HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-12-08, Page 7tt.tt to t.1.*t:ir L, .„7:1C1f.,••„, ,7 1 U1y : • e'..1 - - the way the It n.cuires less CLEA-R F.111 fttonte receethecS thre-h more improved drum • ainr ;it. ' irate, the -wind ku wi th out 'We have vent the ,f.....;rairt ors and Thresh -. ed, arid ex- aarriet:aing eise- .!ftp at; any other -aaad, anal the It year enal.le- etter i;kine- :,..att hi this )W E I : times. .„ direet the e. oar IIINES fr(ktu .forty t per day. Rraw- entte-rs, Ien, and iren- ;Xe'..t:es, give satisfae- eap a.-1 at any .hg• Province. -CASTING alc, and most Is - R TEEL 3PECTS 'EST weather ikanic ii f(yr the emu- LAJA RAS zza for the lib - 1 them in the e the atten - w,-orinkent 71- Char ,t1P7 i•If-Pake. has ir • '..kr• the pa...t rcd to the :-„narinitee for .1/4at rues at Pro - reaper it; other feCtly, n.11- bet ter ehilie. mut of the ,ia any di- v, ten in pur- DEC. 8, 1871 • 311,,,Wr.,.11. 114-appenrrince of a Shipwrecked Ykariaer after a Decade among the Sarageps. ustice Ltne's Coot t turns out an intei estiug case. Twenty ye us ago John Carter and Mary Johnson were married in Philadelphia. John was a sailor, riot nufrequently ship ed for voyages to India and Japan. The couple lived hap•pily ten years. But in the spring of 1861 Mary and her children were left without a pro- tector. In the beginning of that year John had engaged on board the clipper Columbia for Calcutta, and the vessel was wrecked off one of tne Islands of the East I l'z 11 Archipelago, and all her crew were supposed to have perished. Atter 1 the lapse of y-eais the still comely widow married George Wilson, and afeer their marriage removed to New York and took rooms tt250 _East Twenty-sixth street. Wilson proved a kind and good husband to the mariner's widow, and.everything went well. .Carter's children were by this time all grown up and able to shift for themselves, so that those aaf her secorei husband now Monopo- lized all her caue and attention. Wilson Was a ship -carpenter, and used to repair to the East River ship-yaids every morning to follow Jus calling, leaving Mary to the per- formance of her household duties. While she was thus engaged about a month ago, a poor, maimed, weather-beaten strangenapproached ,the house in which the Wilsons re- sided, and inquired whether George 'Wilson lived there. He was told that he aid, but was then absent. at work. Mis. Wilson wah, how- ever, at home, and if he would \Valk filrore next Spring than alt any time. so far. ---Detroit Free: Pre,.. , Case of Abduction. , ,-I- Listowel was for the hitt time in ,▪ ts history last week thexscene of a heartless 'case of abduction, by a married man. Some two months since, Charles Lowell, a wiell-knoWo iesident of Galt, visited his place and put up at one of ot r hotels. Here he met and forme( the rtc- quaintance of an attra3ti -e young girl, named Miss A , 4 who at the same time was boardillg in the house, and working in a tailoring establishment. Hit found.her to be agreeable WM pany, and do ibtless at of the wickedness of the \\oriel, by once resolved to take advi ntage of her innocence and slight knowledcre making love to her—without letting her know tttat be already; had a wife who had claims upon] his un- divided attention. He . remained several dayis, during which:time the b air1 became 13 o far infatuad as to . -. uut the most -implicit fait'h in his protestations of honorable love; and on his going away, they mutual- ly agreed to carry on correspond-_ ence, while lis promised shortly to return and claim her as his .bride. Days and weeks slipped away, until one day last week our herc 'suddenly made bis appearance at the hotel, and inquired for his inamorata. ---.. . He Ni70.8 tOi C1,, that she had gone home to her parents, who reside a few miles from the village. la:Tag- ing a fresh horse, he hastily drove to the place indicatv_sd. Nt-xt Morn - Jug he returned to z the hotel, ac- companied -by the girl, where they remained only) long enough to change horses. The -landlord by this time gat) to think that the affair had up staiis he could see her. For a I be moment the wayfarer seemed to labor linear strong emotion, but presently recovering himself he as- cended the stairs and knocked at the door of the Wilson domieile. In- stantly an invitation to enter came .frona_ the within, and when he enter- ed the 1 001n Mrs. Wilson, instantly recognizing him, exclaimed,:"john !" and fainted. The long lost bus- bands story is briefly, that be had I escaped from the wreck off a savage ) island, among whose inhabitants he bad lived for years, practically a. prisoner. A length, after he had .abandoned all hope of ever again seeing his couetry . and family, a Dutch vessel providentially touched - at the islazzd and bore hint to I Europe, wheace a generous i Ameri- a. . II can . aptidn gave him a free passage to PhiladelphiThere belearned I of the marriage of Mary and of her f removal with her children to New 11 York. gone far enongh, as he .had under- ' well was previously elieving that -the girl nto a snare without nsequences, he took d -asked Mtn con- fidentially if .uch was the case. He admitted that he had been once married, but s. id that his wife was dead. Doubtlii g the' truth of this, elegraphed to Galt came bac as living, and s trying to he mean tirnO, the foimed of the. ans- trued of the great runninz. But she to anything,' Of the only in him who ictive words into the answer came ad gone, and.' have eard from in ti i stood that L married, and 1 was being led knowing the c hira aside a the landlord and 'the answ Loweli's wife a thought "she w divorce. In girl had been i picions, and w risk she was would not liste Kind; nelieving ad pourEd sed ier ear. Befell rorn Galt they 1 ot since been 1 Mrs. Wilson, on recovering her -consciousness and presence of m , vEs ; d "TOTi that it was get a qmirter.—Ramzer. hastened to supply the wants of I) long -lost husband , and which of th two husbands shall have her as wi iernams to be t:91vec.1 by the court -or oy the -voluntary withdrawal o one: of the rivals. er I y 0! .-_--1\1:-Bost :(7nkii7, i arler And Box Stoves:, of Jee fleet 'I hail juet reef ire(' a liree etoek f. I manufacture, which sheTean sell as cheap as any , ; iti. the. trade. • ' 1 1 wriaoasaiRE„ or 'very- deserig)tievi, 1 I Also, Stove Pipes, E ve 'rroughtn.g,- etc. I fa. at &e.eititriely on h.n1 and made to order. t e Lrftke SuDerior Silver Mines. NWA RE AND 00AL OIL.. e past, season has- been :a In el easienk-Ivo;-• nremtith- attended to and outeide • : wore receive every et ention. one On the north shore of Lake 8uperi-sr, \vitli parties from all OVL r the co u n tz y prespect ing the urtin land- and island:i adjacent, for the ai gent ifertais rock, and it ia said that now there is not z,in zwre of land iu . that region but what Las been tak- en up oy srpelndators. The wonder- ful success winch the Sil ver COuipany met with h, and the ricness of dieir prolzerty, has been the principal incentive, but the explor- ations during the summer have de- veloped o her good paying voiris. The meat promising of these at pres- ent is the Shuniah property, which was taken up by Jarz,es Cron. It was ofrered to capitalists in this ,citya , hut they did Dtake hold, so Cason went down to Boston, , eg..4,11 pd L. , A large stock of the verelbeet. ('on l Oil kept con- - et:allay on heed, ahl and will • he Kowholeseie and 1 "4.1.-l4 ; iinetulter flee place, Caradebtud's Block, Main I A - i Parties it'd. lee./ by note or book at:co/lee are re- ; 1 q - le o Isr,.. tle umlaut:Jo t t . I [Own io (,:xtror et peels. I Rage, woot-pietings, old iron, braes, copper, for Iii7 i I. and last week sold out part of his claim to et COMpally in dint cit' for $3110,00D. The part sold v7 -as 1,70Q feet on the coarae of the -river, and one and three-quarter miles deep, containing three hundreti a lid sixty acres. This is the iarpest sale, in values, yet made in the silver region The company, besides the atuonnt paid for:->prverty, have a working eo-pi (al of 100,000, and have al - ready taken hold in eamest to de- velop the vein. On Saturday lost they bought an engine in this city, and shipped it up on the steamer ".Keweenaw."• They will eittpluy thirty-five men during the wintet, - and put nu a larger force next spiing. The Silver Islet -.Company arc ljOW in a better condition than ever to work their in in e. Tbey have recently added a steam hoist- ing- apparatus, zoisi stuint pump, which will twilit ite the work. They ate ;Lis° digging to find the continuation of their Vuin on the main land, with every proapect ncct s TJic On t:11*2 0 Ctunpany of this city, have been engaged in looking for the Shuniah vein, ,which is believed to ci.oss their- property. They halve found two paying -veins other than the Shuniah, Inat have not done much towards developing thew, as they are after the riehe,e -vein. _Everybody who has been in the silver country predict,s greater NaTiCriTh Figt4itiRS. POULTRY WANTED. The uniters4tned hi now trepared to pa:v the . Highest Prie in Cash, l'or any qnantity ol" ood Welleh•essed .p LTRY Delieered at the Egg -En poritun, Seaforth. 11:*- The Poultry must 111 be drawn. 207 D. D. WILSON. EGMOiaTD rILLE GROCERY STORE. "Wisl. TI -JO. /SON, (14,te of See ITAtr S received a ot Rupp v, of Chaice Family •-•‘-'L Groceries, of every degerie time embracing very Fine-flavor:id Teas, .01. Valium; 1 -M -if idea. Also,. Sugars,_ Coffees,: Spices, Fish, TOBACCOES, Biscnits end every other erticle in the Grocery line, all of which he will sell at prices as low as can be had at Se:aorta or in any House in the .County. BUTTER AND EGGS taken in exchange for goods as cattle PLO UR A :VD ArflEPI) _J of every deertiption, kept constantiv on hand, in- cluding Shezu-aon & Co.'8 'No. 1. A call is reepectintly solicited.. -W211.- THOMSON. REMEMBER THE BRICK STORE, EGMONDVILLE, LOGAN'S OLD • STAND. 5 R.) 1••••• 51,4! *git (12 (12 t-mq C 0 cs) eAl ••••ii Pit 40•0. 0.1 CI? eq - (P e96' meieree 1111911 rim real -0 e_e_craleite4z.at.traticer:Feee.iarazetsertmareaaeFretriepaTiat T. IC.ANDERS-Oli ',feats 1'45- - i; zr: • : 130.e.e-a-eeetTh'•eree:-4.4`..lele'ree- egeaee-,,, 4* :• fa;ao4„ • a; - 7!" 4A51, - tee' MER !HAAT TAILOR, Has a yere• SCOTCH, SEAFO TH, hand:maul and extolled -re Stock of ENGLISH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS, BROAD 'I_JOTHS, BEAVERS, .MELTO 8, ETC., to choose from. Gents Furnishings, Such a EA Shirtai Collers, Ties, Under -clothing, ete.• in great variety, aud as cheap as any in the market. Also- , the 1at-e8t etyles in Lietene CoLLAns always on hand. HAT ;a AND CAPS. A large stocic of the Ycry bitted English. Ameri- can and Canutli tn styles of Hats and Cape Ost arrived: Cell ea ly, as they are going lase. 207 •T. K. ANDERSON. • _. A 13Y -LAW to aid and lIisist the TeroutO, Grey auti iirses Railway Comp:1;v by giving five thoueand dollars to the Compluty, by wity of bones and to issue: debenturee berefor, end to atithorizo tho levying of a special ate for the paymene of the debentures met inter .st. Whereat:, by the :Let 6 Legielatnre of the Provh the thirty-firdt year of h( porating tho Toronto, ( Company) it la provided municipalities:, through n which, the railway or wen mind, pees or be taunt the Maw Company by lou giving money by way of b the Arta Religion of the Cf.' of Oktario, pessiel in r Majetall's ineor- My and Bruce Reilly:1y that any 1flu'ieipn1jtv 0/ ly part of wlii.h, ur uear it of the said Company alonity aid and aeeiet deg or geared:cuing or rims, or other inetuie, fey the Company, or nemingettinicipal beide to or in 1TATE .TT7ST OPENED LOUT a large atock- of ••••'` aid of. the Company, or otherwiee, in Ruch ;moaner Ready-mede Ladies' •Gents' and Children's ' ear and tusuch extent as net h ninuiciptditiee, or any NEW BOOT 8f. SHOE GUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO - THE SBORN STORE IN SEATORTH. -t V) i—t ;z4 SPT -T -IRR tS,r SC1\T , -71 (Lately of Glencoe,) of them, shall thiuk exp provided always ;•=4 that no such aid, luau, bort, or guarantee eleell POOTS 11,,ND SHOES Iv( be given, except after the paesing of by-laws to the purpome and the adopejon of tench by-lawa by the ratepayere as provided pi the railway :Mt. And whereas, by the act of the Legbda- ture of, the Prey -vine(' of Ontario, passed in the thirty-third year of Her Majesty's reign, chaptm forty-one, power is gie n to any portion of a. inumeepalay to punt AT 1 Z mils to the seill Com - peaty, for the propose of al liug in the cou8truetiou of their railway. And whereas the majorit • of the portions rated on the last anaessment roll as 1-wheeler8 that aro codified voters, under the municipal act 111 that p n ion of the township of Turnberry described ae Odium" : Commeneing on the boundary line be- . i tween the toe wships of - T mitten-y..0nd Howick, thence along tho - bounda y between Turnborry and CuLross to the mideline !between tote numbere ten andtile.ven, thence eon therly to where the said sideline etrikes the first come:Won.thence down tho said sideline between lets mumbere forty end forty one on the first coneeesion, down to the botutdary line between Tarnberry and Morrie, thence along said boundaryto the line between llowick and Turuberrv, inehuling all. that portion of thei Townehip of fiurnbellry lying east from the sideline &et above meutioned, have petitioned the Connell of the Menicipality of Turnberry to pees a by -hew granting a banns for the purpose of aid- ing in tho construction of the said Toronto, Crrey and Bruce Railway, to the aptount of five thoneand dollars, and it ie expedient to grant the Hattie. And whereat!, for such purpose it is neeeesary for _ Heat part of the said Town:dap-of Turnberry above deneribed to raiee the mid emu of five thousand doilarm in the manner hereinafter Men tionod. And whereas it will reeoire the Kum of five hun- dred and fifty dollen:, to be raised annually hy special rate onthe whole rateable property of the said portion of Turnberiev above described for pay- ing said debt of five thousand donde, and interest on the debenteres to be iasued .therefor aH herein' after mentioned. And whereas tho amouat of the whole rateable property of_ that portion of the fetid Townehip of Ttnetbe.rry ttLove deitcribed, Lroepective of any fn - titre increase of the mune and deo irrespective of any income to be derived from the . temporary in- voiatuant of the einling fnud hereinafter men- . tioned, or any part thereof, a.ceording to the last revieed asseesment roll of the said township, being for the year one thousand eight humh•ed and "ter- etty-one, is the sum of one. hundred and i twenty- ' •eyere [110(16911(1[110(16911(1one hundred and ten dollars. And whereat; the minimte a of the whole raable e.operty of the township Of Turnberry, irrespec- ive of any future increase of the feline, aud also treat:active of any income teebe derived from the emporcxy investment of the Kinking fund herein- : [ter mentioued, or any part thereof, according to t e laid revieed tuteettsment roll of the aaid town- s ip, being for th.e year one thousand eight huh- ( red and seventy-one, is two hundred and eighty - s x thousand five hundred dollars. et.nd whereas the amount of the existing debt of t e said township of Turnberie• is twuuty-eight thousand dollars for prineipal, end for interest t iity-three thousand six Mildre*1 dollars, intereet arrear nothing. And whereas the said described -portion 0 in id townehip has no existing debt, other tht d et proportion of the existing debt of the A wnship, which proportion is twelve then ft tr hundred and twenty-three dollars for airin d for interest $14,007, and interest in a U ne. ud whereas, for paying tbe interest and c iI r au equal yearly sinking feud for pnying the chbt of five thouttand dollars, ItH hereinefter tie tied, i will require an equal epecial rate of , four an 1 omethird mills in the dollar, in addition tio all ot er ratee to be levied in each year in. the said ab 'WC described portion of the "mid township. - .Be it therefteet enacted by the Municipd ncil of the tes.vuehip of Ternherry thet it khan may be lawful for that portion of di,. said the ut its thole Isoul cipal near rent - said men - Co ani toe•nehip of line:berry abeve detteribtel to aid :did astiet the Toronto, Gree and Brace Railway Coin- , pal y by ;riving thereto the sum of five thoasaud dollars l'y way of bonen. 1`.... nett for the peepo$f. aforesaid the Reeve of the 'laid townshall ehip of Turnberry came: tiny nu: thee of apbenturt-H of the iteid townehip of Til nberry to be meet: for nnelh emits of money as net • be required for the ed.' purpose, net 1..se than *0 each., :mil not r. cceeding itt the whole the tun( tint of five them:ten,1 dullare, whieh said del tart e thail be Healed whit the :bed of the sell tow islep Ternheery and.- •be' signed by •the Roe m or oilier head of eht. Courea ef the ena'-1 tow:lamp, :10(1 eneetereigeed by the Tee tillrei'• or le• se eh (eller p .,-,eon peteone as the Raid inueitepal Coaiteil 1.1-tv hy law eppeint, and shall defile. tho 01 t ea id tow:eh:a' i'ls'241tirli(e,hi.erly foe and oti account of whieh they elle • of every variety and etyle, whieh will be sold at such prices as will DEFY COMPETITION. All kinds of Fino and Coarse work raade to order, on the shortest notice. Repairing executed neatly, cheaply and promptly. REMEMBER THE STAND, In GRIFFITH DAVIES' OLD STORE, Second door Heath of the Post -Office. Call and see for yourselvea and bo convinced that ..itnee Bargains are given. 197 1--4 if; z Lock -Stitch Sewing MACHINE. Thousands throuahrut Canada, a - now -using these inachmes. They have. , been tested beyond all .question make the favorite lock -stitch, alike on both. sides, and are pr rfounced superior to ,any ether machine offered the- ptiblie, For wide range of work, perfection, beauty and .excellence'• pf mechanism., adaptability.. strength and. durability, The -Osborn Sewiny Machine jr Improvements have lately been made,- enabling the manufacturm to claim it :as the ne plus ultra of Sewing •s SPURR ('''' SON' machines. Hundreds of testimonials are being received daily from obd as well a Openin# To-Dcly, IlOW operatorst ,a_ttesting itls. . wondertu 1do- mestic sewing, from the finest cambric, to the coarsest overcoat or upper leather. GUARANTEED TO RE AS REPRESENPEDe - • Ote Nu SALE, WiteRRANTED POR THREE YEARS. The Osborn Outfit is complete and. readily comprehended. Is sold at one- half the price hitherto charged for ma- chines doing a like range of work, the manufacturers being determined. to place it within the reach of every iam in. the country. A TRIA.L Pe:FORE PURCHASE will 60/1-- ev(iliuteaeleda:ll that our machines • are un - THE GITEIPIT REVERSIBLE Is pre-eminently the best Single -Thread Machine offered to the public—hence its - marvelous success Will do all -rarieties i of domestic sewing. PRICES GREATLY' I REDUCED. I Hand Machine, -with full outfit, $12; 1 Treadle do., $17. roiip Each machine guaranteed. 777s MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH, SIGN OF BLACK BEAR; NEW FTIRS, NEW SH-A_WLS, NEW DRESSES, taa- Agents wanted: everywhere. Splen- did indueements-to make money_ Apply to And a large lot of READY-MA_DE CLOTHING, Direet from England, GUELPH SEWINC MACHINE CO., GVELPH, 'CANADA. W. N. WATSON, Agent, ISO-ly SEAFORTH. Which will be sold very cheap. Warranted by the Makers. T EETH. • PA 1X. ,‘•fs, A -?et -.17-..: • . It 7- asi CI CARTWRIGHT. L. D. S„ Snrg-eon Dentist, ‘-'-• extract.; teeth without rutin by the me of the Nitameat-Oxide (bee Offiee—Over the Ponntitio of Faeleitin, Mr. Powter's store, ein the Alai•liet SL ;L1 Attend:met. in Seclorth. at Knox's'lione, tlie firet Tuesday alai WV:IllegtiaV (.1 eath month; ;n Clietrm, at th - , on the following mire - (biers end Fri:lane The remaiuder •the thee at his Strerford Part nein irnig new c-t-tb are requeeted to eel!, •tendanee. • .. Over 54,000 ifittiente have bad teeth :extructed by C1 if at Seaforth and Clinton, on Dm lieet cleys of at- ey. the •tie,. of the Gas. at Dr. Coulion's otlices, New recezved. 203 it. Thet the 'mid debentures shall ba made p able in twenty yeetre from the day heireinaf I eel, n the Litt' Led in the meaner &eq.:nate • iti-ei- I uten:loued for thie by -1 ty,- to Mike e Mite, at 1he THE RUS8EL WATCH For Durability, Quality, Finish and CANNOT 13E EQX.ALED. A new stock of the above Watches just Ban' of 'Toronto, in iorouto, and ellen bete. , 4 edit 1 to them conpont. tor the puree. a of int: r - ti one 1. 4. 'nett the gall debenture4 :drill b-ar inter:et ; I it'd,. 1 eie ye, ley, (ai the lire:,•deeye ef .1.1.:eare a; 1 .at an 1 aft. r tilt. rate of eix per teed. te•r 11eirtunt, 1%111 the al ! i• tnereat, which imertet 14.1:: al, '0.- 1)::.:- 1 each year, ue the Beak of Turonto, in Toro' to. rt. Thrt L:r the enrols.. of foreihe a einkine Nal ao um ptesaaaa of the said debt -Warm( anti the to eaei.t. thereon, et the rate dotte.ail, an -equal epecia rate of foar and o1i.-thir,1 101116 111 tlo, de1- 131 I. I.' h ' ot1;111,:i1.1r1r1.(Pyillii;i tit.:e1:.:Int ii nIt:::c1:1,ittel 1,114 Det•trilhei:•;1•.12,•2E:11.t1.;;:,...f1)b1,:.:2Litc.:Iiice:;(11.it- -.rev horviubefore mentioned :Alla lit'hi'l j111'11,. th-0 Sgill tam of twenty yeetre hetet the 'into effeet of thitt by-law, unities eneh Cie. --1. thdl be Reiner paid. 1 I. 7. T1et the debeuteren to be signetT ;zed ie...nel -0. '1'1•11. tide bv-law "'hall teke elfeet on;front and Hier. the thirty -to -et day ,oc Deetenber, in the Year et our LK) d one thottemid eight litautred tad /WY- • enty-onc. e rts don et 11 ithall be delivered by the Iteeve ef the said T: wiethip of Tend:ea-1.y to the trueteee ap_ poitited ( r to be anpointed. in aceordrince lei ii the tenth 1- ( (owned the :stud act ineoie.eretiiitt tlte grid Torontt , Give; and 13ruce Railway Cumpany. 8. An I it ie further enacted by the said Muniei- pal Con ten of the township of Tm•nberry that the votee of the electors of that portion of the said towneld i of Ternberry hereinbeforti ineetienedbe taken. en tide by-law at Mrs. Day's Hell Lot 0.1 Cone:eta:ton C, Turnberry, du '1'nos.lity, the 21ith clay of 3 4•etanber, one thou:tend eight bemired aid e eveuty-one, commencing at the hoar of nine o'clock ha the morning and cloning at the hoar of five u'elork in tht• hitt-moon of the game day, and that the th tern ng officer for takiug the said vete be Ja)13 ['El Jelin: ton. TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true ropy rif the proposed be -law, which will, he taken into con - 1 Hiller:aim" by the Council of the Townehip of i Turn- ; berry. eftl.r °fa' mouth frm othe first publication in .E the Rentos xe(sieron, 1111' -date of which tirst publicetiOn 'OM In the Harem Thepositer, en th first day of 3)ece3flber, A. I). 1671, and that thee• Votee of the eleclore of the "taid dui-ter:bed portion of the township of Turrabkirry will be taken thereon as levied able pt ninth, during «main, bentuf • Tuese'ay, the 2Gth day' -of December, • A: D., 1871, eannxteucing at nine o'clock in the forenoon and clotting at five o'elock in the after-. _noon of the Same day, at the place mentioned, set out in end fixed by [lie eighth :dame of the above -trne. copy of the said proposed. by-Ittev. • JAMES JOHNSTON, Township Clerk. TAKE NOTICE that the above by-law is sub- mitted nee:aiding to the following reeolraion, viz.: Resolved, that the aboye by -Inc- granting aid to the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway Company be, "sub- mitted to the ratepayer.", subject, to the conditions contained in the letter of the President of the said road, adeltertsed to the Council of Turnberry, bear- ing date November the 1 8th, 1871. JAMES JOEINF1TON, 208-5 'Township Clerk. THE FIRST -PRIZE IMPROVED • BEIIKSHIRE BOAR. TEE nnbstriber will keep for serviee, at Ids pre- /deo., Rot 4, Con. 2, Stanley, two miles, from Kippen, -that well-kreewn improved Berkshire Boar which took the let Prize at the two Cennty Shows: also, at three Township Shows, all in 1571. The subscriber has also purchased a young in:Trove/I Berkshire Boar, eix month," old, at the Weetern Fair, London, -whirl' he will also keep for service. Terme, en for Peel' enw, to be Paid at the time of eerviee, with the privilege of returning :ta (Jae] as necessary within twelve weeks from time of firet service. • WILLIAM 131,3 1-1-4 T NOV. 7, 1871. JOTA! THOMPSOM rn HANKs' his nuakerous _customers for t their liberal 'patronage during the last fifteen years, and trusts he will Lre- eeive its continuance; Ile has now on band. a large assort- ment of Good: Sound. Green Hemlock! Which he warrants wil! give satisfaction. ALSO FENCING AND DRAINING -LUMBER, ALWAYS KEPT ON HAND. A fee0_ 20,00 FEET OF PINE CL`T FoR BUILDING AN CENERAL PURPVE°- \\Tbinh he offers on liberal ternis. Or ders will be promptly aVended. to. The Mill is situated on the Townline of MeKillop and Hullett, 3 and bilks from the Huron Road. Seaforth, Nov. 10, 1870. 84-tf Marini] Sale J BONTHRON & SON'S. THE "WHOLE OF THE STOCK WILL BE SOLO AT COST, Until the 15th of December. All parties o -wing accornts will save themsetves trouble. by paying them imenetlier- J. BON -7' C • ./Y A COMPLETE STOcli OP FINE 0OLT) AND SILVER ALWAYS ON HAND. Wn,tcholt, (loeks and Jewelry of every description repaired with neatness and. despatch, and warranted to give satis- faction. $5,000 worth of Ol•d aDm and. Silver wanted, for which the highest price in cash or trade will be paid. • M. R. COUNTER, 1.79 Main street, Seaforth. Val. N. WATSON ALWAYS, HAS ON HAND THE BEST SEMNCI MACHINES EN THE MAIWET, Either for Family lase, or for Ailanufac-- turiug purposes. Both single -threaded and double-threadefl, • and •loen.-Stitch Machines cat4e eupplied. Pcrket sat:Gillet:on guaranteed, and. instructions given to purchasers gratis. . N . .1 'VTSON- Cin also insure property againyt Fire and. Marine Disaster, and Life and Limb against death, and accident, with the best Companies, being Agent for The Liverpool and London and Globe (English.) The -Provincial of Canada, (Canada.' The Gore District Mutual, (Vidal Farm.) The Niagara District Mutual and Farm. The Travelers of Ilartfotd -.A.ccident.) LossesLtherally/ Prompt OICE At moderate mission, a,- - ternis