HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-01-05, Page 3JAN 5, 1872. �t. 1piit`3 1 April 4 epi 1 It 21 4Ty 25 1 fay 31 June • - Ju,te 4 t inne'tl Nemset PFE CARTER Would desire to call attention to their greatly improved p_ S T which is abecto compete -€tlf 'any other other Lachine in Canada nion its many advantages. tages. we call at- tention to the follow-ing--the way the Cylinder is cniistrueted--it • requires Iess. power and is capable°of THRESHING MORE AND CLEANER THAN ANY orHur. The great complaint among -Threshers always was, that they cglzld thresh more - than they could clean, our m improved drum/ does ae-ay with all these ``complaints ; it ` is so conatru ated as to regulate the wind tc keep the i rilldress from choking, without' lac ° blowing any grain over. We fare also `t . improved oar dills to prevent the grain Eaaine over v. ith the straw. We would invite Farmers and. Thresh- " yrs, generally, to give us a mill, and ex- amine our stock before purchasing else- ' where ; we can sell as cheap as any other Establishment, None but the; best Material used, and the very beat workmen: employed. The Machines we sold last year enable us to say that they gave better sa.tisfac- , tion than any other eter sold in this county. • PITT'S HOERSE POWERI kept on hand at all times. We would also degije to direct the { attention of fanners to our AWING MACHINES! Which are capable of sawing: fl•orn forty to fifty cords of woodcAday. Superio Gang Ploughs,:. Straw Cutters, ttva ors,, Se ufiners 'wooden : and. ,Toil beam, : 'oughs, Scrapers, Kettles, &e., F lI of w `-ch we warrant to give satisfac- Von. ant will be sola as cheap as at any other fstabli zhment in the kiovince. EPItING AND ,,,.'CASTING. or EVERY DESC"RtPTION,. Done On the' shortest notice and most reasona.hie terms. r 13�Iy ZAPFE & CARTER.' E RING PROSPECTS Fan A ABU DANT HARVEST The present faxcorahle Spring weather warrants iboth farmer and mechanic in making ti t.Iy.prelrtzations for the corn- ing harveek " ` C:O . WILLJA S While thanking their patrons for the lib- -viral encouragement accorded them. in the .. l>ast, would cordially invite the atten- Of Farmers to their choice assortment of testing Machines for 1871. Our Ohio Conabi.zed iacfcine,. I".ith Johnson's Improved Self -hake, has treax c.c,rr..tplete satisfaction for the past Filo years, and is now offered to the �ill)Ii€ with the strongest guarantee for lurauility incl perfect, work., ,Time I `aak/ga Chief Jr-., �lfczz%ef ,. Vliicli has gained for itself <9., world-wide eputatic,u is atg<titi of1e1•ed as the most arable, handy and best working Mower . eawa, being constructed iu the body of the machine entirely of iron and steel, rid with it we defy competition. -W. . outt€r uses. - ul son's Self . irk int, tSz.z 1 Olielt took first and secconcl seizes atPro- I tial Exhibition, 1870. This reaper is c kiiowledged to be superior to any other. tern, now in use, .as it tiltsperfectly, disc lei lodged or tangled grain better ian any other rake ea reel iia hine, and = its e€Ilial v well from either cr side of the Id when wind is strong from any di- :+tion, can bet raised or lowered when irr ,Oti€rix and isvery aluralle. We invite inspection; of our machines mode of manufacturing . by pur- e, ens before gzvine orders elsewhere. g`tletr:,Ent€`e 8atistaction irx every ma- , or no sale. TERMS) EASY +l`Iie aQ,iiettltizrali5ts of Perth and• ad rling counties will not (we believe) be land tck their owl interests as to their order a to shops more than r1 miles e"te•t,: when thei e are first-class in their midst, building largely beat machines, € (pal. to as y of the ue machines made lit the Province: !`ailand see us, - send in your orders flail, or dear with oar agents,- as in rY ease' 3,0uu will get a perfect ma- nes and ere the same terms as your Ilr•. Our principles of business P iet's being established and uni- x. • M ether kinds, €sf implements con- Fit ori hail& $T `4k l eN C`-IN.h',S BUILT, I all 'dada of MILL WORK. done ciilitly� ddress "1103.1 SON e VILLI AMS, -�h MI e1Ih,LL, Ontario. JAN. 5, 18 72. BRIEi? NOTES, One of the most success01 la w= vets in sacraento, California, is blind. ---Mitclemoise le Jrioquemztjd lias just completed a full-length ol•trait of M. Thiers. ' -Twenty five •Confeder, , phan girls, are giving c throughout the ' South. - --Adelina Patti° was recalled after: her li i st performance' 4t Mos. cow t‘-%'enty-nine times, -It is reported that Henry nr ngin four .a.S,pri g. of then born during 'the P ks hs been ,i pareit leas e •danght>e rs Aug Vise( to •om h rs. ed over t Ives , Via' ion. ` pat -t ritis Pi ud t,sdo it e to or- ncer ts' ard Beecher is arr trip to Californias in th —Almost every bow in the United State past two or 'three w christened Alexis., -A prolific Wester named -four consecuti Mary, Junie, Julys an --Clfiict-goans are ' -vaccinated with] virus f Leary's cow, which kit lamp, to insure theinsE contagion and cotiflagra. --A ballad -concert traveling th-rough the lutes is composed of Drasdii Arthur Byron , W and Beringer. —Out of seventy-fi-s- ladi Constituted -a' mass eetii' the question of, female sufft Connecticut, only ,one zis fol be in favor thei!eof. —Sir William Jenner, halal appointment of Physici, n in t ar-y to the Queen. He 1s a m of the Royal' Society, a .ted a Baronet three yek, is fifty-six year's old. 1 �a f t'rtitor, ('onset ibus, so. atitt dinar, her. :o Fr•ench you were IJr a1 Assi, or coin' tsts� +soul rel)l`l e The el tie ft h sooner r other .e''.T1 e vbt i i t k eil'iitn slyer •cc: 321 W sslcl n • a JV [f Throw rfer ` e'en t 'h o one,: o. ar s 1 t s ve rel ett lie be co ently at wi i, 11 st c 1. 1 ;S trago incl the' v -lig it have tl rejly. d vc5t Zvi our. ir•." nt nopolitan, nnu- ibitnrl«tibus, but nizr • beats tine*. woriie` ompel i'erri, ybu cl` of ngest, .lie la ty: yen oodevas wet a ced cl to Marry Mei i of.'the ,ke Y' One xat I might hhim;" .;the. hat I Miight e:st.„:, ig tlr, •� day $t ente „ 0 it 'in g ni clic tbul'dings jvith d igar in' his rraouth. h . ysr,swoked he e,' cc.T6-rnoking'.a1- hay t. throw The em 'Ind wasti x 3 complied with, . an ift•, • the gentle an v- t e 1)Cir r c01211ttc- e . fi . e►~ HaVanti a r►- :n co spelled to n ow ::p•�, ey ho 0 i1 in-- da .to fri look 1 t ct told w Flo in Iia he IIE- W:h i e lb it ad, 3 gi ;till CP 011c Se. n' allii of ft s the )rdu tuber nd w s ci e rs- av l;Ie A Micaigan arithmeticia c0h- putes tnat the nil m he of otlles sent to the sufferers b the forest fires in that State Wo Id ft r-nish . each tna,u with abont o - flecked pairs of old pants and' o e hu dl%cl pairs of old boots.' —The King of Sia lis 1~'e olved to avail himself, of 'the knos ledge and exDetinnce of l t e E ;glish miners- and Men of scien e. S viral Cornish tin -miners have been engag- ed to proceed to Siam to Work over the auriferous -deposits of that cotta try.. I —Holland `spends mo co than for :bread. —Detroit has 28,77 eligible for education. —The ,,cholera is ...or great , mortality in the,ci ire for -k--1.4tn children, ging wish y, of yell}i, India. --The first house ever ° bu'lt in Nebraslia.is stilt standing o the banks of the Missouri: —Squirt el -skins biinfefiftee ets. a piece in California, for the°intini- facture, of. Paris kid gloves. Ii f —New Orleans is taxed ten cents en every dollar of property, real and personal, in the city. The Pictcyune says : ” We are working me el y fq our subsistence, out vitt ua1s and Clothes; all our profits are absdrt)e�l in taxes." -A. pumpkin vine., -hist Summer, wound about an =old stove, in a far = er's garden, in U isterville, and-bl o somed right over an uncovered li bole, and as the pumpkin grew i weight, it gradually descended ib the stove, and when its cieveioptDe -t was fin$Cshecl,-it''wa`.'ecompletely i closed, 'with size and shape acco>4dini„, to the cavity. 9RJ.,.T`-' • �viiillez Una' insid p.utt: his hurr'ed kilts, stant t bre]lad coltlp' nft� j unc "dpi wretch. C1. c'I;t�ze t to tl ,e to, seri the d OW he • r lef ind.f la -d r n1 of ry ice ex eet e pGi d c tt,y g -oEliza rs On' is dt aocl s ivy'1 we sal a pal asSin' Ie fit t. a.m. t •ccul) ptot port, e frie the' w oclstory is eth, N ., h nksaiv- igh ter of£ at for ger; t rbunl' to ing wi'J gid. out, the speak " ( a ele a ptl; IFl- ii the eat le wind w. nt cl.ia id has ado w, es ly id One more Ici r nether n- blue -cotton 1. eductive. lips, k -c- passonate' 'n- you grey -head d W a,i ra ted ib the Makers. For' A new FINE r W a,t h clescripc despatch, faction. 55, 000 1 wanted) f cash or 8 - G IETIES. A female bilrber out,- est has r tired fioni business on account of the arrival of a little ,shaver. . —Iii too many lamentable insta ces, the last ; "saeneh"' of all.this strange and eventful history kerosene. —Persons who are annoyed b their nighhors keeping parrots are in'favor of the imposition of -a Meavy poll -tax. j —A girl in Wisconsin swallowed• forty percussion .caps. Her mother refrained from punishing her, . or even talking snappishly to ,her., —It is a: curious fact, about a, cer- tain class of beggars: that they gen.. erai!y pull the door -bell hard enough - i to break i.t, and yet when yon go tp the door they bareiy have strengt1 enongtl to speak in t Whisper. °—`Tie New York Evening P6st tells us that old sailors are never so much at sea as when they are on shore." Upon, which the LouiAvill Cortrier•Jou,'necl remarks that ‘t‘i. this they are something like. hell' pecked husbands, who are never s- much at home as when they ar abroad:" I —An editor in Illinois, hving engaged 4l new reporter, received the following as his first effort : cr We Are informed that the gentleman hoo stood on his head -under a -pile- driver. for the purpose of having a tight pair of butes dr uv on, shortly .afterwards found himself ; in Chilly] perfectly :naked and without a cent in his pocket." —" Lockjaw," a-correspondeait o the . London Times, protests -c against! the introduction of a new- vette' which some polemic has used in con- -1 troversy. on`troversy. The verb is latitudisnari. anize. "Lockjaw " flays ---that he thought t theeworst extreme_. of verbal I length had been reached in. counter E A.PtH ility, Qu: ity, ,Finish - and N.'atn s, OT dk of tl ea reOeiv CO_MPLI,ETE 4fOLD JEJ'f E WAYS ON sr Cloc: an io repaired nd warran rth of 01 r, which the ade will be MR. 179 QU LEJ. ve ' 1 atches ji st TOCK RAN 1 Jewe ith • n d to Gold highe id. COU i1'Iaistree OF SILVE ry of every atness a cl give sat - an Silv r t rice 'n T E, S tfort1z. BYTH T PH ENGLA T45Y NG B BROS. OSTO he Dr W 3i3 r1 '; CUTLE & I y�.OEMs stao;.Solidb� >'` FOR •COUGHS',COJLD E LIOT & Cd., aunfiict' the, ti T LN kept e Also, St Custom work wi11' l • Toron o, Agents. TINWAR COL .► I �, AND, TE'S' ha jus ecoivec a largo stook. 4.1 , Parlor and d x Stov s, of the bel t a lilt ah can .:011 vas chop as any RE, 0 by onand id anal to order. t P Pi. es, Save siva promptly alt ei hveev-lery attend C0.4.1, 0 of the vers. b ., and Will.. ci•e do : crrption, •A large t o l! stan-t1 on ' ,'•'i etail. Rememb r street, Sea Partied x t c quested' to .: e xiag4, wool p taken in ex. 0• tie place Cal ed h- i ate or tl imbec 'ately x kings, j111 ire tinge for -Mods. ou king, etc.. ded to and outside 11. 1J. t Conl • it kept con - sold N 'holesale and 'heel' Block, Mail,' ooli a count are ro- bras., copper, 19? ,NOUS R Sal i heap,I n 1; erne Cotta, e and a Lot and a , On the ornor o Jarvi and `Market tr ets, 'v rtiodiatcl • icing ire 1 let square. h house . • tains wo room + and ti •o bed -rooms, vii hall a d Isti.nnoer kitcEl.n.. 1here'is also a splendid e oljwater lin the premise s._ -For terns &c. apply to the under ig led JOHN D:1 \CEI;, 207 . Seainrth. & I IN S 7 AFO Or'` SALE .TH. R0Tc TQ T.RT -n Scott' Block Ztooms on the sate id flat 11( C_ 1it'G} • 195 LET.� two Appl conn nodion - to OT;IITSTED REROVA DB. VZ COE has reMoved fence o the premises t io his former esiai •uo next to Mill. L. his office and resi mediately apposite Broadfoot's Planing . • 2a9-4t",`� sO CnY Province Ctinuty Oi, WED the nide said Count atod at ',t 'Huron 1ai1. ,.n of 1869 ►� , ) jE:i th-- natter of ntario, -"-. ROBERT MOORE,eith. l E 'DAY, the 10th ': o w' pi31 to r disc e tl • ii.& J. To nshi us !fount an Insolvent. r of January next - the Judge of th ge truder the said net. •Bl+;li MOORE SMI" H, his Attorneys. lief Hai, in the County o 'day v Decencber, A. D •?d1Q-li)- A RU-e,EXPOSITOR.. Is 1]).01,4E THAT THE It SENV.ING- :MACHINE 3rior to any now in the Market. Hatitgl been examined r'ind tried lyv the most skilf:11 meehanieKand be t judges the comitrY can produre, aml 1 y them minted Paitc s at all th.o princii Exhihitiens helti throt gliont the Dominion daring the prene year rind altlieneh all the leediug )1 whiz es 'Were arrayed against it, the GARDNER l'A.TENT 9 been declared upon every test, and now stantls foremost in the rank of Rowel's. great C ertral Fair. First Prize at St. ."ntlitei Kent Viva l'rize at Waterloo, Conn First P ize in Mouo, County of Peel. ries ieautilul specimen of mechaiii Id Milli or Eu rah manufactrire. i hern,'cora, braid, tuck, gather, qiiiit, ell, NO 0 If the price h o Circula.rs and, Samples. 4-ARDNER, SEWING Send on—the great Western Pair. First Prize at Guelph—the 'Minty of Lincoln.' 10' st Prize at Chatham County of Sizneoo. First Prize at Wel- l:let:wad Prize at Provincial OUR uniT Shows. y is 110 re rarely Canadian invi.ntion, surpassing in simplicity, now the market Whether of Canadian, American, a do all and every kind of Farailv Sewing and light ns niost complete NET OF AtTACHMENT8. eller than oome othere, it is the cheapest in. the end. - AC IN .COMPANY, -IIAMILTON, ONT. p. s. Intendinp, purchasers should ot be 'sle iry rumernpulous agents of other Companies, who fl kee,p chine i they do not sell, in a (1. maged de( to make capital for themselves. , Call , rid 'examine the Gardner beftre pur 'Iasi g any other, at WILLIAM GrussiE's • Warerooins, 1;79 5 11 E WHITT E, BOAR. • • The t ?Hie thorough -bred Chester It is Claimed by breederg of Chester f.porki r the food consumed than an, 'eigbing, from 400 to 700 lbs. 00, P Lnglan Also, DIV Se ce of this hoar at One Dollar p r SON Will se • a limited number 'of solve at One Dol ar p Eg,rnondville, Nov. 21f 1871. I 20 elk White boar "purchase 'bites, in th United S other I reed own. 1 icia 2 to 1 months t from lbs. of Dressed Pork. This bo Timus.—One Dollar, Imitted to'he the best in Caned ates, that they make a. greater amount 71th ordinary attention they thrive very eld, and are frequently killed weighing ge of returning. etock b'eine• imported from; the best breeders in 13041 . The first imported into this Cotuatry. W.'. J. BAILEY, Proprietor. r, rainin 11( Sale Staiiles 'sEAF9RTH, 0 T. ThR. B LEY begs to in orm the Farmers an pub 'e gene v, that he has specially fitted up Stables -I-1 for reining an Selling liorontm an purpose to ILUNDLE TIlOrTING STOCK by training CI dev loping th in to the best advent ge, hes cegaged an old experienced trainer from Itertne19't, with he assista oo of cpmpetent exec). e and every f minty for perfect and most satisfactory ref; tits froin all ruder my harge. Persons Iniving good young . mind erce-steaph2a Horses woulti de well to,' give, tth ra t ed and ee lf they cannot be made te trot fast. am constantly in receipt of ordem for good 'vers nd can se 1 any number of good movers at MG FranunS. Parties having Horses in Training!, ill re eive their e every week, thuR enabling them to see the improvement they ire mak- Ye 'good h mile track:as can found. in the °minion for training Horses on. Terins rses .Bottglt and Sold, tp e4eona,b e. ne pr tw good Trotters for Sale. H. R. Stati n and oppoaite the Woolen Factory, CIRCIU1.4 R SAW Outs throudh all oppa ition. SIP Nip • KO ITE, OTHE EA riTAYS, C ing and Tu. -c CELEBRATE s N C . SiLVE Al 0 ers' and at -KA ED GOODS, EXTRA Warranted the b4st in ul-e. for bell's Pat nt ear and id every other article required ' the Hardtvare Lino—She HIRE SIGN OF TH CIP!CULA It: SAW 1.1TINE OIL or e Power, juld co Bo OULD Englis petitio Toron s kept rtson i form the pfblit that they have j Calf and Fr neh and English Kip, . An assortinent of HOME-MADE o and London houses, which will be way14 on hand. A call is respect Co. s Hardware Store, sad first doo nd now p pared to make wo ill'OyRsoll,kceitpod.t co so t.rinItlyfoorngohat ent of French Ana k at. prices that defy well as that of the Homefmade Boys' place, --opposite W. Cid CD 0 CD • 0 CD Cr - CD pet 0 r12 0 CD 1-4 THING FOR THE SEASON. I twq 44. cgt 444 tr""1 )1-3 ; Cimai err - ONIHJ.O1O T., ANDERSON, T_TAVING purchased en horonghly refitted the -A--"-nrills formerly owned y the Messrs. SCOBIE, I ani .now prepared. to 11 VAWLY FLOUR, Second to N NB IN SEAFORTH, And th t will Compare fax rably NV th any in the Do- mini n, If you want 1 IP 1,01Ci it, go to the follotving, W. SCOTROBEItTSON, :Or at W. MARSH LL'Slfilis. 'orders left with W. St R0/3ERTSON will he promptly attend N't to. Parties who Iv' sh to chi thattvill defy eampetitio jr Are certain tore eive prove quantity, and an tel - W. MARSHALL, R -0-71R T. AN T TO COOD F OUR 1 Are no Manufact 'og,the best PILILLLY ttf: PAS 1217 FLOURS In the Dominion. Intending purchasers in Seaforth and vicinity eau rely upon get ting our Family and Pastr3-Flou.rs from the following Dealers, ONLY :—Thos. Lee, A. M. Strong, Jehn Walsh, J.nes C. Laidlaw,Alex. , Thomas Kidd. J. McGinnis, William A.-ult„ G. H. Jackson, gmondville, and at the Seaforth Orders lef at our office, Market Bemire, will receive prompt at ention, for ur, at the Mill, Ma always rely pon getting our best Fpanily Or Pas unpin in e -change, in quantities „according to t value of the r Wheat. W. A SIIEA.RSON CO. CA AND SEE AS BELL'S CIIAIR.S, LOUNGES, SOFAS, CENT.RE TABLES, SIDEBOARDS, WHATNOTS, BEDST 8, BUREAUS, Looking Glasses and. all other articles kept in First-cIass Cabinet Shops, which h is selling ..71 VE1? LOW PRICES. A large reduction o parties buying a quantity. REME ER THE SHOP, CATTLE FAIR. A CrTLE FAI -will be. held hereafter at. (Oppo ite the Station,) n t e First onday lion each month, apid pa ies having stock may rely on. the best mar. In 0 nneetien wit Loyd's Hotel (Houghton's) are 1 e and comma ous stables and yards. 198 MERCHANT TA LOR, Has a very handsome and extensiVe Stock of SCOTCH, ENGLISH AND CANADIA'N TWEED% BROADCLOTHS, BEA.VERS, MELTONS, ETC., to cho se from. Gents' Furnishings, Such as Shi n great vari Also, the la ty, and Ss cheap as any in the matket etyles in LINEN COLLARS always On hand. HATS AND OAPS. large st.Ok of the very latest Engliiih; Ameri- can and Canadian, stylee of Hats aud Caps Suet arrived. C4 earlj, as they -are going fast. 207 T. I. ANDERSON. FERSTiPRIZE ;IMPROVED TIIE •nbscriber will keep for! serviee, -at his pre- -a- , Con.4 2, Stanley, two Miles from which tiook the 1st Prize at the two County -Shows,: also, at three Township Showsi, all in 1871. The subscriber has also purchased' a yourn improved Berkshire Boar, six months old, at the Western Fair, London, which he will alSo keep for service. Terms, $1 for each sow,--te be Paid at the time of service, with the privilege of returrdng as often es ,necessary within twelve weeksi from time of first • •