HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-12-01, Page 1alliairaliff2111MIIICIANDXfalanama - , Nay. 24, 1 R71. MAI S FOR NOVEMBER AT — -7 jVINGSTONE'S /IINION HOUSE, A NLEYVILLE., scriber offers the following bargains 1-Zood4. ae.„ tor catite WILL BE GIVEN at the following KOOI TIVEln), COATS, worth front $7 to - ear ogee. Of unseasonable Tweeds and (latlift at ft, itt of ZkI per cent. from regular prices.,- hinz Prints,.itt 17 cents per yardc- worth t cents._ hoctingc,-extra. wide` Mt good,. worth 45, nits per yard, for '33:- to 40- cents:, zu Flannels, worth 80 cents- ffir .261centsLL. z.ntlimey rniOn mid All-woOl Flan - 30 per cent. diseortat from usual prices -- t of Ladies' Press Goods, too numerous, [wrote, at an immense reduction front - ;ices, lot of Ladies' Felt Rats for 25 cents orth 11 job lot of Litilit`S' Cloth and Plush oNE.Tiii„D, the usual prices. icliets, only :31 371- each- TENTIONI iexariee to obtaiu a good dress of the se Silk at 7,:; to -90 cents a yard, worth .ict's.,1 10 to 50 per yard. Also, f Boots MUT t4hoes, the remainder of stazek‘ett less than manufacturer's Also, :Bo-xes Young Ifyson TEA., large discount from regular prices, a at olive, at 40 inid 60 cents,. per worth 50 and 80 cents per lb- tim e ing bargains will 1. usual tz rms of credit lzr and Pilot Overcoats, and Pea ire of a felt' days, the follow- fe Dry tiziods will lit reeeizaat -.1resstin.b Ifiagispol Serges,- t'lau !Iibet itb, 1;lack flUesz titese t,fti lines:: quality es er brought Frititelt hit:At/PA, :./ 1}Ltin WiLwryt.i, Wattglirtad zdiss new esiiirte 1/rftwers„ Faupy wz ..z11 Hats. Caps, TsNL smoys. ';di first c:ass. DIZEP:RIEES„ &C., 'Fr sEAN )N.;' BLE ;0 /psi entie GSTON' 141. 17z...it :Ozer. 1.-.71. ,•••••••,, I. It e , a_tst 4 ' • lel _ a t : ` r .7 B...R0717.1-1ERS '11 I T ;"." • 1774 t-.-/ 1.111111111111.1111171111111=n11, 1-01L1.212111.E4. T.4). 51. ) 11.1. 10S. 5 at 'Alava V'xpo,5itor Is erra.rmi FRIDA.Y. MORNING, IX SEA -FORTH. TERMS.—i51.50 per yar in advance, or $2 at the end of tilt yetut. vertishaix- Races. ; Tim NsIEXI,`. First insertion, Per Tine, 8 units; subsequent in,. sertions, 2:cents each time, per line._ cenvri:AcT nATE. t tle. BY JO LN G. wirernee. Men eaid at ve u one wild ni Tell shrines of Before the fier pars : All is well ! - 1u the city fell ; irayer and marts of gain hurricane; - Oa threescore.. p: yes had sunset shene, Vsliere ghastly simile° looked on none ; WI en el assped ea i'other's hands, and said : The city of the west is dead ! toile eolnessi one year A60 ,00 Iera.ve Imarts ip fought, in slow retreat:, •• hale_ e . -- • - • • • • • - (X) The fientle of fi •e from street to street. " 8 months . • tIf• 00 Half ti -. one yea 1.,, ..... ,...... ..... .... ee, 00 Turned, pow et Ics, to the blinding glare, -, '7 hen e ... . _ .. . ..... : . .... 20 00 The numb deli; n30 a despair. " " e months 12 00 One-fourth one vear '-ill 00 .I- A. sudden impu St3 thrilled each wire r11at signalled•oand that sea, of :ire ;— 'Swif t words of cheer, warm heart-throbs e - came ; In tears of pit did the flame !' half ........... ..... 12 00 " " roonIhs, .... . . 8 00 - One-eighth oue year .......... . .. . ... i PO • 8.00 , 3 months _ .1. , . . . .. .... 5 00 One -twelfth one 3 cit.): • 8 .00 • 11" " •half 11°0 8 months S Busiwiss Oards,_fli hues and under, Pi year.. 4 00 Ad verti.zemen ts Of Strayed, Li :ht. Found. not exetteding 10 lines --;first month, $1; after first . mouth, 50 cents vault month. ' Advertisements cif FARMS Intel LEAL ESTATE ' • for sale, not exceeding- 15 lines--tirstnionth, :31 50; ; each subsequent nu:nth, 75 cents. • . - Births, Marriages, Pe;alts—Cfratis. Advortispments without specific directions wilt • be inserted ti1l forbiti, and charged -accordingly.. • M.:LEAN BROTHERS.. •• Myr.no Y. McLizixx, 1 . ;Nic LEA i • :maw., t BUSINESS DIRECTORYj • 1, U.:117)11CAN.. • DENTISTRY, --J. G-. DLI4L, Micenti e of Den- ; tid seaweed le•es to announce to• inliiibi- taufs of S-taforth and. kUTO meting iittfy, diet eel hes eieseel flflotnee for the practice of Dental -Surgery iitJ.e rooms formerly occapied hv George Harris. Dentist, where he will be prepared 'to do all , kinds of work ex.pc led of the profession in a satis- factory inpuner and on reastinebielerms. Omeg.IIoilis—Frout SA.. NI: to 6 P. M. ISO !. From Ea.st, fro I West, from: South and , North, Shel messages hope shot forth, And, undernee, h the sevenn r weve , . The :world, fulls hencled, leached to save. • Fan- eeemed, th (ld'; but fairer still The new the di , 1-y void shall fill, With deafer ho s than tilosd o'erthro wn For love shall 1 3 each °Other -stone. ' • Rise I stricken lii y Ia---from thee throw The asheu saele1c oth of thy woe a , , And build-, .as J. i i bes TO-Amps-41es strain To 8011gS of eh e thy walls egain. . ,. s',:jiess Is ' part, i How shrivelled thy hot di The primal sin if selfishness How instaut to take th The angel in th uman heal ! not in yaii tilie flames t let tossed Above thy drei (nut holocaus The Christ again has prOael - thee The Gospel of inanity! ;. cid through , DAVID etITeettee,T.„,,4_ D., Gradinite of -Vicki- T „ hen tilt Once i lore t ny to were On ;! riik College, Physi'cian, Surgeon, etc., ete.And fret with piree the western sky, • ExxurnNt, ONT.—Corimer of the County of game- To tell that Go 1 is yet with us,- - °thee and residence, at Thompson -a Staulvy's. AdTh- is stil reiraculnes ! 11% It. • SMITH, Physician, Surgeon, eh,. (Mice—Opposite Scott Robertsen's Grovery; Main street, Seaford:. • - - TAMES STEWART, M. D., C. M, Graduate o: rniversity. )(on treat, Physician, Sun eon, ete. Offire wad. Residence--Brticefield. T_T L nittc0E. N. D., C. M., Phy:iician, Sur - goon, ete. Office and Reside:we. eorner of Market and High streets, in rear of Kidd's store. ,A RAMBLE IN SOUTH HUROt lof the Li4tOwe1 _Banner. hort sketch of a late . Crotrespoitdence Perhaps zi! ramble in the so -nth -western parts of On. tad°, 'nay intetest'some of your readers a Having ei kisure thee: and bein anX ORS to vit the neighborhood of. Lake Huron, amd thereby comply Nvith an, oft repeatecl• invitation of friends in the township oe Stanley, I in • company with my help -Mate and children, and. ,,an older relatiOn.,- resolved t� take ad - ...vantage of the good state of the roads, and ate uncoremon dry weather which We were ,Aijoying, or rather suffering, , • - during the last, week • of October made etretions for So doing. On the morn- -Mg :of the 27th, we took - an early 'start on oar journey, nel while the neighbor- . hood was still w ,apt in slumber, We 'pass- ed the new-boeil village of Pahnereton and between -ale hours of five! -and. six . arrived in the village of Listowel. „Here 'we stopped a s ,ort time at one. of ite fine hotels, to lest our team ,and warm ourselves, for ale . Inernirig was cold and 'frosty-. The m ion was sink in,g -in the -FIR. CAMPBELL, Coroner for the County. Office angIlesidynce. over Corby's corner-storeblain street,. Scaforth. (Mice hours, front 11 to 4, each day, lizud oil day Saturday. • 159 McCAUGHEY HOLMESTED, Barristers, At toriwys itt Law, Solicitors Chani.ery -and Insolvency,- :Notaries • Publie awl Conveyancers. Solicitors for the II. C. Bank, Senforth. Agents for the Canada Life Assurance Conipan v N. 11.—i$30-,000 to- lend at 8 per cent. Farms, Houses and Lots for sale. - .53 — • — TIEN:SON a MEYER, Barristers and Attorneys at Law, SOlicitors in -Chancery and Insolvency, Conveyalict•rs, Notaries Public, ete. Olhees—Sen- forth and Wroxoter. Agents for the Trust and Loan Co. of Upper Canada, and the Colonial Seenrities Co. of Louden, England. Money at 8 por cent. ; 110 coitattission charged. .r.ts. unissox.- it ; W.- t". MEYER. H°T.E4- . Western horizor , and the first rays of -1C-NON'S HOTEL. (Late Sharp's.) The under- signetibegs tiz thank the public for the liberal patronage awarded to hitoin times past iii the hetet business, and also to inform them t has -again resione(Flaisiness ili dat above stanch, Where he wil1. be happy to have a call froni old friends, and_ many new ones. .11110MAS KNOX, . . am:ems OF -WALES HOTEI., Clinton, Opt., C. J. McCUTCHEON, Proprietor. First-class .aci oral -Limit t ion for Gra s Tin Liu. is sup- plied with the very hest liquors ane cigars. Goott etehling itttaelesl. The stage leaves this House every day for 1Ving1icitt. 201-4t RITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL, (foiled* On t., ,T. CALLA WA V, 1411•1111`1(401' ; J. s. „. of Americatalote(, Warsaw, N. Y.,) "Manager. This hotel has recently been netvly furnished, .and re- fitted throughout. and is now one of the most ewe- fortable and commodious in thy PrOVIUCC`.. (-kaki • 8attUttle Rooms for Comme•rcial Travellers'. •J.. Tunas 128 of Aurora .begaeto appear in the ees • when we left Jist,rwel, andtook the road toward N. -wry. , This • place we • passed .at an e -hour, and without meeting- -with . ny mishap, -or seem hintch worthy os -notice, we areived a .the viilage (if -West-Monkton; where we T remained an ho ir t9 Iced and rest. was ri.,ear the hot r of noon when we e -r I need in Mjtcli1i. Th -is is rather straggliug but pretty place, and contain ; a munbee of large public buildings an ; many comfortable looking private ones here is also a, station of the Buffalo an Goderieli Railreads We did not ,sto here, bat taking the Huron Road, Whiel • we found lunch .1.etter than the ono. w had passed, we hi.- tened toward Se-aforth ten. miles further west. Nearly paidwa3 between Mitchel and Seaforth, is Car ronbreok, quite a smart pl.ace, -where. al So is a tailway s ation, At Seaforth w stayed a consul -enable tirn.e• '1 us th lEAFORTH, F1 MI AY, at vork nutting drif tweed. whiih he load- ed lite a one horse wagon. were boti., from their appearance, !evidently Frencle . FOr a few nionicets f stood oe the high bank of the lake galeing with del.gut on the evikl scene before -me. Th wind was high end pieeping cold, ane .emning from the west (tensed the wives to dash furiously on theibeach be- . POW]) oil the marein of the waters, to Which .1 soon descended, WO,S path - Way of stones. was not s?ifficiently Yereed in Geology to be aole, eeientilieal- ly, to distinguieb one stoee from another, but I could see that there wati a great variety in size, shape and color; some specimens of which carried away as monies tore of my first vient to the shores of Lake Huron. There -was little to repay the -researches of the ornitholo- gts , visiting this region, at this season of the year. A pair of ospreys,. hover- ing above the -Waves, and a fel flocks of paheipeds, evidently ,of the b ack duck spe aes, were all of the feathOred trihe the; met ley view while ram Wine 011 tile shoes Of the lake. I walked. ome tanee on the sandy bettele aed two or 1 three times came near being drenched by I the. dashing w Ives. I then asOended the high Euff and sat down to' cnjoy the ; scenery, but as far as the ye weld I -reach, in a westerly direction, nothinu. 0 , mei my gaze, save the (lends' ky alieve : and the foain-crested wafts b 'mettle or did a•soUnd 'fall upon the ear (xcept the ; murmuring of the wind and he hoarse 1 dashing of the waves on the. ime•-worn ; shore Having geatitied my et rioeity at the time, I -retraced my steps t4ward the ; -Goehen lines The coneessione these.' townships run hiorth and south, parallel ; with the shore of -the lake ; they are 1 commonly known, not by their muebers, but by their names,—such as the Sanble line the Bruneon line, the Goshen line, the Babylon Inte, and, the Parr ; theee 'manes were hest conferred ufron- tliein by 'nen named Foster, W.110 l‘ttS emcee the early settlers in this pert of 0 the eountry. al" evening eve went to 1 ECEAMER 1 1871. ^ "..1T 11111011.'111:ItS, PaRklEfater.s. 50 •a Year, in advance. iiila.V.:$110aqtyoir-tz-r.v.vermamvtillET`r`%—z-V.1=02r ,111.1 fiiStar3 saluting each other on the •heek as they •Mitered. The writer coe- tinnes : The servi ie commenced abont eight 'clock with singing a hymn, after which lengthy prayer was delivered -by (me the brethren. in a mostentitsrammetiet teener. The Chief Sister then began t tiliNer a long dieeourse, taking her tex f 'ow the Book. of Ilexelat She MAt? t iateshe wits the Bride of Chriet, Olathe derstand• Messrs.. Henderson eve Bostwick are the prineipal creditors. 'What chance. have honest trader -sin (;oderich tory Time.i. -- Our exelian ENS speak of anew swi nds oi line game,' which coneiete in an a.nguennit- tie calling a. a ;louse anti diphLving ber Lf sealed envelopes containing sain- t, Ties of silk, merino, etc., collect- " -nig twenty-five -cents for a choice, and r promisine Bcnil. a (liess pattern like o the samples in the envelope chosen for 0: the small sum of one dollar ; brut neithee Y man nor theee is 'ever seen afterward, a 1 Our readers should look oat for these n swindlers. • t • ody would. never be creeierieii o t rave, that she had. already died one t tat her existemie now was entinl , nritual, never. feeling aches or paint ud that Christ, wonld be sure to come i 1 (sr thee, and before very- long. . \\Ills t ris was going on, a, poorly. elnel au ( irty-looking boy—who evieS stamiing e eral of- the table - fell on the Boo a )Cl cetamenced kiekine and &Ingle about in a most wild. matinee, but no m tee was taken of him. 8. ion alter this eirlabont 13 :or 14 years of age Was s -reed to apparently faint. .She ben) a Ilene the " curious," an iedividual WfIS out to kad her outside, as he said, to give- her air ;" bat the peeacher en - t eated her hearers " let her alone, aid be silent, svhittever might happen." 1 WU then carried; by one of th b •ettrren to the platfm•m, land there seat O le and in a, very few mil utes began t t die of her boots, _ proceei to the opei s we, kept purposely for the denotes: ' a id danced about in a veils peculiar man n r, at the same time thelwine her arm . , — The farmers in the vicinity of Done- gal, in the Township of Elms have' tin- edual threshine ;tad have realized a r ,e, plentifel supply of all kinds of grain. r, s he crops in that eeighlee.bood..1 are the best reaped for many yeare. The quality ts also good,. and will (rotrimand the • est price in the • market. ltoot crops g have not done so well. Potatoes are al- nost a failure. lhirnips, however 'wil scarce. - he average crop. Water is still very —The potato crop this year has been e almost ft total failare in the Townships pf Arther, Luther, Proton, and Egre- o mont. The frosts of June and •July de- troyed the 21t1.1 ts as fast tliey showed leneselvee above: the ground. Wheat, _ there- locahtese, was but a middling s Crop ;barley, pool. ; oats and. peas enly faire—Cattle, cousideriug the dryness o:f s the season, are in better order than mild he looked for. TOO crop of pork will be flatly larger than usual, scarcity of feed s -enlivening fiu•nier3. ti) kill and. eel' even _ In the face of law:prices. isi anether couein who resided two ; mil s further north, on the Goshen line, and the next day, the 29th, we ha,d. the I - plea sure of listelling to a discourse from A ye ung Indian,' of the Tuscarora tribe, wht is going thrmigh a. course Of StInlit'S pre' aratory to entering the ministry in com cation with the churtl of ngland The el neonnn on occasion brough out a keg- concourse of people, so that the nea little church, on the Goshen, was. filled to overflowing, and it was certainly plea ing to'seean nidividual belongingto r;ve the vast majority of which are still smik in ignorance and barliariem, mot frying such a, position, and. eddress- ; n audietice so large and. respectable. Nos day, the 3061e, our liost tank his tean and brought us to anther relative who resides several -miles further north,. in C )(tench township. We took, how- ever a very circuitous route insorder to visit Bayfield—a pretty 'little village, situ ted on the lake ehore, at the Month of ti Bayfield River, which forins the a rout and uttering a virgang ;gam( f (en the threat, whieh wee described a a language givee by God end only under s ood by the membere, wliilst the boy 01 the floor ec-as kicking. -anit -clapping Ili hands violently, which was also respond ed. to by the girl, who eftee dienein about for some :minutes fainted, and fel into the arms: of one of the brethren. This was repeated several times, wheii near the close Of the service some seven oe eight boys, girls; am se omen got up and began to dance' about in the same way, the sisters catehing hold of eue or two of the brethree, pulling them into the arena taking their coats ,and beots off. and uttering the sole discordant sounds, which, if real, was one of the niost ridiculnuir exhiliitions ever seeo. After the service one or two parties lu- te; rogated the leader asi to the e:criptur- a teachings of these manceuvres, but she a tinily eva,ded the questiole On tieing p essed she said, ." Did not David dance ked before the Lord ?" and also that b fore the coming .of. Christ -most m raculous things worild take place, and " who knows but what this is one of en -i?" which was said in a Pythonie toiie g —17he el /nes a)id. ReKetr regrets til" 1. heve to record an accident to a well enewn resielent of Lucite, on Saturday 'est, and which had a fatal termination en Wednesday morning. The name. of the depeased was Wm. Tennant. - e was in Goodacre'e Cabinet factory sawing a ooard with a circular saw, when a piece of the board flew off and struck him in the abdomen. He was carried heme, Mt the injury he austamed proved fettl- ed after much enffering he expired. em Wednesday 'nominee DeceaSed \vas a man between 50 aid' 60 yea) s of age te tli st Canada. — The Mitchell village Council con - plate abolishing the market fees in it village, Many ot the business men enilfly oppose !the moyellient. — Mr. Wharton Hodgson, ot in the township of Ilibbert, recently len dery between the townships of 1 buil calves from Mr. ames Davidson, ittechased two thoroush-bred Durham Pickering, one -! costing • $100 ,and the other $200. Mi. William Wurdeir, of - the Same township, has recently purehe s one of these fine animals from Mr, dgeon. Stan ey and Goderich. This villagehad at el e thee been the chief marketing and milling place for the early settlers. The man who built the first mill here receiv- a ed a, t, gran laed Yalu ,.boon tPlruirnsl iii 1] a bonus from the Coven t imen a of ten- thousand acres of the wild . in the vicinity, so little was land - at that period, and so great a h was a mill to the. setacre jin those an vat times. The wharf, built in no an 1 perseverance. tunes, and which isnowalmost in , :said to have cost the eounty It is stated:that the timber on over t one 1 undred thousand dollars. The eon- - struction of the railroad to Goderich has Perth has been rendered utterly f uNseollets131 a givel almost la death blow to the cone. by the fires of last - This deniiptiOn 8 mere al prosPerity of Bayfield, though of land has, in ceneequoneo, coesiderably d it 12,s still, particularly in the. raiSel in value. wint r season, a- large trade in _a_ ehe Harrison, of St. m arys, has d fish. Leaving the village, we 'purehased the flax mill in that toWn, to- • -Boring in the Waterloo salt well now reached a depth of about 1,280, 1 in the Al itehell well1,800. and Still salt. There is nothing like patience 311,0' E /ALAIN ED US. (N. OODING'S Banking and Exchange Office, , - • • 1 !A xtouuntrsoN s ;tttore, Ncatortn. 'coven- *: betas Antericnn Silver, and Drafts -bought and ` 'Good 'Farmer's Notes discounted and purchased. 191 JOHN WADDELL, Agent. , yr A. SHARPS' LIVERY SALE STABLES. • Ofinie—At 2ifurray's Hotel, Seaforth. Good - nurses and first-elass Conveyances always on hand. • LIVEBY STABLE, MAIN STREET, Seaforth. First-class Borns and Carriages always on hand at reasonable terms. L. L. SHAM', Proprietor. JOHN BRIGHAM, Exchange Bro•kor, find Bail- `?" way Ticket Agent, Houghton's Hotel, opposite 0_ T....ltailwav Station, Seaforth, Out. Through - 'Pickets _issued' to all points in the Western Stnte, 7 CarifOri 41 and Bed River. at reducel rates, affording t he greatest facilities to Emigrants. All neeessar,y information gi3 en respecting Land Agencies, etc. Creenbacks, Bonds, Coupons and =current if1old, and Silver Coin, bought and sold at ratt:;. 1' It. COOPER, Conveyancer, Commissioner in ‘-`," Quovit's Bench, Int,urat ICC. G1•11.(`Fal Agttrit; Agent for the following Fire, Life and Accident in- mirance Companies : The Beaver and Toronto Mu- tual and du. Western Fire insurance Companies, the Reliance Life.Assinanee, t Hartford .A.c- vident Insurance Company. \CONEY TO 1.0AN on real ism te security. _ All orders. by mail or otherwise promptly attend- 4al to. office, opposite Boss' Tailor Shop, NLE VI GLE. . VETERINARY SURGEON ---FRED. COOK, of 11EiZtOitii,o ould respeetfully inform the poi die -that he has- taken up his residence in the village of • Beintoro. where he will be happy to attend tp ma At mt Idol in his professional capucity.-*Mr, . Coon has atteulc.1 to se% end eases of both horses 0 ud cattle which were given no by other practitioners -and (greeted perfect eurczs, xvhicit can bit proven lzy certificates signed by over 900 gentlemen. For - tt•-•tintoni tls see lost ers. Ur. -COOK will .ttt tend tit Ainleyville in thy fore - 3[011[1 al Id at tlyz ,Town Plot, in the Township of ttfiatelitifit.;;I:ii,iiirzi of the fil.st and Lord PAVf 186 - - - - - - CHURCHILL, VETERINARY SVRGEON % Mt -tuber of the Ontario 1"i -textuary College,j. to nth:lute to the inhabitants of Sertforth und surrounding country. that he has opened an a otte, Seafinth. where he May be consuited per: 1 ronolly or by letter, on the Diseases of Horses, Cat- . f "(1", Having re,a, ived a regular and mat-tic/11 education, mid having been awarded. the D ploina or the Veto- inary Collilfe of Olitario, T. J. Chi rehill Ort"ry confidence of gising satisfaetion to all c who may employ him- Kre PENc•ns --A.-Smith. V. 8.. Principal ia xio Veterinary College; Pfozfossor Buckland, Pr. Thorburu, Dr. Bien 1, and M. D., & V. S. fi Veterinary Medicines cons tant,!y 011 hand. -\:11 calls promptly atten led to. , .0.ftica---CarmichauFs notil,Sealorth, 18 -2 -Sze P Cross el a bridge which - spans the Lay- uether with the farm of 100 aeres u "on field e watt. _ tratfoad huntsmen, last week, ed oderieh township. Just at the while hunting ie the township of mout 1 of the river, mi the mirth side, succeeded in shooting tWo deer, a buck - 'Ire were shese-n a beautiftil gr"e' and doe; at one .shou with a double bar- - mantling a fine view of the lake,. which is ruled (run. • , 0 much resorted to in summer by pie- t' largest, halide= ket, thost compacb apparently the Most flourishing place w had yet -seen on -Our journey here is al so a railway stathm, two salt manufac tories, besides, out' and other mills, several large and handsome churches stotes,• hotels and other buildingst. Leaving Seitforth and going m a souther- ly direction, We. passed through Egmond and after contunung this route fol five or six :miles, we turned westward; our:destination ben% the Goshen line, m . . the township ,of Stanley. The shadee of a cold nilit gathered around while .we ''ere yet several miles distant, and as the. road we were now travelling was unknown to its, the lest hour of journey was-anythine but pleasant ; but on 'reach- ing the residence nf one of our friends, we found' a comfortable lodging and a hearty welcome. Next morning to gratify a low, felt desire, I took a lonely walk to the lake shore, which was some four milel distant. The road thither forms the boundary line between the townships of Stanley and Hay ; the country an both eides is undulating, and in some places it rose into hills ; oe the top of tliese emieences the farm build- ings were situated and the slopeg. crown - e(1. with orchards. On these farms there AS.13111Gh plowing done, but the soil 'was poor.. for every shower takes some of its7 iches down nitro the flats and creeks ; mil consequently - as -ite agi-iceltiu•ale weary it has seen the best of its days. •h•oni what remains ni the forest it is •vident that this locality waS Once thick - y covered wish hardwood timber, but vith the exception Of the apple trees all "attire was divested of its summer tan- go. and ehen these showed signs of laving beee kissed by the midnight rosts. 'and Shook -by the autonnt winds. is 1 :troy near the lake, I saw a. column f emokeariSnig in that direction, which aueed me to hope that a steamer was at nchor there, but on approaching the auk 1 found that the smoke emanated -t,ii a linte-kiln, where a woman was ngaged putting wood into the furnace, nd at a short distance her husband was. River near wliere it mingles its which. it stands, for the sunt of $15,000. s with those of the lake and enter- , e • nickel's and other pleastue seekers. The — 4 man by the name of Pakman re - 1 scenery through which we pa,ssell ehee----cently died very suddenly at Park Hill: After death, the deceased looked very 0 crairse of the (lay diffeeed little from that • of hteuley township ; the sell in eome i c•like, .and aftei the interment had - places aeis sandy -loam, in other placeS taken- place, and the people about to re - stiff clayIn the evening e took tire from the graveyerd, it 'Was suggest very , w the road through the villaee of Varna, ed by sonic one present thatthe deceased might be in a trance, and the grave was and travelled a few miles . on one of the . best. gravelled roads 1 have ever seen, at once opened and the cola* disinterred. ' • and the next day, the 31st, we were 1)r.j Caw was sent for who declared that l ' again on the road for -North 'Wallace. ife was quite extinct. fle-interment, lies -MM. E. ' 110 ever, did not take place until the NO ember -,1871. e Peculiar Peeeplejudgment has at length been given loll wing day. in he contested: .election cases of East ; . an( 'est Toronto. Theelection of Ev ry now and thee one catches a bot 1 the candidetes,a--Mr. M. C. Career- ! glimp., c in English papers of a, sect called on, for East, and ..)1r. Crooks; for West, • i the Peculiar Veople, who are known in is 8 /steeled, . ! secular ways chiefly from the police re- . _ On 'Monday, last, nhile two young , ports, where they figere as. opponents to - me , named Crooks and Boag, :of Dim- - • . offijia veccinatien, and as conscientious i das Were preparing for an afternoon's I .. object -H.8 te any species of medicine sport at shooting, the forme, in the net whate -els as being an interference -with of loading his gun, carelessly held his • Divin , Providence. In a,4iecent number I 1 th muzz,1e, an(1 at le same e of the London Record, however, we have 'an "er allo itt hist been so fortunate as to find what , lc seems to be an authentic report of the It battering .his hand fearfully. -- -The Beacon says : It is a notable red the gun drop on the platform. gen being loaded and capped went devotional chatacteiisties of this obscure body. At South London it appears they 'lenience that the oitaeaoe of seri rture heve t chapel, at• which services are " held a 1 day en Sunda.y and on the even- col sele •ted by Rev. Mr. daepherson, of ings o Tuesday and Thursday. This stir chapel is one of the arches of .the Lon- Tina don, Chatham, and -Dover Railva-ay. The en° 'Seats are composed of rough planks, that 'he tford, as the text of his discourse on ilesownig Day was the same as that en by the Lord Bishop of Toronto ou awe occasion,—"Oh that men a mild prai e the Lord for his goodness, and for are ra sett. at irregular heights from the his vonderful works to the children of tioorine. 'The place is (tinily. li,ghted men." Nor a ere the deductioes entirely up, an 1 has a very damp smell. In the f the _platform is a long table. Signal ing the shape of a carpenter's A. Mr. J. Robertson, -with little ex - bench, whieli is covered with brown pen •nee in trade and without it knowl- -paper, on which are placed the hats and edge of accounts—who kept no reger ul table aid the first row of forms is an abm tit year ago, almost without capital, ailed a kH w weeks since., is assets ently, known by the name of the area bou t 82;500. including book accouute, of death,' which the members his ia,bilitiee tebout His' stock '1) ee through -before they are pro- of die- goods is said to be in good order, 1Pure t 'hristiaus I' On the aud. vas sold to Alr_MeIn tyre Lucknow diss bonnet- of the members. Between the boot s --commenced business in Goderich open space for the dance,' to be deserib- and ed pr'e 'dance have t( nounee day wl cord vi t Wen ty en the correepondent of the Re- for ited theplace there were perhaps be eh members present, the brothers man 0 per cent. ; the greater part is to 111 upon the premises,. and the re - der removed to Lueknow. .We un- — It is rumored that a change in the perxonnei of the dry goods fine of Kerr, Brown & McKenzie, Hamilton, will shortly be announced. -- The Great Western Railway Com- pany are having a survey 'Lade of the proposed Bralitford and Norfolk Line, -with the view of placing the matter clearly before the English Board of Di- rectors. This railway. will be a continu- ation of the Brantford ami Harrisburg!' line, and would connect the Great West - with Lake Erie. — The Monetary Times'(a paper, by the way, which t•very business -man should read) gives .4 list of five or six recent failures and ascribes them all to bad book-keeping: — On Friday of last week, a respect- able fernier named John Johnson, who resided at Queenston, a short distance from Newmarket, was shot dead by a lad named 1 miss, about nineteen years of age. It seems that Traviss, who had been waiting for an opportunity to kill his victim, was riding in Johnson's sloigh with him, wheit he committed the foul deed. He made his escape, but wee_ soon captured, and after being tried by a Coroner's jury, was committed to jail to await his trial. The cause of the murd- er is said to be that Johnson had spoken disrespectfully of Traviss to a young lady to whom the latter was paying his addresses. — Mr. Thomas Robin, of Toronto, late editor of the Canada ,S'coteetan, has as- sumed the editorship of the Kincardine Re,porter. get hold of 88,000 in cash belonging to the filth Qt` f one of them, and escaped with it to petroit, where they lived high for a day ler two, until the defrauded father arrived when they had to disgorge. ---- A. joint stock company has been formed to start an extensive brewery in 8trathmy. — The *St. Mary's papers are at war just now. One of the editors is suing the other forlibel. This is very wrong— 'CllitOI'S, 3 on [now, S1i(iUl(l never let their angry passions rise." The 17dette and the Arges are both very fair papers, bert it would be better for the former to cast new rollers for itself than to cast it- self into a libel suit. Three boys in Toronto managed to Ramsay, the clever editor of the. Orillia Northern Liqht, is the Reform candidate for North S.i)1ieOC, for th 140081 Legislatere, in opinsition to Mr. Ardagh, the Ministerialist, whose election was - recently declared void, owing to illegal practises having been indulged in. --- The ;Woodstock Beriew says " In • a certain town not many -miles removeil from Woodatock, a couple ot Staulays ago, in 8 Presbyterian Church, something of a scene took place. It appears that 811 intiument was pnrehnsed for the use of the Sunday- School, bet was not uti- . treed dunag the regular service in con- nection with the church owing to ohjec- h tions on the part of many of the mein- bers. However, on the day alluded to, as th0 miflintcr had an itou need i n ten - tion ( fhs. c'specialr the scholars of the eehool, anti the fronp part of the edifice _had been reserved for tlieir irse, it oue o be out of place to call into requisition the assist- ance of the organ. In due time the services were commenced ; a Sabbath School hymn was gie-en out and the in- strument ptaled forth ; when up jumped several prominent members-- anningthem a Senator of the Dominion—and immedi- ately left. Now We have not the slight- est difficulty in understanding the eon- scientious' scruples of the majority who are opposed to the introduction of this kind of music in churches ; but in this instance we are informed on excellent authority that the parties mho departed from the sacred. precincts in such high dudgeon are favorable to the use of the organ in the school. And being good • rezneseseneolisesseaaesee for t e Sabbath school, what harm i$ there in employieg it (luring the regular serv es of the church? Hit is pernicious in on - case, surely it must be equally so in th• other.' grand railway banquet ie to be — given in Orillia shonly, in celebration of the e anpletion of the • Toronto, Sinicoe, and - 1 tallinka 1Z ail way to that village. Mane of the railway dignitaries and other prominent gentlemen of the Pr(iy- ince - tre expected to • be urestnit on the oceaS on, and a grand time is anticipated. —, he by-law granting a bonus of 850,0 /0 by the city of HinDilton to the 1 lianiilton and Lake Erie I:ail-way, was carri (1 on Friday last by a vote of 582 to 21. . -- V young man named Bellew went into he telegraph office at Ottervill2) and s selking up to the stove fell on it Be ev is immediately picked up and found to be dead. _Heart disea,se is said to be the ch use of his death. —'' lie first heayy fall of snow this seasm hi Alanitoba, occulted on the 19th — - Ir. C. E. Smith, son of Sheriff Smit] , has been installed as ;Jailer of ,the B 'ant County Jail. Mr. Smith -was ,for a time last summer a resident of .8oafo •th, being partner in the firm of Smitl Sr, Jaekeon, which purchased thaeviiesit.ocie in -trade of Mr. Griffith —A Mrs. Dorman, in the township of Adelaide, ewallowed a row of false teeth whit. asleep. one day lately. With con- si( mak trouble and by the aid Of medi- cal. issie'tance the artificial inaelecators were removed from the lady's throat and shet ecovered. — 'The `Waterloo .Mutual Insurance Com sany seems to nein a good. condition - From the report of the past year's opera- tion. it appeiu•s that the...tote]. nuniber of polkies in force is 11,483, of which 4,- 925 Vero issued during the year eliding Nov. 4th, jest past. At the pi ese u 1, time the- amount insured is $8,854,818. Agai st this premium notes ate held ag- greg, tin,,o- $290,698.12. As people are .aware, fires haee been more numerous this season than has usually been the case, and the company has paid 833,876- 81.: iii losses. To meet thie amount not only was it unnecessary lo increase. the ordinary assessment, but a bal.:nee is avail tide in the bard: of $14,030.14, be- sides unpaid assessments; footing up i some :317,835,67 more. — Dr. D. Clarke, of Princeton, has a ',eau •e on "The Conflict of Aees " which he 1 delivering before the Mechanics' leviiiitsieti le,.tes and kindred societies, this .— Rey. Mr. Thompson, was ordained pastor of Knox Church, Ayr, last week_ 'The foliowing ministers- 'assisted on the oeca4on; 'Rev. Messrs. fCochrane, Rob- ertso 1, McMullen and Hume. -a Mrs. McClurg, of Lobo, the cele- brate 1 butter maker of the west, has since the middle of May, from fifteen COWS, packed down nineteen kegs of but- ter, ;contenting 1962 pounds. Three kegs 'went at 23 ets. and the remaining -sixteen kegs' she sold at 21 cts. per poun thus realizing $424.02 out of her SIMI) er make, besides what has been daily consumed amoeg thirteen of a family. This lady can Some into London market any day and command from four to five cents a pound over the higheSt price going for every pound she has for sale. Farmers' wives, how is this for high 9 Kelso Ram Sale, The annual sale of rams, chiefly Bord- er Leicesters, came off at Kelso. on the 8th of September. There was a large at / tendance of buyers, a magnificent show of sheep, and good average prices were rettlized. As usual, the Mertoun and Mellendean flocks—the former owned by - Lord Polwarth, and the latter by Miss Starki--were far ahead of all the others. The h'a . me( ne year was . £115 fel- a spleudid Alertoun ram, destin- ed for Australia. This is the highest priceithat has yet been -leached. Previous tothis year's sale, f109, the price of one of the Mellendean flock in 1869, had. been the highest sum paid: The average of Lord Polwarth's lots this year was -€30 10s.; that of Miss Stark s, 128 15s. 8d0 The two leading flocs:8 evidently maintained a very close and even com- petition. The total numberjof entries 1,S02An -tce ind ilhistrttioii ef theeMellendean rams will be found in the Qctober number of the (4anada Farmb for 1870, which gives a good_ idea Of the flee form, full fleece, and p. noble bearing of these splendid types of the Leicester shee i Sunday Marriage. The!question of the legality of Sunday marriages is exciting considerable atter'- , tion in legal as well as elerical minds. There leseems to be about an equal divi- sion of both parties in , this -important i twitter. It is held that as ntarriage is a - keal c vil -contract, and ;that legal civil , contraets are illegal if mane on the Sab- bath. it is void if peri'( rmed on that day. 1 An int -resting test case is now pending in Roc: ester. A niillionaire died thers- ',recentl e and wine(i all hie property to ' the children of his second wife, disin- eritine two of his own children. The i1 marriaee was performed on Sunday. It . ,. 18 not clear how this will invalidate the I wili sh mid the decision be against Sun- - day marriages, but some lawyerbelieve ! that in such a case the will ucroutei ltel na3ne(1 I -would oe broken. If the cy hat marriages are invalid if performed on thati day, no doules „many more inter- esting and poin_t.........ed eases uil 1_1 "rise. 1 - Do n t ruin your eye -sight by wearing . cOmmon spectacles ; nine -tenths of all . eye disease is caused by 'wearing impro- per glasses. Lazarus, Morris & Co's, • perfected Spectacles and Eye Glasses, , are tbe inosti Perfect and beautifui ever offered. They will cauSe a continuous • and abiding improvement htt the eyes, 1 and assist the sight most brilliantly, ! i —The Cornwall Freeholder asserts Iethotattonit null ilelonatet that iinraeic.)liate, to erecthaxing a ?aala,e., , racily Of ten thousand spindles. •