HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-12-15, Page 1Ind tx%Lk(* her ISTEER. All V wm twil lilont b, hi -DECEMBER, 10, 1871. SE AFORTH, FRIDAY, AYEM, 0 IM6 mom== r Al Ti tb G Od, 3 I% Adam the eve to their Ail th or y car Illas L'olle a Al. Gorl.loration. stability for az�otlier :6vr EvLay-riizm_ky o -N -of Of Iva Your r I -N t It I (]Llly honored, 1NIr. jlendrio�) Leckie. Y -Sllcpl'Cl'(1 and huilatelt aud 1171111 U A(lvalltdgp has lso been takeii of tile Ali,( the r(ItUrn of yo: I. I)il,th a3. IV, for Ilia great energy in resources of our lail ea 50 J)" .d The Connell now adjo'nriled iI ini of vdry. 811111mer to get 0111 ill ft(lvu or lit the �ii here the road so far yho 0 of the O,Clock,. y end uf, tll(, yet1r. I'll- is more soull: wllips a sufl. 9 r Cot ill good ti im, 11jakill(, t1je icieut quan.bity ()f timber to than that each co ,,try d tlrl�t day be; its- las 8 I . . ain bridges iii 4 O'C'10C).z. far as- possil) �anty-four mile , in 9 to cert, tw One ]]our lid tll(-9 r The reports of the prill 10 YOU by )OU Fthei forb�.e arly part pf by its OVY11 clilture and AbOrtz (he iri llbeavell most icrrht Ini'llotes. All 19 season- �Jcdar ting, Jail and kill d , .1 s -were, read and all two Fi%t ingertioll, per nuo, ,i r Ip! the dovololilllc�jlt of pleased 8 quite a alY k-ind of t�'Illber adopted. lI Court Rouse Committee quent be had, mor I tS own resources— be it yoUr to Al o v c d 1) r. lirolierEv Sertious, 2 cents And -%19,1110 dub-eeiiw,ay, record seconded 1) ,,jl(led to educate Inel tl 11 olley le�.z- I for )lea(,. That the Treasurer lie favors F COUNTY 9!�UNCJL M vas therefore lj.xiouc �1111, and easier to frame nd hatil. I y pe .ETING. to Ila -V y 12th Cor Hallett- Lo A hereby to pay over to -tile most prolitable, -0 �,cr received froin as COUI �-C vestment. n.. ........ AGO -4 1 'as 31111CIL I 00 d be Ila(] before the Th -e retui jj . .......... .. 45 00 laIll of tepheii the S500 ai-ante, T I you throO, life'sJ6 T. able- season. Ded. 7, 1 71. lieleting tile i-ation I)e- LK E$TRY. 20110 91086, of the presolit 1',IV()I' Partment will alf ............... such mercies 8 at tile i I " 1,5 ... 3i7) 00 y ill) e I ill tile two Toath Can- I ecolve, - I - - of I I)re hilf coul Petition h,.4 ...... 12 ()o ...... ; ........ 20 oil IMATUrsuant to adjonim- lrolli the ToAvnsl tephen c athe'iVisCexpenditure f Ab- that the -work b. -as e As but the Fatlier Of n- field and Colbor were 0 1 been 1 for tile Prol")ti011 (If illinji ation I,_ lltl twit one Y,�ar .................. iercies call Alt the 1116=1 bers pr6selit .11 askii�g to 20 00 The vc the at4d. Elio other tNi (1; on( wnships The -louncil _,t(l ourn I............. 12 111 the e(I to In(. 10 go, 't a ........ r ill(] ustri.%I I)OI LlIation One 1.114Y they d, were uth Ridilig for Iteoristratioll a zls In"' "tea' Of Slon. to Oil Thc UC 0olL de. I P � , Ga. oil Saturd, y morning at in _�t 1'r,%wrtv, Pay k-xpeuge, -eig-lith orw yeftr Ill 'eat.. 0 1 0 nie O'clok-. Proportion tilll U:S 8 %pproved. ....... ........ ... 1:4 Moved by Dr. i-toinles, secoll(le(t by Ual of tile IAi.d in strea, ............ A letter was ro,td r. Alesser, That tbi 8ATURI)XV, Dec. 9, 1,971. ]lave co,)Ic fron 3 ruonthi u -m ever your foot- 17 roill ;.AkTr. tricts of (Ire. 8,;e,)S IVtt 11,1(1 _ . 0 I a The Conlicil met pursu ilia i ............. pltme, jilor, recoililll( tile bridge oil tile boun, nt to adiourn.- iBritill and tile lie his.wil I CP Cut. Tile int the better to Inect the r' Ii of clothincr siluil eet- hulf " that now, inutes of yesteray's D STE . ......... 00 1.11,131 tile bounties r and S�known as the e- ...... 3 Uti -to that il.�ed in. 'the X orrisbank Bridge.—Lo lll�_,swere read and approved. (1.111iremnts; of our '1,9r'ClIItUriSt aild of 11lidt-r"t,* 4,tlo t You- Nvaii t' entiary Provided for I � ...'? I teor to Pcilit -red by A inotion of thanks to Air. Young for Works I "s o f i. be 11 ingly e I irvill,� Uspal iprison- il o Mr. Or sec d ther 111dastries -rc -oided by d to the Jail g- ivot I. Ilia ble 111, eventually to ful.l.li,5191 Lid condut - 340litil, 50 cellt. in the 1110 lid He in Ifi f OU3e Committee. chair wa assed, afto� sett�Cr for Our free grrant and othor B Court G'aunt, That till,- Township of h a good t Wisdom to try you see is amonc) tile r which tb le Co ofind f, t y -for liat -Jaw Ao 1871, By oF T t'T 13 discolitelit.s I ad�ijouriied, r6orence to the divi�siolj of the lIhtw No. of the Comity To- all He ppo To 0 -tion, as ii lilts, illilTyOueold 'sul),.. Smith f "J'11clip )nth 75 �ei for Thi's ended the last meeting of the Every exei 01`ctOfOroY -Will be y In( tb le sale lSo wishes (joiflit Council for I f certi to be a y 18-11. All, no ioLll)t I made to ii)dUc, a coljti, Lie to br. to tile -ionth Hiding alh altb V im,_ wiri (1011i'llOck, ws and 'request the�Couirnibte al)PY to me(,t, sorry a Ile lolit From t 'als Cit I� Ilass('ild. -ei iti a wtill forl'itil, eedf u I Your nd wit to part, and I migrati011* S,wellastoorgrallzef- (in or tolout J may Illecor !I i ill reportiug hoj)i,,.,,� He free to ineet gin 11 allury lle,c. i for the elliplOY'lle"t of th ie Po3titions froni Ahlitiold and A c' oil ti e �hd ever y�ur 011111lu'lletion as Farrow, )qne, to include the,'lloiv, ot We, Ilve clti: do throuryll the wilder� Tbon was read froul 1 .3 inimeditel arriviii, alid tile ,ij School, Ishir t y superill- 11"Llvallosh I subsequent settle., in. tbeir report, a a similar EVIT-COVERNORS SP 11011d lit for,' THE Ll . elt Of such -is may re- Around yoll 'ilia Ile encircle tb Towns iEEGH. quire it upral I. f hips of Y His rm, Turn jerry, . and Bast JN'aw pe 1 loll 18 Ill cOursc of circulation in that gralit fro ill a] I that would 11 in Township. Of urt WbiC)L Ile a nrl BUSINESS DlRrEICTORY you 1 ain'tO r alrill stated that the Schools JiLtely angements _T are in for 13ral establish - I T wideq his cliarae .loved Farran, seconded ment of Scho"' 0 Al( 0 d been. left in 11 -Lo 011, illay Eca E ID 3 CAli. y _'Ctiolls 1111ite at Sheplierid, 'flliai a tyrant of ';;200 01 of Agriculture. A be mide Durincr no Period in th; history of Her Ili$ pl,eseuce I'dition, �of which to 1111111iCIP, sense of - I - I knd pr),roas co 'llity of CHU suitable site (Yf (300 acres of land, of DAVID _VITC1-fr,,LT,, D., Gr niolt to ton, to assist Miesty-'s North Aincricall pos essioll give songs I hd ri the praisc from I)c war, them in tile erection' of Lock-uplill call there 1) Y of ccess to the pill)- Cal . I , a 3 varied soil and eas The Peace 1111; LS found recorded Of n se in I Of being 1) tile' been ptirch (I Ione of has the Cotliltv of that the st'id dition of pr()�,,pepity call lost in bringinity this w County L3 it' new Towit Ifll and, 11 the'), cone 0 ti ie i 4 iSviour bequeathed ]I(- had 011ict. suill be pid-ilpoll �tbe -lIt Tholuilsoil t sizlulvv's. bV r. Bisbol certificate of the at all pproach that "Ito opera i0iPOrtailt selleme oil seconded by Petvie )iclilitonthtthe ow a, most lini each burden. and tioll, Zliereb tj�osc of our saine is co %Oiero ill tli- hdritfl; by. is Province, nd it Youth who desire to I -to pursuits my Obtill t e ed a ec- Dr His spinit, may �Oii be richl law to collfirill o by atherefore affOr.18 me (,treat pleasure follow agricultural 1111in treet, y iiii- Town f h tication P tbree 'hip of Usi;oril econ'ded by Mr. congratulate you on so favorable ail is- '�iIIY adpted to t And with A Collfirlilill" tile 800 ;t,� That ilfill' paying the poet of ourcoun tr 'a Stride in -the path The Ili heir wants. Y .011ty beneficial results certain t By (-!oil n ty rate- be extol, do(I to t tile A C V for the duties assirril-, law was read �ij(l first of of material advancement. Ipassed. 011ow the, cons�trljction of ,,,ail., ed you eiid'�L:ied ami that the (-lel AccoU In knowledge -k notify the to have to almounce Ints fro', ric A-IcKay, an(L, Treasilfer'to this eflbct —Carried. 'ir L to you. U(I Oroligh, certai ce may fourtuti other Swamp lands, fo�r sow that ation. wils nja;dC Tinow adjourned, to meet Of 'Quebec, the Doini'llioll by the Lleg you row, 8 were read and ill Consequence of protest by the 0 A le;ter I. I hiCli a rol) (if th( from the kcel)er'of tile c( Til at 4 O'clock. gislature, prompts in. to re C 1111d, 1,"itloq ;"t -1 forets e of licaven e House,. skillo, fo cabill C. X, And obelow IIj0X here r cerb et doulines to ci rlwt fuo Iligh Str n rel),lill Upon ve effect to the '()mllleiid to your consi(jeratioll r LL Colrozier foil. tI.Ie Countr 0j,1io,ie iV jade in'the matter of the division dicneY of by which i, eets, itext to.) the pit,, tile sit Ile award n as read and referred to tile TifURSDAY, 4 O'clock. ex_ WALKER And vo-ii-liaN,c-fiiiisll.e(lyotirNi-ot;lc d Court The Council met and adjustment of the'debts credits, lia- may borrow U)olIeY this I ce. Pursua,ut to djoul't - men Dr'- The bilitie and ssets at a low- and over Tc)rbN*'.S vorner s�tcirc. eport froll Of 'Upper and Lower 'ate of interest, to iMPro've 11111 i mly OU 11"t1i the'l! I tile Coulity, Cc' , Eisomod i I Encrinei Ir accounts wer to 4, c-i(:h a Ziol jefe mill-unications n(I Canada, -Until decision With reard to bY tile or Other draining Ittidll olar rr,d to tile'! read nd referred to th s validity slia.11 be (rivell by proper coi the Judicial I llav,�e lately appoill, f77 Committee ted Ilposed of Injuien f 1'1'8 It EPO UT Fop, 1 r of I -Ter Privy coll,li- con Can t jundcres and conn:sol.. cta.. Onlniitte6 enquire ilito the ope 'ead &nd adopted. Th report of the chool C' oil- I ventured it, this Gham6er last to J011 -N WILSON. Chtbam, is agtU li a r, of the prestil,t constitlIticl, 111strUctions"re- 41 yea, without aetmittilio, ;1nd effect At. J ailivay f I-Oln It' tile last colindil dge- tot'Llevt; at Lpwl Th a lie ort of. tile leillance ment of tile Arbitratoltis on the�oij�ts tion of the several Courts ,)f Lltw alcitors in Pond Eu. to ell P 110 1 _V I to them had relized the aen_ qUitY of this P, tnd Lake HUroll. Outtlie imProvemei ts attlie �as I ead. I subiliftted .—Of tile of I I (,oderiell, W�ld T ce, 'witli tile view tile seen ys there I -Way 1-01, by GreenWyj seconded by ex))eetationk of the people of of ascert hetheran, d -what ch ened tile road- Mo ved y -to be no e t is ainill" ,if tue nbscribm (in tl.,,-- A Jill(, from Wo Sonic distnce round t6 AIL Uresswell, That tbe*repol-t of tb(, Province nevertbej'ess, to e h ail od- 'a fiPer cent. Fa�,IiN, 1)s now Finalice Committee just i be advantagedus- li I;- to tb e rid ge, fe n ubd 2 xPress tile nd iniprovenients may ges, Lots for Side, 60 atisfaction which the result bad aff-ord- ly made a proposed. tl ie ein. ban k -ead, be lai(l. ii i,- too rriAt inent and to --prevent th' 0 e A donlestic serYint in Dun(], lor coil- R 1-111a and SaIdsfactory dis- iand recentily lyrrqlc�llt one siole of tile I 4011. —Carried. at it h- -1 es 'tatch of tile business no) titk-i, it N - f urd 0 I' to for the more J. � s w' 0 hill fbet16le until to-inorrow for ed me, nd lso that I re arded Speedy, as from. slidilirr ol' and a it as with `iN tea in 11 mendment by Dr. 11-o-illies, t�1.1,1181ed.forever the. share of the public th said courts.. lit Law, ill Cilium Alagistrate, teanis fr)n ba all(I"conclusive, and thg I her em over the face of th G, Al oved i p w tralisac fort t n(I A� t 11 ete. 0111ces— C, PlOY'llent bank. oil the-othero '(to., Seconded 1) 4011 tA for the Timst Itud Lmi It vithout Perini y Air. Gibson, 11 this Province '%vas boun to A measure to provide for the payment G Uiliwr C I $81011 RePaids hi-ve ce to Coll" il ON, itself into co rhat tile as also the proportion of tile of -%v ALVES, %xid thu of hor eal ployer, euid ith (itisobeetience," re a e Loud)ll. Engla-ild. .1 the bridge oil i10, 'Amittee of crMumis Mfuuey:it 8 ver celit.; 111) I d WAS sentenced to fiftee aryt line general assets -:intended to become ex. hetrial of orlull- days in jail the wi -epot ials, will e 9 to�(Iiscusq the Finance I I oil Coil viction. b tWeell he Townships of G'� be Submitted for your coil. JAS. I.o. Br,.;,So�N; Oil a division, by a in,lijorit.y. O' I elusively onr own propel H, AV. C. and f ,ty. In. t�l sideration- the Legislative A Province 10 was' -to be per'nilentlykept-up I)y Th lilicil then Fi idy Sselably then ill .session Xor tile larger the We] one (If I the County Th.6 fin ts of the this brid �,,e is to observe that cial ll'Alr.'Jaiiies Fll Y' If seven satisfaction I was g I ac djourned till at ten ol�,Joel. portionof th rx-d, ull 1341TE SIN. lington, GreS� ud Bruce it wbuld o doubb be better, ndt prob- ignifed its concurr le current year nt1i e North, last Sum- ably. el delay f will lye ininiediatly before You. - The "QVII ftIft1"MlfI_ ence. The 1;'If1DAY,:Dec. 8. which will arise before effect is g1-V_eII to E t- ill It(. �xile If de�_ mer, is to be edibor'.o hend. to re- bfif;s to thank the. public fl a new daily Pper 1, b * uilt it alIE:W. 'rho resolutiol 0 a illiate-S, likewise, -%Vill be submittedat In. to be st-arte I the terms of the award liecessaril ar y perjoil Ioltilue,i�vnst iti the f-41-11ilt011, and -to be I did ot bear rne out in *- e r. Tbe Council MCA pursualit to adjourn- Y post- ail tllgo to iiff.,ria thont -tbta h' 11 so ft ts ineasures nd arrangements c the discharge of the Illed- tile Y?ct 2; 901110' r. ment. The Illillutes of tj Pont- This brid ve is not muc ie mense imp iiii- ie -e i. use([ only by -very -a ineetill r ivet Ortance as we to the future I ties tlixt Will ellgge your - ttention hiqqky to havo; a froyn oltl froln of Fort Dover fe%v pe6ple. Since it of particular section.- Ile will b" eS - H-arri illauy U I-lialf ah St built- other bridge I lrre, Wer- 'O and one f pounds of seed I iin Tht" louncil. W611t into Committee of isto -the Province I huilibly trilt that tile Allim-ighty may 126 'as bee e basedon the. I bless y endeavors t a the �0 eonsider the'r1illnce ('0111 assumption 0I the -ward being fill, T �_-OX potatoes, flarri Sol' realized be- and. a quarter ftirth o proluo te the 1) Li b- 0 epor 11 d ci lit busliels. . - I 1, is er up mitte Shannon in the chilill, our put 111) sevell tile streall lie good lt?lkl tnkv itt-C, over the Tile f A I -1IX8 LIOM-L, a Ili itter whic] just calls n The 0 0 %V p traffic from this loclity is is the re ort e gen Perth County coullail, last I m flow crried. ppoil inasmuch as -cek-, voted ,�'l to collt, T Thv ii IREPOR OF such measures Tuckersnl1th. 14iVC1 Nitll the very best lirptal- inue the .4, )00 one now jr Ili reference to tile jo flilred to could withou t much I.—The Council in i Opinion that tile present rendered impracti- e01-NCTL 0r X well to a depth of 2 tter of s That the object et Eliet.' public i ydiley ion to the award 01, Alonday, 4, 187 1, ill for e VL oney inust be plenty dow Il ilvenience, be ('Iispenscl Inspector of Office, re- should be n In Avith ur,ged oil I tile village a oge er, questing tile Council 0 gillondville. ainly technicaj f E iIll. It th lie Xrotilids is W O'clock A. LI pur- 'ITESH I�XCR a new consideration that intens' - suant to biiild tuf� v�-:tr; .:B The timber for bridge building is Itegistry Office in e to adjournment. Alltbe -Blyth. We! a the fechil- of regret wil J. 'T. "vestel-11 Railway Ila' recconi- I mem -ber ill 11 - ich a low, in- present. Tile minute -of I -Y Ili cyh it lie Over to tb(I Jnuary I'am - to Wer eting Lairied co.al. so- no%%- diflicl It t(I be found, and Yet I erval of ill ast me Trotf.'J, Al, 01 -Of tile Port 'Huron 1price,' al)d if the cost of keepim, I�ip �Z-o meet""' Of tile Council, s file reate. Tb . Y") action will e cert e read andll)"Oved. ifewl%- fit b Aloved by TAIr y coull rilo, reaard (I by Jjr.. a new linc I Din year is e people of Onta Wle of tile lao, now nwir F. 8p, oat, seco'.'(1-G, fol I;t fro'll Port Ruron to Ow, tY brid"trcs could in. a 0 eXpirej l)( IILT tile awrd as rendexing them no the, folloA-lig accounts That luld ellitil. sso, LN 011ie de- 3 1 that a ill the lich new ll I �Con_ jaluptu RooyuI Good C01111 -%r th. tile Detroit bleisened, it 'O 11 paid for Work Council laFe ffi, tyliulit effect a l! will be in. office, as this nore than barejustic ill relation to the done in tile o v I hip CO I be cons aThe Waukee 'ret 1yestern %Vill, so�)Il 9 there is no necessity for a di- lie Matters in'- di8pute, hol. hoped fo V`l­ ain repairs do vision. o hing oil the 10th Coll. 111:�10 trand Trunk-'Iin loliath of -line atioll Iyul-_ , rival the have lso had Cert tile County for refistr, ha all qucgtions betw r ditc le to 0 UK. the stone work of B n ne, nd tile extelif of Ve furthe on y to: Town Line, Aild-rew Itoss whole. struatur 11 I t I , re- but Council .10 at its proisent sessiolilauthor. usted nd I a prebend that, Pailing brida I;rJtOrY tributary 0 n Alillers brl r recomfliend that this co Of Okilebee had beell deli- on to I t. a very Ifinited e' r itely dj xt(_�Ilt, 'Is I P _C requires rebuildilig ize rho I lirdell and Clerk --e oil 4th coll. to petition Alex. �20 A. McLchlan, of the Local Le lature 'at oil oil 8th -W' 'S' Sumforth. o I 11 ' e tile t1leY 'lot only will be mil ble to It an(I cc, to th,tt present state of the caewith, ind the foundtion. view th 000a tcjol 11 I Jill re hit sed. a, c7atuddate f6i the Mayor- Part of ifference, lille, be stone wol Part of tFles AIcTaggart, foi- T will not fail toseeinit liky of t. 'k to the 'inoi Act plo but that tile ; Al al It W"! ftz;-I t -j Elot'lt wall of the , 0 oil Town Line, DDL 01 tile crection to I &Ooveirnnient butment t Of ne-w 11ccristry 0111 grounded calls,- for alrin, I 0 J allies ova In W 9 culvert oil TolvIl goo(I ay is quest* I—The :the north ed of the tlancliesfer br the o & Calida 8outilern 1"ail re lost the for buildill e. T idrrc dre alrea�ly stif- I IYOPellilig of the ' I 0 fluiet -a loll-, involved * in 818 ; Th,,niias 1104-1, eAtforth. 0 undred C01111110d, for 9 '01, o-. TvY, it -was rebuilf iii.the $111)liner, and th ation. rep tied le rbitratiou should -revive those 11 , a - I Ii rl it lnd So t the politi-, Toi;vn Line Good I III lei's t I ve Ial)d -:Ill tile i pointed wit[i Nvter lim The ms 1011 off the Lcaislture; .1 $30 George Lawrison oliry pfesent sBss' 0 Ll and sectional strifes which for buildina tw built 'but of the to the artroni the P oil ])ad endal(yered own Line. .'271 12; twit ruti, traii" th tee; - Construction I found to be of the C reillar 4� or to Confederat o 0 Culverts llf' STREET, is Will be A, clIt-ceter, tl 1.11 0- lilt Without Suf- Council (f the United es (,)f Stor e peace Cooper. fiGieut 1) let of our co moll C( Ulit�ry St- John AlexaDder, for oil of rubbish. il to Co- It is Ivert and lW. vot ng, a bonus a 8100 ifi'10(1 up in. tile heart rePtililig culvert oil 2nd Coil. line — The molit, Di lidas, nil SHAW?, 000 to tile It this Couilc Operate -with tile, Ito" and Erie 11 " I 1 a mtte'r of T that the gen- oil 12th coil -grav, therefo ' ioplid 11 1, - Ili procitilano, ail act to enble Townsilip &al acqui re ecessary to .56 10 Leonard W�LV Ditich. gre -take dOAVIl (I eSCence by Uppet -1 I lost in the County Of .1-fal DR;- It ast by,3oC votes. portion of the 'Wall ti 011110ils to insure isolated pi op I ti e Scheme of Confederation %Iia3 in I Lile 1 owii G_ iau erky withl. 8holdice tolle cul-vt,q-t oil * 4C S-3 8tephen I e, till qbLtioil. c7aforth, Ont. I had exj)ected which added 6onsider- tile TcWtiship at low -ate. 9, bud1-th t th 4 E_ IF fhn front stiects in Woodstock ably to the (I pe'nse. I colmlicild tlit tile War d)OUt ill the liope oil Town Line. 83 - ,John Th ro o1g,h , — Land o i ' I 1, cl�t measure bi%oliolit Ca o[ -'-at week by a,;tio' del ese strifes iD lie tIffojrdi I Ig Ind: Clork 'h vould be thereby al 1 Donald Yfiuld bridge a I )etition, t ic to this efreci e 1; Un )ehall of the Council. amPickard, lioadllw (Yravel 0 i 4th beed inniber of I f foot I I t f I, 0 Ill -7 At the I ditebini, 01.1 tile' ftleiliti('g to All to JYed nd for ver settled. If ill this -- 1 wil Line, .$I) - piles bal-le I i tjt the people of 011t,, -0 G t truss doomed Itio i built to each; re Coll. eSPll, Part of the pier rel -111d, A nui to be disppoil, GlIestley -a I . I ited, it will be OwIn or to lio C is tile-' -t� 1.1 4th Coll Sold lit bestrates. Mild. I &lid tile 1101 fell Of accoull ulvert o' SCCE)Ild ft nide with Were Passed. act of theirs, but Posts eckie, tile res a ponsibility of i for repairi ig l'1`)g -tbC COullell. of Brantford has had to in Such Way as will e ly pr to tile report tile consequences likel I C Coll event to abolish So from. tile land, for gravel for Y `o`1!lII--­�iol',vr it, faher withill year. tile Y to ar IBellell, Ilu.iltraltee IL11 I Go tile Nvater from f revivl of the old see 1.1�oads, -after a livelylo tional statute ),-,))Or, $ - liscussioll was lost (luestion and Patrick Ford, avel, at years intist rest Upon 110IJeft Fr 't 33" 5 feet 11 Soule I hOn-, Illendhg scraper -Ac irs to the fioorin-, stand by lumber for bridge, ;4 07 - a�.Ijlptonls rJf CO�J,l Oil wer N110' -,d in ineii(Iment to.'the report The liberal mesures which ti I fitilFire. Life iid Acei(tvi,-t I-' bOrig for -It* on �vllicll the C71d of the by a Intio ity Of nine. .3 1. 0�-t I N,, t I I rumbnlkni displites of a for I I loads ),I - verb 11 I -oil Mid Torouto of Bruce, at it (Jolith of 1, (j I I t. lit -will 110�1,, Wit I L thu Ibutf.ortl e come to, n(I tellip nother- ie L the Aile" ville. Well -was. liaThe con. t -a' 10 Y of d to- SaIll Itile" be requ- ed. I by tile P-,Ul)lic a dildation seconded by COUSills Tha� foil,, for the, Y 0, - l6y.hvc troo(I hat �ile (accounts f, LIS 011,11- —Carried. tile Pl-onlotej.s (if the -work re Or six yers A more c-.\- I d at its last 8 iol�), t V. E. D secolided by Air. )-i( lature a- Collaclizill work on r furnisl -e our system of Nation dopte L 812. Punsive &lid W.1 It Doubt 111198 I prOv` I)Y Dafla8, -Ill Oi fI'ce ill, Blyfli be dt Lost, oi a divis 11, by a'maj chools free by A for the Completion ority he paid th-� um of the ei- lit. I)v PrO'Vidino, for tbeir tlL Of f r It Cutting this , S on t be i-enien - I bere Id road was let by ucrioll Ith ,Njoved 1) -,%Ir. Fart by giving stability t ]'O 3, W110 it A sli fie 11� 0 more effliciel I(if I Inspection' ,,O- I 13 1 wo 11 lot It fill I V ill disa pered �Udtjenly,. a high pl. L(.,cki( Y all nded I)y nd Huron I-toad-iSurvey 11 der the T), see p ice, but there was Ivating the pr.ofe`38i0JL Of teachers, and by Act. IX" It, gersil, difficulty in getti 4�inendcd I akm-1 11.1i Ili,; ill t T ht -'\ o. 6 of th 0 1)uport be bo- will Ile to iayino, tb d 1) I(11 k`b011t two Inbliths ago has not yet Ile aeJ.'ractically symillet)-ic No secoi I ell repMr or-rdbuild be? al ail d ulcd by Air. Walker, That tile fol- is not yet explained. -e shore, and coil V111111 be f urther 6ol l'Charity Iounts Ove to the ICola 'lo herd of, mt the mo tOl'u it could be reach- counts Ove tile Public and. bi(rh sell Dallas itill ese Registry ac- i Coll or t tking o(I Oil thc for I have been whielt we seemed creless abo' b"Ourflit into operation, nd I C, Upon liilI'll" t; i inill.- ri, We t tile 0 U e I lit eliterlf, Al oved I iy e Illos Oreius t-11CY are likely t 0 f Ifil th 3 illich Cll N' 6d of late Seven, work at till. ckie, secoll(lefl I t l Al'i(low Ohlbomil, U 200 orough hY Mr. ISPrOat. Seconded by �%Jr. I)aIlas t fi! ghey, That -No. 24 of of tile, friends of w. 'A 't of the r ounts of bio- thr( t the followinc� I IMve exmined that pan oth and Universal eductio rom. is bo*ilt between RUB, Which conies ltt and Fast W Od I Finaxice Report be ended by The demaji(i That tile, nomination for j)eputy ileforo- bi s a J. 1-f. 1,1 a1YXnOS I re7 llthe tol'- re-tilirly anefor tliv Townliip (If ],car Port ferred to in the I t*t' rtes oil tiloj C'Outity Gra ed Riceve, and ve be hold in the *Mr, ii the it" ernooll of t) )e I 1011 OK Thomas r teachers is fr(t)DI year to 3 _lv tiri-t Ity3t,l, th. Rblie) Vircslie(l 7-15 bushels -of '-Ods--Lc at, oil tile following diy' -ear *School Hou iwll(-'zVt foi- i (T'Dtt and others, ha ail & t se No Village of ]Sion a. illip Ling persons de- ville, oil d Isoil, sirous of propel -13, qualifYing-themse y and hour appointed by vert two feet betwer-n. the bed of the 1. eckie Holme ID ellDafoe, -11 nille hOU] A. a cul he nuTT�ber YEAS,— 'Uessr of 3,0 The Strtbroy De,,z) r 11 %vaV aIves law, viz: The l8th in R-INARY )(110t crows over - for the profes St., -it 110011, i'let I cruel- the water from. a neiv,I), ("ail licy, 1,1 fteell Yee t Sion of teaching by regr- 11 thattlie folj,OKihg gentlemen be Return- oilout drain. 'The prties further %olanted —10 1711yon. Iar course of SIargelyqin- I that alls Farran, and Coo' ilitiltwtv to; the was farm -property Mid iio%.v- it bits I me to deepen tile ivater-course that it n 'no' several (-lectoral di- -onlltri, 01), ( th rough 1 _�A be w,)rtliy of your ;zliltl ,,urrottriiiiii., C This I -%,-,is not j,ust, ilfpopulation of 3.000., Private proper y essrs. BroWli Willis lie ruttv it(- Shop- I consideration wil 19 Hugh Chesney - herd, Arnisi ether ad. -Ii on the of 1_1or.qf Ong, Bishop, Patton, kSlc11, J)ivislon 2, David Campbell ; Di ;tl(.. et�' fThe I lied in doing, bitt small sum could sho Id DI visioll o*f the Sons. of 'Vesser, $Scott I uld 'lot be provided for vision.3 be that purpose. ;Itt(l plilletie,41 Tempe I 'Itely in JUdiclOW), spent in c theside 0. Fowler' -Division4 Joh Ill, IC A ean ing out � I �, o- ki Y, NOT less n Youo, - I'lld hilvi— b, e ]'let 1, Toronto. The i Hay! usefill (10 f th, awarded the I I drains, if the owners Rort r Ink'will prove Divisioii 5, alll,�s rick, Dalto,.1, �)d yoUl ame session for pro- be lield in thefolloNvino, places members 1 El to of OrIta it) T. Ihill.(-bill Of the adjoillill Murray. lots see fit, to deepen till, 1 9 U iCa - the measures of the satisfactioll to till new, divisions Were 1).ed. of I ed by Air. iding, by a new School of Technology N, o '11 . E Division, mho 11lfl1:v1n,i)loy Ulu- 6t e Alo reani. Patton. secondeo: gillondville Diviajoll No estblished ill IS -7 I. . - by now shortly to . I01161- H-rpul-licy . be opened for pre- S.. Princillill Mr. oon, No. 27 of the Fin Tile meb C'm vel Pice paratory e Division No. ers of the County Councii i I�eport be ductioll of skille( Men s.3, School r- iave mended,by cligincers) managers, House 4, Divii011 No. 42 Brucefield - of Bruce and a part ntY roads ]I been ill Of $108 for wo 'lot paying 1 the The- ('011 Y of. frifnds left and Operators ill No. 5, i- rton at- A. I I tile past 8 choolllouseb;o. and sustautly on haild., rej,)aired urij k done by the tb'%"n the various inechailie, Al7 Wake, NIL ummerp and of Goderich on Bridge Hill.—Lo8t Illanufactur- that a By-law k -NI Office -61 Pr0yuPtiv afteuded to. I : . I I the damage they sustained (I .3 I Oil Friday) Sth I. I be passed ix Ul accordance inst., for a trip' over tile Wellington -ilig the Ii 611 a I ing estblishments, and in the at kll! 182-2in bYa, majority e am - I with theSame.—Carri ding' -wet yerseffectuail made I r ed. By-1aw No. 4 be country. I was read -and nd Bruce Pkailw. I two prece y The Chairlil,,til then resumed the ellair When we find these estbliB Passed accordingly. The W1. ay, to Harriston, ' good of one. boat and railway systems of t TO DEEMoi i a firsf-clus RS passenger car, drawn by. o**bell the linlents are -About a ed. I Tavern Inspectior Ijanjed in ,I. huno: red d twen w 8 Put as amended 4nd ht 'R to IOCOII ty culverts adopt is irepox have been rebult to a new superstructure Moved by Ur. Greenway, seconded by them,. Oil arri 11c. lit e bridge oil the li- of (I,. till, -as very deep ao some, at delayed� -furnished Loi ides borough bridge, and Mr. Cresswell, That a committee of hve ing in wi8dolli ember Of this Council re- 'zteiud Chi- tkve for the I p , and a netwo 0 oved astruetim),; to fiotive IV. B endrie. The snow sPrInginc, up and dotting our country on which was read and approved. NI 'SL WANTED. - Treefirt-d il , every siTe vil, rk Of rilways is by _11r. Dalla seconded by Air. Walker, dAY' All d at Ifarriston. they j th covern its surface, we should be want- T -hat - each ni' itivivir be sued, without r%� partook Of - an Ile of 'rod from be appointed and common prudence o pt -l -sonar, exIllent dinner at tile BI th nd ballote,t for to a not Ceive the suin of MallChester. Several other the Engineer to let the toll, provide,'as every progressive people a Ile Y to I ist too $36, for attending Market Rotel. 'The ' health, gr 8 t proi Hendrie, th bridge have had new floors iding for the scientific and practical i ro 205 I Of Mr �velroad is I Council meetings, and superintending pres , 'Upon a bal4lot being takegna, 81alIe Colin- ids and bridges in their municipality- 'dell"Ad DircctQrs of and such other re'pirs as were education of Classe of m required mittee was d Ien to cond e.ClArcd tO consist of MesE rs. these 'Vast and important operati A for the Present Yeai--Carried. Ons, and WILLIA31 MU111,