HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-09-29, Page 6fr
SEPT. 29 1871:.
A Witeheraft
An anecdote of 'Lord Chief -Justice
Holt is as follows :—A .poor- old
-woman was arraigned for witchcraft.
The witness deposed that she used
" spell." The "spell"—produced
in evidence—was a line from one of
the classic poets, written on parch-
ment. The Justice demanded to
see it, and it was handed to him.
" How came you by this ?" he asked
the prisoner. - "A young gentleman,
any lord, gave it to me to cure my.
e-solatighter's ague." "Did it ewe
ler "0 yes. my ford, and many
others." '• "1 am glad of it," said
the Judge. "Gentlemen of the
jury, when I was young and thought-
less, I went to this poor women's
louse with some companions, had no
'limey to pay the aeckouing, and
pretended that by a 'spell' I could
cure her daughter's ague. She ac-
cepted the proposition and let us off
scot free. If any one is punishable
-it is the Chief -Justice, and not this
poor woman." Of course, she was
acquitted, but the credulous Multi,
tilde affirmed that the Judge and
ajfiry were all bribed.
The Queen's Name.
)When our gracious Queen was at
little girl, and it became highly pro-
bable that she would OCCUpy that ex-
alted station. which she has since
adorned with every: womanly virtue
and queen -like gr ice, among many
of her uncle's loyal subjects there
arose a diecussion about her name.
Ittravas not a good old English name,
they said.; and it was thought politic
to change Victoria to Anne, Caroline
or Elizabeth. This feeling was not
confined to Englishmen on:y. That
illustrious Scotsman whose centenary
has just been kept says, in his diary
.for May 19th, 182-8 :---"Diaed, by
command, with •the Dueness of Keit.
I was very kindly -recognized by
Piiiica Leopold, and presented to
the little Princess 1rictoria-4 hope
,they will change her name—the heir -
apparent to the crown, as things now
Stand." •How comnletely hu " Vie-
r I
toria" becotne a household word in
•el-ery English. home ; yet how very
.few young ladies have been_ called
ley that mune, in honor of their
I:Sovereign. I suppose it is because
Victoria is not a name for everyday
life, and admits of no9prettier abbre-
viation that "Vicky."
thbugh fervently praying for her.
Majesty's long life—it would -be
-well to have it settled under what
name or names the Prince of Wales
will elect to reign : Albert -Edward,
_Albert or --as probably rdest English-
-men would desire—Nl ward the
-Seventh. . It- is, I believe, the
Queen's wish that he should be call-
ed Albert Edward ; and this, pro-
bably, will be his style, if his Royal
Highness lives to pet on the imperi4
purple.—a Te_dite Talk.
di • ot.
As to Low Dresses.
Most &shops owe theie origin, to
an attempt to give prominence to
the strong point or hide. the wea
point of a .king or queen. Thu
ti,ewder came into vogue to C011cual,
an awful time goingthrough the
zouave- drill with tat umbrella.
When be reaoh6d home he heard
that the thief had beei captured.
.The judge is now engaged in writing
out his charge to the jury in advance
of the trial. Those who have seen
the lough draft say it is thp rndst
picteresque law paper ever drawn up'
in that contry. .
- Mr. 'Todd gives he foll, wing
good advice in his Am le aultlari4 :
When apples are gatherpd within
two or three minutes' walk of the
fruit -room, the most convenient man-
ner of conveying the fruit is to let
two men cee-ry two larse basketfuls,
by means of nwO sticl s aeh stick
being thru t through t e te -6 handles
of a basket The baskets being side
J)3 side an the stick p rallel, the
work of cal rying is Elln hn ore easily
performed Ian by hoyin a single
basket on : shou de): . If the
way is smo eh, one per on may take
two large baskets on a h elbaerow.
Still anothsir good eNe y � convey
apples to t e fruit-roo i to ea a
'clezen bask ts on -a larg stone-ooet.
Winrer apf les should ot be poured
from one b. sket into a other, nor be
dumped int a wagon -b x I nd jolted
over a roug, way, as all st. ch rough
handling'ws S bruise tl em more or
lesseaud thus hasten th lecaa.
10 • ON
Early Risin
All this talk about a
moonshine. The habit of
out of bed in the middle of
suits some people.; let tl era
Bat it is onky folly to lay
general rule upon the subje
men are fit f r nothing
they have ar aen esaorly eve
ing. Their ener4eS are d
their nieir imaei 110ri9 are Lea
spirits are del ressed, • It is
he -night
enjoy it.
down a
t. Seine
ay after
y, their
aid you
can work so well in the morning.
Some peoplfa can, but others eau
ight ; others agtin in
nd ex-
•work best at
the afternom
periment for
tests on these
Long tr al
the only tco:
points. As for
up early beca ise Professe
has written 1 tters to pro
cessity of it let no one
enough to do 't. We all
model man, n ed eighty :
five ; 1 wor
t bre e kfa
and a pinch b
more never
anything but
dinner, and a
evening." I
don k ey tied so
all means con
pie would car
these terms.
all. withered
easier terms ti:
as°well that 11
is a nuisance
to -everybody e
ve Ithe ne-
b goose
k ow she
I rise at
take a
e .
, To aid and a'ssi
and 'Bruce
a . .
Queen's gt ay hair, and large peruke
'because a _King was bald. We learn
however, from 21, Be12:atu paper, that
the customs of ladies exhibitindthei
TitlAs in all the beauty of nature ha
a tar more romantic origin. In I
-battle in which the French were en
gaged (ad dates, we mav mention, ar
as elows: - - I •
three hours,
•t—namelY a cralcker
salt—work live ho ira
smoke, never drink
barleywater, eat nO
to bed at six in the
anybody finds tl at
•t of life suit ]ini, by
nue it. 13 at few p ° -
to live to eighty 9
If a ruan 'cannot get
• d cru nip ed up on
an those, :itjis °
should dielbel re he
o himself a ad a bore
t th ; I
Le n, Huron
ailwav 'on pa--iy, )3,7
tr, by vay of.
aa to
id to
eei rate
tu ts
of the
p thsed hi
1cr Majesty
In( rpornte
Cc menet ,"
end enacted
Li‘ in6 t isand dol
S • bonus to the Said tiompai y
sae Debentures. there al
authorize the levying 6f s
for the payment of the Dobtn
the interest thereon. by an aet f th • fouiLh 88i
t Legislature of the Proviete of Older
the thiety-fourth ye • of the reign of
- Queen 1 ietorite enti led, " An Aet t
theLoncloif= ninon nd Bruee Bailey
it -
amongst other hings previa el
,reserve(J) their ranks were broke
and they were routed. When they re
treated, their - women bared theii
breasts and entreated- them to pierce
them rether -than permit them to
fall into the bands of the enemy.
This was too much for • the gallant
Gauls, Nerved with:fresh courage,
-they turned, renewe.:: the combat,
and were victorious. From that
our Frenchwomen 17. ft Ve, on festal
oecaeions, always been accustomed
to wear their dresses low. in fact
when. yen see one wlso appears to
.have forgotten the upper part of
her dress, it is no proof of indelicacy,
but 8111.1ply an indication of the power
of national sentiment. This satis-
fa et eril y explains what many ;a El 0-
r ant people have teken for inipto-
piety. WTe live :.teril learn.
_ -1 "And it shall f urt ' er be lewitill fo • any illenhi-
Psditv or Afenie;palit es, through i ' y /41't IA which,
or near -which, the 1 seaway or w rk. , of the said
Compan3• shall pees di` be Satin 1, O Mt and as-
sist the said Compile -, by loaning n• t• tart 'deceive
or giving money by x ay of bonus n «ma thine, ,Vit
other means to the °tepidly, in the y.on trueth 11
- or equipment of said! Railway, oe o I an of their
works authorized mu er this net, Muni extei 1
- that 4o such latter cattistanee, I 113 w ty o boutie
iipa roi
eee "melt nt' a such Weor V
s iu
of them, shall think: expedient; Wed aleywe's
denation or ocheewi et, shall be giv if m til after
the pftseing of a By -I iey for the purl) se, Ind the
adoption of Hitch 13y- aw by the int pay° 4; ; pro-
vided also, that any . itch Byelaw, to hei val if, shell
be nettle in eonformit ' with the' laWs . ; tl is pro -
lance, respecting Menneipat1.11.1t(Itidi Hs, and a 1
standing such rete nu y exceed the agg ()gat Irate r f
such ley -laws so pas •eci. elui , tyt id, 1 otwitl -
two cente on The don r on the aettild alue Pf sue i
rateable peoperty, provided ' the. - tl 0- at -
mud vete of a seeement 8hij1 10 it
-any case exceed ' 11 r all perpoeme tw t cents
- in the dollar en the actual I 'Althea Of th3
whole eateable prime •tv withiu the Men eipalit •
or A'1portion of a Meniqiitality ,e;leinting sue debt. ' 1%.(1"Ite-niteese um Me cipelity of the Tow iehip c
the stun -1.,, tu der the andel rity of quid it
laeekersmith hat; dete mined to aid tin 1 as -ist th
bald (Anapaest, by g1V1 ig, thereto, hy e ey el bn
r. 0000
] , '
A Mad Judge, -
A Judge in Western Pennsylva-
mia went intothe river to bat the
-other morning, aud wItile e as
. .
-swimming about, soiue abandoned
scoundrel- stole all his clothes ex-
cept Lis high hat and umberella..
-We don't undertake to explain how
-Iliad the Judge was, beeause, al-
though the Euglish langtevtge is copie
(MS, its most efficient and vigorous
adjectives are entirely unequal to
the expression of certain degrees of
emotion,. But he stayed in the water .
i(,cut fIflp oui S e.xperinfentine with i
the thllireiit kinds at imprecations,
and endeavoring to seleet some ef the
tirdieSt 01)jurgations for application
to the thief. At last he 'came out,.
and after mounting the high hat,
celetied the utuberella and tried to
cover hie retreat up the street to-
e na louse. It appeared to the
telge that aIl the females in the
boarding sehooi,. and the members of:
the Dorcas societies and one womar ' • '
rights conVention, 's -ere out peome-
llad-7na that day; and the judge had t,
cited aut. Aud
-Weeleirre:ts, In order to carry lett; 0 • •t1 he sae
i Municipality to raise •L tie said Sulu O tit . ,t
recited ebjeet, it will be nettessle tl ie Salt
in th
j 1Veneleeets, it will require tha .m. a
, inanner'hereinafter i o tontionedt awl. Set i. ;4( .0 t/ol_ibi:
. raised annually by see teal rate. fortpay x g.t 0 :ed..
'• debt oteeluseto end interest on the de 1 tent 11014te
.: . t'
' be issteet therebee as, fliceeinafter pil vic tat And
AS -Ire e e A`C the intiettiit uf thtt. whole eaten] le pro
pellet of the seill inuitieipality., ineege c't ve of :1113
further int.:vete. of the tAnikt, and tele° hetee sective
tioned, or any part tl tieof, is according to the 1:e.t
ved erinn t
-he tlet pore ry
inveetinent of the einftting 111611 lierei ta te • men
being fer the year 147, the sum of sixj,litiiitirol „
revieett aseeesment r el of the- said 111tatlieb ta lay,
and st.yiet thousand line hundred eed Niece t V -five '
(100.,,,, ei,,d
Of any inerenee tit (
tures hall be sealed with the seal of the said
, mimic polity, and. signed by the Reeve and Tress-
, nror t ereof. . t
ard. That the saki debentures shall bumble pay-
able in twenty yearsts, at furtheet from the day here-
inafter mentioned for this by-law to take effect, at
the 0 cm of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at
Londe Ontario, and Khali have attached thereto
Coupog for the payment. of interest, et the rate
and in he manner hereinafter mentioned., anti Hold.
delimit rest shall be delivered to the 'Trustee's mint-
ed, or o be named, hi accentuate; with the pro-
visions of theesaid recited ad.
4th. That thereaid debentures shall" bear interest
at and after the rate of six per eentinn per annum
from the date thereof, and. such interest shall be
made Se able half yearly on the first day of Jan-
uary and the Ara day of July, in each . and every
year during the continuance of the 'laid debentures,
et the place where the said debentures are made
- ,
; 5th. That for the pantos° of forming a sinking
fund foe the p tythent of the said debenture8, and
the interest to become deo thereon au equal special
rate of one mill and eighe•tenths 01 010111 in the (101 -
lar shall in addition to till other rates be raised, levied
and eelleceed, in each year,- upon all the rateable
property in the said municipality during the ton-
tintiance of the lead Debentures or any of them.
Gth. That this By-law, shall take effeet and come
into oponttion on, from and after the fifteenth day of
Decemb r, in the 3•ear of our. -Lord, one thousand
eight lin tired and seventy-one. .
711h. T at the votes 'of the electore of • the. -said
Mu -Map , lite ehall be taken on this 13Y-Ittw at the
'oilmen', places; that is to say:
.. .
9 '
For Dieision No. 1, at'Weilsunt's; Hall in Egniond-
For Dcetision .No.. 2, at the Sehool House, in
, .
For 1*vision No. • 3, in the School House, in -
Sehool'S etion No. 4. -
!For DI isiou No. 4, at the old &loot Renee, in
IFor D vision No. 5, at the School House, in
Sehool S 'ctiou No. 2, on Teetelay, the seventeenth
day of Oc ober, A. D. 1871, commencing at the hour
of 9 o'clo k 111 the morning feud ending at 5 o'elock
in the'aft moon of the /Mlle (111y; mul that the follow-
ing persons; ideal be the Retnening Officers to take
the said rotes at the respective places hereinafter
appointee for titking such votes for the ward, for
which the are -hereby respectively appointed, that,
is to say: '
For Division No. 1, Hugh Ohesney.
or Dilesion No. 2, David Cluupbell.
,f or Division No. 3, William O. Fowler.
For Division No. 4, Johu Young.
For Division No. 5, James Murray.
.Taren 140TICE that thnitbove is it true copy of
a proposed] By-law, which will be taken into contliel-
eration by the Couneil of the Municipality of the
22nd -day of September, , A. D. 1871, and that
Township of Trickersmith, after one month from
the first , nblication hereof in the Hunoli Ex-
eosemoie; ho date of whieh ' publication is the
Seventeenth dayofOctober, A. D. 1871.
the votes o the atectoits oi the said ieunieipality
will be takthi thereon on the
betWeen tVe hours of :nine o'clock in the forenoon,
and five p'cloalc in the afternoon at the several
nlitees awl e nit nod.
Dated this 15th. day of September, 1871,
Y-71 IN NO. 50.
To aid
and B
- giving
-way of
.aed to
-a id th
it. : t ae uftohi
the ' 4.th.yet
'W rEnuA
Legi 'later()
VictPria, nu
London, Hi
is, tubongst
follows :
"And it s
panty or M
or near whie
-nd assist then London, Huron
nee ailway Con -ilia -11y, by
fifteen thousand dollars by
bonus, to the said Company,
issue debentures therefor, and
rize. the levyingofa special
the payment of the debentures
interest thereon.
, 13y an not of thefoorth session of the •
f the Province of Ontario, passed in
r of the reign of Her Majesty Queen
entitled "An Act to Incorporate • the
011 and Brace liailway Ctaupftny," it
other.things, provided aud enatited as
all further be lawful for any Municie
ieipalitiee, throngh any part of which,
the Railway or works or the said
Company sh til pest; or I be situated, to aid tend rte -
gist the said 'Company hy loaning or trenranteeiug,
or giving ne ttey by way: of bonus or. tdonations, or
other mean. to ehe Compeny in the eonstree-
thin Or egnie relent of said Railway, or of any of thee
works autho. 'Peed enact this itet, in such netimer
and to such •.x..tent as etieh Mimieipalities or tiey 01
them shall 11 411114 eepedient ; erovided always, that
no such aid r assistanee by way Of bones, dona-
nation or ot. erwise, shall be given until after the
paesing of a 33, -law for the pitmen°, and the adop-
tion of sueli-L'y-law by the ratepayers; provided
also, that an • such tie be Valid, shall be
made in con1 °lenity, with the lawe of this; Province,
resPeeting mieipal institntions, and all such By-
laws so pass shall be valid, eotwithstaudingsneli.
rate may ext.: fed the siggregate rate of two cents in
, the dollar on the actual value ,of meth rideablo. pro-
perty, provit ed (het the 011111011 rate of assessment,
shall not in 1 ny case exceed., for all purposes; two
cents in the 'oiler en the netted value of the whole
ratemble prop rty within the, ,Alunicipality or por-
tion of a Mei creating smelt debt."
AND WilEi is, The Munieipality of the Town-
ship Of liny as deteradit to aid end assist the
said eminent t, by giving t ierato, by way of bonus,
the sem of lateen thousand dollars, (15,01/0,)
under' the -au hority of the said recited act. .
Axn Wine! ,ets, In order 1.6 carry into effect the
stud recited. o tject, it will be becessery for the -said
Municipality o mise the said sem of, fifteen thons-
and dollen; the manner heeeinafter mentioned
and net forth.
AND WHEn It will require the sumo' ($1,650)
one thoesand hundred. and fifty dollen; to be
raised annuli by special rate for ,paying the
said debt of teen Chummed (Tann and interest ou -
the debentur(3. to be issued therefoi tut hereiutiftee
. Axis Witten eees, The amount of the- Whole rate-
able property ti the stud Mmiteipality, irrespective
of line! fidere, nerense of the same, and tiltio irre-
spective of ne, incronse to be derived from the tem-
pera:1'y invest' tent of the sinking fund heretnafter -
mentimied or d any pert thereof, •IS according to the
last revised as •esereent, rell of the fetid Municient- .
ity, being for he year 1871, the num of five hundred
and lifteeeight thousand three hundred and twenty -
Mee dollars. L'558,320.) . • • '
elefi Wnent ets, The .amment of the existing
debt of the se d Municipality 18 est follows : Prin-
cipal, two tlun Hand live hundred dollars ($2,500);
intermit nothing dne.
AND Wit En/ -IS, FOr paving the 111111 0',t on, mid AVI:10- perele4d Mr. THOMAS DELL',
creating set c nal yearly sinking fend for peeing HEARSE, I am 'prepared to attend funerals
the principal ( the said . debt of fifteen thonsand. on the shortest notice, either in town or country.
consideration by the Connell of this Municipality,
after one month from the &et publication thereof
In the linuoze.EXemirroit, the date of which first
Wae the 22nd day of September, 1871,
and that the votes; of the electots of the solid Mu-
nicipality will be taken thereon at the place above-
named ou the Mitt •
Seventeenth Dny of October next,
at. the hour 01 nine o'clock in the forenoon, and
ending at live o'olock in the afternoon of the mime
Township Clerk.
Hay, 181114 September, 1871.
To be sold, Wholesale and Retail, at
Main Street, Seaforth.
Late Foreman witla E. I-kick/got' .* Co.,
Begs to announce to the. inhabitants o
that he has taken rooms over
in which he peepoKes carrying on the making up of
Also, that he has received from Eugland, an entire
whieh works admirably, producing beautifully fit-
ting garments, combining ease ancl comfort.
Some excellent Pattans for•Childrens' arid Youths
Patterns supplied or garments cut out, tit moderate
t charges.
Seaforth, July 27, 1871. .190-tr.
(Late of Scafor h,)
Begs to inform the public that he has
opened a Grocery Store, iy
Lately ocenpied by Mr. JoL Logan,
Where he will Ifeep on hand.
Fresh Groceries,
Of evary description, at prices as nelson -I
able as those of any other house
in the trade.
The 1-iigliest Market Price
, liept conetantly nu hand.
A call is respectfully solicited.
Cabinet iMaker and
dollars, as heir inafter nuritioned, it will require an
anneal special nail in th( dollar of three mills on
the whole of t itateable roperty of the said muni-
cipitlity in ad ition to other. rates to be leyie
each year.
ALL SIZES, kept colstatilly on hand.
f I r
1 Two doors meth of Ilirto.c c•1 Hotel, and opposite.
...Le.tintosn luta Morrition's Carriage Factory, Mahe
BE IT THE) EroRE. EN GTED,. Bv the Corpora
tion of the To vuship of ay, 'Council ttssen
bled, as follow. :
1. That it st die end may be lawful for the snit
municipality to its-kise the Snid Company by givin
thereto, by ny, of Lynes, ,the sum of Ifftee
thousand dolla 14.
2. That it sh lee lawftil for the purpose afore
said, for the Re eve of the said Muilieipality to CflI111
any number o debentures to be ;made • for sne
sums of Inonev as; nuty he required feat the said pur
pose, not less t hut one hinatriel (loners each, an
not vet:vetting i the whole the "mid leen of ;little
thousand dolla s, fylnele said debentures shall be
sealed with the seal of the. said -Municipality, tent
signed by the 1 (Ty.: and Treasurer thereof.
3. That the s tid debentures shall be made pny-
able in twenty , fa furthest from the they -here -
buffer mention el ior tithe 13v -law to, take effect, at
the office of the ('Il Indian Bank of Coitinierce, Lon-
don, Ontario,ant sit 'meet:Um:heel thereto coupons;
for the payment of intereet at the rate and in the
nettint•r hereintifter mentioned. and said deben-
tures shall be delavertel to the Trattteee named,
or to he nannel,i in eceordance t with the pro-
eisitnis of the said ecitettact. 1
4. That the said 1/ebentere4. shell betn• interest
t and after the mite of six per venture per nuittini
on1 the date thereof and Neel). intereet
tall be Made payable half yearly en
u• first thli ,f January and the first
ty of .Inly in each and teeely year during the eon-
-teeteee of the ffaiii 31(-11111turPs, at the place where
p said debenture"; are ;utile payable.
5. That for the eirptete of forming it sinking
181 1(31 the 'myeloid 1,1 the ;elle debenture -it, and
te: ine•rest, to ovum.: dee theietet, atr equal
.evial rate of Untie:11111s in the dollar shell in ail -
:ion to 811 other rf tee, be raieed, levied and col-
( -tell in verb yeer tient the reteable property
th,' stag Mtinicipality detente the .e.outiumince of
t• said debenturee or anv of tlwin. ,
6. That thie 11y -law "41110 tala. ell -vet and ewe,. in-
ept -ration on, i -rte 1 and after the 2-Ith day of
ember, in the pt ir of onr Lord ono thouemul
_•Itt hundred stud et ventveme
1. That the votes of the electors ef tbe said
inicipitlity„ shall :be tltkV11 011 1:111S Ilv-iaw at the
wn Hall, in the Villa • e of Zurich, t;i1 Tuesday,
elith day of Oeteber next, connueining nine
lock fit the forention, mid closing at fire o'clock
the tifternoon. Vfrillitun Wileon to be liettlrIling
Cuts through all opposition.
-Have just, received a large and splendid assortment of Regent' and other -eelebrated ni
Lightning and Turn -table Apple Par
Every Flintily shot]
(.1 have one.
Warranted the best in use.
Repairs for Abell's Patent Gear and Horse Poll
And every other article required in the Hardware Line—Shelf and Heavy.
198 1?,013ERTSO.C. (f -
• EW 0000S.
AWING1 to the gettral advance in DRY GOODS, we bal-
k/ bolight eark 'and very largely, b th in England arid- Mon
treal, and would invite an inepectice of the stock, as it is al to
gether tog extensive to advertise, bit the goods will be marke
at the old: peices. •
orcler, under new management, with
to choose from. Fits guaranteed.
The undersigned inteed giving up Besdnees :this
Tall, and they will CLEAR •01,'T •
NT is again in working
splendid Stock of Cloth;
I iiiti\s° :Net]
And will continue until the whole of the Stock
is mold out.
Call early and secure Bargains!
The highest price paid- for Rutter, akc.
All parties owing accaunts will Wase call and
Settle them, and save themselves further trouble.
Seaforth, August 1, 471, 169
street, Senforth.
hole: 8 7 t
sieitiete,. The eiT) -et of the M.: -ht of ;si
the said, In; LI,
thing ; intereet. tenth • . „Anti , • 31
IIIMEAA. Fur 1111T1 lg the inti•rest eitm , anti th
re -utile; al- vomit :10111 1111111 fir: 111Yillg'
the 1111131 '111 of tht. self dti.tt of 2410,0.0 its 1 (trein- fu
after int -mimed. it will reignite- ateettneet s ;vete I ti
rete ie the ttolIs.r of ote mill tind eleht-tentl a
mill en the whole of tit • rateable pr( play
1.1 11141111V1:1/111ty 111 .111.11.1:11111 ;0011 1.,[114 r ra -es to
be leyital etteh year.
BE IT Titli.;J:Et-.01u-: Feeterree by the t Apo •tith,n th
id the Townieltip tef Tietkersteitli., in ( eme'l ee-
l:melded as follows. ,
Munieipalitv to itteetiee e hniti Com nt.zilt 1»- "w'
1st. That it and uty b. 'f. n• sittut.-1 t)'•
ctiliogietitsti, by way. of bone. , the Amu of tell th send
241(1. That it shall lie law el for the urpose
aforesaue, for the Item t. if the itid Municipality to Llii
vause any number of debente es to be retitle for
such sums of tam ey tiny I be required in
for the said purl oh. tut Itess then one °Ili
hundred dollars each st t exceeding in tile
thele the said stun of te 6,660, which eteid deben- of
TAKE NOTICE, the above is a true Copy
a proposed By-law, which will be token into
.L1BOIIERS wanting work for a few
J.J Oeks will fin 1 hmployment on the
in Ctey. WA9-E3, $1 25 per day.
L h4'i Iciuire of tde foreman on this work
dr a3i ply to the agent at the office, J as,
T. ain, .
G. BLAIN, Contractor,
Cr, -May 12, 18'; 1. 180-tf
1'..1/2.11TW1tIG:HT, L. D. S., Surgeon
J,1)cutist, extracts teeth without pain
by the use of the Nitrous Oxide Gas.
ofiiet—Over the Beacon store, Strat-
ford..4 Attendance in Seaforth, at Knox's
Hotel, the first Tuesday and Wednesday
of eaeli month ; in4C1inton, at the Com-
inerc'al Hotel, on :the following Thurii-
davA and Fridays. t
1'i ties requiring new teeth are re-
quested to call, if at Seaforth and Clin-
ton, on the first day of attendance. .
Over 54,000 patients have had. teeth
exirtjcted by the use of the Gas, at Dr.
Colt° s offices, New York.
4•••-•-Aamaaa.'4an,•• .•••••=s1
Has It Lot of
DitMSS Gt-00=30S
Which he is anxious to Sell Off, at Cot,
Or any rrasonable inice 'that a.ense+
•-ener may offer
Therefore, Ladies, you will please call at the
Manchester Flouse5
Soon, anti get your piek of the. Goode before tliev t
are all eoltl.
Seaforth, Jely 25, 1871, 190
• 1111
OULD respectfully intimate t the, "
inhabitants of Seaforth and
at be DOW carries on bosh-K:3s at
St.OP, in rear of Killm n &
thlg of all kinds, and Norse-sh( eing,
promptly attended to.
Itir Terms reasonable.
,-I64 t DAVID MeNATIG1--1 .
MH ; Undersigned have on han at
ti eh° one half mile Nort of
Ainle3ville, a large Stock of Dry me
Lumb tr, part (about 35,000 feet) of w
is Dre sed 1-4 and le -4 Flooring. ' 'hey
hare also on hand.
75, 00 ft. of Strip La h.
hich is warranted first-class,
and no -slabs.
Their hingle Machine will start a. )(rut
the 18 h instant, after which date a I len-
tiful pply of SHINGLES -will be -ept
on hand.
Pro ipt attention given to orders car.
a dista ice. 1
M. & T. SMITH_
Din le, April 12, 1.871. f.
The ubscriber is still in his old stcr
and pr :pa,red, to pay
'he Highest Cash Price
For any quantity of
Delive ed at the
gg Emporium.
Main street, Seaforth..
To a 1 parties (merchants and ,oth n -s)
with w hom he has done business dm in
the pa -t four years, he returns he rty
thanks and trusts by strict attention te
busine s to Merit their ',patronage in Oa
Seal rth, March 16, 18'71. 171
LOCK.ILeterS f= r".7 I
Telegraph and Express Companies, ,
Issuer of Marriage Licences.
Amerita,n Money bought and. Sold. p
Particular attention paid to
OrricE--Elliott & Armstrong's Book -
kX 0 r k_x)•-)
Subscriber begs to intimate t
is still prepared to purebane E
at his
Store at the Marke
To M
and to pay the
11 fresh Eggs that may offer.
-1.-eliants in Town and Conn rvllu01
vith om he has done Business in
3,st thaee years, he returns • his b
hanks, and hopes for a continuance
Bush -n.13 relations.
Seaforth, March 3, 1871. 1684
; Store Seaforth
SLIIT. 29, 1871.
Elastee Rat
Letters patent have
soul for, a neav "rail fl
-which promises to do aW
.-continual rattle an ja
travel. It is a contit
7 -rail, and the inv%te
who have examined the,
its construction claim in
°vantages over any rail'
'The rail is in two sectio
• eeetion lapping over sthe
-they are fastened togeti
.sontal bolts. Between
india -rubber peeking
, of an inch in thicke
thought the uee of tb
tprove important in 1:11,ii
And be muel cheaper in
those now in use. Ths
tion may be made eithe
;steel, and when worn ou
without disturbing -
?section: A great expenee
fore he saved in relayine
,The India ribber paekiie
-tended, will give the ear
-almost noisel7ess motion,
the sharp coneussions
aptently result in the bleu
-axles. The saving every ,
rolling stock, it is elaimse
_an item of very great it
.and will. Commend the e
improvement to all comp,
study economy ae well as e
the friction is lessened as
-engineers claim it will by
ion of this improvement,
2;tion of the rails will be gr
la es.
Physical Trairan
The untimely deceaSe
Renfortb, the Champion 0
-the World, at St John,
the 23rd uit.bas ealled 14
-cles tou the subject of Playsil
ing from several of the leas
arals of New York, At eie
eon. the morning of the great
-eontest, James Renforth s
the river side the 'verype
tier' of V1,0'01014 manhood
:parent) heath, His museles
veleped to their fullest etc
-daily food had been regulit
hair's breadth, both_ as reepeA
;:ttyas \lel as quantity. Fe
no intoxicating beverages ba
.lushps. He rowed a cert.
;tame every day, walked t -t
.certain distance; and ewt
elumb-beIle for a given' in
ing tWenty-four hours.—C
very morning be declared :
prineiple hacker, a Northt
erentienrin that he never fel'
in his life, aled WaS 4‘ fit to
ehis everthelesg, wli
tug eamte, he was, in reali
3.east powerful of the far -fan
glish crew. Muscle had bi
veloped at the expense 0;
power ; and when the Ileac)
avas te:illed ton, his young 11
out like the swill' of a tandits
egiliets, and all. those, the
of -Whose profession calls for ;
velopinent,of muscle at the ti
Df other force, are old umis
young in years, In .1.4.Inghaur;
feesional -pugilist 1Stoneidered
and used -up at the eonipsis
-early age of twenty-eight or t
and palgiriets dread, not fixet
tests for money -stakes with
pugiiiists, but the eevere eo
training, they must undergo, iii
to "get themselves into e-ond
to get rid of every superfitems-
of flesh, ---A NeW -‘1 Ork oin
says that them is a point lit
which endurance eiineot so - ar
next step after perfeetioa iie
James Renforthe on the ruorni
the .day of hie deceaseo was hit
alition," the slang phratee for at
-eleveloped frame, front an
stand -point of view ; but, in fa.,
was out of condition," The ,
*elm° the cord snapped, an.
,of the most muscular men that
England produced passed a
ttOver-training— over-esosrtion--
-ed him, early terlif inatio
lais bi lfll.ant prefessice41 elireeie
It is to be hoped, teaeh a Jesse
the ye:111)g "bloods" of Oxferd
•Combridge, and to the professi
athletes of both continentg.
Great 8nalte. '
The -vicinity of .Rittersville,
I1i411 C011 1 lty, Penn., has been th
into a fever of exeitxtnnent by ti
De/trance there of a neonaer
-snake, measuring -from tw(3ntv4
_to thirty feet in length,- aral
thicknees of a common stoveit
Last week she was come fierOSS
lightning -rod peddler3! i'.
suddenly made a stop, and on le
g about for the eanee; he sae
&met ef him across the road the
nptik, its head in a rye fielditi , aer.
tail was just leaving the fenee.
ti4tt opposite side of the road_
followed her course arcagli the 1;
whieli was Setin to leWay ba(-kWi
fol Ward /IA She moved til)iie
tlj( 111 Id Tim .111.01 huiriod ;
info/ Bled the Ile34ill10%ti1Of; inRj
4311. Lb1 miake With guns,
reinge between eome eeeke
wae lost to Vitra% '-‘1/t1 1V- Other
SeillS alba to ii/iVe Seeeft the enake
varems tinuts and 13late widiin t
past year. 11..ast year site wazt,
through a elbverelield, the path ma
by her corneae looking as if a hea