HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-01-05, Page 1J. • E .41 t rL • z'OxarME S. rio:.1'L. LO .lu: �yi11O.- 213. • ' Is runttsRLD • Eti-EBT FRIDAY MORNING, ' IN SEAFORTli° Ti;sars.—$1'.50 por 'year in advance, dr tt the end of the year. z Advertising 'ltitl*ltts. T1,.1?: $TENT: .Fir. t insertion, per line, 8 cants; subsequ,mt.iri' sectio s, 2 cents ottuh .Bute, per line. • cOcTBtAcr intens.,, - Dno column ono year ., .t • half ,4 (r c. 8 months .. ... Half " otee Soar...- .. u " half - " "t " .8 months ... ..... . 12 00 One-fourth one year 20 00 ' 12 00'. i 60 Uq • 35 0 90 00 5 00 20'00 tt " half " • " 13 months .. 8 00 One-eighth one year , . 1. ; .. 12 00 • 9` half . 8 00 " ' " v mouths One -twelfth one year ar r," " ....... .. 5 uu " 3 -months 8 00. j Business Cards, (0 lines and under, Year.. 4 00 Advertisements of Strayed.,' Lot t, Foun 1, &.o., • not exceeding 10 hues—fust month -1, of er heat ! month,. 50 cents eat:i month. - 1 ' Advertisclnentit of FARMS and EAT.; E. `l'A'l1' for sale, mot execetlitig 15linos—firs mouth, 1 50; each subsequent month, ?5 cents. :Births, Marriages, Deaths—Grafi . • Advertiselnc,rts without specific dircetio s will - be inserted till forbid, and charged a •cordir „, ti MCLEAN 131t01`M.11,5 1,1unno Y. 1kc Li , ) ALLAN MCLEA.N. j d . I 5 Q0 x'ubii or; . BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ITEJEDICALL,. • AVID MITCHELL, M. D.,, Graduate of n 1 College, Physician, Surgeon, etc... Tess rs; ONT.---Coroner of the Coun:tyi of B Office and residence, at Thompson & Stanley'I i'ict or itron. IE. W. R. SMITH, Physician, Surgeon lett !J Office--Oppo'ute Scott rhbert.on's &iocerY, ,Nair street, Seafortr. 53 I -ARIES STEZI'A1TT, M D., C. I!l , C*rttdu to of �IeCri11 thtiversity, Montreal, Physician Sur- goon, etc. Office sad. liesideuce=•13ruceield. L. �'ERCQE, M. D., C. M., Physician Sux • - geon, etc. Office and Bes;d ace, co her cif MarketAand High streets, ,nest to`tlio Planin Mil. T111.C!iMPi,ELI,; Coroner for the County. and Residence, over Corby''s yore er store street, Seaforth. Office hours, from 11 to 4 day, and all day Saturday. f ice Jai>Ii 59 liC,E C,IA L. cCAUGHEY & 110I STED, Darribtei , t torneyys at Law, Soluutop in Chancei.� ani` Insolvency, Notaries Public-: and Conon cert. Solicitors for the It C. l3alik, Sonfort-n. Age 's for - the. Canada Life Assurance Gobi:pany - N. i3:—~;30,000 to loner at b per cent. eros, Houses and Lots for sale. , • TZENSON & tILXER, Barristers and Atto lacy - !tit Lan, Solicitors in. Chtinicry ar a In'o1v' ncy Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Offices- Sea forth and!W roxoter. Agents for int and; ea eo. of Upper Canada, and the Colonial Sect itio Co. of London, England. Money at F per ten IV? commission charged. 1 - 53 JAS. IL. BENSON. A. W. C. ]LENT 11. 11011E ISM. I( oi'S HOTEL, (Late Sharp's.) The r signed begs to thank the public for the Slatronage awarded to hire im tupot past hotel business, and also to inform then that again resuiircd business inthe above stand, he will be happy to have a call from old fi und many new tines._ .. 126 • THOMAS EN • dere era th ha her oda RINGE OF WALES HOTEL, . linton, frit: C_ J. McCUTCHEON, Proprieto - First. Ins accommodation for - travellers. The Bar is sup plied with the very best liquors and igars. rood` stabling attached. The stage leave this ousl eery day for Wingham. 21 .€ 4t. RITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL, G ,clench, 7 nt. J CALLAI it , Proprietor, J. S. 1v LIsaats lath of American Hotel, Warsaw, N. Y.,) 31: utlget. , `hit hotel has recently been newly ftuaris eel, a.� ., re fitted. thrmnghout, and is -now ono of t e most corn Portable and commodious. In the Pr tierce. ooc Sample• hoofer for Coram(, tial Travo crs. - 1` Terms liberal. 1)3 int sts.E.L'L LANE O ii,. • 0'1'1 r' r'rQ OF TII]L .°roll Bh - .WI.LLI_J\[ • LOONEY. earth is feat: is.• Sur] win r,• Alen al cr s;11)47 , 1 n basatll'11( upon is, a heavy Teo rn :ess ve o'er the w• rlcl and tsieg ip seeds f dark dis'ase ; doeloathing1. fe ,1ou of nia11 sinks, n Klin and blade El -More than dcjec ctl views Split 1sto in ! I 1 .mfe {u'tloly_ hours !' Stellll',1 nuarl r nt filly reg - ? Fiend bf nitr t lilt laid .cl'othtl lin •sl;ilfel ed i r- uts 'abroad and drive the•' blind' m� ifts jour ffootpetlis; thy ruffle . bl� :ts untl 1 ' ; :. { dlwellings howl ; hut tyrant 'we d fury go spend thy rage in mar s . • Il 1 Sta d Alo 0a f�l�y groat i • g vl 111 h 1 sway sh h 11 1y chuski h y bel, fate, 'ti. n ng fro 1 th hu It} e f e pe t.' 'g ro Poe aha 11 h. 11' ature ' sliatl e th 0t'4 cin,; o\ or th o ,•elaliois'oft caper the field lo' g won 1 on o • eel strt1 nis Sha 1 fioiv tho�M'; n er deli' lied Iii t appa ant b14rst. '` he it to n1; , an ill the air uct .all net ii e to Le., orest, . i Conclue or i of oolong dura, on, b rip .t1io' aptly a 1 thi v y fair distant when south ,Spro 1 0 m th., empire iap'cl chaee, mbl g t? the pierce g rejo ce and then he 1 . icy : all shall yicic le pl t gh: flowers sh 11 ed c irse,the imp i ands f animated f or i s ras , dei 1 tri then s141 us rise e"culti to 'the`''oife 0 cl ;''me a H .l a car 3 e 'p' in •w. A jti t1 ioli1 Ad I no lirir� tali we It ,I tit ee year N .role o is .rd to. c e, lad as 'thou i A7 d loviii I_:coi el hut' '}Ta Sc ;kee11 t ' t trioti ' (Co' ze dow Tis, ea s t1 ell su 'Ss }h ld. Fi d aIl.th `Th ,•'w111 A e•nd ,r T no. be .N•lbri 11 her !'s r st f. b• it Xe i i. usf e.li ' br }d ilo ! tin ME Ivy) a. t 1t le othr night 80 og 4thy.1 ' 8 golden ria and 1 right T e s1 mnie' weather. ore.'•;Chri- mas coeaga' art l ng rip ler c1E, ` ili{T t uie.ol,l, ole strain ss the pither. 1 •e afl you' good in old ? sank is:w:aker • t. is ha d to hold till" 1p yos r hca �r. found t tie *len s mo one mor loving ?" [tr, y, ' A:fc v --a few ;1 e lig or ni lv_umg." t seen the,prosp'rotiskna' 1 a precious thumper? se -lased?" ' T have. - hati e ly hat's bumper " whi e ; `1' re seen the juste it h pes g ow dimu.ier." pe n, an strivean i trust, •T"at.'sabriumen! Ghee to -clef is dark, daybef•re Yom .; • e l zy storm-tosee bark." F1.s the jorum !" wn I shou d.-notnlici le rig her." it. and y u may find-- pt nd-pt - pitch r." - IARIi LEMON. r, Ho feelin wort Per`' co? TA S,'ii1121"S. LIVERY &' SAL STAB ,ES. • Office= -At Murray's Hotel, Sen °rth. (rood, 1)r e • Horses and first-class Conveyances alit ttya on h ud. are O a 'fiAB1''S LIFI';R `.ff3L ,; MAI ' ST IET; se; Scaforth First-class •Horses a d Carif ger ..a1ls.ty b ou htaucl at u..tson�14,C terms. -- O 11; L -IA11"; ropnet r.. >l' vi JOHN. I1IGrtAM, Exchange ok and tail way Ticket Agent, Houghton's Ho el, opposite C1-. T Railway Station, Seaforth, 01 Thrt Ugh 8 "Tickets issued to all points in the We tern,Stt ter,, California and lied River, at reduced r to es, of of ling •dist the greatest facilities to Emigrants. t 1 ueco • •i ry information given respecting Laud rev.cres, et ' 01 Greenbacks,13onds, Coupons and uncu lent _M - ey, - .[Told and Silver Coin, bought and sold tbestr tar. B1 JOHN' CAR CC often l ave we re .d.with niiiigIe( • gs of , ief nd .c ntempt, �` th of�the nior mote-rn authors, the e n w eco frig. o clisgueting13 ,on. nnoi g pe ty sc ibblers, both it and ry me, The lays .of climvalr - Q t n ave re, ii taking ul. ne fo til:: first time, agerly n d t e i ro uctor pages, iI hope h lin( th t e ant tor was of the t ef--of fat ilic, who lay down them 4 ,, on, col a -sense level ; b art ho\ Tiv w. on firldiii , as a prt logue, %11 til l tidy st Alla u, )ort. the present 1` r ' tio1, 1.' ice own he work wit` dist CHIU•P& Y. ICH. { + :- , . one t ding tha nothing `moble e , atil g c • el anate from one who es.tlmat e, in col' mon with the hi .• ra :, is uupos cssed of ;this•' f th 1 st Mile ttributes of ` a heat , all. , , • it . exist :.d in th past, - la e, : i id !: d by sense of °honor a fined 1 y . t:1 e-g'ntle z phyrs of noble s, hi -1 ii spire the,sub ect to - de ds .f he •oism and fed ,)y the i,1 ti-' in flue 1 es ' of • th fostcrin' g love nob e h 1rt. Th po . etidor of • rtii • or we rn ist surd ore! a rigi late( by , u ch - po verttLl s o goo(`, a )(1 suj ported aid amu - d, y t is th •ee..gl' des, Alec iuess, s a1 d.1 \-e, topartal-e of'the ' attire rti e, igli hay been neither or wo S tl an!th5" ordinal' class O •1 111n b .ings • f his da,.-, and t tart 1t., nore o • less, of all the •igi al nd trans ressional 'frith ,nc nil Int vials i common with 0 the hu na.i fani:ly. It was ry til at ivealt I should. 1)e his i )1;. 0 that h. •bonitl ranq as a king e, or a iglit ; for .hough in siti us he might ud titore scope " e:ce" els . of tis virtues and more )o\'er o.•ca ry ell his,, ,06i ns, it oc ur •oin this tl at pa smalls his purpo.es m rel ruse - 111 tihose wine glovi. eel lin the, - his fell° mor .als. ' We find 1 'r seargh the, the pals essor is ispositiou vas iotec •only- vhiclt he remade o sc{ure fame in a,ccor ante armors c t the or. a inure itori- i; actor br•ught des rye( ten- .1 arse of erio 1, b' R. COOPER, Conveyancer, Coni issiori `�• Queen's Bencb, In • •anee and Ge feral A haat. Agent for the followinr%Fire,Life and ()olden In 1 r;tv ante CoMpianies : T e Beavei and `orouto 11 . W tiia-1 acid the Western fire Insurance Comp, )tt"ii, the Reliance Life and the 1 artfor c ciclent Instuaneo Con q any. MON-E-Y.-TO` LOAN ou rind .estrete se uritis. All orders by until or othcrwise proi ptly att Oil- ed to. Office, opposite `foss' Tailor.Sh p,: 180-tf r1ltil.L+'Ii:IL E. . u1 nth of tl 1 J CHURCHILL, VETERINARY SUIIGT ON '� tai s - . (Member of the Ontario Veterin try- L'gll gc,) 1 begs to intimate to the 'inhabitants of 'Settforth. ager and etiiii•oundin4 country, that he hit oponccl cart bell4`1 • omt.e in ' etafortl , where he may be eo rsultyci Tier- horn e .«en:.1i\ or by letter, on the Diseases of or't.s,(f.Aa t- 1 Uf a' etc, Having received a regular aid.pr:te iea1- beth r edttcatihnt, ttnclhavin A been awarded t -o: Dipl »ita t1f tht, rterintu.-Colhtge of Ontario, T 3. C1n11• .)rill of htt l every confidence of giving satisfa tion .t all i who ni'ty,cninloy him, 1tr.1 r•�1tr-seBs—� Smith, V. S., Pei cipnl•.O l.ta- 51 rio V c terinaly . 'ollcgc; Ptofo sor Bu ]:t:tncd, 1)i. tri Thorbtnrn, Dr.Ii •c1, and -i- Wells, M D., & 1` nd. All calls p -1ultptly attended t . 192 Vcsterinary Mediu: es constantly on 1 Ot3ice—Ca-rmichael's ttel, ;.�eaforth., cl S,.. ;al • S. n 91npo a r Such fo i nl tia' doe wotl law fro,l� of aocdr oft` th of e' wl 1 u. st rt GUS', CERTAIN PRESERV TION OF THE SIGN. T.A 7ARUS, MORRIS PERFECTED SPEC' ACL AND EYE-GLAS 'ES. • The peculiar form an scion ilia accuracy attained by the x id of teu}n- 1llicated and co try mac 'nor{-, \ t rants the assertion that ti,ey ere most ptrfrrt Spectacles factored. They assist the brilliantly, confer ease a Ver mat sight d tour • 4' on the wearer•, cause. a enntinn us ; do and abiding improvement ,f the t es, " and last a •(,,.rat many yet rs with lift l31m%, requiringto.br- changed. :o they • tre tot 1 the CHEAPEST as well a.<the BE `1` side o ` pu'•e, 1 tem of O refi Peal 1 )g to' t le diip1ay it vii lie, land that .1i:pla must be mad 1 ' he •iistems • alld I mowescr, barbarous y : e the Unfortunat i pow hi.H self the u n- ste, d .• f . the app at in , re modern an inpi incipled r. wo hol that if t be he highest rn git it a cor ing, only, • wIl 001 ciente au M. R. COUN t\ ER, it IT T • • Agent, erci Main Street, Settlorth. :i •' of • what con - • of fan: tics. e p sses-or of •ral irtn •, ex - to th di tater a 1 iloms edge SEAFORTI-I, FR IDIY, JANUARY ), 18 silf right; which Lay he unsuited to the tastes of the people of , the da;, it Till eelrtainly subjeq him to the disappro al, llnstea(1 of the appreciation, i\lhigh he ntention deserved. Nov, if the s ne agencies which produced a certain e i ..ct mem ilncient clays are productive; of lke•� effects at this later period ; if the ch: i- cals which` yesterday produced fire,• a ter aving, been irnpeoved. and perfet:ted, 'tie f yet greater power yin the pi oductio of like effect-te-clay, on the same prince le ✓ holt` that there exists in the he •ts f the people of to day, •to a greater x - e It and Hi a resore reffined:condition, lie pane noble spirit of chivalry which a - z t d •t e ancient heroes to. mighty.d:eds f oal r, with this distinction tlia in chord nee With Oho progress, 'of eivili',a- Wc n n t bre d ede are` • hecoming 8o in Ich 1 re csnuno •t an they were''in the • d- i tin's tha th chivalric action Wl i,ch - uld in carder times? haw=e1 beef her 1 l - to t to worldwith a flourish o trunfp- �t , an 1 have elf vated the author t a ooeitio of undying faine,:•is'now finer ly egarcl al by the public with cold app'e- i, e -i, tioml f le ' 1 and by the author with,a se ng doii e o more than his duty ImnAn of the rnete'clith ceutury, " ride 1 of him, .t i the '-ear e chivalry Which dr ;l vs e tre iehant' lel de to protect the rite is f the weak, 1th 'wronged, and the.c)p- 1 ressec , ` which; in brothering the 1. u.ig and p .asant, el vates. the mind of who'll Ids th pl t ugh -to a level, w ith :t of hii who- sw 'ys the sceptre, w succor: the dtso Ate widow, emit! shi he inj irecl amid elpless maiden i, W cannot "static m ekly : 11Y and .lee c mara e'er of 'n 1bsemlt and unclesery f llow `12edau be41 1)e' 'the of sl. • tier, ,without covering.. 1 Atli t e cloak oo a weir -established oeene and w c11 is ever ready to oriel a elpiin h. nd to' a fallen brotl ehe:r him ,th ough the .slougli of c iso hila trim the de in which the intern • s m:Ly have led hin at chivalry is;the and honor is alkwa. found. where true 1 t 1.io It is here the inc $ l; ists lis . manife4t t il hole lives is ioi.e--t 1 Q make it appear- -in ppear-•in all the herpes ti y parade before an se as 0- t t t p'onden y, and re ,dation 1nd vice a ice Of his p. ssi We , we sen s ring • f ho for, nilon1 y to be -es u its a d Aerie of • ov me f their ve tl ey would t tri y can se oine which th c t d class of re dors no pure thrill, eaven born sensation, to be transla by cliiv lry. The author who sats '' •w • gm w at l Is" ' 511 . 1b lth in 3 e - •re �e id dd • Born' Lo e, -thy kingdom stand secure, with creation's day, - hy i w et domin on shall endure f• The Earth h passed away,'1 it tell .you in ttl nex production " e ohous days`' of chivalry are O'er,' I,o• Ve s the 'of co of our being;" icer gong as the ht man•race continue o Ow in science a d civilization, to lc it chivalry existand continue to gr is shi me \in; ev i'y 1 obie heart, a t oug unheede and unappla&ided, , 's ays . f y ore, 11 'continue to ekero e t of. a most 1 beneficent influen s O I bear upon the u - ch is bronght ile h man fee s all tread the pat dow the Step o time, 1 A Ride for Life. esteiday there occurred on the 0 e and Salem, one cif the most.thrilli n t le down tram came near lone stet' us on the road it was Ong f spee , in order to make up time, tts as a few niinutes1 behindt The-ro re than a mile in length; a e ten ig it the road' makes a curve • t the ' engineer cannot see entire rday, he little n in o the cu ha f Way throngh ter of a. naile a so ded the yearnii er. She did no give up all 1 y, and without; a "moment's hesit N411 from one sh elder of her steed o ther, thereby -Urging him to exe h s tmost speed.' The whip, and pe 11. the shrieking lof the steam whistl pu n it$ best licks, tint he made tbo t as •a id time as any animal ever seen.] he windows, a id upon their discot - c what was t atter the wildest t and seized the bell rope, audito - ed pulling on it aa if they coehl sto thain by that means. The bratema e exerting all heir strength 4. th -0, and the en Jager had cut off th et to step the tr while the Woma loing ber leveI beet to make that " elmbold ;" but all in vain ; the loeot metive kept gaieing. on the horse and it rid re and. there was haroly it person o the train who did net expect that bot t woman and the Orse would be kil g in 11 s he thundered thought what kirrii m. He had hard before, he saw 'as te• was not more al' the eut, :and barely a g nig the peculiar 4eat motive, 'looked ov ot `ptIriek, nor fain ope but like trt 1 ex the we bra toon len wa f flcI.i+:t% y BBOT 1 Si 50 n Year, Ju'udvaucc, HERS, Pttttblixiters. that the trtiin might pass by without in jury. In doing OAS the woman was en- couraged by Mr.- Sam. Winans, tbe con- ductor, who had tun forward: and got out on tl.kp locomotive. -A few seconds only passedeby when the fiery monster poked his nose past the rump of the horse. At this moment Mr. Winans threw- his whole Three ,against the animal, and held him until the trantstopped, and then a rou ing cheer of gra theation and joy at the escape Of the onian from terrible But Refor Press on Mr. Bia,ke's Th From) the Galt 1?eformer. • " That Mr. Scott should have been in- vite 1 or even would. consent to become a mei ber of a Reform. Administration was the last thing we 16°1111 have don- ceiv cl of, arid we say lin all candor that the announcement that he had been with surprise andregret. ft would lie use- less also to deny that these feelings -are shared by the vast majerity of Reform. ees tn this county, as Was to -be expected from the strong stand takeh by them both • Fr OM the. Dundas True Banner. "For years past the leaders of- the Re- form Party have been tfrennous advo cates of pure party goveravient The Re- form_ Press has been loud in its denuncia- tion iof Coalitions and Patent Combina- tions, The people.have re-echoed theee sentiments, and during the last cam- paign the standard of the Pa,rty was carried aloft with thete declarations boleity inscribed thereon. We are amongst those who believe that a prin- iciple that is worthy of being advocated, is Worthy of being put iirpractice. We belief that C alitions Were, au 'abomina- tion --that P tent Combinations Were a fraud --and hat oply under a tystem of pure Party Government could; the peo- ple of Ontario expect to secure bonest and 1wholesome legislation ; and', when the telegraph informed us that Mr. Blake, the leader of the Reform Party, in :whom we had' unlimited cennidenee, in co-cperation with Ale: Archibald Mos Kellar, two of thooldeet ttandinal bearers of the Party, had taken into the new CILIA et Mr. 1R.,W. Scott—we confees eve were astound d. Conservative and Reform press declared linnet° be w en he was elected Speaker,' an Itonetf ea d honorable and able man —but the r cords of. the Honse show that he was a thick-andrthin Supporter of' the late atent Cornbinatirm--that out of all th sixty-eight vetes i he gave during the ast Parliament, only three were recorde against the Mitistry. But it is now "Ss erted by Mr. Blake that Mr. . W. : Scott supported the Min- istry ausei he was pledoed to do. so at hat hts "'election, and that while reInc- 'tinily doing 'so he "had frequently stated . that 1 he woUld prefer to support him. (Mr. 'Blake). -Now in this decleation We see nothing veey1 creditable to Mr. Scott, for if he had een a thotoughlY honor- able and inde enclent inan, he would not istry in wh oh he had ;no confidence, even if he h d pledged to do So ; but would have r signed the ttust reposed in and askipg f r re-election on his new platform. hen, again, • it is said that Mr. Scott at: the late election Was re- turned as an ndepondent, and if so, we ' ask—why -wet he always classed ing or the house, appear in the list of members in the Globe two days before 'the House met ? Furthermore, we are told that Mr. was no abandonntent of . pi inciple on t e part of either Mr. Blake i r Mr,Scott— hat their views were Rimini to be 'n perfe t actord. But in the face of thi statem nt 4ve have Mr. Scott's re- cord ie late arliament and hit latest deelai anon a Ottawa, on Tuesday last, that he had ot sacrificed his principles staling us in the face, Mid what to do with them ii order to reconcile these - apparent contradictions we know not. li Mr. Scott has re.ally ehauged. his political viewt and principle8, as we s, it would have been far ile to , have declared so than attempt to " stuff" 1 such contradictory. state- liave condemned in our ents we cannot uphold in )f our political friends, -- tried by the same uncle - And we do record our ion with reeret when we elieye the readers of the r haye clearly departed rmer peefessions in thus loge to Mr. Scott in what people to leek Upon as more Inenora beldly; rather the public wit "I What we oppo the co:lid-act Both must b viating rule. honest! convic say that we 1 Reforit Part from their f having given they wish the pure Party 0 vr'ng beti,v en the cow-eatelier and the r e -s heels: when,. fortunately for the wo e.n; she observed a place which was 8 dy rein, she guided the fleeing horse fr Ae track and endeavored to press hi 4gainst the wall of the Cut in order ! wonderiful eff .ct it has 031 his former friends and c 'editors. Men who had ,taken iim 'by, the arm, laughed and chattec withisim hy- the hour, shrug up their sl oulder, and pass him with a, chill- ing " How do you do ?" 'Every trifle of a bill i hunted up. and presented, that would et have seen daylight for nmeths debtor. If it is paid, well and good ; •if not th scowl of the sheriff,. perhaps .meets I im at he corner. A man that never ailed, k mws but little of human nature. In prospericy he sails along, gent! ' wafted by favoring smiles and kind %reeds frOm everybody: He prides him. elf epon his geonl name and Spotless char ter, and makes his boast that he has not au ene y in the world. , Alaa! the change. e . looks upon the world.'' in a different light, when reverses come upon !Arne li reads suspicion on every brow He ha dly knows how to- 'move, or whe her to 6 this thing or the other —for t ere are spies about him,- and: a • • wri is ready for his back. To end staa d what kind Of stuff the world ma e of, a person mutt be unfortuna and stop payment once in a lifetime. he -bas tiny kind. friends, then theyr a e Is real friendship. i . is mace 'Lecturer. 1.1 was present the other night at la meeting called to consider the possibility of - inakiug some beneficial alteration in our tiquor licensing laive, and during the prbeeedings the chairman called upon a, distinguished clergyman present to give mill amount of the effeet- of drinking m the 1 country parish over whieh he pre- , sideS as pastor. -When the nanie wee called every ope became attentive. There came to the front of the platform a rade- e, • , — e tells Pickard was executed at ton robest, muscular mare with 4 1101i4, den on 'Thursday )of le.et week, for th has not :te't, committed itself to ant party. 4, 7 It is atiated tCh7lalicoln.a. Camero 1 has pereMptorily refused to oppose Hon Cail011 of hit late visit to Montreal, sen to the Mayor Of iat cite the handsom sum ol A:000 for istribution among th poor of that city. -- it is 1 stated h good authority_tha the Governmeet o the Province of Que- bec intends denial ding from the Domin fees received sine 1867, some $20,000., This is pursuant to pledges given by' Ministers during t le last session. ,,If al- lowed, the amoun will be aPplied to the murder of Duncan MeVanu th nue uth that a kind ef titter ran to :County of Middlesex, in Aprillazt. Tie the, 'own. - rocked. and swayed p .culent :d with the most eeiolen legs, backwards and forwards, frdin side to, side, Eke a man tryin stand on. the deck of a steamee chi a TeCuaig the oppoeition canal ince Edward, has been electe by a majo aty of lifter= 'over his Reform. voice and With the soft, thick accen the itouth of England ; and what wi the I accent and . what. with the rac -i mot on he took the audience so mita surprise at firsesthat I grieve to say lady just behind me Was hexed. to r IllariZ, half aloud, ." Why he is intoxit.4- ed PI intoxicated, howeter, most pe •- . tainly he Was not, aud you well believe when I tell you his name ; but if any Bell ;Ole ttage as this speak-er did upoki the' platforni the performance tyouldj he accepted as a capital imitationeif drunk- enness., The speaker every now and there thrutt both his hands down to th,e Writt in his trowsers' pockets, and in this attatade so swung to, and fro that I be -e igen 1 to" be afraid. that be would Ditch' • -hirritelf off the platform. At the end of any isenteaee which was meant to I be specially effective he jerked, or rather flung badle his head- so far am:Ise-viol vis ly that it seemed ae if 15 must fly o io the rear of the platform,' and at the s, me his shape was. that Of helftebarge, .with the iconvete side turned. tolyards he meet1ngs When he had made him elf direction. All the time that he i3. emphatic in that way for a second or twee iheals 'suddenly unbent hiniself, Ind then inimediately was tebent in the p- peakitig he never ceased the ditp y posi was of t titu not inau and se exteaordmary and. fantastic 8. Many of those present could eep from laughing at each neW ttag- !jerk and gyration. Yet he com-..: fled a hearing, partly b3r his 'lime partly by the earnest feeling and mar ly good sense !which characterize his epeech. For this was Charles Kings ly, (,anon of Eversley, the poet, merch ant, 'arid echolar, the author of "Alto Ch stiattity." With the manner ani "gest res of a, huge pcitichinene and accent noisily , doWn the law at hail est -home festival late in the eye= ----w h these astounding. disadvantage co and the attention and admiration_ of tame as, so natural, so simply earliest that you could not but like the man. His ask was something rather delicat one, fez. he had to speak of the imixorali ties f that most odiomi den of bestiality, 1 public housein country -village, au the audience was made up of both texts. The aWkwareiness of his manner and th gro sque mixture of blunder and goo sens were' peculiarly apparent here. SOM times he would' draw himself sucl- dela ,; up and say, with a shudder of men i0n in this rooni what I have known tor h eipen in those public housea ;" and then, having thus caeght himself -in time, he wbold. turn away to some other topic, only for a moment, to return again to the horrors of the public houses, aad forgating all his former peotest, would describe with. aplainness of speech. that waepositively scriptural„ the temp- tations and the evils that the klrinkshop hold out to the .young. lto one was of- fended by his dutspoken simplicity. No woman in the audience telt, I am sure,, anythtne' but respect for the earnestness which 'carried the speaker away in spite ef hinitelf. Canon Kingsley' has often gone Wrong on public questions ; he's al- most; invariably wrong in politics ; he's constantly rhakintr some blunder or other, as 4 man Witli so much exuberant energy and little thinking power is sure to do' ; but he has a Manly spirit and a pod heart, As for his gestures awl de - only say that the -manner of the lute Lord Brougham seems graceful and statu- eesque by comparison.— Jzostin, McCarthy novelty in journaliem is the Foreign Times, published in London in three ranguages—English, French eq. Spanish. This is said to be the firet journal hf the kind in which the several divisitins are original, and. not translations one of the other. Each department is written by native journalists, though the views and politics are identical, A dual paper of this kind has existed for some years in Central America, the Well-known Pane- nia &dr and Ifel•ald being printed in English and Spanish, but it is addressed enly to the residents of the 'taunts. The nett journal is More ambitious, and aims at a wider rapge of readers. ' The editors boast that it can be read and understood over the greater part of the civilized world, since its -three tongues divide the majority between them. As a eclaranercial organ it is likely to be very nseful, as it is intended to circulate in the English, French and Spanish colon- ies, arid Central and -Southern America. in English politics it is LiberabConsert vatiTo ,; in French it inclines to Bona - :date for P Mr. Strucer. -- The lanagentent of the Toi•onto, Grey and Bruce RailwaSe are winnin golden , op mons among the citizens ,of Toronto b the free deliyery of wood over their line. The . market has been broken. al d a fall in prices of $1 to $2 per cord has °eel -need. Any person may brin wood from stations On the — The ees of the Stratford market were last 1 eek .ia by pubbeanotieh for the Sum f $1,500. The Seaforth fees were sold ot $1,010. Not such a great contrast af .er all. ,i i --- The 6- ngregations of CromartY and Roy's, in Ilibbert, having- de .Cided to give 4 call o the ReV. Mre Scott, active steps are now being taken in that threes ton.' Wel believe the entire congregea -bon of each of these churches Wilt sign the call readily, and should the rev. gentlernan accept it, he will lied himself pastot of pi. appneciative and united. Saturday ightethe23rd. ult., Mr. John Berry, of he 3rd concession, Fullartou, had the ro I blOwn clear off his barn. borne, als had tte roof taken off his Da. -son; on the boundary of M- k— In the townshit) of Blenhem there is et yet sufficient tilefitr to make good. order of the day, ' e wbuld. advise the sleighing, and whee ed Nrehiele are the Oxitsrd pee' )1e to enfigate to this part of the eountr , andthey will have the bene- fit of all th snow they desire. t.aries throi ghout the Province issued no aper last eek„. and many appeared as ered Hon. E. Blake an invitation'. to A ublic dinn r in hit ;honor to - be held at icardine„ shortly; should the invita- } —A collision between two heavily few days ago. Three engines and several freight cars were eornpletelytlemolished. Isratfie on thO eastern. seetion'of the road was suspended for a day and a night in j --Mr. Prince adelressed a large and the Court House Sandwich, on Friday liast. The Warden Of the connty occu- ied the Chair. Resolutions, sustaining in . his course in Parliament, and il int um minded that he was elected ,oa a pledge -to sustain the ' Governifient! of .i ut on dissenting voice. , — I South Grey, Mr, Lander has been e ectecl. by a majority of 200 over hit op orient, Alderman Dickey, of To- rionto. This is just about as we expected, nd w cannot say that we mech sympa- ectable candidate the result -- A a sPeeial meeting of the County Dune). of 'the county of Wentworth, -as pt sed granting_a bonus of $20,000 t the Hamilton and Yeake Erie Railway. he motion met with violent opposition a id wits only earried. by a' majority of 1 ea didate in Prescott Coun:ty, hes t le late member, retired from tlie.contelst u on A r. Ilarailt,on't promising to give t ie GO ernment a fair trial. THEY come from all parts of the conn - t idge's,photographe and are highly- satia- _. any ot er tipple. On the night he was e ect of kMassachu.setts, the Hon. William It Was burn, is astaneli cold -water man, arid. de ;Mg his entire career in Colagreas , never uched. the wine that is red, nor ; nominated for Governor at Worcester he was at home at Greenfield, and like a good Ceingregational deacon, as be ise tdok his wife dn his arm and went to the rerlar _player-rnieselino! of his church. KING WILLIAM'S HEALTIL—Speatink of Bismarck, they say that somebody lately asked him why old King William. premier, " because he drinks /le we:Ur, and wears red flannel next Us' skin." THE inen was never known that could please everybody, but Frank Paltri comes the.. nearest to it in his line of bueiness. $1 per dozen. Scott's bloat 7:41-