HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-12-29, Page 7FL.OHIEU zed thoroughly refitted the dt by the Messrs.. SCO—DIE,. tricish FLOUR, N S.'F,..E FORTI , that will with any in the Do- nlon, .01: rt. go to the following ti U Sri Y t.T.`S--it1.in , nher. rERTS€}N: 44l�f. BALL'S Milli. `:. ROBERTSON will be• seat for Flour, £r quantity, wad an nrti-• ien. MARSHALL. R T A N r : r) OUR IES. ISDN: & CO:.f as of the I MILLS . ccturinig the brat wti`.E'. Y FLOURS' funrinion. , in Seafortlh: and vicinity Family and Pastry Flours ONLY :-Thos. Lee, A. James C. D:uE-tluw, Ater. cGinnis,. William Amit,, ilI£, and at the Seaforth _lice,-Marl:.et Sunare„ will cchange theirWheat, Lt the 1i1-1, ting our best Fancily or . in quantities according 'jARSON & Ci FAIR. l e,,jleid hereafter at SEAFORTEL Station,) a in each ymon:tl - • t F will be in attendance, (ay refry on the best mar- % s Rotel (Eonghton'arj .4shles and yards. 198 SEE. BELL'S. C Es, SOFAS, SIDEBOARDS?. r,OTS, BUREAUS,, <rIl other articles. ►inet Shops„ which l:PRICES- tying RI :r t, ing a quantity.. E S1dE P, Ii`s• Brick Store, IMPROVED OAIt. service, at his pros - i'. too Hailes- from el Berkshire rkshire I •)ar El ': -(Y d',suut' Shows:. all in 18-71. The . a young improved 1'., at the Western `•d, keep for service.. cid at the time of C awards„ as often as front tune of first. Cr.T:t i mane 7r2 205 CL .€ODs ,is •r. ter: Hutv '-St thewea1C Str'on ag tiff bloael wltfr ArAE�—II:f}N.. 'ern ASrIrTIp. ORE';. I'io tie:tor- i•ork. descry. DEC. 29, 1871. r THE HURON EXPO TTO sliteing Horses. The Cltarlier method' of shoei horses is :Aft—acting. so much aft tion that .we give an account of Theoretically, the device is intend -to protect simply that part of tl , oof`which breaks by direct contt -with the ground, at the s2 nye ti preserving the natural form, stri ture, elasticity and functions of -the hoof. To this end dile low -edge only of the hoof is cut awe the instillment used being a dra ing knife, contrived for the purpose Jay M. Charlier. This operation -makes a groove, in which a metallic rim is set, taking the place of the part cut off, and becoming a substi- tute for the rim furnished by na- ture. After a short time the metal will be even with the sole and frog, both of which are thus permitted to come in direct contact eith the ground, as nature intended they should do. The frog is never pared, and soon becomes able to do its -part in supporting the weight of the body. It soon becomes thick and flexible, decreasing the shocks to which the tendons are subjected upon hard .roads, It is claimed, moreover; that when the frog is well developed it prevents the animal from slipping on ice or pavements, acting I-ike the .padded foot of a dog, cat or camel. With Charlier's shoe the sole of the hoof is never touched, and its born development becomes • healthy, -strong, tough, and able to resist con- tact with the sharpest stones. Many of our best horsemen are how agreed that all attempts to protect the sole from contact with the ground are ..misdirected, pausing the bottom of 'the hoof to become more or less dis- eased. If -the theories are correct, we may expect to see the Dexte:rs. .of the future'adding some seconds rte the fastest recorded time of to- = da while - our commonw y,horses .and roadsters will, in like manner, improve upon their present perform- ances. ng en - it. ed ie ict me IJ - the er y, w- the street iii ' Clarkesville, and it happened to be election day—mem- bers of . Congress were then elected by what is called the general ticket system, and not by districts as they now are—when he was met by a verdant but honest voter of - the mountains, who accosted him thug " Mr. Cbarleton, are you the man that is running for Congress ?" "No, sir, I sin no candidate; my father is, however. But may I ask you why this inquiry ?" "Nothing, only r haven't voted yea "If it is, cohslstent with your feelings, they, I should like you to vote for my fearer." rer." I would j tlst, as soon vote for him as anybody." Mr. C. thanked him, and think- -lug, perhaps, that his friend was seeking a treat,- invited him into a neighboring tavern. " What will you take?" " I never "drink anything, but I. see they have some ginger cakes. I'd as leaf take one of the with you as not.:, ." Very well. Give us a cake." " My brother is in town with me." - "All right. Take him a cake with my respects." Another cake was purchased and paid for, and the two friends parted -"Greeney" to find his brother, and Mr.: Oharleton to join in the merry dance with his young friends in a parlor herd by. The golden hours, on angel's wings, . passed rapidly away with Mr. Oharleton. His friend • was soon e in the. forgottenaeven- ing _ ��een- ing when, there. was'a pause in the dance,- our .verdant ' friend, very much to the surprise of every olfe, stalked Into thearlor and *inquired Pq for -Mr. CharleEton. . Of course • 11 eyes were directed to our friend, s he approached Mr. Churl sten. Drawing from .' his bosom a four y six linch' cake, he said : Mr. Cliarleton, here's. your: cake. My brother it'oted afore I seed him:" over 2000 persons have since taken the pledge. a*o4.- Cheap But Honest. Many years ago, when Judge R. M. C,harleton, of Savannah, Ga., was quite a young man, he, in com- pany with his father, the Hon. U. P. Charletori, spent every summer in the delightful little village of Clarltesviile, Northern Georgia. One day Robert was passing along y The Scotch Church in India. It appears from a Parliamenta.-ry .return obtained on the motion of Mr. Miall that the total. annual -e_x- penditu •e in India on account of ec- clesiastical purposes is about £210,- 822. - Of this sum X164,726 is in- •curred in the civil department, and is distributed as follows . To the Church of England, £150,273 ; the Church of Scotland, £10,770 ; and the Roman Catholic Church, £3682. In the military department X19,- 755 is paid to Roman Oathslie chaplains, and £2279 to Presbyter- ian chaplain3. Effect of Alcohol and Tobacco on the French Character. 1►2. Joly, a distinguished member of the French Academy of Medicine, has recently reacT a p �a er before that paper learned society, in . which he attri- butes the eaervation of the nation, as evinced daring the late war, to' the combined effect of alcohol and nicotine upon the national character. " Tobacco," says Dr. Joly, "although of only . recent introduction, has gained upon ics older rival. Iruita- ti F n'ess andmoral col:tagion have clone' their work, until the use of this poison has penetrated every- where—has enslaved the nation •caused personal and racial degener- acy, enervated the entire army, and made it slow to tight and powerless b in action. The use of both spirits and tobsaco has frightfully increas-. ed and human i de cav p ty could scarcely devise a .:worse compound than the trfixture of brandy � and to- bacco, 0 bacco, which is the latest liquid nov- elty patronised by Parisian sensual- ists, The French consume more to- bacco than any other nation." • 'BREAKFAST—E pS'sCOCOA—GRATTFUI AND COMFORTlN t.—`4 B: a thorough rh By_ knowledge- 'of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and trition, and . by a' careful application of' well selected ;gocori, Mr. Epps has pro- yizleci our, breakfast -tables with a deli cately flat=o•edi b verage which may save us many doctor ' l�il'ls. "--Civil ,Sertvice Gazette,—Made jsi ply with boiling wa- ter or milk. Eqh packet is labelled JAMES. Errs ! S, CO., Homoeopathic Chemists, Loud n." Also. makers of Eppa's Milky C coa •. (Cocoa and Con- densed Milk).. _ • Adv - RE OVAL. D1t. VERCOE has remnved his orrice and resi- dence to the pt'e)'nises immediately opposite his former residence, next to Broadfoot's Planing Mill. - 20914t* Insolvent Ali: of 1869. CANADA It the, matter of Province of -Ontario, : IN O 3ERT MOORE, County of Perth. • ) 'an Insolvent. On WEDNESDAY, the 10th ,day of January next, the undersigned will apply to the Judge of the said bounty for a diseli rge older the said act. 01.3EIIT MOORE,- - By R. & J. SMITH, his Attorneys. Dated at the Townshi, cif Hey, In the County of Huron, this fourth day of. December, A. D. 1871. ; 200.51 Nor riCg. -. LL Persons indebted to the Estate of the late PnT1•• a ItAll:a,iy, nr'? requested to make imine Anecdote of the Late Earl of thate payment to the in designed, wlo ttre anthor. Elgin. izoe to receive the same. MI .suras remaining un- paid after the First clay of January next, will be After the Canadian rebellion of placed in suit. 1837-38, when party feeling ran high about paying the losses sustain- ed by the -peopleYof the Pro viuces, the citizens of Montreal were so in- censed that they burned the Parlia- ment FIeuse and mobbed the Gov- erner General 1u:cause he signed the Indemnity Biel as passed by the Legislature. A deputation of the St: Andrew's Society of Toronto in- vited His Lordship to their city, an invitation which he accepted and on landing, the mem bets of the so- ciety constituted themselyes his bodyguard, ' and escorted him through an excited crowd, who were overtaved by seeing the leading men in the community 5 ready to protect him with their lives. Bring one of that body afterwards piesented to him, and while we stood around him as be returned us thanks for our support, lie said cj I always thought I had done right, but now I know I was right wizen my Countrymen support tee in what I did." - Rev. Father Damenfrom the Jesuit Institute Chico, .' , Glllc.ago, with two .of his companions, has been holding a mission at the Roman` Catholic Cathedral, Ottawa, for some eight •or ten days past. Ile preaches three and sometimes four tunes daily to audiences numbering fi•orrl 2000 to 3000 01:D each occasion. On Saturday evening last he preached -On Temperance, and it is said that • l:ICNsoy & MEYER, Solicitors for the Adniinistr:atrix. Dated this; 29th day of ov., A. D., 1871. 208-84 ItItAll FOR 'ChRISTMAS, THE HOLIDAYS ARE COING. W. SCOTT r E T Is ready with a largo Stock of the very best following Fruits : LAYER RAISINS, BOXES AND, QUARTER .BOXES, For Family use. VALENTIA RAISINS, __very finest quality. SULTANA RAISINS, very cheap. FIGS, IN LAYERS, 25 cents per Box. NEW CURRANTS, TS, clean and free of sand. FTNESI` FRENCH PRUNES. DRIED APPLES, bright and well dried: Also, Filberts, Soft-shelled Almonds, Valentia Almonds, shelled,Brazil andWalnuts. W a lnnts, I'yyon's Favorite Essences and Extracts of Lemon, Cinnamon, Pe1pernmlnt, Orange, Ratafia, Ar sn11t, Celery, C Ginger, etc. - All the Delicacies of the Season to be hadSCOTT ROBERTSON'S. X X X BALTIMORE OYSTERS supplied to Hotels and Country Stores at a small advance on cost. W. S. ROBERTSON. IMPORTANT TO 1 A R M E RS AND OTHERS. Hil'ING pnrehnscd the stoek-in-trade of 7. LECKIE, on very advantageous terms, and haying added - A Large anti Well -selected Stock OF STAPLE 'AND -FANCY GOODS Of ost every description, and being determined to de busineas_on a - CASH BASIS, -Prices are now Marked Down to the "VERY LOWEST MARGIN,. Ant]' many Lines of GGoDds to Cost. We therefore cordially invite air inspection of our Goods and prices, .ps we feel confident that we • can sell you .DRY GOODS, GR O CERIES, HARDWARE, Ready-made, Clothing and • -Boots and Shoes, - i• LOWER than they were ever sold in AINLEYVILLE bef4e. An immense stock of imported O VERCOA TS AND GENERAL CLOTHING Selling at 30 per cent ,less than the usual Brice. • . BOOTS AND SHOES In great variety and i_ery. cheap. GROCERIES Cheaper than ercr. Splendid TEAS from 5-0e1 upward. CHRISTMAS FRUITS And all kinds of Groceries, very low. Give us: a trial before purchasing'elsewbee, and we will guarantee satisfaction and prices. Remember the place—Leekie's OldStand. STEWART,.THOMPSON & CO. AINLEYVILLE, Dec. 6, 1871. 209 'I'0 THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. — -o W. H. OLIVER, THr undersigned is now prepared to receive Ewes, to either his Vorkshire Leicester or Bar-. I Ft,' der Leicester Rams, at Iris premises, Lot No.. 10, Town Line of. Hay and '3tenley.. 'T);Imms,— >5 per ,r:3 pair of Ewes, payable at; the close of the season. `� C!3 r M SIGN OF TIIE I H.LOVE, Sen. Hay, Oet. , 11371. 200 MILK,' PARTIES wishing NV MILK can have it DZLIVERED AT THEIR RESIDENCES, I\ Sly IFOItTJI, EVery week -day morninOrom date. ,70II` HAI3KI11K, North road. • November 16, 1871. 206. SPLENDID BUSINESS CHANCE. VOR Sale or to Rent, a well-established Business in the village of Ainleyvillc, together with a well -assorted Stock of general Merchandise. Satis- factory reasons given fur sdlliiig. for particulars apply to -- •t WRIGHT & ROSS, 209-4 Aisne i ills. REMOVAL OF- 'ROSS'S HOTEL A N D STA PAGE OFFICE. 'ITE subscriber begs tljl state that be has re- moved to the lluildi ig formerly occupied by Mr. M. Robertson as a Ca )inct Factory, near the Station, which he has fiats tl -up in a suitable Man- ner for a hotel. He invites all his old friends and customers to his new c !Il l {1'fere where he is"iii he happy to attend tu.their wants. First -clash Stab- liug and large yard in connection. Particsa" going North will find it to their advantage to patronize Ross's Mail Line of Stages, which start from this Hot 1. 203: JAMES ROSS. FOR SALE. - von Sale, cheap, a 23 horse power ENGINE and Bailer, good as nciw, C. H. WarE1tors 8: Co:, Brantford, Makers. 1kMACHINERY ENT/LA MACErr AND BrrTthG, used for Is ring Salt Wells. Apply. to M. ct T. SMITH, Dingle P. O. Awleyville, Dec. -12, 1871. 210 M SEAFOR H SCOTCH COLLAR. A curries:assortment of light and heavy harries , whips, bells, horse clothing, etc., kept constantly oh hand. Jtepa'ring promptly attended to, t-nd charge moderate. Remember the place ! sign of the Scotch Collar, Main Street, Seafort 1. - 1G:3tf W. Jr. OLIVER. r:- Ol w I] ity, thal his NEI Ryan's. Opening To -Day, At the -- 7:77s MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH, SIGN OF BLACK BEAR. T,I ESV FU.R S, NEW SHAWLS, NEW DRESSES, And a large lot; of READY-MADE CLOTH.ING, Direct from England, Which will be sold very cheap. PREPARE FOR WINTER.. Sleighs and Cutters. - WILLIAM GRASSIE, SEAFORTH, Has now on hand a large number of handsomely • finished and substantially built •CUTT:E-RS, Also, a.nnmber of first-class SLE,Ia HS_ Terms as low as any Establishment hi the County. Rnpairin,. c4 every description, promptly attend- ed to, and satil\faction guaranteed. Be sure to call and see my Cutters before pur- chasing elsewhere. WILLIAM GRASSIE. N.D.-All over -due Notes and Accounts must be paid forthwith. 207 Bonus to the Farmers OF GREY AND MORRIS. ABMERS, beware of Persons, in the shape of peddlers and agents, perambulating the country, forcing a sale of inferior implements. • - Encourage home mauufuctnres, and you will find a superior article at a reduced price. The subscriber would respectfully return his sin- cere thanks to the farmers of Grey, Morris and sex- ropndiug townships for their most liberal patron= age in the past, anti would ixiorm them that be will keep constantly on baud, at the DINGLE FOUNDRY, Iron Plows, Wood Plo*s, Gang Plows, Cultivators, Land Rollers, Straw -Cutters, &c., Guaranteed of the best quality, end at pricestodefy competition. lie would specially call atten- Lien to the Tumors' Plow," which gives general satisfaction wherever introduced. Poiss for .all the; principal Plows kept con- stantly on band. Highest price paid for old cast- ings. Repairing done promptly on very reasonable terms: 199 W. R. WILSON,. ' Ainleyrille. t4,OTICE TO DEJJTOPS. ALL ACCOUNTS of . the current year and also all accounts and =tea nr other delfts contract- ed iu previous years must be paid on or ale fore the 10th day of January, 1872. Otherwise ti e y will be ldaecd hi Court for collection, as niy l usiness must be wound tip at once. GRAIN of all kinds, Pork, Butter, &c., hill be. taken in payment of accounts or notes, at the highest market price, up to the above -stated time. - JOHN LECNIE. AinleyviIle, Dec. 6, 1871. 2119 QUEEN- - Insuranc Company OF LIVERPOOL & LONDON. 0 CAPITAL $2,000,000 Sterling 0 CHIEF OFFICES—Queen Buildings,Liver- pool, And Gracechurch Street, London. • CANADA-BRAS('Ir Cir: t'it's; --Exchange Buildings, Montreal. BOARD—Win. Morton, EST, Chairman: Thomas, Esq., David Torrance, Esq., andlthe I3o11. James Ferrier. BANKEI18—_Molson's Bank. Timm,,._> r,�-Is1115 — Messrs. Ritchie, Morris & Bose. MEDICAL ADVISER—William Sutherland, I Esq. M. -1). St-1ivimort—Thornas S. Scott, Esq. ALTDITOR—Thomas F. Johnson, Esq. RESIDENT 8E flhiTAIt1 AND GENERAL CENT,—A. Mackenzie Forbes, 13 St. crement Street, Montreal. The undersigned having been appoint- ed Agent for the above Company, l sties desiring to insure against loss by !Ir ; can so on the Most favourable terms Life Policies granted on as advar, -tge s terms as any other, respectable am - any (Mini( business in Canada. JAMES. H. BENSON. OFFICE—BEN ' r - r Agent SON & MEQ El's Law _Office, eaferth. Seaforth, Nov, 8, 1570, 13.3-tf.— A �•�----t ... = Sa !•1.teyie. • 1 McNAUGHT • de fLD respectfully intimate to the habitants of Seaforth and vicilt- on he now carries on business at pa T Sn oP, in rear of Killoran & - •Tobbia of all kinds, and :Morse -shoeing especiall promptly attended to. 11W' Terms reasonable. I64 -t DA%ID McNAUGHT. CUELPN SEWINC MACHINE CO THE OSBORN r 0 Q r r.. wt›. Lock -Stitch Sewing MACHINE. Thousands throughout Canada are now using these machines. They have been tested beyond all question, make the favorite lock -stitch, alike on both sides, and are' pr pounced . superior to any other machine offered the public. For wide range of work, perfection, beauty and excellence of mechanism, adaptability, strength and durability, The Osborn. Sewing Machine Has Ho Rval. - zir Improvements have lately been made, enabling the manufacturers to claim it as the ne phis ultra ofSewing machines. Hundreds of testimonials are being received daily from o1ol as well as new operators attesting its wonderful capabilities. Will do all kinds of do- mestic sewing, from the finest cambric to the coarsest overcoat or upper leather. GUARANTEED TO BE AS REPRESENTED, OR NO SALE, WARRANTED FOR PH [tEE YEARS. The Osborn Outfit is complete and readily comprehended. Is sold at one- half the price hitherto charged for ma- chines doing a like range of Work, the manufacturers being determined to place it -within the reach of every family in the country. . A TRIAL FETORE, PURCHASE Will eon- wince all that our Inachii.es are un- equaled. - THE GUELPH REVERSIBLE Is pre-eminently the best Single -Thread Machine offered to the public—hence its marvelous success Will, do all varieties CANNOT BE EQUALED. of domestic sewing. PRICES GREATLY , REDUCED. A new stock of the above Hand Machine, with full outfit, $12 , received. Treadle do., 617• &�'' '.us, ----Each maehiiic, guaranteed. 3 VIOLET SEATTER, - EXCHANGE BROKER, And dealer in. Pure DRUCS CHEMICALS AND DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, FANCYAN D TOILET ARTICLES Agent for Sewing Machines. Money to lend on easy terms. a- Pure Wines and Liquors for medi- cinal purposes. J. SEATTER, Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1876. 59-tf. TICKETS FOR EUROPE. l]]jj irR. JOHN OHN SEA TTER h a s been ap- pointed Agent eaf.�-3th, for the INMAN LINE OF STEAMERS. Parties contemplating visiting any part of Europe can be supplied with Tickets and all necessary information by apply- ing to - JOHN SEATTER. 185 tf, Druggist, etc. Warranted by the Makers. THE RUSS .EL WATCH � For Durability. Quality, Finish an# Neatness, r Agents wanted everywhere. Splen- did inducements to make money. Apply to GUELPH SEWINC MACHINE CO. GUELPH, CANADA. W. N. WATSON, Agent, 180-ly SEAFORTH. SALT. ORDERS For all kinds of - Salt Can new be filled at RAY, YODHa & PAIRING'S "ECLIPSE" Si LT -WORKS, SEAFORT%I, ONT. NOV. 9th, 1871. 9,15-4 PAINTING. JAMES WILLIAMS Begs to intimate to theublic that he has removedfrom McIntoshlle& lloh•- riff d n's Carriage Factory, and. has rented Mr. Grassie's s I.'aillt Shop, Where he may be found at any time. Mr. Williams is prepared to execute, of the shortest notice, all kinds of Crriage Painting, Sign gn Painting and Ornamental Work. Give him a call. Remember the place, opposite Murray's Stables. 17O -13t Watches just A COMPLETE•. STOCK OF FINE GOLD` AND SILVER JEWELRY ALWAYS 0;!`T IIANb, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of every description repaired with neatness and - despatch, and warranted to give satis- faction. $5,000 worth of Oki Gold and Silver wanted, for which the highest price in. cash or trade will be paid. M. R. COUNTER, 1 Main eet,--Seaforth. W 11. N. WATSON ALWAYS HAS ON HAND THE BEST SEWING MACHINES I1 THE MARKET, Either for Family use, or for Manufac- turing purposes. Both single -threaded and double -threaded, and leek. -stitch Machines can be supplied. Perfect satisraction guaranteed, and instructions given to purchasers gratis. WM. N. WATSON Can also insure property a ains t Fire and Marine Disaster, and Life and List]) against death and accident, with the best Companies, being Agent for • The Liverpool and London and Globe, (English.) The Provincial of Canada, (Canada.) The Gore District Mutual, (Village and - Farb . ) The Niagara District Mutual, (Village and Farm.a The Travelers of Hartford, (Life and Accident ) Losses Liberally Adjusted and Promptly Settled. - MONEY TO LEND At moderate rates of interest. No com- mission, and expenses moderate. MORTGAGES bought ht onequitable tal le terms. 150 • NOTICE. ABOJ R S wanting worn for a few Ti eeks will find employment on the I yt GOVERNMENT DRAINS In Grey. WAGES, 81 25 per day. Enquire of to foreman on this work. or apply to the agent at the office, Jas, T. Blain. G. BLAIN, Contractor. Grey, May 12, 1 8i I ISO•tf I