HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-12-29, Page 118 & New Years, MAS PRESENTS;, -;ATI'S PRESENT INT ER .ing off his stock of AND -- \1 and things, soitahle for New Year'ec I're ents flue tle-puartment of my attic• .- ;r cheep --AT COST, T AN :CO ST •r ; tx .ht Toy .Line. nil ,. rel• t tc nxirc• etc L c• f reHES 'Cry t.crensive, fonlpr"i=iO:_ `t Ott lc'.-; of f,$hirt Stmts. Cuff Batten-. E'• :. , Watch ('hair[., [C RINCS. ry des(TiptiUII, tanL 5y .TC cot NTE r S EAF ORTH - C too' EWES, one with the tops oft its ears. The th of bei . commons, it forms the hand- ! i 1 tie for lie l'etuidiA to ! thin sal sold for $1,300. The abo how a- total -forathis stock a , A convention of saddlers Was held G. T. Railway _Station, Sectfortle one. Through FARIYI AND PHOTOGRAPH Rooms FOR • 1-011Will1k: 5. NO. 4. WHOLE lY O. 213. Lilt ` Jttran elP itor I4 Pt.ISLISTfl ENTRY FRIDAYMORNING, l;�( INr , IN SI;1I'OI••.T1=i, Te ntms. $1.50 per year in advance, or$2atthe S � ' TItA,311YF:D• froti} , t. Lot , Third Ito 1 t. u ,) about tttall. 10 block with white . will be suitably rut enol of the year. .Tuekersnlifh; D J.dn'enti.t'i.ner" notice. E, CAME ] t' a. SI[\r. First inSE rtioni per nc S 1 cents • • ,> nbsetp(lent in ,tertiouls, 2 cents each time-. pier lint+. CONTRACT RATES'. Oce Column one year • RAYED SOW, he premises of the subscriber aut ;N l c urTu tt c.5 lt l , ith age. t 11 l.trktihiru SOW 1'IG,. lot tit( face. Any iufdrmation •unlc)cl.. ROBERT ; , , uCCAltzi\r�.. C. 13, 1671. 21t1.1t I 'Ile land where labour's fr, • f t.c • TRAY CALF, SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 18n. s or, JACK'S AS GOOD AS ..11 ' ib lit.A51' ' P. 131 .ALEXANDER 31'LAe'TILA1, YOUNG- CANADA ; I love this land of forests grand ! Let others roam away from Iioillo lyes of 24,,: ,First 1 t C') EnC'' e6tiit 171 tIr•'•r ur1, about b uG u. ilr 0 t f October,. ) 0 E] , r tl K )t 12 t _ 1 CALF; •6 dark 7 ' t It red, d with Irl. 11to•a;poG on ft>rehclul. The owner is roque tea to prove propet't • ay ('x- ph:ases gird t,ti:e iG t wee*.), Pay c' .t. ;190 00 210-4"' - h-tlf CHARLES WA SI.;;Y, 44 "u mouths _. 20 00 Bitpi ,. a .. .. • . . .t " One year .. _ . 35 00 half 20 00 tAZII: to Thy G .t cc , pre, , mouths . I ut 5 c ,i un 12 �ntk•.1 . , 0(1 c 2, One-fourth r th O' one Year 20 tu) l c'f Clrtober last,., J months 0tc u1- ti . • One-eighth one year 8 at) s • .' 1 } t\p(11SCS an( cc " half '< I3 00 t Z1U-4* „ s 00 months r-) U0 - EST " half• 12• 00 1. S l.t.l.1t. The on One -twelfth one year $ 00 ! " half 5G1IIIt, into the pr -mist's of the subscriber, t t: 00 , Lot v months .... It►,_ Concession � , � , 1 ,$ 0[I, la w. white of red spotted t Eusauesa Cards, t6 lines anti under, P• year.. 4 00 the 1st November fa tt'tfite nuts Advertisements of S:treVed, Lost Futtntl tact) 1 HEIFER, about fun • peters incl. Tlteo redwner ike- ,r not (xc a dtr •� 10 1 STRAYED. niee5 . „ Lot 8, Thirteenth . team h Gon- it11 13 B. ,' ., abot2t the end ra tt a CALVES end l "yearlin r r is requested to grove g f 1 proper- i Need never fear disaster, take them away. - • TAMES Z,ATTA, , Be this 1 st •. 1G l Irinc :f - 1 for ,, me . There 11 UO C' it . n101 lar;. an(l drains and toils, 'What snobs maythrive the fa • -t 1 all arc . stet ; flee, its .sten elloul(1 1)c And Jack's. as good's hiy,Inf>ater�! Where none are , slaves, that lordlyknaves May idle all the year ; -For rank and caste area of the , past, r They Il never flourish here ! And Jew, Turk, he'll or 1 urs., if but work. r, Taut end of the city, near the.Canada felt cit l la t works. 4. The ice mil Burlington Bay is vel aoud, being about seven inehe inY Ile'.' $ tl)lcl+.- ss, and is every day crowded with sk:iters, It seems that they will not take warning, although : )art es are fre- quently drowned. i 1C !Christmas day On Ghr Istrl' le 1 sd' a there \v Y weraboute 'n . et ll • •. L hint 1 ronlltr � lel bo ti.nfl 3 , n men skating apposite the Great «•('stern Railway wharf. There are various rumors the Hamilton and Lal}e Eri concerning iod. e lt;�Ltlro•td Lucl I am unable to give -fells- an reliable � y that the ging to fret . brealcn)g both bones of the farm. row 1_�1`: Tire pco le o St. Marys, P � not being sa- tisfied with the returns made by th Government census enumerators, by a fresh census to be taken causede and, t th nn i 0111 Ce d -conclusion of the enumerators' labors ' e Opposi- It news about it. But, I believe , T retL t E;stezzi Railway arc tr t into o�h�' ell uv►� hand:;, � . II A_MIL Canada. Holl. J. S. M acdonal:l has a ing upon it for running power ar t► stand -still.; g e at Many l I Y of the wells Lj a . u d Streams are alo comp fete; cattle- P Y dry, and have to lie driven miles to water. Mr. Walter, B. Maybes, of Ingersoll sold a bog, the live weight of which was eight lmndrecl and thirty pounds. roost s painful accident occurred i1>. Marshall & Fuller's ' Iters flax mill, at Strat- ford, a few days ago. Bella Mel. girl 14 years of age, was attempting le, a �, , enlpting to draw some fl -ax out of the rollers or brakes, when she was caught forearm, tearingb by the the flesh from al O the e armee es fr ozn the hand to the elbow and x(: s' caps the cr()p he sow'cl in ho AY HEIFER, For Jack's as good's ins master. , ,g- , -hu"-first ;south, :41;, after finft„ month, 50 cunt:; erten month..• Adtertia omeu.te of FA1i.MS`and BEAT, ESTATE for stale, not exceeding 15 lines -first month,7 .tel -50; each 4' ,� nt ecjtutit month, 7�r tents. 1311th, _li lnia ;es, ()cath` -Gratis.. AdvertiSeineuts withoutspecific directions still be inserted till forbid, and charged accordingly. McLLAN 131LOTHE1tS, l'ilunno S;. McT r;.tx, ? Publishers. Aneene MCLEAN. BUSINESS -61RECTORY. AVID MITCHELL, 1[. Th, Graduate D of Nieto- -2-•• College,. Physician, _ Surgeon, etc.. etc.. OX r.—Coroner of tlte-C,�uuty of Huron. Office ttncl residence,: at Thompson & Stanley's. 's. 11. W. D. SMITH, Physician, Surgeon, D nr„tlart, etc. ()i`1 <e-f).ppo,,ite Scott Robert.iiou's efrocert train street, Seufurtt. 53'' TAMES STEWART M. D `• . _ --• - of - r ., C. alb Graduate h J. M., MaGil'l, I�niversitt-, Montreal Phys' • S : c[uestett to prove 1:1 ,ptwty-, pay • ebt rges and tidce , her natty, THOMAS1`ULL:1 ND `110-4t. f I EST :AY STEER. Fourteenth 't' I of November i i,o1't, +ie1c)at the 1st ;- ber, a vent•i ug STI::I;lt ; color rod. The - owner is requested tt prove Property, pay erpenees and take him away. • 2710-4f JOHN H C1P:1U_�. i Exeter P. O. _ _ very )( leaps faster, • .1 I CAME to the premises of the subscriber, T Gunn tia,lU11 Fl b t 1$ Our -aristocracy sto crac yOft011 Have made us what yon see -- Their nobles of the forge and Buil---- �IithIi' It makes one feel himself a_ i Mau . H's blood 1Vli r' e wit or worth's �.. th 3 T of Wl eel t A d Jack'sgood's-his r Birt as pastel•, 's to the -land of fare!' sts grand . e land where labour's free ; this roam away from hollle this the land for me ! ere 'tis plain the heart and brain, very 3(jtll tri' - » 01Y $ vaster, , �, , stet, e men are free, as they should be, (i Jack's as go,od's his master .! - - a for ----("aa2,rk., ,S'Ct)1.;, Uilr. 1 in sasorreent i'R,OIVI HAMILTON. , say of , that lie is not the leader of th ! tion On Wednesday of last week, Mr. Roby lert Ballah, of- -South Dorchester, with a shocking met ocking accident: He- was lresllips grain in Ids_ own b 11 ti hitt sweeping out 1 a, the floor, l> bt kw,rd and was � caughtby bling rod. He was. instantly around it and thrown to the If such v olenee as to 'fracff Ule his s break his -neck the four tea - 1 brought to a sudden stop. ?.'az I gilt parts of the body, excepting ' arm, ensued, in which conulti:in •tunatC man -lingered .until S omitg. About tea. o'clock one nightlas the Itidetta, Arch. , ;toddy Ode town was retaining hem. ))1lsineis, tri through b ,. •. P the c,oulttt tux bridge between ll itis• . )nclhan, he observed a stout It .man, with a carpet bag,' icon. -As the 1 horse rani o lge, this fellow dropped his ESTRsY CALVES. - - l.Aj. ,, to the proud., esti the subscriber. G. Lo t v• ,tar2, <z td Cc ... ac r, Tuckcrstuitli. L. B. 5., about the last of i of utLi•t-, two small red heifer CALVES. The Dunt•) it; topic+sued to prove prop - erste pat• expenses ant take them awe -•- 2.10-4 i - JAMES LANC-. STRAY -D CALVES. Her TI Let Be i Jior Th Whe Ai S7,1 .tout tele :le twee sins' " c' harvest, one en muff the old, and or -n reel r rt succuss old. Any pee -son ' 10 t th e} will be foiuxt shall IT1il.Y'')f. E�nttondt•iile, so red steer CALF, about • heifer CAL;', about-ei' giving infurinatioat wi be liberally rewarded. 30'9-:4* l reluisuit of the undersigned , • , loan, r ur- ; C. L. VAN 11C.3It1\D.- goon, etc. Ofit,c ,,::d I esidenee I31utchcid " TT -- L. TEBC()x,, M. D., C. ,1T,. Physician, Sur - goon, etc. Office and Residence, corner of Mu1I et 11u(t H,rll strce,s, next to the Planing It. G 1'II'u-ELr, Coroner , t thesero D County. Mike and Lt sideue-e over _ . U bt , C l)!!Tt z Storer Main ' street, 4, aforth. Olney hours, from 11 to 4, each day, and n d 11, 4a1\ l Saturday.t 1, J r T eC� VG-HL3 Barristers,, , . �IULaff,S.!?LI) - 1_ s._ tol-nc -,-t at Law, Solicitors in ehauecri and . Iusolrciu-v, i\:ot,trie .. Public- and Conveyaucters, ' 1 Solicitors for the B. C. Dank, Seaforth. Agents for the Canada Lift 4ssura}uic Company, N.. D,__„:30,000 to lend at 8 . per cont. Parols, Hooses and Lots for sale._ ESTRAY SHEEP, - ' Lust ot. 1>, 4th Comes, ion • the tjnclen:igned, 1 1st of September just one ((t' and illi t ::b the I t. 1117E uu l. p LAMBS. aud•take them alt• lily. C�(A t[ E into the pre: ' tit of l� The owner is' two 1c t t • est •) I,d t 1 U l t1 clic la prove l�lulrurts. a� 1. t.s - -r pay ,t 299.44 - - MICHAEL [ ' ,r �1 xe1.Is.. Ea T. 2A CATTLE. CAlli., -=into the pa'E•ruis s of the undersigned, L No. 25, Cou.ceasiotr 11, McKillop, during nut STEERS 1, , f> [112. l telemeter, , l U' , tiueu . ye u•lir.,:,' ll.lsx.5 anti cue �'earli ig HEIFER. 1'ht owner is requested ,rune propety pay cher , etheto Icall,. . r 1 y nt c�, raid talks Hunt away. 2U9 -4r .OI -LN (:It1):1'.E. ESTItA SHEEP. QTRAYED from. my Iremufses, Lot 2C Eight ''--)Concession, 31c7illt,it. C1rot- Ira e gi n n i n g of - a El, i atlio.ua rpt f 6 Decemher, Ili SHEEP and a. RA ufurinatjon respectien •ht -,n will be suitably -arded by the sol ;t•ribe, . rt ALEX-- D '• , [ Lltl' rrcllll, - FXsO-N & MEYER, Dnrristers and Attorneys b at Solicitors �`� Law, - _x11 t hors. ':. n, , )n Chancery grafi Insolvency, 1I Cort-n-vanccrs, Iutttri.es Public, etc. [)nixes -Seat. t forth and \\'roaoter. Agents for the Trust and Loan I Co. of Upper Canada, and the Colonial Securities Co_ of Loudon, England. Motley- at b per newt. no commission charged. J.4S. it 1 CNsos. - H. 'V. C 31in:fa:. 210-4I Winthrop1 itP. 0. STRAYED STEM AND HEIFER. CJ TBAYED from Lot 10 Bayfield Road. `l' I was .ascertained that the "populatiol the town- was 3179, just 50 m th the Governn)elltenumerator• discover cs 5 - About fifty 3 teachers are undergo exaLnin,,.ti')n before the County Board, art,. and I in the County of - e stepped Y Bruce. 11 the tuns- TUE LONDON, HURON Wound AND BRUCE. oor with Jis Preigent Position I:ull and and Prospect* ma being.Iii response to a call of the Prov' 'al rsrs of Directors of the London, - ; I: longi c.oll 11 3Huron Ull a2 1(1 the left Bruce Railway, a meeting of the Direc- the nn tors and citizens was held , In the Mayor's aturday office, London, on - the i.)th December, to consider the present position and giros- st week Deets of the -London, Huron and Bruce , 1:aihvay, and til t f ( lii',i AN fly;'OTINI fl- !, Publishers. Si '(1 u rear, in udvntar.e.. samesisasmasumannsonmsamili Railway, shut = y, out the Southern, obtain possession of the London, Huron - and thus build n gigantic n poly p a bloimono:. of _- The bonuses were given on the dis- tinct tlll(lerstanding that the London, If uron & Bruce a _ , ace I�r. 11,. > v a was- � Railway bea in- dependent - I1 l1. . de pel�delit lisle ; that it was to connect Lake Huron cru the north with Lake Erie on the south ; and that it was ,tot to be under the control of the Great Western. ,Railway: To listen for a moment t to the :sinister hint thrown out would not only Ire to invite �t , I e me l no ),)l but it \v ] yr would be to break faith _ with the various municipali- ties north of this city which have so generously offered their bonuses on the express understad-cling_ that the railway would be an independent, nntra.nlinelled line. APATHY COMPLAINED Orr. From the Free Press2. of r,: Dee. �0. A meeting ;an which should have been an ed: important one, took place in the Mayor's 3' S ing - Directors of the London. 1 Huron and office yesterday afternoon, , bete sen the • t Torn ern -No (!Ilei ilii m #C at,. 3toe 71 i2[ .�r.pt- r nc bi ions City fi,it•c,ly-aill;tuttinctiatrior, I ,.1Y t I imeellaiticiatax Gossip. a bud Cor•r•e,) r t a refer ce of 1ftr-rvar � ,, `,; , .; the J 1... 1)u,�.tU) . HAMILTON, Dcc. n • brie The -o was a very severe storm here • 1 on `a tirda evening_ la which' Gl e Y �, last, \►]ut.11 x11(1 : Elul great. destruction. ,8everal. build were i to \t`il down, and iericea and t in `L the , .11. iLl•t., 3 of city. The wails new 1)► ilding on Park street near Can t s rt,et belonging ,. beloll w to � o a .ill r•. Perry, 1 blown down and fell on the roof of frame uilding next to it and smasiic in. 0 e of tl le ilfnlates of the house Woman- was severely injured some the bhi •l:. ,rby s falling on her, and at last counts she was not expected to Had th children, belonging to the Doi been in bed at the time they would h• .leen ki lees, as the bed which they rlsu y Deco y was smashed topieces bricks ailingby on it, The roof was blu )1'i' the �-'ity Hall, on Janes street, twill i e sonic time before the clans clone ca 1 be repaired, though Iilell Lug forward to catch the brio! hall a lone whip in -, his hand, and ekly laid it across his face and eyes, rt, l+;sq., ( ,e steps or securin!, the balance of the .sit, k llecessar 'organ- commence e - e frost a y to of an. ize gild commence the building , r l; of the 3. On road. There ,, Moll and l ll(:re were e abou t twenty entle- m en present _ includingdirectorss. g hes\ y- , b , StOCli- loiterintr: hohlers outside the "board of :directio , and citizens who have n ver the not yet talc: slag anti stock'; but are disposed iso do so. Mr. U ose.l 1c,ll e. ��I•, t r a,11111aI1 an take wgs mitis each force . as to blind r and. l stagger dt S .. el ' 10 CL S him: n • H(, fell back c and tl le t of a , al)imargallo )ed o b 1 for\t•ai•d: 1\!r. • 6. had a he non ! considerable money oil; his • laerson, and. Co Dere = has iip doubt the man's scheme was to a .I rob hint, (lits , , TA1e people ,• r aL of . ,St. _lla_ys have coni- () 3 IHeneed to agitate the: eat,. 01 � , q extension the Poet t ])over 1,i1.ilw aac- thr �>• ,+. � ay from 1�'ooclstock, 1 . 1 c- , ough 1St. Marys, Exeter and Seaforth, Bol I o, Lake Huron, instead of tlu on h StrLt- C boo ford. A large meeting of the grate a - a\GLrswas held l)'Y a few; eveninns ago, and1 St al= 'a unanimous resolution passed asking U the i Council+iib the l t of that' to °rant a liberal _� I'. Smith \vas ell r.:1'11 •; , Thomas Ch1 • ' u ct1Gr sec:•(: tar3 :. - FINANCIAL sTATEME;iT. Mr Joseph Atkinson was p scall eel11 )O 1 submit the financial statemell.t, which did as follows _ sb oft' Dad and equipment (aft, 6in. gauge) per 1ngirieer and Mr. \l�ragge's estimate, $12,- 100 00 per. mile from London to )(dot of I junction at Wing - lain, seventy miles........ $S40;000 ruses voted : • ity of London $100 000 London township4 , 1 5, 000 el len township' silt P 1 p. 7,x00. , sborne township25,000 _ xeter v'l1 now at vork on the building, • p f r a, Dont: I t 11101' �,L.+, ship of titatrlcrt u rets *and white STEER, iatg two years old; also, a red HEIFER, , tont( j r (Late .... .__ -114 t) years „1,1 signed begs to thank die public fot the liberal I patronage awarded to him in times past in the j lotel bueinees, and also to inform them that he has ' ugain resumed buffinLes in the above sema, wean he vitt he happy to hase. a call front old friends, C nod puny new ones. ; /28 _ THO3IAS of RINCE OF WALES HOTEL, Clinton, Out., : reg. -1-• C. J. McCUTG-HEON, Proprietor. First-class th' Any person Wbe suitably- rewarded., CA.e EWE AND- TA -1;i37 - AME into the Premises of the undersigned, Lot 26, Concession Mchiillop, on abOnt the 1st October last, it -spring CALY; 080, a EWE I LAMB.. The owner or owners of the Masco are uestcd to prove property, pay expent•es and take en away. neconnuodation for travellers'. The Bar is sup- . 2 ylied with the very be.lit liquors am! cigars. Good --- stabling attached. The: stage leaves OAR Houee of Anon-iran Hotel, Warsaw, "N. Y.,) Manager._ This „ro, hotel has recently been j4ewly furnished, and re- ' 21 MRS. APSLIE. ESTRAY A.ME into the premises Of the tnidersigneol, Lot on 20/.2' inhout the lst _of October hut, v-eitrliug BRIT181:1 EXCHANGE HOTEL, Goderich, Ont., oourth Concession, Torkersinith, H. 1E. 8., a EER. The Owner requested to call, prove Katy pity charges and take hint away. . fitted throughout, and is now one of the most nom- ALE X. DRUMM) UT; Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers, ames am unit I she was -Where sl Bruce Railway and the citizens. - s The' "Meeting had been called by well -distrib- uted circulars. to take into consideration the condition of affairs ther rail- way, icLtlarly as touching rail- ', I' ,regards the fi Ilio; - up of the stock -list; to which few addi- tions ha�:e been made for some time past notwithstanding J , active � i2Ct1I< L C a�ivass, personal appeal and pu bJic exhortation. It is with regret that it is said that but seven of the "-citizens" thought it worth._ while to attend, and consult with the -Board on the important issue, which, as sonic of the speakers put it, was "rail- way or no railway ''- They were 1 r Thompson, 3() T. Y � 11. p n, (of & J. Thompson,) - Mr. 73r1 ,) you,., (of Adams & Co.,) IL S. Peters, Mr. Hilliard, (of Billiard & r I Cl ,S<t'ullb);.) Mr. Sutherland, Mr, -Lewis and Mr. 1 eeding opened by a lucid statement of the condition of affairs .on the part of Mr. Atkinson, one of the e di - s. He divided his subject into sit tions, and. the bonuses irlto those actual- ly 1 aI1G It those se i• 11 expectancy only. rl � y 1'11. section on , GI ill(.. road r: t o t 111 L. a 1, n 70 miles, at :„,12, tf00 a mile, will cost $840 - , 000 . to meet \vllicll there would be, if all. went as desired, -$451,500, It m.n, admitted, however,at be that au undesirable contingency olltlllaency a>`fects the calculation some- what, arising - l a partly- on political and partly on financial grounds. For further details we refer' the reader to the state- ment itself. The present - stumbling block r is the stock -list. The Directors have alreadytaken .n up more than one- half half of the ne stock subscribed; and it iii very plainly put to the meeting as � by three 6,000 ' )onus to such asc11e1ne as that indicated, Hay township. - o t re speakers, .that if the citizens 1 15.110( larens at e At the Odd Fellows' ball given i 1 �,Jillteli \•illatrF ..... 10 000 do not come to the I•E:st>tle, in that udI ageIn the , quickly, are i Fosslll Hcturse;7 (>ronto, a few eveniu ; zc,U Huller to 'unship .. 15,000 w 3, a dead -hick will ensue which ii ludicrous occurrence - T. �l`aw would jeopardise the enterprise. tool. place (luting anosh town- 1, for the It will 0- the storm on Satuiday evening , 'sue ry severe accident _happened on Parth le to ascertain, miraculously est Dy tant death, thheer it) eakwe'ans groin) e remained in: an insensible con- r°11cd r some time. The gentle- could spdop after supper. An avvl a very long train of white tulle. me mischance his foot caught in pain, and her dross wound •areand air, and they fell helpless to the d. They had to be regularly un - by a number of friends before they regain their feet. -.'11:1(I'd 1 Government gran meii„ bel nging to the store used every An She is D. Wlying at her own -residence 1 rew-g and we , re glad to learn - that her case is 1 Lake To -day, the weather is beautiful. am 1 .of. The scheme -is to build a Erie through Tilsonhurg, lnge 1-4-1se Turnberry 10,000 80,000 451 500 ' I overcoat are almost useless. There wa little s ow her -6 on Friday last, but the : the inz streets b re, and there seems to be very me tim ,, as the weather is -very mild ! Brant The. ” Ambitious City" never before ked s lively, ann, the amount of siness ( one this year is more than ino to see the number of buildinas which h ESTRAY STEER. art 1,..:-.5- Tering liberal. - 128 : (1..431E' into the premises -of . the undersigned I about the 1st October, a . year-old STEER. The 100 i(t,liw in etia- 1 .ci se iiTittint t elsItvet .11. to, prove property, pay. charges lill -" tillice-At Murray's Hotel, Sen forth. Good , 211-4 * ...3* - MICHAEL: TULLY. t. h tis A. SHARP'S LIVERY el: SALE STABLES. .f Horses and tirstrelass Conveyances always on hand: i Seaforth.- First-ebtes Horses and, Carriages 1 Tuck ' - - ' • Grant of right of way station,grounds, &e. 10,000 $371,500 Bonuses to be voted : MeGilliVray 15,000 Tuckersmith 10,000 11 Goderich .. 10,000 111 I Morris 10,000 'A large meeting was hem t urwell a few days ago to cons itter, and it was resolved to a largest, auction sale -of farm s ever tusk plod° in the. Count Ion. dine, . thirty :Mies, - rine $12,000 per mike... 360,000 s of Less municipal tiou bonuses $4000 ons, - lied jointly $120,000 Hum Port B 1 The George ers and StOek-raisere- from all part was generally wed sustained; and stock sold: well. With th ree excepti an -loan Herd -book. Thor • w - bud calves sold, realizing $1,5 eifers brought $745; eleven coWs SO SHARP'S- LIVERY ST,eBI,E, mAIN STREET, '..(1.11111 into iny premises. Lot 6, Second Cmi., The east ate result shall come eto paes, and the hopes of the rapid advancement of Lon- don as a city be scattered to the winds. An excellent committee was appointed to re -canvass the city in the interests of the road, arid we hope to be able to an- nounce shortly, that the necessary ani- ount of stock, $100,000, has -been sub- scribed, and matters put in complete train for organisation. Toronto, Grey and Bruce Ran- iA special general meeting of this com- , pony was held at their office in Toronto, on the 19th, to authorise a further issue • of bonds, to the arnount of $166,720. This matter being disposed of, the Presi- dent, John Gordon, Esq., mentioned the gratifying fact that two trains a day were now running reeularly to Mt. For- est, which, notwitatanding the heavy alls of snow, have alway-s been on time ider 388,500 PPlY Add to Discount on took Cost of joint road from Brown's farm, last week. Pa s•e been erected durinz liS71. the An rn part of the city, between sixteen In the course of his remarks he suggest - d that bonds nitght be issued for the Grey extension, having ten years to rim, t seven per cent, Mr. Worts thought they should continue to issue 5 year bonds at 8 per cent., so that they could be disposed of in this country. The President said that he was as anxious as any one to see the bonds negotiatedin Canada, but his experience had been. that they could be sold to better advan- tage in England 410.,n. this country. :•383, 500 . 1 More About Threshing. ne- , From the London Advertiser, Dec. 20. your valuable paper, I have noticed vari- d, and, the Alounta.in fermerly seven b requLeted to- prove prepeity, pay expenses " has been built upon brough — and take them away. • past year, and aow, unstead ; sold ee -TORN BRIGHAM, Exehange Broker, nod Roil- 2114 • WM. lieGEOCH way Tieket Agent, Ifoughton's Hotel opposite 4„, California end Red River,. reducei rates, affording • the greatest facilities to Emigrants. All uteessaey information given respecting Land Agencies, -etc. Ti`OR Sale, lot No. 29. townehip of Mo r -1- contaianng 100 acrefo 70. of whieh are cleared , eteenbae-tee bones. Counons and oneurrent Money, j and in a etate of good -cultivation. , The whole ia Gold and Silver Coin, bought and sold at beetrates. fenced. There are on the. preonses a •goenr I e.oinest an I most picturesque part 'of t factories ir the city. The HespelerSe• -merit, and promises to add greatly I city. There a e now four Se -wing Madill' p R. COO -PER, Comae-it/leer Commissioner in f 'Li- Queen's Bench, Ineeral-ICC and General Agent. 1 sorance Companies : The Beaver and Toronto Mu - Agent for the following Fine Life and Accident In- 1 , tint] and the Western Eire Insurence Compenies, i the Reliance _Life Assurante, and the Hartford Ace'l c frame barn and hewed log -house. also, two wells vill be located,: also the breadth of a lot ,from the 1 Northern Gravel Road. Ale°, a Immo dwelling- 1 Ionise, with the upper part ated for a Photogranh ;finery."' There is a good well fuel stable on - ene (Anise s, Mho It good garden. Thia property hi ns nce CO] MULTI y. All orders by mail or orberwine promptly attend- :1 lut whole will be sold,on easy terms.' For parti- ed to. Office, opposite Ross' Tailor Shop, ituated near the businese eentre of the village of Vrueatter, through whieh the Toronto; Grey mut c 1 ells fly nil be an mug an bin 011(' year. T CHURCHILL, VETERINARY SURGEON j e (Member of the Ontiaio Veterinary College,) , (Mee Seaforth. where he mny be eeeiteulted per- • 210,3m ' *email:- or by lette•r. on the Diseases of Horees vet - Limo Agent, Dingle P. 0. I -.education, analiftring b. en awarded the Diploma / tilers apply to the Proprietor. ' 8.A IVALKER, tions well be cOmmenced immediate after _New Year'e. The Waltzer, Ga (hien and Wilson, Bowman & Co's e nese, and employ !•1, reantinunber of mei in Burrows & Stewart, of the Malleable t; $1,350. . The above cottle were Half borne by each parathlte and our figures show 1 compaaly 75,000 s m ly et ose sa es. I he fine bull, I Leaving nett Cost of 100 miles n Tom," sold to Mr. Peter Oh rife of road to tile shareholders, i Brantford, on the 790tli A lar 1Y 1 number of. the leading saddlery hon. 1,of Ontario were represented, and. a so Saddlers' Association of Ontario. dal President. The object Association is to regulate the price harness and eaddlery. One daylast week a man by the name r Kerr, of the township of 'Se it and piled four land •tiiree.-q lot of hard wood. in less than t Iron IA or s. are driving , an immen ; businese. he business that' was la yeor condu ted in a mere shanty, is th year transa ted in a line brink beildieg _fleet starte 1 ia this line of business, one - ter cords -of the Vetelinery College of: Ontaiio, T.J. Churchill las every conodence of giring sidle -lac -don to all •who note employ bile. Perrot exefee- Smith, V. S, Printipal Onta- ealls promptly -attended to. NOTIGE TO DEBTORS. - -THE undersieeed desires to etate that he hits -1- received. instiewtions to extend the time for the j FARM- FOR SALE. „aet I Ili another column will be found a re- w CRAVE DANCER'AHEA D. ti 5,,,4g I port of the meeting yesterday of those M —J.-- I interested in the London, Huron and al. he Bruce Itailway. The feeling was -un- or of -aninioue that the lease of the L. & P. 8. an n, rt. Would kill the undertaking, and that sir of thus we would lose the $300,000 f t i of bonnses secured after so much effort, a.s ; Ki Well as the advantkes derivable from- i is such a road. It was strongly urged. that the regul !100011 ' Board of Directors shoeld at mice be or- . lea tio 01 is statements of late relating to fast ireshing. The last was a Mr. Brooks, hp thrcshed on the farm of Andrew urdie 200 bushels of oats in one hour, so that the above was performed in the dinary way of threshing, and without y extra effort being put Torth. Now. , think that Mr. Brooks is the best resher we have m the Township of Me- llop. Yet I, for one, cannot see how it possible that he or any other man handle sheaves fast enou,,h to per - which A of them liac to work his- day's' -work HA3sze-G made arrangements to er:gage in an- msiness the then were doing, but since Barreet hen they h: ve been able to:build a line . $810, bei lependently rich.. lidding of heir own, .and aee men in- i they sold The new i ad np the _mountain, known .! -.,s,"!ts is. i. coin- ' GOre will f the cuttin , has yet to be done. This ' railway in, tters. The proprietonis to benefit to fa mers living over the Moon- 44 min, as it AY B. shin -ten the distance to 1 "11.alleial 1 Market considerably. be a new paper started SI1011 ed. a (lees The fi at paper will be issued on uesday rex , January 2, .1872. It is will oppese our present Reform paper Mr. Wilkinson, of (auelph, and the es lahey foemerly of the ry. A good paper is much ofhie farm, being T,4 3, in the Third Ctineeseion, , stunnee 40 fall plounbed, and 10 acres in fall I b : weans • eano rails split ftw fencing; well watered / by the 'River Maitland ; berns. Sheol a rid stables ; es of the A.14411011 market ft e last week sbld to Mr. Georg of that place, for the Sum ( 1.1g an increase of $220 over wlo fur last year. bought that the re-election o be unopposed. _Messrs. Scot s are likely to have oppo ition municipal nomination tl Oil Springs, a statement of th iosition of the village was feat icing Reeve. This statement balance of $1000 in the trees urv after the entre year's claims had. • been paid off. There are but few Muni cipal alieers who can produce a record ! like this. in such a teat. According to my calen- ion it will take oa an average 9 sheaves make a bushel. Two hundred -would. in a post n to make arrangenients- for the e- or for a lease, which woidd take prece- see e donee ot any arrangements which might I eon d subseqeently be made with the G. W. 1. of it • To substitute a regular Board of Dirac- ! nei this for the present Provincial Board, I alio f j however, it is neceseary that stock to the - . purchaser, this-lOt will be sold cheap, and on libe I le : end term:nits the owner wishes to get wire by the ' I farm ;leap nod On ensy terrine Apply to the 1 r peeler 00. the Lot or address Thee 175, Seaforl h. 211-4 . DAVID BEATTIE. to persona. - • FARiYI FOR SALE iN STANLEY. rHE oftepi for sspei the Farm, being ; :West hell of Lot No. 5, Tina Concession, South Estiuy COLTS. I -t • • of -,tioups • the 'mimeo in good hard- t. ° comae-7,am I, Township of Hay, aboue Inv rehire, reqnire 1,800 sheaves, each. al would require to he threshed in twa onds. _Now sir, I do not see how that hl be performed in the ordinary way hreslung, and without any extra effort ng put forth. I think that all we hear ut fast -threshing is more for a brass 'There is t amount of :SI100,000 should be subscribed, I in ; and twenty per cent. of the amount paid ed 1 tions have already been secure 1 W e understand that a certain nrciliber of the ; Provisional Board has been statingthat a - large poetion of the subscription is bogus. • 8 This person has been pIayioe the part of ! a traitor to the undertaking from the was outeet, but -it is only within a few days • desp • that he has revealed the cloven foot seee aut sority for denying the statement • without disguise. We have the best terac made. • The stock list time far is boror prog ..!ficial. key to the opposition of the Great his f IWestern Railway to the London, Huron ineie Bruce was furnished at the meetina yes- ) terday. Mr. Alex. Johnston st•Zd, on answ 10th of Novetabeo, two mare COLTS rising f,our yeers old. me a dark ififtn envy. the other a hay with white hind The on ner requeeted ta Prove propertr, ea v thannee end take them away, 209-4- ROBERT THOMPSON Exeter P. 0. • ESTRAY STEER. iuto my prefoiees, about the middle of ; large spoter The owner if; moue -anal to prove property, pay expenses and take it away. PETER Mc -QUEEN, 2094! 1.0(80, 4th Concession, Ushorne. 0110' mile and half (vow Kippen o the Leeielon road. editor Mr. .Ja nelph eh ere I needed in thi The contr. .; for the building of the Central Priso SALE. wo oke of 'workiir Ta we Inthroe P.0. Sue The stibeeriber is lt.teing th e Fa la to go to Missouri. .Ternife reasonable and will be nut le known on ay- ' * r'* -e the eubscriber on the pr onisee or by lei - YOKE OF OXEN FO I volt SALE, a good heavy , -&-. OXEN; very quiet ; well mate ALEX- 3 Lot 26, Eighth Ceagensio 210-4t I rk has be ylor, and mpster. 11 qualified • The Strathroy papers give currency to . the fact that fifteen years a fo the e 1 upon which their town is built was all farm property, Now the town contains - a population of over three thousand, also some of the finest mane.facturing eetab- latter the town more immediately Owes its rapid growth and prosperity. vicinity, iThe river Thames ry, and all the -mills depend - has been let. The stone lishmentS awarde to Mr. John he wood. work to Mr. th these: gentlemen are Great sc to Carry on this work Marys and he prison to be in- the is almost d ifty that will get 300 bushels thresh - n half a day. Those are the ideas of Usborne. inadon in Section :No. 1, I-sborne, held on Friday _the 22nd inst., and ite the almost impassable roads and re weather there was a ooel number t. r. ateliford, the present her, had certainly a full and ample ramme for the day, through which he wished his ohtsses to be examined by ellow-teachers present, or any one Med to question them. The pupils erect well and intelligently each of earching questions put them withea to test their real knowledg,e, and inly deserve the praise the Inspee- eve them, of being No. Ones in re- . We might mention the classes in iology, Geometry and Grammar as ially deserving commendation. _ 1 Mr. Blablsburn's authority, that the view le s I' Great Western were ready to take hold cede of the bonuses, build the road and rim tor g i ! ie cat is ont of the bag at last ! ality 1 The evident object of the Great Western Phys J is take hold of the Londen $ Port Stank •••