HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-12-08, Page 2r
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A. bleak December night nearly a
hundred years ago. Hard ftost,and
a keen, bitter windblowing die
thick -drifting snow -flakes into the
faces of these few foot nztssengers
who still tramp the half. aeserted
city streets; 'a frost so hard that the
snow does not change fo
mid and slush all in a moment,
- after the mud manner of London
SllOW, but lies crisp and White upon .
• road and pa vemeat, ad orow'ns the
steep roof :and gables with moentain-
• ons heaps of whiteness, whiell over-
hang the parapets, and threaten ped-
estrians with the fall of miniature
-• There are retired nooks and 'cor-
ners of this crowded London city
wherethe snow might lie almost a--'
put's: and uncieli1ed as in some silent
Alpine gorge known only to the!
eagle and the chatnois : notably one
narrow little street, scarcely better
than a court or alley, in the region
• Of Moorfieldse--an eminently respect-
able street ia its way, tenanted by
two or three workieg jewelers, a
Dutch merchant in some small way
of trade, the chief clerk in a great
colonial house under the shadow Of
the Monument, and Dr. Prestwitch.
Ode feeble oil lamp glimmers at
the entrance to this quiet little
streere-which • ieads nowhere, by --
the -way, Dr. Prestwitch's house
facing theexplorerand barring his
faieher progrees, except through Dr.
Prestwitch's hall _ door -one dim,
blear -eyed little laMp, which does
not do much toward the illumina-
tion of the Ntreet in. a general way,.
But te-night there is the lightness
and brighttsess of the snow Which
lies thick upon the paved footway
between dits, two rows of tall, nar-
row houses, tin:marked by a ingle
footfall. Tie occupants of Little
Bell Street are a sober, steady -going
people, and there has been no traffic,
not so much as the opening or shut-
night she was sitting darning state
ings upon one side of the hearth n
the everyday parlor - m
a small pa I-
eled. cl amber, furniehe 1 • in • the
scantiesnway, bat with a certain air
Of Ileatn, ' and • even : comfort,
nevertheless--ewhile her ! ietress co-
cupied the other. A hat dful of fire
burned theerily in the ol laehioned
grace-suOi a roomy old rate, -With
such a capacity for the consumptiob
.of fuel, but pinched and bontracted
by an a tful contrivance; of . brick-
work u pon each side, The red-
worated ourtains,a trifle scantY
even foi the narrow window, bn,
very hot iforiable looking notwith.
standing, hdrawn to been drawto their
extremest stretch; the honest ma-
hogany table had been vigorously
.polished by Bab after the removal
of I the ,• tea -things, the one
catilleas kept carefulv snuffed,
the cat r :posed luxurious y against
the open work side of t e bright
brass fen tn
er, and • this ro , alto-
gether tit table As it was>, bete the
unmistakt ble aspect of hot e.
'The. ch ctor was in hi surgery
reading. ]le .was a -studi us young
man, and the dearth of ore pro-
fitaole enployment d.ev ted his
eveninge o the _study of tuedicAl
science. t. had been a ma. ter of no
:small regret to him that he 'had been
unable to advance vele,: fit, in the
practical s tidy of that bre* of his
profession. !which seemed to him' the
most important -the study of an:
;stormy. The cost of a subject for
hitt -expetitpents rendered ihis part -
of his sciences almost a sealed book
Lo the pool and hard-workjug stu-
dent, who coulcItnot • Afford to avail
hiresiel f of the services of thoee gangs
of desperate ruffians :who wlere con-
tinually violatiug the sanetity of the
grave by their unholy traffic!!! . -
.. . .
Martin PrestWitch had aliftiend,
however, in • the .licuse-suieon of
Newgate, and that gentleman, who
had a surfeit of eubjects sothietimes,
had, promised to send :him the Mast
defunct criminal he should k able
-brig of a door, since eight o'clock , to •dispose .of in a friend's i favor.
this evening. ) There were outstanding claims to. be
It is now eleven. ' ,cenelidered first, for the jail Was in
As an •auxiliary . to the public, these days the only. legitim tte re-
, lamp, Dr Prestwitch . billets a litele4 matitce for the student; taithahen-
ever there should be a' subject to
spate, it was to be for Martin Prest-
He had been readinee hard in an
old book upou anatomy thisev tiling,.
and his fingers itched tolie usi )g the
scalpel. i
colored lamp of his own under the
wooden shell that surmounts his
• doc r -way -a relic of former splendor,
-when great people lived in -the city,
and fashionable bachelors -or smal1,.
gentry with large pretensions may
have occupied Little Boll Street; a
lamp which announces his profession
to the world at large, keeps him in
the eye cf the public, as it were, and
' which has _more than once brought
. him a chance patient -some rUffian.
bruised and mangled in a street
fight, a child run over in a neigh hor-
ing thoroughfare, a black eye, or a
sprained ankle. .
There is one tall, narrow window
upon each side of Dr. Preet witch'e
_ tall, narrow door, and in the ex-
tretne left comer of Dr.. Prestwitch's
house there is a pafisage, scarcely
wide enough to admit- one person of
bulky figthe, leading to Dr. Prost -
witch's back promises -s -the surgery
where he compoands his mediciucs 008 sounding knock.
and spreads his plasters, and a The door was opened almost ini-
bleak, bare reom, with a long deal --1 inetliately hy the faithful Barliara,
table on treaties, and a stneller lead- who :scented a Possilde patient in
en table fitted with a sink. This I this. initiated.: summons; butet the
room. is very rarely used ba the doc- [sight; of the glatOtly. bunien----it I was
tee, never entered b the d t " 1 . .
night; and. be sure she knoWs
ing of this lersiness," he
Feinting to the locked door.
Lord bless. yOu! no, Sir ;
fee the world. den't want to
that poor dear's whole mask of b
as mine was turned just now
saw that orful thing in a sack
Bartret gave a olp„ And ma
• wry face as she spoke.
"You had heal!! ,eotrie ;slid
good -nigh to athseus, Sir, if
want her to go to
"Ay, to oe -sure," answered 111
, t_restwitch, at all times an a
tj kiate husband, but just at
tent somewhat distracted by
rr' .
le a
&is of that inanimate clay ly ng
n his table.
Ile went into the parlor, wh
his industrious wife. was si
ing softly hersellas she pat
frniehing touches to a triumph. of
gennity and economies in. the sha
of noel: for the biggest of the th
small children, and made out 6 -
cast -off petticoat of her own.
"See, Martin," she looki
up at Min with her bright, lcivi
face; "won't Molly look nice
that 1"
"Very nice, dear; . but y.0
oughtn't to sit up so late, sewing for
Molly: It's nearly ta7elye o'clock"
" That's the very last stitch, Ma
tin ; and it's Just :15 late for yot
!Sic, as it is fee: me: and you've not
had a morsel Of supper, eithe
There's the bit of beefeteak puddin
that was left at dinner. Bab ha
warmed it nicely, and there it i ,
waiting for you down in the fender. '
" eat it by -and by, dear; bu
I've ho appetite for supper jus
vet. I want you to make me a cut
f coffee -as strong as you like."
" What, Martin ! you're not go
ng to situp over your fusty ol
soinsts ngain ?" cried the little wife,
lt was a ccmmon thing for the
doctor to sit poring ovei. his medi-
al hooks deep into the night,: and
ary. Prestwich lied often' crept
°sap stairs in the gray morning to
nd him still studying one of those
istnal volumes, with his candle
urinal down to the socket.
"Yes, Mary, my dear; I want to
t an hour ot so -longer- T1
a very interesting caee I am re
n case that will be usef
e in my practice ; and you k
1 • ve, how much depends t ton
„ a.
tong on in my proresst
Alary gave a little- d
s, indeed, it was via. 1 to
11 household that the surg
rts should be crowned with
. Only that • evening
stwitch and Bab had been ca
n -
- • '
jr The Osborn Lock Stitch. Sewing
Machine made by the Gueiph Sewing
Machine Company, gives universal satis-
SW' The efficiencrof Brya 's Pulmonic
Wafers in curing coughs, olds, and all
bronehial affections, and ch ring the af-
flicted, has passed into a roverb. In
the United States,•where these marvel,
bear down
lous wafers are knovhi the
all opposition aid eclipse
. .
the demand for 'them has
creased for the last twenty years, until
now the sales average over one hundred
thousand boxes a year. Eminent mem-
bers of the _medical profess, on without
number admit that they know of no
preparation producing such beneficial re -
stilts as t these wafers. When taken in
season Aey effect a permanent cure.
Sold. by all druggists and country dealers .
at 25c. per box.
Or After a fair and pretraqted trial of
Fellows' Coinpound Syrup of Irliypophos-
phites, we consider it a very valuable
nervous tonic, far surpassing many
others of considerable repute, and well
worthy the confdence.of the profession
g y.
A. H. M
H. A. JA,C3BS, M. D.
Moncton, N. B., Nov. 9, 1865.
11 * rivalry ;
steadily in -
DEC. 1, 1871.
Is superior to any
-.het t
';‘irkuaims*- .... ,
. , .,.,-..1 .......
Having been examined and hied by the mo;:4skt‘finn=1: an- a best judges the country can prod- nee
and by them awarded Prizes :-t all the principal E'xhibitions bald throughout the Dominion dining Om
present year ; and although all the leading Machines were arrayed against it, the GARDNER PATENT
Las been declared
now in the Market.
upon every test, and now stands foremost in the rank,of sewers.
SEE THE 1,11.8-T OF PICILZEP4 JPOJEC 1.147 1 ;
First Prize at Toronto. First Prize at London -the great Western Fair. Firat Prize lit Glleilth-the
great Central Fair, First Prize at St. Catherine, County of Lincoln. First Prize at Chatham, County of
Xent, First Prize at Waterloo, County of 1Vaterloo., First Prize at Orangeville, County of Sinicoe.
First Prize iin Mono, County of Peel. First Prize in Caledon, County of Siniroe. First, Prize at Wel-
laudport, Connty of Wellan.d. First Prize at Otterville, Oninty of Oxford. Second Prize at Provincial
Fair, /Kingston, Diploma at Hamilton, and varions County Show.
, ' is eautiful specimen of mechanical abilit,.• is a purely Canadilia invention, surpassing in siinplieity,
D. or English manufacture.
' durability, and usefulness any other Sewing Machine now in the market whether of Canadian, American,
. BUY NO orrann. at the price is a little higher than Bente others, it is the che,apest in the end
It will hem, cord, braid, tuck, gather, quilt, fell, and do all and every kind of Family Sewing and light
Manufacturing Work, using all kipcis V tlare.ad. It has a most complete S,...t1T OF .ITTACJIMEN1',8„
Send for Circulars and Sam )1 ii
P. s.-Intonding purchasers should. not be misled by unscrupulons agents of ether Companies, who
keep llachines they do not sell, in it damaged state, to make 'capital for themselves.
Goderich-street, Seaforth.' Agents wanted.
Call and examine the Gardner befell) purchasing any other, at Wira./Aikt Gittssir.'s Warerooms,
inie tries all things," and has
proved that Dr. *Wistar's Balsam of
Wild Cherry is tlie remedy pat excellence
for the cure of coughs, volds,_ croup,
whooping -cough bronchitis, I asthma,
phthisic, sore th'roat and influenza. It
cures coughs and colds instanter ! It
soothe a the irritated parts ; it. heals the
inflanimation; and even consumption it-
self yields to its magic influence,
• We Winter is now fairly npon us, and
the te.ams are hastening to the lumber
Niroosis in various parts of the country.
Our advice to every man who goes to
woods, be he captain, cook, teainster, or
any other man, is to take along a good
stock of ...Johnson's Anodyne Liniment
and Parson's Purgative Pil Many
months of labor (in the aggregate) may
be saved by this precaution.
11.1... Bad enough to look and feel bad
yourself; but no excuse for having your
horse look And feel badly, when for a
small sum you can buy Sheridan'a Cav-
alry Condition Powders, which given in
grain two or three times a week, will
make him look and feel well.
Elms Boum) HORSES -A horse is said
to be hide --bound vrhen his skin will not
slip under the pressure of the.hand, but
sticks as if it' was glued, which condi-
tion is always dependent on a deranged
state of the stomach and digestive
°I -trans -by correcting which. and giving
b .
to them a healthy tone and condition,
the disease or complaint will disappear.
Expelieoce has proved that the means
ac apted to this end is "Darley's
iere's Condition Powders and A.rabian Heave
ailing Remedy." • It has been used in turner-
ui to ous cases with complete success, gener-
ally effecting a cure in a few days. It is
n°', the best condition. medicine known, can
ru,Y be given with perfect safety at all times,
ly, With a sigh. eflo
. "I'm afraid Jack Tylney h for. Y
.gotten hie prohtise,". he said, -present- . St/ a
Newteate surgeon, had not fore tteo e
He was wi Ong: Mr. Talrietio-, the . 8
the obligation that was upon him.'
His peemise , was .destined .te ' be
kept that vehy night. The first
steps of'two -thee Carrying a gh
*footsteps to d file the anow tha , had
-remained tin ti odden through ell the
qoiet evening hours were thet
_ They took i
Where one of 1.
the name upon
then knocked
foot -
first to the hell doer,
iern stooped to. read
the :brass plate,I;Ind
a cautions, mysteri-
. . b i 11111 711 :a sick ; b el t t h ere , ire
. !
family, and has a dampish odor. I soma things that will n )t be hiciden
in. the time of this Des -ember 1 -elle fell back wieh a start
snew et - T 1. )1e,Stwitch • waff i " Lord.- save tis 1 tele t is de t?"
quite a- young man ; a youtig matt I she cried. .
-with bright, esger face, dark, curl t " Aembject for Dr. rest -stile -h-
an, Ian, a Melt he did uot often the man that ‘1.1,S hung fa coinhig
disguise with powder and pomaturn, at Newgate.this morilin r.),
and a [night, eager manner , a man ". Whitt !" exclaimed IN 1). " 0
W110 had (riven hostieres to FOrtittle, you .tpeall t-.0 &IV it's a clad body ".
e e
in the shape of a pretty little wife- "Yes, mise,'" One of ,he _hearers
and three sals11 children, and ',who answered with a grin. "Nut to
was' perhaps rather too ;tn.:cif:els to tneke too many bones ;thou t it, itA a
succeed in life. It ie doubtful - 8 tiff' un -with Mr. Tylney's co n -
w tether thus yeung surgeon had any oliments to Dr. Prestwitele"
• legal right to the title of doctor, lent "Take the dreadfut tl ing round
the ueigh boyhood - of Little Bell to the surgery," eaid Barb; ra,-aghaSt.
Sereet had made him a • doctor by "Master's in th re readiug. -Take
commou consent. The brass- plate it _down that p ssage. I'll come
'won his stout oak door desclibed and open the do r direct y minute.
Mtn simply as "Mr. Prestwitch, -And to think .tlett al y one c• u
! wish to have such a thing !" sl.e 6 1 --
He had not a large practice and ciliated, as she sh it the f ont doo
the latiK of supporting that Sandi She had heard ler reast-r talk of
household was a herd -one, simple as that subject whicl Jack T lney wes
were the needs of the pretty little to send him. . 1
wife and the three small chiluren. • She opened the surgery door an•1
They had one serveet, a fat, over- told the doctor what had come for
grown girl, with a shock of red hair, him, and then ope red the our lead -
and a countenance in which good into the .:passage, where the meth
temper did duty foi•all other clati ins were waiting. II artin I restwicl patient:
_a stupid, honest creature, whe was all on the ale t in a moment of the/
heartily loved the (lector's wife and He took hie cendle led th way ini rose fro
children, and thought the doctor to that damp si elling-t Sia se 1 fore the
himself' the greatest man of his age. apart for such a pu pose as his; and burning
house in Little Bell Street were apt carried in there Anc laid u )(in the proccedi
The daily meals in that reSpectable so _rarely used. he 'hot' -or was himself
to be meagre ia quantity and in- long deal table, hirhara ISMiffles and -set
ferior in quality, but liareara standing on the. threshold ,k11 the hearth,
Suatfies-eornmenly called Bab-- time and peering n, fascinated by that co
was a faithful sDul:W110 would have the ghastly sight. -Then IMartin Then he
shared the diet of Count Ugoiino Prestwich' and the men came oet, There
ai d 1 is sons without a murmur, if and the doctor disnAssed them with the detai
fi "Oily had -demanded Stleh patienCe.. ;4-Siliiling, to buy driik-one of his mice- B
Ashit was, she had a fait share of few shillings. '
than the
whatever was eaten or drunken in He locked the door of hi S dissect- labor, Dr
tbe house, and wqs tieated more: ing room, while Barbara stood,a lit- stop, , Slid
like a se -ember of the family than
was, perhaps, consistent with the die- de aloof, open-mourtied, dev uring his hand,
the ecene with her lig mum eyes. that had
nity of a professional man's houeee Ask yOur mistre s to inAe me of lightni
tone of her good co ee, Bale" said
°II this Particular December 1 the doctor. "1 shal sit up late to-
la nig the amountofthe: Cbriettna.s
bills-Christmee brings So little for
struggling householders except bills
Ind wondyring whether, the trades-
ee< pie he content :with such
.stp S1101.8 -1/S- Dr. Prest witch Cot 1
advt.; theta, on account.
"They know that we are honest,
13a e" tetid the anxious wifee "thank
liceVen, they know that We
.have, lived id this•house yearS,.
and. paid our; weer somehow.' I.don't
thit k they wi.1.1 find it iza then
'Heat s to be liard 'upon us."
Martin Prestwitchltiesed his wife
and sent her Otihte bed dircatly she
had made the coffee, dueieg which
opei adopt th tee was heard a groat
clat erieg of holts aud bars from the
. ,
hide ategahle :Barhara, who welt- as
ante paius to eecure all these f •
tete :18 if her inaeter's heeee, had
.bee the meet tempting field for an
ente-Trising burglar. t was just
widl ighe tvlien the little wane
trim ed up with! Barbara bet:
hind her, and ,all the. clocke of the
cay !eetned to be booming out the
_hour as Dr. prestwieh went to hie
(hese( ting eoorn, earl ying e steaming
jug 0 cOffue.1 ill one hend and a cans
ule it the othet. He had to put his:
jug 6 tie oor while be. tinlocked
*the oor, fer :there were ito super-
fiatiti tables_ sideboalds: in the
paS8r1( of that sparely furnished
The ehont st ruck Cold ae
ce-houticilregion on thot hlea.k
night, aed the doctor's first
was to lieht a fire. There
nippily,Some 'Wood and coals
811 C -
SO rtie
in the
etipboardllenr the fire -place
atid w'th these and an old news-
- p iperh Martin .Preetwitch set to
work. The task was not an easy:
one ; ti e gra te s dam p, the smoke
Caine d wn t chimney, anth welle
nigh choked diint ; but the deator's
, and energy got the better
diffictiltiee, and when he
i his kneeling poeitiOn be-
diasy hearth th.e fire was
. clieetibe He refteshed
with a etip of coffee. before
ig to his .were serious labor,
the Jug, down upon, the
o keep the remaiuder of
fortable, beverage warm.
et to work in real earnest.
is no .need to enter upeu-
s of that gliaetly perform -
fore he ,had reached more .
preliminary Stage of hie
Preetwitch cenie to a' full
enlye with_ the 'knife .in
arreeted by a eon k lotion
•orne anon him like atflash
h and set his heart beat -
n awful fear.
nued on ;third page.
and does not require that the *horse be
I kept from work.. Remember the name,
and see that the signature of Hurd & Co.
is on vaeh package. -Northrop & Lyman,
-Newcastle, Ontario, -proprietors for
Canada. Sold by all medicine dealers.
Trains. leave the .Seaforth station as
• CO1N0 EAST. -
Toro]) to Express. Buffalo Express. Mixed.
7.52 A. M.. 10.50 A. m. 1.35 P. M.
GOING m'EsT. -
Mii.-el. .Express. Mail.
awray. 35 p. _2.35 P. m. 8.50 P. M.
• AT
• Comprising .
• f.rEAS,- • • SUGARS,
SOA P, • '110.13.a.CGOS,
Etc., Etc.,
Al of which he can afford. tn sot as cheap as any
in town,.
TEAS FROT.1 50 cents TO $1,
,An warranted to give satisfaction to all.
No. 1 Flour and Feed,
of every deheription constantly on hand. And
kinds to be had at the lowest possible rates.
npson's Spice, the best Condition Powder for
Stock in. use. ParinerS, try it.
highest price given tor- Farm Produce of all
Remember the place,
west Siete, Main -street,
8E..A.FORTH, Ont.
Of it
e, 'heap, a Frame Cottage and a Lot
an a half, on the corner of Jarvis and Market
streets irometlitdely riming the Market square.
The ht Ise contains two rooms- mid two bed-roe/us,
with .1 lt and summer kitehen. There is also a
splendi well of water on the premises. For terzue
ttc., ly to the undersigned. -
A LL parties indebted to Dr. TERCOE, either
try Igote or Book .Aceount are requeqted to
nutke immediate settlement of the same, othenvit.e
they will be placed in suit for collection. 203-84'
rjABOREPAS wan.ting work for a tew
11 We. ks will find employment
In Gre, . W A $1 25 per day.
Enquire of trie foreman. on this work.
or appl to the agent at the office, J as,
T. Blai .
G. BLAIN, Contra,ctor.
Grey, May 12, 181. .380-tf
.1.30 ..WCTIONEEE for the County of
inn with ; -r ICE.NS
-L-' Hu.ron Sales attended. in all parts of the
61 C 071i COtuary . Ail orders left at THE EXPOSITOR Office
will bepros ptly attended to. - 108
The First Prize thorongh-bred Chester White Boar, purchased from L. 13. Sir.vElt, Salem, Ohic, U. ff.
It is claimed by breeders of Chester Whites, in the United States, that they make it greater amount
of Pork for the food consumed than any other breed known. With ordinary attention they thrive very
rapidly, weighing from 400 to 700 lbs., at from 12 to 14 months old, and are frequently killed wejgAing
as high as 1000 lbs. of Dressed Pork. This boar will be held for the service, of sows itt Egmendville.
TEitms.-One Dollar, Cash., with privilege of returning.
Also, an improlved RERICS1111116 11()A11, bred by M. ff. CocHruam, Campton, whose Berk-
shire Pigs are admitted to be the beet in Canada, his stock being imported from the best breeders ix_
England. Service of this boar at One Dollar per sow.
Also, an imported POLAND AND VIIIN.A 1104R. The ftrst imported bite this Country.
Will serve a limited number of sows at One Dollar per HOW.
Egmondville, Nov. 21, 1871. 207 ILinzy, proprietor.
Shawls, Dress Goods, Whiceys,
Ladies. Sets in. Mink and other FURS, from 4 a Set.
Clothing made to ordor. A good Tweed -Suit for $14.
The best Stock of BOOTS and SHOES in Town. Call and See.
Not to be beat in prices, quality or assortment.
E.1.„!r-fiN1 • Pef I 6. ArN'A
'ke.g7 c.11) :11
' N. R -A fine Int. of Christmas and New Year's pm:intr. on the tray front Enalurill.
• rio HUMBUG- .; •
-Best $toelo Letbr4Oor Herrings.
argest assortment of all kinds of Fresh and Salt -water
FISH, from the, Sardine up to the Sea Serpent.
Call and see that it is no Humbug.
Also, Canned Lobsters, Sardines, Salmon and Mackerel. 205
THE subscriber has lately added to his Oat -meld
-A- Mill a now chopping stone, and is now prepared
to do
At the shortest notice.
On.t.meal exchanged for. Oats, and Pot -barley
exchanged for Barley, and all kinds of Mill Feea
constantly on hand.
Beaforth, Oct. 6, 1871: • 200-13
Johnson's OId Stand,
Main street, Seaforth, has now on hard a good.
tu.sortnaent of
Which he can furnish cheaper than they MI bel -
got elsewhere. 206
i)Ev ..S, FIL
fl•HE DRZA.DED "G-7,
MI' It I' int 14 ; PI
Another monuelt, tele in;
vent of th it skififal - 11,13
held the li.-11.c.- .134.1 Ilelii
been. -a in urd;'-i .1 .
Al . -attire was not ill,
.11:1Nin Presi IA iZeii
.1,:113.1;tsl it I. i Iiisf,t; A ri 7.. :: iI
, r.,l,i. flit' I 'i
1‘./ i':-, 5 Lyre i'. V. -:11c;,' Wt.:tii:
I/MS.:W.I.,. 11115, $1.in
fen:4011:11 Va). ----- 1.110 :Zg»ti, 41t,
iteT'1)L tilP ill'xt 11'0,1111t, 1.:.1:
-was at. Nt.441'; Wi= ii 1:.“- .1
Dre:11'S 4 c %1.1'1'-i't 4::!‘
of mien, adeeh ,;ii.i,11.11.I.)12,
SiOtv 1411-itz:"-S, ° l/t IP' V...1' V
at ta-st, T1...e, 4-,Jilif r
Si9.11, ;in at ',1-C111 S' in."; !ill
ed li,..1. ati .0-:0:1) altil 141,t'ss .3.
bithtti'Ai.11 i'i.g• $,4 .8H11Z.1g,;.:44 ti. , Li,
t),„tit 1,0:411L.i lia(4 giVi-.4 i,4
bewil 411 ,
biS I( ti.f'i:i C't 1
" Wlittr-1' tilt'. a!A 1 .
ed : " 1 ti;11:1!Art t:41'..r V.4•11. I
:hang nie. Wit, there a role ii
4. .,\; a L t lier0 Irt-ZiS i'ii.) euprit.
't\f,inwi:r,;:::1.1) is.1):14,
4.,aner sat upright, a)
ed zthout hini ; 8111.1 at tliiii i
it tee -erred to ttIarein Prt
that he Lad peril.Ti hem gni
kind of felony in givine heel
a mau whom the lz NV* lii;.^; do
{lea t ;i. The laW W.Its a critic;
ill those ilityil, inVOI ving ,711.1,:j.1
alwlit e) (111111.wlie
a)s. ieInnoioLt _D1
zueli an aet as assietinh in a
evasion of thegellows slight'
tein iteelf a hanging matter.
But the deed was done ; :au
sat ,the miner., a StalWart",
built militia 4 ilear six f,44,
a Juan who ,etnild have tami
the.seli.,,niiiyts,uNr,ogli:ongi.ve a man sow;
to drink 1" asked the eoiner. :
throare like iit Hire kiln." '
Dr. Prestwiteh hantled hi
coffikejlIg, whitli he -emptite
" Cat -lap 1" said the. eoine
tem 1 ; tuonelv, " but its tlor
good. An4 DOW) (10 3'On_ ID
tell me as they hung Inc this
ing.? I remember standieg t
-drop, and theling the AV -et Ali
peltieg against the night tap:
1;14.1;tiiti -titi7er iiiiiityssfettlitec;)idandtiaL!
all to mind, this blessed IIII
'Was the coltheit. Do V041. Illii
tell ine as they mede, a, hotell
amd let me off?" _
" SJ it appearS;.) leplied,
Prestwitch, 'gently ; for althe
man .of 501110 mere] urage,
himself at a disadvantage ii
tete-a-tete-----" flO it appears.
kilow is that yen were brongh
about an hour ago, aini intro'
to my notice as aP individual
had paid the hest 'enmity of the:
" Drought bele 1 Wiat for
" Well -for -in short, for
tific purposes, _AiY name is 1
wieh, and Pin a professor of t
Preetwich felt as sf his last moi
le asked die question -that
snffever ; "were ytal going t,(,.
Th- el";41.1.-:7:0i.nee looked so ferocio-
" Wirer 1." roared the res
" Don't :excite yairself,
friend," be -remonstrated, - mi
" If things bad been as I had c
reason he etippose, you wouhl
have :felt the slightest iWOIlVittlii
The lvgitiniate ends of seienee w
have lieen pronset et 1 v6111011 t
suffering on your put. 'How 0
happier would you hat -e beet
that respect than the dogs and
bits whose vis Ise:anon hae _serve
:demonstrate the theroi''s of son,
our great anatomists! As it
however, von have. soino reaso
be guatefta to nie, as you owe
your life
Dr„ Prestwiteh glaneed to
• the door, thinking there was ne.
necessity that this intet vine- ehi:
be prolonged farther, and that
terrible guest tit his might 1;egt;
Then, all at once, it dawned n
i„. 71\;,xstrittehle
extention el the s; ing that
:Istalthel him %% lien Ile, was blqiE
to Little Bell Sti-eet: lie was
men Jess ; and tity.,- •tetekihe -..
Setll'etyi V :I Cost Iline for a etels1 a hit.
night in the 1-a P15 el Lottillm. ]
-"Gnat-fill :):' twittered the 'IV
" ir don't . know 4i5 Ws llaiell '..
flAr01' ti it pf)01. tit.Vil 1.11 -it t3o,4
that's ithtl'ke'l 10W11 IT
V. lion, 10 1. t a 11)1'1-4 of in-,-,
1)10..d-bleini2s, end if he tlesee t 1
brave te day, is pretty sale 1(1
Vets telo't h
me hack mv tools. I 1.1.11/11,,V,4' ..E.
had es pretty a 5.>t, lif ni(v.-,l.Azi.
preisses Nv.is 111 1 4'1'1
4lown 1,:1111:4`t:1
13;11i-rh wee a eieel env
It pal 1),.'4elitte.1 ntyk1;-.1
,4111117t -r, 1 111;11Z..0., 110 11011iit Vint
Ithidly, and here'e Inv hand upon:,
With that these:min:dye] heheni
a (ling\ -1-oekiiii paw, •%-<.-1-v looad
nitiscniar, the doter obeerved,
e Martin Prestwitch was fain