HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-09-15, Page 7SEPT. 15x 1871,. orh _Ann ai kEEst CARTER ,desire to call attention t© their greatly improved SHR & StPAtiAia e1i1t, to compete with any ttthez l,tc'1 ane in Canada many advantages. we € all at - F the following—the way the e4 t€rtlStl`t1e'tt'€1—It requires less =Tt tkr and is capable of ~3111MORE AND CLEANED THAN ANY ()prim. It cc)m1)laint among Thr< suers V4, that they could thresh mare ('{shift &lean, our ins roved drum (oath all the c•;ir2-rlllaiztts ; it inatel, as to regntiat't the -wind 0 riddles from choking, without grain over, \rS have also Nu- Mills to prevent the grails with the strabw. 'lel invite Farmers and Thresh- -Jlv. to !dee us a call, and ex- tto k before 1,u1'cha-snag elsE'-- tem sell as cheap as any other xe'tl L ,e best Material used, and the - test workmen employed. 1i21t `s we sold last year enable- t tt tilt y gave better satisfae- any other ever: sold in thi - I1(1%1SE POWER l ()I1 hand at all times :lel also desire to direct the 111:{Tn e`f farmtrs•to. our 'r �: U +lIi C(I IIXF g S i a Tabic' 1tf sawilt'4 from forty (I l._ (, of wood, date-. lata Ploughs, Straw Cutters. s. Seuilers. Wooden and- ire n _ b;ns, St,r Pers, Kettles, &c., :t we iyarrant to jive: satisfac tl l[t:,eti{t as cheap as at T't-:Flat tit- 1x11 tt(t•! 1'1'()vit;t:b,:( E ( - ANDl-t.k8T NU I'1`a:ial ►)E::(•Iafl'Tf(3N, �t :'Ii([t tt`-t notice and ii o.-st :reasonable as(t?I,,,ble tet Inti. l.11'1'T1; t `4.1 TER �. PROSPECTS' aax 1.41,1 t N f� .i Rt 1 r t"eT •t''It' S1=r-1ug tt•eathel armee am,1. nit e latllie it it+44( lt1 �•(1.. [ i 41,4 coin. =K. t 4�ea S tr [ l(te t..t 1 Fi f 4 .�tt, the lt..- t -frit ;let-ord.,: them in talc <<• i'rlll' invite the at`teri- ;`ca k ..:'at' (11tTtt`e atti,o['titR'TIt tr' ,tt`FlilrtEfor �, ":,F 1, Our 'tlttr1einiF1 elierfehe'j(/, T. T ( `, l 1'11 tE)t•t'El 4c+t-l.attw: hat�- t- sat: sE�tssaf'-.t-i(ru for thepast 11(k,l' Etltct't'ei ti) %lot E tiR 11 _ . eItT t:L'4t �%iatl•aTltiLt` fol L k ;T('l//' t {''t wi!I lsif. t =t11It k1 for il- ) a- t if a �i'(,t 141.-1.+ it to Cee iu oder('( as the mu.":, eel best wE11•1<ut_r ceit- it.L"r&E1 tit L11(-)t,((V' t, •� fltkllt'lt` of iron and tit'[• ('(k1(.17t,tit:t"u..-� . ScIi:It(!kt)rrf • e- -I atl:It '(•1•*in 1 rri: 1 ` - I t �tt�11[. This rk:atl)t`i' Ir 1 L it (`its, 'lel f1etiy 1 or ._1!if •tt '°wall It Iattt•T rev' 111;4`1t11te, ami :, cI ((t r .tit` of t!u ).frim atlt` t)I • or1Ar(J when U ' t;',1 mob-, -,. ' of our s t"1ttn(' - antllatt•t1[rino. by pur• t t:•ti orocr t'r. t 1111C1'e in c t:•y call , l EASY-. `.t,tE.,t-: tTr I'(-rtlt lut(1 ad - v..11 out ii„ve• 1 diet'('! 1., -tt ir t4V1) IItt.Lre,t, alp tr -tan to. :,,hops. limktt•(' than :telt tl thF-I•(• arc tit'.4t t'lat� tai' ,t, liF( iflit) Ill' i'i : F,..E • t,)r.ati to atll•i of tit, - ?E(:det:'. fit t ht• Prk.t:'rn(•e. in pint- -t=I'dc - ti tL It It (ii! , as rt - -illr, - tt`t t 1,k•r_e t•t iMac - c .. tk •nF t tl.. E .. F tF. 1 I t I )' i 1( t .' 3 lit •. f eft t ataCl3llh(;ett and tri,;` c 21,1., of implement,: rc,i. t2ti. < (Tf MILL NV((lot, & WILLIAM'S, --MITCHELL, Ontario. SEPT.. 15, 1871. -4 E HU • ON EXPO TO 5 r .-- Ticket -of -Leave Women. Nearly 4,000 female criminals -are at large with tickets-of•leave. 'The majority live in London. A very large proportion consists of- hardened rhardened offenders ; more than one is -a murderess. Women who have -been. sentenced to death for m ui der, and whose se fence i$ afterwards -commuted into penal servitude for . ever from the scene of their criminal • exploits. After having served a term of twelve years, and c.niducted- herself to the .satisfaction of 'the .prison .authorities, the convicted murderess easily obtains her ticket- of leave and- becomes a free wonutn again - In one of the western and most fashionable districts of Landon `many h i adt ods of domestic servants are- ticket -of -leave women. Sever:tl of them have run through the en- tire scale - of `crime, frost petty larceny to burglary and murder. Their ernployeis engage them with a full knowledgeof their , antece- -dents. Strange to say, the -worst .criminals are not unflequently trans-- formed rans=form.ed into extremely good domes- -tic servants. The saddest and most •disheartening part of the case is that the difficulty of reforming the younger women in the Holmes is almost superhuli:7an. The recon- victions of females are much more numerous than of (pales. More - •over, the women profess to enjoy -thoroughly the wild career of crime. After conducting themselves with perfect .propriety for : a year or a -.longer period as domestic servants, they will suddenly leave their (laces and resume their old habits, or, in . their own slang, (• Rave a fly." One of them, being remonstrated with for her co'ndwct, replied: with ,emphasis—" Oh, miss, but there's. a great deal of life in it." -Planning' and performing a robbery is as ex- citing and agreeable to these wo- -men as a pic nic party or a ball is to fashionable young ladies. - Would ou be Surprised to • Learn?" A good story is current in legal circles Tegarditlg the Solicitor-(- ii- eral, who is said to nave been clev etly caught and nonplussed with .one of his pet. phrases : by a wide - :awake t,cal)lly.P) During the recent progress of the Tichborne trial, and OIl. ',ne of the many days on which the dross -examination off the claim :ant - was carried on, the learned gentlemI- pn, after tl e dty's husilles was over, anxmoils. to be in his '''(ace -Ln tine House Of - Commons, ju n) peel into a hansoms which was standing .at the door of the court, and older ed Jelin to d rive to Palace Yarci. Cabby did not seem to be impressed with the urgency of the fact e, snail eel ,significantly, anci -sat still. The Solicitor -Gene al again urged hien to -drive on, (mut - without effect ; an 1 after remaining ining in ' statu quo ' for what must have seemed a very 'lord; tiu=:e, and repeatedly -Urging bis vlarioteer to -drive on, the, well - kr own suavity and gaud. temper of tlae learned gen tlman were fail 1.5T upset, alcl he urged his plea with KTiOto than (:lis1evI:ol1S � a.11(Itfh. I' ow came cabby's Opi)artUnity. uietly raising the trap - of . commu- nication he pointedly 'marked, `Would you be surprised to know that my cab is engaged 4" Tile learned.ecgentleman wts s l( sed," and- ale; quickly sulta1.lt another veltiele wlilc li was not engalgect _.V. IL Daily Z i1. young latelyat au evening party some time ago found .,it atpro- fora to use the expression, " Jordan i5 ai hard i•Liad to Gravel," hilt think- Fr., , t, I.1 ,ll:tt t()a vulgar, SLll,5t1rk1tG'el the. fol ktfftng : Perambulating pl0- : 'styes:don: in pe(It:stri.tf k. excursion along the far -farmed thorouwnfare of tt'tuun cast -up by the 1]ank, of the 4o4u 1Jing ri..c r of Palestine is ni- ( i attended w1:11 <t 1ist(-t (; ,L.11(.tmus rimi'IOlrii`tat'.[L'll of 1111forsee1tt (lzl`rl - 1.t:i- reported as a recent oc- currence- tlialt a poor youn=g man fell in love'' with ate' Ilt�ir('s``,. and the pest ni ve'tt11111°Cl it only wan t- ) ,... l tl (' 1. .Stt'ttTltta consent tu:Ill:ll_ .(. theta , '[a.)I1y. At; length, nil'C'ting the' lathier, he :'t.•,kt'(I fur" tie. -(latllg1lters hand. " flows -much money ztn you rillltll'ill(i !'' as -ked- the millionaire, ' rclltly, Not nnlcll " \\ tS ,•h , 1- -, tt L C ply. What are your expect-, nti()cls !T' ` Well, to tel you "the tt`ut-!1, l ` expect,' if. pp. ltfu'e your consent, to I•uil an -ay with your • laughter. and marry lier without i T:-'� — An An i temperate vaigal)on(l, styl- ing- himself 1)r. • b clst('r, Iuid been loafing around -,%...:Ihephe:rdsville, for several weeks, making a living by selling fancy walking -canes, which iIC whittled . out. On ilondaty he found a threatening notice posted on .� he' caul-(-hc)u5c door, advising bait( quit the town cry- eight o'clock the !text morIinz. The Doetor wrote be- 1n'.tili *t':. " Notice protested. Pitch 1 ill.', `[T11E SE('RTiT pl' St-e'c'Ess.—There is a class of men who rail at for - :line, and accuse her of being blind ill het gifts. They that dull sav t)iO lr-While ddln, men succeed.' - �� cillo men they pause 0 asl the endof110- to murmur at flcl as 'they woiil b plain of fill;` e simple truth t o of by the Wold virtues-win.1'. by ft i> so. To ILS; s they continue I : fortune, whet e - r iser tO com- se f.iTherei is a n lust his sight th t the (lesser 1 f The undersignecll tand giv . Fall, cwl th(ly-133ill ` THE WHO E COST PR,fCE, VTR 8,, k`5 ON THE And will Conti AEE USfNESS. { g ui' Rusin LE a ots°1.' EI )ss this STOCK 4 C kt L START I IRST OF .AIUGUST, e nitil tare w1 olei of the stock is sold oat: 1, SIS. I Call early' twat,? sec 9'e Barg- c ins ! The Highest oleo. paid for Butter, ..%'-.c. All parties owi settle them, and i odou n fls 3%3kl 1 hoa`se call and v • thonrjdl` e f 'ther trouble. J. BO THRO Seaforth, Augu. t , 1871. &SON. P gRTIC LA JOHN L 169 0 ICE. DRES Which he is an. YES, Or any recisona.ble p Therefore, Ladies Manche MAI 4' Soon, and get your pi: Seaforth, July 25, TLES, OiPS • Off, at Cost, ST,. co that a c step. or may off( you will pleasq •n,ll at the ter House, STriEET, k of the moods before they e all sola- !, 871. 190 ity, • th his �It LLy"an' Jobbing of all k - especially, prou)) )TOLD resp 'totally retia iate to the inhabitants 0 S;;af(rtl ancll vicin- lt ha UOW carries o11 h17 S711c:SS at W , ,- r ,�I[Ui 1 e�r ' of Killoran 10 L abn & rids, and Norse -shoeing ly attended to. Te s reasonab c. -S r' I t . r 9 V. 1J L J� • D,. J: , c G AT •C . H.CULL A(; i. \ T FOR, ! L9C'K3L1. V 8' 8. .•11r SCI 1L_4 r'III:.i'ES, Telegraph and Express Companies, CANADA LIE' ( ASSU.RA\ OE CO., Issuer of Marriage Licences. American Money! bought amid sold. :[' articular attention 7>ati(1 tem ^4 ,J013 P1:41 \`l'E\111-. Oryne,.-L1liatt & .ArnzStt mng s Book - Stere, Seaforth • 1741 7 UMBER! LUMBER! LAi`1-I and $J INGLES. Undersiened(, on hhiel i t tlhcir 'NIone half n4(, eth If :`; 4u1(eyj• ill(, a: Stock ofDry fine Lumber, part t sal brut :35,4)0)0 feet) ot which is Dressed -`1-1 ,`at,nd ;1.-'. )')lioti.Llg. rimy IL:,V e aI- o'tll Itali(1 75,000. ft. of strip Lath '* 113 h Warrant' "t1 111^it-elil .1, and n 'o 5 al l 1S . `1. 1 heir Shingle \1a chin y1'•• .will start about tin `Isth instant, , iifrerE' 1`lit:li (bite 1,1i1e1t- tiful supply of ,hfI. f\ t .,1, lS will 1){; kept - ' >� \ MERINOS, n r, li � , 1 ,. � � FI?Li11Gl`I D LIa.IItIE�, � REa�;C1=I Nx1y..�..ZNuS, on hand. J'rcuupt attention gi:-LII to or(lez " frock a te. di$talt- 1 M. & T. �a1rTjI. Dil�glc, X11)1 il.l?-, _ lo71. 1 i ti-tf. CHEAP TEA 41 LEE & GOOD AT LE & SWITZER'S. SWITZER FOR CHEAP SUGAR, CO:TTONS AT LEE & LEE (Sc. WITZER; 11'OR DRESS GOODS. S ¶eet, Secy ort(. SWITZ R'S. 11JCS KE, FALL i F,MPORIU1I GOODS. PORTATIONS. STING to the general- dvan:ce in DRY _GOODS, e�ve have bought ecrr1'i and ver .ai•geli both in , England a icl Mon- treal, g ./ ✓ ./ J� g treal, and would invite an inspection of the stock, as it is alto- gether too extensive to ad ertise, but thegoods will be marked at the cld- pt ices. C LL E. RY. E. HI K ON & CO., i • I. IN STREET,SEAFORTH. L AI`01'TH. OUR CLOTHING DEP.AR'1, ENT is' again in working order, under new management, with a splendid Stock of Cloths to choose from. Fits guaranteed. • Fresh Arrivals res „ &rr1.ya1S , 1 • .TTY CpArtly . - tot, I>r1 (ounce to their friends cl,. and the public, that (herr lir. �1Ic11 t`L.f..I\. I3)C' has just returned from the' Eastern Market,with oneof the choicest ,Stocks of Net- and Seasonable DE AC GOODS ever imported into TSeafortll, which, °wing to.the°cnormous reduction in the price of goods this season, they air enalllul to offer at prices 1ihie1i mist ensure arc:lily sale. They would say t)r2at froiti the- - fact of their stock being all new, and bought since tile! GR ;ATN'ALT, IN DRY GOODS, and o11 the very best terms, that they are in gt)n(1.8 at minimum prices. They ale not ens ( O011~, bought at peaces TkliRV: PER. M1AlKE)I 'VTAL1: E. They would also say tl ant •t - - n •r os fa,� 'r'ti e "Ill t • to ) o .ill los ( tic,t _1 r timbered 117lth any 1.'I IJI.38 OF OLD ,4LN 1' ABOV'I, `1'1iLl.J1 PRESENT tat tlicy Have ;fate ilii fes ail l,uy'iiitt both s ?vr uj vL (` c +t 1 F f I i r 3 `�� � t�`� 1F Cv 11 � �)osscssed by no other House in.ti(taforth, having intimate iconneetions with :)once k)f tin.1arnest Wholesale (louses iu the .t)onlinion a_tl(1 :a thorough knowledge of the 11'110leea;,1-e -'!`rade. They -would res], ctfully in\ itc inspection of their stock, `vhieh will 13e found. replete \with all 'the Novelties in the Market this eleasim. Pai-tieular.a±tention is directed: to the followin ;lines, viz,.:. ) i ( .t i El) l) ) TWEEDS, iE TIC 11N(xS; 1 I} artsand 1 nac(nn z et tires. b -' Trot'( watt l., ia; now the omit,' of the (141:, andnom, ha“. mot•t- fi fly ;te- ' 1.n,, . ik-et„ ed and followed, thi:4 rrecelif than Messrs. '• I1'. 1. rusrs ti; a -xi.liio'iCo., - ''.LAX'K TJth TRES, FLACK COM, RCS, BLACK BARAT EIE-1S, —1 TABLE HSOWELLIR 0S, aots and hoes and ead anadeClotzi n•. 31 1 (.facture :1 4 t tial- ceh brat z.il r n FEC PTEb Ll l :3 '.:8 rit'heir L1)t-o i I)n'.111•l'�ll:_-'r is well supplied with all tilt <11 i'hrrf ,{ it-tr{•r can do tt, tl;lict•ittti• I1 i 1be, tli),tr(ssct(tr:.edlay�rt•bkorif4tilin;-t BLS' BRANDS. Ci,'ion has been carefully studied by tht•Iu and acl:lptrtl In the manufac- ture of their( eelelliitte(l Lc•nec—fits well have th(;s• slr(ce •ilt•tl that a 11 con- fess after trying tri-- ,eehbrateti Glasses, that iu eon Veil 1t I1Ct4 I:cuin badness of aught is at once removed. M. R. COC Tf11, 186' 4 Agent, Sea ortlt. THEIR .GROC 1 RY DEPARTMENT i always well supplied with al)uu(lantce of the (,est an:l cheapest Vinod , ::]t1c11 • Will be sold at 1,11 ' most reivio ta131e prices. SHOPS F •J'()I1 S.\),.l•;. two shops art ' age on Main Street„ 1 r[1.chacl s Flytel, apply` [ 41f brilliant ♦attaina195-it. ieuts fail; ; but `; I: SALE. d f�o2•t�-flour feet front- ieafurtb, opposite • Cal -IJ. SEAT iEll. Give us a call and judge for yourselves, TRY OUR 80 CENT TEA. I' EA.TTY & COM IA_ Y. I ('AR MICH EEL' S 131. ILDD ( Min Street, Seaforth, April 20, 1471, NEI CAVANAG .'S AKERY & CO! FEOTINERY { STORE_ CAVANAGH Keeps on hand_ ALL KINDS {' OF BRE AZ , B scuxts, Cradkers, CAKES, A19 -DI - 1 N FECTIONFRY. EDDING `OAFES o order. Mad 1 ,T. CAST ANAGH, Main street, Seaforth. VIM . -N. WATSON AL A. -Y'S HAS ON HAND THE BEST S ' WING MACHINES IN THE MARKET, Eith_r for Family use, or foil Manufac- turin purposes. Both singe -threaded and ouble-threaded, and loci -stitch Mac cies can be supplied. Pe feet satisfaction guaranteed, and instil ctions given to purchasers gratis. M.N.WATSON Can . iso insure property against Fire and Mari 1 e Disaster, and Life and Limb again.t death and aceiflent, with the best 'ompauies, being Agent for The J iverpool and London and Globe, ( uglish. ) The 'rovincial of Canada, (Canada.) The ore District Mutual, (Village and arm.) The iagara District Mutual, (Village a id 1+ arm. The Travelers of Hartford, (Life al, ccitlelt. ) Los.yAclj'4ted and Promptly Settl cl. MONEY TO LEND At moderate rates of interest, No conn- tnissi.n, and expanses Iuoder e. MORTGAGES bought o equitable terms - 160 d ranted bythe W Takers. TH RUSE ; L WATCH For 1 urability, Quality, Finish and Neatness, '_S.' NOT 13E I. UA.._.1), t ' lac :N; stock of the above AV lobes just received. A mm crl: STO('K )F FINTI' GOLD AND SILVER JEWELRY - ALWAYS T:1LYS ON HAND. \Va ones, ,locks and ,ToWelry of every deseri ition repaired with neatness and deSpateh, and l 1arrant:t to give ,satis- )O vv-ortI1' of 01d Gold. and Silver y highest •, for which thehight'icc in • trade will lie paid. N. J. COUNTER, Main street, Se_aforth. f a(tioi 85,0 w ante t cash o 111) •' I'EET> XTRAC t E€; WiTli€l:i1i PAIN. f' ▪ I) \" tilt' 14)1'tl. Hotel,, Of t,acl'' I 11 ere i at tlayt al.' Bart titleste \ \VI; 11 i T. J.. 1/. 8 ;lira.=[ ` ` without ••1ti - . t ' t,11i t � �, it'aLi't ItC'.tll 1 ,1111 me: of tit'- itrolls Oxide (; 1-. -((ver the l Cati'1)11 stork;, 8i.ra,- A`v'U'li{1.,.124 e _'.l '-zeaf(trt i, lit Knee's the first Tuesday and \1Tc•c111.:+riav iiIOIltll; ]12 4'i1'23t))), at the 1'001- Hotel, 1):11- S Iotel, (I)1 the follow ng 'Tititrs- 1(1 I' rl(lays. ars requiring new tee 1 to call, if at Setif i)rt i, 11 are re- nd. Clin- ton, 01 the first clay of attend.; 31('t . ()ref ,-i 1,0110 patients. have had teeth 1 citric (1i 1)v the use of the (,as, at i)r. Colton A 1)111rt'4, �.e'it York .".F i • OCE. . .11 O1tEIt8 wanting wank for a few(eel:> will fi11(1 (i 1ployintJtt on. the tit)VEI3\1IE3'1' 1111.11\ , I11 (.'sell-. \V? (:-E-, 1 25 per day. I-.11c•1.1re ()1 t.ic f(o-t'ni.ui on this \i -.r"1 , � {,r aIII)1j•,.' to the agent at the 011i(:e, Jas, T. Ji1niin. G. BLAIN, Contract+ne (. r('ya, May 1 `>, 1 ti; i . 160-tf IRS N IWTHE BLOOD. „ 171AN IRON TONIC I P HUMS .o The PE'UVIANSYRUP makesthe 'eakstrong(, l and expels disease by supplying t t blood with :NATURE'S OWN VITALIZING AGENT—IRON. (fauna/J.—Be sure you get Perwvian Syrup. Yaunj)ltic.ts free. J P. DI SMORE Proprietor, ?.-o. 36 Dey St., New Yor l 7 G-tf. 1 Solo la Druggists gene EGMOSTDVILLE, NEW GROCERY.. W1VI. TH)OSON, i (Late of Seaforth,) Begs to inform the public that he has Opened a Grocery Store, in THE BRICK PREMISES,_ LaeJely occupied by Mr. John Logan, NEAR THE BRIDGE, • EGMON D zLLE A- ere he will creep on hand A CO IPLETE STOCK .OF Fresh Groceries, Of very description, at prices as reason- able as those of any other house - iY1 the trade. Tl e . High est .Market Price PATI) FOR BUTTER, EGGS, ►., &c. LOUR AND FEED! Rept constantly on hand. call is respectfully solicited. THOISON, 1- 9-tf Eglnondvillo. rri reC t -da .1 500 E SPR -i -N & • DRESS N;S, —AT TI1Fr- S 10- 1\T O E' 777. GARNISS, TAILOR, Lat , 1 oi'cutnit With I4,. Iiickson & Co., Legs to announce to the inhabitants of Ii FORTJI ANIPl'IC'I41'13�3 that he has tal.-c)1 rooms over T1I0MA8 STORE, in 3:•lt el z he l)rtrpohes eit2'r;ting on the making np of C - iTLEME13'S AND CHILDREN'S OUTING Also, het he has received from England; an entire NEW SYSTEM OF CUTTTl:G, uhirb works riibni2:tblr; producing beautifully fit - g o• • ,.,f til <12r2}t'.lt. combining ease and_ t ..,.k)I't_ Softie acl,. sa((allcni 1).ti)rs fori`hlelrc)t; and Toutl.ri 1'..iit-t 3)4 snppht-d or -„ :1r'7174•))t^4 lust out, at moderate, iiturgt-s. ask a'ttrth, July 27: ilt71. 1'.)i)-tr. ANIEL Pll'GREGOR, BOOKBINDER,i-IULLETT3 1 1 lust received <, large Stock of the materials ns('{l in the busilies's, and is 310 V fully pr( -par('(( to execute (ill the' : llortt`it 1lt)tieo anti in the latest styles, all cutlers he -may be favoured with. Registers,. Ledgers, r 1) iA LTi BCOi S,. {) F ANY Ii. I N P, t,fl, P > c>rtr.(l (wild Made tlt'F, o11 the shortest notice, ali(1 a ,t i )r1C'C5 which flt;ll' t;1,II1131L {,1Llt)1l. L itD1ES' WORK BOXES AND 1 CY ASES, - 1<ele to (inlet-. 01,I)_kNI)NEW- I10()KS B 141( -r - J, () T -.,1' i) ,1Y.1) Il ,! T 11 TRE: ) At city prit'C:s_ Pei i :•tr11a 1'C 51{1tli g at a di: tatl):'e l)1` lt�a1' it g their books at the 'i',mal 1jotr k 'Store t1{)dcril•11, or at the 1'.X1'usJT0i; (3Jlit`t', Seaforth, or at .J. IL Grant's, Ain- IC.j 1-ili e, h4.att.131,ti; vt;l;lt;, may rely 1113()11 thelia being well bound. _111 co11))1)nniivattiens ad11re-eed to the 1 ut111C1 signed, will receive prompt atten- tion. - DANIEL iAI(•(;111:(;1)1:, Constance, 'tau _C” P. t �), Mullett_ Seafo th, Nov. 9, 1870. Li NIE• • H' ; subscriber is prepared to furnish p ties building with a first-cla3s ar•- title t f Stone Lime, at 20 cents per bush- elat he kiln, McKillop, near Thole:)- s(1nS saw -(11111, or 22 cents per bushel ! deliv red in: Seaforth. t )r{ et s left with Mr. BULL, Main- street Seaforth, will meet with prompt atter ion IAMES D()DI)S- 17 !Loin l,1t E illov.