The Huron Expositor, 1871-11-10, Page 44re — — P -r-- HURON EXPOSITOR: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Business Sraud Por sale in Berne. Estray Ewe and Lamb—Thomas Blake. Improved Berkshire Boar—W. Blair, jr. Notice to Debtor.s—I. 8. Porter. Insolvent Notice—S. Johnson. Shrouds—M. Robertson: Furniture—Thomas Bell. t'anaeia Presbyterian Pulpit—R. •Lums- den. Fish—W-. S. Robertson. Removal—Johnson Bros November Bare -ties N. M. LiVingstone. Harper's Weekly' I fttrper at Brothers. omemooter.ameaag " _________________ &x.proitor.. FRIDAY, NOV. 10, 1871. The Ontario Legislature. ie now pretty geeerally nrider- stood, that the Ontario Legislature will be called together for the dis- patch of_business on the 7th of De - I cember next. The question is fre- quently akecJ what `.1tre the pros- pects far the efeat of the Govern- ment ? .This IS ( lleSti011 W1110h is tepee] deal cnere easily asked than anewered. In a few Weeks, how- :tmystery will be owed, and !h. egony ended. IN.linisteriel joure a .1-tim that the government will bt- susteined by a fair working majority. It is claimed, on the other hand, by ,the journals of the opposi- tion, that althoughetho Government may be enabled to elect their Speek- r, and commence the session, yet they will not have sufficient strength to enable them to hold their posi- tions to the. end of the first session,' and th at upom the first impor tan t teat questions eltich come up, they will' tie efeated. _ We are - inelined to think that both are slightly estray. While we are not -prepared_ to concede to the Government , so la'rge a majorityas their friends claim for them, we are not by any means hopefule that theete' will be easily defeated. ThefolloWing ex- -tract froze the Tore -tato correspond- , -ence of the Moutreal Witness may be taken for -what it, is worth :. "Tbe feelitg of uncertainty which pre- vailed.after the elections, owing to /the doubtful position of a number of the re- turned members; has given place to one of confidence on the part of the AdMinis- tration and their supporters. After a. careful calculation of the chances, .and eaumeration -of their followers, they are disposed to feel sanguine at the pix)spect. The Ilea': Members have been approached and. their views ascertained; and, as might have been anticipated, thmajori- ty of the " independents" are disposed to favor the Government. Mutsh, of course, will depend- npon their policy; but if it be as well calculated to appeal to the intere,st of the constituencies -by eacoaraOng public enterprises, &c., as th„rar of cast year, there is little doubt that San ine:d Madeonald will commence the seat,ie:t with a fair working majority." what e.xtent the above 'iered:e- tee way he cot recte evef • of- coarse, art. nuaole to .say. • .There is little deaht, however, that if Mr. Sendtihi tedonall finds that his follow - likely. to lie men, he will Len; his policy, accordingly: If he k e. :es that he has to rely .upon the. reei-i)endents". to retain him.. in ati his policy- will, he SJ framed as to a u re the. su pport of theSe gen tle- even though he should be com, peIh. I to take•up measures which be oeaesed last. session. Sandfield's set: e• ,honerand COO sisteocy is not tong as to cause him to stick at ta lifaX Post Office Robbery. A clerk izi the Halifax Post Of: flee was arrested a ehort time ago up. n the cherge, of opening peoney lettere pessieg, through his ofliee,.. ad abstracting money . therefrom. is:seems that, for some time past, repeated COMplaiuts had been re- ceived hy the Post.Office Inepecter feen pet -ties who had lest money in this way. So frequent had these C noplqiuts of late become, that the NIT;t_li, at last,. forced to in- st.ttuLe au en q iry in ordor.to a sour - Lehi v. here LDIS mouey had -g.ons). Several of OD- robbed letters_ were stieed to the Ilhalitax Pot °thee.- rie suspicem of the detective em- leyed to work up the case at once f. II upon a clerk in the, office named 1iJi(II. who, it apphared, had recently purchesed a very handsome reeidenee, ;11)d fureiehed it 111 thu most. costly s(vle, although he had n vieil.le means of doieg so, except from the eiviugs ef a salary of-...,:a.`.z()0 annum, and tilt: expensive marl- ine- in whit b iived would pre- elede idi p•Issibility of this. The the teed eh arged h nil vit,ii the. Mid finally _got hitn to _con- , re, was the ginity party, ruidolett he heti. Cal lied on his pea.> t-ttitti nts f etersiderahle tilne arid zt ereat exteet. I1tewa8 roared ;-tud I 011;41'd in, 1t'fl 1 t tUl 111,itt.ht di etlit'e t ei. t,tk h rich relatives, and, in 10.;, --get nee, the effhir W0.8 h t.iStied 111)a.woch as pO SIh1 Iv the of neiats. A rul- fcw coetine. relent, the feet leaked mit that belt hut cryst. I iousir e:iCiped fu prison, awl had taeeit his depai tame tor the laed of fr alloin. act oes the aet-e, 1 t1 neuter wotikl probaley hatsteleteu. eltee ed te rest here, auc, :would soon have chsappeirvcl from the public Imind,h In d it 11 ot been for the tollOwing eemarkalele stete- m on t, published in, t hellali ax Re- corder of l‘onday last : -It st ys- the release of Chnipbel: was obtained by Dr. Tupper l .who fearM that an in- vestigation- vould elicit seme facts involvingeliimself ctiniin.g , the last election. .: he Reeor :89' save To pper i wive? Camp ell a cc-st b/anoke to (lame SU )pr ss a.nd d •troYIleetters *It by the Local Gh. verninent ande their friend to pa stees in the COUT1- • try . to intl.:epee , deltors, nd that .Camphel I d Id; su0-n• s en li lettere.- Extraordinery as; 'th story is it is believed by Many. In exr Mention of it, ib -ds said thaL ) bile Campbell was in jail, believing that. he Gov- ! ; ernment, through th ir Inspector. had pleyed false with i hin ' by first promising hirn par4and then give nig. inferniateon to 1 the 'Bank of - i 111ontreel, on 'which he was arrested, Ii e made the statem nt which has now re.tched the pu 1,1 ic. This Dr. Tapper is i. a pieminent mem er of the Goverameitt of the Duni nion of Cared °. ; The above is no, the fi rst d is re p ‘1 t ;4,1)10 t ransac- tion yith which his ane has beeu connected. It will ie ierijenihcred th 1. dining the last SOBSion, of Par- liament a very seriou tempted bribery, agaieet him, and he caped having a vote' of 3 strikes, to secure nine( four 11 and fifth plank free and general ed seve th means that rt othe ute of s v ni TI le give in return for all , 81 ins What/ will be t of e contract OP cours port the Tory parcel- by- th si horars The provide for cetson: The ilreads and • rublic works should lbe bought d carried on) not for the profit iareholders, but for con.. rice of the MaSS6s. is platform seems to be all 'one, . What are the workingmen hese con- usir -strew e, stile- -ar-• votes, s that all? One thine seems h that with this platform [jelled as IHAV, the days ef 'an oracy Eugland are num- opt cert estat arlist bete • clialge of fat- es preferred I narikityly es- eensu e passed Ilion him by the ' Huse. 1 ' If the Statemetits of the Re(iorcler are cor- rect, Dr. Tupper is an infinitely W or:se Criminal di an •the d ripe who has had to flee the coentry to eeeape the consequences of the graye crime be was led to commie, chroingli the persuasiors of this elihistet of the, Dominion. We trust1 for te credit of the country, that tltle matter, may not he allowed to ie t. as 't is, but that it will be prerup ly and vigor- misly inquired- intoa, d, if Dr. Ter - per be found gu:ilty f the serious charges preferred against him, that his exalted position will net be al- lowed to.Shield ,hi xi fow the pun- ishment to which o heinous. a crime righteou.sly entitles hitn. e An Extrodimary Alliance. - A political mo ern rat has been brought to I igh t, i E, sglend . which • appears so improb ble and unnatur- al as to be almost mpossible of be-. lief. Jt is: no less t an analliance be- tweenethe aristocr ticj element, ye - presented by the oitse of ,Lords, and the Working cl .ss a, represented by the trades un UM This must seem , almost incredible, but the echeme is glavely cies: issed and ap- parently uelieved. by some of the most reliable Bride 1 1 urnals, among which we.might IT me the ,Specteetor, the Mencliester Gz ar tan and •the Edinburgh Sco4set n. The follow- ing is the platform up 'nwhich this extraordinary coal tio 1 is said to be based ": • 1. The families of he working -classes shall be rescued frem th dismal lanes, .crowded alleys, and. nw iolesolne dwell- ings of our towns, am 'ph rited out in the clear, where, each in th middle of its garden, shall be clench d homesteads, in wholesome air and. su lshiIle wherein they may.grow.up st mg ' healthy, and pure, under -the Urdu ace of well -ordered. - homes. 2. To enable thi'S to be effectually carried out there shal b created a per- fect organization for be elf -government of counties, towns. ant villages, with powers for the acquis twit and disposal of land for the conuflo i ood. 3 A „da.y'al labor sh tnconsist, for skilled workmen, of egh hours of hon- est work. 4. in addition to sib° Is for element - i ary education, there sl'e I be provided schools for practica . nowledge and icclinical etlucation. T1 ese scheo'a,shall be numerous and shallb J established in the midst of the wor m 311's new home - i s teads . 5. For the Moral being of the people, p creation, knowledge, be organized ars parts vice. . ' 6. Public markets., ha every town lot/ the sais o quantities of the hest qa sal.; price. ' 7. There shall be pi iteesion'of the eirga,niz service on thf,e • -Iola the common good. -- The egreement is planks of 'the abov fee included ill) a/ bil - passed in the. Hous( beginning of next - do AM to thee anin nd ac nd wont has beet' put contract and signed itieseutaties of Eerl of Lichfield, ti tarry, Lord Henry Pekington, the Ear the 1trqui Lor ov physic:al well - Is of pilblic re - i,efinemont shall the public ser- • I - I be erected in goods in small lity at Whole - 1. led a great ex - of . the pub!ie e post -office for at the seven , latfortn , shall 1 Erich will be Lords at the es ion atd sent )IV Theaeb ree- e i he form of a the followieg he PeerS: The lerquis Salts-. -an nox, Sir Johrk to, Clarmar;=ori, en re, Lord . axlm • Railway. Matters.. The promoters Oh t'ne Ldndoe, mein and Deuce Railway scheme seem to thoroughly believe in and endeavor to act up tothe oid adage "-It is better toelive in hope Oen die in despair.'"Iley appear to hope even yet, by some means or other, , to carry their railway through thelslortle We dareerey many of °air Jeaders will be not " a little as- tonished to learn that this Company n w propose to become "boon cum - p nions and joint -friends. with their m rtal enimiee of a •month ago, the Wielling,ton, Grey and Brece Ciimpany. We learn upon the beht authority, however, thaasuellis th ease. We believe it to be a fa •that the latter compitny. have offered to foern an alliance with the lo men and allow them to place a th rd rail on their Souehern Exton-. n line from the point of ,jiloctiou to their termiaus -ot Kincardine. NI heft circumstances have arisen to so ten the hearts of , the Hamilton pe ple towards their London toads bee; not- yet transpired., . We have no doubt buttime; treravel the to stery. In the meantiem we iently await; further develop- ntO. , noth e that the Council of the township of London have consented to submit .a by-law to the retepeyees of th. t township granting e -bonus of $1 AO to the London Seheuse. 'Another Change Required. t would new be an almost tal- usral. occurreece should a session of Parliament pees arouncl without some 'altaratiOn .being made in the 1 • ' • nni_nieipal act of the . Province, N thithstanding.. however, the vari- ort tins proem en ts, modifications an alterations have been Int& ,in this.important law, and the vat arpouret of. tinkering it has re- ceivec at the hands. of legislators of va io s shades of politics, it is still flat fr m .being perfect. One of the. most prommently unjust and de- fe tive.clauses which it contains is, pe haps, that Which designates the vo erS eatitled vote upon a bye law incurring a municipal dept, not paYable. within the •current year, an which reads as follows : 'Sea. 46.—The ratepayers entitled. to vo e o any by-law for incurring a debt. Qr. raising money, which shall not be ' pa able within the then current year,. shall he such ratepayers only as are rated OA the assessment rolls for an est. te of freehold, either legal or equit- ab e,, of sufficient value to entitle them to rote at any municipal election ; or of a etsehold, the duration of which shall no be less than the period of Abner in wl ich the debt to be contracted or the money raise d under such by-law is made pa:able, .and in the lease far .Which lea ehhld, the lessee covenants to pay innc pal taxes, and the Clerk shall fur- nish the returning officer with a verified HS -of electors." law more manifestly unjust th. n the above could scarcely be 00 ceved. By it a man who bolds Lei 1 estate in a municipality, to the va tie' of, $200, has the privileges of V() in 7 .111pon a money by-law, al- th h e may have no other earth- ly inter et in the place. He has be wl lel lit vo ha ee pr ra Nit es wl 0, yery probably, has no other in- teiest.ine the municipality, has the , t po veto vote against, such a ny,kaw opp rtunity of voting to incur ebt toward which he way never eequired to contribute one cent, er as his tennant, who has in to pay the debt, has no ce in the matter. On the other id, debts of this description are 1eraI1y incuared for public im- ve m on ts, the enconragement of I w y enterprises and Iik.e objets. ell the Irian wno, possesOes real at to the, value of $200 and 4111111111.11118•1111•1•11111111MINIMININISIMINIT This injustice is not felt to so great Mr. Cameron Would it not have an extent in rural districts as in been much mere manly for. him to towns and villages. In the forimer. there are ew who have: eapital in- vested otherwise than in reel estate, but iu the letter the. case is differ- ent In tewns and villages, there are menewho -have large -capital -in- vested tin various branches of bosi- ness.who not own a foot of -real estate, but who ere, nevertheless, frequently the heaviest taxpayers in the mutricipalieve will,: there fore, be a disgrace to the intelligenee of .she Ltislative body of the Provinee"if another session be ffl- lowed to peas withollt (.1-11611ding the lio,y so that all may receive theil just rights and privileges. - Every limn who pays taxes :shoeld be al- lowed to v.00 on such questions, and until the law is amended so as, tO al ioiv them to do so, our boasted 'and much -amended Municipal act will contain at least one clause.which is ueither creditable to its framer nor just to those who tufty be compelled to subanit to its eprovisioxi8. We trust that, during th:e, approaching Session such action .will• be taken upon it as . will result in .tt measure whieh llow eqm 1 riehts to all, no 'matter vhether they pay tkxes tri. on real es ate or ested cepital. M. C. -Cameron's ,A.pologists. We last Week pub ished lean. from Mr. M. O. Canwron„ purport- ing to be a leply to tile accusations which we have felt it. our duty to Make, and Veil we have proved ostinst him. . This week we putslith udders- fro bis apologists, t Goderich -61 gnal and the Clint, New FIT% , .% hich are, We presume, 1 ids° intended as replies to those ehargeS . We have two reasons for publishing tbeee articles. .The first IS, that ouereaders may have full op- portunity of Seeing everything WhiCh ean be sal& in Mr. Oanieron's de- fence. The., SOCODU rea8011 is, that they may see for themselves what a • .misera We 'failure these. journals have made in the& attempts to clear the skirts of . Mr. Cameron from the damaging charges we have preferred and proven tr.ainst him. Weak and drivelling as:was the defence of Mr. b I . . . .ertainly weSse.. It Will ,be"oleserr- . amerone that cf his, apelogists is ed that, .although eiltch of , these journals have publiene;;1 Mr. -Camer- on's:letter, aod have made comments favorable to linn, neither ,Of then) have 'had the fairness,: or m an I in esO, or,,courege, tO publish' or even.refer to the chat -bee we. have proven 1, against hitn. . But, instead of doing bia, ,as. hoe est journalists, and as journalists who desired to act f;cirly hy- theirareaders and party would, they content di etneelve.s with hualiug personal abi_46,- and mean, key, _in- sinuations - 4 . ehe eEditor of this journal, This style of .atgument 1.1fili.sorliiel ige:siittil:h:D:tisio- ibluttelett.eallliwiiglegenfilt:11, 0R:reef Otsr:tt:it7- es Of the South Riding of Iluron 'tvstantial than this, to convince then) that Mr. Cemeron has acted the part of an honest representative, or to prove to theiasatisfaction that he has not, willfully and :deliberately lied to them. Thee iS one pciet .•aised.by M. Cameeon, and repeat - d bv his sattelites, which they ap- iear tcaplace a great -deal of stress, itpm-. They . say - in ,substanc-, c When the Editor -of THE ExPos - ' TO11 bait not! the courage an " honesty to tgeapi 1,e with .1).Cr. Cam- " eron at the Conveetion, prudence " and self -respect .should have die- " tated a very diffterent course from " thac now pursued by Mar." -• Ir our first arti'le on this subject, we In order to enlighten them, . there- ! gave -our rea on. for not " grappling' with. Mr. 0 uneroa at the Conven- tion," :hut t ris observant teio c - to have cols eniently overlooked it. fore, we again publish the reason which:,we.. then gave,- and which reads as fultews : "At the tithe we " heard Mr, Catneron utter theSe as- sertions we ,felt convinced that "they were false, but uot then being " in posse8sibia of the thoper anat.- ' ority, we Were not in a positioa: " to. refute- them upon the spot. " Siace Mr. Qamero e'e utterances " were made: however we have had jouanals of the Hon •e, &c." We "an opport mity of perusieg. the • uppose, therefore, it ifs unnecess try. 0 s ey• more on this 'suhject. . Mr. lameron and his two followers will ow surely hes able to see our mescals ot not " grOipring with Mr. Camer- le ateenees, SaiLoi il Nuitheote, Gathorne Hardy. Ti sigiers . ten. helialf of the workinign err at Bohert .Applegarth, joinee Allen, engineer, anst a doe p r so Others, I The platform sal 0 havise beeu , aereed upon is nio •evor tune -levy tree) the meet id.v; d raclibal ever, I dreamed of. The ryina out (.4• 1 •ney thereby frustrate the..en- pr se which it was desigoed. to f -oult.age. But- the merehant. or meeleltnic-who ha e not real estate to tin t value, but who has thousands ti of, do tare . inweetet1 in business,— c 1 wiles future welfare depenasiupon h !, the ph osperety of the municipality, i and etho peys ten times moreetaxes than he one Of the real estate 81 .tl is liot ed lowed to have a veice in the dispo, itioa. of the • taxes. ..be will 0 have te pay. Thus, twe ...hundred ' on at the Convention," unless they are wilfully blincl, which we rather rink they are. To pi aye mere, learly that these journals whitsh ave taken Mr. Cameron's defence n hand, know noc of what they ale ieekine, we quote a few lines.-frone 10 Sienars rtiele •. " Ire have 7ot yet had an opportun4 i&trefally emt-vilting the journal:;. af the wow, to see there is even a grabi of uth in the Exrosvron's allegations )c, at • rot;, .11 the tit st and secon 1 flanks, would dollars' wolth of real peeperty 18 tr result in the Ineeds g up i of the ocalisic ereci.hy this act to be of more a lel ge estates and th ir li titionment vasue than an linlieuited aliment in - into small i'l)ropert l'be third I vebec ine a rennmerativa business. y W011141 give the we kingtnee eigl.t The t. ring is not only absurd, but is al hour s for a thty's wo wheresis tie y- 1 a 'gross it juetice tO a very. large and 1) - i gainst Mr. Cameron." If the editor or the SierPeseI hasnot et bad time to consult the, journe cif the House," how on earth does (3 know whether or not f•,we have ul sec tip te.e.,yety cometip t s:ay. en . concocang cal u rtf.tatiain ate pow eu lea urh rung1 ust s have consulted, the journals of the House before he ventured an opinion upon the question, or to have re- mained eilent until his time would permit of his ;consulting these journ- als. As it is he is writibe on "a subject of which be is ignorant, and making random shots in the dark, in the hope ti at the neise thus made may li a ve the effec b of diver ti. g his readers, so as to canee, them -I, for- get the real q testion at isene. We would. advise ;he editor of die e. .9na2 to be thoroughly posted on his sub- ject before be again attemp s to write upon it, and he will pro mbly be prevented [from waking sr ch a public exiribi trie of his ignorai ce as he does in flip article from N the abovt?„quutations were taker the following paragraph, agair Sigma displays its ignor an ce o true facts °idle case. or its des mielead the peblic : : "The jouinals for 1870—the volume we have yet given even a ei rsory glance at—show that Mr. Camerar was present at forteeitwo divisions' whil the brilliant leader pf the LiberalOppo ition. in butario—was only present at t velve- divisioits. We apprehend that wb n our representatiVe's.:.attendance was three - times more regular than that of &ward Blake Esq. South - Huron has -very reason to be satisfied." Mr. 'Blake, as every person -1:1 ows, represents two cmstieuences, o ie in the Parliament of theDominion and' the other in the Legislature of On- tario. Does the Euitor of the Sig- nal not know that shortly b foie the opening of the eessiou he iefers to, l`elr. Edward Blake applied o his nonstituenta,of West, Durham, o re.: lieve him from -hie position as heir representative in the Dominion Par- liament, on the. grounds tba he could not properly attend to the duties imposed upon him by that position, with juetisie to himse f or them, unless he negleeted his own private business, which he was not in a position to do. His conetitta ents almost unimiarously .eleclirelld to allow him to resign his position..1mt told him that- he was to attend !pri- vate duties first, and afterwards devote what time he could spare- to the duties desolviug .upon him as their repreSentative... On these con, ditione, and On these alone,- Mr. Blake consented toretain that pc,sition. If the- Editor of the Sig- izal is ,pot • aware of ' this.. •fact, he should be. If he is, he is ender. VOr- ing to impose upon the cridulit • of his readees by making the cora Ali- son 'which he does above. There are a few other points •ais- ed by the Signal, but as they 01 :all of a pevsonal nature, we stall Ass them by, being desirous of kee eing this discussionras free frcm pe son, alibies as poseible, We may. say-, however, that 'tve are not surmised at the course Pursued by the Sir Mr. Cameron has been a good fr end to Godericla -.and ewe suppose .the Signal feels in duty bound- t at leaet attempt to justify ali.h- .ac- tions, be they right or wilting.. We will not quarrel with it on thissore, but, for its sake, and for the..sake of the party to which both itand we profess to belong, we could itis1i that its task were a much easier one than it is. With regard to the remarks of the Yew ler , we need say but l'ttle. We cannot iee what object the 1di - tor of that lournel can .have in talc -- inter the course'be hes, .mless 1 be his old one of endeavoring tm get on the popular side, -no mast r at what sacrifice of principle or t uth. We fear that On this occasion, s in the many others when be has ried the same game, he will' find th, t by the time he gets cone the fence, tho tide of °pular tvor itortably over will have rolled to the contrary side. leaving him even more naked and disconsolate than he was before. This is all we have to say aboul, the _Yew Era: ." A short horse is soon curried. ' inch i. In , the the re to only. NEWS OF THE WEEK. The emigration returns of Liver- - pool for October, show 14,26' de- partures for the !United States. The boys in Eastern Maine are skating, and the universal see rity of the weather is a matter of (re ieral com men t. Miss Rye has "arrived at Halifax with 145 little orphan girls, of whom 96 will be provided for in the Maritime Provinces,' and the re- maining 49 will 'be brought to Que- bec. The Ka -Klux, it is said, bat e ale. ready beeu ba.nished ftom 5 lids Carolina. Further - iuvestiga 10118. shows that these villains had e tab - haired a brutal and tyrannical tile, and that murders and outrages itb- out number wete committed by them. Peesident Gran t'S Vigor- ous action is having a salutary ef- L e . ' A woman named Aare Caulfield wes found drowned in the. mill race at Oellawa, on Monday mor Her trustee:1de Wm. CA1)1:field was arrested on suspicion.. At the coroner's inquest held Tester& y, it was shown that they had bem to- gether near the piece .whet the , Ludy wa.?. f.nind. about tl.w tit k she No•v2. 10, 1871: must have. been drowned-. His cap was' found floating on the water, and locks of hair anti marks of a struggle appeared on the bank of the race. He has been -committed , fol'trikTd; A.ibune's Washington sppcial says may at last be definitely an rounced that Mr Fish has resign- ed the ..portfolio of. Secretary of Str te, that - his successor has been de ermiped • upona, end tlat t the eln 1.41.0 iS now expected by the Pr ident to take place soon after th election.- Mr. Fish puiposes to re. ide this winter in New Yolk. dditional frands have been dis- co et ed by the committee investiga t- ine the New Yolk city acvounts, !Ina ano tlier name has been added to du long list of plunderers who en- ric red themselves upon the spelle lef at their d:sposal by honest but int ifferent voters. The new thief ne de ahout half a millionby pass- iw a bill thioneh the State As - see Any, of 111C11 he was a mei:liner, 11- name • is Thomas C. Fields, the Democratic representative of the XI )(th Distriet in the .Assemlely, Proceedings will be taken else -last hie 1 to make hire disgorge. Ile is to be a rrt'sted after the manner of T,eed, nd allo‘hed to fuenish bail for $100,000. t is rumored that Charles iLy cert., M. P. P. for the County of Lir col n, is to be appoiuted superin- ten _lent of the ',Veliand Canel, in . pste.e of Mr. Woodruff who has been d is ir i ssed. The Hon. Mr. LaDgSVID, was ent rtained at a banquet given by a nn4iber of hitt friends, at Quebec on Tut sday evening last. Severai me nbers of the Dominion Govern - me it and prominent ministeralists we e present. The remarks of _the 1)03 . gentleman and his colleagues we .e chiefly of a congratulatory nat ire, no indication being given of neh isterial policy upon any import- ant question. he special meeting of the Gener- al ssembl v of the Canada Presby- terhen Church, to copsid r the clue : - tic) -of Union., was opened on Tries - da evening in Knox. Church, To- ron o, the Moderator, Rev. John Sco t, in the chaii. title!: devotion- al xercises and a brief bet appropri- ate address from the Moderator, the, sub ect winch had called them to - get 1-er Was taken into consideration. Th report of the joint -committee of the two churches, which recently me in Montreal, was read, and an ear lest debate followed. The re- sul Of the meeting has not yet tran- spit d. he contested election cases in South Grey East and West Toronto wer resumed again this week A t hist accounts no decision had been giv u ill either caee, The probabili- ty 1 that Lauder the member elect for South Grey will be unseated, and a new election ordered; It is - not likely that anything will be made out of the cases of either East or We -t Toronto. Since the above was in type, we learn that Lauder has been unseated. e learn by telegraph that' a mo ement has been set on foot in Par s for the submission to the . peo • of France, ----the question of its attire form of Governmeut, to be decided by a plebiseitam. By the troposed scheme the people will vot , whether the ce:entry shall be-- col q a kingdom under the rule of - one 4f the Bourbon family ; an cm- pir under the Napoleonic dynasty ;•3 or tlemain as now, a Rephiblic. WI en the National Assembly is aga D, convened, a lneaS111e will be int ciduced to carry the scheme into eff --,e6 • Fires. . LONDON, ONTARIO. )ne of the most disastrous confla- grationtawhich has occurred in L0/1 - do fai some years past - broke out ab ut 8 o'clock on Monday evening ilas e,in. the engine .shed of George elooreltead's wholesale and retail cabinet factory on Ring street, corn - skating from thence to the work - p, store rooms and show room, whole of. which wet e completely consumed. Bennett's furniture ware- hoeee,:to the east, was also destroyed, while -two small dwellings to the west were pulled down in the en- d vor to save Ferguson's cabinet wa 'elmUee. Davis' livery stable to the 'ear of Moorehead's had a ma- le% escape, but by well applied en( egy die _building waa saved. The res deuces across the street a -ere in gre t danger for some time from the int else heat, tint fortunately did net sustain material injury.. Mo )reheati's los is anout $60,000 ; insurance, $3, ,O-00; Bennet's is erobabiy about $8, )00; no insurance By this fire 0 -VC r 100 men are thrown out of ear- plo 'unlit, only two of whom were bile 4SSflil in saving their tools. °on- sid rable furniture was saved, but. in damaged condition. The water supply was inadequate and carts we e called into requisition for the purpose of filling the tanks. The - fire 11211 worked heartily and with the citizens prevented the conflagra- tio from sprehding. Portunutely the wind was very lielit and the die confined to the vieiediv in whieh ia, - , Nov. 10, originateti. II;e1 th -breeze tbere is 110 t would havi stopped., is the lose, if the dit Connies Ro. ti, 400.; 't•:••43.4 •:F;2,0fg) ; ,Mirth Hartford, $7,0110 ; 00:0; Pier ncial, C&THE A dilailstF. Oetherieles abont- 2:30, t t were dieeovered leige sale, and li Messm 4t Strekt, Whidi whre ed, Nineteen here to dvath, spvvral animals_ occu].)ieri at, a Rileyt were at-() 4 111(1 f3)(111{, jesi. l''s:r;',0;:11• abont $1i .000. twee heir ig The al °ie. iirfes at the work of intim& erreaa On Sunday ofor .a of Thos. N1 '(-n. al fore\d the leiihrieg caught lira 34' 441ilY ;spread rapidly. -joining leriltlinh,s ,i1 1:1.1s 31Y) th i' Wt5 ii eheek, and prceve&: over an -extern total Iors WaS abon of the sufferers was ir On the rest there we The fire is 0) 7:4 ased frOm kept A fire broke out! 0i et'occri il3irielT dhal e,i71;'--I,-;h114 mune nearlas elestro pal part of ithe town: was 'users) ed for part of Mr, '14'orci's but in a vet -y &ix -nag The N'ti'vir oi By the iasturrifi whieb took iplaee pal the State of New that the ReplIbrCannsiel \r,ztliyal is Luge r)11 the Senate a-nd Asi State Legislattirf end - the g'envr I ,a,ainst tiler. ring, been prinelpd att elected Senator fr District beaa great iesult was- ter of the honstituer siels of decrees of ti in several districts been very -dose, anal laot decisively known parts of the eity the Ilanunany is sai4 to feCtly over wileimin; Tweed's election ehol rupt system: has Is• of adherents. In the 4eitt3ons, Judge Led defeated ; he having: ed to reveree "the Jar Helen --On the 71li 1: Mr. Marry Hart, •Killop, of a son. AUCTTON Friday, Nov, ( 'oneession, Usborrn,3 bred -Cattle. &c. llobG John liunter, Proprit laishep, Auctioneer. elaturtlaY, Nor. 11.1,ii Concession, Stephen, 1 plemontti, Bibbnp, .Aile.ti4,n(!t3; j .1.'1.lestlay, Nov. 11-, Meesiion, Palen SW llobert sanetioneer. Tuesday, .Nev.. 14, Concession, Ilullett, :trel Implements. J. tor ; J. P. Mut, Aucti Wednesday, Nov. 1 Bayliehl Road, tau1ey Implements; 4.1eorge proprietor ; 1 P. Brian Wednesday, Nov. 15; YriaanatS:ituaI,174,bo1'3i Farm Stock, imp'. Abliaidt, Proprietor ; tioneer. Thurmlay,NOV. Di, Coneession, Stanley, ni ments, &C. Mrs. J. tre.as ; .f. P. Brine, Au Friday. Nov. 17, en! Voncession, Tuckersin Farm 8tock, aameron, proprietor ; tioneen Friday, Novo17., one, between. Hay Ana sta.n1 8toek, Implements, -- .Style3, proprietor ; iantY.tiont!ers. UMW NOTICE TO unatss' mod acsirts A rocPiveil instructions to o ps.ytuent drbts 1)1,ans, until ncxt Conn 1. 1 li„..1 titlitl be . S,