HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-10-06, Page 6aaa 6. The New rrish Leader.• -ISAAC BUTT, THE COMING DANIEL O'COTNELL.` Justin McCarthy writes t New York _M421, of the man w mow distingui8hing himself a great advocate, in Britain, of F prisoners, and the leader of the Liberals : Long years ago, when most were boys, Butt distinguished self as an opponent of O'Cuun Be was a professor ef.political e my and a lawyer. Then 110 dud ly flashed into a genuine renow the defender.' of. Thomas Fr• 1//Ieagller, in the Irish `tate tri=. three -and -twenty years ago.. T and since then, I heard him o and 1 think, allowing for all the fects arising from an "ii pulsive irregular nature, and all exube phisiqu:e, he was one of the most quent aud persuasive speakers 1 •Have -ever heard. He had a lnagnifi- -cel t voice, none the . worse for its o ybe ho is s the the keed enian 1 thar Irish of els el i's. 00110- clen-. nail antis° .its of hen, fieri. figure I his bee up the landinb ed Oro house. turn, Sv along th, landlorc, plight, prowpti' he took lisr b le porter sig vility cle can't be, world tr de_. •- be so, ant and ing toa rant coining t elo- (` That 177' night clothes turned upon passed aldw.g the hall and road stairwu '� reached the closely folio ed, disappea r- gh . a doorway and turnin left CornmeIc•ial alone in. les,—astrttng r in a strange %Vllaat' to do, or_; where to s a nlystety, b It in groping corridor : he tante to the 1'0Qtr>I, mad known his nd had his wants very supplied. 11 the morning Ions. Pi•ieur aside, ,state' antes, and ur reel that th, rata :be tiettec as Pais inti L served. It Can't he, it hat any spry lit of mine at you So.'— ' es, it can there he is ow,'.'.; point- stout•: and p i'tly figure own 'the hroad stairway. 'Ions. Priem' x'ia,h a merry' isthe Hon. er t f the Pro-' I ted for a himself re- ,' Well, he od, and he Province, na minus one veI hien last s raightened h 411• several e ehind."- Ho ie Journal. rich depth of sonorous Trish acc ,and his flashing eyes that rennin youof the descriptions ptions of Rob Burns. He was anything bar Handsome man ; his lace looked 1 that of a negro—blanched ; but eyes, his voice, and his power frame lent him dignity and so thing likegrvndeu.r.• I think in best days hemust have somewi resembled'- Mit abeau. He was this time, although he defended t Irish prisoners, a Tory and a P tectionist. He was taken up the English Protectionists and - came the pet orator of the great meetings. Through this int est he entered the House of Co mons as the representative of _English Tory borough. Gradual he renounced Toryism and became Liberal. But meanwhile he w falling fast into ruin. He lost h practice, at the bar, because no o could trust him to keep his engag cents.- He became renowned i London as a gambler, a spendthrift, scapegz ace of every kind. I shrin from saying into what depths of de raaclacion sank this rihly gifte generous man. At last he disap )eared from parliament and faro ociety. He was past the prime o ife, and every one .regarded flim -'a a one forever. But after some vear e turned up aga.i'n, resumed the Practice of his profession in Dublin, and was said to have put aside wholly the errors—not of his you th, but of his well -matured years. He became the most conspicuous a:dvo- tate` of the Fenian prisoners, and, unlike naos-t very eloquent )leaders :Butt is a profound and 1 - a wily law- yer, as well as a persuasive, power- ful orator. He soon recovered his forfeited popularity, and has, I be- lieve well-nigh-ined bis place -in society. If he goes into Palliiamerit 1 again, and becomes the leader of the Izish nationalist party there, he will lend to that parry a force and a. suotlety which it now badly wants. Setting aside Gladstone' and. John B ri.gh t, of course, I know of no roan among the English Liberals to be compared for eloquence• and capacity withwitl:h big, fervid Isaaac&Butt. If he really cobs' set out in a ]Lew dirtier twinkle of the eye,. t( E. B. Wo )cls Treasui wince. t onimercial• w lenient, lit col 1ee no dined wi h enil)has s, ,y Hila, be °ion. E. B. W may be:Tr,asurer of th ')ut I tell" y ou that be arm was 11 that sl night. M back.. wa more than' once to giv healthy kicks • on t eat,'. tied 3. cit t a ince his fun me- lds let at tie by be- ir er ;m- an ly fr, as is on e- n a g d m S s St; Thornas —The Re as a.inissiona tion with t Church in T last. $e w next month. — A condi was killed on way, at Well Monday nigh coupling cars, and he was c He succeeded when he fell i man, and im an unmarried ton. . Geo.. Bl= - y to Manit e Canadia onto, olr} T leave foi e; ba, lest 1s as ordained in. Connec- resbyterian. ay evening eld of labor ctor named J , es Blunt the Great; Western Rail- er on Squ re : tation, on last. . R:e as ngaged in when the c : upl ngs missed ushed .bets een the cars. 'n reaching th platform Ito the arm of a brakes-. ediately c ied. He was an, and res -flet in Hamil- - The Harr'sburg and Kiran ford Roacl will be formall, opened byr a 'rand de- monstration in a few weeks. • ' , :lir. Leon 1. rd Thomas Jr ,' of Mel- bourne, took p'izes in money nd plate to the amount f upwards of .$ 00 at the late rifle mate e at Poirot St. :Charles. Mr..Thomas is bought to )e o le of the best shots in tl e Provinde. — The Guelp . papers record a heavy affliction recent y in the fa fly of Wm. Davidson, of tl at town. , ` lie youngest daughter, five eats, old, die 1 o the 5th ; the second, sev n and a ha f y ars old, on the l lth ; a cl the elcles , a -ed nine. years, on the 15ith ani on the i8th This infant son diel : - all of s art t fever. 'Thus within fifteen" days fur children Ihave died in one family. 1 &1_•. Valves Dixon, a W. tern e o veter- . an, aged 106 years, .lives in tae eighbor- hood of Lucan, and notwiths an( rug his great age, is able to do a fair au cunt of labor. — Some wag advertises in an ngersoll paper for a young lady fpr he ulinary . department Fundy suaal . Liberal salary. • Use of t piano ou s ate :1 ocetits- irons allowed. Anything for a qui zt life." ro- aid and assist the Loud • n, Huron and : Bruce Railway Om pa,y, .by --Living ten. thousand dollar' by way of bonus to the said Company. an'1 to i sure 1.)ebeutu les therefor • nd o authorize the 'cvVing of a s )eei.tl ra e for c the payment of t]Lt, Debe itu es and the interest thereon. every one avi11 wish hint well. The Wici;)tjt ts, by an tae of the fourth cosi it of U c 2TS If► n:evel'tlattue of Province. -, , :et 111 I think, had an ellen] the Iletlll ( of • gni ofn) 1 1 yi � the thirty- th year (7f the reign of ler 31.t_j0si y Even litnonn the Ci'eclltol-s-'-item Queens victoria, entitled, -1u Act to Inc:ii,orate. the London, Hulett 111'1 1'l;ruce Railwa - Conip t " WI) 1 enacted he neglected and th:e cab1ue'n fares he sometimes world not pay. as Iu11°".. : After all, the still has, ti w e to un k `` Atul it tthall further: be lawful for aI a name,- for although lie was a clic or near which, the 111s1way or works of t ose : it i5 ttzlono(ct other tniugs, provided -111(1 t 11 ti .1 e polity' or 11ituit'paiititl. , through any p trt}o ttniet- which comeauy ;:shall pass • be: situated, t( aid 'iul a he sat tillguislled 111)111 five and thirty %T(1l 5 (:1st the Said Company tpany by lot ty ,) t t rung or g THE. UR able iu twenty ;years, at furthest from the day iliaftor mentioned for this by-laly to take ell the Oillee of the Canadian -Bank of Commer London, Ontario, and shall have attached th Coupons for the payment of intermit, at the and iu the manner hereinafter mentioned, and debentures shall be delivered to the Trustees ocl, or to be natuetl, in accordance with the visions[ of the said recited act. 4th. That this said debentau'e,s shall hear int at and after the rate of );is per centum per a. from the data! thereof, and such interest sha matte payable hall yearly on the first day of nary and the -first day of July, in each and e year (linin, the continuance of the sstid.tlebonta at the place where the said debentures aro n payable 5th. That for the purpose of forming a si fund for the payment of the said debonttlres, the itttoleatto become duo thereon an equal ltpe rate of one said and eight -tenths ofamill in the: Larshal" It u addition to all other =tee be raised, let and collected, in each year, upon all the rates property in the said luunieipality during the c tiuuauce of: the said Deboutures or any of than. N EXPOSITOR. Bre- t, at e at •roto rate said in- pro - rest nun I be un- rcry- res, ado ing 1ut1 ia1 fol- 1110 n- 6111. That this By-law shitll take effect and eojne into operation o1), from and after the fifteuntli dtt of Deceiubcr, in the year -of our Lord, one thousalnd eight hundred and seventy-one. 7th. That the votee of the electors of the s 3luuicipalitr ehall be talcen on this -13y-law at. following pieces, that is to say : For Division NV. 1, at Weiiand's Hall in Egan vine. For Division No. 2, at the Sallee] House, H,ti pu1•hey. For , Division �; o. 3, iu the School House, •z School Seddon No. 4. For Division No. 4, at the old School house, an .L'rucellald. • For Dnision `;o. 5, at the School IlonBe, ill School Section No. 2, -0n Tuesday, the seventeenths day of October, A. D. 1871, cotmu(nciug at the holt: of 9 o'clock in the morning and ending' at 5 o'elo ill the alteritoo71 of the same day; and that the follosS- i)iI; persons shall be the Betnrning Officers to takie the sttici votes at the respective placers hereinafter appointed for taking such votes for the ward, for which`they are hereby respectively appointed, that is to say : For Division No. 1, Hugh Chesney. For Division No. 2, David Campbell. For Division No. i3, William 0. Fowler. For -Divioion' No. 4, John Young. For Division No. 5, James Murray. TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of r colloid - :ration by the which oft the Manic p Llit3- of the 'ownship of Tuckorsmith, after ono month front he first publication hereof in the Hcxox Ex- - 'osizon, . the date of which publication is the 2nd day of September, A. 1). 1871, mid that e votes of the electors of the said municipality ill be taken thereon on the Seventeenth day of October, A. D. 1871. b it. fi it the 'clock lin tine afternoon .nine o'clock oat te forenoon, , the ser eral p aeon above named. WILLIAM MUIR, TowNorm , CLEKII. Datod'this 15th day of September, 1871. 198 id e d T Y -LAW NO. 50. aid and assist the London, Huron and Bruce Iiailway . Company, -by giving fifteen thousand dollars by way of bonus, to the said Coulpany, - nd to issue debentures therefor, and - authorize the levying of a special 'ate for the paylnent of tile`debentures nd the in terest thereon. iTsits t;t, By au act of thefourth session of the Le islaturo of the Province of Ontario, passed in the 84th year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Vic oris, sant entitled "Au Act to Iticurpol•ate the Loo don, Hmon and BruceIlnihln�• Company," it is, nnongst other things, provided and enacted as foil two : "rind it shall further be lawful for any y or Municip-tlitics, through any part of which, or Tatar whi0h the l,ailw,ty or works of the - said Coli puny shall piss of •be situated, to hid and its- silt the said Coml)aDy by loaning or onarauteeing, or g ving money by way of bonus of donatiolns -or othe nitat $ to thij Company in the 0ou8tthe- tion orequipment of ,,hitt Railway, or of any of the wool i; aath0isred under this set, it, sz,ch Inanner and o such t stent as shell lluliicipaltileii or any of then shall think expedient provided always, that 110 St eh aid or nni:tstal,ce be way of bonus, daua- nati( n or.otltr!r n;e, shall be given until after the pays. ng or a l,3-1aW for. the purpose, and the adop- tion 71 such By-law by the ratepayers; provided also, that any much By-laly, to be valid, shrill 1)e lundt in conformity with the laws of this Province, 1eSpc ting Municipal institutions, caul tell such 1;v- 1 tWs :o pas ,c,i shall be Valid, nuttvitllstauding Sieh rate 'iia.. exceed the aggro ate mate of two smuts in the dollar on the atetunl value of such rateable pro- petty p•0vitletl the the mu)nal rate of nsscsslneut shall . not iii any case creed, for all purposes, two tomb) in the dollar 011 the actual value of the whole ratoal lc uno1elty within the Municipality or por- tion o " tt .Municipality creating sash debt." AN1 '13-lii ttit.t5, The Municipality of the Town- ship. ., Hay has determined to aid and assist the srtid L': mummy, by giving thereto, by way of bonus, the st nt of fifteen .thousand bullar;;, ($15,OUO,) under the authority of the maid recited act. ! Fresh Groceries, les, 1 Of every description, at prices as reason- able as those of any other house in the trade, 0,72(1J/tat the votes of the oleotoru of the said Mu- nicipality will be taken thereon at the place above- named on the said Seventeenth Day of Oetaber next, at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon, and ending at five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. W1L#,Li31 WILSON, Township Clerk. Hey, 18th September, 1871. 198 1- E 28!000 SEWING NEEDLES To be sold, Sti holesale and Retail, at ARMSTRONG & PRICE'S BOOKSTORE. Main Street, Seaforth. GARTNISS, TAILOR, Tate 1B'oremnti With :i . Erickson & Co.,, Begs to announce to the inhabitants of • SEAPORT"' JLLYD that hat ho has taken rooms over MPs. THOMAS KIDD'S STORE, >u which he purpories carryingon the making up of GENTLEMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S cLOTxnrn G Also, that he has received from England, an entire NEW' SYSTEM OF CUTTING, which works nduiirttbly, producing beautifully fit- ting gamonts, combining naso and comfort. Some excellent Patterns for Childrans' and Youths Suits. atterns supplied or garments cut ont, at moderato Charges. Seaforth, July 27, 1871. 190-tf. EGMONDVILLE. EW GROCERY. WM, THOMSON (Late of Seaforth,) O z 0 EXPECT TO REMOVE THEIR HARI) WJ Rp 1 STOVE AND TINWARE. BUSINESS TO Tst1 NEVI STORES I I� • ADJOI�NHv G HJOKSON's, EARLY YT . IN OCTOBER. IN THE 14TH A11 TtiIE. Bega to inform the public that he has opened grocery Store, in THE BRICK PREMISES, L l,tely occupied by Mr. John Logan, NEAR Ti BRIDGE, EG,11ONDYILLE, Where he will veep on hand A CQ3IPLI:TE STOCK OF • AND Z� 11 .IJ:.1S, Iii oriler to sorry into effect the I � T 1 id recited object, it will be nec(•asary for -the said 1-1 �l e I-Iivli cost i �il�et Price and tah11:8 hi the manner hereinafter mentioned • and:; Perth. I BUTTTEi .tuns, , t 11ty to , u•,e the 811111 811111 of lift •rn t} AN1i Sm.ait;.t' It ail1 require theHuntof ($1,9;,0) one th, umanil six hundred. said fifty dol)tfrs to be — taise,1 anlutitl1.i' by t T i;tics ial raft for pay illg illi )) r L O T It AND- FEED! 11(1 c1 ,t o1 fiftCe.1 th(il.yetiel (lollary,llltl interest un 1110 deb :panus to be issued therefor as hereinafter Kept constantly on hanitl. 1)rovit'i 1 1'.1111 FOR 1�GlxS; &c., &c. AN)) �4Dt:1ln ts, The amount of the whole rate- . - able tut petty• of the said :Municipality, irrespective 17(9-tf , l of any' Mare inerea8(1 of the i,,ate, and aloe haa- t spe c:tiro of any increase to be. derived frt3nt the te)a - pontr investment of the sinking fund hcreiiutf,cr1 CREAT ucntlot did or of any part thereof, is tweerclin' to th [11 �r ^' 1.., t t'e%'iSecl lL c'1;,i1a! ! n C [VAT CLE R I t n t roll of the sail'. 3 unicinal- SALE icy, being for the year 18711,. the 81iu of livehundrecl . and fifty-eight thousand three hundred and twenty - ,nine dollars (.$558,929.) AND l to itst5, The anoint of the existing ',debt of the said Idlmlieipality is es follows : Prin- ,cipitl, title thousand live hundred dollars ($2,50O); 1 Mtcrest JJ'Ilotllinl, due. - A.:D A41fi.nants, For paying the interest On, and oft atlit��lllllptif equal lentis Slnkiit fund for payi:i7 the prim opal on the said debt of lifteeu thousttgtl dollar::, , hereinafter mentioned, it will require an annual s )(t:iul rate in the dollar of three Drills on WHOLE �6 tie wind of the rateable property- of the said muni- THE �Y H C L t 1pality i adtlltit)n LO it.11 ether rt[tes to be -levied E OF THEIR STOCK twit yetis fllis: IT Trrs:nl�:rOIIE 1s\.tc lin, 131 the Corpora- _ oe of the, Township of Hay, in Connell assets- T� led, its follows : 1.Thud it shall, nail may be lawful fur the said C T } ntullici.plt sty to 1188i8t thi. sail Company; by *r. )`ing COST' PR (C y FOR CASE. tlnoeto, ly way of bonus, the stun of fifteen tftouvand dollars. 1'hatt it shall be lawful for the pntltose• afore- 1 TILE SALE!'lj-ILL' START' said, for the Reeve of the said Municipality to taunt 1 1L11 nut�.tber of debentures to be rnitd • for such ' 1 81111)8 of inoncy ass any be required for the said par- i 0� THE FIRLT- 01 AUGUST, peae, lint less than one hundred dollars each, and 1 not exceeding in the whale the said sun) of fifteen 1 thousand dollars, altieh slid debentures shitll he ` Aud will continue iilntil the whole tinted with tht_ seal of the :atilt \In tieipality, auti of the Stock aiglled by the Bevve and Trt)lsnrol thereof. , is sold out. E. That the said. (l0benttnr(ts shall- be1lustle par- able in twenty years at furthest from the slaty here- intifter)meltloneit for this 133,-1ttw to take effect, at t1i1q uilic'e or the C'tn adiati_l lank of Conti oerce, Lbli- 11u11.()ntarno,:nalshall uaveatla(anal thereto ur 011, payment -( rinterest at the rate t l 1 the 1 winner hereinafter mentioned, and Said • .11- nre8 shall tn. dt-livered to the Tr1181 'es Hunted, 1 )r to- be nutted, In iu'eordi'.nec with the pro- 1 Woos of ilii( said recited act. 1 1 'Platt t le said 1)(be,, ,, -., sled/ bear interest A call is respectfully solicited. i� M. Tf-TOM,SON, Egmondville. 11R•itl (.(.111 , ago, he is not sixtyof giving money by c y of bonus or t Mutt ons, of years old now. other uteitln to the (;c moony, in the oust -defies, Ifte beetaan life soon and lived manyo1 etitlipmcut of stiitl ltnilwny, or of 11-1113.11 ny (,f th( lives. Perhaps he �r ill 1`i1Ld his S. ort(:; atntht)ri'etl nllldei t1• act, irl,'s11 'h I) plttllttn• L""tareC'L' lowfr --� , as y11cI1 itlntuu�palrtic at leas:t. , shall thlnl. .apmciteut, provided �h% ti lug Hire for a Porter.Oa-the ado t „ i5 1 eal aud to title h extent i Of thou 'l ` •41 (1' anSr Mistak A coniroercial tratieller arriv in town on Wednesday anti regi -terecl his name at the Thompson J I.iolse. Like all tr>.vellers of h kind he lhacl an eye. to business, an no time vas lost in getting a. ho and rig wherewith: to take a rain down 81/atrta way. Sparta has i fittractions, and so the •'' Cumin?el•- *Ia><i " experienced; for it• wts` not I till ticnight drat he again found 1 11imseli' alt the i" hompson House door, shivering . , � Ill the chilly air. i>~noc' :., knoc; , knock. bought 110 3•eply, and despairing of making him- se)lf heard iii the landlord's dreaaruy f chamber he paused auu to ;hie Lisga�tr b Mouse, w fele light waas seen str'.eanl- il1 front a-wiindow. Knock, knock, knoe , and a. footf-t1l wars heard s1 within. .L carer and f(aare: it gauge, the door -vas unbolted, and there 1 face to face Mood "Coilnnierc•iail " 'i �t titout )ot'tl -fin alLcl , t, 1 S ware ill ]light clotlfes l)t'aa`tIly aL lli)na, it, .�, 1__ i ,' tU '4 `haat the d-1 clo 'jot, want t" : was the fILfllle's. quern; ---uttered ill • ti -a bass 'oice tl at plight Bare Come of frOtll file Flll'Oat of ?C>(''S tr; • ra im anti m fuaCif't):,t 1'aL\-ell, salla with a s ?ecial , sa empllaasis on the " " (, 1. be �"Orr. .). Sva11t is I'UOE11 land ct sett," �T t1S OOln11181` of t'i ti's quick reply as lie stepped ytl ba iskly over the tllres11o1c1. ((t) �I 111(11 so Such aid or ns isittncc, by uim of ) 0,1114, donation or. oth0rwis(,, 8111 11 ba give ant 1 after the p:ts5iil of it By-1a� for the putts). e, :11 p •ion of Snell By -lidp by the rt{tel tyei, pro- (t ;stied alba, that itny such 13v-laty, td he vain(, shall e(1 be )studs int cunfermi.ty- 1t1itlt the loan') o thi Pro - sac, %ince+, respecting Men cilia such L', l,iws s() pr450)1 Shall b•k Vali ; in tad 8tliuciin;,• such rate nsav exceed 1 ins � � th- c u t.rc the m gi'c 'ate tte of 15 i two cents on the dollar on the oaten va tie e such L' 1 rateable . property, provtdi•d that the an- Inual rate of ass(1sstt'eht(; 811;111 no , in any case exceed fon • all purposes two tents Se 1 in the delltli• on tie • actual value o � the whole rateable ble proliert', within the! mica ) tlity I or portion of a slrunieii alit}- creating• 81 eh ("ht.'. it s And '4t itFn1..ts, tht' llnn (*panty )of the Towns p of Tut kersinitll hos ere tt'i' uu•tl to aid and.:18(1 011e said Company, lty giving thereto, o, by mat3 of b )Ritts, the stun of $1O,00O, tulchir the author> ty of salt re- cital act tinct ZytI:1:FAS, In order to cauy- into e''fect tht said 1 recited object, it will. he necessary :fin• the i;aid Mn sieipilll 1 to raise the sitid 811111 of;k10, )OO . 1 the *liarlureulaftcr mentioned aud set forth. And W itt•ainaI, it will requ 'e the stun o/ .141 100 o 110 raiStd aa)a)ually by special rate, for paying the ,1)1 debt of :10,0011 and iutei,eat on the debt altar• ;111 to 0 issued therefor; its hereinafter prow {t:'cl, A, id • �, uTact ts, the 711110nnt of the whole rat( idle pro - why of the said D.stuuici( 8lity, ilTt $pt j;tiv • of 1 Lv ;tither increase of the 8111 le, :cud 11180 i:u•r •wpt•(t,1 e any Mei-ease to he tier" red froln tit tt itipo •;k1 y . tiveatment of the sinkin• fond herei tar 01' 11 cit Toned, or any part there is taccordiis • tc the est evised assessment roll o the said _l tinieipa ily-, ung for the year hail, the 80111 of . ix ham led nd seven thot;sand nine huuthed and 'evenly- 1,ve ()liars. And Witithroto, The anidnuf of the exi:lig debt of WumnE.ti-T, For paying (he intnrnst [upon, 1 nd a principal of the sant debt of a:10,0001 as here'11- tar mentioned, it will re mire an annital spec.' 't 1 te in the, dollar of (me mill and eight4entlis (1 a ill oe. the %thole of the r; teithle piaqa'rty of tl t* . it 1111)10(1 as follows. GIVING ITP B SINESS. The undersigned intend giving up Business this Fall, and they will CLEAR 01.1T and a -11001w 111 te ad six". per eention per tunnu ruin the ; date thereof atul such interest thohnice of he said delantures, et the place where i , t 11. ;said deb atrima, are math. payable. 11 he firat day of Jannary and the first 1 ; ayl of ,fuly a each and every ear ;luring the con- " 1 ;1.1 That illr till, purpoat• or forming it sinking 1 • ; -merest. to beelone due thereon, an equal 1 a )(Tod rate a three mills in the dollar shall in ;RI- I 1 - . -1.1 - , man) all the rateable property ' id Mnuieipality in addition to all other tides le; ied each year. i. le rue see vial wanted may be requir st. That it 8111111 alid limy be lawful far the an (1 do dollars 1 y way of bonus, the sum of ten thousaa (I ' porter he was anyway "; and retort hundred dollars e.ach, and not followed sally in quick snecession tIhr‘ete,,t1211 re s slue 10t 1 et Cif Smidet.h )°tlie se allti ill anything but complimentary ' _phrase, Fintdiy the %Cut portly 3 ou geD it. .,nd. That .it shall be I win! fler the tor urer thereof. Srd. That the said debentOes be fixtde pay 0 et ormtion on, from and after the 24th day „f ; CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE Co., I r. That at , votes of the pie !t7 -. ( said 1 American _ ... 'alley bought and sold. I ul 31 turipahty, ithall be taken on -tbis By-law it the 1 Particular atte. ition paid to . T ma Hall, in the Village of Znrich, on Tu !tidily, th . 1 7th day Of October next, commenting a nine (7'( lo k le the' forenoon, and closing at five ( 'clock i Coll early and secure _Bargains The highest price paid for gutter, eke. All parties owing accounts will please eall am settle them, and N:IvO themselves further treuble. BONTI-IRON SON., Seitforth, A:twist 1, 1.87. 109 e . aid deltoid:ire:3 ()rimy of thein. G. That this Ily-law shall take effeet and come in- 1 1 Teleuraph and Express Companies, ,to no*, .11 tat: year ;if our Lord one thousand. 1 „ JOI PRINTING. in th • afternoon. William Wilson to be Ret ruing 1 StOre, Seaforth DO NOT FORGET THE OLD STAND. OCT. . Seaforth Foundry Would desire to call atten WTI to their THRESHER & SE ARA CR greatly improv et 1141, Which is able to compete withia.ny other Machine in Canada.1 Among Ail many advantages, ye at -i tention to the following—the! way the Cylinder constructed—it re tires less power and is capable f THRESHING 'MORE AND C EANER THAN ANY OTHER. The great complaint among always was, that they could th esh more than they could clean, our impro -ed drum does away with all these complaints ; it he -wind. without ave also, he grain Thresh - and ex - y other is so construated as to regulate to keep the riddles from ehokine. blowing any grain over. We I improved our Mills to prevent going over.with the strai,v. We -would invite Farmers and ers,.generally, to give us a call, amine our stock before purebas where ; we can sell as cheap as a Establishment " ,rone but the best Material used, very best workmen employ and the The Machines we sold. last yea "enable us to say that they g‘ave better iiatishte- tion than any other ever sold. lin this PITT'S HORSE POW. R kept on hand at all times. We would also desire to direct the attentien of farmers to our - .SAWING MACHIN S! JOHNSON BROS. . Which are capable of sawing fro forty _ .1 superior Gang ?loughs, straw d tters, 'Cultivatorn, Scuffiers. wooden an Iron - beam Ploughs, Scrapers, Kettles; &c., MI of which we warrant to give sa, isfac- tion, and will be sold as cheap aS t, any other Establishment in the Provi tee. REPAIRING AND CASTINCTI I Or EVE RY Di!SCRIPTION, Done on the shortest notice and ost reasonable terms. CHEERING PROSPECTS I ABUNDANT HAR,y I The present favorable Spring weather 1 -warrants both farmer 'and Mechanic in ' making timely preparations for the Ktom.- ing harvest. W. 0 0 I , .m.Q, THOMSON a, WiLLIAMS L. E . ,.. ,, 1 While thanking their patrons for th lib- - Ohio Combined Jfachine,1 eral encouragement act:cycled them it the past would cordially invite the a ten - of Farmers to their choice assortmeilit of Harvesting Machines for 1871. Our 1 with Johnson's Improved. Self -I lake,. has given complete satisfaction for the >est owo years, and is now. offered to .tlie _public with the stroneest guarantee for The: Cayuga Chief, Jr., ArOWeil durable. handy and best working Mo , el- ' known, !being constructul in the hod of . the machine entirely of iron and st el, 1 and with it 1-i`t: defy competition. Ye also offer the Reaper, ! SUMMER IS GONE, . BUT TECSI1E IS J:ittst Received COIPLETE STOCK ..OF ST • Eh:lb-racing the largest designs iu TWEHADS, BROADCLOTHS IDOPSIKIINTS VENETIANS, & F'OR FALL WEAR Crimpberis OFFteE—Elliatt & Armstrong's Book- w. ad in P 17 A NOTICE, the above in a true Copy I repotted By-law, which will be take into elution hy the Council of this Muniei nifty, r ue mouth from the first publication ti ereof heillrhox Exeosoron, the date of which first li atien was the 22ud day Qi September, SI 1871, SHOPS FOR SALE. 'FOR SALL', two Shops and forty-four feet front- rnichael's Hotel. Apply to age on Main Street, Seaforth, opposite Car- 1 W3.17 -CAMPBELL. , 1- - I which took first and second prizes • acknowledged to be superior to any otl/et 1 pattern now in use, as it cuts perfectiiy. 1 takes up lodged or tangled grain bettei than any other rake or reel ma,ehine, a4d cuts eq tidily well from either side of Of field when wind is strong from any di..= reetion, can be raised or lowered when motion and is very durable. AT Clothing Establishment, NEW YORK FIOUSE We invite inspection of our machincii.s and mode of manufacturing by put_ We guarantee satisfaction in every ma- chine, or no sale. TERMS EASY. The agrieulturaliSts of Perth and at joining counties will not (we believe) b so blind to their own interests as -4• give their orders ,to shops mare time 100 miles east, when there are iirst-clast, works in their midst, building Iargell the best machines, equa,l to any of tit:1E I same machines made 111 the Province. Call and see us, -send in- your orderi 1 by mail, or deal with our agents; as it I every ease you will get a :perfect ma chine, and on the same terms as you/ and prices being established and mil.: All other kin& of implements con- i stantly on hand. 174 would call special attention to 60 The linr. ! STEAM-ENGINES BUILT, 1 of Canadian Tweeds, bought very hno, and first ' And all. kinds of MILL WORK done' Address faiNovowsetFtlii!suah,:o°1.1:1,1111-::77cLudo:,11:afk Itir1:11 1 eate:ring, salting, iir,4:31t3t d.iv on tire 6,11'1312: tg-onn lade,:i with fish. the ipasS123 i, in hand : and afte tler;,c this pari. dela :114 we:eh -of nighZ 11' -the Of the fish ou.1 -13 irk eoreringsil When thorough y (I) led .14 ed it is taken to the .111eldRIBI, where 4; -i-ent. markets, Inc di are known as '',),ferchalk, or broken fish, The Ifirst nau the 11est quality ; the Second i'., .gree inferior, while the third i .sidered good -enough kr the " Dun is used at. home.1 sounds or air -bladders; tongues of the cod are pickl kegs, and make an e.x-eellent is world-renowned for its wed fill t1 1 itiRs. The best is made 1-vil boiling, by applying ito the of heat, and ;then filter) three :times succession„ thin flannel or similar -When- carefully prepared it i pure, nearly inodorons, and crystalline transpareitcy. refined cod-liVer abOut 36 are, .exported. annuall, the here being $,240 per ton. with inferior oils by etaile f-3old .a Very high pr4e, London Hospital for 41:6 trea consumptiVe patients,, it is :that seventv per cent. inipro're,‘ many the good ,effect is! 'perm- -Newfoundland Letter.; _Co-operation Anion.8. Farmers need a little better -derstnnxling of the advantat,T8 Jerived from to -operating toge with one another. Fanners' should be organized this:fairin ward or section of each towns - and some place of meeting appo ed. where they can. assemble teat! of an evening, say once or t, week, to discuss matters zene regarding the cropS, markets, - etc. Ell'orts should be mad counteract the doings of specula and middle men in forming con nations to cheat the hard -work iroducer out of '4), portion of 4rarning,s, for their own benefit, Workinfr into each otherPs hand„ Jower pi ices ia local markets, older that they may sell at a 'bra sheuld be subscribed snflitient pal/11914, knol to 113A -oral& to the. farmers' terest and opposed to spi?culatoi Die)! ig)lt he gni efefl int -0 fur t hy one who has every comenieni for doing so to a t va tagil, and at moderate expense. 1)iscussions a general nature should take Ow; bearing upOn all that is lik-e?'y t4.3 the farmers' interests.. We 1/ farmers might be greativ 14-nefitt way Keep Sheep. 1-' -prv farmer should knep her wool is low or high, Ire the /1108t profitable stork /IP ‘Ziki 1 Nev.:It] anl.:;t1'.eliitit7„ \\ —Ail proper !care ling 111a aff thnible their '11 ley airord line, meat • tanner's table, with little .111(1 1•65)5 WOrtilleSS tuts. They