HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-01-05, Page 2a 2. LEON EXPOSITOR. A HORROR Of HORR RS. "Very glad. to see you, ; ► y. 'lao;�, said my friend'Broxh ,,ts reached d his house quite late On C ristrn.as- eve when he-tntrod,ueed a to .is wife, a . most amiable wont, of .4 n extremely pleasing CO un sidle to Major and Pits. Catru hers; r very pimply faced getltleer n, `Witt a 'languishing wife troubl d iVith an obliquity ofvision, which worried ii a greatly that T evening fiorlt.•: her: eye .seeming to be geeing u while its owner wort^, a - . Nt smile upon her lip. Mrs. Carruthers' brother was als a young man, like myself, o etic turn, and troubled wit aohes, besides. several °utiles°al ancI gentlemen, who oecupie relative distances in conneeti'o my friend Broxby and; his ch wife. - Wily ° you're as °servo' bashful as ever, my boy Broxby, in .his rough, good- way, and I tried. to laugh paricularly a., it was said be many people in the wf.1l-lit dd room ; but even before. the shock my nerves received I r was _of . a terribly, net vagus.: ter ment which makes ale ext1 eiliiely susceptible. As I aril now forty,1 have lived tip all hopes of evert getting the better : of it, even as 1: lavfelt compelled to give up itll expecta- tion of whiskery curling hair, and--� well no, not yet, for 48 the poet says; " We may be flapy `vet." anal some fond, loving breast ma yet throbbfor, me in the fa titre. (may add that my hair is fair my .ace slightly freckled, and .than. I h ve a slight lisp,- but -it is :so slight int you do not notice it. wl e., yo tiger used to rue. After a hong;. cold ride dog train to Ancaster, and a eix ride in Broxby 's dog -carat iron station, " where. I was tetb groom, the wen -lit dr- wing_ ooi seen]edds-) eheerin4g and e uafort;tbl and as I, grew a little m r at ho ie beganto be glad that I! h fid ;lef w ehardbers • to their ©fa to fo the t -ale -and :tire . down to -`>,a k. • at bail in then: light of so man - lust •ou: orbs. .-r S • . ' I , was just feeling son)- what on. fused frons the fact of Mrs.' 1 M tjol Carruthers he ving rested her eye upon ;the and smiled swe.tly, w as a matter of c�)air•se. I f It. ibo . to do -either one thing or tl;e otl look angry and_ suppose that' was laughing a at me, or sly-ile s, pathetically in return. I did. .latter, -when, as I said before, I.• came confused to see tin t Mal, Carruthers was frownin_ fiere ly at nae, while his face .Ino cl ge'ite cu:r1 an t-durul.3lingifed fro Serce hue assumed by . his pi on me r )e t ltcil. itlal r tier' a p h Ileadf tache diver, nwit flail is •a,d a1 i atu•1e Lc off ire s+ wi'bg- eairful 1 ways f )e ra.- n e..drawing-room ; and 'feelin what refreshed, I tri' d to mak if •a t eable • as it , s °lids ilne, wind l eople air ex eC e m 'o talitie. SOIWon h �` ;three c. nju in trick ha. purchased in" tow , ro' abv -s owed- diem 'oft -w ile ried to ply one or two tricks }slit aids ; bt l son eho'w j Or ars !cher u v_he `rs' _limo Cart -liners the a card, I hit `forgo ten the trick, a silent to .raw a pother caret 'w,lhi •1 ehe d ' Aped ; an 1, when lit w n .h' , p 8 C: t -t ebot: list stooped )d to th I� 1 pi k it up ; a d you'v no Id, w o fus lag it as, for ve k oe ort hens tog they, :w en j .di: ctl ea.t d so e " one go cc l Ill ' et ely'the some v,ly as a tur- ek :w 11 when strttttiulg ; ty len, int•et s dismay, I again f Ind at t e 31 or was scowliingal 11e. tcely. aI. T e:nI IC •shout go to u, 1.'Ir lot ly," I 11 of ec` ; and 1 e'roerli, I saw king to her rpoii nae, at felt ed carefu but he of see' 1 2' Pete by di • vi itot• lett arecl 'ajo'rs y s ac •d t s Ytit e wa nby i1 es'' the h>(s I, 4 11S a in of foe y h en bee glase, p ace the is ' br we ht -c• p,.' a bort G f h 2I1'Iserits rat or candl mai ' 0 s rowan 13• y u ave1) n a``l' I raid t Y s, ir." A d 6 rpet-bag Ye , s r."11 . , A d % riti ng-cas ?" Oh y : s, .'sir , a 1 there tri a doo-, s r - vo 'l! fin eve e ythi aired, an a nice *6r : • d th niatiden �t ripped off and disar1- ed Oat t e back. But I ad le t kin . ru i the lr 11 , . and , as ' •jt so a cel §ively cull, I we t -the b oa.,i stair ase one morel tetcne it ; :: retuned to the .beef_ door, peri • d- it to hake sure 1 �igla not doubt of it ni e the' g` at four -post bedsteaa `. t11- r g at 1 lue hangings. No were greeir and I wa tib u t tc' back,, o.1 a heir.'y • reath: the fed .ld le ,fat I was ; ta.ci b .ides,' I i• col ected blue .:, lin s to ked gre-n by -light a this was the ease, er I obsei ved •dinary p� oil $ that hi wife,"I tho ght w ind u In ' itch, he- himn • y -pi ce, 'cave - ant . bolt•d he oor,p a ch it 4p to the ive y fe t a good 0111 w s Ill OSt cotn- d, at d the• 'hail fled; wh n, what he fi •e, he cold ride, r nd Dart alis, e ni_ lit -c p I had 11 in o so -t .of e do'e . ep•ned high 1 'tea' eel d c. lied mo out • elate 1th his that sir. p ge. e e run A, aL 'h f fills: tort 1 ' ere in; til snare 1e tn. ge: a et t len brig pon bed f a rd' 1 It. , onlool- ihet shy he tras - at;Al lorri eel d. at' th ng ca;rd>� brother, but nl dshe' erfeetly lly roti Zi play •s left 't u ro 11 be ould! ill theta ies, hey mu t, ret dr w round little ke Jtle h e hob a dat llloll tli tat hat he calla . 01:'11 li I �� ng wl Br stn k,and t t1 e' 1> r do ly' 1 rtMant. u the maid.' 1 1 pea. my Rias dow and 1`00 waC fire with they I start mi from he light 1)e' that 'or cand tco, •' ith th14 h. ! Oat a M1tl and. tai 1 fuli_v slid t Ilile s war's fortaa� soft with wine PO' d> z it t( altf r e nc� er, sh he 'x-17 's:! . Btbt just at that moment a s' t v' nt ,annpunced something to :tiny who canis forward, slapped 1e ,`oII• the %shoulder, and I followed ..h: Ill our, ofo the room into his: stu where a' small tattle was spread x -r pressly for my .delectation.. "You see we dined two.loot ago, Augustus, so I'm going,o cll and 'leave a glass of sherry •wi. you w hbileyou.freshen up: I thought it wou d be .more snug for you he ;e- h). Inv tidy, so cut away.' I must confess to .flavin. f t.I hungry, and I • directly conlrl7ellc themeal, while my friend ciiatt d plasantly about,the-party ;I�haLd tai t a, of ,h in the drawing-roorn. a. me "Why,: Ve must •fiud yurl L wif it fl'l one of those Ebur ai lens tale ba . 'avid. .A good, stt•on 1inded, lovable w Th man �votild be the making of vol', lra t ti Good°l)eol)le, these Carrel th -' - of . tri Fir ii es Lt �m, ito ne re, he av- le, ft x- . let 8 n - and en, I upon locked eq, dr. wi ud we'to Th Yi ai it ish veli st t ea:t of ting ivy ing o LI of l .f d hn e , ills ll,j=rI talo' g it �d�- i 'h hit e. ll =.r sena ale `' ela%I� 8 n 4 1 ly the 11latlor is 430 fearfully jeaiou of llii4 wife -•--airside, (.0 et;,( goo( hearted soul , as ex t , Int(4r�l 1)0sl f.ncl oh, by 1,lle bye, l Iltivo t tipi(rlo ire to yoti for so« itlrittg roan) lit'ovtlidltttlo, - I .wool( 11 t 1 'outi:11r. y 11 if I uott1(I help. t.1vu'1I' lint 1 Oa .,t, �', t ti You, o(po the ]: jut is L :1 r11t C Opsin of tial 'wire'rl, �rtt:ti:- Ivo al tyfty ask illle-iii to OUP little gatli r�irlgs, while it so happened that 1i'se 4laa• jot's ljrother was staying with Bern, whet, as it was either bring Nen o r stay away themstivei; Lanra, my -wife you, know, .though es"1y t said "Bring -. him," clever to1)piltg to think el • t every bed in the house was en, ged. What to tido 1 eoulcl not thank, neiwbere to pet. him, till at last I said to myself why` Gus Littleboy will help Inc,iout of the j dithcnity, and therefore, my tad, for 1 two` nights -only I have to go downn my inhor•pitable iliar-rowhones rand ask you to sleep double. lvSTe`ve put you in- the trine , zooid, .where there's an old four-poster that is first cousin to, the great bed of Ware, so ='that.' ou-can lie alinest.a quarter of a mule .froth each other, dna re or ;less you know, so you Wont Mind Will you old fellow, just -to oblige us you know ?" Of - course I proinsed not: to mind, and a great deaf ore, ut still I did- mind_ it very 1itch,'for I otnitt3d to say that, er- hat et!.---- 1-,am extremely; Modest, and the dict of having a gentletna in the same room was most p inft 1 to My feelings. . We soon after joined the ppar•ty "in V . i,ce, 1.1 ('t�cii lr; f�r. fil'i, if t tl t (119,,, 11� 111 t 1' tiled .i &I e b -ii d 'Fi16iLi c 1ta�in eycrs fi ing we ' Mo inti cls s the was ter cl laa sat, e 'in the :?1:Ia; teal .:y l stall s. I Swab: mora' 0 Biro ne h r e of eked Mon fred the rid 1 err b me so lea at, rat's hat 1'. cried tt miliatt ( ti itutdo me fur i tart ly -81 hen dhot athe !Art t or SO at Ida it n1 sura x -stall who teltin be Chr and t a bantam 1,es ; ticlui;181.0:1(!): ls era tec e fi at o " Don't, on't ; pray m liana,,' A p lured. "Oh ! o ! help ! = 1p ! hej+p t ei rder !" S r iek d Mrs. i al j 1', i‘ Here, h ! 01> ! villai ! A wa>lr's voce ! Brea in the doo st shi it ufilthe hills s, I ani h r;: i , • t Ida,, I am here. Broxby,,w 1 t is his?" roared the 313 jor ; a 1 then'the door cracke and. groat e ►entis. the blows thundered upon. it. iYla`jor` Oh. llo hl ! oh !" • shrieked Mrs; What shall >r do 1•" 1 scream, m red,:• wringing my ha ids and tt' a d 1 ling . like. a leaf f tan to •the beet p im- plo.9 MrsMajor to be still, b rt she on] shrieked the louder. 1 1 n to the door, taut fled again 4' airing t 11 eth '' cr ' u eltmbs and .roar!. cgs she Major, .who eat franticall y, 1 ucder. and louder.; mi oke, shri' ed, v .pi tots. r ci lila." I n I . and " Sir, sir." " 1.1j v i" H re, .here, ro byetber go la , cried, llan, be poker ; 117 '11 be •nnurdn 1 >it . nlaLdalm, )ave pity, yen " 01 ! oh ! oh help !'help " sh d tie .wretcl ed woman ; wh eard the door going crackx ° cr tele ;• he 1 ane. *as sloe shed in; an the ei oun s of the hubbub of v roe en- •rect the nom, wherein I could etect, that ef; "the Major, ore like wild- beast 'than anything, when, ashiag .to ,e window, 11 pi bed back the faaetener,threw up tjhe s sh, • d erect out lowered myself d wit. 11 I hung by my hands, wh '11, } 1tll` y last look, I saw an arts 1 acting Brough the' b oken "panel, 11e bolt slipped, the:.ev tuned, and o people into the room wl n I b my Hold I fell etash into , 1 d then from branch to bra 1 e ;round, where I lay, 'half -s upofthe cold snow. u There he is," shonted It "oice flow above me, 'whoseeffect was 1' ke electric ity to niy shattered frame, or I leap d, up, and gaining th pal h- wary, i ed to the .road, ant en o I tow u:ds the station, duly pa is - 0 . ce to listen for the ou . ds put flit and to tie my ha d- •chi- round ley -head to ccr coin the is breeze. ' I -riln II vas breathless, and then walk- , but only o riln again, and thi 4 I 1 t on till I aid passed cls s shies•-'' etween to by's sea _ ai AnCaster, wller•e I a 'rived jut b fore tlie. night snail came in, at 1 ter to foil re ne- of the porfers was vet c 111, nd si os un . rt p t that m ha 1ia been : li own off and los s•, .a a a very dirty ol. •g' sy ap for five'shillings, an . t 1' I o ice mot' felt safe as I fen • e • ack n a carriage, And -felt tine �. vera going towards Londo. 16 tl= rate of f rt Miles an out. 13 t I dill not fe, l ulorounhl b y saf u c, i I had gale entrance, i th dark mora in , t o my. chamber turned all of a cold .perspiration, RAILWAY TIME TABLE. for . my nerves will never recover trails leave the Seafor- ' _ the shock. follows r-- . 4. -�•-- GOING 'WEST. BRE F Sr=-It;YYS'S OOCQA—GRATEFUL 1 xt)ress. Mixel. AND C MFORTrNO.--" By a thorough i 3.3i 1'. ltir. 1.40 r Df knowlec oe of the natural laws which govern e operations of digestion . and trition, and by a careful. application of well s lected cocoa, Mr. Epps has pro - 1 Mall. ! 8, 4O ri..ir. GOING' EAST. . { i.si,res�. aired. Mail. 10.5.0 A.-m.I r 1.40 P. M. 8.0() moi.' M. vid&i on breakfast -tables with a ,deli- 410111111111111111012/111111,1111=111000111111111;41110111,111ma cately fl Vered beverage which may save a Divisions' Courts 118 math doctors' hills."--l'u�tl. Sr, t cn ! 18'2• (rct�eii' , Made simply with bedsit vie ! Division -Courts Will be held as follows : Viu;;hazn.. ...San 16 Dungalmnn:.....April 2 ter or' Milk. Each packet is labelled— ,,Aiulesvillu.. ...Jan.. 23 13aylield. April .urEs Errs & Co., HOmo3ol)athic }�ietiforth . Jµn, `i5 (=odrrich i il�'JSei r. e baba -.Ji Chennste London. Also, maskers af„ Y ' F'• 27 win vifl a , , I)utia,nuiton. J:Fu.:30 Anile}vino Epps's Milky Cocoa, (Cocoa and Con- =' 3n yfield:........Tun. 31 Seaforth densed jlilk). , Clinton.. ... .....Feh. 1 Exeter . Gntlerich Feb. 5 Clinton- . _May `31 1^4'rosntc r March 26 Dungannon... . 7nne s SF'. OIAL 1�0`1'1"C�''S. 1 �iea.forth, March 213 Bit' -field.... .,...Jute4 a _ We received a verypleasant letter of c1l,nton April 1 • ; The Ccurts will open at 10 A. M. each at. thanks frpin our ohl friend Kendall,. since his l eturn home, for,ottle of Johnson's - v- . ,-- and Liniment which we gave him, O THE FARMERS OF H and which he says has entirely cin -ed hien of the troiiblesonie and dangerous cough he had when here. - On the death of one of England's most eminent Physicians, all his effects were April al 4 } r• P n 19 May 21 .May 2a3 Nay 25 Exeter.. , 31arch :3(1 .tiodeneh . , ... . June 6 ried, sold by au 'tion, and among other -things hear I was a sealed packet, market '' Advice to - Physicians," whieh brought- a great price. Tlie purchaser on opening the - packet, rea,cl as follows : " Keep the 1 1 head cool, the bowels open, and the feet Warm." If physic is necessary, use Par- sons Purgative Pills ; they are the most scientifically prepared pill that has ap- peared in the last hundred years. For several mouths past I; have. used Fellows' Compound Syrup of tHypophos= phites in the • treatment of incipient,i Phthisic, .Chronic Bronchitics, and other affections of the chests, and. I have no- hesitation'i<n stating that it ranks fore- iiiost amongst the remedies used 'in those diseases. TWO QU1:S7'IOh'S EASn,y AtiSwI:1tED.— Whysllould men �svear beards? Because they are agreat protection to the throat a lash i and hangs,and add much to their per- t, sonal a e Bance. 'Why ba pl) should we use a t , e Bryan's Pull/ionic Wafers ?" ' Because , when used for coughs, colds, tickling in ncl` �o the throat, hoarseness, eta they act un ed like a charm. Ministers nisters and Lawyers a use thein, physicians recommend them, did public speakers say they best medicine in existence of such complaints. ,Sold' ri ek t and singers • Are the``very for the • cur4 by all mecdi ine dealers, at 25 ets. per box. The Duel )h Sewing Machine Com- pany's Patent Elastic Hook Single Thread Sewing Machines are •"declared perfection by competent judges: --OwN'Ens of Hussars REJoierNlo.—Anl why not ??and who knows but that their 1 - horses are rejoicingsas well ; who can prove. the contrary ? But thesis owners ,rejoice because of the astonishing and al- most lniracul us effects on their horses of "1)arley's. Condition Powders a.2d 9.rabi- an Heave Remedy." Some were lean and poor, having no appetite, others would devour their food ravenously, yet derive no be flit from it ; some were' hide -bound, with rough and .-shaggy hair ; others had severe colds and coughs; Many, had the heaves ' and other com- plaints peculiar to horses; on all }1• oper- ated'as a charm, i✓he disease or complaint was speedily removed, the appetite,'and digestive organs corrected, the skin soft- ened, and a sleek and shining appearance given to the coat, all without nays danger to, or preventing the horse being used. —Remember the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co. -is on each.paek-. ge. Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, !Ont;,.- proprie ars for Canada.So all medicine d i alers, ld by 1 A LARGE V LlJbfi:"would not contain the mass of t-:timony which has• aged - initiated in fav r of far. ZVistar's Balsa of Wild Cher y as a safe, efficient an reliable reined, in curing coughs,! cold , and pullnonar3 disease. Many of the cures are truly vonderfu i •11 0 RIS 4 b 1 y in ass ;f lin haat i ,g b rricaded th for :t m ' `sorrows co' no : while, • 'as my laun latchkey, an ie sleep, b e and the wi Tim ; ha 7e been fjor app'ared go on. ia fac t14 wh n he 18 dm ttec ity' 11A, u xt moment this 4410tr, hat the'. na lel tpy angel, relp wh sh ,i, e, ape i Splittio bee I ma age i to it re g rtai eka ,1 Pub Lie res fo ost r T flay be Pain cannot. sta • Where it cheeped medicine °Ver. fluid et»itinoti sore throe 10db hot chitis. Fifty cents' worth-hita ing cough. One or piles and kichiey tr -thine eure any case flamed Breast. On of eight years' stan miles for a bottle wonderful cure of a, clot:Art 11411) by six applicit- elate lit onseweek,“ Dealers all Over tho 0041 (TY Hayti : "I haw; lialf,,t f a fifty cent bottle oft, and 1«,100 would not buy 1 if 1 couldiget no mo o." mall bottle otivour llelectrie 011 mitered the v ice for tivo yatotti," /toy. J. hItillory, of Wyoming N, Y„ writou, “yon r ItIolitotrio 011 coma MO of illrf)T1,' 14 lie11141111 1.1) be 1111 Ment111111)1y nopiothip to imp too, for Ott litoolnit it, to vhich the female constitution is subject4 JOE most:.5' PERIODICAL ?ILIA. 1 „ It all caseit tof Nervo is and Spinal Affections, an( a speedy core may be relied on. in short time, bring, on the mentlily period With leg hillesleit3i3ills ),hould not be taken by Fernalex , d ug the first three months of Pregnacy as they i e. sin* to 'bring on ...kti •cluTiage, but at any other ti they are Safe. I pi ins in the back and limbs, fatiente on slight •ax - 1 el ti ni, palpitation of h Lai , hysterics, and • lava, these pills will fleet a cure when all other in anis have failed ; ml although a , powerful '.1. re way, do not tontain i •on, calomel, antimony, or 1 ,`till directions in th pamphlet aroUnd each 1,... I insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills by 's used: Iti th . Ono doae cure le hits cured1 Bro ured an old stand - WO b04103 °MOH bad CIINCH of : Penn., sole ; "I went thirty SE. Co IlAVE the above sum on hand fer vestrnent on go(' F.arrn Security, at 9 per cent. ,—Private Funds. JO N S. PORTER. IN El. RON. GRAIN CRUSH AND STRAW CUTTER C. WILS Stile agent for the Comify of Huron, for t with their celebrated Grain Ctusheris and Straw Cu TheS'e machines took the First Prize, vineili.„1 Trial for agricultural implemen 'a in *Tidy last, and tire without doubt th niantifactured in the Province. 3rachines emit:tautly en 'And, and can. be seen by hate purehasers at any time, at the Alarket, Seafo JAN- 5, 18 Seaforth Ann PFE & CAR W uld. desire to call attention to their greatly improved Which. is able to compete with any o her 'Machine in Canada. ' ! I -Among its Many advantages. we call at- e firm ;" tention to the 'followisg—the way he I Cylinder is construeted—it requires leas Power 4.11,1 i§ capable of 1 DIRE NINO MORE AND CLEAN! THANt ANY OTHER. i than th *could clean, ,our improved d In y with ell these cpmplaints ; it (ling I improve( our Mills to prevent the grain going ov -a.. with the straw. uhl invite Farmers and Th 11 - ally, to give us a call, land x- • stock 'before purchasing .ei e;, the best4faterial used, and best workmen erciployed. • Lines We sold. last year enab e hat their gave better satisfa ers -"ferent patterns, received direct from the celebrated Scottish Plow manufac,,ory OP The .e plows can be sold nearly 25 per cent. less than s nular plows of Canadian manufacture. • All ether varieties of agricultural implem nts kept Constantly on 'hand, which will be sold t manufacturers prices. 197 ' CHANCED HANDS. PIT Undersigned having purchased the RoxbOro Gristing and Flouring Mills, increased the Ma- chincry,', im(1 put the Mill in a thorough stat -e of repair, are now prepared. to do AND All other kinds of general Custom WO= On the 'shortest notice. Theywonkl also d.esire to state to fanners •artd others, that as the work will be done under the:r own,supervision, they have no hesitation in guaran- A. trial i respectfully solicited. B. SHANTZ & BROTHER: Roxboro June 1871. t 184-tt BLIND FACTORY. r1111E hubseribee.begs leave to Omsk his innuerouh: OnlittInierti for the patronage extended to MIA ftiDCO 0.01DDIVIleiRif bIlithlOHB III Sea forth, !rind biro- 11-fittll, ;to ho will nontbmo to keep on 141-1-1111 lartle 16,eftit of all Wm a of Dity-- pi,' E LtrAtiVER) 14I A Pi II )1A 8:11..INTILE LAVA, ETC, The feels confident n giving satiafaction to 4) Who may fai;our hint ith their patronage, its n but first -el workmen are employed. • Parti ular attention paid to Custoin Martin 201 'JOHN H. blIOADFOO 1 We NV 1 ers, gene Establis None but Ire The M us to say tion than any. other ever sold in t keat on hand at an times. . We would. also desire to direct the at ntion of farmers to our SAW NG AIACIIIKES1 Which are capa.ble tof Sawing from fort to fifty cords iof wood per dai-. beam Plo ghs, Scrapers, Kettles, &e., other }11.s ablishment in the Province. EPAI ING- AND CASTING - .Done on . he shortest notice and. most reasonable terms: ; CHEERING i2ROSPETS FOR. AN 4BUNpANT IIARVST _The present favorabk SPring ,Weather Warrants both farmer and. mechanic making timely preparations for ;the 130M- ing harvest. THOMSON 84 WILLIAMS While thanking their patrons for the lib- eral encouragement accorded them. in the past, would cordially invite the atten- of Farmers to their choice assortment of Harvesting -Machines for 1871. 011-T. with Johnson's linpfbved Self-I:like, has gikren satisfaction for the past OW() years, and is nOw offered. to the niblie with the strongest gnarantee fin! 'Arability anti perfect work, 00100.0011 lfi again 011'01'0(1- OM flit) moot lurablic Wilily and britt working Moilyttr non, Whim otimArtuAbil in tin) body et I alao otter; the • whieli took 112'8'6' alid second prizes AtPro- • one 1 vincial Ehibition 1870 Ti ' -caper is acknowledged to be superior to any other pattern now in use, as it cuts perfectly., g. takes fp) lodged or tangled grain better T. than any other rake or reel machine, and • _ I cuts equally well from either side of the T Ifield when wind is strong from any 41i- • rection, ban be raised orlowered when in - motion. and IS -very- durable. 1 C.A.RTWRIGHT. L. D. 8„ Surgeen Dena e.atractS teeth without pain, by the use of t Nitrous-Oxidel,Gaie 011ice--Over the Fountain „d Vednesday of earh ionth; in Clint() at liercial Hotel, on tin following Th.or day ...Mays. The remain r qf the dint Parties requiring new teeth ar regnested to 61e rx at Seaforth. and Clinton, on tn first days of a Over 54,000 patienti have bail teeth extracted York. 208 CANAD.A LIFE ASSURA_NCE cp., Issuer of Marriage 1.iicences. - t American! -Aloney bou ht and sold. 'ENSED APCTION F.,It for the County of articular attention paid t baron. Sales Eaten ea in all parts of the JOB PrliNTIN . e proniptlY attended tr. 196 Store, 6eafo th, 174 We invite inspection of DUX machines and mode of manufacturing by 'pur- . chasers before giving orders elSewhere. We guarantee satisfaction in every ma. - chine, or no sale. TERM8 EASY. se, i The agriculturalists of Perth and -ad- hna, : j100ionillingilees0eRa14eIties Will' not (we believe) Jae lit ive tl en-. ordters to shops more than ii - e. so b1111d to thpir own interests as 10 y ; by mail, or deal with our agents, -as in , when there ail?. first-class at I works in their midst, building largely i the best 'inaehines, (qua.' to any of the 'I same ma.chines made ni tbe Province C 1 And see us,- -send fin your orders v i every, ease You will get! a perfect ma-, I chine, and on the same terms as your 1 neighbor. Oar princi*s of business ,I and prices be- established and uni- AGENT FOR IAll other kinds of 4t.plements con- LOCK.11.21..V'S SEW 1- itantly on hand, 1 180 eh ph t past nem te vaeen ear ie ra incea • ary I. ate .1 it Isent lana tha great banks 4)11 eve ereor -our si an tax fri5 - sowed e o the trang bre non tells m iqo mu, Caoarai thie rtecke Itch abro igi perfec in bis which