HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-12-08, Page 5DEc 8, 1871. BI aT3a.. Oct.. 29th, 1S:1,: Mrs ''. Lyth, of a son Vingham, on the 30th ult.,. Leet, of a daughter. :ARRIAEES. 1 FC"TRAVES--:kt St. Msehaer Ravine., a .,, on the 29th of No- r the Very Rev. James~ >:isted by. the Veit Arch th rages, € f Toronto, nude e, and by, the Rev. P. Mr - nares Louis Doyle, Barrister, ch. to Miss earotiue Louise ;orthgraves. lh._-In Mitchell, on the * the Rev. Mr, Hawke, fekef ell,. of the Township- County ownship-Cou ty of Huron, to hiss Gill, « f the Township of of tty of Perth. 4I'ATHS. (Triton, on Sunday, 3rd beth, daughter of Mr. E. roaehitis, aged 8 years, Nov., 224th, 1871, the infant as and Eliza Holmes, aged and four days. he 34th ult., at Westfield,; aged h years. Deceased ..1rs Helps, postmistress. wanosh •Fucker smith, an the 2nd lengthened ilhxess;Thomas: -40- years. IAI.ETS SIAFoRTi#, Nev. SEI, i87I. 1n about the same as last (-mint of the great stoma the last three days, but has been brought in, as r, as the roads become xghfng good, there will no deliveries. \Ve quote X1 1:6 to el 16 1 14 to 1 16- (1 48 to 0 50 0 38 to 0 OO' - 0 55 to 060' 0 15 to 0 IO O15 to 000 3 00 to 0: 00 0 40to 0-45 GO- to 13 < , ...,. . T 5() to 800` 1 Ott toe 1 75 1 00 to• I7 0: 01 to 012 2 00 to 2.5o tare' 1 25 to 0 co 004 to 0_06. 0 01 to 0 06 4 50- to 5. 0E €LIN J<(IN, Desi 6, 1871. ..........�Y 15 1 16. 111 Cit' 1113 - 0,135 (' 0: 36 : 0w03 el • 0 55 O 48 ok, Os 52 ...0X5 (i; 016- 0 12 6- 0x2: (et 0: 15,- 4 50 5450 eel 5255. 13. 00- ('t: 15 001- .G; LIVE; STOCK. hursday,' Dec. 7, 1871:.: - !RECEIPTS. Cattle, Sheep, Hogs,;: ears. cars. cars. ....190: 10, 142 310 37 267 . _2;36 4 312 +lII1'31ENTS. ..<. 66 9.. 141 '14 lei% 282 n69; - 34 182 CATTLE. is active with prices ale betterthan last week.: p. on the increase. y comprise 960 head at for natives, and $3 for ales last week `I`tiesday at C5 8a to $5 60 for. ger,, 31 hd Ohio steers au.`: k.'1tzs: & Geary„ 61 hd do do I32 hd 'Mich. do' av': Celan & Geary,: 163 hd at $5 31:1. roe, 33 hd Ky. do av to Coon & Geary.,, 5014 $40. & (teary, M hd dodo v, S hd Ma. do av 1363, tree •G2. h(1 lues.. do av ( Farthing, 10 lid ls.y. 4• 5. HOGS. to 1. better than Inst 1 tsireriliga sold ; closing; the decrease.. 1,963 head at S4 35- to ale's last week Tuesday 3 90 to 84 30. u2 lbs ` at .' 35 24S lbs at 4 35 '00 ibs at 4 35 - lbt; at 4 35 `•-4 at 4 35- :225- ib.it 4 35 230 lbs at ' 4 35 t lbs at 4 35- k 2Ek l €Yb, at 4 42 lo5lbs at 4 35' the range of prices Ii the sanie period 1870,; :a1 d • hod;: an 4 "e;tlnes-- :-flays,;• the principal STT LE. 1870. ar 6 `r(2 :X4 7:r; to 0 371, lir 64a 4 50to 7 85 6 00 4 00 toy 25 •r .x SU 4 50 to S S7' eittlEle ,rs 6 50 $5; 50 to 6 550ver 6 75 3' . i / , LO 700 6-E} 300 to 68(1 to 6 25 33 60 tt} 7 0(1 �t) 4 35 u : 4.: to: S 00 4_50, E 70 to 7 25 o 4 00 6 37!,t&7 00 t, 4 4:r: 6 40 to 6 00 SSINESS CHANGE e ,Er 1l -F +.taltst•.ht d lei -react '.li .illi•, hes. tlu-r with rt F • F -;rl sl+ r•'hitttli,t•. tia.tis- : ••• Hilt;;. i or pat tie ular k. EtlttlFr & TUNS, Aielet vine 1 DEC. 8, 1871 THE HURON N EXPOSITOR. RAILWAY TIME TABLE. Trainsleave the Seaforth station as follows GOING WEST. Express-. Mixed. Mail. 2.37 P. nr. 1.40 r. M. 8.40 P. M. GO1` G EAST. Express, Mixed. MttiL I.( 'A A.. M. 1.40 P. M. - 8.00 A. M. PLAIN SEWING. RS. S\r1TH, North Main -street; two doors south of lir. Thomas Stephens's, will take in blain sowing. 209 GUARDIAN NOTICE. 'NOTICE is hereby given that after twenty clays from the date of the first publictttfon' of this notice, application will be made to the Judge of the Surrogate Gond of the County of Mixon, at • Goderich, for the itppointment of Hugh Love, Sr., of tate Township of Ilav; in the said County , \f Huron, as guardian of Catherine Tabotha Par - Rona, infant child of Jiune.s Palwons, late of .the Township of Stanley, in Baits' (County of Huron, yeoman, deceased. Dated this 60th day of NoveInber, A. D.1871. 209-3 HUGH LOVE, Steer. STRAYED CALVES. T12.A1t'ED from .the remise% of the -Undersigned, ite'in Egmondvilter sone tinge since harvest, one red steer CALF, aboutte -tenths old, and one red heifer C<GT,F, about eighttouthis old. Any Derwen giving information. whore they will be found shell be liberally rewarded. 209-4* C. L. VAN EGMOND. ESTRAY SHEEP. E AME into the premises of the undersigned, `Lot 8, 4th Concession, McKillop, about the 1st of September last, ono EWE and two LAMBS,, The owner is requested to call, prove property, pay -charges and take them away. 209-4*MICHAEL MURPHY. ESTRAY CATTLE. -0iME into the premises of the uudersignod, La `-'No. 25, Concession 11, '.:McKillop, during the past summer, three yearling STEERS And one yearling HEIFER. The owner is requested to call, prove propety, pay charges, and take them away. 209-4`` JOHN GRIEVE. ESTRAY COLTS. set:AZE into the premises of the subscriber, Lot 'al1, Concession 1, Township of Hay, about the 10th of November, two mare' COLTS rising four years old, one a dark iron grey, the other a bay with white hind feet. The ownerits requested to prove property, pay charges, aud take there Remy. ROBERT THO.'tIPSON, 209-4* Exeter P. 0. ESTRAY STEER. ( _ ME into ray premises, about the griddle of `•1 September last, a two-year-old red -and -white :STEER ; large spots. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses end take it away. PETER MMe:QUEEN, 209-4f Lot 60, 4th Concession, Usoorne. ESTRAY CALVES. PANE into the premises of the undersigned,CLot 4, 13th Concession, Tuckerarnith, three ;Spring CALVES ; the owner is requested. to prove property, pay charges and take theta away. 209* . JOHN SH elPHERD,•Xippcn P. 0. TEACHER WANTED. .. IA/ANTED a. Female TEACHER for the fourth _ * T Division of the Common School of this Village ; duties to commence on the 1st of January-, 1872. Address W. HILL, 209 Secretary B. S. T., fieaforth. NOTICE TO CREDITOR& tCREDITORS of the late NICHOLAS MEL_ADY; the younger, are requested to forward their • claims for payment to SF R. SQT;IER, 209-2 Barrister, Gonnxrcie. HORSE POWER FOR SALE. jOR Sale, one four Horse -Power. For further particulars, enquire of JOHN THOMSON, . 209-4 Steam Saw -Mill, Mc:illop. REMOVAL. DB. VERCOE has removed his office and resi- dence to the ptemnises iruruedintely opposite his former residence, nest to Broaclfoot's i'tani:ng Stall. 209-4t* Insolvent Act of 1869. IN TH-1., MATTER of Henry Cardiff, an Insolvent. The above insolvent has deposited with rue it deed of composition and exchange duly executed. Dated. this 5th clay of December, A. D. 1871. DIXIE WATSON, • Official Assignee for the County of Huron. BENSON & MEYER, Bfu•risters. • 209-2 Insolvent Act of 1869. CANADA, - 1 IN the matter of - Province of Outtirio, - ROBERT MOORE, County of Perth. ) au Insolvent.. . On WEDNESDAY', DNESDTar, the 10th day of January next,. tho undersigned will apply to the Judge of the said County for a discharge under the said act. , ROBERT, MOOSE, By R. & J. G. SMITH;his Attorneys. Dated at the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, this fourth clay of December, A. D. 1871. 209-51• FARDI FOR SALE IN TU'TCKERSMIhH, SING Lot 10, Fifth Concession, situated two miles south of Seaforth Station ; there are 80 acres cleared ; the bush is all fenced, unci there . is a new board fence across the front ; there ie a. good framebarnturd shed, with a fair dwelling -house; there is a well at the door, with never less than `20 feet of excellent water in the divest time; also, a good bearing orularl Apply t o - HUGH CRAIG, 209 - Dornooh P. 0. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. A LL ACCOUNTS of the current year and also ']ell accounts and notes or other debts contract- ed In proevioue years must be paid ori or before the 10th day of January, 1872. Otherwise they will be placed in Court for collection, as my business xauat be wouud up at once. GRAIN of all kinds, Pork, Butter, &c. will be taken in payment of accounts or notes, at the highest market price, up to the above -stated time_ JOHN LECK.IE. Ainley ville, Dec. 6, 1871. 209 IMPORTANT NOTICE. REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. THE; public are hereby notified that all Births,. Marrieeee azul Deaths for the year 1871, not already registered, crust be registered immediately, e as the books must be closed forthwith. ' Parties not eonnplyiug with the above will be • prosecuted_, and subjected to a. heavy penalty. - T. P. 1mLL, • Division Registrar.; 909 Seaftsrtb, Dec. 7, 1871. IMPORTANT FARMI TO RS D OTHERS. ACTING .purchased the stock -'n -trade of J LECKIE, on. very advauti►godus terms, an. havius added A Large and Nell-se,ected Stoc O - STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS Of almost every description, and being determined ° to do business on a .`•' CASH BASIS, 'rices etre now Harked Down to the VERY LOWEST MARGIN, And many Lines of Gods to Cost. We therefore cordially invite au inspectiou of our Goods and prices, as eve feel confident that we can sell you DRY. GOODS; GROCERIES, HARDWARE Reacly-made Clothing and Boots and :Shoes, LOWER than they were ever sold. in AINLEYVILLE before. An immense ,stock of imported oPERGrOATS .-ti%T1 GENERAL CLOTHING Selling at. 30 per cone:less than the usual price. BOOTS A.ND SHOES Iit great vtuiety and very _chewy. • GROCERIES Cheaper than wirer. Splendid TEAS from 50c. upward. CHRISTMAS FRUITS And all kinds of Groceries, vert' low. Give us a trial before purchasing elsewhere, and -we will gnarautee satisfaetion and prices. Remember the place—Lecleie's Old Stand. STEWART, THOMPSON & CO. AINLEIVELLE, Dec. 6, 1871. 209 - NOTE. LOST. LOST, about the 1st of November last, a NOTE OF HAND 'pawn by Alexander 'loss, in favor of John Dund s, for the sum of Ten'Dollars, dated MeKillop, and falling due on the first of January, 1872. The p blio are hereby cautioned againet purchasing ur egotiatiug the above nott', tui pay- ment of the sane has been stopped. • JOHN DCND AS. t .11cliillo D ..- �c 4,18x,1. LO(n, • NO RISK. Thome' Ecle tric Oil 1 Worth Ten Times Its Weight in Gold. Do you know anything of it ? If not, it i:s,time you did. Pain. cannot stay where it is used. It is the eheepeat medicine ever made. Otic dose cures common sore throat One bottle hays cured Bron- chitis. Fifty c mts' worth has cured' fl.n old stand- ing cough. 0 e ortwo bottles cures bad eases of piles and kit . •y troubles. Six to eight applica- tions cure any ase of Excoriated Nipples or In- flamed Breast. One bottle has cured 'Lame Back of eight years' -tending. Daniel Plank, of Brook- tnty, Penn., says : " I went thirty tale of your Oil, which effected a of a crooked limb by six applica r, who has . had Asthma for years, • elf of a fifty cent bpttle left, and buy it if I could get no more. field, Tioga Co nines fora b wonderful cure tions." Anoth says : " I have -$100 would not Refits -Robin on, of Nuncia, N-. Y., writes : " Ono small bottle o our J3clectrie Oil restored the voice where the pars u had not spoken above a whisper for five yearn." Rev. J. Mallory, of 'Wyoming, N. Y., writes, "You Eclectrie Oil cured me of. Bron- chitisiu ono w k." Dealers all over the country say : "We hav never gold •a medidine that _has given such com Tete satisfaction as this." • It is campus d of six of the best Oils that aro 'known:as own Is ood o take as for %tenial use, and 1 e s isbelieved �immeasurably eh � toIn e e. 0 casurabl . u xeric r C9 ) to any- thing y 1. ewer friars . Will save you rutirsh suffering 3 g and re mnu cell of expense. +use. Is ser i byone or 1e e l 31 more dealers in every plum. Price, 25 cents. • Ptepnrecl by N. Thomas, Phelps, N. Y., and NORTHRUP LYMAN, Newcastle, -Ont., sole ageatfor the Dominion. . s 1oa n.-Eeiectrie—Selected and Electrizcd. E. Hickson & Co. and 11. Lutmsden, Agents for Se tforth. 908-4 SPARLIN G & SCOTT HH VIN G purchased the Wholesale department of Thomas Bell's furniture- Shop, -we are now prepared to 'SUPPLY_ WHOLESALE DEALERS Ii ITTIURNITUR >; l Cheaper than it ever was sold before, Its we. have wrack great additions to the machinery and in-. tend ennaufacturing extensively. Parties may be sarc of '.good work, as none but good mechanics are employed. A good stock kap constantly, on hand. ' Lumber taken in exchau ge. • Turning clone on shortest notice. - (� Thomas I3e11's Old Shop, Corner of 'Jarket Square, SEAF .WT11, 204 13 SNARLING & SCOTT. LIST OF LETTERS PREPARE FOR WINTER -pL311INING in Seaforth. Post -Office uncalled , 1b for ea 6th December, 1'71. Sleighs* e and Cutters. Belfry, J. 13. Brown, Mrs. Margrtt Campbell, Ana J. :Orurnntand, 1). Bthrington, E. 3. Elliott,. J. N. Ellis, Miss Jane Farley, y, (Gorge .t•'arers, Lucas B. Gird, John Gemmell, John (.i^araty, Peter Gay, Peter. . Tresenden, .hunee Hat, Mrs. Jannet :Habberlin. John Harris, John E. :11 arson, J. B. :Hancock, Miss Jennie Ilutehinson, Miss Ja:rte Hewitt, W. H. :Hutchins, W. H. Jener, Jolla Joiui::ton, Jamas Little, Thomas Marshall, 1itIle:r Mulholland, John ?t elatzr, John _terns, 1'ntricek Murray, W. H. McCallum, Mi,;, Anuis Mc Carty Daniel McGonl le, Iitmes Me(Tlister, Mrs. Jane Mcrae:eart, Mrs. Sarah Nellandr•, J. A. °'Tilley, John ()'Connor, Thomas Risley, Thomas Sperling, Edwin Spading, George Shine, John Sut 1i, Mies Mary Sutherland, Robert Sperling Richard 'Walkeer, lrehibald \Nihon, Rev. E. 'Watson, `'arbet T. S. DICKS ON, P. M. WILLIAM GRASS:E SEAFORTH, Htes now .on hand a large -number of !handsomely finished and substantially buiiit r Ut r T E RAS Also, a number of first-elle:4 SLEIGHS HURRAH FqR CHRISTMAS. THE .HOLID, S-.0 O T T R YS ARE COMING. OBERTSON Is ready with a large Stock of the very best following Fruits : Layer Raisins, Bo es and Quarter Boxes, Forj Family use. VALE 1'TIA RAISINS veryfinestquality. q a y. SULTANA RAISIN, very cheap. FIGS,. IN LAYERS, 25 cents per Box. . - NEW CURRANTS, 6iean and free of sand. FINESF. FE.ENC EI PItUNES. DRIED APPLES, bright and well dried. ALSO, • FILBERTS, SOIL T-SHl,'LLED ..ALMONDS, Valeutia Almonds, shelled, Brazil and Wallnuts. LYON'S FAVORITE ESSENCES & EXTRACTS Of Lemon, Cinnamon, Peppermint, Orange, Ratafia, Venetia, ,Celery, Cloves, °Inger, etc. All the Delicacies of the Season to be had at SCOTT ROBERTSON'S. XXX 'BALTIMORE OYSTERS - Supplied to Hotels and Country Stores at a small advance on cost. W. S. ROBERTSON. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE Wellington, Grey and Brucelr FROM PALMERSTON TO LUCKNOW, VIA AINLEYVILLE RANKS NEXT IN IMPORTANCE TO LIVIN STONE'S DECEMBFthBA]GAIKS. The cheapest possible " TIIB.ocGli 3t •kTiss " can always be obtained, and " c'ON- NECTIONSyeas in guaranteed when secured o his line by cash buyers � quest of GOOD ARGAINS. No Transhipment necessary when you arrive at his 1:1POT O TIIE " D OMkVIO \T HO l • ,SrE." .AINLEYVILLE, December, 1871. LA DIES If you. want a NEW DRESS If you want a beautiful s If you- want the nicest IL at half If you want a handsome FANCY FL you want anythingthing in tl y LINE, go ri He hasjreceived ust a fi-e Christmas a If t :of FURS, cheap, T or BONNET ill the Province its value, HAWL, WATERPROOF CLOAK, N` ELS, in fact, e DIY GOODS or -MILLINERY .RY ht to DENT'S. h lot of all these Goods for d the Holidays. y '. Don't fail td call first at D 1 NT'S. WINTER! WINTER I N V1 OF THE HAT, The Latest Styles J. DUMC=1N & CO., MAIN STREET, . SEAFORTH, AV'E .just received a complete assortment of HATS and CAPS of the very latest sty1c S, and in ;great variety, comprising m part FUR CAPS,II A11 the diferent styles of I CLOTI-I CAPS_ Also, a vary • i ice assortment of SILK AND FELT HATS. COLLARS AND TIES. All the newest lines in Collars, Ties, etc., ktpi, on hand) Having, purchased for C~ish in the cheapest and best markets, we are preentr&1 to offer unn�ual indce- Jnants to e:ttetnuie.rs. • J. DU CAN & CO. BOOTSAND SIIOES. • We have now on hand a ytry large stock of READY-MADE BOOTS ANI) SHOTS. which have• been pnrchatst:d from the beet manufitctcnittti in the country, mud which fur quality and price cannot be en - gassed'. HOME-MADE WORK. Terms as low as any I stablishme.nt iu the Comity. Special attention devoted to this departnieue. We are prepared to guarantee n good tit ants :I first -aces fte,pairima-of e:eery description,•prorxi ptly attend- ed fo, and satisft ction guaranteed Be sure to cull and see my Cutters 'before par - chasing elsewher WILLIAM GR ASSIE. N. B. --All over -dux Notes luta, Ace -bunts must be paid forthwith.. 907 article at as low a lrictt as tiny tither hon -•e in the trade. . Repairing promptly attended to. Give us a call of invection and judge for you sccvos. 208 7. DL S C'AN & CO. JTTST AItPIVED, Another lot of CHKAP FLAN -�� ,1�ELS Scarlet, 'White and l'ancy. Also, One Bale of large heavy ITNEY BLANKETS. Parties wishing a good article, cheap, would do well to see them, at LEE & SWITZER'S. tools nfI 1; `su aJLlsiusnd salna ) ' ,1I1L-1 .''T 0 ' o QN V B Sv.3 'Zig/ILA S ' aTI W ., 31 E3!OHO `slinua MSN ':aZZIA s 2s, eau .faxvH OS ZS T die is Imp JO ager' oUIO 'w Dexter r Training and Sale $tables, SEAFORTH; ONT. DR. BAILEY begs to inform the Farmers nncl public generally, that he has specially fitted up Stables for Training and Selling Iloruc,., and purposes to HANDLE TROTTING STOCK by training and developing them to the best advantage. He haw engaged an old ,experienced trainer from Kentucky, with the assistance of competent grooms and every facility for perfect and most satisfactory results from all neuter my charge. Persons having good young sound free -stepping Horses would do well to have them trained and see 11 they cannot be made to trot fait. I am constantly in receipt of terdeis for good drivers and can sell an} number of good movers at Heat Flaunts. Parties bowing Horses in Trailing will rceei'-e their time every week, thus enabling theta to see the inrproVement they are mak- ing. We have as :good a hall mile track -as can be found in the Dominion for training Horses on: Terms Reasonable. Honses Bo?cght and Sold. One or two good T7•ottei s fiyr Sale. OFFICE AND `aT'tnt,Es— South of the 13, &L. H. 11.R. R. Station and apposite the Woolen z'natrny< 206 _1-ddress, A.. H. BAILEY. S aforth, Ont. ADJOURNED SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. THE adjourned gale of lands for taxes will tale plata ut;'the Court House, in •the TOWN OF GODERICII, on Wednetxlay, the 20th December next,. At 1 o'clock, P. M., At which time any land unsold in the list lately advertised will then be sold for any sem which wan be realized for them. A. M. ROSS, County Treasurer. Cerunty Trnnsurer'ts Ofhlee, Goderich, Nov. 22, 1871. 906-8 SALT. ORDERS For all kinds of Salt Can nor: Irl: filled at !A R I CRAY, YOUNG G&$PARt>< tdGa ECLIPSE" SALT -WORKS, SEAFORTH, ONT. Nov. 29, 1871. 208-4 r W. AND D. RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION. Notice to Contractors. TENDERS Alda united for the eonstruetionof the Southern l:xtensiou of the' Wellington, Grey and Brace Railway from PALMERSTON, on the Main Line, in. the Township of Wallace, TO LUCKNOW, in the Township of Kinloss. Plans tua spr•cifictttione may be seen at the of- fices of the Company, Canada Life Buildings: James -street, Ham,Iilton. Teudere ell) be received up to noon of 7't `. t8RRA Y, 12th, •j )rev-aar.T Tender; will be lett for the n} tions. The fmrit tieetia m ells - W. McCTTLL arl- Seerte Herd" NOTICE. THE Tucl:ersmith I3reneh A -ioultural Society will hold their Second Annual Exhibition of FAT. STOCK FOR CHRISTMAS, ON THE SOCIETY'S GROUNDS, SEAFO RT`H1 On TUESDAY, the 12th of December, When the following Prizes will be offered: 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Best fatted Ox or Steer,. ......-4 00 300 ? `00 13est fett :d Cow or Heifer, 4 00 3 00 2 00 Best pair fatt-cd Shop, '3 00 2 00 1 00 Best pair fatted Turkeys,' dressed, 1 00 0 l50 Best pair fttel au se dressed, 1 -00 0 50 fl As a number of buyers are expected to be pre- sent, it will afford an excellent opportnnity to all parties haling stock to dispose of, whether cattle, sheep, pig:; or poultry. \%31. l ieCONNELL, 297-3 Secretary. UNFAILING EYE PRESERVERS,' THE sure pro.f of the superiority of LAZARUS, MORRIS & CO.'S Perfected Spectacles is time large and increasing demand. We are satisfied that they would he .ppreciated here as elsewhere, and hat the reality of the advantages .)ffer'od to wearers of the beautiful lenses, viz.: the ease and comfort, the assured and readily ascertained improvement of the sight, and the brilli� nt assistance they give in all eases, where in themselves so appa- rent en triad, that the result could not be otherwise than it has, in the almost general adoption of the CELE- BRATED ELE-131t iTEI) PERFECTED 'SPECTA- CLES by tlernsidents of this locality.. With a full kuowledge of the value f the ustsertion, eve claim that they re the most perfect optical aids ever t'e411farttured. To these needing Spectacles, fit unn'r to afford portunity of procuring the most desirable, LAZARUS. MORRIS & CO. Have appointed as Agent, 3L R. COUNTER, 200 Seaforth. NOTICE TO FARMERS. ATE. ROBERT C_iRNOGH i.N begs to state that '-'.having one of Maxwell & W iiteh res s cele- brated Grain (,r , r ushcnse i. h s preparctil to erussh grain of every description for those who may tie - sire it on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week, at his premises, Lot 20, act Concession, Tuekersmith. Parties, flaking their grain on either of these chttya can have it homy with them again the same day: Terms reasonable. 2003-3t-) _ ROBERT C.A.I3.NOC 1AN. NOTICE. LL 1'ereons indebted to the Estate of the late 1'Erxn RA tSAY, are requested to hake imme- diate payment to the underlriTned, who are author. izcd to receive the seine. All sums remaining un- paid after the First day of January next, will be placed in suit. BENSON ;£; MEYER, Rohe iters for the Adrninistratriz. Dated this 29th day of Nov., .+.n, 1871. 8* aUSINESS STAND FOR SAL IN I3ERNE. FOR Sale, in the village of Beme, on the bound- ary between 'ivy .and ; tauley, 15 miles from Seafoith, 8 from. Bayfield, 3/ ' from Zurich, a. Business stand, suitable for either a }dere or a mechanic's shop. A good dwelling-hon:,u is in con- nection; also, a stable and half an were of l.tn 1 with good bearing orchard. This is a good open- intg for a saddler. as one is needed in the place. Terms, one hall .cash, the remainder in instal- int:nes. For further l articnlars apply to JOH? ESLER, Lake shore, Lot 21, litarilty, or to 'e IRWIN, Berne. 205-9 NOTICE. THE undersignedis now prepared to 1 Ewe,, to either hie Yorkshire Leicester der Leieester Rains, at hie premises, Lot Town Line of slaty and Stanley, TIMM. pair of Ewes, payable at the close of the TI. IJ Hay, Oct. 4, 1871. SHOPS FOR Si' ''OR SALE, two shops and fr o. on Main Street, Se rnieha+:I's Rotel. ALply to Ifs -tf BI:E.tcI'm ' AND COP know=l�` rr(;r r,