. THOMSON. THE BRICK STORE, EW BObT 81. SHOE STORE IN SEAFO TIE IcSz pc (Lately of GlencoN) VE JUST OPENED OUT p. large stock Ready-made Ladies' Gents' and C.hildre OOTS .'t1ND SHUS, of cry variety and style, which ' soil at such prices as -will DEFY compEyfilox. da of Finti) and oarse wor made. Ito order: on the /shortest not e. Rep lthig expcuted neatly, cheaply and promptly. In REMEMBER THE STAND, RIFFITH DAVIES' OLD STORE, Second door 8 uth of the Post-Oftice. It (1 see for yours ves rind be convineed that 13 aim are given. ' PURR h; SON. J HN tOCAN Hs a Lot' of SHAWLS MANTLES, MSS G -04037:0S Ilhich he is anxious to Sell Off, at Coat, YES, BELOW ,VOST, Or an3 easenable price that a customer tney offer Theefore,Laclies, you will please call the MAIN STREET, Soon, s.4(.1 get your pick of the Goods before they ' are all sold. Sertfir h, July 25, 1871. 190- ROBER SON, Johnson's Old Stand, Main t et, Seaforth, has now on hand a good Which h can furnish cheapel than they ean be 2,05 got else -wheal!. OTICE TO FARMERS. URI( WANTED. The le'rsigned is now prep red to pey the Hi. est Price, lin Cash, Or -my quantity of goodies -ell -dressed 207 he OAT -MEAL AND BARLEY MILLS, HE subs riber has lately mile _Mill a ne chopping stone; me to do CHOP ING, OF ALL At the shortest not Oat-nieftl exchanged for Osi oxehaliged for Dailey, and all k ponstantly on hand. I to his Oat -meal is now prepared. Sea forth, Oct. 5, 1871. KINDS, and Pot -barley I ds Mill Feed ! 200-18 BUSINESS STAND F R SALE OR Satle, in the InIllittr (TEB.ern ore tile bound; ary between Hay and Staule 15 miles from mechanic's sh p. A good dwelling house is in con- nection ; 'also a stable and half acre of land with good ber'tring orlutrtl. This as a good open- ing for a saddler as one is needed in the place. Tenns, one hall caeh, the remainder in instal- ments. For further particulars apply to -JOHN ESLER, Lake shore, Lot Stanley, or fo wM. 2057--9 IRWLN, Berne. • ,ENIPORIU f)E,PEW -'0011:01TY. At Provincial Exhibition, Silver 3fedal and Ecitir / • Fhistt 12V -1i:848;11 Fairl'i-t.rijalonii;anir', tDIvi°p1DomiIa)1°,"; twill: -EtN:A.:A:litttF6-1"irsEliinlieFi8ihil:ftCozneesn'tC;a1 Fair, three First, Raiz . out of four, nd it DiplonlaDfEolp• :e.N117:1;(x)::. Biz; 0Yer Albert street, Clinton. THE AGRICULTURAL' MUTUAL' liktp ON -CAPITAL, FIRST- OF JANUARY, 187i, CaSh and Cash Iteths,, $72,289 55. wine Company continues to grow in the public co 'donee. On the lat January, 1871, it bud in fo ce 34,528 Policies, hewing, durino the ear 18744 iss ell the immense number of 3.2,810 Policies. --Ler Farmers, patronize youi own C.-ncanxxx Co nanny that has done such good service amongst yo I'or Insurance apply to CHARLES MORROW, Ma Ali o Ali UTTERS. CUTTE'RS., e best made, Most stylish, most durable, and pest DEMOC1?AT Cr -UPPERS; &c, MeINTOSH .MOR4SOIN'S 043 Main -street, Seaforth. HOMAS A CHOICE STOCK OF RESH 'FAMILY GROCERIES, Complising TEAS, which he can afford in the RAISINS, TOBACCOS, Etc., to sell as -cheap as anx town. - TEAS FROM SO cents TO $1, And warranted to give satisfaction to all. No, 1 Flour and Feed, Of every" deseription constantly on hand. And . PROVISIONS 8 to be had at the lowest possible rates. pson's Spice, the best Condition Powder for Stock in use. -Farmers, try it. Farm Th highest price given for Farm Produce of all kinds Remember the plaCe, SHEIARSON & CO.'S OLD, STAND,. West Side, Main -street, SEAFORTH,.- Ont. THOMAS LEE. purchased the wholesale department hc Mart Bell's Furniture Shop, we are now IJIIPLY WHOLESALE DEALERS br TB FURNITURE, Cheape than it ever was sold before, as we have made retrt additions to the machinery and in -- tend zu iinfaciuring extensively. Patti s ny be sure of good work, as none but good in c mils are employed. PA good. stock Icep constm tly (;in hand. Linn er taken in exelitnige. Turn ng done on shortest notice. Thomas Bell's Old Shop, Crarnr of Market Square, •SEAFOBTII, 204431 SPARLING- & SCOTT. REI1OVED. REMOVED. I. ROBERTSON, HAS Cabinet-maker and '1'3:ado-taker, JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Where Ira hes on hand a superior stock of Furni- . ture of every description CALL' AND SEE IT. ,Having purchased Mr. Thomas Bell's HEARSE, I aln pre:nu-ed to attend funerals ma the shortest notice,. either in town or country. . Conine, All Sties, Kept constantly on hand. 17, If ation States Purita in tee Inatith clut eiection aiid the ;314trede -of Ithe deuce w interests .17nitdstlzrtl iabtenelyrlent ther, in hence, gz spirits th in Beveri White M -day at added nem aNL)tA ork to a tbefar nbiust tit; jb.t. droter in hie pei act that , out in'tets, man who jP.tiledegt b°elf • able,i it was finaritiaI suppose tb tramger the of hiis fain inwloiriciltgagme 101; The -.Brave Many yea tlemaln E' the "i Brave army.1" The ed it to the rilfued c arm :to suet formed the laj inand, be Ilightind the Chateau; shut tbe ing out the 11, attacks bf .14a Sidon. Wh, fered to Col, refused to ace forme0 of IA eoneerning "That alters t he says so, mil and defending merited such: then Sergeant: the half of it between them., service. o ed row Generi 'try fai 1 Illy OathOlip Towards, the the Ret Pat] to visit the hull the iiedfroora found next mo Econ at.; German observes tha -very little atteit the furrows to I and yet great bor is the neeesi 1.`,Jie turning coin:Mei:1611g of quires more exei man an.11 - the great May really from frequent in, turns may he sh