HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-10-20, Page 5OoT. 20, 187L, OcT. 20, 1871. )r about noon, of tg boat, having on board. ctable ,and family, and n„ and fiye children be - neighbor (.1f his named st of the childreu are the youngeq being. only ars old. Mr. Huxtable itowino- account of hiS reside in the 5audbeaCh, on the shores !on. Michigan, where rapation of boza-buiIder .Nly house is quite ktke, My family con - ;elf„ my wife- ad five ides my hired man, r serious are.% ail round uider ourselves in wet to bed on Sunday About one , o'clock pea wz,S roued by a door. On going to the that five children be-- eighbor of mine named scut to my place ler to. eseatio the fire tiefl to destroy their tided to follow as soca, :Oa the remainder of his -girl was twelve years ed a baby in her arms, ascertained these facts, ing _out 1 saw the fire sides, our only chance ),g 'towards the Iake. approaching rapidly, 'et), time to rouse my - ape to the boat, be - was in flames. The ao time to dress them - ,re consequently half aJI got into the boat, ted to the boat house, ertiergency. The fire Ut to the boat house, xtropelled to cut adrift out into the lake. ,eavv stone overboard )e was fastened, as all ts blowing a hurricane-, t further and further weak, the smoke and thick that we could nor the sun, and termine our where - [ay to: until Wednes- when, at _sunrise, we tst for the , Canada --ed at Kincardine at Willie Mann died !od at about seven -morning of that day.. other niaht on the Inger children wool(' the cold and want L. only- place of shelter a little deckt,in the f* the boat, where the huddled together for were all extremely rater which constant- tsides- a the boat.. to eat from Sun- ednesday at noon.' fIzt,THS- itrhey. on the 19th ev. Mathew Barr, Of a reKillop. on the 9th re of Mr. .Alexander Aare 13th inst. the wifa Davidson, of the 12th. of a son, WAGES< XTEn— At Christ. on the 12th October,. ..Archdeacon Sandys.. Rev. Mr. Patterson: ted, of Seaforth, hal-a seemd. daughter or Hunter, Esq.., of -- At Mansfiell dvillea on the llth v. Mr. Graham. Mr_ of the township of Jane Chambers, of a/a rt. THS, i<hey, on Wednesday, •tie, youngest daw!hter aged one year and. Nanship of Grey, on consumptiou, aell, the be/o-ved wife <sideuee, Be, 'thank. Monday, the i9th of <xander ;ray, aged. native of Edinburgh- in.W he emiarat- te the Mill Road, lk in life has made ads., le suffered; 4 years ea his life Nit the liffpe f If an tee Better Land en- :-.afferings, without upon death as a, leaves a wife and. rzt It :a early death. NTED ▪ J. %. : R 'WA EZ D. I:! ", •. a • a•--0-1 lett - P 1:•-v I,. rt1tLi. 1.%%1 L. .; 111. I. 11. Cat . :r 'r . • I-ion-sta.., I, 1 AUCTION SALES THE HU11,01C EXPOSITOR. • Wednesday, Oct. 25, at Elimville, Township of Usbonid, Farm Stock and Implements. A. Allen, Proprietor, A. Bishop, Auctioneer. Thursday, Oct. 26, on Lot 9, Tenth ,Concession, Usborne, Farm Stock and implements. David Mills, proprietoia; A. -13ishop, auctioneer. • Thursday, Oct. 26, on Lot 14, Eleventh Concession, Township of Howick, ex- tensive credit sale of Farm Stook an im- plements. Monday, Oct. 30, Lot 2. Fourteenth oncession, l'uckersmith, Farm Stock, Impletnents and Household Furniture. Alexander Thomson, proprietor; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. - a. Tuesday, Oct. 31, on Lot 20, :First -Concession, Township of Usborne, Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furni- ture.. A. McComiell, proprietor; !.A, Bishop, auctioneer. Thursday, Nov. 2, on Lot 7, Fourth -Concessioo, .Usborne, valuable Farm, Stock and fin -Olen -lents. Richard and Leonard Hunter, pioprietors ; A. Bishop, Auctioneer. ' SaturalaY, Nov. 4, on Lot 21, Thirteeuth -Concessien, McKillop, Farm Stock and. Implements. David Crawford, pro- prietor ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Monday, Nov. 6, on Lot 16, Sixth Concession, Stanley, Farm Stook and Implements. Win_Evitt, proprietor; T. Brine, -auctioneer. • - Wednesday, Nov. 15, on Lot 9, South Bayfield Road, Stanley, Farm Stock and implements. George H. F. Johnson, --proprietor; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH; Oct. 19, 1871. As will be seen from the quotations below, there is but little changain the minket thie week. Fall Wheat still keeps up, and is eagerly sought after, but as- yet there is not a very large quantity being brought in. Spring Wheat is slightly duller this week than last, although theces offered. are not to be complained of. Barley is in fair demand and would meet with ready sale; it is feared, however, that the price will not long remain as high as it Ilea been during the pest week; farmers having Barley would do well to diapose of it during the Present month, as during this month, for various reasons, Barley rates higher than in almost any other month during the whole year; there has not as yet been a_great deal brought out, and, as there is considerable in the'country, the prospect is that from now till the close of navigation there will be a rush of it upon the market. Oats remain firm at from 30e. to 32c. They are becoming more plenii- fa in the market, and although they meet with ready sale, they are not in very active demand. Peas are quotul higher this week than they have been this year ; the demand is good, but there has as -yet been no groat quantity brought into mai- et. Butter is firm at from 15c. to 160., although it would require a very goad quality to take the higher price. There is a good. supply offering, and large sales are daily being made. Eggs,.now that they are scarce, have taken a rapid rise from 12e. to 15c.; there are not many offering, and. dealers hu -y readily. Potatoes are in geed. demand at fair prices; for good quality the quoted prices can yeadily be obtained. Tray meets with ready sale at the quoted prices; dining the past week excep- tional loads have been sold at even higher figures, but as a general ride it requires a very goOd sam- ple to bring $11. Wood. is in good demana ; there have only been a few loads brought in this fall and most of it had been sold beforehand; good wood would bringready sale at the quoted prices. reraains without change and inactive. We quote: Val Wheat $1 20 to 1 25 kipring, Wheat..... ... .. . 1 12 to 1 17 tarlee 0 40 to 0 47 030 to 0i2 -Opeaatss 0 58 to 0 63 flutter 0 15 to- (1-16 Eggs 0 15 to 0 00 Flour 3 00 to 0 00 Potatoes, (new) . 0 35 to 0 40 Ray. 10 00 to 11 00 7 00 to 0 00 Sheep Skins. 0 50 to 1 25 Lamb Skirts. .. ... .... 030 to 0 75 Calf Skins, per ..... . . . 0 08 to 0 10 Bark, per cord 2 00 to 2 25 Salt (retail) per barrel, ' 1 30 to 0 00 Fall Wheal........... Spring Wheat. .. . °eta CLINTON, Oct. 19, 1871. 20(0 125 ... ....... .... . 114 ere 117 080 (Le 033 Barley. .... . Butter. .... .. Eggs Fail Wheat. Spriug Wheat, Oats_ . .... . .. - Barley ... . Butter .. Eggs: . ...... 058 (.,d1 Q62 ....,......... .. 040 Oft 47 .... ..... 015 eg 016 0i2 0 013 G-ODERICII, Oct. 19, 1871. .$1 18 (c.-tr 20' .. 111 (Le 112 ....... . . .. 080 ((,(: 0 : • .......... ... 056 go 0 • .. . . ...... 00 (t.'t 0 , ......... 016 el. 0 . .. . 0 11 0 0 _ . LONDON, White Fall_ Wheat ... . Red Pall Wheat__ .. : . . . Spring- Wheat .......... . . ... Barley -48 Mal+ bushel ... . . - Oats (old) Oats (new) - Peas . Potatoes . 13utter Eggs-. . . .... 32 58 00 18 00 Oct. 19, 1871. 123 «4 13.3 . 120 (f.t..: 1 20 . 117 ell 118 . 040 of, 0 50 0 35 el; 040 080 gC, 082 060 s; 065 .080 ai 085 0 18 0 0 90 :ois O. 018 TORONTO, October 19, 1871. The market is without material change, but the advance of ld. per cental on spring and red winter wheat in. Liverpool, with continued firmness in _Montreal tends fully to Maintain prices. _ Prart-a-Fair demand for all kinds, but buyera and Fatties -a apart. Sales of No. 1 super at $5 70; extra at $6 10 free On cars. SVitssa---Soule's fun' Diehl brought $1 83 to ; Trefutwell, .,$.1 31 to $1 39, mud Spruig nt 111 k Hi...EA.-Dull and inrictive. Street receipts larger than for several clays. No. 1, 56e. to 58e. 1 ssus-Offenog nt. Mc. free on ears, -Without buyera. Street psice, 72e: ().Ts -Quiet but firm and slightly advanced. A ear saild at 3sle. bagged on track, and. alma= at SMIc.delivenal. Street price 72c. Ha V-- nehanged at is15 to Ssi9, Hisr•riss---ruelianged. Jsfedituu offered at 15. lms ors at lsic. me wanted at 16c. to 17c. and pound rolls 92e. to 25c: MONTREAL October -17, 1871. Fian-a-Market steady.but quiet at unchanged rate. Saha; of extras 00 spot at ss6 57 to $6 60 : fanky, $6 45 to isti 50; superfine, $6 25 to .$6 45; $6 to $6 10. Witisat -isIttle to report, a small lot of ehoiee white sold at $1 49. ., Pass -Latest sales itt 90e. per 66 ilics" Bra -TER -Choice taken at 171e. to Bic.: second- ary nominal In: absenCe of demand: ISESE--Quiet. BUFFALO LIVE STO('K. Thursday, Oct. 19, 1871. - ItEr Marrs. Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, ears. .cars. l'ast three days...a:338 13 1>ast week ..........:480 32 Previous week.... ....404 50 siurmas-ra. Past 24 hours .. 37 4 90 Past week .. ... .287 :35 113 Previous week... .1.. Of the receipts for the past three days 25 ears cattle and 39 cars hogs were through eonsignments, and of the last week's receipts there were 35 ears cattle held over. CATTLE. With rtice-ipts again •on the increase the market rules stock. Good staic sale_ at about he week. Sales eompris head $6 064 for nat vesa Again week Tuesday of 129 h $6 25 for nativ Sales reporte : - Taylor to' Dot 890, at $4 25, at Bca$51118876:C��n. Dye to Wood private terms. Van Dolc-n, t 1516, ,at $6 '06/. Cook to Mon 1670, at $475. Briggs to Gill av 1420, at $5. Reynolds to av 1203, at $4 , Laclall to Dot. 33 hd Ind at $4 121. Lowry to Pos ,136 Ihd do at $4 871„- and 5 othOs. REEF. Theimarket is to 1c. better than, the range of last we Sales compris 404 ead. at $4 90 to- $5, against sales la t rek of /72 head, at $4 for beep;sn Iamihs Sales reportec Kelly to Oran all, 1199 heac Ohio sheep, ay 89, at $5. McElroy to G odnPw, 205 lid Mich do av f,3, at $4 90. HOGS., • The market s ows an improvement as compared, with the corresponding day laet week. but shitde low r than the close 'of the wee . Sales .compria 3,9,25 head t $4 45 to $4 90, against s les last ek Tuesday of 2,187 head. at $4 30 to $4-j.75 Sales reported : 214 lbs 229 lbs 411d l';:th 4214 111. st ,-37 lclds , Co0a, 90 h cie, 141d. 6 pieiJ, 48 h ille4pie, 51 or comMon ands ready rice as last t $4-121 'to t sales last ad at $6 to o heifers, av • ers, av 1508' do av 1215, do do av aio oxen, av dlnd steers, hd Mo. do . do av 1136 clo av 1215, 110 hd av' 340 hd. avi 559 hd. AV 232 lbs 558 hd aavv 12:31 lips 269 hd 218 hd av 204 lbs 138 hd av 107 &I, av 116 hd av 12nd5 14 hd Aothers.av 187 09 12 81 bs bs bs' bef bs at $4 at 4 at 4 4 4 at 4 at 4 71 71. 5 at 4 621 at 4 75 at 450 at 4 55 TEACH WANTED, a Tea " HAY, County January, 1872. A F a 2nd or 3rd Claes Turnbull, Brewster's 201-P TEACH IXTANTED, for Soh "male TEACHER, tificate. Apply to _ • 201-tf Secret TWO COL R VAN ED. er Sch4o1 (totem No. 5, . I f Huron, eminence in male will b p ;ferred,- with eitificate. }Ad ssiWilliam 'ost Office' d state solar;. WILLLLT RNBULL ; R lOrA a-sectiou holding a -Treasure SST STRAYED from Pa' •'11, n 2d MARE two yearsId, tar o mond on nose, one te hied ho , HORSE„.three years p d, th ee wh te in forehead. Informb. ion s itab 201-34' W. GRA D. 6, Morris a 3d elms c RAif, Ingle P. 0. Airco. Oc ober, a bla rehead, - BO, IL sca el eet and st re arded. , ESTRAY H IF STRAYED from the premilms of Lot No. 11, Se enteenth about the middle of Mliy last, T two two-year olds, d one one -y the two-year olds is a rem co or, the other red and white; the oar-ol is all res.. AlIVOI giving information covery be suitabl W 201-4t* RS. the snbscrib nc4ssion, Gre E FIEIFER am old one /oh ill 1 -irewarded. TER BIOR ad. to their r ‘- SON, W -lbon P. 0. STA ED. CAME into my plaeO on o about l th I 25th day ( f September, one yearling RTUP It and thn yearling STEERS. The slubseri er wishes t e owner.to Come and irove roperty, I as es -pens and take theta away. . It BERT 3 eCALL, 201-4c - Lot 1r4 Concessi M 8, - ST AY D. ram into -my place ou the lat ugust, are `-'yearling STEER. The subsciibe wishes the owner to come 'aud prove prepertiv, ay expensts and tale it away. . JAMES "' HARP, 201-40 LOG 23, Clonces io 5, Morns. ESTRAY S EER CAME into the pre iseS of the tsu scriber, Lrt No. 2, First Co cession, Sta , early hist -spring, two STEER: one; ,apper •s to be three years old, the other a out to.. '1 e wner is n - quested to call, prove proporey, pa e Penses an I take them away. JAMS BLkUL 201-4 Mown.) P. 0. ST -enoar thsn e bserib "1:her, one DARK white. Halter on wh rope for sursingle. A to her recovery will Suitably rewarded.. • A ED r, El orslie, on 15 h Septern- AY E, °ler hind hoof ftho left, she] k tied to y info matio t±4t raay lead o th, and OTIN McINr - Priiiiley Post, Office, • 198-4* Cci. B ce' Ont. las- . STRAY ID CATTIL . QTRAYED Irons the.premisea of ho ubseriber, , '-' Lot No. 30, Con. 4 :Kai op, n Mt - last, fivi Yearling -Cattle, two st ers -al d thre In ifers. Tha largest kteer was all re( , the them red. nd white. Each of them had a th oe RIF re no eh - 4ut out of . one ear, and a sheep •mrk nitli th naino of the owner cin the other ear One of the /ieif •rs had on a. small bell when las seen Any per on giving such information as wi lead to their re. ovary will . be suitably rewarded. • i 199-4* • JD N 31 ,ELIICL, leaforth. NOTICE T DEBTO S. IJ'HE Books and Aeamints of. G4f13it Davies, Esq., are in my 1iar,ls foi c1ietioti. Parties owing will please call a id se tie up at once and save epsts. All flacon its in paid lis• t ie 4th of November next will po iticllbe pl ced in Court for collection. No furt er tinlo will be g ontvel. 19St-• J RN S. PS RTE11. CATTLE ST AYE!) 5;;;TIIA.TED from the resnis a of the 'S ibscriber, "-'about the month of Juno last, 3'0I1 1 YEAR- LINGS, viz.: three sted at and one h Ales; two of the steers are speckled ed a, d mated in color; the other has uere $cd. thalftWaite; -the heifer has white back a d bellkS with leal.iclea, and • sr, too mans y person • eiving such infornmath as will lent ti( their re- covery will be, suitably r worth d by the oS mer, IISTI I'LT-L SY, 199-4t,- ." Lot 5, Cone( ssion 4 At LO NOT OST. n Nott (1.f Hand in favor of David Do Dollars with interest du The public are eautione same as payment has be Grey. Oct. 3, 1871. - dntwii by Wllia n Fulton fo • the suru o Twenty , eight inout s a ter date. 1 against pa. cht sing the -- 01 stopped. DAN. LD 0111,L. 200-3 NOTICE.' ciTRAXED into the pr mise, of t altbscriber, aboat six months mg( , 8 Steer, ab, tWo years old: Owher mnst pi•ove . )1opeity and eke it a a ay, or it will be aold to pay (spells a. flI EsIAS, RITC TE, -- La 24, C 5 Morris, Sept. d5, 1 71. 198 ears. 114 143 ,)•)1 = 36 280 ,CATTLE .FAIR hereaftor at CATTLE .FAIR ssill. be item. a a ! LOYD'S HOTEL, SEAF . - (oorosite tbe dela) On the Firs4 Monday in ea ns:asx. qs; . 001.‘ 0131kIt Large number::: of buye •is will lie in anl parties having stuck ivay rely on t ket prices. conneetion with Leird's f:fotei 'Houghton's) are large and co1a:m(119u stables awl 'artl, 198 inft, 1 month, a!S-71,. athindanee, e b st untr- : .- • , THE G-ARDNER 'SEWING MACHINE, • (Manufactured at Hamilton, Ont.) Is acknowledged by all first-class xnachinists to be the most Simple and Durable Machine Now in the market. In desigu lit resemblea the Family Singer, but the prineiple oi the working parts is entirely diffeient. having no gear of any kind. All the motiona are derived from the same shalt, and all the usual complicated shuttle and feed movements bang avoided, it is am nearly noiseless as it is possible to make a sewing ma- chine. THE-, GARDNER has taken prizes this yea; 1871, as follows: First prize at Western Fair, London; first prize at Central Fair, Guelph; di- ploma at- Hilmiltou Central Fair' first prize at St. Catharines Fall Fair; prize atthe Provincial Fair in Kingston. Also prizes at Toronto, Chat- ham and Waterloo. TaXE GARDNER is the most n• eeful, because it does the largest range of work. It will work in Muslin, Cotton, Linen, Fine and Coarse) Cloth and Leather. It will Hem, Cord, Braid, Tuck, Quilt, Gather, Fell, and do all and everykind of family aud light 11mm-1feet-tiling sewing. A complete set of the moat, approved attaclunents, and full instructions given free of charge. ' Mee within the roach of all. Terms of pay- ment made to suit each purchaser, and all, ma- chines warranted for any reasonable length of time. Call and examine the Gardner before purchas- ing any other, at WILLIAM GRASSER'S Ware - rooms, Goderich-street, Seaforth. Agents wanted. 179-52 PETER GRASSIE, Seaforth. SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR, -AND- BLIND FACTORY.. subscriber begs leave t� thank his numerous T stomers for the liberal patronage extended to him since commencing buaineee in Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with a continuance of the mune. Parties intending to build would do well to give him a call, hs he will continue to keep on hand a large stock of all kinds of t DRY PINE LUMBER, SASUES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LA.TH, ETC! Re feels confidentof giving satisfaction to those who may favour hirn with their patronage, as none but first-class workmen are employed. ita-s Pal -tabular attention paid to CustomPlaning. 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. JOHN CHRISTIAN, ACCOUNTANT, SEAFORTH. Books Posted and Balanced. Lisss' Estates wound up. 200-2* -NOTICE. [SPECIAL] HA1111 '0- disposed of my Stock -in -Trade and Business to Messra. Stewart, Thompson 4 Co., who will open out in the same preiniaea., ou and after the 9th indent. -I would solicit for them a continuance of the very liberal patronage bestowed on myself for many years, knowing that they are in Ib position to do well for all who may favour them with a call. A.nd I also beg leave to inform all parties indebted to me, either by note or book ac- count, now due or past due, that the same must be settled at once, as I intend to leave this County for a time, so soon as my business can be closed up. , I will always pay the highest, market price for all kinds of grain, pork, butter. etc., on notes or ac- counts, and also in cash. JOHN LECKIE. Ainleyville, Oct. 5, 1871. 200 VICTORIA OAT -MEAL AND BARLEY MILLS, SEAFORTH. THE subscriber has lately.added to his Oat -meal -Is Mill a news:shopping stone, aud is now prepared to do CHOPPING-, OF ALL KINDS, At the shortest notice. Oat -meal exchanged for Oats, and Pot -barley exehanged for Baxley, aud all kinds of Mill Feed constantly on hand. F. SEEGMILLER. Seaforth, Oct. 5, 1871. 200-13 WM. GRASSIE, 'CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Goderick-street, Seaforth. 1 SLEIGHS, C UTIMRS, CARRI AGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, &c.; 13nilt in a superior Inflallier, to order, on the short- est notice. Particular attention paid to horse -shoeing and geneull bliteksmithing. 167 he Black Bear. ATTENTI-ON. THE people of Seaforth and the surrounding country will please Bear in inind that the BLACK BEAR Is in their midst, and is :MAKING GREAT HAVOC In the PRICES' OF GOODS, At the • 7 7 Ts SEAFORTH. B,---cOttonSi his B1.;ST -HoLT, BUNCOMB. - BEATTY *. COMPANY Beg to advise the waive] of their FALL STOCK 0F DRY GOODS -AND---- GROCERIES, Which will be found COMPLETE in all departments. THEY CHALLENGE COMPARISOIS/ -0E--- QUALITIES AND PRICES. THE VERY BEST GOODS -AT THE - VERY LOWEST PRICES IS OUR MOTTO. WE KEEP THE BEST TEAS TO BE FOUND FOR MONEY, And a well -assorted Stock of ali kinds of Groceries. Call ancl examine and judge for yourselves. BEATTY & COMPANY. CARMICEIA.EL'S BUILDINGS, 0 ober 10, 1871. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. 201 , SUMMER IS GONE, BUT TrTERE IS Just Received A. COMPLETE STOCK_ OF WOOLLENS, Embracing the largest designs in TWEEDS, BROADCLOTHS 1:1=sirms VENETIANS, &C., FOR FALL WEAR AT Campbells Clothing -Establishment, NEW YORK HOUSE, SEAFORTH. W. C. would call apecial attention to some hue oI Canadian Tweeds, bought -very low, and firat class geoas. 197, INM.. CAMPBELL. NOO'IQvd h`SCIrIOO 5[xs . WIS EXPECT TO REMOVE. THEIR .1-,M 1 STOVE AND TINWARE BUSINESS ' TO THE NEW STORES I ADJOINING HICKSON'S EARLY LV OCTOBER. LN -THE MEANTIME, DO NOT FORGET THE OLD STAND. - "69N1IMENW tim; $ait. SPLENDID WHEAT FARM FOR SALE. 8 TUATED IN A TERIVINGLOCILLITY L°NO. 11, Second Concesaion, Township of H llett, containing 86 acres, more or less, of wide 80 are under cultivation, and the balance good errdwood timber- It is situated half a miler from t good gravel road, and about half way be- "twom Clinton and Seaforth, being about four iniles from each, where there are -daily markets for all kb ds of farm produce. On the prenthies is is good rame house, .86x26, with a stone cellar of the same timensious, kitchen and woodshed adjoining- :le:toe: wo good frame barns and other btislings a g2oo00(.1 bearbsg orchard, two wells with pumps and apply to the proprietor on the premises, --if by a con. taut supply of water- Por further particulars Post-paid to Clinton P. 0., Ont. - RUGH BIGGA:111. FARM FOR SALE PEI Lot No. 27, Concession 3, Townehip of 5 auley, County of Huron, about four mike south of Clinton; convenient for roads, railways, inarke n, mills, school and churches- abont seveuty acres leered remainder well itimliered, soil best qualit s; frame basal 56 bY.; 40 and frame stable; house moderate; young orchard, healing'fruit goo(1; water vastly obtained; the uneleared part tontai is a larga lainantity of -rock -chi] and. °then timber, valuable for fencing` building and mann- (olet:111191e41,t110owner on ono teh% p yeonir tsuries. lliei particulars apply, JOHN BUTCIIART. FARIV1 FOR SALE. The subscriber will also sell by private sale that-, superi ir stock farm being lot No. 1 Second Comes - loon, ullett, containing 100 acres, 80 of :which are eleare and all under grass. There is on the prem- ises a oo(I new frame barn. The River Maitland. runs t ough the hum.Tlae wbole is well fenced_ It is situated on a good gravel rota within three miles 11 the Village of Seafoith. For a stook-nns- ing in d grazing Lam, not a superior in. Cana( Ter s—One-third of the purchase money to be pahl d wn ; the balance on ibis° to suit the pur- chaser with interest at 6 per tent. For firther particulars apply to the proprietor, WILLIAM FOWLER. Seaforth Post Office.. TucLersruith. Jnly 6, 1871. 187-11. FARM FOR SALE IN MORRIS, FOR SALE, on reasonable tering, Lot No. 8, CDR. 10, Morris, containing 64 acres, over 20 of whish are cleared, seeded to grails and well fenced; the balance( is well timbered aolth hard -wood. It ha situated on the Northern Gravel Road, 1 mile rind_ a, hell from Blyth, and 13 miles from Clinton - There iS no waste land: 'There is on the Preinisee a new frame house, 20 x 30, willi'good cellar and. out -buildings. A good spring on the premises. .t For f rther particulars apply to the Proprietor.. on the remises, or, (if by letter,) to Blyth P. O. ' GEORGE- BUTCHART, isati. Proprietor, i _ -1 _- FARM FOR SAL.E. - FOR Aplej Cheap, Lot No. 80, 6th Coneeasions Tow hip of Bruce3 County of Brace, contain- ing 100 ores, about 20of which a.re cleared, the, belaneei- 'ell timbered With beech. and maple. No waste lima. There is a never -failing streima of water rimming throngh it. It is situated within five mil 'i s from the flourishing villaae3 of Paisley, through which the Wellington, Grey and "Brava Railway will shortly be running. If the above pro- perty isnot sold, it will be leased for a tom of years for the improvements. For further particu- lars, apPly to Taus EXPOSITOR. °PRICE, Seaforth, ;July 1i8, 1871, I89 -t1. FARM FOR SALE. ixTIL14.<1.34 HAMM:ELL new offer for sale'his T 7 1114611db]. Farm, consisting of 100 Acres, (80 of which ate eleared and freed from stumps,) being lot 7, second concession, Hallett. Is situated Ave miles from Seaforth and five miles and half from. Clinton, and is altogether one of the best farms in the county. There are agoodalwelling-house, barn shed anit stable, a good well, and. 5 acres in orchari. on the farm. For particulars. apply to the Proprie-; tor, on the premises, or by letter to Seaforth P. 0. 194.-tf. W17.1",LS31 ILS311.IELL. FOR SALE. F°R SALE, the Routh half of Lot No. 3, in Fifth Conc mon, Morris, containing 100 acres; it. uicfraue house, 18x24; Jog stable; young or -- chard.; t ere are 85 acres cleared. For terms ap- ply to ALEXANDER BRADBURN, On the premises; or to ALEX. CAMPBELL or MeCtURCWRY & HOLKESTED, Sealorth. 192-3m* FARM FOR SALE, IN TUCKERSNITH. VOR Sale, on reasonable tering, Lot 29, Second -/-- Conctaisbni, Tuckersinith, H. R. 8., I:la:Minims 100 am.* eighty of which are cleared, under fence, and in a good state of cultivation, and et eonsider- able portion of it underdrained. The buildings aro all good, ,filso, a good bearing oreintra, two never - 1 ailing w dls and a living spring. The land is first class, and will be lipid on easy term- s as the pro - ll prietor iidesirous of railing from flaming. For further p rticulars apply to THE EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth, or to the proprietor, on the premises. " 190-11. ALEXANDER CAMPBELL. UNF RING EYE PRESERVERS. THE sure proof of the superiority of LAZARUS, MORRIS & CO -'8 Perfected Spectacles is the large and increasing demand. We are satisfied that they woula be appreciated here SS elsewhere and that the reality of the advantages offered to wearers of the beautiful „lenses, viz.: the ease and comfort, the assured aud readily ascertained improvement of the sight, and the, brilliant assistance they ',nye in all cases, -where in themselves 50 appa- rent on trials that the result could_ not be otherwise then it has, in tho alined general adoption of the -CELE- BRATED PERFECTED SPECTA- CLES by the residents of this locality,. With a full knowledge of the valuo of the assertion, VP claim that they ixe the PlOat perfect optical aids ever manufactured. To those nseding Spectacles, in order to Ilford an op.- portunity of procuring the best autl. ilienit desirable, LAZARUS. MORRIS & CO. 200 Have appointed ans,A(g,(TATim, Saaforth. 'HORSE FOR SALE. - voR Salo, a good Feral Or Driving Horse, sssan. veites Olth sound and true to work. Apply to JOHN COPELAND, neaiKippen- - NEW BOOT 81. SHOE STORE SEAFORTH. sixt.Tizza=z, 6.6 sci\r, (Lately of Menece, ) T TAW. III)ENED 0T -T a inti' -1 I: of sE• lhaulysielide Ladies' (3-0.11,..' n1 Cliildreif'3 BOOTS AND SHOFQ1 L of (very valiaty and style, .whieh will Is: sotat M1011 priesai aa will DEFY COMPETITION. An.kindsi of rine and Coarse,wok made to Oder, on the shortea notice, _ rapahin +(voted neatly, cheaply atal Is/1i1]:0s. RS:MP:MISER THE STAND, In GRIFFITH DAVIES' OLD Serena door south of the Post-offl.as JOHNSON BROS. Call and Hee for yourselVos and la, Coil% !INA tli-TV 197 , Bargains are givos SPURR & SON. ; 1•40,•••• sass--