HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-10-06, Page 44 -
NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS.they must, lthi
-Notice t() Breeders—I[ Lo+re, Sr. tree posit o t 0
P-utneitltipNotice--BtoadfUot aad(riay. exideavot'iu(- t h
_Note Lost—David � cI Douli. for some ea 1
Speetaeles---M. D. counter. -
speoiat _' his.: -) obit .1.e. kis.
Grain (`hopein F . ,Secgmi1lcr.
.Biatikets-lees and sWitze'r.
The London, Huron and Bruce
As the ratepayers of the Town-
ships of Tuckersniit h and Hay will
be called upon to vote' for or against
By-laws granting- aid. to this Rail-
way, we cleent it our drift' to place
before them as accurately a we -pos-
sibly can a statement of the present
position and the prospect of the
ultimate success of this scheme. In
doing this, we wish it to .be distinct-
--1y understood that we do not ap-
proach the subject from a par
or sectional point of .view
we wish to influence the ele
eithe=r- for or against the s. ch
We merely desire to place b
them a plain statement of the
ition which this enterprise now
cu.pies, and will leave them toj
for themselves w'iether oi4notit
be judicious 'for them to grant
aid which is asked of them.
;In the first place, then; from
very first conception of the sche
we have always expressed the
ion, that unless its could enter
pass through the northern: sectio
this County it could never be
a paying concern: ,e are of
same -opinion still, arid. we have
yet been able to find a. single in
vidual to disagree with ins. on t
point. We have also b-eld, t1iat
less the Wellington, Grey and Br
Southard extension were shut
from the Northern country,
London scheme could not and wo
not be carried out. Our reasons
so considering are, that there is
a sufiieient amount of traffic in
Southern section of the County
support another road ; and th,
could not be a sufficient amount
traffic got in the North to .supe
two roads, and we defy any pers
to produce figures to piove the co
trary. Under. these circumstance
'we concluded that the road whi
received the support of the Norther
townships would be the orie whit
would succed. Believing as we di
that the London road would be t
one most likely to serve the gener
interests and convenience of the pe
pie of this County, and that, if id. r
ceived the required assistance, it wa
the one winch was the most likely t
be built, we lent it all the encourage
naent incl assistance which - lay i
out rower. aFrom the geogiaplrica
position of several of the noither.
townships interested, it was quit
evident t than to secure their assist
• ance for this scheme a certain rou t
must be adopted. This route is tai
one which has now become know
as the " Eastern route. The Di
rectors of the London scheme very
wisely adopted it as being the one
by whick',the success of their enter-
prise could -be the more easily se-
cured. Its prospects,_ at this time,
were mi.ost bright. So much was
this the ease, that the Directors of
the Wellington, Grey and . Bruce
Railway became alarmed lest a por-
tion of the territory tributary to
their main line would be invaded by
this London scheme, and, in order to
put a stop to it, decided upon run-
ning 'abranch of tliei • main line
along precisely the same route as
that adopted ' by `th, other. The
promoters of the London scheme
thereupon became frightened of their
ri vat 1, deserted the only roti to by
which the support of the northern -
to��nships could be secured, and the
result is now well known to every -
per son. The Weliineton, Grey and
lir uce ni:en succeeded in carrying.
their Bonus By-laws in every one of
the northern towrtshil')s, with but
ost�ie exception. That exception was
Etat \ 7a�vatrro5h. The promoters of
the London scheme succeeded in car-
rying their By -lav in that town- .
ship, but the Municipal Council
have since refused to ratify it, so
that East Wawanosh cannot be
,counted on either side. It will be
seen from this, clearly enough, F
which of the schemes has now the
'better chance of ultimate success.
"The London scheme is now virtually
shut out from every one of the t
X of tl-lea"n. townships for two years. 1
l f, at the expiration of two years the
Wellington, gton, Grey and Bruce men
fitil tci fulfill their engagements, then
thLe. London inen will have another
•cllatnce, and not till then, and there
is no use in attempting to hide the
fact. e have labored earnestly i
and zealously for the success of the of
1.anclon scheme until every ray of trustees,
hope disappeared, and we became
t°onvinced that to labor longer .. was i '
but to \ziiste time, and delude the N
public-. We know that there are a t
few who yet clrng to it, and some 1
ivlio loudly boast that it will yet ng
succeed. To such we would say, t
r do
the -
n of
di -
s, ci.
set ves:
We dist.ne
1,1•e$end cite tut,
not be buil , at
`)f (
assertions •.diff ti
Coinl)•- ,fill dltl
l,5cireine . It stat;�i
i 1 . in. ourhe-;irj1
Ing of Marl. rat
-ty, by the .il igiL ct
and by ncu1.` y •f:
f'ro'isionatl. I t.
Could be ca trni t
cheaply by tie
(.eutrad r etre.
stated by tli.e Z' •s?
of Director•s'to�i
,� �' It
g Oral t of the appoint for that purpose, ,ii
rs o1' they ate shall be sent to the said -M
0(1 ?�->}1a1: the pul)17 ' \Virden 1)y mail, at least
before the clay a1,p of ntct
t --t QW to them- ;laid �layror.aud 'Wardens t
gleet to name such trustee,
tt, i 1td('I. patty shall 1)e at,liliet'tV to
oad 'can the place of the trustee
l 1 ti"The said trustees
st;tt , tl
sd,.iltrove t
Le''tie4 1)y t
I;1incei of t
Int)tere of t
))alit((T repe.tt
in tllie ale•
�t)f lite Chu
)e) MT ail
31tec�� r ot tl
hitt .
CI is ea si1'y anti
Ister n as by tl
Mills a vo bee
c of t ;'e Boa
ii•1(' ever, llree..
f tih '� ill inicip'.L
the f"o• �l coul
.fr rn IL �rndo]i t
ail r tl e aggre
er _ t an ed. I
lin gen s rn t .i an
e i a -it i ' lied by
n , !sl ort nec rly
cl mount..
re batedly
t L ;stns
(: 1 ir'e�
) ye:.ts
c o
and Deputy
ities interest d,_t
not be const'act
n_.nham 1_) thti
less bonuses ; in
gate to $319 ,'00
now appears that
$228,500 cai n )
any route, th is 'a
. 100,000 of 'the
it has also . leei�
by the Engin er a
it will reenir ; at
mile to build an .l
The -distance rori,
ham is 70 at les,
quire $840,0 10 ti
working orde
- Tow, let us s 1 e h
sum can be i+ais
intent Bonus of A,'
70 miles amoi nt5
following table i
amounts Whie-I can
named by the s:l dl 11ayor a:
he the said dcl)cnt;rem ''iii trii
hr cu nv'ert the sant . into :mil-
he to d1eposit the al:toulut real-
'4)- `ilt of slieh did; )e.ntit.res it
the chartered Darks, ]in vin,
�ti'- ' the City of Lunch in :i n the i
11- : London, }Huron q, id Bruce l;
Trust `t -s- i Ci))al• 7. run t Account," am-
� i s•ttne out to then lialdl Comps
s to time on the . •rtificatc of
id gineer Of. the said rails 'av ii
as out in the Sc1ledi xi tt1'i,)
le I the like effect, sd,ti~in out t
Goyeininent Bolus
City of. London
Bid.lul:ph and It "Gil1
Stephen .... ..
Hay - ..
C `li.n ton . -...
Hullett .....
00,0 )0
s, tiat
(0 nes•
ticl re-
' ad in
of t
.n -
Total amount ci Bo
Stock i
Deterioration from
ti228, 500 Bonus
at 6 per cent
Total availal)le' a
Total cost of 70 nail
from Loudon to - 1r
Total deficiency
It will. be see
that at their ovvl
cost of the road,
one, and not cox
preliminary expe
them bonuses fr m
palities which ar: s
and which they ' it
,-not get, they are
one half.
We place these
atepavers:of Tucl
atncl challenge a r �f
correctness. By x11
enabled to. judg,
Whether or not t1
n. feed, under the
gr•.tuting the bowl
ecl of. '\tlieczz. B3
bonuses, they cad
themselves, any
bonuses are not s
the road. It will
clauses of the c
quote below, that
- halle to be conve
iinrnediately after
By -Law 4'uthoi'i.7_.in
also be seen that t
five bears in which t
road so that, no n at l
tient ni�ty be road
can have the bene` t
of the money proc4 r
of these cebentur e
even thoua�;li not in» re
Of a mile of the rod
built. Below we g'v
the ,chartdr•I referred t
readers to peruse ti ei
Without • l)rej ucliceL ar
own concl Lesions
" Whenever an
portion of a nlunicipt lit
bonus t() aid the tnaki iL
completion of said ra l�
lawful for said Comp
a valid -ogre d intent wi th
said Comp In
t of such 101
20,0 )O
;i, 0 0
0,0 )0
10,0 a0
.15,0( 0
6,0( 0
$45'4, 70
f r`oa
am... . 840,00
011 th .' above •
ite of th 1
is;avery l0
an ink for. t
an "yillo wing
the I'munici- - p
steel t i zero,
ii a1=1 l' robably e
short. nearly
nes be ore the t
ith, a d lay, t
ion of their•
they will be
011 thenselves
v: 11 ' be ji:isti '
u nstan es, in
hAr lick afire -•tsk
ra nting these;
possill)1y do clo
fit, a s the -a
the date of the certiiicateJ
suit certified) does not CX(
1•trltc amount per mile for t
the road .to be applied on
alone, an (1 sueh certificates
edto the cheques to -be di
said trustees ; and the wren
ing any such certificatebyy s
shall be. a misdemeanour p
tin and irnprisoninettt by
competent jurisdiction in
of Ontario."
1.1. "The Act, of any t
trustees shall be as vali(l an
if the three had a greed. the
District Fairs versus
The success which ha
the various -district fairs
season has raised th
:whether it would be expe
away with Provincia-1 Fai
and substitute for it a • i
district shows to be held
• i.
c ties of which
t }dor and each
ourteen days
and if the
1 en fail or 710 -
he said t.`-olll-
lanle one in
), have been -
id Wardens."
'Hall receive
firstly, to
(y ; seeondly
(:d from. the
1� some of the
an office 111
isle of ":The
; ilway ? Muni -
to pay. the
1 y.fl"din time
lie chief en -
t the form set
ereto, or to
I c portion to
t icl that the
ed the '7)1?)
length of
e work so
be attach-
-n by.the
oily grant -
h engineer
ishable by'
iy court of
-Province i
o of . such
binding as
field -this
ent to do
enti rely,
tuber of
ch year
in some of the principal. `ties and
towns, such as London, amilton,
uelCili, &c. The fact tha 'tlie Pro-
viIAcial Fair at Kingston,
fell short of paying ell:
.some $11,000, not coin
Government 'grant of $l 1
:that the -Western Fair aft.
exli ses left a . surplus on
$4,000, is used as an,, arg
favor of. the abolition of tl
On the other band, it is,-ar
the success of the district fa
probably be only tempo
that they would not bring
such. a wide competition as
vincial Fairs have done.
Opinion that both- 'Provin
district fairs- should be ma
Let the same plan: be adopt,: in -ref-.
orenee co them which now nevails
ilii. ini'ny Counties in refe nee to
')oun y a id township sho Let
le Provincial Fair be held s now
alternately in the different cities,
and, when it, cosies in the sa, e town
ox city with a district fair, I et the
wo fairs be for that. year nited.
411 the fairs, of course, sh n ld be
tit on an equal footing as egards,
Govd�ininent assistance. Th Gov-
rnment grant should be in )sopor
tion to the number of entrie,. Sorrie
rrangewent sbculd also b� made
fiat the various district fa 5 and
1' ie Provincial Fair. should ot fall '
on the same days.
The Way New York-Cit3i, is
. Governed.
21ie present condition of mt :>.icipal
ffliirs i.n New Yorl is such tl at we
ubt if the whole range of laistory
fforcls a parallel to it. For jveral
eairs, he Government of t.l,� ,,;t.,
tries year,
uses by
ng the
00, and
pair yin (r
teed th
s woul
he Pr
e areo
al an
d lead fine.
1. 1 generous
to thein.
could ev(
atives, it
tion to DJ
have stall ted suits for the recovery
of the stolen muney • gainst members
of the lriug, and at 'ainst the cot11
•tra..toi's by the= at d of whotu they
I)erp4ratted, the frauds, and who
s mire -1 with tliet p the• spoils. The
1 ing are putcingI forth every y exer-
t"on their money and iiiflueiwe can
ing to.bear in' fighting the •Coin-
n. itt€.3' in the Courts,: but, their guilt
so glaringly 'manifest that their
fort:,,!can hardly avail them. The
i) '0511 ;c is, and it*. sl` ould certainly
b;', the I earnest wish o ' every honest
roan, ,hat the prominent members
of the 1:1.ing will be deSpoiled of their
st )len tb)illions and that seine of them
i is
the wl e. country. The Ring and
11 li ;a1 a temporary asylum, if not
per nanent reSting-place, in the
ate risen.
The events 11 Ow anSpuing in 1
NV'' : ork will have a most decisive
ect 'in the political prospects of
the T. inmany Society of which they
are members have been the very
head and front of the Democratic
party the United States. The
stigutailwhich attaches to them will
also fall upon tbe party they have t
been ,clentified with. The dis-
ci:mil, in New York will result in c
he Republicans a new lease o
)0wer which, ' one time,
to be slipping from their s
is evident that the Spanish zit
itics DOW reagn_supreine in tl
and, for they squld net "kee
telegraphie line to .Puerto Fri
for an hour in working Order :t
country were not free from i
A tire occurred in TaVistock,
on Monday morning,. Oct. 2.
merchant of - the place, and
smaller shops were destroyed..
Wagner's loss is $2,0,000 ; insur
A fire occurred in Chicago
Sunday, 1st inst., in the inim
building known as the Burlin
`,Varehotise. Goods ' stored in
Valued at $800,000, belonging
about fifty different firms, were
streved. One man, named -Pin
Steam, was bUrned to death.
A riot occurred in Danville, •
on Sat-arday, 30 ult., from an atte
on the part of a mob of negroes
reAcue a negro from arrest, .A ftee
fiaile.efforts on. the part of the May -
Or to dispel se the mob, the military
wet called our, and the riot act read
wice ; stones being tl3rown at the
Mayor, the military were ordered to
barge bayonets on the mob, and one
f the most turbulent of the Haters
vas bayoneted. policeman was
hot by' sonie- unluiown Person.
Great excitement 'prevailed for a
ime, the stores were closed, a
ome of the private houses bal.
The International money orc
ystem between the United Sta
on on Monday, Oct,' 2i Rein
ances can now be made to. any pa
f the limited States by internatio
money orders.
hincess Alexandra was at" Ab
een, Scotland, on Saturday, 30
t., and received a perfect' avati
om--:the citizens of the plac
he will shortly visit the Queen -
An Algerian insurrection has o
skirled much- agitation on the fro
r of Tunis, and despatches fro
at quarter- note a continnal
ease in disturbance.
p the
astir -
t wo
of (lie
writes the Signal co
rumor ivhich has beer
some q rters to the
obtaine the North 119 -on B.egistrar-
ship foOlis son-in-law, Mr. W. T.
a corrupt barkain with the
in which he agreed to
the :Government. on con-
t the appointment was
he meter was hardly
circulated in
ffect that he
worthy of Mr. Gibbons' attention
but perl ps it is as well that such a
brazen lie should be premptly nail-
ed. The ollowing senttnce contains
the gist of Mr. Gibbons' letter, and
has the ring of the true metal : The
people elected me *ill find me
true to the pledges I mide, and ito
temptation of offices proffeied to rel-
ative, fiTend, or conn1ection,
to betray tl
reposed in in
rests; of the R
office in the
t be filled w
ould not alte
binding the
wluile or pa
of const ''t oil within
14. " Whenever
portion of a Municip:
bonus to aid the said. C
Making,. equipping and c
lent td b iild
•eeni by the
deb :ntures
into i.no_ie,Y
p issag7 of -the
head of the Board of 'Works •
mpanfr have
complete the ard Coninolly, Controller, and
r what agree- B. Sweniey, the holder of s
th them, they -minor o ces, and a wire -puller na-
f the interest
by the., 41e• ranks. In. about threet years these the d splay
the debt of the city= more than two
be hundred millions of dollars, oucl,have
°f- rendered its credit at home and
abroad almost worthless. They, have
• • at the same time, raised theinspves
from a COB dition of comparative pov-
erty to be the possessors of mil Ions.
has been in the hands of -a Ring,
COM posed of Democratic polit cians,
the principal of whom. are A. )akey
Hall, Mayor ; weed,
Rich -
paper in
:held ther
scribed to
be t
he edi
e trust so
or be false
gift of the
th my rel -
my posi-
POStD to star a Reform
ngston. At a meeting
id in the es
an enterprise. Mr. S. •A
late of the
r and a better man could
for the posi ion.
OOcT. 6, 1
posed by the statute, on c nviction
of this chaike, is iinprisonwent; not
over ten veats nor less t
mon Chs, and fine of not ver- one
thousand dollars nor less t Ian one
trouble ;ind -an outbreak of t -...\r0r7
mons are not credited.- T Mor -
iron _leaders give assnrance hat all
p of.eou4 will be ooeye I. Go-
vernor Woods has made ev 1.1, pre-
butintain the law at ai N cost
Another compaey 'Unitet States
tr nips 'arrived at Salt Ltdce ty
die 3d instant froin Fort Bridger_
lay for
It Is reported anclgenerally 1
that indictments have been
against Brigham- Young to -
Huron Fall Assizes.,
The leourt- of A size, Nisi, Prins,
Gaol Delivery open /I at the Court
October, before the Hon. Mi. !Tits -
tie ?,Gwynne, The fol lo Wing frentle-
men were empann lied , as drawn
Robert Curry, James Holland, Robert
fre( .Brown, John Cowan, Peter ouglis, '
nd Ka 'ijsoLhloi/TZliiiiii;si7: ddressing them,
abs nee of crime nd the g neral
!eels. yaleja sala'aguociet nofsePcirtOsi eall'cietYhiriaTtvednatyY
it- to oderich. On this circuit, by ,
tow to Godericb in about 8 limns.
th He thonght the peen. le to the orth.
on wer wise in- their d sire for ra lway
0-- vest nts for their money. N 0111C1
-11- hay done. wisely' have inl este&
in tl. ese railroad enterprises, hem
n- they were offered th opportun ty.
A despatch from Constantinopl
h al
iorts 70 deaths from cholera
at city on Saturday. The _seaso
s been very hot, and the Supply o
ter is failing. 'The spreading: O
epidemic is feared, and Work o
arsenal. in which a large nutr be
laborers were employed, hasfr-bee
pended in consequence.
The Aleutian Islanders have kill
50,000 fur seals this season, bu
y were unable to sell _more plan
f of the skins, and threw the -re-
nder, worth $500,000, ifproperly
n Bi ehanan Lo as.
Malearc Stewart vs; T. Gidley.
f Male- Stewart vs. a.gricultura
:sur nce Company.
Walt r Clarke vs. lona d McKay.
r John am vs H D. Cal eron.
Jeffre Davis vs. Hugh fe-Kinnon.
C. bore Thothas Gidley.
L. C. Moore ys. Thainas
James- Craig vs. Charles Dressler.
james Craig vs. Neil McAuley et al.
- Altai vs. Platt.-- ercliet by on -
sent for $175.05 for ilaintiff. 1 -
wood 'or plaintiff, Do) le for de //-
lobe, is to app
T Ne
TueSday, t. The feeling in the info
TCriavne-tan iirtfluence. gran
nti; is strong against the coup
Tile schoener Hui4 was wrecked on this
Hullo , near Manitoii
e galel f last week. She was
York State -Jeinocratic ed "
met at Rochester, on sum
ointed ambassador -cif -Franca at
Dr, Schultz Interviewed.
r. Schultz, of Manitoba, at pres-
in 0Aawa, has been interview:
bv- an enterprising reporter who
eeded eliniting the following
rmation respeeting the new
try : The number -of inimi-
ts who have settled in 111.aiiitoba
snail:11er is about 2,000. .
does not think that scarcely linY, one -
who has visited the; pro -Vince With
the intention of settling has return-
ed. Of those who have settled there
ge number were Canadians who
for some years been living in
lesota and lowa,-but becoming
inced of the superiority of Man-
, have re. rimed to the shelter
e old fla„, The best lands of
ed either by new- comers or by
alf-breeds. The Indian treaty
up a. large tract of splendid
farrnma land for settlement The.
in t
on wt.), row_ Chicago to Cclling-
woo , lade with corn, and founder:
the captal who, it is said, was had
washed as!
A dispa iriefrom 0 ttaw, says six etriiiiv11
comi. allies rifle volunteers have itoba
been forme Maniton, and it is of th
said hat Schultz will be ap- the p
point d Col )nel.
Th Hari) priat
lityld ever
, the clauses
and aSk
1 'form th
shall gran
equipment a
to enter m
4 mUnicip-dit of dollars.; 'five years
rs, men have succeeded in incr sing eclips s tha
or Ce tral
She i at pr
regen y is d, cussed in the leading
Str kes are rife among the work
men 4. Great Britain. In Shef-
field, Newcastle, Bolton and Dunde
there is a cessation of labor anion
uring operatives.
1 between the police
'at Cork occurred on
t2nd. It was the result
ling by orgauized bands
number of whom were
me f th were ound
§nidpr-rifies in their posses-
Ten years ago, William Ar. T veed
business in a, small shop to -da he
to -holds real -estate alone_ :value(
t! limits of• t le
shall grant a i
tpletion of tl e, . treas try :of the city of New Ybrk ! to hav
so ( rm. e ay, the clelliel
shall within. six weekS of
deliVered to three trust 'e 1 to be name( ,
the .layor of- the city ot
3e, residents of someof the minicipalitie,'
the -WardonS of the co 11.1;'
sex, Huron, and -Bruce, su
through which -the soidi railway is to b '
built ; Provided that ill titt Lieutenant
lton Central Fair .was the 11
day, and is said to be opens
s. It is claimed that
live stock cOmpletely
e mer has beer/ fully 35 bushels Of
he acre. One man with.
Schultz was acquainted
0 bushels off five acres of
wheat to t
of the Queen is at whom Dr.
no•considerableauxiety. reaped 30
tient at Balmoral. A land.
at the rm nufact
his Month y, Oct.
idly j of ille al drill
acquired ,wealth of these men has I of Fen ans, F
and one b
Louden, an
"h -trustees t
Goeernor in Council shid.11 refuse. or ne
-within on ,
other tNN-
y shall be a
place of th
by the sok
uneil ;• Pro
Mayor am
id trustee ti
'bte of a ma-
glect.to name such trt
month after the notice it
iberty -to name (me in t
ided also, that the sltic
Vordens shadi appoint the
ie named by them by t
orit3- of them who shall a
The mblic for a long time were
less f the way things were goin
the ity government They k
enor tons frauds were being pe
tratel. b4 no one would take
trout le to investigate them.
lengt roused by the appeals
ing o
the p
that 1
ever known in any country has been
discovered, The Committee of seven-
ty are doing their work well, they
ures of the press, a mass in &et
ta45payers of all parties Alva
and (he result was that a Ohl
of seventy members was lap
d, to investigate the city firyan
a*ertain what frauds had
committed and to proseclute
rsons guilty of them with the
t riL'sor. The result has ' en
ic robberies of public money
series of the boldest and ril'st
nt gal
the ,
to th
to th
Paris a d the
not, 1
es have proved dissas-
hipping on the Eng -
coasts, and have ex -
continent, doing some
crops, vineyards,
lines have also been
many directions.
n from. Londori with
rin.cipal cities of Ger-
owever, seriously in -
- many
The surrection seems to
be entirely .suppressed. According
telegraphic conamunication. has been
le -established /between Puerto Prin-
cipe an the capital, across th eter-
til' lat ly w the seat and last
stronghdld of the insurre ti
Presentation to Professor Inglis,
On Monday last Oct. 2nd Profes-
sor Incdis received an address and
testimonial from the citizens. of
Hamilton, on tl c sion 9f liis
leaving for Toronto. Every creed
and every class in the city was' re-
presented in the address and testi-
monial. The presentation of the
testimonial, which was a pulse of S1,-
500, was Made by H.011. Isaac
Buchanan, and the address was read.
by Mr. Ma,callum, Principal of Pub-
lic Schools. Speeches were 'made
by. el ergym en of different denomina-
tions and sentiments of the bioad-2
est catholicity and Christian unity
were expressed.
Brigham Young Arrested. for
Sa t -17 arilested in soit a tel. •
gtaph to Geo. -Nlurr
t adjourned ,Tuesday.
ett vs. Norman rse
--Dr Shultz ha -8 arri 'ed at Ott, wa.
froth anitoba. . He ma le the jam.' ey
from I' rt Garry to To 'onto in se -elt.
days, u eluding stoppages Bishop Ta
is also xpe.cted at Ottaw in a day or
sold to a Liverpool firn about 1, 00
package - of butter. cont tilling 144„( 00
tbs., , re 'caving therefor about $-23,000..
This as he biggest :sale of butter ever
made in Guelph in one lot. t
vell recently sunk by mr E.
-Thomps of Meaford, on, the south side.
of the ri -or, produces- watdr so decidedly
used. ' he depth of the ,vell is only SO
on Satur ay last, for a criminal assa it
on 'a lit le girl. He received, a doz
lashes w Maid on by the 0eriff 's -
end. of a 'ear's Imprisonment.
ers, and is to .get another dozen at t).ta
complete snmersault, and was taken out
not sever
-scratch o
waS' not
ver a foot of *rater in the we .1
ne, otherwise the child inigl
have beei drowned.
Brown, resident of, tfie Broeli road
near Free ton, was killed by a tree failing
on him diile chopping on Attridge's
afternoon when was found dead be
neath a la rge tree that had fallen upon
— Last Friday night some one broli.
into Mr. mith's fowl house on the .3rdt
concession of McGillivray, and took
ther4rom bout fifty hens and chickens,
twenty-tw dueks and half a dozen geese,
the thief '3, as evidently a 3,3,-holesale deal-
er, for he came provide.d with a wagon
an( orses o carry away the lot.
— Some dastard, On Saturday last,
on uesday afternoon last° 3d is (lead- 3 g,
ie grand jury, char i e ise,te2slef.rrlam, Purported t
t e tali statue, with lewdly an(
g ng under' bella Mur ay-, of Str'aliane, cis
licentiously cohabiting with sixteen
different women. Owincr te the
sickness of the prisoner he was al-
lowed to remain at his house,
in charge of the Deputy Marshal.
He will be taken before Judge Mc-
li.ean to -morrow. The penalty im.-
with bro ner. The contradiction was
received on Monday morning from Miss
Murray,. wlio iS alive -and in good health.. -
— An ae 'idea occurred at the Clifford
nature. A man named. Wm. Robertson
was on the diow ground lidien a, boar pie -
which had got -loose from the pen attae0-
ed him and struck him with his tusks in.
the ealrof the lea, The wound extend -
fid from the, lower part ei tli
leg ur
141. 1:3;-) 11.:111f1S1:153: 3tr dl 1;11 71
tern Fair, ewned
3,3f Fillizaton, was pureli.t,e.
I 'one( ssiou, Stanley,- Fai
Thome; Ward, preprietor
borne, Farm Stock, implOP
Bishop, auctioneer.
Frid.a3% Oct. la, Lot
et ty, proprietor ;
Conce.".sion„ .Stanley, farm
.1, P. Brine, auctioneer.
Wednesday, Oct. 18, at L0
Brine, auctioneer.
2m1, the wife of
a son.
Arm—in Seaforth, on
Oct. MI4 the vri.fo
of & daughter.
Egmondville, on the 28th,
Peter Worby, of the
of the township of Hay.
,f2ooK.—At the residence' of
the township of Merris,
September, Ann -Cook, ag
Deceased was a native of
ELGIE. Tuckers -mit
Oct. 3, Martha Jance,yett
ef Mr, Robert Elgie, aged
three months. .
Hallett, 0
3rd October, Robert Me:\
aged 78 -years.
1.1.A)-ISAV,. —At his residence
Tuckersmith, Peter 'Ma
aged 62 years.
Mr. Ilamsay was meet
.of Tnekersinith, haTio-+T set
his death, about :35 years ag
much esteemed by a large
quaintances, and he Win be
..3einemberanee in. this Vicinit‘
The Mulct this week hits been mo
'Wheat Ints advanced front quotatiot
nOw brings from :F51 IS to Si .93 anti
higher; Tueutlay, the price was ra
but this was merely a: temponti-y
Wheat is Ideady at our quotations, AV
an advance 011 laSt week. Barley
.1( wand. Oats are slightly better
atIA'ailte of two een-ty, Alia are I;
we quote 55e. to -Me., with hnt
lots ...ire in demand, -lina vagt-
Hides are -unchanged, but Nitrep.1-
Will bring from $1t) to and lin
We 4piott.:
call Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter. „
-1.3hecp BMus.,
per coM
;salt (retail) per banul
'Come rind get your choie,. of 51)0
Fall Wheat.
Eggs '
A Full Stork r.1 all uorts of Boots
1.eather, at J. Duman Offs,
Vail Whist ,
LU• ND:47
Bed Fall Wheat
12)111it:ibt .. .. ........ ..
*spring t
Duncan C.;8,
TORON"I'0, get.
WHEAT.—Market tolerably actite.
No. 1 white %las sold ut from
1 spring sold at 24.
;asking exfiv.iln-priet.rt cle14-16 Imp 11.1
oATs.-31.erkipts per rail 1.:R/I) bus
quiet, little 'lei -nand,. nice unt-humr
steady, moderately active ; title asked
59t. hill.
PI:A.S.—Market unchanged. None
Ladies' audIlliildreit's, at .1. Duncan.
I'Lorit.—Market quiet and ete.ier
'NUJ .A r. –White offered to an i3e
which is now above the .vicas of buy
• 47 bid. Latest sales of 'Westent
$1 40, anti of Canaria spring at :--1
firrn:P..—Steady. with fair dcwa
simble lots.
nooks reska and Balano
EAttuls wawa Iv,