The Huron Expositor, 1871-11-10, Page 1iimmimoraimemmaimia. a it for *at. :LE ift NORRI& reasont.ble tetnis, Let Na. 8, Cm'. ttaining 64 arres.over 20 of 1 to •,..trass and. well fenced; th•t tivibered with bard-rniod. It hi );•tliem 1Iravel iload, I Tulle and h t rom lartt. There i. on the Promisett :1•k wizh. good cellar a: .1 good §:print; on the prenni‘zes. iculsts ;ply to the Ptoi rictot iif UvI tter.1 to Myth It. 0, ; Glit.11111.1:1BTCfl4J 1‘, Proprit tor•, ?I SALE. Ni•,_ go. 61.1., c.aro, of Bruce, ecut.tit.- of witieli art. etua.«!, 1(h1-•(, aoa tstrv..Itt -on;zit itt isi:AtaZe4 • tif N;;Zr• ef Grey and t•erU 11at.a.";t ter.aval for a term ..f •Taet.-rs. ror fo.thtEr ▪ tarot'. On. it u, OP SALE ..MELL-now. of.'er for E it..., 01 1, t ,...*: V.:: tfi, ( f and Zwee.i frool .r:-... it; • .• O.niag .-io•-. e't. L. . :, 1- .,,•F* :,.rd tr.t, rlilt., :e ti h , f fr. oi -tether ottit oi ti, - h.., t .. : at. i -Et _foe -4 Wed, h.".i i; L-.t`igita-- :;, Or 1Py 1 •tter to t- ..t.:--- It .'„ O. WII.f.1:31 i:Alkr:tir.f..c„ r7- - L: ..or No. It, it" Fifth • • ;izt•-• t • ; ; ; E. I: ." 1:* ; • • al: 1;. ot Els,:--cafo. e`r-'D -thy. tre*,-1.11,,,fttri."1,:th qtn31 h IL It. S., e. it i• Ito; I.:: 11 ta, •r -1..e. of c:t. 1'- u,; .}, r t,t.t; Its,' 1111,;. 1.. I r to:t o O_1" r. (.1 or; f r, on the rott.i ' DER, CA MI1. FANT, SitAFORTEL het Vataneel. - ••• 3 the Farmers Y ANL) :MORRIS, -- re of pi in the slinle f , p zr.4"Lt: ing ';,t a • Lt.-. attt!lt.f.t.•'nzt s, ar-41, yott wil .t.t rt :1 (tett laic"' te c- full; et'irn size G:(y,..7,forris - for 1114-f.'Z.4 i'ould inittoo. them tLat hand. at the C.P.11•1 Ft Pr '`It•w--t, Gw i• Coltieatort, -Cat la • t 4by, eta at prices to teit. t SIA`rtattY Cull at tot- . givt $ gt. rt.T ;-; int:•olE•to L the In i14'V t cm: ritgae t for el 1a • - ate *At 'eery ri:,sottitl.tu. w. rz, ittz a -r G • my St-4•ek-in.Tra le and essrsoSte•wart. TI-onirt• te(v. Co., „. itt the sa•ue prend 0,-. on at.a ;t. I would st•Oett for v, pa:on:at, • beNtoze ta-ar-=. k•olwirt_i that they- are in for !;Zi ,c11:k :Hay faste,r alsti leave to am at: t4li.,10,r by; • 1,,04: a dta". th-t the Sala(' trult•tt 1-* ita.1 tu 1: aye thi•-: Ctruity cal. lit' cht-0•1 e pri.-e for all bntt r.etc., on nous (n• at, cash/ 4=eht: thth f' E .MACIIINE, iTe at Hamilton, Ont.) all first-class machinists to b.; . 1 D'Urahie Maehine • In desig1 it restaultleg the, the principle of the wcrkit it.exa, Luling no g•-ar of aty ant arc derbeti front the sada:. kial complicated bhuttle and '• avoided, it is as nearly tp.ible to rtiuke a stwing fhas tali( u prizes this year, iri1 prize az Western Fair, :a Central Fair, Guelph ; (1E- : Central. Fair ; th•st tts I air; prize at the Isrovioci. 1 ytso pilz(s ta Torah:it, Ctaa.- the roost useful, bet -ease Et,. ;•,:e of work. ft wit1 work in Eine ;aid Coarse Cloth, aiat 1. Braid. Tuelt. QrjJt, firth( r. .-‘t•ry Rind of family that nor. A complete aet of tlet t•hieents, and fall ii.a.trootioax .tta.eli. tit all. Terras of pity - ah purchaser. nod • ituy asoitahle 1tigth nf the -Gardner before purelno, Witt.t Goishne$ 8eaforth. 'ETU, GRASSIE Seaforth. 1. _ UMBER I aul tINGLES. ihntii have on hand a t roue itaili mile Nsrtlitif trge Stitek of ihre Plea eiatt 35,000 &et) nl \'1 Let Flotiring. They I also en hand L.01 Strip Lath 5w-rante1 tiret-claes, hl elabs. lathine will start abeut a after which date apiee- ;HINGLEed will be kept on hand. 'that given to tatters frene M. & T. sMVFH. 141. 176-t1. _ VO'",tfr 1P E 4 NO. WIHICIME _ SEAFORTIII FBJDAY, .NOvEi{BER 10, 187 alte fittran 0-"na..seltor • emmtsitlin• EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, SEAFORTH. Tsiots.-$1.50 por year in advance, or at the end of the year. Advertising Ratcm. TBANsiENT. t'irSt insertion, per line, 8 cants; subsequont in sertious, 2 cents each time, per line. CONT11Atr.e RAT;. One enla-nm one year ,t80 .00 • -• belt " . .. 85 00 lt inoaths . '20 00 Half one-year . ..... 85 00 half " -.20 00 •'" 3 mouths „. . , .. , . 12 00 Onc-four!h one. year -20 00 ▪ .4 h., ti 12 00 " 8 temths 00 One-eighth. ooe, 12 00 1utl " . ... . . . 8 00 " " rnrailla Wte-twt,Ift.h tate roar " half " 3 months 8 00 . Busives: C trds, iO lines. and. under, r year.. 4 DO Ad....-•;rti-iernents of Strayed, Lot, Found.- &c., not ex,-e.ling 10 lines -first month, $1; after first month, 50 cents each month. • Advert kion mts of FARMS mid REAL ESTATE Nir sate, wt ext•oeding 15 lines -first month, t".;•1 50; each sale:emit-at mouth, 75. cents. Buths, Marrieges, Deatlis--Gratis. • Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid. and charged accordingly. • • MeLEAN BLOT BEES, • nrana3::. MeLRAX, Publishers. Att. kz.; .11r 5 00 8 00 5 00 hilatilhatesseltssasel _ ON It go not Sopping • la late at night, You catnip& think ty are acting Tight ; Long since the clock h that every hoiJ sl And end and. area y their pied re • nd lafiect upon f tjie shopmah's breas word or deed ressed, mter late, with :hour bound by 'LOWING. e, mother, so 'very lting so that you as .struck the hour wild dose, oi,es should take rt pose. nes which 'within .);.lusi; rise, althoneh be they 1 ay not be ext \yhen he I eholds jou fears -y u may 1 mai `To keep him yet a alto: that galling ch in. • Attention (17 civil j • .expeet, • y licw can you e'er •When you the c num huma,nity negle t? Those who weld(' se •ve y 4 a pleaSure in th test A little thought, a littl them:ail they a. le ; And yet duelly you of their time, Their precious healt -this surely is Oh, mother. • deare • you stop so late _When weary -are th BUSINESS DIRECTORY. that ntust upon • _ T)1±:NTiSTRY.-.T. G. BELL, (Licent.inte of Den- tt.1 'toe...v.1-yd beg.; to announce to the ieltabi- - L...nfa of t-es,tfor9h a:.1 sin -rounding country, that he ' lets open; d an otliee fox the praetit•t‘ of Dental ;-.,'negery in the rootlet formerly occupied bv George DeLtist, where he will be prep:troll `to ;lb all kinds of tetat expeete(1 of the p:•olc•Ssion 01 IL 'factory manner :aid an reasonable terms. OEstas Iftatirs--Froni 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. ::186 AVID -MITCHELL, M. D.. Gradnate of-VIctto ria Cild• Physician, Surgeon, (rte., etc:, ICrsnrux, ()sr. -Coroner of the County of Huron. ;I:Alice and rt-sidenee, at Thorevson 67: Stanloy'S. • T 0. W. R. SMITIT, Physician. Surgeon, etc. Oflice-Oppositt• ktcott Robertson's Grocery, Main street, Seaforth. 53 ' • _TAM'r1S STEWART, M. D., C. M., Gra-duate Voiversity, 'Montreal, Physician, Surf: goon, etc. (ii.r.ce and Residence-Briteeficht VEROOE, M. 11.,, 0. M. PhyRiciani Sur- j'i" goat, etc. Office and Residence, corner of -Market and High streets, in rear of Eicht's skore. c PLELL, Coroner far the County. Office. and 11.;-diti.ace, over Corby's corner stare, Main Street, S•-tifoi (b. Office hours, from 11 to 4, each dLy, alai all nay Ss:outlay. . 151) LEgr.lAlL. PRINCIE1 OF WALES HOTEL, Clinton, Out., -1` 0 J. McCUTCHBON, Proprietor. First:class accommod.:tion for travellers. The Bar is sup- . .ittied with the -very best Inmors and cigars. Good. - stabling attach, The :dap leaves this House every day h.r Wingham. 204-4t ,TeCAUttlitri: (V: TIOLMESTED, Barristers, torneys at law, Solicitors in Chancery and . kesole,•ney, Nottoies- Pnbtic and CMIN'ffatteers. Saieilsa's for th. R., (7. Bank,- Seaforth. Agents for . . . tue Canada Life Assurance Conipaw.,-, tica)..ti• it) to lend -at 8 per cent. Farnts; Httases Lots Inc sale, „ -flExso.N. (R. Attorneys ta Law, Selleittirs in-Chaucerv-and Insolveney, - . •Conveynneers„ ...Notaries Politic, etc. Offices -Sea - forth and Wrozeter. Agents ftd• the Trngt and Loan . CO. or- Upper Cattudit, and the Colonial Securities .ratudon, Englattl. :4;ittney at per (mut: ; no. • commistsion charged. 53 • • . • JAS. B t.s•s(o.t. h. W. C. nermt. 3 • Suppose•a pale -faced • • the cotinter stoo Earning the whet ea ion ely wi do w h o And thou behelirst li : and vigor all co Like one whe visi early tomb. fu n dictateof u weiI andAnd. • eart., will give e andl rob them ir freeclana' too ther, why will (its .and hearts you Vait - son f thitie beliimi 1,• 1 ithal to -eheer thy d, is-yoitthfrill strength isum., I ly d %plies into an . , What would'st tho 1 sa'„ to those who ' did their best. to drag him'down, And trona his pray -re for •some relief • turned. with a h articles frown ? And you do this, oh, Mod er'dear,--think , of -the wrong, 1 j ray, *And ever for the fat re g a.ke your pur- chases Ly day. kw/pito/is. IfOO. FARMING Ail MA By 11011At E GIME tEY. „ Reading Gail la nilWit's article on ''Rtistio Simplicity Mit els me to ask :whether our loving ;ladle • and Frieild has so orderedilie ceettion hat obedience to His commands nake us " early wrinkled, bent, bald thet matic," gives us the " barite shin! k, ehriveleel loo and deeroeS us to befli Oath to children diminished st itu re Ind en fee) frames." Gail Ram lton ays such he" our led the fate of "the actual, ; tardework, farmer,'.' which most mon are atul IlIL be. My father wee tf thie class, as of 'the two hottest months : Of each year. Nov, horses mow.and reap, men simply gaiding theme H ietng corn, potatoes, etc., drew the sweat out ofme profusely; now, cultivation is mainly ;hot -3e work. ln the West, a farriet rides in his sulky,' tilling:hie vast ex anse• of eoin... I:saw, last' May, aegro let s of 14 years running thirty -horse engine on. the rich; _alluvial plaotetions o ' lower Miseiesippi, not i -merely plowing,' at tilling crops ' of _growing cane a ' ' root . high. Negroes, lately slaves,' guit ing' the plows and cultivators, which • did far better as well as die -atter work an horse -power ever did. I . have not 1 a doubt _that nine - tenths 'of the cultiVation : of the great valley will be • impe; led by Steam within 4 the next twenty ye rs. in other 'words, steam will. do the '' ork, directed by hu- man intelligence. And ' so fast as labor beccines intelligent, will drudgery cease. Biddy and. Dinah wall not arse a washlng machine ; when • they -abdicate, their educated mistress will nob work without one. . And so in other . departments. And -now as to the city • man of rural birth, who " stands erect, walks ela,stie" is. at peace with him •elf and the worlda . - There are such, 1 ndoubtedly, Those who have aohieved and secceeded can afford it.. -But whet proportion do they bear to the8e. who h, ve rushed into cities and -failed ? f ha e been: htre forty years,. neither thong itless nor unobserv- ant; and, in my jud ement, more country - born - men have died here in prisons. hospitals and the hus-honse, in these forty years, than h ve achieved even 'a modest competence. And day after day my Soul sickens at ti e never-ending pro- cession :Of the mutt tude who, craw). on i 'the kaces of theit si: irits . to those: who nave achieved posith a and means, with the ..beggar's petitio i ".Please give. -me something to. do.." I never -knew a .-man or woman to grovel for work while It was a farmer's boy -in thebountry. , I am sure; life more care-franeff t and sad than it i Gait. II whiten did ei t mean to m ake my need be, by compelline me :to say IN o to more and yet more LI %wee abject peti- tionere ; yet that she has done.- Wood's II oitsehold Magazine. - Canada. j George Charles Keachie, 'for 18 years jailor in the County of Brant, died. iii Brantford, oa the 2nd Mat., aged -56. - -Rev, Mr. Tboution, late asaist%ant of .Rev. Mr. Topp, Toronto, _has accepted a call fronaKnox Church Canada Presby- terian Congregation, Ayr. He will be inducted. on the 21st 1.).st. - Tuesday, of last week, 11. fty .wa,gon. loads of cheese were brought fo is St. Thornas station, -from. factories in the inc., vicinity. 11 ily William Bobicr, of Dunwich, maim f ac- ta _The St. Thomas fouriza/ says Mr, ,LEAN Iftft'rnrg,P "11 liSh ers • $1 50 u Year; la advatitcc. years of age and generally respec ed in the neighbotlood. --;-- Daniel tielde, son of Mr. Jams Fields, of Windham, while driving home from Princeton, on Saturday last, m Company with two other teams was kill - e 1 while attempting to stop the following team which :was running away. ; t - - A respectable man by the naMe of James Me14mara5 who lives lie* the boundary line of Perth .and Oxford, lab nit 10 miles from Stratford, had his ;thigh bone dreadtirdly smashed in two "daces, 'on Friday, bY being run over by al team of spirited° horses. The team was ran - ping away, and in their course came in &intact with the unfortunate man - be- fore he could make his eseape from the highway. • - ' - Brantford oi the 15th inst., the occasion { . . -There 1 ill be a grand. celebratton, it of the opening of the idarrieburg branch of the Greet :Western Railway, the Grand Tr un -- Work-Sli o ps' and the l• rater from. all po nts East, West and. North. - It Works. E. cursion trams will b ran; Several ' hendred prominent hests are expected. • There will . be a dinner, hal and 'supper, an 1 a, clay of general rejoicing. - The first locomotive On the braneh .enteret the town on Friday. -. A• farm. of fifty acres, belongii g to Me. Henry Dunn, and situated i the township of North. Easthope, cout ty of Perth, was last week sold -by auction for the handsome sum of $3,3575. - MI. Jo in Crawford, of the town-. ship of Fullaiton, recently threshed for Mr. Edinunddrurnet, of the same town- ship, one thbueand buShels of oats, and eiglifeebusheis of barley in one day ! • Messrs., .Wanzer it; 0o,, of Hamil- ton, have juet received an ord.er -from . . Europe for 4,500 sewing:machines. ; . h--Judue Morrison at the Welland At- a , sizes, announeed to Mr, Moyer, *publisher of the St. Catherines Times, that 4 the next assizes t) be held in St. Catlterines, a sentence of imprisonment would be !passed upon. thine for libelling Mr, T. ;Burns, maym: of that totyne . --:- The By-law grantiAg the proposed }bowls by the ttownship of Mint°, to the Toronto, Grey anil Bruce Railway Co.. is to bevotedIfor on the 22tid intt. , The voters occupeting the Centre or mi • die portion are More generilly favor:di e to the grant being made than those in the upper and. lower ends of the Townel ip ; but the advocates of the .seheme fron all quarters seem confident that the By law twill c . arry. A few. days ago. a 'young man in Vest Oxford: Ditvid „tleKa,y, dug with a potate-fork, one. hundred. and. seventy- ve bushels el potatbeE in four and it had only brother is -; so w 97e be h n y gym lathers, 'and tLlciriuicestws, so far a can 'trace them. hi • pa. ernad gral father raised bine sob and lour dattgl ers, and never was w rth ;2.040 in a me of his 94 years. I y h tiler was 111u u hard. wo rite e ways 4 farm lever worth $2,000, g um -4y worth fie ) up to $500 ; he died' 6 yeat s old, and ti if his seven children •urvia e, hem 60 49 years hid. d 'The t -0 ea 'Hest died nfattcy..) My unele join ,. born la 'ears 1,1ter my ether, has Teen a fan) all his life; he is nee 87 y 'ars old, b rect and- vigorous-; 3bis eye bright, Ile -ds voice as ft II min erinaing mo men's . at 50. i last of t thirteen children of me grandfathei ; o only died of consumption at thiity.tin year§ of age, leaving six children, Nvhoin five are etill wi heus . the rest my father's brothers a Id. sieters lived •be from 70 to 80 years • bit , exeept o who• died at 50; and he vas not habitual worker. Alla the reet we farnitra er farniere' wite of. the -aver rich ; most. of the -6 qui e peer y not one of -them was premature • " wrinkled: bent or bald," iwt one them bequeathed to his chil of them had . childteu) stature, or enfeebled frnities. large family of poor, and gen id- tura]. at .his two • factories thirty-teo t tons -of 'cheese durinu 1the past season. ` Id- the whole of which rie sold at ten cents " per pound. ny - The /Se:hos:tor repor-ter counted at fifteen clergymen ptesent at a, late er, lecture of Re.v. Mr. Punishoti, Braut- )11:1 ford. t . 111 vo tor u 1(1 st he ne tie of of to ne an re 11,1 et ly of ,TU TIE. r -1,"'"" NON'S ;HOTEL, Late Sharp's.1 The under- -A tt.i:4ned begs to thank the public for the [theve. patronage awarded to him. in times past in the note, teoiness. audit/so to inform them that he has again rt suiriett busineta; in the above stand, where • will be happy to have a. call from ad friends, and Many ttew oneS. 1243 THOMAS KNOX, 7th IT fti i I EXCII AN G E TIOTBL, Goderich, Ont., -I- -1 J. C ti.i.aw•Ar, Proprietor; J.$. tlate of American Wursaw, N. ) Manager. This llothil has reci..ntly hollt -newly furnished, and re- ro.ted throughout, andis now one of the most tame fortable and commodions iu the "Province. Good Sample Booms for Conunercial Travellers. Ternis - 123. SCELLANEOU:S. 1.00l>1.-NerS Banking and Exchange Office, in \--A -NV. S. ItiosKiersoN's Store, Seaforth. Green-. backs, American Silver, and Drafts bought and sold. reuerseta Notes discounted and purchased. 10/ JOHN WADDELL,..Agent. fr A. SHARP'S LIVERY & SALE STABLES: -t• • 011ice;--At Murray's Hotel, tietiforth. " Good Horses mid first-class Convoy:It:bus always on'hand. LIVERY STABLE,' ;MAIN STItEET, Settforth. First-class Horses :and Carriages alwaou hand at rcaouable tering. R. L. SHAlIP, Proptietar. _ OHN BRIGHAM, Exchange Broker, *and Bail - .c --1 way Ticket, Agent, nonglitou's ITotel, opposite G. '1'. Railway Station, Srafonh, Out. Through Ticket:, is.arted. to all paints in th t.1 WO-3MM 'Status, _Ctilthtt-ttiit !wit Rtni River_ tit reduce:I rates, affording the gct-tt, est Carib:ilea to EtiligriltitS. All tlt..e(,t.-bIitT'- i'/ft.rttIt;A.it)u rt•RpfVtitig Land AgellCieg, etc• (Ire -till: ilomb:;„ Coil puns and un current Money, (1(h.t and :Ed tver Coin, bought and SORt at; best rates. • • 1 It. et PER, Conveyancer, Commissioner hi Qzweles Deitch, Ime„rance and General Agent. Agcul for the following Eire, Life trod Accident Lia- , sac,c1;•,• 004p:odes : he Beaver and Toronto Mn - mu 1 tho Western Vint Insurance Companies, the Rch.tece Lift; Assurance, and -the Hartford Ac- e:Awn Company, .N*: -'.1* Ti) LOAN on real estate security: . • Ail or- ler: by :nail or otherwise promptly attend- ": e to. opposite "Loss' Tailor Shop, 186-t f AIN LE YV1LLE. 1 tree (and all dhniuishcd Here i$ a - pally hard- wor eing farmers. the ;desee alants of a t race Of just such, who have lived by till - wars. 7- . M. Dalgliesh, of Blenheim mar Drumbo, threshed out oil Wednes lay ithe ins°t., the produce of in. pithu three. quarters of an acre of land 6 laiehels ut oats, weighing 38 lbs to tli I nein.; as they weie taken: from th hr.:slung machiee. The oats were th or -way kind. ; - Th.e. Grand Lodge of Quebec, eh. F. c' and A. .1aL, has realitted in aid of- the Masous suffering by reason of the recent conflagration in Chicago, e, first instal- -meat et $400 hi gold. - -The Rev. John (trier, rector of the Church of Englandi Belleville, died on Sunday of last week, in his 80th year. He was anative of the County of -t\ trim, Ireland, 'mud had been in Canada since 1823. - Montreal harbor is ceewded. with tu vessels, and ill spite of the urgency of .m deepateh, fouror five ships at a tune are said to be delayed' waiting for berths. h14. Additional harbor accommodation is call- h. ed for. - The Toronto, Grey and Bruce Rail- le way was foinnally opened. on ,Friday laht, a, by a grand banquet an 1 ball, at ()range. ti a 0 alas ! like all other earthly bliss, ib was n y transitory. Green-eyed . jealousy interrupted. the course of true love, and. he ordered the fair one to leave the premighs. She refused, and through a. stove pipe hole communic.ating wtth Rosamond's bower below, be poured nitric acid, destroying sundry furbelows, and necessitating the payment by him when brought before a Jestice of the altnocaleceosetfst.lamages to Ghe amount of $5.50 The Ingersoll Chrohicie warns farmers and others againet being imposed upon by a number of sharpers now travelling through the country peddling shoddy cloth, which they represent as good and durable goods.- 'The cloth is generally done up in par:eels -which they offer for t•';'25. They represent themselves as agents for an insurance company, to whom the goods belong, and that the company will"! sacrifice ' the goods in order to make a speedy clearance oif the stock, We knew of several farmers in North and Weat Oxford who have been swindled by these fellows. On elosely examining the 'cloth, it is found tu be ut- terly valueless. Farmers, beware! -A few evenings ago, a fat, stout man, about 24 frt.:art of age, dressed in a blae Lla :lc .sack coat. entered Mrs. Temple's • Queen's Arms" Hotel, in Fer- gus, and -called up those in the bar to take al drink With him. He gave in pay- ment what tirs Temple supposed was a ten dollar bill. Site handed. him back two four dollair bills and a one, and while she stepped into another room to get the 65 cents of 'change, the stranger walked out. The man going away with- out his change excited her suspicion, and shortly afterwards she made an examina- tion of the bill, When it was found to be a "one" _altered to a "ten." The altera- tion is so clumsily and slovenly made, that any one might readily detect the fraud. --Accordine to the. Hamilton Times, Carlisle, in tlie county of Wentworth, _possesses the meaneet thieves in Canada. Some years ago, while the Rev. Mr. Goldsmith. of Seaforth, was attending a Bible Societehineeting there, one of this gang stole his valise, containing, with other articles, some 'Bible Society money. On Sunday morning last, while Mrs. Keeler's (a widow) etore was on tire, some of this mean gang stele as much as they could of the few goods she had • saved. from the flames. On Tuesday evening last, while the Rev. Mr. Hanson, of \Wellington Square, was attending a missionary meeting -in the Carlisle Wes- leyan itleth.odist church, his eatchel,. with its contents, was stolen from under _the seat of his buggy. -MR. CAMERON'S APOLOGISTS. Tzu.3 FEEB 14V IU)J4STER![NG.rp t 01? A BAD CAUSE. Prom the Godcrich TUE EXPOSITOR AND MR, CAMEROiN. "We insert into-day's paper a *letter * addressed by M. °C.-Ciuneron, M. Ph to the Editor of ehe Seaforth Exeoshroe, and a short editorial thereon from the Clinton Seto Erta• In the toile and sen - Unica of' both, we heartily concur. ; To say- the least, the EXPoSITOR's condetet - as a profeesed Liberal organ is insult:deg to the Reform Convention Ntrbich me at Seaforth on '12t1i Oet., and. whieh by resolution imanimouily a.pproved of Mr. Cameron's conduct as their reprehe tive ; besides being a course citictilati a -to do sera -ate tnjury to party strength and party organizatima The Exhosgri man had. at that"Convention an op tunity of -accusing Mr.' Cameron to face. At all other Conventions we 11 seen hill in the character of "Marph very prominently endeavoriug to people together by the ears. Rut on memorable 1281i the Editor of the The firet Spanieh VeSsel Which' has utered the. Moiitreal Port eince the year arrived there on Friday lash ih um ets et the citizens flocked to the wharf have a look at her. • At a public meeting held in M. crest a few evenings age, a ceinin as appointed to make ariangemente test 88 to whether or nut salt heiste, tat place. unt ttee for d in - Incendiaries areaafe in Port IIpe, Several actempts have recently 1 eun ade to burn prominen, building in tat town. A short time ago, anti 1, a •oolen faecory, and a fine brick bleak, eee burned down, having been -fired by le torch of an incendiary. - Since hat Inc :Atwell:4e have been made to li •e a tete grain store house, a foundry, nd teerly a planing mill, but each of ti ese tempts has been frustrated by the uey discov-ery of the fire. -- ft -is generally understood that the .anty Council of tile Comity of P rth ill, at their Ile.Xt seSsion, pass a resi1u- 011 to erect a secend Regietry like in that county, as directed by the °rent ment in aceordaue,t with the . djiuts•eids.ing thcor unty ioregestra ion ri - Over four miles of streets have b en dud within the limits of the towe of elle. Speeches were delivered at the hinquct by Iron. John Sandfield Mac- c donald, E. Blake, M. P., -and other NV 3r0111inent gentlemen. The hall was at - ended by many of the elite of Toronto. u 'he length of . this hue hew opened for et pt mg the hard, rocky :soil of shire since the year 1640. T facts in oppesitiou to Gail's theta I. happened to bp the the crowd who might be cal 1 was more " bent at 4 father of his father at to. ; .a MAY one who earned his livl Wi.S0 than by farming. Betis farming hard vork ? Te.sotee, I think it f. Th have to take in thie, as in oth the roughest and hardest tael s. 'To clear s. hunli. of heavy timbe •, :or stones, or 0 stumps, is hard work ; and 0 famine-, as in other ptu•suits; he who c nnotwarte 'C 1 i a')- submit the laked aeser- ouly one of ed " bald." .1 f thee my id 1 tun the_ I 11.0Gd. other - raffle is 76 mace. • - The people of Waterloo village have Organized. whither .joiut-stoek company, for the parpeseed continuing -operations n the way of boring for salt. They ap- ear very sanguine of success. - Counterfeit greenback 4.35 and frac- tional currency are being extensively e very poor k pureettS, irculated on this side of the finch On Vednesday a, pitsser aug. on thG e riett Vestern itailt-ity was -victimized with owe 01 the trash, wliieli is yery a•ell ex7 tatted. • -- The Venerable Archdeacon Paton, 'ornwell, has accepted the appointmeat • more with to the - Rectory of _Bel levil e, rendered maica, ‘.tc- vacant by the death of Rev. John Grier, lEr on their Ni. A. 9 shead. aettitleble, must de th his hands.. The negroes of .1. customed to 'tote" eves ythi heads, being supplied by th with wheel-1)atiow8, lifted their content to the altitu thick skulls iand Walked off I should not wonder if this m, them appear 44 bent," :or CV1 possibly " rhumetic" also. 1 VETERINABY SURGEON. -FRED, COOK, of ' 14.1„1,tre, 'ultc lw will be happy to attend t7: all a „w, to several. cases of both horses " and c:tt t which were given up by other practitioners by att.1,-..-eeted pyrfetq ci,r(s, which can be proven by th by over . gentienten. For test nu; ioitt1,1 s. -m. posters. 1)0 Mr. ) w 'at tend at Ainleyville in the fore- st noon 1111(1 1.1 the Town 'Not, in the Township of av die aft o•noon of the first and third TUES- DA Y ; ai pd: mouth- 140 all( wonld respectfully inforn: tht; public 511 that le• has taken ttp his residence in. the of ftg ca/hz :mule 011 him in his professional capacity. Mr. 'Jr masters these with le of thei vith them de some o 1 " bald ; so, the. , • , ct Hot &inn their addttion to til e, but from their lack.; of int tilluence- , brains. * • 1 - Mrs. _Margaret Cassidy, who end grated to Nova, Scotia a century ago r died ab Entice Leland aged 106 years • and Mrs. Malcolm MeGtegor, at Pictow, aged 91.tyears. • Welland Canal, has been dielniesed. Mr. , Brunel, Commiseioner of inland Revenue; has been- sent to act temporarily until My rural home is in a towns ip settle( Quakers and still mainly )(topic(' b em. Nearly all are farm rs ; sem or, others; in very comfortal le Li:hewn ecet. 1 tun confident th tie ne wage four fair daye' work • per -week 1 that not one among. the 1 undred o is "-wrinkled," 44 bent " "bald,' reason of excessive labor. I (foul) t there are five -men anion', hem who - Mr. \ oodruff, senerinteadent of 1 ° his sueceasor is named. -A young man named John' MC - c Quinn watt instantly killed while. work- . iu cabinet fact;ity, NVoodstoek, t on Thursday 1'01 -moon. Deceased , been engaged about the hoist- used for So T CIE VETERTNABY SURGEON, by begil to intimate to the inhabitants of Seaferth an 1 a:mounding country, Haat he has opened an WO Office in Sego:tit, when- ht, :nay be consulted per- 60. sonally or by bitter, on. the Diseases' of Horses, Cat - 11t, eft-. reeeired n-griliu• and praCtical education, and haying been awarded the Diploma- _StO r the ptu-nose of raising fernitare from one ' , tint to the other --when hie head- and the t tipper part of his body were caught be- tween it, while ascending, - and the pro - 1. jecting joist of the floor Itbove., crushing . his chest, and causing instant death. • (Member of the Ontario Veterinary conege,) tha rk• or worked to hardat.30 s I do at Yet all live comfortably, aud • - Last Friday, an old gentleman named McKee, residing e in the North part of Wallace, was haantly killed by being caught and whirled rapidly around by the tusubling shaft. of le threshing mi - chine. Before the machine •-entild be stopped. his bead Was Mashed into a jelly and 'his hody almost literally torn Into slued. .evas i.dulOst Sevenfy st of them are adding to the r ivorldle re. Of the. V etel inary Collt.ge of Onttuio, T. J. Churchill A tile eters coutiaenee of giving; StILISMCL101.1 to. all „ u hi may employ him. ItFri:lis.Nes.s-A." Smith, V. S., Principal Onta- rio V, rttrinttry Calltftft.; 1'reft••;,;(1r Buckland, Dr. Iltorhurn, Dr. Rowel, itud VC( lis, M. D.., 6; V. S. t. tet Ivy_ eateines umitthlritly on handly . • age reg All vans proruptly titt4--nOtal to. ati).1.1.et; Seaforth. 182-2m S t gain: . Wheie 1 was e farmer's boy. he aver - of farm work was harder, hat is, it uired more muscular exertia , than it v does. Mowing and. realm g severe - taxed the physical energi s of the u test ; aeal they were the chi buainess strattord.during the past summer. in -The Messrs. nagger t, agricelti ral plement manufacturers, St. Ala rpOSe Shortly to remove their . wuFks Iri w t•hat town to ht. Thomas,tvhire th •y have large works already eitabli I. and in operation. Tills will b a se ions loss to the people of the stiline to%n. • R r- 11 1,Ve Net the Ix- POsITOR Was unusually smiling and agi ee- able. Ile never den:waded any expratia- tion from Mr. Cameron ; never aelteel s • 0 tmeron,, -and for good and suilitient f asons condonel by the. Ceneentioa, Ir. Cameron's attendance on his parlia- mentary •duties has been as regular as t at of any member of the Herttee. The jo unals for 1870 -the: only volame we ve yet given even a cm•soey glance at - sl ow that Mr. Cameron was present at fo tyttwo divisions, while the brilliant le der of the Liberal Opposition in On- ta to --whom the ExhosiTon, would. not re use, we think, to join with us in hon7 or ng as a conscientiouely -attentive re- , - pr,sentatave and an able and zee:lime tesman-was only present at twelve di isions. We apprehend that when. ou • representative's attendance was three til-tcs more regular than that of Edward 131 tke, Es.. South Huron hes every to be eatislied. We know that! the Ex-. ha 'ITOR WOU Id got be satisfied with 7\1r. Ca mil, although he were perfection pe sonified, unless lie would take up hie re idence in the village of Seaforth,' - PrOM the Clinton New Era, 0. CAMERON Al:13 THE EXPOSITOR. Ve publish in another column -el to - da ds issue ae!etter addressed by M. -C. • Ca, nerma Esq., M: P., to the Editor of th ExhosTron. it will he seen by that let er that the EXPOSITOR has for yeare been systamatically slanderilfig and -cal- umniating .Mr. Cameron, charging hini wi h having !betrayed the E eformers of Sot th Baron, with having persistently vo el against the "patty," and with other political sins of 011liSSi011 and com • mit eion. The Editor of the EXPOSITOR wa one of the originators of the may 8 - me It that reaulted in the Convention the t met ab Seaforth on the 12th of 0c: - telt -T. e: read the various articles in the Exhosrroh reflecting cn Mr. Came ero conduct as the lepresentative of Soi th Huron,. and we attended that con - yen ion fully expecting.that the Editor of t ExhosTroa would have the come age to get up and. attempt to substent.it ate the reiterated. charges he had made tine ugh the columne of his paper against Mr, Cameron. To our surprise after av heard Mr. Comeron's explanation-, ami though every chance was afforded him the aforesaid Edi tor remained dumb sihe t, speechlese. He had, net a word - to s m justification of his- own conduet or 1 condemnation of Mr. Cameron. If he ever had the courage to attack Mr_ Can eron behind hie back, whent. before hie ace even the pinek he had, like "1.3(1) Acres,", oozed out at his finger mill,. No sooner is the convention over, the -esolution of the liberal. and intelli- gent hpreeentativis of South Idnron ap- proVing of tir Camerona conduct venni- men dy passed, and Mr. Cameroe's baek tura el. ;1)11 shall we say the Editora equanimity aid. courag6 returned to him) than he repeats and reiterates the attack on h r. Cat:anon. We timik that Mr. Cameron acts wise y and in the este of the ileforin park in dpelining a paper diecassion arldeh could only leave the effect of saw: ihg stneion and -thermion ameng the Lute 4als of South Huron, and thus, per- chan te, pave the way tor seccessful opt posit on. Wo. rather . relish the jeke, thou di a grim one,- (but we doubt if the Editi can -see the point, Of that joke) ith which Mr. Catherica eloSes his let- ter, 1 v itine tile Editor of the Exeosa. Ton weet itefore the electors ef tdonth Huron, face ft) face, and there dis-: cuseitte, before the proper tribunal,. the 4.11 onts grape of tenni tiain and tl r. Caine ton's alleged political deli lig nencitie. Pei the preeent we dismise this mat- ter, vial the. hope, that on that infeieet- ng •easion " we 111.ty be there to see." 4 About Woroeia. Th Empress of Germenv is bitterly P1 al to the woman neweinent. • Wanted -A en -.i le Xvisraan to leetnto 11 w• cookilig, ain't baby nursing. Kansa-, has a home for friendltee veme but can't find enough of that t to fill it. hier - any questione as to his polit eel • course; never reiterated ia person any J- 01 the umfounded chargte previou • ely made through Ins ; but either ac- tually held :up his hand in favor of .Mr. Ceineron, or sat by, not protesting -but. ''coneeating," .to all rppearanet,s pier- ; feetly happy to ''eat the leek." When ; he had not the courage and honesty to M ; grapple with r. Cameron at the Con - vett tam, prudence and. self respect should have dictated a very different con •se from Unitnow plumed hy him. We ; - Sir John A. McDonald is suffering m a severe cold. lie i8 contined to hi. bed, and is said to be nearly speecla les .4, prebabiy flow inflammation of the bronchial tubes. • On the night of Tuesday or morning of NA ednesday last, Win. Scott, of the 1- h cone Miato, had 1 sheep killed I 3 rendered useless and 3 (Altera W111Q11 , , not be found, 1 alter Cairns of the 13th. eon., 3 ea iy much. destreeed and 1 40 • . doh). 'hewn con. 1), 1 killed and !tally torn. Wm. Hepburn of the 12th. • _ cou., I killed, and all Lite others frighten- ed er hunted away, \Vm. Roberai 1 the P2th con, I destroyed and a.aother wh el t Gannet be found. I • Mr. Israel Day, of East Nieeouith lo a cow on Fridhy laet, in rather . :An uge manner. 1 he 5beat had been aili ig for some thee, and every remedy_ tha could be devised was applied to het, Wit -lout effect, until Friday, when the cow died. She was opened and ti e sten was.found a living lizat•d, eigi t • iuel es long, which had eaten through the kid- of the stomach and caused death. t supposed that the cow had swallow- ed it while druiking at some stagnan puo eau readily suppose it is easier for bini to cencoct calumny with the pen, than to veud it orally a ith the eyes of three- ecere InInest reformere, scrutinizing tie countenance. We have nye ot t had an opportun ty of careflilly conselting the jtau•nals of the 1.1iniSe, to see if there is evea 8 grain of truth the Exroerroats allegath ns against 7\11-. Cameron. We know Vcry ; well how deeignine men in the yak, _thee/ motfiw Or fin' a consideratir 11, d have :4.) mt.1.11; pfdlitt Apti'VR US to ?nuke . them lie. 1,1 1-efertnice to the ehar_e ." A b thaol fO'' Jewish girls in the city of thus; a en es supported. by the 11ttroneee tIC H01.11$C1111d. • Al. 1) t 4onway says that pretty Jew- eseee element in England, and know how. • toNittli.'e that the embroidth ed. seek has • in the most exifoisite taste. heoon, the leige the young ladies devout- ' ly prt y, " us this ,day- our daily - braid. ' A tenphie paper annount.us that the ;young ladies of that city ztre preparing Jr in; rtied by practising in a gem- . -1.4. : e at, the Farmington (Colin.) semi- , ; nary o vied :'5-250,000 tv,-0 'weeks ze,o, but there hae been a lire in Chiethro . The Mormons are just now makiee ; S'IV4.1p4 biVe to their Hist wives. The de- ' sign i keep them so eintiAnted thi-v m retrain li-om laweuits. A an teetered. one of the Malawi othelit efores the other day wet " jOitk OVer titer -girls" oi-der eit;itttwl:iiew.‘.'tsintilLsaliltitste.iilitet a wife " for lion - eh and one for h.s brother, 1 he re - 11A1,11.11, zit: jwi.ith,rsit, 'anti ec,iiitt):taiNttea t.shrs:tift..)el 1071-. iy hit band, who left Brietol fear e ems_ veto, dece lett return t thret1;111011tali • tte%lili:ipit. this date, ehe intenels 1.1 Gree • the enwotal drove a ep eh the , Imart;t1.. lia ti era::,11,-..t.I.Liti.1,,o,t113y:,,, 5;e: hurt ztt , a the e -Inlaid a WAS ;11.1rpris.-d A lite 1.01.,hah.1 whe wee by weft-, •bee g ell with why olih A dentist in Lis -towel relate) a rob in is building to a -faecivating wide mill ner, with whom he straightway fel „. itt. h ve, and pre8sed his suit with welt)! 1 He 1-'8.13 accepted, and nude happy. Pelt t of &hence from parliamentary dutii s, r 11 11 •when siljgetited at 'the Convention by Mr. Duncan, of Ltsborne (no doubt urged theret it by the rt -iterated atein.,Ents if the Lexeosrroe)-- Nir. Carren•on pleaded guilty to a certain extent. IT eow- ever, pleaded in joetitication-speakike, of the heetoon of 1870- that it litettid about three months ; that during thet per10il fainity matters and. business en- eaatmente 1/ y demanded Ids attention ; and that he -wee. ab -tent (lut- ing that Si t•Slt*II, a -week or ten dayt. Nt ith a fu'wledge of these fact-', th explained by Mr. Cameren, the Conven- tion t hpre.e al their satisfaction with fuel approval of his career Air, Cutieron could not well vote at Ottawa wheit temporarily at home in Gederich. Thie: cau5e. ef his absence was admitted by the ; Convention, in the presence of and with- 1 out a proteet from the Editor of the Eth POSIfolt, to be justifiable, and we do not think there is a sinele elector in South Huron whit will approve of the Editor elf the Exhoet strinow eondemning what he, then "voneented" .0 the approved of. et We f .1 wlthe exceptione plteeltd euehy • hUrnan lJCitl.5 the Sltrf •LBs. - ei re vont sight In'using I, zinue, Morris & ('o.'13 pen. me I hpectee :led eye-glee:eel. They give ' univere• ati- lathion We believe theni . a,1-vi13e ad V. ho want .s or eye -ghee -is that wal en their ht es, a. d iit tile Salll easy and pita, to wear, ta e the et a trial. ve ry sui tectaE•1 el):41 tm.e be at 4 0