HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-10-13, Page 5was being inflated, upset when it was about twenty - from the! grouno, and Mr., fell stunned to the ground. re was no time for eating for ✓ terror Eield every body old. A shoat of admiration. from those who were too' int from the scene to knew accident had hafidlen the, Vers, and who- supposed that mt- was being niado ,triT„ But to those in the te vie4tity of the car the s an aitiful one, -and for a everybOdy seerued pa raiyzed or, and stood rooted to the lout uttering a ery or word_ oon, ztezed the. knapp, p shot up- -tt :increased velocity, itnd ft -t l'of terror which chill - /A -clod of the he;trers, -n from the upper air, where teroiau ItiLg utl`perly eseapiiigiiiach. At my E. a woman who, as I after-, - ird, was the professor's wife. k were burst from their nd her faee pallid and ghat - She clutched the air ,tort,. and with one hanj FV arm, still Took i Lig ttp-I balloon, whiz -h, swifter - shOt through the:air. growing smaller in. / then, witi iuereaseel trave a sudden Start •and tster toward& the clouds. (te,,k was seen far up in the itg larger and larger tw. it my- God," etied the wo- clung to me -with iron die—he will ,be Tet her eyes remained hat falling body. At ';.ined like theit-k ot a ung dowa =with tiw speed Len it was dirt bIN illy" like 1 . n seed to unfi;ld, and bOtIt. with a gyratory h hands and legs spread -me( an age while the, man. tor before he loosed his !alto= must have been at iie from the earth, and 'p -to, that Floor wife, who !er iuhant rush ing to - aid death with the speed When about half a mile r(Auld his body ceased its ion, 418811111(A a perpell- ae and Carnet down t struck the earth some us, and then rebound- irgain within a few feet it struek. Then, froii. fear, the crwx-d broke ,hrieks of terror, women about sereaming and ating tiwir hair, Itud it(.1.0 fur the °spot where had struck the groultd- 1 -indentation nut kss ur ten inches deep, and bloofl and brairis. whieh rom the skull when, like Iet drop from an iiin.- ht erudied into the . ,dead man 11;ttS then id willed to the Albert, !re the poor wife who arely• ttverec the 5.1- 0)itud, cared for it, tWflt in town 1,1 -as Of iarful and inten,to „do - !may be mitlily ,vhu had echuo • out for rlied iioue in sorrow, It-ure the. aspeet of a been visited lir 5:otne, :it in witivii its o -wit 111- was ui that day, art d tlie Of the dreadful :ac- t, be a story told nts -when. thoso vdto,, Jong sim.e have / tncr „Grey. 4:The harn (4' Mr: ortneession 11:; containing proceeasn the late titely destruyed, hy tire ti the 9t1L inst. A Inn -se le' time, also, RAI L iwt-y • element. Ali.' 1 Yanids The warm sun awl dr„v vet iew (Lays, have rau:‹ekt E almal. bri4hten up zunt, -te dry, will soon ra4e -.1e smut to hare sufficient t these tires, awl rid the d of smoke with which iveloped. 41 Hay, on. the 21,ttli ult., Robert :McAllister, of ,tfrtli, an the Gth inst ',....charles Press, of a sou_ Vt}rth, on the 9th inst., i• toger,,, merchant, i.Kinup, on the- 9th inst., Alexander sephein-,if •forth, on the llth inst., rujainin Shantz, Emi., of the reside/ler(f the the 4t1I inst., hy the i• tev. John ixtt, t2th inet,„ Sevet,inei teroeneletie OcT. 13. 1871. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. •DEATHS. ILEAD13F.ATP.11.-h the township of Grey, rhe 25th September, Catharine • Leldheater, wife of Thomas Lead- beater, aged :38 years. AUCTION SALES. IkInnrlay, •Oct. 16, at Lot 9 Second Concession, StanleA, farm stock and implements. John McNair, proprietor; j, P. Brine, auctioneer: - Tuesday, Oct. 17. on. Lot 25, Fourth Conon, .McKillop, valuable Farm .,)ek. R. Govenlock, Propr:etor, J. P. - Brine, Auctioneer. , :Wednesday, Oct. 18, at Lot 22, Eighth Collet ssion, 1 eKill op, valuable farm stock. John Menarey, proprietor ;J. P. • Brine, auctioneer. W, dnesda3r, Oct. 18, on Lot 24, Third Con.esion, Morris, Farm Stock, Imple- • ments, &c. Stephen Preston, Proprietor, J. Si rettonrAnctioneer. NV( (Tuesday, Oct 25, at Elimville, Township of Ushorne, Farm. Stock and Impt(Tnents. A. Allen, Proprietor, _ A. Biele p,_ Auctioneer. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTIT, Oet. 12, 1871. Prices this week are a shade Jeerer than lest in most articlese, Coo -Adoring th o season and the large q attity,of produce in the country, but little is coining to market; farmers, apparently, are iotUu off in expectation of higher prieos. Fall -Wheat le imoted at $1. 18 t, 1 20 and Spring at •$1 15 to $1 16. Berke:), very dull and. lewd. But. ter is in some del -rimed atm advance of 2o. on lash VL Hey brings from $11.• to $12 itecording- to -faeces:4AI.. e of the buyer. We quote: Fall Wheat... ...... .......... -$1 18 • Spring Wheat._ . ... .... 1 15 Barley .. . ....... ............. .... 0 40 Oats .. 080 Peas • 0 58 Butter. - 0 15 Eggs.. ..... . : . . .... . . 0 12 Emir .....................3 00 Potatoes, (new). ... .... 35 1100. Hiclee.•............. ........ 7 00 Sheep Skins... . .. . _ ........ 0 50 Lamb Skins..............'- 0 30 •eau idus, per Ib.,, 0 08 Bark, per cord.... .... . 3 25 Salt (retail) eer barrel,. 1 3,0 eo 1 2.0 to 1 16 to 046 t� 0 fle to 0 60 to ' 0 16 to 0.00 to :0 00 to 0 40 to 12 00 tOE 0 00 to r 25 to • 0 75 to 0 10 to 3 50 to 000 Come and get your thole° of 500 pairs of Prunella Diets, at J. Duncan & Co's, Seaforth. CLINTON, Oct. 12, 1871. Fall Wheat. ..................$1 -17 Cal 120 Spring Wheat • 1 14 of. 1 16 Oats 0 30 03 0 31 Tette • 0 58 en 0 _59 Barley... .... ..... . _0 40 eel 046 Butter.- k ... .. 0 15 els 0 16 Eggs. 011 el) 012 A Fall Stock of all sorts of Booth and Shoes, in Leather, at J. Duncan & Co'a, Serlorth. GODERICH, Octelte, 1871. Fan Wheat. . • $1'18 6. 1 20 Spring Wheat. . 1 14 ((_i.• 1 15 Oats t. , 0 30oe 0 32 .. . .. . . 050 Oel 050 Barley _ .048 ef 000 Butter ••- 0 15 ' ee, 0 00 g g s . .. . . . . . .... ...... 0 1 1. 6 0 00 Special attention peid to all orders for Boob; and Shoes, either eewed pr pegge..1, atT. Duniatn & Settforthe ••- •-LONDON, Oct • 12 1871 -White ran Wheat , .. . .. .$1 15 'on. I 22 Red Fail Wheat.. 110 tiel .1 13 Spring Wheat - ' • . 1 10 . 1 13 Bailey -48 Ihe V' Welted . • 0 45 of:- 0 50. Oats tokli • 0 81 oe 0 00- . Oats ..... . . -.„ '0 80 ee 0 00 Peas .. _ „ ..... 55 oe, 005 Potatoes ....... .... 0 85 O. 0 40 Butter . . . .. . 0- 14• 0 0 16 Eggs_ . . • 0 14 «• 0 15 Manes hand -made - Nip Boots, for ::';)3,50, at J. Duncan Zia Co'eaSeaforth. . TORONTO, October 12, 1871. Fooree-There was a more active illquiry, with a larger amount of businese transacted than has been the case for several days, 500 bids. Of fancy were teed at $5 75, at 1Vestou ; 200 bble. ditto at e-45 70, at Rockwood, and itio- bus. No. 1 at $5 40, at OW :4111/I.,' plane Extra was held at $5 fel• to $0. • WuneT.-.-The market Was active and firm, 6 cars o epring were offered at $1. e4. Several ears of No. I white were offered and soldat $1 33 to ):-d.°34 on. the traet. No, 2 ditto sold at $131, aud Treadwell. at $1 3t. oac. lleanave-The Oswego report is a shade more favorable., the quotation for up lake Canada, being itle to 95c. The sales here were mily• a few •carloads tm the truk.. No. Ibrought 581c. to 50c.. : No.2„, int the tracke On the eitreet Market the pie& - rue from 50e to 60e. letes.-.Nothiug doing; street -price 7$e to 7-4e. Oarta-Moderately active with buyers at 87c for etteloede on the teack. The street price was from .39c to 41.e. • - - • Hey in moderate supply $15 to $19. . Senetee unchanged at from $10 to $14. A large assortment -of Primella Boots, Gents' Ledieseand Childrenee at J. Damen & Co'. ••MONTREAL October 10, 1871. - • Foot -le -Quiet and little business doing, owing to eexitement created by the Chicago -calemity. ;Broken lots of extra, teken at $5 50; fancy sold at e.46 80 to. $6 85. •• _ Weitavr.-Sides of ear lotsewhibe at $1 40 to.*1 • 42, red at $1 36 to $1 37, end, erniug at $1 35. ' Poes.-A eaVg0 gale at 89e afloat.: Car lots now. -- worth 87ec per 55 lbs. • • Pnovrstoets.-Held more firmly, bat little doing. leurreme-Quiet„ but without thange in &hie. . • Cuansea-Sales of good to choice at 9e to 10c. +11111111111MIIIIIIMMIll TEACHER WANT'ED. AVANTED, n Teacher for School: Section No. 5, " County of Huron, to commence in ;tannery., 1872. A Female will be preferred, with a 211d. or 3rd Ohms Certificate. Addrese, William Turnbole Brewster's Post Office, and state salery.. 201-4, WILLLUL TURNBULL. •TEACH E R WAN TE D. "WANTED, for Sehool-section No. 61 Morris, a Y male TEACFIER, holding a 24 or 30; class cer- tificate. Apply to 20141 ALEXR. INGRAM, Seeretary-Treasurer, TWO COLTS STRAYED. QTRAYED from Parkhill, on 2d October, a bin& • Keel ABE two years -old, star on forehead, din - 'timid on nose, one white hind hoof; also, a emwel ItoItSle, three years old, three white feet anti star in forehead. Information suitably rewarded. 201-3•_ W. GRA:FR:el, la•tekb:ili. ESTRAY HEIFERS. • TRAI'ED from the promises of the subseliber, "-/Lot No. 11, Seventeenth Concession, Grey, . about the naiddlo of May last, THREE HleIFERS, two two-year olds, and one one-year alit; one of the two-year olds is of a roan color, tho other is red and white; the year-old. is all red. • Anyone giving infokmation NVIiith will lend to their ret cowry will be suitably rewarded. •• WALTER RICHARDSON, Walton, P. 0. 201-4t* STRAYED. .11AME-iuto my place.on or about the 25th dux of- -‘-./ September, one yearling .HEIFER and three _ yearling STEERS. The subseriber wishes the owner to come and prove property, pay expenses • and take them away. • ROBERT McCALL, 41-4c •Lot 17, Concession 8, Morris. • :.STRAYED. • [A AMY into my place on the 1st August, oue 7\ --/yearling STEER. The sithseriber wishes the, owner to come and. prove property, pay expenses and take it away. JAME:, blf AttP, SEA It PLA.NIN SASH, 00 -AND BL ND F HE sibs onstonie him since -c trusts that of the same ' Parties in, him a call, largo stook , -DR DOOR, SII He feels c who may fa but first-cla lleA' Portia 201 her begs leave for the lib( ral neneing bus may be fator /Wing to build lie will co tin all kinds 0 PIN sA. S BLIND patr nage xtenited to o t1;)oeilt hal numerotu riess in Sc ',forth, lincl vittli continuancl mild do well to give to keep on hand al UMBER, 8, MOULDINGS, tNGLES L •T ; ETC. infident of givirg satisfacti en to those cur him with their petronage, as none Workinen are emplOyed. ar attentioi. p d to)Custoaa Planing. . ;JOHN BROADFOOT. A CC HN .CHR tiNTANT, oaks Posted an rf---)s''' Es ates wound up. 4TIAN) WORTfl. Balanced. : 200,2* STRA Te1.1011 th eubscriber, Elil ber, one DARK BAY 11 whitc..Ha ter on when she rope for sur ingie. Any Ufc to her me eery Itait suitably lea' fueled. 11 , aCeeHer 198-4* 1)RIVAT , Lands, yearly. Pa and charge Court Hous • s QTRAYE from ,the p LI Lot No 80, Con. 4, 11, er Yearling Ca Oe, two stec'el largest stee Was an red, th Bede of the had it throt sq one eer, ne eheep mark owner on t• o other ear. On a small bell when last 5ee su61), info ation as will lea be suitably 'merited. 199-4* ; • • •• N-0 ICE TO 01-111E Boo -s and Acedun A-Iesn., fire in my halide 1 owing wilr: leaso call and s "MVO costs. All accounts 1 November met will posieive for collecti 1. No further t 199-5t, MON t ' Fund.s to aid t,8 per cent. pet ants taken o Irfasonable. , , Gaderich, 22at • RAVE C ED • . relic', _on t t,1).. Sep teni ME, (me blurt hoof eft, shane tied to a lateen th it May lead ceived and eITEE Po s Office, Co. kruce, Ont. Y. )11 Mortge go of Fame =name payable half required. No delay ALKI.II, Solicitor, &c. ugust, 1871. 194-8 TTLE. iies of- the subscriber, illop, in M laat, AVO d three heifers. The the are 'th es red itna white. notch , cat out of the nlime of the of the heifers had on ny peson giving o heir r 3e0Yery will E ROY, Seaforth. ERTO RS. of Grill.th! Davies, r c Partic. tie tip at once ant ip d by the 4th o be place in Cour o bo ;ranted. •) S. PORTER. ••-)-about thc LINOS, viz the steers a. in color ;- 11 heifer has Is inclined to giving such covers- will 199-46 t TTLE ST -YED.1 from the ptemx es cl the so; scriber month of bun la t, F01 YEAR : three, steme an. one hei er two of e speckled rod it edi 'bite- well matec 0 other has MOT . red than wilite; the hite beck and b41 y a Rh red sulee, an( 10 grey abouti t 1 .h lid: Any person iuformaeion as vill load taitheir re e suitably eewt -ed. 1 :te the ewner, MR. Tile •. To:*.eLY, I 'Lot 5, Cab OSSiIII 4, lecEillop. • - NOT I [s e Le:1. ] . T.TAVING I disposed. of eof .Sf tek-in- frade and -L.-I- Bimini s to Messrs. , te s art, Thounison & Co., Who will open out in. the "vali e limns( s, , on and after the 9t1' inetent. I emil I SI lieit for • tbein a mu thmance I of - the -very I bet, I pu tromie e bestowed on invself Reemanyytelia .k.iihiviu.1., that they are in it poeition tv , do ,welt for 1 tho my ft your them with It call. :And ' I else be, lea e) to , inform all purties hide jeed. to me, eithe by oote 0: book ace et:SIllt,IIOW I Ilia Or past tine, hat he ea' se Must be', sett led at oi e ., as 1 intei 4. t lea et this County foa 1 a-t1111e, tio Fa ,t II IIS my Ion. me 'S7 ea I he el )eed np. I will always pay the h gh et ni erket price ler all lauds of gra 1 , pork, butt le kite., (m. ne tes me ac- counts, and 't su in cash, ' JOHN AciirE. ,.., . Ai 111 Oct. 5, 187]•. NOTE! LQS • 200 • , T osT, Note of Hand, kl,roArt ha W• illiam Fulton -LI in favor or David Donn, or et eem of Twenty Dollars .with dereet atte eight mouths efter date. The public ) cautioned 'agitiest pureattsi2.10113the. same as payment has been stopped. • ' DAVID DOULL. Grey. Oct, e 1871. • , Noillog. rrHE. undo igned is non Ipre -1- Ewes, to (ether his Yorkshire it der Leteeetei Teams. at his •en Town Live v. f 'Hay and Stan ey. pair of Ewe.. peyabje at the close • Hay, Oct. 1871. 'area. to receive eeicester or Bor- es, Let No. 10, Tonero-$5 per of the stetson. 11. LOVE, lien. 200 NOtICE PIEltEB GIVEN, that the iartnersliip here- -1- tofore ciu cl on by Messre. Jo 1 II. Ilroadfooe and Adam G y, under then me. •tyle it id tirni of BROA.DFOO & GRAY, et i'ealo 'th, wee this day dissolved by utual consent, and he butiness hereafter be rried on be th saU John IT. 13roial- foot only, wh is autholized t dis barge all debts of the paean ship and to e ceiv all credits on account of th SILTI10. Dated this th day of Sept „nab r, 1871. (Segned,) 30 N 11. BliOADFOOT, A_D M (Witness,) 'IES H. 13ENSO r. 200-2 STRAYE (IA312 into; the -premises of the No. 29, Gen. 6, Usborne, ion o of•May la.etag_TEARLING SITE kr The owner iiefrequested to pro e p penses and take hien away. ••• JOHN BALL, I • 1 ' Usborne, S )t. 17, 1871.1 1) subsc about , whit operty iber, -Lot the:First and red. PRI- 4- NTINE, • todgerkille P. '0. 1984* NOTI E. ItRA-5fED lot° the premis s of the subseriber, 'e•-' about six months ago, 'a Seer, about two years old. Owner must prove prop y and take it away, or it will be sod to pay expen es. • • THOMA RITCHIE, ! Lot 24 Cou. 5, 3Torris. • Ainleyvillee Sept. 15, 1871. ••198 NICTORI OAT -MEAL AND BARLEY MILLS; • SE.A_FORPI. er has lately akded HE subsoil • Mill a new c CHOP,P to his Oatoneed hoppunt_stone, and is -now prepared to do -G, OF ALL RINDS, 'et the shortest • Oat -meal. ee exchanged for constantly on Seaforth, Oct changed for Barley, and anti„ .5, 1871.. noti e. and Pot -barley 11 kinds of Mill Feed EEGMILLER. 200-13 •.0 A CATTLE I:014e Lot 2,1, Concession 5, Morris.' • r • LOYD'S ESTRAY STCEERS. • On the Fir F. into the, i'a•cn of the subser:la r, Lot No, 2, First 4.'4e:tr.-slim, Stanley, e arty last bt' three y -a• c,0, the other ',bout two. The owner je re- -gloated to eull, prove prink -nee pay expeusee and take them away. ' • JAMES 13LAIR.. riippen P. Q. ATTLE FAI FAIR will be he R. 4 hereafter at HOTEL, EAFORTH, • lpposite thi) S adore) t Mond ty in each month • BnGixish, OX O13.&', OCTOBER '2, 1.1S71.. Large nuinl „ ei of buyerwill. bo in at endance, and parties having stock may ifely • the lest mar- ket prices. In ee,nueciis,st with Loyd's Hot (Ho iglaton's) are large and orntodiOue etables a'4 yartL.4. 196 o NO BUNCOMB. BEATTY & COMPANY - Beg to advise the anival of their. ALL STOCK °P DRY GOODS -AND- GROCERIES, 'Which will be found COMPLETE iri all departments. THEY CHALLENGE COMPARISON • QUALITIES AND PRICES. THE VERY BEST GOODS --AT THE -7 VERY LOWEST PRICES IS OUR MdTTQ. E KEEP THE BEST TEA • TO BE FOUND FOR MONEY, And a well -assorted .Stock -.Of allTldnds otfGroceries. Call and .examinci and judge for jourselves.' BEATTY &• COMPANY. CARMI 0 EIAEL'S BUILDINGS, October 10, 1871. MAIN TREET, SEAFORTH. • 201 BLAN ETS, • FLANNELS, VIIITE AND GREY COTTONS, All bought before the late advance, And will be sold at the lowest rates, OUR MOTTO, S2LILL PROFITS A.VD QUICK REITURYS." TERMS, CASH AND ONLY ONE PRICE. LEE 84. SWITZER • /Street, Seaforth. GENT'S FI,TRNISHINGS WE MAKE A SPECIALITY. • THOMAS KID 'S EMPORITTYI OF FASHION Has now the largest and most complete 'Stook of Dry Goods, in Staple and Fancy Dress Goods the • ,newest pettcrus, and Plaids, in every clan, ever .0 pencil. in Seaforth. I •',MILLINERY In all its branches. The newest Fashions in Ladies' Hats and Bonnets, from 50c. to $10 ench. In every st,yle and price. Our new Custom Cloths are very attractive. . CLOTHING For Gentlemen, in every etyle end quality, manufactured bathe best House in the Dominion. Children's and Boys' Clothing all sizes1 imported direct from Manchester, and fully fifty per cent cheaper than Home Manufactured'. ••BOOTS AND SHOES MANTLES Made expiessly, by my own order, for custom trade, and are noted for being the best sold in scaorth. • GROCERIES Of superior qualities, always kept on hand. FINEST YOUNG HYSON TEA IMPORTED, • For One Dollar per Pound. LIQUORS Of the best quality, Wholesale and Retail,-2•Rye and Malt, Brandy, Ram, Gin, Wines and Syrups. CROCKERY. • In great variety; 'Granite Sets, from $2 25 to $4 a set. • LADIES AND GENTLEAIEN, A call i4 s' '-i-1 to examine -the stock end price,. be fore pureber-irt•z. 1 lgave Inc heiitntiemInspyira that I am in a belte paition to parchase good, cheaper than any other Muse in the County Idy,elf anti _Brothers haNing four of the largest genera/ rendi Nino- in Ontario. t..vo in the County of simeoe, one. In Pte..tb, and onein seafeeth, the. latter be Mg the ; 11.1 idoti ro pgty, and marking my goods un the on,. priee With ganall ',mats tuel quick retain, " Ui lay mate. ILAFORTH, Sept., 1871. T 10:NIAS KIDD. 4 NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE IN SEAFORTH. $1:r.E.T11,E, SCI\T" (Lately of Giencoe,) TTAVE• JUST OPENED OUT a large stock of • Ready-made Ladies' Gents' and- Children's BOOTS ANT) SHOES, of every variety and style, which will be sold a • smih prices as DEFY COMPETITTON. All kinds -of Fine and Coarse work 'made to order, on the shortest notice. Repairing exeeuted neatly, cheaply and promptly. REATEMBE,R THE STAND, In GRIFIITITDAVIES' OLD STORE, • Second. door south of the Post-Ofilee. Call and see fn --ourselves and be convinced that REAL Bei:as-tins are given. • 197 SPURR & SON. The •Black Bear. ATTENTION. people of Seaforth and the surrounding country will please Itiasiir in mind that the BLACK BEAR Is in. their midst, and is -Af..ANANG GREAT HATOO • Li the PRICES OF gooDsi, • At the 777s SEAFORTH. N. B. -Cottons is his BEST ITO GRASSIE, CARRIACE AND WACDN MAKER, Go.derielt-street, aSieqforth,. SLEIGHS,! CUTTERS, CADRIA.GES, • BUG G IES, WAGONS, &e., Bat in a enperior manner, to order, on the short- est notice. Particuler attenfien paid to horse-'hoeing16a7nd panel -al blaeksini thieee. • THE G-ARDNER SEWING MACHINE, • 1 - ( detnnfactnred atHamilton, Ont.) • Is aeknewledged by fill first-elass inaohiui»ts to be the most Simple and Durable Machine Now in the market. In design it re)-zembles the Family Singel-0nd the principle of the working parts is entirelvelifferent, having iiv) gear of any kind. All the notions are ileriVed from the same shaft, and all he usual complicated shuttle and feed. moverner ts being avoided, it is as nearly noiseless as it Is possible to make a, sewing ma- t chine. • - •i THE GARDNER ie the most itseful, bemuse it does the largest range of work. It will work in lfuslin, Cotton, Linen, Fine and Coarse Cloth and - I . Leether. . It will Hem, iCord; Braid, Tuck, Quilt, thither, Fell, and do ag afid every kind of family and light - manufacturing liCWil/g. A compiete set of the most approved.' atteichments, and full instrinitione given free of eLarge. . Price within the reaeh (if all. Terme of pay- ment made to suit • etieli purchaeer, and all ma- chines warren ea for any reasonable length of time. Call and exaMine the Gardner before purelms- hag any other, ilt AVE:LIA31 GIIASSIE'S Ware-. rooms, Goderic -street, Seaforth. ! PETER GRASSam Agents want el. Bonus to to the Farmers OF GREY AND MORRIS. FABMERS, beware of persons, in ehe shape of peddlers and agents, perambulating the country, forcing a sale of inferior implements. Enc,onrage home manufatturee, arid you "will find a superior article at a reduced mice. • The subsciiber would respectfully return hie sin- cere thauks.to the farmers of Grey, Morris and sur- rounding townehips for their most liberal patron- age in the past, and woulel infom) them that lee willkeep constantly on hand, itt the 3)INGLE FOC).:DRY, Iron Plows, Wood Plows, Gang PlowseCultivators, Land Rollers, Straer-Cutters, &c., -Guaranteed of the best quality, and at mices defy competition. He would specially call atten- tion to the "Ftinners' Plow," whieh gives general ,satisfaction wherever introthiced. PorsrTs for all the mineipal Plows kept ..ron- stantly on hand. Highest price paid for old cast- ings. Repairing done promptly on very reasonable terms. W. R. WILSON, 199 Ainley vine. BUILDINCS FOR SALE IN SEAFORTIL v0)3 Sale, Cheap, two eennferlable frame Dwelling Aimee; sitaateel si tia- /eat please:a 4:re et in Seaforth. adjoining the (iveel T. -a' Thee. cno. of thce houses ie at pr. -Lt: -4' 1! Mr. JaRil*.i latidlaw, and the other iee 1.). D. It. Beth lueueee are adjoining, ami vottiele..1 to titeen good lots, on whieli aro all le:cessarv convenieneies, 6 -Itch ace soft and herd water, ..int'elmilliireze. etc. For further particulars apply un thCpretaiws, or at THE EXPOSITOR (Hike. Seaferth, 188-tf4 12, 1671. * no for 5. • SPLENDID WHEAT FARIYI FOR SALE. SITUATED DT A THRIV.ING LOCALITY LOT NO. 11, Seeond Concession; Townsbip a .111111dt, containing 80 acres,. more or less, of whieh 80 are under ealtivation, and the balance in good hardwood timber. It is situated half a raile from a good gravel road, and about half way be- tween Clinton and S'etforth, being about four miles from -each, where thew) are daily markts for ail kinds of farm pro luce. On the premises is a good frame house, 3626, 'with a stone cellar of the same dimensions, 1;.itzlien and woodshed adjoining. ) Also, two good h•ame harm and other buildings; a. good bearing orchard, two wells Aith pumps and a constant supply- of water. Ifor hartherparticulars apply to the proprietor on ' the prenuses,-if by letter post-paid to Clinton P. 0., Ont. 200-414 EMI BIGG AM: FARM FOR SALE • -p,EING Lot No. 27, Concession 8, Township of -1-' Stanley, County of Huron abont four miles south of Clinton; convenient for roads, railways, markets, mills, schoolT4diuretics; about 1-eventy- acres cleared remainder well timbered, soil best quality; frame bitm 50 by 40 and frame stable; house moderate yonng. orchard, bearing,, good; water easily obtamed; the -etc:eared part. etmtains it large quantity of rock-ebn and other timber, valuable for fenemr, building and menu- lartming, purposes. For further partic.rilarS akply to the owner on thepremises. 19914 JOHN BrTCIIART. ;FARM ;f:013 SALE. The subscriber will also sell by oivate sale that stperior stuck fai•ni beiitg lot No. 1 liecon& Cannes - Slot), linllett, containing 100 acres, 80 Of :which ere cleared and sdi under grass. There is on the prem-. ises -a good new frame barn. . The Myer Maitland rune through the farm. The whole is well fenced._ It is sittened On a good 'era -veil road within three - miles of the Village, of Steele:ell)l'or a stoelt-rais, ing nna farm., itJets . not a superior in -Canada, Terms -One-third Of the purchase 11(01(e3- to be . paid down .• the- hnlania. on time to suit . the iw- •ebaser, -with. interest at 6 per cent - For further Particuiers windy to the proprietor, \*VILLs1AleusloIFthONIV,pLsIt,-.R• oinee. Tuckersniith. Julv :6, 1871, •• -187-t1. FARM FOR SALE IN MORRIS. • VOR SALE, on reasonable tentix. 'LA No.8, Co 10, Morris, containing 64 acne, over 20 of eshie are cleared, seeded to grass and well forteetle- thee balance is well timbered with bard -wood: ,It ia situated on the Northern Gravel Road, 1 mile and a half from 1313.01, and 1.8 miles from. Clinton, There is no waste land. There is on the PreaniSes a new frame houee, 20x 80, with good teller and out-buihlinge. A good spring, on the preepiees. - -For further particulars apply to the Preimietor. on the premises, or, tif by letter.) to)Blyth P. O.' GEO1WE BUTCHARTI • 413.841'. . Proprietor, - FARM FOR SALE:• To011 $ale, Cheap, Lot No. -30, fith Conecesion, -1- Township of Brute, County <if _Brum, contain- ing 100 acres, nitwit 20 of alueh are vlearea, the balance well timbered with, beech and maple. No waste land, There is a never -failing streath of water running through it. It is situated mithin. live miles front the flomishing 'village of Paisley, thinugth which the Wellington, Grie- and Bruce • Railway -will shortly be running. If the above pro- perty is not sold, it ewill be leased for a term of years for the improvements. For fm-ther particu- lars, apply to THE li,sxposxxon OkTICE, Seitforth. July 18,1871, 189-1f. FARM FOR SALE. IXTILLIA3I HAM11E4 now offer for sale, his splendid Farm, et:insisting of 100 Acre; 180 of which are leared and freed from stumps,) being lot 7, second eoneession, Hullett. Is situated Miles from beaforth and. live miles and half from Clinton. told is altogetber one of the best lams in the county. There are agood dwelline•-bouse, barn, shed and stable, it good -well, and 5 acres in orchard. on the farm. For partienlars apply to the Proprie- • tor, on the premises) or by letter to Seaft)rth P. 0. 194-11, wri,LIAm HAMM-ELL. • . FOR SALE. lie011 SALE, the south balf of L-otNn. l, 111 Firm Concessim ,) Monis, eontaining 100 acres ; it nice frame house, 18x24; log stable; young or- chard; there are 85 acres cleared. For terms ap- ply to ' ALEXANDER BRADDURN, On- the premiees; or to ALEX. CAMPBELL or MeCAUGieleY & HOLMESTED Seaforth. 192-3m* • FARM FOR SALIrE IN TUCXEASNITII, • 17011 Sale, on eeasomilde tonne, Lot 22,, fifIeona leunceesion, TueltelAth, II. B. ea, rental/gag eve) aerie., eighty of Whirl) III a clegutA, m;alcr knee, and in a good -state of milt ivation, and it consider- abl., portion of it undeldrained. The lanldineai aro , all good, also. agood qTaring orchard. two WPIIS anti it spring. *.rhe land is first and will be sold' on "(low tome, ne the pro- prietor is eesiroue of retiring from 'farming. For '71-ortiter part iculais apply to Tut: Exevenrou 011iee, Seaforth, or to the proprietor; on the prendeee. 100-tf. ALEXANDER- CA311'BELL. SUPERIOR -FARM STOOK--' voii SALE. TFOR SALE, bn Lot No. 32, mnl Tuck smith, the following animals, VJZ.. (Inc Breed- ing Marc, 5 years old, in foal; 5 mileli,cows in calf: 1 year-old Heifer in calf: 2 yearling Steers; 2 steer calves; two bill). Calvee; six Ewes; four Ileethers, OHO year 61e1; two non Lambs, 1 SOW:;" six Piga, four months old. The above are 'tenor anintals, and parties wishing to. improve their stock should edll inal see them. The cattle Will be ma exhibition nt the South. Huron Show, at- Seaforth, on the 224 inet. 196-41* - SA3I17EL CARNtgnIA.N., „h.% UNFAILING EYE PERSERV . sE s rriBE sum proof of the superiority of f LAZARUS, 310REIs Ce).14 Perfected Spectacles is the !liege and increasing demand. We are satisfied that they \multi be eppreeiated hem as elect h re, und that the reality of the ailvantegea offered to wieners of th antifal lenses, viz.: the, eme and rieatore, the assured and readily aecertained improvement of the eight. and the brilliant assistance !hey give in al/ eases, where in themselves so appa, rent on trial, that the rt suit runlet Dot be otherwiee then it line, fLe • Manna general voloetion of the CELE- • BRATED PERFECTED SPECTA- CLES be -the reeidents vif this ieeality. With a full knowledge of tine aloe f th o 'Jebel -firm, -we elain2 Oen they tre the most perfect optical aids v..ver ,eannfactured.. To tboau neetlirg- Speetleclea, in order to effort] an op- portunity of procuring the beet and most, &shame, LAZARUS. MORRIS & Ca Harcujpointed 118 Agent, Seaforth.._ 200 /1111E PUBLIC CareAhUmTbel-°canN.tioned against pur- chasing or negotiating the following notes of. hand and transfer of land, 1(5 110 Value bee been re- ceived for them: The first note 154 101' 8200, bearing - date October, 1864, and due one year after date ; the second note was fort200, bearing the above date and -made payable in two years : the thirdnote was for $300, bearing the above date, and pa,yable three years after date -' each and all of the above notes were drawn by Salvenns Badgley iilfaun. of Israel Badgley or bettrer ; also, a transfer of Lot 14, , Sixth Concession a Grey, from Israel Batigley to, ) tthenesensifersigned, ns the said tmnsfer has beep. taken from Sus alven• Grey, Sept. 28, 1871. • STOVES/ TINWARE AND COAL -OIL. 1.1RS. WHITNEY has just reeti‘ed a large etock -"I- of Cooking, Parlor and Box StOVCF+, fd the best inannfacture, whieh she tan eli tn. cieeap as any iniii• lltWeNLradei 'llLE, of every •_description, kept constantlyon hand and made to order. Also, Stove Fipes, Eave Trongithig, etc. Custom -work promptly a.ttend.,1 t moil. will ieei.iVe evely atttncitm. 11..V.1 ttlif.e. t;':;71.11 - trick of 11..- 1,,es„,•T szat.ti:. on hand, and sr.. -i riiher the plaee, Main. et , se ...tooth. 1'arti,re indebted hy note or bra/ aerer re- quested to Kettle them diet4.1v. wool -Picking),. old iron, brags, coisr. ktc., taken in exchange fo) 197