HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-09-22, Page 1••••••••-• SEtT. 14, 1871; isenireasessasehemereersassameen- _ the way that Thomson & to impoee, 'au the Society dee- competireetat the late Watch in their own name man efae- n r perty. It was atitso 'lseet the Seen tary iustruet- - este. Thomsaa eaeina Cetera to refund the $4 by them as a prize at rorl:LAND, .Sec. IL F. A. el- -F-Ta.37% -- , . esre. ( nInvt t Fliday,) tor erti-a.ittine a By-law to, avers, gran r itig; a beaus. Ito - in the seine kheI., nahat, ltursat and, ac ars. Tire Dine:I-ors of elk, ;et aeked 17,500 front this else e'Sameil refueiee --law fer tIde etter they itt s15,..t.00. This, amount t.;artit'ttIVit hut elialit :of the children at - •.1., • echool, ie. section , aked edneeday, the Pea -tits of children &re-( itivited tu atteud- 1? -ton. A epan of hereeee earnees, lielobeitig to Mr, '• ;of the town hue between. Hifihert. were, Olt Stun -lat- e -Ey on Ali nday trimming, - ; eienee. Mr. -Moore ii- a threehing ((u. Monday, erlier than usual -between 1!-;;;„ make art augments' eririg his lose, he prompt - his neiehbore. arid a seterch j; metituted. It seemed from that the thief (a -thieves - la the place ia a letnegah. ied in Mr. .-I•telville's b-ushe, .Meore's farm, and on It point with the stolen waestein and buggy were r till they arrived:- at the i•allartma a heel the baggy ;dial that Eue, and the wage n along the old -.Mitchell Kirktora It tamed_ off, rhe baee line a Illaushard, urzLt r, and proceeded to - :0 where the scent was, ;a $t, Marv' e constable des,- irenit. with what success we :tesirried, but "feel sanguine thif.:XeS -wilt be- over- t botity recovered. •Ceeve was in type we re- t from aaother eurreepon- :tee that a certain 'h- ated on suepicion_ 1-eieay the varimis "..qunieipalitiese ae follows: .1, rie•ely. seet. a eve it.• ahr le. aisetoo, • eeeetete aseie ea, 1 in this towle.hip. •-•,:turday. S. pt. 111, ; Sept. 1:1. ,t. la:. Sept. 1./.;„ -;..o-ta.fay, Sept. 10. t ThurNele:, St'. Y TIME TABLE., :E. -tiler, Seaforth station as 14; of xt 1;41.*“.!,)1,:,xiT 1t1.5.0 NI; xING WES.1% 7137? S.50 3r. Mix, a_ L35 r. ete R1NTERS. (111;:t.P.,-, the 4zix).141o41, noe Prtt.e.e, 1 :tete €!1. tql • j`k • •• it Ntl. .ti tk. y et`r4-1-41 ••.t t AppY.y t KAN 11.11,0- THERS, St: trot: ri(, Os 7. , )N, Tort,nto... .el fetr ths te F RI I , I,IF.1.14 IN nth YDUN,. oNT., 2.!-.4 and 9. retry Paper-; may brhil at tit,. q..111 ..trt..-t, 1 to 144 11.841e• 4 n 4lt. .111.1-N l' FIft NI)0:); s E1) IN rRIZES:, . (Theln tf 1. TOM l'ee t rciirP:tt = ==1 tee th, ttt. .it. :e1 te1.11.c. . • - ;•-•; 10 1.14.:' 11 - • :I it : k2. MeLEA.N BROTHERS, .PUIATSHERS., "Freedom in Trade --Liberty J in &lb:gime—ET) ality in Civil Rights." I -OA YEAR, IN ADVANCE. VOL. 4, NO. 42. Tturott Qt.-.xpoitor 114 PUBLIAHED- EVlatY FRIDAY 1I01.1.1•1ING,' . • IN SEAFORTH. - Ty, tiAts.-:,i1,59 per year in, advance, Or $21.tit the end of the year. z . .A.41:vertIming. Bates. • • • First insertion, per line, 8 cents; subsequent in, 0,,etions, 2 cents each time, per rule. costio,o, RATEs.. $.20(01 00 3500 35 00 '20.00. , 21(23 0000 12 00 " 3 months one year half " 3 months . O ne-fourth one year " half 3 inopths _. • .. • • • • 0 UU Onc-cioltth one year - 12 00 " " half " , . ...... • 8 00 " " 3 months .. ......... .. 5 00 One -twelfth one year 800 " " half . ...... ... . . 5 00 " `` 3 months ............. -3 (10 Advertisements without speeitic directions will 'be insertdd till forbid, and charged accordingly. McLEAN BROTHERS, Mratno YMeLHAN, Publishers. ALLAN McLEAN. j Half " 14 41 4C - if _ • ^ BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 1,11.E11641CAL.4. TIAVID MITCHELL, M. D., Graduate of' Victo- -2--' ria, College, Physician, Surgeon, etc.. etc., Xv.:111'11N`. ONT.—COrOiler of the CormtVof Huron. O ffice and residence, at Thompson & Stanleys. w. R. SMITH, Physicistp, Surgeon, etc. office -opposite Scott Robertson's Grocery, Main street, Sethfortt. 58 _TAMES: STEWART,' M. (L (-1nultutte 0- MeGill„ University, 3Iontreal., Physician, ''Snrf -goon, etc,. Office and Residence-Mime:field. _ VERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physician, Stir- -A --a-• goon, etc. Office Ina Residence, ennier of Market and High streets, in rear of Kidit's store. • - WI. CAMPBELL, Coroner for the County. Office end Residence, over Corby's corner store., Main 'street, Seaforth. Ofliee hours, from 11 4.0 4, each day, and. ti.11 (18 Saturday. 159 1LIF1GA..11,. _ • TIANIEL McDONALD, Barrister, Attorney-at- - LaW, Solicitor iu Chancery, Notary Publie, Conveyancer, ete.. ExETF.11,, - 1.....tte` Money to Duni at Low Rates. 183 McCAUGHEY& HOT,MESTED, Barristers, At- torlivYs at Law,' Solkitdrs iu Chancery and Insolvency Notaties Public inta Conveynneers. Solicitors for the R. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agents for the Canada Life Assnranve 00111118.1-1:1", N. 11--130,000 to lend at 8 per cent. Farms, Houses and Lots for salt:. _ .,, 53 TtENSON & MEYER. 3 torristers and • Attorneys -k-1- at Law, Solicitors in Chsueery and Insolvency; Conveyancers, Notaries etc. Offires-Sea- forth mad Wroxeter. Agents for the Mist ;(ml Loan Co; of river . Canada., and the Colonial Securities Co. of London, England:. Money at 8 per cent. ; no ocommission charged. . ass. IL, B.KN'SON. if. W. C. :11,1•11:En. ✓ .Nox's Twat, .( Late Sharp's.) -The under- - signed begs to thank the public for the liberal patronage awarded to him in times past. in the ho el business, and also to i ttf, Ina them tint t bas again restoned business 04 the above stand, where he will /ze happy to have a call from old friends, auld2(linn"Y 4'11". THOMAS KNOX, 1)1 -ITT NH /::.XCHANGE 1114TET,, (Inderich, Ont., ') cAl:---r-A:w-tv. ProPrietor.; WILLIAAis, (1;1 ti' American Hot('l, Wlirsaw. N. YI,) 3f1tiager.. This hote4 bas retently been newly furnished., and re- d -teed tbrongliont, and is 00/3- one 01 OW 1•110:1t,C0111- forbade I4.4.111 C0111111orrIo10; 131 the PrOVillei.. 00011 SI11111)1e 1.1(4o004 tOr Commercial Travellers. Terms libentl. 1411 TS I AV EL LA EOVS. (1001)ING'S Banking and Exchange Office, in `---1 W. S. 11()11-14IarsoN s Store, Seafortb. Green- backs, .thwrican Silver; and hafts bought and sold. Eanuer's Notes. diseounted and purehosed. JOHN 'WADDELL, 191 Agent. TSHARPS LIVERY & SALE STABLES. * Oftice--At Alurri6-'14 Hotel, Seaforth. Good Horws and first-class Conveyances always on hand. . T E HEILAN' AID. Again tl e lavarock sons the sky, • • Ana N at:blest dimly e en; Ami su weer views wi" main' joy Her g wally robes Sei green ; • -- But ah ! the..siinmer's 1 lithe eeturn. ery nride arra ed, - • Nae rnair can cheer this lheart forlorn . Nor c larm the Heilti'-inaid, My tru Wi' love fell by q arlie's side,. any a clansma dear, A gallaa t youth, Ida ! A 'ae betide The re hel Southern s )here. His bon - et blue has fal en noo Andl loady is his ph id, Where : ft tipon the m untain brow He's apt his Hellen' maid. My father's Sheilin on he hill Now theerless is and sad, The bre ze around me s hispers still I've 1 st my Hellen' .ad. Upon Cplloden's fatal ..leath . He spoke Of me, theve said, And fallerini wi' his (ly ng breath, Mier my Heilan' m tid. The lon sorae night for fest I seek The 1 ngsome day I ileum, , The sin' e arpund my N *there4 cheeks Can never Imair retu n. But ah q benelth this e d rn lie ' In yoirder lonely gl e Where happly„ilka pas er by 'Wii nount the Hei1azr maid. T. K. .(3anartlet The 11. form Conven Bruce me at Paisley on unanimou ly nominate( Ross, Ba rester, of To candidate for the Hotai the next decti —One theAvicini number o ripe, and and one o died. lay last we y of BeeeliV• plOns whic vere taken ill them; named • •--e The recent drougl manlier "o fruit and 1.• tin o u ghat 't the county ; -especially in the Towns] QII.Itr'S LIVERY sTADT,E, MAIN STREET, seaforth. Horses and Carriages lilway:-t laud reasollal do terms. R. L. SHARP, Proprietor, . - TOHN BRIGHAM, Exchange Broker, and Rail- 't•-' way Ticket Agent, Houghton's Hotel, opposite G. T. Railway Station. Scaforth, Ont. Through Tickets beiued to 1111 points in the Western States, Calif °ruin. and Red River, at rednee.1 rates, affording the greatest facilities to Emigrants. All necessary information gi‘ en respecting Laud Agencies, etc. 4.lreenbarks, Bonds, Coupons and uneurrent Movey, Gold and Silver Coin, hieught and Mild, Mt beStrate:i. TIENTISTR.Y.-1.. G. 131 -LL, (Licentiate of Den- - tal St11.,,e1.1. be,C to announce to the inhabi- t anis of Seaforthaini surrounding country: attain! has openvd otlice forthe practice of Deptal Surgery- ill the romus fornierly occulded by George Harris, hnt ist,_ where he Will he prelinitql tO 110 411) _kinds of work expected of the profession in a satK;- ..:tett,ry 111111 011 rezi.1.10,111ble terms. 188 t 11. ('U(fl 'ED, Conveyaiii:e'r, Ontunissimter izi •• yneen's Bench: lieunance and General Agent. Agent for the following Fire. Life and Accitle; In- suraure Companies : Tlw Beaver and Toronto Mu- tnal and the Western Fire Insurance Companies., thi- Reliance Lift. Assuranee, and the Hartford. • lusuranee Company. MoNEY TO LOAN tm real estate scout:ay_ All-rehrs ley mail or (Abe promptly attend- ed t( (Mee, opposite Ross' Tailor 3/10p, - 1804 •..AIN LE YVILLE. • 'rETE.I1INARY S1-11GEON.-- EDE!). Ci/OK, A(1114.14, WoUld. respect -fully inform the public that In 1.-;:ts taken tip his reside ace. in the village. a :Bvii.,,,„-xlevre ecill be. happy to att.:int to all a!„1, 4:0a411 him Ills profv•;+101.0 rAparity. "mr. 1.`(=c1:; at tended, to sex ertil ret-ws of both 1101-4,0; 34.1,1 ,.„t h. %,,hiol wt.rt. t;ive‘o rep Ice (Ala pract it i..teeers .attel t-tIe Keel Ja-rfetct reel 1,1411 van be pro,- cee .by t1;..tilvel by weer 20r, 1.f1 nth men. For te ‘4111...teitth., po,1 Mt. /1)1c. ), ettfond at Ail ivy villee in the= fore- 1toor 8:111 at ti.e T,ox n the.. 1 tot :Islip of (In • o. aft, ;noon of the 1-4. and third T1-1:.3., lik.Zlir 186 T 'NARY S1-11tilt:OX, ,. • .1. oebttr te)...• Ontario Vvecrientry Leenege.1 haittente, t inloCoitants of (Stafto-th -; trroatilling con.9te; that he has opiniva 1111 011., -.1: WIr-ort. Ile may be rtete,olted 4111' Bore,. Cat- e 11% • . 1 -hexing recell. el a 11 -goiter and 1w:et-tie:el . ;ie.. • anti leaeitn; betqe ;.,fttl (1 OW .Diploithi of u • Ve zt-t i4)01 ('1 eer Ontario, '1'..I.Chtn•chill ;.‘ ry vet:nide-ewe of all ...! bin). —A et Clturch e4 at whiah ed his resi informed, . accept. the The ' Stratford, , levied ei rereaational as held at Em he Rev, Mr. - elation. The were unaniin ish, :who, iti call. 'ate of taxati is 25 per cen er in St. Mar 1 - -.---Thre, Penitentiar I G oderi els gaol last week. I been comipitted to gaol j and beingplaced in. the f i at mice re ergnized each (-having se •ved a term i , Penitentiary at the sam ion for No4h h i'riday last, a id - Mr. Thom onto, . as thir :of CoMmoas at several boys in le_ ate a large were not quite c0nseque14e. tyan, has sihce t has killed a rnamental trees of Oxford, and for Pat ip of Blenheim. - terson I rothers, had on exh bition a condrine( rea rer and mower, a siu le SEAFO TH, FRIDAY, SEPTE4BER 22, 1871. THE NO The Fall 81 the North Ili( Society, was day and: Wed 1 every respect, decidedly in have been hel TH RIDING SHOW. ow, under the au ing of Hurter Agri eld at Clinton, o esday last. The was most succes advanee of thos lin former years u Grind organ, and two small orgaee. Thi,ire was also at this, end of the 1s11 icos of several sewing machines, and a case of .1 magnificently finished horse shoes. We cultural! do not know by whom these latter were Tues - 'how, in ful, and which idee the Sallie auspices. This marked •mprove- ment mast e exceedingly gr tifying, e Directors of the Society, rery person who akes an progress and adva eminent Tuesday, the fi st day, e done,. except to dge the•articles • nt. Wednesday not only - but also interest i agricu there wa entries 4.411 (4100T del) day of t ion to th mpleme ettendan is alway Occasion the grow f Miro fkial cempetibive exhibitions. tering. - 1 bat o e i the ture litt d ji rtm e -8h w. . On this day, indeordepartment, the Stock, its, &c., are exhibit d. The e, therefore . on the se ond day mucili the larger, and on this yes such as to clearly indicate, ng interest which the farmer; take in these useful a d bene-. pen ens receive the in- wa e the in addi- TUE GROUNDS, the first thing which attra attention of the - visitor display of Agricultural Im This dep. rtment was not as w largely represented as we shoul have seer it. However, the im very fine app arance, and attra which w 're ;n exhibition pi. !siderable attention. There wooden longs, three iron ploi ghs, and four wit iron beams. Mr. Gra ram Wil- liamson, of Seafofth, was la prominent he lad rori, and nerlook- ts. Messrs., Thomson & Williams, of Mitchell, shove T one of 'their - celebrated iron plough. This firne had also a combined rea Ang and .mowing machine, a single eaper, r, straw- s Patent es. , Mr. ted. the as • the lements. 11 ner as like to lernents sented ted con - ere four exhibitor in this .departminit ; ion the &mid. a wooden, an !an. iron -beam, ;Mg imp 'erne plough,. Very 'mower, f cutter, Shingle. McCutch nning•mill; grain-cutt ml one 'of Docherty nd Heading sMachi .cre of Clinton a,gent meting of Knox ro on Tdesday, eKenzie teuder- people, We are usly in favor of presumed., will n this year in . less than Oat 2e or Mitchell. birds met in Theyhad each or some ofienile, one ward, they other,. they all the Provineind . time. • • ; — It is•stated that th new branch of ( the Great Western Rail vay from lb r- , t rieburg to Brantford well be in mired ig order by the 15th of Octiber. 1 --At the Middlesex a sizes last we k t the jury found a, vet diet Of Guilty . against Cyrus Piekardf 1 the murder of u nears Ake -V Innen. 'I he verdi et ids o contained al reeommemhtion of mercy, ; but it is c ilsideeed. that the reconnefen- 1 dation vei I have no elf ect and -that the . law will be allowed to t its"course. —The greatest thre. - nesse(' in Fullarton, Davis and Wm. Arthur, ; Edward Moore, 8 coh. hing ever wit - as do4ie by 8, on the farm of 25 . lot. F ul- larton, Tuesday week. Over 1,( 00 • . bushels was the result of one day's wo •k, : about 300 of which was. wheat and the balance oats. 1 — Last week, the 1) rn belonging to George Ziminerman, lst con. Tama, was ; burned ; alsoltwo hors rand some ini- 'dements, belOnging to . ohn Real, ee Guelph offers over $8,;000 in prizes ; at the Central Fair to be; held in that • Town 014 the 10th, 11 h, !aril lath Oc- ' tober. • - — A company' has Leen ormed 1 Waterloo to dig, for salt and all the nee- ; cessary stock has been iibscribed. — The London Cit riga have agreed by a vote of to 5 tio lease the- ' Port Stanley Railway t the Great West- • ; ern, — The friends of the present Minietry of the Dominion intend 111m -it* a grand pic-nie some Place in the Cot nty about ; the beginnine of next Month. Sir John 1 A. is exipeceed to be r6sen , toeether 1 with- seWral,other mem !)ers o both Do- ; minion and Ontario Ca i'nets. — The returns obtain d at the Ontario immigrant office shosV that since the first of the • present month the arritals have be,en ; on the 7th inst., Germans, 110, English, 150,•Irieh 30, Scotch, 20 : on the 10-th, .Scotch, ;0; Germane,: 100, English, 100, Irish •?0 ; and_ on .th 15th, Germans, 130, 100, Scotch, ' 20. The British, as us rah remained in • Ontario, the Germans g )ing to the West. ; Fur some ti:me pa.s the engineerS of • .rught ti 1.4.115 on. the (); ch.( 0 ,1 ' London have been mmili annoyed. by a . man, iyho enveloped ie sheet, plays ghost- ou the railwayl track-. Fur Itair iii.:411tS in sacceseion ti 1111'-> have been stopped, amt. the enginecre have put b ick to see if tIlle pretelided tipparition :lad 11(4. 3. in jut.' ed.; '1' he would-be ghost sta ids on the track, and on the. Approach of ' t • - • 111•inrit"; • ettituel tle Oft the track.' juet 1.4 time to), aloid. -Lento; run ovee. Mr. Edgar AL Lestis, IN est Oxford, 11;1.5 Marl iaty acres of; corn, and netlrh- tlnit quinitity of groUnd oceupied hi- a young, apple orchard. thuw thatlfor high? • ' — The tfouriAg mills kf St. ..1arv's vicinity have been ccOpclleil to • shut • down in consequence. of the scarcity; of water, • 1 ' v'e staith, V. S.. Principal theta - 11.1 V-te•rinary Colhge.; Proft•se,or Iluckland, 1)r.- '1244-, ten n, 1 /r. %Mi. I, and V1 i.11:4, .D., O.; V. S. t Amery vow -tautly oa hand. _1 11 calls promptly attended. 10. '1 Oilleiz—CaltUichtte.r;: Little , 6ett (At . in -2111 14 • • , mower a d a straw -cutter. 'Ir. 0. C. Wilson, at Seaforth, had a bo -se-Power straw -cutter,' a • turnip-eutter and a grain -crusher,: all from the stiablish- merit of 'Maxwell &,. Whitela John M. Martie, of Seaforth; roller, which ;appeared to be a viceable article, and a turni There Were also two iron ha rows and other implernents, but the makers' names we did not learns There were erre lumber waggon, two demoerat wagon; one double larriage and. th ee very handsome single buggies ; Cant don Bros. and Leslie & [Holmes were the only ex- hibitors in tins department. be next in order camel; Paris , • :a a land ery ser- - sower. made, but they attracted. rinich admira- tion for their • beautiful finish and _work- manship.- On the left lima table was a very large display of butter. all of which. looked good. The faatory cheese was good, and the dairy the beSB we have seen. Cabbage and carrots ver inferior. Melone, squash•es and pump ins were very (food, alth-ougl we have sen larger. Potatoes made a good display and, the number of entries. was large, but there were few of the new yarieties. The early rose and garnet chqies eVere pa. - ticularly good. There were also other varieties very good. There Was not: a very large displaY of grain, Ibut what was shown. was really excellent. The wheat and oats were especially worthy of mention. the ladies' de-. partment on - the centre table, the display was note large, . •brit the articles exhibited were of Very superior workmanship and design.' There were two or three beautiful quilts and' conn- terpanes, also some -magnificent epeci- mens of Berlin wool and 'crochet work. In fact in this department it would be diffidult to pick out aaringle article which was not worthy of special commendation. and the lack in quantity evae More than made up by the exaellericy of quality. Many of the articles in thisidepartment would do credit to a Prolemeial. Exhi- bition. At the conclusion of the Exhibition, the Judge; Director; and , several.; of their friends, repaired to McCutcheon's Hotel, where a delicious and enbstantial dinner was i in waiting for the - We again corigratulate the 1 irectors of this Society, upon the mar ed success . which has attended. their Ex ribition of 1871. The following is the Prize List, for which We are indehted to. the courtesy 'of the efficient Secretary, 1Mr. colmson ; PEIZE LIST. • HORSES, —HEAVY DRAIrtlIIT.— Brood 'mare having raised foal in 1871, 3 en- tries, lst "James Anderson, 24 Jamee Sutherland. - Spring foal, 'colt or filly, 2 entries, !1st James AnderSon. Two- year-old filly, 5 entries, lst jtunee Jc Doestigh, 2,1 J. 4. Fishee, 'ad: Henry Feed. Two-year-old-g,elding,• 2 elltrie. 1st George Chesney, 2d Thomes .111c- One-yeararld filly, 4 entries, 1st J. J.- Fisher, 24 John Laat, 3d Wil - lam Pima* One year-old; gelding, 1 entry,. There:is McMichael. 11011SES+(4ENERAL PI? 111"OKE.--13roed • mare having raised foal in .1871, 11 en- tries, lst \Villiant Vanden, ; 24 James Southeeml,e. Pair fattened ewes - or wethers, 4 entries, 1st J. Washington, 2d H. Snell, 3d C. Spponer. Pair ewe lambs, 2 entries, lst S. 8outhcombe, 2(1 II, Snell. • Phis—Lain; e BifEETIL—Boar. 1 entry, 1st George Hoare. . Sow having littered in 1871, 2 entries, l'st H. Webster, 2(1 Stephen Jones. Boa . pig, littered in i 1871, 1 entry, lst H N 7ebster, Sow pig, littered in 1871, 3 entries, lst H. Web- ster, 2d0. MeShannoek. Pnis—SeraheBREEd, SUFFOLIC—Boar, 3 entries, 1st John Climmings, 2d J. Te Cooper. Boar pig, littered in 1871, 2 entries, lst J. J. Fisher, -2(1. S. Jones. 71, 4 entries, lst ewart. D, Ben a:sure( I. -- AV. Blair, jr., .2.(1. ickson, Boar pig, 'es, l st John Mas - Sow pig, littered W. Stewart, 2d W. Stewart. Po a LTRY.—Collectien fowls, any breed, lst prize donation by Dr. Reeve, 2 en- tries, 1st Dr. Reeve, 2d Dr. Reeve, Pair Bramah pootras, 3 entries,' 1st Dr . Reeve, 2d Dr. Reeve. Pair black Spanish, 2. entries •lst John T. hlooper. Pair Pol- ands, i entry, lst J. Ross- Pair turkeys, lst prize donation by Shepperd &-Coop- er, of Clinton one baarel Stapleton salt, 1 entry, lst .A... Elcoat. Pair geese, 5 entries, lst A. Elcoat 2d J. Southcombe or W. Robinson. pair ducks, other then Muscavy, 4 _entries, lst George Cooper. Pair bantams, 1 entry, lst '‘);. Robineon. 1 INDOOR DtPARTMFNT.--Faur n amdd Now pig, littered in 1 J. J Pisher, 2d W. 8 • Prea---.-Serate Bui Boar, 3 entries, lst George Snell, 3d W. 'littefed. in 1871, 4 ent son, 2d W.- Dickson. in 1871, 6 eutriee, lst , varieties winter ripple; 5 of each 12 en- tries, 1st G, Snell, .2d George each, - 3d W. J. Biggan.1 Fouhrramed varieties fall apples, 5 of ea0h, 13 entries, lst Joseph Sperling, .2d R. Lendeshoro, 3d George Nichol. Thrie named varieties winter pears, 5 of each, 2 entries, 1st J. J. - Fisher, 2(1. _Robert Baker. Three named varieties fall nears, 5 of each, 2 entries, R. Landesbore, A. Elcoat, Three named varieties phims, 5 of each, 5 en- tries, lst G. Hoare, 24 J. South•combe. Best collection open air grapes; named, ist prize, donation by James Ross, of Chilton, 6 entries; 1st W . C. Searle, 2d W., Wise. Plate:. yellow 'cra,b apples, 2 entries, 1st J. Rattehberry. - Plate red crab apples, 5 entries;' lst j. AleGowan. Three llanied verietiea leaches, 6 of each, lst (4...Nichol, 2d. Joher Zhinner. Ail.A.Nriressr CUES., --- rrell '1' ard s honte- m ad e cloth, 2 .entrres, lst Elizabeth Scott. Tea yards hame-made flannel, 1 entry, 1 st Thomas1 Anderson. ' _Pair home-made blankets,I lst prize, a 65 11). cheese, presented: by1Callender, Scott& Co.,. of Clinton, 6 entries,' lst Gordon Broad:foot,. 3d (4 eorg.e Chesuey. Spring Yeung, 2d. G . Not, 3d 1-1 . Stewart. foal, colt :or filly, .11 entries; lst James , Sutherland,. 2(1. William Alorgan. 3d Thomai AleMichael. Two -year -91(1 filly, 13 entries,11st Joseph 1:ye, 2d R. Jen- kins 3d -William Clan • Two-veae-old , . . LL 1IT NI • ' ( : 1 • le t 1 tl thr arti le ; 1 entry, lst Johns, Menzies & Co. Set single buggy harness,1 1 eatry. lst J. C. - ; 'Miller. Three bottleS grape -wine, 2 en- : tries, l st John Zimmer. . . V au ETABLES. --Fou varieties potatoes, one peck each, 10 entriee, lst J. Landes- ' boro, 211 J. Landeeboro, 3d. D., McShane . nock . Reek head whiter cabbage, 1 en- ' try, lst G. A. Cooper. Nine blood beets, 1 5 -• entries, lst 1S• •1+1-al.colmson, 2d 0. ; Hoare. Nine Inangald erurtzel, 7 en - trice, let C. Spoongr, 241 W. Mason. -- Nine. Swede turnips,' 4 metric; lst G. : Snell, 2d 0 Spooner, Nine • long 11 orange 'carrots, 4 entr es, lst C. Spooner, 2d George Snell. ',Sine early horn car- rots, 2 entries,. 1st G. Snell, 2d 1). Me - i Shamrock. -I\ inc white Belgian carrots, '11 entries, ist (.;_ Sp roner, 2d, I.Villiam ! Masson. Peck onioni, 10 entries, lst C. Spooner, 2d G. Spoener. Twelve ears • corn, IA entries, lst S. Andrews, .2(1,1-ohn ; Zimmer. Three water melons; 2 entries, . Est John Zimmer, 2d James Landesboro. Three. musk neelena, 2 catries, John - Zinimer, 2d James Landeshoro. Peek tometoes; 3 entries, let- George Nott, 2d ' Thomas Stevenson. Largest- pump:kin, : 2 entries, lst Centelon & Bro. Largest Squash, 1 entry, lst John Zinuner. . DApix Pnorecea.—Ten lbs. fresh but- ter in rolls, Let prize offered by Jsaac ; Rattenbury, Jr., of Clinton, the butter to belong to Mr. Rettenbury. 25 en- tries,' lst Wm. Robinson, 211 W. J. 'Big- * gins, ad o._ Nielkol. Keg salt baiter, not . less than 25 lbs., lst prize offered by le. win & Hodgine, of f linto», one 'Paieley Shawl, value, 815, butter to belongto Jr - win & Hodgine, 25 entrie.s, 1st D. Purvis, 2d. Wm: Cerr, 3•F(.1. Robert Medd. ()re cheese, not less than 50 lb; factory made, 5 entries, let Calleuder, scott & ; Co., 2nd P. Straith, -3(1 W. 0. Fowler. Cheese, not less than 20 lbs., dairy made, 4 entries, 1st .James AlcMichael, 2d Fanny Fowler; 3arrhLomas Andorp-mi: Ten lbe. maple Sugar, 5 entries,-Ist : James S.,parling, 2(1. dearry Ford, 3r1. G. A. Cooper: Quart Maple ntolaeses, 5 ell - tries. lst H. Stewarts 2(1 1).. Purvis,- 3rd G. A. Cooper. Three lbs. honey in the ' comb, 6 entries, lat G. Snell,. 24 Join) Zimmer, 3.1 1. (;oveulock. Loaf 'bakers' bread, 2 elltries, hit R. Patter- son, 2d. .1. Wilson. Loaf homennade ; . breed, 1st prize, dcalation by T. Ste: - bury, of Clinam, of 3 Ilea tea, 31 entries, lst James MaIIichael, 2.1 Mrs. II: Ifun t; :34 T. Ando -sore I.A.DIE: WW:Ii.-- Tatting, 1 entry, 1st Fanny. Ftrwler; Crochet ,..Ns14111).1rukzy.. FlofIri((ell..-. ; ti•ies, 1st -Abet. ( . Dale,. 2,11 Embreidery in cotton and nmelin, 6 en- tries, 1st Mrs. J. Sutherland, 2114 Mrs, '1'. 1NleMielia.el. Ihnbfoidery ins eils.:rs5t-(eldi-, 2 entries, 18t Miee s3tevenson, 24 'Airs. . Commanders Enihroidery in 1 tries, 1st Mrs. f 'enamander, 24 Mrs. Cowman -der. Bead Work; 4 entries, let ; 'Anse Atchibald, 24 Nes. White: Knit- ! ting Worsted, 2 entries, lst Al ise Copper, 2t1 Mrs. Commander. Netting faney, I 1 entry, lst Mrs. J. SutherlamL Patch , , work in -silk,. 2 enteiee, lst Airs. Com - Double .set farm harness. 1 entry, 1st John Miller. Gentleinan's saddle, 1 en- try, 1st J. Twitchellej Pair gentleman's sewed boots, 1 entry!, lst John Steep. Pair gentleman's pegged boots, 1 entry, POULTRY. gelding, 5 entries, le James Broadfoot, lst John 8teep. (Folleet on ea ) na- p _ The display in this depart]. t a very ereditable, both as regard, quantity . and quality The hens, especi; Ily; were • very line. Dr. Reeve, of Cli Ade, was: one of the principal and most uceessfal exhibit(irs in this department. rho sho)v of . ItnVe. STOCK - was verv (foe L especially in. s ieep and . pigs. There WaS a, large n Imber :of . shcep.on ealribition, and they veee, as 0 t whole, as fine animals as .coult poesibly I be seen at . ny iCounty 8ho v in the I Province. A, nong others, w noticed j four whiele High Love, Sr., o Hay, re- I cently imported from the Old Country. I They attraete I much attention and were 1 very. generally admired. .The ame may I be said of the hogs 114 of the sleep. cattle, there ',ere quite a num rer en the groinel, and .1though there %%re seine i very fine ani nals, yet the di. play, as a , whole, was It t SO 1400d as m i have : been desired. The• different ciassea of 1 horses were well filled up. T re display j of heavy horses was not exti a. There t . were, however, .one or two very fair • f ceams. ln carriage and bug ry aorses, j the display Wip I.Litleh better than in the 1 heavier class. There were a arge num- , ber of saddld horses shown,•-sdme of -; them were very good, and son 0 of em i very indifferent. The best, lisplay in ; the horee claes was in the dep rtment of j beood mares and two-year-old colts. Of the latter,. sonre very superi ir animals I were Olt exlii Aim. From t e eatside j department NO will nOW In'OCW(1 to the , large and col unodious ,, FLORAL liALL_ _ ? which preseidied an exceedinal I e y neat and 1 handsonie ap rearance. Alon( the F-Ight . band side wa' a table contah ing, home- : made bread, fruit and. vegett bles, with " well executed pencil and other drawings t on the wall b abind. • At the eal1of the hall were cab -net -ware, stn-Ve ', Ill tysical instruments,"! sewin‘g-machines, harness, ' boots and sli.tes, etc., and. (11 the left hand side well; the vegetables.loot8, dairy i products and grain, alul-iir the .catre 4.', 1.S arranged the adies' work. 'Fie display ' of hemennade bread vas very large, and : looked ex celldirt. In fruit the (1 ispl ay was , not very lar,iiae. The pears . nd : apples ' were very fait, although then were not • ii, great minty varieties ; 'the g -apes also ' were very eleid. Peaches Nie re rather j poor. 111;-: pictures and paintings of l t :AliSS MOUntre3St1P and pupils, 1 'Ili.0 'Were , suspended 01 the svall, were especially deeervnig rd mention, and ti at ot the . Aloor"e head was particularl\. well ex- ecuted. acarle & Davis occupied ...ie • +I ' corner at the leeck end of the hall with • stovee, .copper. and tm furnth re, all of which -weru ser1flounte41 by - uhe future spire of 1 -he diene of the new own hall. : Harland irothers had e shill ar display ; alone sid s _Next came boots harness, ; saddles, &c., all of which en esehted. a , -very tine appearance. . Jones N-, ,I11e1iz1es 1 had a veiv lia,dsome display ; f cabinet i ware, b.- cludmg one heavy bed•stead beautiful y carved. Depew Doherty j had a 13 hntzman piano, a Be l's Parlor I old gelding, - 1 entry, A. McAllister. One-yearold filly, 3 entrieti, 1st Jelin Lant, 211 H. Ford, 3(1 George McMi- chael. One -year-old eetire colt, -10 en- tries, lst 0. Dale, 24 W. Alexander-, 3(1. George Nett. Span general purpose horses, maees or geldings, lirf prize &i- llation by !AL eTaggart& CO.', of Chil- ton, 4 entaties, lst John Washington 24 T. MeMichael, 3d 6. McDoneliall. Spat earria,ge harses, mares or gellings, 5 en- tries, lst B. P. Ross, 24 M. AR:Taggart & 'Co:, 34 William Masson. Buggy horse, mere or gelding, 1st nrize a set :of single 110111088 presented by John Miller, of Canter), 10 entries, lst T. Aroma 24 J. Beacom, 3.d. J.. Innes. Sad- dle horse, Mare or gelding, 1st prize a eentleman1's saddle presented by James l'witchelle Clinton, 9 -1entf Est 8. Maleomson, 24 -Re •Ita6sford, 34 - Jahn Plews. • Tlionoroannhir Catriee -Milch. • cow having raised calf in 1871, 7. entries; 1st J. •AlcDonogh, 24 H. !Spells 3d. J.' Mc- Donogli. Two-year-old heifer,- en -- trice, lst M. McTaggart, 2(1! J. AleDon- 0 fh. 0neyear-ohl heifer. 3f entries, 1st . 'Al T. Grant, 3d. William Wise.: Bull calfi 5 entries, st H. Snell, 24 Thomas tlrant, 3(1 "M. McTaggart. Heifer ealf, 2 entries, "1st IL Snell,. 2d J. McDonhgh. ; .Neerivti OR GRana Carree.—cow having raised calf in 1871, prize a cheese/weighing 65 ponnds presented by Callehdar; Scott & CO., of (lintan, 11 entriese let,S. Carmichael, 24 W. Wise, 3(1. R. carnochan. rr wo,year-old heifer, :3 entries, lst 8: Carnochen, 215. Ander- 8011, One -year-old heifer, 9 entries, let Williain (Ardmore, 24 Carnoehan, 3d. 8, Carnoehari Heifer epring, 5 entries, lst Chuhnore, 21 .1: Braithevaite, 3a J. ,Braithwaita Two- year-old steer, 4 entries, IsteM. MeTag- gart, 24 C. (Spooner. Yearling Steer, 9 entricea let W. Cudmore, 24 S. Canna clew, 34 J. Shipley. . Fatted ox, steer or heifer, :10 entries, lst M. I GTaggart, 24 James. Landeeboro, 3d • M. Ili:Tags gart. Yoke working oxere 2 entries, let 0. Snell, 2(1 S. Runiball, • SI EEP - LI:IVE:4TER AN I) Til El 1: GRADE.- Aged ram, 5 entries, let H. 2(1, G. Lawrie; 3.1 Boer -L.; Shear -Eng" Yon, 3 entries, lst, W. Ilerbi- son; 2(1 1L Love,. 34 W. Herbison. "Ram lamb, 14 entries, 1st 11. _Manning, 24 IL Snell, 3d.1-1. Snell. Pair Ivied ewes hai-- ing 'raised Iambs in 1871,-'4 entriee, 1st 11. enning, 24 IL .Manning. Pair ma sers e‘ or , no ess; ran co C m; in sh C. te fa 11", fl shearling ewes, 6 entries, kt IL Man- ning, 24- ft, I:timing, 3.1 11. Snell. Pair ewe lambie 3 enIriee, bit C. Dale, eld IL Snell. - S1Jme.1 --Coasw wee: aeo MEM. Aged ram, 2 entrks, lst C. - Dale, 2(1 J. Potter. Shearling ram, entry, 1st -H. Snell. Ram lamb, 7 en- tries, let H. Snell, 24 (2. Dale, 3(1 H. Snell. Pair aged ewe; having raised lambe m 1871, 4 entries, lst G South- combee: 211 H. Snell. •Ped:r shearling ewes, entries, 1st- 24 3. • :4 WHOLE NO. 198, rider, 2d Mrs. Dickson. Patch work quilt, 3 entries, lst Mrs. J. Miller, '2 1 . J. Breadfoot. Gentleman's linen rt, handmade, 1st prize-, donatioe by E. Archibald, eiet lace curtains, value, entries, 1st R. Coal, 2nd. Mrs. W. ntelon. Gentleman's Otton en bosom, 3 e itriese 1st Mr. W. Can- on, 2nd Mrs. Nutt Gentleman's cy sl irt, 5 entries, Joseph e, 2nd. Mrs. -eorge Nett. Feather wets, 1 entr , 144t Mrs. Doherty. B. tir do, 4 entri s, 1st Mies Stapleton, ' 2( Miss Ross. 13 -rim wool work, flat, 14 'entries, 1-st Mis Archibald, 24 Miss A chibald. Berl n wool work raised, 9 entries, lst Alr A MeMurchie 24 T ornal Nichol. Braiding in silk, 4 en- tr es, lst Mrs. C.- Dale, 2ad. W. Cantelon. P ncii drawing, 4 entries, lst J. Scott. noehromatic ( awing, 1 entry, 1st R. C al. Pair -woolen socks, lst prize, do- n tion by George Chidlev, of Clinton, of m a hair brush, 1 entries, lst Miss Archi- ld. Pair wooll n stockings, 10 entries, t J. Rose, 2d A rs, J. McGowau. Pear olen mit; 7 en ries lst J. Sutherland, H. Stewart. Pair Woolen. Gloves,- 2 tries, 1st Mrs. James Sutherland, 2d rs. Laithwaite. Home made quilt, 9 er tries, lst Garden Young, 2d Mrs. T. nderson. Rag mat, 5 entries, lat A rs. H. Hunt, 2a Mrs. W. Coates. imPhEmENT.. 4wTooden axle waggon, 1 entry, lst IOaIntelon Brothers. Iron p ough, 3 en re lst Jacob Miller, 24 . Williams la, 3(1 1i. Runciman. rooden p1ouh,t 3 entries, lst G. Wil- Famson, 2d. .Jac b Miller: Two -horse b iggy, 2 entries, 1st Leslie & Holmes, 2c1 antelon Brothrs. One-horse buggy, t ()nation by R. M. Racey, of Clinton, one 1 .mp, lst Leslie & Holmes, 2(1 ,Canteknf /others, 3(1 Leslie & Holmes,- Fanning rill, 1 entry, M. McTaggart. Pair 1 on barrows, 1 entry, lst Jacob Niller 1 ield Boller, 1 entry, lst John, M. INIar- t n.„ Horse hay rake, 1 entry, let Cantee 1 n Brothers. Turnip seed drill, 3 eli- des, lst C. Manning, 24 C. Manning. et horse shoes, 2 entries, lst T. Tip - ling, 2nd R. Ransford. Pump, 2 en - ries, 1st John 'Ross, 2nd 11 Mulloy. 1 ork for loading and -unloading hay and peas, 1 entry, D. Grant. 1 EXTRAS'. Best home mule heed spread, Mrs. tapieton: Farmers' wre th, Miss Stapleton. Lace, Miss M. A. Daley. Imported hors 8, 1st J. J. Fishet, 2d . Mason. Y ruling (Joacher, J. 3. SPEC AL PRIZES. W. J. AleCut Vales Hotel, 01 he best crock bs , butter to be 6 eutrie.s ; . J. B. RaceY, on, one barrel rest two bushel >err& oatmeal vhite oats, the 0 Mr. fleecy, 6 )a18. Messrs.- ; hilt Messrs. Moor & Rich, ot Clinton, 10 hs. Y-oung Hys n tea, for the hest crock patter, not less Iran 25 lbs., the buttiTer belong to Alo re & Rich, 8 entries; D. leShannock Messrs. Dcpee & Doherty, of Clinton, cane-botto nee rocking chair for the rest embroid ere( piano stool cover, on lair cloth, 2 en ries; Mrs. John Dick - .011. MeHaffi ; of the Clinton Book emporium, for t 10 best specimen of pen- nanship, by a g rl ender 15 years of aee. ier choice of a 1 ible, or Album, or vol - rine of standar( poets, value, 82, 1 en- ry ; Miss Al. M „Alichael. John john, of the Commercial Hotel, for the best 10 I is. butter in rolls, 85, butter to belong to Mr. Joslin, 10 en- tries; John hington. Thomas SteveSOD'of Clinton, for the rest painting h water colors, executed in 1871, by ala( y, the picture to be not less than 12 by 8 inches. a fancy ;work table, value 86, 2 entries ; Miss l'Nlont- castle. lien, of the Prinee nton,-- a prize of 8,10 for butter, not less than 25 ongio Mr. Al eCutcheon, . Bieeeeins . • f the Huron Mills, Clin- t T. Rose flour for the white wheat, ana one or the best two bushels -heat and oats to belong eatries for wheat and 13 y, wheat ; J. Davidson, — A correspo dent from Beaverton has sent the Orillia -hteket a specimen of rock. salt given to a g ntleman that villag,e. by Mr. Gow, of Bracebridge, which wae round in A•luskie -a. ,s -- During th seyen mouths ending July last there /ere imported into Main- toba 29,606 gall me of spirituous liquor; having a value at 825,605 99, and paying duty to the extern of 8'7,425 69. Con- siderable qnantities of beer and whiskey are also made in the Province. — Mr. Chas. Sweeten threshed 100 busheLe of whea 111 thirty-seven minutes, on the farm of . Jr. Edward Brand, 7th concession of W llace, with one of Hag- gart Bros.' -Or; eshing. machines. The yield of wheat vas aLso remarkable, as the 100 bushels wee produced from two acres of land. —A determir ed effort is being ma(le by the people oi Strathroy to un-ite the Township of W; r wick, (minty of Lan)) - ton, in a petition with several of the Western townships of Middlesex to erect -West Middlesex rirto a separate collets , with Strathroy e the county town. Pe- titione have 1)1311prepared, and te fent-, fr0111 ;3trathroy lave !Altered Warwick t4 eanvaee for rugn rtures, offering- ten cent, eadi for nanieh - The anima meeting of the Toronto. Grey & Bruce R ilway was hel4 yester- day at `foronti The f illowing is the parageaph114. th ' report relative to the junctgen. nerth of : " An agreement has •heel -1 arranged betweee the Direetors and the Board of the Lon- don, Huron & 1 race Railway Company, by which both companies seill have a joint use of that portien of the Kinear. dine extension f enn the point of junctiee to Kincardine, and the Directors have faith that they vill be able at no distant day to complete the road in its entirety.'1