HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-12-01, Page 7Ec, L 171 • FORTH LT -1 I NG Ali LL, L - ‘( re." , z. # ' • r:1% aut.! - . .* 7.••• t..i .-* -tt-iY t -T• $ $ r.t t•,.•" ti rig ..., • P • v i.e.: •,' • t t - : n f"../. • * • :. . • t. - " ; ` *-Art'.:1tq 7 .r• • 2...• tr',$ "r -es-• # .- • • :." t't :. A : r'-; 1*.•11. 'ZittIt Ct.`, RZ.‘t1 # tt '• : •r. 1' I. • ; : •- .:•- , • .:y. w t. • • 'Ll 71' tra:tt 11.• .*• .1 It. .74 ' •,.. . • ..:1 "t t • )•••••••• •r•-` Y ..•• . h. . It•I'- - : t .11 • L- ai ire. . : ".$ CZ .•-;;;>•• tPt i.t..;-;•••";:erjt, riqt" raak•----t NT r 914,7 S4rt-v, i A, ZING- AG 1zi- glio-17. Vort. • 41; Dm 1, 1871. Du Chaffin, the Gorilla Dis- coverer. While Dr,.Livingstone is report. - ed to be Making his way\ slowly back to the African coast,'Mr. Du -Chaillu, tI diScOverer of the has been spenclini; the ;Juin- mei' and fill I a m oug the pland €71'S, Shooting Polar bears and traveling with reindeers. English papers an- noun2e Iris &dem:turn to Stockholm, -where te has been received and on- tertained by the Kingof Sweden and' welcomed by the nobles. Private letters received from -Bit% Du Chaillu °inform us that he has had an adventurous and interesting • experience among the Laplanders, has visited tne extreme northern point of Europe, and borne the cold of the Polar regions a's well as he did the torrid- heats of Equatorial Africa." -Ire was_tO sail for New York in the steamer which left;:Eng- land on the 9th at N-Overnt,er, and , will consequently be welcomed home by his ft iends of tlie Geographical Society in a few days. .He will hardly bring another animal as -curious as the gorilla for the natura- lists ; but Lis adventures and ex- plorations in the little visited Oita - try of the Laps will no doubt be re- counted in a book of travels. From the Equator to the Pole is a stretch, even in these days and for an American traveler. -de ewe. Railroad Signals. We have heard many boys and girls wonder what the • different whistles of a locemotive ,and the itotions of the conductors nieant. A -railroad ofticial has kindly en- lightened us, and we will ex. plain to -our readers what ha,. seemed so mysterious. One whistle,'" down brakes;" two whistles, off brakes ;" • three whistles, back up ; " continu- ed -whistles, "danger." A rapid •successioa of short -whistles is the •cattle alarm, at Which the rakes74; will always be put down. -When a conductor gives a signal by a sweep- ing parting of the handFl... on a level with his eves it means •" 0-o ahead!' downward ttliA ion of the hands,. with extended arms, "stop." A beckoning motion • of the hand, " back." A. • lantern • raised and lowered yertilly is a signal for e` starting ; swung at right angles, crossways of the track-, " to etop swung in a circle, " to baek the train." Li ed flzig waved upon the track is a, sigind of danger ; so of - other given with e.nergy. A red flag hoisted at a station is a signal for a triin " to stop ;" stuck UP by dui roadsid, it is a signal of danger on the train. :thead; carried unfurled upon an engine,: a warning that another engine or trLiin is on its way. — 01:rer A Strange Mistake. • "I: and where the is .possessed • much more st were more abu no difficulty i ital necessary t -our- man ufactu etary Times. necessary.knowledge road to wealth is re..- If skilled ;labor dant, there woUld be procuring thei .cap - a great extension of industry.—Mon.- MADELINE Smith, the Sco some fourt(on intirder of b and acquitted proven," has a After the tria name, lived in rntil 1860, the man who. was ft her history ;an rectory of a pl and -mother of children, resides °creel, in an 10 Ilrost Australia KNIT. — Mideline girl who was trie,d y ars ago for the lover, L'Anaelier, = 0 = 1.11 verdict of not in been beard of. she ch:-AtIged her ivacy in England married a clergy- lly acquainted with now, lady of the , sant rural parish, family • of happy reSpeoted and be - and township of 1 AND .COMFORTIN knowledge of the overn the 'opera o rition, and- -by f /well selected co -idea our breakfa litely flavored be a S many. doctors' .azettf,—Made sii er or milk. Eac f.JAINTES & .hemists, Londoi pp's -Milky. Coe 1, ensed .Milk). BREAKFST----En eocoi---GEATEPUL "By a thorough natural laws which s of digestion and careful • application a, Mr. Epps has pro- -tables with a deli - age which may save ills."—Civil -Service ly with boiling wa- packet is Labeled -- Co. Romampathic makers of (Cocoa and. Con - CALL AND SEE THQMAS BELL, S CHAIRS, LOUNGES, SOFAS, CENTRE TABIJS, SIDEBOARDS, WHATNOTS, ..BEDSTEADg BUREAUS, - Looking Glasses 'and all other articles kept in First-class Crlinet Shops, which he is elling AT VERY LOW PRICES. A large reduction to partial.; bnying a quantity. itzaumntn, T.E11; SHOP, • Opposite TITO3LIS KIDD'S Brick Store, The Iramilton Ti;nes says.: An NEW BOOT .8i. SHOE Aim:ricau lady fund herself guilty of larceny the other day, under rather peeuliar circun.stances. She was ridiug in /I crowded railway car on our popu at rail W , rid occupied -a seat, with another lady passenger. Like a great many women of tne preSent day she --wore ends—her c wn bait, of course, but it wasn't taAened on fit rietty big to n attire's pro- u-catn in e. Iv and '-'11v, as the train :101 ted along, she felt something fall- ing about her face and neck, and in a serond, it flashed across her mind that her curls had beoLute detached. The prediVainent WaS L SIMCking 0110, but she endeavored to save her- self -as tlitteli as possible by gnietly irts:,ing the eapillaLry ornainputs into her poeket, thanking her stars Ulla, she was alny;st at her destination. At the stt.ition she hastened to the •dressing -room to repair clainapes to STORE IN SENFORTH. Et-Sz S C TT, (Lately of Glencoe„) "ITAYE ,IrST OPENED OUT a large stock of }1 Ready-ninde Ladies'. (1°e148' and C.bildron's BOOTS AND SHOES, • of every variety and style, which will be _sold at such prices ab will DEFY COMI'ETITIOli. All kinds of Fine%7and Coarse work made to order, on the shortest notice. Ib•pairing executed neatly, cheaply and promptly. , I I FLIST THE HURON EXPOSITOR, einemereirgerieemenesteneecermiterneteemetim. anz KoIs REI OITA HNSON. BROTHEAS HAVE REMOVED TILr-allt, STORE From the OLD STAND, to their W PREMISES MEYER'S BLOCK, DOOR Sounr OF Where they will be glad to see their old and many nsw ones. JOHNSON BE? Seafdrili, Nov, 6, 1871. friends OS. 205 REMOVED. REF4101 ROBERTSON Cabinet -realer and Undertaker, HAS REMOVED his ware-roonas to JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Mita -street, Seaforth, IWhere he has on hand a iitiptrior stock of ture of ;every description. CALL ,420.") .NE.E Er. lr" Int Ia.. L..' • Fund- • _ UNDERT.P.XING, • Haring p-irchased -Mr. Thomas Bell's 1-1 ARSE, I am prelim ed to attend funerals on the s °Acta notice, eithiT U town or coantry. . . Coffins, Sizes, Kept eonstantly oi hunch . SHROUDS ! SHROUDS 101 I4OBERTSON, CAITINET MAKER AND -11:\.#-DERTAKER, TO1n1S011'S .Old Stand, -..mtia street- Set/Jai-lit, has now on hand a good • aseartinent of whieh 1ic C tit rut-iiKt Eqleaper than they can be got elsewhere. 205 lter toilet, when beltold 1 ho mirror REMEMBER TILE STAND, DAtIVIEL EVI'GREGORo rel1ec:t(.4 r i k 1111! fliet tliZt to her cutis rn altIFFIT11 DAVIES' OLD STORE, • .7-7, BOOkbihDER, litiLLETTI Second door south of the Post -Office. TIA8 just received a iarrre Stock of the -a •were. in their proper position., and an examination of those in lie]- , . pocket Showell that, they were 1.1t/t he1s. but of a tiiffr=rent color, belong- ing to thc.1 lady who sat -by- her side materials used in the husi»ess, and. saa so for Yotirselven rind be convinced that •'• Bitri.iiins , is now tui. y prepared to execute on the .; are gh-en. 1 97 in the car. The • -- _ - _ . SI)T,Tfirt, SO. a,nia for Gf.n-itac.,1 Employ- , 7Lit'ile:1t)zg • Among our young RINI. there is sueli a foolish tluicy'for ".store-heep- irg.." fir elboi.ljiiig themselves into led 1) 01: for do- ing: which gives the pc:trawl.. _of gentility. even at the ptiee cf want,- tl.at those solid tint!. tlgriell I- t tin! wliich onr proF•Tt-iity. rs are net41eeted. There ale "gentle- men" ettottglr walking our '-t1 iC' 111.. CAGRI turead.,:tre ,c.s,triitents, tut:it with rue- ful and t•leje,•;_ed lenk, in seat eh • of - sittl:ttions, to sitppf:,..- IL 11 ;1 11!a1111- iFtetrrili:2; on'::::,ii‘-hitu•111-, if the3- but bad the skill. But tiv.v caimot ttren their 1 ft t 111:01-tif,teturinEc, .FURS, tli i. ittno f I1 kilOW10(11.1(.* Of Z111 V SO 1 11. ti d and usefitl. ltefort. Canathi. It ((11 the 111;1 11 11- faci.111`ing cult!' 111.'V titztt, il Shtellla ;MCI 111 a V be, our 1-out1„, men will Intve to 11 11 GI:at it, no cliegritee, but ratlier fl honor, to be master of some practi,al, 11st,f111, prodtietive .bitsiness—to stand towtid the coal- muni,,y In the attitude of 1 producer rtttlmr tlitn. a consumer. I-lonotttble distinction is to lie -won as a manu- facturer not less than as a merchant, At, ate ray wow ra,;,? e -3 N. -STREET, shorteE,t r oboe and in the I atttst styles, : all orders' he may be favoured with. - Registers, Ledgers, • AND I 1.1":-.2•INA..11_NITE-if. 3 0 k3., 01, ANY KIND, nil/1.3d P./if/tell and- Made To order, :m the shortest notiee, and a pziots which defy competition. LADIES' WORK BOXES AND A 57<1 Ch9V 0 4 o- Day .-Malic to ori;cr. 0 T) A Ni) Tii1X 1.1001.(S BLI-1•CLK: Brr--.PAL3; L'LT-41RED SIrA.W.LS, At, eity prices. • Persons at a. distance by le:tying th:.-ir bool..5 at the •Sto-re, Gederic.li, or at the ExPoIpo R -othee, Scaf Atli, or at J. 11. (lrant's, •ating yle, inay rely -upon • them beim -;vell bound. •- All corm iuntel.tions aduressed to the 4 • :NEW DRESSES ,) Seaforth, And a large lot of READY-MADE urn? erSic„on 1, will receive prompt -at ANIEL Eer0 It, • Cowstauce, P. 0, ullett. tiv. 0, 1870. .153-tfs— PRE ENTOR. WANTED. CLOTHING, 1,17-ANT.T.,-,n ortlu Catuula Presbyterian Charcb, Seatorth a Precentur. Applicants will bo required to ft ruish proper test3niumals, and to at-. 1 tend upon tri 1 for at least ono day. Salary, $109 per 11111111711. 11 applicittions to be addressed to the undersign ,d. 203 D-U1`..iCtie.aN, forth P. 0. 'Direct from England, Which will be sold very cheap. *.• •.• t. •••,.; ••••A **is FLOUR! FLOL -r-v-Avi-NO purchased and thoroughly refitted the -L-1 mills funnel iv ov.ne-1 by the :‘lessr.•,. 6C01112, 1 am now prepared to ittruinli FAMILY FLOUR, cond to N0-11.?, IN SF:Al-1'011TH, And that will : Compare favorably with :any in the Do- • minion,' If you want A 1 157 O r.25):,N1,:fito m following De Jerit and ask for MARSIIA I ..,0)-1.Linielubtr 11L...1115114.LL'S FLOUR.: i l ;W. SCOTT ROBERT80,N, J. . AVIIITES1 DE, SIMON PO Wl...;LL, JOHN- CA.VANAG II, ' NV.I.t.. THOM8ON, Egmondville, Or at W. MARSHA LL', ' Mills. . Orders left: with W. 8. BOB .ILTSON Iva be promptly attended to. • • . huties who wiah to • Exchange 1.77v heat for 'Flour, • Are certain to receiva proper quautif,y, and an arti- cle that will duly co/ ei.etit 1021. W. MARSHALL 185,tf . -1\ffPORTAN'E ” TO HOUSEKEEPERS. GOOD FLOUR! AT ALL TIMES. W. A. SHABA & co . y Proprietors of tho SIfi_AFOIZ,TII MILLS! Are now Alantifacturingtlie best •.1744. ce.. .1' A iS(TR.Ir PLO CTRS In- the Dinnirdaii.- - Int; inling purchasers in Se.s.forth and virinP7 elm r ly upon t oar Family awl, Pastry Flours front lie fulloNving3)eidurs, ONLY A.. M. St John Wa1.,.11.. James C. Lltitlitl\V, Ault, ho.1:8S ,T. 11, 211 CI . Jaelcsou. E4nnontiville,3ind at the Seaforth tthlern left at our oilier-, 3Iar1 tf. Sumac, will receive prompt at tention. • Farmers desiring- to czabange heirWhoat y for Flour, at the Brill, 3ray alisays rely upon gettili 1, our best Family 01 P Pastry Flour in exchange, in quantities according s to the value of their , W. A. SIIEARSON CO. 41, astt _8!1!.2!113°°1i/lr:f._itlia"3"Tht."4"'S!31"14,7-7.,,-L. GUELPH SEWING MACHINE Co. THE OSEORN CHEAP FARP413, FREE HOES. • ON THE LINE OF THE UN ION PA CI FIC RA ILR OAD. A LAND GBANT OF F2.000.000 itlp RES - OF '1.11E Beit Farming and Mineral Lauds in Aincriaa. 3,11,1.0(1/41,00 ,p,res of Choice Farming and Graz. ing Lauds On the line a the road, in the State of NI.EitASICA, in the Greet Plat NOW Fon SALE for cash or long ei*-lit. Th-* laniis are in a '21)ill t.nd and for grain-grawing l22i1 stru.1,-IttLing ultuuir- passed by any iu the -United Statt:r. •• Prices llangefrom 02 to 01 0 per acre. 14 0 7.11 ESTRA --FOR. ACTUAL SET'. FLERS. i.,1,1,500,01144) acres. of Government Lsral be- tween (baulk and North Platte, open for entry as lionnistembt only. Persons of lortign Birth are entitled to the Benefit of the Homestead Law, On dechnintt their intention to become cifizcnn of the United States, and inay tt-l-tdithemselven of this • provisim, inimetliately after their lorival. 1-L.:id ler the new editim of descriptive pam- phlet, with new maps, mailed free evely‘,.11..re. Address 0. P. DAVIS, Land Connuiheioncr 11.P. n. B. Co., 196-113t -0mAirA. :Nan. Unquestionably the best sustained • work of the kind in the World." WZ,TE./..e•• • Lock -Stitch Sewing MACHODS.E. Thousands throuo-br.ut Canada are now using these machines. They have been tested beyond all question, make the favorite Jock -stitch, alike on both sides, and. are pr normeed superior to, any other machine offered the public.. For wide ange of work, pe i fection, - beauty atrd 'excellence of mechanism, adaptability, strength and durability, The Osborn. Sewing. ,l/arkine Hag HARPER'S MAGAZINE NOTICES OF TUE PI1ESS. There arc few 12113 217j3fLflthc. 1.1 -which Mu 1'0113l'iragazine Nyould not be an appreciated an highly \volcanic guest. There is no mental tagazimi all intelligent reading family can hiss af lot it to be without. )..fegazines aro. acerthiu le tett Harper's is edittd. There is not a Ifitga vine thet which shows )llore •t21) pu11/8 ell,Przed (.21 its artirles and inecharical i....‘e- eutian. Th4.. L; et a ches;:er intigaz:ne pub- • 2.1erc is !let. cenfessetily a more popular da.zine in 1110 wo."1.1.-iNew A repository • of bi:-/grim/hy and history, litera- ture, science. and ;•1, unequaled by any otlier Attieriean The volatiles are i.s vainallo as a ine:-c worii of reference as any c'Sciopedia erin ;dace in our Harper's idagszine i8 a 1 mord - of irivv,./.1 everywhere since imur of its est:ibilshwel:t. Livingstone and lenasi.lier in Strain • among thti Audi 8 and ItoFt; the East, S'ntko 021 the rani Mat1grei.far t -ll ;in.` nll re- • cent' travellers of note 110,70 110e21 thOir 13101.11., D01'01211 dihetrittrieS produeed iu these pagus. -1111. t. 0 our piing r And roariv of our older writ- er; float here thei" Inerary tiogninhy, Our artists soo ht::*. evidences of their .1;enius tont the !mist eu,"'.uri:-.r, :#7,Eeei1/102iN Of their -work in the 3.104tazi:10.—C4rx York Stainlitril. ' It is (n.12 of the womlers of jourz.alisnt-the edi- torhtl management at .i....alper's.---ThoNation, N. Y. • improvelf:rdslIth:raall-e. lately been. enal)Iing •the manufacturers to. claim it as the ne plus ultra of Sewing ' machines, Hundreds of teithmonials are y being received daily from ()la as well as - new operators attesting its wonderful capabilities. • Will do all kinds of do,- . t raestte sewnig, tom e Ant:St elm /la SUBS CP,IPTIONS,- 1872. TEItIts: 4arper's Magazine, one .ycikr • .$4 00 All extra copy Of eith("I' the Magazine 'Weekly or :Lazar will Lt• supplied gritti,-; to every dub Crf iirt• 11117#1;Cribini; al, th) Cad], ill • one remittance; or, i1ixCopit s for t..1:10. within -it extra co,,v. 821Isi12riptions to Harper's Magazine, 'Weekly and ,tmax, to one address for ane year, 810; or, Iwo f Harper's Perio.licals to one address for one oar, :1,7. Back Nu*nbers can be supy:•lied at any firm.. A Complete Set of Harper'. Magazine, now cam- riFit.g :U.: volumes, 13081 el•Sh hindi*#g, will be *sit by expriss, freight at, expense of purehl.g.er, 01 24 per v010::#0. Singh. volumes, lir mail, postpaid, $13. Cloth cases, for binilling, -rig cents, by mail, postpaid. The postage on Harper's Magazine is 24 cents year, which ninst-be paid O.- the 1111I:scriber's post- 151-1.f. UNFAILING EYE PRESERVERS. r r.uz gun, proof of the naperiorit2 of -L- 5, MORRIS • Perfect.ed Spectacieu in the largo an1. iitercanhig de•aand. We are nati.Iied that they wonlil be tpprceibted Etre an elsewhere, anti fiat tire reality of the advantaccos .ifft red to wanrers of the Insatilul lensa.:, \Ir.: the caie and co:inert, the assured and readily ii.i...orialined imiirovennitit of the sight, and the antistiince they give in all eager, where in themselves so appa- rent on 'trial, that tit:, venult could not be otherwise than ban, th he almont general adeptiet. of the CE1,1r- • IIRATEI> ‘-'1,3/18 by the residt•nts of thinlocality. • 'With a full knowledge 1.1 the value If the assertion, we elaitp that they re the most ntrf,-•et optilitl aids evor ar....lufv.cturt.3.1. tht se ueeeinzt ...3liectaeles, in 0, It) a •Vi'd pprtiln it). of proccaing_ t e niont desirable, '.:11 0 IZ11 & CO. navii u:TGPat(-1 Agent. 'M. (X) (I -N naz, Sisiforth. CATTLE FAIR. CATTLE FAIR will be held heret:fter at LOYD'S .HOTEL, SEAFORTH, toepositi3 the Station,1 On the First A. fondav in each month, nEt4r,.."Niz4-0 ON ONDAIri 0a."12`01.ELEER 1U4'!. Large nuinla re of burera will la, in a ttenditnee, 111111 parties having stoelt laity rely on the ;/••al. mar- ket ;slam:, • In connection with Loyd's 'Hotel Mir iiitton'sl aru large and eirinniodious. tit...11)1as and IT141ILP.9. Irv1:1 K. p-1.1ITIES wishing MI= h...veit DPL1VER.ED AT THEIR RESID.1110ES, IN sE.t vvery weelt-da,v itiorninc, from (inn% JOIN B..W31113:7C, Nort. Load. Ntiveutlitr 11:, 111. CANADA PR.E.SaYTAN CWG- PI...CIL:NT. )7,T -r -sr *C.; r y) X- .•- ; JAIL k.4•• N,*(Irk win rce•••rv... i-vetv .1:y difforent i of the -JAN CHURCH. A l; ,for;; lir•i• 1%4:1 ()I1 111,14 eon- iti-(illertya,faiii.-t Fire and. 1.-- 2;:-. 01. 111°1-;(•'; 1'041 ." ije ":t1 ' )isaziti-r„ .1121,1„ Lin))) to the coarsest overcoat or upper leather., GUARANTEED TO 111: AS REPRESEN1ED? OR NU SALE, W.,1 ItnANTED FOR THREE YEARS. The Osborn Outfit is complete ant readily comprehended. Is sold at one- half the price hftherto charged for ma- chine:8 doing a like range of woi•k, the manufacturers being determined to place - it within the reach of every family - the country. .A. TniAL F.EFORE PURCIIASE will Con- vince that • our machines are un- equaled. THE GITEIPH REVERSIBLE, Machine °tiered to the publieLhence its' marvelous success AVM. do all varieties of domestic sewing: PRICES GREATLY- ; ' . liana Machine, with full outfit, $12; Treadle do., .$1.7. for;:e Each machine guaranteed. &4--3- Agents wanted everywhere. Splen•-• did inducements to make money. - Apply to • Ts pre-clinneatly the bit 8h -wk. -Thread GUELPH SEW/Hc r4AcHINE CO., G I' EL PII, CANADA. W. N. WATSUN, Agent, tiny. Address liARPER 111:0TITER8, New York. Warranted "A Complete Pictorial History of the Times." • The Best, Cheapest and Most Successful Parnily 1 PaT.,er cf the., T.unos, Harper's Weeklyi SPLI:NDIDLY- IL_WSTItATE.D. • NOTICE:3 Or MESH. The model uewspitisir of our country. Complel..1 h ail tia, depArtiaenta .of Attleliet.91:'Panill 113 - Per, ljn-IsPvl. I; Weekly 1184 er/rrod. for itself a ri.rht to the "A ,lourual of Co...11.12ation."--fNew- York Evil-A.13g Ilent. • The best -ptibileation of its (.:ifit; in America, and no far ahead of all fain r evkl: journals; a.t not to permit a any compaiisen 11e.iv, en it and any of their 120301 .21'. s caimans • e...main the finest col - lee, inns of ri-alling matt+ r ere 4 li S Most are urroerons ard beitig fitrubthed by the chief c.--•tists of the country.-- Bostun r. • Iftuprr'n We..kly is the bei.t. oral most intereat- ing 1u....w3-)..iper. 2111121' de -- pi nil wen/ iis i/I•Isirath us &elle. • Its r.suling matter is of a high order is lin rsry merit -varied, instructive, 'entertaining nner.ceptionable.- • SUBSCRIPTIONc:',, 1372.. triu•per's Weekly; 0110 year. $1 00 eltra copy Of eith/i• the afpgavine, Vii-ehly or Bazar will be seoplioil ;trails for every *lye subscribers at .errch, Olte re/matt:nee; EiX copies for 620; Without rxtra eopy.. ,mbseriptions to' Harp( r )11igazine, Weekly and to .--ear, $111; or 1 ft 1.)Pri rt! iral,• to Oil,. thla,....gs for one y#11.1.4e.7. Bark number,: erto 33/1-,,piloil at. any time. Th.., 1388-811 vt,ltrtue-; .....rper*S• Wieldy in neat cloth 101 la. sent r 3 -;pre•-s. froti #,f for :47 ttleh. A #t,-,-.+11ri:,te. 1i23.‘1' Vol!•11:,•t, 38. • <, .,',..•(•32t, (.1:2:4) rattt. pt -r . at c -o.. ••••.'iot• parehier. po.,tbre on 1`. 1,i 1:1f is ',10 rem.; a Y1281', mok PAW a: ill/. pout - ;Alive. 1 BitOrd.ENS,, STOVES, TINWARE AND COAL OIL. lur3 ju 3 r.. ,•lveil a In stc.eit t:### nixt„:110eture, wh:eh bee, eat: r1 -.1i 21:1, eile1.11./ as any in the tr301--. TR NI k11.1/:, consturtiy tal 1:41131:111.1 2•••• onlyr. 3 Also, Stove Pis, ri'rcu:;-b.L.;ig, etc. t it: COAC11.3 SEAFORTFL by the Makers. ) THE RT-5&.4EL WATCH For Durability. Quality, Finish and _Neatness, CANNOT BE EQUALED. A new stock of the above Watches just. • received. A -COMPLETE STOCK OF FINE GOLD AND SILVER • ALWAYS ON '1IAND. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of every de,.cription repaired with neatneSs and despatch, and warranted to give satis- faction. 5,000 worth of 01(1. Gold and ilver wanted, for whtelt the hi_gh4st price cash or trade will be paid. M. R. COUNTER., 179 Main street, 8earorth.. WM. N. NST..:k TS ON _ALWAYS 11A8 ON HAND THE BEST • SIEW/FIZAm IN TIIE MARK.ET, Eith:fr for Family use, or for Alatuif?...e- tiirm purpose:% Roth single -threaded. and ,double -t breaded, .and loex-stitch Machines eau he :•)upplied. Per -feet satisiaetion gndranteed, an& instructions given to peraltsers gratis. -as I ''‘.;1 110 „ 110.12 agaitt:i.t • (1..'41) :n1 iifii .4-11.,7eil13 l)t. With the s . d •atti171-, hu CI.,io.v3trpitotil abnttiigi.mAIni.i. et.innt afnotri #111t by ..1 1:l:•I:i.:;p121eIv-I,I 0,3, The rvincil (anada(('::nad-(a3 ) I. ter, Nt , .. cr, ter- Seaforili. Nov. 9, IS71. 1 11 exeLsi••. Co.! 7 ! 1)0, • • Ali F R L rcti JD E. ill- LATIL and i NCI 1.3,..;-, HE -niler,:iLzin.q1 hr.ve • on Ita-td at 1.110.r (»le half ini*,0 North of. ,1iedovville, a large sitoek of I kre Pine Ltilitlicr, part 0.1131/1t13 :.;5, itl I...tit ofis o. pr,...t.-Aal I -1 and 1-4 noorinz. '11.ey hav.e all -0 ou hand . 75,000 ft. of S tri Lath winch is warrnitt,11 first-class, and no 'Their Shing;ie ::',Rteltine will start abont the 16tit himant. after dare a plen- tiful supply of 811.1N4 be kept . on hand. Prompt attention givtu to ord:•rs from a distance. M. T. sAIITH. .Arril 12, 1671. 1-64f E.1,1.21k EtZlf 00-0 To LEND. T HAVE slm on band fcr trarity,,, at ti and • '21 i , 8. SEAPOTITTI, J111v- 1..)711. — .1I-7 A .R . Fon Chi 'Itt2, 1.tt No. ;:0,- . . _ , • -op 3.; 3,r 11;:1-- .1'er Elf 26' 41.;-; r*, •/; -431 .ti-' of .v1.: -it en- b t -.owe v..eit wit 1. 111- v" ,zr• • No i,•334,- laud: i It t.•.v, trt rem:" t13, -...,,it• -•11 it. °I. :•;• • the V. .1%," nruce wi..; sin oily iii• .if pt fly •tiot 141• It ,..t:t"4-1 t. 1-1 a 1 3 ,us thip.• fut-ii-r lara. apply to Tliz 1:i..rosnrut °nut St.,:forili. 14-4, 1b71,. . ; The 4:,sre 1Jistriet till (atie and • The Niaaara 1/i ztrict .3%1r:tut 1 his pocketh t !'a1'121.The Travell-rs cf Hartford, (Life and. Aczident.• ) PrUlliptig ATONEY TO LEND At mode: at• rat,,s of No com- missionoq . and ii...nses 111 Aerate. , ..:11 0 I.:XL; bou lit on e/ ) !Able term3. 160 - • - ; Tri DOLLARS REWARD. rinTr: e.bove rt-werl will 13(.. paid to any permin - -1- who will give to the muler*,ig.icil 31.1017 informa- tion as wit 103:1 14) tilt rt•e1/V1,1'2: of a huge CALF- ,- is:CIN POC:CET140021, -which was icit. in or nee/- 1 village of Wahmit on the tith of Noveinbt•r last_ T • 1 in bilis, two of which were $10 bins on the Itoya2 %mhi a n Bank. Also, a Note of Hand drawn by James Rt.:a:111=d Thiltlleti iTt itt1t4......of the : l.• i11X1 21t -I I PAU and $50 _ •--__._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • Roorits -rp LET. rpo LET, in Seott's Block, two commodious Ple0OrclE on. the necend tat. Apply to 195 McCALIGTLITy 1t norna-FtTED. - C. YEO, ALF C.f 1.11 °NEER, SEAFORTEri, Will attend to any Sale in the Co( -r. Besillestee-Boar of the Catholic Church. 195-26 1 undernigned, f4o. the EttIM of $45, :45 of which haya been ' paid. The public are • hereby eantionetl 1• against purchasing this note, (28 payment of Ilk* s1t1flegui..3 been stopped. I 206-I WILLI iNr BELL. •