HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-09-29, Page 7XT 2R. T87T, t SAW oil:. e and oth celebrated makes 'PLATER: cr C VSs, LAMI s',, pple Parers-x... ACH11 T'r '+•HIS ET tt C OILL> Ilse Power <ht.,f .cis 4 Heavy. BOJ f'I'TS:0.37 (f• - DS. FIONS. O Ds ,. we have and ll ion_ bee, as it is alto - ds will tie marked co., SEA I` € 1tTH.. t a?<in in w car kilig d Stock. of Cloths vk - �A U G T ire•ctfully intimate to the its «f See Orth and \'IGiil- ea1'Pita on l,nsaid.4s at in rear of Killoran .& ti:zeds. and i`torse-F he,c;kr g. l,ilr -attended tie `Ill reasonatrle. ,1 llj \.tcNAE(HT. LUMBER' int SHINGLES. ig"n(_.ct have on hand at :ite half in l€ (,sial En 4 -:re Stock of Dry Pine )rat: :),00.0. feet) of which aid Flociring. 'fate IR( z (hti ]]slid: Kol' Strip Lath trranted first elms, tic) slabs. Ea.cliine \yi11 start about after which date a plea. •ktNc.1 ES will be kept ii ]hail. [on givers, to orders from' M. & T.,SMITH, 1671. 17U-tf. F RI UM.. si ill in his 01(1 stand (-it Cash Prim t)t RESH EGGS poriu m. ext. Stetfurtlt. It ellaai€ts awl tither,' dealt lila llle j tl€11'llt_ r.: Itt= returns heart[ h - t iet Lttention to r .ear .lkttrt,italal.` in the 1 . HLSON. IST I. 1i.1 -t: k, t•t, ana:iln atr' tit t r .l <l to Manse inn,(• hC Market, et, t, p: % til)). - litIF, 1 (_`.loll • t'u,t mal` offer. Town and t'ttuntl`C tlt,ric''1snS I(.i in 'ilii: he returns his 1)e:4; fits as •C0ntiiniance tef M. MALCOM. sl, 1671. WS-tf SEPr.29, 1871. Elanta° Rills. Letters patent have been taken .out for a new rail for railroads, .which promises to do away with the .continual rattle and jar `of railroad travel. It is a continuous elastic 41 -rail, and the inventor and those -who have examined the principle of its construction claim important ad- -vantages over any rail now in use. "The rail is in two sections, the upper •section lapping over the lower, and -they are fastened together by hori- -zontal bolts. Between the sections is india rubber packing, five-eighths ..of an inch in thickness. It is .thought the use ..of this rail will ;prove important 111 many respects, .and be much cheaper in -tile end than those now in use. The upper sec- tion may be made either of iron or steel, and when. worn out can be re- laid without disturbing the under :section: A great expense will there- fore be saved in relaying the track. The India rubber packing. it is con- Lended, will give the car an easy and .altnost noiseless motion, and prevent the sharp concussions which so fre- .:latently result in the breaking of the _axles..- The saving every year to the rolling stock, it is claimed, will .be :an item of very great importance, and will commend the use of this -improvement to all companies that sturdy economy as well as safety. If the friction is lessened as much as =engineers claim it will by the adopt- ion of this improvement, the dura- tion of the rails wiiI be greatly pro- longed. Physical Training. The untimely decease of James .Renforth, the Champion Oarsman of ),the World, at St. John, N. B., on the 23rd ult., has called forth arti- .•ales on the subject of Physical Train- ing from several' of the leading jour- nals of New York.- At six o'clock Fon the morning of the great aquatic .contest, James Reuforth stood by the river side the very persorai6,caa- tion of vj oro is manhood and (ap- ,parent) health. His muscles w ere de- veloped to their fullest extent. His -daily food had been regulated to a hair's breadth, both as respects quaii- ty as w e't as quantity. For weeks no intoxicating beverages had 'passed lids lips. He rowed a certain dis- lance - every clay ; walked or ran a :certain distance; and swung the 4utnb bells for a given time dur- ing twenty-four Hours.—On that very morning be declared to his principle backer, a Northumbrian entlemaan, that he never -felt better his life, and was "tit to row for Iris" life." Nevertheless, . when the tug came, he was, in reality, the least powerful of the far-famed Eu- glish crew. Muscle had been de- veloped e- veloped at the expense of vital )ower ; and when the heavy strain was called-- on, his young life went .out like the snuff of a caudle ! Pu- gi1ist5; aucl all triose, the exercise ,of whose profession calls for the de- velopment of in uscle at the expense rtl ort of other force, are old men \vlhilk 1 than young in years. In England, a pro- I tlae ttssic)uaal pugilistis considered `stale' cut and used -up , att the con-ll)<traitlti Eli if lik early arse of ti city -eight or thirty , ginge and zc t 1 5u iStS dread, C c, iVt fixed ed COn- nehe tests for money -stakes with brother I stir th pugilists, but the severe course of training they must undergo, in order to "-get themselves 'into condition to `ct rid. of every superfluous ounce --sof flesh.—A New York journalist says that there is a point beyond which en,durance cannot go ; and the next step after perfectioa is decay. James Renf rr•tll, on the morning of the day of his decease,, was "iii con- dition," the slam phrase for a fully log had bee of her favorit ing her t and Swingi. gtl pendulum, d•I and out, sna '1 emitting a so r a groan. Iu seen near Leh _a field, ,with h in • her mouth slie had calm. time .a spertsm hem, suddenly vas in the act her tightenin being of such ]manifesting g man: Ipecau,e fear, and infra from the terrib ing of his gun used in destr'o party :1.o go in p has now been o to be -hoped t!ie t 1 ged' aloe. One iliseients was coil- ut a limb lid ft -9 lik her to in; her twee a t m ber l st Lowly rect, rad a ge !iooe d `,,. and:° ,.1Of Sou 1i O upon catching a grasp.. a h e e lin wens& size, and t rage," the young most palsied with. ]irately 11 ran away e -locali▪ ty, a of Bich he ing the 'mors rsnit of th ganized, erpent wil )f atree a large gue in 8; and hiss and he was versing bearing which nother Bethle- • as she cat in snake A Boy's Ess : on To) ac By "Blue-mcn n.tctin," A di/ I go against tobacco, b pa. goes against i ie . I . esch 1, will -not chew i 1 will 01 why: 1st. Idon)tlike thet st it tastes worse han: any, e you can put to op lips, it is sickening stuff. 2nd. I F n' the looks of it'; hen I'se to I pity the; DIOU that chew it when I see the • outh whi h it I pity the to r actio , it is dirty dirt -color:. 3rd. I d n't the effects of its, ise ; it me ke teeth yellow avn brown when. should be white it makes t e b offensive when! i should b s' it injures the .Ice so th • t who chew cannot sing and si ea advantage. Th e voice bre ks, the chorister prpaks like a, r when he should ing •like a bobol the orator rriere'il barks, an . bacco bark is very very disag •tie 4h. I fear tobai e eo creates an petite for liquor !; it tights ai fi the throat which. water may no out. --M. K. 13 -r. Useful Recipes. DELICIOUS PullDING, for des: To three pints jof new iialiJk .four sticks fres cinnamon,. blades of mace, ...e • and a qua pounds of the best raisins;: stem] and seeded ; cove 4 these tightly the stew -pan, an signifier slowl fifteen minutes ; meanwhile very light the y u1 s of five egv, ing slowly, when 'gh t, half aI po of pulverized loaf • ugar ; mat l"e i Light and creamy' s possible ; w: ready, . strain the r ilk so as t le. out spice and rat. las, but sad latter, as they ar to 'be put i after a while; stir in 1 e eggs and su it when the milk b As, -.]eating i u til it simmers once • ,remove it from she fire, and when co stir in as q r.ar er of a pound of as onds that li ve been lllaanclred - a c1 lloinicl(:4 in a ar with a ittle: rose-\, aat-r the raisins that were boil cl Zink, half a-pound.•of best itr Into sma'1, zre� T thin slice4, a ery 1 think - ,t have r. A mister it is fillet. 3. ise - _t. yo of it icin suc hk acc an he'c lik: tri. the •eatl eet ; hos to and iven nk ; to bre. ap- e in put ert. put two 'ter sed in for eat dd- ncl as rs1]. ve he tic ; a small p:) 'tion of pre,.. r' cut thinly, Pfix all we r, add a quay of rich c •ea 11 mixed nice v, andfreee ice-cr eaui. ; A." T ''k's hear] "1 ak a very pretty mou 1 for it. RicE ANMD APPL Sotriz L• E. Pit over carefully half a I)otind o tl whitest rice; blan h it' in bailir. water ; drain it \vl an( 1l sat t . �F to boil, with milk. _'<ifiieient'to •ov: it, a small piece cif 'tick cinua, a little grated len sin peel, a small port'n of gr i it boil until the in try the rice, and, if through, add a littl' boil it longer ; when take up, reinove the sugar to "make it flev eloped frame, from an animal -stand-point of view ; but, in fact, he was "out of condition." The strain taxl.e ; the core] snapped ; and one .of the most muscular hien that .ever England produced passed away. -Over-training-- him. vel training— oveh exertion kill frim.. The early termination of his brilliant 1)1•ufcssional career *ill it is {o) be hoped teach a lesson to the young" bloods" oods of Oxford ut d ails -Coto bridge, and to the professional I athletes of both continents • toI d ed nutmeg ; 1-t c is absorbed t not cooke more milk, an it is ready t cinnamon lldt gihite 1 s enough rub the white Of an - around the ,sides lite bottom glass bowl ; when -the iic is 001 ing ib u tike of ncl fes er for on m a- alp- •eci \Stith bites of ni on the g island, ft . flour t: ,1 a' It: rd 111 11 5 k e n r a 1 • ad Beet e f turn it intolthe dish, he_a, at the sides 'until it reach e of the bowl, and is i bout and a half thick at 133 to the white of the egg to the j A Great Snake. c bowl, lel y • the ]arms] de.. E I .sigh county, I can., has been thrown j lade, or a fr into a fever of excitement by the ap- f pies, sweete"t peatr�ance there of a monster black i lemon ; rhea -make, measuring from twenty-five three or four to thirty feet in length, a�ncl the top, as you ` thickne-s of a common stove -pipe. a spoonful t a tiara List week she was Come acro �) ss 1 y a ,sugar- on the tbp; and liglhtning-rod" peddler. Ilis horse salarander oi' a shove: 4uciclenly made a stop, and on look- maylse . eater; with sail ing about for the cause, he SUM' in I. Made frani-t1 e yolks �o front of him across the .road the huge I three pints o Milk. la�ptila.', its head in a rye field, while j f A vC'I j ,.I11C�, way ol` its. tail was just leving the fence on { pies, 'especially for Cl tLu opposite side of the road. She .l select sweet ones followed her course tbicugl>_ the_r r ,pare, � tie, ;core •:]]tial if tlle�r are \� lhit It was seen to sss ay backwaard ' cut them. ialto'ei bt si&i •tract f 11 cc au l as she moved through i in a tin pan flee of t i•e se, the lit=ld. The drain hurried on ..lid ` low g t baking cliff], placed in il�f air user] the neighbors, who follow-er over boiling �caterpu eel t'u' snake *all guns, but she 1 lid, and let then reli: tu'ik refuge between some rucks and fork will pass throng �:'.a> lost to View. Many other per- Water boiling Inde Sons c'I tialh to have seen. the snake at + time eat :coir], with 1- various times and places Within thP'� past year. . -.I cream, and pulverized s I y e al. Last year she was chased I ed, over them. bheavy n stale bread enough' The 'vicinity of Rittersi-ille, Le -the inside sour in } r > slh sauce ted, aiicll light tI e eggs, drop t!ha ould-on foatir ; S n'Qwb. - wi of c: a31s. e c cust, tl:e'eggs and lit li ro a I 0 an n d; si it a,dl pace rice mar green Jrel) ring ap ildre� , is to qr a -ter; a d fare:. app es es Yet them { ✓ a yel- the steam t on t'le, in lntil. a k-ep the Alt all the cl> r iillt br iga�r rprin1 1- in.. the form, through a€ cltweh•-field, the path made APPLE F try her course looking as if a I over CHARLOTTE. -Dr to 0 U,RCU e �, :TH'E H when rubbed, a pint of cruwbs, when brittle rcll it very fine. Pare, quarter, and Bore six large tart ap- ples ; then cut each q arter into four pieces, once lengthwise and once across. Beat well together, as for cake, butter the size of a small egg, ne mpful of - white' sugar, the e pints • of • on and nut - yolks of, four eggs, thra. milk, ancli a little eilinam meg ; add the bread ca: u m bs, then the a pies, and, pouring nto a yel- low bkin dish, ish, coot.. _slowly from half to three quarters of anhour•. When cold, beat the whites with half a cupful of pulver zed sugar. Either " " set in a hot 0 n for two O or three minutes or with salaman- der. Eat cold, with crea . PARSNIPS.—Wash and crape the largest, finest ones ; boil 'hem until tender in water in which a little salt - has been put ; let hem get cold; slice and broil them on -a grid- iron on which butter has een rub- bed tai prevent their sticki g, C. YEO, AUCTION ER, SEAFORTH, Will attend to any Sale in the County. Residence -Rear of the Catholic Char •h. .195-26 ROOMS TO L - T. TO LET, in Scott's Block, two commodious Rooms on thesecondflat. Apply o 195 a McCAUGHEY & HO MSTED. TOTRAVELLERSAND • TIMERS ) AT a meeting of theU otel-Keepers f Seaforth, to regulate the prices of HAY 'b OATS so d inthe different Hotel Stables, _i 5eaforth, the folltwing was agreed upon : sped of horses to hay overnight, . 50c. 1 horse to hay overnight Sac. 1 span horses feeding, hay, .. 20e. 1 horde, iOc. oats per gallon, lOe. TRONA FOSTER, THOMAS KNO%, J )RN CIiITs. • 0 A. H neim e, R. CARMICHAEL, J ?icBlzlnti. JAntEti 1tOs , X. & '. MURRAY. September 7, 1871. 197-$t. HUILDINCS FOR SALE 'iN SE FORTH. FOR Sale, Cheap, two comfortable'fran e Dwelling Houses, situated on the most 'Aetna it street in Seaforth, adjoining the Good Templars' • all. One of the hequses is at present occupied by i James Laidlaw,{ and the other by Mr. D. D. R • ss: Both housesiare adjoining, and have attache 1 to them good loth, on which are all necessary 'con Leniencies, such as soft and hard water, out -buil ings, etc. For further particulars apply on the pi enises, or at THE ];,X.rosrron Office. Seater h, duly 12, 1871. 18841. TO T E PUBLIC AT L RGE. H. OLIV R, SION OF THE arc W cc • cI � J J� Li. CI)Z CICS SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice assortment of light an heavy ]larcss, whips, bells, horse clothin. etc., kept con.tantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended t ), z‘nd has res loclerate. Remember the place ! •ign f t'.xe Scotch Collar, Alain f.trcet, -'eafc rtll 16: if W. H. OLIV R. BE SURE AND GO To _ 9P1IAS LE ( Shearson & Co.'s Old Stand,) QR NO. I SEE Of 411 ]rinds. 8, :LIl val reties of Turnip S cls 1L C AIlTI R'S - IPERL•iL, the best:Swede Tulin]) in cultietttitre. KtR1IN 5 IMPROVED l)O. SHARP'S PURPLE TOP 1)0. SUTTON'S rll.a}IPION 1)0. YELLOW A13IC111YJU N DO. • 'IIIT).; GLOBE AND STUBLE. Cheapest cC Best Teas in T got at LEE')S. For $H tRSONS'S No. 1 FLOUR, go THOMAS LEE'S. Wn to 11 1 nds of Produ Taken 'n Exchange for Goods, a THE 'HI 'HEST CASH PP,,1C >< REMEMBER! SHE A RSON' a CO.'S OLD STA D HOMA S LES. Cedar Post for Sale, eheap. - P. 8. 169-tf VIOLET INK. J. SEATTER, EXCHANGE, BROKE] And dealer in 'Pure DRUCS CHE IJCALS AND DYE STUFF PERF CTMERy., FANCYAND TOILETARTfICLE ,Agent for # Sewing Machines. Mon to lend on easy terms. Pure Vines and Liquors for med c1naa purpos• e J. SEATTER; Seaforth, Nov: 3, 1870. 59-tf, TICK TS TOR EUROPE. JOH'N- SEA TTEIt has been al pointedlAgent at Seaforth, for ill e INMAN JLINE OF STEAMERS. Parties con. of ;Europe rata au1allnecess in to 85-tf. eml)lating visiting any pal be supplied with Ticket ary information by apply JOHN SEATTER. Druggi it, etc. _ EXP .i The above was Iet to TKWO,IA$ BEL, Furniture Manufacturer, Main -street, Seaforth. But as his Biz is already sufficiently large, he does not Fvish to advertise. 196 f - NOW OR NEVER. SOMETHING New, Novel, Cheap • and Handsome. THE SEAFORTH CLOTHING EMPORJU M: AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING HOUSE. T. K. AN ERSON Of the above establislznient, has just received a very large and complete stock of SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS MELTONS, DOESKINS AND BROADCLO HS. Overcoatings of all tarictie1s and Color The finest assortment of sPlusiij and Fancy Vesting 5 Et (:r taken into the Seaforth Market. Fancy Flannel and Regatta Shirt S. - ings, and GENTLEMEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, In great {•ari(tr of the , c best quality and at the I lowest figure. It ivoula be to the.adv,xnta;e of intending pur- chasers tri call early and Make their selections, as by so doing they will save Sat least twenty -live per cent., on +recount- of the tepid rise in price of the :above dest.tiptiun of gootl,y. CLOTHING, of every des,c)iptiou, made to order on the shortest notice, in at.- style 'equal to that of city establishments; and at a much. lower price. Satisfaction guaranteed. , - SUMMER TS GONE, BUT THERE IS Just Received A COMPTi`F,TE STOCK OP WOOLLENS, Embracing the largest designs in TWEEDS, BROADCLOTHS OTSKIN"S VENETIANS, & FOR FALL WEAR AT Campbells Clothing Establishment, NEW YORK HOUSE, SEAFORTH. W. C. would call special attention to some lane of Canadian ,Tweeds, bought very low, and first class goods. 197. WMi. CAMPBELL. TIES AND COLLARS—As the undersigned nukes this department of Itis business; a specialty, parties wishing the latent styles ttnd novelties would do well to call and inspect his stock and en- quire his prices. Be sure find not forget the .place—Rain-street, Seaforth, opposite Scott Bebertson`s Grocery. 196 T. K. _ANDI RSON. WESTERN FAIR, 187. TO BE R1 LD IN THE CITY OF LONDON, ONT., SEPT. 26, 27, 28 and 29. Prize Lists and Entry Papers may be had at the Secretary'4 Office, Riehmontl street, London, op- posite the •`i,tv hall. All entre t s. are requested n ,�; , e 1 c. tui to be made on or 1)c - fore the 16 h September. RAILWAY Mad $„ 5,000 ARRANGEMENTS HAVE - BEEN. for ONE i'ARE to LONDON AND RETURN. FFERED IN : PRIZES. Competition Open to A11. 1'i' xr. ale RIDE, R. TOOLEY, Secretary. President. 1Veste)n 1 air Office, ) London, .#1.maist 24,.1871. j 195.5t ROXBORO MILLS CHANCED HANDS. THE undo, si:nted' having purchased the Roxboro CTristingand Mousing Mills, increased .the Ma- chinery, and put the Mill in at thorough mute of rep lir are new prepared to do GRISTING, CHOPPING AND All other kinds of general Custom Work on the shortest notice. They wool#'. also desire t+, state to fanners and others, that n the work will he done antler tht it own supervii i 14. they have no hesitation in luur,tu- teeing entire ,utisfaction.• A. trial' is re pectfully solicited. B. SH AN TZ & BROTHER. Boxboro ,JLtn ,1571. Igi-t1. EXPECT TO REMOVE THEIR HARD WARE STOVE AND TIM:STARE BUSINESS To THE. NEW STORES ADJOINING HILKSON'S, EARLY LV OCTOBER. IN TIIE MEANTIME, - 1)0 NOT FORGET THE OLD STAND. JOHNSON EROS. 0 THE FARMERS OF H .AGRICULTURAL I3.►IPLEi FIRST FRIZ GRAINY CRUSHE iS jrir ROL NTIVE. AND STRAW CUTTER 0. C. WJLS.N Sole :agent for the County of Huron, for of MAXWELL & WHITL W of Paris, is now prepared to fnrnish fat te:Y with their celebrated Grain Crushers and iMtraiv Cut errs. These machines took the First Prize at tb Pro- vincial Trial for agricultural implements it Id in Paris in July last, and are without doubt th best inanufacttued in the Province. Machines kept' constai tly on hand, and can be seen by irate ding pure errs at any time, at the Market, Seafol th. Also number of IRON PLOWS, of fo ferent tterns, received direct from the Celeb ted Seott sh Plow Nanufac ore OF JOH. GRAY &- Co., GLASGOW, These plows can be sold nearly 25 per cent. lesE' than s' . alar plows of Canadian manufacture. All of i' er varieties of agricultural implem :ntsr nlmkeptanufac eo . scanuserstly on hand. , -which will be sol at prices • 197 0. C. WILSO CHE P FARMS. FREE HOMES ON THE LINE OF THE UNI, N PACIFIC RAILROA A LAND . GRANT OF 1' .000.000 ACRES OF THE ing and Mineral Lauds in :Aeric. 00 Acres of Choice Farming and a�- ands on the line of the road, in the 'EBRASXA, in the Great PlatteV FOR SALE for cash or long credit. nets are in a - mild and healthy clim. in -wowing and stock -raising' w,s any in the United States Best F 3,000, ing State of ' These 1 d for asses by Prices HOME 2,.00, tweeu On) Homeste Person Ben on decltuit the United provision i Send for phlet, with Address 196-18t • ange from. ..,§2 to 810 peraer TEADS FOR ACTUAL SETITLE 00 acres of Government -Land ha and North Platte, open for i.itry 80.foliliteig,n Birth are entitled 4) the fit of the Homestead L9;w, g thOr intention to become citizens •if - States, and may avail themselves of this nediately after their arrival. the new edition of descriptive pa new maps, mailed free everywhere. OMAHA, NED,. te, ]AV I invest MONEY ! 0,000 TO LEND. the above sum -on hand fiv- mat on good Farm Security, h't rted by the Makersl 1 For Dura Quality, Finish and CAN -"QT I3E EQUALED. 1 FINE GOLD AND SILVER - JEWELRY A Watches, despatch, a wanted, for cash or tral WAYS ON HAND. ClOcks and Jewelry of every repaired With. neatness and id warranted to give satis-- rth of Old Gold and Silver which the highest price in_ e will be paid. Main street, Neafortlt. IRON liCTHE -BLOOD. o Sv The PERUVIA Panzthlets free No. Sola HUM asenYsuppiying the blood whit Sure you get Peruvian Syrup. J. P. DINSMORE. Proprietor, Druggists generally. The GI eat Fetetali,. l'HRIODICAL Pitts. j'" dire- of all th.se painfill and dangeron • 1.; to whieh the If, mile :constitution is ill a short time, ) ring on the monthly 'sc.: attn. duritew the first .liree nee lb., tot - are sure to brit), .11.1e•cartiage. but :;t time they are saf ?Lips the bac net limbs, feligou : pelpiiittiie of the keart, whites, these pill ail) eff-et it cure t: :1,1 other' anvthituz hurt fill to tile ettnstitotion. paekage, which e. timid be carefully prt .Tob :MoseA, ;eel- York. Sole Pr##plietor, S1:09- ana return until. a la tie, containing over ;4 Sola iu ortli by E. )11:11, 11. Lainsilen. " 197-2 cents forpte.t,