HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-10-06, Page 50,0T. 1871. -- Afar he 4tatute, on conviction. ;ge, is imprisonment, itot xeat3. nor less than six 'sti a tine of not over onet taliztrs• nor loss than one. tollars. The rumors, Of an outbreak of the Nor -- not crediteth Ti' Mor--. give ;thstittitee that ail rrurt will be aueved. • Go_ ; Nis 'Iasi -mule every pre - e an emerwenev, and he•• in the Jaw at any cost_ apany of -United Stateg: ed Lt Salt Lake City oil :tut from Fort Brittger. r,(1 and generally believed knts have been found ant Young to -day for _ ?U aii Assizes of Assize, Nisi, Pritis,, -rtuiner and Gent...-ral openel at the Court 'vial, on Monday-, 2w1 the Hon. Mr. Jns- The following gentle - as ttrawrt. Foreman ; fIcoaie-e Cox* Jan tes fielIand, Robert Murry, Henry Spence, re, .John Sanderson, Al- en Cowan, Peter Douglas,. .eph Morris, IA C. Me- dinson. ip in addressing thetn,„ the Ceounty- on the inie and the general prosperity.. Twenty sed to take him a day travel from. Stratford On this circuit, by xcellent gravel road and Huron, a spring ht Mm, from Walker - in about 8 bows. e people to the North -heir desire for railway and some Tortuito _to were now going pe..ts vainly seeking in- thei money„ would Sely to hare invested 't.ad enterprises, when. .-ed the opportunity., 7 (SE CACSEs. Lomas. VS; T. Gidley. tt Vs. Agricultural In- Paw - 4. Donald McKay_ •t -.s. 8. & W. Andrews, 4 'ameron. S. Mal-wain- Shain. 'vs. . Beckett et aL et al, vs. Fredeirek. -Hugh McKinnon - s. A. Beckett, et aL Sutlictriand & „Maher- rhatnas (4dlev- . ei• Janne. Donnelly-. Nonras Gidley. :.haries Dressler. •ceil INIcAii;ey et - k -s. Matthew- C'hairibers,,, Ftt—Irardiat by con - for Iduintiff. Ihvi flr efen- red till Tuesday. man Fuller, horse. 11,—Y/unit/I . - as arrived at Ottawa,. le made the journey to Toronto in. seven pages„ Bistop Tache Ottawa in a day or • of Guelph has f‘.k1 firui alit int I,UCH1 r. teutrainiug 144, Moi 4.efor about sale of butter ever Inc lot. .ly sunk by Mr E. Lor!t, (In the :„outh side water so deeidedIy tsalt that it eaum,t; ber. tliti well is may 43.4 Carvin Iva,54 flogged - yard,. Walkertown, r a criminal assault, fe received a dozen. the sheriff*s attic - mother dozen at the Isminent. (rajetsf (liathain, wIten he sud- ferentost, turning al and was taken out ily receivine a slight. Furtunatelv there= 0- water in tile well •-.16ts the child itn2lit, 4-ning last, Richard ef •the 11-rork read, lled by a tree falling wzig on Attridge g Rem as Dtisscti but nu .trare coldsi 1"Lestite tinti I Sunday was found deatl be- . a had fallen upon. :ht some one broke !ri Lease set the 3rt rac aud took. etitti half ;t t h fit`if 'ts•a wholes:tie deal- J.1t.11 with a -isat.fou the bit. Saturday last, _Murray, jr., sze% emus- on ix/nut:Ai- 1 purported to IR: where Miss Isa- 4hane. iR residing. enntra,licti,41, '11'1V1 ;wen in •- frtuti niss 13,,1 ,,40(1L1 health_ l•red at the ( of a. lutist painful, .:(1 IZobertsnn when a. boar pi,, Jul the. pen attaekt with his tusks in it: wound. extend. c OCT. 6, 1871. 3E5gla==aralZ731131111322131611IEN.11101111rdillr ed from the lower part of the calf of the leg up to the thigh., The skin was com- pletely torn away from the back part of th_e 1 egoi John Blows, Blows, of London Township, has a nine mouths old bull calf weighing 73c) pounds. ; The first prize Leicester ram (which was also awarded a diploma at the Wes- tern Fair,) owned by Ntr. Miles Brown, Fullarton, was purchased -by D. Mc- Kenzie, jr., of Hyde Park. AUCTION SALES. Tuesday, Oct. 10, on Lot 15, :Fifth Concession, Stanley,---Fahn Stock, &e. Thomas Ward, proprietor ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Thursday, Oct. 12, Township of Us - borne, num Stock, Implements, Furni- ture, etc. T. Nagle, proprietor, A. Bishop, auctioneer. 'Friday. Oct. 13, Lot 27, Second Con - c. -cession, Hay, valuableFarm Stock. John Petty, proprietor; Pe Brine, auee :no n eel% Monday, Oct. 16, at Lot 9, Second Concession, Stanley, farm stock and implements. John McNair, proprietor ; J. 1?. Brine, auctioneer. Wednesday, Oct, 18; at Lot 22, Eighth Concession, McKillop, valuable farm.qt)ck. John Mena,rey, proprietor 4 J. P. Brine, auctioneer. BIRTHS. • Donns.-In McKillop, onlionday, Oct. ',2tid, the wife of Ali.. Ja,ines Dodds,. of a son. Auvr.—In Seaforth, on Wednesday, Oct. 5th, the wife Mr. William Ault, of a daughter. ' KA.RRIAGES:t1 -WORBY --BAtE.-At Mansfield Cottage, Egmondville, on the 28th of Septem- ber, by the Rev. .Mr. Graham, Mr. ,Peter Worby, of the- township of Tuckersmith., to Miss Julia Ann Baur, of the township of Hay. DEATHS. 001c.. -At the residence of her son, in the township of Morris, on the 28th September, Ann Cook, aged 72 years. Deceased was a native of Ireland., Eeszi•E.-In Tuckersmith, on Tuesday, Oct. 3, Martha Jane, youngest child. of Mr, Itobert Elie, aged one year and three months,- MeMICHAEL.-In Milled, on Tuesday, 3rd October, Robert McMichael, Sr., aged 78 years. • ItAmsAY.-At his residence, Earlston, Tuckersmith, Peter Ramsay, Esq., aged 62 years. Mr. Ramsay was one of the pioneers .of Tuckersmith, having settled. on th6 'Second Concession, -where he resided at his death, about 35years ago. He was much esteemed. by a large circle of ac- equaintances, and he will be long held in ;'.-e..inemberance in this vicinity. THE MARKETS: SEAFORTIL Oct. 5, 1871. rThe Market this -week has been Teo e lively. Fall s, 1:11teat has advanced from quottudisits last week and now brings from $1 18 to $1 22 mud in some._ eases higher; on Tuesdass the mice was ran up to $1 80, but this -wag merely a temporary spurt. Spring Wheat is steady at our quotations, whieh are also tun advance on last week. Barley is in but 'little ..lernand. Oats are slightly better dem last week at sen. advance of two cents, and are still scarce. Peas we quote 55e. to 60e7 with but little offeriug% but- ter is offered in considerable quantities, awl choice lots are in demafid, and. are eagerly caught up• Hides are unchanged, hut Sheep -skins haves ad- vanced to 50e. to tsl, and aro iu good demand. Hay will bring from $10 to .,-;.12 and finds ready sale. We 'quote: .. . . .. - to 1 22 -ipriug Wheat 1 15 to 1 16 Barley - 0 45 to U 48 Oats .. ... . . . . .. .......0 30 to 0 32 Peas.. . 055 to 060 flutter.. .. . ... . . s.._0 13 to 0 15 Eggs. ....... 012 to 000 . . .. . . . ... . 8 00 to 0 00 Potatoes, Mewl. 35 to 0 40 Hay.. ... ........ ... . 00 to 12 00 Hides 600 to 900 -Sheep Skins. . 0 50 to 1 00 Lainb Skius. 030 to 0 75 Calf Skins, per ...... : . , 08 to 0 10 ;ARA, per cord._ . . .. 3 25 to 3 50 Salt (retail) per .. 1 •30 to 0 00 -Conte and_ get your choke' of 500 pairs of Pruuella Roots, at J. Duncan Nt- SratOrth. . CLINTON, Oct. 5, 1871. Fall Wheat. ..... 18 es 123 Spring Wheat.. ..... 1 16 st, 1-17 MI 4d of .1\l'taisNifltestitisol)11% who will oim, out • the a f ter • the 9 th hides) t . • I coalition= of the, o -S" 011 myself for initity!.., it position to do well Vit.; WILL 11 OW, Al1d j also parties indebted to -r. 10, ei (stunt, lime due or Pi st (11 settled at mice, as I ate" a tune, HO 80011 at; Ai bll Win always stay the kinds of graiu, pots butt counts, and also iu cash.. Ainleyville, Oct. 5 187 N undersigned Ewes, to either his r - tier Leicester 1161(18. nt Ir. Town Liue of Hay fat pair of 'Ewes, payab.c Hay,l1 Oct. 4, 1871: NO IHEREBY GIVEN, 1 s tofore carried on and Aiktto Gray, under th BROADFOO.T & GI AY, dissolved by sautual eons hereafter be carried ou b, foot only, who is anthoriz of the partnership uul account Of the same, Dated this 30tb day of , . (Sign ed, ) (Witness,) JAMES H. my Stock -in-' rade *Wive's-. T mu non & same prt misti •;,_ mi. road •0 '1.1 •it f n• the berall an: magi • bests knowi its that .1, hey to 11 slut i ring fift•our t lieg lehye to ii Sinn her bsi noke ot book e, dui the san e outs d to ir 1.VC this Peak 'tiffs e, n to closed to elseet-luarket 1 rive -1.1, .r. etc., on 110 ('S or 40IFti 4(41'1 • 1 / !CF: me. p sett red to rt•esive. rkshire Leicest 10r - a preinisels Lot No. metes Teem s---1$5 ler- htt elese of the gesso' IL LOVE, ."'en. 200 ICE • nt th • partite •ship 1 Sara. JohS1 H. Broad ont • Ilene , st1e it id firl 1 of Settforth, w s Una day mtand the business' will the tend john H. Bi mut-. •d to discbarg all (Hits o receive all •retlits ou. eptembert 187 OTiN H IlIs ADVOOT, 1...D.A.M G BAY. ENSON; 2002 1 NOTE OST, a Note of Hond, favor of Davis Dollars with iuteres The pnblic are emit same as paymeut ha Grey. ()et. 8, 1871. Don due, oiled • bee LOST. iNNVII by Willi tip Patton , for the slim of Twcluty eight mouths after date. against purchasing the 1 stopped. , . • DAVID DOULL. 200S3 -1ICT OAT -MEAL AND SEAF aubscribei has lat -4-• Mill a 110.NV chopping s to CHOPPING, 0 At tin sho Oat- meal • enchain. ed. exehanged for IbutIcy, t constluitly ou hand. Seaforth, Oct. 5, 1871. BARLEY MILLS, . RTH. .y added to his Oat-rneal tne, aud is nos prepared ALL KI DS, test notice. - or Oats, stud ot-barley d all kinds of Mill Feed F. SEEG • ILLER. 200-18 UN JfAILINC EY PERSERVERS. THI, e roofof the superionty of gluAzARUS, .MORRIS & CO.'S Perfected S ieetaeles is the Iarr°e and increasing einand. We are to tistied that they -would be oppreciated here ns elsewhere, and that the malty of the advantages offeredto earent of the • beautiful lenses, viz.. the easel and comfort, the assure and readlly ascertained: improvome t of the sight, and the brilliant as istance they give in all eases, rherc in themselves so appa- rent ot. tri I, that the result could not be othe vise than: it has, in the almost sane al adoption of the CELE- BRATIM 'ERFECTED SPECTA- CLES by th residents of this locality. With a 11 41 knowledge of the value of the asser ion, we elaim tied they Perfect optical aids ever ire the DIOS manufn eturiel. To those needing Spectacles, norcter to afford an op- t portun ty e procunng the best and niost desira le,` -, .L.A.ZARUS. MORRIS .•& "CO. _ • "Have fuppoined as Agent, ' ' • Sit, R. COT.J.rEB, 1 Seaforth. 200 TEACH .R WANTED, in Sells ol "TEAijHER, 1.1 to comnience at Jan 1, 1 tees, . • 9. a 197-4* 1 HORS W-ANTEDto exch with foal by a ami perfedly :tonna 1 horse. Must be sou ids; at, TUE :EXPOSIT( WANTED. . &mu No. 6, Hulled,. tt 11 thinbc;lass certificate; 72. Apply to the Trus- HO3LIS NEILANDS, . OLOMON ROGERSON. "VVANTEDs: lige, at ,eoocl Breeding Marc, hon ughbred imported horse, nel t me to work, for a driving id,, 54 a good traveller. it 01 FieE. S • -plum the stile:0i -k- bees nue DARK wifite. Halter oil wl rope fin to her recovery wilJ saititbly re.warded. 198-4* • YED ,Iderslie, on Uth Septem- MARE, one hind hoof he left, shanktied to it iformatiou that may bstd thankfully received and MeINTIRE: Paisley Post Office. Co. Brice, Ont. ESTR rAmE into the prt -yds `-si No. 10, Con. 6, To about the 6th of Se; tend The owner is requeS ed t charees aud take her awn 197!1 'MARE. - of the anbecriber, Lot pship of Stanley, Oil Or er, a small bl ick mare. eallsoesive .property, pay % THOMAS WILEY. (Sets... ... .. .... 0 80 el 0 81 .. . 0 58 QS. 0 59 0 45 O u 46 Baxley. A Full Steel,: of at ' sorts of Boots and Shoes, in - Leather, at J. 1)unc2U1-4 CO", Seaford". • GODERICH, Oct. 5, 1871. Fall -Wheat..' ... 7 ... • . • • • ..$1 18 ty. ,). 20 Spriug Wheat1 10 (tt. 18 f hits 0 80 0'.1. 084 Peas, ... _ .. : . .... 0 50 st. 0 56 Ilarley . 0 48 0.,t 0 00 Ratter 0 15 or (1 00 0 11 tg. 000 attmittoo paid to all orders for Boots and lett, either sowpc1 or pegged, at 3. Duncan t.. (o s, seaforth. _ LoNnox, Oct. 5, 1871. 199-4* pRIVATE Funds to Lc Laltda, I.218 per enit. yearly. Patents tak n and charges reesoutt les Court Honse, Goderi h., 2 STRAYED QTRAYED from t e p". Lot NO. 30, Con: 4,11 Ycniliug Cattle, two •tem largest steer was ed, Each of them had a three one ear, "end a sheep nen owner on the other e r. 21 S111a11.1)(511 Wh011 11 at such information Of 76.11 be suitably rewarded.. Spring 1•Vheat White Fall Wheat .- Red Fall Wheat Barley -48 /lei -14 bushel Oats (ol(1) ............ sits uovi Peas . .... ...'...... 2 Potatoes ., I lutter Eggs - $1 17 to 1 18• . 1 30 est 1 -84 NOTICE T 1 17 e't 18 THE Books and AC &MIAS of Davies,045 0 54 'Esq., are 10 my hinds for collection Parties .. 0 81 (ft 0 82 owiog will please call and settle up at, Once and 0 30 Qt 0 els save costs: All art6 lintunpaid by die 4th of .. . ... 0 50 ta 0 60 November neit will 1 °sit vely be placed in. Court • .. ..... .0 35 yr 0 40 , for collection. No ferthe time will be goanttel. • .. .. 014 ter, 015 199-5t JOHN S. PORTER. 10 'ty 011 JOH, EY. nd• ou Mortgaol. of Farm ter alumni, mble half if required. - No delay , F. • tor; &e: ud Auginat, 1&l1. 194-8 CATTL.E. rabies of the subscriber, eKillop, in May last, five s and three heifers. The he others red and white: square notch ent, out a with•the 21111 11. Of the )uti of the heitS rs Mel on 'en. Any 11015h 11 giving ad to their re oven- will McF,LROY, DE,BTO %forth. Ss Mans hand -made Kip Boos, for $3,50, at 3. - Paucity. & Co•e, Seaforth. TORONTO, October 4, 1871. WEIKAT:-.Market tolerably actiin, sevend cars Of No. 1 white Ives :odd at Irons 84 to $1 36. No, 1 Spring sold ;it $1 24. Feavii.+Mitrket moderately active, but holders. atiking extinnse prices deters buyers from operating: except 011, �11m11Seale fer immediate requirements. <2"i:citations nominal. oxrs.--lleccipts per rail 1,300 bushels. Market quiet, little demand. Price tmcbaneed. IlmiLev.--Receipts per rail 2,18(ft-bus:h. Market . kiteady, moderately active 5.600 asked for No. 1 with 59c bid. PoAs.-s-Market unchanged. None offering. I A large assortment of Prunella Boots, Gents' Ladies' Auld Children's, at J. Duncan & Cos. . MONTREAL Oetober 3? 1871. Fectru.-Market qrtiet atia easier; sales on spot of extra $6 60 to $8 75. Fancy taken at $6 35, and superfine at $6 174 to S6 -25. WinsAn,-White- offered to arrive afloat at $1 48, whit -h is now above the views of buyers; 46 -to 47 bid. Latest sales of Western NO. 1 were at sl 40, and of Canada spring at sl 374. PEAS.-Searee and wanted at 874e per 66 lbs. ' B(rren.-Steady, with fair demand for all de- sinthle lots. (7HE ESE. -Quiet at 9e to 1.0c for good to fine. JOHN CHRISTIAN, ACCOUNTANT, SE AFORTH. Books Posted and Balanced. 1..-4..'''/E5tate3 wound Tips ts100-2 CATTLE :TRAYED. QTRAYED from the pre kJaliont, the month. of s LIN(-$, viz:: three steers the steers are speckle 1 re in color the other bas 111 heifer'has white back end inclined to be grey a tout giviug soch h f orm et AM eovery Will be Suitably re" ' N 199-41 , Lot 5, nises of the sidiscriber, utet last, FOUR YEAR - and one heifte • tivo of and Ndlite--_-11 mated ire red than woite; the belly with red kides, and the heed.. Any person -s will lead tr their re - anted by the o leas CELAEI: T Meestiimi 4, Mc Killop. • LUMBER LATH a HE Undersi their Mill, Ainleyville, a Lumber, part (aly is Dressed 1-4. a. have 75,000 ft which is wa and Their 1iingie M the Stt instant, tiful Au ply of 8 QI Prompt attenti a distance. Ding el April ! LUMBER 1 dSI INGLES, have oln hand at alf mi14 Nerth of 'took oDijy Pine ut ,,, 5,000 feCt) of wn(h e 14, Flooring. They iso on hand. o Stri ILath anted first el S, no slabs, chine will sta'rtl about . fter which date a plen- 1 e kept INGLES w hand. on giten to M. & T. _, 1871. niers from SMITH, 1, 6-tf. THE HURON he Black Bear. ATTENTION THE people of Seaforth aud the surromuling country will please Bear in mind that the ,Isin N. BLACK BEA!? their midst, and is MAKING GREAT HAVOC In the , PRICES OF C00.1.)S' At the 777s M..-1IN-8TREET, SEAFORTH. B. -Cottons is his BEST HOLT. M. GRASSI.E, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Coderich-street, Seaforth. Buil est " Pa gene IGHS, CUTTERS, CARRI E8, • . BUGGIES, . WAGONS, &c., • in. a superior inanner, to order, en the short- ticular attention paid to horse4ihoeing. mid al blitektimithing. . • 167 - STRAYED. . CA4rE into the premises of the" subscriber, Lot o 29, Con. 5, Usbonie, on or about the First of Mt y last, a YEARLING STEER, white and red. The wner is requested to prove property,, pay ex - pen.' s and 'take him away. . JOHN 13ALLENTINE, Rotlgerville P. 0. II mime, Sept. 17, 1871. 198-4* NOTICE. QT AYED hito the premises of the subetriber, 'Olit six mouths ago, a, Steer, about two years obt. Owner must prove property and take it away, 4 or i Vill be sob] to pay expenses, THOMAS RITCHIE, Lot 24, Con. 5 Morris. Ai Ies-ville, Sept, 15, 1871. 198 F° HORSE FOR SALE. t,said good-yann or Driving Horse, seven -pars old, sound and tame to work.. Apply to 30 • N COPELAND, near Kippen. . 198 ' .. TO TAILORS. ANTENhurnediately, by T. K. ANDERSON, Seiifort , a JOURNEY -ALAN. TAILOR. To a, goot workman and a steady num, constant employ - me 1 and good wages will be give,n. 197. J.- P. BRINE, LI ENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of uron. Sales attended in all parts of the Cou Itry. All orders left at TiIE 'EXPOSITOR 011Vee svili be promptly attended to. 198 'AUCTION SALE OP VALUABLE FARM STOCK. . 3. P. -BRINE has been instructed to sell by Public Auctions, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1871 on Lot 27, Second Con. HAY, near KIPPEN, the following vtiluable Fan» Stock :-One mitre, 5 year ' old;, oue mare, 4 years old; one gelding, risk is 2 years old, by Fisher's horse; oue foal, by L. l• tatter's horst, "Coachman "; twelyt• good ilia*- . 0011)., supposed to be in ealf ; six. spring celves ; two Cotswold rams ; one shearliug Leiceater non ; six eicester ram lambs, from imported stock ; two Cot. wold rarn lambs, fnmi inuorted stock. Sale to COrillaellett at 12 o'clock, umms T :nats.-Tivelve mouths credit, on kunshing apin eyed joint uotes. I JOHN PETTY, Prop ietor. 3.1' 1BRINE, Auctiouer. ' ty, Sept. ,20, 1871. 198-8* OATTLE FAIR. - 'A. 1CATTLE FAIR will be held hereafter at -1 LOYD'S HOTEL, SEA.FORTII, (Opposite the Station,) 011tlie First Monday in each month, TIEGINNING ON 10NDAY, OCTOBER Z; 1.S71. . 1. L u•ge numbers of hissers will be in attendmice, land parties haviug stock may rely on the best mess ket nices. :.eounection with Loyd's Hotel (Houghton's) axe 4Lrg8 and commodiouS stables and yards. 198 CHANCERY SALE , F. VALUABLE . FARM PROPERTY. IN PURSUANCE of a decree, dated the 12111 day f April1 1871, made by the Court di Chancery, fi certain cause therein pending of DoWn vs. '-Doi n, and with the approbation of Henry me - Del nett, Esquire, Master of dull said Court, at- the TON 11 of (Sock:rich, the following valuable farm pro" erty will be offered ler sitle by PUBLIC AUC- TION, ill one- lot, by CHAMMON TEO, Aue- tioneer, „. . AT DREW'S HOTEL, IN THE VILLAGE OF EXETER, On WEDNESDAY, the 18th day of Octo- ber, 1871, At 1 o'clock iu the afternoon, viz., LO NO. 8, IN THE SECOND CON- ESSION OP THE TOWNSHI.V F ST EPHEN, IN THE COUNTY- HI;RON,• Containing 100 acres pf hind. T ere are 75 acres cleared and under eulticatinn, the ellauce is well tiunbered With. hardwood., The soil is a medium clay loath aud in good -order. The following buildings are upon tin. Lot, viz., a Ira* house 24x18, a frame beim 52x36 and log stable, and in --good repair: There is a good young Orchard covering nearly lire of Ilia, the tines in whiiill are nearly all •bearfiie. waTtelift lot is well fenced and amlie ply suppd with The lot is situated in 8 very fine farming coun- try, aid is four and a half miles from. Exeter, 11 miles from Luean, a. Station en the G -rand Trunk Bailway,within half 21111118 of the Gra el Road, and in the, immediate vicinity of a chureh and school- house The purchaser at the thee of sale will be required to pay a deposit in the pmportion of$10 for every :3100 ' of his pro -these nun fey to the vendor or his solicitor, and to sign en agreement for the counties tiou of his purchase, and he will be rerjoirol to pay the ballance of his purchase money into Curt with- in one mouth from the day of stile and upon pay- ment thereof he will be entitled to a conveyanee and to be Id into possession. , other respects the eunditions of sale will be the standing conditions of the Court of Chancery, which will be produced et the sale, . - For farther particulars end eo11diti-,115 of sale ap- ply to XIESsilS, MCCAt-ORRY & HOLM:ESTEE. Bar- risters, Seaforth, Mnssns. EReTant, ilsussas Srusass, Banisters, London, Mosses. Cssi elms & HOLMS:STED, Barristers, .Torouto, and of the Auctioneer. Dated at Goderich the 14th thy of September, A. D.'187L (Signed.) HENRI MeDERMOTT, F. FIOLMESTED, Esq.. Master in•Chancery. Scaforth, Vendor's SolicitOr. 197-7 • EX*ISITOR., LANKErfS, • • ter fit* • FL i.NNE'LS, TTE AND GREY COTTON 1 bought before the late advance, ./X_Li.c1 will be sold at the lowest rates. , OUR MOTTO, "S ]TALL IJDOFITS ,VD Q t7C1( REIT -RA -R." 'TERMS, CASH AND ONLY ONE HUCK LEE & SWITZER 6 4, Main ',Street, Seaforth. . GENT'S FURNISHINGS WE MAKE A SPECIALITY. , tW' THOMAS KIDD'S MPORTJTM OF FASHI is now the largest and most complete Stock of Dry Goods, in Staple and Fancy Dress Goods the newest pattenis, and Plaids, in every clan, ever opened. in Seaforth. MILLINERY In all its branches. The newest Fashions in Ladies' Hata and Bonnets, from 50e. to 1O eaeh. MANTLES In every style and price. Our new Custom Cloths are very attracdve. CLOTHING - F r Gentlemen, in every style and quality, numufactureil in the best House in the Dominion. Children's d Boys' Clothing'all sizes, imported direct front Mancheer st, -and fully fifty per cent cheaper than II me Manufactured. BOOTS AND SHOES ade expressly, by my own order, for custom trade, and are noted for being the best sold in Seaforth. GROCERIES "Of superior qualities, always kept on. hand. FINEST VOTING HYSON TEA IMPORTED, • • For One Dollar Per Pound. LIQUORS Of the best quality, Wholesale and Rettill,-Itye and Malt, Brandy; Rum, Gin, Wines and SVrups. CROCKERY In en -sat variety; Granite sets, from 9 25 to $4 a set. LADIES AND GEN'TLEIVIEN s • •, A mll is solieited to examine the stock and pries before purchasing. I have no hesitation hs snying that I 411i in a better position to purchase goods cheaper than any other House in the ^ounty Myself 15.24 131 others having four of the largest general retail Slips in Ontario, two in the County of Simeoe, one in P rth, and one iu Senforth, the latter being the smallest; hnvhig no rents to pay, and marking my go 18 nn the one prise systemswith "small profits and quick rettums " 815 my motto. THOMAS KIDD: 'EAFORTH, Sept., 1871. C•J You can get the BENEFIT EDITTI -IN- COTTONS -AT- - I WANTED. - .. PPLICATIONS will be received by Mr. LMS. .' DEN, lU1tiI SATURDAY, Oct. 7, for the posi- tion of care -taker of the Canada. Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. Applicants to state salary re- quired. . EDWARD CASH, 199-21 Chairman (A" Committee. I FOR .SALE. . . - - - o eseesssemme _ _sees's_ farm (or tfalr. , FARM FOR BALE, . Lr'T No. 11 511 5tb Cep. Teen -roads J". Ss. 100 acres, well humps -ea. with esinaltas•lo honse and good 1111111 ball..lueis and ,s• ..si•fi. -sit s- e te it the best wheat gr.,eving lec51;.', in the Province, two miles trine seater:1h paynient easy. Apply te JOHN Y. i» tne Lot, or to 111CCA-Cii HET & : 197-4" °4- f SPLENDID WHEAT FARM For. L. SITUATED IN A THRIVING Lts- --1.; Y LOT NO. 11, Seetnul • C ineession. T. • -Lip of Hallett, Containing 86 tteres. mors ss, of which 80 are under eultivation. and il. e.• 11 good Ininlwood timber. It is situated : a mile; from a good gravel road, aml about .• may be- tween Clinton inel Sesfintle being :t ftrir miles from eaeh, where there tin' daily r all kin& of farm protli1i'1e. On the t. s • .i- s is a. ' good frame house, 30x2e, with a sten, '• tho sante dimensions. kitshell and woodsh- . nth - Also, two good frame barns unit otiu . •il a good lit aring orehard. two wells with ars! 11 constant supply of water. Ror furth.v. ripply to the propristor on the pro, .1t5tier post-peid to Clinton P. 0.. Ont. (1t) -4t- 11-reljl 1 FARM FOR SALE, PEING Lot No. 27, Concession 8, 1. of -1-•-•' Stanley, Comity of Huron, about nun miles. south of elinton; convenient for nee's. n•liways, markets, mills, school and churches; ale sevensy acres cleared remainder well thnbere soil best quality; Inoue • ban" 56 by 40 and foe; stable house moderate ; young orchard, la: fruit good; . water easily obtained ; the a parb contains a large quantity (.4 rock -eh- 81,1. other timber, valuable for fenting, bnilthui,:cu."; mann- factoring purposes. For Mather part apply to the owner on the premises. 199*4 . JOHN 13VITILA11T_ FARM FOR SALE. • The -subscriber will also'sell by pfivate that superior stock farm being lot No. 1 Seel t slim, Hullett, containing 100 amS, eh are eleared and all under grass. There is 5.,11 the prem- ises a good new frame barn. The' -River M: Wand runs through the farin.- The whole O. w -11 leneel.. It is situated on a. geod gravel road within three miles Of the Village of $.4aforth. For a si,ek-rais- ing and grazing •ferni; it has not sepesior 1112 Canada. . . Terins--One-third :of the purchase moral- to be paid down; the balttneenn time to snit -the our - chaser, -with interest at G per cent. For further particulars apply to the ;Terri 'ter, WILLLAM . . Seaforth Isist Oflite. Tnekersmith. 187L 187stf. FARM FOR SALE IN MORRIS.: VOR SATE, on reasonablertenns, Lot NO. 44, Con- 's: 10; Morris, containing 64 acres, over 214 of !which are cleared, seeded to grass and well fenced; the balance IN well timbered with hard -smelt 1 It its situated on the Northern Gravel Road, 1 mile :and • a- halt from Blyth, and 18 miles from -Clinton, There is no waste lunch There is on tlE5 Preniises a new frame house, 20 x 80, with good -cellar and out -buildings. A good. spring on the preinises. • For further particulars apply to the Proprietor- oitheI-tf. pre, mises, •iw, (if by letter,) to BMeth P. 0. 188GEORGE UTCHABT, ' Propriet0, 1:FARIVI FOR. SALE.—' VOR :Sale, Cheap, Lot No. 80, ;6th ConcesSion, -3- Township of Bince, County of Bruee. contain- ing 100 acres, about 20 of Which are :cleared, --the balanee well timbered with beech .and maple. No waste land. There is a never -failing stream of water running through itIt is situated within five miles from the llothishim, village 'Of Paiidey, through which the Wellington, G•rey and Brute Railway will shortly, be running. If the above 'pre - petty is not sold, it 'will be leased for a tern yearS for the improVements. For further particu- lars, apply to Tau EXVosrron OPFIcX,Seaforth, July 18,1871, FARM FOR SALE. ! IXTILLTAM HAMMELL noNi? offer for 'salts; hist splendid Farm, consisting of 100 ,1.•res, 180 of which ore eleared and freed from stunips,) being Jot 7, second concession, Hulled. Is i' 51(1(41 live miles from Seitforth and "five miles and half froni Clinton-, and is altogether one of the best incrus hi the county.. There are a good dwelling -house, barn, shed and 1481)1e it good well, and 5 Acres in t•reitard on the ,ittrin. For particulars apply to the Proprie- tor, on the premises, or by letter to Seaf-..rils 19441, 'WILLIAM nAmmEl..4:. CAUTION.- TITE PUBLIC APO hereby cautioned againat pur- chasing or negotiating the following notes of hand', and -transfer of land, ea no value has been re- ceived for them : The first note is for s200, bearing date October, 1864, and due one year after slate; the second note was fer A200, bearing the above date find made payable in t wo years ; the thirdnote was for A300, bearing the -above date, find payable three years after date; each and all of the above notes were drawu by Salvenus IladgleY in favor Of Israel Bastg,ley or bearer; also, 11 transfer of Lot 14, Sixth Concession of Grey, from Israel Budgies- to the undersigned, as the said transfer has been taken from Salvenus Badgley under false pre- SALVENUS BADGLEY. sept. 98, 1-99-4t Bonus to the Farmers OF GREY AND MORRIS. PRMERS, bewnre of persons, in the shape of PetillitT8 itnii agents, perambulating the.conntry, forcing a sale. of inferior implentents. . Encourage home manufactures, and yoii Mill find a srmenor article n t reduced price. The subscriber "%Pula respectfully reteln his sin- cere thanks to the farmers of Grey, Morris toad sur- rounding township's for their most liberal patron- age in the 14144, and wmild inform them that he , will keep constantly 0)1hand. At the DING -LE FOUNDRY, • Iron Plows, Wood Plows, Gang Plows, Cultivators, Land Rollers, Straw -Cutters, &c., :- Guaranteed of the best quality, and at priet,s defy eorimetition. He would specially can atten- tion to the "Farmers' Plow," whichgh•es general satisfaction wherever introduced. - PoixTs for all the principal Plows kept e011- 1 staidly on hand. Highest price paid for old east- ings. Repairing doue Promptly on very reasonable terms. W. U. WILSON, 199 Mules A T4'011. SALE, the south half of Lot Ni.. 'a, in gifth CODret•tHiOnt Morris, <,ontaining 11111 fteres1; a. Alice frame house; 18x24; Jog stable eying. or- chard ; there are 35 tieres cleared. F. r :las! ply to :ALEXANDER BRA.1)131-'1:N, On the premises; or to C\31: or :\leCAITGHEY 192-3mt FARM FOR SAE IN TUCKERSMITH. on Sale, on reasonable tennis Les" 22, Resents Concession, Tuckersmith„ H. R. e. ntaining 100 'Leans, eighty of -which are cleared. insier in a good state of cultivation. and 11 emisider- able portion of it underdrained. The buildings tire all good, also, good bearing orchard, twe never - failing wells and a living spring. The land is first elass, and will be Sold on easy terms, a.‘ the pro- prietor is desirous of retiring from fafininz. For further particulars apply to THE Exposrrol. office,' Schforth, or to the proprietor, on tht•prettlise, 190-11. ALEXANDER CAMPBELL. NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE , IN SEAFORTH. c3c SC:N", • (Lately of Glencoe./ T TAVE .TUST OPENED orT L Ready-made Ladies' Gents' .an.. t.lh 1.'.51111, BOOTS AN,D SHOES, of tent v vanety end _style, which will Ises 14 at such prices 118 11111 ss, • •. DEFY COMPETITION. All kinds of Fine and Coarse work made 'to order, on the shortest notice, - Repairing executed neatly, eheaply and lo meptly. rtostos, REM ISMBE a THE ;STA 'X In GRIFFITH DAVIES' OLD .;stroitE, • SEWING7A1AC-IIN),,tsEt,:b (t.11.10(aturriel faa cbtlt.111-1eitil 1%Ittamlailsstotineae011.1.. e Call and see for yourselves and be 8; (um'. that AY SPARLINC & C0,1S3 the most Is !taints nEm. Bilrgitillsi are THE GARD.NER • 14econd door south of the Post-Offiee, • orros1TE THE GREAT EGG STORE 177 ESTRAY SOW. CAME iuto the premisesof the subscriber, Lot ', Fourth Concession, Hulled, about the lst of Se Aember, a Berkslere SOW PIG. about 15 nths old, with a White stripe dewn the forehead.' T c owner is requested to prove property, pa Y ex- penses and take the itninial away. • 9.0-3 D. MCCIliEGOB, Om:Once 1). 0. - Simple and Durable Machi▪ ne 197 SPURR it- SON. Now in the market. - In design lit resembles the ! Family Sieger, but the principle of the woaing • parts is en firely 401et enthaving no gear -of any kind, All the motious are derived from the same , STOVES TINWARE AND shaft, and all the usual eomplieated shuttle and feed movements being avoided, it is as -peaty natIoitste.lsa a es it is possible to make a sewing um- iI THE GARD,NER is the most useful, bee1!1)s4, it does the hirgest ; range of work. It will work in Muslin, Cotton, Linen. Fine and Coarse Cloth and Leather. ' It svill Hem, Cord, Braid, Tells, Quilt, " Gather, Fell. and do all end (-eery Lind of family and light manufacturing sewing. . A .complete -set of the - most approved labial-T.111mb.. an& Rill instructions giNgiefere‘evilif tn'hatIgtt.:renth of all. Terms of pay- . ment made to suit each purchaser, and all mu- ehines wsrmuted for any reasonable length of tliCualv.1 and examine the Gardner before purchas- ing any other, at WILLIAm GitAtism.s. Ware- rmAngneen, t(slnliclo.euritcehtistreet, Seaforth. „. PETER GRASSIE, 179.-14 Seaford". COAL OIL. TRS, has just reeeist a large. st of Cookitip,., Parlor and hiox St'•%4 IL,: hi. St, 11111211118dUre, Which 8115 01111 r,ell as 0,01111as iny. le the trade. TIN WA RE, of' every de.eriistios kept emistantly on hand stud ma 11 E0 ordei - Also, Stove Pipes, Ea.ve Trougb4ng,!, e c. Custote-work promptly attended t4„, awl out. woek will receive every attentjon. 1.1t, COA-L A Innse stock of the 'Wry best Coal Oil les.* -.11- • Shindy On hand, and will be sold Whelesale nil, retail: • litoneinber the place-, Carraichaers Block, :Vain street, Seaforth. Par14sildettedISnUorbooktee6ait ae le.- queste:tn.setlezameditehs% Rags; wool-pickigs, old iron, breSS, COPPers • taken in exchtmge for goede. 7 . s