HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-12-22, Page 5431 J71. 1111.31=1=1111111111.1111110.11 . And, far beyond he rich and vast tea for supporting e which, with pro- sinunicating with e with articles of s, and thus tend iS : section of emu- segotiating with a. to secure e line of ween Kincardine, If, as true :onfidence in each saild. up a- great the limits of this niateria/ and all sccomplishment of '['he awardittg of een done in aa tforward manner. ':sad. received), and sal that Mr.. Hays got the contracts :;Bluevare, Wing- qiier places have a us, and without -e succeeded. He r. continue their company, and Catering- future y should have eeified. Mr. Me - marks by saying: lavernineot assist -- inset be made up as the -next speak - lay to co-operate ark, deatmed to [ public, ort only teges, untold upon It that having en- eogress it was hia , that in co-operat- - the good ot the l'e_ilerfor not, that, :tion. In assist - at gratified that .be to hand down may come after trough the battle.. r. strong and un - We each present- Ospecta before the- ght a fair fight, pponents, and. we We are now in. have kept every e we ever made we ask yon to in the future by the past, During ave met men in [ well fitted and all the most ex - country, and we and confidence of these railway en- vy develop the aring capabilities [e of the great to push our road alt has been dis- t will be a source road, and will be he country. In :rise thus far, we ggles, but in all succeeded, and lee feel that it is de our progrese. ;reduced by the Pruce Company,. Et has e.xtended seine adopted by lo little does the brre a road cost over alt. that it wer whether a the Bonus costs singular fact ear sgaged in various AS. Which, prior the road were rtauce, in Fergus, ed through that machine mann- bablished ViiIiell 1100 worth of ma - he railway had. FerguA, this C8 - id has-,_ been Vilagaie assured rject af the com- 'road to Kincar- [ saying Let eelings with aur [but at the same 4 our country-, is to clear the le men who (:an se end of their it that the pro - 01 in the v say t - t might ; abor, (r nation train, lamboro, Mr, Massey. of Upon, and made ter which the Leckie, Reeve at be had not fitness the turn - 11 aware iL people -he est. Another they want- t.ind. He had eet the people to their state - it to our interIe haped that nty would he hat no dissap- - even thatesh de/ay. cit subsidy he ash the Sand- - t rat ion sho-aid Hsd they wauld lif they refuse, erue. Sh o u Id ve are willing seist the Com- e h. Ile felt towel or any Pow an incer- advance is no :Cermination of ed as one man the villages [ after the en - [hen the road felt they were .'itreiberry-, re - was the third kid introduced Toronto with and lastly tss the last to it would be the power of flied joined to The ground erenett to the d gauge was the country. fence was as mitten men's 3 TDEC. 22, 1871. ability tmoniplete what they promised. He briefly referred to the agitation that had arisen in his own township and was still continuing. He cared not so much for the agitation if they only succeeded in netting the road. Mr. FISHER, of Wingliam, explained that he had been accused of being an op- ponent of the scheme, but he asiured them that he was as true anapostleas ever of the President. The worst he had to say of those who thus maligned him. was .4 bad luck to them."- He wished the scheme every success, and hoped that he would yet see them at Wingliam • on the occasion of spelling up the line for traffics A vote of thanks was then moved to the Chairman by Col. McGiv ern, eeconds ed by Mr. Frazer, which was carried unanimously. The party then repaired to the Com- mercial Hotel and partook of an ample repast got up by Mr) Zimmerman, the propietor, after which the guests were escorted about half way to Palmerston, leaving the village amid cheers. During the. course of the meeting the chairman stated that the right of way for the road from Palmerston to Listo- wel had been all purchased and chopping had already commenced, and that within ten days tenders would be called for for various articles needed in the work. M.A.RRIAGES-- WA.TS037-NoE1Us---At the residence of the bride, on Friday, the Sth inst., by Rev. Henry Gracey, Mr. Ja,mes-Wat- son. to Miss Margaret Norris, both of Hibbert. WORKMAN----MODERWELL. -At the resie dence of the bride's father, Stratford, on the 13th inst., by Rev. Thomas Macpherson, Mr. Frederiek M. Work- man, hardware merchant, Stratford, to Effie, third daughter. of Robert Moderwell, Esq,, Sheriff of the County of Perth. - -GARDINER-CURRIE. -At the residence of the bride's mother, on the 12th inst., by Rev. Heery Gracey, Mr. Win. Gardiner, of Usborne, to Miss Barbara Currie, of Hibbert. BossrarioN----Houeneose--At Seafortb, at the residence of the bride's father, on Tuesday, 19th inst.. by Rev. Mr. Starr, Mr. James Bonthron, jr., of Seaforth, to Miss- Adie Houghton, third daughter of George Houghton, Esq. GREGG- WAEKINsHAR-.-On the 20th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by- Rev. Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Robert Gregg, machinist,Mitchell Foundry, to Miss Agnes Walkinshaw, • second daughter of James Walkin- shaw, Esq., all of Mitchell. MeEsvizs-McK_ex. - In Tuekersmith, • at the residence of the bride's father, • by the Rev. Mr. _Ross, of Rrucefield, on Tuesday, the 19th inst., Mr. Peter McEwen, of Seaforth, to Miss Christina MeKay. - DEATHS. Munern---In Logan, on the evening of the 19th inst., Gabriel. Murphy, Inn- keeper, of congestion of the liver. Is SISTER. -A t his eresidence, let Con- • cession, Morris, on Saturday, Dec 16th. Thomas Isbister, son of John Tabister, teacher, aged 27 years. 1 main street, sedertn. TRUEWORTHY. -On Thursday, the 14th inst.. Mr. Joseph Traeworthy, of Hullett, agea 65 years -of consump- tion. BF.coir.-_0n • Saturday morning last, •• 0 Robert Beacom, of Hullett, aged 23 • &I years -of consumption. TifiE H URON SERVAN WOITED. AV-4.NTED immedia ely, in a small familya good feitcntl servant, lo understands plain eook- ing. Wager:, f.,45 per onth. AP/Ay to Mrii. Ken dall, opposite the .Pres yteriau Church, Seaforth. 211 FO SALE TWO BROOD ?L[U 38, the choice out of six; all are Prize Takere. 1:wo were got by "Bay Wal- lace," two by "Hard r Orme," and two by "Eng- land's Glory." Apply, 0 TH AS MeMICHAEL, 211-4* ' Lot 2, :hid Con., Hallett. ESTR STEER. 0AlfE into the pr :nisei: of the undersigned Lot No. 5, Fourth- ; n Cession MeKillop, on or about the 1st October year-old STEER. The owner is requested to j rojvu property, pay cher598 and take hint away.. • 211-4 •MICHAEL TULLY. • EST RA SHEEP. (AME into my pre s, Lot 6, Second Con. ‘." Tnekeromitk. H. It. - two EWES, one with t owner is requested to p • and take them away. 211-4 - S , about the 1st. October, .0 e property, payexpo:wee Th° Beautiful all wool Repps,: very cheap. ICKSON'S XPO.SITOk. Beautiful Fancy Dress Goods, -ery cheap.• Beautiful Black Silks, very ch ap. +eap. Beautiful Fancy- Poplins, very Beautiful Wiuceys, very. cheap. 0 •tops off its SUS. WM. • MeGEOCII. • FARM FOR SALE. JJ -RAYING _mtulo arran e ents to engage in an- --1--Lother business'the n icriber w Mier: to dispose of his farm, being Lot 8 iji the !Third Conceseion, Hullett; 100 sores, 89 cleared, 60 free front stumps, 40 fall p1oug1:3c, and. 10 items .in fall wheat; 2,000 mils split for foaming ; well watered by the River Maitland; b nut, shed and statilee ; large and good barn -frame and nearly new; a small house and.splend' I well. . ITo un Immediate purehasert, this lot will leIt old cheap, and ou lib- orarterm, as the owuer whes to get away by the lst of February. This is. a, good ehauce to get a, as farm . cheap and on e ri. terms. Apply to the 211-4owne• . r' on the Lot or addre s Bos 175, Seaforth. DAVID BEATTIE. FARM FOR SA IN STANLEY. sttbscriber offers o sale the FaTill, being West half of Lot No. ), • hird Concession, South Boandary, Stanley. con ing of 50 acres; about forty are Clear of stumps , t a balance iu good hard- wood; there is a- frarnd aru and frame- stable; splendid well of water ' p enty all last munnuer; one mile and half from ip on the London road. The subscriber is leaving h Earn: to.go to Missend. Terms 'reasonable and will e made known ou ap- plying to the subscriber n the premisea, or by let - •ter to 211.4* " Jr RN ANDERSON. Kippert P. 0. SCHOOL TEA WANTED, for School TVOC Rowick, a male o a third-clase certificate. personally or by letter ; 7th January, 1872. CHAR WILLI 210-3 ' HUG -1f FIER iiifANTED. seetion No. 5, Township seruals Teacher holding Apply to the Trustees duties to commence on ileLATIGHLIN, IRWIN. CARRUTHERS, Trustees, Gomm: P. 0. X A S GIFT II OOKS A 'LI Toys, in grat variety, ARMSTRONC1& PRICE'S. Call and Purchase some and Ne THE MARKETS. SEAPORTS, Dec. 21, 1871. There is not ranch change in the Market quota- tions this week. Grains of every deseription are firm at the quoted prices. During the first two days of the present week-, the Market presented - quite a lively appearance, and produce commenced to conic forward rapidly. The storm of Wed:aesday, however, put a. stop to the flow, and for the past two days there has been but little doing. Should • fine weather prevail nest week therewil, no doubt: be lively times. We quote Fal1Wheitt... .. . .. ..... .......$1 16 to 1 16 Spring Wheat. .......... .. . . . 1 10 to 1 12 Barley ...... ..........•-•........ 0 50 to 0 53 Oats 0 38 to 0 88 Peas .... . . ..... ........ 0 55 to 0 60 Butter .... _ . ... . . . . 0 15 to 0 16 Eggs , •• :3**.• 0 15 to 0 00 Flour •00 to 0 00 Potatoes 0 45 to 0 50 - .. . . . .12 00 'Hides. • 7 50 Sheep Skins..... - 1 00 • Laibb ... ..... 1 01) •;Calf Skins, per11) .. ....... 0 01 Wood, per Corel 2 00 Salt (retail) per ban el, ... . 1 20 Beef. 0 04 3Tutton.• 0 04 Pork, per 100 lbs.. ...... . . ....... 4 50 to 18 00 to 8 00 to 2-00 to 1 50 to 0 12 to 2 25 to • 0 00 to 0 05 to 0 06 to 5 25 CLINTON, Dec. 20, 1871. Fall Wheat - ..S1 16 1161 Spring -Wheat • 1 12 •(ff 1 16 • Oats... ......... 0 36 0..; 0 37 I Peas • . 0 .56 vs. 0 58 Barley... ...... 0 30 (fe 0 54 Butter• • -..015 (g; 0 15 Eggs . ... .... 0 15 (ce 0 15 Pork, per 3.001:.1)s. . . . ........... 4 80 cit. 5 30 Hay, per tou,........ .. .. 12 00 0. 15 00 GOLD. -The price of Gold. in •New iYork finetuates from l 09 to 1091. - TORONTO, Dee. 21. •WHE %.1‘ -Notwithstanding the good sleighing •whichii reported east and West, the supply of grain i* not large. Treadwell, 1 22; White, 41 25 to *1 27; Spring, sl 18. Fx.ocn-Market quiet and steady.. No • sales of ear Iota reported ou 'Change. • OtTs-Quiet and. rather easier,, little •demand. On the street market 45e was paid. Ilaeerv-Inactive. A few loads on the street brought 65e tb 631.(1. PILlS--Neglucteel. . Street price, 65c. • MovritE.41., Dee. 19. Feocrt---.Quiet but • steady, at • nominal rates. Very little business. reporteib iu absence of offerings or transactions. Hocis-Market better aupplied. Light, $5 50; Heavy, :35 624. • Burrint-othing but choice engages attention. XMAS And Children's Books and Annuals, AT LUMSDENT, INCLUDING Little Folks, (!hatter Box, Children's Friend, Child's Magazine, Children's Annual, Children's Prize, Band of Hope, Friendly Visitor. British Workman, • Child's Album. ALSO, Sr4-1ETA CIA US And his Children or Family.. LUMSDEN'S Corner Store. 2414 )resents' for Christmas Year. INT M -NAT REM ErHJ JO N. -DIS • Splendid all wool Shawls, at HICKSON'S. Splendid assorte Splendid, Breakf Heavy Beaver Heavy Tweed S Fancy Tweed Si. Boy's Clothing, Youth's Clothing, at HIcKsox's. All made up at HIcasoN'A. All made up at HICKSON'S. 1. Clouds, at HICKSON'S. t Capes, at HICKSON'S. vercoats, very low, its, very low. its, very low. ' t HICKSON'S. A first-class. Cutter, and prices low. All 1.ts uaranteed, and prices 1 Beautiful Mink Sets, at HIcasolr s. Beautiful Sits, fro $2 50 to $7 at HICKSON'S. Beautiful,Fur Caps at HICKSON'S. Astonishing Cheap Astonishing Cheap Astonishing Cheap Astonishing Cheap Men's Overshoes. adies' Overshoes. iris and Misses' Overshoes. oots and Shoes, of all kinds. • Very fine TEA, for $1, at HICK, ON'S; Very fine TEA, for 85 cents, at liicKsox's. Very fine TEA, for 75' cents, at ICKSON'S. VCIT fine Raisins, Currants, etc. at HICKSON'S. Very fine -in act -Come one, tome, all and get Christmas B trgains. SPECIA ISES9 CHRISTMAS & • First and Sedond Doors South of Hickson's. Sn11113. (of FLINT'S Improved Charnpirin ' Cross -cut Saws, Set and Filed, WITH PATENT IIA_NDLES. JOHNSON BROS. Seaforth, Dec. 21, 1871. 211 • SAL Dinner and Dessert Sets, Breakfast and Tea Sets, • lotto Cups and Saucers, Chimney Ornaments, • Victoria Vases, etc., Parian igures and Busts, Plat ,d (Jake and Card Baskets, • ea Trays, Call Bells, Table Mats., Butter ,00lers, 1 Cr t Stands, ea Spoons, Table Spoons, Plated Forks, • Butter Knives, •Bread B anis, Bre d Knives. EW YEAR'S 1 • AND STAGE OFFICE. THE' anbeeriber begs to state_ -that he has re- iff •Nosraacrou w 0 (."j1 m 8E1319A° 113 •••••• •••• • ••••8 err.* (-a 4 3 0 1=1 1-ri 72 0 te Lei 04-.4 SI' )-i tt .--.1 J.D." ?...4 c3'-". . t-1 -.- .t) CD l'et ;1' .1.11 td )f -j ?...., n , ti•J .,-..D c.D '-, ...,., . t--t- .--sn .. 1......, ...w ...,,-.. 2) cd, , es .... 0.' g- 4 i."'' •••, 0 . cp. U21.--•• 0 .. CD 0 e'2_, t -b ..... tr. • el - t -4 ts . re 1:71 .... se .-- se ...., w 5 ,--t- , ,c, -. • *-D es se - c13 :12 0 113 1J7 p 0 0 0 0 1(2 51 - ;---‘ l -ea 1--r- 1---1 1 -4% -/*-1 ° t:it te?-(s - .. )-( 17; ,-) )-d-( .)k7d, sr., ...1 $.4 r•••4 r,..4 4.4 1..4 o -d . ri -, 1--.1 -4. z tt tri <1 ...-, 7.-.. 1•••. rio ‘,.." 1.7 0 srt- .....4 (S' P' tt 5 0 ,-, -.... -- (75 .;:, , . . . ,, . . . , . ,.; L y j ,LL.4 Lo)1p 0.-.: " = r.4 •-:. it .... tsi Crir I-- 12- tr... 4 Z r......1 -.4.4 1••--•• -4 ti -- e--, I-, ...... p -a ...-1 o 0 ;144 ID 0 r - m CD X rn co z0 c0 c 0 *Pi 0 0 4, NOTICE TO DEBTORS. NroncE is hereby given, that all parties indebted -LI to the undersigned, either by note or hook aceonnt, tunst settle the same nn orbefore the lirst of January next. All notes or accounts remaining unsettled at that datewill be plaved in Court for collection, as he is leaving ftenforth. " . GEORGE GRASSIE. Seaforth. Nov. 22, 1871. •• 207 PLAIN SEWING. • 11s. SMITH, North Main -street, two doors "LT-Lliouth of Mr. Thomas'Stephens's, will take in plain sewing. 209 TEACHER WAN -TED. WANTED 11 Female TEACHER for the fourth " Division of the Common School of this Village : duties to commence on the ist of Januern 1872. Address W. HILL, 209 Secretary B. 8. T., Seaforth. FARM FOR SALE IN TUCKERSMITH, TIEING- Lot 10, Fifth Concession, situate& two -"miles south of Seaforth Station, there are 80 acres cleared; the b.ush is ell fenced, and there is a new board fence across the front; there is a. good. frame barn and shed, with a feir dwelling -house; there is a well 4 the door, with never less than 21) feet of excellent Winer in the dryest time; also, n good bearing orchard. Apply to RUGS CRAIG, 209 Durnoch P. L. SPLENDID BUSINESS CHANCE. VOR Sale nr to Rent. a well-estahlished Business -1-; itt. the village of Ainleyville, together with a well -assorted Stock of genentl Merehandize. Satis- factory reasons given for selling. For partieulars apply to WRIGHT & ROSS. Ainleyville. • • REMOVAL 6F ROSS'S 'HOTEL Table Cutlery, • Rodgers' Ivory Hand Knives, Rodgers' Knives and Forks, Rodgers' *aka Knives, • Rodger's Pen Knives, Rodgers' Razors and Strops, R, dgers' Carvers and Forks, The eauine Lubin's Perfumes, R mmel's Perfumes, HairBru, Tooth Brushes, Combs, Pipes, Mirro Je • elry, Dolls, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, Albums, And, in fact, every.ling, at -.:11ICSQN'8,.. EMPORIUM, SEAFORTH. 4. moved to the Building forint rly occupied by Mr. M. Robertson as a Cabinet Factory, near the Station, which he has fitted up in n suitable man- ner for a Hotel. He invites. all his Ohl friends and eastomers to his new quarters he will be happy to attend to their wants. First-class Stab- ling and large Yard in connection- Parties going North will fintk it to their advantage to patronize Ross's Mail Line of Stages, which start from this Hotel. 209 • JAMES BOSS. AUCTION SALE DWELLING-HOTU AND WAGON - SHOP, IN SEA FORTH. Also, Lumber, Household Furniture, &e. Tn. .T. P. BRINE has received instructions to -1'4-sell by public at:Won, on the premises of the undersigned, on SATURDAY, Dee.130, 1871, The following valuable property, viz.: A frame Waggon -shop, a frame dwelling -house, about 2,000 feet of oak plank, a quantity of oak in ber-in ch, inch -a nal -hall and inch -and- a - quarter ; quantity of Scantlipg, va :ions sizes; ten sets of waggon hubs, and a quantity of spokes, the wood -work of a Democrat wag_mn, four large farm gates; Also, a quantity of work -shop furni- ture, togetherwith a quantity of household turn, tare, including stoves, tables, chairs-, bedsteads; lounge, &c., together with a variety of other arti- cles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock sharp. Terms -CASH. GEORGE 6BASSIE. FARM AND PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS FOR SALE. VOR Sale. lot No. 29, con. 7, township of Morris, containing 100 a ems, 70 of which are cleared and in a state of good eultivation. The whole is well fenced. There are en the premises a good r frame barn and hewed log -house, also, two wells and a young bearing orclutrd. This farm is within one mile of Ainleyville, t thriving village, where a station of the Wellington, Grey and Brnee 1(vi]wit,- wiU be located, also the breadth of n lot from the Northern Gravel Rop_41. Also, it frame th-elling- house, with the upper part fitttul for a Photograph Gallery. ' There is it good well and -made on the _premises, also 0 god garden. This propgrty is situated near the busines:4 centre of the Village of Wroxeter, througlt which the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway will be running within one year. The A hole will be sold on easy tt rms. For parti- eulara apply to the Proprietor. SAMUEL WALKER, Photographer, 'Wroxeter. mith or without the gallery. N. B. -The Photographic InstrumentsInwitwIllnibe FOR SALE. 25-horne power ENGINE new, C. H. -Wan:mars & Also, EXTRA. 31ALMNXIIT boring Salt 'Wells. Apply Ti‘OR Sale, eheap, a and Boiler, good as Co., Brantford, Makers. AND BI'LTI:Xti, 'USN' for ' to 4 • T. SNIII Dingle 1'. 0. Ainlepille, De.12, 1671. 210 333 IMPORTANT TO FARMERS AND. OTHERS. IJAVING purchased the stock -in -trade of = LECKIE, on NOT ads terms," luut; having added A Large and Well -selected Stock STAPLE AND MKT( GOODS Of almost every description, and being determineit to do business enit • CASH BASIS, Prices are now Marked Down th the VERY LOWEST MARGIN, And many Lines of (leads to Cost. We therefore eordially invite an inspection of our Goods and prices, fl.8 we feel confident that wv, can sell you RY GOODS,. • GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Ready-made Clothing and Boots and Shoes LOWER than they were ever sold in AINLEYVILLE before. An inunense htoel: of imported OVERCOATS JSD GEXERAL C.L0 MUG soling at 30 per cent. less than the usnal price. BOOTS AND SHOES 131 great ariety and very eheay. • GROCERIES Cheaper than ever. Splendid TEAS from 50e. upward. CHRISTMAS FRUITS And an kinds of Groceries, very Give ns a trial before purchasing elsewhere, and W*: wiguarantee satisfaction andie pruti. Remember the place-Leckle's 01d Stand. STEWART, THOMPSON & AINLEYVILLE, Dee. 6,1871. 209 NOTE LOST. LOST, shout the lat of November last,'n.:';;OTH 01? HAND drawn by Alexander Rtals, in favor). of John Dundas, for the sant of Ten Dollars, (Intel., 3IcKillop, and falling due on the fii.rit'of,..IaturaYy; 1872. The public are hereby, ut..jogiti purchasing or negotiating the a ve -neFfs,a4. pay- ment of the same has been atoppetLi;.1. -fr I JOHN DUNDAS. Dee. 4, 1871. 209-4: N 1.