The Huron Expositor, 1871-11-17, Page 69 tt. "THZ HURON EXPOSITOR. ...An Elector of Hay on Mr. Cam- eron's Political Course. ..To the Editor of the_Clintcn )Vete Era. _ DEAR SIR,—Being an electorof •'the South Riding of Huron, and an adherent of the Reform cause, I was much intetested by an article in the Seaforth ExPosthatt of the 2th ult., comparing Mr. M. C. Cameron's career in Parliament, as recorded in the journals of the House, with that gentleman's version of the same, e (riven at the late .Reform Convention at Seaforth. At the time of the last election for the Dominion, in com- M011 with the Reformers of this con- stituency generally, I admit ed -Mr. ,Catneron's abilities and confided in his integrity. I considered we were - extremely fortunate in seeming the i parliamentary services of .v§lie ()is-. ting uished "Leader of the Goderich Bar." I fondly believed lie would, OCcupy a preminent position among errors, of Reform, and wake the. walls of the house eing with his sharp incisive eloquence. 'That he wo-uld ever prove recreant to his principles, and go down the sinuous paths that lead to political cleetetela teen an I death, was en idea t could not enteitahat 'Time parliament assembled, the news- .. ,• papers contained long report S of the proceedinge of the House, but the great speech which was to place Mr. Cameron among the 'foremost dhatn- pions of debate, did not appear: Questions of vital irnpoi tan CC Were discussed, measures cif most iniquih t ous character were brought forward by the Government, nobly resisted by the opposition, and finally car - tied by a subservient mojerity ; but Mr. Cameron remained either alto- ge•ther silent, Or was, at best but - feebly vocial. Andel all the din,' the excite - men a the corn motion of diet mo- mentotie Straggle, the " Leader of the Goderich Dae,'' from whom so wuch was expected, seem- ed to steed as powerless as the god, of the Hittites when Israel emote' 'them, hip and thy th thigh, be -waters of Merom. At length -there came an apparent change.—A measure— not for the benefit of the peopl large, brit for the beneflt" of cer individuals at the expense of people, was -conceived, brought forth and christened the "National Policy.". The oracle was no longer dumb. Mr. -Cameron was m:ither dead -nor asleep—the sale question tduched the sensitive spot, and he R prang upon his feet. Galvanized into temporary activity, his elce quence shot forth a flickering fliillle only to die out as goon as the Na- tional Policy, which stirred it in LO lire, became an accomplished feet; when he crept once more into his shell, • and resumed his policy . of ." masterly inactivity." Sue]) seem- ed to cue, and to many others in the county; Mr. 'Cameron's parliament- ary career. But such a career, though not laudable, WaS, l'erhaps, excusable, and I was en xio II S to hear' n. eexplanation of Lis conduct from his own. mouth, befoin finally passing j udgmen t thereat. Th et n, explanatiowas given at the Se forth meeting referred to, and, was pleased to learn, seemed to gie entire s teiefactioe to MS friends, an effectually silence his detractor &nee more alt Nees hmil ing —11 . Cameron's' delinquencies the worst s pardonable, he woul turn over a new leaf, be metered t the favor of his partv and agai triumphantly .carry the election :But this proved to be a ileetin donm. The article in the Exeoety on. before mentioned, at once dis pblled the illusion, and ,again :in volved the reputation of Mr.. Cain. eron in very grave uncertainty. That article contained fads and figures e hich flatly contradicted certain statements made by- Mr. Carnuren in the speech le -fore allud- c ed to. 'These fitcts and, h elves, mo- feesedIv cePied from the journals of ttie Honee, are either fah e, which if so could be easily proved, or Mr. Cameron has defiled himeelf before the public by uttering a lie. That is Hal conclu.cdon Without possibilith of twasion. His statement of hie attendn ace in. Parliament was cite nbunced. A eras.te e exeie ted? however; he dies ha . He em:- ploys all the hicatiery and su ter - I fuge that his 1 ngtprof sional t ain-e ing has made inimai3t r of t� ()D- ecal the wee nei ss of s posi ion He‘vituperate he films, he threat- ens he boasts, in, shor, , does every- thing but an eting ,squarely the' charges Made against him. He talks of a "n wspepee war b ing solely for the enefit of the com on enemy.'! He overlooke . the act that his failur to. answer the a cu- setions of th .N.X.POSITC:R will do more to insure his defeat, should he, receive the n Mination, than ny: any " newspa et 'wan" how ver loug. But wh tt is 1 eally the "corn mon enemy?" Is it not that politi- cal corruption nd dishonest 'wh'eh have gene. far o ruin our count •y 7 The ranks of t e "cummon. ellen y" are crowded ith men who, I ke Mr. Cameron, have forsaken their principles, fore tten their pthlges, , > aucl paltered With their tr•trst, and then. sought to regain their_posi- tione by SalsellOod and -evasion. 1 bat -T 1 belie - k de not agree : dth him, therefore, when be says t&at a fair and open discassion of 14 career would 'iessed fit the eeemeeee eeeley,e_quite the contraryfie makes use of ore ' expression, however, which bears the stomp Of Gni-1th. He says tleit " whether he is the Liber,:d candi- dcaq or not is of the ,stnallest possi- ble conseqhence He is eerfectly ''. e E)i, right, if h : be uhe 2'O? #i ,Candiclate the change :,.ill be merely nominal, and of no pne.equelicb ' what- ever. The reas n why he insinu- ates that a "pa ter war" is not s en cpen and :Manly a method of con troversy tim . e! e debate is 110 diericult to detect. Apart frctill fact, now patent t all, that he carn not deny the charges ' brough against him; and S eks to ev de eh matter altbgether, he is eobably very well a ward . that sta ement, -Linty be made at '6onfused • ncl ex- cited public heetiags, which would leok more ugly umler the cl set. ith specteion giveli. to the printe I page. He evidently i 'Chillies, too, th a with his practice in special -plead IT, he i e at could lead th h ignorant fart ers of! tain South Huron to .ilelieve•tlett the 'I the moon is madeof given chees ' His boast that he poill0 defend 4 muse befove the -elctehs of this ftiding) which he cannot :fief:endon paper-, contains art insult 6 the intel igence cfethe people Ito. Which they 'L know i, hew to ma'kd :. the proper answer. tie will find they re sufficiet fly in- telligent to see to lie bottom jof his slaallow triekery, and much tc e hon- est to stippott a mairt who al owe a . . public charge of de to remain undenied ty is afforded. H to he Reformers in iberate falsehood When'oppottuni- 'win. find 'then). eomething .moee than name, and that they full' .and. clearly. understand, that. to send a man ea Parliament vith Such a brand upon hinn would 1)4 ! hu t I erpe tu et - it g that corruOtion and diehonesty to which they aire earnestly oppoEed. The course of 'the 4eform, party 9f &nab Huron is miew plain. ! Lot th ena (choose a en en With an uov Blake? 1, a- reputation, and bitiMphantly lect' -I. him :; and to -ilio' heir maul de- testation of (Ulm esty, let them - d :meet Mr. Cameren should he so. 5. licit ' their supphit, afi :dl tn. itors r. should he Mete! wit 1 but on cry tt from one end a the. Riding t the d 1 other--efrona Goderi-h to Stet nen, o from •Seaforth to t ie Lake- the n hottest. indignant cr of "‘ Put hina . out ! put him Out l'r g cuittstantial and deliberate, And, therefOre, defective memory cannot he pleaded in his defence. But there was one hope remaining to which Mr. Cameron's friends still clung, which was, that he woeld Twee, in his reply to the Exiles- rron that the figures had been falei- tied by that journal. By a, peruSal of .2cfr. Cameron's letter, publisheih, yo ir issue of last -week, I' am grit -ad to find that the hope was I entirelv futii( i1e does no Enen„, deny the Statements of the EXPOS - 'TOR. but taoitly admits their truth. -Ne lean eau believe that, if he had been in a position to detrir these damaging charges, 'he would not have -done se in khat letter. He could have cleared himself from blame, had it been in Iris power, in half the space which his letter oc- cupies ; but he :has not ventured to Make the attempt. Upon being ap- pealed to, be has failed to show cause why the 'wattle should wit pronounce setetenee against iiim, acwd 4-ze2t !is deco! dingly pee_ a • ; UMMER IS GONE i • '1 BUT ,THEBE IS liSt Jpereirsd A Emit OMPLETE STOCK OF OLLE NS, eing tho largest designs in TWEEDS, SRO DCLOTHS ENETIANS, &C., FOR FALL WEAR Catupbt lls NE T AT 'lathing tatil batmen t, ORK HOUSE, FORTH. . C. w uid call special attention to -some lum of anaclian Tweeo, bought very ltmv, and firat ola s goods. 117. MP W.1% US AT WM. CAMPBELL. RTANT TO KEEPERS.. FLOUR 1 -t„LI, TIMES. SH ARSON & CO., Prop ietors of tht, E 'VFOR II MILLS ! ' Are' usv rM nufactaring the best ligY (6 ASTI? Y FLOURS In Dominion. IntIncling parches is in Seaforlh and vicinity m ally apt a etting m Faintly and Pastry Moan nn folio nut Dc Mars, ONLY :—Thos. Leo, A. rong, John W sh, James C. Laidlum, Alex. 'homes Kidd. McGinnis, William Ault, 1.jackso , Et, ondville, and at the Settforth Ord( rs eft at nr office, Market Sentare, will pronipt, tttenti . ers des rine o exchange tLeirWheat fo Fla , at the min, y Itwttv's el.. upon getting our best Family 01 stry Flour exchs Igo, in quantities according to he Tolle f eir w eat. S•ild'ARSON & CO. St Q 1. "HELECTR. AY', Nov: 317d, f G -Esk 40. re ,eiv • Answers to yor s• FARMER... ---Th ere law compelling farm. snow off the foot -pa their fat•MS. "f1161,0 , may ho a municipal by-laiv to, thee; e et, however. .Ask: vote ioanehiip esponden is no ge eral 18 t� cleair the, h fill. front ef Clerk. Bunn:ITER. ••s •not !eest to u yor. hogs before yea .kill th After you have k. eteiit the for twenty-four hours, and then. , skin will 'come :oft.: easily. "Wieetew.---It is ult.° for you to weeny a youpg than I your own ogo. If theyoungster •rneneY in hie own rig it, and in eitin. in m. Aog - he ite alf as is fool ean ough to ave u, cto for i , . by all mean. PEDESTRIAN. dr is 'b time in the year for a. &lesbian cursion through the orth-weet British Celumbia:. wea.ther then cod and bracing ddithe an novance of mo!.-:quitoes iwill, avoided. PORK. --The beet .way fiat. ?our pigs is to feed thene roeS beef, potatoes, creain, stoong tea aiid -Goal starch. The porki will then be 'of prime quality. iThe wey: to pr.; duce fat and lean nicel Yen 1 ingut4- . • ly intermixed, is to giVe them all they can eat one day, w ich produce a layer of fate g ve them nothieI g ;tient day, Whie will result in a layea. of lean. Brewing slots are not good, as their, are kt Ito fly to the hog's head and, make hiw drunk and d isonJerly. MILEMAN.--S0 wonder you ifaitl- ed. You should not hive` milkeli your bulls until at .least a, menth fter they had calved. 54-t f. U) ea st I see to I1S - "0 :ie 11 LOUR! 'PENG pt rrl timid and thoroughly ielitted the uills formerl owne bt the Messrs. 800131E, now prepare 1 to iu "fla • FAA IL 'FLOUR, (t.o NO TE IT SEAFORTII, And that. will Par e ,favorably h any in. the ;Do no. 10 -ou mit A 'ft, no to the following Dal rs 1110d ask for M STU T.L'SI—Reatomber AL eL tiff LE'S OUR : NIt N PON 'EL , 1 IA F. s 'OTT OB R J. :‘1, HITE, IDE 8. J 1-I CAV Nli I , . 11, rof. 1-101J :ON, E freoniTille, 0' at W. M. RS IA L'S Mills. '.Grd rs eft wit W. S OBRRTSON will be pron tly ttended n. Pal ies ho wish o • 'x h ng 14,,Th a for Flour, tn. , tcl rem a prop lr uantity, and an ar-ti- twijUdofy competit" in , Are ce I c1etl I.teret j T°10 103 w. ROOM T in Saott't 13 oo Ins on the seoond fi, t. 1,1cCAI:G RSHALL. LET. two commodious Apply to Y MOLMSTED. HICKSON S. -.EMPORIUM. NEW QOQps. FALL IMPORTATIONS.. AWING. to the general advance in DRY ,GOODS, V bought early and very largely, both in &gland treal, and would inyite an inspection of the stock, as gaiter top extensive to advertise, hut the goods will at the eld ptices. 'CALL EARY. Es HIC SO 7. eve ha Ve and Mon - it is alto. be marked MAHN STREET, SE.A.FORTII. OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT is ag:ein in working • order, under new .mariagemerit, with a.splendid Steck of 'Cloths to choose from. Fits guaranteed. I II I, • NEAT, CHEAP AND DURABLE. • •„; MPINTYRE WILLIt WOULD inform the pnblic that -they have just received a first-class Minor inept of Freneh anti English Calf and French and English Kip, an,1 are I1QW wept -rail to make '*Irk lit prices that ilefy competitisa. Au assortinent of ILOME-MADE WOBK kept eonstant13,- cm hand, as well as that of the hest Toronto itzul-Laitetoit houses, which will be sold cheap. A a.)0,.1 assortment lof Homo -made 13oys' Boots kept always ou hand. A call is respectfully solieited. Don't forget th place, --opposite W. Robertson &.•• Co.'s Hardware Store, and first door south -rkt :fan Lo4an's. les THE CIRCULAR SAfW - Cuts through ali opposition. WM. ROBERTS N C Have just received a huge and splendid aFsortrnent of Rogers' and other oellebrated makes C TLE1Y NICKOLITE AND OTHER SILVER-PLATED GOODS, TEA TRAYS, COAL OIL LAM S, Ligfl ning and Turn -table Apple Parers, Every Ffunily should have ono. IMPROVED CHAMPION AND OTHEit CROSSCUT SAWS, TOCK'S CELEBRATED EXTRA MACHINE OIL Warranted the bet1n use. Repairs for Al)ell's Patent -Gear ,t And every othat'article required in the II, raware and Hors , Power, Line—Shelf and II %try. 10— JACK SCREWS TO HIRE. 1 198- SIGN THE CIRCULAR SAW, TEM ROBERTS IVILLINERY. ILLIN eRY. MILLV PRY. MILLIN 'RY. r - CHEAPEST OFTEAPEST (ThTEAPEST CAlEAEsT E APES T TrjalEil8171.1 STYLES.LES. LATEsT FALL STYLEs. LATEST FALL STYLES. LATEST FALL STYLES. TN TOWN. TOWN. IN TOWN: IN /PO W LN TOWN. .AT MISS A.. ERWIN'S; Reynolds' Block, 197-13. Near the Depot. flIIMENITMlorgmle D. McNAUGHT AjTOULD respectfully intimate to the VV. inhabitants of Seaforth and vicin- ity/That he now carries on business at XEIV SII0P, in rear of Killoran lhan!'s. ; jebbing of all kinds, and rforse-shoeing especially, promptly attended to. e.17-• Terms reaeonable. • /64-t DAVID MeNAVGHT. •SHOPS FOR SALE. -P'OR BALT', two shops and forty-four feet front - ng: on Main Street, Set:forth, opposite Car- e l's•Hotel. tu J. Sk:A.TTE11. Ptk.RTICULAR NOTICE. JOH L CAN Has a Lot of SHAWLS, AlA TLES, —AND— IDRPS d-(703DS Which he is easious to Sell Off, at Cost, YES, BELOW COST, ,Or any reasonable brie° that a customer mayoffer Therefore, Ladies, you will please ooll at tht4 Manchester House:, MAIN STREET, Soon, and get your pick of the Goods before they are all sold. •Seniorthi July 2.5, 1871. 190 a H. CULL, AIGENT FOR. LOaltafil-r$ 47, WLYCI MACITINES, Te4egraph and Express Companies, CANADA LIVE; AMC-RANCE CO., Issuer of Marriage Licences. American Money bought and sold. Particular attention paid to 1 JOB PRINTIN(1. Orrice—Elliott & Armstrong's 13ook- Store, Seaforth 174 JAME4 WILLIfMS Begs t intimate to the public that he has removed frona McIntosh & Mor- rison's Carriage Factory, ad has rented Mr. William; Grassieis Paint g,hop, Where he; may be found at any time Mr. Williiins is prepared to execute, of the shortest notice, all kinds of -Carriage Painting, Sign Painting and Ornamental War. Give hire a call. Remember the place, 'opposite Murray's Stables. . 4,10-13t 180 Wov. 17, 18711. Seoforth 11101111ciry ZAPFE & CARTER Would desire tt-i call attention to their greatly improved THRESHER& SEPARATOR Which is ah -le to compete with any other Machine in Canada, Among its many advarrtages. we call at- tention to thei following—the way th Cylinder -is conAtrneted---it requires less power iind is capable of THRESHINO MORE AND CLEANE3 THAI' ANY °TITER. The great complaint among Threshers always was, that they could thresh rnore than they could 'lean, our unproved dram does away with '01 these complaints ; it is so constru-3ted as to regulate the wind tc keep the riddles from choking, without blowing any gran over. / We have also improved .our Mils to prevent the graia going over with the straw. We would in -.f, Farmers and Thresh- ers, generally, tt give us a call, and ex- amine ourl stock Ibere purchasing e1 --- where ; we can s,11 as cheap as any other i:stablishrhent. None but the bes • verylbest The Mai:1111MS ns to say that th tion than any county. Material used, and the • orkraen employed. wc sold last year enal)Ie 7 gave better satisfae- ther ever sold in this PITT'S Ht RSE POWER 1 kept on Ir nd at all times. We would also desire to direct the attention f farmers to :our SAWNG MACHINES! Which are capabl of -awing from fortY to fifty cord of , vood per day. tperior Gang P oughs, Straw Cutters ultivators, Sated rs. 1Wooden and Iron - beam Plo ghs, S,rapiers, Kettles, &c., 01 of whic we n arralut to give saLisfae- ioi, and will be s dd as cheap as at any er Estiblish tent in the Provinee.. I.E.PAIRTNG 24D CASTIN(.- OF pV'ERY DESicRIPTION, Done op tte slim test notice and most reason 1)10 terms. 1434y_ 0APFE & CARTER. HEE/IING FO BU_NDAN R Ai OSPECTS HARVEST The present favorable Spring weather arrantboth farn er and mechanic in ixiaking timely pre arations forthe eoni- i (7 harvest. HOIVISON WILLIAMS VN. hile thanking th ir plArons for the lib - 1.1 er 1 encourauement ace( rded them in the p t, wouleeordial y i vite the atten- of 1 Farmers ti their cho ce assortment of Harvesting Machin s fo - 1871. Our Ohio Combi zed Hachine; with Johnson's Imp ovod. Selfitake, has given complete sati faction for the past owo years, and is ow' offered to the public with the str nebeSt guarantee for durability and perfe )tarlorla The Cayuga CI ief, Jr., .,7rower, Which has gained fo reputation is again durable, handy and known, being const thq machine entire). and with it we def alsti, offer the itself a worhtwide offeifed as the most est working Mower dud in the body el of iron and steel, competition. We jOhnstnes Sel Raking Single Rea) er, wh eh took first and ecoid prizes at Pro - vin dal Exhibition'1 70. This reaper is ack owledged. to be uperior to any other pattern now in use, as it cuts perfectly, tak •s up lodged or tabgled grain better thaiii any 0th -el rake r reel machine, and el equally well fro i either side of the fiat when wind is s rong from any di- rect on, can be raised or lowered. when in rne 1. oN\t on and is very d ruble. e invin ite specti a of our machines and mode of mann a,ctiiring by pur- chasers before riving °piers elsewher We guarantee atisfu tion in very Ina - e. chine, or no sal. TE alS 'ASY. The agriculturalist of 'Perth and ad- joining counties will so blrntl to th ' give their ord 100 miles east, woiks in their the best mach' same machines Call and see by mail, or deal every case you ot (we believe) be •Ots N8'n interesas _to rs to ;shops more than hen tlhere are first-class • taidst, building largely es, Nita/ to any of the ade m the Province. s,- -send. in your orderz with our agents, as in will get a perfect ma- chine, and on the settle 'terms as your neighbor. Ourprin iples of businesi and prices being est Wished and uni- form. 'All other kinds of 1 implements con- stantly on hand. STEAM -ENGIN 'S BUILT, And all kinds of MILL WORK dose promptly. Address D -103150N & WILLIAMS, -ch Ontatie. \ov. ITT, LErogaglatair,tAtca=manumm11111 The Chalked une Robert Peel, great Sir Robert trteble lehtglish started a cotton rneesure and sma: it was at the en= cotton enterpeiee. that time was make his enterpnie 'profits fell eo often "senses diet it is e. contemplated ;Ilene meat. The difcui 'WasS AppareRtly a ta trifle that undermi fort. The filamenv what we-Imll the Alt tkt,int:insdaallnfioetei: ered with it ; they I Every six or senenJ clean his machine, e t3i; 1,0 i fliTow, don,I,HaIr1:1bi ionsIlltriter s ,eatee ; he sent fiir ;invent n. ofc :teen n] exhansted his ing'l foiled. Ire ea I Itel V:) e engineering rapital iv.)11) -unsuri'.e,;14.111.. 1;,It that them Was, one Oat nenn. stopTied. xlrnw his full wns never ern -untie -el of the month his He I diteed for Sir f..111 1 -hue, and to,)k they -set men to moe, von41no etcct the; set, 'his' fellOW-N'torki 'hat the' conhi not finally, in ki:espair„ for him. A mile, ward country booby, the counting -mom_ punvd his hand; and s,ratvlied. the lwavr nuke a w, and 4 DiPk, tie overs your hobbins ale - it so '1):L _Ave, mien Dick, . how is it ? flint's a s(Trel. if I . yun. would knirir 'Exzeetiv eo,' said won't yon tell nte want to, master. pay you if yin will t,. do :eon want for nom leok down a Aaivt olf4Ietl;; 4 1- ). in the You eays Peei, and L Sundav, toe.' f-thutt eantieuely, end creep Peel as he dared, the': in his 'enh, Cfiaik chalk tire bobbinr, reel saw it at a glair ed, undetected, kis bobbins and tap It prevented the all fitament, and It lila(!t He did a fail dee-T- eamed ample vs-agii-s money for his -emplo2.4, it at a Olney, Loogl invry cOhtrived the whole mill, and into fertnne ; from a be mounted the tom Englieh gqitry.Hi among tie., tiint in Ent lhe destinies of states, made King of Eng jf lheenier of E_.e.ngla.i._nd share of that plaee alli iitte'CeSS owed to tba ) retniets. And the the nobility of the eat iteheit Ihed was Curiosities of 14 311.:1 111111.1 e, i4)1)•:%e1-11411ed 4.01rit Morninee Pest in chweral Christie ma4. rtion but it is xr.4 either of them veritin meta. Robert in the morning e 31-eW"Sl1al1V1 Evan During the. R=.peui Ot c,,timons. vear8 ago. one of.the fmt bis spr.t.Th, 1,:elit it t 3 tfiers. and rei,e;LIV41 ir 'in tigi ", it vasi the same verbatim asth hull written on+. Jul land ;it:ent ,Norgifk ber every nerd f Write it ont correctly,. Lomi. ; this Wan tfTted il,11,4 his written ae,,,mai clergyman's Mali I Nel v4,111;1 rept..it, a Imealre af741r}iiv1 1.gza:.4,1 8(1;.:1 e0 1 1 ! litifagi salIdv7),aktecc-1 ip o 1111, 1,1hi :11411 arentiTi.l.nlesq:?irt ...ilale' afterwards, prq i -»t 1ttg:1eout as'.11:lfeh.Pas311:.kgeloi'uLlil h-Telipon the Liao - (1:sisi8i;77('.;:i11sN,vfri()tesZi; iliqurians are to be taiannber. til,2.• name ,