HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-09-15, Page 6•
[Japanese Waks and Tricks.
YOKOHAMA., June, 1.871.
The -fishermen we met, such Of
theni as had seines, were seating the
fish into them by pounding furiously
on the bottom of the boats ! Can
thh be, done? I -charge nothing t�•
the Cape Codders for letting them
into the Japanese secret of catching
fish. But what most astonished us
. new comers was the Georgia costume,
minus the spurs, of these interesting
•fialiermen! The fisherman were as
maked as the fish -that is •the most
• of these fishermen 1 Some of them
•-had something on, but nothine-bto
speak of. Anatomy could be studied
practically, as well. as phrenology
and physiognomy, and -physiology-
• that is, muscular and venous anato-
my. Some of our passengers at first
were a little confused and confound-
ed ovei this new development of life,
and dropped their lorgnettes; but I
see them noW in Yokohama, and
they are done blushing.
There are a lot of tumble boys,
funny fellows, with caps on thei2r
heads, stuckwith red and black
feath.ers, looking like roosters' combs,
who roll' up, and roll over, like ball
of dirt, then all ,together. They
,want only a " Ci-tS11,," a tenth part of t e once wear- ei t•
a cent, thus to.tble over Lind overlong eases/ass the substitutes for Wh;tt
" All Right," the AmeriCan• .0eght to ae Uonn t, their -flowing
Japanese juggler's corps, was thus r nalets lieneh c,iese, or how once
trained in a Japan street, and came w;•n, ersten,isalbe7 -their corsets,
theh shoes, ter h eis &sc., astound
the isoor natives uch as the
talael tea) do us, The young Saps,
-how4 th mouths of their
nape of the neck,
you see is w nian e
is nothing true
heads, thou_1i all
Wonian, thus,
erywhere. There
utSide of their
o true and sweet
inside. Th se • black !teeth, to, of
these japan
.not terrible
vei kiss su
When a wot
blaekens het
and daught
on, not only
• the s th er ri
is ft shion.
in t
• first
au is
rs w
a man
rs the
dames, are they
w can husbands
k -t abed wives?
ma ried here she
while . our wives
len married, pat
iage ring, but, all
c• ra get. Such
hat more sense in
ings, and ear-ing,s, anct brace -
these emblen.t8 -d.f vassalage --
are not :' write liandcuffs-athan
ese black teet1 1 -1Neverthe1oas,
blackk tee& a
Molare and
chop. .1 -ley
pre': aration that t
they renea th
Nyeek. LThes
M au y as.,' tiieni
y When tit
mi s.
is whiten .d -6,
-brut dttes even
if the); ar lie'
! Ti
of et
am p
Or! is ever) thi
r .ia(.liesiestalt1.1
b autiful 'black
t i ye teeth tif the
ut bnsome .1Thite
rns them 11ack,
• operation bout
sJap wotnorl only
be lig very very
copper color
y ssould pa s for
in rica.
-7-these alsomin-
)oca negra ! But
•g. These hoops
uo not half the
from that sehool there. There is a
mother with a baby on her back a
/a .Atnei•ican Indian 1a1 0050, and
the Nor baby is fast asloep, with its
- head toppling allbo u The
mother, perhaps, wotuld 'not haVe
much, if any clothes 00, if iihad not
leen necessary to throw over her the
saek for ttia by to sleep -or i'C iii. is a carpenter, pulling his fore E ery
• plane toward him, not pushing from
Mel, beautifully clad -exquisitely, I wasrst-
Inay add. -No French modi'ste even Eng" 'rid )37Sir
At first he sinoked
could have clothed him richer, with
a livery on that no French High wish ng it to ibecom
namberiain could devise better ; sitting one day hbs
but the _poor omy clothes, tion. wjj'il P.IP
- save a cotton scroll about his loins, called to his n
and his straw shoes,'where his skin, mug of beer. r•
tattooed -with all -sorts of tortoises•as he entered th,
storks, and other Jap divinities. It with tertor, thr
Costs only three and a half dollars, the mug iinto Si
that livery, they tell me, and it is running clow
t he pride and glory of a true Jap to " Fi-hT Pei,I
Lave it. You CO 11 Id not buy a hat te' '" SuLIC`
in New York. for that, you know. fire, and he a
Dit to earn plc three dollars anii a of his mouth
half to gat the livery, that's the
'Scottish _Pet Names.
hat surplus is a year's
ver, see in
nes he
-110 moni hs
s Brooks' in ik
ostite pting white
I xnress.
e First- moker.
ne kno It's that tol
roue it into reput
alter Ral
C0111 111 011 ; but
rbed in medita-
a his meuth, he
to bring him a
fellow, as soon
1 .
r orn, was scized
w the content • of
- ‘Nralter's face, and
sta -s, bawled cut;
file ! delp 1 Sir al
1 gill iis head is on
idke s bnrsting out
nd .riciae 11,'
aving; and if it were not so, • Scottia ects
Ja-eanese of the _ working classes. rich in ter -638 of en
would have on the livery.- Thso khan t in re Aeae is
out at all p'ret 'mline exhaust
a wrestler, a biz lautrly fellow, -the
picked man of his clan, who was bicr -
-enough to i')ass for a European.. .exanlPles
Wrestliug here is of a qv adi noble 'Peak of:
parent, C
in•ofeesiOn. It entitl CS , to
have tsap swoti•ds aud to lebk. naine f°
down on scout 10011 fellows.- All acd- 1'4'1 el* "
sia -
01. itt -Japan is ilothing-nobody- "unb ; 9
ranking • only with 1:egg:tee, while 4in kind
• Cid ly. use
the wrestler is a grand coekatormn.
An aeter. has no rank, no Lamm by .Jan
iI are pecrdi trly
!earment ; more
Eslican. IN, ithH
i as
le class"; of team I
rake the names of I
di," tn. I "
Id en,; "My wee bit I
die," " My wee bit
a general iature, " ly
. . o t _
dear a. "1 a w tie e. pe
lo yo ing p sople; desc ita
1 so 1 a dada ig or fitvor te,
laN 'Cal; i ., fond lec or
My "jo ' expresses af-
ilk amilialti y; evict( 1
. • subtect t Ina t itelhe followm
and evetybody looks downsapou one -whe
(with us) gt•ent profeasion, and- the' c8ressed'
only atieiss, diffeceuee between fecti3n
(t( 11 f ec J0-aneasy triet;i,iY-
and the begg:ir is that he' mal,•
Linn, y jo, Ja let " Jc.
the beggar never. The beg.g.u) by -
Anderson -my ie, , Of t
the way, bequeaths the profion ess,
from she to son. The 00v must
di 11 s
'urns' address to a
low the trzido of the faille)... There.wife " 6sou "
is no II oi)e, no Yu tuie to hitu.NoT, gaging, .
even the coolie will work in the 'Is° to'4
aatue g;trig with him. Put a beggar l;OW, the
to work lu coorie gari,:;•, and every cle'n* c°11)1?
coolie " strikes" at once„ refusing t,-0 lY 'Pled •t--' each
associate with a besgar. When the (lresS 3f -11.)b tl
iaeggar sees yo -u he pros- Lauder, '`My
trates himself upou his knees, then we would em
11, falls U1,011the ground and heals up ant nornenielast
ilia hand only for cztsh." He utters 810118 111 tr11
a most wobegone et y to touch vont aSSumes a
• lleaut and win your Sell) pat.hies.• Laken ill CE
Tiler° ConleS SOutothillt4 With two tish life an
awords on, • pony-moanied and his off agains
• Detto. The betto is a bov, who fol.; grathPY lth
• lows his lordship's pony, and the eften
e ---a. e.,
hart ii g-2 " wee thin,r: 1
, ),
ifea" ay winsome m it- 1
attes • void sienifyina e• a i
b - -
lie of a pair el° e- (
ther ; aisO' the ; €1. •i a
Ratter to :Alage it) ' I
bnijp bird." 'IN w
.1.s. up n this abut d-• 1)
le of p.indly expr ss- , c„
s Scoptish dialeet, that it c
. . , I a
intbr Stipposition i h
1 b
nneeti n a-ith the Sc t-: 3-.)
1 ch 1,rt (Am. and as
. . 1111111•1111011
known street preacher in. Edin-bu rgh,
relate& the circumstances of his con-
veision. in these • words :-" My
heart was black as a sheep's faCel-
but noe it is white as :a washer-
woman's thoomb !" Ne 'extent of
earnestness in the speakers Icould on
sueh occasions prevent a smile. --4
Century of Scottish, Life. •
TO AID the Wallington, Grey end Bruce. Bali-
-way Company by a free grant or donation of
Debentures by way of bonnie ,te - the extent of
$28,000, subject to ceetaiu terms restrictions and
„conditions, t
Whereas, by certain cts . passed by the Legisla-
. tore of the Provinee -of Ontat•io,.the Municiptilitide
therein referred_ to are a ithorized t ) aid the' Well-
ington, Gr y and Bruce Railway, by free ' geants..or
douations of ,Debentur s by *ay Of bonus. • '
And 1Vheretts, the A lunitlipal Council of the
Township of Turnberrt being one of the inenici-
patties so authorized tro desirous of aiding . the
said Railway,' by the Ina grant or done:tem of De-
bentures to the extent of twenty-eighe thou:teed
•dollats, and propose to issue dein; nitres for that
purpose. • 1 ,
And !Menthe, it win quire. the sorn of te,:d3,080,-
to be raised annually b3 special met fth
or e pay-
ment of the said debentures itz d the- interest
thereon an hereinuftetu.entioned. .
And Whereas, the amount of th t whole rateable
property of the said Mena:lea ty, Irrespective
of- any future. increase / f the -stone, and also irre-
spective of any income to be eerived from the
temporary investment of the sinki ig fund herein-
after mentioned Or any part there et according to
the last revised assessweet rolt of the.teddelluniei-
pality, being for eh° yea' 1871, wits $2e6,51/0, (two
hundred and eighty-six thousand five hundred dol-
lars.) . • - t . • .
" Aud Whereas, the amount of the exietieg debt
of the said lefunietipality is as fel owe' : Principal
the sum of ;tee-- and interesb the sum of $—,making • in , the eggreg to the sum of $-.---, of
whieh intermit no'portion is M ureter. -
And. Whereas, for payngOle interest and creat-
ing tue equal lyeerly sinking fund for pitying the
H1) 01 sof $28,000, and tdr
inest as hmeinetter
motioned, it twill requite au eqeal annual spatial
tate of one and _mut-teeth: cents in the- dollar ill
itedition tont! ether rates to be levied hl each year.
• Be it therefore mutated by the enuuleipal Come
ail of elle Township of 1 urnberry!--
1. That it eholl be lateful for ti o Reeve of the
said township; and ho i.'hereby reguired to issue
Debentures ta the eXtent of tevei ty-eight thou -
sane dollars, in sums of not less • teen -8160 each,
which- debenteres shall be sealed e Rh the seal of
the steid Munieipttl Coun iil, and be signed by the
- said Reeve and counters gnedeby the Trettsurere
2. That the Said debentures eleal be Madeay-
, .
able in twenty years froth the day hereinafter men -
tented. for thie by-law t� tele afoot et the Mee
of the Canadian Bank o Connnerce at (4oderiche
and shall have attetehed o ellen). Coupons for -the
payment of interest. .
8. Thal -the fetid- debentures shah bear interest
-at ahd after the rate of eix per cent. per annum
from the (bac- thereof, evaich intent 1 Meal be pay-•
able on -the first days of january an July,. in nach
year. -..
4: Thet for the- ite purpeof fori • ing a sinking
'fund for the payment of 'the ettid debentunte, mid
the interest at the rate aforesaid . to' became due
thereon tut:meal special eate of one and one-tenth.
cents in the dollar:Mid:lit addition 1( all (Alert-ate:3
be ned
tis, levied Mid coil eted, in ea tie year, upon
all the rateable property n elle Haft municipality
during the continuence 0 . the said- ebentaree or
any of them. .
Provided, always and it is herethe declared tett
this- 13y-lew. • is eassea subject to Ole fallen etig
the saidIde- -
seipulatione end conditions:
1. -That before the Reeve shell test
benthres, the Beilway Company stu. 11 ft. nish !an
agreentont nutlet; the Ace
'of 'of the Company, (a copy
whereof has been submitted to anc approved. Of
by this Conneile undertaking and heeding the
Company in theeniumer set forth thsrein, to em-
inence the extension therein referee( tp, that a to
nay the extension of the said Welling on, Grey end
Brece Railway,- through South Bre -0 'and Notth
Hewn to Lueknow,•withie three un»tits alter' the
final passing of this! Byeaw, 122)11 t( complete the
same to Luclutow ready! for trallie within two
years &mu .thaltime, tuid to ....erect et station at
or near to Bluovale and! another. n or near to
And Provided, thitt tbe debentures shell be de-
posited with the Tree:quer- of the PI m
I tie of n-
n o
tario, or ill of the cienie.red b mks of is
Provinte. or of the late Province 0 Canada, a id
the matte shall be delivered to the Co upany 011 t te
Certificate of the Enth
Engineer )1 e C empany, 01firmed. by the certificate for the time being of t 10
Chief -Engineer of the 0 -re it Western Railway, as
the work progresses thronith the Town hip of Tie 11-
berry, the productien of w ieh ewe:ilk ate ehall
en -
hill O
le Compton -10 dente el and run
t ve from t
said 'Munieipality thecae res to•ta; amoloa,
mentioned with tho eureent tampona d those e et
to Mat tire.
And Provided, further, that if the n rle: shall n tt:
. .
be commenced within the Said per Otiof tht :e
months above specified, it ehall be attiould wi 'h
the Commit by resolution duly passee ,0 thee etee .t
to deelare the; By-law met 1 -het agreen cut found el
thereon. cancelled and at an end.
5. -That this lly-linv Ault take ed fie t ancot le
into teteratioa upon the 1j11 edeoutit hty of ()et t-
i)er, 11.71. . . . •
6. That the .said Debentures shell 1 t. eepositt d
within' doe moilth it for Ottlefieal i':4 of th s
lly-law, either with the Previneie 1 Trelstreer, or i u
rue of the Cletrteriel Welts. or this le o eruct: or of
the •litte Provence of Canada,
7. And be•it further tem ted that t ie votes of
the teettors of this Muni, tie:lily elm!! let tele 11
mon the: Byelftw, •115 fol twit ; Nan ele, et ti o
;face hereinafter ventionet, and refer ed to in tt e
mtiett appended to this 1 v -law, lutie t the plat it
tt which the Election omf gebere of 'mind! ale -
teld, on the -eleventh d y (tie Sept gutter tux e
le71,) at the hour of 9 o't leek in th i femme» ,.•
ha eluting la 5 o'clock in. 0 oefternom of the mee-
tly, -and that the following person hied be Retun
n9; Officer to hike the \Mee et such ph te :
4,caly races all (1. 01 0 but t 0 raCtte. tell (1 ern (!88
Which •will beat, •ask you ? The Will heaft,
-rony never. The betto has on his rePres-ente(
"-stern an
tattoo livery and straw shoes, it
ma3- be no shoes, pm•haps. tet- not be ,S"9/
'said Municipal Council, and be signed by the said
Reeve mid countersigned by the Treasurer.•
2. That the said debentures shall be made pay-
able in twenty years from the day hereinafter mein
binned fOr thin by-law to take effect, at the office ot
Ole Royal Canadian Bank, Seaforth, and shall have
attached to them esoupone for the payment of in-
3.That the said debentures haU bear interest
at and (titer the rate of -six- per, tea. per anemia
from the date thereof, which intbrest shall be pay-
able on the first days of January au& July in each
yerThajt for the- purpoee of onning a sinking
fund for 'the payment of the sad debentures and
• Ole interest at the rate aforeaa d, to become due
thereoneau equal epeetal rate ct 74 mills in the
dollar shall, in addition to all otl er rates, be raised,
levied and collected in each year -upon ell the rate-
able property in the said Municipality during the
continuance of the said debt:mules or any of them.
Provided always, and it is he -eby declared that
this By -lam is Passed subtecteto the following stipu-
lations and. conditions :
1. That before tho Reeve shall issue the said de-
bentures, the Bnilway Company shall furnish an
agreement under the seal of the Company, n eopy
whereof lets been submitted to and appreved I of
by this Connell, endertaltime and binding the Con -
piney in the mauler set forth therein, tu commence
the exteusion therein referred tie that, is to say,
the extension of the said Wellingtote Grey and
Bruce Beltway through .8out1t Bruce and North
• Huron tei Leeknow, within tlwee months after the
fund pasniug tif this By-htw, a.itt to comploto the
sante to; Lucknow ready for traffic within • two
yoars froin that time ; to constr ;et a siding at or
near Ethel, and to 'erect a steel m at or near to
Aieleyville, either in Grey or. Norris, within one
quarter of inutile of the Maitland River, providing
no naturel ot engineering dinienliies
And Prodded that the debent ups shall be de-
positedwithi the Treasurer of th • Provinee of On-
tario, or -one of the charter gl banks of this
Province or of the late Protium; of Canade, and
the mine tided' be delivered to the Company on the
certificate of theEngineer or theCempany, confirmed
by the ceetelicate for the time being of the Chief
Engineeil 01 the Great Western RailWay, as the
work rOgresses through the Township of Grey,
the protheehm of -which certilleate shall eutitle the
Compatryl to demand and redehit from the said
.Municipality debentures to thie amount so men-
tioned with the eurrene (toupee and those yet to
• And Pt -prided further, that 11 the -work shall not
bo cominenced within the midi period of three
months above specified, it. shall be optionel with
Ole Cetmeil by resolution duly Passed to that ef-
fect to declare this By-law and the agreernent
folludeC1 thereon cancelled mid at an end.
5. That this By-law shall take !effect and come
into operetion upon the 18th day of September
iThat the said debentures silaB he deposited
within one month after the lime passing of this
13y -law, either with the Provincial Treasurer, or in
.000 of the chartered Banks of this Province, or of
Ole late Ptovince of Canada.
7. And met further enacted that the votes of
the elect() et of this Municipality shall bo taken upon
this By -1 tw, as followNamely, at tbe "places
hereinafter mentioned mid referre 1 to in the notice
appended ed this Bylaw, beieg the place at which
Ole electitei of members of Come il is held, on the
eleventh day of September next, : 871, at the hour
of nine o' dock in We forenoon, and ending at five
o'clock in the afternoon of Ole sante day, and that
the following person }dual be Bahl -Meg Officer to
take the vOtes at such plate: •
• Returning Otileer, JOHN R. 01 ANT.
Place of Voting School Hon e, Section No.
'ICE that the 'above is ft true copy of
aproposed By-law wideh m ill be n ken hitt) meted-
eration by the Council of this in micipality, a ftt,tr
ono montli from the first peblie aion thereof in
Listowel Banner, the date itf whit h filet publica-
tion was the seventeenth day of Meuse' 1871, and
that the votes of the electors or u 12 said inunici-
-pality will be taken -thereon at t e pi tee above-
named on the fetid
Eleventh Day ot Septet thee next,
at the hoar of nine o'clock in th fm•enotee and
ending at live o'clock in the lateni ton of the epee
day. -
• • witship Clerk.
Dated this 1411I day of August, Late • 11)3-5t
3Y -LAW N 4,
TOW:11-81.11P 0.1?ORRIS.
ABY - -T, kW to aitl the Wellint
Bruce Railway Company by 1
Memnon ef debeutures by way o
extent of Setelettite imbject to certaii
tione lied conditions.
Weinates, :Ile- certain rids passet by the Legit:-
in titre of tbe Prie inee of Ont et to, the el unieipal-
ides thert-h: ref...teed eo ere entletri .;-;1 to aid the
1Vellingtoe, Grey and Bruce te ilway by free
grents or don:Woes of debentures 1 e way tit bonus.
Aen 11 neeteee, The Municit iil Council of the•
ToWnehip of Morrie, being one of .110. ..\.inniehatl-
/ties so authoriZed, are deeirous of t tiling elm seat
.railwity by tht:free grant Or donatio 1 of debentures
to the eetent of thirty thou:emit tit liars, and pro-
pose to itetue dehentrtres for that pit emse. .
AND AI 111:11hAS, .lt will require th t sum- of es3,300
to be rsised annually by special rat t for the pee --
meet of the said • debentures an 1 the Mterest
thereon -as hereinafter mentioned.
AND W1t11t01-8, The amount ofthe whole ntte-
speetive of any income to be derivei front the tent -
able property of (he said Municipal ty, irrespective
of any futtutt inerettet of the teazle, aria (1151) het.-
porery invetement of the :tinting ft ini hereinafter
inentioned er any part thereof, ate entitle to the
leet.reve :el veeeediletit loll of the e. id Manieipitl-
ity, le i: ::, for tie ; ear fen, Nies ez.;7
AND i-. ;I-.1.2:,, The almaint of the existine
di le ot th ....tit efeetteieeli.y ;s ;:e fellim.- : I-Mi-
ch/Id the ewe *Bet end iteere-t Et sane of :418,
thelitteerice,tit; 3.11• 1
10111.,e :
,:.,1;itr,artiesreillt; La t14.1,1-svniln.o of p.:''.1... le, of which
AND IVillan,..vs, For paying the int erett and ere -
an equal 3t-0 13 sielting fund for -pitying the
- :1
slim sin.: of :•:;111,0; itt, and -iiiteryst ta in reinafter
1 . ..t t , 11 ai. 1 ..egeire nn teetal metal epe..ial
rate of tight mill, eeil ftheyee./. • fift Jells of a mill
in the dollar in aililition to till ether ottee to be
. iteitel in welt et ar. 1
11:: IT Tit I.1:; l'olll: 1i:0;11AL 112- the tlIniticipel
Counsil of th. Time:hie of Merl 's el
3.. J. Ina ti Snail be lewful for the Rt•c-ye o: the
seed Teem:hip, anil be isle-E.:1.y top irtel to i ene
delegate -ie. to the eetent of t 1:irty tli en,: 1-21 thillare
!nit :toe ef not. lees than she) t .tch. eltiell 11111.0-
( 0)1-5 slnel he eeeled with the seal tt1 -he seid eln-
1i:zip:i1 etienvii. and be signed hy the said: &eve
tit-si eorofersitoled 1_- the Treason ...
2. T ....., the :edit 4,4t1entures elied /s• ;mule pay-
able in twerey ;tears from the day het einafeer im ii- ,
•t Jen, I -fer tine Ily-lew to 1111,0 efft rt, at tlet.,e
tnet- of
the iteeal Cam:than Bunk in ilea./ ill, 11..11 SIM il
11,1Ve MA:WI:Mt to Olen' viii111008 for the payment of ,
tote Grey ited
free grant or •
benne to the
• tenas, reeteic-
Rewriting Officer, JAMES JOHNST IN. •
Place of Voting -Lot 15 • Concessii 1 '7, Turn- •
TAKE NOTICE, tied the above it; a tree Copy
a proposes assaus watch will be teken bite ;
oneuleration by the Connell of this Municipality,
tier WWI:Muth frern the ti st public% tei(itiritehtlielir
Ole If rime 1 te
eorroe, t te ditty of y
ublicatien t ighhsi,1i davtif A tenet, 18711,
and that the 2-ottet of the elt• •turs• of Ili.. mild .
anted 011 the said .
• ree ed I ip
Dated Otis leth day of Atignet, 1871. 19:1-5
• a • fret u nt t•
or attic
line I:t iedicates how
•.st a current Of
• .
and il-11 ction in the Scat-
whieli so frequently
to be, like its climate, ,
I " • There C0u(1
terms Ils-ere the feclinss
ieipality will be taken thereoi at the 1 !are alan't l
; I -
•. at :Ind afti r 1',10 nue of sh 1,1- 0;to.t.. per -'011111111
t•etett.teetiste, eke). ot- eit:tistletubc„1 next, . eeee tile date then Af 1120 It have/. e .heil be pey-
t . 1
ebb, ins the lill.t, :,..1.yti (11 .Intntal-y and jetty in tac'a
, at the hour of 9 o'clock in the 1 ferenom , and out - year.
- .
e. That elle said Dviteithirt•-; ittit.rt.st
leg at 0 0 dock in 01,- afterneoh of the ante dity. "l'hei tor the intrpt“t* fortnitt=t; a tsitiltina
• BY -t
to keep•
up with that puny day they .express unit:mown. I believe • ro oft. woniqu,n, bro. and Billet.
o ten hal pena that the Scot- , way Company by it. fret, teetia dieettion
after day, thii•tv miles a day, zuld ne
1.1 ele t - • • • .
out tint 1.te mite ott• boleti. to th, or s415.
• tish • chiu•acter there 'is a vein Of
i,ony can overdo that on a journev.
• LI kleet co vermin terme. rleetrietions and cite
This betto takes care of the pon-y. (.1Yel-) and ncliv` fooling lying11)11 sa„lasaa by 11 1,
Witte:hoe wee ;Odd ft'01.1.:e him, and under a sill,. a a • llt4:1101114.1.al lainecillc:oiiillais •
`cotiall saying Nvhich is
tate ..r 1 -ht raalue. or (oat no. Tile eleitire
what ste
ps take 011('e of his master, too.
Tnere is hair dressing goipg 011._ arisen the
)ublic- hair dressing-oa the fiont :;ipplicablet
iiteps of the shop or house -one wan •"""r-til'at
dressing allot her man's and is of a softe
and mannea
doing up his cue... Tho women dross'
ilit 11 hair in oui- old mother's faSli ion s'11.4)0
of gone-bUnit's-- none of your long
hind, with a skewer to:hold-it-
t ails Of false hair, sa id Ver
il onScottish
- n
top of the head -beautiful, gloma-: struggle of
) Sue)). eases, His gintiP's
• nat than- - woids
al-oc' idt ft en lead you to
hair: ‘.'11-hatils the Lord," became stcrile and
eaul 1 to a You
kolnna. An;erietui Many of t -turd.
lady, we have reaelied a country •Ari•ans. Those itvl 0 WC
After the
nth century-
,. 4
lergy were
re doctrinal-
• • at last where the women wear oaly Omni -were -often inipe •f 1 -
their own hair," " You are inis- . educated. They genei ally sprang
taken," said she : "all that ha-ir oa. ; from the poop e, 1.nd pleserved thq
• -top of Alaslanse Jap'a head is false - native vernaculat. h nunsters
Lau. s aclame shaves off, or caics and elders uiseal 7 1)0 0tedS and pliraseS
• "
, the magma]: crown, and piles On. Which created }in-----.1.ent rathet •
the false then. Once a week, only, ; than devotion. , At a week]y prayer
is the hair done up skewered and 'ti meeting in i SebeSsion, Church at
glued, Spanish (Cadiz) style, thus . Edinburgh, one of the members ex--;
defying the winds and the fogs for a I pressed himS lf thus ;-" Our faith
whole week, and kept in place, ! is became likegilte 0 (leaky) bars
nights, while sleeping on the mat- 1 rels. Lord dittg iip he gips (hoops)."
.ked, with a -wooden pillow under the ; The late Robert D'l ckliaiiit, 4 well- i
It t
1 9-
ideS O1/.11411 referred tit are it itherized to aid tit
• teddlington, (trey and Breve ltailwity by frt.
; grant:. or donations of debentures ;:y may ef melee
• Aiel leberelts, The Munieipal Come 11 th-
- ;tau laws or (hay, ialsa, aos or tas e
ituthorieel, are detarous (if melee • )it• s;•ld Itaii-
way by tit.. free grant Or donetien 111 delatntl, t,t
. the tent of thirty -live thoneintet delete- tee:tenet,.
end prepete• to issue del/entitled fur that .urpeee,
.111.1 Whereas, It will requit e the emit 131 tesee
tthree theiteend eight 1111)1(11 ,f qt and fifty ilideee,/
to be 1-81-..1 itimmtily by ...lege eit nit.- for th• pa:s
niritt ef the eine dehettnare, mid tii. it,:' I. "I
O1e2)/t1:11, 81, 11. reinefter need i.
And \ellen-its. The Of the tt4-
tif Any 111l•111. Ow •••.:311:t, nod
• tole tett -
i able prop. 11,2 Ow ;-•aiti utut 1'1,
Os:: _
sp;•;•1 :di:. filet:11W tti 111 I•IN fron t. it: -
poetry 101 e:einem of the sins tez fund hertinalt• r
menthentd or 11.11y 111111 Oier( ta, tlee111.i/
r14 tit Ott
ittst 17-11 411 fla• said -
brint.; for Ole yellr 1671, was s4.89. ;tee tfom
htimirt,4 and t.h.;hty-oine th.t.i;,and six hundrt...d
eine tht• patenent of the Fuel it. tegitines, :tee
the interest, et tie. rate leo) ....edit. tit beeene. dee
I./etre:01 :In (4111;11 epeciel rate tif eigh; milli, and
terty-me. ttftteits of it mill in th. delltir shall in ad-
dition to all other rate$, raitegl, helve mut mi-
lt -et -0e in eitelt yeltr 0111:11 ltn. tile rate:tide property
itt On' sate Itnnielpel ay timing the ceutinuttnee of
the said debentures or any of thelll.
alwaye, awl it is hereby :th-lirt•ll ibit
Litis Ile -law petteeil :elite et ti, the feilowinit '
ellpeletietit. tied emillitione:
1. J'-.- tle• 'Reeve elien l
1. Innres, the ileiimee Compatty sled: fine;
1,1I2) it et -al ef the Colineete. eelee
1. ri ef hr. • 11 tele/et eel to mei .oetrie.lei t.f Oy
;hi ett.e.,•il • melt rtakine bileeet: :be rem- ;
e. ee ie 11••• tee:re e tettli r. nee
e‘t; tt..1,111 rtt•fl.r.rvd 1:1, Elm* j., 1.: the
.i•n: id Ow et-dent:tete Grie- lout P- *
2.11;• 111.:•;;•-111 • S:411 h :mil 1111rdo ,
(Mee iminebe atter the flied P1)
i'0 1°1 '1.• 11`1..... • Pad. (1) ...+!!11 UP' NAM' (0
r(1) 2.11- tr :211t2 ‘02.111.21 tWti
24,111 1:100. :Oa! ..++ l't Sta()011 (1. t.)
-*.;, • 2,1 01).• 101:11.0.1. I). Of -
r 1.• ••r .1 • ire., ;eel e at or near
le tie itiend River at Ainl-•yviilie
AND 1'4,-1 l)'10 TI -e; the di hemline: eball bit
'dere, ill 1 Le Tree, :1, r ,.? the pr,e,inee of
e, 1.1.• et. the i-eate, tell Beet- the,
•,-.r of 0 e late Pi -inlet, of 5.-Hunea.
0. -qv -1441 te the C••:IlitallY
"1;;'-- •sr tts itaaaliee it 1124 eaoeios.
!!1: d lilt- th; time id the
the Great AV. eft rn itaileay, as
thetneli the Townt-thip of
wl.it•it t 1 ;titivate ldndi oLttjtl,-
and I' f8t+111 thl.
l'i,j11,4) :UPI those yet to
che f leee:iite r ef
'• tit,- ly,...1; en )!..T1.1! s +4
tie. C.,.‘ 111.0(1':10.igq.
. 0:.(1/11.11)allr t(,) di
3I501eilniiii;:' tiehl• It:111.S tO tilt' altiOnlAt it.:: 11101-
tittin: d eitt, tie et,
net I itre.
i .A:te PLovInl.n. Yortill r that if the work ,hdil
1P:1 la e. o ;le or; d 221101)1 OW &pia jilt:it'd ;:f three
.. in.,,litb.; 8192 (•.1),t ilit•d. it •..11;d1 iq• ripti..;1111 iir it 11
1111. C. .111). il. by re••••1101iiin duly pae-eit to that ef-
t, et to derlare t tte lle -la w awl the agreement
,, 1111121,14 .1 thee "0 e: II•q•lit 1 anti at. an end,
:i. That thi- nit
;into opt ration up.
i. tit•lphr r 11; Nt.
h. 1 ils..t the said fielaaitnre;-: shall be deposited
within tine intetth • (ter -- the tinal prtestng of this
By-law, eitiii.r with be Pre:Mei:1i Treneurer, or, in
one of tin; chart. rt el Banks of this Proeince, or of
the le te Pre t Mee of (tatiathe t
7. Anil le it furth •i• en)1cted., that the vote.: of
the eleefore of th
1119•Itt On,: 1 13-111."W Ils
'hereinafter weenie
And 'Wien net The aminint ttif the exi t debt
of the said munieipelity se fereets Prineiple
the sum of nothing_ and intelest Olt- SIM of 11(0.1-
ing. 1)10 king in the aggregate the emu of zettlnee.
itt whio.. hai.-r,,t, nit portion ie in niTearsi.
'And Whereas, Idn• payiug the iuterest and ert -
taints an (.1(2)1 yearly sinking einel fer •ying the
said emu 5:1e,11110, mei interest tie herebea ivy men -
Hemel, it will rennin. an tannin annual sp Tett 12111.
OITZ Min!, alv (ball*, iltkaitital other
rates to Ise Itvitql ill each year.
Be it thtrefore euactee. By the elnuicip ('tint -
01! (11 the ownehip of G-rey-
1- That it shall be lawful ft r the- Reel- • (if the
said Township, and he is here 'eel...quit-ea to issue
debenttnes to the • extent of hirty-five ; hare:and
dolltue, in sums of not lees tie u sleu bieh
debentures eliall be sealed with the ; eeal of the
1, ,
.222 shall take effeet and POMP
11 the tnenty--.,ixth dee of Sep-
tice appended to this By -la*, being the place
which the election of membets of Council- is hell,
on the sixteenth day of September next, 1871, it
the hour of nine o'clock in th le forenoon, and et
Mg et five o'clock in the afternoon, of the sa e
day, and that the following person shall bo 1 e -
turning 011ie& to take the vo es at such places.
• shillpectuimrntin. g -Officer-THOA S HOLMES, Tow
• Place of Toting -At Alfred Brown's Mill, at t le
North half Lot No. 11, in Sixth Coneetetion.
TA.RE NOTICE that the atove is it true copy if
a proposed By-law, which. willibe taken into consi 1-
eration bythe Council of thts municipality, aft .r
one month from the first publiteation thereef in -11 e
III -11°N EXPOSITOR, the date of which publicatit 21
was the twenty-lifth clay of Auetted, 1871, mut th tt
Ole votes of the -eleetors of tete said municiptill y
will betaken thereon al the place above ninnett( tt
the taid
Sixteenth Day of tet
at the hour of nino o'clock
ending lit ft -re otclock in the a
Clerra Offiee, Monis,
• Dated this 16th day of An
pet ember next.,
it the forenoon, a d
ternoon of the san
et, 1871. 194.-4t
I IVI P 0 11 A .1\1 1'
Proprietors of tbe
-Are now Mitnufacturing the best
- -
FAMILY ..(C.; Pi:L.5712Y FLOUR,
In, the Donne ion.
Intending purchasers in 8 .aforth and vieinie
elm reiyupon getting our Fenn y end Pestry Flour
from the following_Dealere, 0'L5: -Thos. Lite, A
M. Strong, John Walsh, James C. Laidlaw, Alex
Ault, Thomas Kidd. J. McGinnis, William Ault
G. it H. Jackeon, Etpuondville, end at the Seafortl
Mille. Orders left at our °Mee Mairket Sonar% Wil
receive prompt attention. •
Farmers desiring to exchange theirWhea
for nour, at the Mill,
May always rely upon getting
Pastry Flour exchange, in
to the value of their wheat.
• W. A. SHEA
18 -1 -If.
enr best Family 0)
(inanities accortlin
SON &s. CO.
T..71 AVING purchased and thinxinghly refitted the
nliUs fonnerly owned by the Messrs. 800331E,
Tam now prepared to imnish
And that will
`ompare favorably with tlelle m the Do-
tnnuion, - •
yon want A 1 istiOVR,,go tbP f,)311)Wi
ettalers and ask for MAIISILLL,VS-Remember
telltillALL'S FLOUR:
Orders left with W. S. 1-10331ERTSON will be -
tromptly attended to.
, Parties who wish to
- Exchange Wheat, f r Flour,
10 certain to retteiVe proper qua ally, and int aide
that will 4fy competition. .
• NV. 1\1 ALSHALL.
1 efi-t
A '0111;1 take flit; opportunity 1,1 ileum:nit flunk.;
te jearteirge entmaltel to him tenets
O mthetertnn leminces, ;eel beg:, leevi• -.,•.y that
eflent ina his part. shall he 1.011;i0g il.1•41re 11.
Of Ole seine. Ite ha.: now receit tel end
it tenctl up a nice stock of
l'ESP v'bERF
. • L
- • Consprieieg
Teas, Sugars, Coffees,
i,L)ices, Raisins, Currants, &e.
Splendid value in • •
ppo MITS.
41- 10811111. out of bond_ on vire geld etel le t
eut 1.e. Cerling's nee Seente-re- Beer ant Porter
in luny littarter barrel-. and holth•-..
lottr, Feed, Provisions, I
In 1111 their braarb.;•...
Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, &e.
0114 Meld. (.0.:1):11 11 al 1/.1111;11101-t 111:1 tt." A; )1.40
I;• On- 73 ctt 111 T;.,, • i
NO. 999,
SEPT. 15, 1871.
&ajar& • Ilmouiry
Would dcsire to call attention to their
- • •greatly improved
Which s able to compete with any other -
'Ara:chine in Cannel a,
Among its -many advantages, we call at-
tention to the following -the way the
Cylinder is constructed -it requires less
• power and is capable of 4-2"
The great complaint among Thrrshers
always was, that they could thresh more
than they could clean, our improved drum.
does away with all these complaints ; it
is_so constru.-.)ted as to regulate the wind.
to keep the riddles from choking. without
blowing any grain over. We have. also
improved our Mills to prevent the grain
going over with the straw. •
-We would invite. Farmers and Thresh-
ers, generally, to give us a call, and ex -
whine our stot..k before purchasing else-
where ; we can sell as cheap as any other.
Est abli shmen t.
1_Tone but the best Material used, and the
very best workmen employed.
The Machines we sold last year enable
as to say that they gave better satisfac-
tion than angt other ever sold in this-
'e°1111.1-"3irl"S' HORSE POWER I
kept ein hand at all times
We would also desire to direct the •
attention of farmers to our
Which are capable of sawing from 'forty
to fifty coi•ds of wood per day.
Superior Care- Plonghs, Straw Cutters..
Cultivaters, sertffiers. Wooden and iron --
beam Ploughs, Scrapers, Kettles, &c.,
All of which we warrant to give satisfac-
tion, and will he sold as cheap as at any
other Establishment in the Province.
OF ItVitite- DetseRIPTION,
Done on the shortest notice and. most
reasonable terms.
143-1y- ZAPPE &
The present favor:04e weathel
varrents both iananer and. mechanic112
inakilig timely prepai•ations fur the eon).-
ing harvest.
While thanking- their p;.•trons for the lib-
eral ette, mragenlent ateteelegi them in tilt
past, woald cordially the •atten-
tf Farmers to their choiee 171S01't111t.'llt
Iiarve..ting _Machines for 1871. Our
- Ohio (Tuntb;w_41 artteht.ae,
vith Johnson's Improved Self-P.;tke, hat
,iven compiete satisfaction for the past
rwo .a•ears, and is lloW OIRtrell • tO tlit
111blie With the. strongest guarantee lot
lurability atilt perfect work.
• The Ca y toga Chief, Jr., ..11threr,
nicht has gained for itself a world-wide
et-tint:aim) is again offered aS 1.111nit
1.11rahle, bandy and beSt.W01461P.t, :\IONVO
111A4,11, liting constructed in the body 0
he machine entirely of iron and steel.
»ti with it we •defy conipe.tition. Wt
Iso oar the
.1-072 SPIV Rak 1 11 y ,S7.111/11'
• • few per,
took first and second prizes at Pro.
ncial Exhibition, 1870. This reaper
t elenewledgell to be superior to any tithe)
atter)) now in Thies as it ents perfetitiy.
takes lodged, or tanetka grain 1 tette;
than tette other rate e 01 reel machine, and
cuts equally well iron) eviler side of thi
eld when wind is qrong from any di
;etion, can be raieed lowtred when 11
( ippesite Citnnichte te- etene Seetle eleTile 1 lotion antl is very liar:tole.
_ spiox PoWi•'..i.i., 1 We. invite inspection of tour machine>
•i . nd mode of manufactnring by per-
. c Lasers before giving •orders•elsewhere.
! NIVe guarantee satisfaetion in every ma-
TAT etemnielien and. W; ee 111 ere; 1,. ore
!need at preeent he IloilleitT Des -;)
kit. wit es the
" Royal Oak,"
Sit tat. it en the Sable L'eet, eight mile, e'en]) ri
;WA /11111. 502-1 1:0 1:1 54-1' r2)2) i "CA.. 411-
• fert ft.!,r ;edit 121 a ha resin, 111 1111.1.-r++10,10-11 is 49- s
s'ir•15 1111er.1:11ir!!.1;zifsr"iitil 1.,:ann• 1,1;ildi112,„
4e.„ e ge...1 repair, inelniiieg %, reene., Op.
itm r itst and stsen in the teeter. Th. re •ure lour
ine, Or no sale.
The agriculturalist.; of Perth and ad
1 ailing counties will net (We belie:Vet le
i blind to their own interests as t:(
ve their orders to shops more than
)0 miles east, when there an; iirst-elas.-
‘01ks in their midst, building- large1.
ie best machines, erinal to ally Of thA
Ille 11 ItleilInts; made 111 the ProVince.
all and )-ee us, • eent1 in your order -
b - mail, (a deal with our agents, as iit
-ery ease you will get a perfect ma -
hiee, mei on the ;sante terilIs ail yoil 1
8!ighbor. our principles of businte-
tlid prices being established and into
:ten s of land attaehed to the house. //raking t
:14; telittt garden and. orcintre. Then- ere 1224) ging! 2.5
, *411.1110:4, n. -141:•d and a bore e ...table
and beet it: e911211, One stale- end i -
T to etve botel eitnated. in 11 -elf ))4i1 1l1r1t11tV,
en he Intin retie bereEert cenierii-h sarpia, e
. .
and in g (if )1,1. . •
• T '
nee e---1 wo-tiente ot tee pnreletee ileieet•
quit e ewe, tie. halanet. in equal ;tunnel liteten 11
Address, if bei•tlit)•it3ti/;:eiertit.r.1)711,sd..,snAii.:s
• e Moinelpality shall he -taken
follows 2 Namely, at the piece
ed and referred te hi the nu. SE
131-•ree P. le, Ont.
$5,000 TO LEND.
11 AVE the above sum on hand for
nveatment on good Farm tiecurity, at
d 9 per cent., -Private Funds.
oztnr, July 25, 1670. 139.- i
Ail other kinds of implements (')11
stlantly on hand.
STE,A .3if-E:'..“.; 1 X ES I I I: 1 LT,
A id all kinds of M'W
ILL ORK 11(13,pilemptly.
1 -eh Ontario,
Ticket -of -Leave
Nearly 4,000 fema
-are at large • with ;
'The majority live
• very large prOportion
hardened offenders ; ino
is a murderess. Won e
be,en sentenced to death
and whose senlenee
-commuted into 'penal
ever from the seene of
•expkit,I. A fter having
• term of twelve -years,
herself to the s
prison authorities, the
murderess easily obtains
-ofleave and heeomes a fi
g..ain kn. one of the
11101,t fashionable 4lism
;many hundieds of dOme,
are tieket-of-leave wonie
• of them have rmtthaw
tire scale of crime,
larceny to burglary
Their employer's engage :
kpflWitiage of IA
.dent, Strange- to •say,
eriminalS are not,unfr?Au.
formed into ex Lreinel
tie servants. The sallide.
Ai.sheartening part of t
that the difficulty of ref
young€r women in 411e.
Vietilas of females are
numerous than • of
sover, that women profes
-thoroughly:the wild Isare
After conacting theniS
:perfect propriety for A
loner period as &mesa
-they will suddenly leave•;
.and resume their old
•-their own slang, -1» fla
On -e of them,_' being 're,
with for. her .cendact, re
great deal of life in
and performing a robber]
-citing and agreeable to ;
mei) as a pie Me party or
fashionable young Indiesj
-"Would you 136 Sur
A good stoy iseurre
-tiiue)t-gaiding, the
eral, who itl said to navel
erly •caught and nonpll
-one of his pet ;phrases -
:awake " cabby.' thatrinl
progress of the Tichborne
•ion -,-me of the many days
:the eross-exainination of;
•.ant was tarried on; tl
:gentleman, after t,1 e fl.;1
was over, allxions to be it
in the House of COlnintti
•into a hansom which -
at the door_of the ;Court,
etil John to drive ;to- Pa"
Cabby did not 8eena to
-with the -urgency of the'i
sirnilitantly, anti•Rat
Soliirtoi-Ueneit1 again. iv
• -drive on, hut Without
Atter remaining in stA
• Vleett BeelSt have •seemi]
'long time, and repeatedb
• .Ararioteer to drivt* on„
'ltrown suavity -end goodl
the learned g'entleman
upset, and he urged his'
nore than hiS pre' -a01
Now eame ea I )by?is
Quietly riiisin,g the trap
aiieation be • pointedif
11 Would you be surprise
• that my cab 111
learned-g-Pntlmitan ts"
and 110 411i11JkiV sUitgli
eett'lttt lcW11 14!il Was amS.;
- -•
-A young -Judy at
• pArtv some twill ago
• t,() us,e ow e.,:. -;i021
•.„ nara'roaa to tiavel,
:mg 1.1111 vulgor, :most
fon.,wing ' Terainb,
,rrts:-ion m
along- the Jar -la ,i.(1 thor
clist tipl inj
sHarkling 11 '-1' of Paii;:l
:itii;ndcd vih a lit.
11!1:10llttne...14.1 1 • (d tJ1tI,
- it. is reeot•ted as a
ut 0. p})1)rr
heir, JI1. ,It -
hand. 110 1-0 1,1 Itch 1114
etentininti !" nel;eel tam
grealy. .N4 it Inaah:
pl:ka - Wha•t
:1110115 -- Wel 1,
truth. 1 - e•.apeetil if you
tt) 111 aWay
1 t ' • are, el .11 (I Meer'
atte N'tt,t
111 Fe eitere
hv selling fantlr walk ing-c:
ne whitik41 out.111
1ibt (4.101thirtt
41nit tipk.., town 1,v,Pi..,0•111:
E tir
is 1.1 t-1888 Of- 111111 W110
7une, and ate( Ilse her o
lier gifts. They sayt
plodding mum succeed.
of brilliant attainment,