HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-10-06, Page 8F
"uniming, 22 (1
oft 8 anj I the first in horse shoes espondo-d to by Major King and Vh-ivork-, Ist J. King, 2nd J. 8 entries,. I st Jolin Jailles, I rathni. liylit
ain p �t to the
.1i roll Q7 X -11 or asc,dw, N Rherson & Co., of Clinton, Xing of Carronbrook The Merec tile Rili r, Y -c 'al.io
0 4. 01 Falicy quilt, Ist V. Ifolillau, 2d Potter. ].'air of aged ewes )�mving aised TIn-y ha'
1) riz f 1. 1 or dr plow. Air. W. Interests," responded to by Air V. 1
iiist , 18tj (I
L ke -.LoInlan. Skein of woolen yarn, Ist lambs ill 1871, 11 entries, Jailles tl
lIt,Jr L"Milli 'all
Cie" Y �-el o t ling (I Ville,: receive e ampbull. Skein of stocking i'otter, 2d James Southeonil) I c. I)ai r able. �1'6 him-, ti. C
d Kin& of Carronbrook,who also I a a James C,
'iz as for oil a
several ii(l 'witer-color ver al poem, coinpos'ed for yarn, Isib .1. ealnphcl�i. '(;e11bIc1I1_1 lil
y Clever orwin ��shclr lur. e1v t
:3 . es, 5 entlici, Ist� Jailles froo(l. iln t Ji.
'otter, 2d If. lii)611. Pair eNvc hmlbs, t-iin c (m
DISTRICT MATTkAS. pailiting. 1 11 (! �l Willter if t ile.priveg
the occasion Guests froin Abroad,' re- tolon Bros. Pair ('lie boots, I- I
b, Call
AIr. Thomas Kidd, Of Aea-
plied to by - i,�Iiiliani Folcy.- Coarse boots, Williain A entrieg, Ist Joh Jiminii g� -$ J
'rand 'Trunk. " respoll. ed 1 oley. Assor
I)n_.k.xXrT( C.r,l -Ata n1ceting of the forth. The -G
-161 tilleit cooper's work, T. 6outhcombc�
Reaforth Drall)"Aic Clith, held on the 21st to by M 1,. 13 ire abinet worl�, J. ill
tobert C %nn, conduct or Arnistronr C.
e iforta!, hits le'ase(l his hotel'to, a Mr. t 811 E'Ell J,
1, . . - , : J
-uron, who tak 1) agrion, I entries, lst�j. Taylol :�d J. Cullinling.- 1 cidvilt, Ocelirrell oil �,-Itrrdt,,A-
eiku ng ye
aatelon Bros
le!�sion (-a tbc� Ist (4 Air. Thomas Downey, of -wood Doolible I lZain lanib, - 6 entri es, 1 A H - S'nell, .2(l C.
fol -\eaforth. T
cLeo,' of Port H -ere plected TheLadies," by Aft. Robert Oolen an, 1MIlLI,','_10Yr.A &c-Luniber w
Ilit thefolowhigofficers %N i
we "8 oss the f 18 en - x1el C ti I c TO 11. 11 ��l I.:
No\ mber, H. J. Tacksori, President, 8eaforth, als i contributed to -the en� oy- b ' "Cry, IN-1clatosh & Aforrison. Sino -le T. ]),-tie. Pair pf aged. elves b livilla Tais- Jp of fTill-on. the
0 'Ion, nallia of Neil Suth�erlanil, Mrs
�)ourrtll, 'Vice�president. ment of the evening b I several huma; '19 ot:)Y. ell lanibs ill 1.8711, 2 1 st 11. .811011i F.V
Ol,' ( gy, -ered bur- i -
uas b Calitelon 13ros. Coi
y thr-eshin"r
2d D. ;�3,nticrion. Pair of slicar"Ill't UNI'LS T
�-*)f the J.'r.:sbytery of Ruroll. will 1).e hel(I l 1,
`14 IV. U. 2 ley6r, Treasurer. Songs. Architosh & AfOlTiSqn. 1ron plow, Ist
ill the aboyt town.1bili, livilivif
_:iller & Jones, 2d - C. Shaw. Wooden 1 entries, Ist ff. 8'
tile C-Iiiada Presin-terian (Avarch (A' If J T - C ampbell, - 8ecretary, Ai 1, 2,1 T(-)])
nel 11 Tayl
vi I.a J . Pay"1111, stafe 2\1-anat,er. Ivith bis.-il'at
ge, on the e" ening of Tnesday - 0
j all n THE- BAYFIELD SHOW. V-mv, Ist),Yfiller &Jones, 2d C. Shaw. Pair emL lamb-, 5 ei1trif,-s, -It C T cvlill(lur, l'tweriu,-, TJr ]I(,'
les kallliott, 11wbert Jai "galill p:lrf �Jlf ji'le
I-lieson'. w I d Gang w, Thomson & Williaills, One- 2) 1 11. Fat sb eep, 3 entries -I �t
'James lir.q, Conlillitt J 1'.
14 ee of General Ursu arill- cultivator or scuffl-ler, Tholli- J. l'otter, 2d -11. l�ncll.
4 Tin:: L.STMVIM R I ort Afallaggelli. m 6. The Stanley 13ranch Agricultural 'a- leaves a wife alli'l. SUV I
therep 8011 & Williams, Pw-s,--I�rood sow '114"vilig littered in ellililrell to
11-101irn !)is loss.
of the Listowel races which we published The ac o] o it of th( , Secretary for tho ciCtY held their annual Tall Ishow at J Z l."co lial )��N T)Llm. -Q) u In ces C. 'S'iellicins 1 -KI, I entry, Ist' 11. %Vebster.'. 11
'last Wt.-ck, We are illdCbted to the court -f. past year h.,%ving 1.) 0 e 1.1 13 ER\L!)ss The Kill'
ssed t"Jolin CIIII1 ilj.�s r!
sheel), 11. littered -Y, jN ft
duly audited. it Bj�tyfield, on AA-eanesday,. Uh inst. The Turnips,. J. 1,owic Dre ill let 1 3-1 clit)
stla; Man- ;I,
oo, n as )n,
0sy of _-Nin Racking. editor of the ;,ppea-red that, vile , receipts had b' B_-Lx-tcr; Pair-Cleese, G'eo. Ga iniug. 8pring sow 4 ciitrie�s, Ist Wil- cultural .�-Ocicfy Iff'.111
ec"I day being one of the fi est of the se,'
-'rho 1:1 -idly faruished advance shecis Of an o. . the disbursem ents 529,2 1 J, 1 .8how, at on
(,old w1irtze-1, 1). Wells ; Honey, Jas.', lialn (40'
"22 0 0 vier 20 lvl-illiami C`Iovior. lioar 1,
rge gatli
A vnis - mill th
leaving a tal noe of *
Li f) all hand ;,of added considerably to the I er- Largo; lillin!)ers wt?ra 1)
trong, - %11 patell wor1c, E. Elliott Silial bm 1, 2 entries, I
I ell atreo. St J: (-'tllllr
'70 had been4evoted in, and general success of the 811( N 8, Calit-clon Bros. ; Case of; flowers, jml�g, 24 E. Lun(13. Brood- sow litt(�rvd
tIlc J isbil 1,50, 'IC" ts .5 0 V. -I Im alt (11lailty and (111-airtity of the 'a
�i ex-
Nvrlcli TO I) Ewroils. -The bofflcs ail, d to chariti�)lc purposes, and the relliaind- whicl i ill was a complete affair, s,ir. 5ohn King ; Tatting Dr. Woo Is - See- in 1871, 2 entries, lsb I` Zic inion(I., 2,-t- hib,ted surpa-ssed fol-1.111"ll
1 -1 4 V., I -
`_;1Qe0uII1S Of A4r. 0'riffith Davies have ar had b6dillexpanded for Scenery, paint- C)i 81* oillid lip with a dirol
passing in inan 01 ol 'Case 00f,ilowers, E. AlcLcan Childs D. A\-IcKellir. 13(),Vr littere'd. er" at IN-Ilic'a
S! it 0 T
lie-eli. pl:,�,,cd in tile haiid,4 at' _-Alr. John illa d"C' �,$, &C. We have the detailed y respects previous years. rs. ('1011 (lei rillo, Camerol leh
i Alessi
Is )n 2d J. l
di ess, Cantelan. .13ro.s. :[ran brumn PION11 enuilles st Itobert INichol Veil -
Porter fOr collection. Mr. Porter re. -statcuient 0 The outside departmeat'Was not as
accounts before lis, but a 'A'] iller & JQ11es 8tra-w cutter, 'i hoinsoll Alason. -.8pring smit, 7 elitri JaIlles yolill., of tile Qpdarlell
es, Ist I
-Elleir settlenielit previous to No v- xiaf�er prevents its I)III)lica. good as we have seen, althong] and Mr. Cli&c: of the: 11
quests pressureo: 'illianis ; Express %va-roil, Cantelon Ilobert Nicliolson,- 2d,AV.. ("ovier. 18uf- Nverlj t,
er r The th
cuib ,(,xt. tion, ill f 11). anks of thel Ulub were very fine draught hers - 8 the 81 as.-* Two mats of -miss 00
e Oil Lnby's recz)in folk so hig'Jily recon inended,, A principal ceebifiem
Sftd to the Jadies -who had
Were exp
mended only for n aine being on the saine. Cumming.
ground, also broad llla�es afid their
e -their e
'Wroxe er.'.'
0 bushels fall IN'lleat, any Wroxe
-A ine�etincr of t1l, wssisted litertaninients- by G
Tiefori-lt-A of 8eaforth Will be, Iteld.at furnishin v cal music, to Messrs. Col- stock. The -show of hornedcattleseel'I)s vVin. Raine, Clin-
to I killd A(1-(lTTu,,x4Y.
Knox's ilotel 'on Mo, ridav evening next lills and,- ul. for iiistrumental music, to. to have droppQd of this season.' Hall, Godarich NV. Logan, 4 entries, Ist It. �Colel 2d J. 33.0110. 1 t. Ce (I i I
"I F . I e 0 )8on, of this
P Bryfield Mr. Scott Brucefield ; A. Fall wh('-�at, Tre"dwell , i entries, Ist J. place was rathi-er
4DA. lo, to appoint a c-oininittee. of dele, persons 10 had aided tb eni by the loan 10111d recoinmend an increase in this e -
Mitchell, Berne' ; AV. Cai A,1011�te, 2d T. Anderson. Spring -wheat Monday, by falling into a w 11 about I(i
gates to, attend the meeting, of, the Re. of...#tic,1cs of dresi partment for the next Fair. -rick, Zurich.
and st,
ag6 anpoint- R entries, lit J'As. Lo feet de6p,
cran, 2d P. ffe�ffrojl.
OCTSIDE.-J. Salkeld, Vp Goderich 13
ilear Which lit fas IN 1,ill'y
forbi Assoc ati The show in ad, th(, re � t,,.
013, Oil the fo,116-wing -ment, and to the public generally for- pigs was very go 2 Barley, i entries� ls"t 1). 'NeSbannock, We arc- happy t
-eir i ell patronagg. being quite a iiunibe'r of the best J. Walker, - Tuckerstnith ; IN". Dixon a learn tbtt lio Scovere, ill-
th i lib It was als6 re -
1 2d J. Mc(lowan. Oats, 7- entries, Ist ternal injuries were receive�l, th
Brucefield ; J. I&IcLeod, Hills Green
solved that the Sill -plus money of the 1- varieties ontheground, Theslieep,t(O,. XT It 1, .1 . 1 1), 1 4. - I . 1), , at
I cas, ill all likenhood ilie will
celebra-tedperfeeted suing y voted to charity. w and quite soon i rec.) ver,,
ere very fair aNyson, Stanley. to jer son, 2d I, las., roctor.
ea - be i(yalill de
_A number on
7 6 entries, I st J. 'Bell 2d R Cole.
"pect. exh.
-t(jlus allif Eve Glasse�. nv t
all-afactur': I of the Club, ..at an ibition. -�-A starf driver -
d by Lazarus, Aloi-ris & Co., are gain tc give,-tbe first ed another The implements were very few in ]ROOT8, Evrc.-V ariety of potatom one- in th'0 employ of Messrs. Rass awl John -
I . elt'l �Ily 'ct't-t( nt�o;, THE BLYTH SHOW. pe 'k of each; not less than four vari
P bitors bei ig eties, Stoll had a. sev(.,,r
GlJell. opill' )ns frani. all those who sencs 6f all exhi
representations, uInber, the princip. c e attack of ti
t - .
inc" which will fil labelled, 11 entries Ist R Lundy 2d
_0v-__ tried theni. Miller & Jones, of Clinton, and" I last8atarday, resultiagy ang, con --
If you mant. to pre. I doubtless be its worthy of patronagre ail'ol Thom -8 n from I
The Fall-.8how under the 'auspices of D. MeShantiock. Dozen field carrots, 7
serve your sight to extren lie old age, -use as popidai mstl�ose of last season. & Williams, of Mitchell) Who had so e' tilioned drunkenness,.
01 S 1
fiR entries, IstJ. 13ernush, 2d J. Cuniw
the Morris Branch AgricultuFal. Soc
these and no others. very good specimens of their' handy- 'iety J.
ATL'W,,LY--A Medtillcy
-ws and other
ming� Dozen carrots, red'�-5 entries R.
A work in the way of, plo w s held at the village ofl Blyth, on I I
I;. I Nicholson, 2d Thos. Agnew, .,- Dozen ship Council of Turnberry, beld.
-xo Yjwi Excoulij,,c.E_.NIF.'9T OF articles. 'The weather- -%v'as -all monday.
'EMOV.US.�Alr. T. P. Bull has 're- - According to pro. ft
WeduF_sda'y- Bluevale
IN1 A -N- U F-1.0 TI ill -38.. that Swede turnips, 5 entries, I st, J. Bone,' 'wrp expecteft
f ne
There was also to be seen on tile could be desirea, the day being one of 2d T. Anderson.. 'Dozeil Beets, 3 entries, tile prolio 0 1
=o-ved to his old stanot., iaast side of that the C"
would tak a act3oll all
Mail' "claulation. of the Reeve i a ineetina- was
ground a number of very fine c
street, -near] opposite Carmichae-l's -held in the Tow" Hall, all TUCS1.1ay 1ASt, I Ist --R. Nicholson, 2d J. Mc(iowall- sed sectional bona�� to the To.
t,h, fillesf of theseason,
audi bu ryt The attendance
6es shown by McIntosh & rollto, Grey'and Bruce Rail* a3
H otel—lAr. T. Garlii�ss, tailor, has also 3rd inst., f:)r the purpose of initiating I Dozen mangold wartzels, 4 entriGs, Is, t but -on'
A orrison, of Seaforth f the husbandmen of the surrounding account, we believe, of
-Temol;red, and m. a N- no -%v be found next Measures or the estal and Cantelon 0
Ai. d 11, of'
T. Agnew, -2 T. Cummijig. Pumpki the labsence
-rent of ex- Bros., Clinton. They spoke -volumes of townships -with their
14--1 f mufLctor, wives,
400r. to '_Nfr. Bull's new shop, east sidepf tensi ve in,. sons and Sallie necessary pitpers the eqnsid rI ti.
les Yf 'o aine kind in 2 entries, Ist H. AlcQuarrie. Squ e a
praise for the manufacturers. w5h, 3 ril
-Alain street, Iforth, ald w the ropriety dravis], r w&s postpolleai
wid to con daug rs, of the matte
IS e., glite was very )arge.. The exhibi-- -entries, Ist H. Al P until the.
0, The inside department could hardly lie I. eak onions,
lltentrics,'lst Thinines Agn6_ till
Nv. Citron,
of recollim Ill( idg that he Council offer beaten for a township -show, and in mar. t101 I uI)on the whole was most creditable. next inee
L_-,P,(�z CHFESr KALk.—We learn that abollusfo ffie-6ricolurag Y 4 entries, Ist Thomas Agnenv- 'I"wo,
The grain, roots, dair produce, I
gement of, suGh
Ifessrs. E. Hi6k.son & Co., ye.�terday,'by _eRterprise'% rhe miter Atall 06, y heads of cabbage, 5) entries, Ist�Tlio_lilas
respects would compet& favorabl wit h dies
as very Bluevale.
larger exhibitions. A qualitity,of work, &c.. was exhibited in the ii
AtIalt tic Telegraph Cable, ill ade a sale to small. T1 e �,�qulsit�6n calling the nieet- mv Andeison. Two cauliflowdrs, rjrl, AC(33)F,_NT. --A young lad nained Fred
the usual grains were to be seen.' T)
firm 11.1 Englancl ollf 600 boxas -Bruce- ing was Slit e( by somo: 78 persons, but way Ed wird Lundy.
3, "Y hall of the Society, witiell, by the
Hu,,hes an ieiIiploy(:-,e in A
field factory cheese, at 1-04 cents. This at tb e meel iiil hardly 5 V re're )res were fine specimens. . Also the rooti, DAIRY PROI)CC)"..-F ive ooiiii(Is of I t les
ent. haz just been' boinpleted f0l, tbe use of -%V "I'll; met with a bad en
I - such as potatoes �urnips,- carrots, mai Sa a,,cid , t to,
a the liigho�st price luiowli to �have im
.0 been This is by 10 iliean 0� -edi bable 4 to the ter salt&(I for use' 8 entr* t -J. Tay- tesday). He was lielping, to
Plibl" 8p;IJ; a the Society's exhibitions. It is a fine, day (T fix
the peop e c
-8 Ye ic i . lor, 2d J.- -Poll 'ek. Tell 34oantl[4 cheese s(,me of -the machinery when'' on2I of the
obtaine(I. in Canada th' I golds, beets,.&c., were ANo, 1, speal, Y ke j, I s
s village. 9 highly forthe fertilit 01113110dious bitilding, and admir
e a the y of the soil of 0
ese 1-1. the Ill tory of tl'
pi a is a cris- or upwards, 2 entries, s. An- wheels struck linfi, kno k d
abl V adapted to t1le purpose for which t lc e lill) dawn,
R le Ist Thopin
ortli, d- )ur me -Gh ants proper larson, 2d J. Poll6ek. cial prize for all(I cut Ills 11'ead .-�'iid f -tce seV
A C'fffis�i CLL n. �The beafoyth -Cbesi (Aub Seaf towl'shil) of Stafiley, and the in -
Friday, I it. dustrions hands who till it. �ly 17
led It is creditable to the en -
Mt oil Sep d orr;anized ty owners eal&Iilly sboul ery
�td citizens d. The ladies of Bayfield and vlcllllt�, terprise of the 8ociety, and will prove a bil tter by',NI r. AV. Drummond, 48 poun (Is. little hope is writertain ed of hi 5, recover
for tu Winter. I)r. Sinith -%vas elected be alive to it. As oneof tlie speallers,. it nsef.il and beneficial investipent. 1 1
entries 1 �st Charles Proctor, 21l 1). M e -
were well r lo..
epresented, by tbe exhibitio it 4�
Oubrrs.-A frientilly game of quoi
Presiileuu-, and Dr. Vercoe. Secretary ajid Tuesday nigh , express d it, "h8eaftyrth The stock and impleine, Kellar. Ten ponuds britter in r(Als
of 1. its were shown 6
Tre"�u rta% The Cl`ub- meets. for �, play has now eilh a. lft 'ille, as-ortment of , faric Was played iti Avinglialli- ol. Saturdav
4 y work ill -
ta go tp or tii (,a doNvill -D
1 If 2 eiitrie.�, Ist N. Lun(ly,.2d J.
.4 c"veryFriday eVeni Cr I? quilts, inats, tidies, tattin(r &c. l There, ill a liehl, a short distance froin the'llall. Lygns 1.0t, between two chim ion pl;,ty
13 d it wbu_ L Of 'ers at
it) . All Gbess-plavers all d appear thia; SAlf-Iliterest if F la-rr. Vit-riety of apples, four k 1
I This department of the Show, altlionfri
urs of the game should becoine nothingels, slould prompt,
-and ION.- were two cas�s of flowers, which attract- I thisvillagge, F. Paterson, and Jas. _11it_
tention, 0�
all' haviiin _ed*cou8iJeraI e at not very large, Was (rood. Tile disploay fo-ur of eacb, H, ci4ries, ist John
membcrs of the Ulu!). A clialleucre hits a stake ellell, and two. of tile foranx, ('l. T�
t1i e work I
it e, of 1, orses was very creditable, there be -
here to coldi, Ily enter into, ft 111iiiigs, 2d J. Young. Nall dozen-
liteen sent to the Torclitto Ch In
ib for'a'I'lother which was cry Jill displaying gooil Brown an -d 6 co. 1cassie. The phi� hu, (if
Support awl cc unten t ancealiV mcvement 0 13 entries, Ist T. Sherret'. 22d U. Loyd.
lurf 1% very Superior
le adies who gob
te, _aim phiG mate'll ulls wilt ter. la taste on the paft of the 1. nuiliber of animals es Paterson aii(I C-assie -AN711.13 _,�I_Y Ilse.
to further. f I LC pr0SP6rit3 Shown ill. this class. Ili cattle, eq)ecial- Ist J. Beamisb,
n(� inerease. the Dozen plunia, 1) entri cl
them Up.
businegs of '17inle of gahle one hour. 1he return
village. Abo -0
ly grades, the display was etcellent. od J. AW"towaii. Three bunches of
ut S" 'Glbe" Last though not lea a dress i Diatell. will collie oll' sbortlyat 1311_1;j�-vale.
- 1" 16, 'ough-breds not largely represented,
ASSACUr -G. T. Revilpids was, on-- the cliair wos iaken 14 CC, st was ed
by A4 CC, I a apes, '2 entries -A g
Tho Ist Thon)a4 pie
Z -Yoil(lay last, brou-Ilt before A. G. Y, slicep, sboNvii by It. axter I utch
thed�eeve, h stated the (�bjec of the ch- The followitig is the iscore
Baylield, thework oil Mr. S
1) apples, 7 entries, lst ft. _NNi
pougpill., Esq., J. P., olliarged -with hav- 111-eatilurr alit lich. was 1)(11%11 Ilt CXcOlent ill (Itiality. nell, of WT_N
I c lied upon gei tl GUAR.
eni pres-
rilicipal ex -I I", patt T. -Brow
f u 1, beill as clean as a 11 Hullett, -%vas the �d J. McGowan,
efo w Pill, withou
ing ssatilted and daii-c usly wounded alit to express tl i 3 1
le, r Vie vs tl I ti�
I e sub� In
;a drop Of water tollubing it. this class.' Ths &I ow of. shopp-cind piga E
Aillett, on Fri(bay, 22nd ult. Wor LADI "� J
j eat. isholt speeches were then 1i ai E're.-Ten yards, full cloth I JaOT�Iibchell.,_ '33 1 eass'k, I'R
At the tim. e the catil-t v.- L" by � The BayfieJd Brass Band performe(i coultl not be'sur ssed lit -Lily county. 01'
held, flallatt Aless-rs. Sbantk, Beattif..., Tormn Hill
rl%ere were somi, very upwarf,ls, 2 %Lntries,- Ist 'Alis!a Barr) 2d
fine jinplements,
was in a dangerous candition, thei� part ;vell, and must liav6 been cont IP. Rourke. , Hoine-made, flalln'el, 4--en-
Cl so it wa� INIcDougall, L.atherlarod an( others, all 64' 47
adjourued till to 0 , si(le'r"l)ly-fTtif,iietlivlteii eveillier, cmlle� two good lumber 'wagons., a lia.lidsollie RAILWAY lio.NU.1i, \Tomfay last a
ored I -
the re�,Itlt of his Aroulldi. Rey'liol(Is I)LAnu of nala, DIXIIWt AYW,1011, and a ally lian�lsotlie II.,2M.T. Anderson,
lay. (Fri(lay,) -to await of wliam strougly fay t1lb prolliatiol their -liot-1118 SO II.IrLl trics, Ist T. An(lerso 4 ver -.irL- petitionIv; �,esv to th,�
ay ill tile -1111 us. 2 ebtries list i
lufactrril;ig in 8eafortli, blit differ- 1)3*lr halne-111-ade Kel
Q ollowilly i the Co I i Towii.,ihip ollilicil. of
lield irt $800 bail. -1-1allett, we� learn, Is ell as to I)II(P lall olay. Tife 11 11iliglebuggy. The displ. ti
i(,ty of the - Corp:mxti6n P. Rourke, 2d George -VeCiowan. Patch- mi'll )errN% pravill"
I � Z2
offining a mous for its - aifl.. )'�\-1)0011 DE AWL N that bolly to -iubmit a-sectiolill By -la 8
-a 11 thei ed quilt, 3 clitrics, Ist You'll"" 2(1
that it v,oulft lie Iii,(:,,Iily' .1111T,13sed that outside. The to the freeholo.!L�rs of tile eftst I-,nd llortil-
oraill was, Charles Loyd. Falley. (1.1ilt, , 3 entries, ip) II-tim,
-11i. ouri repol expediel
it top tni as bas vs this I st U. Loy(l, 2
of. the .1"44outl) Y, ])(-.ell the case, ab till tile shoA part of said town -ib
fa. a joint 3tock CO) 1pal) all(lJoal, 1st James Armstrong 2o,l 11: (1 D. B. Alc Kinnon. Cover- cas
Lt re, jin Sho o) 11.1. 0 1
1, ai
l! exielisive 'V ai Of fall let, 5 entries, lst J. Hoffman, 2d G.J Sul" of "' I ()" ' 1
w, IaA Week % � Y car of a beautiful sainple.. Of th-u !(I
we onlitte'd 'a for the est.-iblisliment of tia. Two-year-idd filly, ist Robert
Donee of Master- foundryant. oonsi(lerable
Frauk E%vill"'S ]land- ell entries'. sprill", liseu 14)!,
)ILI Unt 1111,111-1.1f,"etoi y, and Sharp, 2d John Thir8k� IYlient therewere clev Creely. Pair woolen. s1tocking!s, 7 ell,_ Railill Aftel
Two-yec' Ohl
c little I)oIn- a7ul rig -svIiiGh was ex- I hat such -Ili establishment seve I; 0A the By-law Ivas laid over until libe llu-Xt,
*as 6 felt gelding', Is' J-ayncs Arni-Woiig, 2d I." -S, live ; barleY Six, all(I peas triem, Ist Tbonias Ancolorson, 2(!,T. '-\Ic-
hib;te(l aluollf"the 'aingle bit -w -'horses. want, and, if t -wer I live. The butter ninde it good display 1 0 , o -wan. R%ir initt
e e rect ,I,. 1hat'it ICIDS011. One-year-chl. filly, -John oil$, I entry, 61,eorge
Ster TheicIvere eight entries a regular sitthio, of tfie colul
liliethind wl"7
s. iinu ab ad Nvould -be -Or( protital,le. I r firkill, al� I an.. Fancy icilitting, I
w all worl� f -ArelLiow, I ,
oull. 8p -iil(' 11crses, Ist entry Ist
DIA-ud I Y tile &Llect0tters, _--alid. tb e maril I tletnein prESellb Ste.. John fiftedn-of.table butter. G'el shirt, 2
d - 061ir -display of John Jackson.
I pull, 2d B. 8notblen. Xi tclieIL
a and inaple. sugar was sniall, there, ei)triesq, Ist Miss Alary Young. Hair
ard conrageons t of Laid sllffi.-� 1011 TH AVIPLE
ill Ivh iell the ness to nil -like a tr, 116cs
1'4- tie i 81,S. -Brood
11 low batidle(l it in tlie ciant for ereottion being, btit one entry of the former. and flowers, 1 entry, James MeGolv'ci- �Ber- Mrs. Roberts, -Wife of Mr. .-Tinlot'jiv
�Ist Vilhill, _Xtorgaro, 2d
)1 3
f t�! 6f Imild- hi.,tre and foal, A
1"MIN hzave done Credit to a inuicli o1ol _' in, gs for 'The (lisplay of fruit lin wool Ivoi
er I silob. an Lerpr:�:,e. it two A the latter.
g Aft(,r .3. 8rcenart. Two-year-old filly, ist johl, k-, 3 entries)-,- h3b .11obert 1"' ciberts, a fariner liviOc, in the towilsh-"I)�
-Ind more, ex -iteed, horsemaii. ltwag I Iscussial A w,1 1 . - 0
consideraVe ol e'Spm ially ill regard to qq,41ity, was f 11
8 re olved Bfwow, 2d 1). \V0I*Jl, .1wo-year-old A -Millar. Open work, ist 'Miss. llolli,ke. of Logan, aboiit ��,eyea lni�JvS nO)th (1)t
aJ1NardL-1 ;Lit extra prizt by tbe,fuj�lgcs,
oil 1110tioll. of Vr. A. Ir. colum to ;Lily ive have,- seen this 'year. Brai(ling' 3 entri2s, Is b D.- 11 -, :&Killilwi Mitchell di d very - su dtici
Ist Gleorge Bates, 2d 'J'allius I r
ily oil
Gain- )iie-year-old
sechlldi�.:d by JAIA Gavana,( Ill f hat a I rher,,� were soule 1),irtioularl li m,��! 5 entries, Ist D. b1.'A1c.K jull oil. evening 29th- -olt. Mrs. llol)crts hail
anipbelL y ille 111) o
1,17 -ST I inittee-be, apI)oiiitcdto 11111julii,
PKIZI, I pies here w1cre fourtecil, cot:
(I - t Lull pears. 1'. ColleAlon of ganlen Flowers' I entry, beell a�&ndiilrl
Go m Gwith., XII(lersoll. Olie-year-old filly,- ist fj to the (1-aties of her haime.
tile gl%,,Lte.,it caie is takeli in Copyilly and pal:bies W.110 101 Id be I kc ly t co, I lections -of apples, ifine entries of f
!lie here 'toliel-ouse, 2d J3. Clliiw. 81,t I
.11 Ilk -
"bomas Amlerson. Pair fibe boots., hold asusual during the day. alld-11-1 tile
(,-the prize-li.,ts of t ariolli ancl est.'ablish, iv)rks ar d ascerbaill IV
'11% SIX 0
--om pe, f rod 'c-rab appleg, two of entry. Joi)II, e."llerott,
in,, liots�i;. Ist 8amitcl It'ath-evel), 21l B. 1), -evenilil, got supper for the iiiun wiga,, .1
'et where so. lliallYr FrOV1`10''11A 'they Sno(ldull. f pe cwr.�c boot
sh aws. i plull)s, tii-o of grape,% all'I one 0
-.Iles tbeill tho thola"Ac S (ill;euls), LJohil 8herett. tbont.ohe place, making no olill,lailit,
I., WO111(l a, U
T-peax that nlismkos �trc Ivould rutl 11 The 41isplay of vevet�',bies Ivas first -elms
.1 SO to 1) -oC LT I -C lIfO 1-1.1 at io il ('I I.- J 1) 1.� u.-Luillber ! !
llavll�. - I I , apparcOtly; in
I "OR ind goo(fllealtel - -After 7
t I, The rowa;, a so,- Ivere (too(l, especially �-Kelllnr. Markoh-waggon I entry, AiAll- 1 1-001)), allil -roll 13111M (f
d. Ili the pri4v 11(l fill Ist'Georgo 2d 081) ui, 2 ent:ies) AJ I
I st H. 31dFalvi-di, 2d -S Roberts '\Vcl)-t ilito liel.
SOIII,�l illstailce6 1111!m"�sii)le to.bu avoi(f- 661)ittl re. I Ivell , I C 1) 0 , s;
cci-61y il a ba 't; alld cauliflow ",s,
Jftirori qiJi c est-LIA 111)"ClAt of -Such J. ohn Arnistroiil,. IN-o-yeal _01(l licifer, till;)e olle-o!
--lisZ.Of the8nittl IS
-T - L
'ILov.- prilltwl jaz:t Wuek, the first prizc I iv6rL,, 1111(i I;] at they, rel,orr, tib an. all-. I st I -Y Wilson, 2ol Ceor,e 8parks. 01
0c 16tatoes. 'I'llerc w -re tilrec, entries oily Clocidill-C. Plough iron, 1, entry, the failill� c
le- went to ,ce h.it w;Is (I tall
for grv,b, cow, tile linzt prize for journed iller-t lig to be hv' (1 (11 'Tde8da), l8t,10110 -instrong, 2d Ison., Plou"ll, Wood, I (_-11- ing her, when S)IC Nvas found besille. lie].
of cahim.-L., till -C of Zillia"ll, foil] (if Will. 1'.
lf, I%1 till- seaon(l ijri Nro-ye-w :evenill'u, Odt, yt I ii Ai pumpkins Vivo, rett carrots 1i Pair hft1-1`o'V.Z, I- -i Ilou'll, on her knce_�,, in. -ali 'attitude of
e-11 f I ) 01110lis ve,
.7 IT- f011016111" CATIJ- �Ii 8nod(len. Heifix ealf, lst o'col"re tl Will.
0 Vt�,Icbu%ll� illitte ted) one Ya '%%"IlitL carrots seven, beets two,- man. entry, Hugh AlcQuarrie siu,"Ic-bugf,"'Y' pm�ycn-, alid quite dcail. 1J."er Julleral
tt(-ifer Were credite(l to .;f NvaIR Ill I pO 1.11
6%,it 11 Nver 'I, add
'Mel,aren, to its 1)III111ho
J 2 K 01 potatoes
0 Ilibbert: golds thrue, turilips. five, all(
I�iw, O. -Nell Lit -John .1"'celestir . 1 1. elAry, 1S,1.1c*Ro'fo-r.,OlI`. ME, the 13-iblv
-was a,14.Lr(Ll,1( iD Y )II. _t U I took Iflace on "'i'llild-av
"Jr ) tw lve. The disp!-,�y
Tohoo Logan, i I'll Callicroil Yoko' three-ye-ar-old 8 'an ceinetery, and
8) 1; L It2, N, T
o of 1."Ldles, arbicle. 1j'XTRA PRTZE"A.0—pallel door, Joseph Cllri-it-
ii ill the iirizL, -li,-;t. _;\Jr.'W. 11. d 2NI r. Thomas [�idd. i, s'teers AiMS 4 11xc w largest thiA Ams- taken. place ill tj
was; one Of the
ellent. There -were soine ver� ilifilow sash,- Joseph Gartei
lampbull, 2d B. linod,lell. Carter
oketwo-year-oldsteers "'cc sPue"llen
s of BUI-fill Ivool -A-ii(I Ilail. embroidery on Silk, Aliss YO
line Seem- vicillity for. Sol, le tillie. '\,Jr. I)oburt
-Altbou Tu ostlay NNork al
ill till ry of c 11, 2 d 'T. t i s o 11. --io it good ilispbty of 1)( -til'y and book ease, A. fawrell�.;(,
Tile (�ffa�twi a tl),.-, s 0 11) oke, mie-year-O.A line Well b-ilown throulthoat the snri-ountling
f a 11 t as SIIcUc,$8fId a, could btI s tec. stoo�f�.iligrs, and, qlits. T lere t)f
Ist I.I. J)iltml burcan, A. Lawrenco; IvIlitU t
ii. liatted co -w or willed toIiilbbill8, being
to twtuli the '111(ting her Alt: werc clso 4OIlIU trf)Od Spue. inicil-, (if nuell! It -1). ydril Bible
yotill- pt:oplu atte Ivisho"(1, We t, _it that ii; Will II t beIvith- I eifer, Ist -,x. l3parhs, 2d.),I. Campbell stockitic, Christian per.3mulon" is Illaq,11 Ile -
c -
to- sill',',. tu a propir (I ru - '.olt its good r4sillbs. It i� to be, 110 )CE1 sonle (Jul S, C I ONI't I; orse -,in Kets is� I
aill, two s wars and o
la,�. tile syllipatlity of tlilo:
aa(l to plla� cluill,3ilus, arc bc- th-at tile a(1jdqrii Lad illeetilig 0 �l enic-itlay st U.,1011 cr.i a -ml c( uliterp"lics, alld of lot" cabill -qui t, John JaAsoll W 10 (A C01111111111it his lm�re,.LvUlllebt.
Ith -b, 2d ',NJ., ('ailipbell, 8hear- I
uvullinr, Out. J7. will be lar"(1N, atteild- 1 lit, r, We llI,*1(lc blankrAS, fialluels, alid ill' Y
11 -D l.5thtke. Ram lallil), pli-Inp, Johli
I . %In, Nt ats. Ili consheon, -John Jackson
S "'Carroll's intentioll to give a Q. Two ewes having lvi(l - I %.
1, 1 0 TIN
el le Conlilli ttee all,po �11 te UU-0 1)ta,ill. 1 st At. Gal 'Ieparbilent, as i whole, Ivas llos-s maplo; sugar,. John Jackson this fall bas becil, very
A orctlitablc to tile latlie.-ii of lilyt,11 (hlr
('011oert ill tile eounw -of a NvUek al. tx%-o It I)IF Unibs in 18711. two S'lle'trs and over ist 11 Wilson; beans; Thus� Ailder-
A011 Iterl to., -111a " I'-
Or.ri: Lgeslloivsiigms of pr( -,i
I peritv wevery
AN'llship.i -of -\I' and ulearly t"son ; paranips, Thos.'Allllew.
-th". public of '_5Q:'f.,rtII Nvill hax alill collipetc: I n ell, allil 1i Illo toll )b 1. 81; licar-
NVW;IT , . C : 'U all wit -ilisou, 2t] B. 8iioll(lell. "pair S'_7 1111d tile to
ol !)orz tul I - Of Nv; h � , ; I- I
It; ill 0 0 Ullc Y 1,�( 0 LS A! 01'1!�. - 11 a , , I ki fte
Tol won -g-1 maillie' '111(l I. 111(liclitc that tlley are a4t' Ol ILIS W c SIT, 1MM11*1 11)
I I Iing envos, Ist J.. , Itillsall., Pair uIve pts at the ; -n I I
to NrII:,:.l -lier plipik havel attit'llo(I. '11-66 'llavo? soil 164 i Ili 4ic ,cl I c I . I �, I k; w. livell aS tile llloro�� is ball H.L1 ;111(1 those Nve have. are NVOrkim, to thle'ir
112 0 ,
Ze Pa 1, 8 ee leyville.
f u y
It -� eollf.-A!rts II. -C to Ist E'. NVC80al ir f, t h Ain fullest captelty'and. eniployin,
t'vil Iii-Illysilok- 1"IlU 0011�,IdLrahoji of tl c, a har
mel: till". �Vu lot G. l'ouggli, 2(1 M. conipbell. ol I-,Itlics' 11,111(hWd"I't. 1 It tbfl f
vn Of i)%- the t'rvz, " I : nuniller of
t thU e0LIll- haV evury doilfi(lencetlift t, c. it. Cool'u"ll will Ilet lx� blisilles. lijea. 11,13148011le i)li-Vattf
-C ic prusent Pras —I)oar han r thel-6 %Vali a]
0 ll,L\-L' 111, :t IIL:I' very I ICL W.""It for EAPIIAITOR hl Aillivy sidelices, arel being crueted ill Iilrvi- nt
tr� , I -_ 11 1 - re b eed ]st Al -11). s o a I * * rC
I'll !our III-OLUrillIf i J( Bo, bill-eati. and su VIVIll-
)finsLon, ar, breed, lst,Wil crutar- e
In.. -e N% i, I be a i--rat;f, T, 1% ip .:I jiv 1)I-,-1,'- T 1 1) IJ114411 It+ 4:1 4- .0 1
I I I I]II It- 1�1 0 ji.114
q 8o vari it iy 'lair. I bre(Ild, Ist C aru Muell ,, It 3 rllUIl_-1 In. Ach I-rl i. jilt, a I W X.11.11ti"
tL! oil Y, LS IN 8oir and pi,,s, I, r, 11111.13I)ted to 2111%
]I, IN' efillill., lipoll all.
Im,11 tll�,.I.V "Is. - Orailger. Noll' and 0 Jalll(-�s _Xf(;Q)uarric,. the obli(iin" Sedretary -Mr. Cool-Im.
I ie -,ire 'I'll(I rall bv litt(ilt'l.d. Let flir \1itull'oll.
--Thu 'affle I"Air, lic"(1 111 olicilill -"o -,Ct\
pigs, siliall , ,
arks It iv i tti t. tilit,,it sl;!). (.ril'
o il all breed, 1-�t T. J. :Q f the * el fill, hi� kill, liesi Ili ali_
�Itll�lay ja�t. it E'% Jame r1otow-11.
lon-0iton's 1 in, '�(-,aforth IMS 1% J)Cr,-'011,l I Oistin.� tu,; IN-ith tile'-prizo list. Tlie a(l-
-LI ilitc st ib this D_�Flcv Five lbs. butter, still
--tel. --�vafortlj, AA'lt 4L IncientlY ill e Zystc-m I(Inlited by hin-i
fl.lt-c Stict.;,!.�Sfal. Illatiter, So I L 1; 1:11 we be llojap�lthv hholit salted for tablu Ilse' Ist �4.. 1-1-allcock, 2& f`0 keep- Ks Cli-kxu --.Nlr. John Leckie A G i j;;.vr I'vio,ic Ioo-'
III.,.bL: of ani
t �Illcloasef rai corlainly Ivoi�thv Of has liold Iiis 8tock,m trade and illerc, I 'niler the. able niana,r 111(l fjIll
unal, (I fo sale "-Ir AV. 11all. ' Taunat 'of butter, -)()I It- his entry book i
Ibs. oi. r! an- Jllt "Ill 0;
-S 11111tat oil by Ili'my others, �aiirl 'InAkes tile 11111-SilICSs to rs -t, 'I'lloillp- I
st, Ili' SO 017er, Ist C. Tough, -2(1 AV. I-Turbi-8011. dess - Stewa) .11ter Air.
pr, . tv largrt'. abill. th". quality of the )().ut racilific sli'l I)C o Allar I-' I
I'llere wemt wit as inaliv AIII)i(liv va'-V� .4.-.1- l,() II(.j ��cllftv (I'll It,ory DairY clleez- 5 1 CO )Vhl'_' Of tll(l prize liq aflilinab -oil & Col., by Whom till- busi)le'ss vri
e J i, tl I .
1) A"i se, 1.) bs. or ovor, 1). A . I . , t a 311 Milhi, of 011. famoll.,;. -
to 1� is autury chcl(�sv,40 Ills. or ovul The followil)" is tho S *\%.L.
Nve shoult'i Ill; 1,11l'ort-lillity I., hv) fter,I)e con(lucted,
:,, Is. 11r. Stewart i
se -211. r a, there probably- i
oll� T. Ivell known -Ili �this n(,.i,J1iI)0rIIooll, 11.�,vlllgt 'wb;ch c-alillot bu by allY, oth, I
I lit: -it the filir., hereaftur Y
been � clork witli �'N I r.' J,cL;Icic Villa -1f, exild colillimility ill thc 111"OV
he ave. I f -\"pa] I of farill b(
_11le pl,
.thstaildill- tile yeal-A, an(l Iii.-, partiwi-, -\]I,. A11113 I% ry !_" n1:1-wisly w,.(-IIl-t-.s Iv. "Ill
, ( - I%% I N, N 1) Two 1,71.,�Ilvls fi!j _11L .
(If the villan lPtc-IN- Irmn Tormitt). 'I)'(- at 1*�i i1ljj - I lil.�
ls ft
if carriv iu
"Vvre vIvry It I I , !:-!'
'1114 i _.� i r. il'N' t I I I g 'thu llvw linil.
S QAir-Itt4 IN-., it it t, �lr. in -l- of all NvIi ich i., r -ni I
14 th". All�;. l ",an cattlu In, ry arl, V IN rh, k
i8 im lli�i bll.�^ 'ntk-a-
I_0! :A
r:!, ell �Wll' ljrvvioi,.� tq
-te J. at 'Morn. f".11'k i
-1 1 I:If Mill I-1, I Iv killiet, r. ell ::1:1 ry "till] G vun-i
to rv- c(AVID
-2-1 0 111
4 Qf)villl till
tili-1. vit�!Jnil,
1� J y. J
I LIVi. 1'.`.
AY ;1111!1.111 till bv
6 2, All 0
i., % the 1:11'�% IN -fl 11,:11.; tl1,*.r till'
;v� it! I
-V1%. 1-o N-
T',? VC ' -, �l ; - I . i 0 . . I 1 1 p",
'k !11 fiw .�i.;
j.: ;.n
t IV Je, f,
t .
Lt I I..
A 'I 'A
�V- l
Vt % * k I "; ;
10 , . ..v
I V" r k i
lei 11. 41
6 f TvII
c iu, n I 1E. iWx loi
fell, 2.1 NV, Ve-�
lit -i,- 1, r: ,?! _t I
I , !f)JI . I—. A
Jil- , I
_e (0:1 're mvi 1"'! 10.
tI Y.: !Pill -ol Z. i r �-, (.!. ;, .1 . ( *it:' ]ILI:(, "'., "(I
M" P ol�cii. 2, 11,
IVIL 1'; 1 ir "d
n, 'lit
lit J;'I uli� 'I
t:trIv V;Lr th lit. A'all lq,�J �l Itt
41,4 ("'1- "', 4, 1'. oUl.4"
ftli s al,
L L r_' til "LICI - - , I . , . I 11.,ill? I I _1: I lei
�L ii, I '%�Ur�;V Quilt in t;;'!, their ;t) -t crm.s' -IN ;oh, 11ru lll�
aulll llal�p -J
A,t 4_� IT
V 4.
VIV _�5105, 1, _`i 0. �VG 1
U J'
ri-1 ill, i-rf i-Im p'll- I ine, rent
2 eivifts Wirb iijuv,� Iwr
xlftlf ollit. Year
7 -4, ........
ix-f-3.arth;oupyvar ....
'kalf ........
months ....
,0llWtW(l1ft`h line )-ear ...
hnlf ......
44 A. �inlollths ............
mu-bi-ness Qk�rdf;, (6 Unes auel untler,
Adverti-i--ementA -of Lo�z
Inot je��Zvctbl3g 11)
:montb, 50 (-<nits t"h mont-11.
Advertisements I)f F.Ut.\IS aml 111
for salo.,irot cxct eding 15 linps ftrs.*
vach- aullaequent month, % collits.
Advertitiements witlioui Sin'llille i
lrte orbid, 11 _nitl M
Ile ins( 'd till -1 vnd
'McLEAN Mfrj
31ritilo Y. 'YCIA�A.N!�,
D-A.NID 3ITTMML, m� -D., axm#
�h College, Physicilliv-
-o-,"r.-coroner of the Coul
l0ffit-x an!1 ri-Alli-)ice, at Thompsim
DR. W, it, SVITIL llhy�iriaj)l
�Offiee-opposite licott, uvb.wt.
MI -1,18 8TEWART, 131. D_ M-1
McGill, Vniversity, Moinr",_ *-4
vte. -01ilm, 11nd Ursidence--Brij
T_ YEIU'o)"" 'AT. im, 4% 'n � 14
geou, ete. ,meI jlvii-1411
'Karket. aud Righ Arevt.,t, in rom-ill k,
J[)JR., CA-MPBELl" -C�rorwr tor ibe
told llesiltience, ovvrt!aAr%'-vcorni
*aitreet, lit -4 fortb. Offire li-om';
W -lay, mill i0l tlay Shl-turAbiy.,
Lmv, bolickor in Ubllnver�, Xi
I V WUREY 11,14,113-ISTI-A), r.
-T4)) lit
1-mlicitors f4)r flip lLt: Uoukj Kraforlu
the C;111ada Lift- Assnranvot tompal"Y' f
to ltruil ate �i V: -r ;C
M—ousesaild 1,14% for ��tfle�,
Lmr.'-lolivitors ill Chitucer-ry#0
Xottiriet; Pull4k, rue.
Agruts for Q!- Ti�
Aw,,. of 1,pper tMulthl, t -13t: coh)14
Co. of Lolltlom Em,0111141, vjap� -i, tit K
counnhiltion vb.irgrM.
110TEL, I Late "r.,
� mj_ttl begs to thrtb-k theipulthe f,
I)atu'llage aww'dea to Ili= ", 'tiuleh:
'311V-1 bmjnvs�. will Illso to !Ill-wm 01f.1-1
-Iguin resin'lefl. blisiJI.-h.; ill Q*,0wVi-
-he- *111 be Wlipy 14, )utvu wwt, -&w*
.11414 1131my new wws.
,;i A S. NAAl
JOLAull rir.) u 11lite), Ayursaw� X. I'_ I �.14d
lo-tv) yclq litly bel.)13114,10v 111rilili, ;
letted 1.1'rong)IIInt,
fortillki illml rollimadileus ill� 541f. 4VTO
S - Tvnn,, lilwi-il.
GOO"]" 111131ldlig mid Xk-tcImni,
.6 oo
offive- -At AbuTny's n4otrl, 'Sivall
STABLF- 3141!
.-211wnys fill li'liad
Niray Ticjkl% -iginit. fliwgbl-m"�i 11m
�G- T. Itailwa - station,
,flek(48 iNSTUA to 4111 Points ill flm. Nte
�Cnlifijrylja antl.qvii llivvrat
illie grvatv�A fit, iliti(� it) Eynivemn-th. _X
Coulyollh &JA 1111t Ill
D+ J, 0� 13MI, illUvaq 1_4
tal )wgs t4, milloul),cll- I..
-flInN of
2las opellvd an ellice fror the PrAirtil
-imr94,Y�A' ill lbo- romuh P)rinerly oftenpit i
JJt1rnk;, Dl Ylfill, prel)al,.
3iinds oftv .1-k 11-41 I)f thf. 1prolvi-l"901
-Iurtorr on rewtollal)lp IR-rxkl�
Cit. V00,113 -:1i, rt 'mvant-4-r, Comv
Age"It 11- th- - 1411lo-A-i ig Vire, Lift-
ltjx�laud the, Wt-,ti-rh Fire Iiisuraurt
-the Itelfinirt- 1. i h- Unz. r.mot% alicl qu- 1
.ridimt Insurin ve -0im; any.
1101K IV.Y Tli LI)AN un'real 4 -state �;et
;Vl "Y11, ri, h% mail or
iffi;41 to. offil-4.,
-thei; he hah t aleu 1. 1) hm in t 0.
-Abert� he wil; Ilp �_lal,
;kv tie
enlik mmle on lihn in his prItre-siona I vam
'ea'JK4�2ftR niti-IIIII'Al t.(� "4%7,eV
�d rJSt,N Alf b
Atud Va I th. WWII Were gi%en U-11 J�y othfrp
ovrtlilrati-x %figned Illy ijvitr tW)
te,4dills'llials bix. v0stolv.
-Mr.J700K will affi-nd at AW-yviltv i
Ilimmi avd lit the Town Flot, hn thl. T4
(4ri%Y, Intliv afti,moon ol tbe firh'tAudlb
PAY of i -.tell mekth.
("N14-lula-r of the. 011ul-rief) Yrttlrtiml,
begs V) fiabnat,#, t4i�-thv 'irltabitanU o,
-1114sarriluildillig- voirbtly, that he hak
-0 ffive in Sf uflirtb, wheri - Ili- mkv be iwlip�
r, onally or by h-tter, oil the, PiKtAhewof H
1�, ttfl. Hlit,�ing wei-ly&4 iL ro-gular aut
&!Jtleatit'll, and i�li;ing bili -ii -alwifirdell thi
,Y volifilli-nlre of givitig *ati-ifav
wh* Lany vilaploy him- tl
rs--A. Smith, V. S., Priuel
Til) Votir-rillary tollpge; Proloh;sur Bur -1
am 11, J)r. 111owel, a -ad - Wells, tL I
V4(:irfviiry'.%1e-dlP1n4lx constalittly oa bm
.�ll �VAIIR promptly at!A,na.
Hotel, Sealorth.