HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-09-29, Page 4•
Boots and Shoes—McIntyre & Willis.
Notice to Debtors—J. 8. Porter.
Estray Sow—D. McGregor.
Caretaker Wanted—Cana.da Presby-
terian Church, Seaforth.
Notice—James Dallas, convener.
Cattle, 8 trayedif,Michael
Cantion--Salvenus Badgley.
Clinton Music Emporium:---Depew • &
Gardner kewiug Machine—P. Grassie.
The Black Bear—A. G. McDougall.
Bonus to Farmers—W. B. Wilson.
Emporium of Fashion—T. Kidd.
Cattle 8t rayed—J. McElroy.
#arpt - Ohlwitor..
FRIDAY, SEPT. 29, 1871.
Reform. Meeting.
We would beg Lo remind our Re-
form friends of the South Riding of!
the meeting to be held at Sektforeh,
..on Thursday; the 12th of October. .
We might -also state that in those
• municipalities where meetings have
not niready been held, it would lie
• well to hold them at once, for jilt)
purpose of &ruling the Local Amo --1
616013 and appointing officers. I
The officers so elected will compeSe
the members of the .,Central Asso-
ciation. A meeting Of the Reforin- ,
ers of Tuckersmith will be _held at I
Brueetield on Tuesthse at 1 o'clock f
_P. ill, -We trust there will be a ;
good turn -out, and we have no douliei
but there will be, as Tuckersthith is
always to the fore when the tuff of
war comes.
A Public Meeting.
County, and the member- who .1.L -
commended, as well .aa the Governe
ment w lieh made the ,appointment,
should be scouted by every rite •
ligent aid rigih tan i tided 'man. .
The Big Show.
rittelviNciAL Evrinvrio
The Provincial Halt' bition cr elle I
on Tuesday fast, at: I ingston.
.usual the weat !ler Put 'rig the
three days was Very
and unplerisant bot.,11 1 spect
and exhi ors. The oitiot
year, as vas to be anItu tp: tett,
. , ,
so suc.ccesf d as it hale been for
unfaVor tble
only can lie said to he's; failure, -and
it is .a veryimportant one, viz.
that of maokinery. It is hard to
account for this. There is every
faciiiy on the London grounds for
the running of Machinery, and re-
spectable prizes were offered for com-
petition in that department. The
big firms of the Province have net
putin an appearance. If they ire
not at Kingston, .as it is said they
are not, they must have mutually
concluded to take a rest this.yektr
thistor On the whole, however, the exhibi
tion was one of the most suceessful
%1- has ever been held in this
t•ovince, and the Directors and all
otherinterested have every ITA8On
to feeloTatitied at the marked sue-
_ o .
iCh has attended their labors,
and encouraged to more. etienuoue
efibrts in behalf of their noble work
in the future. .
110w w,t5 Deferred- Artio1es.-
In the We have on hand an-article-up-
,ei lefeI on the '.preseat Omit -ion futtiee
past fe.NA, y wh,;nrit wet held in
the -Wes ,cesn. part :ltji•the Pre vi nee..
lair of en tries arG not ear
ly' so- lure as ye ir, ai th ugh
there is a 1 oloiervable inprovet amt
over the e.10) ieh wadiaet bel 1 in
F-engston There was ;1.:
ofhams :nit too &ado-
. •
scarcely ttie to ii& anir1e.
agricultei i ini p1c9n.en t (It
ho •abart C Of tete° f
Manufactuv(rs of the ITt;,
noted. bti ; still the rci
depit141 11.1et t.j i fiLl 11110ad
1))-.01pects of the tendon, Huron :tie d
ruce ailway, but owing to the
la , in his
w ha it I crowded state of our. dot lun its • wit h
\lets in.e l%viten th xhib
was last held at KinEY,St M. 'In
in ever, a d epa rtin en t 'the •e s a
geatifyitg improver). telt ver
year. Ti- 6 •te are , in excel
amples tf ,w heat am, f g
generally, a td the d spl y of 1
Ind veg-!t: I: es. is of he -fit st ci
n the ra ustrial -del art 141 -it ti
s a, fell n ou. an t ie nnm'bet-
rtie1cs 8 livered sivith I: sti y
1 elthougl cmisiderahly in a vane
(.13G,7i. ,
1 „
'total nun be 0 enti•
111010!.1 te .o'ab lit ,3 8.
E 1,N:EST q1,N VA IL
The ii terest.of ' he , Aso 31e of tl
"Testren F 4, whrch 'on art need
eetion s chiefly] eel tr d in ti
onden ow 1 Tuesda lis 1:1
in. . The exit. bit or of th
stitutitn iromis s e •e -1( 11 to be
rmidab e rival t t t ie t • vinci
ear is a gr ttif ino. su 'cc e i eve!
.spect, tic th in prC Vet le t Ov,i
St year is \rely Mark& Inde d
e mu -plot of ntrICS .it b 'Wes '-
sit erably in exc ss of the :,•,r at PLC
re) Fair this ,'y year is said o )e cor -
vincial Exhibit on, and the quelitt
of the 4t cle eahibited quttlle
good, and it so le (lessee ev a bet
.. While we rejoice at tl e sucj
s` which l as :, ttended the; effort
t fOrthl l v t ie‘ officers al d pro
moters of his - infant Exit. bition
we cannot b it yegret that the Pro
vinchiti Ex] ibiti'on doesi no rant
highetathan , t Ise ins te do. Backe(
up as it, is.b. G vernment , a d, an
ng an old ah 1 long :•!est,al lishe
tution of the country, it ill 1
bad if it hot ld be surpassed .0
sLown b . a. ming' ass° iatio
len has cull , independel t 1
rees to de endi upon. The totk
v ,ryi
t:151 a t;
Show platter, we are compelled to
lefer it, With. others until a future
.44X144.111=4=41.. *r ,
In compliance with a very num- /
erously sighed recitlisition, the Reeve
has issued a proclamation calling a 8
public meeting Of the 4atepayers -L‘
for Tuedayevening net, fi't 7 o'clock. in
The object of the meeting i:i to 'take fo
into consideration the propriety of -1-1:
recommending that -the CounCil offer y
a bonus fdr the establishment _and re
encouragement of manufactories in la
the village, and to determine upon th
the nioq likely and feasible weans
to be adepted to Otaip these mann-
Ectories. Aye. trust tIlere Will.be--8,
very large meeting. We are glad
to observe that the buSiness men of
the village are now thoroughly- in tet
earnest in this matter, aud we have ces
every confidence that the meeting. pu
OR Tuesday night net, will be pro-
- (Native of most beneficial results to
our village. We would also like to
see as many- of the neighboring far-
mers,—and all who take an interest
• in the pt•osperity et our .village, --H
paesent as can possibly make it con-
Correspondence of _The Huron Expositor.
WfxstrO,Sept., 11,, 1871.• t
at i have to 'chronicle is as t
„ •
of Wanting to take unto himself a
wife, but, alas for human expecta-
tion, the course of true love never
runs smooth. .A p kir astern parents,
stepped on i -to the carpet and , per-
emptorily forbid the match. But
love laughs at lbekstniths, and the
gay and festive parr evaporated one
morning lately and nobody - knows
where they have one to any. more
than that they were last seen. on the
stage between eorghiwn and
Abercombie on their waY- across the
The epidemic - billious- fever
sotnething similar to the one that
itavaged the Northern pert of Huron
some six years ago. It is confined
_chiefly "to Caned ins, and I think
can be accounted for by the clumge
of diet, climate •a td food. _Among
the patients is Mr. Luxton late of
chu EXPOSITOR, In t I am . hapi5y to
'state diet ie gwing better.
Business has bei.n. rather: dull for
the last few week
been best, with ti
harvest been
geod.. Hay is •athee bu
cereals are good. William Millet
late of ao has a magnificen
crop, ---.wheat that would compair
favorably with some of the fall Whea
°f. T°119eliae1Q1:ts been lee me e)Itel te en
with regard to land ont ,at Oal
Point, or Pont Du. Chien. Soot(
0:tit:Wiens. have settled ont there
, as people have
harveet. The
18 a general thing.
tnd the French half-breeds elaint it
UJ iheir special portion of the half -
arrival ,of the first stage -coach in the t
city of WittaiPeg. an elopement au
of' epidemic, a mammoth land, excite- ral
es I went, and the probable advent in
few days of the telegraph conriectin ‘,.
us with. thc outside world. All tha b
is. f We ..miant now, after the telegraph, i '
e ,i the Tnteroceanic Railway,and Met .w
it 11 '.'e will be all hunky-dory. : a
a 1 Met!sys Carlienter &. Blakely, !of th 1)
is Wi(!1.1. with regard to the :stage
1 1:31itlinesota Stage CompanY, have ex. a
s . tended their line to - this place, and
I ntend running a tri -weekly line of
1 °. '
I 'tan -es .so that we will not only have
;stages three times a week, but also a
bri- weekly Mail. -This is a great
,..1.)Oon to the people here, as the half-
breed business in the mail line is ki
delosion _and a 'snare, especially in
the winter -.time, when our mails
semetimes were two weeks behind.
.•1. Next 0.11 the programme is the
. land excitement. You m us t
I great.
I know that the land la,ying between
1 tierownand -the Fort has been al-
ie did McDougall. .1 efuess it won't
: b
1 1 . le 1 eta1 t Wa8 that
he Canucks got orders to,deave,
vh ch they resolutely (ie.:Alia-al to (ha
44y. came out to see the apology
ve have for a Governor, but conld
et• no satisfziption from him ;
votld nottell thein to leave, nor
mild be give thew, any satisfaction
s tO whether the 4w- Would pro-
ect them or nod, so. they have gone
ack determined to bold their claims
t a I hazard..
-.E.3y the by, there is'a rumour comes
to us that his excellency _George
Adams Archibald, is to return to
3 the land of the Blnenoses and te, be
repliced here by Judge job -Liston.
1.can assure him of one thing, and
that is. this, that if be leaves there
Iwon' 'be -many tta,rs shed at pareing,
and it will he a God -send to this
country if be leaves. ; God knows we I
are tired enonsh of him. .if ;John
' A. can't find A berth for hint; why 1
he cau repudiate him, the same way
The Agony Over.
-NA,e annonnced last week that fuels"
County of -Huron had been divided .Z9.1
for Registration pm.posee, and that yea
• SEPT. 29, 1871.
sides. According to the report
now received all the prominent re
bele, with their followers, have bee
ma,de prisoners, and the en t ire east
ern district, where the insurrection
wits most powerful, has once more
-acknowledged the sovereignty ot
The Late Bishop Cronyn.
The late Bishop was burn t
year 1802 in the city of .Kilkenn
Ireland, and was conaequentl
Ins 70th year, at his death. Very
early in life be set himself apart for
the Ministry, entering: '.11rinity Col-
lege, Dublin, ssthen he was 15 yenrs
of age. Here he greatly distinguisli
ed himself and took his B. A. in,
1824, and three- years fLfter was!
made Master of Arts, winning :Ilse
ita the same year the ReginS Pro
fessor's -prize fot• Divinity. _In the.
subseq year he was Ord a iitc
' kite() 0, ;lira soon after officiated in
the Dioceee of Chester. in 1826 he
Was ordained priest, and did. duty in
the county of Longford; Ireland, up
to the middle of the year 18:32.
About that. time a larg-e number of
Irish gentlemen of goothfamily emie
grated to C:inada, making t',heir wa
to the township of _Adelaide, the'
newly thrown open to settlement
uncicr the especial patronage of Si
John Collimate, the Lieut. Governo
of that day. He took up some Ian
there with the intention of settlin
other circumstances, might have
been usefnlly developed. In the-
ology he -ranked with what is known
as the _LOW Qhurch Party, and he
Was decidedly averse to the intro
•duetion of any usages that trenched
upon simplicity.. Strongly Protes-
tant in his teelings, ha.) nevert omit-
ted a proper opportunity to -uphold
that branch of the Christian Church.
His Low Chinch proclivities were
of ,so marked a, kind that he may
be said to have been the cliampioir
of that iilterest in the west. No
yo vino' Clirati4 th 4 t was stispet;ted of
heing tai4ed /Y with High ohnlaii,_
isin found 'any favor with i
Indeed, this was puebed, :as soine
lo ve said, rather too far, and depriv-
ed the Diocese of talent that m ig t
have been usefully exerci.sed in it.
As the earliest clergyman here, so,
he was the first Bishop of the Dio-
ceeet aDa leaves behind him the good
saver of a well' spent life, during
activeLile p Or 6)11 Of which he was
ti evolving upon b int.—Loudon. Fret.:
unrswitting in fulfilling the duties
Land:-Juraping at Winnipeg.
The following facetious description of
atente in Manitoba are extracted from
aivate let -ter -received the other (lay.;
The prevailing excitement in town at
r iresent is "And -jumping " Vou must
r--- inderstand that the Hudson Bay Com -
d any lay claim to a large traet of land_
letween the Fort and the. town, but tht;
)eople lnolc upon the matter cliff( rently ;
:hey want to tie the Hudson llay
pany down to the ten acres which. tho
9 lanhona Act allows them, and • to do
his they made a rush the other day and.
-,taked out about one half of the disputed
1 knew nothifig about the affair
in that township, but having favor
ably impressed the people of Londe)
--at that time comprising 150 soul,
---he was made rector'of this parieh
The cholera. bed just swept througi
the to n, carrying dr a. large nnnt
bet. of people, and many had left fol.
the bash—for there was little in the
way of settlement hereabouts at that
time. Mr. Oronyn at .olice threw
hirnself into active duties, and
became the most popular and sue-
ceseful preacher of the day, and for
many years afterwards. Nor did be
confine his labors to this immediate
locality. IN became a missionary,
as it were, and 'Went through the
country, preaching, And Official:big
Imost acceptable., People who would
as be went. Andihis services were
-lave been glad to have been mar-
ried had nonopportunity of conform-
ing to the ceremony, and the ba t-
wain of children had been neglected
Iftota the same cause. He thus be-
came the most influential among
the' clergy in the West, and lig
name became a " household word "
iti all _this region. As populatien
poured, in, and other clergy becanle
Stationed, the duties of his position
were confined more strictly to his
Parish. The church then in nee by
tlie congregation stood on a plot of
ound now covered by the Royal
xchange Buildings. But. a more.
itable site beingi obtained; It new
0 was erected on the present
thedral plot, which was, hoWeVer,
rued down in 1844—the preeent
llama) having been erected in.
-17. In ccmpany with Col. Akin,
-. Cronyn-obtained a grant of 400
es ae a glebe from the Crow i to
used for rectory purposes, and i
s, like other rectory purposes, was
t swept away when tric rear
n ening, when 4. came home- from.
• my work. Everywhere the • cry was
, " Have -yo a heard. the news ? The people
have staked out the laml between the
fort and the town." After tea 1 went
out, and the scene ballles description;
1 11 over the prairies• were knots- of two
a id three men, busiwith axe and stakes
iltiving away like madmen. Well,
nnder existingcircninstanees, it behooved_
y)ur correspondent also to get an axe.
a id two or three pieces of p!atied board.
• ith my name written on them, and. to !
rish over the prairies at a tremendous
rt. to and drive down sundry of these
• and not to the naughty Hudson
- Way,8 looked on by the HudsoneBay
hurt him. WILLIAM S12LLL
dompany as their. excl usive proper-
' tV. • NOW the views that the people
c , here take of it -is, that according to
d 1 the previsions of the Manitoba act,
y I they are only entitled; te tea acres in
r I the vicinity of the Fort. So one
n day, they went for the land lively,
e- and such meaeuring,such staking and
11 I
such running and raking and sWear-
, 1 iug. oaths of eternal fidelity to one
t another and yOwinfr 'to stick to one
1 ;mother thronah thiek and. thin, and
, burst up the; 1-litclecni ..iiay Ckunpauy,
or the land busineFs, .liy hook or tiSr
n bele of en trieS. amount to a604
the new I!,egistry seat is to be locat- be
ed in tile village of Elyt,h we And
te• an inch else of 2,470 ove
i. . 'The d splay of stock voulc
itricult co exdoeil in ny country
the •ti um 1 i y Nyias ma 0-nifici u t, —
.en tries it liaises alt ne 41,,n °Lint
) 821, an 1 these nun 0i -4141 -ewe
Al as int ny as eigl t or Lune
dued anit uns. The entrips it
e and.she:p nurnber .d closelot
and of rigs nearly '300. The
of blood herses wa e as usual,
Itch roccasi ns, small, but it cep]:
d some -g od ones. Roadsters
general p irpoec etoc ,. was ex-
onally- a el 1 repres
therc .wet•e qi ite a 1111111
tinge animal, - comprisi
• supin b teams - -Of the
Du tit a at s see M ed to. ep : de
must r. The. eicegters- were hst,
repre 'ented in tong the sheep, and
the erksbircs among he swine,
both GOMprisin ,- some sple did hi7trds.
I -n grain seec s, ..&c., the e 1,--v4 trim
average displ: y. Of 1 ots,I fruits,
vee•etables and Ibex gard pro(' ui)e,-
the quality of, ach was st ch t s to e
there was an immense the y, and
-not easily beat en.
The floral isplay, th ugh x-
, •
t in its \ -ay was i limier Ito
Dade at tl e last Pros metal Isix-
hibition. . In tt. uit the dieplay wes
large, -and 01 quality exeellerit.
I ite apples vete eSpeCially fi1110.
lisplay o c',I,rriages, Sleigh's.
as \veal' in inuinne - and e-,k.-
ce of any exhibitiot . Whodn i
stated 1 at 'there vele 1(0 ,
, . „ • , .
es cf est y vanetty, trom -La _
teain wal- gOn to the • eat, tidy ,
buggy; i will be '
the dill I iy in thih
eptionally good OD.
ply of of _amps work was
lily .larea and good and (ale ;
one hal o t le ga levies et
lace. I
ha•Ve this week Lo announce the ap- 11,1(3
poiiitinent of the new Registrar. seat
A.:hi Sat:11.day last, 3Ir. hue
Torrence Hays, B:trrister-at-Law, • cattl
, of Goderich, was announced,1 700;
theaugh the Ontario Gazette, as tile i-sboN
fu Lure occupant of the new Registry
office at Blyth. .At this appoint-
- crook, Was never seen iiefore any-
- where.. Tife thing all started up at
. a inoment's notice, they • were. hard
at it tilf twelve or one o'clock at
1 ingot. rho thing remains at pre7
sent in stain quo, sonie of the parties
have drawn bti„icling 'material on to
• theland, but.as yet nothing more l
heS been done. The Hudeon Bay !
1 eidine members of the New York
Company cent() ont with a notice in !
the, papers that they hold . by an
*order in Council of Aug. G., 1870.
Nov .parvery little attention to
that fact, as we don't think that the
i,bout it. How ‘it end T.:
thi tg- has the slightest show of legali-
tydon't know, but have strong hopes
thk4 we will -wallop the Hudson Bay
on s
ment we have nothingsto say, except aiul
that 2,Ir. d u ring his short aced
political 'Career, by his• slavish so p-
• I /Olt of the' Govern went, earned his,
ailiointm-ent faithfully. Mr. Hays
• has the ability to fill the office com-
• petently, if he but has the will. Of
this latter we have our doubts, but a
• very short time will serve to C911-
•firj111 or dispell them. Mr. :Hays
may now thank his opponents at the
last election for causing his. defeat,
• and thus securing for him a nice
beith which -will be much more re-
munerative and comfortable than
the position from which he was
• ejected. fax the meantime, we bee-
• to congratulate him upon his good cellen
iortune, and can only-ref...,rret that he that 1
is not as well suited for the office as
the office is for him.
, A Diagraceful Appointment
nted, _aria
eri of car -
g isevelral
ca tie' the
• tl e bst
• • The c
Following the diN ision of the Coma- &c.,
ty of Perth for Registrittion pur- cellen
it is
poses, a Dew Registrar has been••
• „Teilici
appointed , for the North Ridiug, to ileavy
fill the vacancy caused by the death cutter
cf the late Registrar, Mr. William under
Smith. The new appointment is cl's
and fanc
stood tha
vas an e.
'ono of the most disgrace• ful whim
ch The,di
has ever been made iu Canada. The eepied
olliee has been given to _Mr. Samuel the Pa
brother-in-law of iN1r.
Moutoth tile local member for the
'N'ortii This tIr. nobb is a
lierson. who is -verging - upon his
dotage. and who, owing to his lack
eutieaci-nt and general inteilirIn'e,
"Wil.8 never vttry bright, L,ut 110w,
111 Ilis (11(1
age, is st"iivelv (.011111c -tent
to transact the InoSt _enuninon. 1111-4-.
ness, and v.:Ito .withal js inial)1,o co
wriu. his own autiao in a locriblf.
inanrer, or read tho-
in:tipai:Trii}!." To a 1) OInt
stn•ii a peri.on to il. rt:.lit a
poKititql is both an il'ilu4tio" ;.11(1 a
1„qtrE.fared 11151)11to tito peo,,. of tite
• ,
In ag,riellitll illiplOmnrit's and
teuIs, thene wa :1, :fair disi t
paity l'rocitice there was a timet ex-
cellent dif,play, there being neatly t
1:1100 Vntlies T
e•eloinelv of eetra rif,113
l'‘or tho 1,1'17.ps i:Cort'd for fi
butter weighing iof tha 5
to be • g: ppieg order,
It is. stated -that 500 .emiefrants
from Portugal will shortly arrive in
Charles City and 'c'Ontity to occupy gr
a, tract of 10,000 acres.of land ikhout E
25 miles below Richmoud, sn
Citizens .of New 0 -I. -leans say the!' on
simmer just closed bas been the ca
most tedious ever experieneed there,ti bu
she .heat being pi olonged an -an-.
les 'aeon good, notwithetaeding.
irecedented. Thole-41th th City lb
The Einperor Alex'ander, ora hiP act
ICring. that, in authorized prietate no
•eturn to Sta Petersbuirgh from his
isit to Warsaw, issiteet an -ukase or-
I • 100 5 ant esta ilishments of publi
instruction Polandl the German
language should take the precedence
f the French.
The York eats that
el Clergy Reserve :Reform took illace
1 in 1855. The diocese of .1-4ren Bei
-wing been . created, public • aaen-
t on' was at once directhd to the
Rectoteof London as the one best
a: ; thcn, alter clapping my Avings,
'00L1111112(1 DI stentorian tones that from
•neeforth -and forever; that partienlar
rtion 'of Manitoba helonged to this
B 3} (.ompany, who wanted. to gobble up
cv erything. No that is how I and many
others, on the 1 st day of eptember,
1,71, became hunled proprietors in Win-
ni Province of Manitoba,. yester-
(1, y's Jfanitoban there appeared a very
m Id protest, from the Manitoba autocrat
J. 8. MeTavish, stating that there was
a " slight misunderstanding" on tile
question, and that according to the con-
tr. et they were entitled to the while
ount, that is 500 acres around Fort
(It rry, and furthermore that any body
cm see the •contract that would take
th trouble of looking .at it. Bat not a
NI 0 about wheie the contract Was, or
," b. whom it was •made. Well, we in --
ten 1 to try them on the matter any way_
To morrow night there is to be a meet-
ing of the persons.engaged in the affair,
wh meaSures are to be taken tOseaure
the best lepl advice in the Dominion.
- is announced that the en.ineers
ha\ e decided upon 4 feet, SL, inch as the
gua re of the (..tnadiagn Pacific Railway,
to word with the American and Great
We 'tern guages. •
• - Robert Walsh, a brakesman on the
it Western Railway, NI as killed at
Wii dsm on Friday eveninglast; by being
ever while in the act of coupling ears_
e lased reSided nea,r the 8Uspension
The water in the lake at Kingston.
is s unusually low that the steamer to
Cap Vincent is obliged to go round the
( of Wolfe Island. The water is
yc low in all the harbors on Lake On-
Companey on their little game. The
thing is creating a frrea.t 'deal of ex-
citeinent through. thecountry, and -
ion will not wondei• at • it when. I
. you that the land taken up novv ()
..epresentF3 some Sixty or seventy
thoesand dollars. .
VVebasei also :mother exeitement
tt pi eeent that is no t 'So co in fortable ;
that. is, a threatened invasion, by the
•.?enians tinder the great OTonogline,
1114 the -0'Niel of glorious Malone
memory. The latest. news .with re- I
(rarct to it is, tliat the commn
adent '•
the United Slates post at
i'embenia, has receiv id orders to be t
On the look out for a 1 ociz of Fenian:, s
'having' a tendency. to etnmigrate
Fort Garry.wards. and also having °
.a. tendency to annex said Fort Gat•ry ' t
and the. surreunding Province, of s
Manitoba, not :to say anything ;
'(he ether minor Provinces of the e
1.)oniiition to the glorious 1riSh Re- 1)
pahlic that is to be. How that, will t
.11.d- deponent saveth not, but' :
t id be a. fizzle lihe the rest of P
heir attempts. ; •We4, if they .coine,
sup!!ese it -wiN be onr div -y to pro,
eet V'ou -poor fellows in the older
• ,
Ring have bought real estate
the hist three years to tho
i ig unount —Tweed, ;
onnotiv, o 4,e 00 ; 6-v een ey,
• A. Well-informed. Writer says that
11 oru than 150,000 acres of the best
Cut* in Aineriea are cut every
y ar to supply the demand for raile
\Nay -sleepeit alone. In a single
ye:I:OA:ie. locomotives in the United
S ates Consumed $56,000,000 Worth
Brigham Young amil 'Elder Smith,
ti e second in rank an4g the Mon;
mons Of Utah, have becin subpanIa.- -
cc to attend before a Fedet al Grand
Ji ty, in answer. to the charge of
-)1 :my. It is maid their wives are
al •o subptenaeo ; but that all the
airties are -no'ap.vt inren1tt8.
- Among the Most rental kable
vestward passages across the Atlan-
ic are to be recorded tliose of the
t. a niers Baltic,- City of Brooklyn
n 1 W.ymning, all of which arrived
n Monday at New York ahead of
1) useal time. The Baltic, a new'
t amer of the 'White Star Line,
it tough on her first 'Voyage, eclips-
d her rivals by about -four hours,
n king the - passage from Queens -
01 -11 ill eight, days• nineteen liouri;•,.
s time for new thaebinely is mi-
ta eedented.
t is said that the working men
of *ea- Yolk have agreed ;upon a
get eral strike next spring, and that
the etrike is,to extend an °ugh the
United States zind ttanada.
140• 1 /ilitatO Wight C0lltiiiflQS tO
14.111 .t4 111 ;'.4.:41t111. ,but the
A-11 .r.t crop is good thrOUghOut, the
(TO Wz18 an 11111
disptay:Of '-'":11tter ehees
)eh.t;,:' .1 revnicese r feel in
(1 Mus ? am !.a.
dity, r.terillee ail. inT- first wift-'s
t8• of in IL(' v.111so. e.:•:-.1*S.
113(1, iol and the reet
:here huetle 111/ (11:' :telt feoer
.1.:On1.1eti.c,11'8, /1; 1
4 1.111. aI.111 if lie does he. :yin he apt, liitellie•riet. from thilis, thi•engli ;
cheese the .1!ire‘zitil'41 1,eer theni rather a tOtiedi game. Goleeninent eleinne•ls, indleates that
• •
just. like
•epared 10
I Ion (sell ee
wilhi have
will cateh
S111 tal. ancl MOSt entitlEd to fill the 11,1e.cit'
office of Bishop, and he was elected tan
to that office in 1857 the 11Pv. Dt.
Bethune, now Bishop of Toronto, Do
• being also a candidate. At that this
• time no consecrations were poSsible ing
Last Friday the total ciroulation of
minion notes was 8:), 41,570 Against
vas 513, 400,000 in debentures, leav-
a special balance of $3,037,570 ;
di, in fact, the specie held by the
s for the Government is only
00, showing a deficiency of $873, -
in Canada, so that a joUrney,to Eng- Ban
land was rendered necessary, and the 964,
new T3ishup was consecrated i
Westminster Abbey in October i
the sante year. About the sem
'time, an attempt was- made by him
in conjunction with the then Rev
Dr. Ilellmuth to esta,blish a The
oloe,ical College in London. Thi
proved to be successfal, and that nSe
ful institution was founded and en
'do wed. Latterly, d .1' lea a
and increasing years prevented 11
Bishop from takino—in ver • ve
The journeymen tailors of the four
11 prin. -ipal shops of Toronto have struck
e for b gher wages. They demand an ad--
, vane of 14 per cent. these shops the
• jowl eymen make from ,:s:;14 to -;W. per-
_ week—not bad wages, we should say;
but some of them. work from 15 o
s hours per day.
- — A new cattle disease has appeared_
- in the County of Welland. The attack
it begins with a swelling in the shonlder,
whiel becomes rapidly worse., until, in
1 Some eases, the —excessive tumefaction
burst open the skin, mid afte: a 1e-
1301118 of intense agony the animal- ex-
pires. The annnals attacked are Lfeneral-
f ng% and the disease has in every
.• case proved fatal.
pita! in the duties of his office, so
mu:;11 so that q te recently a Coad-
jutor 'was appointed in tlio )ersoi
Dean Hellmath who now asSnUies
full functions.
Those of us who have been ac -
q atinted with the deceased during
the past fifteen years, have formed,
perhaps, but a partial idea of O. •
valuable qualities wliich Marked the
young minister when, fall of life
and ardour, he threw himself into
the work of the Church in Canada.
His services were unremitting, and
all oljects of • a religious kind,
whether Bible societies, missionary
societies, Sunday Schools, or other
benevolent ell orts, found tlieir
friend and earnest advocate in him.
Ile was :r favorite platform epettker
on such °evasions, and was willing
to accept the hand of fellowshi
p on
the part,of any helping to further
swell good works.
ospitality to the clergy eeas
deo a leading latiiit with him. The
•eetory wes made the home (If any
of -Caen' that choee to present them-
eelves. Ile paid considerable etten
ien to the natural seiencese and had
11 inventive faculty which, utder
111 1,1,1.i'1t 1,1111) 'N, thOre einrr
(41 the:e to --P1 tl'• 1 - •
nine deparled
11" iolne 01 lairy
nt eNhe don.
4r• •
n(' 01()).()11(111- t 1110 til
; voung rain) in. the employ-
I inent the ITudeon flev I.!oinpany,
e s ized to the extent
C rebellion has been finally
ed out. The etruggle has been gal-
;dn. protracted, and it has -been t
led hy welly 011tragTS, on 1;01,11 a
` he bush lire south of 8tratford,
which has been smouldering for some
time, vas again revived by the heavy
wind . torm of 8undav. The inhabitants
tame, •int in large -numbers, but ittle
• could. ie done to stop its proiress Mr.
John camebell., who resides just on side
• the (.!1 rporation, had his barn and con-
tents ntirely consumed. It is heli.ved
• there s no insurance. lit the evci.
part p the town was so well lighted
the bu •ning, that the 1)-trOtA lanips
110t re uh-ed_
-• The following horses bare been en-
tered f n; the Hainiltonracesne:t week :-
Gen. 4.'uster, Mohawk, Pmy
Jack, • aek tiir
Jenny Ling, Byron, 1 ndtpeudence,
Cai.e.lonia 4 'ni1, (*apt. Tom, Joe
son, T( n,nii 4Air], .1%.11 Hire, CaLta-
raugus 4 lief, lione,-,t, dBlekle
•••11alti,r 1.afly N..r.4 Nester,
others ale expecod u; otter
• ,Aboat nt ;01);•-k Sunday morni3g-
last, a • ii•n owned by William 4'••••1; in.ar
ere br, norFA•-•,; in LI.. 144.1 11. :,V4*
li 0,s11,11:11-‘1, 'WAS all -0
a t11131t iy nireiture destroy,- I, 1.4;111,'il
Ls_Trmrst.„--h, Seafortl
inst., the wife ofMr
• coor.r., of a son.'
.S'AsnEusox —On Wed)
the wife of John
merchant; •Wrox•eter,
and dan,gmhticAr.RRLiu
BLAI 111'117E.—.
at the residence i.)f 'th
by the Rev. Mr. EaU
Janes Bial.im. le:1
iss jy,171ct
1_ An* ..1„ I:11.‘ ienea•r.
1-iarali F. Br rulbt.)
• Pit): !fox. „\
Jams l'reston, 1l1.
inierf tte 4;( •
v's.:2d- TrAA.i-.
day. the
it,...4.„.41 4S yea:rs, fler
lai‘ge t•) lament!
Ving41 .S4)1i
23111 IN`inin--,1 A
:\11 1h4ne,n 1
--AT30 Mali a
0..t. 12. Ti
•",)orne, I=:•trin sti;ek, t 111 I):
t 1.4re, A.:t0,
v ;,11).a..;,1.-:,
FalIli Si
-_qn-tton„, auetionetT,
• Wednesday, 1 let. 4, on
lne,-anetiinie •
Thurs.lay, aet. a, on
J: P•ourke,i
.Brine, auetioneer.
Friday. {)et. 3,3, Lot
‘,2e;sSi0n, Hay, valuabk
Petty, proprie' tor ;
\Vcdm-silay, Oct. 4, g
nay, Farm 14•toe'l
Sept. 31), at
Farm - Stock and hatpR,
11 ,)..0;.!,1111,3,:iiiiita:4151),t_s(t
Thomas Ward, p1-o11riet4
• auctioneer,
but 1110
ills 116 wvek. V.-be.4.1, ha;
:111:1 is 1.10W i..igs.rly qt)11
iV1411111. retplity an •1t1 a gooll
sone as lust week. !ik1 1518 1t
It I3n-410; there is -now intim
ward, anti tile tienianAl.is 1-aor4-•
remain Iow, Although the denia
sainiition fair. Peas: it;
hist week, with littie offeri•ift,
113) ehange tbe con:
weal r whieb ha . •
11141 There has been Ito .
• ns3e1. mill 14. few won341
..,.!tto I init-ettwhich lt; 1. .114r1143
• ' X/4 -"It. by the ret sib its iht• 4
alho, is in fsdr thghantl, mai pai
eoneenieol for limning, wonitl ti
sorwartl. tithienti daring 11
;t Ili not lik4y nt 4,70:at. ;
1 In. 7ia.1t works ttre!a:;ca',Iy 44*11 334
. . .
hag AVIteal ...
liatte:r _
;th .... .. „ .....
iluttz-r •
Eggs. .. .. •
ep Skins
eotat.tto,;„ int,w
Lamb Skins'
13;•1 per tora
Skiliti,p_er lb..........
Salt Irettilli per barrel._ ..
....... ,•.
fil)d got :vo.ar"4,11oiee
Flt11 Wheatm.
14.13ri33g - - -;
........ .. * • r ... .
.311117.fy . . a . . .r....r.
Itags *
Sittek of All 14017.-4 of Iloo1
ut Donee» S: Co".;••,, 14(a.
V'n11 'Wheat
Spring WItett4
EggS • , . ..... .. ... • .
Spi.eini 114410.1441 1g1:41. 1..3 nLi:01.41
itlwr 44 11.
1-1,11 „ .. .. .. ....
Spring ...... ..
tibil 1'1111,1: f.
spina \vie: t
LI V.1, --a1.
H. a FA! Wit.•
4-- ;1:- "!1. 144t•
4111-• ':i”"
A. 4
.1o. - 11-'41