HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-09-29, Page 3SEPT. 29, 1871, wilt Foundry E & CARTER gire to call attention to their greagy improved fER & SEPARATOR .to compete with any other - Aline in Canada. (nas advantactes we call at- ., 4 faIlowing-the way Owe Istrueted-it requires Iess0 • and is capable ef = MORE AND CLEANER N` ANY -MIER. nip -bait anaong Threshers - at they could thresh more dean, our improved dram ill these complaints, it - sl as to regulate the winst Iles -from choking, without tin over. We have alsos fills to prevent the grain_ the etraw. (rtte Farmers and Tit -resit- s); give us a cail, a:11d ex-- befere purchasing ese- eU cheap as any other gt Material_ used, and the- sterkinen employed•., ) we sold last year enable tey gave better satisfac- other ever sold in thia ORSE POWER! rand at all times. 41- desire to dis-eet the of farmers -to our le of sawing from forty' ,s of wood per day. ?loughs, Straw Cutterse lers. Wooden and iron- t'craperg, Kettles, etc, e -arrant to give satisfae- aid ae cheap as at any intent in the Pi ovitiee- : AND C.A.6TING DENcIttrri(X, trteet notice and most table terms. IZA I' FE & • 4,3,•-• (fu, AN r JF s s -e T.;'C‘rtv „ •iettees 8prees -weather' i•t1-* and int.i..hvnit'UL paratiens ter the (sem- ' WELLIARIS eir patrons for the last aeeerded them in th& Ey invite the atten- eheive asememeet of es f-(.11.• 1871, (hu- tted Mari; rbrea Self- 1:eke, has .taetunt ler the past ;new othead to the iti•test Lfuarantee for- t, , .(- work': -r itself a world-wide ;offered as the most YeSt nrkiutr a,s()w-e„r tett..(1 in the body of y of iron and steels ts -competition. tS.: toklity Slagle I ecmd prizes at Pro- s:AS Thie reaper is ieperier to any other Is. it. clit,4 pet feetly•• led-• emu better tt it-enemy:tine. ani et: her ei; le of the FCtU cats rer towered wheni. - 1,-nt ef our netehiness fat-turiii hvpur- .: orders ch,ex% here_ strafe m evtry ina- PP:AS of Perth and ad - Set (we believe/ be 11 interetts as stss ) _pare. itusise that!, z*_11. Tas ; tavilt!Itt:4 largt•ty to any of the. ;`. ixt• Provjittsv, ;I hiyoor ordera (; • r t a p- itt et tea - ens as titer ;!dt.:-.: (if -1,usineas edf. atat und- id:epic:et-tits sem- ir f NVoRK dente 4.1'neff Ontario. 1 a • • SEPT. 29,1871. -•-••••1: . .••• ' • T.K.F...:km.Ro.. j;igx.posiTo132.. BRIEF NOTES. ' The Russian.army n um bers 1,173,879. - Seven thousand 'women work in the Wisconsin bop fields. -Seven-eights of the inhabitants of New Zealand, are. of European aple:_Tscenth.e first pair of india rubber . shoes were gilt and made in 1820. -Trimming will be almost en-- - tirely upu a the back of the avVeter bonnets. • , - 'AI innesota has ten t•ailways. in -Process of cOnArtletiOn. . . -2h€ Rev. William Morley Punshon, M. A., is expected back , ft o at E og I and next Week . " - Tefte uf thousaads of bushels of ,. peaches wil I rot on the ground iti• Illinois this see son. - ,- A ton of good flay will buy a good cow in New Hampshire, - Att. arrangement is in progress to ferry grainloaded cars aeross Lake.' - Mich igan. . - Toe English Revenue Board is f C. try and pre vent the adulteration of tobacco.. " -'- Great Britain has no less than • _fortv-six colonies and dependencies, - -with a n estimated population of 161,- , Ou0,000. - The annual income of Miss - Anna Dickinson foi lecturing, •the past seven years, has averaged $7,- , 000. --Dexter IS thirteen yea.rs old, Lady Thorn._ siXteen, Ethan Allen . twenty-two, and Flora Temple t wen- , -ty-six. , -The grasshoppers cleaned •out ' 3-00 acres of grain and garden land neer-Fort Berthold, Dakota, in eight hours. -It is estimated that about 5,- 000 shipwrecks oectirred last year, and about 2,000 of them on the coast of Be gland. . - 'omebody says, "Think thir- teen times before yeti reply once to any supposed rudeness, insult, or inattention." . - The amber gathered on the Trutetan coast of the Baltic is • of the value yearly of' a half million of. .. &liars. . - , - A log containing forty rattle- snakes, old and young,- was found OD ra farm in Bedford, Pa., a few days ago, by some laborers. - It is said that since the annex- ation of Strasbourg to Germany, 23,- _• 000 of ehe inhabitants of that city • have emigrated to France and Am- erica. ___ . • - Miss Doyatt, aged eighteen, of - New Rochelle, N. Y., is the editor, publisher, preprietor, printer, mail clerk, etc., of a weekly paper called • the Piotz ee r. . _-If the best roan's faults: were -written on his forehead, it . would make hiin pull his hat over his eyes. .- -The cotton -worm has appeared in • many localities in Arkansas. There has been no rain for nearly six weeks, and both cotton t id cern , have suffered severely. . - Wliittever stands in the Way of our progt ess tow-it's:1 perfectiott, even if it seems as vast and im wove al de as a mountaite may be moved • from our path by the prayer of faith. - A Le hd011 le t tey writer says that thee Prince of . Wales has not feed a book since be left college, and that he declared himself nnable to keep awake over the elverest novel inure than five minutes it a tittle. -- The. capital of tl 'e Bank ot _Montreal is to be raised to 1)00, which will make ti e bank the third largest in the world, coming after the Bank of France and the Bank of England; .$10,000,000 is tile lereest capital of any American Lank.. - Some arithmetician diseovers that tlie French war indeninity of $1,000,000,000 would, in five -dollar gold pieces, cover more, than nine- teen acres of ground used -as paving. It would take one man 222 year. to count ethem, at the -rate of 100 a minute for twelve hours a day. -- The Messrs. John Taylor & Sons of England are said to be the greatest mining firm in the world, the largest employers of label: in that department, having mines in every quarter of the globe. In • Great _Britain alone,- the number of men employed by them is 56,000: - There is a difference of nearly fifty per cent. between the male and female population of Ne .v Zealand, which the Coloeiat authorities en- ..cleavor to counterbalance by offering free passages in Great Britain to all single young women of good char- acter, I -No career, however noble or oxalted it may seem in itself, will tru- ly IdeSS hitn 11'hp f011OWS it, unless ' lie ctury into it the spirit of truth, justice and love. ,,Then, all busi- ness is sacre(L, and all life is reli- gion. - Mr. Spargeon has now, it is eaide-printed 1,000 of his semi- ons, of which 20,000,000 copies have been tlistributed in the English language alone. Some of . the sermons have been translated into all the -lan- guages of Christendom ' He has re- cently resumed preaching, after an . enforced silence of several weeks, but is still in a feeble btate of health. tion that 6 ch pulpit ,flo -t cost hip] The other ay he told' his , congrega- at least fo , y -eight hors' pain. . -The its.on for the fur trade 'n Red Riv has elpseld. :The to al amount o furs and , buffalo robes sold will • t exceed ---11 value $24,- 000. Th e were ()Os* 1,940 robes sold this -ason, against ,50)8last year. II s collection lof s' sn all an atnOtint is ttributed.tcr a ear ity of huffaloes, 111111 [10X k1i101)( the Indi- ansancl tl , Reil rebellion. .-.A- 1 story . of thc L mit n Times, ii• preparing. te - ne S- p,,per wase staulished in. 785 under • he title ..t the Dt.4y tin i ;8? -84 Register, Ns' iticli Sv oAch , eed oi N -1v Year's de v of -1788 tp p •eeet t name. FiNe yeats titterwarcs tile nunther of •ts subscrib rs did ot ex- ceed 1,000. -Itis , ablest and 1 sinenlar fact tha nest influeetial jot tl e Ina s now published in ha ye re eithar edited or . ontrolled I I y 1 ews. In Rome the 1 beral'joarnal nose rea I is edited by a Jew. they demand liberty .of e uscience, and isefiss U. e religious el estions, new tppermost, in Italy, with gt•eat intell gonee and perfect freedom.- E Holland senior f 'rince f s a vat 1 for h r e etert tin d t rincess It. de 'is said to .b five years th .her new husband, the Weid, t� w tom she • lt•in fortune as • eorupenst sitperior tee" to live and the Pein'ee, resolution t etuted to b and an a what is mo made her o% She hal c e a maid fintil sl whet)she eh tnge an'.'nstat c: She mu ok, to an excell.nt comp ishe e tee ark n w dJir'ec dal e. The. Ontar The fall' Fruit Grow' Godericlit sitnultaneot ef the God ae eIrwhit Ts 11116p 00116 d cripg low were m by .10Ca1 pt of prizes w Gyowers of cotild hay, Ptize-list a. tain it, in t record kept follows :-- APT.ES. SpeCilDCAS lst Jobe 2nd John 31•11 Jas. lo Iguit Oro sociation. rueetiing of t • rs' Assodq,tio on 'riday, sly with t te .rich lior icti display wa • fit i.iot• to ti 0 1 that the et tri re nfimer us rties, a lar re re ta :en . iy he ri6ighb• ur been expec fat as w c ie abeence of by „,§eete art Twenty .ach, • eaure reed, Helt e in 1 h is r ician an 1 haNe er As- tarte held exhibition ural Se- e, but not eal 1iow. s frcim be - flan -)ere he oecl ed. uld the s, e 0 we - 5 tli. n, SteWart, 3 en nillett Torrence,. ericth T'1;i. those ntage ruit- than The aecere usual as as " es, ,3- PLUIVv. fen varit ties 6t.i1)eci-. DI CDS Of e 1, n;an ed. lst Alex, Watson, od rich 2nd Jolt • Stewart, r ; • 3rd A. Ross, Goderi-h. OPEN -An -GlitAPES. Tei var 3 bunches, tcle uamed lst A. t skins, Ha nil on, 2nd John Freed, IL mil on, 3rd A. 11I .Ross, Go erieh. on S gnal. • Keep Lgto On T in2," , • We earn stly entreEt every 30ung man, after 1 has &loser his vocatioti, to stick to it Don't le tve it be6auSe bard bliitvs rat° be strut; c,"or agreeable w.rk perfo tne who have W vital theil welth and 4hefUlfleSS, to the shift ss and u but may be took of the coats, rol sleeves, •o • tiered th against li b t and mau heat and burden Whether u ton the old our fathers oiled dilig to bring th so;1 to pr in the mac' no shop or the that -ism r other bu. that invite tonest toil the motto ver be : and ipclusti . 'Stick t boys, and u will ha The Young ?oils' Rur TREASURER'S ALE OF LANDS Fop, _Axms_ COUNTY OF 1JUiR1ON, pY • virtue of a warrant urder the hand of theWarden To Wit: ) of the County of Huron, and the Seal of the said County, bearing date the Twenth-fifth. day o''. July, A. 1). 1871, to ine directed for the collection of arrears of Tax -es due on the undermentioned Lands. !These are therefore to gis'e netice that unless the said Taxes, together with all laivful eosts and charges,; be sooner paid, I shall, on 7 : , TUESDAY, THE 2ISt DAY OF ilavEMBIL: A. D. 1871, at the hour of one o'clock P.M., at the COURT HOUSE, TO NT\I OF GODEMICH3 roceed to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, the said Lands, or so lay be sufficient to discharge such arree re ol! Taxes and chaitges Jot or Part olLot. IL ,1E 7 V ...1, 8 , I4 . ., )s 9 t3..., .. . )2. I • -;;T::ii:.]:0:{tios.f . ,14.1.:4... .1.1 .3 partof w t 11 .1.' part of N ON, , -W 1 9 • part 11• t of N -t-• 9. . . . part 7 ::- P,' t 8. . . Si .... .. . E part 29 .. : . . . TOWNSHIP IF ASH -1f f Era Conce$sion or ;Street. A ( 3d E. 1)- 3d E. D. • 5th E. D. 5th E. D.. • 6th B. D. . 9th E. D. 101.11 E. D. . 10111 E. D. 1.3th E, D. 4th W. D. 7th W. D. • 8 th W. D. • -10th NV. D. Illth -W. D. • 12th W. D. 13th -W. D. North T. Plot VILLA GE OF PO RT • 1 8 Ashfield 2 Ashfield 8t. 40 6 27 • W Colborne St. N Melberne St. N Melborne St. W Pydenhain St, W Sydenham St. W Sydenham St. .W Sydenhans 8t. W Sydenham Stt VILLAGE OF DIINGA 33() 6 Running No W 19'2 312 • Mallough's Suriy .. . . Malloueh's Sur'y TOWNSHIP Lake It'd E VILLAGE 29,..e. 327.. • • ..... • - • • :3711.. 501 •. -A31.0 .. .. cill 614 . . . . ...... . . 801 ... . : 8 E part. 6......... W part -18.......... 16 .TOWNSHIP. S Srib.of lot ) ) 10. lst TOWN OF much - hereof as ,hercOn. Pi/fie/fed or. A ndi (tr Ullpflirqiird. tra,ePSI Nat: 00unpatented Si57 8t3- $3 00 uunatanted • 51 :313 3 00 unpatented 51 :38 3 00 unpatented. 65 83. ' 3 00 unpatunted 58Z.-10 00 patented :34 2 00 unpatented 57 73 3 30 patented 22 10 2 70 patented 54 90 3 30 patented. 6 04 1 50 . 'patented e- 7 23 patented. -8i 550 ‘.12 50 - :patented 19 7$ 2 61,1; pateeted- 19 84 2 50. patented 41 01) 2 30 patented 58 76 • 3 00 unpatented 60 06 3 15 patented 16 3q3 2 LI3.ERT T2 AS ,51 .1piaatteenritteetcil P3- •• patented 5 paten tett . 1ntl Tatteeinitte1ett1 le paten tett 7.1N.%N,piaNtenAte8d •-.111 pp:tee:le:11 patented 1? COLBOlt N E. 100 patented 1? OLIN TO tt patented 1-16 patented 144 3 1. 'Alai. 5.1 s:61. 183 li- 54 53 51 69 3:3 33 62 13 (1:' 37 60 3.0 61 08 ..5( 2440 2:3 58 13 9:s 887 4i23°12200 (f.51)) f;:335) 7 43,78 ::3 62 09 3; 63 41 18 18 56 HFIELI). 788i9-4 983 78 19i 929 29 18' 482 102 20( 12 27 10 8) 2 0: 12. 92 3 2 ' 1& 507 3.2'1 83 507 32' 18i 507 3 2 - 183 , 507 32 183 507 HFIEL1). 6 178. 240 9 178 274 489$308 ro a- 06 3 4 6 1 8;1 1 7 patented 1 8 1 8( patented 1 1 ) 1 7 patented 2 5y 1 8: patented 2 23 1 83 1- patented 1 1 1 78 4 • patented 9 1 78 patented S 1-5 patented 2 3 C-t0DEE1C11. 10 patented 4 5 8 patented 4 2 5 30 44 64 97 4 40 4 11 96 2 75 17$ 266 ) 183 442 ) 188 638 1.88 611 2 2 11 patented 9 83 2 001 Ka/ERICH. 4 • patented 18 4. patented 5 • 4 patputed 10 Running No. 15. • • i 99 2 23 142 08 1 90 (*.;t3:-.2,.', 1063 •••• ' 98 2 03 . , .. . 1-12 • patented 1 90 1 -80 1357 . . ..... . . . . . tj. -: . . 1-5 patented 1 58 1 80 W 1150 . ( Subdivisions ) 1 20 'patented -fe8 1 78 W six -tenths 151of )(ifs 2 and 3 it nett:Waal -.2 52 1 83 W six -tenths 152, I Concession A. ) . patented 2 5i.t. 1 83' , 21 • Sub. lot 4. Con A. 1-5 patented 1 04 1 78 N one-tenth 23Sub. lot 4, Con. A. patented - 11 1 78 8 Sib.. lot 10 Lon. A 1-5 patented 3 45, 1 85 '32 8tib. lot.10 Con. A. 1-5 patented 1 19 1 78 i 13 . • (ion. C. 1.14) patented 51 59 3 15 1 TOWNSHIP OF GREY. 29.. .. .. a .. .. . . ... - . s 5th 00 - patented 56 97 3 28 35 ' 13th 00 patented 36 48 2 68 33 141h 00 patented 26 23 2 40 1 . TOWNSHI ) OF I-lAY. 8 E corner 1 - lst -5 patented 11 (14 2 03 ,.1.tf is)saall.t 11..1 .... L.. E'd E 74 patented f-,4 93 3 23 L. It'd W 24- patented :32 54 2 55- -. 2 ... . . .. ... .... I, It'd It .1(15 • patented 90 68 4 00 . 'V0W2S111P - 01? lIOWICK. 9 'S‘r part 17 5th 50 patented 11 0;1 2 os 7th. .50 pateitted 18 40 • 2 23 ee •-)0 - 3th 62 impatenteel 13 44 2 cia -VILLAGE OF WItOs ETEE., IN -HOWICK. 1 8 Howick St. • patented 1 35 1 78 VILLAGE 01? FORD VICH, IN --110WIC1. ... .... N Louisatit.• (II patented 1 85 1 8G - • VILLAG.E OF 1-I0\ '11CK, IN I-10-WTCK. . • • . • . : .. . -5 ' patented 7 89 1 95 0'000e.. , "AO : -o pateeted 9 24 1 98 VILLAGE OF Al A NCH EtiTEll, IN 11 ULLE1.11. . .... 1 patented. 87 1 78 •• .•...• - patented - 87 1 78 4 patented 87 1 78 . .... s 1 patented - 1 07 li 78 TOWNSI-IIP le ).,1011,1118. i 2(1 100 paten ted 37 32 2 ' 68 - _ 311 00 impatented . 32 32 2 55 6th 50 patented 14 63 2 13 S & 28 ..... ....... - 7th 100 unpatentt:d, 40 5C) 2 78. i . • , VILLA.GE OE AINLEIVILLE, IN .11013.1118. • !' 5 .... 4 patented 6 76 1 93 . 1142• .. . . . . '.... ..... ! • .1- patented 1 91 1 80 163 . . . . . ..... • • • • • 1 . : : : : '1 •patente(1 90 • 1 78 79 • kj 4 patented 4 73 1 88 105 • / I ' . 4 patented: . 1- 01, 1 80 , 108 4 patented 1 44 1 SO 109 '1 .... 4, patented 1 91 1 80 .1 P patented 81 1 78 127 , VILLA GE OF EL -'11.1-, IS MOItRI.z.. .11.1ellonald's surv. -5 . . patented . 2 67 1 83 4 50 'TOWNSHIP lf •MeKILLOP. . - . 14th 7 patented 67 17 • 3 53 70 70 -VILLA GE 0 . e SEAFORTH.. 60.... . .. .... : . .. :. Jarvis? Survees.. 1 patented 9 01 1 -08 10 99 (11 Jarvis' Survey. 4 patented. 10 24 0 00 12 24 TOWN:41-1TP F STA.NLE-Y. 5 .it 6 .... . ..... .. - gal 50 patented 23 01 2 38' VILLAGE OF BAYF It'LD, IN STANLEY. 5-9 1 4 patented 35 1 78 2 13 171 s I patented • 1 -2I) 1 78 1 40• 1 78 • 3173. 358 i ..... 'I 4 i . patented ;patented 54 1 78- 4 , 54 1 78 ' pa•tented / . 60i 3030) :03) . 4 I patented_ 5544 11 7788 4 patented • 37 1 78 4 patented :5344 11 7788 1 patente(1 patented 1 - patented_ 54 1 78 8 - Sul). of; Lot :36, l st 1 i patented 3 30 1 83 41,•• I patented 2 05 1 80 6 4 DINSLEY Ti .' E, IN STANLEY. r.fOWN8I-TIP f It S'rEPHEN. 12 . 5th. 50 patented 11 75 2 05 1') ' 13th () patented :35 69 2 VILLAGE 01? FRA.NC1 --roNI-N, i .t.t- S'I'EPII EN. .... l di patented 1 74 1 $0 -5 patented 1 74 1 80 • .... 1-5 patented. 1 74 1 80 .... 1-5 patented l 74 1 80 .... 1-5 patented 2 51 1. 83 VILLAGE, OF TRUCEFII LD, TN TUCKERS -0,151:51'1-1.1 78 McDonald's survey -5 patented 50 1 78 McDonald's survey -5 patented , V-I-LLAGE OF; HARPUI11- EV, IN TUCKEES•1111TII. . 5 \--‘ orsley-e survey 1-5 patented 1 06 1 78 -19 • 11°1)(3A:ion's survey 1 patented 58 31 TOWNSB.IP OF TURNBEEPS. 6 10th 100 unpatented 3E 83 2 N -11 6 12th 50 unpatentpd. 40 50 2 E !A 23 • 12th 50 patented 10 06 2 11 83 21 7 13 3 4 35 4 35 For wide range of work, perfection, 81 beauty and. excellence of mechanism, 1 89 adaptability, strength and durability, 30 The Osborn Sewin'g Illaelline Has 97 Ho Matt. 74 Improvonientr3, have lately been made, enabling the inarniffiettirers to elaim it as the ne phis ultra of &ming machines. Hundreds of testimonials are being received daily from old. as well as new operators attesting its wonderful Concession, or Patented Qr Ain't of Cogts if: • Lot or Part of Lot. &reel. • Acres. Unpatentell. Taxes. Com's'n. ^ VILLAGE OF WINGHAY, IN TURNBERRY- Vill. lot 177.. .. patented 3 39 1 83 231.. ... t patented 1 20 1 80 VILLAGE OF -131:1.7EVAL , TURNBERRY. • 4 patented 4 10 1 83 VILLAGE OF 1.3.E.L111011.E IN TUENBEREY. 23 patented 93 1 83 278 TOWNSHIP Olf US8011,NE. 8 W come; 3d .c patented 2 77 1 837 4 60 TOWNSHIP OF S 28 100 patented 3110 3 13 54 32 TOWNSHIP OF WES ' WAWANOS11. lst 40 patented 16 00 2 ;15 18.15 • lst 100 patented 59 51 :3 (ii5 6:2 86 1st 100 patented 63 40 3 43 66 83 patented 46 11 3 00 3. t - Total. 5 22 3 00 5 95 $ part 16. ... E ,t2 17 W17.... .... N 26 1ess7t acres in centre of south end Centre part of south end 26............ W of W 19... N 27 W part of W 15t. El part of W 35... 17 E part of E .1: 14. 1et 92!) lst • -7!1 50-. 9th 100 10th 20 lOth 60 • 10th 100 11tli 1.0 AV part of L t 14.. nth 90 V TI,LAt E 01? "MAN CHEST Ell , 1 0 patented 1 00 1 80 289. patented 1 00 1 80 2 89 82 patented 1 t54 1 80 3 34 106 patented 98 1 78 2 76 107. 49 li patented 7 91 1 05 9 86 patented 1(3 08 2 1.5 38 23 patented (31 14 3 38 64 2. patented 16 71 2 18 38 80 patented 66 81 :3 53' 70 :34 unpatented 61 42 3 38 64 80 - patented 6 68 1 03 8 61 patented GO 16 3 35 63 51 N WEST WA WANOSH: -I .... 4- 4 I patented 9$ 1 78 . 2 76 - 108 patented 98 1 78 2 76 3 _109• . patented 98 178 276 118 4 patented 98 1 78 276 119 4 I patented 98 1 78 2 76 120 1 ' patented 98 1 78 2 76 121 '1 4 patented 98 1 78 2 76 124 4- • patented 84 1 78 262 126. 127........ .... ... 132.... ,.. . . .. . . .... VILLAGE 01? DUNGANNON, 32 McMath's Survey 1 . VILLAGE OF 8T. HELEN'S, Ashery part of lot 18 in 11th Con, i • . . • • 1 . 4 1 4 County Treasurer's Office, Goderich, July 25th, 1871. patented 98 1 78 patented 98 1 78 2 76 patented 1 11 1 78 2?,89 IN W. WAWANOSH. patented 26 1 78 2 04 IN W. WAWANOSIT. patented 13,78 2 10 • A. M. ROSS Treasurer, Count y of frui-on. 15 SS GUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO. E OSBORN Lock -Stitch Sewing MACHINE. PAR. JOHN THOMPSON HANE:8 his numerous cuatorners for their libet-al patronage &urine, the las :fifteen years, and trusts he Te- cei -e its continuance, - e has now on hand a large assort - t of Good Sound Green. Hemlock.! Which he warrants wil2 give satisfaction. ALSO FENCING _ AND DRAINING LUMBER, _ALWAYS KEPT ON HAND. - ALSO FEET OF PINE CUT FoR, B ILDING AND GENERAL PURPOSES Vhich he offers on liberal terms. Or - de s \still be promptly attended to. • Thousands throng -limit Canada are now using these machines. They have been tested. beyond all question, make of the favorite lock -stitch, alike on both fro sides, and are •pr flounced superior to any other machine offered the public. 0 9 54 60 :30 28 26 - 16 63 13 07 35.0 capabilities. Will do all kinds of dto- 5.8 meetic Sewing, freni the finest cembrie 94 68 to the coarsest overcoat or upper leather. , • (3-ussizANTEED TO BE AS REPREsFN rED„ 13 " On NO sALE, "WARRANTED Folt 20 63 - THREE' YEARS. 15 52 • The Osborn Outfit is complete and 3 13 readily eompreh-ended. Is sold at 0110 - halt the 1n -ice hithe.rto charged for ma - 3 (35 chines doing ft: like range of Worke the manufacturers being deterniined, to place 9 84 it within the reach of every family- in 11 22 .the 'country. A TM AL F EFOR PUT:mass; will con- vinee all that our machines- are un- equaled. 1. Those 3... .. .. . .. w ty tip- to . e �t belong 4 . ' . ' ... ' . • • 5 . . .. . .. .... stable elass,1 -eckoned itInot g such as 5 ed up their. 29 ir rej i dicee 12 ....... ' till bo' e the o, - f he day. 1i' )1.18 faun, vhere -S. .1.4'7 .4 ntl stv.ving ..1 W 1,-. 22 du tive esse, fa -tory; or inc s§ lace anc ski 1, let Pet seve -tine° o ting, e ucc 0 Oorapulso Ed.ucatipn Com p s ed u ca ti 'n ay times have s disadva tag s,- e• peci- ally -when i, interferes wit th do- mestic arianirsements,o th sup tosed pupils. In rexas lately there was passed a ne schcol laNT, N hiel says that the se ul• tion, that is the point ten six and eighteen vert slit 11, a :send school for f n adh ear, or be fined liar. for each offenc :xas 1 129 n T Xag. s !, 11 ome- olasti pol .tion tetw rs of age, -ir months wenty-fiv d But in T and a. se- -en ,, plains of de s Illa rry you old wife cet She summe follews : -" for. a -child meals to co If thy mad another ye, ruin." An We do Lot lowed in th obvioue: should hae eon hOo up her: tie mite have_a d: t o nurse, cloth e to -, and :h us 'to atteniji shoo , -every thing \rill 80 it would, o d earn what th case, but be ie- pompulsor .been comir en years ago,. tad beforel t matron had hought of m The cliflicul might be OD upon other honlders, it but that, ae Mrs. Niek has nothing o do with the the story. - 2 65 2 65 2 65 2 85 40 00 :34 87 16 76 43 37 • 869 3 71 2 74 6 61 3 71 3 24 3 71 3 59 THE GUELPH REVERSIBLE Is pre-emineetly the best Single -Thread Machine offered to the public -hence its marvelous success Will do :all varieties of domestic SeNViDe PiticES GREATLY REDUCED. Hand Machine, with full outfit, $12 ; Treadle do., $17. Gs? Each machine guaranteed. WA gents wanted. everywhere. Splen- did inducements to make money. Apply to GUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO., GUELPH, CANADA. W. -N. W ATS N , Agent, 180-ly SEAFOItTH. SEAFORTH 3:559 Pi ani 41:44 r ; 9 1 year 690 law- 69:3. 94 s as care ash, lean. et for • 8 to 01, ubt. al- •):3 mord. is N teei 41 sy eda fe- le y trin Y 8 s tr lby poi 1 0 up* 7 • 0n3. ifted t of is situated on the To-wnline- leKillop and Hullett, and mile& the Ilium head. eaforth, Nov. 16, 1370. 84-tf: . EH:NI- surance Company F LIVERPOOL & LONDON. C PITAL $2,000,000 Sterling OFFICES-Quetm Buildings, Liver- • po( I, And Graceehureh Street, London. 'ANADA BRANCH OFFICE -Exchange • Buildings, iNdoiltreal. Bo kl1D-Will. Iorton, Esto,- Chairman: Ile try Thomas, Esq., David Torrance, Esq., andthe lion. James Ferrier. kNE.Ells-Molson's Bank. - 1- seat, Anvisrats- Alessrs. Ritchie, 111( rris & Rose. Mi• DICAL ADvIsER-William Sutherland, ttlE*411.11);110m-;is 8. Scott, EST, UDITOR-ThOnias IL Janson, Esq. 1LESIDENT SECREVAlty AND GE:SMUT.. ACENT, -A. Mackenzie Forbes, 13 St. -Sa rement Street, Montreal. 'he undersigned 'mine' been appoint- ed gent for the above Company, parties dering to insure against loss by fire can do o on the most favourable terms. Life Policies granted on as advantage ous terms ae any other respectable Com- pany (toile; bnemess in Canada. JAMES 11. 13E-N5ON. • 0 ,i -C -W -BENSON & MEYERA'Sgent Law Office, • 8eaforth. Se forth, Nov. 8, 1870. 153-tf.-- • ,WM. N. WATSON A AVAYS HASONHAND THE .Es EWINg MACHINES IN THE MARKET, Eit er for Family use, or for Manufac- tur nu purposes. Both single-thre.aded -asi( °double -threaded, and 1°m -stitch Ma shines can be supplied. erfect satietaction guaranteed, and ins motions given to purchasers gratis. 2 18 WM. N. WATSON 2 32 - Sash/ ooii, a ti v n 2 32 Ca also insure property againFt Fire and Ma inc Disaster, and Life and Limb ag, inst death and. accident, with the 015 '2 2 32 ELIND FACTORY:. :32 2 32 232 2 32 THE Subscribers beg leave to thank ; 3 ; their numerous customers for the 1 • natronftee extended to them since I , . commencing business in Seaforth, and trust that they -will be favoredwith a • continuance of the same. 63 - :;s 34 ;Parties intending to build would th well to give them. a call, as they wil: 3 54 continue to keep on hand. a large Stoel • 3 54 of all kinds of 3 54 DRY PINE LUMBER, SASHES, 3 54 4 34 DOORS, BLINDS, MOLDINGS, 2 34 SHINGLES, LATH, (itc., 2: :34 They feel confident of giving satisfaction to those who may favour them with 2 84 their patronage, as none but 78 2 36 00 12 06 Planing lass *<irkinell are. BROADFOOT GRAY, employed. 70 41 53 /0 - Particular attention paid to Custom 75 4:3 25 7•1,, bus Companies, being Agent for Th Liverpool and. London and. Globe, (English.) Th» Provineial of Canada, (Canada.) Th (l()re District -.N.lutual, (Villaee and Farm.) Th • Niagara District 'Mutual, (Village and. Farm. Th . Travelers of Hartford, (Life and Aceislent.) itt Se:est.fei1nert7741/A dlialed and Piwmptly Settled. MONEY TO LEND At moderate rates of interest. No com- mi sion, and. expenses moderate. IORTGAGES bought on equitable ter is. 160 OTICE TO TRESPASSERS. NutCO it31.011 Of MOrds, will be prosecuted. with the toTstIeriEgoirs(h)let:eby:Ten, thnt parties _found trespc.ssing Las Nos. 113 and ID, in the 8ral 1 -tf. AraiaANDER CAMPBELL. -