HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-09-29, Page 8• SEPT... •=2P 1 71. 7nroit txpoaor. DISTRICT MATTERS. they were siren strengthened to After administe Rev. Father -preached an elo his text Our L Peter Thou Rock7 will bull( give to thee the • Rearm Fml 7 ig -MATH. 16 J aentlemaii was 1 it Lengthy discours , . an hour and a h. if tion, by a large at gent of differen want ,of apace fuller report. Gosa Oat.„ -Mr. Michael Haas and family left for Ohio, on. Tuesday morn- ing last. We wish our old friend long life and prosperity in his new home. FALL Suaw.-Mr. George Dent has a wory handsome show of Fall goods, which -axe well worthy of careful' inspection. Read his -advertisement, and then go and see and you will be sureto purchase; • A VfwI w Stiews. -Agricultural Shaws will he heldnext -week as follows : -On Monday and. Tuesday at Exeter ; on Wednesday, at Bayfield, Blyth, and Gorrie ; on Thursday, at Wingham, and ou Friday, at Zurieh. The Grey Branch Agricultural Society's Show will be held at Ainleyville on the following Tuesday. — - atoott nos. -We understandathat Mr. _Jahn Capeland, of Kippen, will have at the -Zurich Shaw, on Friday next, a number of his thoro-bred Suffolk pigs, which he will sell. Parties who wish. to improve their stock of pigs will thus be afforded an opportunity of proeurhig superior animals. Goon. Boots.-7,No4 that the wet, muddy season has set in, it is most im- portant for the preservation of health that the feet _should be kept warm anct • tfry. This can Only be done by wearing good, substantial boots. Messrs. Me- , Intyre & Willis haye come to the rescue, ana announce M this- issue that they are - prepared to furnish just such boots. A Gool, APPoimmENT. -As willt be aeen by our Ainleyville letter. Mr. C. R. Cooper, of that village, "has been appoint- ed Clerk of the Township of-Aloaris, In *pointing Mr. Cooper as their Clerk, -the Morris Council have made a most judicious choice, as he' is in every re- speet well qualified to perform the re, •aponeible duties pertaining to that °Ewe. • CITANGE o BusiwEsS.-Mr. Cavanagh las disposed of his baking and confec- tionery business to Mr, Cardillo. We axe glad to learn., however, that Mr. Cavanagh. does not purpose leaving town, but will, tie soon as he can secure suitable yremises again commence the confection- ery and fruit business. Mr. Cavanagh is nn excellent fellow, and we trust that when he commences in his new stand lee will receive as liberal a patronage as le (lid in his old one eltunCH Or ENING.--9 he audience- . zoom of the Canada Presbyterian Church, in this village, is now nearly finished, and will be open for public worship on Sunday, Oat. 16. On this oceasion there will be three services, wheasermons! will be preached ay Rev. Mr. Inglis, late, of Hamilton, and Rev. Mr. Cochrane, of _Brantford. On Mondayevening, 16th October, a public Social Meeting will be held in the canna, when it is expected • that the above named reverend gentle - Men and others will be present, and de- liver speeches appropriate to the A Moyaser..- On. Saturday last we liad the pleasure of seeing a magnificent entire colt, which. Ras just been imported from a celebrated etock toreador; in Bampfsture, - by Air. John Lines, of the township of a tanley. This _monster mama is but two years _oldaand weighs 1,810 lbs., and. stands sixteen halals three inches -high. •ff he keeps °a growing in propertion as he has done un- til he becoMee four or five years old, he will attain, dimensions wonderfulito hold. -We cougratuiate Ma. banes upon his fine purchase, and trust that the best of good fortune may attead it, and that " Young Lord Hadelar " may do mach. mare -than fulfil the most sanguine., ex- pectation's he may have ittaalged m on his aecount. The County ot Huron wili rfoon boom c renowleed for its imported etoefee • Slifr1.0C'S Ace:cease". - We regret to leain that on Friday last Mr. Andrew, . Young, of this village, emeloyed with eaalr. David D. Wilson, egg inerchtatte • met with a very severe accident at Fele mosa, in the Toevaahip of atirriek, Coun- ty of Bruce. It seems that as Mr. Young was on hi s usual round. colleetaug • eggs, he drove his team and waggon into a shed at that place, and. while _attempt- ing to drive under a centre beam of the -ihed, which was too low, he got badly crushed between the load and the betua. ao Manly was he wedged in that the pro- gress of the horses was stopped, ma for- tunately they did.- not again attemt to. anoVe, for if they had, adamant' but a few inches he would certainly have been killed. Some parties near by noticing the position he was in, came to his xeeeue, and delivered hini from his peril- ous position. Whei relieved° he Was speechless, and blood. was running from his mouth, nose,. and- eyes. As speedily as possible he was rentoved to. the ad- joining- hotel, and .medical aid proeured. _A telegraphic despatch was at price for- -es -mated to alr. Wilson, who, with a ' blather of Mr. Young, repaired. to the stale of tbe accident. Ala Wilson re- turned 'tome en Saturday night, and M- ice ms us that Ala Yonne although. vela; . autiously injured, not in adaugerous audition, and it -is thought by kis mali- ce! attendant that he will Soon recover. • 'oxen:marina aye Oa taxeerrox--On laet Saturday, in Irishtown, His Lord- IliAnT Walsh, of Londou, admin-• - ietered the sacrament of Confirmation to over tour hundred. pereone. after evhich, in. the eenrse ot. his remarks. he- advised those colitirniel to remain firm in their atith to the 1 t- i to olcuy their relteann no matter \' 11 ilaud they dAveIt- or Wh:Lt ti(1:1 they were in. un the 3.1:twain4, (Sunday at seven e'eloek, 1 Ji lee dehip, aeeisteed by Rev. ltaueers Fur - B, of Lila er Uallalla. rSrlea, Of ( tat -am -0y, 1\ a eaer, of Whelan., aturpha • ened -11 t eir_faith!-- for it, i necessary. g the sac 'anent, the. -11ea;• of Strathroy, (1!nt•sertnon taking for )1'('s col')lni sion to St. a 4 Pete •,. ct al upon,this ,n y (!/ 11. Tit, - stint 1 will ys of he Cita/dont qt• lambs fee I lity sheep." N 21: TI e reverend ned t th oughout his whic me pied about with ma k d atten- dieace of th1intelli- eitominafoO% From e are unab e te give a 1. hard of relieved of aricaltural a . y last, by - Harris, of ook taken as passing the top- of cautioned datt papers. hat • t the ha,ve heard i gold watch st' seals of on $25 to iced by any o Make an arties. In all ot Fri- lenoat im- thief were Shows of 1 to have t ;the top etheu the ther. t a eat+t the Ify on the e passage more corn - spectators, unity for pose upon hese thefts the "Big asicned so fancy that ic p ckets tvoild hardly att,ni a sma I c . untry show e 'e oral, or he purpose keilr nefari ;us •avocation. e f• c e .and n ft tate, even ds, t wou d e well for lu b es abm t t eir parsons f pi 4.-poeke a a , di 1 PicKpOCKI TS.-- Ve have e several part es •w o were money and vIlm b es in he/ Hall at the ho , on lfritb pickpockets. A r . San ftel this village, hal a. ai•Oe out of of her po .ke bile site between the rot t loor aiid the stairs. 'Ili p cket- ato $25 in money an s \rural -alu Aelady wile ha I been isi nee-. Mr. Go dsn i tes, had a ta,kenaff the aau ro ,axed we of several ot ler. A '110 have .1 money searyng II amount f $75. The th fts ere notno person until it A a too late attempt to s ur e he guilty l such a crowd as .w s iu t le day, howeve , itotild be possible to 4 this unless the caught in th actl. At ft tar this. kinta i WM Id be we special coast ble. notion al and bottoma the 'Lars, nd people to go l p ni and c ow This would p. ev n to a rea, ja,m and crus w i •h is ista stairs and at to • ends f t ways, and be ide eing uel fortable and pl a ant r would; affo 1 le s ' o por rogues and . sha p as' t i unsuspecting pe p e., 'II d been eommit ed a son' of shows" it w alc n t ha oc much surpris , b t one w uM professional cendess at d t in,I a villa0 cie I - of playing But such is , in small MIN people with to "Item:rare I.x�te A PrOttrate , '..7-- ttis S S tra Seaforth, ha beh, n appo'ute i teacher n W. oxete- • scho . PEESONAL; Mr. R. G-, D lton, has been a c rk ii th.e sore of 1V1 Hood & Co iboy, Wrox. ter for time past, k t for Torm to ! ast having been appoi AO tentry to a I I an ! 8 o oiety We wish lin •ont• ued su • A GOOD "H4UP.E.-I Te . pleasure of emit iriga ph likeness of ti puaileof W ox er taken in a oup by M . , artist, of this Vac . The pi good one, and it ough he waras of one hunched in. he Eden, of assistant ssi.tant hat ce . hadi the • togi •phie er s hoel, . Walker, •ture is a e are up- front , the Os a the an 0 )tain who essrs. some veek, Sec - lace. likeness: in each cas tea ' di. tiled ad easily •recoodsed. Any tars( ,,village who n ay wih cop es them from M Wal Ker, w to as pr nted a number for battle apos•e. • A curente.a. 4We are s rry that Mr. Yoe.eg, egc mercl ant rather a scrip !aeci leatat Fat week: It aelme t in drivig ito .a shea at thati place, he -was" ja amet be- tween hisloakll and. , beam of - be bulla- • Mg, being so badly accounts his, atedi rather doubtful of to earn met -with Moi: last -Th IF11 Branch Agrieu tuta, at Gorra this, ea . „ 4th. In futui',' it eter and Gori , a RAILWAY • and vicinity liaquished --the r h way aceomoda bruiseo al at is am) Show aocie l tint at last end tuts tem :ere ." f t• y w n We Ine. is to be , t mate' elt flowick 11 be held day, Oct. atrox )eople of Mom:ter : It yet ipto< ether re - es of attaining rail- i We wil mp fu t atte t to say anythp the pi oba a -lilies of ern the present sel but simple matter to the pub te as it , nci knew not be fen ,r illy know the evening of th ;offing da . burly, when 0 e lent d gau e B • - Cordon ai d tier in nib sustained by the ole oft 0 Mr. Toronto Board w. o were n•es a promise to ti e le va 0 pu anti others f roil els,It at ot $60,000, in,xii es, 'bo ild conjointly by; - he ownsh us Howick, and it e stern]. art berry, V `, ald g arant ,e t( road built fron A ot nt Fa 'est etera or near 't, i oile -eal. Wroaeter thea tei minus fo • th The matter was i ro uptly ak by those intee stel, ineeth gs and a delegaticu s a). to To ron fer witk 0. da • The rep a isfacto 'ye aterapt to in the a llo 1 11 4. state the stands. that on. in Turn- -law was tepayers, •rs !of the nt, made y Reeve, f the stufl1. be raised f • of Turn. have the to Wrox- makin a present. en hold of -ere held, o to con - ort of this it was at raise the wilier man - 10 I tea delegation ben g • ouce resolved. to required aanou it nen : Minto, ba- byel Turnberry, by se W • • .$15,00 ti nal bonus... 1.5,000 roxeter, by s etoi al 'Watts OW uk, b) b la 3,00O Making in; IL. . S5S,000- - althebtalanee of 2,00 to ie i lade up in stock. To-dae , u-sdey, M . Gordon, and Mr. Beaty. so i itor thc Toronto Company,- arette 11 ing icetng of the Howick Comic 1, A -h. 01 it is exp eteil that the Council wi 1 it in ediate.y s bmit the the 'Oa 1.1hip. it a expected. thatthe by -lee f the otl er 114 tipb Will be submitted •lintly, Intl eft tothe decieioa of the -mop.3. St eh la a, brief ▪ _ spun isis of the s 'lime, as • it stands at prez,ent. ;Nice ;re if- ferent parts of llowick, „anti Ji. d -ma la- ee „ the apiaionis 313. '3 t 0. r Lt() 4' there Will 1)3 11 CIL tilibi i1tj 11 La 1) iu the tly-law it ti i, Toeynehii thae .13.11,-'r ownsitii eerned As-: • ire un- tble to 'exam:a an tq Matti flt fn t. ay.! [1 t' il 1 wn, ohlainefl. 11 3.3...01.-.1a0.1.13.- -a b 3.31 _Aosoro, after w3, l'*ai.'11•1* orlist11.1 15rea1'ht.,(1 41.11 (It" 1111(1 I)(5 V(*rral 5,e1'111(511. 111 tifIlit (atiztIh fititii. In tin,k afternoon, aatook, lite Juniata) ieitedaeaf,orth, rt• 11(' a..(1111.1111:4A•l'ea ( tn1ir(u1flj, t( a;,•5.4-. Qat' huttareol_person.,. Before aol- 1. a - net 11,_:, tat.' NatTalliellt 1,4° 111ade a111 eXIizuettj,,1l ft•V5. (5f it, raat AlloSileS. Ilt.fory the tleset'11t of the Holy tamet;were :timid. to preach tte Gospel openly, btu that after thee r - 1)11 -ached (10513(1 bohIly and defiantly, and how ;•-`0, Peter convene(' four thouband per - I, -y• one sermon, y continuatin o; atea•re.r. d -.13 -1110 inc :1 eT eo 1, teat.. No, 2, I1*y (0) 11 pitrstic • his eti aite h at te paseed nil' very nu. 31.e -fully inst. 't 1 ere IN t•I( 'Liana prese/it. 1110. 1:•41).1 11 Pie - 11 av 11:_.4 to on the .211111 12:10 rersons quantt 111 ( F • etc., kept the y3 al -g folks busy wail . 1 :50, when the), p: rt lok of a go il sprvad • of eatables, aft -r tr. an adjul1111111ellt WaS.111ade s th 01 house, N-11401 one • of the trustees ellr D. Mcc tua was called to the chin... After twat figi a few , remarks exprc. ship; leep r 'gut en the t part' of the sect on if() lesin f it) f 11 • teacher, he calledi• m• " tRev. Mr. Eakin, f Kippen, who delivered an able andin- erestiag address ending .iby -giving Mr, McLeod- high compliment as a teacher, safin he was one of the 'few who had caugl t the true, method in which to teaeh the "young idea 1 ow to. shoot." Air. McLeod was thea, called by the chair, _and in a few appropriate words expressed his thanks to tl e Section, for their kindness to him since he came to it; aud his sorrow at leaving. The Messrs. Itaya,e, of Brucefield, discoursed sweet 4 -nuke between the speeches to willing listeners, and centinued to do so until Phoebus was fast sinking il the ,west. Iiinleyvill ! NoTier,H•mr. C. R. Conrim !ivi. 1 act as business agent for TUE EXPOSVroa in Ain eyville and vicin- ity. Parties requiring ,T6h Ilinti ig or Advertising Lap. be atteuded to by ciali g u on 1111.r. Comm. He is ,also authorized to solicit su scribers for Tin': Exxosrron. 13-1.7sINEsS is getting.quit Farrhers have begun to grain awl drive it to in - some money to circulate. Tue-Weennetut has lteen eral days this week.' The f to have COMO at last. Bet and the frosts, the forests variegated. with the hues the beautiful foliaee wit were clothed is being b Mother Earth. • brisk again. thresh their erket, ceasing eve6 fo3r sev- all rams seem 'cm the rains are becoming: decay. and- • which they rne again- to -RAmw.A.v. -The By-law granting aid to the Wellington, Grey and Bruce .Rail - Way have been finally pa, sed by both Councils, tual are now ijvw. 'We- are anxiously looking for the Engineers, who are • expected to be • on am All we event now is that the Grove lament do ate part 'as well as the Muni ipalities have done theirs, and that the ompany stick to their words and pledges and we will have a railway. CHANGE IN MUNIOIP:A.I. FFICERS•-At a Meeting of the Morris C uncil held in Ainkyville, on Tuesday, 0 townsman, G. R. Copper, was app inted Town- ship Clerk, in plate of Mr, Thomas Holmes, of Blyth, who w s discharged forhis partizan. courseinth late election. COURT. -D vision Court or this Divi- sion was held at Ainleyv'lle, on Tues- day, JudgeBrough presida g, lAondesboroi, • Bustle -Esse -Business is ?.mproviag of • late, and the prospect of a good fall trade as most encouraging. Crops are tinning. out well. , Reneyetee-The Londm , Raton and Bruce Railway is boated t be pushed ferwara as far as. \Valeta n. The sta- tion will be within a quarter ef a mile from this .village. The Co npany would dtio well to form a junction at. Wingham, With the Wellington, roy and Bruce, and lay a third rail through to the lake,- ae the chances of getting the Toronto, rey and Bruce as far as Ninghain are 'rather smail. - A WANT SCPPLIE.D.-A walla which hfo,s been long felt lay the pe ple here has been the lack of a medico inan, which has now: been supplied by Pr. Taylor, a young man who has gn (Inapt' 'With honors at the Toronto!, lam Malty. He has also been. Assistant Si recon in the • Teronto General Hospital. Ind doubtless tae extensive practice, he h is had there will be of great advantage to him in re- .. lievineg those in this neigh orhood who May require his services. Myth. Pic -NM -The long looke 1 for pic-nic of the Blyth aabbath Schoo came dr on Fraley last, the 22nd inet.. "he clay was all that could be desired, it teing -GM of September's, loveliest day . The air was of that delightful and exhilorating temperature that cop:verbs ti c mere sense ofexistence into pleasure, which in it- self is sufficient to cheer and animate the young and gay. The heat o sum -her be- ing now over, •the sky had asatimed its mildest tint of Mite aiift w s -calm-and coel andlovely,,, and the country seemed teIsleep in luxurious repose. The grass, refreshed by the late rains, cooked green as that of the " emerald iel ," anll how beautiful the forest trees -in t beginning to wear the brilliaat colon!, cf autumn, excepting here and there a maple, whose foliage was already• quite• .crimsoned. The situation selected wa a perfect tower of beauty, seeming a though na- tula had formed it for such occasiens. TWelve o'clock being the ti le appointed for the scholars of the Sabb, th School to meet at the dutch, the paospectof an- tieipated pleasure had. the tentleaey to draw them there long e'm _that; time. which gave the Superinteu de it and teach - ere little trouble in masterin tacit. little army, who were to march i 1. procession to, the grand centre of at ractioa, the pia-nic ground. Mr. H. Al Qua:rile was solicited , to act as chairman for 'the day: After accepting the honora le position, he called upon the choir let by Mr. N. Warner (who is somewhat r nowned as a vocahst) to falter the large a sembly with scene of their Choiee music, after which chimer was announced, whet oai and all gathered round a table of . a enormous length, which almost sank beneath- its load of dainties. Ample 'al •tice having been done to the. viands, le company again turned their attention to, the eintel- lectual part of the .prograi une„ which .consisted of speeches deliver d by several able speakers of the village a id also from distance, • interspersed With • vocal mu -sic from the celebrated .31y th choir, -and the children of. the Sabl oath School: After this part of the pro! ramme was finished, the old folks- sat do vn to chat - the men to smoke and tall about rail- ways, etc.. while the wen ea gossiped' an d talked domestic affairs.. The ;ming folks nieanwhilq wean epic ying them- sel.vos to their hearts' couteut, by swing- ing*, crogneting, ball playing and numee- oils other games. in some of vhich it. re - 11 raved much skill Infore th oy could. be thoronahily initiated into tl niyeter and receive the signitiaent pest-worde The :lents were continued tt itil the a -In- ez -ink beeeath the weetera In mon. one thing 1 must mention "be ore tapeine, that there was, as is usual al Blath as se/111;14ns,- a very lerge uportimi of haildsoome young ladies., mai 1111 -Wr.s.re dresed in that consistent, toe -teal" and acetates ntamier -which distil gt0s1.1eS the fair damsel:: of this village To show thet they: are fully appreei tea in their native villago (.5,*(11 111(5. r fastiainilt-; ge.ntlente1i were so ('I)tiva€tT hy their eltarms as to uav homal.:e b - way ,,f cortation. Your humble (.4 rrespondent waiting to take netee to threlast trust- ing that one of the fair inaii.k would be left for him. was just .closit g hie note- book and about to present his ease to one of the fairest of the fair but as the Ladies say opm-hiii." A beardless youth more avariei us thanthe rest, not setisfied with one, had just se- 1 cured the lady Your:humble correspond- ent was about to address, and marched off "1acied double strong," while your forlorn scribe followed behind pitelessly supplicating for redrese, but in • vain. • AZIaticoaa. •• Listowel Races.. Th.e third/ meeting of the Listowel Riding and, Driving -Par took place on Thursday last Week.-italthough - the very favorable, the attend large. • nRsr my. The front racewas for tin ee-year-old - colts, purse $40, mile heats, 2 in 3: ant this race there were three entries, The follo-wiug is the seminary : - w. P. Hacking's (Listowel) Maggiti May a Gni ton's (Wroxeter) Thunder Bay 'W. C. Kidd's (Listowel) George Wtlke5 Time -2:01, 2:02. The second race was a trot for horses that had never . beaten three minutes previous to theist o' f August last, for a parse of $65. Thercevere, five entries, and all started : - Tifi Corey's (Stratfora) Canada Boy; .1 2 A. H. Bailey's (Seaforth) Black Crook...2 1 G. W. Wilson's (Fergus) Duke 4 3 43 T. E. Hay's (Lititowel) Black Buss 0. Zilliax's (G)enallan)White Stockingsdis. The third was a running race for D minion -bred horses, purse $100. ; The were three entries, and all started : • C. Lowell, Galt, named Sir Allan. • Mr. Marks, Brumfield, named Limerick Boy: . I AI, Meitner, Stratford, name Charlie Stewart. The first was declared no heat, on ac- . count (a the rider of air Allan evidently pulling highorse. On the second heat Sir. Allan bolted, thus riving the heat to Charlie Stewart. In the thad heat, Sir Allan let out, and, showing some splen- did reaping succeeded in distancing both his opponeata coming in on an easy junia) !lime -1 :57, 1:58, 1:51. Tne fourth race was a trot for horses that never beat 3:20. 'There Were five entries -Black Crook, Black Bess, Black 'wallow, White- Stockings and Duke. m . 'his race was won easily by Black Crook three straight heats, Dukesecond, and Black Swa.11oai third. •' SECOND DAV. The first race on the second day, was a trot for a purse of $75. The first heat ,vas won bk Canada Boy in 2.54; the cond. by Honest Billy, in 255; the third by Canada Boy. in 2.56; the fourth iy Black Crook, in 2.58, and the fifth by Canada .Boy,. in 2.53a! thus ' whining the ace Witk Honest ipiny econd.: - - . The Woad race twas for the Dominion tame of $120. The race wee won by i nd 1;52. ,•- . "harlie Stewart, in three straight heats, i. 'he Allan secOnd . Time. -1 :55, , i:57&, , I The third Was a farmers' trot: There! Were -three entries -Duke, Black S wal- ' Iow, and W. Powelley's Joe Bowers. oe Bowers was distanced first heat; Rack Swallew von two heats and the I ace, in 3:21 and 3:20. The last was for the consolation purse, between Maggie Brady and Thunder Bay. t he race was won by Maggie Brady in wo straight heats, in 2:4 and 2:10. t Association nd Friday oi weather was ance was not 1_ 1 22 Carronbrook, Accmasta.--7-While Mr. Patrick Gal- 1her, of this village, was assisting Mr. .'M. Ross, blacksmith, to set some 1 amen tires, last Tuesday, be met with a severe accident. The place where iey get the water to cool the tires is mit , cf the old null welJ, and it • ha.3. become I artily filled ape and the manner in which! 1 the water is reached is by steps cut out I i !f the side Of the well; which beaame ' eery slipperyaf they happen to get wet. !While he, was carrying some water up he , .. 111850d. his fdotinae; arta 'fell donee upon i ! 11 old stump .that had. been thrown iuto I .t,lie well, causing a, severe.dislocation. l'of 11 the Shoulder joint.. Dr.. King was • le elled in -anel dressed the arm.. • •• - , . Hibbert. • bat Magratca--The antundmissionary 1 eeting in clennection with Little Zion a }lurch, of this Towaship, will be held' .1! 01 Sunday, Oct. 15. • There will also be .1! a tea in the same church on the Mouday e 'evening followiug, when some eminent i &Pathan= are expected to speak. The t tblic are cordially invited to attend. 1 Prize List Correction. To the Alitor °like Melva Ecpwitor. REAR 8Tit,-J: notice M the prize list , f the North Huron Fall Exhibition, lnold. in Clinton, this week, . that I am credited with only one prize • for sheep, Whereas I was awarded, and bold, the ewe v.t.,ieiateli aliti‘tia: elitigl;e:istaa:ifi:11 sabr n; 1:(t. titiisliebelfirst.aesicelino 1 sfifIzloile;e(fIajo, eel. t•i efsCoNevrsoettles(21.1-., . iseisleueei,alyo. ifnolli'Clialolailliigile).° rb ;don"; sin, eLl.',1 _ eked ram. By noticing this hi your next 11;11. li,ziel l - a lAY"' Sit. • Hay, Sept.! 23, 1871. payers for their approval or disapproval, granting a bonus of $12,000, to the Lon- don, Huron and Ranee Railway, provid- ing the road 38 built on the eastern route, running. ttrough Seaforth and AleKillop, and that the Bylaw be published in the usual way. ----Carried. Moved by T. Altunay, seconded by .T. Mahone, That $10 be granted to aid. in ending in deaf and. dumb children of Wm. Moore to the Institution for instruction, Moved in amendment by J. Hays, seconded by J Horan, That no action be taken thereon. Motion carried. Moved_ by J. Hays; seconded by J. Malone, That this Coun- cil agree tot pay half the expenses in es- tablishing :the side road in the proper place, between lots 15 anti 16, coaceseion 9, and that the Reeve be instructed to enter into bonds to that eifeat, on the part of this Council, from the passing of the By-law, • henceforth. :Moyed amendment by T. Alurray, seconded by none, That no action be taken thereon at present, until further • consideration, - Motion carried. • SEPT. 9, 1871. -Pursuant to adjourn- ment, the Council met at Kennedy's Ho- tel, Carronbrook ; present Messrs: Hays, Malone, Murray, -and Horan ; minutes of last meeting read and approved. Moved by J. Horan, seconded by J. Ma- lone, That the Reeve he authorized to issue debentures to following parties for work performed, viz. : Charles Cla,ydon, $60, for -crosswaymg 8 and 9 conceSsion, lots 30 ; Alexander, $18.20, for crosswaying side road 30 and 31, conces- sion 9 ; Thos. Mason, $14.60, for -ditch- ing 8 and 9 concession line, lot 30 ; Michael Hass, 9 cents, for gravel. John Elliott, $50 for ditching 4 and 5 conces- slon line, lot 29 '- John Shea, $9, for re- pairing a burnt bridge on side road 10 - and 11; James McQuade $2, for repair- ing a bridge on 2 and 3 concession line, lots 11. - JOHN O'Suaarv_ear, Clerk. PRIZE MONEY. -Mr. Cresswell, Treas- urer of the South Huron Agricultural Society, requests, us to say that he will attend. at Carmichael's Hotel, Seaforth, on the second Saturday in October, and the following Saturday, for the purpose of laying the Prize moneys awarded at the late show. Parties desiring their Prize moneys transmitted_ by post will i please address Mr. Cresswellto that . ef- fect to Egmondville post office. Canada. Mr. Peter McEwen, of Seaforth, has received the contract for baring the Waterloo salt well. - - Mr. .Richard Addison, of Otterville, has grown, this year, corn which measua- ed. twelve feet in length. --The Star Lightning Rod Company, of Berlin, Ont., have sold daring the past summer, in the township of East Zoiragover $'75,000 worth of lightning rods. " -- There were 2,300 boxes of cheese shipped from Belleville station to the European market last week. - The lands liable to be sold for taxes this year in St; Alatys would not realize over $40, and the Comicil have deter- mined to omit the sale for this year, -A few days ago -some wretch ea- deavored to tearelown a new schoolhouse in course of erection on the and Con- cession, ef West Zona. He removed a part of the brick work from one corner of the building m the hope it is suppos- ed, that the remainder would tumble down. --Mrs. Ettue, 'of Mitchell, has made a silk quilt for the Western Show. It is .of an hexagonel pattern, and contains 3;102 pieces, and 383,040 stitches. It is a Marvel in its way, and reflects no little credit oa its maker, who spent \Try nearly a year in completing it. • • -- A story is going the rounds of the newspapers that Johnney Kelly, well knorn as one of the performers of Green's 'ciliate Minstrels, and the original "My 'ether Sould Charcoal," has been arrest - (1 in -New York on a- charge of bigamy, t being averred that he has no less than welve living wives. He was brought wought before a Justice:of the Pe2ee, ac- . •McKillop. - . CoriN (Tr, IM.BoriNGs. -A 'special meeting of Council was -called by the Reeve at Mr. Samuel Smith's request, at Murray's Hotel, Seaforth, August 3.1st, relative to the expenses irea proposed law -suit for establishing the roadalh the original sur- vey, on side Mies 15 and 16, concession 9. 11 the members present ; minutes . of a,st -meeting-read and sustained. Moved i y J. Horan, - seconded by j. Hays, That $12 be granted to Ward No. 4, as 1 klil Ciplvaient fOr graxelling on conceission linee 33 and 14, tote 26 trnd. 27. -Carried. 'Moved by j. Hays, seconded byr John .1-foran, That $50 be granted to Ward No. 5, 'as in equivalent to the other Wards, -t 'ae 11co . ;'\b0'C(l 1)3. - 1. i Imlay, see- n -eclat by T. Malone, That $50 be graated e Ward No. I, as an equivalent. --Car- cd. Moved by J. Hays, seconded by JOhn Horan. That $55 be granted to Vard :No, 3, to waist °in levelling the all at 2 and 3 -coecession line, lot 21, al -dull is at preseat in' a dangems psi - ion for the travelling community, also alb for gravelling side- road 20 and 21, ' . ot a . - ( 'arried. :110e -ea by .1. flays, tseopded by . .T. Horan, 1 hat Robert tawenaxes paiol ay him on weet half let al, con- lock be paid a24.50 for arrears of : iession 3, beina preveously paid.. Carried. - loved. 1 ae .1'. 11113's, seconded by .1. leant, That a 13v -law be pease(' for the mrpoee of levyine and eollecting of the ntable property of this Torwnelup for the ear leaf, viz : for County pmpraes, 7 • mile in 1 a.; ("toiler ; Townelop purposes, 2 Inds in toe dollar ; ale; to levy and (al- ert the amouuts reoptire1 for the dilate- ent sehool sectiens if preeented at • the e e ea. time: • et 'atrial. Xi coved. ay , .1; ,ittione, encondal by '1' \1 That tto In A.ranted to aid iii makinga ditch ou 0 and 7 concession line, loot 11 and 12, . s an equivalent for work performed, and b1.hat j. M.alone superintend the work.- ( 'arried. Moved. by J. Horan, seconded y J. Hays. thata 13yattev be passed by his Cvancil, alai subMitted to the rate. -It was proven that he lad In fled. the - two letters at Newry post n4iiee, and t lere was strong prsumptive evident.* t= at he either wrote or !beta ed them 1 Meseta After a careful exam nation of ti e -whole cireumstauces. he vas •cow - 1 flitted to Stratford jail to -tend. his % .ial* - Hon. Louis Joeeph Paph eau, died • t Montebello on -Saturday, at •he age of anent politicians an Canada, but has not been: in public l'af for many years . - 82. He was once oile of the •:0:twill:re:- - A des trattive lire occurreu binui\i\d'oinogds- . Market s ock, on Friday evening last, 1 7eek's cabinet factory, th otel, and several adjoining 1.eredestroyed. -- The Paris Irraitsi:ript says that air_ J hn Smith, of at. Geerge, tool to that ace last week two °Moms, each of -which easured fifteen inches in circumference_ Ihese onions were raised from neol, and r. Smoth asserts that he 1 as many •ore equally as large. • -- Mr. Matheson, Reeve of Mellen, reported as having addresse 1 one of t xe coaductors af a small, a vertieing s met puolished in that village, 1 -id cool- - n only known as the Mitchell •aucasitie h the following complimentary language • a a late meeting of the village Council ; "1 can, and will, prevent any falsifier 131 attending here to misrepr neut the ' •C ancil and the village, ander be guise o • newepaper. reporting. • Y have I f rfetted all right to considerat on as a T(nrnalist, and I shall regulat you in ft ture. You seldom or never do any - ti as a journalist that is no adverse t • the interests of the village." • -- The police • court statis ics, for i\Iamtoba, show one hundred aml. ninety- ei -oat cases for the past ten mo eths for t e County of Selkirk, with a p pu:ation Of three thousand. • - The imports for the port o for' A uguet, amounted to e 1 50, 606,. d daty was collected from $6',751. a --The track of the \Yellin on, Grey d Bruce Railway was laid. to Harris - to ; on the border of the Cc unty of •Th uce, on Friday. This brines it within 23 miles of Walkerton to whi h point th road Is about graded and will be en for traffic. this fall if the weather co tinues as favorable as it haft itherto- b n. The St. Marys committee n _local in erests have promisede to in- • ch ce the Grand Trunk to &mita ue their rkshops at that town, to rec ;lament' th exemption. -of the Compan pro - peers. tfm municipalrotaxation for five y The Whitby Gazette= reports the for- m. tion of a "Liberal Conserve, oivaet • so •iatien" for Notth Ontario. The se, ne paper gives as a, rumor lMr 0 oree Laidlaw intenas beinn°t te mGov- e meat caedidate at the next mentions • el ction in the same adding. The expectation amnia C. nadiana in• lanitoba is that within °flat e years- su b. a number of Canadians wit immi- gr te and settle on the splendid t tritory re ently -acquired from the Inch. ns out - •side. of the Pa -tan -ace, that a new 1 rovince wi 1 soon be erected, possessina mote at native features then this. - The harvest in the district f Mas- k° -a is nearly gathered, and 0 ts are tat tang oat a much better crop -0 an was. aa impatel a short time ago. Bars are sail te be Mare numerous tban tsual in see eral parts of the 'Muskoka ( istrict. ant a number have been captured by hut bets. They seem to be rem rkably dai ung. One was seen by two women ne. r Bracelnidge oe Friday. Th mama/ can e quite near them, and w after- wa= ds miseccessfully chased' ley • party of sportsmen. • -- A new chair factory on an es tensive sea, e is shortly to be establisbed in the nei thboring village of Mitchell )y two tlemen from Woodetock. - Mr. John Cox, of Lucten, ha pota- toe • of the Gatnet Cbili variety • which aveleh 1 11). 11 oz. Monaaa night last, a w ek ago, Mr A Hodgins, of the 2m1 con. of Bid- lubh had a tine fat cow stolen f one his ias ure Held. No traces have y t been obt tilled of the thief. kaowledged the cern, and was committed for • -As evidence of the improved contli- Inon of the Grand Trunk _nail -Amy, Herapath's Journal draws attention to the fact that first preference bonds of the company have touched -7Q. Our con- temporary says: At the commence- ment of Septeinber, 1870, these bonds were at 60, so that ahem) has • been an improvement of 10 in the last twelve months. It is very probable that the bonds will he at 80 hi September, 1872, judging from appearances. • . -The Central Prison, for which the Ontario Legislative Assembly voted an appropriation at their last session, is to be erected. on the lot situated on the west eide of Strachan thAlvnoT.e,riauttildt. ated- tween e lines of the cra Great Western Railways; in the city of Toronto. • The contract for the work has been awarded. to Mk. John Elliott, • -of Brantford, whose tender was $129,000. The Municipal Council of th shi ) of Biddxdph have- agreed to ab -law to the ratepayers of tha sin a granting a bonus of $10,00 Len don, Mixon and Bruce Reeky. y. • Cyrus Pickard, the =Mel ter of Du item Alearaamell, was seate iced at the late Middlesex assizes, to be Imaged next, nce the a, and an any Town - submit town - to the: 011 Dn Pri wa apparently,- less affected t otl, er person 111 the courtroom. .A large party !•of Indians, f om the. Geo roian Bay, passed , through Orillia week, on the way to the can p meet- • on Georgina Island, • the 28t1i, day of December ing the. passage of -the sent •weer seemed quite uninevc las ing 113te • -A son of Mr. John Harvey, farmer, near.Plattsville, met with an accident, on Wednesday. 6th September which broke his left arm near the wrist joint. The little fellow had been at the circus at New Hamburg a short tune previous- ly, and, as is usual with youngsters, -be- came possessed with a fancy to become a Circus Rider. • Whileaut with a horse he attempted the feat of standing on the horse's back, and before gom man - At a late meeting ,of the Al'ildiesex Coiltnty -Council, a resolution -con ! miming Str throy's effort to dividetho ounty; carried; the proposed L. arid S„ J. *ecoeev.as condemned; and .$1,230 haVe voted to hand a registry like at steps he lost his balance and tell to -t1 le ground, thus aringina about the painfra accident which will &utile him for some time to come. - The daughter of Mr. Robert Me- Larty, of North E'asthope, aged ten years, and in excellent health apparent- ly at the time, while going acre the yard. for an arinfel of -wood, on onaa,y last, suddenly fell doeva dead. Deceased \vote very mueli afraid of thunder and lightning, and is supposed to have been frightened to death hy a sharp peal of 1 thunder which occurred a. moment be- fore she fell down dead. , --Last week, al eesre . Robert Moore and Robert Christie, of Uinta, each reCeived letters, through the Newry post 01600, threat ening that ludo ss they wenal e11311 - ply with eolne frivolous olemana tee in harm; would be barned mid all their cal .. cle killed. The letter wassigned ohn Burk, •It zippears that a f ;ermae nam- ed Henry Seivert, and. his -wife, had been: workiag for both Mr. aloore and Mr.. Chrietie. and that there was some- dis- pute in each ease, ahout the pay. Theft letters demanded payment of the trifling amounts claimed be- Seivert, otherwise the threats would be put into execution. Seivert was arrested and brought before. .1). 1). Campbell, J. P., for examination. („41 ---The Council of the Town hip of Hibbera, at a late meeting, prote -ted by resolution against the: division of the Comity of Perth, for Registrati pur- po•es. Their petition, howev r, like many others, was unheeded. --- At the 1a,st meeting of th Presby- tery of Stratford, the Jtev. Mr. Foth er- ing ham, Pastor of Knox Church • Crone- - arty township of Hibbert, tend re:agitation of his charge on the ot ill health. The conaregation cla ed. vacant on • Sunday last, Iten. llobert Renwick, of Elm Foeheringham has been Pastor cemgregation for over 14 years, reggnation is deeply regretted entire congregation. • • - arr. Datnel Hyman, for many yeare a a Inductor on the Broeleville anil ottawa lie lway, die(l, after a long illaaes, P Sam' oint, 0)1 Wtelivaday, -13th in 4t.11 1,111‘t, ona church, las-:, the whistle of a 100(.111..41Vtt ell 1118 11151 *.! -.Cr,, (N.111:71.11g 11( .111 4,0 1 0/ Carrld.g11 ant( kart. allti 11;4. 411111;111.tr W1:1-(1 111 3)1.' fl Mae K i))eston, tie.; owner red his 'Tamale was by the the 1. Mr. "or this and Ili - by the We 1 111 \VarWit‘k, t'..31- tra_tt for Inillolinan. at-ale:way a no 14 Sal ; to a pullet an'OM Sarnia la :thee of the Great 'Western Railway, ;mil • goi IIg 3.0 mannelf('e the maitufa tun o. sale en a large nettle. • - anotear ileedisti tea lea le 11 rt ))- 111i/tea 111 7..';11s3411r1-415(.5 (1.1t.i.111,g (Olt (5. till: tongue ol a Lorses belongie ti, 'Mr Salter, of the 7th con. The vrud n'- 1 was apparently coniimittea with an stranent like a :pruning knife. Amisanwitiflorr=m3=2 0;..Vt; O. a? ''.fitirn • It" --z1.511 r end Terti-• .113,g 113-4--13 fl'i('131fl3 31 11-11 . nertioes, 2 cents eat -it 131114., . (4)1111(4).' 11 'OUP i'd11111111 y4'111' Biaf "' into ycltr , " 3 tiltmthg 4331e-fo1fl'th 0111.- 1-tr • 44 halt " • " 131.03131s „ One-eiglith oni. " 4" ... 44 "33 111.411131.1 'One -twelfth 431113 year half 44 IlMnitliS • Mitsiness Cards, Ili lines anti 0ij Advertisements of Stra!-.. *not -exceeding 10 lities--firit 3norith, 50 cents each 13001113). Advertisemotts of FARMS ')1'33L1C, not .exceetling 151)33t 11113131 sul)sequent month, 75 Marriagea, Deaths — Advertisements without b11inscrt-ea till forhid, mid elm McLEAN Altunn 1 Mela.L1 33. - _ BUS INE:SS D1R- i MIME •DAVID MITCHELL, M. 3) • rim Collegei, nItturws, Oxr.-1--C4ro11er of 13 Office ana residence, at 'nom) rill. W. B. .4.Z3ITH, Phys 4)fl3"--(11430s53.! Scott 3 43I3L1n street, Se4fo011. _TAMES STY:WAD:T., !.31. Monta ittmon, etc. 011ice utel TT L. VEIP.0O3.7.....g. 13., C. geon.' etc. Office and 313nliet ,and High streets, 111 33. CAMPBELL, Coroner mid lle1ide13c4L 4)\ 0001-1),) :street, Neaforth. Unice 1101.303..- 1123y, and all dqv Suturilav MeI3i 13af Law, "Solicitor ill 'Chanel. Couveyanrer, et,. 3.l.x3I3-3•3t,t)13. 310114'Y 10 11,,tait at Low I reArf+311r1" IfOLMES* torneyS at Law, stint:At • Insolvency, NA:alit-A. - Solicitors for thir Bank„ 14 • the Canada Lift- ,Assurrowe Con N. 33 • .i,fti)1 fn lend tat• 14 Binlses 10141 3.-1411 fur side. TIENSON :3031-YER, Beni. at Law. Staid -tors in -Chan- Cotiveyancers, Notaries Publii_ forth and \Wino tez. Agents to Cn. of l'Imer -Cantobt, and •th. 120, of 1-,ou111on, nugland. ATx.n ..enonni,sion rba .1 1.s. M. Ulna -a 1.:N0X'3' YrEL., Inca byg, 1.0 Drink .11,0/• 1 3.00t4i; :Oho (44 .1}).1•14)) rt.hi 11)14'41 In ;31» in' will I,: happ;. 1.5 t. 4:0 :10301, 10th, 121; 1h13 js3 3 \.& 3 1\ol; 1114 -A 9 .1. CI 1 1.1W IN, r."'t4lprit.:31r: •of hotel leis rev. raly been h httol tbremibom. 04.1 is nee.; .- tortable tool 4'o119944.:413.831, in Sample ifilions for Coninnercial Terms iibetla.., ; — 4 I h3.1):Ni./ 'S 33n13. 8fl't4 - • AN"> 1130;3:3(1 7,1(7'.• 3)(100(., .A Mei ital) Si; I. er, ol 3 )1-z -lituott Fermi 1.1, N.!(.441S 1113. 0 nor -.os 1111.1. '44 - -a— - • S 1'1 thr3 4 11-1,) sll IV '.1. = • s 31;;. 10,0 11 A!:Y'N1''1;i:7:::101•., C00111=0011E1 i3..11.111..c1...3 the gecati .1 t ilatte1.1.11 0431 ?C.F. - I4.11;:itin:.!;11(.!;...;A1,0 10 ..1 V:4; ; t 1F:NT; 0,1 tali:, 9,1 11 • 1=4 .31 Itas 4,711, Star,: 0:4 Iftn-33 it.13t, CI; • 1,tettti- , • . I.* • .: ltte I, I t. • .4,