HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-09-22, Page 64 .��.R'.+,i.Js<•.AAG.bikl•ViTi 'iiQFr —_ .-4 Japanese Customs as seen by a New York Congressman. Y oxonrira, July, 1871. The status or position of women among the --Japanese is more puz- zling to a foreigner than anything else, and no ;one looker-on agrees on_ what the position -is. The Mikado can have out one wife,' but is allow- ed by lav or custom twelve coneu bines ; Daiuwios and ' I-Taltamatos, eigl.it ; men with other titles, five officers and the soldiers, two. But, say the -laws` ordered by Jycyas, Lc 11 .The man is not upright who is roost given to wolnen.11 It is an er- ror,. they tell me, that the Japanese are indifferent to the respectability of their wives,and that they often prefer taking one from -among the ptibl]c cot(rtesans. But there are wonderful .exnibitioes of • woman life in Yeddo ani Y okohothe, such as 1 . cannot describe—exhibitions -under the sanction of, and controlled by elle Government, and from which the Government derives a large.: revenue.. The laws against dancing women, &c., kc., says Jycyas, are not to be administered severely. though "'they. are like caterpillars or locusts in the country."- Out of regard for the nature of mankind their offences are to be lightly :pass- ed over." Hence, all this vice ' is - made just as public as it can be, outwardly ; decency, however, ever: Loverin g over it. Women are Sold M childhood, temporarily, for a_ pur- pose, and many afterwards marry well without diehonor : But this is a topic upon which I cannot enlarge. The baths of the great -.cities are very peculiar institutions. Men and women, if they do not exactly bathe together, come So near it, that the difference is not worth - talking about. Every- body bathes here, and not to be - 'clean is considered disreputable. • The cost of bathing is cheaap, in Yed- do, about 40 cents every clay- for a- _ month. If -mere cleanliness is godli- ness, there is not a more godly people on .earth. The baths are all nl. ever open to the pie clic eye -- from the street, with no disguises • atl)Otit them!. They are s0 common that they do not even provoke curl csity. In T. eddo there were many. starers staling at lire when viewing the bathers, but not one staring in. Nothing is thought of thie peculiai anode of bathing. Nothing mis cl)ievous seems to come of it. �1 must not forget that what people are accustomed to front their youth up does not amaze and astonish r,11e1n ae we strangers are astatlishecl. went to the theatre the otbe. night in L ailegatwa-a big I istittl- fieri with no seats, but with rails to lean on. 'We all squat. The na- tives leave their penny 'alis ttyo- penliy straw shoes at the door, near the ticket -box,. and take tickets for them, as we take tickets for Our hats � 01 cleat`!,.}. It n a15 a very. funny sight to see four of five hundred sloes ticketed, with woot'en straps attached to thew, the straps written over in -Ja. a I.,., . r Jz panese characters. 1Z o .La werican can stanch • a •Jftpal.11ese tt.eat(.•e offer fifteen minutes. It is net like the Chinese—all baile hang, bang, bang, :mash, crash, til rash,- lntt it is, if possible, stnpidei (to us, at least,). I sallied out to Hear a ;rap tali!!) orator, ` leetttrin", as 1. 4tll•)t)')se,' Plaito and Aristotle did, ill flout of the Itheatrc.' i [e blew,. reared a]ld snorted .:is do some cis: our stump .Ot•at:ors. I was -Lola he Was reciting Japanese storv- 1 I):-Ztory to what seeilaed tt) be a .very 1y the cas iuestimab respect: 1 'THEHUN ExrosIToR: the y '' e va] uej in j it will ` be of more than one ; • Ira The Lonisviiille the farm f i\1r. million County, I contains 10,000 a thou;:!! eleW11 re -1)rol)lieten has rack the aggregate, lm more. ) 11° uch f tered by ' r. S lit a very snail !all 'un thing I. �' tha now \tort a!)o it is rapidly incr a:si country b ca1T1 s ll soil itself � s ell ine rich, lows , and fe' with an o cal,sia iatl: oak trees. The ex( may be c ceived that oue 1, ay riche house,• in l loge tha> Vinay ehoo , six min his territo!•y. Mr. Su tlivant is; er, and o le of th •the art an 1 science! the first, greatest, and scient fic far me age. The; order in his farm, nd the s of it so fa:, slaeak ,s ability. f there merit in t ae acqui ruense es(late, or ledto it his lis nlanan1 to mark lum asp mole nary main. His hci p lit known, and has; L many, am ng whu. tiojed the: Prince dulin his visit to Dressed a lesire to of prairie thickens,: n lv entert. • ed at III !)lace. Ti e estate funis of fi'e t• ..olio which are nor n b Between he 1d. 'eighty fee in. wlcd each 'side by,' fit farm is th i. s encilose a reliable- enant,). Bence ant a requ si houses for lits labore'is - There a re •fo tr or inen enga s eel o ie T Near the 1,eside ce :f r se Farre• ot,r at - de 11 vent, i t1S. Th in one jn t11 e S to niunberi et as man is lane! ant years r acre, The 1 an ac e, and i h value as the p 1latecl, or the tl profit ctive ; -prairi:� land st, Alai sly' of it of thi tract n it is stated ilectly fr. in his one direc ion be s before 1 aving { sbYrtorougl farm- ld pion ers in and he s now most pr ctical, rhaps, of the ich- he keeps ssful c ncluct iently f his no pr. ctical n of Lis ini- oresigl t that nt is e ough than a ordi- ality is wide- enjoe ed by lay be men - Wales who, cotlnti.y, ex- ge in hunt 1 was elgent- r. Sullivant's iso j divide nd. acres v. heir slur ts.a bowl bound I Kedge. f, tad tru o !las hi e num es CHEAP ThA cnihes Ver - s er -s farm tract, to the In LEE acres as' en go, at some- lnci is .'1 1� r is quite a ; ilia` ;, i o ha - men in his" employ if th We smith's sh/ p wi1}h f liense b11i ding •tection of the ( ag meats, b gill;, iqu. Eeery ilia sroveule' 1• 'newts has t been ,s • rent fart:w r, who, ,„it is careful: t his stork, -b3tnclreds f plows 1.r and Viii nis.led, .;whin. away for a 'season. T al hundre I noises tl nu(nbei• is my so 81 that Mr. 111 l' aln r i m not a raiser. 111 ucll oft eland lie• awaiting t le" due tits e or its se The m. in. eller .. f .this fuming isidevo-ed n he -raisi ten thousaaricl aactles . c in. T I thousand-�lollal(s • Ate' la a`, .j (1St i en eepeivad to the ere . t ioni f b ri ors. ilitl ertn the n poiet was , Wesel; o f - ditstalit, la t as road is completed-inow wliii•h cilities. this will. nit ell value of t )e; estat tor ext ec�, -to•i•a ise tliie year.1 Fat ty acre is .a small esti I a t E.SDI N-P0ti']L de buttery crowd of admirers, two o1 t1. i'ec' th1C)iIson l ill num" het•. Scandal _whispers that the Gaverilmen t em- ploys ns- :) .. p i,o1. s these oraton to uphold the . ltl.atdo Governnleut •agatinst the rats.0 ! .. S� c cliSCUntellta.: Perhaps so ; we do the same. --James Brooks, eta -1 ux•1 Winter Feed.' Corn fodder, turnips, rape and 111 tl e into - each, Vers. vard, d. on Each ted to resi- er of five b1 ndred entire place. Mr. Sulivant bited 1 y the re is a .lack-. fires, a ini- d to th pr0- 1tual tnple- C011spi '1101tS. 11 Such- apple- zefenb he Cala and ha fully c they a1 sere are ere, bu all from tl this time, s his eanecl e 'salt ever - this e fact tock .idle, 1 vice. year's n of verity th of l k ni ber to lie ai�)Iilied s and levat :rest i•t ilway urteen miles tl)Olit 0 be will gi -c fa iiicreas the The pr prie- 0 );000 b ishels' less t. the AT LE.E & SWITZER'S. & SWITZER 17O.R CIIE �G F 10 .AP SL Cxt11?. OOD COTTONS AT LEE & SWITZER'S. LEE & - SW IT !lain ER, FOR DRESS GOODS. Street, Seaforth. ICKS()NS F;iViPOItIl1I NEW GOOIIS. FALL IMPORTATIOKS. WING to the general advance in DRY GOODS, we have 11 n { ' bought er4• • � and l d e�'� r � both' O � lrit cl in England ./ e1 J .!?g �d anel Mon- treal, and would invite an inspection of the stock, as it is alto- ge`her too extensive to advertise, but the goods will be marled at 1the old prices. CALL EARY. E. IIIKSON 1 MAIC STREET, SERF UI;TH. • OUR 'CLOTHING DEPARTMENT is- oi again in O11 " working a order, under'new management, with a splendid Stock of Cloths to choose from. 1{its guar nteecl. CREAT CLEARING SALE GIVING UP BUSINESS. Tho undersigned intend giving up liminess this 1'a -ll, and they will CLEAR OUT THE WHOLE' OF THEIR (STOCK —AT— COST PRICE, FOR. CASH. 1 ON THE FIRST OF AUGUST, THE SALE WILL STA 1T °Would ta1:1 tai: for the liberal (•trillltie.it'lll,., Eni is1 effort on iti, continuance of opened up a nic 0pportuuit - c f returning thnnks. tiatrinage extc'l(led 'ito liiii since ted 1 •;,,; leave to ay that (art ,111!1 b larding to sure e, a 11c• sant •: Et!!as novo• recces 'eel small l: sl stttidt•y other substitutes for hay Galli) i1isi11 hay,atll been eiltiuleraltczcl i(3 avail r _elks Sth(1•ter s' ,role to help out the short eros) of ' ' a lieu present seaseet. These are x411 ,5Dices, I.t, ( .at1511$, CLLI'raIlits, v •ry well* so fan' as they . go, and G deuotle�se such fainters as had the S1'1, tic,iil v:ilcl ill ft reeigltt to 'dant in tune will have g!..'4 id reason to rejoice. in. their pr(r- ci: -teC . There must needs -ltOlt ever ,'' is a grets t I l,t111 Who for one re:18011 01 1".1tntltet• failedto plant With 1Iiese, I et ,)p. while there \% ts. ye. i titee. It t t e•:,..ili i .till possible to 4ItOrtt•u t11(' sielSuii ci.;rine which the live Steck is de-. pt.tltet•'.tt. ell dry Iu&hki, by plttnteing J 10111', - .1 :W. - htlltlefilll'revdr grant was I: r: heal tltiring - the past season, may lea plowed, 111;u1I(rd•tl, lost! 50\}•11- VC1V t..lt'ki 1' with rye, ueie g say four 1i•..1ivis to theacre, This «'II1come tiet t.'lt• ill theie..i11g anti will at- : very excellent green food for t.. _<.cl, 1 t will have atccullll)lisil- c" , it4 tttiseiee be the time' ter p1nnt- i v t fi'l'ter+, t,'t)1'li, I)utattud's, or allele :,,t • ane. •t,•lier turege crop, So' blast tile ' - = may b ll,t•t (Y•,tq +' l at,�11L 'ha lb I)('aLt,'- ti:t` gatilld'tl ninny itt %'t1eates (t "t•all:s 111 England. Certainly 31 .:u ;ro11 i5 atl,olutJ - crowded 011t be the rye, tiie probatlllllties 1t11.' at eS'dll, 'Whe'n the IL1y crop) has- - 17t,t'u a full one tht• rye crop will not (•e:tie :111145 in the Spring,' and When the eros) is ehhort, as is very general - tell 'Chit +tJ11 1Y • lI i arri-.4 glad ti t s. r • add 1 ' C't✓(i; 1'01-1s1 tii t -it L;.,..c) cs. tical,. Col "meal, d c. .�, 11 e 1 ,1,.;11 :a il.;t llifa'teff { !'{Of,1t;ritlt'_ i ••i••, 1 i•� ( lit.;! ells( • ,;(iled. Porter R�1SS Which he is auxii )1).S, TES, Bi ()r any reasonable 1,ric And will continue until the whole of the Stock is sold out. er6i•ly a)and;secure :'_Bargains The highest price* 'MEd'MEdfor' i$i:t¢er, cmc. . All parties owing accounts will please call and Settle them, and save' themselves further trouble. J.'B ONTl-1RON e SON. Seafortli1 August 1, 1871. - 169 UI P RTICA1NOTICE. 1, I J Hes ►S}IAWTM, NO. 999. O(,n 1t•.' d'. ,t'llat.1 x • F lS . II AT s}lit 'vial. Hot l; Utz iji (11 tlad- _ 1?alike t err:6.et•a filial.) , F bow n a till' (`()!iN 1' N(-;' AN(;l'., au 1,t1(itli'r a gundi )ll ),less ')illi all t ll' c,.,'r•pl•, any i flan. it:Il :,ti,)lt' call,ital it 0020r$ ex lieu in- duee)urllts, In in+g tin c+1 hi r f its .j let Cling strt-ets tinct el ase t'u they •:,,`:t V\ sI A iso, two eftllforta,lld;: tf' )171 4.(;F on Elgin Street. itideIieh,: rc4 ted a f ' )0 a year, and sev ral T otit li: Lr ts, Teens— , 11e:)cleraitc. A )ply tri, i ':l' 3ef :1r.1T(.i)_M, 1 `•'n the •?ia: ket. I - Seaga 3 n. lo, 1 71, 164 tf t'ib AFOI iTH. Ii.e ; Lem LL il, :' • aLcjtof CAN I1l;I A r ..C.'LES, :tsn— 0�� us to Sell Of:, at C, at, LOW COST, that t.n•t••nl :• lin •1 (APT Therefore, Ladies, yitul will l,', u e can i at the Manchester House MAIN STREET, Slum, 11_d t .:1 your pie), 'cif the Goods bcfure the;» fur: l:l sold. - setlfurth, ,)11i ? i. 1 1. 1911 l ci� 0. H,CULL. • A(iI Nf Cott - r1, . G It _}/, f .l ,� .ti Ail "Lx( r1..3L, 1 •'IIIsL;ti', ! Telegraph alul :,Xpress Companies, • U'ANAI:)A• LITE SSURAINC'E UO•, issuer of _ll; rriagc Lidt:nees. i Ainelicaii uIc)n Yy bought and sold.; 1' Particular attentic paid to JOB P :INTI -1G. OFF I t' E •-- Elliott C Anil,Sti 8 ore, Seaforth. ong's Book - •i \ all alts and manufactures, flu- proroiuent is now the order of the clay, gars Voges. trate more fully ltc- knowle((gud and followed this precept ththanidessr:,. Lazarus, Morris' & .Co,, Mnnufat:turcrs of t1i celebrated PERFECTED LENSES. All that science can do to alleviate the disticss caused by •wt,1tk or failing vision has been c.1u't+fu1]'• studied by them and adapted in the nlann'fac- tur of their celebrated LeUses—so well have they succeeded that' all con- • fess, aftertryi a.; these celebrated (+lit51:eR that 111t'tinl• ,.ieli(1 from baldness of sight in at °nets remnvetl. 186 Agent,' .eafortli. D. McNAUG.�-IT tothe iiihai.y{OtTLT)rcspcctfu11yjntjrnte U tart of s Seaforth forth glad vicin- ity, that t(t he now .carries on business at i 4 Killoran Ills NEW � �ti SJ�tUI , in rear of l�lloran &Ryan's._ I Jobbing of all -kinds, and 1'Iorse-shoeinl especially, promptly attended tt). gee Terms reasonable.': 164-t DAVID .MCNA GHT. LUMBER ! LUMB R 1 LATH and SHINGLES. 1 i -rt, TlJmnlersigned have cin hand at I their Mill, one half Mil e ;worth of 'Xinleyville, a lane Stock of 1)r- !line Lumber, ziart (about .i.t)tl() f(!y:1.) of which is Dresser! 1-1 and 14 Flooring. They • • have also on hand 75; O0O • 't. of' Str ; :Lath -which is warranted iirstFclaes, and no slal)s. Their Shingle \i aclhine will start ahout the 1 Stir instant, after which rate a plen- tiful supply of SHINGLES will be kept on hand. Prompt attention given to orders from a 'distance. • M. & T.! KNITTIL I).in::;le, -April 1.2, 1:b71. 176-tf. PAINTING. 1 JAMES W'ILL5AMS Begs to intimate to the II)llblie that he has removed from \1cll$ttosll, & .Mor- rison's Carriage Factory, ap it has rented Nr. William Grassic's Paint Shop, Where he may be found at • :•lilt- time, lfrr. INimamsis prepare(. to execute, of the shortest notice, all kinds o tlai.ri•iage ?ainting, Sign ;Painting i and Ornamental \ rt- k. 1%,4 , r a_ Give him a call. Remember+ !the place, - .f../0C n : ‘.1� opposite Murray's Stables. 170-13t .W949Veuul4 unless signec1 1, J3 ,' • CAVANAGII'S NEW BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY ST0 1-,_ Keeps 011 haled ALL RINDS U1 B R, Biscuits, Crackers, CARES, A.ND CONFECTIONERY. WEDDING CAKES !fade to order. , J. CAV A1AGH, 174 Main street, Seaforth, \\T jI. N. WATSON ALWAYS AS 0N - HAND THE BEST SEWING MACHINES • IN THE MARKET, Either for Family use, or for Manufac- turiiig purposes Both single -threaded and double threaded, and . bell -stitch Machines can be supplied. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and instructions given to purchasers gratis. W.M. N. WATSON Can also insure property against Fire and. Marine Disaster, and . Life and Limb against death and accident, with the best Companies, being Agent for The Liverpool and London and. Globe, (English.) The Provincial of Canada, (Canada.) The Gore District Mutual, (Village and Farm.) The Niagara. District. Mutual, (Village and I° arnl. i The Travelers of Hartford, (Life and Accident.) /ilf ll_ ted and.' Promptly Settled. MONEY- TO LEND At moderate rates of interest. No colli - mission, and expenses moderate. .iICIIT€ AGES bought oil equitable terms. - 1(;0 Warranted by the INIakers. TgE RUSSEL W rA T O H For Quality, Q Durability, - 3ti �, Finish and Neatness, CANNOT BE EQUALED. A new stock of the above Watches just • • received_ A ('O-11PLET]•; STOCK O1'' FINE GOLD AND SILVER i '. T] j E % R/ ALWAYS o> HAND. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of every description repaired with neatness and despatch, and warranted to give • satis- faction. 85,000 words of old Gold and Silver wanted, for l4':lich the i )r highest - b price cash or trade vil) be paid. i L P. COUNTER, 179 - Main street, Seaforth. MEN .EXTRACTED PAIN. CARTXV R 1(4H T, L. 1). S., Burgeon ,Dentist, extracts teeth without pain by the use of. the Nitrous Oxide Gas: (Mice—Over the 1 eacoll store, Strat ford. Attendance in Seaforth, at Kilox's Hotel, the first Tuesday and Wednesday of each month; in ('.linton, at the t'oln- mercial13otel, on the following Thurs- days and. Fridays. Parties requiring new teeth are re- quested to call, if at Seaforth and Clin- ton, on the first day of attei:dance. ()ver 54,000 )a tient. have, had teeth extracted by the use of the; Gas, at -Dr. Colton's offices, Nov York NOTICE. .1_4weeks will find employment on the i'. 7 `�T r ._ if• TAIL R Late gt'orcn1a1. Tait➢b re nick on a. Co.,. Begs to announce to the inhabit ants r)1' `E-IFO]?TJJ,. . —VD J'1 that he has taken rooms of tr MR' T1i(i) rAS 1 1I)D'S . TOPE, 11 \a 1lbt•?i he 1.u1•,)u3 t s 11.-;i; on the ' nasi 11;a ?:tea C NT LEM S S AND Will.. REN':. OTEI T also, that he has received f1{ilii Engin u1, au elltirt NEW sYsTEM of ; CIJTTi NG, easel! ar,aa':;, n(i111ir1alilc, prvd:aring sit• intifbllr- f:t- tbg garments, combining ease and comfort. 1ne excellent Patterns for Children} Snits. )atterlis bt11tplied o1 gal'ine11ts cut ou charges. Seaforth. July 2:,,15:71. • 11 (d Yontlex It 1not1erafc 1.91-ff, EGMONDVIL EW GROG 1\i. Til S•O (Late of Seaforth, ) �icgs toinformthe public tht t lie has- ( Belled a Grocery ,Store, in . THE I,RICK PREML'ES, ately occupied 1)y _Mr. John ogan, :NEAR THE BRIDGE, B Al0j\T•v iTTLLE, There he -will :�ccp on !sand A COMPLETE STOCK P L1E. RY. 1. , Fresh Grocer .'.r' ties •i: ti011 at )1'; 3 )f ev � i� , 1 '1C'tS s reason- able as those of any other house - in the trade. he I ioIest I.a ° .e e Price-• PAID 1=01;t BUTTER, EGGS, &c., sc. FLOUT AND F QED! Kept constantly on !land. A call is respectfully sericite( . AVM.. T H M'>OI\, 179-tf Egnlc i11�3i1:1e. M. ROBERTS i abinet Maker 'Undertaker Y• 11 and AVING lniielrsed Mr. THOMAS 1:; i L'S MAINE, 1 :un prt _str•e(1 to late :111 Ells:_ 1.tir t:t1 the shortest notice, either 111 town (, •count! -'- C F F NS, LL .SIZES, kept ci»staeily on hand, Warerooms i wo doors south of- Knox s Hotel, a 14l ni.pc,4itt 1 eI'n tltili and M i json'ar Carriage 1`t i t3ory, iaail. 11 rent, Seitforth, M. • RHOBER sO , - • 1-7-tf THE rSEAI{ OR,T.II Lu mer Y •NI. 1ABEE FOACD ` ;ALf I,eg to inform the public that hey have o )(mef. a 1,1. M ,Elt =AJZ.I) in 4cafortll. 1 ear Shear. son's Mill, on the gi mind for- merly nscd as a Lumber Yar 1, by -lir. Thomas Lee. '1'll c y will ltee1) constant! -r o 1 roa�) d a. ~acid l 0)tlllellt of ALL KI '1),� ()1' -1 1'MBEI., dressed and a ;dressed. hey , LATH _AND D Sl.INC=L3.S, 10f whichthey are prepared to SC II at t lt; lowest possible prices, for Builders and. ousels will finch i to their a !vantage to inspect our stoel , and as- c .rtain our prices before pilrchd. :I1; el zc 13 here, as we are in- a position to ()ilei g )0(1 inducements to Gash pure1i..sers. MABEE & MAUD(.t, ALI). Seaforth, Dec. 2(), 1870. 160-tf EGG EIPORIL M. id stana,- 0 The stibsc_ri )er is still in. his o ai d prepared to [)ay The Hi oil est Cads Pri. F )r. any quantity of GOOD FRESH EGA 1') >1i vered at 11(.: Main street, Seaforth. To.all parties (merchants and other,; (;(,P.'ER:',,;-.ME,'NT DRAINS, e. past four years, he return. hearty ;mks, and trusts 1;3.- strict attr ntlon tc• 1;1 sincss-to merit their pzarona.:,,e in tie, Enquire of Vrie foi'eman on this Work . or apply to thci agent at the ofiiee, Jas, T. Blain. e. BLAIN, contractor, 114_,GGS EG • SulNeriber bi-gs to ;nth ie is still preparedtto pun; at hisi tore, at the Mar t, ily=TIEi4T PRICE, IN ( r all fresh Eggs that may ( whom. he has dont ill till pail:, three years, he. returns 8 10,,:•,1: siness relations. eaforth, March 3, 1871. GS-tf SEPT. 22,11871. The Late James Re Tbe Loudon cora-eel-eel a. man of mark on men i7-otn()Iiintauf:,%' n:1'"ljel.a"!11;etti iD ',known to As -elk thirty nail, aiirt,„y, rail) :Hui swim a !;3-eiete eil„. which Rent:wen had take, He taillTzlit ; own 31;1111P when m-riuen -was, bow -ever, :dile even). write decently 11i1liee! -streegth and skill were so the most famous oarsman V-- brated- -Champion of the Ty; /Cowen saw that the eav. eapable of civilization, joined eeverel building end inetead of wasting bis v gains -on the river. be ace( liouse property, Jae ;3, 21e1:‘°I.n ch4mcter he was . like Chambeis, with whom. count of prowess with the will always be ranked. I -was buoyant, dannonstracive, a-vhistled; as well as he fotri: boundless physical capacity. other hand, Chambers, w victorious in more than. 3-0i -and beat everybedy at ale etbread, was -as reticent a. himself could desire. spoke, took ne notice o• :stepped into Ma boat when 'lad to row, and- lboked rtei right nor left but rowed ,on, like a machine, until told that he bad '-aton ; wl ;quietly dressed, nS though I .dooe only an ordinary, t ;have seen him pasls umnovet Iipplanse 50:000_ „).43.bHan and other welit,0 throats eould .N're4.'' Thou forth, when dying, said been, -as he thought, poisom said he AV 011Ill tell his emairaat bad been done to bitn, whiea, not live to do, the l!broh /*Ple lived to his words, nor was tk 41, 314-`,w anti somewhat uliar building. The wain 'builllin -;.Ontain the audience room, to 1)0 eoniewhilt in the lone theatre, the seats lilared in lines, end rising gradually front. It will contain Clow-mm:1 sittings. the ste will be -',..teinesked for ber. A wing of the main buildine remits, to areoinmodate theit" end fa ee bath rooms. t This strn ign Pt in four years, Lind -the eat 'any further e arei:so:a •onotint to be known eely. 113:41i-z1vr 311{1 t'01.41 l/V 110 EDP ollfliftnI, but thev are eigns fleet the (lam -eh eteeht to ale at the eltureli builaling elate Lati111;41111.::;;sgri.:111.., erovieee of the (7:11 Let the thioonela religioies re eel • 1414W4' =hal IA. lingS are