The Huron Expositor, 1871-11-17, Page 88.
meeting of those interested in this Face
tory will be held at .Brucetield, on Satur-
day, 25th inst.
MILE. -Mr. John Habkirk, of Mc-
Killop, will now supply families in the
viWge, who may desire. it. with new
milk. The milk eau be delivered at
their residences every mothing.
To HORSEMEN. -We would direct the
attention of horsemen anti others to the.
advertisement of Dr. A. U Bailey's
Training and Sale Stables, which will be
found in this issue.
THANESOlkING DAY.-- In accordance
with the proclamation. of the Reeve,
Thursday last was observed in Seaforth
as a day of general thanksgiving. All
the stores and other places of business
were closed, and services were held in
several of the elfurches.
-call the attention of intending pure
ets to the new advertisements of T
Kidd, W. S. Robertson, Th-omas Lee
44- 'McDougall and. others, which wil
found in this issue, and which will
repay perusal. -
as- -
1 be
er s
LC -
PORE PAPKING.- Mr. Thomas Ste
ens has resumed the business of p
packing, for the present season. Farm
may melee a • note of the fact that A,
Stephens is prepared to buy dres
hogs in any number or: amount, and
pay the best mareet price for thehm
THE SALT LAW SHIT. --We learn t
the decision in this case has been -gie
favorable to the Plaintiffs. The Mier
tion asked- for by the Salt Association
restrain the Merchants' Salt Compa
from selling salt contrary to. the rules
the Association, and also to compel the
to re-enter the amalgamation, has be
grated by the Court of Chancery.
. -
REMOVAL. --Mr. Mathew Roberts°
cabinet-maker and furniture dealer, h
remoared from hie old premises to t
etore recently vacated by Messrs. Joh
son Brothers. Mr. Robertson has now
good busipess stand, and having a larg
and exceedingly haudsome stock
furniture, and being himself a first-class
workman, can scarcely fail to do a ver
large and profiteble trade.
TO TE,ACHERs.-We 'direct the atten
• tion of School Teachers, of this County
who intend applying for certificates a
the next examination, to an advertise
inept calling a meeting of the Board O
Examiners, which will be found in an
other column. It will be noticed tha
• camlidates for second and third-cles
certificates are required to attend a
Goderieh, on Monday, the 18-th Deo&
bar next, and for first-class certificates on
Tuesday the 26th December. It will al-
so be noticed that teachers who propose
applying for fiat -class certificates will be
required to obtain a second-class first r
roll -gave hen setiond concert on Friday
evening lasta?iu the Town Hall, Seaforth,
but we are sorry to say that it was hot
Y‘.:ry largely attended. The cencert was:
very goal, and deserved to be more
lioerally patronized. The programme
was -very select, a,ral the manner in which
it was carried. out refieets great credit
ell Miss Carroll and her elaSS. The en-
tertainment was a pleasant one, and was
relished by every person present who
lariew how to appreciate a rare treat:
Ve expected tohee a muelelarger attend-
auee, hut the- weather was very unfavor-
able, wed no duubt was the cause of
- keeping many. away. -We believe it
Miss -Cerroll's intention to visit other ,
places iii the Province, and favor them'
with one-lof her. entertainments. Those
Ache can appreciate a good, meal enter-
teinmerit should go to her concert. We
neeli her every,stiocess.
• -
ODD FELL° w8IIIP.- On 'Wednesday
evening- last the Bret:hem of Fidelity
' Lodge, of this village, were honored with
a visit feel, (trawl Mester Brother J.M. -
Gibson,. Pest Grand, Brother Morris., .
nuel. (there from the Stratford Lodge.
et:vet-al of the beethree were advanced in
the roysteeies of the order by the Grand:
eleste,r, who perfornied his duties re his • le
much. to the 0(14h -either and ins:trill loll:. CI
usual' affable and agreeable manner, and • i
of these who witnessed the work.
Geared Lodgei' have beery moat .fortunate
jt theit seleeeion of a Grand Master. es
ia he , ' strong arm of the law." We
wo4ld advise all whom this may concern/
to iinproVe their conduct in the future
or taey will be the !sufferers. We shal
not mention any, names this time, but i
the..i' ke occurs gain we will.
, 1r'
G nt.: TO THE oTATES.-Mr. Alexander
Tho aeon,' of Tuckersmith, with his
fainily, left on Tuesday morning last for
Mir+uri. We understand that Mr.
Thorium has not yet determined as to
what occupation he -will- pursete in his
new home, but haying - relations and
frienls in both Missouri and Kansas, he
inter ds leaving his family with them
during thewinter, until he hasan oppor-
tunity of looking areund foe something
to suit him. We trust that Mr- Thom-
son may more their. realize his most
sangitine expectations in thc country to
Whiel he has gone, ahd that prosperity
and pod fortune may ever attend him-
self a d his family. I
. _
TH 'Lees -me -re . - Accompauying
was a suppler ent ' containing a
danadfan, Must) ated ..t\ eles of last
large Ioub1e-page illu tration of the first
Parlia lent of Ontario The Canadian 11-
1it3tra 5d shows eons clerable enterprise
in its
anagement aid its reading mat-
ter is always of an excellent character,
but it es to be regretted that the. illustra-
tions ?resented • are of a most Wretched
description --positive eyesores,- in fact.
They are fuzzy, greasyllooking and indis-
tinct: We have seeu better cuts made
with a jack-knife on
board, The drawing
seems tenlie well enou
transferrin to a e
a piece of pine
of the pictures
h, but it is in the
the botching is
done. Ilf these -illustrations are produced
by the it leggotyping " process, the soon-
er the Publishers discard it the better.
Let them give - feweri illustrations, if
need be but let what they do give be
clear a it distinct, an
were d awn with a v
dipped 'n. dirty water.
coopers rilf two of the oo peeing establish-
ments f this village have•been on a
strike f •i. about two veeks. It seems
that th proprietors 4f the coopering
establis meets, a few weeks agO, raised
the prie - given for making barrels trete
eight ce ,ts to nine cent, but consider-
ing tiaie too high a rate, resolved to again
reduce tie price to eight •cents. The
coopers declined to accept the reduced
price, 'and consequently discontinued
working. One of the proprietors, Mr.
Volmar, upon finding that his men
'would not work at the reduced price, ac-
ceded, to.their demands, and consequent-
ly his works have been going at full blast.
Messrs. Eider and Ameut refused to raise
the priceagain, and their men still re-
fuse to Work unless they get theenine
cents: We notice that Mr. Elder has
advertisedin the Globfor coopers, but
as the Secretary of the -Onion here has
given notice of the,strike by advertise-
ment throhgh the same channel, it isnot
likely that any outside workmen will ac-
cept of Mr Elder's offer. We trust that
the difficulty may speedily be adjusted
to the satisfaction of both,employers and
employeesa s
d net as if the
liitjewash brus
late the people of Palmeteton and vicin-
ity on having established in business
among them two gentlemen of the char-
acter and standing of Messrs. MeEwing
& Jackson. Our friends have our best
wishes for their prosperity in their' new
new sphere, and we trust that the firm
of MeEWing & Jackson may be as suc-
cessful in Palmerston as that of G. & 11.
Jackson has been in EgniOndville.
CHEESE FACTORY. -A. meeting of the
farmers in the vicinity of Kiuburn was
held at that place on .thidp.s, last. The
meeting was called •by Mr. W. 8.'Peoh-
ertson, of Seaforth, for the purpose of
ascertaining What support he could ob-
tain, should he estabhsh a cheese - factory
at or near Kieburn. There was a very
fair attendance at the meeting, and the
eneouragement tendered Mr. Roberts°
wan most satisfactory. The number c
cows asked to be guaranteed was thre
hundred. A committee was appointe
to make enquiry as to whether this num
her could be got. The general opinio
expressed at the meeting was that a
much larger number than this could h4
ob. A cheese factory is. much required
n this vicinity, and we de 'not know
better opening for one. If Mr. Rob7
rtson should succed, of which there is
0 doubt, the farmers in the vicinity iney
ongratulate themselves upon having so
•ompetent a person to take the matter
n hand, and if any person can suceeed
e i8 the man to aceemplieh success.
MILLINERY. -Wroxeter boasts no less
t ran eleven milliners. • Persmis matri-
n onially inclined would dowellto come
t this town for the fixius.
ACCIDENT. -John Thompson, a middle -
ed unmarried man, was killed last
eek, by the falling of a plank into a
as ell, in which he- was working, near
olesworth. Helived but e few hours
a ter the accident oceurred.
BAND CONOORT.-The Wroxeter Brass
B nd,will give a grand. vocal and instru-
m ntal concert in Gofton's Hall, on the
e ening of the 22nd December. The in-
st umental part of the entertainment
w'll be under the able leadership of Pro-
fe see Taylor, apd from the- .names .of
th se, who will carry on the singing, we
m y confidently expect a rare musical
tr at. ,
i'OUNDRY. -The contract has been let
for the erection of a foundry in this place
- want long felt by farmers and others
in this oommuni•ty. ' The proprietor. is
Mr J. Frater, of Oshawa, who has let
th contract to Millin &
h I ve
he journeymen
WINTER:' — The fine weather of the
past month or two has given place to the
chilling blasts of winter. On .Tuesday
last we had a refreshing day's rein, but
during- the! night it grew l cold, and bn.
Wednesdaymorning the firet thing Which
greeted the. eye upon awekening was a
fleecy coat' of Snow upon- the ground.
Since then !lit has been- quite cold, sand
the ground still remains white, and judg-
ing from present' appearances, winter is
upon us.* If winter should now set in,
the scarcity of water in the country will
be very great; as owing to the lack of
rain during ithe summer ane fall months,
many of the wells and streams in this
section of the emir:dry are ;entirely dry.
It is to be, hoped, therefpre, that we
may have Much more raih yet ere the
he suppose,
to ta,ke it as
has been a
door labors,
I. they have
winter fanik clefts ie.
however, that we will have
it comes.- The rodent' fall
most favorable one for out
'and farminoeoperatioirs are!
Much fart-liet ad vaireed the
been for maa.y years. .
Destructive Fires in' Goderich
A destrinewe broke ont in a build-
ing in -Cainertm's Block, Goe erich, about
two o'cleek e mornin of 1Vednes-•
day last. • The en ire block as destroy-
ed, besides aldjoin ng build' gs in which -
the iShar office was and the aeon Hotel.
ut little of- the c intents of -these hui
gs Were 'saved, We Linde -steed tl
e eutire plata of he Star o lice was c
stroyecit The rS`h- office as a to
loss, ehe hooke onl beieig se veil Job
store k Payne lost -wavily in ignore' and
fish, end a large qu arty of tl e furniture
of the hotel,. inelud ug a new piano and
tables were lost. The losses
as followe onaghy & Sinnemes
000, insured fo • $900 ; Johnston &
yne, $2,0D0,, Msured fee $1, 00 ; Capt.
e, $5,000. insured for s$3, 00 ; M. U.
nerou's Week vasa?valued • t $1'2,000,
1h -other (libeon se.eine eminently qualified
to perform the responsible teed arduous
dune§ pertahfing to that office. Labor „
hone, finiehed, the Brethren repaired to
ltrot7eir Foster's where a moat bounteous are
repent aevaited there. After partaking 8,e2'
of this, Brother A. G. McDougall, V. G.,
was nominated to tshe positien of chair- ntiu••
man, and a few hours -were most aerate-
e ter, Elma; 2nd, John Shearer, 1
Elma; 3rd, Wm. Hay, Wallace; 4111,
John Petrie, Elma. Third class -men
o'vt...r 17, under 20 -any plough,- let,
John Dixon, Elma; 2nd, Wm, Newbig-
ging, Elnia ; 3rd, Wm. Cochrane, Ebert ;
4th, Edwahd Alexander, Elma. Four th
class -boys Under 17—auy plou01 -1st
John Hazelton-; 2nd, Robert ,Lochhead,
Elma ; 3rd, Mathew Stevenson, Elm&
At the conchmion of the werk, the
ploughmen, judees, and others were re-
galed with a most bountiful dinner. In
deed Mr. and Mrs. McAlister seemed to
be determined that for hoepitality on
such an occasion they should not be
easily ontdone.-Coti.
a- ich..
WEATHER.-Tbe weather fel the past
few weeks has been very fine, but the
rattling hail and howling Wind tell of the
eapid approach of the storneking on the
"winged chariot of the wield."
MEDICAL. —Our worthy physiei
Dr. .11. C. Moore; has left this villa
and taken up Ms residence in Exet
He lett behind -him the repetition ot
good practitioner. Zurich is now a go
openieg for: a -good doctor.
CHURCH -Es. t ---Two new church edific
are to be built next summer within ti
precincts of the :Village. The Cathol
church is liom, being planned, mid 'el
ground fenced; the Lutheran Uhtir
will be cominenced in the Spring.
ColeRECnoNh-Will your correspo
dent, the author of the effusion "
Voice from 'Usborne," take' notice th
his epistle contains at least one fals
hood, ae rega ds the assertion that if th
Converition had proceeded to nominat
Mr. Cameron, that the -Hay delegatio
would- haye-withdrawn. I have it o
the authority of two .cif the delegate
that the etatement is untrue. W
would advise the author of that eyistl
to dismount from his "high horse.' 11
has ridden too fast and stumbled
We refrain from giving any More ex
athples the results lof his uecurbee
ambition. -Com
an who are trying to white.waeli a political
Itarisee and to foist a traitor on the
er• Reform electors of Smith 1J neon. If
a they succeed in their game, the bulk of
ed- the Reformers of Stephen, and. 1 believe
of the South Riding, will rernahesullenly
es at home, and allow the Tories to elect
re the political renegade who has basely
ie betrayed the coefidenee the Iteform
re electors of South Huron reposed him.
eh Tories ef -South Huron, you are med.
come to the Man -body, soul and
le, breeches. Sixth -What should. our fu -
A ture course be? a somewhat dif-
ae fieult problem to solve. One thing is
e_ dem ; we cannot amlewill not vote for
e (Jame r on. 1! we have hot a local man
e sufficiently well known to carry the
ii election -and I fear we have not -let
e us rook about . us in time and. get Ken -
s neth Mackenzie, of Toronto, or some
e other well tried Reformer in whom we
e can place confidepee, and kb us place
e him triumphantly at the bead et the
poll, and thereby teach Mr. Cameron a
_ lesson wliich even cipi err t traitors
-I should know, that M nilities, as well as
in "the way of the trausgres-
•1 sor hard." liewinters of South Hu-
ron, emember that hberty is the reward
of eternal, vieilance. A REnouenini.
Stephen, Nov. 13, 1872.
ICov. 1.71 1871.
reerainetimesessee eninceseaseeneseannenneag
give Uri the name of Reformer too, whi
according to kis OWU slowing, is of the
`• smallest conshouence." Fourth Mr.
Cameron made et least one true etate-
ment in his speech at the Seaforth Re -
'form Convention, for which you have •
he was nob a " voting machine." Cer-
tamly he iso't. A tvoting-meehine”
would have voted twice as often as he
has dime during the fon" years he has
misrepresk rated us, and, very likely, I
would have voted right, now and then
aceitsent, which elr, Catimeon hasn't !
dope. Beet though Mr. Cameron is not
a "voting machine," you have proved
plainly that he is a shirking maehine
having shirked his votes on all the im
portant questions that came before the
House. Let us " give the devil his
due," as the old adage runs. Itft/t-We.
do not consider that -you are dividin,
faded to gtve. him creel t Ile said th
I, le Reform ranks or breaking up the
Reform party. The mee whe •are doing
this are the eo•ealled • Reform. editors
? -
A BLoonv DAY.—The sporting -match
which came off on Saturday proved ex.
ceedingly destructive to the game in the
vicinity of Zurich. ft was a "fell day's
wark,/' as may be seen by the numuer of
'heads and tarils'.' which the hunters
emptied from .- their wallets. Objectieri
has been made to giving personal scores
in detail, but the following are the to-
tals Winning captain's_ (John Wede-
man's) side, 1,267; defeated captain's
•(P. 8. Geiger') side; 1,022. Notwitle-
anding the odds, Captain Geiger
reds personally, highest, numbering
5, while ? the opposieg captain num
red 190. The highest score was 255,
d the lowest, 0. After the inateh was
decided, the whole party partook of an
e °client supper, in Mr. 11. Hopple's
best style, and, as is the custom on such
oecasions here, the winning party treated
thethe company to a keg of beer. During
evening, the usual mirthful jollity 1
was indulged in, and the best of rood
•feeling prevailed.
of 1 roxeter. It will occupy part. Of the be
, I 25
vac ant lot between Mr. J. Moore's black--
eini h shop and the residence of Mr. T.
B. 'antlers. -
I enenee-sea---A !report. is being circu-
late, 1 through some of the newrpapersa
tha4 an amalgamation is about to be con-
eu, . mated between the London,- Huron,
and Bruce Railway Company and the
Tor nit° Company. We have the very
best of authority for contradicting this
rum r, as the measure, has neter even
-bee brought before the Londor - Board,
a.nd f it were it would at one lie reject-
ed. Our authority being a private letter,
we , e not. at liberty to mention names ;
suffi e it to say -that it is thoroughly; re-
hab' -
s A rORNEY.-- Mr. Dalrymple late of
Brantford, baS calmer iced th e 'practice
of h s profession ie this place: Those
ha,vir g anything to do in this line,- will
find in), at- 0 of ton's Hotel.
W Aim -ea. -We had a fall of snow
last -"riday, the second of the season ;
but i lasted only a day or two. To -ley -
(Tue day) it has rained pretty heavy all
day. •
'Bo nao noh 'MANITOBA • -Mr. John
Robe son, ben., fernier Howiek, sold his
farm :the other day for $2,600, with the
intention of ?starting for Manitoba
next , pring, son' has been living in
Mani oba. for the past few 'months, and
his s it such geed accounts of the new
Provi ide) that his father and brothers,
have ceime to the ..conclusion •that the
can b Um, their Ialready comfortable dr -
cams t woes- by emigrating.
By- ewa-The vote on the bonuses to
the T 'vont°, Grey and Bruce Railway,
in the townships of Ilowick and Minto,
will t ke place next WeOnesda,ye 22nd
inst. -
- - A FARM BY •AUCTION• -By our list of
.auetion sales this week it will he s
. o
id- that •Mr. Alexander Munn inter ds to 1 c
at nispose of his farin, on the London toad, 1 fo
le- pear Nippen, by auction, on Thu ?sday, A
iNelr. 30.
tal - _ c
A Correction.
To the Editor of the Tho'071, EtTo.•;(07-.
DEAR SIR. -ln your last isaue I ob-
serve a letter under the heading, "A
Voice from Usborne," in which the writer
says, referrin2 to the Reform Convention
lately held in Seaforth,-_" Bad ishe Coa-
vention proceeded to nomimate Mr: -Cam-
eron as our candidate at the next-elee-
tiou, as was proposed by some, that the
Seaforth and Hay Delegations would.
have withdrawn in a body." Your cor-
respondent has a great deal to say about
1 is not very appropriate as far as his
I facts, but his quotation, -
"An' facts are -duels that winna,ding,
I An' daurna be disputed."
reference to the Ray Delegation is con-
cerned, :
At the meeting of the Reform Associ-
ation in Hay, when the delegates were
appointed, they were instructed to sup-
port the nomination of'Mr. Camel:on, if
the nomivation took place, but a great
many of the members considered the
nomination of a candidate at the present
time premature. These, Mr. Editor, are
the facts. I am, your obedient servant,
ROBERT Bitower.
President of the Reform Ash). of Hay.
Zunten, 13th Nov., 1871.
---- •
Look Out for HuMbugs.
T9 the Editor of the huron, I!..rpositor.
DEAH SIR : 1 think it but my duty to
warn the public to be on their guard
against certain imposters who are going
about the country pi ofeesing to cure
ringbone on horses, by cutting out the
"feeder," as they call it, which they sey-
. .
s situated at the back of the fetlocl-
Mr. Duncan, of Usborne; on. the
Cameron -Controversy.
TO the Editor of the Huron Expositor: :1
SIR. -I am extremely busy just now, !
and would not trouble you with a letter
had it not been for the reference of the
iduron Signal to -my action -at the Con-
vention at Seaforth. That journal's
idea seems to be that you are the only
one in the Riding dissatisfied with Mr.
Cameron, and says with reference to the
charge suggested at the Corivention,
that was "'no doulft urged. thereto by
the reiterated s tate men ts of rue ExPoria-
hon." Now, foe -the information of the
iS'iglied, 1 .may State that 1 was not at
that time a reader of THE EXPOSITOR, nor
did I know anything of the accusations
made in it against Mr. Ca leerier. But I was
watching his actions as recorded in the
Globe, .and the impression! I had Was
that Mr. Cameron had not acted 1h:cord-
ing to his ability as our representative,
and hurling 'his i name omitted from
maey important division lits, 'came to
the conclusion that he was purpoely ne-
glectinee his dirty." Berme my suggeation
at the Convention. But, as Itile Cam-
eron smoothed everything up well, and
expressed sentiments in .accordance with
my own, came to the conclusion that
Ilea been mistaken, and consequently
secoiided the metion of approval. But,
since you have done what it was your
duty to do, exposed Mr. CaCierou'e con-
duct, and as neither he nor any of his
rgaim have attempted to refute the
barges, 1, in common, with an the .Re-
rURtr.S here, would respect ally inform
Ir.. Catheron that it is no a" paper
ontroversy " that .we want 1 ut when he
aye us* Ins promieed visit, ye will not
ably- spent in teaat, song, and sentinient.
..-kt a seasona.ble hour the pleasant gather
ion broke up, seemingly delighted with
the evening's proceedings. We under-
etand that a lodge under the auspiees of
-the order is shortly to be organized in
Chu tem.
llowerIsM.-There is a class of young
men in this town who eeten to glory in
ehowing how little respeet tliey have
for themselves, and who think they are
hmart because they are able to insult -
respectable ladies aud gentlemen. The ,
conduct of some twelve or fourteen 111(11
young men NV110 attended hliss
concert, on Friday eveniag last, vvas dis-
cerners.' t
I Can
erred for $6,400.
1N e sincerely eynipathiee w'th the pro-
prietors of theiSter er their s-vere lees.
ter,. took possession of the establishmeet,
Whee Mr. Donaghy,- the seri* proprile-
equal to the major; ty of country ofliees
some years ago, it vas a miser able woe
out concern, but bk ceaseles. indestfy
and perseVeranee he hadeucce dethin SO
Mg to have theirait of.yeaes 1 •toil am
replenishnig- the plant as to make it
inthe Province! anc we Might say, freen
meshing, has built up a ren tolerative
hesinesa. Itis there bee most d'eheatten
retry swept away atone fell stroke, a
his instance: A the Star i- the old
servatiee 'paper' iii the coeuty, the
v ebonld non' to the serstance
.. .
FAST TRRESHING :-Mr. James lle-
A.rter, of. Usborne, about two 'reeks
ago, threshed, on the farm of Mr. Wil-
liam Clark, Eighth Concession, • 400
bushels' of fall wheab. in four lours.
This, we learn, was not done i the
way of- a- brag, but in the usual w y of
I -libber -G.
A eeI4NT.--A respe d ted farmer, Mr.
0 eorge 1-1 abkirk, of tile To w ii slip of
Ilibbert, mitt -with an accident ale:ill two
loss:* of ihoirt one w eek's. Nvork. 'While
weeks' ago, aud, stri n 4e to say. ae, -am-
plified With no serious resent, save_ the
he. was engaged in removing some lum-
ber wIlidli had heee placed on,the over-
lays :there the barn floor, one of tlin
rends which he was standing' op gave
_ , way, and he tell to the floor, a distence
1 I of about fourteen' feet. ! Steal) ee to -ay, 1
s Mr. . liabkirk escaped lserious inju ies. 1
and we are happy to learn that la• is
, duties. ,
now able to amend to his dom .stie 1
rraccful. The.y are all kw,, ....•i to Us; arid I Part.
s proprietors he their hem of irateide
did riot think they -Were the ,low de- of it
graded set they haee iiroved themselves. and
to Le. Respectable persons had to leave h
the hall en ate:omit of their ungentlemah- Wue
ly ernaluee. They tried all possible d0 t
means to. render tee concert unpleasant
to the tuare intelligent persons present.
They even went so far as to iusuit Miss
Carroll -a lady who should be respected
even by the most ignorant of them: If
it Wad an entertainment of the " burnt
cork profession," or sonte equally de-
geaded performance, where tuere were
men to see to things, • this would not
lee mem for they would be too cowerdly.
This state of affairs must cease, for if it NE
be allowed to ex:st, respectable citizens Ja
wdl be in danger. The proper plac for hlesh.
those characters is the County Jail, and
where they will have something else to opene
occupy their time be.ides disturbing the villeg
peace and quiet of resiwetable people.. toe,
Let such as this Suits bear in mind that- nules
there is a very easyo putting a Ewing
Stop to this run dy lent, and. ti a • h. I
/.1.U..,_th.4.. 441.811.444
render, them su aid 'as ell place
them in at leaetas geda peed] n thej•
. .
previous tO Sus aining thiS loss. TO
his, it ,worild eqUire but a very
?slight saerifice mai-heir pert, and would
Le doine great service to deserviug
We also learn th t On the previoue
evening, aboet eight o'clock. a barnalre•
Immure to Mr. William on the
Bayfield Road, near the town, wtih. its!
conteets, :WO entirely destroyed.
Palrue ton. f
w sToRE.---w leen' that Mr.
einem, of Egino brother' of
S. & H. Jac son, E,greondville,
i r. H. AleElsvin , of If, ulletn nave
d a new store P I
e on the main e of the Welline
0 1
rey and Bruce tailway, about ten
nor th of Listowel, Alesars. Mc-
& Jackson are straigh frforward
F. con8 ,
Lersu)n, a
Peet -Gruen 111A.pcn.-- The plouV
, and Elmo, and Wallace _Agricultural
Icieties came off oti the farm of
.-roseph Aleetlieter, lot 20 con 7,
t AN ednesday of last week. The day
all that cud be desired for the plo
men, although rathercool for the spe
The quality of the w rk was adnnttec
turn : There were 1 entries altoget
! surpass anything ever before seen in
1 ' ma and would cerupare favorably
any in the county, or, w -e .might say,
! Province.. Messrs. Gardner and Ban
i to, Remington, and Mr. W. No
I Elma, acted as judges, and had a v
arduous duty to perform -especially
meta muter the auspices of the E rem
h -
the fir t
11 -
s crass. The following is he
0)' IlSt.- rest cia3stron ploughs
1st, Williem Elma ; herd, W n
Johnston, Grey ; 3rd, Alexander For -
haueeece,...qe-e ken:- hiu -
syth, (4-rey ; 4th, Thomas Calder, Grey. 1
. •
leave our case in the hands f any one,
but will endeavor, to keep him to the
point ourselves.
Usborne, Nov. 13, 1871,
Stephen Heard From.
To the Editorof . the Euron'Eapositor.
81.Rs : Along with the other _Reformers
in this Township, beet.- followed -you
carefully in your controversy with MC.
Camerom Eace, M. pt for •the hide
bag of ,Hurop, have read Mr. Cam-
eron's reply to yettr strictures On his con -
duet, and ern - needs are now made up.
We are 119 longer divieled between two
opieions. 1 will I not run over the
ground already taken up by your corres-
pondent front 1.1-elerme, with whom
Altogether agree. or two facts
will touch upon which have not yet
by the grant to the Goderich _Harbor, I
been mentioned . Area -1:11e II efo rill ere . 8
Ilia( e up their
.minds that Mr. Cameron Has been bought i
which wil1. explain! the silence of the
e' ito f th ' I '
to be a fact, and I; s past -a.ctio-as and,
present condeet full, justify the remark.•
i Secolad--NNe beliee . that Mr. Cameron
• has been pruniised a Judgeship, a
Shrievalty Or a Reg.i8trarship-probably
a judgeship. This will go far to account
for his straddle. Ur e -fen e.e eond u et, and
very likely was the first thing to make
him falter in his allegiance to the Re-
form cause. 'I he future will declare it
frhird--11 is a fact, aed for Mr. Cam-
eroe's'consolatiou we Will make it known,
that, just in proportion as he has de-
clined irt popularity with the Reformers
joint. Now, to prove that it is nothin
more than a scheme to make money,
wilfgive one cue as a specimen of ti
principle of the Man who is doing tin
It a horse belonging to Mr. William
McKenzie, of the Fourth Concessim
Tuckersmith, which was lame from bon
spavin. One of these men came to M
Air. McKenzie's place and persuaded hi
that it was ringboned on three feet, an
got him to operate on them. So he wen
to work and threw the horse, and
butchered away at him, for I can gall it
nothing else than 'butchery. Mr. Mc-
Kenzie was Pot satisfied about it, and
brought the horse to me to see if it really
was ringboned. I made a thorough ex-
amination and found the horse quite
free from ring -bone. found on one foot
a very slight eulargement, bet nothing
to lame him, and the other two feet were
quite free from anything of the kind.
Now, I think it but right that such im-
postors should be stopped in their work.
. c 'enzie's ease, he has lost the
use of the animal for several weeks, and
also got it injured for life, as the hoe se
can never be the same, for what is cut
out can be found in any horse, ringboned
or not. I am glad to find that Mr. Mc-
Kenzie is going to prosecute the destroy-
er. of his horse for damages, as well as
for what he charged for the job. I do
not wish the public to think that I write
this expecting to gain anything myself,
but only to put emsuspecting people on
their guard in fnture. If this ringhone-
eUrer thinks he is right, will be -very
ImppyI to meet him in public, or argue
the question with him ?through the pub-
lic Press. I intend at some future time
to give the anatomy of the part affected
by riegbone, and
eaforth, Nov. -41, 1871..
taruto for ofatr
wOR SALE, on reasonable tezm , Lot No. 8, Con.
For further particulars .apply to the Proprietor.
-1-- 10, Mort is, containing 64 stew , over 20 of ii hit h.
arc cleared, setsied to grass an well Aliecti ; ti.c
situated on the Northern limvel
balance is well timbered with ilitiollitil.--w1002411;ilet,Isa
a half from Myth, and 13 lanes from Clinton_
There is no waste land. There is on the Premist s
a new frame house, 90 x SO, with good cellar and
out -buildings. A good aping on the prantiseti
P;1, -
on the proznisos, or, af by letter, ) to 1311,yritghp....iti)o...,
188 -ti. ' GEORUE B UTCHART,
OR Sale, Cheap. Lot No. 30, -6th Concession,
• Township of Bruce, County of 131.nee, comaat-
ng 1110 acres% about 20' of which me ,e1.,arest, tiat.
mlance wt.n timbered with beech and maple. ,No
sste land. There is a never -failing stream -of
•ater running thruneh it it ' • ' c
iv e miles from the flourishing village of
t l rough which the Wehingtont.. Lin y Lnd ilruco
.allway will shortly be running. If the shrill:
erty is not sold, it be leased for a term If
3 c.ars for the impr.svements.. Por further pal Lieu -
1 rs, apply to Tiis: ExPosiTon OFFIC1; Seaford,,
July 1.8, 1871, 1-b:141.
ATILLIA:11 TISIDIELL now offsr for sale, his
Y splendid Flinn, consisting el 100 Acres, i80 of
w Ach are cleared and freed from stump:to being
lot 7, second emicession, Ifullea. Eifiralrea. "IVO
Miles from Seliforth and five I "I? • hall fisom
C mton, and is altogether one of the best farms
t • e comity. There are a good dwellinghouse, bean,
sl ed and stable, a good well, and 5 _nth -Ls in orchard
01 the farm. For particulars apply to the Proprie-
to on the premises, or by letter to Seaforth
9441. P.
T./ OR SALE, tbe south half Of Lot No. 8, in Pifth
'oncession, 1;orris, vont:lining lt,0 atm" ; a
e frame house, 18x9-1; log stable: 3ouij
ng or -
chi rd; there are 35 neres cleared. For terms ap-
ply to ALEXANDER 153)..11 lITIZN,
On the preanisc.s; or to ALXX. CAMPBELL or
,AleCAUGHEY & 1101,MESTED,Settforth.
192 131n*
R Sale, on reasonable terms, Lot 22, Second
sConcession, Tuckersnath, R. R. 13,, conntibing
100 acres, eighty of -which are dearee under fene‘•,
and in a good state of enhivialon, ant'l a emnac,er-
19 kf.
abl portion of it underdrained. The buildings toe
all ood, also, a good bearing orchard, two never-
faiii g wells and a living spring. The land ii first
class, and will be sold on easy terms, as -the pro -
prie ,or is desirous of retiring from farming, For
furt ier partieulars apply to TnE EXPOS1Ton Office,
Seat nth, or to the proprietor on the premises.
ices and Essences,
-nbseriber begs leave to thank his Innuerous
CUR omers for the liberal patronage extended to
hiau sir ce eonnnencing business in Seaforili, and
trusts hat he may be -favored with a continuance
of the . nine.
Parti ts intending to build would do well to give
him a e 01, as he will et n.inue to keep on band a
Lave st ck of all kinds of
SA. Pi ELIE 1§,
He fee s confident of giving satisfaction to those
ff WhO miry favour him with their patronage, a's tune:
T. 1 but fust- Itiss wmirinen are employed.
le i......Piu titular attention paid to Custom Planing.
d HIM.: G purchased the deptrrtment
4. of Th Wills Dell's Immature b'llop, we are now
" prepared
of this Township 1..iave 1
ro e Signal This, we believe
he has advanced in Popularity with the
• ,
Tories -so much so, that he would to:
day poll a very large Toey vote in this
Township whether he would call him-
self a Reformer or not, " ,which is of
the hizatIlest conseyuene.e.” 'ender the
eiremestances, the best thing he can do
is to run on the "ory lc et ; they 'will
be glad of Ruch a wormout politician ars
•he is. and as be has already parted 'With
, e mi Jj , nee, 0e1.4, loll.
ila 1.4.1,01 ft
HEREBY foi bid all parties Plam giving credit,
•on my account, to my -wife, Alai7 -Tate
or any other person, after this date, as 1 will not
be responsible for the sante.
Township of Grey.
Grey-, Nov. 1, 1871. 2114-.4.te
A LL persons indebted to the estate of the into
-"PETER RAMSAY, Esquire, are regneSted to
make immediate payment to the undersigned ad-
ministratrix • and all
eying claims
against the said estate are required, within four-
teen days from this date, to give the sonic to
Messrs. Benson & Meyer. Banisters, Seaforth, for
adjustment. - ELIZABETII RAMSAY)
204-4t* Administratriz
A LL parties indebted to Dr. VERCOE, either
'L 1- by Note or Book Account are reqnested to
makes immediate settlement of the same, oth rwh.e
they will be placed in suit for collection. 203-8
1 n erg gned is
° Ewes to eith hi • I
; der Leicester lianas, at
Towr Lioe of Ray and
I par of Ewes, payable,
now prepikreil to receive
''ire Leicester or Bur -
his preinises-, Lot No. 10,
Steraley. TERMS. --$5 per
L the c.,Zial 157 att. voitqod
L. .W sen.
Cheaper t an it ever was so3d7, before, as we have
31111(10 gren t additions to the. Machinery an.1 in-
tend inantfaeturing extensiTely.
Parties marbe sure of good work,. as none hut
petal nutel#inics are employed. A good stuck kipt
constantly on hand.
Lumber taken in exchange.
Turning done on shortest notice.
Thomas 13ell's Old Shop,
Co er of Market Square, SEAFWITIT,
201-13 SPARLIN0, & SC017.
tho ough-bred Durham BTTLI, CALF, got
-• by bull formerly the property of John Miller, of
Pickering ind out of cow formerly the property
of Mr. John Snell, of Edmonton. Also, one Cots-
wold Ram t2 shears; and formerly the property of
John Snell
208-4tg Lot 16, Con. 10, Grey, Gamy P. O.
- -
BEAD 01 . . . ......T.ONDON, oNT.
Licens d by the Dominion Govennnunt.
$231,242 25.
Cats and Cash Items, $72,210 55.
This Coin any eontiunes to grow in the publ
confidence. On the lst January, 1671, it had in
force 84,528 Policies, having, -during the:rear 1t37ti,
issued the in mense number of 12,819 Policies,
Farm .rs, patronize your 01111 C.51.ZADI
• Company tht t has done such good service aniong.t
you. For In mice apply to
20.8 Agent., Clinton P. E./.
Z. PAIII8o:N.i'8
• AT
co'- .11.01h-c:RTSON'S-
ireirArmy 4,
WII01.1E NO. 41
is Pi -ma,
IN SI!' -,A1413
'TXTOTS,.-Al..50 per year hi
119n4of the year,.
'First insertion, per line. 8
tertions, 2eente each tiine, p
t011111111 One: year
" "" 13 months
-"`' one year
4.4 ,44
haif --
" months
lOne-fourth one year
" half "
-One-eighth one year
" half
:3 iiiiintina -.-
lane-twelfth one 'yvar
ti 111111.1
4i 14 8 1W:intik/
13nsin&s Cards, t 6 lines and
Advertisements ' of Siraye,
not exceeding 10 lines—fir. t;
months 50 cents carh mouth
Ail*ertiseinents of F.A.101i
/or 1-4-110, not twevaing 15 line
each subsequent, month, 75
Marriags, lath,,
Advertisements witdiout
lie inserted till h:srbid, attil eb
llsynno Y. 1:1IeI.1.Ax, I
Tvi...NnsTity....-J. G. 131.'1
Surgery.1 begs to 1111i
Unit; ul Sof14wth and surroin,
auts -opened an 1).111re for
lila-gory in 110 rooms formyr1
Harris, Dentist, 1.!, -here he will
kina5 of work expected of the4
leatory 11111Mier 411111m reasor
11orn4-From S
rift College, =Pb)ssician.i
NIN131'31";', ONT,-Coroner sof .1
Office Thonj
Oiliee-opposite Scutt
Main. :Street-, SellfoltE.
T-7 111TvGill, Moni
/N(411, :etc.. (Met. g.:.11 Iltsdato
a -
TT L. TEItt't)E, NI. H.,
gem, -etc, ollive and
3.farkvt ami High streets, in 11
CA31PIIEl;1,, Coroner
and Resilience, eteeseen,
etreat, saaferrh. (Mice hour,i;
day, ma ail any iilatturdity,
- _
ceAl'OIMY I1071)11JITI ::,
nm..ys S -,,i:1
Insiolvency, Nni i4
SolltisAn, for-th, H. .11,init.
'the Canada Life Assurance t.%
,111ili to lend 51'
114,mses 511.1_14ots for sail:,
Int in eit-0
forth and WI siNt
floriveyc: •.• NOtal PI -111J
Arns Of I .1situr Caned:, NMI 131
JAS. if. itrxso:‘1.
lieft-s to
35ltrona:-•- uw,,r.:••.s1
hotel lm -in, -s. and ss,•. -o 1,nsti
again rchnined lneauess
be will be happy ti' ktve ft I;
und many new onis.
MINer, 01'
C.. .3. -
Iletzt 323,i:1:31 ion
for 11.414H-0
plied 'ult.:, the very la
24abinig t114•1041.. tdag
.every .y f<d• Wiantbdin,
ENal'ANI;E 111)I
.T. e4.i.AW Vt., Prop/ st !sir:
- tit 11--tite4 8\111:411.v.
111444 irt, 1.:4-. 1er1)
iittetl1111saighini1,1111it 1 • 11.A.;
fOrtabli. :114
11W CO:4311W
I " r4^2 jiberaj,
nnens naneineiiist
r 11.•no.1:1 rofs.',.
An.:1 iiecrihi3".1.1%311:lit 1)
• 1111 1iiN
• °ince A.' '.31n115s5*. 11.
6,11;4.3 di
I'L" S-504,1113. Ph- 1.
always halal te, r,
ILL 7,d
t ;!It‘
Tiaisi 4 • i s.1:1111....]°••
;,. II:
rile go •• ;.i
. 7 I TA:
t;.0.1•14sn.;. 7-4>-.1" s'• :Z
totran- .:nie,s,nis . 3,•
Oat 1.4 4.+!. r!
1)25 It. *, • -
14 i•
• 31,0N.. I it)Li 1t
• t.i. eq014_ .
IL. • ; • '• "14 i i•
that h, 1 .11 .
•""1111'.!. sa. ;3,:: 3 --
:r('; 5 •
',i')1, 11»!,1`.
It;le .
' •• .
U.:. • •
Mr. • :„' t'
."-1 • • I ts.•
35- s!..s. t
;451 -`3
" • •
• • -1 5.
'• - r5 ott t,
• ..f3
t .` 4 r.3