HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-10-13, Page 6The Rifle- of the Road. In Lendon drivers and riders, un- like walkers, keep on the left side of the road. Couplets and quatrains in considerable number have been composed to impress the rule on the memory of those persons who. can call to mind a particular maxim with more readiness if it be -stated in a rhyming form. The rule of the road is a paradox iluite, In riding or drivinc,°along: ll you keep to your left, you are sure to go right.; If you keep to your right, you. go wrong. Traveled persons who have corn - pared notes on this subject tell •us that the English plan of keeping f61 the Ieft hand of the carriage -way is adopied in Italy and in Italian Switzerland; wheras Prance, Belg- ium, and Germany adopt the rule of keeping to the right: Much debate has thence arisen. Why do nations differ in the matter, and - which is the better of the two pians? Those who prefer de French mode urge that it is better to adopt the same rule, whichever it may be, for the carriage-wa,ys as for the footways, in order not to burden the memory -with. COD flieting phraseology. They also contend that the right is really_ the best, seeing that it gives -mcate scope and sweep to the whip of the driver in cases of starting,. bolting, or jibing; his right hand is more free, because more distant from the right hand of drivers coming in ale opposite direction. But the English adva,cates say "No" to this. They urge that by adopting their plan each driver can see at a glance, by looking down for a moment, whether• the passing wheels have space to keep clear of each other; tbe oppo- site chivers being near, each can the -better assist the other in steering the craft properly. "No," say the French, •advocates; he is a queer (Inver who wants to look down .at his wheel; let him keep his whip - had. clear and he can guide his team." Of course, when the driver is exactly in the middle of the front of the vehicle, the actual dis- tance between driver and driver ik -exactly the same in either method -; but the free whip -hand for he Frenchman is an advantage not to despised. It has been -suggested that the English I 'tan probably originated -in Italy, in days when diligences and •poStecoaches were liable to be attacked by highWaym en or brigands. The postilions carried on WEDNESDAY, fire -arms, to be mannged with the , b right hand ; they sat on the deft- lotnd horae and drove on the left- 1 At 1 "'clw-± Land side of the road, in order to . LOT NO. 8, IN have full commanci of the right hand in moments of difficulty or danger. Seasoning Wooct THE HURON EXPOSITOR; improtabilit!y of u h a story. "How long," said the worthy doctor, with the confid nt air of one fearless of 'eontradieti n, ¥ might I stand here, and suCh a thing not .happets to 'e?" The boy Was corn- 'tpletely puz' led, whea mo lett, who stood behin tire pilar of the 'rhop door, and h, rd Wha ssed, snatch- ed up a snO ball, a d tin ly de- livered h. playm t _f m the dilemma hich the 4ue ion , had piacecF him, sy anan we equally prompt and onclusiale. Plantin Trees in • We are b rming to larger and iardier trees, as we as m ones, can be 'made to by fall plant when plante stantly rem a•—if ie. spri ling spri blie Fall. findithat the cls Of fruit yr or 1.tinental .ucce d better cloi'e—than g. he con - dr aths tell d tees, and e ::davyw. ni drai 9 ed, will ake an bus be he deeinLY as b: 1 fibres a tree is a. what es; I e n ew w tlae pl ted, if id not, -st amid' an o put ant re aii as el heavily on si ring plant thelossesth s yea]. will Fall planted trees, f prepared an surface :take hold of and- soi an early start- in spring, a ready to battle aga ns weather when it come discovered that all the s natthesroots die out whei I transplanted, no mai e !time. In fad Iplanted • roots will c anenee to isame fall tha i they a a) there is eaough heat ; la Utley will star with th fi of spring. I is a goo( p some long,. bu not st o round the r ots, "to e inulch till sp C. YEO, AUCtla 1 E S AFORT , Will attend to any Sale in th. Cei7 ty. Residence -Rear of the Catholic h rch. 195 -26 ROO S TO -IL TO LET, in Seo t's Block, wo con Rooms on the se -ond flat. A ml, :to 195 Me AUG -HEY . HOLM CHAN - OF VALUABLE modit TED RY FARM TY. IPURSUANCE 0:: 7 deuree, da od the 2th d. of - April, 1871, nu t e by the Cc art of 0 mime' in a certain cause t isrein pendiEg of own 7 Down, and with th approbatim o }lc iry M Derrnott, Esquire, iUs er of the jt Cont at t -Town of Goderich, e following v nab e far proverty will be offer c for sale 17;s, P 'BLIIU AU TION, in one let, - GRAMM iN YE 4); An tioneer, . AT DR V'S ITO E IN THE VIII CE CiF E ET R, he 18th kla oif Octo 1871, he afternot rz, "HE SE !-0 CE38I0isr 0 r1 Tia; ''''0 OF SPEPHEN", IN TH OF HIAWN, Containing A wri-t'r ill an E a 91 iSli i°111'nal i tatTbiTill',Lit•et7t? taveellTstitbered with 1 ardwo " a says that small pieces of non -resin- . soli IS it medium chi.- 1)1011a nd 171 g sod 01-1(1,1:,, ., , bouvst7x1 cam be seaSoned perfect] y 1 117e following Width sgs /WO upon t c Lot, viz .,- )01 ing fpur or fi ve li oil • i rs_the Htabie and . , . ,s Late:tam 52-036 7 1 " ; a frame. house 2-Ix18 I • process taking the sa ) o t f the . au acre of -land, tli'd treOS ' "'aid ()‘' ".111- netiril I: be;hineag'-e. is ialiggo°ottr--colutig.. On; ;11‘thich til. nor'zalilciylilig "w00(.1 Whit 11 shrinks nelarlyneneotend in the operaticia 'The sante writer . i Tatot l • • -• 1 witfehre. "Iit: .1;„17to'd h 1 11 Puna, di177‘71 rvairillalfedyf si n.died with f::_tplible-eS otl.lat trees felled in .full leaf in i tp-,,,tinf.1-1,0ilsi four ancl a half iniles fr )111.1 ililliVig e(),1111 - j 1 1 Jul YI and allowecLiito._,Jelie 1.111.171illyotlitiltet111771; a ) Li11, 01 tl ; Station )11 the Gr uld-eter-oN la tail c..!ve..ry, le:ifoi,hasiefailel.c.:n, , "li ,tt,, e 1 ,i(i.:!,,,;0„..i.,ilm.ectiate vich it.; of ,ticii(i.uc7a.iiitli4`11:;(1:;-1 le:e.. neally Ors- ' - the ,tes will no , el at Ow tune t f sole will lie re mired - top ofi themselves untsa they t ' 111'' Puvehn'• i • drawn up atid ex- hausted all the sap t i- , , i :=4'401.1.0....., asai to sign an agree neat for t e CU mph, - 10. of 111:4 100`,.1110;(3 000t1,L tO Uril velialer Irive ' tu pay a deposit, in the iropor of the tree. Toe time - required is . eta ()ilia parcleise, an 1.11c ti ill be required o pay the ball:nice of his pore ' mai n finer into Cort ftwith- unz a mouth to six weeksr accord- i in orui Jacinth fro111 the lay of sale.'" and npoi ply- ing to the dryness or wetnesS of the z1:1111;111ttotilltnt`Tfitha“.1,u01t.b-si' taut ((1 to a come -alice 1-17-0a then The Boor of a mill laid thin totter resper the cone ithan: of s lie IN ill be s lso 71 • Avith popular so treated, and cut up whi= ot-, ,,,Titlalitluaptzi,t.et,17t>tfhteLourt, of Chin ally, and put in. place in less than a month , imarsttaa• particular:, Ind tonditious p• f sa d ap- after the leaves fell 11 LS nsh ever o wn 1,?teit..(qsj,',s,;11,::,;iii,thilt:s'.46.11,st.'Yil .:(I'lici'}r:1111KTITitt1 11. the slightest shrinkage. = h-rnsi;T, llarristers, Lona 7n, ) sssus. CA xrpni , lior.mEsTs1), Barristers, To onto, ane of -the 00 0,•______ Auctioneer. - Jefferson'sTen Rules., A. D. 1871. : Dated at (Gs:tlileertileil; the 14th day of S ipten bel r, JetFerson's ten rules are good yet, , especially so for those ' who have the. = F. HOLMESTED, Esq, Master in ehan ,oity.. R !INDY McDER IOTT. training of the pupils in our public , Seaforth, Vendor's Sidle tor. 19 - schools. They are so short and con- ciae, and embody so much of value, I that it would be well if they were I_ dipped and put where we could sae them often. They Sead as follows I. Never put off till to -morrow what you can do to -day. ...t. Never trouble another for what you elm do yourself. •. , 3. Never spend your money before , GRisTING, von have it. 4. Never buy what you do not - , , wnnt because it is cheap. AND , All other kinds of gen ral, Custom 1 5. Pride costs more than hunger, ' thirst" and cold. on the Kliorte. t notice. 7.1.) YN. 'OL 00 acres of ant . US 'ON HD, -TY ;area 1111d under eultil atioll ROXBORO MILLS CHANCED HANDS. rIE undersigned having- parehased the 1 xi 0 Gristiug and Flouring li1.1i,' increased the I chinery, and put the Mill jin a thorough stab. repair, are noW l4rpued to dn. HOPPIN G. We seldom repent of having eaten too little. • 7. Nothing is troublesome that we do wiilingly. 8. How much pain the evils have cost us that have never happened. 9. Take •things always btat„-- the smooth handle. 10. When angry, count ten be- LUMBER! LUMBEii! :role you speak if veiy angry, count:- . LATH and Siff NGLES. ' They would also desire to state to farm others, that as the work wil lit. lone.mulc own supervision, they have ) hesitaticin in teeing entire sati):faction. A trial is respectf illy solicite( 13. 'SHANTZ i3ROT IrEt _ Roxboro ,J'ane .1871. , 11-14-tf. Wo • Tf4 n 11 r th 111I 11 a hundred.. THE 'Undersigned' h tVe on hand a t their ill, one half mile North 0 f Dry Phut (10 Let) oil wine! 'he\ rip La h. -ill start al out titli date a p ; kept I to Orders., hom T 17(.I-tf Anecdote of Dr. Sinollett. Ainleyvillet1 , a large St( A companion of- Smollett'a Who Lumber, part t about 3,5, ( 1 Dressed. -1 and 1 1 wataa apprenticed to a sure -eon n., -2 hare also on Giateetv, having been eugaged in a frolic with the future historittu one 75 000 ft. Yf'S winter's' evening, was receiving a which is warranted sev,-.il reprimand. from his and no slal 1111-ster Their Shingie Mac biue for quittiug the shop. The lad, the 18th in's-tant, after mil. 11:1V1ug zale,o-ed in excuse that he had . tiful suPPlY of 8..11.1-Ntil-I1 buq,z1. struck7by a anowbtill, and had - IiamL l'I•ompt attention give] gone out in pursuit of the person a fitistance who had throw it, was; hstemng M. . . to the taunts of his mastei: on the Dingle, April 12, 1871. 11 fj sa sa, 'Rota. , = ; 174.. sa:•47,:iwitsq' • NA _ • _ • - NEAT, CHEAP alta= DURABLE. ' ! - McINTYRE. &- WILLIS w0-171.,1) inform the pnblie that they haVe just :received a first-elass assortment of French and (4 ' ' English .Calf 17nd French and Eng,lish Kip, and aM re OW prepared to Intik° work at prices that defy co nnetition. An asSortmen t of HOME-MADE WOR -K k.ept constantly Oil hand, as well as. that a the be •t Toronto and London/muses, Which will be sold cheap. A good assortment- of IImne-made Boys' /3 ots kept always 071 hand. A call is respectfully solicited. Don't forget. the plae.e,-opposite W. Relbertson & Co. -?t; Hardware Store; and. first doer south of John Logan's. 199 ifiteKSQYS ::0/1P9RIUM- NEW .GOODS, FALL IMPORTATIONS. AWING to the general advance in DRY GOODS, we have bolight eark and ver?, largely, both in England and Mon - real, and Would invite an inspection of the stock, as it is alto - „tether too extensive to advertise, but the goods will be marked at the old juices. CALL EARY. E. HICKSON tic CO., STREET, SEAFQRTET. OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT is attain in working order, under new management, with a splenclieStock of Cloths to choose from. Fits guaranteed. TETE CIRCULAR SAW Cuts through all opposition. INIVI.R0 ERTSORI $r CO. Have just received ft lane and splendid assortment of Rogers' and other celebrated maltes CUTLERY, NICKOIJE AND OTHER SILVER-PLATED COOK TEA. TRAYS, COAL OIL LAMPS, Lightning and Turn -table Apple Parers, Every Family should have one. IMPROVED CHAMPION AND OTHER CROSS -GL ril SAWS STOCK'S CELEBRATED EXTRA MACHINE 0 ILI Warranted the best in nse. 'Repairs for AbelPs Patent Gear and Horse Power, every other article mg inlet in the Hardware Line -Shelf and Heavy. ) JACKSCREWSI.TO HIRE. SIGN OF1 THE c1nethait- 19 ROBER290,1- (C. 00. P4RTICULAIZ, NOTICE. I [.\ sH,08.7-Ls,- MANTLES, Has a Lot of -AND- 3DizISS 0-003:3S Whit, he is anxious to stii ore at 00811 • YES, BELOW COST, Or any rea)Outible priee that a eoRt6mer may cora Thereft, Ladies, you will please eau at. the Manchester House, MAIN STREET, Soon, and get your pick of the Goods before they are all sold. Seaforth, July 25, am:- its M. ROBERTSON Cabinet Maker and • 1).L dertaker, HAVING purtliassi d -Mr --'._'ims I ' S HEARSE; I im prep:in-it to attend funerals ' 1 on rhe shortest 71 Itice, either in taw001 t'tIUlitr. OFFINS, ALL SIZES, kip eonstana,i.- 1111 hand. I W rerourns MILLINER Y. .M1LLINER Y. MIL LIN El Y. V. 1 •All.LLINER Y. LATEST FALL sTyLEs. T.,ATEST -FALL LATE:)T FA LL STYLES. LATE8T VA1j STYLES. LATEST FALL STYLES. CHEA EST TN ToWN. CHEA 'EST IV TOWN. , CHEAPEST IN TOWN_ CAEAPEST IN TOWN. CHEAPEST LN TOWN. AT iijtSS A. 'ERWIN'S Reynolds' Block, 197-1J3. Near the Depot. _ , Melniosli and llsirrison's Carling.) Factory, Main Two doors south or lino.. os Hotel, and opi‘o.,ite D. IVIcNAUGHT ,tri.,t, Seaftit-t11. “RoDEIITSON. I NOTiCE. A BORItRis tvantine Avork for aJ.JfeM weeks will find emOoyment On the 00VERNNIPNT I)PAI ' TITOI LI) respectfully intimate to the v y inhabitant; of .Seaforth and viein- NOW OR NEVER. SOMETHING New, Novel, Cheap and I Handsome. THE SEAFORITH CLOTHING EMPORIUM AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING HOUSE T K ANDERSON Of the (above establishment, has just received very large and complete stock of SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS MELTONS, DOESKINS AND BRO4DCLOTHS. Overcoatings of all Varieties and Colors. The finest assortment Of Plush aDd Fancy. Vestings Ever taken into the Seaforth Market. Fancy Flannel and Regatta Shirt- ings, and GENTLEMEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, In great variety, of the best quality and at the lowed figure. It would bo to the advantage of intending pni-- chasers to call early and make their selections, as .by so doing they will save at least twenty-five per cent., on account -of the rapid rise -in price of the above description of goods. CLOTHING, of every description, made to order on the shortest notice, in it style equal to that of city establishments, and at a much lower price. Satisfaction guaranteed. TIES AND COLLARS -As the undersigned makes this department of his business a specialty, parties. wishing the latest styles and novelties would do well to call and inspect his stock and en- quire his prices. Be snit and not forget- the place -Main -street, Seafortit, opposite Scott Robertson's Grocery 196 T. K. ANDERSON. The abovo,was let to iT)1110.11As atatt ILA X.49 Furniture 43111nnfacturer, Main -street, Seaforth. But as hit; 131.z is already sufficiently large, he does not wish to advertise. • 196 - Tatatisal- TCDT\T MUSIC EMPORIUM 111 h4 -7.141111.11:1114:4;1744: t la,1:1111117411M1"(174 1111 DEPEW & DOHERTY, PIANOS, - IMPORTEIts ORGANs, - _MELODEONS, MUSIC di 71--S TREF:7', ....,...____ iity, that he noW carries on business at his 'NEW sl -LOP • • CLINTON. • • 0. H. OU 11 7 Ryan. * Oran & ! At:ENT FOR 7 1 • -fobbing of all hinds, and Pforse-shoeing LOCKJLI_V'S SE 117...Vti _MA i 71/X ES, especially, promptly attended to, I Telegraph and Ekpress Companies 164-t DAVID :\lc.NALTIIT. SHOPS FOR SALE. /, Fon SALE, two shop.) aml forty-fonr .feet front- age' 00 11:111.1 Str(vt. StafOrth, opposite (.'ar- mit:liners Iit.t.-1. .App)y to 19J-tf. . J, &;EATTEL. In , Terms reasonable. (.;rev. 2,) per day. Enquire Of Vie foreman on this work.. or apply to the agent at the office , as, T. Blain. - 0 BLAIN, Conirtletm. Grey May 12, 18;1. 180-tf CAN„. -\_DA LIFE ASSURAN('E Issuer of Marriage Licences, American Money bought and Rold. Particular attention paid to JOB PRINTING. - Omen -Elliott & ...A.rmstrong's Br.mk- Store, Seaforth 174 - _ _ CCT. '0 THE PUBLIC AT "LARGE. Ws' INC OLIVER,. SION` OF THE • SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice assortment of light and heavy li rness, whips, bells horse clothing, etc.?. k constantly on Land. ..epairing promptly attended to, charges moderate. Remember the place: si n of the Scotch Collar, Main Street, _Se forth. 63tf• H. OLIVER. BE SURE A.ND GO TO HOMAS LEE'S,. (sh.rson. sat; oaa Stand,) FOR NO. I SEEDS, A Of all kinds. varieties of Turnip Seeds • CA TER'S IMPERIAL, the best Swede Turnip h.-. • cultivation. - SKI VINTG'S IMPROVED DO. SIL RP'S PURPLE TOP DO, SITU TON'S CIIAMPION DO. 'YE OW ABERDEEN DO. WHTB CfLOBE AND STUBLE. Th Cheapest ;Kt Beat Teas in Town.. ' got at LEE'S. F r SHEARSONS'S No. 1 PLOUR, go -to THOMAS LEE'S. • -All kinds -of Produce aken in Exchange for Goods, at TH HIGHEST phfcgs. REMEMBER ! SH ARSON '(..6 CO.'S OLD STAND , - THOMAS LEE. p. S. -Cedar Post for Sale, cheap. EX DRUG FAN Age to len( g.ty• cin al p Sea,f LET INK, J. SEATTER, HANGE BROKER, And dealer in Pure CHEMICALS AND DYE STUFFS, , PERFUMERY, YANA) T,O1LETARTECLES. it for Sewing Maihines. Money on easy terms. ure Wines and Liquors for meth- . iposes: SEATTER i•th, Nov.' 3, 1870. 59-tf. TICKETS FOR EUROPE, 1111. JOHN SEA TTER has been ap- AL pointed Agent at Seaforth, for thc INMAN LINE Of STEAMERS. Parties contemplating visiting any part of Eur( pe can be supplied -with Ticket and all necessary information by apply- ing to JOHN SEATTER 185-4 , Druggist, etc. HE SEAFORTH mber Yard. MAB Beg to opened . near Sh merly ti Thomas They (rood ass LITMBE I Also, 7 11 E MACDONALD' nform the public that they have LUMBP.11t YARD in Seaforth. arson's Mill, on theground for - ed as a Lumber Yard, by Mr. Lee. ill keep constantly on hand a ntment of ALL KINDS OF t, dressed and Undressed. TH AND SHINGLES, All of IA ich they are prepared to sell at - I the lowe t possible prices, for Cash. Buildeis and others will iind ft to thei••• advantag certain ut ;101 edrieli) (al tst Seafort to inspect our stock, and as - r prices before purchasing -elst we are in a position to offe.. ,ements to cash purchasers. MABEE & AlA(49( %NAL) ). 1, Dec. 29, 1870.. 160-tf FOR SALEi THijk..aTrk plendid Hotel Stand on tin t Square, Seaforth, knOWn as. !I the COIL EXeHANGE, and doing a good bush ess. To an enterprising man, with some capital, it offers excellent in- ducements being on one of the leading I streets an close to the Salt Wenn. 41,So, "b"W ) COM.fortable COTTAGES or, I Stre Goderich, rented at $2,*20() ,‘ year, and s Tow n Lots. Terms -- 1 m Aerate. Apply to WM. MALCOM, Sedarth, Jan. 22, 187.1A: the Market A1NTING. • JA ES WILLIAMS Begs to inti nate to the public that b i has removed from McIntosh 4.K: Yi 0 1 ._ rison's Carrage Factory, aad has r4intt Mr. William (;rassie's I);tint .-11(;11(f..){1m); "Were he May iil at any .N1r, Williants is prepared to execute, o; ' h Carriage I ainting, 8ign Paifiti tins-. the shortest notice, all kinds of Opposite Muiray's Stables. 170-1: Give him a call. Remember the plaei% and heiamental Work. ty -4.. 'OCT. 13, 1871, Our Poor Iteia The Cbimpailzt3e, wi -the great foresta of Wa is generally considered ilearest to -man 111 - its! pearance. When (Mir bout five feet, ill hal erect ; 'Jut It ties not a gfend 'ii rrttldtp u this °s:nu:17i; oi fours, applying the ot binder li•et and.;thettinii -fore limba to the earth,. olothed with L'sng. coat dark brown har, Jut tv on the lower pirt ,Ind on the ; the of a Tliesh volor, b -iide there is a rvat Imir hanging down Thit chillnIrtnz..s.-,iiv,s tht-1 bra. 1t-118 atAiVe ; 114-1 2-01111,4 tO iflihi f a Id :-11e bran,-bes iai1- - -forty fti froin, food consists of 4 is said to 11V :fro41 ftre :11aNil"roung ellimimnZPV'Sha"1. ly been 'nought to this et exhibited in th it g1de Zoological Society. TA) erailv-.gentle, and havei melancholy appearanoe, ing much -affection for thei Blifibu gives an interestin of a. young 'chimpanzee a exhibited in Piave. 44 this aninial;' he ,says, hand to lead out its visiioi „ about with them gravely t 'longed to the company; seen it seat ifaelf at table, napkin and wipe its li $poon and fork to carry at its mouth, pour its (.-Irink and touch glasses wbeW fetch a cup and saucer to t •put in tigar, polar out itsr leave it to cOoi before (Irk and all this without any stigation titan the signs a of its master. and bften accord." Buffon adds that excessively fond of sugar pl In the Autumn of 18547a brown chimpanzee -was ex Wambold's menagerie borough, wnich had beed in the sunny- relations of AL this 'amusing young cleat Waterton paid fon i- long as called jenny, iiad whet treated it was all go' ntlenet at times there was:a slight tuischief in her temper ; f< was a pretty little dog in. Aom :with her, and whew= iould.get- hold of it she W Ian teeth in it, untilit velm When Mr. Watortbit visit to Jenny, she pat iround his neck, looked wis him, -and, ahakiag ber to Nay, "There is a soit me. The littli! 1'O�ll) is '.1ot ; the, elothes which thev to wear are 71111/0. insnppi vfl the food whieh they -to eat is riot like that uptar 1 used to feed, wheu 1 was :Ind free in my own. native : Jenny did not long eurvi viaih She soon fell hick alai; K•11 her last. She was them AV:ilf on IT:111, ;Ind as Mot AVaterton in hie most and successful manner, zit', being Tared to make the eh art -wife appear to a; ts thotigh the erml, looid had never laid. it The goinla has *tateit disC -aithiu the last few- yeiars ink the same region as Ole vhiiu and it is in some respects vow .to pos-pss even a stronger rt Ince to wan. Though it is ;slain a height of iargost spooimens hitherto oh have Leen t than six The tz•krilia by aome /0 walk upright, with its le ing on the nope of its :leek ; ThtLe of the kunekles int' those have been Ca1t.111-01 )317‘)V.'S t11:0 the diinapanzee, it ID-m.1(11y an fours. The body is eovero'. hbort urizzied hair. zind the negmes who have to pass tikforests frequented by - hunting thp, deploint, 'Ti' 2s • aeeount of its teeth, although are vt•ry forini(lable, bIIt of' enormous strength of its w ith which it Call easilV siran!' 111:111. It is even said tint wire! limiters ate f4est, one of then' nindber aometimes silt -141111y disappear, =aught up by a goiilla the loweii branches of a tree aietini SliCkay Sfrit141ea_ :ii 'he g0 Cilia lets the butt), tall. The Magot, or bar', siry habits. the northern parts of , 45: also .foural on the rod •(;i'braltaii though it is dativni: -tet.ount for, 1114 presenee pl-culiar loealitv. At !),-rio4 map may have ionvev Of Liltt-Afiiean ape -4 to the <;1' (;il)raltar, and left them thert propagate their kinli hut it i• net appeatr that there is anv. i•-ei t::la;(:)-,):3%-itf,):igaht this {.0.:itta:ii..,-Ln4ottni an apish rolooy had ever t..z1