HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-12-29, Page 6s10131.1100•11101Masior , • 6. John Snox's Tercentenary. A year berme, Seotchmen will be invited to belelirate the terceetenary of 'Taint Knox's birth. Knox was the Luther of his country. Although in SOME) respects a less man than the German -reformer, he had no small share of Luther's audacity, some- thing of his genial disposition, and a great degree of his power of in- fluencing the most different classes of men. He was one of the rare !beings who by force of character, oven •more than by vigor of intellect, stamp lasting impressions on the mind of the age. When he. came, the mass of people were ignorant of everything save the superstitions of their Church, and the countiy scarcely dierdayed the germ of its present high standard of education and prosp&rity. A vaster change can be presented by the his- tory of few uationa, and in no sinall degree it has been produced by the efforts of ecclesiastical statesmen like Knox.° -They saw the necessity of educating the whole people, and the refereenter drew out a magnificent scheme. In parte the property of the Churela was to be devoted to the purpose of giseing the clergy a decent lnaiatearance. Butthe abolition oof the rich bisherecics, and the richer monasteries, ,would leave a large sur- plus fund and. with Ott fund Knox contemplated the ,establishment, not only of a good school inevery parish, but of a university in each town, so that .the -poorest youth might be able to gain the highest secular instruction. The plan was sadly shorn of ite.greatness by some of the nobles, whe loved the Kiirk lands far more .aidently than they loved the Kirk- .or the -people, and who had fought for their own land when they put sdown the celebration of the mass. Nevertheless, the wise scheme was partially executed, and it is a -mem truism to say that Soot-. land :owes much of her success to parish scilaools. Hardly less con- spicuous is the debt she owes to that peculiar eystera Of ecclesiastical poli- ty fashioned oy Knox and his succes- sors. Altbeihh perhaps unsuitable for England, it has given an admir- able educatior al training to Scotch people, by enabling them to take part in the government of their owta-Church, and by furn Mug them with constant stimulus of logical dtscouree an catechism ariA sernion. Knox might still be profitably taken as a model. by a large part of the Serstrciehealergy. He was the reVerse of the narrow-minded and rude bigot who has been painted mad his name by partisan historia in an ege distinguished for its lear it -1g, few .men in Europe had go through a wider course of sohola ship. His theological and ecclesiz tial :ideas 'lied been nurtured, fir in theschoole of the Catholic Chan then in the severely logical &fano phere of Geneva, next amid the mo broadening influences of German then .amid)the practical divines ah statesmen ofEngland and finally am the rude contentions of the Scotti capital and.Court. At once a schola and a traveled man of the world, h was saluted as an equal by teache like Ben, and by statesmen lik Murray. - :Nor was he a bigo -Nothing could be further from h character then the grim fanaticisi whieleso often now elays embezzle the sanction of his high authority He was_ijovial rather than denaurel sad. Elle relished the society of wo men, ehildren and wen of the world He liked to see ids friends aroun -^ 1-1-:114,J1.011T EXPOSITOR. the rule is extended to every female creature, and fisiin 'Ante immemorial no cow, mare, in At, duck, or goose' hal been permitts 4 to make acquaint- ance with hill or valley of Mount Athos Torlito ry. : A- traveller: Wa8 startled by the abrupt question : " What flOr t of ,hunian creatures are ,s!omen .1" The very idea Of .wonian, whether as mother, Wife or sister, is almost. lost:TO all Woinan-hateee ; tobrachelors of forty years standing; to all Men vshe seek refuge from the iles and ways, of the opposite sex, this , ° lesion ,,cate, safely be recow- mendedAs haven of refuge. aisea. Marriage as a Means of Grace. .4. Utah correspondent writes : It is_ a dectairte of the'Mortmen Church. that noewoman cin get to Heaven without the aid of a man, except in very special cases. To be married and a fliother in Israel is eternal savatin i for the saintess. •Withont this in the other world -the deceased_ seintess must serve .as a kitchen girl or waiting maid to some resuttected mother ita tsrael. This strange doctriue is thoroughly' be- lieved by the Manion wonien, And hence their eegernesato be married, either in or onit of .polygiunye A case illestrating -this_ has come to our knowledge. A beautiful girl seSenteen was ori. -her deathbed, and being untiiatried, „she, requested that a certain iwell-known editor should be sent for, to whoin she wished to be "sealed,'? and thus gaiu eternal life in the kingdom of God. The elders con he with het wish, the editor reached_ Ithe death bed, -and there, in the'peesence of witnes- ses, the living 41 the dying were united the holy bands of matri- Mony. e The eior .Was already a married man., hu his religion made WM take the dyi giel to 'wife.In stances of thishied are not rare. Seat . a mania e considered, doubly sanctifled owing., to the so- learrn eerroundin s. Death of a S gacious- News og. of the newsboys is proverbial; but unusual to find Species the saga - news dog called just departed this the regret of the ioIait was greatly mai . in question, red retriever and ed to Mr. Wass, r, Mersey street, er and for the last la elvemonths went The .shrewdnes of,our. large town it is somewhat among the canin city diaplayed by Blucher, ',who has Life At Runcarn, t inhabitants, by w petted. The Un whieh was a :self sheep dog, belon eating -house keep ns. regularly., to the sl op of Miss Jones, e. of Bride street, at 8 a.m. for a copy ne of the Liverpool . rCrl: If r y, and at r- nom for the Da,ill Telegraph. This ts- elever animal wen regularly on his es errand without eny instructions, le and with the put ctuality of the s clock, always atri -ing at the shop re at the'satne tinie. Hew- the dog y, could thus regulat his moveirents d is inexplicable, bi tit is insinuated id that be always lo ked at the town sh hall clock as he aseed, and if he 1-, i was a trifle toe ea •157 he loitered on e 1 the road, or if he band himself _be- ts 1 hind time he qui koned his pace. e; On entering the stationer's shop, he t, • placed his front feet on the counter, is 1 receiving the paper iii his mouth, e ; and then cantering' home, carefully s i watshing that no other animal seiz- i ed bis prize. Among the stori -1 iii the following : _ 1 newepaper was n d ! usual, rind Bindle e i be found, until- he was - discovered master's rooms. or was opened, re ran down be counter, and ieed.; to the sta.- paper, which he Ilt SitiFfaCt1011, poi8041.--Live2pool sagacity- itjile?::: , that Bluclie'r • is believett occiasioned by iad died from him as the stipper table, _ and h opened a cask ot Iuroncly as freely as a veice of argumentative Cal vinism. Had he Eyed in a quieter time, he would have won a high reputation, for geniality and broad tolerance, and he evould insve commanded sympathy at the dinner table no less than respect and admiration in the pulpit, the 'Couneil Chamber or the Senate ---for either of which he was equally wdl.fitted. A man of high intellect, enthusiastic devotion, statesmanlike- breadth of view, and serene purity .of character, he was an apostle selioni the Scotch people view with just pride and reverenie, and the tercentenary of whose birth they- will dosbtless celebrate witli a warmth and unanimity befitting the occasion.---Landmi Bally Tele- graph. $ Leld of -the dog One day the delivered as could nowhere sbnt up in one of hie The man:lent the u the faithful cleat stairs, jumped over galloped with all s tiontle8 for the new tea- back with eviel It appeases, boweve did not exercise th in other niatters, fo that his cleAth was eating 1iies which A Bachelor's Paradise. 'There is onlyone Territory of any .size and never has been but one, oc- ecupied ba any considerable daopula- -ton, from whicla -woman is almolute- A large stria of the very best Coal Oil tept 'con- ' to -day, and has existed for centsries. As far back as history reaches, to all females, it has been forbicklen ground. This bachelor's Arcadia is situated on a bold )1at b anovEs., TINWARE AND COAL .CIL. 1\ R&. WHITNErhas just received a large stock -1-1'2" of Cooking, P:Lrlor and Box Stoves, of the best meamfactrive, 'le can self am cheap as any in the trade. ' TINWARE. •of exe*y • kept toustantly on hand ahd made to order. A180, stove .Pipe, Eave 1Troughing, etc. Custom -work promptly Ail ogled tin and outside work will receive every akteution. COAX 01 ly. excluded. Yet euch a place existe shindy on awl, sad Ny.I.U. be scild v,•holciaLle and retail. Remember the place, Carmi,rhael's Blia:14 Main , sh-et, Sea forth.' . Pe rties-indebted by note -or book account are re- giu•sted to settle inunedintelv. Rags, v..00llsickingm, old it:011`,., brass, Copper, eta., 1 eau etween the sfiel Peninsula of Acte, in the HOUSE& LOT FOR SALE Grecian Archipelago, and the main - b 2 I IN SEAFOI TH. 1., taken in exchange Mr goods. 107 land. Here, in the midst of °tilde roil. Sale, Cheap, a Frame ''cittege and a Lot l vated extonsil'e woodlands dwell a ' a Lee, mei Mn]ca ; a a half, an the tonne. of WI • chwets, immediately facing the Alar10,:t ficuare 1 monastic confederation of 'G.a I reek - ::" c hsmse coutnim: two rt)0/13 S 41.1d t WO bed-VI/0ln; I ChliStiang with twentv-seven thou- 1 'th inill and HU/MCT Uk.itche41. There IA itiHn t: ! . 1 splendid well of water on the prOnises. For terms I sand sonisialud not one of the mon- iiikply to the unclersi4,eied• 1' J 0 FIN!' Tat NCE asterzee dates from a later time than the twelfth century.. A fesv soldiers guard the borders Of this anti -female land, and no woman is allowed to Cross the frontier. Nor Ls this alt; 207 Sentorth.. ROOMS TQ LET. TO LET, bt Scott's 11Block', 0071/V on tile second fiat. 195 31cCAUCiLIE1& HOLAISTED. two eommoilious pply• to 0 THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE DECLARES THAT' THE GARDNER SEWING MACHINE uperior to any now in the Market. Haying been examined and tried by the meat nkilfnl meehanies and best judges the country ean produce, and by them IIW artled Prizes nt all the principal NAIR& one hold throughout the Dominion during the present year, ; and although all the leading Machine:4 were arrayed against It, the GARDNER 'PATENT has been deetired VICTORIOUS OVER ALL COMPETITORS, upon every test, end now [Annan foremost In the rank of Hewers. SEE T II E LIST. 0 11.r. PRIZES 1? 0 It 1 8 7 1 ; Fiat Prizo at Toronto. _First Prize at London—the g -eat Western Fair. First Prize at Guelph—the great Centi1itl Fair. 111 't Prize at St. Catherines, County of Lincoln. First Prize at Chatham, County of lieut. First Prize at Waterloo, County of Waterloo. First Prize at Orangeville, Comity of Simeoe. Fircit Prize iu Iono, Comity of Peel. Fil•st Prize in Caledon, Comity of Shneoe. First Prize at Wel- laudport, County of Welland. First Prize lit Otterville, County of Oxford. Second Prize at Provincial Fair, Kingston, Diplonia et Hamilton, and vitrimie County Shows. . 'rhis beautiful apecinien of ineelianical ability is a purely Canadian invention, Hurpasaing in simplicity, durability, and usefulness auy other SLiwin; Madam: now in the inarket whether of Canadian, American, or English manufacture. It will hem, cord, braid, tnek, gather, quill-, fell, end do all and every kind of Family Sewing and light -Manufacturing Work, Luling all kinds of thread. It has inost complete SET tOF ATTACHMENTS. BUY NO OTHER. If the • price is "ti. 'little higher than some others,,it is the cheapest in the end. Send for Ciroulars and Sample% • GARDNER _SEWING MACHINE COAIPANY, HAMILTON, ONT. s.—. Intending purchitsera should not be misled by u iscrupulons ngents of other Companies, -who keep Machines they do not sell, in a damaged state, to make capital for themselves. Call and examine the Gardner before purchasing an • other, at WILLIAM Gaasszn's Warerooms, Goderiah-street, Seaforth. Agents wetted. 170-32 IMPORTED CHEST PETER GRASSIE, Senforth. R WHIT1 BOAR. esess sees: s ease ,e .e-stesses ,ssessz.' s - es'es ss.:s 0 The Fiist Prize thorough -bred Chester 'White Boer, pure seed from L. B. Su -win, Salem, Ohio, IT, 5. It is claimed by breedeics of Che:dc'r Whites, in the Unit il States, that they niake 11 greater amount of Pork fol 01(7 100(1 consumed than any other breed knosn . With ordinary ittti•n tion they thrive very rnpulh Weighing from ,100 to 700 lbs., et from 12 to 14 mai th, old, and are frequently killed weighing lifi high ea 1000 lbs. of Dreesed Pork. This hoer will lie hel a for thn service of eowe at Egmondville. Ti-inais.-One Dollar; Cash, with irivilegi, of returning. Alio, an improved REICH SHIRE BOAR, bred' LY M. S. CeenitAna, Camptnn, whose Berk- shire Pige are admitted to be the beet in Canada, hie :dock eing imported from the beet .breeders in England. Seyvice of this boar at One Dollar per NOW. Also, an imported POLAND AND NA. 11 AR. The find imported into ithis Country. Will serve a limited number of Howe at Ono Dollar per sow. Egineoldrille, Nov. 21. 1871. 207 w. .T. BAILEY, Proprietor. maleammarwimmilairmashomannwes Dexter Traininocan d Sale Stables, SEAFORTH, eNT. nil. BAILEY begs to inform the Farmen4 and public gen rally, that he has specially fitted up Stnbles for Trailaing and Selling Ilorscri, and purp Nes to HANDLE TROrTING STOCK by training -and developing them to the best advantage. He Inc engaged an old experienced trainer from Kentiveky;With the nseistance of competent grooms and eve y facility for perft'et and most satisfactnry -restilte from all under my charge. Persons havino gOOd yOUig sound free -stepping Homo would do 'weft to have them trained and 8(0 11 they cannot be wrote to trot' est. I am constently in receipt of orilere for good drivers and can sell any,number of good movers et nor lextinnEs. Perties haring Horses in Training will receive their time every week, thus enabling th !in to nee the improvement they are mak- ing,. We have as good a half -Mile track as eau be found in t e Dominion for training Horses on. Terms. Reason ble. Horses Burfght Sold: One or 'no good Trotters for 'Sale. oFFicE, AND sTADDEN—Sin.ch of the B. & L. FL P. R. St Ltion and opposite the Woolen Factory. 206 Ad ress, A. H. BAILEY. Seaforth, Ont. 04.4 rwl f;..) 1.•-• f"'• ".q Cr) 0 V+. 0 0 rezD • •-•4 r•-•• P>. oPt- tom ...! c) rn-x3 P P tit (It) e146 )...013 Cade mai ONIHiO1O 0 411111M712 T. K. ANDERSON, THE CIRCU1 Cuts through all op OBERT R SAW osition. • ON & CO Harr just reedived a 'large and splendid ameortmeat of 3ogor,f and other celebrated makes CETLER,Y, N1CKOLITE AND. OTHER Mit TEA TRAYS, COAL Lightning and Turn -tab Ever- Family should har IMPROVED CHAMPION CROSS -CUT STOC- C.'S CELEBRATED EXT Warranted the best In Repairs for Ab ell's Patent Gem And every othor article requfred in the Hardware • 0—JACK SCREWS TO HIRIE SIGN OF THE OfTIOUL 198 1131110MMINIMM•111•0•131•WIMPIEN. 117.1 R PLATED GOOD.S, IL LAMPS, e Apple'Parers, one. AND OTHER. SAWS, MACHINE OIL SC . and Horse Power, Line—Shelf and Heavy. R SAW,- . ROBERTSOY & CO. NEAT, CHEAP AND McINTYRE & WI 1XTOULD infOrm the publie that they have just received a fl " Eoglish Cal and Freneh and English Kip, end iire now prep competition. An assortment of HOME-MADE WORK kept Cons hest Toronto and London houses, which willbe sold dump. A go Boot* .kept always nn.hand. A call is respectfully solicited. Do Iloberteon ct Co.'s Hardwicre Store, awl first door south of John Lo LIS . st-elitem assortment of Frenth and rea to nmke work at prices that defy antly on hand, as well as that of the al assortment of Home-made Boyle n't forget the place,—opposite w. 199 MERG44NT TAILOR, SEAFORrH, Has a very handsome and extensive Stock of SCOTCH, ENOLISII AND CANADIAN TWEEDS, BROADCLOTHS, BEAVERS, MELTONS, ETC., to choose from. Gents' Furnishings, Sneh as Shirts, Collars, Ties, tnder-clothing, etc% u great variety, and as cheap as any in the inarket Also, the latest styles in LINEN COLLARS always on hand. HATS AND CAPS. A large stock of the very latest English, Ameri- can and Canadian styles of Rats and Caps just arrived. Call early, a8 they are going fast. 207 T. K. A.NDERSON, DEc.- 291 1871. gaINSEINIMIAMMINIMPIIMIMB FLOUR! FLOUR! TTAVING purehased and thoroughly refitted the inilis formerly owned by the Metcsrs. SCODIE, I am now prepared to inniiih - FAMILY FLOUR, Second to NONE IN SEAFORTH, And 'that -will Compare favorably with any in tie Do- minion, st you want A 1 13.1.01-'11, go to the following Dealers and ask for INIARSHALL'S--)lemember- MARSHALL'S FLOUR : W. SCOTT ROBERTSON, J. WHITEST DE, SIMON POWELL, - JOHN CAVANAGH, Or at W. MARSHALL'S Mills. Orders left -with W. S. ROBERTSON- will be. promptly attended to. Parties who -wish to Exchange Wheat for Flour, Are certain to receive proper quantity, and an arti- cle that will defy competition. 186-tf W. MARSHALL. IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS. GOOD FLOUR r AT ALL TIMES. W. A. SHEARSON & Proprietors of the SEAFORTH MILLS n Are now Manufacturing the best FAMLLY cf; P ASTRY FLOURS: In the Dominion. Intending purehasera in .Seaforth and vicinity can rely npon getting onr Family and Pac-b7 Flours from the following 1)eiders, ONLY :—Thob. Lee, A. M. Strong, John Welsh, .Taines C. Laitlinw, Alex. Ahlt, Thonms Kidd. J. McGinnis, William Ault, G. it H. .Thekson, Egmondville, and et the Seaforth Mills. Orden left at our oiliee, Market Seuare, will receive prompt attention. Farmers desiring to exchange theirWheat. for Flour, at the Min, May alwarye rely upon gettitg onr hest Family or Pastry Flour in exehange'111 quantities uccording to the rattle of their wheat. W. A. SHEARSON & CO. 18141. CATTLE FAIR. A CATTLE FAIR will be held hereafter at LOYD'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH, (Opposite the Station,) On the First Monday in each month. BEGnisrso os RIONDAV. OCTOBER 2, 1 871. Largo numbers 1 buyers will be in atterubrnee, and parties having stoelc inay rely on the best mar- ket price& In connection with Loyd's Rotel (Houghton's) are large and Cominortious stables and yards. 198 CALL AND SEE THOMAS BELL'S CHAIRS, LOUNGE'S, SOFAS, CENTRE TABLES, SIDEBOARDS, *WHATNOTS, BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS,. Looking -Glasses and all other articles: kept in First:elass .Cabinet Shops, which he is selling, AT VERY LOW PRICES: A large reduction to parties buying a quantity. REMEMBER THE SHOP, Opposite THOMAS Brick Store, THE FIRST -PRIZE IMPROVED BERESHIRE BOAR. Timsubscriber keep for service, at his pre- mises, Lot 4, Con. 2, Stanley, two milea from Kippen, that well-knewn improved Iterkshire Boar which took the int Prize at the t -s -o County Shows: also, at three Township Shows, ell in 1571. The subscriber has also purchased a young improved Berkehire Boar, six mouths old, at the Western Fair, London, which he will also keep for service. Terms, :A1 for each sow, to be per;i at the time of service, with the privilege of returning as often an necessary within twelve weeks from -time of first - service. Nov. 7, 1871. WILLIAM BLAIR, Xi-. 205 1-='..01\1 ILI THE ELOOD. Di) Sy HU r." PETZUNTIANSYRUP-MakeS tbewealt stroll rif EL.41 cxpels di -ease by supplying ale blood -with. ATilir: OWN VITALIZING AGENT--I111).N. Caution..—BOSure yon got Pernylan Syrup. ramplilets i'ree. J. P. 1)INSM01113. No. co pey St. , New York. sold by Druggists gencaullz., 11 DEC 20, 187 , -111101MINIIIIM1111111111111.1411Knallianarit h,:act:wbaflieelgivega urmilaent linb horses is- attracting tio Zperaoreteticcat it)hl; atehv aj illoof.which breaks by • -with the ground, At preserving the natut tura, elasticity and fi -the eh000nf ell.; the instrument used ing knife, contlived fo .by 1L Charlier. makes a groove, in whl iiin is set, taking the part cut off, and beem tute for the rim furi ture. After a short ti will be even with the both of which are thus •come in direct eonta ground, as nature in should do. The frog is and soon becomes able in supporting the weigh It soon becomes thick decreasing the elocks t tendons are suojected .Toads. It is claimed that when the frog is it prevents the animal 'Dinidedee01'flololof a lelit iadg With Charlier's shoe th hoof is never touebed, development —become. 'Strong, tough, and aidel tact with the sharpest si a our beSt horsemen are that all attempts to pro from contact with the misdirected, causing th the hoof to become mor4 eased. If the theories we may expect to see eof the fature adding s ;to the fastest recorded day, while °lir common and roadsters will, in 1 , „ improve upon their pres nces. The Scotch Church_ It appears from a return obtained- on Miall that the total penditure in India on - elesiastical purposes is a: 82. Of this SIM II& -curred in the Civil fiepa is distributed as follow Church of England, LI: Church of Scoilaitd, 11 the Roman Catholic Cin In the military depart 755 is paid to Roma chaplains, and 12279 ti ian chaplain i. Effect of Alcohol an on the French. Chi M. Joie-, a distinguisi: of the French Academy has recently read a impel learned society, it( whi butes the e.aervation of as evinced -dining the 1 the combined effect of nicotine ni;on the natio Tobacco," says Dr. Joly bf only recent intro& gained upon its older rIN- tiveness and moral co/A- -done their work, nntil this poison has penetm where—has enslaved caused personal and raci acy, enervated the entire= made it slow to fight am in action. The use of ard toiricco bas frightful ed, and human dein* scareely devise a worse than the -mixture of bran bacco, whkh is the latest. elty patronised by Parisi ists. The Freleh :nest& bate° than any other nat Anecdote of the LatE After the Canadian 1837-38,_ when party high abont the_10 ed by the people of the the citizens of 3Iontreal,' censed that they burned ment House and xii()))1JeA crnar General Itecauhe hei Indemnity Bid as pass( Legislature. A dtlint it St. Andrew's Society of vited His- Lordship to the' invitation which lie on landing, the inemi ciety coilStit1114111 t11 -4n» bodyguard, and (-semi through an excited crow(1 overawed by seeing the leJ in the community lea&liiiii 4 with their lives. 1 that body afterwards p him, and while we stoo him as he returned us tilaD support, he said cg 1 lionght -i whenin a Ittbinity:Illeni:o4:14 t 1 iight,OV, Pa.tber Damen, Jesuit Institute, Chicago,: of his companions, has bee a mission at the Roman' Cathedral, Ottawa, for st or ten days past. He three and sometimes fo daily to audiunces numbei 2000 to 3000 OD each oceae tiathrday evening last he -on Temperance, and it if...4'