HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-10-13, Page 3OCT. 13,, 1871 • Feptnctky E CARTE ire to Ball attention to their creat y Improved ER & SEPARATOR to eoinpete hit i any other F1atlte an Canada. tkiv advantages, we calf at- e following -the way the rstrtteted-it requires less ancJ is capable of MORE AND CLEANER rnplaint among Threshers ,at they could thresh more 1 cleans, our improved drum i all these complaints : it< al 'Is toregulate h -w . 4 I �n .ate t o incl Iles fro- choking, without ain over. «`e have also l ills to prevent the grails the straw. vrte Farmers and Thresh - to sive us a call, and ex- t before purchasing else. sellk as cheap as any other:` fist Materia- used, and the workmen employed. s we sold last year enable hey gave better satisfae . • other ever sold a this. 1 oRsE PE WER ! hand at all: tinea. tsade.ssire to direct the 1 of farmers to € r, - MA.CHINS tale of sawing 'from, forty da of wood per day, Ploughs, gtraw . Cutters, `tiers, Wooden and Iron - Scrapers, Kettles,: &c., warrant t{,} give sa tisf ac- scltl as cheap as at any hlrli,:Iit in the Province AND CASTING! itis.,( a:c,x, hottest notice and most (= ai.l,le term ZAPL I & rE,,OS cs tat:. .4 T J L ,vEsr , able Sprzn r (4-t ether t.tier atiiu mechanic In reps caLtitata fur the earn - t LIAMS IIt�i1 1'" trees gs for the n - at. i a�t"F'.tYnhal them tri the ,ally invite the attext- ' a dall,tlt d .`t5' t kI I en t of Ines fur IStl Om- -awes/ 1,t,( a:((, .q -as wed 8(.4fi-1:allte has i:LetIttll lt.r the past may alIka-t,l to tilt, it...J.:4.4. guarantee fur Tett work. f7t•. t (ill's it 'fur it.,(•tj :t tt-(trld-ic-ltle . tet t r i as the litt5:t? l“.Nt -woo inn Mower t<lustt.dl in the body of lv of iru i and steel,, (#y col p tit it)kt. 1 'e -.{EF(t t'[ny ,SV/ two.: tt set -and uses at ra- t •10. 't lest. reaper i. F 4 .Itt, I f4Ir 1- t :E t htllt•r • ia it t'Itt ltt•r'ft•ttly_ tatesiad grain Letter .as la el itt:a.titine, and; (•Ili en her sine of the strong intiii naris' tla� 1I ur Itm-c.r•eed when in tinraable.. -thin of our machines lauf.e'tttling by llltr- g order' else vittre. - aIat.tttril xta E tser{` maI-- • 1S 1 z".' it 4 o Per and ad-. F rip.,';'t';tom esti to as i i t, re than tht re a••t• . t;t-ch1:-=s lastaels- ° air t t :..: of the taat:: I u4 in -t•. 1 in Et'r- tirtit:t:s t iii r 't Ina-- • t: :. d your ;t.;.... : t -a Ld. hitt - ``N=E"fLT. - i ! I..E, V. ;UK 14 (y�*tris i _FIS,, 1tt.r:!':l'.1., ( iitrn. OCT. 13, 1871. THE HUT N ErPnSTTO1. B-P„IEF` NOTES, which.Caalifernia glories. --- A 3trs. Conway has taken a contract, to build a section of the �.t. new' Wester �Ltryland h'atilwaly, and has 11er l_i.boret s already at work. - Mt.- Dazing, a New Orleans ci.vtirig':ter, smoothed his- •wife':s dying pillow with a inusculai•lt'-wield- - ed fact iron. - Bishop Selwyn .is said to be the ovigind of Charles Kii sley's muscular Christian -the " niaan who feared God iand.cculd walk a thou- sand miles In a thousand hcu"c." ' - .- A movement has recently been - m-ide to enlist the entire Masonic fraternity of the United States in- i!Itrishing the Washington National Monul; it. - Quinine :biscnit is a dietetic novelty, introduced'. by a London baker.. Each biscuit contains' a quarter of a grain of quinine. Very agreeable food it is said :to“; -1)e for those who fancy taking their medi- cine in a disguised form. - Courtship and ist' 1ge seem just now to be the besiness of life in Paris. In a single one of the twenty arrondissements into which Paris is cliv-iclecl, the num ber of marriages for a single month is set down• at two huedred. . - At a family reunion at : the residence of the. Rev. Peter Cart- wrigl-lt, in Illincis, on the occasion of his eighty-seventh birthday, one llnod re;l and twenty children, rand - children., and great-grandchildren of the patriarch .were present. Mr_ Cartweight.has ben a minister of the •Go4.pe1 about sixty-six :ears, and presiding elder of the -Methodist E:ptscop al. Church'? for over -fifty years. -�- The following bit of rhyme may not `be -the highest style of p9)etr1, but we commend it for Being sensi- ble to .the last degree. All the medical profession Could take a sero - •,mer vraacaitio•n if people would obey these -suggestions •A sailor a!•puld suit 1 been -accustomed to 1i wife hasgunny good 1 who could .appreciate not, She can' talk fat ging can t.at,vel, and i railroad l Thistle , can doesn't care u .tch for ..t but is very powerful on the acerbitiesof life. She Wk -mid le a good assistaint in L vinegar fctoi-y, she's so Rochefort has been condemned- to penal servitude for life. -- A Chicano youth, aged six, re= fused permission to- go fishing on. Sunday, hanged himself. ` I\iurderberg," "Yankee Flat," u New Jerusa,leus,J� and Devil Gull;," are sone of the towns ° in )est -one that's ig blows. . My joint for a gran} them.I can stet• than light- louder than a scream. - She the amenities, Take the open air - The more you tape the better ; • Follow nature's laws - To' the very letter. Let the doctors tin To the bay of Biscay ; _ Let alone the gin, • The brandy, and the whiskey. Freely exerci e ;: Keep jour spirits cheerful : Let no dread of sic! nets Make you ever fearful. - Eat at the simplest food Drink the pure cold water '['herr you will 1)e well, - Or, at least, you taught to. *a* ♦' GAIETIES. A �� ein. Purani t=Mining. - What poet is least distinguish- ed for brevii,y ?-Lon fellow. - The Lick -heir Qtfiestion--Shall a: nuts be allowed to 'Whip Isis wife 3 11 =-- Why it: the road of ttabnsgress- _a1 oIs so hand'-'?-Becatiuse it is so nlucli 11 T 5 ill' ' a and would be c 1, a i ii. 'for' a a an living here ro et , titers Ott noble campan- in it, coun tt•y be#aiss, she's TREASURER'S SALE OF LA POP, TAXES_ . N s COUNTY or }IU� RoN, 1 Y virtue o a warrant urcler the land of the Warden 12alth Ozal of the said'o W t.: of the County c of Huron, and i County, blaring date the Twenth-tifth Clay tic. July, A. D. 1871, to )fine- 'directed for the collo tion of arrears of Taxes due (n the uudcrmentionecl. Laps, These are therefore -to give notice that unless theisaid Taxes,a tcp,etllcr with all lawful costs and cal tl ((es Ise sooner paid I shill of a'� 4 ,- , ' • , e lent ofof TUESDAY, THE 29ST DAY :OF NOVEMBER s(b powerful in kinin;. To any- I. b A. D. 1571, at the hour of one o'clock P.M., at'the Man who feels like enti(,1 a, fir, my wife to elope with . him I will pay x$50 COURT HOUSE. , T and the extpenSes of t Should my blessing b any conse, uence, Pll .For furti ,r )alrticu. ,HER JTh Easy yt e elopement. considered of 'Proceed to sell by .PUBLIC AUCTiO throw' it in. may be sutlicient to discharge such arre ars, apply to An Item for Boys. It is not necessary tihatt a boy who learns a trade ,is comp lied to fellow it all his lit•. Goveri or Palmer of ga 'his: p lltical • areer le n Mac unty. cage in the patrt as once at t ' otnas 11 and ern- ver of s once a ncle�I;. 1 ging of • N , too artlab , -.ed els in- A1'uan} n he milky men 1 as 1 y �Vhy, nay lig what a. • _r " can you do ? Gni c 1 T am � p [aid, was t"Ie answ r th �G tired him. a - r�laa' e. • Senator Ilsr n , of Massaclins-its was a shoetit•tl er • Th t lhnr apo v � boa i )o It Illinois w a toll-ntly ,lacl�srnitll once, and b- as a consta A circuit of Illinois Rayne, a r Illinois, Erastus Oc lame to clo a shop boy applied for aslted: " ��pin c ce utra tilos.; T en, las bookb' w Yon t' on_rn!'n \-Vh first li tie boy, I° lishat al se driver, after Governor tlOt cabinet mal Hon. Stepp ed at in his of men of have risen of incl ustry as useless ars island. W bright, and t cl es n on the kind;of , obit wli a ch er yet.' rise or .n, -crn how you, clo it. eed vats f-r,t a Lana Ward a yl e -setter -ex- ton of ow:t w, is a ' et, Alia t •a1cl' the n A. Do 1g as- also youth.. is rge lnu )rolnine ce no%w 1 rt,in Int to 1 Ellie by 1 without tiv lith tal s a -gold.c n on la Ir tri en, •k alone nia k' -• men t i.lw o delict d on haves) ,o do t. ' I( clef ends • WN OF GODERICH, , the said. Lands, or so much, thereof as rs of Taxes and charges thereon. TOWNSHIP OF A.SHFIELD: C'oncrssiolt or Pa t(:nt(-(l 01• /1 »1'1.if Clea.~,(•. Lot or Part ofLot. ,Stivet. A 'res. Unpate ntedt 1'ur.7ts, (u,n' "n. Total. E S 4 • 3d E. D. 100 unpatented *57 .'8 $3 30 $61 18 .....:3d E.. D. 100 unpatented 51..'8 3,15 54 53_ 3d E. D. 100 unpatented .31 .,b 3 15 .54 53 5th E. D. 100 unpatented 65 3 3 50 69 33 5th E. D. 100 unpatented 5S 0- 3 33 62 13 6th E. D. 100 patented 34,I 7 2 63 37 60 9th E. D. 100 unpatented 57 3 3 30 61 08 10th E. D. 30 patented 22 10 2 30 24 40 10th E. D. 70 patented 54 t 0 - 3 23 58 13 13th E. D. 50 patented 6 94 1 93 8 87 4th W. D: 50 patented 27 70 2 45 - 30 15 7th W. D. 25 patented 8 55 1 98 10 53 Sth W. D. 50 -patented 19 78 2 25 92 0:3 10th W. D. 611 paten cod 19 4 9 25 22 00 11th NV. D. 50- .patented 41 (0 2 78 43 78 12th W. D. 130 patented 58 t6 3 :3:3 62 09 W. lath �� . JJ. '1.00 iilrpaitented 60 G '3 35 63 41 fE part "29 North T. Plot ,15 patented 16 38 2 18 18 56 was E 1 3 1r1 3 Vpart ofW & 1.1 E part"of 1V 11 ( z of 8 4 }S}-�E;r1. '3 part of N z 6... W f2 ar part 11. .... ' of N, z (J X part 7 ;. 5... ....... VILLAGE OF PORT ALBERT I1 A8HFIELD. 1 S Ashfield St. -5 _ patented. 7 88 1 95 2S Ashticicl St. 4 patented 7 : 4. ]. 95 O... W Colborne St.:' 1 patented 2 99 1 83 N Melborne St. 5 patented 10 27 2 OO 1 6. .. 7 N Melborne ,o e St. 5 pate)Iitctl 10 89 2 03 _5 ..... 11' Sydenham St... patented 3 2t3:1 85 26.. 1l Sydenhatu St. e patented _ :3 22 .1 85 2r • 1. W Sydenham St. ' patented 3 +22 1 85 ' ..5. .. .. WSydenl>ali7 ,fit: • is patented 3 ��? � 1 85 W S cl mbar 'St - 8 ate 30. .......• ork- 26 fibers 7 ving dint 2• • • sit is Breaches f Prrc m The curiouIs !held on the 1rlincl of the J illustrated 1 y the pr by a Ja aile. e -lain sel pro•s�.es false to his vo wot ld'is at r st, at tw morning, th woman. She dons a Bile rob G• or clogs._ . ,)c)' Goff is in which at. t ;rust cailciles arcs nc her 1 a mirror �.hich fa bosons ; iu h ;r left liest small straw ignre-tate lfliay. of .her faithless lU�'a:r; etncl it 'gran )s a -ha nisei' ai which she fates the of tile sacred shrine. Th death of th. y e . 1 , . patented 3. '2•> l'C.LLAGI;I OF DUN 'A.1�1OTv � 1N A,SriFILLD. Thinning No. 29.... NliT_ .1• 19° 3112 3P7 . . 31Y() 5)1 610 611 6 ! 8 ser •Japan. . ul•Ieas tits has S tpa;:n - :N'; is well t`4eeclii gs t tken 11 when l er lover ys. 1;Sr het the a'eleek it the kenerally 1 i,,(38. and ser. dads a metal tr'pod tial th 1ig'lted. i eck silo: li tngs S;U non her dshe! care es a. ti`at! cl e:(1.... - n When is water most liable to e` nes escape -When it is (;illy half tide. sl - Not long ago a captain of volunteers was presented with a 1t:t:iicisotne sword. Ile began his retey thus : "Ladies and gentle xnen, this sword is the proudest clay of my existence." - " How many years leave you been dumb ?" sympathetically asked a gentleuialn. of a beggar who pre- tended''' to be bereft of speech. " Five years, Sir," replied the ~im- poster, completely taken- off his tai rd. . - A farmer saw . an advertised recipe to prevent wells and cisterns from freezing. He sent his money, and received the answer, . " Take in your well or cistern on cold Bights, :t.nd `keep it by the fire." An Irishman, writing from Philadelphia t 1 l!hi ) a c ea lire other day to his I friend iii the old country, concluded his letter thus : "If =-„ver . it's- me fotchu':e to live till I;cly-and God nose wlieth.er it is so or no -I'll visit ou i d Ireland afore I leave Pliil ruaadelpity." Siteridan once said to Erskine, �( Ah, Tom, hadI stuck to the law,. 1 might have been what you are ; but, hang it, Mrs. Sheridan or my- . self was always obliged to write for our ` leg or shoulder of mutton." " Ah," said Erskine,, `` always lieard your literature was a joint ei vw offend tie got: ig the tree. Mat sl1c cone to th Leh night sl' e , trikes it lila, believi is, that e ter i • of tezl .liet 1 .� t s lif to save his tee, will st him dead. lie 1' ghf 1 nails, 1'7 11.1 to tl(;es that st irLund -it she, testi s for the r-titor, ! vdwin g halt .. IIGI petits 1 be la t>id she will coif pull; chit the ii airs wh.ieli by. }woltiif�l- Ni.gl'tt t f1; a• ;brine, at d two or mo 1 y )raid hill for the '01, , 3 rel v st ike 4 ,s 1 E part 6 ... part 18....� .. Running No. 18... 942 11 100:3... . 1:;t57 ....... Mallough's Snr.'y patented 62 1 78 Mallough's Sur'y 4 patented 96 1 78 TOWNSHIP OF COL13U1t\ Lake it'd E 100 patented V ILLAG t' OF CLINTON. 4 patented 1-1G. patented patented patented patented pa tont(idl patcnte(1 patented patented 1-5 patentett TO\1' \SHIP 013' GODE1 1UJ 1. I3 10 patcntt'd I3 8 patclitedl 4 Sub. of lot 1 11 patented 10 in 1st 4 TOWN OF GODEItiCH.. Z:ate tl (l °• • patented 4- patented. 1-12 patented 1-5. patented! l)ateirtccl 11aielltetl. patented patented_ patented patented patitetttt(l Con. U. 1-10 paten ted TOW N81 -LIP • OF GREY. Sth 100 . patented 56 97 1:3th 100 patented! 36 48 14th 100 patented 96 23 TOWNSHIP OF• IiA1'. 1st -1- patented 11 04 2 03 L. ID.'d W 24- patented :32 54 2 55 L.' .11'd E74 patciited ;-1 03 93 L It'd! E ,1(l5 patented 90 08 4 00 • t 11' 3 150.... ..:.. 4 Subdivisions. isioils. ) 1-20 II' six -tenths 151.. •..of lots 2 aild3 '• V4 -six-tenths 1152.. ( Concession A. ) 21 - - Sub. lot 4. Con A. 1-5 N one-tenth 2' Sul). lot 4, 'Jon. A. 8 ,$tib. lot 10 (,on. A. 1-3 •2 :.. . a tines). lot 10 Con. A. 1-5 13 . le h • >e 35 35 concern." rnonce - A in was. oce relating - za ; ,storm of being on a locomotive that st�-t•k-a colo standing on the tru:k, and threw her sever tl.ya1rds into the ! field,. - here she lit squarely upon her feet, with her head toward the trainsand, strange to say, she wasn't hurt at mite. " But didn't she look Scar- ed 1' inquired a listener. "ti'ell,'I don't knew Whether she was scared 5 E corner 1 N part 11 $ 'part -1 l .... . 32 • N & 9 AV -part 17 33 5 - 0 a-- AnEditor The editor !of the alt Coatrier was ''ued the took it philo, opliically t.t The dim' recesses sanetuin we l' IlItltai111a by the ribict incl visag Constable Se ,fide, Out end,. as, wit!' tears i proceeded to' read a printed blan' on whi figured very lonspicuo of justice Kelin. "To cut s'+fort a. lo were tsued !Were y reader? Nice I our pen behij !vise at the o little, for the was itew to 1T. ed that an out of �( then by s we didn't eit don' . tc The ars' ,� is a Young Jawyl ii1x suits sotuetiw hem 48 98 3 4,t 66 1 84 2 5 9 2r, c 1 13 97 0 88 2 3: 4 5( -1- •': 9 8. 9 83. 9 99 4 82 12-27 - 12 99 5 07 5 07 5 r ) lr 5 07 a 07: 2 40 2 74 308 .5206 1 85 1 78 1 80 1 78 - 1 83 1 83. 1 78 1 78 1 78 1 83 530 -2 44 3 (i4 2 97 4 40 4 11 n 96 75 2 66 4 29 1 88 638 188 611 2 00 18 911 2 2:3 5 98 , 1 flu 1098' 203 1 99 1 5'."t) 153 1.80. 88 1 78 r.:,2 1 83 '2 52 1)3 1 03 1 78 11 1 78 3 45 1' 85 119 178 51 59_ :3 1.5 3 =28 2 68 2 40 TO\\TN8 -11P OF II0WIC'K 5th 50 patented 11 07 2 03 7th • 50 : patented 18 40 2 '2 Sth -• 62 llllpaattntecl 13 4-1 2 08 VILLAGE OF 1VROXET I'll., 1N 1•1UW1C'K. •. 8 I'lowicl: $t. • `i patented 1 35 VILLAGE 31? FUEDWICII, 1N }IOWIUK: N Louisa ,5t. ), patented 1 83 VILLAGEUP HOWICK, 1N 1.ioWTuK. • •1 1-5 patented! 7 89 1-a patented 9 X24 VILLAGE Or i.1AN CHE>`3TEIt, I.N 1-(ULLET1'. 5: ...... a patented 81 - 1 78 Se ttii e (Io v)) patented S i 78 30 c patented 87 11:.75 l Pl chi y. Ue 54•l patented ' 1 t' • 1 78 Hear h iii i 1 78 1 86 1 95 1 98 TOWN8HIP -0I' MORRIS. of air d-trk 8 ,� lb 2d 1,00 patented 37 32 2 6S to 1 yester. lacy ' �', 1, o,� 3d 100 unpatented 32 :32 2 55 - 1� :t 6th 50 patented 14 63 2 13 0_ of t' 11.1 snu S f 28 7th 100 ti�� unpatented 40 59 2' 78 ha it snood en tsl, VILLAX-1E OE ATNL t'YVILLE, 11 MORRIS. lis eyes he 5 .... - patented 6 76 1 93 erv'l liirelv: 42 • • .. • 3 patented 1 91 1 80 G.5 ot�t< n• inc' with at 105.:.... ti patented 108 patented e 7109 127 patented 4 patented at iiele, a ev' sled ain't �t We )ut 12.9 id oar .ea c1 loo ed ter 'I3' t •e, 5. 11 i1 H6. 1 k bloc a idea of si in an editor 60 rn. He ever ilea ie- .61 thing ctilel e of line' - t5 .> G w. .59 Ciel c -e. 171 ops oi• `23:3 or f n. 307 Old ones, ho revel, n ver° so airs tiring of the Hind unl `s ti ey can 653.. get sotnethin • We ntivei inn - �v anybodl to ge an thin .;lie 'e th we • f`')l . . fellers" le..AV f suing 's who fill s bring wasn't atittytli'i. i cr to be 1 ad. () We hope ley 11 go • as j a :gin it ; 694.... against us ; ti�:en we h ql ie the 'll ttlke out an •::$ecutjon x an lastly, 8.. we beg they'll xecute it. - I we've 1 L to got any propel; t y', we'd like t ' kn w ,-$ i.:,`1° it. 'rimy 11ai'l t marnishee lot of other fellows v:r owe aronnc torn.. s • 'e guess tai v will. ].f' tlierre .,,1 sharp they'll l) stnence on',gorge -1 Schneider. Z`� owe him a glass of 41.i. beer.. If. 'thd - 96 1 78 4,73 1 88 1D1 180 1-4.4 1 80 3 patented 1 91 1 80. '4 patented . 81 1 78 VILLAGEOF BLYTH, IN MUBIEtIS. McDonald's surv. 1-5 patented 2 67 1- 83 TOWNSHIP OF IIt�IL1LLv1' 14th 87 patented 67 17 3 53 VILLAGE OF SE AFOI.TH. Jarvis' Survey. 4- patented 9 01 1, 98 Jarvis' -Survey. 3 patented 10 24 • 2. U0 TOWNSHIP -01' STANLEY. 9tli :ill patented 3:3 01 2 58 VILLAGE OF BAN -FIELD, IX ,`iTA1 L1i;Y. :.. 4 patented 35 1 78 patented. 1 29 1 78 . . . . patented! 40 1 78 patented 54 a' 4 patented 54 patented :37 patented 54 patented `i4 _4 pateiited 54 3 78 patentetl :54 1 78 • patented 54 1 78 i patented 2 05 1 b() DTI,SLT.Y `ITEM:ACL, I;1 STANLEY. .. Suii..of,Lot 30, 1st 11 patented :3 30 1 83 1OWN$HIP 01•' STEPHEN. with .5() patented 11 75 2 95 1:3th 50- - patented :35 69 2 65 V I LL A.(4I, 01' FRANCISTOWN; 1, I N STEPHEN. .. 1-5 patentee! 1 74 : 1 8() 1-5 _patented 1 74 1 iso 1-5 patented. 1 74 1 50 1-5 patented 1 74 1. S() 1-5 patented 2.31 1 83 1 78 1 78 1 78 1. 78 1 78 or not, but she looked a . food deal 11e11) a.: little. disco ura (red," recommend thh fr_ -= Wanted. a man -to -elope With Soiled paper col Inv -wife. He iaiust be a man of ": They pare not 1 Courage, and strong as an ox.' He 1 they might •use. must be one with a healthy coustitu this -won't clo es, .tion, and'able to do with little sleep.' thein." would gethat it ) Failing in .tl is, we ' to attach a oo . of ars we liav e.o . haiicl. 5 een:tnrnecl.y t, and i ?•f) the clean sic s. Tf are unable o help i\ IE VILLA(lE OF T31t1 UEFTELD, IN 7.'U KElSMITJI. McDonald's survey 1-a patented . • iii 1 78 McDonald's survey- 1-5 patented 56 - ' 1 78 VILLAGE OF 1.3A1tPL'1tHllY, IN TUCKERS\ll'I'13... Worsley's survey 1-5 patented! 1 06 • 1 78 Robertson's surrey 3 patented54 1 78 TO W1 SHIP (3 'J'l.• URNBERRY. . 6 10th 10() unpatented 3E 83. 2 70 A (i 12th 50 u')pateuted 40 51) 12 75 •)3 12th 50 I patented 10 06 2 00 11 83 2.1 22 7 88 13 01 :379 3 38 2 66 4 :35 43,i 2 81 1 89 5 30 2 97 54 74 6() 26 :34; 16 28 63 13 07 3509 58 10 94 68 Corzccv it7ia . or Pat(mtn(l or Ain't of Cost Lot o?' Part of Lot. i5`tre (t. Ac)f s. t; nJ)ute. it(vl. '1'u -res,. Cum VILLAGE 0.1 W1 (H.a i, IN TURNBEERY. - A patented - 3 :30 1 - - • patented 1 2() 1 VILLAGE OF BLUEVALD, IN T1'1(tiBC1t3tY 30 :.4 patented 4 10 - 1 VILLAGE OF BELM0IA11, I1 '1Ltlt BE1t11Z. 23 pateited 05 1 TO\V ,1.111 OP USW/UNE. S 11: corner 6 3d -1 patented 2 77 1 -8 3 4 60 r T°11-81-1-, IP U):' EAST _1 lrA105H. 3d 101) Z1"pattented -il 1J 3 1 3 54 X3.2 TOWNSHIP 01' lr`1,- T W -A\\' A \ (»H. 1st - 4) patented 16 00 2 1 > 18 15 1st 10) _ patented 59 51 3 3') 62 89 1st .10 patented 63 411 3 41: . 66 S: Vial. lot 177 231 11- 0 2 78 8 part 16, .. .. . E t 17 -w 4 17...... ... N . 26 less7 acres in centre of south - - end.... . ......... 1st Centre part of south end - end 20 ..... 1st W of W 4 19.:. 2d 50 N 27 9tli ]00 11: dart of W A 15.. ' ..10th 29 E part of W 115.. loth 8( W 17 10th 10( E part of E 14.... - lith 1( 1V past of E ..1., .. . l l th 9( VILLAGE OF:!MAN CHESTED patented 46 11 3.0 49.11 7 ►, - patented patented patented patented 16 71 2 -1: patented (;(i 81 3 ):.. ufipatented 61 42 3 ;3 patented 6.68 1 :9 • patented 60 16 :3 3i IN WEST WA patented 1 09 1 8( patented 1 (19- • 1 Sc patented 1 54 1 Si )06 ,108 patented 109 119 • .1 patented 84 paten ted patented 15 08 2 la 18 23 13 89 70 :14 64 St) 8 61 63 51 2 89 89 2 76 08 2 76 08 2 76 98 2 76 08 2 76 08 2 70 98 2 76 2 70 2 76 2 04 120 iiatented 98 127 patented 08 132 1.4 „ patented 1 11 1 78 VILLAGE OF DUNGANNO, IN: W. WAWA -NOSH. VILLAGE 01? ST. HELENS, IN W. WAWANOS11 Ashers part, of lot 18 in nth Con. A patented 13 78 2 10 15 88 A M. ROSS Comity Treasurer's! Office; _Goaerich, July 25th, 187t GUELPH SEWING MACHINE co. THE OSBORN P 'xi i • 1.-4 e pool-, :And 61racechureh Street, •London. -A:NADA BRANCH OFFICE -Exchange ARD-Al.M. Morton; Esq., Chairman: airy Thomas, -Esq., David Torrance, Esq., andthe Hon. James Ferrier. " ANI; ERS-i\folson's Bank. Moriji:::\11(.0a.De.. :- . ' Censseizoit-Thomas 8. 8cott, Esq. \s-prroa----Thomas Pa Johnson, Esq. _QUEEN OF LIVERPOOL & LONDON. Lock -Stitch Sewing Thouaands- througlicut Canada are now using these machineS The r have been. tested beyond all question, make , r the favioi.ltearelocilltr-sitiictncullic,e:titlikseuptel)niobrottloi sides, a ed Agcnt for the aim Comi.)an:5-, parties' (le!. iring to insure against lass bv ii re can any oblier',1-nachine offered the For wide range of • work, pei Lethal, beauty and excellence: of • mechanism, adaptability, strength and -durability, . :pm ImproveMents have lately been • made, eilabling the manufacturers to claim it as the ne plus ultra of • machines- Hundreds of testimonials are °e` beino received. daily from old as well as ne* operators attesting its wendertul capabilities. Will do all kindS of do- mestic sewing, from the finest eanal)rie to the coarsest Overcoat or apper leather. 13 :no s.sna, vane na:s Tan POR 0 The Osborn Ontfit is complete- and 3 13 readily comprehended. Is sold at one- alf the price hitherto charged fin; sna- 3 55 Voines doing a like range of work, 'the manufacturers being determined to 'Alice it Within the reach of every family in A. TRIAL naaonn PURCHASE Will COD - 2 65 Villee an that our maeliihes • are un - LPH REVERSIBLE 40 00 I Machine offeredsto the public -hence its 16_76 Is preemineatly the best Single -Thread. 34 87 marvelous SuccOs Will do all varieties of domestic se -Wing. Pities:s talsassiv 43 37 ItEnui'ED. • Hand Machine, with full outfit, S12.; .49169 Treadle do., $17. Pin Each machine 3 71 guaranteed. ' 6 61 did inducements -to make money, _Apply to 3 71 GUELPH SEWING MACHINE "CO, 4 50 10 99 Wilt WATSO_N ALWAYS HAM ON HAND THE BEST SEWING MACHINES 35 .59 3 (17 Either for Family use, or for Manufac- 2 15 : ::33.22 Machines can be supplied. • Perfect sittistaction guaranteed-, and 2 :32 • instructions given to purchasers gratis. 2 32 5 13 .13 80 38 34 N- A.TSON Can also insure property against Fire and Marine Disaster, and Life and Linib agaihst death- and accident, with the best Companies, being Ageiit for The Liverpool and. Londe)) and- Globe, , The Provincial of Canada, (ca. -alums.) The Gore District Alutual, (Village and 3 54 Thu Niagara District Mutual, (Village i 3 54 and Farm. ! Delis 3 54 The Travelers of Hartford, (Life aml ; : :44 A ecident. ) • 2 34 1.,0.1?, LiberallyAdjueted and Promptly ASittled. it-) on the most favoayable terms. sife. Policies painted 031 as advaatage terms as any other -rcspectable Com- ' Agent Law (Mee, HANKS his numerous customers for their liberal pat roaitge tlitt last teals. years, and trusts he wiil re, 1 e has now on hand a large assort - me) t of Good tiound Green Hemlock Y WYch he .4 -arrantswiP (rive satisfaction.. ALso LUMBER ALWAYS KEPT ON HAND. -ALSO- 00,00 FEET OF PINE CUT Fon. BUI DING AND GENERAL PURPOSE& - W hich he offers on liberal terms. Or- ders will be promptly attended to. T le Mill is situated on the Townline Iron the Huron Road. 8 aforth, Nov. 16, 1870. EGGS ! 1.41,G Si! IE Subscriber beas to intimate that e is still prepare -d to purchase Egg:s- at his S ore at the Markets HI 'HEST PRICE IN CAAI or all fregh Eggs that may offers - To Merchants in Town and Country with whom he has done RuSiness ill the past three years, be returns hisi best than and. hopes fOr a continuance os:- Busi less relations. . Se forth! March 3, 1871-. 168-tf* tand to pay the GG Th subscriber is still iu his old , and. I rewired to pay 2 84 At moderate rates of interest. No com- 41 o3 mission, and expenses moderate. 43 25 , MORTGAGES bought on equitable 12 06 terms. 160 The Highest Cash Piice GOOD FRESH EGGS 6 -red at the Egg EMporium. street, Seaforth, To all parties (merehasits and others; . with whom he has done:business durina the past four years, he returns hearty than s, and trusts by atria attentiba ; business to merit their patronage in tb, futun Se DAVID D. WILSO,N, forth, Misch 16, 1871. 17141