HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-10-13, Page 1Or. 6,. 1S71.
ILht. -owing tt the (lry eeaton.
eke etenrecucell thr(tiene
eitze atet the reett'se it very f Leer-
ttt• net ; it , Ite.k t .1 a
ete tett stenter it the se lett- e
n el.
:teen 1( tl int ateniar getetsioon
ef leen bv the,
f Suflizelatul, ate II :16 rears,
flee-eh:zee tei
. ton nemee twie•si
ath 1eliireiett into the
• _
sevitiftt anit pert of the
'1 1eteseri zenteett (teeth.
aut bt:VvIl chit, ire(' to
re, Sit ow • • The init et. kelt
reeetee- held a very eta-tee...the!
lezeisnew, on Friday, 21telt
ilietIctre we re pi -tee -Rt. stud the
tI tit:entity (.f the articiee ex-
- Pe;
etesed fernier oceaei. The
seed up With a dinner, a.t
t 'teethe. ing. (tuzieron, '1'z ("leaven,.
of the Goilerich stsee•t„
't of the .1?« rh NVere titt
epee ch fi ere%
1`.- Mr. Geo. Gibson, et the-,
e rather severely bruised last
by falling into- a well about
war which he -se-as working_
itappy to learn that IM severe in-
kiuries es -ere received, and that
etihood hc teal soon recosser.
int TIr.EMENS, -.A stage (Trivet.
mley�f2tlesers. Ross and John -
a severe attack of this manta,
elate resulting from long con-
meeting of the Town-
' ell of Ttumberry, was held in
monday_ ft was expected
Connell wouldtake action on
tsed sectional bouus to the To-
1-ey and Bruce Railway, but on
tee believe, of the absence of-'
seeriev papers, the contideration
after "NVIC.S postponed until the
young tad named Fred
tu employee in. -Messrs. Leecht's•
met with a bad accident to-
tlay)„, He was helping te-fix
he mach -inert:, when: one of the
tack- hen, knocked. him down,
head and face severely_ Very
s is entertained of his reeovery.
•--et friendly- game of quoite
td; in Wing -ham on :Saturday
ten two eliaanpion players of
te F. Paterson, awl .1 -as. :Mit-
t ttrii iPt the former, G.
Lt Geo. Cassie. The playing a
_aria cassie was very- -ales&
ettnie, one hour. The return
1 come MI shortly at Blitevale.
i$ the store :--
G. T. Brotvie.„
1.1... C
,_ 18
-• 47
oftet.. - -Monday test o
, pet tent woe plesee ten to tat
e 'outwit of 'tureherry. prayine
sulintit a sectional tly-lass
holders of the test and nortu-
said tewnsiiipt granting tite
,000 in aid, of the ( and B.
'Alter ementlerable dieceseinti
+ was bad. OV e -r 11i1tL the next
tine of the ( 'ounce.
• •
J.: EN(.; Eli IS PRAYER. --
t-rrs, wife of tie. 'helot Ity
farmer livieg i1 the township
alitett eevett miles north of
lied very sudtlerelv on Friday
.et.11 ult. Mrs. Roberts hail
hets tzthe ditties of her house,
a!1 during the day, amd. in the
Hee- fur the wee engaged
••t• utakieg no cournlaint
is it emit]. health. - stftes
zez-ts tvelit het
;titling some thee, one ( tr
ttt_ 1-tVe '1 11
• LU' -
s11 s17; Wag fOlaiil be -title her
keeest in an. attitude ot
a quite dead. Her nuterat
ezt Sunday, at the
lie:nett-re, and was elle of
st, tahttn plitee 111 this
sonic time. Mr. Itobtets ii
tlinatehottt the sittroundine
a lecal preacher (if the
11. pi.renation, ie much re -
ti tete the synipttity of th(
satiety le ett liereavieneut.
Tneuvree. Itieineee hers
t n 1,';.'y enceurzteime. ( nu
le; teens of pro.speritv uIt et-ery
tesacteriet are ept legate ue,
.0. nateare working to- 4dteii
(ity7tan1i, emplorill''11
ifeteg ert..te:1 11.1.differt
tittle an[, zdttee•thete
-le tit:vett.
eie le 111;v:a4'citt4mi.01 uuk
(r eitinet, tics James
tit sell( ti petal 1. 1.1
h.\ anv 1;tilk 1
tht• Pniviorv.
_11it •
?,,•! 7)4• -7. 1
4i. If-
I 3
VOLI" ',IC 4, S'Ci. 4.3.t
Ve--..1A1YEilb: NO. 2.01...
'Qum (Ntoitca,
r XI)
TIMM --$41 .50 per. year i11 advance,. or $2 at the
mots er taw year.
Atirertiating Rates.
Firet intertioe, per sine, 8 (tents; subsequent in-
„seetteut. :scenes etieh tulle, per lino.
OoNvlsor itATEs.
One column one year ................. $60
"• half " 35
(4. " 3 months 20
1.one year .... _ . - . . ... . 85
'‘ " half " . : . : 20
" niontlis ......... .. ... .-12
tineelcurth one year••20
" half " .. . ..... . . 12
" " 3 months
One-eighth ene year .. 12
" hal? ....... . - . . .... 8
" " 3 months ............. ......
Ona -twelfth ofie year ..... , ..... . . ....... 00
4' " halt " . ......... 5 00
" 3 months .. . ....... 8 00
Xtrviriess Otrds, (6 lines and under, tt year... 4 00
Advertisements of Strayed, Lost, Found, ttc.,
not exceeding 10, lines -first month, $1; -after first
month, 50 cents each month.
Advertisements of FARMS and REAL ESTATE
ityr sale„'not exceeding 15 lines -first month, $1 50;
. each subsequent month, 75 cents.
13h-ths, Marriages; Deatlut-Gratis.
Advertisements without specific directions will
inserted till forbid, and Charged accordingly.
3Iraero Y. AleL8A.rx, Publishers. -,
-ThAVID MITCHELL, M. D., Graduate of Vieth-
iitt College, Physician, Surrion etc- etc.,
NIN-311-11N, OsT.-Corouer of the County of Huron.
%Mice and residenee, at Thompson & Stanley's.
TAR. W. It. SMITH, Physician, Surgeon, etc.
-A-•'• Office -Opposite Scott Robartsou's Grocery,
itletin street, Seitfortt. • 53
_TAMES STEWART, M. D., C. L, Graduate
University, Montreal, Physiciim, Surf
ce.on, cto. Onlee and Resideoce-TBrucefichl,
. L. VERCOE, M. D., -0. AL, Physician, Sur-
geon„ etc. Offiee and Redidence„ corner .01
litarket and High streets, in. rear...ail Kidd's store. ,
• - -
CAMPBELL, Coroner for the- County. Office ,
mod Residence, over Corbycorner store, Main -
street. Seaforth-. Office hours, from 11 -to 4, each
iklay, and all day Saturday. " ' 159-- •
McDONALD, Rani -titer, Attorney -at --
Law„ Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Public,
Conveyancer, etc.. ExliTrin, Ont.
iz Money to Isnot at Low l'xtes. 188
Pitif t•CAUGHEY & HOL3flSTI:D, Barristers, At-
-LI -I- torneys itt vr, Solicitoilt in Chancery and
Intiolvetit:y, Notaries Public and Conveyancers.
1-roli1i1.0'.ts for the It. C. Bank., Seaforth. Agents for
the Canada s::li
Life Anutee Company, "
B. ---t-380,:000 to Itaicl al 8 per cent. Farms,'
Mouties and Lots for sale- 58
ENSON, & MEYER, Barristers and Attorneys
at Law, -Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvttnity,
Conveyancers, Notaries Public, ,etc. Oftlees-Sea-
forth and Wroxeter. Agents for the Trust inal Loan
(*.e. of [ppm Canada, and the. Colonial St:cantles
:Co. of London, Ei itfland. AlOrkw at 8 per cent.; lit}
counuiseion charged. 53
it. irt;N:-..oy.
_ .
1.(NOX'S HOTEL, ( Late Sharp's.) The under-
signed begs to thank the public for the liberal
patronage awarded to him in -times past tin the
Intel business, and also to inform them that he has'
:again resumed business in the kbove stand, where
he Will be happy to have a evil 'from old 'friends,
and many new aims.
• ": CIALLAWAY, Proprietor,: A_ W1maams161ate
of..A..mi-rieitut Hotel, Warsaw, N. X., ) Manager; This
liotel bas reerutly beeit newly furnished, and re-
fitted titroughout, and is now•mie of the most coin-
:fortabh• aud eommodious itt tfire Province. Good
mplo_Rooms for Commerein34rave11ers.
1. --et Terms liberal. '123
/2_0DING'S Banking- and 5Tardhattge Ofilce, .M
ItonmersoN's Store, -Settforth. Green -
lo treks, .1.meriertii Silver, iiiid lvalts bough t. anti sold.
4Good Farmer's Notes discountal andlatrchtated. •
191 Agent,
• Office- -At Murray's Hotel, -Sea-forth. Good
ilarses andtirat-class Conveyances always on hand:
Sea (odd... First-tdass Horses and Carfiag,es-3
.'always on haad at reasonable
It. SHAE,P, Proprietor.
. TORN IlItIGHAM, Exchange Brner„and Rail-
-"" way Ticket Agent, Houghton's Hotel, opposite
• es. T. Itailwa • Station, Se.aforth, Out. 'Through
Tickets issued to all points in the 'Western States,
:oadtited River, at redact a rates, affording
• •th o greatest fa. Rifles to Emigmrtta. Ail necessary
informatiti,.j gi-v en respecting Land Agencies, etc.
-Greenbacks. Ile. als, Coupons and anew:rent 'Money, .
-Ceeld and Kilver Coin, beagles pet tent at best rates.
DENXISTRY.--3. G. BULL, (LIQ( Ltiate of Den-
tal 8urgerya begs to announce 10 the 'Dhabi-
lanfs of Sea forrh s.nd surrounding country, that he
lots opened an coliee for the practice of Dental
.ritirgery in. the rooths formerly occupied by Georac
Harm. De in fist, \vivre he will be prepared to do all
in.ds of w ted of the profession it antis-
-aactory ma -niter on reasonable teraoh. '186
(.4. R. COOPER,. C onveyancer, Conainissioner in
• Queeii t Bench. Insurain:C and General 4v,eut.
Agent for th • followi kg Fire, Life and Accident 111-
_1 -sutra -nee Coniranies : The Beaver- and Toronto Mu-
d nel. and tht; 1Vestern Fire Insurance ;Comport -lea,
Ahe Reliance Life Asst„rance, and the !Hartford
Inrat et' Cono, any. .
MONEY 'ft; LOAN on real estate seeing ty-
All Orden, by mail or .ntherwise promptly attend-
4ed to. Office, oppositeiRoss' Tailor Shop,
184- tf INL_EY_VILI_,P.
d3nr.intin.:„ would respectfully infra, the public
that he hai, taken tp his rreidenee in the liRlage of -
J3elinore, %there he will be thappy to attend to all
walls made an him in his professional capacity. Mr. .
iCoowihas attended te. severre; eases of both horse-ci
turil cat tle_whi ch were gi yen. up by other prtltiontlre
andiiffected perfect cores, which coat be proven by
4.,./irtificates signed by ewer 2..0 gentlemen. For
tetitime,nials soe poiftene.
"klrCOOK wiil attend at AinItyville in the fore-
noon and at the To-wn Plot. in -the Township of w
Grey, in the afternoon of the first -.and third WEB -
DAY of eaeh mouth.
So cosy and snug b
She st-tteth alone in
8o pi.un and so ne sit
And her snowyet
her'lap ;
Oh ! -who would it
- reticle
An(1 the uildisturl)ed life
.No hi.)tirsoln.nd to g
On the quiet old
• to intrude?
She sitteth and s
- cat
That putts by he
And nobody claret
So sneg is -the lif
Now darning ler
• be seen,
From her cap to h
OleD MAID, .
ch .erful fire -
the boi ht of her
with her lily -white
rown over
th dignified
ite apron ti
t envy
- dean -
And see you the
ehavel •
Pinned over her
net ;-
See, see round her
is l -id,
At the "ntshing a
Now onWard_ she t
• there,
Her pattens or cle
• wear, -
And her neat pare
= take, ,
And she. buyeth
little cake,. • ••
-And ehe fancies' th
ly• have stray
or ;they can't hay
, old maid. •
Now home again
the door,
And She rubbeth h
of her floor.
-Are as white as th
the while
She enters, they p
And the it little
Aia.th played
Wit% its song on
old maid.
of a beepy old
no hildren. to
ame 'who y Mild dare
the llittle black
side an its
to make 11
of the little did maid:
taCkines-•- o hole -to
r shoe she i
tippet, or
neck, at th
roke to the
(idle§ to ma
s i she is
011 1
er umbr
r chop, br
arriecl one
eine, she -u
shoes, fort
sr4w, and it
y spy pee
k tle, lon
e hob; for t
1. tidy and
teat little
th is is
1 that
le old
ertain to
he nice
strange -
f a quiet
up and
, lo g it
le 1appy
Now, clown with her wmdciw-lilincl,
fastened with c. re
She shuts tip her 1 etese-now her nice'
easy chair
Quite (Jose to the fi e -who cos as he,
The happy old inat sits d0w41 tc her
And she glories in 1 is, that he 's in
. the shade,
And she lives me lested-a h pp - old
The annual Sh - 4f the T trnberry
Agricultural &cieb stook:place t Wing.
ham, on Thursday of ' last Wee k. The
weather was most f -orable, he day
being warm and pi- nt. The at end -
once was very late e, nd the ho - in
every department as et entire suc uss.
,yhat i k low i as
also it a uril t the
of Vingban per.
w, s Tathel Coll-
ett, ors and exh'hit-
The Show was hele
I Lower Wingham,
west of the .village
t}iis arrangement
venient to both sp
ors, as Where the lini was
was 110 suitable k tek accom
that People had -to. le re th
epees at the villa( e nd w•
grounds. The grain, t• Cite, 1,
&c., were displaye i a hall
adapted for the per es , whit
and grove- adjoini ig vere
stock and inipleinents. Th
stock, especially h rse , was
cei lent. There were even
general purpose tea n h rszs, .
heavy draft. :Six e itri ; s of sa
. .-t
and eignt mares ith foals.
1 .
year-old fillies :the e were t
and of twa-year-old geldings
one -year-old fillies e ght Th
horses was fully ua , if n
to that of any show 1 we Ihrtve
year, and shows cl arRi the
rs of t
the d
ee. eig
a, few
pleasurewhich the f rm
,take in rearing firs el
equine class. In c ttle
neither so large nor so
horses. yet stilltth re
fine animals: Ther w
(very superior oxen, nd
The yoneg cattle, hi welser, w
poorly represented. .1» .sheep
the display could n easily be
There were t50 she p • Van
and 16 pigs, large , nd man.
play of implements as ery goe•
was one eultivator, one iron
wooden plows, threr ir n be,
one gang plow, and wo scuffle
were also three lu .D. be wag
cutters, one Demo rat wagm
single eohere&bug , al of w
ed to be very st per r -spe
warkinanakip. Mr. H. Davis,
hant, was the princi al xhibitior
In the intoor dep rtn ent the ley
was fully up to ot er xhibi so f a
similar kind which Vre h ve visite be
grain, altheugla good We s not o ooc as
-is have seen this y ar. The ro its nd
v 11 -'
egetat esiwere very, go d, and t e f eit
vas realty' exteellen . he as o -
Pets Were tweet red table d be
aches' department h not been u ed
y any other locals OW. The fo In: ne
re the number of en rie -in each ep rte:
lent :-Peas, 4; sp ing wheat, ; all
heat, 7 ; white oat 9; blac ts, 4;
barley, 9; flour, 2, timothy s
t-2; red rr tds', 54 ;;
umpkins, ! 3 in n-
-3; turnips 1;
, 1; beets; 2 co le
'butter , 11 ta le
0 break .1 ; , pples,
he (1 iere
tiot , so
ir eon ley-
ik to the
di w rk,
v yell
a lel&
ted the
hoW of
re ily ex.
1(4 for
Sid two for
-11 6. horses
f tWo-
eplay of
Opel ior
isi ed this
ele end,
ale of the
splay tires
1r8 thet1 in
e "1 ery
Okee of
.0(1 coWs.
re rather
a- de Ogs
u passed..
usrkii (18,
'ijhe lis.
Ao There
v leer
s. T ere
fls" three •
sid ne,
CII&i 1f
ot in his
(Member of the Ontario Vetorithary College..)
begs to intlinate to the inhabitants of iSenfortit
and surrounding country, that he hair opened an 1I-)
*Office in St a- forth, where he may be eausulted per- • a
Atonally or by letter, on the Diftases of Iforfiert, Cat- n
till, etc. Hating received a regular and practical
ahlucation. and having been awarded th d Diploma 1w
ot the Veter luau College of Ontario, T. J.. Churchill
iota every roulidence of giving aatisfaCtion to all
-who may employ
ItCP.ERENCES-A. Smith, V. S., Principal ()ilia-
• -Veterinary College; Profeasor Buckland, Dr.
TlIcatiarn, Dr. Rowel, and - Wells, M. D. 1,t V. S.
Veterirary .31edicines constantly ou hand.
All ealls promptly attended to.
MC-Carionclitiel's Hotel, Seaforth. 182.11ta
potatoes, 22; squas
white carrots, 8-;
golds, 2; cabbage,
onions, 8 ; cauliflowe
3; cheese; 4e firkin
butter, 10 I; home -Ina
12 ; ieab apple, 7 ; pears, 7 ; plums, 2 ;
tomatoes, 2; grapes, 1 ; maple sugar, 1 ;•
boots and shoes, 3 ; gents' shirts, 1.
The display of roots, as will be seen by
the number of entries, was large, and
of excellent • quaLte, especially the
potatoes The display ot dairy products
was verylien ; the butter was very neat-
ly aud tastefully done up, and looked
well, t arid the cheesewas of excellent
quality. There was also a flee display of
quiltt, counterpanes, coverlets, and tag
There wen several very prett
rramds of feather and peper, fic were, 41
a goad variety of handsome Berlin wo
and Other fancy work, The uleplay
crochet work •and tatting was lisege ass
gooSti as was also the display °them
made. yarn, stockings, socks,. and mit
OCTOBER, 13, 1871.
ii tif wool, (4. P. Mathison. Cheeked
11111 n el , Robert. 1-1 as tin i_-Factoi•y-
ne Ile cloth, - G. P. Mathison. Yatn,
It. NV. Irwin, 2d W..-tlaiehl • ,
isceittete eors.S-e hie boots, st T.
Al rebate' • 2d. P. NN allace. • Paie coarse
1)0 its, A. Bruce. 'farness leather, Wm.
Gordon. Kip leather, \Villiers -1. (lerdtru.
Ba of flour, John (:regory and Peter
Fither equal. 8et horse -shoes, G. W.
Br )en, 2[. Joseph Hall.
number of other articles 'were' r
y °uneeded by the judges, but We refrain
itt fro publishing them tell we see whether
oI th funds of the society will admit of
odf trh; .tihr z:ere vgje4a i (15,0
e- entries.
Theee: were several nice pieces of facto'
tweeds, homeMade cloth a,nd
Thole was also 'some very nice braiding,
amt a particularly handseme bead pin-
cushion. In fact every department of
this show.. contained many -articles
,worthy of special -mention, and the dis-
play throughout would have done much
credit to older settled sections- of the
country than that represented at -Wine
ham.on Thursday. The following is the
rituE LIST :
Horses, Pigs, and Implements, -o.
McKay, D. MeLaughlin Jas. Falconer.
'attic, Sheep and Poultry, -Alex.
Fo syth, Alexander Yanty; James Me-
l- Ka -.
oots and yegetables, Grain, Fruit
sari( Dairy, --Wt R. Wilson, John Messer,
Dr. Gardner, a,nd W. T. Hays.
;Idles work and Miscellaneous, -Mrs.
T.t. Jackson, Mrs. Emma Loyd, Miss
'Fis ser.
. .
HORSES. -(4eneral purpose horses, lst
Wm. Hastings, 2a Peter Denohue, 3d
Al exander Thompson. Span draught
Anderson. Saddle horse, lst John Jobb.
h rset, lst John Gregory, 2d John
2d John Gardner, 3(1 James -McCourt.
Brood mare and foal, lst James Andeie
son, 2d Hugh Hamilton 3d John
Gardner. Two year-old fi'll'y, lst not.
Anderson, 2d; Robert Hastings. Two-
year-ohl -gelding, lst David Geddis, 2d
Wm. Linklator,. • Yearling entire colt,
tat .Jchn Robertson,- 2d T. G. Jackson.
Yearling filly, ltst John Robertson, 2d T.
G. Jackson. -
:Pic, LAR OE BEEEn.-Boar, lst Robb
Currie ; 2d Lawrence Lovell. Two sprint
pigs, .William ttover.
- 1)-Iese, 83fALL B.REED,-:-BOar, lst Et.
Lendy, 2d Wm. Smith.. Brood sow, ls
Jas. Hendry, Two - spring pigs, .1s
Wm. G over, std R; Nicholson. •
IMPLEIsIENTS.-Lumber wagon, . - lst
Malcolm Kellar, 2(1 llegh McTavish, 3d
Hiram, Lemmex. " Buggy, H. Davis.
Democratevagon, H. Danis. Iron plow,
1st WS R. Wilson, 2d Frazer & Gillis.
Wooden plow,.. lst - W., R. Wilson, 2d.
John Ainsiey. . Cooper work, John Kor-
man. . Pump, Alexander Dodds. Set of
horse thoee, lst G. W. Brown, 2E1 Joseph
Hall. :- = Two horse cultivator, John
Ainsley. Sctiffier, John A nsley-. Cutter,
recometended highly, lst H. Davis, 2d
Hiram Leininex.
CA1 tbE. -.Well cow, 1st Peter Fowler,
2(1 George McKay, 3d Henry -Ceasar.
Two-year•cld heifer, 1st P. Fowler, 2d
Peter Linklator, 3rd Wre. Smith. :Year-
ling heifer, lst Peter .Linklator, 2(1
IA In. Smith. Heifer calf, lst Peter
Fowler; 2d Henry Censor. Bull calf,
1st Robert Currie, 2d. Peter Linklator.
:Woke of oxen. lst John Anderson, 2(1 P.
McLaren,' 3i.d. Robert Little. Yoke of
four-year-old steers, 1st John Coutts, 2(1
Charles Henderson. Yoke three-year-
old steers . -1st John Coutts, 2d R. Currie.
Yeike two-year-old steers, lst Petee Me-
Itearn, 01 Win. Smith. Yoke yearling
steers, ' enry Ceasar. Din -ham cow, let
liem-y `easar, 2d Robert 'Currie '
son,' 2c
lst Rol
be -Fall Show; under the auspices of
the Hay Branch Agricultural Society,
wa. held at Zurich on Friday last. The
day although very chilly,1 was not un-
ple, sant. The attendance f spectators
and exhibitors wa.s 'eery large. Ainonget
the former we noticed many from Sea -
fort 1, Exeter, Clinton, and Pther neigh-
boring villages. The display of as -deice
and enintals was fully. eqUaf in point of
nutubers .and quality to ialmoet any
- township show we have attended this
0 yeaa. In the
first thing which ettra
on -of the visitor was th
. -Leicester ram, R. Richard -
John Con tts; Cotswold rain,
art Guerie, 2d Abraham Jackson.
ig . ram, 3 st James Nichol, 2d 11.
llichat( son, 3(1 A. Lin Mater. Two ewes,
lst Jan es Nichol, 2(1 John Robertson,
3(1 Robert Richardson. Two shearling
ewes, 1 t t p ober t!Little. 20 James Nichol,
3(1 j'A i Robertson. Ram lamb, 1st
John-) ' tobertson, 2d -Jas. Hendry, .3d
Wm. iLinklator. Ewe lamb, lst Robert
Rylie; d John Roberteemt 3(1 R. Rstlie.
Fat ewe, 1st Bugh Hamilton, WI. D.
King. . ] . - .
POtr4RY. -Pair geese, Robert Currie.
Pair decks, lst (t. P. Mathison, 2d
James Wilson. Pair turkeys. 1st -
Duncan; V-ing, 2d Robert Currie. Pair of
Spanish., fowls, Win. Linklator. ,-
Roots AND VEGETABLES. -Bag pota-
toes, let Edward 'Lundy,' 2d William
&pith; 3d. James .WiLson. Mangle
wurtzel; lst Robert Rylie, 2(1. James Ma-
Court. l Turnips, -1st Robert 1 Rylie, 2(1
Charles .Henderson. 'Beets, Vst Robert
Nicholson, 2d .Thellias Anderson. Field
carrots, 1..et William H. Leech, 2d Jebel
Jackson. • Garden ,Carrots, hit Robert
Nicholson,- 2d R. TeSibbald. Tomatoes,
1st Edward James, 2d W. H. Leech.
Onions; lst Edward' Lundy, 2d R. T.
Sibbald. Cabbage, lst R. T. Sibbald,
2d hates Wilson. Perepkins, 1st Alex,
Campbell, 2d William Linkleter. &leash,
ls-t Hugh McTavish, 2d E4lward Lundy,
GRAI.N.-Fill wheat. 1st Thomas
Anderson, 2d John Boon. 1 John Dea- .
on. pprin,g wheat, let Janes McCourt,
2(1 M. Linklateis 3d Jas. Wilson. Peas,.
1st James Hendry, 2d Edward James, 3d.,
,Tames MeCourt. - Whiti'. Oats, ist
James McCourt, 2d Jame Hendry, :3d
George.Anderson. Black o, ts, lst James
HendrY, 2(1 Robert Hast'ngs, 3d John
Deacon.. Barley, 1st Rob rt Currie, 2d
Williath, Linklater, 3(1. Johii Boon.
Timothy- seed, l st Wi11iani Smith, 2d
Robert Reilie, 3d Alexandu Thompson.
Indian corn, 1st- Abraham - jeckSon, 2d
Pelican King
Feur,-A-pples lst Joseph Richard-
son, 2d- Robert Little. :Pears, bit Alex.-
ThOmpson, 2d James Hendry. Grapes,
R. T. Sibbald. Crab applts. lst tfaine8
McCourt, 2d Robert Nicholson. .
: DAIRY.- Crock of butter, Lawrence
Lovell. , Tub of bathe; R.. A. Graham.
Roll of butter, -1st Lawrence Lovell, 2d
Mantua . Linklater, 3d F.'. -W. Irwin.
• lieese, let Robert MeKec, t 2d Lawrence
• vell, 3(1 Thomas Anderson.
LADIES' WO RK.-Pfitch quilt. Mrs.
Iamb -lye, 2(1 Mrs, Gardner, 3d Mrs.
D. Stewart. Hose knitted' bit 6. P.
Nlathisen, 2d F. W. Irwin. Socks
-flitted, lst F. W. Irwin, 2d Thomas
idersen.Counterpane; p.pp Mrs. A.
ahiphell, 2d Mrs. Tambl' n. ' Crochet
veil., 1st Mrs. Tainhlyn 2d: F. -W:
mint t Embroidery, •Ist M s, Tamblynl
)(1 G. T. Mathison. Fu! cloth, bit
ohn J'Obb, 2d ;Wm. Mar h. Flannel, •
11 .wool, Thomas ,Anders no Flannel . I
ted the. at -
fine display
tock. Horses, in all classes, were
epresentdd. Therewer some very
heavy draught and gen rral purpose
s shown. The displa of buggy
hors .s also Avis good, so Wel' „the snares
and foals. There were els( • some very
/ 1
fine two-year and year-old colts. The
num)er of entries of these *ere not so
as in the other clasees o horses. in
the 'display was good, especially in
cows. The 'display o sheep and
vas large and -good, and in point of
ty could 80areoly beaten - The (lis -
of 'Implements was not 1 age, There
one lumber waggon, ne mowing i
macl ine, two straw cutters, wo weoden
, plow', two iron beam plows, lone -turinp e
cutt r; aud one pair of irqn harrows. t
Mes rs, Thomson & William4, of Mitch- i
ell, 1n(1 Galloway & Mason, Of Lecan, 1
were the principal exhibitors in this de- 8
parts lent. We also noticed on the s
fgrou ds two very ingenious ar angements i
in the shape of a post drill as r
d pea, he-
vestet, which had been ,menufactured
by Gt. McLeod, of Rodgerville. • Messrs.- i
McIntosh & Morrison, of Searertlehad a e
very tine display of carriages aid buggies. -1.
We eoticed one 1-ery hands4tee double f
. :
, carriage, an open . buggy and a covered
buggy, from this establishment. Each
of these vehicles attracted Si Msiderable
attentien, and received ti e highest n
praise f ts th -' ' t 1 examined 0
them, on account of the eXeelilellt work- -
mansbip and beauty of finish dis sla ed 1
upon' tem, ' 'rein these we
the articles in the
j:7I-eI4VAN 33:21-(YriME:111-Pi.,
50 a 'Tear, advaner.
makers a vast deal of work aml tronble.
There. were 801110 very tine epechnens ef
needle work. The display of home-
made socks, snits, and stockings, was
small, the articles. exhibited however,
looked well. There were three brat
• and one Berlin wool sofa cushion, svh
looked very handsome. There was a
a very pretty shell basket, and ene wo
basket equally dee:ening of praise. Th
wet e two nice specimens of sampler wol
franuel, and one case of feather, one
paper, and two ef Berlin Wool flowc
all of which looked. well, as did els
• boquet of Berlin wool flowers. 'We
tic:ed. here an eicellent- photograph
Mr. William Wilson; the respected. de
of the township, in a handsome fru
surrounded by a- beautiful wreath
worked. flowers. Besides what we ha e
mentioned. there was a large !display of
crochet work, tatting, netting, etc., all
of which looked well. There was also
a particularly handsome child's dress,
and a numbet of very nice table mats,
et Berlin wool, and some handsome and
substantial looking rag mats. We had
almost forgotten to notice the two fine
sewing machines, of the Gardner make,
exhibited by Mr, Petef Graesie, of Sea -
forth. They were kept working a con-
siderable portion of the day for the
benefit of spectators. All who paid at-
tention to the working of them, express-
ed themselves highty satisfied. The
Gardner is a hrst class machine,
and Mr. Grassie, is finding sale for
a very large " number. Upon , the
whole, the display both outside ' and
in was most creditable to the exhibitors
and to the society, and was, we are in-
formed, a marked' and gratifying
provement upon former years, and we
have no doubt but the exhibitiem next
Year will be as Much in advance of this
as this has been of former ones.
At the close of the .Shoev, upon the in-
vitation of the courteous Secretary of the
Society, Mr. Robert Brown, the Direct-
ors, the representatives of the Press
present, and a number of friends sat
down to a, sumptuous rep* at au ad-
joining hotel. At the conclusion of this
an adjournment was made to a prtvate
room, where a few pleasant hours were
spent in social cone-erse around the fes-
tive board. • The representatives of the
Press, especially, are much indebted t
the Secretary and pfficers of the Societ
for their uniform kindness and ceurtes
to them, and we have no doubt bet i
will be long remembered and duly appre
dated by all.
The young people of Zurich have in
augurated a new mode of stmusement a
their annual fair. From. an early hoe
n the forenoon two -ball -rooms were kep
open, where, while the old -folks wer
„ - - •
- 011111101111111M
W)itP peas, lst Charlet- Tienli, , Alex.
Half bushel timothy et tie, 1st
!Alex. Me:tile-der, tilessilii tot
Gee -roes Vienereezete, &e. bite
beasis, let Wm . Turnbull, 211 1. Zimmer_
led Twelve (ars Indian corn, ]t tle-
ieh Ewes), 2.1 .10h n Zimmer, 'Ite 1-te• (me;
leo let 1). 2t1 Conrad Sehtue Twelve
rk field carrots, 1st James Se inertoe, 21 .1,
ere B. (:uiger. Twefre Swedish tuniii.t, 1st
•k, 1 J. •Maeson, 2d Wm. Wing. Twelve
.of mantsold wurtzel, 1st C. Wagner, 2d J.
FS, Manson. Bushel early potatot s, ls,
O a 8teinletch, 2e1 N Sherry, 8(1 \l -elven,,
!0- Bdshel early potatoes, 1st D. Surarua,
of 2d J. Troyer. :3(1 A. Al.c.Eww). Iheilip
rk Jac,ob Ryder, 2d John Zimmer.
ne, Squash, John Zinnner. Three water
of 1' melons, John Zimmer, 2d I). B. Gutter.
:tree tints me ons, o simmer.
Three beads cabbage, 1st 13. Homer, 2d
N. Deicbart. _Six blood beets lst J. B.
Geiger, J. Zimmer,
tion of apples, not less than 6 of ach
variety, lst W. Bell, 2d W. 8. Wit on.
3d C. Wagner. Font varieties of app es, -
and six of eaeh variety, tst D. 13. Gui re',
2d R. Ferguson, 3(1 J. Ryder. Six- pe rs,
1st W. 8. Wilson, George Mont Tw lye
peaches; W . Wing. Named- collee ion
of plums, 6 of each, lst A. Blown., 24
Ryder. Two bottles home-made wine,
lst W. Carrick, 2d John Zimmer.
fulled cloth, let Paul 1.)„ Bell, 2d. It bt. -
Bell. Ten yards satineete, 1st unkno
2d J. Swinerton. Ten yards homem de
white flannel, all wool, 2st James te, .
2(1 James White. Ten yards home mede
colored flannel, - all wool, lst Sannisel
Rennie, 2d C. Bushkin Ten yardsho e-
v TI k I J
made white flannel, cotton and w(
David Mack. Ten yards home -nn
colored flannel, cotton and wool, let,
&reins, 2d J. Troyer. Pair blan
lst Duncan McEwen, 2d R. Belt
I' ORK.- Patell Work lst
D. tl aek, 2d R. Dignan. Qeilt $ewn on
oround work, lst D. Mack, 2d not knot ,n.
Home-made Covetlet, 1st B. Bohm n,
2d 13. llohman. Home-made mat, st
Thomas Wilson. 2d N. Deithere Be lin •
wool work, .1st William Bell, 12(1 Jan
Bonthron. Crochet work, Itt Jan
Swinarton, 2d William Wiliest. P
woollen nuts, lst William Wing, 2(1
Mack. Pair wollen socks, Ist -
Broderick, 2d 1). Mack.
DAinv Plionroe -Twenty pounds s
er, It
butt, lst D. MeEwen. 2d. R. Bell, 3d
R. McAllieter. Five lbs. fresh butter. st
It. Bell, 211 R. McAllister, 3(1 D. Alc-
es -
Ewen. Fifteen fbs. line -made cheese,
D. Mcklwen. Potty 11 s. Factory made
(zheese, Mesmer. I mce tf honey nt
comb, 5 tbs. or over, let John Zit= kr,
t 2d C. Eacret, Loaf of bread, 1st Dal id
r Dick,t2d D. McEwen.
ujoymg themselves looking at the steel
mil indoor fixings, the young people en.
eyed themselvee "tripping it on th
ight fantastic toe" to the naeladion
tra4is ot sweet Cerman music. To giv
0 -Inc Welt of the zest With which thi
)1easfeittinode of amusement was eutere(
nto, play state that each of th
salt rooms were crowded with' brew
ads" and " bonnie lasses" from abou
ight o'clock on Ftiday murning unti
wally five the following morning. The
ellowingeis• the
Calf b
O Berlih
2d Char
t 6tft p
HORSES.- Brood mere and feat, foal
ot judged -with mare, ist A. _McLaren,
d John Dunn. Foal, bit A. McLaren,
d D. =B. Gegeor, Yearling colt, lst J.
tannic, 2a- R. Sturgeon. .r.u.0,vear-ula
peas on to c
which were exhibited in the neat and o
. comfortable Township Hall' situated 8
nearly in the centre of the villazzie The D
olt, lst Dignan, t:(1. W. Melic,k. Two -
ear old gelding, 1s1 Alex. MeEwen, 2d.
I. Love, Sr. One -yeah -old fill 3,A, is t A.
1 aw6n, • 2d W. Reath. Two-year:
Id idly, lst D. McEiven, 2(1 NV; Reath.
pan horses in harness arid wagon, 1st
. McEwen, 2d W. Wilson, Mr.
CARRIAGE Honees.-Yearling gelding,
st Jas. Ehler, 2(11). McEwen. Two -year -
Id colt, 1st ,T.- Swinerton 2d P I) Bell
ne-year-old fihly4 lst R. Broderick, 2d
ohn Dunn. Two-year-old filly, lst J.
Gui er Span horses-
arriage, lst 8. Rathwell, 2d W. Wing.
uggy horee and harness and buggy, bit
antes White. 2(1 Thomat Sorrell.
CArree.---Milch cow,' 1st John Petty,
.1 D.. MeEwen. Two-year-old heifer,
st D. Mcr-wen, 2d 0. McEwen. Year -
ng heifer, 1st. John Petty, 2(1 W.
ell. Yoke two-year-old steers, lst
. Ferguson, 2(1. D,. :McEwen. Yoke
se -year-old steers. bit J. Swinerton, 2(1
I Charles Troyer. Heifer calf. 1st D.
cEwen, 2d D. McEwen: Yoke work -
g oxen, bit D. Bell, 2d. 8. Ronnie.
tineen.---Aged ram, lst n
W. Pruell,
d. Chas Resider. Yearling ram, bit
Petty, 2d Charles Mallard. Ram
nsh, lst Richard Manning, 2d Richard
aiming. Pair ewes having raised lainbs
1871, bit Richard Manning, 2d Charles
ollard- Pair yearling 'ewes, lst
ichard Manning,- 2d W. Prenell. 'Pair
CWC lambs, 1st \V. Prunell, 2(1 W. Pre-
nell. Pair fat sheep, 1st John Petty, 2d
John Petty.
PIGS. -Aged hoer, lst W. Blair, D.
cEwen. Sow having littered in i$71,t W. Blair. Sow littered in 1871, 1st
. Blair, 2(1 Jacob Roeder.
IMPLEMENTS. -Wood plow, bit Gal -
ay & Mason, 2(1. Hugh Baird. Lumber
waggon, iron axle, lst F. Hess. Car-
riage, lst McIntosh & Morrison, 2(1. do.
Buggy, 1st McIntosh & Morrison. 8 -et
heavy' harness, bit W. Itanson. Buggy
harness, bit W. Fanson.
FOWL.-,, bit R. Ferguson, 2d
Carrick, F
GRAIN. - Two bushels Treadwell or
midge proof fall wheat, D. Surerus, 2d
Robert Ferguson. Two bushels white
White winter wheat, lst Charles Tough,
2d W. Bell. Two bushels spring wheat
lst dham Turnbull, Sr., 2(1 W. Bell.
Two bushels barley, 1st Charles Tough,
2d Peter Douglass, Two bushels black
oats, 1st John Frier. Two bushels com-
mon white oats, bit AVilliam Blair, 2d.
Charlea Tough. Two bushels potato
oats, bit Alexander McEwen. Two
-bushels large white peas, bit Charles
Tough. Two bushels bla•ck eye Marrow-
fat peas, lst Robert McAllister, 2d
Nichol Sherry. Two' bushels small
grn was of exciellent quality :hes and
oats especially excelling. The roots, fat I
this year, were very good. The display of a
fruit and Vegetables _was decidedly the Q
• best we have seen tnis year. The ladies' J
department also was well represented B
and the quality of the articles ethibited
such as. was well calculated, to, -do the B
very highest credit to the tasie and skill J
of the ladies' of Zurich and serrounding
country. Of fall wheat there; were four- 2
teen entries', seven of spring,, seven of 1
barley eight of white oats, one of black h
oats, eight of peas, seven of timothy seed; B
twelve of potatoes.. The potatoes- were R
really a good semple and deserving of es
• ,
especial notice. Ot cabbage there were J. Swmerton. Bull calf, IstJ.
sin -entries, Some -of. which were very 2(
large, surpatsing for size anything we M
have seen this year. There was. one in
entry for. sepia* two for curly kale,, five
of beete,-all Of which were good, seven 2
entries of white ail4 one of Ted carrots, J.
one entry of kohl rabbi six of la
onions, and six of Indian corn. This 1\1
latter was -Very: good, the grains being in
very large and meetand evenly set in the M
ear. Of pumpkins there were three eii- R
tries • water -melons, two ; citrons, two ;
musk -melons, one; beans, seven. Of
native wine, twe entries ,• honey
strained, one, and , honey in the comb,
three. Of cheese there n ere W.° en- M
tries, the specimens exhibited presenting Is
a nice appearance, end being of excellent W
quality, The display of. butter was not
so large -as is usual at shows this year, low
but the lack in quantity seeined to be
fully made up by -the excellence of quali-
ty and fine appearance. Of tub there
were five entries, and of table live. '11.1
the fruit tine there were fifteen collecs
tions of apples, the finest we ha,ve seen
this year ; two entries of plums; four of
grapes, comprising sixteen varieties- ;
three of crab-applea ; three of peaches ;
tomatoes, one, and one plate of red pep-
pers. There were four entries of very
fine looking home-made bread. There
were two very handsome sets of double
harness, and one of single harness both
of which displa,Yed good. workmanship,
and presented a fine appearance. There
Were four pairs of neatly got up boots;
of home -Made blankets there were three
entries; four entries of home-made flan-
nel, and ten of home-made cloth. There
weie eighteen quilts, counterpanes and
coverlets, some of which were particular -
y handsome, and must have cost the
OtS, 1stJames Reeding, 211 L
wool flowers, bit R. McAllist r,
es Troyer.
tr flowers, Mrs. Snell.
Needl work and embroidery,
-Tattinot 1st D. Mack, 2d AVilliara
Bow, James Bonthron.
weal work, AVilliath
braided under clothing, Jain
z insertion, Miss Snell.
mats, William Bell.
w curtaine, D. Mack.
idered eases, D. Stel i-
d silk cushion, Miss Snell.
knitted tidy, Thomas Wilson
NV. Carrick.m
vork, Jaes Bonthron.
cfers )11 will soon be lighted with ga
A comp. ny with $16,500 ca.pital, a 1
.rames IcCaughey for • President, ht s
been fon led:
- Th Canadian Bookseller says th.
Profess° Goldesin Smith has mete
k editorship of a new magoen e
which w 11 soon be started in the t-
1 minion.
-It h
this seas
have stns.
ply the 1
the Ayr
. -started t
will hay
i.s been so dry in the oil resiois.
n, that a number of the wel s
down for want of water to su
oilers. -
have received the prospectus if
J,'Ilterprile, a new paper to 1 e
lis month ill that village. W e
enough.papers -after a while.
Chronicle says Rev. Dr. Rye
son pass d through Ingersoll last weel-
on his me y home froni his annual rustic.
tion at Lng POint.
-Mr. John Hamiln, toof the tow
ship of Ellice, met with a serions loss b
fire, on Sunday, the 8th inst. His barn
one of tr em a new one, stables and co
tents, w re entirelteconsurned. It is r
ported h , had six hundred bushels f
wheat in his erainery. It Was with gre t
diffieult that his horses were sa-ve(
Loss hea ; no insurance.
- The next Provincial Exhtpition wi
be held Hamilton,
- The FrPehohler says Messrs. Gault
Bros., of Montreal, contemplate the erec-
tion of n extensive :cotton factory- i
Cornwell The town is prepared .t)
grant a b nes and exemption from -taxes-
--Rey George P. Young has been at
pointed t the chair lately vacated 1
rDrnto..B:a en in University College, To
-.The Orillia _Vorthern Dyld agitate
for a ne county of which ()riffle. wit
be the co ts's town.
--The school -teachers of Lambfoi
county 1141(1 a convereaziond on Friday.
Oct. 6. George W. Boss, County In
specter. as chairman, and a profitabl
and inter sting time'was had.
- Abo it 100 lots of land in the -town
ships of rennock and Culross, count)
ofBrnu,ce were sold by auction at Wal
n Wednesday, 4th inst. Th
price per acre rangel from $2 to M an
about $3
and vale
,000 was realized by the entir
e lands were principally swam)
ble only for the timber o