HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-12-08, Page 87
DEo. 1, 1871.
?fan. txpooltor.
GLOBE will be gi'ven- to Hew Subsci ibei.
,from this date to the First of Jan awl',
P373, for $2 75, cash. in, calrance.
WE UNDERSTAND that Miss Margaret
Graham, left Seaford', ou, Wednesday,
6th inst., to join her reladves in Scot -
DivnESERVICE.--rhere will be
service_ in St. Thomas' Church, of this
village, on Wednesday evening of back..
week during Advent.
-REnuRNED.—Mr. Daniel Moran, the
Seaforth Poet Laureate, has again re-
turned frona Coderich, and has resumed
his old vocation.
PUBLICATHINS. -Bow Bells for De-
ceniber, and. Canadian Pocket Diary for
3872, for sale at Annette -lag & Price's
Book Store.
LAND AGENCY.— We have. before 11-8
the second number of Benson & Mever's
_Land Circular, which is published month-
ly, at Seaford', in connection with the
land acr6eney of the above firm. Parties
havingfarms or village property fer sale
would do Well to patronize Benson (t'z
Meyer's agency.
REMOVED. —We direct the attention of
our readers to the removal card of Dr.
Vercoe, which will be found elsewhere.
The Doctor has removed to the dwelling
lately occupied by Mr. E. Hickson, ii
mediately opposite his former residence,
and. adjoining Broadfoot's Planing Mill.
CHANOE IN TIME. —A slight change
ha -s taken place in theltime of trains de -
par -ting front Seaforth station. The car-
xect time -table will be soundth
on our fif
A TRADE ORGAN.-1Ve have received
from Mr. Thomas Smithson, Seoretary
sof the Seaforth Coopers' Union, a .copy
-of the Coopers' Journal, a monthly mile-
azine,, published in Cleveland and a t
voted to the interest of the journeymen t
coopers of America. It seems to be con -
dilated. With considerable ability, and t
contains a vast amount of matter which
should be interesting, and perhaps pro-
fitable, to those for whose reading it is
inteuded. •
A Foundry for Seaforthi
We are glad that the action taken by
the press and people of Seaforth, in the
advocacy of manufactories for our vil-
lage is be oinnin cr to attract the atteition
ol outoide manufacturers. A wee - or
two ago we noticed that 'a party jfroin
Hamilton had. been here erideavoni g to
make arrangements for the este lish-
ment of an institution such as we leed.
Whether anything further has been
done in this direction we have not yet
learned. Now, as will be -Seen by the
annexed paragroph from. the MitIchell
correspondent of the Stratford Beocon,,
and no doubt inntigated !hy- the firm
mendoued therein, 1.\.leissra: Thom*: &
Williams, of Mitche 1; could be induced
to iemove the merle' ltural innsiemeat de-
partment of their ammoth establish-
ment in that village to this place. I Al-
though we cannot agree with the •re-
tnerks in the forme/ part of this quota-
tion. regaading e inadvisability of
granting bonuses t asnist in establish-
ing manufactories ( f this kind, nret we
rejoice to learn that there is a probwbil-
Ay of being able to
the well earned rep
questionto settle
lieve diet there is
forth for very exteos
scription • desired, W,
Mitchell friends. 2
implereents- that- at
here from a distance of over a. hundred
miles, -and sold to on • feriners, is suffici-
ent proof of this.---, B it, notwithstanding
this, we have no don t but it would be
better could the on establishment be
made to supply the IA ants of both places.
Did Messrs. Thomsot & Williams carry
outthe plan below p °posed, they woulcl
very much extend
estalihshment here
,ntirely for one pur-
Weral as is now the
affording increased
•ppordmity for iu-
th is deportm en t;
at once soppoint
essrs.,-Themson &
:Williams, and aseert du what tennis Can
be made with them. They will then be
in a position to know whether it will be
more advantageous to our. village for
them - todealwith 1 fessrs. Thomson &
Williams or the: Mniiiton -gendlinen.
We again -call.upon t1e Council to take'
in,mediate action on
warn them that if t
the opportunities no
duce a firm bearing
-Widen of the one in
ur midst.. We
Tin rnoin in: &la-
ve works of the de-
se la
injuring our
ge number of
ally brought
no doubt be enabled
their business, as th
would then be used-
poee instead of for 8
case in Mitehell, thus
facilities, and giving
creased attention te
Our Couricil should
committee to visit
this matter, and
ley neglect it, and
✓ offering be lost
hroughethat neglect, they svill be held
o strict, accouut fortheir negligence.
;hey should at once ay what they in.
to do, `nnd mai c their intentions
public. If they intee I. to grant the aid
which their constiti ants undoubtedly
desire them to grant they Should make
it public at once, so that as many, as
possible might have an opportunity o
applyieg, land thus goin for the village
the best terms possible it they do not
-intend to grant this ail, then they should
with equat promptitus Is say so, and give
their reasens for their refusal, by reset u -
&ion in Council. T ds dilly-dallying,
and procrastinating •till not do. We
have already Suffered evere loss by this
policy—repented of •wl
repetition should not le permitted. The
folio -wino. is the (11)tat oil- referred to :
• CATTLE RM.—Owing- to the stermy
weather the replier monthly cattle fair
on Monday last was uot largely attended.
There were only -some twenty-five head
of cattle in the yard, but, few of which
were faL Fewtransactions are reported,
as buyers were afraid that on account of
the stormy weather they might not be
able to ship fou some time, and fat studs
could not be kept over for any extended
period. The stock that did change
_hands sold at fair prices.
pard, 1?
Simpsoe •Castle, Greenway, Yearly,
Oresswi 11, DOM,Coroyom, Bishop,
Willis, Girvin,' Gaunt, Brown., Carrick,
dilutes of last Meeting were read
'Varden addressed the Council
e following subjects. Improve -
ti the Court Room ;. the proposed
new Registry Office „for the North Rid-
ing; :th appointment .of a County _Ex-
andoer, and other,questions.
Mov d by Mr. Shannon, seeonded_ by
Mr. ffo ton, That at the last June meet -
Mg of t iis Council, the sum of one hund-
red dollen was ietended_to be granted,
and to ie expended on thetown line be-
tween IcKillop and Logan, which by on
error n ade in motion _No-. 115, in the
now re
A m
ouncil met pursuant to adjourn.
Tuesday last. Present,—The
in the chair, and Messrs. Arm-,
Dalton'Young, Horton, Shen-
ttons Leckie, Perkins, Gibson,
, Snell Shannon Hays Kelly
upon ti
were re,
Mr. Sn
man. in
minutes, was overlooked. We
oast that this $100 be granted—
don for adjournment was then
WEDNESDAY, Dec, 6, 1871.
ouncil met pursuant to adjour
he minutes of previous meetin
d. and approved.
by Mr. Messer, seconded b
11, That W illiarn Young, Esq
Colborne, be afipointed chai
the absence of the. Warden.
A pet tion from Mr. McMahon, and
others o. School Seetion Nb. 2, Hay, was
reed an referred to the School,' Com-
mittee. . .
A lett .r from the Inspector of Regis-
try Offi .es, requ4sting the Council to
erect a. .legistry Office in North Huron,
was reao and refeined to the Finance
'Committee. ,
A letter .end sundry accounts' from
Mr. Hays, Registrar for North Huron,
were real and referred to the Finance
Committse. ,
Moved by A .r. Simpson, seconded by
kir, rol -ins, That an additional Own of
$100 be said by the Treasurer towards
defrayin the expenses of the Battalion
Match, :inch took place in this County
last fall, vhich sum was provided for in
the esti/ late& but overlooked, by the
Finance' I ommittee—Carried.
A lean: from Rev, Mr. Young, refer -
old Loan - in IN.tanchester,
and referred to the Finance
* riug to a
was read
Committ c.
A lettn from the Principal of the
Deaf and Dumb Institution, at Belle
vile, Wa reacl and. ordered to be filed.
A eirc Aar from the, Warden of th
f 1 United_ Counties .of Stormont, Donda,s
and Glenearry, respecting fire insurance
was read. and referred to the Finance
Committ e.: •
Moned. by Mr. Girvine seconded by
Mes er, That 'Dr. McLean, of the
Own of Goderich, be appointed County
xamioe in piece of the -late Mr. Pres
on. --Ret tred to the School Committee.
Moved sy Mr. Sheppard, seconded b3
Mr. Pantile That Mr. -Malloch, of Olin
ton,, beappointed. Examiner- of the
ounty be -
in -1oce of the late Mr.
township. . These were doubtless* the
" sh en -Stealers" of which we have heard
so m 1011. -
PARLIAMENTARY.— Mr.' Gib1;011S, M.
P. P , left hereon Wednesday manning
last or Toronto to attend to his: Podia -
men ary duties.,
Cocoon' Cou-Nenn—This august body is -
now '1 session here. The brisiness to be
trim acted this session is light. ln the
absei ce of the Waedell, Mr. Gibbons,
the hair is occupied by Mr, Young, of
Coll) rne,. who'fills the position with a
decis on and decorum alike credi-
table to himself and the body over which
lie piesides. We regret. that, owing to
the iii egularity of the Mails, consequent
upon the storm, we aro. enabled to give
but the first two days' proceedings this
week • The remainder of the report will
be given next week.
. Ds MTV IlltliNESTIIP.---8. V. %tic);
Esq., has recenKed a numerously signed
requi ition, agking him to run for the
posit on of Deputy Reeve, which he ban
cons ted to do. It is not expected
there will be any opposition: although
-a ver ambitious and talkative member
of Oil town Council offered ten dollars
to ba e a requisition in his 'own favor
haw ed. around, but found no takers.:
Bo Y FouNDoo-During the 'last trip of
the A- .Seyrnour from Kincardine, a bOdy
alto° cd to a life preserver was .- seen
•floati ig in the lake with a baxtrel Of flour
near. ft was supposed to be one of the
unfor onates of the Coburn disaster.
Cil NU 81.) HAN D8.—The Menai has, it
is sad, changed hands, •Mr. Holmes,
forme iy of the New Era being the pur-
chase : : , .
Son RM. —A very severe snow storm,
acco s pained. by .a *West wind, began
last IVIonday morning, and hal continued:
up to the time of writing. 'The toads,
had b en eompletely blocked hp, but the
trains have -kept remarkably good time,'
whie is probably owing to th h fact that:
the st rm has not extended far east.
Sti moo DEAsoe—Last Tuesday morn-
ing,* . B. Gordon, Esq., expired very'
sudde ly in his own house. 116 had.
been aut on Monday, and went to bed,
feelin( as well as usual. In the morning
he corsplained of being ill, and expired
about ' o'clock.
°MAI' WOOD—Wood is considerably
cheap r this winter than last. Good dry
wood. bringing only $2.50 per cords Pre-
vious io the commencement 'of the sterm
tlie arket was crowded every day
with i .
. To N Si fir IN S LTANCE. — A circular
from t le United Counties of Storinont,:
"* 1)unda. and Glengary is being ' consider -
e , favor f petitioning the Legislature,-
eel by the County Council, which is in
I prayin r that power be granted Town-
, 1 ship Cornelis to insure building therein,
the A •sessor to Valne them each year. .,
The idea is similar to that adopted in (st
8witze land, - where the Govenninent does :
the .i.rance, le-yying a . rete for that '-.
p -
Wi r : WILT.; BS: WARDEN neXt year ? iS t
the 0115417os:sing topic among the County ' t
en. too late—and-a
- Acetone-v.—We regret to leanie that a b
young lad, son of Mr. Williams, 'maim; t
maker, of tins village, met with a severe s
and painful accident one day last week, t
it seems that the boy was stanthog upon s
the horeespower, used for driving the a
boring machine in the faetoq, driving n
the horsy_ when he dipped ofi, and. his es
loot got caught under one of the piilleys b
of the medium, erushing it so severely s
that some of his toes had to -be iirn-
pu tate d .
"A Ti BJ.h(1T OF loroonn AN e E. --- A C
Preston. llefenfree ato the School Com-
uestion has arisen t-hich in all pro -
ability will be of N ast importance to
he interests and pros erity of our
age. It ay not be generally kiloton
hat the pe ple. of Se, forth have ta,ken
ome adva ced steps owards securing a
iachine sh p of consis trable dims:Di-inn
1 that 1), Page. It is questionable
-hethei th -eud will ustify the means
Which t exppropOs to do this; awl
t is also le otibtful wl ether sueh means -
rill induce heelthines and prosperity to
rade and c nunerce g nerally—we mean
ODD FELLOWS DA --The Annivers-
ary -under the auspices of Fidelity
Lodge, 0. of 0. F. of this village, e
taken place on the evening of Tuesday, ,
19th hist. If the weather be fine and t
the roads good, the attendauce will no b
doubt be very laige, The brethreu of a,
Fidelity Lodge are determined to spare ,
neither trouble nor expense to make the f
affair on of tile most successful of the a
kind, which has ever been held in the h
he system f granting bmitioes. We be-
ieve in goo 1, fair, opal competition ; but
viten a party is subsid 7.0(1 to the amount
f several holism(' de liars, it gives him
a unfair its vantatre. o er his :neighbor in
he same hi e of business; al d perhaps
ivolVes a uinous stri 0 nolo/ g inunicip-
fides. But be that as it oleo, the
'fathers " I. our sist r village have of -
erect a hon. s for. the • hove object, *and
re negotiating terms ,yith. a ': firm some
undred. noi,es away„ lid wh'eh will in-
olve the espenditu re if sem- thousands
Si'. THOMAS' CAW - have beei
eequested to state that there will oe
Divine Service in St. Thomas' Church,
beatorth, on this (Friday) evening a
half -past seven o'clock r. ore when the
Right Rev. De. Hellinuth, Bishop of the
diocese, Will be present awl address the
congregation on the subject of the Mis-
sion Work of the Diocese. Addresses
will oho he oelivered by Rohs. Canon
Elwood. of Goderieh; S. B. Kellogg, of
Clinton, and others. A collect oil will
be niade in behalf of the Mission Fund,
.1 of dollars. We belie -e the terms are 0(
nearly as f llows : T e coin oration to t
erect two b ick works ops, 00 feet by
e 60 feet each aed one 41 feet by 60 feet
complete, and furnio one . acre of p
ground ; the machinist to -bind himself c
_to etitploy 51.1 hands at least; for ten b
years. Now the goes ion arises, would 8
Applic, dons for the position of County
Examiner were received from the follow-
ing gentle nen, niz : Mr. Blateliford and
Mr. Hall, both of which 'were referred to
the Soho° Committee. ,
Accotm s front the Rev. *Mr, Eakin,
of Kippe 1, and six other late School
Su periete idents were read. and. referred
to the Finence. Committee. •
-Me-Yed sy -Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr,
Moon, Th t the Engineer be, and is here-
by' in stru ted to let the- County toll -gates
as soon a -.coovenient, as nearly as • pos-
sible on the sante terms as last year.
—Referre 1 to the Fin:ance Committee.
. Moved y Mr. Creswell, seconded by
Mr- , That the Clerk be instruct.
ed to draf by-law, to. confirm- By-law
No. 2, of 871, of the township of tnelc-
.ersmith-, for the sate ef• a.pertion of side -
road -bet w- .en- lots 16 and 16, ist Conces-
don, Huron Road. Suivey, to Dr. Gonin-
lock. o-Cairied.
Several acconuts were read and referr-
1 to the Finance Committee, afteo which
he Canoed edjoirrned till Thursday. .
• .
T H E 11111. was never known that would
lease n everybody. but -Frank Poltridge
mess dic nearest. to it in his line of
usiness, 81. per dozen. Scott' e block,
. :14"NAWA.V.-01). Monday afternoon
last, a epan of horses belooging- to Mr.
John Hobkirk, of McKillop,- toot: it into
their heads to start off on their own -
:hook. They were standing in .fro -!t of -
Shearson & Co's. When they because
frightened at the whistling of an els-gine,
and started foe Main street at full speed. _
80., elusions were:dory to go -ahead, -that -
-upon reaehing the street,. instead of turn-
ing they cootioned straight on ontil they
snoshoilinto the diteh-ou the west side of
the street, where they remained unt'l
captured and extricated by their driver.
No, serious damage. was • done. . .
Ton Vietit
OF liATTLEs.- -The agent
a neatly printed and haudSoniely
n71.112: voloine bearing the . above
ia town, and purpooes calling up-
- vas ions -residents during the -
:the coming week.: He. al.:
\le K illop, ullet and Clinton. :-
'-ives a full hiotory the .
.terturn. war, toeether with ,
-uted eugrovinga of the -
•(vomen of each of the /
itnot 1)0, better for all pa.rtica concerned
if Messrs. Thomson & Villiams, of MU-
co-uld be induced o accept this sub-
sidy, and remove a par of their business
to Settforth. say the a
ment depertment ? .1V should. be 8orr3
to lose any part of, the nisi/less of ' nue]
Sow Snonsi.os-On Sunday the weather
e looked i' -were to have a thawnond
- people were rejoicing ,that it would make
NV atiet plan ti *En h their wishes were
t turned to andit, as on .Monday morn-
- ing they awoke to • breathe the cold
breath of - Nor'wester” driving a
heavy clou 1 Of snow before it.. 'lb has
o made --very heavy travelling, which
• -causes: business to be dull.
eneerprising men, yet ve think it wouh
tion whieh would be ler noos to one plac
be better than waging a Avar of competi
and injurious to bobs Their busi
•ness Would not be less here than it oda
ie. It is well knowo dat they have no
nearly sufficient roem i or their inereas
ing engine and. in ill busioess, and it coult
beelaagely extelidee, as duly l'Sequent13
have to _refuse work . throogh being. s
ceowdede - The firm has been tried, ar
well known, and -Elsa repetation fo
good work is beyond. questiou. There
tore, ,withotit wishing t( dictate to eithio
port y ,- the n Letter to W )ich we have re
felted is perhaps worth oerious thought.
On the one hand_ there s the certnint3
of raising a, substantial. busineos na: a
shortca. time with a firm well known_ in
the locality,- while On the other, a firm_
which would have a reputation to make,
and e keen camped don to uncoil ii ter,
coodd net be expected to attain anything
Ike the same. sueceos for many years to
(...:ei,/iliiej.-plor.71.'il.(i cc, .s,e... hints are thrown out, ono
. Nosses.--Mr. C. B. Coffee)) will net as businees
rigent for les
Part es
win be ittLent
Ito is also mil
member of his family to contribute some-
thing, an example -which was generally
followed by the other families in the con-
gregation ; and though the several con-
tributions were not very large, in the ag-
gregate their contributions footed un to
the respectable sum mentioned.—Cor.
CouNoli. BETIN ( . CoUnei I met at
Tuck's Hall, Cranbrools, on Nov. 17th,
pursuant to adjournment from last meet-
ing. Present, Councillors Slemmon
Stracinto Williamson and McDonald. A STRAY STEER SEA. HEIFER, coming t*o
cAIE into the premises of the undersieened, in
the village of Seitforth, abort the First of No-
vember, a large white SOW.. The owner is request-
ed to OW, PrOVe property, pay charges and take her
("JAME into the premises of the mehirsigned, Lot
•-.1 No. 17, Concession 2, Timkersmith, on or about
the 8th inetant, n three-year-old STEER. The.
owner is requested te oll, prove property, pay
chargee and thke the animal away.
John Leckie, Reeve, in the chair. The
minutes of last meeting read. and approv-
ed. The following accounts were pre-
sented : James Johnson, work on. road,
$8.60 ; W. G. Taylor, crosswaying con-
cession 3, $90 , Jonathan Hewitt, work
on road, $5 ; James Alitchell. repairing
bridge on concession 12, S":30 ; James
Clark, ditching on concession 16, $7,;
Peter McDonald, crosswaying and plank;
concession 13, $96.50 ; David Taylor,
covering crossway on concession 14, 510;
William Hewsoine, grading, etc., on con-
cession 14, $5.42; -W. B. Atkinson,
gravelling on. concession 12,, $18 ; T.
McCulloch, cutting hill 011 ,COTICeSSi011
16, 68;$Thos. Innis, balance contract
on road, $22.05 ; James Bishop, cover-
ing crosawey on concession 5, $1.95 ,
Frank Richardson, gravelling on conces-
sion 5, S13.85; Thomas Stream, gravel,
$6 ; McLean Bros., printing to 24th Oct.,
.;n43.42 ; John Farnsworth, gravelling on
concession e2, $22.52 ; Wm. :McLennan,
cutting hills on concession. lst, 42. .ri5;
Robert Peatson
$1.55 ; Mc'repaLennan, covering cross-
way boundary, $8.25; john Broach, re-
pairs road concession 5, $0. i Donald
Scott, cutting hill on concession 3, $48
-,fainco Granger part payment for cut-
ting hill, $60 ; 'James Granger, crittin
hill on concession 4, $18.75 ; John
Coates, covering crossway on concession
4, $11.25 ; Alex. Henry, ditching awl
repairing bridge, $17.44 ; Donald Al
Nicol, crosswaymg on concession 5, $90;
John McPheroon, covering crossway on
concession 4, $11.70 ; Roc'bert McAllis-
ter, plank for bridge on concession 2
$2.75 ; John, Thomson, cutting hill on
ConCession 4, $36 ; Robert Dichson,
gravelling on concession 12, 899.20 ;
Alexander Henry, building bridge on
concession 7, $21 ; Wm. Pollard cover-
ing crossway on concession 7, $19.50
William Huff, for Charity, $10 ; J. it
Grant, for expenses of .1-13i1way vote;
S27. Moved by 8. Slemmon, seconded
by A. McDonald, That the foregoing ac-
counts be paid, and that the Reeve
grant orders for the same. --Carried
Application of Angus Shaw t� be de-
tached from section number tinee and
attached to section lumber six. Appli-
catidn of G'eorge Dark and John Wright
for a grant by way of charity to William
Hnff, he being sick and the family in
estitute circumstances. Moved by J
seconded by J. Strachan
hat the sum of $12 per month be al
owed to William Huff as charity. and
hat the Tre,asnrer ba instructed to pay
lie Wane euttsmonthly.—Uarried. On
pplication of Thomas Blake to be de
ached from school number 2, and attach
d to number one, It is moved by T.
lors, The eeneral opinion is that : a
Mi . Cnbbons 5110111 be taken at his t
Vilhamson, seconded by A. McDoeald
hat the clerk notify the trustees of th
• Tim) come from. all parts of the canoe T
try to et a dollar's worth of Frank s
tridg4photocrraplis and are highly sat,
istied. Only Si pei• dozen. ScOtt's
eaforth., 1(
ear g old, came into in posaession two months
ago, Lot 11, Con. 4, Township of Tureberry. Any
one proving property and paying QXpAISUS. 11114
208-44' HENRY CESAR.
0_4:11E into the premises of the eubseriber, Lot 2.
"•! 90d. Concession, Township of Hay, on thelith
November last, one HEIFER, one year old, OM!.
STEER CALF. The owner is requested to prove
property, pay charges and take them tway.
Exeter 13, O., Nov. 28th, 1871. 208-4.!
Cto my premises, About the lst of Septet's -
bersa dark red. STEER, rising two yearn Old.
The owner is 'requested to prove property, pay
eharge:4 entletake it awai;erjvcArtp sTANLE.y,
2084t* Lot 2, 19th Concession, IIM:eth
(1.A.1E to the subscriber, Lot 81, Tenth Con.
Net ItleRillop, in the month of :Tune last, four
young CATTLE, two heifers and two steers ; one
of the heifers is three year old, the other two; one
of the steere is two years old, the other one. The
owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses
and take thein away.
etAlIE, into my premises, Lot 1, First Concession
Tnekersmith, Huron Road, about the First of
September last, a red year-ohl STEER. The owner
is requeeted to prove property, pat expenses and
take it away.
207-4' 11033E1lT DEVEREUX.
OAME into the premises of the undersigned. Lot.
No. 25, Concession 5, MeKillop on or about
the last of October. a two-year-old HEWER. The
owner is requested to prove property, pay thaws
ancl take her away.
Irri.A.1-ED into the premises OT the undersigned,.
" Lot No. 30, Fifth CMICCS153.021. Tnekersmith,
1 Mill Road, some weeks ago, four spring CALVES.
The owner is 'requested to ea% prove property,.
pay expellees and take them away.
QTRATED into the premises of the subscriber,
"about the lst of August last, three EWES. The
owner is requested to prove property, pay charges
and teke them away. ISAIAH HALL,
207-8t* Lot 15, Thirteenth Concession, Grey.
AilIE into the premises of the subscriber, Lot
•-•"30, Fifth Concession, Tucker -smith. stone -weeks
ago, a Black .SOW PIG,. The -0M-ner is requested
to prove property, pay charges and take her away.
207-4t '6EORG-11:1 'WALKER.
CAIUM into the premises of the undersigned, Lot
No. 16, Eighth Concession, Morris, abont
lest, a year-old HEWER. The owner is requested
to eall, prove property, pay eharges, and take her
Monis, Nov. 22, 1871. 207 -4 -
, (IAMB to the prennees of the sabsetiber, on the
e v-/15in of November lest, a one-yenr-old HEIFER,
chool sections interested in this propoa
_ grey in eolois The owner is requested to prove
property, pay expo:des and take it away.
ti change ; also in that sof the applica
ion of Angus Shaw, and also John His -
/p, should he desire a chancre. Moved
Wo s EN'S Riolins.--At the 'tinting:- on ,9
the By law in favour of the T. G. & n
:Railway, ni Howick, three women re- t
corded. their votes in favor of the By-
by a'. Williamson, secondA. by John
trachan, That the council vote the snot
f fifty-four dollars and fifty cents, be-
ig amount of expenses paid out by them.
ravelling on deputations and -attendine
ommittee meetings, etc., connected
'ith the W, G. & B. Railway. --Carried.
loved by A. '..\.1cDoisald, secooded by J.
tranchan, That as the By-laws in aid
nthe W. & B. Railway have all been
ratified and contracts advertised for the
constructinn of the road from Palmer-
ston to Luck -now, and it beim, the nnani-
ous -wish of the inhabitants of this
unicipality, it is _ resolved that this
ouncil oequeot Thom= Gibson. Esq.,
us representative in the Lodal egisla-
ture, to use all legitimate means in his
ewer to induce the govermn out to grant
• pledge to the said railway at least tits
inimum sum per mile set inside to aid
tch enterprises. and that the clerk be
id is hereby inotructed to send Mr.
ibson a certified copy of this resolution
y mail at once.—Carried. Moved by
. Williamson, seconded by S. Sloinnion,
hat this couneil now adjourn to -meet
ain Dane's Hotel, .on December 13.
'-erily the world moves 1* '‘‘
BAN] C .". hope.1. a IN,
large elowd attend the vocal aud instrus 0
iueiital Ontertaininent -which clomee off
111 Go!
1 e.
class a
ed vac.
along NV
on B Wroxeter, oil Friday
, 22nd inst., as there is every
o believe that it will be firSt
'oils The services of several- not
lists from. a distance have been c
for the occasion, and the,se, 0
ith the local musicians, sue -
sou , have no doubt, in pleasing to
: the ut lost, those who may patronise 10)1
tilt co inert. e hope the Wroneter a„
P Jana wilt k ) • t successful
debut. _ st
AvemENTs. — A young num ' named (4
*Wm Douglass, Son of Mrs. Douglass, b
,ps the toll -gate betweee Wrox-
OlorrisbaA got his leg broken T
eying at school last Fridley. The ag at
being very slippery, helell on a
who ke
' • eter am
while p
block o .wood, breaking both bones of
be leg. He is under the care of Dr.
Smale, if this village, and is pregressing
as favor tbly as can be expected.'
11111 OPENING. o -The latelY erected
Wesleyn Chnrch in this place, Will, we*
underst• nd, be formally conseciated on
the -Sal bath before Christmas} and a
: Exeoeerma iit Ainleyville and richt-
epthing job Printing, or Advertising "
tea to by calling upon Mr. Cocreen
horized to solicit subscribers for THE.
✓ ). oh -The engineers are now
here, havii g surveyed die second trial
' line to Aiiiley ville.,
also several useful.
The book is a
1 will no doubt
\ Ir. Schuyler
lie Canadian
tad to, that end a number of petitions,
iS considerable
alit of opposition _to the present Reeve,
numerously: signed, have been presented
to Thonias Wilsen, Esq., asking. him to.
stand for the honorable position. H Mr
Wilson consents to offer himself he. -will
ne elected by* -a large majority.
•;SERS31ENT.-:-,-WC believe the town -
f Howick is, the most unequally, _as-
' auy place in Onterio. Places
viciiiity of the sarm.6 va4ue,
Or *live time as in ich
hoolge mu t be had
. foot by son
CI ti A NCE.--L..A. movement is Oil
e of our leading men to take
American silver only at what it is worth.
Mr. Grey A 'OA around \vitt' n list, which
was signec by nearly all the business
men of the place.
thier EN El:PRISE. L: -A -gift enterprise
is announe d, the prizes to be drawn for
on Wednes lay, Jan. 3, 18,2, at Stret-
ton's Hotel, Ainleyville. Prises to the
amonot of , 275 will be distribnted.
ME ROAN 1LE, — AleSSrs. BOSS arta
Wright a. yertioe their besiness and
stock -in -trade for sale; the location is a
.0* 1 s 1 ti
qinekly cau rht up. 'NT. ...K. M. Living.*
stone anno lneeS ill another colunin of
this issee, lie bargains foe December. ---
The attend n forniein and Others is
iovited by lessoh. Stewant, Thompson &
Cin, to thei • very extensive stockof new
goods ; firth is carrying ion business
in the stm e lately °eel:lined by •
Leckie., wh . se _business they purchased -
ami one ste, dily increasing the fonnlerly
extensive besiness catried on by Mr.
. .
het, tae.
0 , ou
qi school
—The exhibition of Kin -
will take blace on Friday;
- . .ding, &c.,
`i cents.
(umber of
soiree s ill be held in i on C tristmas
eveno We understand it is the inten-
ton of. the managers to erig6gc the
service,s of the Rev. Wm. M. Punshom
for the oceasion, if they are ayailable.
We hop they may succeed. in obtaining
for the cople of Wrosteter, so desirable
3Z:1A ,-The. voting on the section-
al loom- to the T. G. & B. Railway, in
'runnber y, takes place at Mro. Days'
hotel, et Tuesday, 26-th December.
PRFIKT YT.px..AN, Coctoen. --The Pits-
. byterilan church in this plat/e, haS been
undergoing, moth's for the past few
weeks, io the shape of an addition to the
north end of about. 20 feet, and services
were held in it last Sebbath for the first
time sin e its enlarg-entent. It is much
improve 1 in appeerance and ceinfort.
_PAnListonesentrin.--Thos, Gilson.Eq..
M. 1 . '1 , started this (Tuesday) after
noon en -route for Termite, to commence.,
his duties amens,- the " aesenthied wis-
dom" of Ontario. W e hope and expect
that he will be able to rethrn to his eon-
Stithents with a pailiareentary reeord
that Will show throthe is DOD unworthy
of the confidence which they have placed
in him-.
1..114' TO TJIE Siinans. •- Few
cohntr3 eongregetions, we opine, have
_ done as well ne the matter of extending
relief to the needy as has done_ that of
the Pres))) terian Church, Thames Road,
of which Rev. Gracey is the zealous
and talented pastor. On _Monday -week
theytransmitted. • through the Youne
Men', s Christian Association of Detroit
the -handsome donation of $95.50 to 'the
sufferers in Michigan by the recent
terrific conflagration in that State. The
mehty was connected by subscription,
Messrs. John Gardiner and A. Duncan
taking a leading and active part in fur-
thering the good work. Mr. R. Gar-
diner initiated the idea of causing every
WHEN YOU' are in Seaford", just run
into Frank Paltrielne's Photograph Gal-
lery, 'twill do your heart goods Ooly $1
per dozen. Scott's Bleck, Seaforth.
, The London, Huron and Bruce.
To the Editor of 11 e 11 'm if •
. Having heard that re,ports are in eireto
lotion that our coinpany have made ar-
raitgernents to ainitioninate with the
Wellington, Grey and Broce Railway,
and accept athirst rad frnm, Winghoh. to
Kincardine on their road, 1 take this op-.
pertunity of statiug distinctly that no
sech. arrangements have been made or
proposed to ha se. been made by this Com-
pany, and that any /nosh reports Ple
, There has never been any change_
111 our amalgamation scheme since it was
first agreed to With the Toronto, Grey
, and Bruce Company.
• • • V'
HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that the Nomina-
tions for S. Reeve and firm Councillors to sprve
for the enenieg year, will he held at thr
at nom, oii
Monilay, December '.18,
An Election, if necessary, will be 110d Oil
any, January lot, 11479 the Volts to be open from
9, A. M., to 5 P. 31., and tile polling place for the
enledivision, North of the Huron Road, to 103 Mr.
Cash's Store, Goderieh street. The polling 0800
tor the sub-divisien, South of the Eurou Road, to
he at the Town Hall.
Village Clerk.
Senfortb, Dee. 1, 1871.
oTIcE is hereby given, that all parties indebted
-1-‘ to the undersigned, either by note or book
account, must s;ettle the same on or before the first
01 January next. A.fl notes or accounte remaining
unsettled at that date will be placed in Court for
collection, as he is leaving Seeforth.
Seaforth, 'Noy. 29, 1871.
207-4t1 Lot 5, Pourth Con., Ilnllett..
ceTRAYED from the premises of the subscriber,
lett No. 28, 5th Con., Hat, aboat the month ef
September, four spring calyets viz.: Two hViT(.1-S,
One steer and one bull ; one of the heifers white
with red on rump, shoulders and head, wish white
face ; the other red, the steer red, bull red and
white spotted. Any person giving such inform;
tion as- will lead to their recovery will be suitably
Green, P. 0,
0.A.mE into the premises of: Om -subscriber, Lot
•--"' 30, eighth Concession, Hibbert, in September,
it two-year-eld HEIFER. The owner is reenested
to .prove property, pay expenses and take her
STRIITED from Mr. Johnson's Farm, on the
Smible Liue, near Bevil/di!, about the First of e
September, TWO HEIFERS, omits; two: yeare \
old, one of a dark grey eider, with white spot on the
forehead ; the other black entirely. Any informa-
tion respecting these animate will be thankfrilly
ree2e0i6744*1 and suitably rewarded by
Blacksmith, Hayfield.
TII.A.3.-1.1]) from the premises of the subseriber,
Lot 1, Con. 12, Tuekersiaith, abont the First ()I
September, ENE --SPRING CALVES, three steers
and two heifers, one heifer Week. the other grey;
one: steer huger. than the others, brown aril 'white
spotted ; the others red and white spotted. Aire
person giving information that will lead to their
recovery will be eintably rewarded,
206-44 Rodgerville 0.
C4TRATED from Seitforth,abriut tteo months eels
Lim spotted COW, red and white; on the ris,*Cht
hind leg is iL large lump. Also, strayed about. the
:tame thee, u large white SOW. Any infonnation
will he suitably rewarded.
Sertforth, Nov. 15, 1871. 206-411
STRAYED from the premises ,of the subseriber,
Lot No. 11, Seventeenth Coneession, Gis N4
ithout the middle of May lust, THREE HEIPERk,
two two-year olds, and one oneeCeee old; one et
the two-year olds is of a roan color, the ether is
red- and white.; the year-old is rill red. Anyore
giving informution whieh will lead to their re-
covery wiiI be suitably rewarded.
205-411*- Walton P. 0.
elAME iute the Premises (if the undersignel,
Lot No. Jet South Boundary, fiela Con. thanleY,
00 or about the 1i4 of Or:tither, a. yr 10.-1)hl STEER
and a EWB t-11,I3Q.:1'. The OV1IP1' of the above ie
requested to call, prove property, pay charges end
take them away.
1 905-1, JOHN WORKMAN.
NOTICE is hereby given that the_ Cooperag,
heretofore eanied on in the Vi1la/4e of Sertforth.
by:PHILIP VOLMAR, mill from thie date be car -
tied on by the subeerihere ; also, that wshilVe
111014 UR' gaill Valnar to S;CL ItS our agent
and foreman in the above eooperatre.
Dated Nov. 111, 1871. 906-4
h107 -1,01S;
THE pahlit are hereby cautioned against pur-
„ chasing or negotiating a note of hand, dravn
by WILLIAM BELL, in favor of DAVID CRAW •
FORD or huarer, for the sum Of Ten Dollars, and
bearing date the 4th day of November, lsse,
payable twelve thereafter, ite no value hes
been received for the -odd note.
:1TeRillop, Nov. 13, 1871.
WANTED, orst0I
ASSiStald Tefleht'r, .for six months. Apply to
the undersigned Trustees,
zurich, Not'. ill, 1871. A BRAHAM GEIGER,
AATANTED, two good Cabinet-makers ;
T WcIrit wag'-.
1r 17."'IM NO. '
Var1101.*: NO. '2:401
imusagauiEmmus- -
;Litr '1111.1.011
/0 eitnitteit
Ttensts.--4,"1.50 iier year hi al
end of the year.
; Tries:sties:le
First insertioil, Pee lime 8 es]
sertions, 2 cents owl) per I
setssoisr•r 1111'
One 11011111111 0110 pew
half 't -
” MI In* 11S .. ..
Half " one year ..—.
• " half "
" 13 months .. ...
One-fourth feet year
lisif 4-A ,Y4
41 41
One-eighth one year
" " 13 months
One -twelfth 0110 y4.111! ......
"13 months
13nsiness Cards, (43 lines and mei
Advertisements of Strayed, ill
not exeeeding 11/ lines-firet
month, 50 tente eath tin»0 h.
Advertisements of FARMS .321
sale, not exereelieg 15 Hues --fi
_each enbselment month, 75 icent
335rths, Meninges_ Deaths -Gil
Advertisements without speeii
be inserted till forbid, and charge;
314:LEAN 13/
llesnno meLE.Ax.,
ALLAN lIeLitsx. •
- • -
:71 I CALli,-'1
- . 1
rte. Colleges, Physicime ehne
snurest, ONT.--Coismer of the Ce
Office end residence, at Thompeen
TVI. W. R. SMITH, Physician
-le' Office -Opposite Scott Bobo
/3Iain street, Seafortie
rniversity, Montival)
goon, etc. Office med Res5dene,e--13
TA- L. VERCOE, :AL D., C. Ms
goon, etc. Ofilee and Residi
Market and High streets, next to th
CAMPBELL, Coteener Tor the
and Residence, over -Corby'e eon
street, Seaforth, Oftiee hours, froIN
day, and all day Saturday.
eCATIGHEY &noLatzsT4n, ;
torneys at Law, Solieltore
Insolvency, Net:flies Vublie end
Solicitors for the 13- (1. Brink. Beafort)
, the Canada Life .kesurenett Compute'.
N. 1.3.--e.•30.000 to lend at 13 per
Houses end Lot e for sale.
-- -
-4-DENSON S: 31E3ER, Banisters a
•-• at Law, Soheitors Chimeery
Conveyaneers, Netaries Public, etc- -
forth and Wroxeter- Agents for the T
Co. of roper Camsda, and the Colon
Co. -of London, England. Money at 8
4:onnnission eharged.
JAs. 11, IntNsoN,
J(--M)X*8 7.110TEL, ( Late Shi s
signed begs to thank the .1
patronage awarded to him5» ft
hotel liminess roid else nn to iniothee
siguin resimairesiness in the Above ri
he will be happy to hate it eeli fro/al
turd runny new ones.
MeCt"TCHEON, Proprietor.,
neemmeodation for travellers. The
plied with the -s-ery best 1i/11:ors anti
etabling ttaehed. The stage leeves
(311.,Ty day for Whigham.
J. Cases:wet, Proprietori j. 8. Wit'
of American Hotel, AVereme, N. I's) 3411i
hotel has recently beoi newly furnish,
fitted throughout, and is now Arnett' the
fortable end -eommodious in the Provi
Sample Rooms for Csinamereial Travenol
.0e0ODING'S Banking end Exelianee
161 JOHN AVA1)1)Efti
‘---1 AV. S. ltoese4 St
sersoN'ore, Seefuek,
backs, American ;Silver, and Datifts bough'
Good Penner"?' Notes diseoneted and len
• Office -At Murray's lIotel, Seafert
Borses and lb:it-clash conveyantes always
Seaford). First-class Horses and
always on hand at rienionable terms.
R. L. ;SHARP, Pio
RIGHA, Exelfange Breker, ,14
" way Ticket Agent, Houghton'e Itotel,
O. T. l'esilway Stirtion, iLir14.a.th , (hit,
/rickets issued to ail points in the WS ste
California and Red River, at reduerel rates,
the greattat facilities to 1'111',All e
informatien given respecting Lool Agen
Greenback?", Bonds, ;Coupon?, and uneneren
-Gold and Silver Coin, bought and held at b
1_ R. COOPER, Conveyaneer,
(2neen's Bench, Insuranet and G4'»0!1t
Agent for the following Eire, Life and-triei
nornuce Comp:mite' : The Beaver and. Tore
trial and the Western Mre Itheireince
the lielianee Life stssnimice, and the Ilan
eitlent Insnrence 4'ompaties
,MONE,Y TO LOAN on real estate ree-mif
411orders by mail Of otherwise prouisitlt-
ed to, Office, opposite 1.1ess' Tailer Shop,
' AIN1,1.3_17):ILLE.
that be 1180 tak/.11 resithaive the
3301)l1me whet4.3' lit- will be happyo m
eirshe on him in his prefees Meal eapne:
-Coos Intsoit tended to Seyerel eases of both
And tattle whiell were given up by other pi get!
And effected perfect enres, which can h.* pr,
srertilitates signed by over 2110 gelltiouvb
lestinioniabi see posters.
Mr. COOlt will attend et lb
111)0A0.sn, ta)f(l
ridaiehtt11.10vonT1hoiali Plot, in the Tonne
4trey, in the eftennoon of the tirst 811(1 11111)1
-ent-Lartii.r.,, VETERINARY tir11.11
• (Member of the Ontario Vx-terinery
'begs fes intimate -to the inhabitant.); of Ne:
giiid serrolmaing orantry, tied lie has //pen
Oile i, Scaforth, n -33t', he may ho
e by 1»t1-, an the Dias0 (.7131/s4):zi*et:4';
stle, etc. re:Nicol a regular and pin
sedneetioss arirl having been awarded the Itit
sof the Veterinary Colle-ge of Ontinies.T. j. Lim
Iran every confidence of giving statist:I:thin t
sesho may employ hire,
REYERRN•r/iN-A. Smith, V. S„. •
10 Plilleipal
.2 - Veterinary -College; Professor Ilnekland
'fitftburn, Dr. Itewel, •and - "Wells, M. it •
:Veterinary ltiedieinee constantly on him& :
All ealls promptly attended to,.
711E undersigned 'desires to state that he -
received inetruettons to -extend the tine fee
DP4.:4.3)7•1.113s4s1:,tnuotfil 'Itieeljstts CloilluestIsblaey.eNtel clotf.httfs11411:1114
that thtta Arin positivay suet", Itithout 141
J.'4. POE1:11E, $.41-0.111