HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-12-29, Page 3DEC 2 . 1871. LW No. -I- and a-saist the Toronto, Grey tray Company by giving lire he Company, by'wy of bonus area therefor, and to authorize pal rate for the payment of merest. ° et of the first aess on of tea ✓ o'inee of Ontario, passed u . rf her Majesty's- reign, ineor :to, Grey and Bruce Railway tied that au} municipality or tl h fifty part c' which, or near works of th.. said Counsauy ctuatecl, May 'ail and assist yalo.uiing or ,fit traxiteeing or of bougs, or other weans, to iing municipal bonds 'to or in or otherwise, in /such wanner is z.nch n•tnric•ipulitiets, or stray- . expedient, provided. filo apo in, bonus, or guarantee shall 'X' the passing of by-laws for adoption of such by-lnnws by vi deet in the railts ay aet. the act of the Legisla- ce of Ontario. peseed in the Fier flat dty'a reign, chapter given: to ar-v portion of as a beim* to the Mitt Com, of aiding in the Construction tajority of the perfions rated: A roll as freeholders that are kr the municipal act,: in that hilt of Turoberry described as I<„ on the bouudary lixtc be- of Turnberry and Howie%,, /minds ul between Tex-aherry sle liue ''between lots =unbent • southerly to where the said. st concession. thence down eon Iota nuntbere forty and. et cot/cession, clown to the -esu `f<uruberrr and 31otxis,, undary~ to the line' between :v, including- all that pdfitiou Vern -berry lying east from the entioncd, have: petitioned the cipalit-v of Turnberry to peso (ening for the purpose of aid- ^tion of thea said Toronto,. tfwuc, to the amount of five t • it is expedient to grant the tet purpose it is nece ssary for Township of T runbe rry above,; ▪ said aura of live thouianj hereinafter mentioned. i require the earn of five hun- ts, to be rllie:ed annually by hole rateable property of thee berry above describedd for papa Lousand clonsre, and interest be issued therefor aa. herein - mount of the whole rateable ion of the raid. Town:eluli of embed, i.respecti%e of any fn- ane, and also iareepectire of toed from the tertrporary in - di ig fund htreivafter zneu- hereofY'aceording to the last .1 of the raid township, being Rand -eight hundred and sen - if one hundred and twenty-: neared and ten dollars. itount. of the whole rateable Ishii/ of Turuberry, irrespee- :•rease off the same, and also conte to be derived from the of the sinking fund herein- ry part Unreel, according to nxent roll of the °aid town- fir one thousand eight hun- rz two hundred and eighty - 'sired dollars. count of the existing debt of t Turnberry is twenty-eight principal, and for interest rix hundred dollars, interest lid described portion of the cxi-ting debt. other thin Iles eadsting debt of the whole ,oltion is twelve. thonsaud - ntk-eiire e dollar for principal l,9U7, and iutetest iu arrear aping the interest and crettt- iL ing fund for paying the said dollltrs, as hereinafter men - eta tt equal special rate of four the dollar, in addition to all "-a ineach; year in the said fa of the ui€I township. enacted b. the 3funicipal tip of Tux -ilia -try that it shall or thht portion of the said sr above dlexeribed to aid' and iasy and Bruce Railway-Com- o ailway-Cont-o the sunt of five thousand arose aforeseict the Reeve of Tau/berry shall cause any: :4 of the said township of - for such suras of money as fie: said -purpose, not less than € xceeding in the whole the tad dollars, which anal. deben- i with the sepal of the said `wry and be signed by the of the Municipal Connczl of and eoonte reigned by the other person or persons as `ouncii may by law appoint, urtron of the /said township of account of which they ars trentnres shall be made pea -- from the day hereinafter .ay -law to talk effect, at the Toronto, amt shall have at - ns for the payzrteut of hater - aim manner hereinafter men- bent-ures shall bear interest: ,1 six per cent. per armour, which inttre.t shall be pay - e first days of January and: the lank of Toronto, in. Tose of forming a Oinking• dtf the said debentures and the rate aforesaid, an copal d one-third mills in the - not -e all other rates be raised, - ene•h year upon all the rate- art €,f the said I`owuship ori e mentioned. and described. orf twenty pare from the Chia by-law, unless such de- dF r paid. �h 11 take effect on, from and: pay of December, iu the year sand eight hundred and ser- firer tat be signed and issued Itliven -dl by the Iteove of the itberrr to the trustees ap- /acted,. in accord uim with the ural net ioeor-'rating the said I t t Itoilw ty Company. anected by the said .Muaiei- Fry hrn -f 'Ir,.nbcrry that the - tit that portion of the said s hereinbefore tore- mentioned be it Mr-. D v`s IIall, Lot 24, yrs cni Tuesday, the 2lith 'thousand eight hundred and irt,.; at the hoar of nin€, and el faing at the hour of o-noart of th, share day, arid firer fortaking- the said vote- oleo-se oter oleo-e ix a true copy of enieli oil' be taken into con- tra of th, re.wIn.hip of Merl - frown the first1,ublicatibrt in 'se, the date of '.hien fav € Huron Expositor, en the A. D Isi71, and that the t the said do -oiled portion Sabena will be takeu thereon: th day of December, ' at nine €a'eleek in the fru, (,.,-tock in the aftd.r- - ar the idlaet' rr•attakuLd. set e -aria Hama. of the abuse r .I.,setlla /AMES nidi-:sloN. I`ownt hip e'lerk- .he above by-law is sui•>- ee following ret,ltttion,.v:iz. 1, --i;oi granting aid to the ce I.,tlir aF (. nnl,anybe sub- , subject to this conditiono f he Prissident of the said 1semeil of Tiinberry, bear- eAu1.; Je1HNSTOx, Township Ch rrc. USED, AND. RECOM- ERIDED BYTHE MOST `44NENT PHYSICIANS- I- NEW ENGLAND FOR FRE -LAST 45YEARS. iQTHfNG RETTER.' 1I't.ER BROS. & CO.,. . BOSTON. ytkreY1rruzgista Co., Toronto, Agents,, • Dtc. 29, 18 i 1 . - BRIEF NOTES, A Scotch minister refused b tism'to the child -of a man who 's milk on Sunday. -The London Times calculi' that in fifty years more every civ ized-nation will speak the Engl language. -The old project of leading t children of Israel bask to Palesti and establishing a Jewish kingd there, is on foot in Frankfort, G many. - - - .The latest London announ alert is a nose machine, by whi Ilomel y noses are pressed into t most fashionable shape; according the taste of the owner. -One_ would never suspect, aft a glance at the advertising coluur'1 of the Chicago papers, that the e tire business portion of that ci was a few weeks ago laid in ashes. —The old-fashioned waterfalls a corning in fashion again, where th hair is creped and drawn down ove a cushion and covered with a fin silk net. The style is pretty i golden hair, but not in dark,. brow or black. =The Cattle in Texas will die b 'thousands in consequence of the se dere Winter. It is computed by local journal that :the West. Texa cattle -interest has lost in stock from the present cold snap, ove $400,000 worth. - - —The Speaker of the Britisl Honse of Commons has a magnifi cent residence, furnished and kept in fepair at the public e end nd containing one hundred rooms.. 'He receives a salary of $25,000, and on retirement is always created a Vis- count, and has a pension of $20,000; which, on his death, passes to his eldest son. —- - The four rules of good health are said to be - - " Great "temperance—open air, Easy Iabor—little care." —The Newfoundland ,journals re- cord with great satisfaction the r6- appearance of immense "s 'oils" of mackerel on the coast. Forty years ago the mackerelsuddenly dis- appeared and -'a lucrative trade was *destroyed. They have now return- ed it vas liumoers, but no natural- ist has, as yet, assigned a cause either for their departure or return, —An old grumber, complaining to the King of Sparta of- the tines; got this left handed sympathy :—.- "What you say is undoubtedly true,ni for I remember that, when 1 was a bov, I heard ' my father say that, when 11e was a boy, he heard my grandfather say the same thing." ap- e1ls tes d- ish he rle, Om er- ce ch he to er. nS n- ty re 0 r e n n Y a S 1 G &IETIES, An Englishman about to banged for murdering leis wife, s rowfully remarked on the gallow "I led her to the halter, and n she has led me to the 'alter." - —A Poughkeepsie landlady is despair. Her six boarders stow- away two hundred and thirty cakes ordinary size, every 'Domino.. —`� Now ' then, 'children„” sa-i parish school -mistress, showing l- pupils off on examination day, "w s" be or- s: ow purpose of driving. awv the miners is ab urd in the extreme. The au- thority - of the Government . here is aclinowleclged as supl•erne by all classes and deeds.; All the Mor- mons yield. obedience ;to the proces- ses of the ,United States Courts. Peace nnd\gopd w111 prevail every- whei'er and in •no part of the United States is there wore security for life and property. Cleric 1 Visitationsa it was a re 1- delight to have Ilene of those good, hearty, happy, behig- -nant old clergymen;pass the Sunday with us, and I can, rewember,some whose advent wade, the day feel al ;post like - " Thanksgiving." But now and then wo}ild . come along a clerical visitor with a sad face and a wailing voice, which sounded ex- actly as if soniebod y must be lying dead up stairs, who took no interest in us- children, except a painful one, as being in a bad way with our cheerer looks, and did more to un- christianize us with his woebegone ways than all his sermons were like to accomplish in the other direction. -I remember r one in particular who twitted me so with my blessings as a <Chrislian child, and whined so. to me about the naked black children, who, like t -he "Little Vulgar Boy," "hadn't got no supper and hadn't got no ma," and hadn't got no cate- chism (how I wished for the mo- meutI was a little black boy?) that he did more in that one day to make me a 1 -heathen Op 11 ,, tatever de/re in a month to make a Christian. out of an infant Hottentot: I might have,, been a minister myself, for aught I - know,, if this clergyman had not looked and talked so like an under- taker.—Oliver Wendell Eames. ice► The Density of a Japanese Popu- lation. We were nearly an hour in tra- versing the suburbs of this vast city before we seertled to gain the reatthoroughfare, filled to overflow- ing with an immense but very order- ly crowd. There was pushing and squeezing, and from time to time a desperate descent was made by the police on some luckless wights in the front rank. Blows on the bare head were dealt furiously on all ; but the weapon was a fan,,ytnd al- though in their hands a very effect. ive 'one, it could -'hardly do much mischieff. We came at last to, the plain river, spanned by a bridge three hundred yards long, well and solidly built, below which there is an island, covered' with houses, in the midst of the stream, something like the island of St. Lours in the - Seine. Not a trace of hostile feel- ing was to be seen anywhere, though the curiosity _was great to see the foreign ministers. - dere, indeed as in might be noticed at 1 glance, was a vastpopulation, with whom traae was the chief ,occupation, and at every step ,/evidence of the greatest d a- activity were visible. Piled up icy near the bridge I noticed glazed ho tiles for drains, and large earthen jars for coffins—the Japanese" being buried as he lives, *with his heels tucked up under him in a sitting posture—an arrangement which has at least ''the advantage of saving space in the cemeteries, still further economized by burning the bodies of the poorer classes, and merely bury- ing their /181's in a jar of small di- mensions. The Japanese have some strange superstitions about either sleeping or being buried with the head to the north. In every sleep- ing -room at the resting places, we found the points ; o£ the compass marked on the ceiling, and my Japa- nese servants would cn no account let my bed be made up in any tut the right direction. -"Japan," edit- ed b 1 Bayard i jior. - - loves all men ?" " You, niissu was the unexpected answer. ' Daniel Purcell, the fans punster, was desired one night company to make a pun ex tempo " Upon what subject?" said Dani " The King," answered the oth 0h-, sir," said he, the King is subject." - Boy, wily did you take an er fill of my shingles on Sunday ?" ac W div, sir, mother - wanted son kindling -wood, and I didn't want split Wood an Sunday." —Hope haz made a grate menn blunders; but there iz one thin .about her that I alwus did like well.—Josh, means we11.—JosI3illi.�zs. —Husband (old style question) `` Wrhat, dit,pi.ng into the third vo ume to see if every one is married? Wife (new style of answer) : " 01 they were married in the first vo time. I only want to see if it wa ready her husband who poison -e her." - —Covington, Ga., has a colore Debating Society. The questio last discussed by this august assem bly was, €� Which is the more use ful, paper or gunpowder ?"' Th President was for a long time i great doubt as to which side had pro duced the strongest argument; when one of the powder side arose and very gravelly said " Mr. President, Spose dar was a bar out dar at the door, and irou was to -go dar and shake de paper at him, you'd see what the bar would do. But jest shoot a caution at him and mark. de result. I calls for de question." The President forthwith deiided in favor of powder. o s in re. el. el'. no m - ie to y g 1 „ 1, 5 d n e n ,*. ' The ]Mormon Difficulty. SALT LAKE, Dec. 12.—Letters s re- ceii'ed from capitalissts. in England express grave apprehensions -of civil war in Utah between the Mormons and tale Gentites, and thf? probability of the Indians of Wyoming_and.Ar- izona joining the Mormons ',and driving out the miners. Such ap- prehension is totally unfounded. Never was the possibility of conflict mare remote, and the idea of the In- dians from any *quarter interfering .against the Government, or for the SPARLIPs G&SCOTT- A -HZING purchased the wholesale department of Thomas Bell's Furniture Shop, we are now prepared to - SUPPLY WHOLESALE DEALERS WITII FURNITURE, Cheaper than it ever was sold. before, as we have - made great -additions to the machinery and in- tend mauufacturing extensively. - Parties may be sure of good.work, as none but good mechanics are employed. A good stock kap constantly on hand. Lumber taken in exchange. Turning done on shortest notice. 1•�" Thomas Bell's Old Shop, Corner of Market Square, SEAFORTH; 204-13 SPARLING & SCOTT. REMOVED. REMOVED. M. - ROBERTSON, Cabinet-maker and Undertaker, HAS REMOVED his ware -rooms to JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Main -street, Scnfortb, Where he has on hand a snporior stock of Furni- ture of every description: CALL .l 1'D SEE IT. UNDERTAKING. Haring purchased Mr. Thomas Bell's IiEARSE, I am prepared to attend funerals on the shortest notice, either in town or country. - Coffins, All Sizes, Kept constantly on hand. SHOPS FOR SALE. VOR SALE, two shops and forty -font feet front- age on Mai -p Street, Seaforth, opposite Car- michael'!, Hotel. Apply to a. SEATTEB. THE OVRON PARTICULAR NOTICE. JOHN LOCAN Has a Lot of SHAWLS, MAI\ TLES, - _ AND— IDRPSS G -c o s Which ho is anxious to Sell 0 at Cost, YES, BELOW COST; Or any reasonable price that n custcfxner May offer Wherefore, Ladies, you will pleas€! °all ab the Manchester I -louse, MAIN STREET, - Soon and got your pick of the Goods before they are all sold. Se orth, July 2i5, 1871. 190 EG110NDVILLE AOCERY STORE. WM. THOMSON, (Late of Seaforth,) II AS rccoiyed a fresh supply of ChoiceFamily Go/merles, of eaery descriptio;, embracing very Fine -flavored Teas, of various varieties. Als , Sugars, Coffees, Spices, Fish, TOBACCOES, Biscuits and every other article in the Grocery line, all of s}'hich he will Kell at prices as low as eau be had at Seaforth or in any House in the County. B TTER AND EGGS taken in exchange for goods as cash. FL 0 UR A.ND . 'L1ED) of every description,' kept constantly on hand, in- eluding Shearson & Co.'s No. 1. A call is respectfully solicited. WM. THOMSON. REMEMBER THE BRICK STORE, EG1IfONDVILLE, - LOG AN'S .OLD STAND. NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE N SEAFORTII. SCJ , (Lately of Gloncoe,) - NAVE JUST OPENED OUT a_largo stock of. Ready-made Ladies' Gents' and iChililren'a - BOOTS AND SHOES, S HOBS, of every variety and style, which will be sold at such prices es will DEFY COMPETITION. All kinis of Fine and Coarse work made to order, on the shortest ;notice. Itopairin In GRI executed neatly, cheaply and promptly. REMEMBER THE STAND, FITH DAVIE,S' OLD STORE, Second door south of the Post -Of e Call and see for yourselves and bo convinced that REAL Bargains aro given. 197 SPU RR & SON, SHROUDS ! SHROUDS ! ROBERTSON, CABD ET MAIiER AND UNDERTAKER, Johnson's Old Stand, Main street, Seaforth, haw now oii handl a good assortinent of - SHIR,ov-n s 'Which he can furnish cheaper than they can •bo got elsewhere. 205 NOTICE TO FARMERS. POULTRY' WANTED. The undersigned is now prepared to pay the 'Highest a Price, in Cash, I'or e ny quantity of good well-dressed POULTRif, Deliver d at the Egg, Empoohun, Seaforth. The Poultry must all be cirrwn. 207. - - D. D. WILSON. VICTORIA OAT -MEAL AND BARLEY MILLS, SEAFORTH. THE subscriber has lately added to his Oat -meal Mill a ne' chopping stone, and is now prepared to do CHOP' ING, OF ALL KINDS; - At the shortest notice. - Oat -meal xchanged for Oats, and Pot -barley - exchanged f r Barley, and all kinds of Mill Feed constantly on hand. F. SEEGRIILLER. Seaforth, Oct. 5, 1871. 200-13 BUSINESS STAND FOR SALE IN BERNE. FOB Sale, in the village of Berne, on the bound- ary between Hay and Stanley, 15 tulles from ' Seaforth, 8 item Bayfield, 3 from Zurich, a Business staaid, suitable for either a store or a mechanic's shop. A good dwelling -house is in con- nection; also,, a stable and half au acre of land with good bearing orchard. This is a good open- ing for a saddler, as one is needed in - the place. Terms, one half cash, the remainder in instal- ments. For further particulars apply to JOHN ESLER, Lake shore, Lot 24, Stanley, or to WM. IRWIN, Berne. 205-9 XPOSITo-. 'WINTER! WINTER! SIGN OF THE HAT. Tlie Latest Styles Just Arrived. J. DTJNCAN & CO, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, IT1avE just received n complete assortment of HATS and CAPS of the very latest styles, and in great variety, comprising in Dart H FITR CAPS, ALL VAItIETIES, All the different styles of CLOTH CAPS_ Also, a vary nice assortment of SILK ANDFELTHATS. COLLARS AND TIES. - • - All the newest lines in Collars, Ties, oto., kept on hand. ring purchased for Cash in the cheapest and best markets, a e ares p -spared to offer unusual induce- ments to customers. J. DUNCAN & 00. BOOTS ASD SIIOES. We have now on hand a very large stook of READY-MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, which have been pre chased from the best manufactories in the country, and which for quality and price cannot be sur - pe sod. HOME-MADE WORK. Sp cial attention devoted to this department. We are prepared to guarantee a good fit and a first-class article at as low a price as any other house in the trade. Repairing promptly attended to. vo ns a call of inspection and judge for yourselves. 208 - J, DUNCAN & CO. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE Wellington, Grey and Bruce R' F1 FROM PALMERSTON TO LUCKNOW, VIA AINLEYVILLE, RANKS NEXT IN IMPORTANCE TO - LIVINGSTONE'S DECEMBER BARG-AINS. Y The cheapest possible `€ THROUGH RATES " can always be obtained, and " CON- NECTIONS " guaranteed when secured on his line by cash buyers in quesof GOOD BARGAINS. No- Transhipment necessary when yoti arrive at his DEPOT THE "DOMINION 110US.E." AINLEYVILLE, December, 1871. LADIES If you want a NEW DRESS, If you Nrant a beautiful set of FURS, cheap, If you want the nicest IIAT or BONNET • in the Province at half its value, - If you Want a handsome SHAWL, WATERPROOF CLOAK, FANCY FLANNELS, in fact, If you want anything in the DRAY GOODS or MILLINERY LINE, go right to DENT'S. - He has just received a fresh lot of all these Goods for Christmas and the Holidays. Don't fail to call first at DENT'S. JUST ARRIVED, Another lot of CHEAP FLANNELS, Scarlet, White and Fancy. Also, One Bale of large heavy WITNEY- BLANKETS. Parties wishing a good article, cheap, would do well to see thele, at LEE & SWITZER'S. •�Too�s Tln3.>; `sfanlsturna sAitao .. 'SOI2id at0 A.'IKO (INV MVO '`d[ZZIMS 3 Z '5V3J.3010HO `S .�1 n�� A►3 N 'lTaZZI.,LS I7 •Q vH 0J &SDI u� dua'D 1 t[ Jo mow U autos dam— �.._-.f to dc , if6� IP `� y� ' , M �I PA i9.7ifa 'IRI l Mi/�ir7 CLIN'TOI r MUSIC EMPORIUM DEPEW & DOHERrY. W. BELL & CO.'S SUCCESS, For 1871. At Provincial Exhibition, Silver Medal and Four First Prizes. At Western Fair, London, two Diplomas and two First Prizes. At Hamilton Central Fair, Diploma and two First Prizes. At Guelph Central Fair, three- Firat Prizes out of four, and a Diploma for general excellence over all competitors. DEPEW& DOHERTY, Albert street, Clinton. General Agents. THE AGRICULTURAL MUTUAL ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. HEAD OFFICE, LONDON, ONT. Licensed by the Dominion Government. CAPITAL, FIRST OF JANUARY, , 1871, $231, 242 25. - Cash and Cash Items, $72,289 55. This Company continues to grow in the public - confidence. On the 1st January, 1871, it had in Ioorce 34,528 Policies, having, during the year 1870,,, fined the iinineuse number of 12,819 Policies. It='. . fanners, patronize your own CANADIAN ompany that has done such good service amongst u. For Insurance apply to CHARLES MORROW, Agent, Clinton 203 P. O. CUTTERS. CUTTERS. The :best made, most stylish, most durable, and cheapest CUTTERS, PIJI.;ASUIRE ,SLEIGII,S, DEMOCRAT CUTTERS, &c., Manufactured at McINTOSII & MORRISON'S Carriage Factory, 210.13 Main -street, 'Seaforth. - JUST RECEIVED, AT THOMAS LEE'S, A CHOICE STOCK OF FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, Comprising , TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, RICE. CURRANTS, RAISINS SOAP, TOBACCOS, - Etc., Etc., All of which he can afford to sell as cheap as any - in the town. TEAS FROM 50 cents TO $1,. And warranted to give satisfaction to all. SHEARSON & CO.'S No. 1 Flour and Feed, Of every description constantly on hand. And PROVISIONS - 01 all kinds to be had at the lowest possible rates. Simpson's Spice, the best Condition Powder 'for Farm Stock in use. Farmers, try it. Tho highest price given for Farm Produce of all kinds. .1." Remember the place, SHEARSON & CO.'S OLD STAND, West Side, Main -street, SEAFORTH, Ont. THOMAS LEE. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. - - TO THE ELECTOR& OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF SEAFORTH. I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE', that the Nomino- tions for a Reeve and four Councillors to sere: for the ensuing year, will be held at the - TOWN HALL, SEAFORTH, at noon, on Monday, December 18, 1871. An Election, if necessary, will be held on Mon- day, January 1st, 1872: the Polls to be open from 9, A. M., to 5 P. M., and the polling place for tho sub -division, North of the Huron Road, to be Mr. Cash's Store, Goderich street. The polling place tor the sub -division, South of the Huron Road, to be at the Town Hall. T. P. BULL, Village Clerk. Seaforth, Dec. 1, 1871. 208 MONEY! $5,000 TO LEND. HAVE the above sum on hand for investment on`r'-oodFarm Security, y, a 8 and`9 per cent.,.—Private Funds. JOHN B. PORTER. SEAFORTH, July 25, 1870. 139.— J. P. BRINE, LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Enron. Sale*i attended -in all parts of the Country. All orders left at THE Exrosrron Office will be promptly attended to. 1