HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-09-15, Page 8J + 7 HURON EXPOSITOR. THE SEPT. 15, 187f. appeo achin and i ve expwt tot ee honor- lengths behind the second hor., e, but No. 2 in the.�Contest. rhey ahiiost de- morning, He leaves a wife and large telition to tbe wa tl at Tbonisojj & able and f equelit m -Intioi�� of is name having saved her distance Woii second served a better call f anill y P Itroll X -100 or fate, f 110 person y to mourn. 1111111 0 -was long li-dins trie(I to illlpo;�e oil the �-Zociety by ln� the -priz listk. money.. deny -but that they use 1 .1 great eXertions, a resident of thits in('. is deeply re- el teriligand C( .j6, - ! - lace, YjApeting;--it the lateinatch J, son's Honest ........ 1 1. 1 However, the Ns not very good gretted by all. I llaulline in their own liame malittfac- Thom. SEVORT L RAGE W. W. Bariies' Lady Grey ........... 2) 2 8, and required a great dbal, of bol DISTRICt MATTERS. turLil by allotht-1- party. It was J,Bralburl,'HPoillani Tarta. ............ 3 8 8 2 lip by 1 -0 131-aceal 2:,1)5, 2:5,9. false4 sotatemelits, IvIlis.1cy Wi(l. I DryssdalevllI 3. -tli) that tjl(, Neerjtarvbi,� instrifet'- The rall der the at spices of 41ollar bills. We hope the Tow ships of ed to Irrite to '-N 1 feti: i r � Z. M T�e second Iyas a trottincy' ace All.irlis.—Thk) WeiWier is boi a th 11i d 1 D and- Dr vin& As - Agricultural Shows and. Fairs. tb6 Se foi r 3136, t", -In o refund t'lic -4 ) Op011 East Wawanosh and Ilf orris, oi� Frid I-- : '. to all horses, best 3) in 5 to IIIIlless, excecolli y dry ill il-Iii s )1. that neally e sociatioll, came off as previi -usly all- and Sattilrday, 15th aii�l 16th, will fol. ))V thein its a, II , alldl the 'Tro"Itur I I weils pTiZO a' �Vhe (Tray Branch Agrioulturtil Fmir will be hold ji.ounce Oil '140no. ay and (lay fast FiTst horse, S.1-50 ; 2nd, 850 ; 3rdj .525. 1 low the example of 1 Turnbel',ry Will i all the are T b )f the people are colilpielled to (iraw Three entries were ma(l o for thi i race, I th L,- IV.c mateli. were Ike 1suiccessful, there Ivill be no doubt JI -hat in less than their naid 61i I I 'Elie Dn%-I.I.ghip of Rilty.1", rictiltural. 90cieky $,.Fall the Milly Morris, B. 8. AN'ti rht -water fr 11-stanceof two.. I) atb� i ()Ili Ben -owwilL be 4eld at Zurich, on. leritlay, the Gth fir e att cc 0�[Of 101lest w . 8 n of OctollLr. an' and at lialf miles, and Dially-- have, fully S,h �t datSyr t eetators two years, the iron hors;e will Up ste. nia, Billyi,"J Thomlison; bat -See. 1 A ­ F0 Mr. McLeod. Tnis race seeni�4 to be ur Imoduce I aly to' distant a' not Iremy largy Ill of he coun Orp ill rr through this rich aa�d fertile' ountry, three miles to draw it. The South Huron Af Show vrill be held at Seaforth, on Thursillyftn(j- try people, not.- dpsiring o spend two carttyin 0 Ww 9 pretty'much o Alill 7 N -is I k1orris Ile sided, y I Hay days"did -I] ot colne O)lit un I the scc.�ofid markots,—Colr. Brsii Fjims.—I'lle fire ill the bush Ims 'as gren -,r y had everything ]ter Own Wa�)t!, -,4111( took beell rafting ivar'ullly tbrou"lloilt The North Iviklim, of Atirort Agricultilral Society, day, as it N sidered -that con "D v Iliad 7"r ull be ki th4 three strai0critt heats without exert- I locality for tile last felvwce'hs, nulk lig a s towliship -.1leetto-day, for Fall Show will be holdat Clinton, on Tnesda the lies t h, se w -,ptl back to ' i � Wvilll(-�,Jayl th,3 19th aii(12)th of litpt -et�er- take part i I the r,c es of that day.. herself Ili 7 wr= purpme of sublijittim"r a I t ollber in the loast. Honest Bill The �-epheti tut(l Usborue, Agrimltantl Smietv S. y AI)Drrro--,,,. —Workilie dreadful hayoo, ill the woo(ls- 'Jt till By mv V oil took- the second positioii in each heat III are butly build- 11111 C 11 2re.-S payers, gran t i 1) T -F Fall �,h ­ will bi h,,�'M -it oft 'loaday ati(i the seconcl day) le 7 (1 111,111N.- I the r.-,Lte ore, the atteild- 111g, all addition to tile Ilorth end of the )1111( - lre(l of lille XcLEA!'� BROTH Tue.,,day, the .2.nti alicl 3ra (lays of Oc toi)(.r. after the first. ()n tit of to I ell" ui,�Ces e third lie Presbyterian Church in, tlli;� place. It t1l At in. early hour Vt�,, ance was Very I'll. rA 1;-),(1 Th(, -Full 8howof the Howi(:k- Branch Agi-icill- t tho ilbered hill Ic e tbe vou- driver of Orphan (11irl. was ellatiaed, oil also Sustained lillich damage. .-A.1caflows stl littioll of tile 1,fmdoll, turat'r4odoity-wiLL be held -it (Itirrie. oil WO(inestj in the niornine, I I pouring int is much needed g pec� )l can C', . 0. ac th '11, �011llt of dim'sAisfaction amongn some .1'r Ice lZailiv, e Ill %go, and 10 a befor t bav'e beeitt burnt III) awl fe;)-�es d'estrOved. IV 1.11C DIrect -s of tbe- lie ti i1ton, on I poin eL 3 As t8 The Cmitral Fair will be helcl Oct.4­ p we ap- ires are still rxghur in ti) o 1 It ossible to wcertaill the- allio,unt 14,111 at firsb a-skeol. -'�17,500 from �1.1; t I fo, of ",those IVIIO hall bet oiflicr. The change at Ham r the, .1 take place, LI n� (lit! ]lot improve llc� 'tpeo.:d woods and sivaillps ill spille partl of thi.; I' Of rii Fair irill be hold Olt Loutlon, oln %hy, iv I(I she tt4m.-him bntllpoll tile Council reflipin­ N 4 Th, I th i'abincr j.)ark 4 1 1 . is i'lli, fr Wth tl tree,ts ai-4 : 0 nciry borb000l. �tifr. .1 1, fl jurt '.1.1 Ill("]. of lasse V OL. 43 - were 'orowIed *Lthl anli, us -pleas-ure oll y succcedcol in. takiiig thir 1-- 11 1 1 . I E.4v-k1,F"-0,a l9afill-41 I ay, the to silb- �y­ U'urnberry., had considerable difliculty, 11, Ll 1110 le -lit lt 13V -1,11V fo-* this tht.v' Exhii-bition Nvill lit, hi-ld 1A Hit)-- 1 seel�ers. 'I'll(, B. -S. Wight's Mill-r'.vorris ......... --h i i agn-Ved to I W N) hwk - 100. Thl-s allionlit 9,1 baril of .l. hlljlv�, ]'oil 5. 1, raceB �n ay t,DU, All th(- tI;tlw 10th of Suptelliber. n 6 d T. Tholliholl'K Hollei�t Bfll .............. 2, 2 saviii tr his house last Al oliday, but we be- y 0� :1 rUa.1 ly goo(�, ther, berhia "everd of I-I-Ity, very narroirJ3, c-.4caped (loubt, be carried Ny;tjj ])tit 'North Perth Ag-rielittlirn I liocioty's Fall qhow Orpilat, .................. 2 3 3 1 Irl -w lieve it is now. out of danger. Will N' I'VId at Stratforl, oll the 5th aud Gth oil ille; growd. The ar Al IIvi� N'. — T? I rom what oyed by fire f rom a spark Ufl Glass liors�, s � It 1 e —8; 0 SA 5 0, 2: 52 1 - October. Jh b w Tht,- i5outh Portil. E Thb third and last" race undo Ive call learn JI '-N I C. --A, pie-nic of the Olildrel'i at - i raugenlents of t I It r �, complete ill r the there were pretky lively tillies at the to have Uanle fi om. the 1% aSill,= ever respect, Ian ill socie vits sboN d lhe�proceediiigs of' �.aiispiccs af the Association, Ivad , ruu- Of fully jifty rods'. The lire originated tell limr Alr. �\J(-Lcool,s "Chool, ill. NILeti011 ,I Ile lield'd St. Alarys, on thtu od tiild 4th of Ov FRIDAI: both -s 'Vent On boxillollibusly and in I,yol'illa oil the'By-laiv, ill TII"n1)o`rrY, On tlitt stra-'r ill th- baril- al'111. was belleld oil Wednesday the tolj( nilit; race open to horses bwlied in the 1 e ya roll -11to 2, The 14ocietv'sFaii t1fe'best of )-rider. There -:1 1 Monday last. Wjli�dz6y and, illoney d i scoverad b' -1 Irllo 110 "' th" int."t..9 Pareilts of 'Childiren L1 11,118 one thing, jCO11utY of I'lurolv only best 2 ill 3. seems to have been 11118U,( protty � free],)-. y the servant I tri I , I 1 -0 Iva ( : awit, to) (11­1� some, - A however, -whiGI grefted-to notice, It 11.111ter ail([ notiecd the fri(II(Ts, G1 I r0e, effects of tho-formea! -w&tj vj.-,il)Je` 3ear m, First horse, $15, 2nd, No' -ire cordialjyllivite(I to attend. I all d th at 4 as, q the ber who money.. s in silloke in the barn -yard. It(; gmvu the th"Unumbor Of D01111YI)IT'ook row' thit, yvar� 001) i—A Pomid will be estab- took "outsideti6kets.j' g0d'kothdaystlie 0 ill full alarn), and -,ariih the assistance 'f a few r, ullartoML.. i )"or this race there wete three ell bries blast. One fellow got his I - I of' the neighbors, Ivh: lial 5olile(I to Ile 'caforth. ilo­.,;.t vveck. .rig, roofs of ever slied af losal itppell(� , n( I shed in' S I buildincr ill 11'cbstor," by I -owners -of tile Pl,rk, A. y tn' Rattwilerry -U of liorse,Q'. T V.A X-, the Iicinit3 convei)ient -it tile nic) Iva! go beware! 'ere covered til � OCL "Billier- nodoubbliavesolue idcr� of 11. 11, allil harness, belollplig to. )Ir. r Ue. h Ivith spectators, who Were CLeSirol. ow in putting it Out. 1 -laid t been live illigerfilin,per li t I ick," by Nlarks. In tile' first beat- an inch is oil a nian's metser : T 0 -NJ ()Ore of the to.%Vll fille between T­er�t ceilits v.11ch tilnti,� p A.s f f F I V, I - i). —'TI I e I y - La w gn ain ti I Ig Ivitups the j)i`To;Cec, Ii as 0 he effects j minutes I( lous, 2: at b who- 111 d Daniel Webster took the lead, b tit was of the money iYought to bear oil Lb e. stib- in onu. 0 )11'r r u2l"t'e"(l. I'-oll](1 "`N -c fal to and Hibbeitt, werc� Oil i tothe Welli y ug,ton, (-Troy and Brace no -t fnd it in their 'h6c'it's t pay thLEd- being closely . plirsued, '1)y Lim zick, I been. illipossible to extijilniishl it, as near- ject were, that 111,,tily o iiiitit or early Olt Alojlcj�iy f the free ainj C., 11,ailIvv, -was carrie�l in this township oil Inission fee, anottlils holioliubly gratify 11,11all tj IY haIf of tit(,, stack was 0 lire wheil )walf ...... 16. )e latter -bolted, aild oft' the indepe 8 St`]" fr("In ))is S' Ible. -�Jrr 3loore ill- 1103,1day last, by a majority of 135. their ..curiosity. I A e, notic&t also that track, allowinc, Daniel Webster t o conie, nilent got SO1110 11611' light oil discovered. -4 :3 niowhs d ellaugod their olie year T the By-law (I tenlle(l to Ii lye a thresh,l)(y oil LisfilctorY and lie arobe earlier than usilal—betIveen h"jf givessat nd Ili for; good, cl, -)e-tei: lip oil the outside ill 1i rst and Gipsey Lass second. 11, ininds accordingly. Prices i maIj. Vall pestion, ill NTAM XTIIACT.—A'Ve i.inclerstand that oft the fence, a n oil b3i their hands a -it the crops mit'S4 b turn' " (nit 3 aid 4 wclocj;�.­to make ari-allgements Yr. James lZoss, I the second beat D-aniel Webster 0,1, ill sound, able bodied v.oters, rvllg proof th, of 8cafortbi, has rccclx-- INtlille each race was broceeilfi)g, and In': took the lead, but Ili the * sox..oll d l$ 2 5 0 i well. that no grujubling is h rd wit), 'Ile for �ione-follyth one year'. ed the contract for caril"Ill" the 1110111 1, the interval botweff." I .0-und to the latiterligure being, pjiid, Ive DISCOVeril) rlly� his 16ss, he, promp t - I the4races stood farine * s this I wos passed by Limerick, who k r year. 0111 i th'� believe, for at prinic aiii,11,11 ill ,. ool ly acquaijited his neiclibors and ase -arch fl'01-11, Seaforth. to Wroxeber. The cdu.- down in order to gilve th6r weary arms tratk and callie ill first J)y goo(l dis- dition, 00 coll Z -- I -who I i A PROLIVTC FAIMILY.—A11,01d. Mei(jenj was promptly institute(l. 4-)ne-ci�hth one yvar iract extends oIler a period of live years, a rest. SuGh,couduct is ii only meall tal I c e. vas raised near Bolmorc. It seelliel froil.r Ili the third heat1 Limerick took i the track hidf to Asso� !iati Towards the close of tile poil prices a of' this place. i)y the lialI16, of 6liver 8 inade that the thief or thiev,es, but dishonest. . TI -on have the �start and kept ahead'throligh011 t tit('; de�ided upward tendency, aliol th Monsone, acred (93 last August gives dro, re towa, rds the place in a buggy le xpense in lojic-tivelfth one year Tju j� Nv 8,rorm. �Avq would call a -t- gone to' congid.. fitting heat, win ore Wall 0 3 1 1 1 1 the race.: Gipsey Lass- T�e fact,' that be is grand half keen opposition ant -idence of whi �,b they tic A6 th Ilin oil, We d in Ur. Nlelvillte's 11 3 � e orroutiols pit ox the buyers. d 11, raising purses foi- 11ras it. '9 grand-cluldricn. Bn t "I"o, the I"t ae. were credibly iiiformed,�tl eft Ws farni, and t0litioll U) tile fact tll�A itotwith ' sta-riding bile 00111pe witholl'all. 011 hat sollia of the i father of. U thttt adj( o Mr.. Nl i - loss,of 21 cases 6f goods by -tire wjhi1e I I li he P atud j� one of the lVith0nt. ", o -11 On, Linierick is but a, colt and was llev,,,r oil vbters actually came lip and offered to who can. reac 3 11, that point Irith the stolen. P tire ir, tr, licipat 86 'e's insitn, -M casts. Lee & Switzer have s from whic h. they ex- the course ill a race before. He lulls �be -jusertecl itill joibiol, audelo vote a, -till way foil a certain, price Ivagadli ancl bua,v -A-e--re x reordered and will rece' pect tube reiini tirsed, i cert, erty, tlie lire niost of their- . s from the ell- well, and if properly taken care IvIll nihm in g their lig- it I til Goderich Surrounded by Fire. to-, 3T-cT-.EA3 t1lis WeLk. trVvilde fees.. Fo� a :� Person.. 1 erefore to yet inake a, first -c T e ii e most stj'aiglit, ther till they arrived at the Mc.1u)'o T. 3TcLjx,.,, fitock 'itpial of Wednesday. last sa-�-,s -toil, when the bu wry ace hininelf in'a. potiition t D lisiliess like manner. f f thiII&S keejj Phe -S of Fullai pl -view the po tj lass horse. her was aild b 0 - 10th jille, me kept for this racee! -we expect I 01,111try was oil ill this �tyle' ;hat -at nt�w and qiiice Thursday last the whole c driven down that Iiiie and the Ivag- rts so provided without paying the re- liave been. requested to i V� 11111TVALTE rURSE. ortant branch of Canadian in lus around (4oderich has been Ili one herce 'is fakell along the old mit.cliell state. thet accomodation- has been p,j.Ov,id-j qtured fee, is simply roundabout Imp try gOn W, BUSMESS DFR -I-! 'to tol, fi)r� e t-ru t will be developed. blaze, lighting 'tip the sky at light with j road towards Kirkt way of. stealli s b, for the A racib of a mile dash for a pr. v e on. It tiirne(I off, . al licb, Ts Ho the. Direct- a at lurid. glare and fillbi -the atmosphere (-WS Of tIIG South 1.1 credit of the villape j and I oil the base line -of Blansli ard, - -uroil A gricultural So- isurrolindincy urse was run between 'Bonnie Brac JBASE BALL.—T-he return match be- C3 111IF11-01 IVA c011ith that' aid j " Charley- - Ste -wart 11 resultill g in tweell the Re of the town Ivith a dense smoker oil -i it 8'rifzees Corner, and p.r c to- ciatY, 1190 for the Judo-ei, who will be in i Oil I fatuire similar o (1, Stockings, of Li�to-%vej, 0 ee(la I casioh. there wl 11 a,,or of the 0 the solitil side the lire started between i Prospect, -where the seen Was, TED ITIT -ML11' Di �httelula-nee at flIe Sho"o bel' fe w*k of these latter by considerable (Olds. an(l. the 8hoo Flies, of Wroxetell. IMS DA C1 ac Salkeld and 2\ glVCIL 111) and a, St. INIarys constabA des- 17A :Coflege, Physician, pilferers. rime, played here last,14'riday, and resuftea ill Jr. I the bush of Alr.'Isa, atel led in pursuit, with -what,611ccess Aire. -vict6ry for the 1116d. Stodkings. ' R. Seginiller ill Goderich 'Toiviisbip., and 11 of 41 FIRST D I1F­`VA0NABTF (*OOT), -;.-3I. AVlm Cilanjp- AY. underothe Influence ora south Wind ciiitme have not ),et learned, ])lit feel sallguine .10PACC and l71!SideljCe, At T'liol.01 Ilell, of tile �N-evr York House, anno Ain Six ujI 143yVille. Tlie follolving is the score, innings ces Trotting Race--7-0peii to nt Domill I riev.—mr. Win played by both sides tearbig through Mr. R. Wilson's -%I that the tbief or thieves will be over- -U, 'ecuive(I - '. "i 'Oods r 'ajiiie. tic! horses ; bezz t 2 lit 3. First hoVe Willies* DR. AV. 11. ISMITIL J�h,�N this week ba;t he h, bi Offlct�--4)jlposi&� SW IJ itow (Istliet6wn, oiiS,,Ltiir(l,,L,3�,ifteriioi)iI and the booty recovered. tt stock of seaso-nable cloths. This oi(I v $75 2ad, 825. I'Ll.) STOQKINGS Aifor.Ttm EXPOSIT011 ili jUjjl(�.VyWe antl . 81100 FLIgs'. peln- .34-ilb street, -Reftfortt. -lillost touching the southern, boundary 4establl-�llnitent is too -well knol-A 11 to re- For this rL were 1". It f8ince the above was in type we re-' tee there th� lee en4ries Parties requirinry Job Printing or AtIverd "` S, Kidd .......... 12 W ortdistauccof Olenewslaijoh- ceive(I a reportfroin anoth. -0 CO a Irt Ws "Bay: "' , . collboy...'..... 6 iii6inash correspon- 1-T-1-irtendation, fro -111 1. G aftended to by -calling upon -11r.0 ilpi STLWAIZT, NT. A�� 'Is nll Ive Williaill Wdo�l Jack j ail b( 0 0 t I er house. But tor af ell tates that a c I M. D.! 'aniv now desire to diiect at-tollt* J. B ackin rt. gebt willd to 'Ic"It! Who JA s G,ipsey He ls';�lso autholfizeOl to solicit' 'b lbersf THr, 1.) J. E. Dodd ­i....... 6 tj all 1, I'llh-er-sity, Moa� loll to 110,111pson and P. gli scribers f S ertail . , �j - R.; Thompson.. ite north, which then took! place, the bas I colt arrested on su icioji.)—J�(qt- soon, -,Az. 0,11tee mul'Riesittellm the advertisellient. Murray's ." F ly In the ii -it heat Bay XP0$1T0lt. 13 1). Walker .... 4, NNI Kidd ........ I to-wn. was Ili illi-milleilt dallgder and ept. 8. JaGk too], the I. -,ad; aild kept a con- IR LIvtys.--The By-la;%v- grantilig tile 11 J. Dubledeo..�....'. 4 110 L. YEM - COE, 31. D, C.� power on to - I Boo -V "'Itol: ;zeoi, etc. oftice '#na-, 5 W. P, artli, ill the presout destitil- 8,royn As will siderable distailb I I)o 11 IV. Tbo an' ahwid ii the way ii to the Wolliii crton, Grey and Bhice C. Livingston tion of water. could liave' r4sisl., Railwai;y Py -Laws. !ffil-r-kayt and High)rtrft-ts4' oil- Or. al ....... in All fessi-s. l3purr round, and ma�de the beat 1:56 ; Fly RaikVilay was Carrie'('] in arch of the flanics. On the chailge 01 TU votim, -on til-te -varictivit Raillvav be.scull by advertOeitieut, -A c.. 1 -5 D. 1'. Wjlson�. ed the Son, have ol)cned al line licIv stocl� of 4am e in second, i 15 A. Ve, d Gii)sey Lass was d�av, 1by a niLjOritY Of -361 )ut the ex -:1 1). 1.3,,Lrboll' nol, the fire went backwards to DX CANIPBEML, Coronerf� :13,00ts alid 81locs in the store recently od-. t distailleed. - Ih t1la second 116 r ...... .14 R. 0. 3 wi 0 th 0 1 B the different Mniticipalities, ovvr eo.44 41t Fly took cjt�oiiie y-hws, ill tit still col itinues in -Alorris, as the J. -yreenwood ... 12 J� Jackson ........ 5 seaforth. jellpied, 'riffil Davis. Tile stock tb c starti - but Nvaq - S;ooi� -- passed by Bay Point of starting, ill its passa��)(,, serjod.,ily wi,l ;ziko pl. ace as by (I , 1 voting does not take plate' I - SLI1 no -W all(I the e till Saturday. clo�ared farin s ay th, 1 s JeSsxs. 8purr cy -Jack, who I% ith iconsi�lerabli difficulty I 1 0 iindall diiv'saturday'- t is gxpecLed that the By-law will �Llso ) I Cjinioll­�10,000, Friday, Sept. 15. -ire - 11 )(9 and breakingf Out half a iniI6 1j. (leternti 111.8 posit eyond ) fr. ,ast Wawallosh—lv., 0. 1111(1 13., Fri - Rod to sell elleal). i Ic-ept oyn, and got 1, ot, ... 122 Total ......... L I ... :, � I I o t1te winning ill that Township a4 it has J)Cen Ujup ire—Mr. Turribillf Salkeld's, in John ews' bush, dity, �pt 15; L. Ir. mid 33- H FU -L * :nd I post about at 1mgtill ahe�� of Listowel. Id. t loroughly call assed, d the (.arrylng IyoodS If A --I�Wssllblllft tell ill t his' tomilship. V (ki Am) Kr.'r Irv-�W.. 11obertsolit & Co. The foUo llg�i�i 'the tnthar Of Alr. 2NIortinier, Listowel' Ild p" Two b, 000, Saturday, Sept -16. T-%ANXl1M NUDON1111111), Uffl­ Scorers--i Ill, tbrolicyll the, sSrs W, y the of tile By-laws in 0'rey aaidjuniber;y is Mr. FrankCarroll, A -'roxeter. Johnston, Fuller aildShelly, in' (Ian List rtvvkl—.-�415,000. Frillay Sept. 15. J-" Law, solicitor in domr4 a -re morchmits, hav6 just recei-ved-i race A41 t, gerolls ee the Tast-lial going. to influence it ngs are Win After the crame was fill i proximity to the hause of iffil addition to their x1ready l shed an(I ek,,, sup - It is lj()4�jr rftgiIlg ............. ........ lield.all over tile Townsthil) ; by botli par- "tellS'Ve Stock, -XvIlLiGh iS -well 'VVOI-tJjj- Of disposed of, tile I tile bush jtr�l Money to Lwin XtIl4w W ........ 2 oth to Ives 11ra-m-mosh—,18,600,* Th J. T1110111:�01 Ues, lid, is .1 "olieral. -tl)ijlr,. the Al ell- .9ept.,21. of ib y Lass ... quite it nulub recently purchased Vy Messrs. 6taildly spoction bv, intendill" purchasers.] U1116-1:56, �,.00. 'D T ell, of ladie' -tit( 'i c best of it. cyclIgenjell 1; 4- 1 1) 1 1lUQ11 Iv 4 1110(fto Grey , I.Brucchas tL & Co. 6onie. 300 acres of heir 411 1 . �­' .1 V1, 41-11puill! next, R wasi a. trotting ace, Opel I I tor jeys ut Lavt, "'ifiligmto JU -week. Look out for it.. ace:No. 2 Puimic HOMDAY. The inbabltaiit� of Bluovale, Cliffoz-0., Ainleyvill' Olestroya"I and Mr.. Segmiller has lost ill R ILWAY and vicinity e, and othql. THVIE TABLE. to -Ors'es ti at Ainleyville all L intend obsurv. places, repaired to addit oji� 100 cord of wood.. a n ver -1 ei&t three the comillodions liall 1.1 , cross the 8iolich,a-s fi)r thv It. Iltillk, �14 Ailillutes nifle heats, �gest ing Saturday, the l6th ins -4, as j public' attached to 2AIrs. Days' liotel, j�rjl , Alaitland, to thenorth of thetb -I ire f Tra ins leave ihe.,Seafoith station a& S1toWS------TJl& Pall 8how of the in 5 to ere wii, OjIOjj 8 tile, - -climlitla, 1:1fi- A.4-surallce, 4.310 hariless, First hors so farmers and started bo- o, $100; lid, �40 h)l d. yond N1r. Donald -;North I (I Al o- oit K Into II Artricultural. ISO- I hers shoald the at very lively tipie in tit )L­­.,�:W!(A)1) to 'JeWl at 4 y spent, e shape untilLots forl�`110- 81100 r GOIN-0 MST. 41 etL clety takus place at Clinto'- 3rd, 1,i I buar in mind that there ivi be no bitsi- -ofd andpassed throarth his -lot, 111p] '13' - - ojIL TU09day j,"r ocial."' The Torontm Express. B-tifiritio i,,xpress. ,e j,%r VIO: ss (.1one. y evening Mr. Kirk- MEIM1. a4vrarl Tilt, South Rid- F,)r this ra, re th e 6,iltries I hall was` beautifully �1* sweeping the property of 7-51' A. U. -10-50 A. )1'. 1,35 r. x I 'Tan, C C', j'a-1 BL ;I A ecorated I -with I 8bow takes place. at LSP. Les Uollill ell. der, I J. I e Nivroaths of evergrOG118 all patrick, destroying 400 cords of bark told X) -a- I B . S . e -.—The weath r c litinues dry. d, flowers. i The GOING WEST. ley'.g "Blailk C 11,UbU4, rth, o i Thursday and'Uriaav next If ok,': and 8harpls 1, Ban- or, is 30611 cords of wt o(I belongin�,'toi` th. newris, N otino� all over, and farmers ,ir-1 best of Music was i)-rovided,'and il fact at Xhml. flil-th 11:11d AVI-oxett-r. Agm,I)WIliq the 'weath.0v is fine, a splon-dirl display of hc,�t was Ivoll -by enlpl4ecl fil solvillor Ill the arraii "ItIelinan, and. froni 500 to sa;W-lo-ts 1. X` i,. m. 2. '35 r. -.ir. 8. - Pat. Tb e, firs oculelits 'were conipletel atlia 9L i their' fall wlicat 50 1,. -NT. Co. of Upper C1111114111, 4014 QA -1 Black- Crook, ill 3:()8.1,� and -the three fol r 's alld nlay bc expected at i- el -is lt� colisid beloncrillo, to INIessr CO. Olt of Lolltlm). Nou ,axticIL Di e r the result -was, d ar c (I S. 'Standly erable breadth be �n" that everybo y ill) he 9 14 chhl--,ed, each of t1lose shows. ats by (Y'eiieial. Butler, -who 1 sc wit ill this section. to then �)aszs`ed into M r. Anthony -.Allen's 011jo�r themselves to the fullest ex- tent. Pancij t bush doing severe d& ]3L A L OTL. Company inten it," was kept lip with spin So I was closel I In -a -w llere clay 1-0 PRINTER Y -t rIven. ill each heat by Black -1 (j 0 d t(st- -Urook.. Pat as withdr4WIl Or the third 11 11til a little -if ter midnight, '%vb e A P recent evelits il':Cf their well in a week or two. It i,s�- a the was being incessantly carted in aiid I I , h e at. -1 � - 0 160"Aliv-soo C-uTTx.---2rlIe i . . I Oil the fire, and is now bill X0. PRE&Y POR Szf L.8 CIYL.1�111�. At, Q�gdeiisbuuh have. ninde th.- rty� broke lip. tibrowilt -jung above- f xpe�ctatidlls may kot :(ILaj.jlo(I 01 a toL be hoped their c. pa; lower. 'I'heresideiitse.-t.no)ilytriisttli.�b 'L, f L Sh _,(t airiviur quite notorious. in the J11111(-; C01141W Gerioral 1 1 be, disappointed. N S 3P)TE `N'tatez;, tOind wherever1le g I Jack 0. rool'... ......... 1 2 2 '2 1 ji-OR BALE CIM.�P, the sigiled litegs t4) tbllpl- the li oes lie (IraWs Hu llett. the wind may providc-litially he -kept froin ............ 8) 01 i s. Yon rif c, Wr,.,�rr. —1j'.%vo of on,, ]nost re- I The whole;8urroumling country pat-roniji-vu mvitril(-a to'kA, ill' 111sil) lot I -FIG is now lecturint, in �.:18, 3:08, ted towtisnicn, �Sajllriel Rollortwil, Tin,- VOTE, OIN THE BY-LAW.—The vote 'U'a'shingtoll ffee pre�pti, boti-I 1)1141 Illitil Illso to jil ; WS", f- resillijell 11ne ho viij be ba-plty 1-1) - ljj�ve it na' I, awl James' Vanstone, left Ainle ville ortion colild save crops tDd 'buildill AV and no F111111 -all ex - 't i;i JIM)' (I that if ]I(: makes The third oil il- on the By-law gra Itilla t bollus, of is more or less oil lire, ateii 27.x4;j "iLlorl(tty: oa y al, aid race ; ollou. to all li�or.kca bost 3' ill 50 this week, in tell dimi. t olistructioll 0 f, ti gs III Oil l0liffli. t1le EXPOSLItim, hal-, ])Let) prillLeLl for t t- 111111)-tiew,olirs. th 0 other Side hc- will � ill the Co le , SeftlC to 2A.H t Six � lloilt1l's 1 IL GrS Of C&lladiadl IIUIA-S- Lonlatooli, Huron and Bruce Uailivay,i the direction of the - wit)(f, if -it bo ]d his *-t hoiT .0 j r '11'ell-wislics (yo w k thellil alld �ve voted OJIL in this To- The ori,, se. fires is so This, ?lvss is llearlv 11mi" is in splemlitl c 16Y 111, 0 again rise. in, of the pe I %y bL 0 tioll'all 1 I -tills ils clliily its a No. 1 Tlaj)ers who-i'lille Swil-ldled -doring IliS It Ilal) ) * Wliship yestel"d., and prospercus V ft�raniystery. 11'esiiicerely'lio.l)eiio.oii.('I lecturing tlip t1ii-011­11 thiscoulltry. y r 0 1 WITI-SIT 31-1 XWKAN'441', 100' There were three cll�lie's for iis race jilitheir noliv home. Cho: By-law was carried by the folloIN,111(y 0-1 ALS -L VAIXAll"A V. j1trojjrieUr; .1it, lit: V11 Tilars. c I will now have the temerity to set fire t K. OTeary's vote: 1"o, 'Of LL ileriran mou-1, AN wrw,, when the disastrous Collse(juellees A NeIvbvary Cn-rd Prems, roet-jitly been ueltrl­ u r -i Londosboro polling Place, 20-1 1'3.9 ji " �N ora TKcstra, in d P. A 1 8 Y. - 0 Nearly I -faw, aull ili .­ooil Avorldlig oi- to ljo r�-1 Ito-, -Morris. cc niii:,t, through the recent drought, beso Kiliburn. -,t a4 anil Jil; nw-'r 41 It J�GSLtra to ok the c, three bc 53 13 0'11 1 t T ('8(lay evo-Itillgf, as -,its with- * ! �L I Nvide-spread and serious. 31c1A!',A'N DROTHERs, two (if tliu eillploylecs of this Office I�, ery Olit 4liy very- extra, eff6rt. PLATLAVAY' 1ATEETM,,-�—A very. Expositor Offire, 4�3jijnple 1142ijuis for I I he priii- a I cc,, e 73 Oil d monoy. 1 -2 Sl"AFOXI'll, ONT. tr::,w Torlas Mimi. xeturni from V�,Inondvllle, the� ee f Ole ratcp,-iy- ....... 23 '1 A Dispute Settled. Or to Or WAIMY & 8ON, Taru)Ao. In et cipll owitest It illof for�th`e s anil respectable niectinu o Total. ...... Durin the at, eidc,, 4y inan, who politely Cf firs twoi hex6s F Iv kept well of' Morris ii �lle ooil of �A­fajoriky f 01, By -h 3r, li 85. j port- School-11011so To the EW;Ior qj*tlie fluron E'.rpo8titor. y e13 I tl`cIn t11,1t lie had lost his hat near tl t1le W* horse �Ieavin I", c was hold Olt Tries- CIV.ellingr ill tit(' illterc8b Of th The Turnberry Electio'n. 1 8TI,,--As you are aware, there was )ODMVIS 131filkbig 111111 3, Cardi if, -11 *,11, er a co-lisi it I WESTE R N F A 12, I A-Ild 118140d tILCM they' derable (I st'.11160 ballind in e Ave 11- coultl ell the -exact spot.", A so .1, �.m the third heat, 1-towever, T?,,e Ott& ma(le Greyand Brucer-Laillvay. q, tire jV0 THEBROAD-GUAGE. SAID TO BE', DEFRA" dispnt6 at. the late reaping - match be- C)IO W. S. illstItutc1d, :v;-Itich r(sulted ill tile fi better titne, , all thre e, ct�ates, one' froill (410101, - tile oth ur oulson i7WI 8 7 1 I'ses kept pretty Alle have just received a desp4tch tween 'Messn. 11 Ifiatilp biwks, Allierk.-131 sil-li" aukl Poi (if of a ve�it. ii-h-ich tilcy trie(l to per ll,,t c(3' I cl ose, Nora, sti Cr fr(ini .1-hiudas, addrcs�od the iiioe�ti Funare.s Notcs &K-ininte S d "I. kCe Kc 'pi 11 the lead, 1) nf,' in -which. announces that ill olijej, I scrutilly a, the INlitchell Foundry. and M r. y favor of that road. 8everaj JOG TO BE 8. bis "top -piece," but failorl. i about"a le-11"th FIN, kept jVc 'tl 13, IJELD IN THE 1A allecul of Cutchcon, a(rent for Patterson & Brothem has reducea the rurnberry- By-law for all- o gave addressc�;, blit sh Patt, of Orson, appear. ,Phu oNviler of the vest call have tile saalie- Reporter until tbe -bomc�L �tm` -1i, when lee tile death. othe Wcllili��toli, Grey -ind Bruce from a Ont. It s that. i OF L 0 NTD 0.'N- -0'NT. 1Y 11 V.1i'lliell the Toronto Road. reeeiv��d i'lliajority OfIl t'L alN)I-Vin" It tjolis Offi CC, -LLI oil . I I inforinjuy by 11,11 extra effo e part of the ri( oi- Thowson & Williall-its entered a ina, )ill 7 L 141-11RV'S LIVY110r A-' oll NJ ondty ill 0 a Illin e I - I . w e 011k, ­Al ho, lil to drop it. illade lip, ail both re�acbed the will- Turnborry,- none of t [to ority of 4. in their own nallie, . manufactured by 141C, PT. 26 27!F 2'S !Z T. 1'(WWO)l NI -1711 a, iii adyoc�ttos if that ro,,ld atkeilded either post aIjn,o-,Jt abre 8 Fily, 1WNvever, Patterson & Brotlicrs,�Patterson, ()I* 'ter NO, -G its 'AcCutelleon. accused -13 1lialilio, the advaii-ta of. Ibli.e. Wellin rton. -ey all� '1 'IN ' CLASS ­-MisS 1 0 rt d Bruce Rail- ario, 'tit(' Mr­ (arroll It uvq was McKillop. I off tile U 0IT(I'Mized at siacritltr class i 11 ro lid ineetidgs in 'Alorris oil T u7csday� alid Us -y Pal)ers )uay be had at the 1 -11 -a -clash No -pretty 1. r with t�o doing, by hail(Ting tit Ncifortli i r 111IT 11111 thein Prim . ts and Bub This lady contes mi -a following protest to the 8ecictat "t Is -Office, Richillond street, J,t d I -w tin ba, V Nvell ilsod. lip. PIN ANi) T)rtzns -crctm v at ,,3 a at n ,onniate iq - London met,, aIj(I h e, oR- wbi -)ii o)j, o oilly one of tli(, Ire - ry Ilighl reconin en(l r inan, we DENARY. i Y, son of Mr. I vh J)o. Cil R. -11, IsH ,;,te tl Ie I's Not 'ri eItte'L of the 211(1 (!olce$siOjI Of �N - was (',(11)21 tile- Press of .13raldfivd, 8tra:tford Morto po felt soirryfor Iiiiii I [e read Out at the reaping match helol V I all P4 Nil rr o.", Ph- ha .1itlick to tile sel 'L G c- 0 1 2 2 jenjo to the la,, t. oil tI arrit (if Mr. l8viull 1-111 Alleinriesarerequestedto be maole ou or I)L­ TIOIX 1111FOILOT. I-Nebange a(I tr llett, Oil the ;all(, I'Mily Other placus.. we atre 'h op, reap with his Canadia"l Itca.1)(211, ..... . t3" 3 18ceinu that their frail ship is likely to u d way Tidwt AL-tnt, -Milight-2) leal", that she has alreadj- sllebc�jlc(l ill le 1:581 LAI 1:F"l' Oil . h; 42 fn 4-1 nth,of July last fore the 16th September. and -we It Nlorris Oil Uile 1, 1 lill 01 1 �Gr. :T. Ritillimy SbIttlo)), brafg) obta�illillooversixtj- pupfls, avc s aru the sanie fate. 1,., 1 that it (I'd -111;,10ONI') L I Aturnist, inside of. ten-bours 20 acres of I Ile-reby, protest aguimst '-Nl6srs. I in I'll-inbern" 'U. '11, ilescrti.�d g --iot oltoubt but her class NA ill bc N-0173" large- 1 Xy. his cl w wheat. We have heard o' Thornson & Williams oliterling a in-mehill -Califorilia and lit -A Rivvrlul rvib allt'llteilte(I 11 , r , ii di at aj a e bu t11 ic 1��rofirzq inme for but stili the brave Capt.%ill jv"'s to 111 - XULW)LY All RAN GRA�MXTS HAVE BEEN - t, III e. rhe fits't rat I f nothing ti t is$ it t, ( -,4r oivii baroe, manufactured by filvilities t4it El"a-m al this- Oil ai)other Cal:nylf diesirotts- of ol the second day was" a' tIlQ hubi), all alone, cilirf fro)ll ]]is equ, day'Mr. Grieve h-attilia, purse of jil(Ij I M 114 -le for ONE FAIIE' to LONDOX gtile)) respeed"g, 1 tailliliff 100 or..� 0 Patterson & Bkothurs, of Patterson, On - Gift six acres of Oats in two hours land �Cjlujxijg, 11111 III0.111 ljlilpils aild -wo would '1150, O-j)ell to ill borscs IllatoAver beat 7, conduct, however, "le Mille, forty minutes. "'r AND RETURN. 6oli), and Silver,04n, bouglit ui� to the co I t io. allvise tll()Sc I or, 7 %t �"-45 ; mile hoA -, be�t 3 in j-) to llaxll ess i least' clus,011 011 the Sth of s lie 2 n (I., - . tl 840 ; 3ri 1. $ W. give it�up befo fl. 01"Ll- �o obtal n ;t, knowle(lue. of th is the all"llelle(' d' 1) nionth. he thre-slied �);­;() bushel W. -T. -MCCI-T('1Tj-1o'X iiot to allo First linrse, $1(0 that lie, too. Ivould of vrheat, w the Op- A,,cnt for P-attersox'l & Bros. -noltuuit- Fok this rac( whic[i 'tAr" A. - 4- rday, After heai��iiirr ti. barley, and oats, It Frank Fowlar's D tal So j j <i.5 L1111,111proNC(L. Iva "U, C811 T) ) U- J� 1 Oil )v order of the Pj-c-Si(l tanN of Seirforth and snOT;ow,,ba;1 ulo,4ob tjld Several sl)caken�. .11 U r ROW1, 18 f011ows.-200busliels-of wit thdre was -j- V V J citill,(,f Of 111. there I ", tile folION11,111f M- - were three enbries a d solilti � rm whoat ; 250 bu.shels of barley - -joo meutil,�6,' called, held ,it Brucefjew hat; lolwllirtl all olbe,- Air tbi. �R, y OT�' �w is carvied, only oil C hall Oil Competition Opf-n I lot All. I 811r;,,i ry lit the roonis i., held . 11)) a­­,lijjit it : �j le 1,vere, .6n(,st Billy "" 101111 OV01d bV -�\ I r. \x -lit -re lif-mill h# L-11 . (1 1) "- r 'tile )n) a� -it 25th of August, to cojlsi4 1)"IS11(34 Of Oats. Who Can be, tit is ­,0rry t4l llotieu that 61-'N-01-zll of the horse- Thomson Put ant art;tr," F. lira(1- by -Air. T.""obert (Ave s R.' TOOLEY, '13,11VIs of %w)rk­4,xpI-et-tril if 04; jt�­' Aalain �ccojl(IG.ij We understaii&tbat this is .11r. ter in dispute between -AJr. -\Jc�!uteheoii 3jicti. w1p) alrive(I llvi,u M1. -�,llurdalt' last, burIL. I -usualwayofIyorkilly jlI(ltJl,1t ill neither \fr. Ivilliall),., ninimerim-1 11 the first 116, Vol-bus--.1"hat, havill- I)Caj-d the e- t a pretty evell pla, I le 1-Zlees fill to attt-llfl t] -t Ivas (tot cases was the Ivarkodolle by Ivay Of at was present but failtil to s . 4ady0r,-Lytook tholead, 0 rUPITSU11 t- bo'.. ay alid st, -I "ivell I)y tile "C)Iticillen I ' al iRfy th e I i.; rn Fair Offirt., I Tue"Elay, hail so little I'C,mrd fol. tll(, r. G rectors that It(--- had Manufactured t1le, Loullon, August 21, 1.471. I . 5 `: , - Ingtoll, (J're�, all(t r rieva has taken tile Prize and kept )lei- inif tile Well, liath, 'I'lld w sllgllt a fe6jilpe 1.1 . . p � njgrr, ulually g1l,111111g, -'2, 1.1ru, Belirli, I of - dmcu(�" Willi Ivas , roacheil ay, satisfied of 'c machine above mentiolleil in his Agv)it for thi- toli-ilving, until t116 Willi iilg i for his rbaping and inoNviii-, *four years ill sh oi). li st Railiv, 'Ioml be tile I(I not re- iitninyinc.' VolliplillieIIi : The Dra ;4 0"7 and "vif respect.1,11at tile" C"ll 'till intention succession. There were three delegates appohite(i to CKEAP FARMS. FREE HOMES. ilull Z12141 Ole Vill. -Jlj,:. 'Billy C, L ill SCIOnd, all( alld a1)I1jt\' Of that fraill 'ouipar y I Wid exalilille the illachille ill dispute, O'N THE' LLNE OF THE tlxv IMillim. Life A'soll'AMIt. oll tit t' lhain Tz rt;1r 1) to build the said ro"�,], we: her arely sa�%ea a distalle6l. eby pledk 1 -who cave the courst: oll t t, ilat day.- Ill the second lic -,�t H6 tiest Billy took- til c awfal mc"Llls Lumley. followin­ report at tile -N PACIFIG RAILP OAD. wouldt have ScIr oursdre"A to use '111 1, I- ain (1d theill I` 'lit hail th A SQUITZRFL 11 GNT.—Tlio vilhwers r, of llluf--till� 510NI"y 1A) LOAN "N 1 leN- beell t,1kc1l. 1)0- lead an,l curic i q 1i I'st Closely ,' huld � ftill at J) -�Id, oil tile III-a-istrato oil �l arry the boillus req 11 i ItOad f rolli th All, -mit-rs by vuffl iw i,ihi It,, fore a 110INnod Lumley are plaking active lit- Ist of ,­,ept, -viz lc� Ili- Lady (tray, 11'e hal , I eparatiolls !Ta­rtaj� oil ",aturday liu,,t. —( and lit :IN-,- x I'A"D G 11 AN' T 0 F 4111pohite N f1( r a. �itqlllrrul 111111t) m-hich is tt) COIIIc- (Ar Tile driving IvIltu;l, the reel, the armt�, 1;)Ilt 11111A clos(,r Tm, o FtjII,sllOIv. I I epltod AIN Lk. I i 1 .11, -raceful proceetlln,, w, it I %])Out two weehcs,- and if the (1�jy and Gain, the. 0.000 ACRES t.,j it slide and gearing, out.9i(lel -Lit in tbb for: 6 1- 13 CA. Ili the 8,lyth,.Will be -lielol oll.the 4th ()cToJ)u tit, in on Viltirelli-ii-Akilown to t1W 0f1:W(!rS of t1le tJIir(jJ.lejt J1011i lwavc.q W-Orable, it will create quitc. Ili and lwiide 4rivers, the grain IrliceI, t*11e OF TME, -VETUINARY I? ;L44N lh- again Ltook the ills�cad'of the 501, as alilloulleed, olvil. excitemel r DI-iving -Park Associa I BrA RAI -111h)- all(I Milieral Linds oillil rp,, 6)". 1 lad they leati, Itild ('aillod ra it ly It ill tile �Illagv, -is f1wre -twill circle board, all with j�attr�rsojjiis 11111,11113 linu � all ilic way to `ill"hallishow bel L that bA.L.L., t'l-t-11 1-11 Ili, 4­!�,A: 131ho IR6r oil 4-lieleAter Ile ab,,ut tIvently engrage-I -11 the exer�lse ())I it, and likewise the toll,.,ue, all Of J)ecll illf-rilled Of vvliat oil, t1ley ra-V I, - I IVOU � lillietlia,&- canto Ili , 9ccond. d, or of tithuring bewis all, J, tails. 0 xbure 111. i:. ill Ill. 1r: ill (11jubt JIaVC-I)LIt all of 'r 11 i -which. we foulml to qlave a o0f), Aerr" of Farming and tills heat 1), 1 1 'IS, to 1) tt it. i 1. oth La yt i, , ly aol pellialli ecolid coat-., im, Lands (ill t1w lint-- t)f tht- viad, ill tbi- va'l, Im him jis hi� Tartar made very.. baA trotti rr -and ing Of paint, and ­,triping, over I� V,oi*: hiih ottu-ijdol to -�uuqal I ------------- I rri, I . Bluevale. 13 -hat ap- . Stat., oI NEBRA*SKA, ill thil GrPat PhIttv Valle.v, -6uld scarcely ke f froill.' ol.tk- Bay'Reld. peare(I to Ile Patterson's fini-311, tbe wider c p 'it f I Lillt..;+ %'11 4- 4- 1 . 11 1 i ing IZA I Lw�ti­Y- —A -iolis 111.-slf F113�js ­(rre!If wvr-;+r�1,1 4- el'atill't of -;"+ W FOR SALE for rash tir 14mg en-iiit- gbii! I I I (! Ire evorloncoat- le�olly wa-:, obtailled � oil . . a- I., II.(r eXaMly t-1-1111-41 b� �jtlllll \vh" live.,; Ilear, V 3ilotitlav- Am; j-, T14,4,!ILIITI� art- ill :1 mild 111)(1 lleliltlnr elim:lf,. zt1ric , N ailed ill our villa(4� oil t wit], tempting to bre4k";' In the foll Patterson's niaehines, both in Color lin, ftv-3­ tlit. T"m-11,41 IlCat in the, To y th 0 1,11 Ils, th, NI'llship- of I'urilberr C4,1,11"W'd by the raN7-,Iopj and striping ill Of llav Ieft Iv s -elw dven ctart was T y t Of ill the t'llitt,l stat..,4. t � - ot. Pellictill 1, -mul-oua,rcrs, 'fllc� Ily-law 'etion or' grltipes if differellt Tartar rf-Valit"Irr" -which threatened to (Iestrov� tile school- A -N; i) R, i;, w- Co o I.: Ilas-(ti 1 y 's driver -Ivq pll�nrfed, wbitjh -�28 0()' a iturn1wr of to the. We 'toll, �(;ruy 1 11 in (111,dilv (if the fl -11, g - at I 11oust" all prlo.:ez 111alige from :�2 to $10. per acre. it Nvas vo.,ry jille fre(lucl �tter, ar d bre;ik ),ruve Extension was pass��(l )�Y a 1�11ajor- train of Nvagg`011s Was kept et J011 -N COOPER, intoll-bo (I surro U ]III Ill "'. bili"dilit Wm. Eim.-at I ,wtl him to -9`6 gs. � A 1 Delegates. itI.N - Tlie.ithieo hors��s v,,GItt itN- (If 1.), 1](1twith. tall(jillf, t t -lo instantly em - 1101V 11111.01. W1,11 lie q 111le ill the g lle� gx'at in- plove(l drawiliff wate vo.,P, to H0.)tIJ'1-STEAJ)S FOR A1'TI*Al, Ix­ly lif ai6illu very CvenIv for a short distandl.e, wjlo�t tl* r front the ri 'lie Di rect6rs,'-tf ter hearing the report a(.rO.- 11 ". A. f 4.j 0.", d0egatei sent to exani'lle the nia- i ovvoi 0 maha aii(l Northl,lawttt-, 4)ljt;,i ftir t,litry U - this Coulity, to I)E11' agaillst it b it tll'L`,�' event of ail einerfrelluv Of thr 1;�- �Iloii�-st,Bifly (;,Iill, alQ '-Torolitol Lolldoll, Clinton, Bilyth. an, y be-rea"ILV I I - - te of late and ctrIV -frosts. Al r. tlic, I While Sir. E'berhar(l was drivinirodt:)I�n 1 0 te, and the Ill I - other licrses broke', givin hiiii la Wroxcbt%� chille in (list) l8atisfactor z 111111-1t, 'alls fill'- �-timiivr 'cells lia lie has four acres nil(' Nuver Ivas suel, ex' It y Perso us (of Forfi�vi Birth -art. entithad t-4) t1m,* ... ... ter: (,00d start. PC' citellielit to his lot with a, load -of water, a large and equivocal statements of Mr. lVil the cult'vLtioll of (,.rape,, 1)usitle. .11alli Tar tal. soon Iliallifeste, --iiever "'as sueh wholesale tree which had been partly I:,, c s his _oll( r] le last Holnestead Law, it down, arid or tl If mile -ibited, in tit they came to. the ililailillious Jj'allefit of the VQ'Lell orchard, &not NArliat lie (ICIA"Ote, f I bril wry e-xb e. history of Turr - thro , ugli, fell aeto.s burned lianis, other fruits. 11 to followed Dill,ypr;etty 01 sely, eall atthe s. bt,- n w- Ziliiiner promise berry, as oil MolldLy,la�t. his 1var"'On, One Of sicit that ibe said machine was 'Mallu- s to nally boutrht like �-1(408 were the limbs striking bijil oil liave ()It exhibitioil a, lart, close carne in about a length ibehilid. act the -head, In- facturedby Patterson & Bros., -2 oe quantity Of in this, Illerch an, disc at 1 Iiietin,, a fatal of Patter, prol-6ion inutiediately after their arrival, haN s the proda(!t heat was I coll- war6house. 'wound. -Dr. Woods was s vms of his little farin But the Narrow-cruager.�, I in oil, out. 8 1 f - he new olition of dest-l-ii)tive ijaiu- .all blielway r ulid, and at the close of eIr 1, pblet,lvith ni:w walm, inail Yolvilsbip sho,%.s no 0 thepolliAlad'tbo illehtli- pronounced the accident fatal. I-io I , �Vov`er-tl UVIIJItyand it tile side�ably behind attendance, ',"Id at once The Director Ivish 1-o express th oI t vtl fri-t! evermlirre. cault, in third, - abolit three ?r fqjjr I choly satisfactiou of fWding �'Vl r. thanks to Mr. 'Kc(,utcheon, agent for Addru H 0. F. DAVIS, Land Coinnli%siolif-r 1. P. R'. lj,. Co., N. Ull eniselve s Eberhard died at three o'clock, Sun 05 ay I Patterson & Bros.. for dra-wiDg their at' P All % A