HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-12-15, Page 3tE TABLE.. Setcrth station as WEST. trace t. mail, Ir. la S.4Ur. EAST. rixe.l. Mail._ Fi r. m. 8.0(] A. M.. ; EFtI(•(,t_-€4lt TE-Ft't. EF a thorough `natural laws which tis of digestion and careful application la, Mr. Epps has pro- -tables with a deli- arage which may save l=ills " f `ir-il k5(s-c'ieca ply with boiling Awa - packet is labeled ('o Ho er=opathic Also. makerso f (Cocoa anti Con - STOCK OF LI( t ERLES tg . SUGARS, ARS, RICE. RAISIN4, TOBACCOS, Etc., i ttr sell as cheap as any' taiga. pe cents TO $1, r: isf neti.nn to all,. & CO.'S r and Feed;, :antly en hand. And IS C S the lowest possible rates. est l'tenititic,n Powder for niers, try it. s for Farm Produce of all ice, !)'.'S OLD STAND,. it title. Main -street, ILI, Ont. MAS.� if- FOR SALE FORTH. .Line Pottage and a Lot nt r orf Jarvis vis tenet Market 'Lrns� the Market square. . t tins and two bed -rooms, 'kitchen. There is also a; the premises. For tering .,Lett. Jt)IIN 1L rNC r:I. Seaforth, ting 'u er; k for a few' #luploymeat on the NT . DRAINS, Si 25 per day. a`man on this work. zt at the office, Jas, LAIN, Contractor. lSP-tf ' .I.Ell for the County of `reel in all parts of this at THE Exposr-run Oflico ,i to. 195 MARE AN D. OIL{ u t re. -t Lved a large stot'Il n411 ;.to: Steri', of the best Eau :cell ati eliettp as any' very a'cy.eriptibon,,. incl and wade to order. tee Trcnighin , etc., attended to, and outsiia c rilt,n. Orifi �.. c is .t t•o:LI o`iI Lt pt t•tti:- be sone and, :1rritiel..L,1'� block; Maim • t.s' book a•_'et,tiut are .re - .1y. r en, br:e.s, topper, etc;, I.L•r I STORE E _?i kS X, ('1a tit e Ftunily t- ibriteing aery red Teas, let i, s. e es Svices, .Piss • n :e in tl.e Gro ry •t 1<.qa Stn 1-0- l'a`rd' i ~rni the x 0! ;,.,... , e: It. /1 1,7-; Ar a tit. . t'. .. :o. 1. Tllta:lSl)N. i:PAZ STORE, EY F. G LEND. slim en hand for 1` <trrtr Security, -at rjvate k uncis llN-al. PORTER. 1S7 tl l r' t,, DEC. 15, 1871. TH E HURON EXPOSITOR. BRIEF NOTES. Fanny Fern is reported . to be writing a new book. —Anthony . Thollope wrote a whole novel on shipboard, on his way to Australia. -- Seven thousand women belong to the Belgian International. — The Guinea natives buy brass watches with their weight in gold dust. - - Bricklayers in Chicago are de- manding $6 per day, or they quit work. •- It is calculated that one De- troit propeller whistlewill awaken. .75,640 sleepers. a, — Since the people have had so much small -pox there, Pitts -burg is well named. — Some of the most trusted light - housekeepers s on the Atlantic coast are women. — The late snow o slides in the canons in Utah wore more serious than ie per. ted. Quite a number ,of people are missing. — The n workignlen: of Great Bri- tain have organized a committee for; promoting the separation of Church and State.. The English people desire a silver currency which can be reckon- ed with equal facility in shillings, dollars and francs. — A parasol has been invented which, when not in use, can be fold- ed in a very small compass and car- ried:inside a muff.- - Large gold daggers, with hilt studded with diamonds and other precious- stones, have come into fashion again forthe hair. — Mr. Darwin will be rejoiced to learn that a New Zealand monkey las been discovered nursing a huu,an - infant. — The Chicago Post says the bell worn by the cow that kicked over the lamp that set fire to Chicago is on exhibition inthat city in sixty- one different places. — Probably the oldest editress in continuous I service in - the - United Sara States is Mrs. h J. Hale, of (Uodey'a Lad ies' Book. She - has touched eighty-four,and labors con- stantly at the work in whichshe has been engager • four -and -forty 1 for years. - - Mr. Robert T. Lincoln, only son of the late President, writes from Chicago to a gentleman in this city that the lawyers of that .place are entirely without 'books, the li- brary of the Law In:titu'e and many large private law libraries having been consumed by the fire. Mr. Lincoln calls on his brethren of the bar of New Ycrk to come to their assistance. - - Dr. Willard Parker, one of the foremost of our physicians, makes the astounding statement that one- third of all the deaths in New York city are the result, directly or indi- rectly, of the use of alcohol, and that in, the last thirty-eight years 190,000 persons in that city have died of its use, either by themselves or their parents. — Spielllagen, the Gorman ro- nlancist, will come to the United States next spring, and lecture on Shakespeare. — The largest salary paid to San Francisco school teachers is $250 a month..; the next is $208, and the third is $150. Every step toward paying school-teaciiers adequate sal- larks is to be hailed with satisfac- tion. Next to.- ministers, they are - more -- poorly paid than any other class of men. - GAIETIES. A. grief-stricken Connecticut -widow telegraphed to the friends of her late husband.: " Dear John is dead.- - Lass fully covered by ins-ur-f ancc." L " Charley,"said `a fond mother to her son, " you are into that jam again." " No," replied the pet, " you are wrong, ma ; the jam is in- ` to me." - - - —Boarding School Charlie, I expect to graduate at next commencement.' ' Graduate ! What will you graduate in i" " Why in write tube:" —A stable -keeper in Easthampton, Mass., told the 'Rev. Dr. Seel•ye, not a great while ago, that the after- noo:a service must be resumed, or he 'nest buy more -horses. . This is how a New. Lon don drunkard put on his hat when the wind blew it into the gutter Ie knelt down slowly, like a superan- nuated camel, and inserted his bead into ic, pressed it firmly down with his head -against the curbing, and then arose with a sort of ridiculous majesty, and the broad smile of a big success parting his lips. —A Down -Easter being told that bis father, noted for'his mean- ness, would tell a lie for six and a quarter cents, indignantly denied the allegation, 1)ut at the isanie time admitted that -lie might relate . six- -teen for $1. - — " What makes your . cows so cross 1" said an old lady to the milk- Irian, the other day. " Cross, ina'am ? They are the gentlest things inthe world." `t Well, the milk is always sour,i, thematronre- plied, sharply. - - A gentleman traveling -in Georgia met an old colored man, o whose hat was encircled the crape o grief. The gentleman said : " Yot have- lost some friend,. I see. " Yes, -massa." " Was it a near 01 distant relative'I" " Well, pretty distant 'bout 24 mile. —A young -lady, with a number of others who were injured by a railroad accident-- near .Gorton, was harried to a hospital. The surgeon name round and said to the fashon- able miss " Well, madam, what to I do for you ?';,„;' Doctor, one of My limbs is -broken," said he. ` Well, what limb is it 1' . - Oh, I an,tiell ydoctor yout , but alt §: one. of y 1imbs.,r tc One f 0 01 limbs, Im bs thundered the doctor, out of patience ; " which limb" is it—tile limb you thread a needle . with `l" Nw 'a No, s11 .sheil s ei t,d with a sigh , s ."it's the Iimb Il wear a (garter on." Thi doctor attended to her, and said " Young . woman, never say limbs again in a_ hospital ; few when a woman gets asi fastidious as that, the quicker she dies the etre,." ' SPECIAjL NOT CES. >- Save i your honey and. : time, and avoid annoyance;; by pulchasimg an Osborn Sewing -Machine shade - by the Guelph Sewing Maichine Coinpany. ss ' Rufus Chapman of Li arty, Maine, had a stiff leg bent at the ki ee, limbered and- strengthened by the use of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. ltd The proprietors o - Johnson's Anodyne Liniment, Parson ' Purgative Pills, and Sheridan's Caval Condition Powders, have published a readable and instructive pamphlet, which may be had free at the stores. /0" Is lAalth worth having ? If it is protect it -it is a jewel as easily log as virtue, and in many - cases as difficult to recover. In this climate, and more par- ticularly at - this 'season._ of the year, people are very ,,apt to take colds and suffer from sore throat, coughs, spitting of blood and pulmonary complaints generally, which if not checked im- mediately lead to serious consequences. The question arises—which is the quick- est and most effectual remedy ? Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers have been before the public for twenty years, and have always given perfect satisfaction, and invariably - effect permanent, cures when -taken in season. Sold by all medicine dealers country stores at 25cts. per box. VERY NATURAL.—When a person has proved an article and found it good, and answering the purpose for which is is in- tended, he will not readily abandon it for one of doubtful reputation, or con- cerning _.which he knows nothing. We are led to make these remarksowing to the course alwaps pursued by those who have used that celebrated and truly valuable -horse medicine known as Darley's -Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy. All are so well pleased with it that they will not use any other ; many have waited several weeks until the, agent could obtain a new supply. There is nothing equal to it as a condi- tion medicine, or - for - any complaint af- fecting the wind of horses. Remember the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co., is on each package. Nor- throp & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., -pro- prietors for Canada. Sold by all medi- cine dealers. tom- Until the discovery of Fellows' Compound. Syrup of Hypophosphites, the use of Cold Liver Oil was very general in the treatment of Consumption and other wasting: ,diseases, but its employment has been to a very great extent discon- tinued wherever the Syrup is introduced. It is found that all advantages obtain- ed from CodLiverOil are possessed by the Syrup, without the drawback of un- pleasant taste,: eructations of disgusting gas and -nausea which frequently follow the use of Oil. Fellows' - Hypophosphites are most agreeable to the palate. It assists diges- tion and assimilation, so that any healthy diet is made to sustain the system under trying circumstances. It not only in- creases the mu scular power pf n-creasestheniu.scularpowerpf the stomach, but Chyle and -good Blood are readily formed by its peculiar action on the food, making the process of digestion more comfortable and the body stronger to overcome disease. _ ow We all consider iron the embodi- ment of strength and power, but how few areaware that it xs this same el- ement in the system, that • giVes us strength and vigor, and that an insuf- ficiency of it causes weakness and de- bility. The Peruvian Syrup, a protoxide of iron, is prepared expressly : to supply this vitalizing element. - - ••► WHEN YOU are in Seaforth, just run into Frank Paltridge's ' Photograph Gal- lery, 'twill do your heart good. Only til per dozen. Scott's Block, Seaforth. NEW -BOOT & SHOE STORE IN SEAFORTH. sPTTR,R csz sC3 , (Lately of Glencoe,) ILTAZ-I: JUST -OPENED OTT n Large stock of Ready-made Ladies' Gents' end Children's • .SOOTS AND SHOES • of every variety and style, whiih will be .sold at such rsric-eS as will DEFY COMPETITIO1. All kinds s of Fine and Coarse .work made to order, on the shortest notice. - Repairing executed neatly, cheaply anti promptly. BEMEM1tER -'TIE STAN tu, - Iir C Il IFIL ITH. D IVIES' OLD STORE, Second door south of the Post -Office. Call said see for yourselves and be convinced that . 1:iAL Bargains are given. 197 SPURR & SON. THE VERDICT OF: THE PEOPLE DECLARES THAT Tian• GARDNER SEWING liIACHIIOTE Is superior` to any - Having bie�n examined and tried by the most a and by thoili awarded Prizes at all the principal present year; and although all the leading Mac now in the Market. ilfnl medial -lies and best judges the country can produce' Exhibitions s s h ctrl throughout the Dom• . r n during the sues were arrayed against it, the GARDNER PATENT has won declared VICTORIOUS OVE 't. ALL COMP• ETITOR, - upon every test, and now stands foremost in the rank of sewers. IEE TUE L1<t'I° OF PRIZE .FOR 1S71; First Prim earl r n u o t i o First Pride at London —the great Western Fair. First Prize at Guelph—the great -Central Fair. First Prize at St. Catherine , County of Lincoln, Fust Prize at Chatham, County of Kent,, First Prize at Waterloo, County of Witt ,loo. First Prim at Orangeville, County of Simeoe. First Prize in Mono, County of Peel. First Psi• a in Caledou, Comity of Simr:oe. First Prize at Wel- laudport, County of Welland. First Prize at Ot erville, County of Oxford: ,Second Prize at Provincial Fair, Kingston, Diploma at Hamilton, tinct via! us County Shows: This beautiful ntnfut specimen of mechanical ability s a purely Canadian invention, surpassing in simplicity, durability, and usefulness any other Sewing Mac ne now in the market whether of Canadian, American, or English manufacture. It will horn, oma cord, 0 1 braid t uckt a leiuilt fe I, and ctrl all and every kind of Family dewing and light Manufacturing Work, using all kinds of thread. It has a most complete SET OF ATTACHMENTS. BUY NO OTHER. If 'the price is a little higher than some others, it is the cheapest in the end. Send for Circulars and Samples. GARDNER SEWING MAORI TE COMPANY, HAMILTON, ONT. P. S.—Intending purchasers should not be mi led by unscrupulous agents -of other Companies, who keep Machines they do not sell, in a damaged st be, to make capital for themselves. Call and examine the Gardner before punch+sing any other, at ' 'rzzi:Anr GJASSIE's Warerooms, Goderich-street, -Seaforth. Agents wanted. 179.02 PETER GRASSIE, Seaforth. IMPORTED CHESTER WHITE BOAR. H The First Prize thorough -bred. Chester White B ar, purchased from L. B. SILVER, Salem, Ohio, U. S. It is claimed by breeders of Chester Whites,. in the United States, that they make areater amount of Pork for the food consumed than any other breed known: With ordinary attention they thrive very rapidly, weighing from 400 to 700 lbs., at from 12 to 14 months old, and .are frequently killed weighing as high as 1000 lbs. of Dressed Pork. This boar will be held for the service of sows at Egmondville. f T rs.—One Dollar, Cash, with privilege o wrreturning. - Also, an improved BERKSHIRE BOAR, bred by M. S. COCirnA iE, Campton, whose Berk- shire Pigs are admitted to be the boat in Canada, his stock being imported from the best breeders- in England. Service of this boar at One Dollar per sow. Also, an imported POLAND A ND CHINA BOAR. The first imported into this Country. Will serve a limited number of sores at One Dollar per sow. - Egmondville, Nov. 21, 1871. 207 W. J. BAILEY, Proprietor. Dexter Training. and Sale Stables, SEAFORTH ONT. DR. BAILEY begs to inform the Farmers and public generally, Unit he has specially fitted up Stables for Training and Belling Iformem, and purposes to HANDLE TROTTING STOCK by training and developing them to the best advantage. He has eng,-ged an old experienced trainer from Kentucky, with the assistance of competent grooms and every facility for 'perfect and most satisfactory results from all under my charge. Persons having good young sound free -stepping Horses would do well to have them trained and sec if they cannot be made to trot fast. am constantly in receipt of orders for good drivers and can sell any npmber of good mover; at Hutu Yrounna. Parties having Horses in Training will receive their time every week, thus enabling them to see the improvement they are mak- ing. We have as good a half -mile track as can be- found in the Dominion for training Horses on. Terms Reasonable. Horses Bought and Sold. One or two good Trotters for Sale. Or-rica AND STABLES—South of the B. & L. H. R. R. Station and oppositethe 'Woolen Factory. 206 - Address, A. H.'BAIEY..Soaforth, Ont. NEW ARIALS OF WINTER GOODS, HICKSO\'S EMPORIUM, SEAFORTH Shawls, Dress Goods, Winceys, - FLANNELS, CLOTHS, - - Ladies Sets in Mink.;and other FURS, from $4 a Set. Clothing made to order. A good Tweed Suit for $14. FUR CAPS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, ETC. _ The best Stock of BOOTS and HOES in Town. Call and See. Not to be beat in prices, quality or assortment. E. HOCKS -ON tic CO. N. B.—A fine lot of Christmas and Nein• Year's presents on the way from England. SHROUDSSHROUDS M. ROBERTSON, CABINET-MAKER AND 'UNDERTAKER, Johnson's Old Stand, Main street, Seaforth, has now on hand a good assortment of • SHR,OD Ds Which he can furnish cheaper than they can lie got elsewhere. 3115 NOTICE. TO FARMERS. POULTRY WANTED. The undersigned is now prcepared to pay the Highest Price, in Cash, For any quantity of good well-dressed P0 ltd L T R Y, Delivered at the Egg Emporium, Seaforth. 207 "The Poultry must all be drawn. D. I), WILSON, VICTORIA OAT -MEAL AND BARLEY MILLS, SEAFORTH. HE subscriber has lately- added to his Oat -meal T Mill anew.chopping attune, avid is now prepared to do CHOPPING, OF ALL KINDS, - At the shortest notice. Oat -Teal exchanged for Oats, and Pot -barley exchanged- for Barley, rind all -kinds of Mill Feed constantly on hand. F. SEEUMILLEIt: Seaforth, Oct. 5, 1871, 200-15 BUSINESS STAND FOR SALE IN BERNE. TrOlt Sale, in the village of lk'rne, on the hcnznd• ary between Hay and Stanley. Li miles from S, sforth, S • from Bayfield, 3 from %nrieh, a Lnsi ne s stand, suitable for either a store or a nttechanic'; sh=ip. A good dha e•llincthouse is in ren- inaction ; also, a stable awl half an acre of laud with good bearing orchard. This is a good open --- leg for a saddler, as onte is needed in the place. 'Penns, one half cash, the remainder in instal- mcat.s. For further particulars apply to JOHN - EsI,Eli., Lake shore, Lot 2-1, Sttuil=:•r, or to WM. IRIWIN, Berne. SHOPS FOR SALE. FOB SALE, two shops and forty-four feet front- age on Mnin Street, Seaforth, opposite Car- michael's Hotel: Apply to 19 i-tf- - J. MATTER. ca ri CD 02 o C CD p N G CD F1-1 p 5 (12p 0 • CD m C CD d CD CD Cn to rez CD 02 CI C trt- CD 0 0 • oolen Goods, for Men's Wear. )in't -mr w trt )4'16 ci 0 C) s.� T. K. ANDERSON, s MERCHANT TAILOR, SEAFORTH, Has a very handsome and extensive Stock of SCOTC'II, ENGLISII AND CAN' Al ).1AN TWEEDS; BROADCLOTHS, BEATERS, MELTONS, ETC., to choose from. Gents' . Furnishings, Such as Shirts. Callas, Ties, Under -clothing, etc. n great variety, and as cheap as any in -the market. Also, the latest styles in Lis'Ex CoLLAB, always on hand. HATS ' AND CAPS. A large stock of the very latest English, Ameri- can and Cantabrian styles of Hats and Caps just arrived. Call early, as they are going fast. - 3U7 T, Ii. ANDERSON. 3. GUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO. THE OSBORN 0 " t- w Lock -Stitch Sewing MACHINE. Thousands throttghcut -Canada are now using these machines. They have beene t sted beyond all question, make the favorite lock -stitch, alike on both sides, , and are r flounced d sit crier to I? p any other machine offered the public. For wide range of work, perfection, beautyand excellence of mechanism, adaptability, strength and durability; The -Osborn Sewing Aft—whine Has No. Rival. gar Improvements have ve 1 titer been made, enablingthe manufacturers to `claim it` as the i ... ne plus ultra of Sewing machines, Hundreds of testimonials are being received daily from olid as well as new operators attesting its wonderful capabilities. Will do all kinds of do- mestic sewing, from the finest cambric to the coarsest oveloator upper leather. GUARANTEED TO BE AS REPRESENTED, OR NO SALE, WARRANTED FOR THREE YEARS. The Osborn Outfit is complete and readily comprehended. Is sold at one- half the price hitherto charged for ma- chines doing a like range of work, the manufacturers being determined to place it within the reach of every family in the country. A TRIAL FEFORE PURCHASE will con- vince all that our machines are un- equaled. THE GUELPH REVERSIBLE Is pre-eminently the best Single -Thread Machine offered to the public—hence its marvelous success Will do all varieties Qf domestic sewing. PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. Hand Machine, with full outfit, $12 ; Treadle do ., $ 17. Each machine guaranteed. fir Agents wanted everywhere. Splen- did inducements to make money. Apply to GUELPH SEWING MACHI-NE CO., GUELPH, CANADA. W. N. WATSON, Agent, I80 -1y SEAFORTH. Warranted by the Makers. THE RUSSEL- WATCH For Durability, Quality, Finish and Neatness, CANNOT BE EQI7'ALED.. • A new stock of the above Watches just received. A COMPLETE STOCK OP FINE GOLD AND SILVER JE WELR Y ALWAYS ON HAND. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of every description repaired with neatness and despatch, and warranted to give satis- faction. . $5; 000 worth of Old Gold and Silver wanted, for which the highest price- in cash or trade- will be paid. M. R. COUNTER, 179 Main street, Seaforth... WM. N. WATSON ALWAYS HAS - ON HAND THE BEST SEWING MACHINES IN THE MARJET, Either for Family itse, or for Manufac- turing purposes. Both single -threaded and double -threaded, and lock -stitch Machines can be supplied. - Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and instructions given to purchasers gratis. WM. N. WATSON _ Can also insure propertyagaiiiat Fire anti Marine Disaster, and Life and Limb against death and accident, with the best Companies, - being Agent for The Liverpool and London and Globe, (English.) The Provincial of- Canada, (Canada.) The Gore District Mutual, (Village and Farm.) The Niagara District Mutual, (Village and Farm. The Travelers of Hartford, (Life and Accident.) - Os,SesLiberally Adjusted tedand Promptly Settled. MONEY TO LEND At moderate rates of interest. No com- mission, and expenses moderate; MORTGAGES bought on ,egnitable terms. 160 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, MARRIAGE'S AND DEATHS. THE public are hereby notified that all Births, Marriages and Deaths for the tear 1.ii71, mit already registered, must be registered immediately, as the books must be closed forthwith, Parties not complying with the above will be pruseented, anti subjected to a heavy penalty, T. P. BULL, Division Registrar;. Seaforth, Dec. 7, 1571, 2110 l'