HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-12-15, Page 4-
Strayed Steer and Heifer—R. Reid.
Estray Calf, Ewe andeLamb—Mrs. Laps.
lie. ,
Estray Steer &Ie Broadfoot.
Stray Sow—Robert McCartney.
Estray Calf—Charles Wansley.
Strayed—James Latta.
Estray Heifea—Thomas.Folland.
Estray Heifer—John Horton,
Estray f;alves—Janies Lae
Estray Sheep— Alexander Murchie.
Yoke of Oxen For Sale—Alex. Murehie,
Servant Gid Wanted.
Teacher Wanted—No. 5, Ifowiela
Auction Sale—George Grassie.
Farm and Photograirh Gallery For Sale.
Eneine and Boiler—M. & T. -Smith. '
Cutters—McIntosh & Morrison.'
`hristmas Books --R Lutrisden
Toys for Christmas,,XL R. Counter.
less upon their farms, the time and
money devoted for the accomplish-
ment of such an object will be well
spent. •
The dried measure, to render as-
sistance to priente individuals to
properly drain then- lands, is a good
one. there is nothing more requir-
ed in rthis Provinee, especially in the
newer secttons, than extensive and
uroper drainage. There are many
of the farm lands,; even in t Iris Colin
ty, which, in the condition they now
lore, cannoli be made to proe'uce the
one-half they weirld were they pre-
' petly drained. Jf this meisure be
The Opening—Bar. lifowland's lianjoos•
hog Appearance—The /4 peakership
—The Unseated 11Itembers.
From our own Corre,qpondent.
ToetiaTo, Saturday, Dec. 9.
No previous meeting of the Legis-
lature excited so much interest in
the pt blic mind at, did the one which
openet last Thursday, Three o'clock
was tl e hour for the arrival- of His
Excellency," as the official docuMents
Still p reist in styling the Lieuten
ant -G vernal. But long before that
cal I led into law, there are thousandsI thlhour he ea leries were crowded.
Of farmers -who Wil I avail emselves -
Puecte al to the moment His Excel-
. - of- its privileges. ' Thee are also 1 lehe•Y arrived, accompanied hy a
4vittrin tt vpe5ttor ; thousands of acres which now
s . I
pro. 1 mount( d body -guard, and entered
es. . * • • i cluee'keeedingly indifferent and un- I
the ch•usiber to the right of the
----e1 certain grain crOps, which will,
1 Speake .'s. chair, the members and
FRIDAY, DEC 15, 1871. 1 through the fimilities grthr uests on the floor of the
anted by ;
I this measure for drain:ore become 'll`m8e •ng as be entered, ititoken
materially improved, and
The Government Thrice i)e-
feat eel.
Thus early in the Session the I
Government have twice found thern- 1
selves in a minority. On Tuesday I t
night, on a motion for a. journals:frt. r
I i
they were defeated by a yote of
to 33. On Wednesday, on Mr. Mc- 1
Cali's emendate]] t, they were again ; a
in a minority, 32 to 40. It wee ex-,! t
n'iore cer- •
tot resp ( et for the representative of
tain of good elope. There are many Her M, esty. His Excellerecy touche
farmers who, althowrh they h.tve ed his hree•cornered hat and bow-
ed his a ,knowledgements as he took
the elm a Hon. Stephen Richards
then, as one of the adyibers of His
Exceller y, stepped forward and said
had been commended by
celleney to instruct the
proceed to the election of
r, and to tell them that he
their land free from timber, are
net in a positioe to place kin a,pro-
luctive condition by drainage. But,
f there. was an opportunity offered!
that be
hem of obtaining money for this
mHis E.
rpose, at an easy rate of interest
I Ho use t
n,d extended periods of payments, .1
he would readdee and cheerful! • ' a speak
mbrace it. The extra yield they would return.the next day and. in
amid obtain from their lands, from 1 form the of ins reasons for calling"
cat to year, after they bad ir pro_ 1 them t 'ether. - His Excellency
erly drained, would do much -more e
I then ros bowed and marched out,
len pay the interest on the sum in- 1 amid- the itl-suppressed laughter of
I the -Hou e and the galleries. As a
ested, and -ultimately the principal
self. . loyal sub ect and an admirer of the
The fourth and Let Meeetire of glorious elfish Constitution, your
y importance me,ntioned in -the correspon lent is bound to say this
dress is . that to provide for the 1 iasigh ter vas veryimproper. What
yment of witnesses in criminal !if the whole thing -did apPear very
ials. This is a measere Which has much la a farce, , His Excellency
ng -been Amgen tlyzreq eir edunder certainly as not to blame for that,
cssent circumetancee, all witnesses 1 fer be Id his best ,to surround the
ith that dignity or manner
'tillee whiCh befit a tepee -
f Hee M, ajesty, when he
s to enter into the pees-
nao•ners., • Let those who i
at ber that the ceremony I
t flags which there .is the
ity for saYing has braved
.(say 1,000) year; and
ie warned in time that
in the presence of the re -
of royalty is next thing
son. These remarks ap
peeted that last night the division On e
Mr. Blake's amendment to the ad- u
dress would be taken, When there Y
was every confidence, amounting to
absolute certeinty, that they would!
sustaie another and a fluid d,efeat
erhaps, before atierther issue, Sand -
field's "Patent Corn bination" wilL
be among the Chines that were
aaa, I ad
The Speech from the, -Throne. I pa
The address of the Lieukenantio
Govenor of Ontario, a copy of Which lin
will be found elsewhere, was- de -
lave red by Lieu te an t -Go tenor
Howland, at the opening of the On-
tario Legislatare, 0E1 Friday last.
From previous .experience we are
criminal suits are forced to pay °ecusi°6 %
their own expenses, and -lose their "" appea
time in aetendiag court to sew-1'6're
give evidence, no matter at condescen
what loss or inconvenience they ence of Co
may require to do so. This laugh rein
not led to expect mach from ad- is certainly a great hardship.
dresses delivered on such occasions. ; indeed, making the innocent suffer I
it is, as old th
test tt u t ho
for the faults of the guilty. It
On the present we a,re
let them
a 6011Sal1C
not disale would therefore be nothing but just,
pointed. It Would be difficult, in- thae- witnesses of this kind should such levity
deed, for a document coveringaa receive such remuneration as would presentativ
muchespace as the one unser eon_ in some degree compensate them for to high tret
sideratien does, to cont less. it
is gratifying, however, to be able their loss of time and inopey while
meas- ply with particular force to a certain
petforming their duties. Any irreverent Scotchruan whom you
State that the few measures fore_i ure which will secure this will be col responde t overheard retuarliinee
sh ad o w a
ed in the speech of Govenor hailed with -delight by the people of to his next eighbor :
Howland, are of a prztctical nature, this Province. 1 "Eh, moi, I canna' understan' the
and such as will, if carried into law ! limo strange things that happens in this
Although the bill of fare provid-
and properly' adminietered, be bene ed by the Government is miserably i twhey ea His
i•1d. , 'flier 's that man Howland that
ficial to the interests of ehe country. meagre, those measures which we 1 her whan he
The in easures th118 hinted at are: have alluded to are welt calculated 1 at Mimic°, a
. (1) A cldition•i I accom m od i do n for , 1 ronto and sel
to supply existing wants and remeA
ae pop% training of school teach... grievaaecs, and .We truat that they
, •
Normal School ; (2) the establish.; the itteitatfres which are sure to oe
ers Gr other words a second may become law. With these, and 1
ment of a school of agriculture ; (3)
to provide means b3r which Inch,
brought forward by the private
o re cruse, awe -- may 1
-vi. tads may sorrow money at a low perhaps, after all, have, a tolerably :
rate of interest, to improve their profitable session.' • I
farms by tile 'Or other draining ; and " ________ ._______ ____ f 1
1 -
messes attending the trial of oriel-
(4)to provide for the payment of wit- MR. GIBBONS, M. P. P. for 1
, .
inals. Suuth Huron d 1 ' - ' '
, Endde ns mamen ,
RI J. •
,xcellency ; why I remem-
kept a wee bit store out reached:
ly packed
d he used to come into T6- ;
co ferred upon him, the House ad-
jo rued. •
n Friday, His Excellency. CtIlle
.do n at 3 o'clock, and formally
op tied the House by reading the
ieech from the Throne." As on
the previous day the lloer and
galleries were packed, the ladies
bei g. present in great force. They
ever invaded the sacred precincts of
the Repoitee's Gallery, and lent.. a
gra e to that august body, which un -
fort mately is generally . wanting.'
Aft r the reading of the Speech, the
ladi s t111(1 other strangers" retired.
fron the floor of the House, and the
Slier kei—took the chair. His first
; act as ti.) read out of the 'House
Me& rs, Lauder, Col q uhoun and
Hamilton, by submitting the certifi-
•cates of the judges,. declaring them
uniier ted., These certificates were
enter d upon the journale, and, on
mai n of the Attorney -General --
thou 10 had to be driven to it by
Mr. 1 lake—nesse:writs were ordered
to be Issued for Prescott, Stormont,
South Grey, North Simcoe and
Prine Edward. The Usual formal
motio s- were then made and - the
Hous adjourned, -
.4oNeiv, Dee. 11.
Mr. Deroehe and Mr. H. S. Mac-
lonald, Moved and seconded the ad.,
less in a few laudatory remarks.
B ake then took the floor and
a MIsterly speech, showed up the:
nconi eteney. Of the Government,
nd ir anfortainate pollee,- during
e las fcur yearr, conducing by
ovine the following amendment to
ie address :
'But we feel bound to take the earli-
t opp rtunity of informing your Ex-
llency that we. regret the course taken
the egislative Assembly last saseion
der t ie guidance of your present
iniater reference to the large t
wers g yen to the Executive as to the
positiin of the Railway Aid Fund;
d to et te that in our
, 11
DEc, 15, 1871.
Currie paired off with Mr. Psykert,
and there were one or two getetle-
men. absent on both sides. The
vote showed, however, that the Gov-
ernment Could not command a ma- i down , town eeemingly enjoying.
join:), of the House. Mr. Grange, I themselves well. Their arrival has
Mr. McCall of Norfolk, and Mr. i put every one here in good humor.
Wood of North Ontario, voted with 1 We have been holding a series
the Government for an adjoninment, 1 of meetinge in the En palish -speaking.
but it is undel stood that they ail' I parishes, conchs:inning the policy of
vote for Mr. Brake's amendmente ;the Govenor, and electing delegates
Mr. Grange said so on the floor of ' to petition the Lieutenan b-Covenor
Mr. Wood, it is understood, has de- 1 fine we have been succeesfel. The
the House; Mr. McGill voted for a, 1 to dissolve the present House and
similar proposition last session, and 1.issue writs for a new election. Sc
clared his ieteetion of so - voting. 1 series of resolutions passed here in.
After the vote was taken, Mr. ! town two weeks ago have been
Cumberland moved the adjourn- 1, succesefully passed in every Pzirieh
merit of the delette, but Mr. Blake : in which we have submitted them_
said that if the Government wished i Whether they will mid in attaining
I to, and the House adjourned
i it be had no onjections, now shot a i the object sought for deponent
- I • '
vote laid been taken to an adjourn- ! sayeth not, but, it any rate, it wilt
ment of the House. This was agwed ; serve to Show his Exceileney hem-
! and his masters at home that the
PONTIAC% i ltnelish-speaking population are not:
, e
e 0
crOlf) fr to stand much inure nonsense
i from them.
'en t barrack rooms in the fort, where
their comrades had eve) y thing pre-
pared for their comfort. During
the evening a number of them WO1•0
Taesdag.-7-Tho Prince of Wales
according fo,an official despatch jus
received from Sandringham, passe
a very restlessenght. There are n
signs of improvement in his condi
tion, and death is imminelit at any
time during to -day from suffocating
attacks. His strength is not so good,
and what sleep he has is followed by
restlessness and inquietude. The
chest symptoms are bad.
The .Princess Alexandsra is great-
ly exhausted.
The Princess Royal Victoria, wife
of the -Crown Prince of Germany,
is hoerly expected at Sandringham.
The Queen remains at Sandrir,g-
The excitement in London and ill
be provinces is greater than daring
he Crimean war.
d 13EATTI re ---In Seafauth, on the 12th inst.,
, tLe wife of Mr. James Beattie, of a..
° 1 son.
_ 1
: Thee • .tz'et 1...1.11 Y. --At Egmondrille, on
i the 11-th inst. by Rev. Mr. Craham,
1 Jr. David Hi'llaeto Alias ,line Ana
Salary, both of i the Township of
1 1 llibbert.
Tavemt—Love.—On the 12th inst., by
Rev. :LW. Graham, Mr. James Taylor, -
of the township of Hibbert. to :Visa
Mary Love, of the township of Tucker -
W. S.
op n on the pro111 -
. The Royal steam yacht Victoria n
; on the afternoon of the 6th inst., at
I the residence of the ln•ide's father, by
Rev. 1?-. Hai -cline-, Mr. Jerry Robinson,
merchant, to Miss .Temita, third_
daughter of James Walkingshaw, Esq.,
all of Mitchell.
Freest:sr moss TEWSLEY. — elintG
poeal of e Government to grant 'aid to
any railway should be submitted for the
approval.r rejection of the Legislative
Assembl , so as not to leave so large
sum as $1,500,000 at the disposal or the
Executive without votee of this House
appropria,ing the same te- particular.
works." -
Hon.. Mr. Cameron, Hon. Mr.
Richard, • and Mr. Cumberland fol -
bared, 0 the Government side, en-
deavoria to defend its position.
Mr. Prin
ed as a
n loth inst., at the resideece of
the bride's father, by Bev. Mr. Graham,
Ala R. Fitzsimmons, to Miss Elizabeth
W. Tewslcy, both of Clinton.
SMITH— SMITIL—At the residence of the
bride's brother, R. B. Smith. Esq., on
the evening of the Gth inst. lay Rev.
NIT1 8. Blackstock, Mr. Henry
:The ex
was in te
ale eggs, and the .rascal, self was i
were so cs'owded, that
rs— Their
nad just to tch him or he would cheat
me in the co intin',e—and now they ea'
bun kliS gaze ency."--
T1, ecl •hwan 'DO doubt was a
sour-vieaged Grit, who de:serves
CO be hanged and quartered.
After ord r was restored,: Hon.
J. S. Mac& ald, the. Clerk presid-
es', moved in complimentary lan-
guage that Mr. R. W. Slott, of Otta-
wa, be Speak r. Mr. :Blake, while-
- riot objecting to Mr. Scott, 'lose to 1
s the Cler tc, who was, fOr the
- •
and Albert has been despatched to
bring the Princess Victoria to Eng-
The Princess ekiexandria is almost
constantly by the bedside of her
husband. When coinpelled to re- ; anuth, merchant tailor, to Miss
tire. for rest her place is supplied' Celestia Smith, a/1 of Goderich.
by the Princess Alice.
ThRirsday.---A n official despatch 1 FAT RsER VII 'E. -:sv )1
I . ' ' Tuesday last, Mrs:
, Thomas Fauserviee of Hullett of
‘e, of Essex, who was elect- ' from Sanchn ahem tiris morning, 1
0 ,
conaestion of the bra'in.
onscrvative, declered his j says that the conclition of the '
I hinee of Wales is without altera
of voting for the amend- I mon; The prince, however, takes
Tesemey, Dec. 12. I food and stimulants, and has Leen
iteement of previous da3,8 ! lucid at intervals, but sleep badly
si▪ fted to -day, as it wae
wanted. His condition is however
more hopefel.
expected rote would be
The galleries were literal- stsseatmatsaaaiasaras
Even. th0 Chamber it-
vaded, while the lobbies
it was well
SEAFORT1T, Dee, 14, 1.87L
Tusiness on the Market this week has
_ , , been quite lively, there having been.
large deliveries of all kinds of produce..
I Wheat, both Fall and Spring, is quoted.
NOTESFROMRED RIVER. 'a cent or two below last week's figures_
, In Barley, there has been an advance of
The Art•kral of the V 1 1 about three cents. Other grains remain_
nigh impoksible to getithough them. 1
1 in the English-Spenikicm.g Parishes.
liEn thnsiast le r&C,CCIPtiOn— 31reCtingS at same quota -firms_ W00(1. is becoming
When the Speal:er tohle the chair, 1
NVINNIPEG, Nov. Vtla 1871. , plentiful, with the good sleighing; we
, .have-heara of none sold for more than
$7.25. Hay has. evidently reached its
for a vote, but it did not snit the I few
speak. The Opposition were eager ; day order, no one appeared to care to The vollin teers arrivedhere ,e te -
feet and noses frozen. The
all safe and sound, barring a that it will be sold before spring at still
lower figures, We quote ': al 11,34 tt: 1 lig
highest price, and there is an impression
After some delay Mr. McCallum, of I up•
M k '
Government to take one just them.
one -, to4k tne floor and i boys Fee med to be pretty much used I Fauwheate
but still, for all that, they I pairriitelyg Wheat
0 5() to 0 lit/
r. Clarke', of Grenville
Government side. A p-
other member wanted rgave a sigh °
1 . mai• - / 1 t tl f • ' 1 e :it,'
: he reached the summit of the bent ttgel:
eetermined front, and each one as Pet"
f relief that at last J,
- l Batter
P4)tatoes 03 4330 tt : 03 41
03 2 t,;) g isas
0 15 to 0 Of)
0 38 to o sta
was fol.. 'e let up 3 ie ot t wit 1 a ye's, 1
bine on behalf . .1:2 00 to 13 25
b of the ' had leached the end of his toilsome Hides— ........... ... 57 to 8 OD
Government, and after some delay journey, and a toilsome
. i 00 to i 71
journey it I
Hon Mr. Wood took the floor and • . 0 03 to 0 12
Lamb Skins
1 has proved. They Wave had snows I3e3aecaf s. tees, per M., .
Salt (retail) rier barrel,. 1 00 to 0 00
kept it tilt recess. Be resumed .2 00 to 2 :25
, t ' and ice te contend with ever since
• Wood, per eord.
helf past seven, and talked till near- they crossed the Height of Laud mutton
ly nine o'clock, going ovr• the whole oitage. In a great many places I Polar, aer 100 lbs, 450 to 5 25
This composeaAhe suna and sub- 1 speech in the House on Wednesday
stance of the work laid out by the I evening. It is spoken of tie a hieh
Government of Ontario for tile cou-
time tl e Speaker, to lay be- -
I and an DOMiced that the resumption
Nrrespondence. of the Huron Ex )01.1 • 1
of t he debate on the Address was in
. y successft& effort. Mr. Gthbons I fore the Hot
, e I
attacked the Government on the the Judges in
appropriation of the surplus and tion Petitions,
-their course in reference to the had been add
Draivage Aet. He also described the Jridges, '
the mariner in which the Govern- h
1 Ley were to
ment had been, aided by the Grand I. the judges ev
Trunk. in the'late elections. We !Clerk as Sp(
will print next week a more extend- le'ected. Had
ed s,timmary of Mr. Gibbons'
t amend school accommodation for mai sa. re- view and laid
the proper training of teechlers, is ........,:a.„„.......... fore the Hou
I have officially
one -whieh is certainly much requir- I Mu. BLAKE, M. R P., lnts given I Oa t certain in
ed, and if carried out will prove a 1notice of the following resolution and Messrs- La
great public convenience. As mat' .1' respecting the newly -formed Reis- Hamilton, Wit
tare now eat -ad, we have but the one 1
. . . try divisions e 6
. to take tire ot
sideration„ of the -Legiseiture. Ai -
though it is good so far as it goes,
we fancy the public will not arrive
at the conclusion that our Legisla-
tors tre to be overworked, that is,
if they are to depend upon the Gov-
ernment to furnish them with the
raw material for their operations.
The firet measure on the prograinme,
s ution of this desctiption, the
Toronto No 01 School, It would
be well, therefore, if another institu-
tion a this kiad could be • -
ed some central position ridings, unless aemajority of the Reeves don of soeake
Westera part- of the provinc'ee f the juin°. county :or riding, or a ma-
".Resolved—Th:at it is expedient- .to
provide that no new registry office shall
be. established under the act i•ee •
owe y
both on th
jxtre'ritly DO
• to say any
se the certificates of
the, case of the elec.
which he understood
essed to the Cleik by
Ithough the law says
ent to the Speaker,
dently regarding the
iker until one was
the Clerk taken this
these certificates be-
e, that act would
informed the Hole%
ns hers were unseated,
'der, Cotquhoun, an'd
had the hardihood
th and their seats
would have b
out.' The Atte
e that the Clerk
isrn , , the establishment of regis;try Offices tho Ferformanc
We do net think it would be wise, the city interested therein, desire the moCe in that ea
however, to place this second school
establishment thereof." legal point; and
had a right t
jority of the members of the Connell of I was, not qualif-i
• - tat t .sarne control' as that in
To•rento• now is. It should be made
an entirely separate find indepen-
dent - institation. - While the s'al
dents in attenderice at each' scbool
weak', undergo the same examina
tions, so chat the standerd cad
would be the seem, still, each sheult
be under entirety different manage:
meet ,Ind control. Thus, while the
educations -11 standerd weld(' not ill
any degree be lowered, a beneficial
rivalry would arise between the two
schools, which would stimulate the
stud,ents and teachers of each to in-
creased exertion to attain as nigh a
standard and repo Lesion ae posei
116 3ecatur meaSure, the es tal i Sh -
meat of a School of Agriculture is
one deserving of careful considera-
tion. An instieutiou of this kind,
if properly cenducted, would un
doubtedly be procluctive of good re-
sults upon the young agricultutiste
of our canary. Th,ere is little doubt'
but that if farming operations were
condlicted skillfully and 'scientifieal-
they would prove much more
pleasant and remunerative that as of-
ten at present managed. If, therefore,
our young men can be taught to use
their heads more and their hands
S1R Chailes -Wentworth Dilke, it. But when 1
who has recently come into such no- ., defended the c
todety .England for his bold ad. 1 mew bers tai
vocacy of a republican form of ov- I their seats, be s
g 1 el
- awiree at the
i eminent for that cpuntry,
;8 °"1Y I would have leer
11 twenty-nine. . 'He was educated at i sion WaS OVer, t 11
Cambridge, and is already all LE !for public more
; D: He owns the -.4 thewrin It. a led a- I eency. The Ole
: able newspaper property, which be- I opinion that the
I longed to his fether and grandfather I really a Hoese ur
before him. He is the ztuthor of a I ejected, and eller
! work entitled "Greater B etain,"
; the English lang,uage is spoken, in-
1 heieg sketches of travel in. t e Ved-
ette countries and provinces where
I eluding Canada, the United States
i and Australia. He is an M.P., and
1 a rather smart young I an.
Several extensive , Cotton-dealiag
I firms, in New York, have failed fez.
I large amounts.' These failuree re-
sulted frona the ipability or the
parties to fulfil their conti'acts i
n 1
consequence of the Sudden finc'tua•
tion of the market.
policy of thb Government and de- they had to wade up to the waist in
fending them ageinst the attacks of water, towing their boats after them.
the Oppositibm This was by far the Still they never flinched nor Mur
CLINTON, Dee. 13, 1437i.
Fall Wheat
Spiing Wheat 1 11 1 13
$(1) 18 36 :76
) est. speech from the dl-overnment
. ... • ea a a 0 50 (t.44 0 59
Inured. All showed a praieeworthy 1Pe
tht,t,..iss(:. • 50 se; 0 58
benches. Mr Wood is ac !determination te get to the end of 1133taatt:r
to be the ablest man on that side, then journey m as quick time aS fffiti: per jeo (1,8. 0 15 et?. 0 15
and this speech continue( the genes._ ; possible, and considering the dif- 11°Ity, per ton, 12 00 q.t. 14 00
4 60 (0 5 25
L1 opinion. He was llowed b ficulties the h
y y e had to stn•mount
Mr. Robinson, of King .ton, who! they have achieved the feat in re -
e out unmistakably.
en oblieed to walk I cafill
o t le 4position
ney- eneral-argueu 1
pol icy.
, also supp
as Speaker only for
of one act, the elec-
., and therefore he
d to do anything
son, of Ken -
Blake's ame ichnent; so did Mr.
Grange. A b ut eleven o clock, the
Government attempted to avoid a
e on tie main question b. ' , This mormue one corn it f Red wheat... . 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4
he Attorney-Genere fo -reeve that the folloWint, be GarrY, 0r, as it is called here, the 13nrier 4. 04040 '()
n support markably shoit time, only 31 days I
Mr. Daw-
from Toronto to Fort
have been only three
ness in the force since
ronto. Taking it all
have been remarkably
Garry. There
cases of sick -
they left To -
in ail, they
0 15 (f4 •16
GOLD.—The price of Gold in New -
York fluctuates from 109 to 169:1.
pacity. . This was a 1 duciree Mr. Mcadl, of Squth Nor- I -Wh 12 9 12 9 12 9 12 3
fifty men started •'for Lower Fort •creel
r -i "A
r -I r -I
Os V 0.
1....., 1--..
S. 1). S. D. S. D. S. D. .
29 0 23 0 29 o
tflV o Red Wint------------------ 7 1
0 9 0
his opinion upon added to Mr. lake's amendment Stone Fort. On Tueed• osts . .. o 33 '()) .3.42 0
e went further and •
• ay e 0. lees . ... ....... . 41.41 0 41 0 41 6
"That inasm len
a as oe-tenth. of the Service's Company, starts fur' Pear- I 3-)Prk
nduct of unseated
I Lard
constituencies of this Pro . at bina to guard the Frontier. So you
ing the oaths and this time unre resented in this House See that they
owe( to the new rey are not getting much
by reason of six of the members elected time to Test. On the news of tl
outset, what they at the. 'last ole tion , havin 0- . had their rem
:ed oefore the ,ses-
t he has no regard
ity or public de, the re
k hiniseif , was of thieto,sr isttinne.
sider the .questis
House was DOL. amen d men t till
til a Speaker was
, a.rt'• duly represe
fore he 'could ot tfouse."
electiens declar
having become
double return, a
70 0 00 0 57 ()
45 0 45 3 45 3 45 .6
Tonosro, Dec. 1.4.-
\\ lute wheat was reported. le.
.d. Void, and a seventh appearance on the opposite side of i w per
I eental levier in the English market ; the
in prices. The principal inquiry
ester% Markets were slightly easier in
,ticant by reason Of a, the river reaching the Town, crowds I *heat. Flour in Montreal was reported
d an eighth by reason of flocked to See and vvel : thew, ex remely quiet a'ad without the let
and a very en th usiastie
. .
reception ; change
they got, _the. people cheerier, eech 1 here was for flour, which 1,3 remarkably
scarce, as a number of the smaller mills
are stopped. for want of water, and
!wheat is held at higher paiceathan can.
be returned from flour. Barley is pro-
bably. a :shade weaker. but there was
very little offered, and little, if any,
: FLO rel.— Good -enquiry, very seam.
No, 1, $5 30; fancy at $3 70,eand extra.
at $5 85 to F;5 50.
a Oatrelema -Qaiet, and unchanged at
F,5 to $5 50.
WHEAT—The market keeps very dull,
buyers and sellte-s being apart. The ,
atter ask $1 20 to -81 22 for spring, and
$1 28 to 81 30 for White, but no sales
to Withdraw it. After a goCci deal with som•e Leer, which: they
- 'ere
suit points on the different lines of rail,
were reported. Car lots offered at out -
of disputatiOn a motion wee, Wade busy serving out to the men.
shortly after midnight at the in. address was urawn up by a . Co4! I awherea3' :
t rates equal to what could be obtained
areplacedwith less difficulty, and
stioution of the oYeenment for the mittee of the citizens and read to 0 1 street mar ket Soules and.
adjournment of the . House, The the troops and answered by - Lieut- ' -'41 el6 N:(.-1e8i• Si
-- to 81 -4. and aPring
iT?reilil veihleat„ 17)ught 81).27 . to $1 28,
House ditided t port this motion, ant -Colonel Osborn Smith,: as
and 'the Govern ent were . defeated .taander of the Forces. The boys '
corn_ ,I Beneev—There was vete, little:offered
and not many buyers ; 70e to 74e was
by a vote of 33 t 35. Hon. J. 0. Were then. distributed in the differ-
pa. iodz _t18retesIturie;,tzeobtivers
at 44e for
of a member elected
pedient fm•ther to con-
ri , involved iri the said
he said conStituencies secti▪ on of a Company as they reach- I
rted on the floor of this ed the suromit of the 'reek of the it
lay the certificeete • before it. . After ; ' The A ttorne -General cOntended , band. belonging, to the force was out, i
, Assiniboine near the Fort. The !
which must liat'e
1 Mr. Mackenzie that if this amendment carried, the and it was worth seeing how- the I
his fellows. wince, lads would straighten up and their I
st to shame, the eyes flash as they stepped along . to i
the sound of the familiar home tunes '
a offered to Mr.
I to (Lep. There
played by their comrades. They I"
looked .as though, tired and care- I
worn as they were, if they only had
,the lasses there they could shake a ! 1
leg yet, with the best of them. I
Some of our citizens •
some reinat•ks Wei
al) d Mr. Blake,
made Lauder and
if they were not
matter was allowe
being no oppoeitio
effect Would be
meats would b
.Hotise would
sideration of th
Speaker ruled
ment was carrie
ed to the Addiess, and elven/one
saw that that w make nonsense.
Howevee, the G yernment declined
that both- amend
dropped, and the
roceed to the con -
Add ress. But M r.
that if the amend-
! it' must be attach-
-Scott, he was declared elected. He
is a, gentlemen of considerable par-
liamentary experience, having been
a -mem ber of the old Legisi tture of
Canada, is well versed in Parlia-
mentary practice, and is, withal, a
high-minded and 1 micrable gentle -1
nan. He will no.doeibt fill the .1
osition. of Speake • in a • manner
atisfactory to bot parties. The
peaker having trek n the.chair, and
hanked the Hous for the honor
Sinall-pox iS still prevalent in p
ew .ork. Twelve new cases were s
reported on Wednesday, and four 8
1)E -e, ;), 1871.
ear lots on the traela Hohl
ask 45e, 1 car sold at 44a.
-45e to 40e.
plias • Nothin'Y ; pr4
.54t3"-ce't priet-a 45;to
11 AV Sold from $15 Lira;
Snetwe to,814.
/11, easel) Hot ;a- --1 n fair
buyers freely paying S5 to fal
Bra-rea a Quiet and me-leri
There has hlonel:sallilt.'tle
lor heavy draft and fight hari
the former selling at from a;
per head, the hitter at from el:,
Ir :al•tiable animals theri
same call, hut we teameci of;
note. There is a scaicity 111
of large, hier,hiv-hred,
1Trtsetrd, and broi
Black gelding James IL 1;1
years old, 1,6 lands high, I
dam a, theroughbred mare, at
of 2:24, has reeently been so
Burke, of Syracuse, to Mr. J..
price $15, 000.
Bens KFAST—E,PPS'N 17000A,-1
.%.N1) (.144MFORTINt;,.- -" By a
knowledge of the natural M
govern the operations of dige
trition, and by a careful
of well selected cocoa, Mn Epj
viied our breakfast -tables evi'
eately\' gaVOred. beverage 'Whia
us many doctres)
1itzet tee. Made simply with
ter or milk. Eaeh packet is
• "James Ears -& -Co., Ito
Chemists, Louden." Also.
Eppe's Milky Cocoa, f('-ocoa
,densed 'Al ilk a
TDE »VI» was never known
please everybody. but Fi-ank-
eoines the nearest to it io
business. $1 par dozen. Se4
THE man was never known t
please everybody, but Frank
conies the nearest to it in ii
business. :151 a dozen. Soot
Divisions Courts --e
Division Courts will be, held as followi
Winglunn. . ,ann 1)1mq:tune/a
Ainkyville—Jan. 2.3 13113-11e141
Seaforth — 27 mcderich...
Exeter Tan. 27 lgingIonu
Dungannen ---,Tan.30 Ainleyville
3301 31 tiesferth
Clin ton 1 Exeter......
Goaerieh ateten....
Wroxeter -h26Dungannon.
Seaforth March 25 Bayfiehl..
Exeter. „.. March 31)
Clinton April 1
The Ccurts will open at 10 A.M. each.,
VANTED immilmitely-, r-004
GIRL. Apply at the EXFOSITOR
YOXE oxEN rolt a4t-
-FOE SALE, -a gwa laeavY Yoko 43
OXEN; very -quiet; *wellnaatched.
Let 26, Eighth Concession. Mel
210-4t Winthr.
Sfrin/I 711V premises. Lot 2!
''•-iCo»cession, ....ATeRiilop. (Grey )iolui,)
beginning of December. three SITEEP
Information respecting them will be se
warded by the subscriber.
210-44. Winthr.i
,QTRAIT,D from Lot 13, Eayileld 3.
kiship of Stanley. a 1 -ed and white S'
ing two years old; also.. a 2x...1
two years old. An:v persrua 1g int
210-4 ROBERT REID, 'Vet'n
will Is. suitably rewarded.
into the premises of the underhig
Concession 2, McKillan,, en or an
of October last, a spring CALF ;
and LAMB. The owner or -owners of the a-,
requested to pmeproperty„ pea expenst..s
them away.
(IAMB into the premises -of the undersiel
'Li22, Fourth Coneession, Tuckersmith,
on or about the ist ef 'October but,
STEER. The owner is requestcd to car,
property, pay eba.ves and hike hint 't
2104* , ALEX. BROADFt
sTRA-YED from the premises et the sub;
kil-mt 80, Third Concession, Tuckersmith
Road,/ about a month ago, a, Berkshire MI
black with white spot on fnet Any iaorj
will be suitablyrewarded.
Tuckersmith, Dee.13, 187I
(NAIVE to my premises, Lot 24. Fi•,:st conc1
1Terris, about the first of October, .44
CALF; dark rad, with white spot, en th.*,
The owner is requested to move property, p
penses 11-1Ig take it away.
(tam ti my premises, Lot 3, Thirk.enth
Tockertonith, If. R. S, shout 1.14
3,1 Oeteher last, two CALVES and a ye
STEER. The owner is requet.ted to prove pl
ty, pay expenses and take them awav.
(IA ME into (10 premises cf the stilweribe.i
Coneession 4, Township of fitepben,
the 1st November, a ubite awl red .1,1i
about Ivor years -old. The ovnivr
4Ij12egted to prOVO property, pa;- chanres •5141
her ft's •TII(MAS FOLLANI).
210-4t Exeter PI
CIAME to the premises of the subscriber, 144,
--/Fourteenth Conc. ssion. Max rt, about 114
of November, a yearling, STEER.; color red,
()Avner is )-'q (-8144 to prove property, pay 4 no
:Intl take him away.
210-44 JOHN MET()
rumE to the premises .14 nu, subseliber, 1.1
N-Iflecand Concession, Turk -I -smith. L. It'
about the last of November, Iwo rna13lvd
CATXFS. The owner is requested to plove
46.2:',1,1p4tay expenses and take themsaANIvIal.y,s. LA
Or A
Alio, Lumber, Household Furniture,
J. P. 131ITNE bits received instruct/4.
-ILL-sell by pubhe auction, o11 the. premises o
SATCRI/AY, ep, 1871,
The folio.% ing vabiable property, viz.:
A frame vvattgon-abop, a frame dwellivg-ho
about 2,000 feet of oak plank, a quantity of
incb-and-tobalf and
gianrter; a quantity of scantliog, vtnious
ten sets of waggon hubs, and a quantity ()I8P
the wood -work of a Demoerat waglzon, four
ham gates; 638o, ar'quantity 4aesiessep
tare, together within quantity of household
tore, including stoves, fables, chairs, beilst
lounge, S:c:, together with a variety a other
ries tot) nunicrous to mention.
Hale to commence at 1 o'clock sharp.