The Huron Expositor, 1871-10-20, Page 87 HTJAdN 1EXPnRTTn1PZ TH ucT. Z , I R I ained, an "01, ered to' be transmitted to Pr OPENING OF C. P. CHURCH. as they had ard of will have telegraphie ;e -ill teo of LoudDn, in whose i stand '(4, - WAY. '1111051 -tor lin begun, and that ilicy would &rld in demanding a Iiigl P y ds Lbes now is.- seek after not only the outward but the ministerial training, Presbyterians hav( with the out.3i Another call 0 S iday last,J 5 Ali inst., tit ide -%vorld by the Ist of ­N n ux Z f rom the cong,'regation o G16mmis, I e andi- iiiward prosperity of the Church. Air. ever justly been regarded as occupying ellce room of tit(-, Se -.,.forth Canad the Town! hip of Greeno a Pi,es- i Ul-aham illustmted his- remarks by a , in enviabIq position. Their influence in , in favor f bylerian 0-burch, was fortually openL-(1 I �%Ilvll D amusing anecdoteN 1which It a,.4 been felt ii poll all (tell ow- uninber of e this respect It, ISTkICT MATTERS. -1tev.- Neil Cinnou, now of AN"ardsville, for divine sorvico. �-%Jillelr;al,6 litting 111) tile old The ev6ilt ha was also stistain ed &q "ba Rev. Adiiin looked forwa, d been related in. his own pecii uq y happy illations in die land, so that now more -with tj if inal'Zin- it�l ftirni- Vd to wiih a Considerable I IG intention me a r� '�tilnated by let- than evor tticolo(rical sebools and col -I K _V, -0 eeswate I 111—iner anol which put the aludierice tilre warubouse, It A is Wel"I ada, degree Of expectancy by tile congregation, tile ulost pleasall, hulnour. ( lounty Aer his iIIIJ 0 to P,%r(led"u-esseutial equipmelits on of relilovilio, to leges -Ire reo toil for- ...... .... onventioll of the school teachers of tile : Nova and the day will be ever reniculb �be pmyose, and -%-,c hope i- 866tia. ll. I . i (.-red by of aily well ordered church. Itisalsoto JIM V special meatil,11 AVIZ8 Rev. XVn. COCIIIIAN-E, of Brantford -%vill be heldat Clititol,,, them as one of the most irlpo'rt County o,,( Huron, IPPOillt- le )low ant in 11lis cld�t'lle ]eat addressed the the Credit, of tile CIli.ada Presbyterial-, f th e 're 'C of th ot congrega (111 terpAnnp, n ed. to be h eswat to (lispose of their history. The congregatidn was tiou. at length. church, that She has never taken oue In "I 'nc -"I' pioline.toza. ay and Saturday, the 3rd and. 4th his case. 1dr. Win For s� formed i He expressed Ili& joy at the orn )Ietion on Frid, birsiiie.si o I - gn oil was lic'en n 1867 and the 'c' "T of November next. ed to pre ell Ithe gospel same year the of Such a all Cent of endownient from the Govern- R-obinson, as commence(t. leader of the. Carrick Brass Balij A committee �preseut church'structure w, batantial buildin a Or t 0 -use Was a pp.oi 11 i, to make Tolent ill the preparation of herAiideilts waa to& arrangements to Of tile Presbyterians in is'ell4t7lorth. The AMDEXT,—We rec,tet to lea i 0 The new 0-011(fre"atioll Was formed millft- ted ivith.a brass ""'that bold missi0ii0y ineeting rent ly from n, c" " .1 Jor tile Ministry. Tho, free-will offerinirs I Presell illeilt in diffoa success of this coliv egation iias matter ellibers of the adjoinilip, Presby- Valued at 850 by- tile members Of -be On 1fonday last; as Mr. Alexandar con<rreoatio I of her people have stistained -.her dur tit in the Nichoison, of Tuckersmith ink -iititude and "Collgratillat, Oil allion", illore'" Lodov N I January. . Past, and will assuredly itiore till , � o. 2SI, 13. A. 0. Of Good 4, N-0. ip month Of terian cliurche.,i of Har iirlioyoanil r.9' Christians of every denornin'tion. He in ever was. ii, ns f6l' 91 its- p staJ)k, n'tclitEno, to Iii.,; liorses, o mondville residing ill this village, -%v Templars, of which loilgo, he is it 11111DIber. lie of the m kicke although Cher bo' IAd, watelled with inlet lintliefuture. Andiraswemustadlilit, �d him upon the. head an 2 -us t til L rise �alid I dv Tuckers "i iShillg the'WArxXIeSt feeling 1 We believe this lodge intend Cry` t 0 our missionary Collections do liot rival pro -tress of the clairch, the '11 and a i.Beverely injitred hinri. Of alrection and. esteem toward those Ze., certain churches ill Canada,:we have tile I and ill.3t, pital conccrt OnThurs- 'KI51 111SAf ITH. —Tile churctics and their. pastors, felt that the I day evening, 2.6th ilii�t. 4, Tia; Vqli. �IN TdO cal"16stuess of tile nictubers, the hopeful,,- C Q Irl I Bv­1a-w­ to I I' it Ilmll Q , 4, .44, 1 tiess thathis ire,l +1,-" 4 � A Satisfaction of knowill" that our f I Ill.) ( -,q 4. 4 exander tionison, OVISIL11( growing Importance or Seatorth, denial d- 4 V1 a lie farin on I , dollars to -1 ie 1 0 ed. haellurch. of their denomimition sity and aare to Mat ex ent, the free will o5er.- of Ttickersmith has sold Ins 1i orldon,jffir it and Bruce lisappoilitineut ul�ltil tl their pryers 11 ill gs rn e. f- 'Railway wil , of o Usb the 14b1i -concession, to Aln Latt s V to -d upoti in Tuckersmith, should be established here. ad been answe ed, in t1to tir own members nd dherents, On the for - Inot §ecured '14 ill some LVERY FRIDAY' ay fit. TI�e Jollowing is a Illtion Of anit of Goldsmith lie be- —The mtia-ers AVebelieveit:isMr.Tilloins On OTuesd, oil's orship ii Of. tile VOte At tl Le close Of the first held ij' statement lieved the pastor of tions, by a species of beg-garly importun- Bethaly Cburch, had occas intelittionto remove to Kansas' I the e the churcl to be 0111- ioll to as Soon aS' r mperalice aity from inenibers of every church,. anil. 'their te-nieeuing back to -T -he 12th., ot Re can get his business affivirs here wouii d Pal Methodist Church, id oils 'li the 1va Us -waids illently dal)te(t to tb e ',-])here f labor al - It olotted hiln, 'aild looked forwaa, I those who belong to no church -urbatever, beim, to secure two of the, lea(li er ViLar in. t UP- P07' nd in this collo when the preseri edittoe wa crected t �:Le and lasting res"Its fi-oin his 11 ilection let me dd, that speakers. Anil as it is ii o w past Nre an. litted up, nd since tl y in basement was Tim CRAN-KY OL MAI tilt Seaforth. �Ond the surrouildill while in Eliglnd—long the stronghold of truly say it was ave I-0. .�. � c Success I' 'Cb 0 32 Country, ethodism, and wile ice to Thei-cl)6ii)�r,R400ofid�ebt-iI 14; )u -D. —11re b ipPen w, time until Ina 8tindy the, services Ill on al -f arpurf�y IlVa Mr. Cochrane then entered hito details, le meee ved a very well writt Poetic, 1 1.) been condticted Ili it. Last year c ill rell. effu,,,ion beatin, the above showing the :prourcss of the Canada say she has done nob r ply k"Illoildville w4rd. log ."ras give,, to the present pastor, Pxv, statistics show it ( Il �eertions, 2 Censs 4,"Alh t i III* - w ap- 63 t Presbyterian chur(�11 -ill t �ears, As t le tion and tile 1..)roceeds th e meet' to "The Happ ORI'Maid Brue I ield Mr. and bout f6tirtean L menibcrsllip� of that v eared in ourla8t, I lit are unable to ub- Fow 6r's S,,ho,)f House' Mouth 9i ing an idea of tile' tr church The which anio U-0 Was inducted into tie 8 ength land vior tinted to $120. The d.,' 14 lie be of the denoraination, he inemt Oil (I comparatively weak n d insicrilifl- lovely, which- a4ded much to thi-- owing to our corner foi slit- sh- it this week charge. Lat Winter a resol d -ant Presbyteriall Church is eadily' cess of the meeting, the exerciise Coln- ]libetry being pre* -occupied. It will ap- it *wa last year the menibership was 50,00o. at to complete the church structui6 gaining - ground, and increasing ill men e t I O,.,Clock, d 256 y The amount Collected for cong -egational ....... pear net week-. no rendering the udience-room fit for occ ti - purposes nearly $40() 000 f fluence' and numbers. 1 (10 not mention service, c ildct C( this_ erts, r foi- I Onic 11,11' io 000 for fact as g ound ' of boastini, but from Bowmanville.. Service 'an h A afternoon last we had n. opportunity of fi ....... Friday M 'ority the summer the work. was push ad imply to show t4at the assertion made ocked to the -basement below-, wheri int By� ,%, 'T -lots were let, al id parley. The contr, )Ileges e�l by Eev Nfr. R.ob 6 $12) 500 ; ll;S,, $ fo�eiguluissiOns, $6,000; Roma i Catholic 8 for*ard, until last tile church was ...... 111A to ape, k of the that Presbyterianism is only fitted for' tables were erecte arld bountiftilly -witnessng a thoroligh test Wf the work- ay. completed. It is now one of the 1 missions, �8,000 pro - THF, BY-- A, ely furnished chur6h half .. ........ -Ing and mo.�b handsom d or t I i e dowment capal.,ilities of one of the celebrated money coutribut I one locality or one nation is a Ill* repre- vided with the Choicest delicacies all(I argest 911`1111111 crushers manufactured by Aiessr8. ices in the countr I and tile Coll fund, for bursary an(l scho3a hips. for tber judged in the after doing justice to tli-i6 part of the NY-. Thii'voting on the By- i edif sentation of facts. whe aw, granting �bon y g1l f the past or by its achievements proceedings, -Maxwell & '�V7-'hitlaw, of Paris, and for us of $15,000 to tb gle the wido sembly's find. He all made their- way to tile onvi P., e gation has increased from d B the hall 0 pres rou an ruce Railwy Coln-!, (If Ill further. stated that -there were in the ent. True, we have not as Presbyteriaii Church, o ........ which Mr. 0. C. Wilson. of this village, who form 300 the way Cd tile Church in 1867' untii it is Presbyterians put forth such efforts as where interesting a is aglent. The test wa pailly, took place in --. is to-wriship on ministers ordained nd zettled over lid instriletive addres' made upon the le -th gest i a ol of lai li the Presbytory �O charge em Tuesday la it: The B -lav, was carried our opportunities d - anded and warrant :farm of INIr. Henry Clicaley, of Tuck which it belo Last 8abbath S'; that it, ddition ther 3 were 96 Ses were delivered by the Rev." accor I- er by a major: ty ed in past years, and I ball not Smith, with a machine whic of 72. ver. (thing mission fields, comprising 205breching from Exeter, h lie had par- passed i1hy to aililouncerrient, three se regret wards and tile IZev. 1r. rvices welle Is6n; and very qu an& h iit little 110 (yregtiolil Stipple- r ,chased from Mr. Wi t re I was b stational htty-'six Coll the misstatement refer ed to, if it stiulu- Ill �Jzl V, -pt N 4.!11� which he old. Professor Inglis, of Knox Colle'll, Y, which occuied tile time until 4 interest tat eill in tlie proc �edings. We mented by late its to increase liberality nd prayer 4)f F 10 1 hd i us6 for sametime. In thirty-, Toronto, preach the.Home ON1.1ission ffind, and 1), Ili., after which the c are informed that a kredt ed in the morning at- ( for the of our religrion nd our oticourse again forty probationers and ei ' t retu ril ed to tile basernent, w)tn - tea was two minutes. Mr. Chesney -run throgh many votes re- evening, and Rev. Mr. - Goldsmit tile ig y -seven maied niqo4ed. principles. 'Xiie Presbyterianism that I -this machine, twenty-eight bushel.8 "of afternoon. In the mornin Profess( missionaries and catechists employed by lacmin Sery n ock the, Multi- ir tj i ic church. There w e two colleds for has made 8cotlnd what she is- - the cradle urild to th oats. The grain was all e er but e again r.et eir seats wheil 0 CIVI. Ainle le 'I and religious liberty to lIng is took for his text 0 -thoroughly crushed, the -machine work- the theological training f her winistors f the world ddresses were delivered by the Rev. Collecre, Toronto, an(I tht of 11 the 6V of the living (Tod, the Ilea.ve 0 to be resi)ect- "But ye are conie unto mount ion find un 0 only at about its usual rate of'speed, NoTicE.—Tvir. Coo�Eiv w, —Knox —needs only to be known Nlr. Collins of London, net tile 1?, ev. net p.4 busii ny Jernsalei ed and accepted by Cnadialis. The -And doi ig its iina to n innumerable compoiny of ange,13. 9' Montreal—five missionaries and one pro r. Clark, f 0 ram Mitchell, and the Rev_ work in the most admirable ftgou.for-Tnt EXPOtilTOW in kull(pillo Ilind viciii- the general-amientwy and.church of thelli-A-borig fesor in Manitoba free and full Gospel that we preach i r lioberts. The ljc�v. Mr. oc- ity. Par -tries id 0 Missionaries Ili Len The power employed to "do q - :in g oi- Akli,ertising which arc- written in heav C, this was three san of horses, and d to �.Teaxliug upon, Afr!coop Ell. work seemed exceedingly easy. He is also antio''iZe of all, and to the spirits of itmt nion inade perfoo . BUSINES3 MR ill and to God the Jud,(u British Columbi and one in ina. ed the chair. The Exeterhoirwas can be attend( admirably adapted to peerand. peas alit the And to- esus the Mediator of the now co said we add the .11resby- like, nd under the pirit's ilifluelice is ttendiance, adding much to the - to adlieft sub leribers for THE Vellau : � To any frmer and to the I)Iood of '-sprinkling, that speaketh Ile terian ebtlech in con lectiop 'tb the susceptible of greater I who goes largely into the 11 co ique-9ts than sure of th ter things than that of Abol.11--Hebrews xii, 2,� ),ea 6 Ineeting Great credit is of Sock, this machine 23,24. es ed, anly let us 2 ever heretofore witri a :raising and feeding c4rch of 3cotlaild, 'with 'some 120 es and gentfemen wh, BUSIX-ESS is ve: -y good, bu there seems to the ILE could not f, grob-gatimis, and Queen's Coll- be faithful to ourselves, to our prilici )Ies, -tit to be. a "Most T-Tilliversity at onducted the. affair. useful and I to be less Ca 81 L in the country tbis Fall- Ili the evening he based his discours, -Kingston, and all het liss- to our professions,,and -working liand-in- NT I T Y, -J. y opdra- profitable artlele. 'The'gtet beauty -of thn lstj OIL CCRI ion A D lit of t1 bat Lill I works -so simply, all(,l 'wit] of the Canada llre,-� byterian --i�rn in tbis it is that it k( price of eat- oil the first clause of .*erse 12, Sixth tions, to that Id with. out Christian bre '-so tle being so and s f Writers have chapter, First Timothy: have a denolliliatior, Province Ettle machinery, that itis amost i church, wet..sliall we $hall soon see tile oral an -offilov f- -r t lut innot et dispos A f y wl "gr in crops, r, ight the ood'Aght of fait second to none in the Don ]possible for itto cyo out of order. I illion Ideriless blooIn and blosom like the in srisierly of Wr-,-VrRkR (OlIZ11111es rose. N CI L -The C be u old and damp$ Mr. Goldsmith. fo Canada. The Lord hath said it and lie will oiticil. m. Havill given these statiati P lit qualities and use- und his theme it L x oroof of its excelle p Dame's ho but without rr tie. I. raiii. We had some First Thessalonians, Cochrane roceeJc do it. -Mr. Cochrane closed by eas on f arm, we need but give i., 3 A to draw certain Ilcrnest oil -as expremed t or. Sunday night, Remembering withaut 3 lessons, which the present state of Pres- e members of the seaforth Opinion of its V the heavy gales f -v ind appeal to tit' q ay, Oct. 12th. Present .91 otir work o' 'lemon 8tra which pros con-refrt chan anki J. Leckie; the er ve, and ion to Consecrate themselves, eat nut of faitb;aud la�bor of lo byterianiani warrAed. There was no ZD AVID Chesney, wbiell win gW r patlenec", of hope 11 D &ell' our Lord �Teslis roon. for boa3tillg, but more than they had ever y eeve in the chair. Minutes of re (rood previnimineeting were'read nd a-pprovecl �fiirther to recom mend it than anything there wc et done� to we coud say. Mr. uliesn - states tha" t Ross are -The services were largely-att grounds for gratitude and hopefu active Christian labor, to recogni -Offie alul at *rhti J71f. -Wrig 0-y t ended, es follo4win accounts out f I C. sh. 9 would not be ithout' it for three ey intend giv- �Cilly ift the evening. when the elitirf y lilight done -were then pres- he As Presb terian we that thert; is in otbers, to exercise tt charity toward the entire houselt (lited Pear�on; crossway, an 'times its Cost. Ina tip business more in disseminatin 'Gospel truth, but old of D1L -%N AM ley ville, which- in L. of file lrge church was oc- Concession 4. Lots 20 nd 22, opetilm TFs 8 . om, one. riber of fdrins hd J'honlas Innis, covering cross-wy oii.si,de- - --------------- will leave a! trood C u piek ro,10(111 I arge 11111 - what has been accol )lished in the face faith and forgettillo, in or d,ffictllties, to 20 53 �EF to be taken f roul tb e basent ent and I bould inspire us:with a 0 Mr. of obst work for the grauTend of immort- AT MIN FO RELIKE OF. as; wee c, T plac ales sles to c a' 0 chieve � ureter JAAII-,S A.ITFAN' SCYPEREUS. -A-Ccording to �rocl-amation McEwen. tes' I , tj ' holy determination al soills. 12 nd- 1.3, $44 10 Will. Lottan e( in e i &RT M X)., t 1, the well for ai-d the commod tetbeaudi. of the Reeve'a public ii ence. A things in tile f Litu et rk ey. Coll -cession 14; eeting-ws held conclusion airvel at that tlie,-c w, t the close of each of the services One 111;lrt has of Bayfield., David Logall., cross Nraying Coil cossioll eon, etc. Oi lee is wsnex-bealledupon. in the Town Hall, Weein z' t collection been settled beyond all coiitrovei�s;th, 0111 esdy e enO J, jr-11 to -a were taken tip in the interest le4st, I ay. bify �of the building fund of the church. The 6 le urch. not only a , �Z, 0 P, e, crossi filstelloagh I Tit v H L m- -D ?n I i -14 inguleaus for the ssistnce of the* suf o the con,,-recrat'on ])lit 14, $12.1 12�k Robb. Rof 'are busily eugrlge(. pari ng tb e tu b -in orti- und 14� inst., for the Pill OSe 'of doViS- -Otlld notf 'I ry bi ine ey mount realized from the three collec- Canada, both as sys6ein of doctTilloand din, crosswaying Cnce- 'a 16, '$44 36 nlli.gb 18 th Presbyterianism is adthirbly adapted to Tie thought tit I 'w ch" $76 50 11obert, -Nloor as as eranjent and di, we trnst Tal' ferers from th-e recent great fire in 0', tions was $301.4f ystein of gov inent to Vic city ssio -so that A V cipline. in a- 7 e te., ited for oil, but 1, obert. Vox, crossw Concesion 16 inito can be sad: THE el 11 Saying cit Clueago. In the absence of Mr. Me- fa�r, ixothir de, It only needs a -fair fi. ol and ernest was only prenuaturd i to 9' $16 20; Alexander enzie, Cmo,,licy, P labbrers. to place our ebur 1 which it belonged. He eplained A'%Ir. Z1- IIn t1le front eeve, aOn Mon( Pullsboll's Bagince - of: tb e lay evening a public mecting rank of remrks is to Physical c 'Ossway, Collecssion 14, cadto the chir. gencies Tor the Seaforth. -,oirje�e ilk) oln- belove�l 1, I ton, Gre3; lld Bruce *as held in the, church.. This sort of moral elevation of Z3 intedSecetry., Arcs geog-rphy" iii conliection with tile PI -es- 4.1y, and all la� Commenced ob oil 2\1 ( llcet,ng is it byterian church, to which forl))Ci� )2 tion ilSympathy of the I 6h ty in connection with This led the speaker incidently to refer cel- [)ected I lueeting-with the stifferers b inst. He is' . er, �.i f e w days. clitirch'celebrations. ".'rhe.entertaiiinient to certain ronia sp y t1te (Allearto, eaker had taken exception. Tbey re- r, rks iiiade by thei Wiscoijil, Exes Li i�' I Jo P. itE, c r.T.oN was preaboly tile sille as that usually dent of ferred, lie said, olily to 19resbyte 4 Was pass- the the NA-ealeyan Methodi t Coll- riansin COcession -c- pillriye hs be afforded t tea -meeting a & Herbertsoli, gravellin Y. D- ille p Ill. It was then illoved that a com- a or soirees with ference, during his recent visit to Ell- and not. it 'all to other . 11iolickor ill -cliftlicei-2 ed last a non the recom a wee -y milbee of ldies and geut I -ception that no refreshments, were lnd. ILL read. from the cell 10- colintlies, and appealed to tile niiinst6is c leluen J)e ap- ]lend the ex, -ape Coll rs( To 0 C(V articles V ell illi'llis'lied, nd instead of an dmissian for' d to Vill- Herberts Money to town ot f 'gettin r, ill 8 loilld have Ooinions held -by tht TO Ited for the purpose tilt" if their congregtions %vere not bc-611 Credited eat the door Concessio2, subscition ists to be left at seve, in Illy ral'of with Gentre Tal - , e , Collection was tken Lip. 9clItIclilal). of the �arious ICOMPOSed Of 8cotchilleliaxid their 1, $36 25; Johl ad of .'be -;uccc-,s oCAU sbe� Mart u inli of tile meeting On. ki ouday des 4311y, -id for Otherwise the Stores, %,1 .1 ; also, fol Rcy evangelical bo"dius in Caiiad,: eel I-111ts. In COI,CI'Lls;oll lieproposed 10, Miss -th in it] I light, 'both as to ttendance and as to 1;0; Duilford t -ad contribiitions for the relief of the Chf6ago Should rea (Jocbraue called the Special ttel�tioll of .1 vote of th Its to tb e. �cb oir. Notarit-ii Marsden it in: sit hndience to th ternark that tj of No. 2 Canada J`he folloli-11-1.1c 6e- riaines a. I Jle fillan wi that the pow le -Aa f r. 2'lij aP ice Concession-. 19 �Sohviton; for tht R. C.Bitul;, 1 )bert Dickson, So rods gravelling Coll- the Canabi Life --Lit of Presbyteriainli; and Pi McKillop, Second - Church invited to act 1 TOwlxc�.� J9V1 The pl)wing fro lend U,16 of the ladics.and f�asllione& Soirees call bold tlicir owl, Spre, or even surpass tile old ones. To ian Principles wasil. ed tile previous speaker'sivote of thanks oil tile under Ices 0 I -Its die i t 0: the -Tr h matter of 11ouses aud Lot-, for still-. i�tll cession Committee, `y t 0 8efortb congregation, we beli b; idge, Conces.-don 14,- BrAinCh. A gri 0,70 physical georaphy. It was pleasant to bear good music and Sokiet3 saidMr. Watson, Secret Tlionias ofiMr. *unue'. l3len w I be belongs the credit of introducin:4 this balance, oil i All held on the farn i Coebranz' peoches nd the.j., l ad both to-iligh t. l'y moll, e- Illy illa,bilit'v to liliderstoild :Stepherls, Town Plot. on I', improved" entertinment, and if a ell- "what is Tileani; He had ilitended to Speak oil "The oved by 8lemon, secouiled by the ith mat. by sucl� lan t 2 d. tho a] delivere ewing Th . following I lie. could havintir IQ, E'lements of a True 'hurch 11 � i �goinrt ac- � i pilionious and high-soundingli' John Strachaii, That the fore N-otarie M cLean, pkiz a will b( cot d in forth and Y. I 1 0 be invented foi, it, )ceeli as d for there 158 no d. Counts be aid, tbat the I'Veeve 'K. P. %wes, Miss P oubt it England, nd not is diluted nd. toned tile subject in a five -fold aspect, but t p Co� of and the. V ould become- very popula d(-beutures for the Same- C, rried r nd' perhaps Londim, 1�njzlitud� Miss -ilo down to suit Canadin re-, ders, I t, ice that late hour of the evehing", -lie would law nd Af ter the, )low,. a I orlitilely sup-ercede. the worn-out soirees it to that presbyteri not Carry out his intention. Moved by T. secolided by 8- sub- ) , -1, .111 sill lie L�xbort- 111A111faabured : by V. .1%. aht tile* Council llmv atIjoilTil, till (rs. Mr. GOILIS ith ie con(fregtion to Strive fter t1i 01113' IlOPc to Mke progress where there e )ill Ec f till dr Ill is set oil. foot those Wil"i0l" of tit(, ip vice S" 15) introduced the several ro to Illeot a(fin at Tuck's hotel, Oil thf., �Co I ch or rosperity of the church ;�nd VCVV 2d 'd Spiritual Ili 8 of -well veakers with few lle,-Lt allol ppropri- Scotch ,is the outward or physical. lb th N, oveinber liscribed oi the' Spot. Cl I rh.3. where (as in the of -modculia-r- 7 te rentar II. A Choir under the leader- oriinal speech) Au tA vote of th anks hityin oil inotioll. Of )IOTEL, f Late Shart -ley & IFTI011il Aittley -ille, 1price 0,111 )level, hooe to (to niticli begs to thank- I &e pul; Mr. D. 1). AN ilsoll, onddby- A will be placed in the followilia all Irdlip of John -fbitirk, the John Logctti's, Ftiouias -procentor b lit tbb P - (f the church, at intervals during the Julius T) Wiroliage to MID 111 14 R. Luni-sil S. 1. 0, 2d 4, 3d lincall, been tendered to tile, 3 th 2. native Canadians. And tl�he con - Swig some excellewt Selections resollition a I]) - lists re to be closed on the Ist of chiion rrived t by the Presid�m �. of the speakers, Ind. tie e The funeral of the Piiss, IVI prizd viz The I ioied buf;' spec,i, cf music in Ili 1 awidentlly sl'ot ;1, 14 e o ve�lilber. ft "Illy Creditable mnner. Conference is, "kah ately responded to, the lillett, 'Will hewill be happy to have mil be'aliir I by odism. is tile re- Propri e firsb called upon was ligion, for plice, on Saturday, Oct 21, from, his hate� and ill -any new- iadlptod to the wafo the Ir. amieson, of PrinceAlber Wjidence to the ph -tee of inerilient t 26 local gent, �a# Ill 00T Crtop,, -A few bosi . rlyrred th, of every kind otpeople, wherever founLI he collection 0, f tile evening amo1I11.G- Ki ago the 'w' s present to the dense forest tile ql-olvde' Friens and ac(Itiaiii.taitecs 1)y t, match, toc(I to $100. a(Med. to tile collec- city, accidentally and was not 1), respectfull invited to Tie Aorictiltural �',Ociaty de- d Coii;iui(tee��-S merchnt or the the hivil ( y CALLAWAY, Proprit-tor; tions of tile Sunday services a Hilititi-I Party from re ex,-' nirricou llot44 X. icf(led the prizes for root. crops. longthy ddress. There were h total of Over S,4400, as the pecuiliry re. Will The Jait ies Cho (D" NK nit' Of industry., -oi, theremotest. -V lie �n lie pe c acs 'A prize foi- turnips Avas olv� stilt of tile church opeiiiii1a PI to be an i g?"Oull (I thins, however, J1 a 0 d iiient, NAIiei,el)iiblttL�lytlxel).iiitli(,.r yolilli- a to P fittvd tlinnghont, Anil iblow toile., by 1".%tterson filn oil tho present occa in -oS- Tlle See Sioll. First lie ed where the dventurous jettler fortal)le and Coilimo(bous in, tle on kl() at 8 o'clock A. X To � comill 0 ice 1 at 9 was glad to see that they had -dispel'ised lia'i just beguil to fell :tile trees, Wroxeter. Rooms for;.G-w -Wial parlor Stove by Searle & by to be hlf tr­ Alich Anrt, 11Z Tea-meetitini-were centurie is the result: acr(- tillie Six loill De)th of f V ITOW 8 hve rooted Ill the soil. It - AVe A G,�LE­One of the heaviest blasts B'OnUS t6the Fa 'I'LL -1st Prize, Edmund -A rinin! I six nuisances, qiid sia means of take 110 CxCcpbion,N1r. dochrai T. tie c4lt of wilid ever known. it, th1s'1ocality, ill g In oney utterly worthless. Ilethought ed, to the opinions -of t14 cloquent �peak- ex-verieliced ].);at OF GREY A'ND MORRIS., Per acre, purpte top -variety, Nvidth between ro-,%rs-22 inches Hullett. good taste -had been displayed in the Or, ill tothe prospects of and I'xc i1ces were lev- nd especially ism in Worejoice initispro- scattered, but happily no serious and Di-afts furnising of the e 5 o'clock Fe elled,0 Fair 1,02P. l)1.1SlIe18 . 1;� 0 reof the, T oLatuim aua,,entli, perioubulating the cof;ntry,- s done. for -in:,, a liale of iiif,!rIoj- la, in the style of Pulpt they had dopted, and thank Cod for ll it has ac - Y, width betiNie(, Sef t1 Y( ,at ssue smoke -stack of Mess' rj Furiber's an& on will eto y JOM-N WA lallowed to I forward to still greater Milleii's Steam furniture ry it t a 1-1.1111ce(l pri that the' If 1 le t aboxes in which a maii wa3 ?,r I Allen & I xoivs 28 inclies lea Braith ur -%vlllGjl was not One of the �Id-fasbiolled e Mul dished ill 'the past, while looki U waitp, 853) bushels lie ksteiller' r acire, (!at ter's ts lee. i colli in . for fliare 6f public 11(tice. sbik or' swim as best lie tili'lit. A W1-3 befit boUt haff 26 rows.' wy- dowil at all A� of bout 45) degri-ces. eer tinflics to the farmers of But be is by 11) Illealls abislied tlieret, amieson then proceeded to spo a Presbyteritis v.- --ISE prize, eak of the protest lly tull Illffilifying the I think I vi- I [lot desist from his respective duties of pastor and ILA --The Council of at$ Of his 0%, h Ousliels Pei, lure, long In u- at ilit c hi-forin them thate red i %I Ch ­Uorsem lirst-Clwhil sm ietl- .16 was the plitor's duty to preach, but 7 potise of others. 'rhere is no lie Ili for agrecd to sill wi keell constantly nii band, it the Jtichard -Matittim, 1, 173 1, 1) Congregation -were equally in duty 1 jelousy betwoon the differelit rows:- 2d. prize efl-Aive thn ell oi ited at 11ion. t thcToronto By-law to the 2 IctY, I 11cfatous pract ilijbil ility ore ti DtO in ell tOtat S lay n till and on Tuesday the Ho -ick. Council ight!he attellapte(i t,) vry (Ito attentively ])(-,at-. Tbe-ininite� -iolls of christiaiis, acre, lowr rC t hd L e his usul i, 1 of fate 01111 Pray fo in C. ada. 'I'll ere is rreed to Submit. the By-law 'to ti prizcol 96 %and me -er r his people, and'the peo- niple field f0br all' and so fai front (le - )l a a lt (if tbe best quitlity, and at to t Oir of -Mr. ple for theirininistor. Apr, I Township. The voting in �Iillto takes Ile ould Iolig red, 24 inchos roWs aY1119 people the efforts of Presbyterianism ed. o i its 9kc a preching tici i to tbe arrots.-It I)iiz tdi AlThilc a.! Baptists or . Epis- r.,' -,at oi. Pae'�2'nd, and in ? wuv TiPkt�t Ageiit, iiiister should ast Howick oil the same (Imy. the prilleiplil Plows kept Coll- spiritul tIliD-',S CUpali'LlIS btl"llels, per white 111elgriall Ile, I it better belits any milipster or > I I �tll itly oil lialld. 1111r1a.ht plivi. pai' t shoep for Mr. tc -his flock, they li( dmil poi 22 ey and )uld see tba of tile NVUSICyan 'Alctliod ie llarn of ame for (,III efl�tl be' i11oil iii�Ljht '' went loked not thill,, I to 4.1 Bentlev tiol LU I-SUCCL138 01 LS colli-C)l us, ty.) tile great'-st f&4,i)iTW4 to Emigrants CT let i W. ll� AVIL,8,0-N, luforination given p-!preting Law I Z111,01igh Mr. J, 1N1ClKIIi.C,,ht,h liock tc the. I ter sliould.keep back. notbil)(ir from his the'r-, ;sister clltl� an, 24 iiiefies between rows Chos. The allce- were destro-ed by fire last-weeli. Tit(,, l4reenInteks, wid u :Ira prize RV. Maillif 4 tulle. This is comillL(I ratlin-k too CC -re-ation) and- thO11,11 the truthi inent (if one is tile, advancement of ali, 11,1- 78(M bushels pot lire is suppokied to or,ir IIatC(I in a 0, llea,�Y, as t e s hot a IF mier in the sl: e, unpalatable, 8ti'- - her i 11 it was their l all.d. tbe. rejoicing of one shoill(I park front Nonle sLunips whic-11 Gold and Silver I'lijo, bought imd 0 acve, whitc Bel,64'Lil 4 illchezi be,- -n we.e liIIIIII&Iiato neifflil Orhood 0 .. th Hchilliselfhadfult,,cal )c tile were Tows, SWILMN) (I led 170JOICIIII), hilimill't ill a Who iat.least one, nd, Eon, it T 0 s tied""- - C, Potatoo.,S.­Z-1'.�t pri, 0 111as not 101,;� it' 11)611 not lont agi), to address L' of All. "But is it truc a(Voillin" J;Cht- insured ETOVES, TINWA.RE AND Z James 1111 ive 0' six kit is congre.- ed Qiat Presbyterialii,-,Ill is 11, it od for ;:40"0, which will oilly parzially cov '%V.1itV. 304 blIshel.-., lit:X. th to er -Mv the loss. COAL 01L. Agent for thi- P)Ilowing Firt-, I led by this gorltir- Oil oil u 'subject of temper'llice, alld r-waillreliz this ( "Illadit of Ours ? c aciv, 20 Would 11 t bhe Co nei ti Tho Beaver w-, 1 11 be d:dilg 0 (If tile]" SUCIlled, to think lie had. aii3. Z wcen rows 211d Ili be!L u )f oil, 8 ? tit re RS.VVJT1TN-EY has ju,4trev,-ivi.(l a lill-ge wrl ive AV. 0. 14,o-wlur, a4t Of justi � "o �,boso I%, b 0 tter havu let it alolle, but lie tholl"lit liiig lit our %ystcni of.goverlill The followill (r P told). airld tile w4%tel-ii Vim 111hum I(Unt 0.r FRO.X -X- of Cooh-in-, Vin-lor inia 3,,,)x stov,��, fif tiw )4f ­t I)II-daels per acre, 31) inciles betj%-eell have 6111. doct !oa: Ili facturf-, which .1 -be- c -an ,(-]I a, clival; 1�.,i nu% the RvliwuPA,, Life Aq-,uraim-, Ana ti; Jere( in ofl, � 1 11 r'11,11 viL�wa unsuited to the tastes tracts are taken front a private tter �rd prive E'(intilild reNral-d f the ap- t ft a Dject u1nitlently hill tud for - Ill tilt-, tralle. 111,4uranee t"t row.� both 6 le Wts Of the people 6, if so: we need lately mccived f roni tile �l anitoba ill 176 ture of the Clill. ib? IN 0 1.. y do lo tax 1 ndpit- 111(1 platforill. 0"rre.8- 3"INWARIE', of eyvvy (lexr).4),6021, 110NEY T0 LO A"N on real estat A.11ovittri; by bi-hels tier -lie e, 22 inclit that was ilitello, ex! to) rolliluller"ato tho4c s1wild tinic and Illollev or Ini-isionary poilde-ilt of tile ENI'o-wrol'. Harvest )I r -is Ig, I � 11 L'i b` -- 1, Erv. (if E'gyllioll (Ivi Ile, Loort, ill atteulptin't to r' loir �heei a ro, and as ,, geller.11 t)lllllr TI v cc', till the land is all o%,er lie adbo. ijffive, oppo4itfi JioKse T-ailoy I Jud -es fouli'l tile land ol Who have had i li killett ],IN- Ilya w;"l-S tile licxt.speaker. He sai(t It(,' hall i fo r Clirist—N%-e had bett ' ALAo, Stove Pipes, Eave Trouehing, etc. 1&3-tf AINLEYVILLE' I W, I The 'oulicil-sho LIM ofl r", er band, over Lit(-; crops bave all turned out -Nvell. AN-ili, thc crops Nvere gromni. i and er a rov6ard froll, I ill appeal -Ing &t.Z'11ch a niceting our and Our iliell to ths'i. +1 .1 .1 1 :I_ , M -�Irolji the -do. -, - - 1 1110,111) v 43, Bill ouls, .11, 1 fJ4Ll.A A sta'tv of ClIltiv. Oil I, I QC 44l. �A 11 U15 to( 1 .3 W lealri 11, callIft ol _JiX ZJJ asi this it liatt. bucli observud tti him Illation J%-bicli is so Avc,11 litted 1) Nvurk will reevivf- t-vvry jitt V BF.1.114ME, W011141 ],.k y I Z. y it,-, -weeks ago, and had about 321 bushi'li ta S01111I. tillle "t ol 1) 1 Ilitl"t's. -Jolill Sll;" V% Y A 11rotbor minister that Chat he bus taken ul� hiii relidmice a . I 1 1 COAtj 0M. and 1),ellard Catholic of Spirit !IIQS- ill fhiS ViCiliit are raging A large stoak tif Ow -.I ry bvit C.la! ()i! 1;', )if. poll -toj all Ull and liberalit, of from tell acres. - Prairie fires ar, lri, . .1' ZSCIltillIellt, to) Stlit a]l Classes Ill( Belmori-, ulivre hi -4 -ill Ili,- happy t f' I �FA K Cm.-o'�— 11"ATI., I*"- were lather too licar for " brotherIv IoVe ell it,- ]'ere il,-;t now to such all exteilt t1la,t til' �Wlii 'maile ),I Win iii hit. proft1k';1-1'r0T-,lo ill hand, and wili I)t-. sold wholi-air uu-). U c% -Cry diveraity ()f Illind. In 'lir is lilled with ailloke. Qiie party o'i r*'tt.'t'ih111:y toleolitillue., Ilitt he thoutrlit b' t�llc UX-- -Coou, has afti-n ledto ut,verAl-tasts AN 1) thoro,111111; sc of Z) y I ordor to wjsNvel. tile (luestioll, and It tile froill th,--ir or Ift lojv- kilowled,,e Of I fttIll",11. Surveyors I M-im-niii-r tpe- ylvt-t, carlin -hm I*,.,. allco Ill-OLI lield it.�i alld ClIari- 8,1111c, tinie refut.t the ilpsilluatlon that tile Una 0fjL.Ct(Q In-APettuireg, U�idiea -tile Ope Shou � nit ti- they would (ret along, tot_tutller in liar- i re -111,11, I he lal lave. been driven in ,-;(afortI1 latiolls of d�,,­(,� work'by tilt- ravages of the lire- it is -flfieau-il sigrued bv liver 2M till liestlav allot AVed- i-i,lo t,.,l w- imti trbio,k at-t­jni t a V las t wev! illiti-ttion, aild )y a �Carofii iII(!iI)le8 (If Pr"byterianisin areiiii.-aii-t- not eolifillud to the Prairie alono, ))lit ti -41 t�).,vttl - ue8tiinoiniftl-�. set- pig 11 . , t r rs. prille, q'Lf I aly1flication illonvi and tl!at,tlierc,%A-'O11ld bo ]to Collis- 11"i.to tit(! niassus (If our latid, I need Mr. Vot)K will AtIoil it Ainl has dcstroYed a la,rlre al"ount of litiliber li -i (�I,l Tal I Of 'WLJI-i1VICCt(2d LWO.Li-All'. pl)s lias -o- ion Mr. Grabain revi-i-tud to the '11-1 - 1) look blwk. and in tile and Ilav oe- tukl;l ill I sv� f,.i lK alid nt the Towiii Plot, ill th of 1)11-�;Iliess tramacte.d. WVI"c c. 11 v atdi ymi ti Uoon th " vidcd oil]. brC"1,IJa1.Rt--4,Lbk'S with ,ides bome carts an(i The t, I c, k- instructed to, flavorell 1)( t�li- llizitory Of tll.0 church and of file iiL, 'It of past history, set., what it bas ac- Mlmr pe bal-111. Ss. Grey, in the aftemomin of the fixtit Is corresiJoild with which I'llav �,we I iv I'VIII0111I)crud lyk-wi tllere'jva-,�-, lit) ,-�ea,- have lost their DAT 44 (-11Ch luonth. I o;,oullilishvd. Nor (to -iv(. 11. (,.,1 to) liltlit allot I heard to -day that (IllitO a I)IlIII10(--r tro -efl. r 11. 1-4 :!.%du 4 141�r- J. CM-RCITILL, VETEIRMNA 1*1"01- fill th at"alt DOW 1'rwaq .1 I'lacc of ,iixt(-.(,.Il illhi- of cattle have beell de NVI 'tre Ilayintr CAUTION. stip:-lid of �000, ladol illlpl�- -with; bol!Iiii, -N% peol�lc, vvith dia, ii till ;:I., ntaxio vtta� w th a iMelill-Kir of the ISrer .1liallso to China, in Afric�,t, All.stralia, fvver is at' -agin­ lit.rt,, T 2111 tho. I" ter oi milk. Elich leket �is labelell (,r, 1', 16 b*as to iiitimatc to the.inbabitaii blit t is hit I, TaIll t I. i e 111 rcl) L's and II-stitutions and the ele- Coll" atioll!k k, 1. , MI Neil '11,111d, Presbvteriall IlliniiZIU.I., �%l I H I "; & Co.. Bolll,�vopatjli nwnt.; 11-itbill it:,elf tif Still further 1) A Mr. ANz'. F. Luxton, forilit!l-ly -,iN(A f-ir 1111*111 . I he I will. ;.N 11.1, �,j 4kad surr4mi,61ilig roniltrv. tlmt he dulimr tbe pist v., r, ba�' " I C e ile-leel- - 'I" t V, k- i till Illissionaries have "aillet"t for flicul- I)W; had a hard attack e(I to) ilutl�­ cile�ljist-7,. London.- i' Al80. niftken; of pci .1 Offlep in Wigtirth, wbi rp hit- way be 'ity. He recollecte(I tile tiulu, Only a I f ulves a .,O()Il the -a-1.1slitl lifAll WA., f(W 111--irilig, t1w al.w. sonallyor ?h Wter. in t he Diuemes' C01111111111111 the of. it, blit -ccoverim., lie was 01 0 It dat, Illi'l 1.110f. llw�-0,11-jll tw;, rVar'. tho :1"15,1-1 tc. 1111vilig Toevivell a nwrul Of tit(, "ClIVITICIS Of tile an�- or n,11 N Iky' o oa (Cocoa a III Coil- f0i, lie is I treli. Vu,'I'S a, r when file congreoati(,n tf-entii)IIzn (-atilin, all'I been a ln(*Ilts lvvre lltad(l, to of tile civil Powers. yesterday for the first ti stilq)IN I I 11"011; 1, 0 11 vCrY 81nall, ll(A(Iill� their sLrvic'.es ill 'lizisi(illary witerl,rise Can I)t)aijt Of no) thou lb�, looks vid, tiWN tit(, tile Temperance Hall and afturwan shidow of his forinerself. AVc bay('. Ih,,,,, aftvr,!:t+t-, tnii an. -I all -if III,.- of the Vrteinary c4le-ne of olitaAAx quarter A -1 coilipli Ill(ji Is i it randur tit- liti -i wo.t. drawl) ))v ill Ili has i)f.goiving all -Uexandcr:J)uI1', now it tri -weekly niail to this tary! dinner ml or lit -it rl-r , 11 ki)j It t nm tler t J 11. who nmv-p-onj (-111 front the eoll'il"­.-tiolt Of flav, "iNX-11 0lu -)IetlI0dist E ,c()I)al Chi'l-ch. From Olin Wilson. AVillialli. B i , aloy him lield to W, T Hay." E Road and lsq., 1 for tile tho t siliall beuill I 401in a Comfortable line of Stag, i 0 n la, f111:011 Of X orth Ridina niD I they halt increasu(I lia alld I),, Loh Ci)llllk-Ctiii,,- �,ixl h Collef—iw. of Grey, fr. ' 'In T�liu-1 Es' -A. 14mitb. N !he Rev. Jull', v; n Of Hurnn, by ,the, citizell,x 'Uh. Illultip] Yid Livingstone, all 4 its with the railway. orinary Coll-ge; . Profo4sor Lloll,r to tile I odurichy oil 641tilrday Jve�n* terian faith, COMPallY is Its() pushing their linu fill -- .13 ski;$ - uf G The�, to-degr till- unat-r-i-joi, a-4 till- �-All twii-f(-r Ila,, li­, tit.) yet lit" tied to ille present large. C1 )resby takmi frtlin *.-ahvnn.� im(ler r-114, Iw Tborburn, Dr. Rim..). Anil — NVAIN11 Dill- f lvj-'l I (.)I' ul re ration 1-1c hoped they -vvoill(fio telf, vs, SAbVE XV.,; 11A.Dol,EY. M(WHeilles rollixta'atly o L on la tbfj luilttur vf Wlleisiaw educatiol) ward with the greatust activity, and We J I F 7 HTJAdN 1EXPnRTTn1PZ TH ucT. Z , I R I ained, an "01, ered to' be transmitted to Pr OPENING OF C. P. CHURCH. as they had ard of will have telegraphie ;e -ill teo of LoudDn, in whose i stand '(4, - WAY. '1111051 -tor lin begun, and that ilicy would &rld in demanding a Iiigl P y ds Lbes now is.- seek after not only the outward but the ministerial training, Presbyterians hav( with the out.3i Another call 0 S iday last,J 5 Ali inst., tit ide -%vorld by the Ist of ­N n ux Z f rom the cong,'regation o G16mmis, I e andi- iiiward prosperity of the Church. Air. ever justly been regarded as occupying ellce room of tit(-, Se -.,.forth Canad the Town! hip of Greeno a Pi,es- i Ul-aham illustmted his- remarks by a , in enviabIq position. Their influence in , in favor f bylerian 0-burch, was fortually openL-(1 I �%Ilvll D amusing anecdoteN 1which It a,.4 been felt ii poll all (tell ow- uninber of e this respect It, ISTkICT MATTERS. -1tev.- Neil Cinnou, now of AN"ardsville, for divine sorvico. �-%Jillelr;al,6 litting 111) tile old The ev6ilt ha was also stistain ed &q "ba Rev. Adiiin looked forwa, d been related in. his own pecii uq y happy illations in die land, so that now more -with tj if inal'Zin- it�l ftirni- Vd to wiih a Considerable I IG intention me a r� '�tilnated by let- than evor tticolo(rical sebools and col -I K _V, -0 eeswate I 111—iner anol which put the aludierice tilre warubouse, It A is Wel"I ada, degree Of expectancy by tile congregation, tile ulost pleasall, hulnour. ( lounty Aer his iIIIJ 0 to P,%r(led"u-esseutial equipmelits on of relilovilio, to leges -Ire reo toil for- ...... .... onventioll of the school teachers of tile : Nova and the day will be ever reniculb �be pmyose, and -%-,c hope i- 866tia. ll. I . i (.-red by of aily well ordered church. Itisalsoto JIM V special meatil,11 AVIZ8 Rev. XVn. COCIIIIAN-E, of Brantford -%vill be heldat Clititol,,, them as one of the most irlpo'rt County o,,( Huron, IPPOillt- le )low ant in 11lis cld�t'lle ]eat addressed the the Credit, of tile CIli.ada Presbyterial-, f th e 're 'C of th ot congrega (111 terpAnnp, n ed. to be h eswat to (lispose of their history. The congregatidn was tiou. at length. church, that She has never taken oue In "I 'nc -"I' pioline.toza. ay and Saturday, the 3rd and. 4th his case. 1dr. Win For s� formed i He expressed Ili& joy at the orn )Ietion on Frid, birsiiie.si o I - gn oil was lic'en n 1867 and the 'c' "T of November next. ed to pre ell Ithe gospel same year the of Such a all Cent of endownient from the Govern- R-obinson, as commence(t. leader of the. Carrick Brass Balij A committee �preseut church'structure w, batantial buildin a Or t 0 -use Was a pp.oi 11 i, to make Tolent ill the preparation of herAiideilts waa to& arrangements to Of tile Presbyterians in is'ell4t7lorth. The AMDEXT,—We rec,tet to lea i 0 The new 0-011(fre"atioll Was formed millft- ted ivith.a brass ""'that bold missi0ii0y ineeting rent ly from n, c" " .1 Jor tile Ministry. Tho, free-will offerinirs I Presell illeilt in diffoa success of this coliv egation iias matter ellibers of the adjoinilip, Presby- Valued at 850 by- tile members Of -be On 1fonday last; as Mr. Alexandar con<rreoatio I of her people have stistained -.her dur tit in the Nichoison, of Tuckersmith ink -iititude and "Collgratillat, Oil allion", illore'" Lodov N I January. . Past, and will assuredly itiore till , � o. 2SI, 13. A. 0. Of Good 4, N-0. ip month Of terian cliurche.,i of Har iirlioyoanil r.9' Christians of every denornin'tion. He in ever was. ii, ns f6l' 91 its- p staJ)k, n'tclitEno, to Iii.,; liorses, o mondville residing ill this village, -%v Templars, of which loilgo, he is it 11111DIber. lie of the m kicke although Cher bo' IAd, watelled with inlet lintliefuture. Andiraswemustadlilit, �d him upon the. head an 2 -us t til L rise �alid I dv Tuckers "i iShillg the'WArxXIeSt feeling 1 We believe this lodge intend Cry` t 0 our missionary Collections do liot rival pro -tress of the clairch, the '11 and a i.Beverely injitred hinri. Of alrection and. esteem toward those Ze., certain churches ill Canada,:we have tile I and ill.3t, pital conccrt OnThurs- 'KI51 111SAf ITH. —Tile churctics and their. pastors, felt that the I day evening, 2.6th ilii�t. 4, Tia; Vqli. �IN TdO cal"16stuess of tile nictubers, the hopeful,,- C Q Irl I Bv­1a-w­ to I I' it Ilmll Q , 4, .44, 1 tiess thathis ire,l +1,-" 4 � A Satisfaction of knowill" that our f I Ill.) ( -,q 4. 4 exander tionison, OVISIL11( growing Importance or Seatorth, denial d- 4 V1 a lie farin on I , dollars to -1 ie 1 0 ed. haellurch. of their denomimition sity and aare to Mat ex ent, the free will o5er.- of Ttickersmith has sold Ins 1i orldon,jffir it and Bruce lisappoilitineut ul�ltil tl their pryers 11 ill gs rn e. f- 'Railway wil , of o Usb the 14b1i -concession, to Aln Latt s V to -d upoti in Tuckersmith, should be established here. ad been answe ed, in t1to tir own members nd dherents, On the for - Inot §ecured '14 ill some LVERY FRIDAY' ay fit. TI�e Jollowing is a Illtion Of anit of Goldsmith lie be- —The mtia-ers AVebelieveit:isMr.Tilloins On OTuesd, oil's orship ii Of. tile VOte At tl Le close Of the first held ij' statement lieved the pastor of tions, by a species of beg-garly importun- Bethaly Cburch, had occas intelittionto remove to Kansas' I the e the churcl to be 0111- ioll to as Soon aS' r mperalice aity from inenibers of every church,. anil. 'their te-nieeuing back to -T -he 12th., ot Re can get his business affivirs here wouii d Pal Methodist Church, id oils 'li the 1va Us -waids illently dal)te(t to tb e ',-])here f labor al - It olotted hiln, 'aild looked forwaa, I those who belong to no church -urbatever, beim, to secure two of the, lea(li er ViLar in. t UP- P07' nd in this collo when the preseri edittoe wa crected t �:Le and lasting res"Its fi-oin his 11 ilection let me dd, that speakers. Anil as it is ii o w past Nre an. litted up, nd since tl y in basement was Tim CRAN-KY OL MAI tilt Seaforth. �Ond the surrouildill while in Eliglnd—long the stronghold of truly say it was ave I-0. .�. � c Success I' 'Cb 0 32 Country, ethodism, and wile ice to Thei-cl)6ii)�r,R400ofid�ebt-iI 14; )u -D. —11re b ipPen w, time until Ina 8tindy the, services Ill on al -f arpurf�y IlVa Mr. Cochrane then entered hito details, le meee ved a very well writt Poetic, 1 1.) been condticted Ili it. Last year c ill rell. effu,,,ion beatin, the above showing the :prourcss of the Canada say she has done nob r ply k"Illoildville w4rd. log ."ras give,, to the present pastor, Pxv, statistics show it ( Il �eertions, 2 Censs 4,"Alh t i III* - w ap- 63 t Presbyterian chur(�11 -ill t �ears, As t le tion and tile 1..)roceeds th e meet' to "The Happ ORI'Maid Brue I ield Mr. and bout f6tirtean L menibcrsllip� of that v eared in ourla8t, I lit are unable to ub- Fow 6r's S,,ho,)f House' Mouth 9i ing an idea of tile' tr church The which anio U-0 Was inducted into tie 8 ength land vior tinted to $120. The d.,' 14 lie be of the denoraination, he inemt Oil (I comparatively weak n d insicrilifl- lovely, which- a4ded much to thi-- owing to our corner foi slit- sh- it this week charge. Lat Winter a resol d -ant Presbyteriall Church is eadily' cess of the meeting, the exerciise Coln- ]libetry being pre* -occupied. It will ap- it *wa last year the menibership was 50,00o. at to complete the church structui6 gaining - ground, and increasing ill men e t I O,.,Clock, d 256 y The amount Collected for cong -egational ....... pear net week-. no rendering the udience-room fit for occ ti - purposes nearly $40() 000 f fluence' and numbers. 1 (10 not mention service, c ildct C( this_ erts, r foi- I Onic 11,11' io 000 for fact as g ound ' of boastini, but from Bowmanville.. Service 'an h A afternoon last we had n. opportunity of fi ....... Friday M 'ority the summer the work. was push ad imply to show t4at the assertion made ocked to the -basement below-, wheri int By� ,%, 'T -lots were let, al id parley. The contr, )Ileges e�l by Eev Nfr. R.ob 6 $12) 500 ; ll;S,, $ fo�eiguluissiOns, $6,000; Roma i Catholic 8 for*ard, until last tile church was ...... 111A to ape, k of the that Presbyterianism is only fitted for' tables were erecte arld bountiftilly -witnessng a thoroligh test Wf the work- ay. completed. It is now one of the 1 missions, �8,000 pro - THF, BY-- A, ely furnished chur6h half .. ........ -Ing and mo.�b handsom d or t I i e dowment capal.,ilities of one of the celebrated money coutribut I one locality or one nation is a Ill* repre- vided with the Choicest delicacies all(I argest 911`1111111 crushers manufactured by Aiessr8. ices in the countr I and tile Coll fund, for bursary an(l scho3a hips. for tber judged in the after doing justice to tli-i6 part of the NY-. Thii'voting on the By- i edif sentation of facts. whe aw, granting �bon y g1l f the past or by its achievements proceedings, -Maxwell & '�V7-'hitlaw, of Paris, and for us of $15,000 to tb gle the wido sembly's find. He all made their- way to tile onvi P., e gation has increased from d B the hall 0 pres rou an ruce Railwy Coln-!, (If Ill further. stated that -there were in the ent. True, we have not as Presbyteriaii Church, o ........ which Mr. 0. C. Wilson. of this village, who form 300 the way Cd tile Church in 1867' untii it is Presbyterians put forth such efforts as where interesting a is aglent. The test wa pailly, took place in --. is to-wriship on ministers ordained nd zettled over lid instriletive addres' made upon the le -th gest i a ol of lai li the Presbytory �O charge em Tuesday la it: The B -lav, was carried our opportunities d - anded and warrant :farm of INIr. Henry Clicaley, of Tuck which it belo Last 8abbath S'; that it, ddition ther 3 were 96 Ses were delivered by the Rev." accor I- er by a major: ty ed in past years, and I ball not Smith, with a machine whic of 72. ver. (thing mission fields, comprising 205breching from Exeter, h lie had par- passed i1hy to aililouncerrient, three se regret wards and tile IZev. 1r. rvices welle Is6n; and very qu an& h iit little 110 (yregtiolil Stipple- r ,chased from Mr. Wi t re I was b stational htty-'six Coll the misstatement refer ed to, if it stiulu- Ill �Jzl V, -pt N 4.!11� which he old. Professor Inglis, of Knox Colle'll, Y, which occuied tile time until 4 interest tat eill in tlie proc �edings. We mented by late its to increase liberality nd prayer 4)f F 10 1 hd i us6 for sametime. In thirty-, Toronto, preach the.Home ON1.1ission ffind, and 1), Ili., after which the c are informed that a kredt ed in the morning at- ( for the of our religrion nd our oticourse again forty probationers and ei ' t retu ril ed to tile basernent, w)tn - tea was two minutes. Mr. Chesney -run throgh many votes re- evening, and Rev. Mr. - Goldsmit tile ig y -seven maied niqo4ed. principles. 'Xiie Presbyterianism that I -this machine, twenty-eight bushel.8 "of afternoon. In the mornin Profess( missionaries and catechists employed by lacmin Sery n ock the, Multi- ir tj i ic church. There w e two colleds for has made 8cotlnd what she is- - the cradle urild to th oats. The grain was all e er but e again r.et eir seats wheil 0 CIVI. Ainle le 'I and religious liberty to lIng is took for his text 0 -thoroughly crushed, the -machine work- the theological training f her winistors f the world ddresses were delivered by the Rev. Collecre, Toronto, an(I tht of 11 the 6V of the living (Tod, the Ilea.ve 0 to be resi)ect- "But ye are conie unto mount ion find un 0 only at about its usual rate of'speed, NoTicE.—Tvir. Coo�Eiv w, —Knox —needs only to be known Nlr. Collins of London, net tile 1?, ev. net p.4 busii ny Jernsalei ed and accepted by Cnadialis. The -And doi ig its iina to n innumerable compoiny of ange,13. 9' Montreal—five missionaries and one pro r. Clark, f 0 ram Mitchell, and the Rev_ work in the most admirable ftgou.for-Tnt EXPOtilTOW in kull(pillo Ilind viciii- the general-amientwy and.church of thelli-A-borig fesor in Manitoba free and full Gospel that we preach i r lioberts. The ljc�v. Mr. oc- ity. Par -tries id 0 Missionaries Ili Len The power employed to "do q - :in g oi- Akli,ertising which arc- written in heav C, this was three san of horses, and d to �.Teaxliug upon, Afr!coop Ell. work seemed exceedingly easy. He is also antio''iZe of all, and to the spirits of itmt nion inade perfoo . BUSINES3 MR ill and to God the Jud,(u British Columbi and one in ina. ed the chair. The Exeterhoirwas can be attend( admirably adapted to peerand. peas alit the And to- esus the Mediator of the now co said we add the .11resby- like, nd under the pirit's ilifluelice is ttendiance, adding much to the - to adlieft sub leribers for THE Vellau : � To any frmer and to the I)Iood of '-sprinkling, that speaketh Ile terian ebtlech in con lectiop 'tb the susceptible of greater I who goes largely into the 11 co ique-9ts than sure of th ter things than that of Abol.11--Hebrews xii, 2,� ),ea 6 Ineeting Great credit is of Sock, this machine 23,24. es ed, anly let us 2 ever heretofore witri a :raising and feeding c4rch of 3cotlaild, 'with 'some 120 es and gentfemen wh, BUSIX-ESS is ve: -y good, bu there seems to the ILE could not f, grob-gatimis, and Queen's Coll- be faithful to ourselves, to our prilici )Ies, -tit to be. a "Most T-Tilliversity at onducted the. affair. useful and I to be less Ca 81 L in the country tbis Fall- Ili the evening he based his discours, -Kingston, and all het liss- to our professions,,and -working liand-in- NT I T Y, -J. y opdra- profitable artlele. 'The'gtet beauty -of thn lstj OIL CCRI ion A D lit of t1 bat Lill I works -so simply, all(,l 'wit] of the Canada llre,-� byterian --i�rn in tbis it is that it k( price of eat- oil the first clause of .*erse 12, Sixth tions, to that Id with. out Christian bre '-so tle being so and s f Writers have chapter, First Timothy: have a denolliliatior, Province Ettle machinery, that itis amost i church, wet..sliall we $hall soon see tile oral an -offilov f- -r t lut innot et dispos A f y wl "gr in crops, r, ight the ood'Aght of fait second to none in the Don ]possible for itto cyo out of order. I illion Ideriless blooIn and blosom like the in srisierly of Wr-,-VrRkR (OlIZ11111es rose. N CI L -The C be u old and damp$ Mr. Goldsmith. fo Canada. The Lord hath said it and lie will oiticil. m. Havill given these statiati P lit qualities and use- und his theme it L x oroof of its excelle p Dame's ho but without rr tie. I. raiii. We had some First Thessalonians, Cochrane roceeJc do it. -Mr. Cochrane closed by eas on f arm, we need but give i., 3 A to draw certain Ilcrnest oil -as expremed t or. Sunday night, Remembering withaut 3 lessons, which the present state of Pres- e members of the seaforth Opinion of its V the heavy gales f -v ind appeal to tit' q ay, Oct. 12th. Present .91 otir work o' 'lemon 8tra which pros con-refrt chan anki J. Leckie; the er ve, and ion to Consecrate themselves, eat nut of faitb;aud la�bor of lo byterianiani warrAed. There was no ZD AVID Chesney, wbiell win gW r patlenec", of hope 11 D &ell' our Lord �Teslis roon. for boa3tillg, but more than they had ever y eeve in the chair. Minutes of re (rood previnimineeting were'read nd a-pprovecl �fiirther to recom mend it than anything there wc et done� to we coud say. Mr. uliesn - states tha" t Ross are -The services were largely-att grounds for gratitude and hopefu active Christian labor, to recogni -Offie alul at *rhti J71f. -Wrig 0-y t ended, es follo4win accounts out f I C. sh. 9 would not be ithout' it for three ey intend giv- �Cilly ift the evening. when the elitirf y lilight done -were then pres- he As Presb terian we that thert; is in otbers, to exercise tt charity toward the entire houselt (lited Pear�on; crossway, an 'times its Cost. Ina tip business more in disseminatin 'Gospel truth, but old of D1L -%N AM ley ville, which- in L. of file lrge church was oc- Concession 4. Lots 20 nd 22, opetilm TFs 8 . om, one. riber of fdrins hd J'honlas Innis, covering cross-wy oii.si,de- - --------------- will leave a! trood C u piek ro,10(111 I arge 11111 - what has been accol )lished in the face faith and forgettillo, in or d,ffictllties, to 20 53 �EF to be taken f roul tb e basent ent and I bould inspire us:with a 0 Mr. of obst work for the grauTend of immort- AT MIN FO RELIKE OF. as; wee c, T plac ales sles to c a' 0 chieve � ureter JAAII-,S A.ITFAN' SCYPEREUS. -A-Ccording to �rocl-amation McEwen. tes' I , tj ' holy determination al soills. 12 nd- 1.3, $44 10 Will. Lottan e( in e i &RT M X)., t 1, the well for ai-d the commod tetbeaudi. of the Reeve'a public ii ence. A things in tile f Litu et rk ey. Coll -cession 14; eeting-ws held conclusion airvel at that tlie,-c w, t the close of each of the services One 111;lrt has of Bayfield., David Logall., cross Nraying Coil cossioll eon, etc. Oi lee is wsnex-bealledupon. in the Town Hall, Weein z' t collection been settled beyond all coiitrovei�s;th, 0111 esdy e enO J, jr-11 to -a were taken tip in the interest le4st, I ay. bify �of the building fund of the church. The 6 le urch. not only a , �Z, 0 P, e, crossi filstelloagh I Tit v H L m- -D ?n I i -14 inguleaus for the ssistnce of the* suf o the con,,-recrat'on ])lit 14, $12.1 12�k Robb. Rof 'are busily eugrlge(. pari ng tb e tu b -in orti- und 14� inst., for the Pill OSe 'of doViS- -Otlld notf 'I ry bi ine ey mount realized from the three collec- Canada, both as sys6ein of doctTilloand din, crosswaying Cnce- 'a 16, '$44 36 nlli.gb 18 th Presbyterianism is adthirbly adapted to Tie thought tit I 'w ch" $76 50 11obert, -Nloor as as eranjent and di, we trnst Tal' ferers from th-e recent great fire in 0', tions was $301.4f ystein of gov inent to Vic city ssio -so that A V cipline. in a- 7 e te., ited for oil, but 1, obert. Vox, crossw Concesion 16 inito can be sad: THE el 11 Saying cit Clueago. In the absence of Mr. Me- fa�r, ixothir de, It only needs a -fair fi. ol and ernest was only prenuaturd i to 9' $16 20; Alexander enzie, Cmo,,licy, P labbrers. to place our ebur 1 which it belonged. He eplained A'%Ir. Z1- IIn t1le front eeve, aOn Mon( Pullsboll's Bagince - of: tb e lay evening a public mecting rank of remrks is to Physical c 'Ossway, Collecssion 14, cadto the chir. gencies Tor the Seaforth. -,oirje�e ilk) oln- belove�l 1, I ton, Gre3; lld Bruce *as held in the, church.. This sort of moral elevation of Z3 intedSecetry., Arcs geog-rphy" iii conliection with tile PI -es- 4.1y, and all la� Commenced ob oil 2\1 ( llcet,ng is it byterian church, to which forl))Ci� )2 tion ilSympathy of the I 6h ty in connection with This led the speaker incidently to refer cel- [)ected I lueeting-with the stifferers b inst. He is' . er, �.i f e w days. clitirch'celebrations. ".'rhe.entertaiiinient to certain ronia sp y t1te (Allearto, eaker had taken exception. Tbey re- r, rks iiiade by thei Wiscoijil, Exes Li i�' I Jo P. itE, c r.T.oN was preaboly tile sille as that usually dent of ferred, lie said, olily to 19resbyte 4 Was pass- the the NA-ealeyan Methodi t Coll- riansin COcession -c- pillriye hs be afforded t tea -meeting a & Herbertsoli, gravellin Y. D- ille p Ill. It was then illoved that a com- a or soirees with ference, during his recent visit to Ell- and not. it 'all to other . 11iolickor ill -cliftlicei-2 ed last a non the recom a wee -y milbee of ldies and geut I -ception that no refreshments, were lnd. ILL read. from the cell 10- colintlies, and appealed to tile niiinst6is c leluen J)e ap- ]lend the ex, -ape Coll rs( To 0 C(V articles V ell illi'llis'lied, nd instead of an dmissian for' d to Vill- Herberts Money to town ot f 'gettin r, ill 8 loilld have Ooinions held -by tht TO Ited for the purpose tilt" if their congregtions %vere not bc-611 Credited eat the door Concessio2, subscition ists to be left at seve, in Illy ral'of with Gentre Tal - , e , Collection was tken Lip. 9clItIclilal). of the �arious ICOMPOSed Of 8cotchilleliaxid their 1, $36 25; Johl ad of .'be -;uccc-,s oCAU sbe� Mart u inli of tile meeting On. ki ouday des 4311y, -id for Otherwise the Stores, %,1 .1 ; also, fol Rcy evangelical bo"dius in Caiiad,: eel I-111ts. In COI,CI'Lls;oll lieproposed 10, Miss -th in it] I light, 'both as to ttendance and as to 1;0; Duilford t -ad contribiitions for the relief of the Chf6ago Should rea (Jocbraue called the Special ttel�tioll of .1 vote of th Its to tb e. �cb oir. Notarit-ii Marsden it in: sit hndience to th ternark that tj of No. 2 Canada J`he folloli-11-1.1c 6e- riaines a. I Jle fillan wi that the pow le -Aa f r. 2'lij aP ice Concession-. 19 �Sohviton; for tht R. C.Bitul;, 1 )bert Dickson, So rods gravelling Coll- the Canabi Life --Lit of Presbyteriainli; and Pi McKillop, Second - Church invited to act 1 TOwlxc�.� J9V1 The pl)wing fro lend U,16 of the ladics.and f�asllione& Soirees call bold tlicir owl, Spre, or even surpass tile old ones. To ian Principles wasil. ed tile previous speaker'sivote of thanks oil tile under Ices 0 I -Its die i t 0: the -Tr h matter of 11ouses aud Lot-, for still-. i�tll cession Committee, `y t 0 8efortb congregation, we beli b; idge, Conces.-don 14,- BrAinCh. A gri 0,70 physical georaphy. It was pleasant to bear good music and Sokiet3 saidMr. Watson, Secret Tlionias ofiMr. *unue'. l3len w I be belongs the credit of introducin:4 this balance, oil i All held on the farn i Coebranz' peoches nd the.j., l ad both to-iligh t. l'y moll, e- Illy illa,bilit'v to liliderstoild :Stepherls, Town Plot. on I', improved" entertinment, and if a ell- "what is Tileani; He had ilitended to Speak oil "The oved by 8lemon, secouiled by the ith mat. by sucl� lan t 2 d. tho a] delivere ewing Th . following I lie. could havintir IQ, E'lements of a True 'hurch 11 � i �goinrt ac- � i pilionious and high-soundingli' John Strachaii, That the fore N-otarie M cLean, pkiz a will b( cot d in forth and Y. I 1 0 be invented foi, it, )ceeli as d for there 158 no d. Counts be aid, tbat the I'Veeve 'K. P. %wes, Miss P oubt it England, nd not is diluted nd. toned tile subject in a five -fold aspect, but t p Co� of and the. V ould become- very popula d(-beutures for the Same- C, rried r nd' perhaps Londim, 1�njzlitud� Miss -ilo down to suit Canadin re-, ders, I t, ice that late hour of the evehing", -lie would law nd Af ter the, )low,. a I orlitilely sup-ercede. the worn-out soirees it to that presbyteri not Carry out his intention. Moved by T. secolided by 8- sub- ) , -1, .111 sill lie L�xbort- 111A111faabured : by V. .1%. aht tile* Council llmv atIjoilTil, till (rs. Mr. GOILIS ith ie con(fregtion to Strive fter t1i 01113' IlOPc to Mke progress where there e )ill Ec f till dr Ill is set oil. foot those Wil"i0l" of tit(, ip vice S" 15) introduced the several ro to Illeot a(fin at Tuck's hotel, Oil thf., �Co I ch or rosperity of the church ;�nd VCVV 2d 'd Spiritual Ili 8 of -well veakers with few lle,-Lt allol ppropri- Scotch ,is the outward or physical. lb th N, oveinber liscribed oi the' Spot. Cl I rh.3. where (as in the of -modculia-r- 7 te rentar II. A Choir under the leader- oriinal speech) Au tA vote of th anks hityin oil inotioll. Of )IOTEL, f Late Shart -ley & IFTI011il Aittley -ille, 1price 0,111 )level, hooe to (to niticli begs to thank- I &e pul; Mr. D. 1). AN ilsoll, onddby- A will be placed in the followilia all Irdlip of John -fbitirk, the John Logctti's, Ftiouias -procentor b lit tbb P - (f the church, at intervals during the Julius T) Wiroliage to MID 111 14 R. Luni-sil S. 1. 0, 2d 4, 3d lincall, been tendered to tile, 3 th 2. native Canadians. And tl�he con - Swig some excellewt Selections resollition a I]) - lists re to be closed on the Ist of chiion rrived t by the Presid�m �. of the speakers, Ind. tie e The funeral of the Piiss, IVI prizd viz The I ioied buf;' spec,i, cf music in Ili 1 awidentlly sl'ot ;1, 14 e o ve�lilber. ft "Illy Creditable mnner. Conference is, "kah ately responded to, the lillett, 'Will hewill be happy to have mil be'aliir I by odism. is tile re- Propri e firsb called upon was ligion, for plice, on Saturday, Oct 21, from, his hate� and ill -any new- iadlptod to the wafo the Ir. amieson, of PrinceAlber Wjidence to the ph -tee of inerilient t 26 local gent, �a# Ill 00T Crtop,, -A few bosi . rlyrred th, of every kind otpeople, wherever founLI he collection 0, f tile evening amo1I11.G- Ki ago the 'w' s present to the dense forest tile ql-olvde' Friens and ac(Itiaiii.taitecs 1)y t, match, toc(I to $100. a(Med. to tile collec- city, accidentally and was not 1), respectfull invited to Tie Aorictiltural �',Ociaty de- d Coii;iui(tee��-S merchnt or the the hivil ( y CALLAWAY, Proprit-tor; tions of tile Sunday services a Hilititi-I Party from re ex,-' nirricou llot44 X. icf(led the prizes for root. crops. longthy ddress. There were h total of Over S,4400, as the pecuiliry re. Will The Jait ies Cho (D" NK nit' Of industry., -oi, theremotest. -V lie �n lie pe c acs 'A prize foi- turnips Avas olv� stilt of tile church opeiiiii1a PI to be an i g?"Oull (I thins, however, J1 a 0 d iiient, NAIiei,el)iiblttL�lytlxel).iiitli(,.r yolilli- a to P fittvd tlinnghont, Anil iblow toile., by 1".%tterson filn oil tho present occa in -oS- Tlle See Sioll. First lie ed where the dventurous jettler fortal)le and Coilimo(bous in, tle on kl() at 8 o'clock A. X To � comill 0 ice 1 at 9 was glad to see that they had -dispel'ised lia'i just beguil to fell :tile trees, Wroxeter. Rooms for;.G-w -Wial parlor Stove by Searle & by to be hlf tr­ Alich Anrt, 11Z Tea-meetitini-were centurie is the result: acr(- tillie Six loill De)th of f V ITOW 8 hve rooted Ill the soil. It - AVe A G,�LE­One of the heaviest blasts B'OnUS t6the Fa 'I'LL -1st Prize, Edmund -A rinin! I six nuisances, qiid sia means of take 110 CxCcpbion,N1r. dochrai T. tie c4lt of wilid ever known. it, th1s'1ocality, ill g In oney utterly worthless. Ilethought ed, to the opinions -of t14 cloquent �peak- ex-verieliced ].);at OF GREY A'ND MORRIS., Per acre, purpte top -variety, Nvidth between ro-,%rs-22 inches Hullett. good taste -had been displayed in the Or, ill tothe prospects of and I'xc i1ces were lev- nd especially ism in Worejoice initispro- scattered, but happily no serious and Di-afts furnising of the e 5 o'clock Fe elled,0 Fair 1,02P. l)1.1SlIe18 . 1;� 0 reof the, T oLatuim aua,,entli, perioubulating the cof;ntry,- s done. for -in:,, a liale of iiif,!rIoj- la, in the style of Pulpt they had dopted, and thank Cod for ll it has ac - Y, width betiNie(, Sef t1 Y( ,at ssue smoke -stack of Mess' rj Furiber's an& on will eto y JOM-N WA lallowed to I forward to still greater Milleii's Steam furniture ry it t a 1-1.1111ce(l pri that the' If 1 le t aboxes in which a maii wa3 ?,r I Allen & I xoivs 28 inclies lea Braith ur -%vlllGjl was not One of the �Id-fasbiolled e Mul dished ill 'the past, while looki U waitp, 853) bushels lie ksteiller' r acire, (!at ter's ts lee. i colli in . for fliare 6f public 11(tice. sbik or' swim as best lie tili'lit. A W1-3 befit boUt haff 26 rows.' wy- dowil at all A� of bout 45) degri-ces. eer tinflics to the farmers of But be is by 11) Illealls abislied tlieret, amieson then proceeded to spo a Presbyteritis v.- --ISE prize, eak of the protest lly tull Illffilifying the I think I vi- I [lot desist from his respective duties of pastor and ILA --The Council of at$ Of his 0%, h Ousliels Pei, lure, long In u- at ilit c hi-forin them thate red i %I Ch ­Uorsem lirst-Clwhil sm ietl- .16 was the plitor's duty to preach, but 7 potise of others. 'rhere is no lie Ili for agrecd to sill wi keell constantly nii band, it the Jtichard -Matittim, 1, 173 1, 1) Congregation -were equally in duty 1 jelousy betwoon the differelit rows:- 2d. prize efl-Aive thn ell oi ited at 11ion. t thcToronto By-law to the 2 IctY, I 11cfatous pract ilijbil ility ore ti DtO in ell tOtat S lay n till and on Tuesday the Ho -ick. Council ight!he attellapte(i t,) vry (Ito attentively ])(-,at-. Tbe-ininite� -iolls of christiaiis, acre, lowr rC t hd L e his usul i, 1 of fate 01111 Pray fo in C. ada. 'I'll ere is rreed to Submit. the By-law 'to ti prizcol 96 %and me -er r his people, and'the peo- niple field f0br all' and so fai front (le - )l a a lt (if tbe best quitlity, and at to t Oir of -Mr. ple for theirininistor. Apr, I Township. The voting in �Iillto takes Ile ould Iolig red, 24 inchos roWs aY1119 people the efforts of Presbyterianism ed. o i its 9kc a preching tici i to tbe arrots.-It I)iiz tdi AlThilc a.! Baptists or . Epis- r.,' -,at oi. Pae'�2'nd, and in ? wuv TiPkt�t Ageiit, iiiister should ast Howick oil the same (Imy. the prilleiplil Plows kept Coll- spiritul tIliD-',S CUpali'LlIS btl"llels, per white 111elgriall Ile, I it better belits any milipster or > I I �tll itly oil lialld. 1111r1a.ht plivi. pai' t shoep for Mr. tc -his flock, they li( dmil poi 22 ey and )uld see tba of tile NVUSICyan 'Alctliod ie llarn of ame for (,III efl�tl be' i11oil iii�Ljht '' went loked not thill,, I to 4.1 Bentlev tiol LU I-SUCCL138 01 LS colli-C)l us, ty.) tile great'-st f&4,i)iTW4 to Emigrants CT let i W. ll� AVIL,8,0-N, luforination given p-!preting Law I Z111,01igh Mr. J, 1N1ClKIIi.C,,ht,h liock tc the. I ter sliould.keep back. notbil)(ir from his the'r-, ;sister clltl� an, 24 iiiefies between rows Chos. The allce- were destro-ed by fire last-weeli. Tit(,, l4reenInteks, wid u :Ira prize RV. Maillif 4 tulle. This is comillL(I ratlin-k too CC -re-ation) and- thO11,11 the truthi inent (if one is tile, advancement of ali, 11,1- 78(M bushels pot lire is suppokied to or,ir IIatC(I in a 0, llea,�Y, as t e s hot a IF mier in the sl: e, unpalatable, 8ti'- - her i 11 it was their l all.d. tbe. rejoicing of one shoill(I park front Nonle sLunips whic-11 Gold and Silver I'lijo, bought imd 0 acve, whitc Bel,64'Lil 4 illchezi be,- -n we.e liIIIIII&Iiato neifflil Orhood 0 .. th Hchilliselfhadfult,,cal )c tile were Tows, SWILMN) (I led 170JOICIIII), hilimill't ill a Who iat.least one, nd, Eon, it T 0 s tied""- - C, Potatoo.,S.­Z-1'.�t pri, 0 111as not 101,;� it' 11)611 not lont agi), to address L' of All. "But is it truc a(Voillin" J;Cht- insured ETOVES, TINWA.RE AND Z James 1111 ive 0' six kit is congre.- ed Qiat Presbyterialii,-,Ill is 11, it od for ;:40"0, which will oilly parzially cov '%V.1itV. 304 blIshel.-., lit:X. th to er -Mv the loss. COAL 01L. Agent for thi- P)Ilowing Firt-, I led by this gorltir- Oil oil u 'subject of temper'llice, alld r-waillreliz this ( "Illadit of Ours ? c aciv, 20 Would 11 t bhe Co nei ti Tho Beaver w-, 1 11 be d:dilg 0 (If tile]" SUCIlled, to think lie had. aii3. Z wcen rows 211d Ili be!L u )f oil, 8 ? tit re RS.VVJT1TN-EY has ju,4trev,-ivi.(l a lill-ge wrl ive AV. 0. 14,o-wlur, a4t Of justi � "o �,boso I%, b 0 tter havu let it alolle, but lie tholl"lit liiig lit our %ystcni of.goverlill The followill (r P told). airld tile w4%tel-ii Vim 111hum I(Unt 0.r FRO.X -X- of Cooh-in-, Vin-lor inia 3,,,)x stov,��, fif tiw )4f ­t I)II-daels per acre, 31) inciles betj%-eell have 6111. doct !oa: Ili facturf-, which .1 -be- c -an ,(-]I a, clival; 1�.,i nu% the RvliwuPA,, Life Aq-,uraim-, Ana ti; Jere( in ofl, � 1 11 r'11,11 viL�wa unsuited to the tastes tracts are taken front a private tter �rd prive E'(intilild reNral-d f the ap- t ft a Dject u1nitlently hill tud for - Ill tilt-, tralle. 111,4uranee t"t row.� both 6 le Wts Of the people 6, if so: we need lately mccived f roni tile �l anitoba ill 176 ture of the Clill. ib? IN 0 1.. y do lo tax 1 ndpit- 111(1 platforill. 0"rre.8- 3"INWARIE', of eyvvy (lexr).4),6021, 110NEY T0 LO A"N on real estat A.11ovittri; by bi-hels tier -lie e, 22 inclit that was ilitello, ex! to) rolliluller"ato tho4c s1wild tinic and Illollev or Ini-isionary poilde-ilt of tile ENI'o-wrol'. Harvest )I r -is Ig, I � 11 L'i b` -- 1, Erv. (if E'gyllioll (Ivi Ile, Loort, ill atteulptin't to r' loir �heei a ro, and as ,, geller.11 t)lllllr TI v cc', till the land is all o%,er lie adbo. ijffive, oppo4itfi JioKse T-ailoy I Jud -es fouli'l tile land ol Who have had i li killett ],IN- Ilya w;"l-S tile licxt.speaker. He sai(t It(,' hall i fo r Clirist—N%-e had bett ' ALAo, Stove Pipes, Eave Trouehing, etc. 1&3-tf AINLEYVILLE' I W, I The 'oulicil-sho LIM ofl r", er band, over Lit(-; crops bave all turned out -Nvell. AN-ili, thc crops Nvere gromni. i and er a rov6ard froll, I ill appeal -Ing &t.Z'11ch a niceting our and Our iliell to ths'i. +1 .1 .1 1 :I_ , M -�Irolji the -do. -, - - 1 1110,111) v 43, Bill ouls, .11, 1 fJ4Ll.A A sta'tv of ClIltiv. Oil I, I QC 44l. �A 11 U15 to( 1 .3 W lealri 11, callIft ol _JiX ZJJ asi this it liatt. bucli observud tti him Illation J%-bicli is so Avc,11 litted 1) Nvurk will reevivf- t-vvry jitt V BF.1.114ME, W011141 ],.k y I Z. y it,-, -weeks ago, and had about 321 bushi'li ta S01111I. tillle "t ol 1) 1 Ilitl"t's. -Jolill Sll;" V% Y A 11rotbor minister that Chat he bus taken ul� hiii relidmice a . I 1 1 COAtj 0M. and 1),ellard Catholic of Spirit !IIQS- ill fhiS ViCiliit are raging A large stoak tif Ow -.I ry bvit C.la! ()i! 1;', )if. poll -toj all Ull and liberalit, of from tell acres. - Prairie fires ar, lri, . .1' ZSCIltillIellt, to) Stlit a]l Classes Ill( Belmori-, ulivre hi -4 -ill Ili,- happy t f' I �FA K Cm.-o'�— 11"ATI., I*"- were lather too licar for " brotherIv IoVe ell it,- ]'ere il,-;t now to such all exteilt t1la,t til' �Wlii 'maile ),I Win iii hit. proft1k';1-1'r0T-,lo ill hand, and wili I)t-. sold wholi-air uu-). U c% -Cry diveraity ()f Illind. In 'lir is lilled with ailloke. Qiie party o'i r*'tt.'t'ih111:y toleolitillue., Ilitt he thoutrlit b' t�llc UX-- -Coou, has afti-n ledto ut,verAl-tasts AN 1) thoro,111111; sc of Z) y I ordor to wjsNvel. tile (luestioll, and It tile froill th,--ir or Ift lojv- kilowled,,e Of I fttIll",11. Surveyors I M-im-niii-r tpe- ylvt-t, carlin -hm I*,.,. allco Ill-OLI lield it.�i alld ClIari- 8,1111c, tinie refut.t the ilpsilluatlon that tile Una 0fjL.Ct(Q In-APettuireg, U�idiea -tile Ope Shou � nit ti- they would (ret along, tot_tutller in liar- i re -111,11, I he lal lave. been driven in ,-;(afortI1 latiolls of d�,,­(,� work'by tilt- ravages of the lire- it is -flfieau-il sigrued bv liver 2M till liestlav allot AVed- i-i,lo t,.,l w- imti trbio,k at-t­jni t a V las t wev! illiti-ttion, aild )y a �Carofii iII(!iI)le8 (If Pr"byterianisin areiiii.-aii-t- not eolifillud to the Prairie alono, ))lit ti -41 t�).,vttl - ue8tiinoiniftl-�. set- pig 11 . , t r rs. prille, q'Lf I aly1flication illonvi and tl!at,tlierc,%A-'O11ld bo ]to Collis- 11"i.to tit(! niassus (If our latid, I need Mr. Vot)K will AtIoil it Ainl has dcstroYed a la,rlre al"ount of litiliber li -i (�I,l Tal I Of 'WLJI-i1VICCt(2d LWO.Li-All'. pl)s lias -o- ion Mr. Grabain revi-i-tud to the '11-1 - 1) look blwk. and in tile and Ilav oe- tukl;l ill I sv� f,.i lK alid nt the Towiii Plot, ill th of 1)11-�;Iliess tramacte.d. WVI"c c. 11 v atdi ymi ti Uoon th " vidcd oil]. brC"1,IJa1.Rt--4,Lbk'S with ,ides bome carts an(i The t, I c, k- instructed to, flavorell 1)( t�li- llizitory Of tll.0 church and of file iiL, 'It of past history, set., what it bas ac- Mlmr pe bal-111. Ss. Grey, in the aftemomin of the fixtit Is corresiJoild with which I'llav �,we I iv I'VIII0111I)crud lyk-wi tllere'jva-,�-, lit) ,-�ea,- have lost their DAT 44 (-11Ch luonth. I o;,oullilishvd. Nor (to -iv(. 11. (,.,1 to) liltlit allot I heard to -day that (IllitO a I)IlIII10(--r tro -efl. r 11. 1-4 :!.%du 4 141�r- J. CM-RCITILL, VETEIRMNA 1*1"01- fill th at"alt DOW 1'rwaq .1 I'lacc of ,iixt(-.(,.Il illhi- of cattle have beell de NVI 'tre Ilayintr CAUTION. stip:-lid of �000, ladol illlpl�- -with; bol!Iiii, -N% peol�lc, vvith dia, ii till ;:I., ntaxio vtta� w th a iMelill-Kir of the ISrer .1liallso to China, in Afric�,t, All.stralia, fvver is at' -agin­ lit.rt,, T 2111 tho. I" ter oi milk. Elich leket �is labelell (,r, 1', 16 b*as to iiitimatc to the.inbabitaii blit t is hit I, TaIll t I. i e 111 rcl) L's and II-stitutions and the ele- Coll" atioll!k k, 1. , MI Neil '11,111d, Presbvteriall IlliniiZIU.I., �%l I H I "; & Co.. Bolll,�vopatjli nwnt.; 11-itbill it:,elf tif Still further 1) A Mr. ANz'. F. Luxton, forilit!l-ly -,iN(A f-ir 1111*111 . I he I will. ;.N 11.1, �,j 4kad surr4mi,61ilig roniltrv. tlmt he dulimr tbe pist v., r, ba�' " I C e ile-leel- - 'I" t V, k- i till Illissionaries have "aillet"t for flicul- I)W; had a hard attack e(I to) ilutl�­ cile�ljist-7,. London.- i' Al80. niftken; of pci .1 Offlep in Wigtirth, wbi rp hit- way be 'ity. He recollecte(I tile tiulu, Only a I f ulves a .,O()Il the -a-1.1slitl lifAll WA., f(W 111--irilig, t1w al.w. sonallyor ?h Wter. in t he Diuemes' C01111111111111 the of. it, blit -ccoverim., lie was 01 0 It dat, Illi'l 1.110f. llw�-0,11-jll tw;, rVar'. tho :1"15,1-1 tc. 1111vilig Toevivell a nwrul Of tit(, "ClIVITICIS Of tile an�- or n,11 N Iky' o oa (Cocoa a III Coil- f0i, lie is I treli. Vu,'I'S a, r when file congreoati(,n tf-entii)IIzn (-atilin, all'I been a ln(*Ilts lvvre lltad(l, to of tile civil Powers. yesterday for the first ti stilq)IN I I 11"011; 1, 0 11 vCrY 81nall, ll(A(Iill� their sLrvic'.es ill 'lizisi(illary witerl,rise Can I)t)aijt Of no) thou lb�, looks vid, tiWN tit(, tile Temperance Hall and afturwan shidow of his forinerself. AVc bay('. Ih,,,,, aftvr,!:t+t-, tnii an. -I all -if III,.- of the Vrteinary c4le-ne of olitaAAx quarter A -1 coilipli Ill(ji Is i it randur tit- liti -i wo.t. drawl) ))v ill Ili has i)f.goiving all -Uexandcr:J)uI1', now it tri -weekly niail to this tary! dinner ml or lit -it rl-r , 11 ki)j It t nm tler t J 11. who nmv-p-onj (-111 front the eoll'il"­.-tiolt Of flav, "iNX-11 0lu -)IetlI0dist E ,c()I)al Chi'l-ch. From Olin Wilson. AVillialli. B i , aloy him lield to W, T Hay." E Road and lsq., 1 for tile tho t siliall beuill I 401in a Comfortable line of Stag, i 0 n la, f111:011 Of X orth Ridina niD I they halt increasu(I lia alld I),, Loh Ci)llllk-Ctiii,,- �,ixl h Collef—iw. of Grey, fr. ' 'In T�liu-1 Es' -A. 14mitb. N !he Rev. Jull', v; n Of Hurnn, by ,the, citizell,x 'Uh. Illultip] Yid Livingstone, all 4 its with the railway. orinary Coll-ge; . Profo4sor Lloll,r to tile I odurichy oil 641tilrday Jve�n* terian faith, COMPallY is Its() pushing their linu fill -- .13 ski;$ - uf G The�, to-degr till- unat-r-i-joi, a-4 till- �-All twii-f(-r Ila,, li­, tit.) yet lit" tied to ille present large. C1 )resby takmi frtlin *.-ahvnn.� im(ler r-114, Iw Tborburn, Dr. Rim..). Anil — NVAIN11 Dill- f lvj-'l I (.)I' ul re ration 1-1c hoped they -vvoill(fio telf, vs, SAbVE XV.,; 11A.Dol,EY. M(WHeilles rollixta'atly o L on la tbfj luilttur vf Wlleisiaw educatiol) ward with the greatust activity, and We J I