HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-09-15, Page 9•••
9 viU
eat,' 1149111 -AC( -• able and frequ. at mention of his ua
teeeee,44, approaching, aited exnhet to see hon
in the prize li tsH
Agricultural Shows and Fairs.
'The Grey Branch .Agricultural Fat' Wal be held
oat Me. on Tuesday, Oct. 10.
The Township of Ilu'y Agaicultuna Society's Fall
Show will be held at Zurich, ou. Friday, 6lie 604
of October.
The South Huron Agrimiltural Society's Fall
Show will be held at Seaford', on Thursday mid
` Fri lay. 21:at and 2:Ind September.
The North Riding Of Musan Agricultural Society's
701 Show will be held at Clinton, on. Tuesday and
Wealneaday, ths 19th and 20th days Of September.
The S="4ephen nand. Usborue Agricultural Society's
Fall Slt AV Will 111, 11P1r1 at EXPler, 011 Mouday, and
'Tina:4l:1y, the Sud and Flril days et October. -
The Fot ashoW of the -Howiek Braileh Agrian1-
' The Fall 'Races under the auspices
the Seaforth Riding aad Driving
sociation, came off as ;previously .
nounced, on Monday and Tuesday la t,
and were eminently successful. bia t e
firs) day the attendance of spectat rs
•was not very large; as in' ny of the coil
-try people, not desiring to spend t%
days, did not- coni cut Tail the seem
evot Id b
day, as it was gen ally -onsidered t+1.the best horses
take part in -the races of
the -Second daT, thereto
ance was ver large.'
g people ca
4 loug belt
the sports
[letigths behind the second h
e hhaying saved her distance wo
i3. Thomsons Honest Billy
1:W. N. Barnes' Lady Grey
'Ia. Erin:Wanes Pelham Tartar'
Time -2:491, 2:54, 2:55, 2:5of F
:The second was a trotting rice, ope
S . to horses, best a in 5 to harness
hrst horse, ksI30 ; 2ud, Sf..0 ; 13 $25.
Three entries- were Made for his race
-"Mille, Monis," B. 8.1.Vight ;
Billy/I J. ThoMpson ;, "Orph. n
Mr. 'McLeod. Tnis face seen ed t
retty much one sidede as Milk, M
ad everything her 'own way, nd.
rse, but
no second
1 2
No. 2 in the contest. They almost de-
served a better fate, for no person can
deny but that they used great exertions.
However. their cause was not very good
2 3 and required a great deal of bolstering;
8 2 up by false statements, whiskey and
dollar bills. We hope the Townsliips of
East Wawanosh and Morris, on Friday
and Saturday, 15th and 16th, will fol.
low ' the example of Turillierry, and
011C there will be no Idoubt that less than
st two years, the iron horse will be stean
tn.rat soesity-wall be held at- Gorrie, on Wednesday, .
Th the merlin
The Central Fair will be held at itaisiitoe,
• the village a
pointed for
the and tith (.1 October.
TIT , Ina through this rich and fertile country,
o be carrying our "produce away to distant
orris. markets: -Cor. -
kept back the three straight heate witho t exert-
ing herself in the least. Hon st Billy
that day. (1.1 took the second position e ch heat
e, the atten 1 -
after the first On the third cat- the
an early hou
driver of Orphan Girl was ch n nge,d, on
te pouriug iI
re the time a
to take plac
accot nt of dissatisfa,ction amoneet some
)-- of th ise who had bet on her. Th o change
', onl. not improve. her speed any, and oilie
eat i tile ,etteete and •t IC raCillfr 1)11,1 lti . 1
' Th- 'icest,-rn Fair -will be hold at London, from
ilie 2dth to the Zith of Septemba)r.. a were erowde(F with anxious ,preallu e onty eucceeded in ta,kiue thirda wney.
. 0
The 1,..avineital Exhibition will be held at Kings- l - seek el.*. 'rho* races- on b th days - we ;e . ./. ihwasolui
jon. ) a e 2,3a, to t le 30t t of SepteMber. .
33. S. 11 'gilt s \r 11 1:mras, 1. 1 1
1 really good, there .heie several fits - Hoetst. hely . 1
• Tin, North Perth Agrieultamd Society's Fall Show. ' McLeod's Orphan Criad 2 3 3
will be held at Stratford oh the Oth aud 6th of '
, class horses on the sr mid. The ai-- . Time -8:08,i, 2:50, 2:52i. ...
October. rancientents of the Ctub were complete in The third. and last itace . in det the
yen be held id. St. Ulu -p.:2 on the 3d. dna 4th of Oc- ' a
The South Perth Agricattund Society's Show 1. every respect, :1,111.1 the , noceedings on, auspices of the Assochttion, was . a run7
teem . .
- a Le ,
a oath days went on harmoniously aand 13 ning raec, open to horses owata in the
-- me, uesicart Brandi sseseenores •:(ie.lety's Fall a (Ale best of erder. There Was one thin , County • of Huron only t best 2 in 3.
h•-eie eat be held at staiffas on 101h October. .. I kOWCVer, Whie11 we , regretted to notic , First horse,• $1 5, 2nd, $ W. No earance
. . t and that was, ' the.. -Taro numher - win) money.
Goa 0 Nawe. -A Nand will be estab7 ! took "outsidetiekets." Oin both days the - For this race thole were three ntriee :
1i -shed he Segel -at next lireek • . Pig ! roofs of every . shed and building in . ‘.` Daniel :Webster," by nett &ow
awners beware ! -
-- a 1 the vicinity of ' the Park, Were coyere 1' " Gipsey Lass," by Thompson ; "Lillier-
ey ;
.at With spectators, .11;lia: we e desirous t fele," by Afarks. -in the fir t heat
AstmErao...,-The Bi, Jaw granting a ! witness the proceedings, mt who coul 1 Daniel Webster , took theelead, but was
leonue to the 11- elhegton, Grey and &dee ;; not find a in their hearts to pay the ad- being closely ' pursued. :toy theerithe
Railway, was carried in this township on a misSiolt fee, and thue hon rably gratif, 'whan the latter bolted, and got off the
lIonday last, by a majority of 133. 1 their curiosity We. noticed also tha track, allowing Daniel Webster to come
I many even ,elo' mitered up n the °Tashi '' in first, and Gipsey Lass sect) id. In
ed the contract for carrying the mail 1 the interval between t I • races stood was passed. by Limerick, Who k it the
Mere CoNTfl,4't --We- understand -that i of the fence, a1d hung on )3t. their hand elle- second heat Ditniel 1Vebste 7. again
Mr: jaeses Ross', of Seaforth, has receiv.: 1 while each ra, e was- proes ediag, and ii . 'took the lead, but in the secoml round
from Seaforth to Wroxeter. The eon. -I down in order to gis,e the e Weary aims traek and came iii first by a tgo d. dis-
tract 'extends mrer a period of five years. I a rest. Such eonduet is 1.ot ionly mean Uncut, In the third heat Limeri k took
• . I but dishones The As ociation has, the start and kept ahead through at the
Volition to the fact that -notwitlistandinr, a- lip the grOlnd
THE _Yew STons.-We ss •call at- ; sone to . consid rable espe be m fittin heat, -winning the race. Gips
,, and tu rai ing purses fm was withdrawn - on the . last heat
the less of 21 'cas-es of goods by fire whife) ! public compe aeon, . and - °tie lof th
in trtuesitu, mews.. Leo & Switzer 13,4e,e,_ e priucipal sourc -a- from w icia they -ex- the (course m -a, race before.
Limerick is htit. a dolt and wae n .)everruitaiisi
eccii,e most of thei6 1 peat to he rei bursed, is one the en- well,- and if properly taken caee of will
reordered ana will r
_ ttocle this week. t trance feeS. 14 or a person therefore to yet make. a first-class horse. Th e'e was
1 a positio to I ViONV the no time kept for this race... ,
a . •
ed without Aying the re-
simply roundabout
g. We tr ste for ..'the
Village and, sarrounding
ea.- a -ham- siaillar oc-
ill be fel, er ' of these
4. 1 place himself "
Norm -E. -We have been me -fleeted to ! sports so provic
Mate Hitt accomodatien has been provid- 1 quire(' fee' , i
ed at Carmichael's Hotel for the Direct- 1 is.:;•ay of steal'
01's of the South Haron Agricultural So- i el -edit of the
Judges, evh.o will be M i.e°1111trY' that
eiety, also for the
attendance at the Show. . 1 casion there
1 1 ssa ,
' 1 puserers.
:-.4):ASONAT: LE GOOIls.--M. Wm,. Camp- .1 'HST DAY.
A race of a Mile dash, for,. a
purse was ran- 'between "Bonnie
and. " Charley. Stewart," resit'
favor of the latter by considerahl
Time 1:351.
'bell, of the New York House, announces Trottine Race -Open to all Dominion
A DI/MON. Wot km en are Inety build-
ing an addition to the north end of the
Presbyterian Church in thissplace It
is much needed
FIRES. --Fires are still raging intlie
woods and sm-amps in some parts of this
neighborhood. h-. .1 obort a.\ of
Turnberry, had consideralile difficulty in
saving his houee last timidity, but we bes•
hove it is now out of danger. •
tiuswAv, -From what we can learn
, there were pretty lively times at the
votina on the By-law, in Turtbeery, on
Monday lash Whiekey and. money
seems to have been used pretty freely.
• The efteete of thc fornier were vieible itt
the number of Donnybrook rows in full
blast. One- fellow got his nosal append
age shortened. by. nearly an inch ; wil
no doubt have some idea of how marl
an inch iS on a man's nese. The effect
of the money bi•ought to bear On Lilo sub
ject were", that many of the free am
independents "- got some new light on
the By-law question, and E.:hanged their
-minds . aecthelingly. Prices. for good,
sound,' able boded voters, ranged $2 50
to ;$55, the latter figara. being .paid, we
believe; for a prime animal in good con-
dition; who was raised. mai; Behnore.
Towards the close of the poll prices had a
decided upward tendency, and. there Was
keen opposition among the buyers. 'We
wereleredibly informed that 'some of the
voteils actually came up and offered to
vote la certain way for a certain price,
naming their figute in the most straight,
•SEPT. 15, 1871.
......_.... _____...-..._._ ___
. 1
gretted by all. .
morning, He leaves a wife and large 1 tention to the way that Thomson & Wil -
family to mourn his loss. He was long I hams tried to impose on the ,i`ociety by
a resident of this place, and is deeply IT- I Cannticarciiiliaenicili Cttniii;.etoti.gn
•i tared. by another party. It was also
Drysdalevillo. 1 nerved to that the Secretary lie Me-treat-
Wst Iles -The -Weather is einifinning
exeeedinids dry in this part, that Marl:,
all tee wells are dry, and the es-eatis
paSt-aof the people are compelled to drasv
, sir 'nate' ne, a, istanee of twc
and a half miles. and many. have hale
three miles to draw it:
viRr...-The fire in tlie hush hole
been ragita,,,, thramjuilit tin:
locality for the last few weeks, making a
dre-elfulliavoe in. the. Woods. It leas
_ -
ruined many hundred acres Jine
timbered hind, The clearances have
alsO sustained much damage. .).leadows
haste been.burnt up and fences destroyed.
It iirs)s-isTense.00seible to ascertaiu the-. amonnt
itllt»\'' Fa. ;CAPE. -On Saturdas-, the
Oth int., the barn of Ali-. 3iones
of flay, . very narrowly escaped 'win:,
destroyed. -by JIM from a spark, supposed
to ilave canie fibm the woods, a distance
of fidly fifty rods. The lire (vie -hatted
in the straw, in the barn -yard, alai WaS
dieoevered by -the servant oriel, who had
gon to draw some water and noticed. the
snio ke in the barn -yard. She gave the
alar a, and with the assistance of a few
of the neighbors, who .happened to be
1 con •-enient at the time; they succeeded
1 in ohttinof it out. Had • It been live
s. min act longer tumoticed, it would have
- bew impossible to extinguish it, as mar -
1 h tif of the stack was on lire • when
dise vered. ,
ttitl."1133-3)„1.Nu.-It gives satisfaaory
pro() that the crops must be turningaut
well that no grumbling is heard -with the
fannert_this year.
) to la a itt, to E. ,als, eomeon
11 im,•
repo:sting 'teem to "'Omni the
minstiv 1 as- ..-ived by them as a prize at
the lase match. aosneNc.c,Iir
RAIoWAY V -..\V. W. -The 0:
a Ellis township 7ancet t (F]iday,) for
th.13 purpoase suinnitti»g a- te
the ratel ewers, afran t a 'bonus
.•)f :=515,0110 to asr,ist rn. tilt con.
Arnetion of the London, Ifuron and
Bruce lialiway. Ihrectors of the
Itoad et first aelted 7,500 from thee
- eee i a, I int 'mina the t tem ell refit:till"
" e.) sulenit Bystase; for this sum, that
agreed to accept $15.000. Thie amonnt
will no doubt be carried with but eliaht
• andtdusiness like Manner. If things keep
on in this style we expect that a new and
a important branth of Canadian industry
will be •developed. •
BASE BALL. -The return. match be-
tweeu the Red Stockings, of Listowel,
and the Shoo Flies, of Wroxetiele was
played here last Friday, and reSulted iu
a complete victory for the Red. 8-ticking's.
The following - is the -score, six. ianings
beilla played by both sides :
31100 FLIEs.
8, Kidd.,-• 12 . Conboy... .
J. Backing15 j. 'E. Dodd; (3
R. Thompson..., 13 D. Walker. 4
W. Kidd. - 11 j; Dubledee4
W. Thompson:. 13 W. Paulin.' :3
. Livingstone.. 15 D. R. Wilson3
(lemie. ...... 13 A. 4
Barbour....,. 14 it. CI. Dalten 3
. Greenwood... 12 J. ackeen., 5
Total ... ....a 122 Total ... . .. 38
Imprre-Mr. 'Turnbull, of Listostel.
hcorers- Mr. Mortimer, Listowel, 1111(1
Mr. Frank Carroll, -Wroxeter.
After the game was finished awl sup-
* odisposed of, the players' Of both
1- sides, with quite. a num.ber of ladies and
t. ftentlemen from Listowel, Belmore,
of B''luevale, Clifford, Ainleysfille,•and other
a places, repaired to the e0111-1110diehebali
c attached to Mrs. Days' Hotel, where
d they spent a very lively time in the shape
of a " Shoo Fly evening social." The
hall was beitatifully , decorated. with
wreaths of eveagreens and flowera The
best of music was provided, and. fact
all the arrangetheras were complete, and.
the result was,: that:everybody appeared
to enjoy themselves to the fullest ex-
tent. Dancing! was kept up with spirit
until a little after midnight, when the
party broke up.
• Hullett.
• Tut 'VOrli ON 'Mr By II -1W The vote
on the By-law .,e,rantitig a banns of 815,-
-0 000 to aid. in the construction of the
• London, Hutton and Brace Railway,- was
voted. on in this Township yesterday.
s -The By-law was carried by the following
mg itt
. this week that he has received a fine ; bred horses ; best '2 in 3. First horse
a NoTrcE.-Mr. C. R. COOP11.11 1611 net 1111 1 1.111h1
stock of seasonable cloths. This olde $75 ; 2nd, .925. agent for Tim ExeosrrOn in Alnleyville to d vitin.:
e.. a ilis 'men is too well known. to re- , lior this race there Were three enties ! ity. Parties requiring Job Printing or Ads ertising
quire commendation fl'Onl us, and - we ; William Wootlruff's ; "BaY jack ;" J. a
can be attended to by calling upon Mr. !oormt. •
only now desire to direct attention to 1 Tbompsou's "Pipsey Leas," and P. He ilk; ft1SO illIthOlind to Solicit subscribes or THE
Alio advertisements € Murray's " Fiefl" In the first heat Bay Et:tome-oh ,
! Jack took the, lead. and kept a con- tiAILWAYS.--The By-law granti a_ef the
N.1.:1,: 1-)001,‘ A_ND ;Nit() E S`L'ORE.,--As -will siderable distance ahead. all the' way bonus to the Wellington, Grey and Bruce
. _
- be seen 1)y advertisement, lAtessrs. Spurr ; round, and made •the heat in 1:e6 ; . Fly liallway was carried in Grey, on Mon
& Son, have opened a line 11CW Stet& of ! came in secom , and. Gipsey Lass was day, by a majority of 361 ; but t e ex -
Boots and -hoes in -the store recently oc- distanced. In ,he second heat Fly took , atement still continues in Morris, s the
Aeupied. by Griffith Doeis. The stock is i the start, but was soon spa 'sed by . Bay voting does not take 'place till Sam rday.
Sill new and the Messrs. Spurr sa,y they ' Jack, -elm With consider& le difficulty It is expected that the By Jaw wil also
are determined to sell cheap. . i kept his position, and got t ' the winning carry in that Township, as it ha. be
. en
- al _ e ____ - I post aboatta, length ahead. , thoroughly eanvassed, and the catrying
I. Go AN•L sPE IT. -W. Robertson & Co.; j: The follbwine is the sun mazy of the , of the By-laws in Grey and Tuenb rry is
0 •
I hardware merchants, have just received . race : • going to influence it. -Meetings are bein
another large addition to their aheady : Iv. Woodruff's Bar jack. g
1 1 - held all over the Township by botl par. /
exteneive stock, which is well worthy of -P,.. Murr"Y's F13-
rilicansou's Clipsyy Lass. 2 2 ' ties, and, as a general. thieg, the Vei
inspection by intendina puechesers 1 "'
L C .
LI aa-1:50,diS. ington, Gi•ey and. Bruce has the best of i
Their .'advertite_ment will appear -
1"-exL 1 Race 1\ o. 2 was a trotting race, open puma c Hoefams--The inhabita its
week. :t ook out for it
• a to all 'horses that neVer beat three
Amleyville ind. victia y intend; °Isere
.- . • . _
the 1 6th ins b., as '11131)11
orth 1:.itlin of Of flurOn Agricultural So- i '''''"'Iness-
0\ -1L Fall Show of
4-$ the 1 _kininlateS ; mile heats, best 3 hit iLoto; ing 8alurdaY,
First horse, $100 ; L'on : holiday, so - fanners awl others shoal
eats- takes place at Cluaton, On Tuesday i 3rd' Si 9- ' I bear in mind that there -will be no busi-
o , .
and Wednesday next. The , South Rid.- i '
. For this race thele were three entries : i nesS deue. .
a Society's Show takes plhee at S'ea. I 'Tam" _
U011inS' -`‘ General 1-1;utler ;" J. I fitsraxis-The weather continue dry,
foi-th, 0 1 Thursday and Friday 'Black Crook," and ri'. Sharp's : Harvesting is all over, 'and farmer. are
eext. If 1 Ba"1's '
articles and animals may be expected at
the weather is fine, a eplenditi display. of ' "Pt a'"
each (if these shows.
I was closely driven in each heat by Bleck 1
i lowing heats by; C4eneral utter, who I-SONVii in this section.
; Black Crook, in 3i0St, and tl e three fol- !a Thete ie a coneiderable breadth
The :first heat was won by 1. employed. in sowing their fall w :eesatt.
13 'Pt' DR. (...,AMTN.--The recent events ; e.„„e
, 1 Crook. Pat Wee withdrawn ins the third .1 ing -their well in a' week or 'two.
COAL OTL. -The Company intend 4 is
at Ogdensbugh have made -the above- 1 -'-`-'''' „.; , • l to be hoped their expectations ma f not
named old sinuer quite notorious in - the !
. J. Bailey's Black CrOok p_ 9 9 o I 1
jaines uolliars' (+mend nutter .12 1 1 1 ! be disappainted.
State, and -erhere‘-er he goes he draws ; T. Sharp's Pat ., 3 etig. 1 FOR TILE WESr. -Two of our most re
large luoueet. He isnow lecturine in • Time---;',:asii, 8A1, :;:13, 8:08.
c 1 1 • §pected townsmen; Samuel liobeasm
Oswego. It is hoped that if -he makes , Th ti. - - 1 h. is Ras a 3 a nuing i, am :James V:instone, lett Andes, vill
any money on thc other side he will ; race • opea to all horses ; best 3 in 5, this -week, intending to go to ..a.NIissniri
settle with publishers of Canadian news- ! mile 'heats. First horse, $150; 2nd, .S30; . Our well- wishes go with them, am -w
papers - whom he swindled ' during hie ; 3rd $25.
, . " hope they may be happy and prose) roa
lecturing ti i p through this country. 2- 1
.1 lagle".?am frine.. There wele three entries for this race : iin their new home.
•1 K. . O'Leary's -" Reporter- ;" illorton's
a •"Nora Kestra," amliP. Murray's "Fly."
Toeha.-On last Taesda eveuing as Nora Kestra took the threeheats with
taef the emplovees of this office WCre ot any very -extra effert. Tetv• uh
reueling prin.;
frolit it'gniond\-ille, they met 1 cipal centest beiug for the second fllofley Totil osee
• au elderly man, who politely informedrity for By law, 1S5.
Durims the firSt twp heats Fly kept rwell Mitjo
them, that he had lost his hat ilear the
up to 'the winning horse, leavine 'wit -
, Morris'.
. BATLWAY MEETING. -A. Very I srge
and respectable meeting of the_ rate iay-
Os Of MOrriS in, the neighborhoo 1 of
BroWn's 8chool-honse, waSleld 10111 ties -
could tell thd "exact spot."
C arding thil, and asked them if they ! el e considerable' distance behind, ; in
ingten, Gre'-y and. Bruce Railway. Two
- t ay evenin a m the leiterest of the I 'ell-
itistituted, vshich rssulted in the find:inc.. 1
A search as ! the third. heat, however, Leperter made
delegates, •one Jrora Guelph. the • ther
bettet time, a"ti thrice horses kept pretty
of a N.'"eSt, which they tried to.. persuad73 ( dose, 110131' Dundas, addressed. the meetin f ia
hint wits his " top 1)10(0" hut failed. Nora _Kestra keeping the lezi.d. by
favor of that road.; Several local nen
I about- a length. Fly kept well theed of :
'The oWner of the vest can ha-ve the same ileo gave addresses; but since the d a, io-
' Reporter until the home stretch when , , ,
-us how he managed toelrop it.
by applying at this office, and informing- ' by an extet eftbrt On thepart of the rider.
on Monday in Tit/abut-ye none of the
blew which the Toeonta. Road reCeived
- he made up, and. both reached the -Win-- , -
-advoi.aates of that awed attended either
. fling -post almost abreast, Flet however,
Sin; LNG CLASS -- -AT iss Carroll has ha ing o ip -ton, (icy anti Brece 1 i.eil-
the advantaare' RePorter was
ovganized a singing chtss in Seztforun.' way ineetines ni Morris on Tuesday. inci
Tilts lady conteS 'Vary highly recommend- 1
oe a .talten off the. ground:lamed." and. peetty
well used up. 1 .only 'one of Hee- London men, and hei
, i 1 poor man, we felt sorry fOr him. • Hot
ed by the Press of Brantford, Stribtford . '.1.32t!'".t.s 5C-, (m.1 1:(a8L1-.1
.11' has stuck to the scheme to - the ast1
and many' other places,
-xt arm- s 1 b .. . ........... ...... ... 2 2
We are glad fo K. O'l•TIJeaiy's lialiorter .3 3 i Seeing that their frail ship is like] f tO
aa learn that she has already sueceeded in , . Tete -Leal, 1:54 151. 1 1 share the same fate iti Norris that it did
ebtalning over sixty pupils, and -we have : .
1 s ecatte : De Y. 4 ! 111 r.1 urnberry, his craw all dese -ted
no doubt but her &leis will be very large- .
The firstrace oat the programme for ii him t but still thebrave Captain wrs at
- ly augmented in a. sltswt tinre. . 'Miss ; the second day was a 'trotting purse of :the hiehe, all atone. Judging from hiS
Cartoll is desirous of obtaining 100- or
nIni ..1 50,- open to all horses' that never beat ; cond.-act, however; we came to the ,on -
1.' l'unils, and we w°1-11(.1 advise these -)s15 : mile heats, -best 3:in fi to harness. ; elesinn (or, at least, the audienee lid)
411) de-'4ire to obtain a "'Twig' of 1;(1)11'.)8.. a: -First' herse, $100 ; 20(1„540 ; 4rd. $3 0.
amemplielunent not to allow the 1 that he, too,. would- give it up before
r - hi 1, • 1 the t i Saturatate After hearin cf the rem ail s of
tor t s race, wait i was le nios 1 0
"pOrtunity to: pass animprohed,
- eloselV contested and ex -citing (Hallthere the several- sPeakers, t)'e "lowing re-
- t:.----7---7----.----7------ - a -were three. entries :- "Lady Grav," ' AV. - shlution was carried, only one hand bei
A.vrit 'DHSS(' e_vre is. ---sWe were NI': Barnes ; If Ones t Billy, " . Tohn s-iiV "161(1 :
Tip again8t it : Moved by Ir
.florrY to notice 'that L\LIof the lioi rfll0l1,son ; " Pelham Tartar;1 J. Brad- ! -,'3.dael Reid, seconded by ' 111r, 'Ito szt
- insei, wit() arrived. here on. Sairti-dav la.,fts bui-n. . In the first 11e25 a r'ctty sa yen rorbes-That, hosing licsird the exp ai••!
to itttisul the nices on MondaV and start. was (rot Lady Gray tool the lad, atione given by the -gentlemen yepres eat
Taisedatt bad so little regard for the Sitla -- and kept fier position, gradual y gam ing, ing -the, -Wellington, Ores- and 11 nod
. :bath, :List so slight a ,esafing of decency-- _until the' winnine post was] an
reacl e. ! IniilWay, d being satiefied of the
and .1,4.1f -respect. that they emit(' not re- Honest -Billy c?Inie in-
• • .. .. , , ,_ ! • -i -1. ; intention and ability of that Comp isiy
-- out , • in
lain rises 11 raa:tisilig tlitur horses on the iPenizon Tartzt.r barely savaed distal CC.. to Intild the said road, we hereby ph dere
eutu•se ion that day. It would hal (.S(.1 lii the secondlteitt Hemet Bill took the • ourselvee to use all lawfel meanto
ed them right had they been' ttken be- lead and came in first, closely follolved carry, the bonus reoptired feom this To vn-,
fore 13. 113.11:41StrZlti.' on the following day by lardy ( h'ae-,. Pelham arter attain al: -C ' e
, e s)ip, on Setueday next -Cape
11111 1) 3.111', fined. 1Ve understand that ing-the third -position, but much el sea - 1111 BL3 111 S How. he Fall Sims - at
this disgriteeful proceeding was carried up than in the fOrmer beat In the Blyth, will lie :held on the 4th Oe -co ate,
en enthalv unknown to the officers of the third heat Honest ' Billy again 'took the instead ef the 3th, as announced, (ming .
• Driving l'ark Association. ' Had they
bi‘en MI',
-won armed of what was going on , they ; throngh , Isely .. (1ray came in second. day. -.
lead, and gained 1,;43.idly all , tee eray ' to the Wing_haill_s_ho.: Tieing 011 thera ter
lal no doubt have pot int immediate 111 this heat both Lady Gray and Pelham
stop ta, it.
Tiu•tae made very bad.- trotting, end
• --_-----____
• could scarcely be kept from1,
, breaking. atuatah.---A great' and .gloi•i us
til P1:4 ; it Ow 'NG IN 11 reox. -..-. Mr. floneetaltilly trotte(l well, nevi once it victory wits obtained en Monday 1, st,
John Zimmer, whi) livtas near Zurich, in tempting' to break: ' In the. forth .beat in the Township of Turieberry, by he
the Townehip of Hay, left with ue, this ' a acre even start was. got; Pelham Broad-gnagera . The By-l:Tsv granting
-week, a colhaetion or grapes of ditIerent • Tartar's driver was changed, which 28,000 to the Wellingtoh, Grey i not -
2arictic,•1, and a numInT of peacht.s. - 1110 Cansed.- hint to tiO Much better, end brenk Bruce EXtailSi011 IVIS passed by a ma, or- -
quality of the fruit 11 3. rery lilac, ;Ind less frequently. . The three horses went ity of 12, netwithstanding the great itt-
ellowed. bow mach eam. he Oinie in the very et-enly for a ehort :distauce, -when itience brought to bear against it by
way (af anit-raisieg- in this County, iu : Honeete Billy- commenced to ,eain, and - ',n'aronto, 'London, Clinton, Blyth do
9,ite of tate i.nd e:tily frests. Mrthe other . hcrses 'broke, giving him a a Wroxeter. • Never was such -excitem '111
Zinnuer tells us he 1j4s erne acres under good start Pelham Tartar tvolLs semi emanifested-never as such whole le
the eultivatiou- of ehfrapee, . besidee his - hrought domee and for the last half Mile bribery exhibitdd, in the history of Tu -11- :
peach orchard., anti wnat he devotes to , 'followed Billy pretty - closely, aild at the berry, . as on MOnday last Votes w -re ..
213L ('11
fruits; ma /111111111 premises to a close came hi about alength behind. actually bought; like merchandise a a
on exhibitohhe a large quantity /of Ledy Gray
the prodactionetthis little farm at the in this heat - was eon- warehouse. But the Niuh•o-w-guagf rs, '
siderably behind all the way roiled, and .at the 'close of the' poll, had the mei; n- !
,pt'Veral UVII-IltyaRd Township shows now! came in third, about three or tour1 choly satisfaction of finding theuesel -es i
o se :• -tign'NI,
)1111St ironali the recent dronaht
Londesboro polling place, 204 39
• A PhoLIVIC: old resident
of this place by the name of Oliver
Alontone, aged 93 last August, gives
evidence of the fact, that he is grand-
fatiar of C9 grand -children. • Beat that
wit° caa.
P .-Nl C. -A pie-nic of the children et-
'tending itTr. .MeLyers school, in Neetion
No. 2, will be held on AVednesdas- the
20th inst, Parents of children and
, 'friends are cordially invited to attend_
• Pullarton.
Ifoest STeeemeste-e-A span of horses,:
etaggon, and harness, belong -lag to Mr- .
John Moore of the town line between
hillarton and Hibbert, were. 031 Sunday
ight or • early on Aloaday morning,
stolen from his stable. Mr. Alawee
teeded to have threoshing on Ai matey,
aad he arose earlier than =Tel -between
; 3 and 4 o'clock - to make anangements
for it. Discovering his loss, he prompt-
! ly acquainted his ne.ighbors, and a search.
promptly instituted. It seemed from -
the tracks made that the thief or thievee
d ewe towards the place in a buggy,
w Inch they tied in Mr. Melville's bush,
adjoining Mr. Moore's fatal, and on
rtaching that paint with the stolen
. 1 peoperty, the waggon and buggy were
Goderibh Surrounded by Fire. a dra-en toffether till they arrived. at the
list says : ; .1....,th 11110 of Fullartan, when the bug ter
The Signal of Wednesday
, , , 1 , a e m ag-
3 t
was taken along the old Mitchell
arom d Uoderich has been in One fierce
1 2.1.: Da towards Kiri:tom It turned off,
blaze lighting up the sky at night with e -
ateneepteeee h wever, on the base line Of Mamba/el,
a lurid glare a_nd filling the
i at Switzer's Corner, 'and proceeded to -
Of trie town. with a dense mac. On
rds Prospect, where the scent was -
simth side the fire started 1 between
I gl:%ri 1 -en up and a St, Mary's constable des --
the bash Of Mr. Isaac Salkeld:and :tilt
P' tehed in pursuit, -with what success we
IL *puffier in Goderich Township, and 1
tearina throutrh Mr. R. Wih3on's woods i th t the thief or thieves will be ever -
i. i , NV -is dnven down thet ln e an 1 th -
"Sii ce Thursday last the whore comar
ot south -Wind et ve not yet learned, but feel. Sanguine
under the influence of carne a
towar& the tan, on Saturday afternoon I; ta ten, and the booty recovered -
Since the above was m type we r e-
. almost touching the southern boundary
ce ved a report from another cotrespon-
a ithin a ehort distance of the newslaneh-
a .ohange of wind to.; de it, who states that a certain " M. D.'
tes In use. But for
arsested on suspicion.)-s-Bect-
tlie i math, which then took place, the ! choa)e
l ;8:11 8.
tosin was in. imminent danger, and no
Vowed on earth, in the present; destitu-
tion of water, could have resi •ted. the ! • Railwa,y By -Laws.
point f starting, in its passassa) Seriously a wit]. take place as follows :
arel of the names. On the e iange of! ' he voting on the varibus Railway
wind, the lira went ' backward to the ;! By laws) in. the different Municipalities,
threaj1eujiig Mr. Segmiller's cleated farm ' •
and 1) -caking, out half a mile beYond inton-sa.000, Inday Sept, 15
Salkeld's, in Mr. John AndreWs' bush, ilsY
passhQ through- the woods ofl0SS3b 1
Johns on, Fuller and_ Shelly, in dan rerous . LE stowel-15,000, Friday, Sept. 15.
eat Wawanosh-W., 33-, s182000, Fri...-
Stmt. 15; La H. and 33., :.1S,0002 same day -
by -laws sulmiitted in this township.
Saturday, Sept.
proxii lity to the house of the laet-named 1 taneit-eautio, saturate, Sept. N.
gentle mai. r It is no w resting in the bush '11 ansee-s10,1.100, Saturday, Sept. 16.
retentily purchased by Alessrs. Standly est WawAuesh-s:15,000, Thnrsdny, Sand. 21.
V CO )`.:.!ome 300 acres of bash are : •
destroyed and. Mr. Seenailler. has lest in 1
added m 300 cold of a ood. Across the 'i 'hulas leave the Seaforth station as
Maith nil, to the north of the towel, afire ; fell )-see e___
startei beyond Mr. Donald Cummines',
and passed through his lot,. compleeely tow ito Express. Buffalo ExpreSS, Nixed.
sweeping -the property of Mr. Kills- 1 7.52 A. M. - 10,50 A. M. tte .
patriek, destroymg4-00 cords of bark and
300 cords of me od. belonging to that
gentleinan, and from 500 to 600 saw -logs
belonging to Messrs. Standly & Co. It
was 1 eing incessantly carted in and
on the lire, and is • nOW burning t -"J
ti°111eve-wri, d may providentially be kept fi•om '
The residents can oily trhet thiet
rising. The whole surrounding tountry
18 morr2 or less on tore, and no lminan ex-
ertion amild save crops tied buildings in on inch the ExPosrron has been printed for the
the (Election of the wind, if it should bed ix months
again ise. The orifzin o•f these fires is so _ 111 .1!)./i1.1 IS 31e11-113 1)01 1' 111 man -
far a mystery. We sincerely hop no one • mon, anti ans ensil3 as 41 _No. 5,
will now have the temerity to set lire to
(301NG WEST.
Mixeal. Express, •tithe
1.35 P. M. 2.3:i p, 8,50 p„ M.
7: PR ES'S' POI? )9ALE
t SALE -CHEAP, th.e •
• 7 Washington Igoe Press
1 troiten 27x-113,1
A Newbury -4'ard Press
fallow, when the disa,strous consequences •
• s e , ass 1) goo( or ng older. Apply b
• Expositor °Sive,
• SEareirrn, Orr
Or to GWATK1N & SON. Toronto.
-53 "-) a , SO
• wide-sprea(i and serious.
The Turnberry
We have just received a deepatch
-which announces that an official scrutiny
has reduced the Turnberry By-law for
the NA ellington, Grey and 'Bruce fienn 1.
majority of 11 to a a minority 4• -
Clinton New 4;ra. 1
AND TIT Es yr .r.Nt ExTnAon_
DINAI:V.---Win. Grieve, son of Ala .Flugh
(4rieve,• of the 2nd (0ncessi°11. Of Me-
Killop, reaped. With his Canadierateaper
on his father's farm,. on the l'ith of
August, inside of ten hours, 20 eel -es of
a wheat. We have hear(l Of nothing to
eqnal this. On 03)051301' d031 Mr. Grieve
; cut six acres of oats in two hours and
.! forty minutes. On the Sth of same
month heAthresbed 950 bushels of wheat,
barley and rests, at Fraiik I' • -1
, Huron Road, as follows .-200 bushels of
wheat ; 250 bushels of barley ; -500
bushels of* oats. Who can beat this
We undetstand that this is Mr. Grieve's
1181101 way of working.: and that in neither
CaSCS was the wark done by way of a
boast. Mr, (I sieve has taken tho prize
for his reaping and mowing four year in
A SQUIRT:EL, 11 t7NT.--The villagers of
Lumley are making active preparations
for a squirrel.hunt, which is to come 011'
in about two weeks, and if the day
•proves favorable, it will create quite an
eXcitenient in the village as there will
,le about twenty; engage'l Hi the exercise
of gathering heads ant t
A Dispute Settled.,
• To the ?litor of the Ihtron Erpcmitor.
Silts -I -As you are aware, there was a
dispute at the late 1-m1)1w/ match be-
tweenlessre. • Thomson eVVilliams, of
the -11 itchell • Foundry, and *Mr, Me -
Ontcheim, agent for Patterson & Brothers
of Patterson, • Ont. It _appears that
• Thomson & Williams entered a machine
• in their own name, manufactured by
Patterson & Brothers, Patterson, On-
tarie, a:nil. .Mr. 111cCutchuon accused
them ssith so doing by handing the P11 1. Lists and Entry Papers may be bad lit flu
followine protest to the Seel etary, which
e . SI 1)1 011ice, Richmond street, London, op
was read out itt the reapino a match held posite the ellY Hall- '
on the farm of Mr. Snell, Boullett, ,on the
• 19th of ,;fuly last :--
" l' hereby protest against 'Alessi's.
Thomsoa & 'Williams entering a machipe 1., ..', T
in theie own mune, manufaetnred by 1 "
Patterson & Brothers, of Patterson,- On- ,
tario.' :
SEPT. 2/, t.4 and 29.
All ;oath es aue requested to be made on or be-
fore the -16th September,
W. J. McCI.Trif EON,
.Agent for Patterson &Broa.
'Abide for ONE 1'M113 to LONDON
AND itraelthst.
Dv order of the President there was a, i $8,)0(1°
meetiag" called, held at Brucefield, on ;•
the 23th of August, to consider the mat- 1 •
Competition Open to All. -
ter 111 diepute between Mr. Alettutcheon ',0s, -es mcm-ani.-,) •
mid Thotuson & Williams. Mr. Williams a .
was preSent, but failed to satisfy tho Di-- : Weidern Pali. Ofill'e,
rectors that he ha(i manufaeturet the ! remain, August 212 1371. a
11)3-31machine above mentioned ni hiS shop. .
There were three' delegates appointed to '
go and examitue the machine in dispute, CHEAP FARMS. FREE ,.ROMESa.
ON ahuo: matt ow THE
who gave the following report at the --catee r 0 N pA oi Fie It Ai Let tem ).
meeting held again at Brucelield, on the
1st of sept; viz :
and cam, the slide and gearmg, outside, ;
The driving wheel, the reel, the arm?,
. .1..000 AR ES
A LA 741)1, (iI,112T OF
and inSi!le drivers, the grain wheel, the
1.11,a-a:Varlabw, and Mineral Lands in Ameriea.
circle board, all with i'atterson's name
011 it, mid likewise the tongue, all of
:t,tho 0,000 Aert.14 id (*bidet. 18>7(4)114 -mad Graz -
Which. We found. to have a second. 'coat- , 1.1.111ils rui tIlt• MIA, hi the
j4J4 43L Baytl• eld. ing of pitint, andvwha
. striping oer t ap-
, State of NEBRASKA, in the Great Plante3.
Broor Itine:see Great excitement pre-
vailed in our village on S;aturday last,
Catnitaxl by the -ravages of a bushlire,
which threatened to (leetroy the sehool-
house lied surroundieg bulldinge. A
train of waggons' WaS kept constantly OITI-
plOyetl drawing water &inn the river, to I
be ready in the event of an emergency.
While Mr. Eberhard was drifing, :down
to his lot with a-' load of water, a large
tree, which had been part y burned
through, fell across his waeg u, one of
the limbs striking him on the head, in-
flicting a fatal wound. Dr. 'Woods was
in immediate attendance, and at once
pronounced the accident fatal Mr.
Eberhard died at three o clock, Sunday
is:areal to be Patterson's finish, theunder
with Patterson's machines, both in, color • and. IN1:.)-li,::::11erseArsf":171:11:::;:i1t:11 'fl-
oating ii)f paint corresponding exactly .111,,.3101,),„r, 42 a 222;b1 anal loashby eilmata .
and striping.
: Ahenew Come, 1 i
. late e te etay in the reit, 1 state 1.
The Directors, after hearing the report a HOMESTEADS FOR ACTrAl, Srl71..E1:?..,
, :rives Range. from ._? to h:1 0 per acre.
e 11 i n c in dispute, and the unsatisfactory - I 1:::,1,7171s7:131,;:11 '342, i rtf:: .Na.):::::):::::,7"
a ween omaha anal North Platte, open for eutry a -
of the delegatee sent to examine the ma- -
and. equivocal statements of Mr. Wil-
mot that the said machine -was manu- .1enelit of the. Homestead Law, _
hams, they came to the uuanimous deci-
facturechby Patterson & Bros., of Patter- on etherhee their imentein ta, ettoree ritizen.-: of
1 the nailed States, and war mail themsalves of thi-
. The Directors wish to express their ; hi t
( 4-410 for the new (-di ion of descriptive pant-
provirion immediately afb:r their Iterieat
son, Ont.
thanks to Mr. 11.1eCutcheon agent for p e 2 with new maps, me Dist free everywhere.
• 0. F. DAN es,
Patterson & Bros.. for drawing their at' . Add ..ess
196-13t Land Commissioner r ro,1i1.11 ,cs...
'Wei. Enos's., Delegates.
1, 6...
01111111.1111111.111111.111111111111111111111111.1110, a o
'VOL. 4, NO; 4
s rrra,1,1
IN SI:afro]
tr 3.11
• la'Fil91.•;:tthi.:;s:cetr:ii:ak.t.43,,,sei:ri.31.:11:1:::::1:1
144.1:titt)(11.,:u,n2anick:::: eye:: time. et,
l'e inserted till forbid, -and vhi
‘14'k.I:iivert4*444; a 5 e I )3 131 ::1311111 li-ft0S11;'' 1.ZIL:;:' 4'1 4:.)11:'t:t. 0'.
lijilf 44 . 4)110 year
" " 3 months
14 %i half sl.
Orille-fe..a',rt,',11 41113)131:;:q1:1:41 .,... i i i :
11.. As hau +-41 ,. , ., .
:33. :::e -et (Itig ::dith03:1:4,7:_tilit: '..1*:-::...: ,
' " 13 months . ;Ia
31rnno Y. Mt-Lx.ta-st 1-
TIAT11.) NIITCILleaLL, 3.L 1
tin Collep,e, Physician,
Nit:name:, ONT.-Coroner of
lattice And resiclenge, at Tho
•'nit. W. It 13,11ITYL, 11*.
• -Office-Opposite Scott "
• Main -street, Seatortt.
zee», ete. (Mice and Ilesid
geon, t,te. ()flice ,t>41
1-33tarliet and. High streets, 1
II•erener •
mul Residence, ever Carla
lured, Seliforth. -Office Ion.
(lay, And all day sstaralitay:
TIANIEL MeDON,k1-4),, Ra
•• Law, Solicitor in rlain
Conveyancer, etc- ENJ-rriKA,4
• 31,01i0 lo LIAM 'at TAT:
torneys nt, Dalt, Soittit
laminiveney, Notaritts Puldit
3123.4)114 1n- the 11,C. ltatut„.
the Canada Life As-sor-otx.•
13. --*.:30,1f04 14, 1(1141 Lt
3-141112-4.11 Ulla Lots for sale.
11103aNS ON 4. .311M11, 0411
• 7111 TAW, 'Sofia -lbws in Alm
•ACouveyancers, Notaries Pohl
liwth and WrOS.el4.1'. A4.1.13-tf1
AID. of 4-ppe1' Canada, and
Co. of bontIon, )1k)
1Z-N0X'S 111/1'EL. f Late
signed -l'egs to thinal: thr.
• laitrollace 111VII13.1841 141 Wm
• hotel bua..iiless, and alNo IA)
itgaill -resumed imaaailless313
33 willhe happy to have o
• 4113tl.3114023
..t,) 4...,43,,A -W AV, Erinnit'ti
Aillvrkun Hotel, .
llith Ivee)lay liven331-111
fitted throughout, uiurl ii 314>44'
1011711)1e and conantaliont, itt
liana& Rooms for Conintrir
Terms liberah
11)(i1)ING'S 13anilting 111141 =
IN". S. itoin-ArrspN'.s
lalekv, AweSilvier:abd
Fanneeta NoteN disown
•-"' {Alive- NI NIn)'ra)'s
rior,es and tirst-ehuva Come.).
QIIAi3.P'1-i LZVE1t ST11111;
Sesforth. l'init-tinht,31
7.11-w41ys on hand 11.t l'431ts011814le'
TOIIN Itit13.IL431„
-*-/ way Ticliet. Agent. /14a3al
0. 'I'. linaway 'Station. Beat
Ticket,: a:eto an Jahns i
Assam -ea hoe ittad River, at r
be greatest flteilitieh to a.:411
iutormation given resvveting
44ret.zilmelis, ilimals.aConpon,
04)111 -mad $ihrCi41i, 1w11.01
ta) Sureryo begs to am
tanfs Senforth and v.irr,1111
bas opened un 441-101 for 1.
Sm.* 111 the roonu, fan mea
Harri-K, Denti-at, v. here he Ai
IFf wiwk expeet:eal .if th.
arta ery manner 11811on teaam.
11. e3.n011.:11.
▪ L )3%. B111111.
Agel,t for the folio:1 inv
astwane,1 *oloymnieh : fl.a•
Ina] :0,4 We..terti 1 ia.
• 1 tp...n.al..ve 1%i141p:1.J ..
T1) T.t)AN 4.2*41
i1.1) ..r 'alto
• 1
11-1041 :I ,a
44)3o,.., 11.411111 31-spi-1.:
Amt. nig huai
131,11/1•41%:, Vill 1.0 1I4 1411
11'w 4: I1:p-
▪ 4 al t UhiP13 W011 :.-
4111.111 1140o41 C1;
411';' ar,,
3. t a
el 11)K V Vs) :II 7.. :A .01
11.*P.1 1.;441 111 1
▪ ;11.. , I 11- 1.•
ila 1;:a.
aft Cv• I int 4.2
11, 2:,.1'!2.3-41. 11. V. --d
C. .4:21 .
111 :a; '-a• 11. 1
. • 1.^. 1.ria
• . .1
• . 3.bt •
i it 1! ai.may I 'olle.'s% -411
. ,a Via!gialena a. alaf 111.
• . • a .421.3,4: 1.11114.
I; 1.,
'lit) V Tsai' irtal. 17 1 ...ill- gla P1.
TIP al 111114 lo. Thrs‘ti, 20341
3.4.1. 1‘lt-a1i•in. a.