The Huron Expositor, 1871-10-20, Page 22.
06T. 20. 1871 -
ings ov-er t le I
TKE MSTERIOUS LAD& fis; oAntry, and my t. rry- by' t lie Seot, who, sinking his lie vy
tunitypresonted itself to fulfit my—
bidding him to be Wire xn'l RAIL -WAY T Ocir. ingg tit the vitrious trading po tH I I-PlITH -to Ilia horse's si de. u rged 1 trust In colylpHilly Wlu IFYIE TABLE.
n If several apologize to the factor for their u -n-
The Nis� otte of learned.a, fro A deal of their trie'kery, him.forward at the top.of i 6
qually, which is Trins' t1le,
it ki 8 3foAb as
p d. Ahel -T was sent down to Vancover -weinoniomg delpirture. B -IT
the most lovely 'an& pimuresque --sh,t u5ing:. c( THE 11118v
buit nothing, W all ijl!expel at the same time Ilaud for supplies. apd finding, up- ettard hs'tened tlack awakened tile,
rivers Ili tile world, em ties EANT.
y Ilirn W11 p into ever -puzzle( me, hHlf so nju all as the Diona, ye spaku to h2r ef a On Our iturivel, oije*of the Company'.- s'eepiwr fiwtor, and told a7-52 A. ,If' t Sound few- miles southest listiOry of L i Mysteriou Lady of value The MIA
ships on the eve of sailing for Eur- had haDpened. Wi
V F81r. tile. ade the aefItiaintance of one lie J 11 Ill P 1.
y bad the advantage of her o pe, I to
of Steilacoorri. - Formerly, one f Nisqually. Tile I.A
the savage tribes of -Indi e(A. from his bed, rushed to. ang of -the I think it is niah thirty 3ers guard rid was soon beside ine .1.3.5 P. 2.3,)
W, ikild becoming cony
but ;of [lie ere inced the door. roused every 81"'Ifill- In- the Xisqually as since, stop to spea t)l,� wboh4 t1ac Aow tA
Cain to tho Sourid, ail(! Idid, no k. As she pass- ithat lie could be trusted gilve' hini dian. �abottt tile at. tj e -fort 'buil by ed, sh lt now; O'Ll .1 u 1) my wlg�l 4 Ild Ill a. L 6 g;tve me a look 'itil I of mean- the witil illsti-tictiolls to,, Di
I)lo8t Short tillie t 'Vill olmiserable, filtby, squidid. the Coulipa"n a 'e w di il es 001% on ing and wbich 8'eetfied to sly,. it ,poll wo or a tlif- ed i a ft o I t of th e, 110 beings rem In W
�tin. of the otice-power.fill very 1"Ood a _27 .�tock th flie river. lHat 1A t wotild Yiv6 worlds for a half-hour's I retu'rned to tile fory and con- a few wOrC18 lie glive th ,Ili to Atilt] ....... ltli%� 25 tribe and.evian. they have I.oKt their fi:y e con-wpoitly �be d ites convergatiou witly oil ul
ifortli ........ y wit tintied -my routitie"of dtiries, fre- t od what ha�il taken J,
...... 01-J. 24 thi
-are have Up postpoile-it till .501ne othel Ctching 'glimpses, of energy. and fallea into that lie aesired thel�r sisraltee to 1mature decay. I, e, I n e m'b re d i vidj'ly its if occ; vii on."
lad v) but never getting ail oppor- tile "i oll........ y y
Many years -ago, when these In- they bappen, d 0:11 rd�l V. As the ScA rod pit t, lie S;lid, tunitv. to addre'.itsingle, word to those who bad titken berawiv. 'The (4olerieb xet(-r ------ dians were famous hatiters,, the At the thIle (If n1V 11il'ital r Y,- did weul to k'eep y�r tongLIE1, -tile Old Suotchmn. never, ttidi Torl h I)Ut did
t! Ie, e t. 26 ......
ims were to
traders of the Hudson Bay Coal- were brdly.,LTIV Whit his withinyour rnoutli." ILI th-at they had dip
B, Men ni t I tieir _C01111t or .1 Illoluelit v 0 1 Ais 'i- factor's permission to des.Lroy. diij pany livent -1 n to 11) r, of the w of' all( What f G- FAV This little incident increase(] my 3)rize At, th-st I thollaht I could I
kill ll oil colirte--w (1 r; Dull
tiading rich in ftirs, erectf-X1 a there were, to t 1. 1 Q to know. niore. tim fLit observe a brirhter lcok in tile face -ace everythin found ill ber,to their P6I it fort, eati bills hed a Qoll)p�tiiv, ail I it )t 01) bA nly j migmeut told III(,- f tile poor Tirl as hope -is fa I kIc �,O prisone.
n_ wa 118(!9
W. ItIld rhat- I I e T 10 N'J 1,.
oon, by fflei.1,0,9 of allythiliff dvereed by a fActo,1'i.`F tll;* if f would lerli -1 if-1:11sb use woll"'
for the Coulity illprting more 'them 1roin all co
ev knew so well ]low to tl,,i fmor's 40t. I a 4 1 wi I could nut e A kniong s try.' All onler IvIft tit Tjrj� op
conti!iu- Jijd[;Llls were wil, be aotelldetl to. ])or.
Jol I* II1-117 too gid of -in op- I
IlN1 tile irl I d go 4A foi- more y
—won thle frietids'llip of th-Os treiigth to her ')-ody. This
ear ;. and then, portitnilby to eng;jae ill silall n eute
as it ruy'appear, the I '1N EER
t1wy doomed to d.-estruction for IIiidi;lns It; It, clos*oly, nor why he had aIt 1pontll fter montli rolled away, I prize. Unfortunitely for those -oil has always carried to L'he- I ca SEAFORTH
lite made Lbeir 4cllies at �11E f0119 Lt ILO fill', OLIt-Of the-'%VAV place for colild JeLeut a re. (Iness about lie,. boa. -d tile vessel, t h e w i I A, lm.d
n runianiber itnoi-6 , Ile
u Ili- inipris to ill ille
After this) I qnitu thb shl hit(] oilt. -ht eyes, which I homes of the Indiall. di,
y buice wh,-,re`setAenee o*tkath freq Zight of Ali O-st imiliedi; tely, fter tile _Reg� a
Is -heell -leleased when tpronotaicod 6n -d carr into ef a, but 'it -arow depondent, aivl.. ti)6 Indialis 2(1' to lose, Iler gr, -.81) ulfoll t1w old scot -had:
trinku �s.
Illioli en� is \Vllio%e for it TO T11E. FABNERS. oF �;UpjoN.
1) tit r(, ed. i -y tile Se t,, who
to tears, Two vek and a iwif (lie solind y
When. we, reao;hed Seiflacoorn, and ilot lisr tters if tile e Illstaut his vi (lih, lieo, lid niatke& their ev iit. it, ti)
tile white sails of the
y re.laxt'
bee, u tt led b y ie'law. doomed vessel - weie i(ll% Or1rriLv(_1t'1WII an. Opportunity LO -v si IV lvorjd's histo) nee the le tter the roast a ihort, dLst;a'ace* w:iv.
a fortn"filt ii"I thre toi:esit, I wits I thi In9s ill or er to I sing16 soul. !Uatlya ,;gilt been intrust6o�i to
my hands, rated 'to, learn. soultet.1lina Of till!: th'a, t yaa k SilentiFy, but"'I'LlPidly, the Indians,
ljio %%r wlly l' n,.! �,er fiiid aw-ake puzzlitig my brain over iriformalion was bl, Light to the fort a
y answe ti) Illy in.- got at eh bo toill of t IV. -lie matter, until thev
coluati, and proached tile ve&,jel
y I$ Ce
quiries, nettrl every -1.9 thar, a ship Ila([ ea- c"'rile Witt
ly r e I t ind wondering if tile. Ly -the Indialt JL nna.few hill I 11dred vards
body would A be r fl'aln tile 1factor's mystery would ever ealed.
v red the Sound. when th(�y were
warned to kee off
in- 1
E all;
CRUSH wal� a littl ott4a Oilr I 'ad p;Lssed awy my The artivA of vessel was an the warrilla a Vol-
Ja ke Warden can tell you a!]. close, I. u a A y 1'. Me
Tl,�e_ oi ly the fort., kind still the vo'llng- eent of so raraan CCIIIIII A L* .. V
oly f Barr,
aboln t tbe co u n CrV and f 'yo4i I. wai i t inean !'eggs 0 - 91 'liesh-ot --as lischrged. A D
or e A
9 to this airl was held a prisoner. Ifer keep- i attrat," -0
ed a gret eal f itttenti,
C I - D oil. illoticy the7canoes, 11 Isbi g nileor
to have a 000d tme, you had better cotf;ige wa s. tlirotilah a!bki1vV owbVer -ad long
ers. g te, cea'sed to ex -Rival ti
V Ila looked twon by two and -k STRAW CU
ge-t Jake with you." rTTERS.
WhIlth was kept ocked Mid ercise an espi everal -of th e I n- -1ey7 2d
tonaore upon tay iteii6ris the Hudson, �B'y - 0
ornpany. PrettY diaus. Riising their.battle-cry and IT
Lt[) 11r. Wardell 11nd uitrded t-olt (4 I'S -1
by 1; 0 e and. movenlents- Fecaluse had taken njuch in the fme light tha, other. ining their war -songs;,, the 1 m him in L liquor'&floon, iti. thG niout,lied 800� I ch rn� n, U -1 paills to allay bheir s ho, watti( e ilia-
11spicloi)8. At
tl)at I Could
wlua a qttailtity of uj, Ij e MOV
People reZUrd thieves, a 'd the &c.. i der of the red-skin,L9 were rOGII ell- T act of swailo
no acqo4intnce1wifli anylof finding e tors gAnerally treated them s irame- ggerl in hand-to-hand corahaLwith to a) It
WIL s0i
brown ar a-mber colored spiriLs.- Ere
agent for the Oouit�t of Ruon,for -t-he AM
�,he otlier en"pt6yces TI only abo At t the frt, WLitbol
t having
all kieepet a treted poach�r
He was. a uabtirdt iliall tdraw- I tiling he was th ose on board the ship.. Tile
011do was er ]CUO n t Indian at, ruy bee co.-iturieneed -tile presellt sco t.g wer
U e- test very la ear to stand lfual,d was so tinequal, tliat notwith.- MAX to uD that. gi I te �and �to making prel,arationsfor n interview WELL 4& WHI
sent out to tell tile act
wark- of - oW I'll(, Watch tile 'he ftir prisioner, It iOn-8 vf tile standing the wites fought wit
11 Lt Ft! a,-11 life, 0" a d. I I I n held with istlowprepare-Ito furnish farerl;7
is not -to the, coin.
co it ra ge and &spartiou -with their celebrated
counteiiiince, an -d liAless r wbent she was necessi for tne urld-irs'tan of I - to report
a prisoner they Were
ry ding ander of ourifort. "I'he
tsV and 2tt
itppe-arad iloose, -and permitLed to lyo Ibroad-11 my story, that I should wery you' fihor scout,,�.,,after quickly overpoered and cut dQ%YTI Gl'nju Crumhers iflind Culters. and re-
t absenop, returned
flexible,, 6at it Was vlASt' 'ILI by the invaders. At this, moment and, re- Whet� she desir(d_ to go woIi d, for) with, how- I laid my plans, ported thillt, tble' vessel lmd dropped the ellief filet' ality" of oAver. The in-- wit"ll the excep�ion of : kc- epi la b er Const or and the 8cotchman
P` ructed scaling-laddeir from r tichor at _6 e I D Alth of the rivet, ope, r a 0 irst Pri7e at the Pro- Alex. f his countonance Uicily to hers -If, 86 wa3 permit- illadle of bark; liow,
eatuents o
h"d 1he vessel and Made tb4,-ir
tipon one dark agricnturwl iiupI,,qut.IItf; be, Alex. elin] Trial for fiz
1=8 M T1IIY last, find are without doubt the ba4
se on board -were mak- -way to the cabin e door of which P big d th-4t tho a
It, when the rai
U Was P01117 lig ing inq LlIr
wbile tl4)L �n re(
were coarse e_kttmded, and -vacant ted the largest liberty. Idgi ictured ill the Pralillea. _%1_lIchines kepti,
opon, all
toi le SUperior,. or those nobler I -bad been a' oard to the fort. they t tlie fort cul ft. few (I O'iv n in -rents and iht� d discovered contitmitly oll. haild, and can be "ell b3' j],ILtCnt1in&r
yl irids This information wag no vioner coin_ their fair. pi- nev lyil 1ure! Ale, lit the i4o ticri; at any ill n
ai'd rliou'aDt 'to effea day 'before I' i.11scb%,et(-.d to't the W01-1 fully through the trees, nihnicated to the- Pl'ts, w upon the
intele(taal beiriv factor tball be. fto'
wero. low, re- cottage was.Lhe ri's-oll house of a kitole, fortill from my cabin, of-, with her arms around the neck
r . . i 2d d 3rderea his canoe, and procecded to Of it yo
ung man a number of I11ON, PLOWS of four dif-
mean. His eirtss was a f em, I e—a your g w 'found myself within the inclos- v* it tile ho bore it
npersonal rese ulance to her—dead. Cow or he
mixta-re &Ile coarsest vestiueut� of pretty as human fie M 1he
ns, rea ved direct f o
liould be are atid. be.ziicle tile. cottge, grUzilla
Wilat took oace on board that Cel6brated seottish plow Man d &I A.
l-iles WeVe carrIed ufacory
ar m -a til tile leitherul fiaiu't, got -ood into bill-, room o0ettl) ship is also a 'mystery to for I ashore and buried heneath'the.shaole
I lie two ho,
ptive ied by her.
ed by po w er "—to use Ili e
are ffect f
it W _tree. fro -11 tit itbout "It of a W exact wo ds— NbtwiLLIJ8t' 'In(Iii) the hour was never heard ord spoke.r. Was- oll: I'd
tell you 0 that stood like a jo), N
2,1 by (11�
e ,t promontory tidoe o,� Watt isplay of prodi--`-but Pai a first-rifte fy occuj,. at of tile room was.still awitice. fador was kindly entertained, for X & Co.
I � ll� w she looked pastiflie meridian of''ni,,h6, Lite fair It is probable, I however that Ill and Nvild d
arnawif-rits blunied and will, y lit Iny faitil L-Ilat puzzled how'to ttract IlGr at- oil his tbiLa I;L IlUar of callittlill Ct d tit
rettivil to -the fort I notice(,
& set fit.(., to it ;1nd I arr�ved in
11�1 n
Ilimin.". That old tentionj nd not at the same time 111is footstells wer h e n 1 Jobli \Vliytl�, IG 1). e myself itmintedia-tely, tl'l D (1, to see it to take
or- to S(;I.p
stitrtle )-let- a -ad cau*se 'ber a all an(. that his face'was or the lit�in n the btiria All (Abervariplief; of ter what I I (IV part i
_ft- ot of tIliLt
trate imill tile t, riLotask t
or (yl.vel some whi 115 ell wiould e e 8 lleavy, as if lie had been dri Afte-v bav' explained my i ill'Owlied rill), Cull nk- tile factor for hitol-y t Istintly (in haild,_wluch %ill be ,(ILI .9&.
ralij, bit' I I tile. the old 8 rian to internipt Ill, -etcy freelv� and I ft , of
cotuin Ill
aw;Ftited Ins'repty IIIIy q I tolie voullff WO111all) alid. nevor 01
) 1, r5 . .. 11 the proposed inte L rview. After -re- following, day, three 110 0 - 211 IZ, at a lazy Sort (if out it tit* oi- Wht w 'I y 1) It CO Lt I (I volvi a a Iltinilier of sebeme and rile 1 frora"tb(i
vi froill't]
yes -gel visited tile fort) Some of the old 11, a sill -I. o: tit" tpped gently ano: were entertained by:Lhe factor. plain tile ill Vstt-1 Y. YoT1_fb'11aS Z1,17' froiru the City, st ERLY SALE eni
Ilectil" poii�41je gla-3.9, atile -same time Tm �y claimed to be young gentlealeu If jbl. 06 yt-
myself of fortune, around the \VIliC:Ii meaut libt' j () f0be
Ae ot It good Iposition LIM4 Lllit ,I.q could be seen the moment world in, their owl,
of it "'And ye don't. koow n -vessel, or no
1i Z)flly bol I-ellouir'll to SPECIAL NOTIOES. I of Al 1,:), 1871, n1lide Iky bL, ws were raised to the window. purpose 61aa seei;1(r it- but oChancery al0 the 0 Old SGOt bLIt got from I i im on] he I ill it et a the
Y Oise caused the girl to niie 'one of dieni was oon- f6tind to Ile Down', mid with the Oui- "A tliiiia of b( LII+ joy for -
y is a I of
com-Lat Ilia ti it't I and be. did o �Iie I Verl' illqnisitive, askinff 'nestions of L v _,r. Qo, $Mitlio Towl(of c44)0 eh, the
it of me I-ld ve tVo�lt ILL] I tk6 to have samie It; min Osl.)orti witi-INfachine procil, I-ty will be by P', Her f tee the'elliployees "Ibout tI16 fort, till,
Tf 'o
tio, 1,;.l u t) of col, .11 terror Iarticle of onianicut n
openod lieu if to screit.111 blit by cotuage. '71, hst .1
r' for a reg'lat titi c the hy t�li, Twenty ve. ;ioll- dL`(l8t)0I'.Jt(' �-Iiokod down iier to the ffactorll'wllo IsluiltIv ill rJUall 8 11"Llhoollic Wafers I THE" ViLl AGE OF E
o v 1 1", - I
t9 1 - 1IIlVed0 L nd tottered- toward e Ili8. ;Ief,'
—TER, lolls ivere to Ile ti -e "lost affechial remedy f4ir 0 Weil W__J�
114"E5DAY, tho 1)"th -day of octo
to 1111d and irrittion of the w1i
'at SlIpply of "Pile eviflcI16 by cou
or nimsul exertioli- of
to lof tilab cal-toz,
htlu,c ve ect
and which I -LcL;epteoI the Vocl the lifteriloon, Yk.,
A�j o
111111,1y'al of t1le
loll to l6v had singers will iin(i loll, li�lost 1jell(,(ieiL1. allolls
filiv prisonev to be LOT JN o,. 8. TRE 11,U)ND Tiwa -I'll go n d of C'MiMId the Theentire frecdoii 'froji, to -, k e p t i oniii, me to be seate-7, ingredients reiide
V. rs (A y eci) - ne(I within OF T H _yet, do,A tog I ,
to )ide Will!]) telling lfhiu olnetbinq bt I Wafers, or Coligil 411d, Voice 1,oZLI1
0 'LIJI;iCV. L\ I - - 1,� co NTY
r -17 - <__ op ' c z0;e. She to safe reni y or the most (1:Ait;
V y 01 W it -11 ly.61lle ;IIIIII Ol
tbilt s site rpoko Ili French p. r
could acclitollied ilide over'the son, nd hs citlise(l t1l
citmerl n e 1) e il. te 10 0 e 1C
14- R , I
W ts. flot thuln a word s e (1, d to re este�nn by w"Iffle tbe. old S'Ciot appe,
-ei,ty condition of aC- "old bV all 111'clheine lteaivrs Il75 cleare.-I Illid Jill
pt 0 L I I-Ily ti-011l)JO to fi., nly 11a., I IFO Ilc , it the, �gate.
Viiather the fact G Ir S'.IS001=t A that 111M
ti, %yo 0 w!; I. to of tf to be ;d at. the f rtivly iii mv to of che"t. Its Coilsu 1,11), oil -t A
ll11"N.'I it'll) \-(.ry II(Ir concealed froill Vie w' III A, e_xc 111sloll 11 P IV ML! toll[ J.'er thab -I Of t"'U lalit! L t t: flar at.c 1:1101
liot TI
\Vol.(] Ile
Oof tij(� I.iVoI tOt DIIL _o
iliv ;illlilar prepai-atiou 'rl I.
r fol Yet offt!red to t1w J) .1)
itiU, b(i
1.9 1 but tIriv 11*1tive ilia tillie tM e N, pob (plite A ilcl
o ti that it r' tivated the of
cill intll e. of
0, ian.9, rld VAKlevored to U tQ cf. I f *!J f-)!' 4P%
tl �in li��r mind what t ctlum twelit\ 21e 4)r!l�
od Y- llainfittm, 24 A. Lt V, 'al f; t. 0 11' The behavior t)f five Years. I)ut tbat tlireu a.d (jf iitohs6rved, ill ll!�I fL(;e, til c,, F y
'Vi11*1) (!VL:11 Ill(. L f
and lt
0 Vill I'll)! tho (lit 7 oi -Il, III a
Lili13 vurc to tindei I (e L It I f tt A ole cull
Irvos, 'till) aye &-ilt I
kilow I
t01!(! o iri ri. .1 -2, iloil (o 1.11o. V.,
it, t I o t the wilite, Illen V
ruolill to id, le. orb wer, sell� Tarbil tlt
t took tit(-,
tOLL Jlt� 1�iii(l e 11 it y'l 011(l (1,:
V to I r f lit- J,ildmejit A
ir>, in fo I' It 11-01111)(-V en t 1111"r 11and
2.1 Jobil
Ila tit
treo. to itIWith tWO odlers I 10A., It I I. I IL 1. 00 ofle, �ol 10 -1 WN 1101w A-011. I)
otit seized 11)v lizind ;,okse's coat look i�!j:otit4 ailli,,!
si W o o 0 Vallcoliver, 0.1 Zt-t 11 t fr! f a ca I I r,
11�:.s III) it'll t1lo till- we(l dtrvcu�d -
lit. !"ud, I C01111111I)i't jvivvr. Tvvo (1:1�8 :0(ll' 11
S VII it
B_ws, v v l -v t 1--li In :tell L)" iollild Mid
Ill Icc dent 11.11)lwllv�:
'Fi;' Law (Ittect ol C ss 11W)i it. ",N- %A I Pov.,Als mill (Jo
(,It t 1, c.till," I � IF Mll' to) tiw 11 Im-11 all,
u*t know I o"11,11I A 'I NvIlich
1( bf thell 111.1111 -be". Of''
k I - I I FF h, 2 Jisf,it.
hav or rvds�111_8. VVI K . I , Ulan
s11r;I1l:!l,r,4 11.1d dliom-
11.,ilo th."t (-ILIA if'! b" ghlk; (1);It In b.", cal Iv I I W I I LE"'. 0;, 1,11.
1 I'm NIX El!l I
1r.13 Of "')"'l-l"o �_il'g lltlt tl,( J,)
'T, (- (1 6; 1 1 1 1 ) t ) ) I �� 0
")SVI 1%�., Of till, W"titil UNI P,
. V (It ttimuz- tild co.101 0 W(Jrld Al 1 A I V.
11C. no -v o IJ t I
�Sses evvr from the I III 6L (],Illt for divill MV., *,owwl,
W" 0, 104 Ulf, k, J-1
r Ile
w 1, it C.) I a i h III: I I throtid) mo fft.kN�T or
('I, L I I I, t t: I i'"YS, V (I C. to eallry t1jell Into ('x(
8; lowc "Otild II.,il(Ily resililt tlie telillitIltiOn 01. 11 ti o I I
U. T, 11 V;I
it wcle,
Cor. h it, h It �(.V ll�ld "IlIV t1l'in 1"NE.W. XZ -0.000 A
Ualltiffil'11 I'lle to I ack 0Z TIB -1
Mil' --r., 21 Otl1w."I
tit ro, rn:� arm., ironn(l fill-j,(l 11(ld tr, 1,111-1 A
t1flitilal whiel �11US fflil�' ti,k'o Tllt� 1,1(1� allot ",ivt,l (fit Jill'! 1213.1
o`c." ].to 1110 .(1 J. J
t 4 t;vlt
I,. it it tic'. red I—. I I d" 11 ., I L" I
1,104N B it it datll ill,, ,Ile i calillol. vXp;.Iill 31G,11010.0'�0 Arn Nellar. I!, Ill
v. it Ill't t! firs Ite) 4
TIT Mile', I. 4r!( 41 1-;
'I'a role I I , a ft 11 1 1 )a 11 v the �-"cot 1 I�l I If' t If% I Ilw- hkv i res- r'l ill ed III r Lt T I oiq
Lt :111 (1
"I it Ct i till LH(I clol [-I I I I I I a sorol l" co. , . I 't,
oil C.
111stall t! s I I I I I Us di Lt �(.j lit() tJlV ]'it I
flwl a Ill't I %t
t,,(, all 'Itravic 411(111
XV i A 11. Dir eii,h or
xa"4 tit li, r I -i s Looll ba"IF:. ill 111)011 the fw.t I)v it p;t I - y fi-oill ets, 1. t ll"'wrt �r�
Vvsl "I'vs,; t 'I V!! '16LItit till, 111111 sti-pped olit foll the, 1) 1"ilf-itt. 111I.- 1.-� it % l. IA's, 2.1 Ci.o.
r wst, P:H
I I n o- .1
oul Ila[) y 11(wer Ip. t A
had ".ailled �111 eli'vallefl.
of N squfll%. lier Atte I i 9"'THE
tor I kiiew th-tt, tile
W, 'Ili V" tvil lotters Ill'!
CI;�prlivd and seculed old
I'jvl- ;lit 0p1)oI-tIlll, to) �;Iddl ('s, 1' t,a .
Is s, nl(.,!Ii' CF-Oppma
Azold, -idtho 'lit'- f:.l)l1l t�lll'l fol't Nl_:01011t, !jllst A%D J'rivc�4 from s2 U) per ai-IT_
was3 quiu, Cot, Opelled i'lle (I ot t "i oi
allot tried r, J t n I J."i f Ill- tII(I f.,letor, :I nd tha,
if; C It riv I' 1"I V I he pylsolic. All- other '—'rinds of general Custom W r0j.
Hit' Ill;tt.l.ri. to tit-(! ll!" d;wi IiIa" t I I rl�pe luIt, 11 It"I'tt ()k to .�(-Jld thu. lettel., I �I- ,k
Makin It_
J 3r t., wil.(i In Wa 1,1111, 1 t �vhc`I'L' was st.;111(1 6.Fl the "llol-It't
Too st—molItIle(l, wid \,It;t1IdII"1; 1vt 1, (r. Ill. Ar!r� ug
clo !I- ivvh Ille, otild not sit filcie it to ar011
se the shillillerill-', (,U,IN ,I I!—
0 )!4dL'1L-e!(J 0 IIN- Ile co1JflseIt(!(J, I)tl I'l-r-ous of
41A a wortl.yl .11 1 A 7,1" V -woq]
t; -would a t ininau-s �)f d C. M, "u, 111clo.silre. t1l;1t ;(s 1 -011 N. din"
11 (! into s(-lillis troidde I
I it* der t'li ir 1)el1L(:1 t of tbo.; 11"wif-stVa(i -I'Lov,
'A.Ilat the liad t 4;:1111f
0f y
IF) [-,, - . . fill tit lit VVIII )aill -z" 2.1 A�
the 4hul"FlUll, thi I*!dte,1
A, W:) rot it, ,
RVV '((I Ou tile J'a", to Come rot, the party silent'l V
.1*111co ir mil; *11110 -had (;:I
f:L(-ti W, -ed
111 c con t 'I Oil
the letter to IlIttel I St I
A triIII is r(..,41 c -ftllly solictcd.
-tor 1�ltad s IIIJ loll, doipartf�.), allot rehirned tc 'Cbeir ves-
itlid detcl. llill"d to so., 1 .4,
w1ile.11 illeltulhil It 1111'ah'T. e VIET. I Sol (Ating tinder sail) B. 'SHANTZ
Duill", DIV of r1radi'l
they re- V. ith I, ew Illaps, 11
I limll thr', lk ,��ied tj(.fA,.I e t1l, oi)Il(Jr BROTHER. uah-41
I e; I q u d 1).� v I
F e Old Scot. and sent 'I)illI I 11d'art"ll. 24 Johil Kemp.
L. I -A C"Itilrdslioni r U.
John Whvte.
, ftw