HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-09-29, Page 5, SEPT. 29, 1871. ircumstanees might, have fuiIy devefoped. In the - ranked with what is known aw Church Party-, and he ledly averse to the intro -- any usages that trenched plicity. Strongly Protes- s teelinzs, he never ontit-- , *opportunity to uphold :ch of the Christian Cht*rch. Chnkch proclivities wei-e- kind thitt he may ietN4 been the etiampimr .aterest ii the west.. Nen Leatf* th t Inns suspek;ted of *ted' with High 011ordt- any favor with is was pushed,. as some 'rattler too far, rind deprir- - ,cese qf talent that Usefully exercised ittit Aiest clergyman here, so first Bishop of the Dio- vaves behind him the irood well spent life,. during - t)ottiort-of whiuh he was. in fulfilling the duries Fre6 - pLi at Winnipeg% ung hzectious description of ;:nitoba are extracted from a - received the other tlay : Ain!, excitement in town at " You most hat the litattsen Bas in to a largo tract of laud -Fort and the twu, but the ttn the mazter rent ; tie the Hudson Bay- Com - the ten acres Whieh the alows them, aad to dc> 'de a rush the other day and r.-torit one half of the dispoted about the atriiir • when 1 came home from erywhere the my [wag rd the news ? The peltple (tut the land between the 'town." After tea .1, went seene,batINs desciiption. ?rairiea were knots- itf two busy with axe and stakeg like Juadineu. Welly *4circumatances, it behooved 'indent also to got. an aote. iree pieces of p a-rwd board e written on them, and to prairies at a tremendoug eve down suodry of these :atter elaltping my wings, :--tentttriau -owes that from d foreverthat particular auitoba Inlonged to this to the naughty Hudson : -whowantedto gobble Up ft that is how 1 and many e 1st day of septet -10),T, autied pmprietors iu oFManitobain yeettea- at there appe:,red a very nem t he .M au itoba autocrat stating that there was .stinderbtandinr" ou the .-hat aecordin:t,-Ao the con - entitled tft the wh Lo ia :413 acres. around Fort thermore that any body „to:draft that would tat:e-. i,00kitig at it. Bat not a,. Mie the contract was, or 5, --as made. Well, we in- othe matter arty way_ lL tt ere is to be a xneet, 'us engaged iu the affair. are to, be taken to seeure •Iviee in the 1)ominion. --41-00-40----- i1eed that the engineer • ,,to 4 feet S. inch as the a Pacific tailway, he American and t Leh. a brakesman on. the E'ailwav, viols killed at evening last, by being tate act of coupling ears_ 1 near the Suspension n the lake at Kingston Inv that the steamer to itItliged to go round the 1.,lant t. The -water is. 1,1 harbors ou Lola: 0a - the total eiroulation of 'as ahh=1357.11 Against i)i) in debentures, leav- ,:llazice of75O: Lt tite specie held by the 'vermin:tit is only - „ t a deficiency of ,`:k873,-- li In.en tailors of the foil/ - I Toronto IttOre strueln It' They demand. an ad, these shops the Fr front 14 to J per ..ages, we shutad say ; Work from 15 to 16 disease has appeared Wellantl_ The attac:k illiug in the shoulder, vitt trse, until, in e:-;.ce-sive tumefaction -ttkit, mut afte..? a few iigoity the anima' ex- its:utak:keit are ,tteueral- disease has in every -5,t south of Stratford, i,uttniltlering for some tvived. Ity the heay.y- . The inhalyitants e numbers, but little res.'s; :Mr just outside ot his barn arut con, 'oiled. It is believed foe. ,lit the evening, o well ligliteti by • stieet lamps were horses bare been en- ; to raecs iler.tuvreck : - • iso-r,:kloltawk, Ray V II -2,-, sir _kiinat, L re; v. A II tat tents, 1-1, Oran e• Panne 'nee, IttLEit'litT', Nt „/„.t• -t - t * . \ • -• -totto_ar to, ineog itt•a.- ; „ile. 5. ..5• 45.. Ls- a4 i:,• .t r. ta, . ;t,.% tit'! h': , .1, SEPT. 29 1871. E }{UR' N. EXPOSI*OR. : BIRTHS: Seaforth, on, the 22nd inst., the wife of Mr. Robert Latimer, cooFir, of a son. , S DERSON . —0 n Wednesday, Sept. 20, the wife of John Sanderson, Esq.,, merchant, Wroxeter, of twins --son and danghter. - MARRIAGES. .BLATR—M-CIMURTRIE—On the 20thinst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Mr. Eakin, B A., Mr. James Blair. Township of Staailey, to ' :Miss Catharine Moillurtrie, of the Township of Hay. .'"C A RI ER—BROADBENT. —At Carmiehacl's Rota, Seaforth, on the 27thkinst., by Rev. b. Ter willigar, Mr. Edward Carter. of Clinton village, to Miss Sarah F. -Broadbent, of Hullett DEATHS. • . . PRESTON.—e1t Goderich, on Sept' 23rd, James Preston, Esq., B. A:, _head master of the Goderieh High School, aged 32. b- Tuckersmith, on -Mon- day, the 25th inst., ;James Townsend, - aged. 48 years. aftera, long and pain- ful illness which be bore with Chris- - tian nomliness: He leaves a wife and • large family to lament his loss. - - DieKstv.—At the family !residence, in Grey, on Monday, t1t2Istinjit, Peter, - second son of I Zobert mid Janet Dick- son, foruit3rly of Roxboro, aged 21' years. - Dwrnp:.—At Sealoyth, on Saturday, the 23rd inst., 1,Yinifred. Ann, daughter of Mr. Dwire, aged 3 years. . ATTOTION SALES. ----- Thursday, Oct. 12; Township of US- 1:torne, Farm Stock, Lmplements, Furni- ture, etc,T. Nagle, proprietor, A. Bishop, auctioneer. • Friday, Out. G, on Lot 1, seventh Con- cession, (Tray, Farm Stock and Imple- ments. N. McLaughlan, proprietor, J. Stretton; auctioneer, Wednesday. Oct. 4, on Tot 30, eleventh McKillop Farm Stock and J. IleE wan, proprietor, anctioneer. Concession, Implements. J. P. Brine, Thurstlay, •Concession, Implement..s. P. Brine, au Oct. 5, on Lot 26, eleventh McKillop, Farm Stock and J. Rourke, proprietor, J. ctioneer. • ST QTRAYED ke' Lot No. Yearling Cattl largest lacer Each of them ono ear, and owner oa the tt small bon w 'tech inforinati be suitably rev. 199-4* YED 0 I' LE the riremi eh 0 the ubscriben on. 4, MeKlop, ulMae last, five wo eteerea i t c heifers. The all red, the ther red t nd white. a three nut re n tith ,() it out of eep mark w th t no. le of the r ear. One if t c heifarH had ou. last seen. An ors giving as will lead o th ir rec very will "JOHN MiEL OY, 8aforth. NOT -i THE BOoka -'- Esq.. are its (nwing ivffl pia save costs. A November next far colleetion., 199.5t E TO D B, ORS. d Accotutte pi riflthIi Davies, e: hands for cell ction. Partin; cell and. set 0 up at One() and accountun aid by the 4th of ill positively be leced n Cotuxt o farthetr tim • gr nted. .TO P 0 TE fie&ME into t h-16, 'Fourth Ct Septeinher, a namths old, wit The ownee is a pauses aud talc 199-8 TRAY S e prtehnsee ' of the (i. n essiens lfinf tit, a B tale:hire\ )Q\j t white tethin«lov at, tested to ratan p the anneal ate n. . hIeGREGOI , 0,Q . ' sabsel nbe' Lot out the 181 of ailliout 15 nthc.orehead. o eety pay ex- isitanc , I'. 0 A PPLICATI 4-hlrhif.N, until lion of care - Church, Seale quired. 199-2t WAN TE NS will be nett SATURDAY, ker of the 0 Appliereas, beim h-od et. tuad t0 s ART or be he wad - Pre eterien a 0 8 Thin, in - AS , onu ate°, CA QTItAD fro Yabout the m LINGS, viz.: tit the stens are el in color ; the Oi heifer luxe White incliued to be g giving such int coven' will bersu 199-4t - TL Ec' STRAY C. them -net -4;n of t ;nth of ;Tune' ash no steers and- me eckled red tialt 111 ler has more r back and belly with etbent the mad rmadon as wi 1 le hably rewarliu by t Iran Lot- 5. Conan ;ion J. .; meninx, OPIt YEAR- . ifer; two MI well nettled 1 white; the el Hides, Mid Ann persen to their re- "Goderick-street Seaforth, • Ower, TILLY, Thie Black Bear. TTENTIO N. THrpeople of Seaforth and the enrrounding country will please Mean in iniud that the' BLACK BEAR Is in, their niidst, and is MAKING: GREAT iHAVOC 1- - In the PRIVES,OF GOODS; At the 777s, MAIN -STREET, SEA.FORTH. N. B.--COtt0118 Is Ilis BV:ST HOLT. WRII. GRASSIE, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, • CAUT101-. TimPUI3LI are hereby eau ion cheeing or t (gob:tang the ;ollo hand and ken er of hrnd, 5511. Y1111 waved for theThe find not s fo date Oetober, L 94, and Llautont yen thenecend note was for $.1(10, teer" date and made In:able in two y ars ; was for th:100, beereng the above (Slat three years after date; each am all notes were dravnt -by Salvenus ade terael 13a 1e' or bettrer ; also, a tray Sixth Coliceseior of Geey, from Len the undersigned as the said tran taken front Sa emus Badgley 1111 4118E18. - SALVEnTJS (Frey, Sept. 2 1871. v; , -NOTICE A Pripmerplf-,Trso of - 3110 -4.--''Tikokerar1itl will . be' held at I TUESDAY, z)a October amxt, al 1 o7 'purpose of nun tering the prolr ety a. Committee of 3 0..etattes to me11 D the other It11111 tipttlitiVe of t Friday. Oct, 13, Lot, 27, Second Con- octr.tn, on the 12,1 of OctOber n ;xt, a c other Irtuan s • in the ceuse f Re cession, Hay, valuable Farm Stock. John. . Teete, Beane'. in wnetseessei 1 Petty, proprietor ; J. P. Brine, Rate- requested to alt id. - . tient eer. .. . 109-1 SAALES DA AS . 'Wednesday, Oct. 4, Eleventh Con- cession, Tra3r, Farm Stock, implements, etc. • If envy Nauschwanger, proprietor. Saturday, Sept. 30, at Egniondyille, Farm Stock and Implements. John _ Dal y, proprietor ; J. P. Brine'anetineer. ffuesday, Oct. 10, on Lot 15, Fifth -Concession, Stanley, --Farm Stock, &c. Thomas Ward, proprietor ;.J. P. Brine, auctioneer. .aenstansterannateeestriveekeenetromeeseamealmsaseerasasee THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, 'Sept. 28, 1871. There is but little change in the market qnota- . zions this week. Fan wheat has agaha taken a nee end is tamw. eagerly sought at the prices artioted ; it • would require an extra good. aample, however, to commaud $1. 20. Spring Wheat is about the same as last week. Barley haa advanced about 2c. 1+ bashei; there is now more being brought for- ward, and the deratuad is more active. Oats still remain low, although the demand for local- con- " gumption is very lair. Peas 'about the .stuue 58 last week, with little offering. In Butter there is no chauge; the supply, considering, the dry weather which has recently prevailed, is very. etted. There has been but little Has- brought in " wet. and a_ few loads woul(l find ready sale at goon intent, which are regulated to n, cousiderable - " xtettle by the necessities of the consumer. Wood, also, is in fair demand, and parties who have it _ eonvenieut for drawing., would do well to bring it forward. The demand dtuing the coming winter will not likely be nearly so 1(01 11'. it was last, as the salt, markt( are already well nripplied. --. Fall Wheat..... ..................$1 12 to 1 20 ehering Wheat ... ..... . 1 12 to 118 ita tette-. • 0 -10 to 0 50 e ens lig 1 hes 200, alto • t lit e th Ind • Oat iu en of Bee *r • 111 11)(.4 !lot 1051 ock, aPP gate d to Ionv SLEIGHS, O rEns, CARRIAGES,. BIXIGIES, • attepen otes of eon re- hearing • date ; above rale sae it bo ' e 1010rvor i f Lot 1 , gley to te been (1 pre - 9 -4t , ers of Id, on or the tinting front t Sea - tram). mer. Bonus o the 1 a mers OF AND AI It S. - ..fehAtTIMERS, be tare of persons in he sh tpe of -I- peddlers ana genie, peraIll bu Mill, tilO et Mary, forcing a sale of iuferior huplements. oti m ' Encourage h e1 anufaattu0 les, It y( rt vil) find a A/parlor a aiele at IL Millie( I pelt!' e The Subscribe would respecth lly r ill int 118 sin- cere thanks to 111(1 fannere of Gre ., Mei is met sue - mantling towtiaLips for their nio tt. li )(eat 1 [tonn- age tu the past, peel wenld info m t ICI t let he will keep cemstantly on hula, at the 1 ' DI7NGLE FOUNDRY,- , Iron Plows, We( I Plows. C4ang Ellowslulti.ators, Lana R lleS rs, tratef -CatIters c., l WrAgONS, &c., in a superior rummer, to order, on the short- est notice. , ; Particular attention paid to horse-ehoeing and emanal blackentillaing., .167 . . WANTED. A MIDDLE-AGED person. to act ati Home,- -zah keepen Where there are no 'children: Apply personally to DE. GRA.1-1AI, 198-2 Ainleyville. STRAYED. CAMEinto the premises of the Subscriber'Lot No, 29, Con. 5, lieborne,. on or about the First of May last, taTEARLING STEER, white and red. The owner is requested to prove property, pay ex- penses and take him away.HN • JOBALLIEcTINE., . • • , Rodger -sine P. 0. Sept. 17, 1871 198-4* • NOTICE. TRAY -ED iuto the premises of the subseriber, / about six mouthstgo, 8t811000, about two ,yeare old. Owner must mem) propetm rty d take it away, et it will be sold to pay expenses. , THOMAS RITCHIE, Lot 2-1, Cm. 5, Morris. Ainleyville, Sept. 1871. . 198 - HORSE FOR SALE. Fort sale, e good Farm or 'Driving Horse, seven . years old, sound and -true to work. Apply to JOHN COPELAN D, near Kippen. 198 Guaranteed el t ic bcst ipvtlity, aelnd t t pr.ces to TO TAILORS I defy competitim . He would 59 1(151 call Latin- WANTED, immediately, by T. K. ANDERSON, tien teethe "Far nt.rs' Plow." 'which , ins .oneral T Y fictlfOrth, Et JOURNEYMAN TAILOR. To o, satisfaction whet .ver introduced. i -good worlorein and e steady man, eonstant employ- PoisT8 fur . al the principal Ploe el kep coin " "mint and good wages will be giveu. . 197. stantly on hand. Highestpriee &id. Or olt cast - lugs.. Rep:tiring done promptly du ve y reas Imtblu " .terms. t , AUCTION SALE. -w. R. 1V/IL, ON, op VALuABLE 109 - / 'plus .110. , 028 to 00 Pt as 0 52 to (3 58 Better . 0 13 to 015 Eons. - 32 to 000 e., Hides . . — 6 00 to 7 00 ninny Shine. 0 30 to 0 60 Hay. ...... .. . . .... 9 90 to 10 (10 Inour • 8 00 to 0 00 Potatoen, 0 30 to 0 40 Lamb Skins 000 to 0 75 Berk. per cord , 3 25 to 8 5(1 44111 Skins, per 11). 0 08 to 0 10 Salt (retail) per barrel, 1 30 to 0 00 Come and get year choice of 500 pairs of Prunella Boots, at J. Duncan & Co's, Seaforth. CLINTON, Sept. 28, 1871. Fall Wheat. ..................$1 16 at 1 18" 'Spring Wheat..... ..... ..-........ 1 10 (a 1 10 e tate . 0 00 (te 0 80 0 50 (0, 0 55 Barley. 0 48 ee 0 53 Butter. . . . . .. 012 016 Eggs • 0110qtj 0 12 A Full Stock of all sorts of Boots and Shoes, in Leather, at T. Dutico.n. & Co's, Seatiorth. GOIVICII, Sept. 28, 1871. Fall Wheat.. ..... ........ 12 at 115 npring Wheat . . 1 08 tet 1 10 (etta .. 0 13(1 el 0 39 Peas.. . .......... , . .. . .... 0 50 (e. 0 55 Barter. 0 48 et 0 50 Dna& , (1 15 Le 0 10 Eggs 0 11 e -e., 0 00 - -Speeial attention- mita to all orders for Boots and ahees, either sewed or pegged, at J. Ihmetta& Cos, Sealerthe " 1\17.±0 , .14S10 EMFQ ‘• 1111Thillilligt11111111,1iltiilifl I IR:11mm DEPEW & 311.' 0 11T al 1 ti CI PIANOS, ALBE1/T,S.71 CLINT° ERTY ODEO,NS, )111,S ST. hIARYS, Sept. 25, 1871. nut 'wheat, -1 L 4 1 20 Spring Wheat 1 19 v. 113 htfs, 0 28 yt 0 80 Pette. _ .. . ... ....... . . . . 0 52 yt 0 58 Heinen - 0 46 ea 0 50 Better, 0 10 et 0 10 Egg, 0 13 at, U OU A large aseortment of Manual& Boob; Gents' ' aud Children's, at J. Inuican & Cie's. - . LONDON, September 28, 1871. I Spring 1,V1teet .......... ..... ... eel 10 v 1 16 White Fell Vaunt (o 1 1 it,,a Felt "%Alan' 1 (15 et 1 05 llar1ey---48 11)e 1+ bushel . 045 yi 0 54 ()ate tett' - = 0 85 fa 0 40 thtts (neve /..... .. . . .. ..... .,...,0 80 et 0 tra Pe• a ' 0 50 aft (1 60 Potatoes. • 0 :15 yt 0 40 1 0 let (1)0 1.-5 0 10 tn li 11 Putter , • Man's hand -made Kip Boots, for 1a8,50, at as tk, Co's, Settforth. • • TORONTO, September -28: 1F,71. ra- was a preetv eteet dentend fer all tnele. 205)bbb..tf Extm - at s5 75 at e:: teen nit/ do. at the same priee et a ,Iatt W Ne. 1 Sept r wee, lit la at er3 35 1.11 -573 40. met Fame- at ea") 6.) to sa 65. !i. I Le Y...nneteteen timeline]. at a -t te -4(Zit' neind tote; small Iota at s5 na . Wee sliehtly iinnee, itt '$etup:L:11y with rte. ten -tete. it; r marla.s. A ear of rhoive eettle . ea .1140,1 1tttiii at ase1., on the treck, and 1- 7.13,. 1 tio. at sl ets, i.e.... :ere rates . ..• hae firmer on hunt- titian ee mint and t In :El:, :: !La :41.27 to 911!;,Tretelwell, sl 20 t,, et en tteel hernia sl 15 ti-.!, 17. t- Inv - 11 ;ere a na Mt011 inquiry. Prise: s ' !relit Cie_ thesee t r it .1 a- tjztee a 101c. to 17te, THE GA.ED _ 1 SEWIN MA fAlanufacte net at Hama M, Is aelaiowledged In all .tieet-Clase Ma . hinhits 1. be the taint an,91 Durable 1\1a e * .Now in the 1oarket4 In design t r nem Is the 1 Family Sineer, but' he principle of the :work ig parts is entirely di aent, having no gem of I ny I keel. All the men is are ea -rivet from t 0 se nts elleft, 113.1' ell the 'end compile tett shu tie r feed 10.-veinents 1)!Mg -avoided, it '8 Et ' needy , noieti, ee es it is po 11110 1t1 111111- a sew ng et - ie the twat ix -hitt bacauee it loesi the hug et ellen of w lilt. It will entl, in ; ( otton, Limn, 1.7ine and 'eat as Cettli a 1.1 ; , I ,0;t1 he It will 1171-1.1. C'erd,13011111, ilt -Gth -r ( 11.5 411.51 1.3 till 11.11(1 t very kind of fandle •and li.lit manufaentrine eeti we- A monieseel of tee, most approved attachment-.. teal fun nen e given free el' enarne ' Prin. within tie* reach 'rite an. l'enns, y- • et eattile te suit t. ace pereleteer. and t.7.1 1111 - hitters werranted , f 0 tety nneextel 1» teeth rif til en"tti'll end examine t,iie tearem 0 t, rt attain a- I ing inty ether. at Watee let (extent in'T looms, leodertelestreet, eseaforthe ! " ,Agents wanted. ' 1. I .. PETER ciit,A.Elsi 179-52. - I Set . I . . I • erth, FARM STOCK.- ATP:. J. P.. BRINE has been instructed Le iwll bv -ajj- Priblie Amnion,: on FRIDAY, OCTOBER -10., 1871, on Lot 27, Seemel Con. HAI, near KIPPEN, the following valonble Faris Stock :—One mare, 5 years old; 0115 mare, 4 years old ; one gelding. •)rising 9years cid, by Fisher's horse ; (ens foal, 'by L. Hunter's horse •• Coe (Annan "; twelve good dairy cown supposed to 1.et in ealf eix spring calves ; two Cotswold rams ; one shearling Leicester ram ; eix Leicester nue bunlen feora imported stock ; two Cotswold- ram lanabsa from imported stork. TEneneneTwelve mouth:. credit, on tarnishing - Sale to cothnit7nee at o'cloek, noon. LEE Sc. SWITZE, appromi joint noten - JOHN PETTY, Proprietor. 1J. P. BRINE, Anctioner. = I Hay, Sept. 20, 187L 198-34' „talMb- THOMAS KIDD'S EMPORIUM OF FASII Has now the largest and elnoet complete Stook of Dry Goods, in Staple and Fancy Dres 1. t newest patterna, and Plaids, in every elan, ever opqned in Seaforth. MILLINERY In all its branches. The newest Fashions in Ladies' Hats and BOnnets, from 50c. to $ MANTLES In every style and price. Our new Custom Cloths are very attractive. For Gentlemen, in every etnle and quality, manufactured in the best House in the Dominion. and Boys' Clothing, all s zes, imported direct from Manchester, and fully fifty per cent c Home.Manufactured. . BOOTS AND SHOES OA Goods the each Children's ettper than Made expressly, by my nen order, for muttom tra le, and are noted for being the best sold in &dearth. GROCERIES Of superior qualities, aiways kept on band. I FINEST YOUNG HYSON TEA IMPORTED, For One Dollar per Pound. LIQUORS 01 the best quality, Wholesale and Retail,—Rye 0111 Malt, Brandy, 111.11111, Gin, Wines ana. - CROCKERY In: great variety; Granite sets, from $2 25 to $4 a set. rups. • LADIES AND GENTLE HI?, N , A call is solicited to extunint the stock and priees before pnrchaehee. Ilium no hesitation in :tying thet I ant in a better position to purchase goods cheeper than inly other House in the Counts-. Iyeelf and Brothers having four of the anent lteneral retail Slips in Oetatrio, two in the (10 1111 of Sinn oe, mut in Perth, and one in Senforth. the hater behve the lanelieet; having tai -rents to pay, and sn u•king 1;00os on the one'price system, with "small profit.; and q tick returns" as my motto. SEAFORTH, Sept., 1871. th-laMAS I IDD. MoINTYRE & WILLIS MILD inform the public that they have just received a first-clnass assortment of French end Englieh Calf and French and Eng -Hall Kip, and are now prepared to make work at prices that defy competition. An assortment, of HOME-MADE WORK kupe conetantly on hand, as evell -Galt of the. best Toronto and London human, which will be sold. cheap. A good. assortment of Home-made Boys' Boots kept Owen; on hand. A call is resPectfully solicited.• Don't forget the place,—opposite W. Robertson, & Co.'s Hardware Store, and first door- smIth of John Logan's. 199 CHEAP TEA_ AT LEE & SWITZER'S LEE 84. SWITZER FOR CHEAP SUGAR. GOOD COTTONS - AT LEE & SWITZER'S._ CATTLE FAIR. A CATTLE FAIR. will be held hereafter at ; LOYD'S HOlrEL, SEAFORTH, -(Opposite the Station,) ; On pie Virst Monday in each month, BE4rs-xn.-0. mONDAY,. oertp.BER 2, 1.871. Large numbers of lmvera will be in nttendance, renal parties having stochtoy rely on the best mar- ket prices. In counection with Lo Us Hotel (lIonghtonh) tun large and commodious Stablee and yards.' 198 .C.IIANCE151,Y SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTV • - TN PURSUANCE of a decree; dated the 12111i day of April, 1871, made by ,the Court of Mowery, in 0, certain 011:1180 therein; pending of Down vs, Down, and with the approbation of Beau Mc- Dermott, Esquire, Master of thu eaid. Court at the Town of Goderich, the following valueble farm proverty will offered for sale by P1.153I,IC AUC- TION, in "one, lot, by CHAMMON YEO, Auc- tioneer, AT DREW'S HOTEL, IN THE VILLAGE OF EXETER; On WEDNESDAY, the 18th day of Octo- 1 - FOR DRESS GOODS. Main )Street, Seaforth. . • TT is now pretty g,enendly admitted that the new Fall .171*HIL-- 41001i104 and -1?11LLIN -I- -just being opened out at DIE is to be the great attraction of the. season. • AT DENT'S YOU CAN GET Cotton Goods7C1ot.hs and Canadian Twe 10 per cent. below Market value, . Having bought a large lot of these goods in an unusual way and at a Bargain.. A FINE STOCK OF PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS, WINCEYS, D ESS GOODS, SHIRTS AND SHERTINGS, CLOUDS, HOODS, _MUFFLERS, SASaES, HOME-MADE FLANNELS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, WORK MUSLINS, -TRIMMINGS, QUILTS, OIL -CLOTHS, ETC. Aud as Maud, UV' ds, MILLINERY, JACKETS, SHAWLS, .FLOWE And other Finley Goods in profusion. - SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CLOAKINGS, WATERPROOF TWEED'S, VELVETEENS, ET her, 1871, Lots of Canadianl Cotton Yarn and Cornwall Dahl At 1 o'cloek iu the ttfternotet, viz., And a thousand other things too nunierous to mention. I Please call and enquire pricem, LOT NO., 8, IN THE SECOND CON- 1,7:4. CESSION OI? THE 'TOWNSHIP - OF - EPHEN, IN THE COLTNTY • OFH RON, etaining 100 acrea of land. There are 5 mires cleared and. under cultivation, the Mance 'S well timbered with haidwood. The soil is 5 teed um clay loam and in good order. The following bnildingn Inc upon the Lot, viz., a frame hen. e 24x18, a 'frame barn 52x86 and log stable, and ill g,ocelrenair. . There is a good young Orchard covering nearly ftuatere of 1. nd, the trees in -which are nearly nil bearing. The lot is well .fenced and amply supplied with water. The lot is Stunted in a •rerv flue famine coun- try, and is fo and a half miles from Exeter. 11 miles from L wan, e Station on the Onual Trunk Railway,with'n half a mile of the Gravel Road. and in the Mune Rate vicinity of a chmai aud. school- hotnte. The purcht ser at the limn of sale will be requived to pee a (typo it iu the proportion of s40 for eaten telia) of hie 'purchase meta0 to the vendor or his solicitor, 'malt() :eau agreementefor the comple- tiou of his purchase, and he iil be le -mired to pay the ball:Ince f his purehase money into (ant with. innate month frum the auy ef sale and upon pay- ment .thenn. he Neill be entitled to ti ...niveranee and to be let nem poseensitee In other r -Tints the emelt:ion, (if sat. eel; be the tantalite; contlititele (if the Court of Chew:ern which. will hel imbued at the hale. For ferther pert killers 01141 rem:haat,: of sale ap- ply te Meeal s. liteatronire& 11''i i,-.'1 1--11, Bar- 11,41.rrt, Seal. ttle Meesee. Becnee. na RNLI; 5 f111.1:T, 11501 etere, 1.tnIon. alane ( onntex Barrietere, tor.anie of the . F. ITOLMES'I ED, 'req.. Meets?). ill Lhaneery. .A.. D. 1871. Dated ( oderlch uta of Ign,...a.) HENRY McDERMOTT, teraferth, nelash tivliciter. 197-7 ets, 3rd .door North of Scott Robertson's Groceliy. CAUTION. VIE nubile are hereby cautioned against pur- chasing or negotiating a NOTE OF HAND, drawn by John Crawford, in fevor of Thomas Mae, for the sum of $127, and bearing -.date about the lath of December, WO, mud payable one year after thete, as the mid John Crawford iti MA. indebted to the said Thomas Hicks fer any such amount. JOHN CRAWFOTID. Cromarty, Sept, 4, 1871. 196-4t :MILLINER V. MILUNEIZY. MILLINERY. MILLINERY. MILLINERY. STRAYED T71103I the subscriber, Elderslie. on 5th Septette J- ben one DARK BAY MARE, one hind heof white. Halter on when :the left, shenk tied to a ' rein for sarsingle. Any information that mar lead • to her recovery will be thankfully reeeived and • suitably rewarded. • 19,1e4. JOHNr:Jt.tiTINTp751,,,!.1t17,(.ni, to, Lance. (aut. 1 7 LATEST FALL STYLES. LATEST FALL S n- LES. LATE:)T FA LL STYLES. LATEST FALL STYLES. LATEST FALL sTY CHEAPEST IN ToWN. ESTRAY MARE. (iflEAPEST ToWN. CH EA PES'P IN TOWN. CAEAFEST IN TWX. CIL-',APEST IN TOWN. into the prentieea et the aelleenle.r. Loa •.Nil. 111, COIL 04 Town -hip (.1 at:talc, n air ;Nen tie t.th et a, pt. elle r. 0! bettli ntere. The oaten is rnee et If to 144,4 5% 1,441 rt's't . lc: l'h 3n:55 111,51 .51:"V her a•in . 1117.1 Thltnel.Sn MOY pitiVATE Funds to 1(151 on :Vern-zee:a:- of Farm Leetie, ei per net, pee tine tiet, anyelee 1.1a:f yotly. .11 erne- talen eat 11 rest:tired. No (t));s and rhereee" reitnaeLlihe P. F. WALEER, Selieiter, &e. Court Hotree, Geduld), 2211'1 Aagnat, 1871, 194=3 AT - Si • . EIZWIL*'S5 Aileynolds" Block-, - W'S, 107-1:3. Near the Depot. ruto for #itik FARM FOR SALE. T OT No, 11 in 511h Con. Tuckeremitle, H. 11. S., 100 acres, well improved, with comfortable house and good farm buildings, and orchard, situ- ate in the best wheat growing ion lity the Province, two milee from Seaforth. Terms of payment easy. 211)1)13 to JOHN 'MURRAY, on the Lot, or to McCAUGHEY & /10LAIESTED, 197-44 Banisters, &e., Sett -forth - SPLENDID WHEAT'FARM FO SALE. SITUATED IN A. THRIVING LO T .0T NO. 11, Second Coneeseion, Township of conteinnee 86 ROW mord or less, of which 80 arre under cultivation, and th balance in. need hardwood timber. It is situated half a mile from it good gravel teed, lend about half way be- tween Clinton end Seaforth, beirtA ebout four tines Ixont each, where there are daily markets for all kinds of ham produee. On the premises is at. eon/ frame houee, 86x26, witha stone c ;Utr of the smue dimensiona, kitchen And Woodshed adjoining - also, two good frame barns and other buildings; a good heeling °rebind, two wells with pmnps and a constant supply of -water. Forfurthen particulars ap.21),1:-1.4t_tot the proprietor . On the premIsts,—il by letter post-paid to Clinton P. O., Ont. H1.'G11 DIGGAM. • -- FARM FOR SALE T.IEIN:Ce' Lot No. 27, Concession :8, Township -of :Stanley, County of Huron, ebout four miles sentlt of Clinton; 'colivenient for roads, railways, narketeemills, sebool Raid churches.... about seam:sty- e:erne cleareal•remehieler 'well timbered, soil best -- qtiality; - barn 56 hy. 40 anal frame stable; lumse nmererate; young Orchard, be: ring. 'fruib. tesel; water easily obtained; the 11110 1510(1 pant 'rent:tine El 3111'g'Ll tillalltitY of rorlahlin and -other ti uher„ valuable for fencing, buildieg teal mann- eturinn iiurposes. .• For further partin hirs tippler to the ownel. on the piennisete. • : 1994 - 1 -JOHN 13UTC7112111Te, FARM •FOR ,SALE - The subscriber will also sell by private sale that Impeder Ntoot fawn being lot No, 1 Senn :a co/leo:- 81 111. Hullett, containing IOU acres, 80 of which :Ire eleared and all under grass, There 18 01 111E' p0'0n11- 3sos a geed new frame barn. The Rive) Maitland num through the farm. The whole is w -kneed., It ie eituated on a good. (Tavel reed' wi Inn three in les of the Village of Senforthe For a .11)0e -rais- in ; and grazing farm, it has not a s tperior in CI nllrazitu.S re—One-tlfird of the purchase en may to be pit id down ; the balance on time to -suit the pur- eh tser, with interest at 6 per tent. • eonfurther partienters apply to 1711e, peen'. tor, WILLIAM FOWL eR, Seaforth Po t Offire. fuckersmith. Stile- 6. 3.871- 187 -td -- FARM FOR SALEU4 M�R1S. Te OR SALE, on reasonable terms, Lot 'o.8. Cone 1.0, Morris, containing:04 aeres, over 2 lel whirk an clemael, seeded to grass and well feeted; "the be mice is -well timbered with hard -we ode It is sit tated on the Northern -Gravel Rends 1 mile and. a all froni Blyth, and 18 miles fron Clinton. Tb re is no waste land. s There is on the Premines It 010 frtune house, 20 x 30, with good .•1 ellar and_ eta -buildings. A good spring -on the 'remises.. a or further partieulara :apply to the eeprietor. on the premises', dr, (if by letter.) to 131y1 P. O. -GEORGE BUTCHART, . _ Pr a pri-eton FARM FOR SAL . 7rOR Sale, Cheap, Lot No. BO, 60. 01141(.81;i0n, ,Township of Bruce' County of 13ruce content- ing, 1110 acres, abont .20of which are cleared, the ba tune well timbered with beech and Duple. No wa Le land. 'There is a nevenfailing etreare of wa er mining through it. It is situat d withiu five tulles front the flourishing village o1 Paisley, thn ugh which the Wellington, Grey a td Bruen Rai way will shortly be running. If the bove pro- per y 18 111)11 :told, it will be )(need for a term of yea a for tbe improvements. For furtbei partieun late apply to Tun Exitosmni OrricE, 8 :Moth. el 31l, 1871, 189-1f. FARM FOR SAL • ILLIAAT ITAMMELL now offer for eale, hi -Y splendid Farm, consisting of 100 Aer ni (80 of whi th are cleared anal .freed from stamp •.) benne - lot esecond coneesmon, Hallett. Is situ And livo . milt tefrom" Seam -Meted five mile% and 1 elf front 01' ton, and is altogether one of the beat -.ems in the xounty. There are agood dwelling -ho tie, barn, sehec and stable, 11 good well, and 5 Acres i orchard on t io farm. For partieuhun apply to the Promie- tor, Mt the premises, or by letter to Sento th P. an 1--tf. WLBLL1M HAM:711MB, FOR SA -LE. 11- SALE, the eolith hall Of Lot No. 8, in Fifth t mete:Atm. Morrie, 'milting let) nes ; iu frame hase, 18194; lo- stable; yiiung ; there are 35 acres cleated For tt nos ep- o ALEXANDER BRA1)3371' 'IN, he Premises; or to ALEX. 0A311'I1 'LL Or leCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED, Settft rth, 392-1.re eice ehat • On FARM .FOR SAL IN -,TUCHERSMITH • Sale, on reasonable terme, Lot 22, Seerind 011e5581011, .Tiarkyrsmith, H. R. Se- 503 tiliIllllg 100 • tens, eighty of which are cleared, undi r fence; and n a good state of culthation„ and 0. e an:eider- able millet) of it underdrained. The build nes •ftro en et od, alsont good beetring orchard, twe 1fl'YeO- 1 ailii g wells and a living enrieg. The land is that class and will 1)0 15)111. ou easy terms, as the pro- prie tr 18 de:tiro-tie of redrew from fermi- g‘,. Fur' furth partteulars :apply to Inn Exeesrro: t :Office, Sean rth, or to the proprietor, -011 the premi. 19 tf. ALEXANDER CAMPBELL. W BOOT & ()E STORE SEAFORTH. _SPT.:±1113, cSz SC of (Lately of (ilencee,) 31'ST OPENED OUT a ierge st ,e1, rnaly-matic Laslies' Gents' and till iirenh OTS AND SIM eve sy variety and style, width will be Stith prim; t18 ivili EFY COMPETITION. Q 7 ds of Fine and Coarse work de o order, on the shortest notice 'tenet). ng executed nerttly, damply and pre /nine. REMEMBER TOE STAND, - In (1 IIFFITH DAVIES' OLD SToItE, SecOnd door eolith of the Poet -it -hien Call a (1 500 for yeannelviet and be naninea. theft REAL Batgains tun „hale 197 SPURR & ST VES, TINWARE A D COAL OIL. , lea. tint reetiveil la, es. I hge Parier tirs1 Box tette; it-, tif tie. • beet, teatolfeettiee, witieh ,-ht eau sell le- (heal, 1e lea •. in the /title. 111M Also, , clod work m WAILE, of every ellevvripti )21. 1st roe shuttle- on lintel 1111(1 envie e Stove Pipes, Eave Troughing, m -work proxeptle att(I35'' 11.5.4 1e,1 hs" ill reef t•Vi-E'r itett COAL ODE. • A la ea 'tock of tla ry lit st reel 1,711 etantle hetet. and. %elle he eht el -paned teed. retell, 4 . Rem eaber the plitee, .Cannichttere alma, .'eatantli. Part in indebted by eete or boil. atteneet ,...- tinestet to matte innuediateles Rag. , woohinelange. eat tem, Innen Leen, t-. ten, taken 14t1 exchanae flee _ 1 I: 5 - 5 ;