HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-09-29, Page 1iii. 22, 1871. aseh raueh weight to the charge.. instances Above. reconled ware 7esult M the dismissal of the- AneenIgn- =nth:in Lost. ;tor tti Ott art in .k..:rpto4tor el ;tend vett a ehort ae- - the loss (-4 'that Roble ahip, the last three weeks has been n the River Maitland and the ii creeks in the wet side of ein of Morris. The elinaino ma- tine-toohing ship when under ut her tim tiers and planking if the beat of material- they takea out on the west sick - hp of Morrie. hi the Tad -gil- d Blyth and, Winghana. She making several attempts to get • r he Maitlaudthan Mr. Brown's - e'er elle wanted to heve the Le of that river, across to the - lave of thie tewnehip, but the • - Len would Ian give iter a 'ti 11t! last, the 16th Met_ ay appeinted te give her la treatitil trial for the last time- t to get ewer a huge snag, to accumulate til t day at mill, in the shape of 600 kers -af our township. The !aliened for her to work her glie if so she co•edill, was from. J o'clock- P. NI, of %hceordinnly, a few min - the time anpointed, she was- taatLCI ehen, within a short the- snag,. &he stopped, land- nt, who at 'dine& took up his. ;the hank aboe'e, and the-mega- avall 20 by `24 was to note the- aess. daring the day_ Precisely. k• the Aeattayannion cut loose, leg sail and lair wind made for hat stunk her timbers crook- trew worked even, under coin - apt_ Williams. In a shaft .ry sea began to. run. Tile ship •iteh, sometimes going a few an with the next sea toeing sgaiu. About noon the cabin, at Baxter, felt had at hia *the rough usaane the ship - ng and was put aallsoreand at for his native town, on Lake- .hroart that time out tat 5 P. ner began to falter and not a, they haying given Thp irking her throughe and at 5••• five minutes, -saiten your core left the scene, rell that could t a few fibs cif the kat shire nn atream, and the gallant Me to the last, stauding OL a aaying a few words of ea- t to his fellow officers ana nae Annatan MARINER. - LITIracar-Fdliowirxg. .mode of summer -fallowing he now, and cultivate, alternate- ly to: spread manure on the -- "ten ridge it up, and then it is - e seed- 'For the heaelit of cerateunity we would sage m to try the following plan the abece and when onceci not the 'least kesitateen itwilt be adopted by them The field that is intended VP S.1:1410. Ile plowed. in the fait :teat eowa u it early in the overed in with the cultivator. aefor using the cultivator, - me the graiu can be covered than with the harrow. See - sin then be in, ran's) therein -- the plowiag of it down). It l'owed down klat before hay-. etea The furrow shoahl he - as Rat as poasibk, eh as to• eta -wheat wholly: In the- e -se days it will begin to he•It. hroying weed a !and feu/ t'e been turned down -with 'aile will answer a wet OT dry "tt deal better than the old cha seaeon as the present_ next t� - an impossibility to- - seeds, as it was too dry for roan no matter how often -be bronglit to- 'the surface. season it is a very difficult 11 thiatles ; hut by this mode troyed by the heat.produced s•rheat in decaying. and mit t it esnicaes the soil fully 11:, - got a coat cif manure, there - farmer a chance to enrich with the manare which, he , thia elle_ If fall grain is te- [ill do to 'ridge it up before it b' if time -would permit, it ter taplostah it twice befete- -ed, aud if it is not to be rine, it ehouht be plowed fan and cultivated in the arrears have any doults of let them, treat half the -- 1', and the other half the old uas Piuk, baker, of Elora, e enen Mare from fel on ax OL le horse was troubled NVitit hoof. and about ten days :-.11,e animal to a hlaeksmith out. It is supposed that in - some Nerve was touched. in the next day-, avid then he jaws. This la rather a ;vith dumb animals. (-vair:. of the Ingereell - Loviation have concluded -b• hinting for IS71. en -real Iran se sane then. ;it uterfei ts (kf the ntw( %Ma - :r eireulatimia \\t. a• toalay, and the Mina - that it would readily pase if nut eateely examined- n_eteeten, Ito -al -Lea hv theil :oat also by the lettering "4- • -4-14-ar awl pie fiat as in the Male is that in a man -wan ate anti to b ee poet pay the peentee n a It ;eh,- nein tu his wife. te the letter by tht• reripi a -4 talenen but lane a ewe, (u/ :t nearn mu, itet eel, le n ;wet atade• tai•• n •;-. ed his a • anneene kR FARM STOCK etist Lc-% if.t 1,l;Nri 1 •••••••••• .P.••• - ••• • •••••,r 1111. irIJITAZ 4; NO. " 43.1 %V.Ital.1E NO. 199-. - •Ir• • As • Jr' • ••••.b. .04. • SEAFORTH, F IDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1871. in JITIOLE N 13110TIIERS, Publishert:. • 1$ 50 a Years in advaii?lcie. oAtturnei,xperittea • reDLISIIED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, IN SEAFORTH. HER Is't Why do 1 o& ye? my hoo do I oe, Sae we Faith ! Pro. half exed I ev 7 Ye dinna ken right hoo Tritncs.-:$14i0 per year in advance, or $2 at the What gars ye sa questio end of dab year. iro answer 1 " no very (tram near and 11 tell in yo ir fill jaktelattagthibni 'il d'veaeYwoa' 3-3;- t) J einad Ye ken. that th ', rose o' thiO er,: els red when it blooms oh t le tkee 1 ken that yoial lieek ga s' lo:k dim Ad vertisillgRatEs. eerie ! • ✓ un'Oaear Ye: $ be speirin' ? • ; enassienr. First insietion, per line, 8 cents; subsequent in- sertions, 2 cents each time, per line. CONTRACT ItATEs. ' • One coin= ota year .. _ .... ........, ... $60 00 o " 6 monthS . . ; .20 00 • Half • " ono year . 35 00, " "" half - ' 20 00 •" “ 3 months 12 00 One-fourth ono year 20 00 • " half " . , ........ 1:1 00 • " 3 months 8 00 Ihie-eiglith one veal: ...... .............. 12 00 ........-. 8 00 3 months .... ..... . 5 00 Cite -twelfth one year .. .. ... 8 oo 4C 14 ivtif ... . .. . 5 00 • 3 A/ Advertisements withont specific ilirections will . le inserted till forbid, and charged accorclingly. McLEAN BR -OTHERS, Mruno Y. McLEAN, 1 Publishers. MCLE.tN. ) BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 1111ED-11C.A.1.. TIATID :MITCHELL, M. D., Graduate of Victo- iiii Coi1e, Physi.cian, Surgeon, etc.. etc., ONT,—Coronex of the Comity of Huron. 'Office.a-nd residence, at Thompson & Stanley's. 1-1R. W. R. Physiqau, Surgeon, etc. Ofbcc-Opposite -:•-icott Robertson's Grocery, Main street,- Seaford:- 53 _TAMES STEWART, M. D., C. M., Graduate o- " McGill, 'University, Montreal, Physician, Surf eon;,etc. Wilco 1a ltesidence-Brucefield. Tir L. VEP.COE. M. D., C. Physician, Sur- ' - geon, etc. -ittrlice and Residence, corner of Market and High st.reets, in rear of Kidd's store. Tilt. CAMPBELL, Coroner for the County. Office and Residence, over Corby's cortik store, Main streot, Seaforth.. •Oftive hours, from 11 to 4,earth - •diry, and all day.Saturday. 159 - Melg:INALD,: Barrister, Attorne'y-aft- - Law, Soliaitar in Chancery, Notary Public, 'Conveyancer, etc-- ExErsn, Oat. Aloney•to 1.-oan at LOW Rates. 188 enetintunt & HOLISTE!riTED, Barlisters, At - tome -y:4 at laW, iwitoi in ellalletTy suid -Notaries Public and, Conveyancers. - 'Solicitors for the 11, 0.131Lnt, Seaforth. Agents for -the Canada Life Assurance, Company, D.-441,000 to lend at 8 per cent.- Parm.s, Houses and Lots for salt. 53 • & iFEiL,Bares-ter.; and Attbroeys • at Law; Stdicitors in Chancery ilapi Insolvency, -.Conveyancer's, Notaries Public, etc. Otlices--Sea- forth and Wroxeter. Agents for the Trust. and Loan •Cd. of pm:- Catinda, and the Colonial Securities ,Co. Loielon„.rugland. Afoney at 8 per Ct.; ,commission charged." • , JAS.: it. IO fl. W.:- C. >MICA. 110.1CIE 'aerate, (Late $hnris. The initloc- '-k-,•• i"ned to thank the public for the Tibt ral patrutun.te a warded. to him in tunes past m the •hotel littSillti614.411111,110M to infonil Oulu that:lie-1ms Again re:Aimed bosickss in the above stand, whore be will be Lapp:, to have a call trout olcl friends, arid many LieW ones. • 1:ati TTIOAIS EXCliA:NOE TIOTELi Goderich, Ont., •-1-- -" Ck-Ci Pr011riat117; J. S. Wrs..,LIA:Vii, (1a te -of American ITotel, Warsaw, N. Y.,) -1.an,cger. This hotti has recently been newly furnish -ea, ana re - fated throughout, awl noW 011e of the most coin- .fortable. and commodious in the P.mvulc( Good - Sample it.anu.4.fer (!inumercial Travell.ers. • - 1-.=5 Tta1114 liberal, 1.26 • • . Than eder. I ()tight it o But its not tlia• ye's boun y lassie Tho' fairer I .e -n there s ane ; I hie ye-avhere lane can. 8 re ass"e, Fox that dar1p.wee wray , y •r - That canny t way o' er anal • • Yon lily, sae si w -white • n' slender, Is bonny an' naceful a4d. all , •But you are more lovely id tem er, . An' fairer an 'sweeter t al all. The glint o' yeiF lue c'e i bnn • E'en that heart's love ouldna.' gain, But o' lasses, -st a ever saw ny Tnat had sic way o' thei an — Sie a canny s eet way o' heit in— Noo, Leezie ! m . courin we dook, Here, listen let naebody ken,' Sae weel, my de r lass, do I loe I've ta'en a lit butt an' a ben.' Will ye share m wee biggin, rn Leezie ! I'm tired noo livin' my lane ; I ken ye'll say Ay," just o please me, Ye've got sic way o' yer ainn- Sic a charmin wee way o' yer S :ADEL SMILE JERDAN. - • , THE SOUTH HURON EA L SHOW. As we anticip ted last we k, the show on Friday was o e of the. ostl success- ful in every res ect wakii I as been held in tae county f Heron. "he weathea •was most plea ant, being neither too cold nea too wi rm. At al early hour in the morning waggons, a id. carriages came streaming int o the vil age from all directions. Ev y available table, shed", -and yard, was c annned Wit i the horses and vehicles of visitors, an 1 about tea. onilock Main st eet was so c wisely pack. eel with people persons could e the human mas. entries was ver a visitors- ma, sum which was an -wanted, to o evening of the open until a Ian villagers availec tunity thus affo mented. The Judges muSteve had. a' rather difficult task -to decici4 which df the spetimens were. really the most meritonous. There was one entry Of green flax, and one of flax retted, also one entry of -summer squash,. and. two, of winter. In potatoes the display was large, and the samples good. Thede Were 28 entries. The Engliehe 'Kidney took the first, and the Breaius Prolific the second prize. Judging feom the ap- pearance of the potatoes on 'exhibition, the Much dreaded beetle did not effect much damage this year. there were seven entries of beets, but as t :c pres- ent has been an :unfavorable 'ear fbr this root, the size ot those exhibited was not unusual. The display of can -kits was very good. There were twelve entries. There were five etitries of yellow, and four of red onions, all of which were large, very even in size, and. cleaz and -haudsome in appearance. There. were .four entries in water melons, three in musk. melons, one in, citrons, and one in , celery. There were eight entries Of corn in the ear, and the qualityof that enter- ed was very good. There were eight entries of globe mangolds, seven Of man - gold wurtzel, and two of Swedish turnips.. :The turnips werevery goode considering the dry season, end the mai golds were equally large and solid in ppearanae. 'Mein were but two entri s of horse shoes, and one ot stoves and tin-ware— the latter by Mr. John Kidd, !of Seaforthe This eompletes the lower flat' of the hall, and. from thence -we proceed ' UP STAIRS. _ This part of _ the hall contained the ladies.' work, Musical instruanents; seen • ing machines. bbots.and.shocls, fruit, &a he display of ladies' wain I was not so large as that at the last Comity Show held here, but the quality of the articles exhibited was. excellent.' 'The dis- play .of fruit was large, .and the _quality good. Messrs. Dep)ew & oherty, of Clinton, had some very fine hansical in- struments, which attracted eonsiderable attention and were ,much adraired. This firm is driving a larne -husitiess in the mrisical instrument line in this County, and their ibstrunients gisie , universal - satisfaction. Mr. Peter Graesie, of Sea' !forth, had several very fine Sewin,g ana- chines of the Ga.rdner• make, sahich work- ed Well and gave •good satisfaction to all who saw them in operation. Mr. 0. - C.. Wilaom of Seaforth, had also a 'very handsome machiue, called the Florence hat it was • ith &faculty Sewiag Machine. Mr. NVilsbn has taken bow their The tot large, Om • . -ay through this mach e from F1oieitc, M , • and 1 Member ot. purposes introducing it in this .ccuirtry. the number The one on exhibition, was nmagnificent piece of workmanship. Several ad- vantages are claimed for it over C0111111011 machines. it feeds both -ways, and makes four dilferent kinds ,of stitches, and runs without making the slightest noise or jar. Mr. Wilson, saddler, Sea - forth, had a. very handsome Be t of silver - be estimated from the aken at thet gate, which -er $400.. I Daring the first day the Hall was hour, and many of the themselves of the oppor- ded to yield the beauti- ful display of fa icy as wen artides. On th -second dee egeetl early i the motni wider nonce 'were the implemems, e which there was a very creditabk: dia- play._ In the agricultural implemebt de ' partment. Messrs. 0. C. Wilson, Thom- son & Williams, W. J. l'hicCuteheoe, Graham Williamnin, R. Runciman, R. Wilson, J. Cualmore, and. B. Bell, were the principal exhibitors. I Al essrs. Wil- , sea and Thomson. & Williams having the - largest display. Mr. J. B. Williains had three of his celebrated- pumps oa the ground, and succeeded. in carrying eff tie. first prize in this class. • The disp ay Of ; carriages and buegies Iva,* very. good. Mosel's. McIntosh' & Morrison, o Sea - forth, had an open and. covered single buagy, a double carriage and a eutter,, all el whieh were gotten nu in the mag- niti ant and. tastef7d style in which this flan usually tutu out their work.. The cut er ' has since been sold to a gentle- man in Cieveland. The covered 1311faga •has aka been sold to a person in Zurich. Mr. William Gia•ssie had a very floe dis- play, embracing one double carriage, and three single open buggies. One of thee buggies took the first prize. Itevas very handsomely finished and sulattantially- built, and reflected credit upe4 the Maker. Leslie. & Holmes, of Clinton, had also a very handsome single buggy on the ground. There was but one 11.1111-, bet waggon, whith was exhipited by ;Messrs,. Rudd & Fulton, of Egniondville, and was -well. got up, and nicely- finished. ' The (Replay of'. stock, especially M Tatting, lst Frank Fowler, There were not a great Many ;horses parting. 'Crochet work, -1st Ass. horses, sheep and 'pigs, was very' good. ethibitede but most of those which. were ug, 2d -Miss Thomson: Enda old - shown were tine looking animals. : 'There muslin:, lst ',Thotnas McMiel ad, Were ionie very good aeav-y draft horses, es Sutheeland. - Embroideay on - eepecially the mares and . foal, and the and chenille lst .Mrs. East Ian, year and to year old fillies. lit carri- N. Brett. Woreted work r4ed, W. George rs. Scott, 2nd Alexander -1 sa however, attracted general commenda- Carnachamsjr. - Ewillg's flue sPan" di baYs, her points- as a milk producer, Samuel Fanetrtititsi4rIssstD.Jaalem, James Sl\relitirerl aultell, age herses the display was but aVerage, tion, and were mach admired. The dis- Sm -- LEICE;;TERS ---.Ci.AS8 5-th. -,--- 2d. T 10111-11S MeMichael. Two pair of play of buggy horees was very good, and Aged•ram, lst H. Love, 2d 0. Lawrie. 3(1 n .socks, lst A., Wilson, 2d. J the number of entries large. - The horses John MeCoinuall. One-year old ram, lst which took the first add. second prizes in H. Loye, 2(1 David Walker. Ram lamb, this department were fine lookiag ani- lst R. Manning, 2d J. McConnell, 3d R. nials, and it seemed but little trouble for Manning. . Pair of ewes haying raised them to make a buggy . "spm!! The lambs in l871. lst R. Maimiag, 2d. R. Manlier of excelleat colts on exlnlition Manning, 3d Wm. Stoneman. - Pair of• augurs well for the future • quality one-year old ewes-, lst H. Love, 2d R. of the stock of horses M this Couuty. Mainline, 3rd R. .Alaimien Pair of The display of cattle was . I large, ewe lanibs, 1st Christopher bale, 2d H. particularly fine keening animals on the COTSWOLD% — CLASS 6th, -- Aged. Ben( el•rsonk°-,112TH6ugrilli•Otsb'. isCtoinieoriti and altogether, , there were some Love; , - . ground, yet, take 'them upou the Whole, ram, lst T. Dele,• 9d Wm. Stoneman. of ho neanade wina 1st John Zimm •r. they did not 'wiz. so wen as w. have- One year old. ram, lst *H. Love. Rim .t1 RTIOULTUR AL Paola:tins 7- Cr,A*.ti 8 eidat shOws of this deseliptiono i'llds ' lamb, -1st E. Love, 9(1. C. T. Dale., 3(1 Jae, ' 13th. —Four named. Yaritties Arnter n ay tai doubt lie owing in the inain to aoutheote. Pair Of ewes, to have rnised apple t le poor condition of pasturage and: the lambs in 18,1, lst C. T, Dale, 2(1 J. Nide s entity of tvatee. The peer satimer •Southeote, 3d. C. T, Dale: Pair one year name Drew, 3d. Alex. Ross. -Bnegy horn: !et George • ',Houghton, 2dtp Leonard I; enter. - Extra prizes presented by M. C. ameron, Esq., M. P. Beet genera purpose mare, 85,- L. Hanter.. T-wo year-old flint .$5, Robert NI eVittie. CATTLE--,DURHAMS—CLAss .3rd. --Cola must have calved since last show. iirsa prize, a turnip cutter, valued at $28, Of gift of Messrs. Waitlaw & Co., per O. IVilson, Esq., lst James McDonogh, 2(1 J. McDonogh, 3(1 George Chesney. TWo- vear-uld heifer, lst James Me.Donogla 2i1 James Scott. One year-old heife.r. 1st Thomas Gnalt, 2al Wm. Wise, 3a E. Cresswell: Heifer -.calf, lst Jellies Me- Doeogli, 2d Robert - Carnochan. calf, lst Thomas Grant, 2d. E Creswell. CATTI,E, Oantie THAN Dan CLASS 4th.e---Cow, to have Calved. since January 1st,- 1871, first prize a pair -of iron harrows, presented by Menne. Col ton, of Gananegae; per 0. Wilson, Esq. valued at $22, lst D. McLean., 2d. 8. Carnachaii, jr., 3(1 R. Carnochan. Two- year-old heifer, S. Carnochan, jr.e. 2(1 Mrs, McLean, 3d D. McLean. One- year -old heifer, lst James Broadfoot. jr.) 2d S. Carnochan, 3d S, Carnochan. Heifer calf,- lst D. 'McLean, 21 George Lthesney. Two-year-old steer, 3st Mrs. McLean, 2d. Mrs. McLean, 3d James Broadfoot, jr, One -year-old steer, lst 8. Carnoehau, ncl Alexander- Broadfoot. Fat ox Or steer, lst James Bre adfoot, jr., 2a Thomas; Govealock, 3d. Thomas Govenlocks - Tat cow or heifer, Ist Hugh Chesney, 2a D. Walker, -3c1 Jas.' Dickeen. Fat yoke of Oxen, lst James McFarlane, 2d Daniel Bell. ecta,pe Extra prize of 60 pounds of _cheese, 241 R. given by W. S. Robertson, Esq.; for the lst best mulch -cow, to be judged. solely by Braid .411=M111111111 since 1st May, 1871, lst William Fowler, 2d W. 0. Fowler, 3d not known. Daily cheese not less than 20 lbs., mad' in 1.17e1h,a la Frank li'owler, 2d. dames • le - MA, UPACTITREs—CLAss 17-th ,en home- lade quilt, lst Andrew Archib id, ea w )ert nareoehan. Ten yards 1 an - lid, 1-.t Robert Henderson, 2d Alan ROSS. Pair blankets, lst George N tt, 2d Ste mid Carnochan. Set of su gle harne s, lst James Wilson. .Gentlene ns saddle lst James Twitchell. Ladies' •saddl 1st J. Twitehell Pair of gel tie- man'e boots, Mclaterre & Willis. Pair of ladies'. boots) McIntyre & S • eci- men o leather, R. N. Brett. Assortn ent of tin vork, 1st John Kidd. Mekd an, Ist epew & Dobeity, 2d Depew & y. Organ, Depew & -Doherty Fa NE Ani '—Ci 18 th, —Water ..01 - or dra vine, 1st Miss -Wilson, 2d. iiss WilSO 1. Cravon sketch, lst Miss hil- siosnt, ;dejohn.13i,ss Thompson. Pencil ske ch, Charlesworth, 2d Hniry Chain awe rth. Collection of ph to - graph 1st Francis Paltridge, 2d Fre; cis Paltri ige. Lai WORK -0J 19th.—Lo, f of 'hoe made bread, 1st Robert Campl 2d F Fowlea 3d James emend igs. - Patch d lst Jamas Broadfoo , 2-d RB.ossS. lautz, 3d • Wm. Smith. I:tilt si‘elwrse on ground work, 1st names W. Elder 2d Alexander Ross. 3d. Alexa der od Sparl etly il 2d Ja wool Alex. lugs, Pair land, glean shirt, Metil work w. 1st of el inee nder..• Two pairs of woolen ek- ist.A. Wilson, 2d, Alexander Gray. - if woolen mits. ist James :Su her - 2d George Nott. Pair of w olea , lat James Sutherland. . ait'e lst Thomas Stephens., 2d 'Themes eked. Wax fruit, E. Pelee. air 1st John Rattenherry, 2d J.; mea -- idea • Honey in comb, 1-0 pou else, ligh Robb, 2d. John Zimmer. -.fee 5 of each, 1st Th )1, t2d. Thomas Grieves. 1 varieties fall apples, ock and especially upon cattle, and it Stoneman, aa H, Love. Pair we lambs, \\ illi im Armstrong. h'ollection of apiOes, eh 1st William :Stoneman )0k as well as in more favor thle s aeons.. 'Love. Pair of fat sheep, any sex. or Thm as Nichol. Three named varietite teal' not be expeeted that the chauld 1st J. Southcote, 9(1 I -L Love, 3d H. 5 of .aell "variety, lst Hugh Grievet'a 2d. ; a ; ), a good quality. There wern some svint i• pears, o of each, Isni etc) Lam - i sheep the display nem laage and, breed, I s -b D. Walker. - - Jlendid animals' in this dasa The boIaire:ni(snti;31.311;:.e.F.J.1.)}1)3112----_,. CLASS 7fh.-- kgal say, . d James Soott. Three tamed. 1 arie- e Boar littered in ties ( f fall pears, - 5 of each, lst Jelin ' 1, 2d C. L. Van Egmand. hree 1 varieties of plains, -five of •aela alias 'our - 5 lies been an unasually hard one upon. ). old. ewes, 1st s. Sou th cote, 2d. . of e r improvememt in -this cliass of 1871, lst 'Wm.: Bowden. Aged eow, Huge substantial mounted single harness; whieli was muce, stock, in this anunty, -is more the hall Was and deseryedly admired, There were must have pigged in 1871, one or more name othet. At cacti sucgeedieg pigs to beshown.with, sow, 1st William 1st ohn Thomson, _2d John II 'gill. g, land wita two ases of stuffed bads which looked than in an' exhibition there is a marleed and: grati- Bowden, Sow littered in 1871, 1-st W. Nam, d. collection •of ripe grapee, hree handsome One of f1108e WaS ex- oiitinuatiy o . clock in the f the evening, wl to remove their illtit'ES.I.AN 21:0 US. (NG'S Daoking and Exchange 'Mee, in • W. S. RoltEr-rSOX'S Store, Seat-out/h. Green- b)ets, and Drafts bottglbt.and sold, Good Farmer's Notes discounted ma -p-awinvsed. • JOHN WADDELL, .191 • Agent. implements -we) same time. T the day hail p VCT' elect o about ten o'- renaon unti 5 )'clock hibi en exhibitor commenced • and. articles. e Stock and I Mr. also remo ed about the bear e -s esentect so dusk resum alker, of RoXboro, . el- sdeell 11•114 pigs, ',J: Bailey, 2d W. Ste -Wart. - . . duet TS 'of each, grown M t• le (mei a r, ..1) g a p cn ement. I 1 ed by Mr. John'11 'in n r = i he other by Mr. Geonere Foreyth. .hiould hardly be surpassed at Lula show - bonnet et Wm. ...ZTALL BTITOM Pic S. ---(,!LASS Blair, 2d. iyin.S1hloal-arieArg, :e3t(11 , s_Til.. ta.i) .1.so,hoiiile oZriintiteer.va;r1ilitti'eez id:tate :sbuoi!t ttie display both here alai at -clinton a Forsyth had also a stuffed -black ment M all ki-ads of stock withal the John. McLean. Boat, littered. in 1871. G eve la the Province. In fact, the iniprove- .We believe -- tb tn this latter has ;lstrJ. "flickson, 2d Wm. Dickson. Aged grap hich, during I been purchased by Mr. Adam patMcDousg- efew years has been. eery great, and Ben, must have pigged in 1871 0118 or - ea al liayit oaii.i(iait i all, of Seaforth, aud is to be used. as a , although Huron is a comparative1y uew pearanee, ahont 1 sign for his store. There -itere six en - County, , we d.oalit if there arel many • More pigs to he shown with sow,. let .1. - crab "au: _ appearanee the vast crOwil he,vine 1 tries of home-made blanket , anal three , 7afcDowell 21 livin. Ifill, 3d Wm. 8tew- , 2d I ugh Grieves. Plate of crab eg phis, ; dock. Named. collection of a three dusters of each grown ss, lst Robert 0 ovenlock. applea, lst Peter Eau ripe und- 'late say, cotinties in the 1 roviiioe Which ct-in snr• art. Sdie littered in 1871, let Inn. ' red, 1t Peter Rams.a,y, 2d. Hugh Grin -es: -nearly all (Repel sed cadet ty t their sever. of home-made flannel. Fie entries - of to see the,' intetest• which m taken an thie Stewart, 2(1. Wm._ Stewart. . • Thre namedvarietiee of peaches; a x of ed the ce lie .m14 orderly hair flowers, one of feather ()were one Pass it in this resPect. It is ale° gratify- - all' seeD .•td 'conduct Berlin wool floWC1*.i, al1d, ne of W001 Po ULTRY.7—CLASS !kb_ —Pair of black i each, lst Thomas ' Niched, 2d Tam i• most imaortant briinch of agricalture by • the tine he ' came to flowers- Two entries of , Berlin wool Spanish fowls, 1st W. .1. Bailey. Pair : Zinn ler. ' pencil draw- being put forth by many of the mast pro- J Bailey. Paia of game, lst 1n. 3'.. Bailey of Dorkins, 1st John Grcenway, 2d W: i ltes.alei. Atin FLOWEI1S-1---CLAss 14 h.— the merlin g uatil they . 'work raised, and four of p, per flowers our farmers, tual the efforte whilch are , in itself; n eaksavell for ings, e twelve eistries, all. of 'Innen& to increase its efficiency , nd inn 2d W. J. Bailey. Pair of 'Polands, 1st • Namal collection ot _Roses, (Bloom 1st ; Collection of Asters, lst W. 3: B ;lice-. the sunje i '' le In .water color crayon and aeace-loving diePositions which were 'Very good speeinimis. There there Wer rove its condition. In poultry the hs- J. Jackson, 21 Geo. H-ahltirk. Pair of ' lV. - J. Bailey. Ninned. collectio 1 of ralists of f As se,ction of was also a beouts ul case of ca n-wor1(.. I lay wa8 good.. 'filen were sonie of the *f r Brahnias, lst W. J. Bailey, 2d W. J. Verl 011.0.8 6 Varieties, lit 'N. J. "Btiley. Bailey, 3d Dark Brahthas, extra W. J.': Nam al collection of Gladiolas, not less : s 'we halve already said One entry of wax fruit, and One of photo- i nest fowls tve have ever eeea. Mr. W. , graphs. There were twelve entyies . 'Bailey, of Egmondville, and: 'Mit John Bailey, • Pair of .Hamburghs, lst John than 5 varieties, lst W..J. Bailey. And. - claantila II of liome-made mits, sock -s, aed Stockings. .Creenway, of Exeter, "were the pilmcipal Greenway. Pair of gee:5e, lst _Frank large t collection of animals namec , 1st . . ificente 1.1., ' al homes. Inn manner in whic themselves fro the village in left at night wt by many. Thi the quiet mid of the. -agrieula the County,. the display in 'or A. SHARP'S LIVERY & SALE STABLES. AGRI -••, Office -At Marray's _Sea:truth. Cr 0 od. was ioall-v ma :Horses Ian first-c4tes Conveyances always cm hand. the first artid ...111AITL3'S LIVERY STABLE, MALN. ,STREET, tion- was the gi Seaforth. Firit-c•1ass Horses and Carriages along the right ' -aavavs on handattt.asoualde terms. • enCre side a t R. L. SHARP, Prnpaietor. • end. The first Tolls BRIGHAM Exchange 13rok.P.r, and Bail- peas, of which and. next them -at way Tiulzet Agetti, Houghton's Hotel, .uposite G. T. Railway Staton, Seaforth, Out. Through Whicii. there ' nice:as issues to nupoints it/ alit Western .States, California and Red River, atreduce1 rates, affording Were all. good.• -• Xlve greatest. facilities, to Emigrants. necessary first prize m th information given reopucting Laud Agencies, ly be.autiful • be ec LL inn enterine Of worsted work there -were nineteee en- exhibitors m this &paean:Mt.' oaSe, 2dApp1eton Eleote:. Pair of Ducks, acted atteW- tries, also a large handeome display Bailey, we helieve, has gone to erhmider- lst W. J. BaileY, 2d la Ciesswelt Pair WaS raneed. of embroidery, crochet work-, tatting. able: •expense ated ! :trouble to (Alla-Vete an of Turkeys, 1st Alex, -.Wilson. Cochin W. Pans 111:111 j. J. Bailey, 2nd T. T. Cole lan, which att ae 6 varieeies in fiover, T. T. ole- ain, whi di Fuelnas, 6 varieties in tlowe , W. +1., and sid , o 1 , tl braidine, etc. Four gentleMen's hirts improved stool( of fowls, and we must China fowls. extra, W. Bailey. • we came to as the large and must haveaaused the maker an inn ing degree. He had some on exhibition hanntinnne --- Clearn 11th. ----Wooden kind • of potatoes half bushel of cad , lst ;O:ETABLES----r- CLASS lath. — Two le hall, anc part of one one of nilich was beauti rully ornam nted, . say that he has eucceeded to a durpris- Rabbits, 1st jas Wiesen. here went f, iir entries • mense amount of labor and trouble. tvhich he had imported from_Eagland, axle waggon, lst Rudd & Fulton. 1 John Thomson, 2nd. Hugh Che Ilutr. ere the sinall peas, of Miss A. Erwin had. a ease of very hand- and also from , the United States. Double carriage or baggy,. lst McIntosh Four heads of -Winter cabbage, lst J seph ; ere nine erodes. They some millinery which received a great • \-h".e have now gone over nearly! ever.y (F.; Morrison, 9d Leslie & Holines. Single l Eval s, .)iia .Tohn Walker. Nme dood. Those which took the deal of attention from the feminine pot - department, and ;antat conclude Our re- Buggy, lst Wm. Grassie. Covered bag- ; beet , 1-st James Dickson, 2nd John small variety were real- tien of the spectators. Tnere were several *arks by congratulating the Direetors of gy, special prize McIntosh & Morrison. ' Lam esboro. Nine knee mangolds 1st raal e a_ of k• -L, - 1 . very Inc hooked mats. Tite display of the South Huron and TUCkerSInitil ...kgri- Iron plow, 1St Cx h 1 Alia-insole 2d. ! Tho as Grieves, 2nd 1-1 illiam_ Chl rters n V• ' onc oreenatees, Bona, e aeons and uneurrent Money,- . . . , ./- m size, ana i c e a and clean_in color. an boots and shoes was not large, but t ., i , p . -sue- li.. Runenrum. Wooden plow, 1st R. i Sr. Nine globe marigolds, 1st ames he illturtl. Societies u on the m-trked . . - spring wheat t ere were 'six entries, and specimens on exhibition showed splendid (Jess which has atteaded their Exhibition Wilson, 2d G. Williamson. iron beam Dick on, 'nal William Charters. Nme non eat saver aine- talent nal Rol(1 at hest mtes. tal Stulgery,) begs to alumni -Ice to the-inhabi- be surpassed. ! t was all clean, Of &nice .of leather. This comprises nearly all 1 the fanners of 1-1nroh upon thoproSperoos hoe, 1st R. P. C.:lolton. Gang plow, lst • jam s_,MeDowell. Nine long otan re or luta opened an office t,!or the practim of • Dental col -0-; t: the hall. - . On Jang tabks in the cemtre : has proven they are in this year, and rOws, 1st R. P. Colton. Chain. harrows earl horn carrts, 1st Mathew R bert- , , Harris, MAIL St, WliVra ik will be prepare.41 to do all ever, which w s 'entered for the Canada were fruit, -flowers, bread, etc. The first 1 -trust that year by year their prosperity lst John Cudmore. Field roller, 1st 1 son, and William Charters. Nine vhibe tin i bkir d 1 aueleev in tite rooms foll-twrly occuphtd by (i.corgo broket grains!. The Fall wheat, how- eny's pr r e, almost left 'iii the thaig on the first table was the honey, of : may Mei-ease, and that each succeedipg ,Tobil M. Mar . • Turnin cutter, ls 1 e e , • carrots, 1st George Ha •1 , -m • t ' B le aii ea sena of work expect,a1 r f the profession ill 11. hatiti- -c . • DENTD4T1i17.-J. C.. 11 CLI,, t Licentiate.(rf Den- Nira such asS could seareny workmanship. There were five entries ' this year. We alse beg to congratulate plow, 1st Grahain Williamsoh. Horse Swett ish turnips, 1st James Diekso , 2nd -tante ot Settforth atut.1-vrrounding country that ho - emit iried very few smell or the articles aeound the sideS and. ends of candition isvhich the late exhibition Thomson & Williams. Pair iron hat-, I- red carrots, 1st' Joseph Ee-ans. • Nine • thein were twelve entriese—six-i exhibition may give as gratifyitg evie -Maxwell & Whitlaw. Fanning mill, lst Ale.- Mier Broadfoot. Twelve- e rs of shade all the o her grains. There were _which " Queen's Bench, 111:-T-ralli:v alld Gentral Agent. d t t • b f are yen ure o say was neve e ore en- . ia the comb was very nice. There was vele held at Cliaton and Seaforth lad Rams. Pump J B . Set am s Scott. Three water melon lst . . ; • • Agent for the I enable- t in. Li ft• and .kacident In- t actory mttanicT anti asonable tenus...- 186 Cli. CUM Eh, Corm, yanci.r, Commissioner in ten ennies, an a finer lot of gram, we strained, and six in the comb. Tile honey i aenee of that increase as those which McTaggart & Co., 2(1 Thomson & Wil- • Indi n corn, 1st John Thomson 2nd , tuat anti th.• weenie. nee ensinance canp•Lnies, In several of tl e eamples the, i t1 fl, 00 '- 0 0 ien. g , e . . , THE emit Liar : . _Turnip seed drill, 1st •folin Martin, In this alasS extra prizes were atvard- •Jam •s Landesboro. Pour heads of t Thr e musk melons, lst A. Wilson 2nd the lit !lane- Lift. Assunny t., atul tint -}iit..fi t ova Ac- Cd almost like -melt els, so Aunt i eild. arapes, and. two entries.of pew; es. len: 1 IfoRSES—HEAVY 1)B AFT—CLASS 1St.— ..Admit lot -Amine, t. ompar. round ware tke -. The display of barley ' was a -very line collection of flowers and ; rood mare 1st Joseph Hood, 2d.Joseph catto 0. C. Wilson for a combined Feed : flow r list Joseph Evans. Peck -o red ; not ES" 'PO LOAN 011 t .11.1 eSta it` Sectuir;%:: . . , . 4_ , , • , , Thnnond. 2 Mill a. double. mould. Plow, a double. onio s ahatjaheorge Ha,bkirk, thall . O. -All oi Jers by ic&il or otierwh.t• prompth attend- was also large and the, sample good ; , house patine, Ma Ballet . of ll",al James acott, 4th Thomas • . . ea to. • mice, oltposite ll'Api.,..' Tai:or Shop, there Werg ten entries.; Of oats there Vi- - -9 i - c, lc Itte Foals iN,S, 4, t e,r, .., . . Ile being the -principal e.xhibitdr in this HarveY, 11 11* 1 1 . 1 t 3. n 1 . ,d. ' furrow Plow, also a recornmend on Grain Few en Penk of white or - ellen- Crusher: An extra, prize was also award- ' onio is, 1st James Scott, 2(1 1 obert 186-tf I- INI.Er_II....f_,E_. _ _ ;vex. five eutri s of the lienee and. seven '., 0 , a ei c , s . T1 . • - f !ler entries of - s - • ., i JA113e8 Mt:Ali:enact 3(1 Jamee .1 G. IC lae • ' ed to a Single Mower exhibited. by W. J. . Cam bell. Peck tomatoes, Samuel Car- "- of the small veriety all'of whieh were 7 1 there ' Home-made bread made a large dieplay . maple sugar, all o , f whicth looked well. • ' ; 4th George' Waddell. Two-year-old . - .. , nv or public omnetition but one entry of native wme, one plate eekn The follawing t roport, of horse shees, lst Graham lams n. Joh Zimmer, 2nd James Lande bore. • o snratiee ics : Tit( Beaver and Twouto Mu- cie( a,t any ••• • f air re iee and two eollectious of ITETELINARY CRGEO CO.i0K. of • -Iteleane. wain rei-p illy inform tht public rep:ATE:at ellen . Of timothy see( • , illy, 1st James 'Mel nmogh, 2(1. T. Me- • Git at N- -CLAss 3 2th. —Canada .(„nin- of celer), John Williams. nochan, Sr., 2(1 George Nott. Six routs that h. ne- nine nen: residence in the silage of were three. entl ies, and: the quality was • there being' twelve entries) and its ap- Mich-Lel Two- vear-old 1st eta and aa ware also pearance proved conclusively that there 1 .• 0 • ' . "'" fainy prize. of d30. for the bestten bushels • iit wig in. (4) (.41 all fine • • C ash,- -d ;ea Chest -en Owevear- EXTRAS. McCutcheon of Clinton I 1' bi AC• LOCAA. ...4•11-11•11 tO A oNt.1111 CLA.;(9.-± Of litItli t hrue 'earl 3S. isic is a • new • are 111 thiS see len, net a few a( ep $ , t. old filly, 1st Joseph Harvey, ail John of fallwheat. • • *)( f 1 e, t, j din ( tabs, -1 11-ei. Biaes-wara John Kidd. Two bushels of spring es -heat, 1st Oigan, Depew & Itolierty. anti yeah LL leaf were nen TWIN; other prin. ti t 1,-nors crop th 4. sec growth this most impontaut bralie '•11 of house - ell il km 3 (1 Win. • Blaek . ale -year- Bell. • ta:ttle 11 hint k is pit 'kits sitmal vitpiwiti... Mr. ' Although ti loll,- a•nd lits very larg ny iwn were hnt This fi. is 1 play it ee in •imilar e. s credit: the COnn. 3 tlie di. although the tn.-tides ments were, niferior. two entriys cf. eabbag dower, neithe 'al m-hich There were six entri Charles Tough, 2d 'William I;e11, Two inte-made flannel, James Alex 111‘t1 effoi ted porft•et t•ar, NG11141* CA111 be pro‘t n by 11(it-tts Vet bean entered. into, . wiferY• There were liss-Le,veeliiit,lesr:(1 01(1 ,;,,ouldno-, 1st Thomae McMichael` 2(1 bushels 1 tarl ey , lt-tt Charles Tough, 2,1 Be e- hive, Meehan & ,A dna Svf• 1•0•40,4„ •the samplee sh st cred ittil de low crab-apples and aa.tan of draft horses, not Hiagh Chesney. Two linsliels large oats, Stuffed birds, lst .John Walker, a-terieettes ea:11,a Da, gentlemen. l'or - ▪ kir. COD li' will pttrilti in ale 1.• TV- 6, the answer les the erne, • so six plates of -plums of various kinds, 1st .lithe R 'Henderson, 2,1 1Villiam Forayth. leen net at nit Ttra n ho Tyr:m-114 . SOD1C of which were tif extraordinery Blair. Two bushel -4 e .d and better bC.t (Ethel -at nninion oats, 1.St 1111'ed bear, Georert Forsyth. -io n 1Ci. al -13i bilotion i.the " •‘111; f 1,1-ge, Ex. tra prizehnfepen only to residents er ii•r• •-. the am men csi,T4 • at DAY t.; t,:wh )1 • alike to the 1 • t . James Lantle.-,:a "l'homas Cf. of 'Millinery,. . eemen•y. It - and the quality excellent. There nare ,• the South Bilither of fleren nes nted • 11 P fit' Two bushele large peas, lst Charlee . 111-iple sugar, Georze '.'-hit le , ...... cri r IWIII LT., YF.TP.1.!1-SA.t I' '-i 15(11 ethibitors and t••• " sixteen entries of -winter apples, ninr of • hy M. C. Cameron, Eeq., _ . ., i tl e - ln si- draft bassi 1111 1., .10eeph .1-100(1 ; Telltale 2(1. Willidm Charters. '1'wo ' , 13, insl yarn mat, l 'tithe -rho! Me Di Mentla r of the Ontario- Vett-i.nary College.; In \Lee-eta:1d a. a was •roan ' fall, and six: •colleetions. 8uspende(1 on , very hinalsorne quilts, counterpanes nal • notate urru..a. (JR GENERAI, 1 11'1:142SE , Sallittel Lamle:born Buidiel of timothy e . 'la re were but l li mitim lace, thliss I.lalY. Cu1t-,- it :••••.•aforth. IA 1•....,• lie :,1:•7.- 10. et,isititt-d pit kiios 11 11 email peas, lst •John II nein, 2d " R varn mat, airs, Sperling. 11,-; 1,, intiiii3(1.• (41 no of ISeaforth •oine (1L'part- • lines aseroes the• evel-e litinther h....st t\VO-yVar-1)1.1 110t .errolualita; cont.tcy. thz.t has- iaponed irn ort•whetcil whittll were very creditdbli to .) alma Broadent, 211 Mathew :al ander brunifeot, flail iniffe I ilex Sei;.(1, 4 la eaafast shawl, 'ad re. nparling, tee, i ine ruct i‘cd a ri gular awl practical t - \VC re. very !fon ;an . erten, nai feat tee Diploma s = • ; tee; I rhurehill t ,a,r1.1.-nee of ;.:it he; satii-thietivti to all. 1:, • 'A:. V. S., Princital oo(a_ • Col-t:o; llueltlancl, Dr. .t, Dr. Row. I. and 'Wells, M. D., & V. S. ‘.,i'oriry constantly on hand. Br0od mare, ) seed., let \\*nem Arms -a -met dti Alex- • 1; din woe' work C. Dale. • tea, •L era,: have, en the ea, s .11.irstts. Cat- ; me of cauli- coverlets, it:item:se knitted, 4.f \ ( t n z . • . • prono4::: at:01,kt' t.). Off. • It t a forth. 18:2-2trt •J. P. BRINE, 1 14 ENSED MTV( /NEER for the County 0 Harm'. Sales attended in all parts of the Cm. incy. All orders left at Tut ,ExPosrroS will be promptly attended to. ;98 , seeeral epeen ens of a hit fine. In fact ry ellease -hi entriee, and i ' • dairy tW e Coleman. FiVe ponndS of butter with- , of the elanse! in bath ( ej • , •1, hle..thchael.• orl. Jani••s Inottitant. Ian salt. . 1.4 A. Wilson, 2t1 Relent ; very superima . and sue 1 is eould ' not • so good and so deserving, of praise, tad i nmayear-ohl fill v. 1st .114-a. Buchanan, ; Scotts Keg of salt butter, net less than I eesily he beaten. In ale department, it must have been difficult to deede 24l Samuel Carnahan, :1;1 Gillaat Me- : 50 11;s.. •a prize of e20. the butter te he- 1.- hossaivi r, was there so 'Atte 1 competition whieh was the most worthy; of cornmeal- ehael. One -year-old gelding-, 1st S. come the pinperty el the donor, T. Kidd, 1 as in that of hatter. In kee butter there ; ation. Good as, Were the articles instil?, raj i . Carnochan. Span of ennead purpose 1:::-,q, ; 2d 311 prizes by the Soeietv 1 •t 1 L The batter ' thuse in - , ,- e , e -- - or agricultural horses, 1st T . McMichael, • Jacob hleGee, 2d Richard Maiming, 3it 1 n, appearance, • 111E FIELD - , 01' table use Were not one whit inferior, In this de- ' 2d S. :McDougall, :id ,John lam. Span of ' Williani Smith. Fifty pounds, or over, 1 , . 1 'la e 1WIses lst George Ewing •2L1 cheese made on the Factory erinciple 1 - the makers. There were hewral- Deter XT \1; 1 1 I (fr ;cut., .„o“..1,111 Hood, lit John STer4, 2.1 Alexander Grate String (if buttons, B. Shantz, 111. • h were very arti e Ins in the hall which, for wasenof $d. names Sutherland. Dann- EXiD1 ( e et toma , - T. pounds butto,, „uiliokutly „mit,' for in were soven space, we cannot at present notice, rat ; ren_yeareee mite aa -t • t • • s ldulineet by saying that each article vas Year-old geldinre let Jae -es Dit•lsen, 2(1 'The (111allb,' Will C1)11C111(1C 011r t1(.seriptiOn of thiS 2d Vni. Black, :id It. ale \nail Two- , table use, 1 it Robert Seott, dd. T. T. , were twenty -our entri in kegs presen .ed vela, and alma of t at •done p was yery test -allY deco •at ' 1 (1 and orna- partment the first articles which came can g I; erlin woel mat, James Carnech ,fa Cushion, :qrs. ;.-zo.ifm 11o1)( rtr•on 1;c1v:t worsted tidy, Jae. Sinn (*Lee id' feather flowers, Mr:- lane:rte.. • lee of worsted flowers, • )il.erty. Case of ;seed and eine work, ' .pah- line. • rochet quilt, James Scott Knitted quilt, dames Scott, ei-ed Boots, Meintyre & W1114 - 11( el' Dab:. 8. W.